HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-12-13, Page 6OF., -3 C 'ea F&C-Stmile, Wrapper Below. TaT =*An and as emy CAKTEno RO FOR DIZZINES& FOR B11JOUSNES E FORTIORPIP LIVE - lm -OR C811PIPATION. LL UU01 SUN., FOR THECOMPLEXION *^TURK. J J CURE 510K HSADACK9. VETERINARY oHN. GRIEVE, V� S., honor graduate of Ontario Vetorinary. College. A., 3diseasea of Domes' I Calls promptly attended to an chAr es moderate. Veterinary Denta4ry a, specialty, offidt and residence on, Goderich, atroot, one door of Dr Soot Ws offlce-, Seaforth. 111241 L 110 AL LORAN, KIL JAMES L T Solioltor, , Conveyancer and Notary Public. Money to loan,, Offloo over Plokard'o Store Xxin Street, Seaforth. 1628 R. 8- HAYSI -and Notary Public. B%rrlster, Solicitor, Coavey4noor Solicitor for the Dominion Bank., Offlee—in, rear of N&I Dominion Bank, Sealorth Money tb loan. 1235 M. REST, Barrister, Solicitor, Convey&noer, Notary Public. Offices up stairs, over 0. W. Papat's bookstore, Main Street, $eaforth, Ontario. 7 ",ENRY BEATTIE, Barrister, Solicitor, ho. to loan. _1j Office—Oady'a Block, Sea. Mouey 1679-tt GAR�LOW & GARROW, Barriaters", Solicitors, &o. Cor. aamttou St. and Squaze, Godedch, Ont. J. T. GAR" CRAE�Lgs G21,ow..T. L. B. HOLMEST", successor to the late firm of W olialtor Mocaug F hey & Holmeated, Barrlsteri 9 Coaveyancer, and Wotaiy . Solicitor for'the Can *diantBank of,00mmeroo. Money, to lend. Farrq lot We. office in Soott's Block, Main SkreA %satoxth. DENTISTR 4__ F- W. TWEDDLEV DENTIST31 te of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On - V Grad f: -_ �!' -ork tario. post graduata Cour-e in (rown, and bridge .N i4:__ at Hmkt It's 83hool, Chicago. Local anasthttioi for pailile8s extraction of teeth� Office &er Domfnio� Belden. Bank., Seaforth, f(rmfr'Y occupied by G. F� 1764 G. F. B,ELDEN, D. D., S. A Toronto. ne6ding me-14T'wo could be as a) oquei Office, 416 Sherbourne Strc et, 44 "R. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the ith�bis hatiis- blod him. Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also blowing; Thornt�j ot houci graduate. of Department of Dentistry,, Toroptb Miss L;zq, d, m� a no.aocount,' worth- iess John, I'd levery Untv*rsity. office in the Petty block, Hensall. ?as to be done ? hgad,,- Will visit Zuricii 6very Monday, commopoling Mon �iheap or go and shake day, June lot. 1687 4 Z -�.K _DR- R- Ri ROSS, Dentiat (ilucaeasor to F. 'W. Tweddle), graduate of Royal College of Dental 1 A. Surgeons, of Ontario, first claM honor graduate of Toronto University ; crown and bridge work also Qdern the little white kold work in all its forms. All the,* most -extr ot on methods for painleay. filling and painless a I of *rier for their laiing not �6. help a! little teeth. All operat' carefulq pertormed. 3fflce �roce Tweddle's, old stal�a, o�ver Dill's ry, Seaforth. �'arcled P is law papers as a ou 6 1640 A on -Christmas! morning. k DLr. John Mc Oinnis, der to blow me OP." lion. Graduate London Western University, member had been in it only)once, #f ontsrio College of Physic aus and Surgeons. h6rntop Sat OoWn heavily -in his J office Office and Residence—Formerly I coupled by Mr. Win, h the kitchen to the PUkard, Victoria Street, next to, the Catholic Church MrNight c9als attended promptl 4463xls h ir and 6tared'at- the floor. room,� wherip th( gray eyed girl had DRS- BETHUNIE Ross vivell, 71 jdst I wish I were the powder Office over Johnson's H�rdware Store, all old-fashioned fire. Seaforth ` i I as Liza said, v�it. an inst h ant's Wild; wave ALrx. Baiuvl;E. H�. fl. Ro.", M. B, roo , was low, no was f 772& 1 '62 f er fan; �Ii� F.0 blow you up off of that FIN J. BURROWS, 0 for that � matter. He . mato resident.Phyelcian and Su on, Toronto Ge�- �u bpi buklet y6u're sittin' oil ; and then stal Hospital. Honor graduate Ity University, pDasibil ity of getting -room chimney. member of the College of Physician@ and Su eons Vi h what was, left of me I'd go over there 4n, b low up tha I *hole law buildin' ybn- Ontario. Coroner for the County of Huron. Dffice and Residence—Goderich Street, Easi of the ting eein done before, and he Aethodiab 0hurch. Telephone 40, that's what I'a do." Miss Liza tarped 1886 be, balked by anything. DRS. SCOTT &1MacKAY,, i rlanA blinked her eyes "th be head angrilN W� PHYSICIANS AND S�,RGEONS, windows again: they Goderich street, opposite Xeth4 let olaurch,80forth 41c w 6raphaisis. G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and ne yes, it � gave a little, member Ontario College I f Physicians sod rho!rnt-on still! st.ared hard t the, fi�or. i Surgeons. Coroner for Cot of Huron.. in esitatingly, gave a n, dipped a trifle, as P 04 MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity University, gold medalist Trinity Medic,4 College. Member A ss�Liz.A-Ieanedjotward once a d fa a a fly fr6m:Ais forehea Oollege of Physicians and S eont, OnUrio. hg, and then flually de., 79 1488 )a sistent I,' bu an e h n,[Thointon di& not 1pok up H a McLE00' S It was awkward get, the little J St S em ReOovator is 1hpr seen or I elh4d her ;- and if he h1hd h —AND GTHER— am( in through aellomplished at last, TESTED RE�IEDIEG. vc ula pr6bably la -ie thought her a- little o AsDeallic and antidote fer impure, sk sud Im rWhed Blood, Dys Sleepless ON, palpats. hit(bed his olothesinto of the Heart, Llvapsopsloalpl Int, N umlgla, Loss ier bbad,� there beitig nothing at- all r6s�, - ling! � burshel bi sk t 'in the office, add his of Memory, Bronchitis, 43ons lop, GaIll Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary �Visexses, St. Vikut boub him. There *as Dance, Female Irregularleles an General Debility. nothing to be: seen. phuir m%toh. Pinned struck a soft'. iul� to the Wooden chim- LABORATORY—Godertch, Oniario. r, i1x olo�ded bk Mis3- Lim's �nixed lion. ney wer6 two stookin J. M. MeLEQD, Froprie'tor and Manu facturet. packages,- the inter.. Sold by J S. ROBFRTS, Seaforth. mediate pa a p%dd ad popoorn, :OT4red d, -evidently, with ap e (or two on:top to ap I&OI-tt a(e ras hotter t�a�' ever, and sl�ie was . f�,- make a 4r&vq show. THE -SEAFORTH iix,g'hersalf -O'i4oroualy. Som0whab asi `!h InAr Musical Instrument EMPORIUM# ESTABLISHED, 1873. Owing'to hard -times 4e ha-V�bi con- y cluded to sell'Pianoa and: Organs'at ore fly ned a n uoe 'd PH ioes, dlmm'e( f ul Igot t her Jer,ke hers'el o tQf the chair, C plump little -feelb her lips Organs at 025 and upwarda and -ed g prices. See us before purchas _-0. I rTIq SCU 1" BIRLOSx- Joey-Bbeas Mim I — — -7 7 T- 7 7' WE A GHNTI�EMAN OF THE.-rj3LUTEE 1 Thornton forgot $o 'is4tl, too, that night. I a fow remnants of His table t wit A S. the forme RI-a`.Ilir f the old house— what rema, A-0 of his mothei's influence on A LOVE STORY OF A KENTUCKY his life—a 41�spm cheap white Stone china TOWN. W. which som 1P yo%e id not know Who, had T o cold 1 and st ripy , a:th, elnS the bought to in gaps, and cheap plated of to an, atta,( I ronchi The ware to re�,l a that sto an by light fingered BY LAXPLA SF_'�('ER VORTE.11, IN T111-11 LNI)IES- tnan on ithe wagon, be. e farn�er milll�_ ints. I e.stared the bareness and y �pe ROME JOURNAL. an or !truckmian, nee s� to pa cial incongruit� vith oveh sg heed thanusual. cf_ ta the �irst He- was thii king 'abo the white faced ton* of wdlak- woman3S ca"S Thornton wan a big, lanky, unsuccessful 11 Ss or i disea of Ke tuck'� lawyer. He had been brought up s cy e organ elli- CHAPI El R 11. entirely,by �Jii father, who died �*hon the p ration.: boy VVRS '�eig�teon, tind from ,his f4ther he of t There w4il unmistakable 'feeling against The use. Dr. Thornton as he came. into �he court room had learned the law"In general of Xentucky, 2 � J . old�n �., I I Pierce 9 -for the firs ime In so long 4 -while. There and what old Thornton boneWbred Ken WedicAl D scove tuckyls one law in � partioulax—ohivalry to..' kere, a de ided icoolness . there. -q�ill cure roach - -he d ward women,' ;Yet�, old Thornton had, by tis) d at�d 0000 7herewao;i thiok.L I irejudiced jury his -cont,�ant comp"ionship ka t the boy !to convin Thornt .14uiiehed into the P I of 000 r away fr�m much' contact with wonlien, o CP case with �� tately do of Tibetorle that th� t4e lutigs, men alther for that matter, go tbat.in -all the jury, to a n, oneere at Rod �hen,—Well, town of R— Thornton lavished 'his old-fash - other cohdit ons before Thoh ton fini d he bad them at his T�hi�i if e ted ioned chivalrous manners on one WomaN comman;a lit a so Man netted, at one ns I ul y Miss Liza Thompson, a plum little old mait-1, or u time shak with laigliter and Slapping 11 ate their hanO' I'll trmted ei with a snug fortune of her own, who of ten f tall j_0, Ai n their k ees,.Imt another time declared-ove I t to herself of him a Y, � con with the L-Aed he do ant to one side sqmption. b� "If his mother had lived because 'I and the�r do hollo ed ok of their ears knew Mat�ilda Clay from I a to imard,ani I There !a �no 4co-. so as not miss a i rord, while Thornton, 11 . hol in the t� Digco-v- know,-what, I'm talkiu� about—thait boy' 'Waved hisil ands, Sometimes slowly and would be Somebody by this time. Yen, I and it, is en- grandly, an, I someti es so � that his Buffs = ftee f ro�a .0 v tell you he would. He's never had a 4viu' flarived I d wn o er bis finger tipo. soul to need him, or make him fine by do. opium, co0aine '16ke'do';c �ortably away in the court pendin' on him. He's got his braini a and other nardot- ud room, wheie� no one noticed her, Miss Liza talents bW under a bushel basket, and he's '13miled mor*readily t1J an any at his wit, sit tia� ovi the basket too Is zy to got up, all nFor seVen yelarq I listened m6l�a 'earnestly than any to his bl�& been tfouble1witu logia, and *I ere the jury was swayed only t i VCR it go his brains out ; and whatLare !you Oin, 7 vi hat Me doctors Il_ to do about it ?" - a I bifonchitis") Uited bra BeIrIclusnese, wiped the tears from Thornto fly 'Jarhilers 1 ly, r, 4dhur Mault (geneval merchant), a f Niles- bar cheeks, Ond was pi ouder:of him than he n's clients were -chie I 1A wn, MidMesex Co., Onflatio. "A yearRgO, af' knew. Th6 1 jury went out only long �nough who brought him, would-be oases about rX#ad �eolx tal= sick with a sevefe attack, I U , e b tresepaasing cattle �r -rights of way,or dJ8- t 'Goldeh Medical Distov ry,t to get ihc� sgain,� and brought Th6rnton y puted boundaries, Which Thornton aettled)ii -a di recovert4i fron c attack and felt no the verdict 1he wanted. There was a hitch ore o it ' t ason WaSL found that �the Signatures his own fashilin without appeal tothe law, Ir atfal. Th%tsb bcgan� taking though. H tbo!'Discovo! ,I August, ndliryesof�rhcen 1t was sometimes told of him laughingly in tfec Of of two peo�lo' in New York State, distant ; P , can go out iti, all Inds the law officIas of B-- that he, usuall y t feel the bronc ial tr uble at cousins of it a plainti must be obtained. siid in disinfising such,"cases : "Xis not the to all wh 3 are �u eri g from Thornton's �f hoe fell. Dould it all be done li� p to give Dr. Pibrce's olden MR I before Chriitmas buainess ofL 6u honorable lawyuh, sub, to get a ediccolnIlDiscove flair ''11 ndIa con- nced that good r4ults wi,11 be' btain Thorntonil lefp ths, 3 eafternoon without his clients into bou' saying good.by to ever Miss Liza Thompson; I Dr. Pierc6's 1 Cbmmon Sense DI edical And so itwas that, though Thorato was it free on ri and five dayl later, PC gessed: of the neces one of coi2aiderable legal comforb and Be to Aviser, paper -bound, �s sei e- eary signatiii on, found himself returning on 4armars for miles around, be never appp ared cApt of 31 ote-cent s�amps, to piy ex:- a train -due �� o arri ' B at ten -p, ense of custoi as land maili ng only - or 5o vfe fu coot-; and though'he got a good ally o'clock Ohr*' bmas EveJn stamps for the book in cloth binding. is small fees he gob, as wall, the eventuali cot. When he �i in he went straight[to his Address Dr. Ri V. Pieroe, Buffalo, N. Y. teriip� of the few young and old lights� �f the Owll barn, %ddled roan Betsy, and rode 'Ice, �ndw a cold, half clouded law"Who flared noisily in the, only law lvuilO. down the Pi down,'th�,n he t1up ard walked p and ing of B--. sky, in the. dird6tiow of the low roofed "If he'd onl� got somethin' to get b�m ?,ff down ogoin—t 6n � he tyned fierce y and house of the little whibp faced woman, the of that buabel CDnfr6nted Miasl:Vo in Ilis offiCe d(Drwa basket ha's got hia talents F. egal in his pook6.. p�pers secure Still, a hid under," Miss Lize sighed faithf ull' A� Zsoby's depa tore Miss L z3 bad bied on The Pike ay, broad and nd at eac6 He can quote Henry Clay aad Oeorge 9.1 her bo?ahet with thp dete�mination to follow side rolle ihe wide blue,.grass pasturbs, ,a a7d a half a d(z3a moro by tlie :up the lemonade, partly froin a perfectl Preati, n y with. an e4n Sifting of light snow upon Vard, but whaVs the good of it to him fernini.ne sonlie of durioslty—Miis' Liz -3 was them, their great trees bare and distinct of That was quite true., What � was, i t he thoroqgHy Nmjui4e—yat Phiefly, P rhaps, the open silence shape, and 6, r everythinj good, of it to hiro, th avi6g �ih I As to mako k�.dro th4t Thorn u needed O�hi4g and beauty �! the restful Uentral Kentucky a good of h �0 brain phrau'l and speeches, ideas and rh - �more of her. i country. � it $rode past Miss. Liza's quaint, toric� that lJiigbt have Stirred the lit . t 0 neat home, � iheed�ng 3,ipd deep in thought, Thornton cs�m' it fhe r�areair of the night, or in Kentuckv town. and its stupid li-,tle �coui __ " e forward and t6ok I or two Sonriething ;P UMP_ hands a hiii and blurted oul whdt room ? His law Practice ampunted to not the thought, ihat, h 'had, like some knight *t f ing, and his life droned 1a4ly on, and 08 we. -s t a her a quite rrelevant sentence : I,lt?s,, old; fought � nselfiAhly for. a woman's inter. farmers came 4nd went with thei unjust, Wn led up affair." Then as and haA won, made -his heart beat.high, r Petty t 0 1 lasts quarrels. 111ough, he ha , rg otten something, lie be�t - d ties and h n(' grandilb luent ph see of Pren ps, And then, one day' Thornton looked op in eourtly f&Ah on and kissed the tips Of. enry Glayl came lip nbidden to his' 11 from uewspaper he was reading in b,s M iis Lize's f a �, tig it little fingers, -and thein L nd he iaid it hem dver aloud L for no reason, " There's can a av i office'�.nd* saw -hefore him in his office a little icontinued fiarlbelv a the u6deasoring one of all genuine white4aced wom wit and a grey -eyed child, wrongek troiXbl d little Wonlaii he 0, Miss fLize She, a . g04 to get a clear title to her emotion. urnlp' both, dreased in a meagrei sort of 1mo g 'ek lAwn,.which had drizzled someho* leutail4d Propert to sell it, else her house When h' got t, the house it was fast of Mal 13 got to go, into � kirfd of olivo�grecn, black. 1ha �T ere 'in a Suit agpinst it asleep fr( doo'ste-Es to chimneys. He he", g t no mone . to break! the Thornton got on to his long legs and bow- Mow. And s throw B0 is br Clio over a b%re apple �confodndlbd Saw over 'notat that hour ed as gravely 'as though i the little Womf 11 law I rec4on - tyley bough. H of the it L hair i' there l'—with a a ornf4l toEs �oul& I had been the Governor' wife, placed a a of his head �night 'Na !,the fittle woman. iHe would tto.wara �v building opposite, where i the for her and assumed his most cour0y Sout 1. the Is Blip pa ars u der the door, where she ern manner. plastered 411 the I aw signs of! B, could early )6.0 r at a morning find them. J thL The dav! was-1ob and dusty. �Thorntc n exceptiog W own—" I reckon th�y saw But the pal (is re ulky, and a doors f L 'there wafin't anything in the case for them, of a crack. got out R7'splayl� ooted, top -shredded, duaiy werelocked $a o d t,e hope by i—b%rely "ythipg Ior her, even if She gets oH palmleaf and waved it grandly, there th it and W11 takd a 'hard fight to get it. I He tried allow ind( ey were fast depositing the dust of a month or so all � I -with Sticks q1t ale ntin . from saeh to case - 'then be, !reckon they didWt encourage bar, and their, down the back 'gown and veil. . I ment inaidO He sat own on the stone commanded Z�bby, his little offiae nogro, to high prices-se!nt� bar to me. She cl�me to, steps and't pght Df the little white faced not deignin me because I an� c�peap, and- she can' t! afford go for iced leibon%de, g t6 noti�e woman and it or gr ly eyed daugb�er. Yes, the look of black inquiry on Zabby's face, to pay for a bl, nk better than I ain.," he loved theii I fro ' lingere�. Miss Liza dra g�d out a little black fan 11a a different pace in his and merely rapeating'as. Z�bby heart than! i i'l had ever loved anybody else —iced 'lemoiade 1" from a voinmin us�� pocket, unfurled ft with with 'a 01 'a � chivalric love, unmixed- wit� Iced lemonade, I said I . I with , ispleased lines in, jerk and set t( fanning herself in a moat �ny thong o5f-self an� � his own selfish re. atra distinctness slid d abnu his fine, thin lips, lagitated way. ler faoe'wao purpleo with iwi . th heat and excitement, and she collapsed Wards., e loved M so Liza in A certain Z�bby, driven to despair by the command big, eimplevi ay, b ult N ins LizeAme�er needed for io�X lemonade, -turned it over da h heavily into!'the saine dusty chair wiltoll had ! him. He 41 d thougl: t once; that he had mind that miss Liza, R quarte ie la fe�r moinems 30ore held the frail little loved his coi sin, Susa i Clay" and had been whif.e-faced %y ah. away, was: absolutely' the only sail on We Olin awfplly out p when is in married,some one horizon, so far as lemonEL:de went, anl p from'the ad14 Icing con ty wholly',,unworthy off in, that direction. BecausO Y -;r,1­0_heap," shb� repeated of her -,. but that lov( had always looked hotly. '*What'm�k s you.'cheap, I,d like forward to 61 me futur ) reward. 7his was When at last Zebby got back from Mi.si 10 k6ow. Heaven's y:)u got brains elnc,,,ugh *in as different. tie littl6 woman w nearly old .Lize's* with a generously filled pitcher, ha�- ur little finger (o, rout the who a lot of enough to his,mother. She Was older you I ing several times tasted ' the 6ontents 'to thct emiptv-headod D�C-aocounts over yon. der'T Dian' t I 1i k ohv your mother I Ma. than Miss Ll 0. Phrai es from Henry Clay's mak-e sure that Miss Liza had Put in saffi. 1 speeche ke 1 comi ng i p to his lips, and he Qlay had the fl a Was" hl�ndsomest, pair of eyes 00 a cient sugar, Thornton was no longer wavi d d! s most non and women are 0 the splay -footed fan. His head *w&S b in and the most brain. I f any woman I iin the simidarily 904 a once o twice in their liv( s, his lips were pushed out thoughtfally 4n,d pounty, you've r eyes, anJ you-ve got with pure d6" ig4t of h ovv n unselfishness, it e or X, t le P eep-qe bleed�p ro n k ble e ir i 11 0 e, his eyes had a light, a keenne;13 ia tiefti her brainei 0 what have you done cod. too with the full flowi g r ard of ri mple g which made his whole face quipe diffe.-brit With youi braino� on ve got more n you ness. Then Ild sai ove� to himself in a kind and infinitely stronger. The little wo -hiajn know what. to 4 )h, I reckon, an I you of'dazedway sat silent and whille and worn, 7hile'Th:�rt- haye gone and 4 ia;-' m under a bushel. to If it wadi] 't all vays! thieving cattle and ton got up and 'Paced up'andi down tl�e - keep from tiou,�4 about 'am, mehbe—I boundary faii 9 Rx d a 'set of shriveled' up offic don't know." py' a.. - I I a a Is old men whd `w d s4ll their souls for a Wh�en 6he had'at last gone, T4ornton! s�t For a momd t *bre_ —it dollar it it! was , Wom n—wroneed women KICK ' A 00 Kick a dog and he bites yo He biteslyou and you, klc�- lit' The more you kick t�l 1110 he bites and the more Ile bii the more you kickJ Eac makes the other wors'e,.i A tbin, body makes th bloo& Thin blood ake thin'body,-- Each makes tf ;other wo,rse. If there iszoiin to�bea.'change the help mu Como from, outside. - S (.,ott'g Emulsion is the, ri 9� 1�elp, �t breaks up lsuch� C01-11 inlation. Fi'st it,s'ets tl stonfach right. 1i e n'': i t e: rich6s ! the blood. 4� T h streh otheiis the body and �begins tio�grqlw new�fleih. A strong body mak!es ticc� bl:ood andrich blood r�hakes strong bod; y. Each Ma' kes tb I oth,er: �etter. This isk�ewa Scot'tl'i� tmulsion puts th,", e thi i I body' on its feet. N4 it1ca get 41ong by itself. No nee of medicine. This picture. represen 1he Trade Mark of 'Scot Einulsion aad is on t wrapper of every� bottle. Seld for free samp'le. SCOTT & BOWNF�, CAN�l Soc. and St. 4.druggi# seemed almost t at, if one 'had listen d one Oght have 1i r4l Miss Liza Simi ering. horintowgot-u! and walked up and down ne6ding me-14T'wo could be as a) oquei F _7 ith�bis hatiis- blod him. A chill w. wal blowing; Thornt�j ot Miss L;zq, d, m� a no.aocount,' worth- iess John, I'd levery up stiffly.- V Fhat i I - ?as to be done ? hgad,,- �iheap or go and shake a Qaixotic-id 0s, that the whole affair oul& i man in that confounded law building Ilike a be worthlesel unleis the little white *rier for their laiing not �6. help a! little �oman found the �'arcled P is law papers as a ou 6 1 Woma�in like that Vm not :W4 rth the pow. on -Christmas! morning. He eyed the l6ou 66 Ut der to blow me OP." l6alculatingly! He had been in it only)once, T h6rntop Sat OoWn heavily -in his J office an he had:gone throu tning h the kitchen to the h ir and 6tared'at- the floor. room,� wherip th( gray eyed girl had ! vivell, 71 jdst I wish I were the powder Sat hemming ban all old-fashioned fire. ro ` i I as Liza said, v�it. an inst h ant's Wild; wave Place. The I 6tch 4nf roo , was low, no was f f er fan; �Ii� F.0 blow you up off of that the dining-rollim r, 0 for that � matter. He . �u bpi buklet y6u're sittin' oil ; and then even caloula, d. the down the to broad pDasibil ity of getting -room chimney. Vi h what was, left of me I'd go over there 4n, b low up tha I *hole law buildin' ybn- Ocb� things ad ting eein done before, and he that's what I'a do." Miss Liza tarped �vas -in no ihood to be, balked by anything. i rlanA blinked her eyes "th be head angrilN W� Then' he trid I the windows again: they 41c w 6raphaisis. were fast, all! save ne yes, it � gave a little, rho!rnt-on still! st.ared hard t the, fi�or. i creaked, Stu& a little, Stuck I age, in esitatingly, gave a n, dipped a trifle, as P in A ss�Liz.A-Ieanedjotward once a d fa a a fly fr6m:Ais forehea Z, hg, and then flually de., )a sistent I,' bu an e h n,[Thointon di& not 1pok up H a cl. idedto let hl in in It was awkward get, the little is 1hpr seen or I elh4d her ;- and if he h1hd h ti�g.�his big, lank, sTace, but it �� w am( in through aellomplished at last, vc ula pr6bably la -ie thought her a- little o Then he pulle a d hit(bed his olothesinto Mim I — — -7 7 T- 7 7' WE A GHNTI�EMAN OF THE.-rj3LUTEE 1 Thornton forgot $o 'is4tl, too, that night. I a fow remnants of His table t wit A S. the forme RI-a`.Ilir f the old house— what rema, A-0 of his mothei's influence on A LOVE STORY OF A KENTUCKY his life—a 41�spm cheap white Stone china TOWN. W. which som 1P yo%e id not know Who, had T o cold 1 and st ripy , a:th, elnS the bought to in gaps, and cheap plated of to an, atta,( I ronchi The ware to re�,l a that sto an by light fingered BY LAXPLA SF_'�('ER VORTE.11, IN T111-11 LNI)IES- tnan on ithe wagon, be. e farn�er milll�_ ints. I e.stared the bareness and y �pe ROME JOURNAL. an or !truckmian, nee s� to pa cial incongruit� vith oveh sg heed thanusual. cf_ ta the �irst He- was thii king 'abo the white faced ton* of wdlak- woman3S ca"S Thornton wan a big, lanky, unsuccessful 11 Ss or i disea of Ke tuck'� lawyer. He had been brought up s cy e organ elli- CHAPI El R 11. entirely,by �Jii father, who died �*hon the p ration.: boy VVRS '�eig�teon, tind from ,his f4ther he of t There w4il unmistakable 'feeling against The use. Dr. Thornton as he came. into �he court room had learned the law"In general of Xentucky, 2 � J . old�n �., I I Pierce 9 -for the firs ime In so long 4 -while. There and what old Thornton boneWbred Ken WedicAl D scove tuckyls one law in � partioulax—ohivalry to..' kere, a de ided icoolness . there. -q�ill cure roach - -he d ward women,' ;Yet�, old Thornton had, by tis) d at�d 0000 7herewao;i thiok.L I irejudiced jury his -cont,�ant comp"ionship ka t the boy !to convin Thornt .14uiiehed into the P I of 000 r away fr�m much' contact with wonlien, o CP case with �� tately do of Tibetorle that th� t4e lutigs, men alther for that matter, go tbat.in -all the jury, to a n, oneere at Rod �hen,—Well, town of R— Thornton lavished 'his old-fash - other cohdit ons before Thoh ton fini d he bad them at his T�hi�i if e ted ioned chivalrous manners on one WomaN comman;a lit a so Man netted, at one ns I ul y Miss Liza Thompson, a plum little old mait-1, or u time shak with laigliter and Slapping 11 ate their hanO' I'll trmted ei with a snug fortune of her own, who of ten f tall j_0, Ai n their k ees,.Imt another time declared-ove I t to herself of him a Y, � con with the L-Aed he do ant to one side sqmption. b� "If his mother had lived because 'I and the�r do hollo ed ok of their ears knew Mat�ilda Clay from I a to imard,ani I There !a �no 4co-. so as not miss a i rord, while Thornton, 11 . hol in the t� Digco-v- know,-what, I'm talkiu� about—thait boy' 'Waved hisil ands, Sometimes slowly and would be Somebody by this time. Yen, I and it, is en- grandly, an, I someti es so � that his Buffs = ftee f ro�a .0 v tell you he would. He's never had a 4viu' flarived I d wn o er bis finger tipo. soul to need him, or make him fine by do. opium, co0aine '16ke'do';c �ortably away in the court pendin' on him. He's got his braini a and other nardot- ud room, wheie� no one noticed her, Miss Liza talents bW under a bushel basket, and he's '13miled mor*readily t1J an any at his wit, sit tia� ovi the basket too Is zy to got up, all nFor seVen yelarq I listened m6l�a 'earnestly than any to his bl�& been tfouble1witu logia, and *I ere the jury was swayed only t i VCR it go his brains out ; and whatLare !you Oin, 7 vi hat Me doctors Il_ to do about it ?" - a I bifonchitis") Uited bra BeIrIclusnese, wiped the tears from Thornto fly 'Jarhilers 1 ly, r, 4dhur Mault (geneval merchant), a f Niles- bar cheeks, Ond was pi ouder:of him than he n's clients were -chie I 1A wn, MidMesex Co., Onflatio. "A yearRgO, af' knew. Th6 1 jury went out only long �nough who brought him, would-be oases about rX#ad �eolx tal= sick with a sevefe attack, I U , e b tresepaasing cattle �r -rights of way,or dJ8- t 'Goldeh Medical Distov ry,t to get ihc� sgain,� and brought Th6rnton y puted boundaries, Which Thornton aettled)ii -a di recovert4i fron c attack and felt no the verdict 1he wanted. There was a hitch ore o it ' t ason WaSL found that �the Signatures his own fashilin without appeal tothe law, Ir atfal. Th%tsb bcgan� taking though. H tbo!'Discovo! ,I August, ndliryesof�rhcen 1t was sometimes told of him laughingly in tfec Of of two peo�lo' in New York State, distant ; P , can go out iti, all Inds the law officIas of B-- that he, usuall y t feel the bronc ial tr uble at cousins of it a plainti must be obtained. siid in disinfising such,"cases : "Xis not the to all wh 3 are �u eri g from Thornton's �f hoe fell. Dould it all be done li� p to give Dr. Pibrce's olden MR I before Chriitmas buainess ofL 6u honorable lawyuh, sub, to get a ediccolnIlDiscove flair ''11 ndIa con- nced that good r4ults wi,11 be' btain Thorntonil lefp ths, 3 eafternoon without his clients into bou' saying good.by to ever Miss Liza Thompson; I Dr. Pierc6's 1 Cbmmon Sense DI edical And so itwas that, though Thorato was it free on ri and five dayl later, PC gessed: of the neces one of coi2aiderable legal comforb and Be to Aviser, paper -bound, �s sei e- eary signatiii on, found himself returning on 4armars for miles around, be never appp ared cApt of 31 ote-cent s�amps, to piy ex:- a train -due �� o arri ' B at ten -p, ense of custoi as land maili ng only - or 5o vfe fu coot-; and though'he got a good ally o'clock Ohr*' bmas EveJn stamps for the book in cloth binding. is small fees he gob, as wall, the eventuali cot. When he �i in he went straight[to his Address Dr. Ri V. Pieroe, Buffalo, N. Y. teriip� of the few young and old lights� �f the Owll barn, %ddled roan Betsy, and rode 'Ice, �ndw a cold, half clouded law"Who flared noisily in the, only law lvuilO. down the Pi down,'th�,n he t1up ard walked p and ing of B--. sky, in the. dird6tiow of the low roofed "If he'd onl� got somethin' to get b�m ?,ff down ogoin—t 6n � he tyned fierce y and house of the little whibp faced woman, the of that buabel CDnfr6nted Miasl:Vo in Ilis offiCe d(Drwa basket ha's got hia talents F. egal in his pook6.. p�pers secure Still, a hid under," Miss Lize sighed faithf ull' A� Zsoby's depa tore Miss L z3 bad bied on The Pike ay, broad and nd at eac6 He can quote Henry Clay aad Oeorge 9.1 her bo?ahet with thp dete�mination to follow side rolle ihe wide blue,.grass pasturbs, ,a a7d a half a d(z3a moro by tlie :up the lemonade, partly froin a perfectl Preati, n y with. an e4n Sifting of light snow upon Vard, but whaVs the good of it to him fernini.ne sonlie of durioslty—Miis' Liz -3 was them, their great trees bare and distinct of That was quite true., What � was, i t he thoroqgHy Nmjui4e—yat Phiefly, P rhaps, the open silence shape, and 6, r everythinj good, of it to hiro, th avi6g �ih I As to mako k�.dro th4t Thorn u needed O�hi4g and beauty �! the restful Uentral Kentucky a good of h �0 brain phrau'l and speeches, ideas and rh - �more of her. i country. � it $rode past Miss. Liza's quaint, toric� that lJiigbt have Stirred the lit . t 0 neat home, � iheed�ng 3,ipd deep in thought, Thornton cs�m' it fhe r�areair of the night, or in Kentuckv town. and its stupid li-,tle �coui __ " e forward and t6ok I or two Sonriething ;P UMP_ hands a hiii and blurted oul whdt room ? His law Practice ampunted to not the thought, ihat, h 'had, like some knight *t f ing, and his life droned 1a4ly on, and 08 we. -s t a her a quite rrelevant sentence : I,lt?s,, old; fought � nselfiAhly for. a woman's inter. farmers came 4nd went with thei unjust, Wn led up affair." Then as and haA won, made -his heart beat.high, r Petty t 0 1 lasts quarrels. 111ough, he ha , rg otten something, lie be�t - d ties and h n(' grandilb luent ph see of Pren ps, And then, one day' Thornton looked op in eourtly f&Ah on and kissed the tips Of. enry Glayl came lip nbidden to his' 11 from uewspaper he was reading in b,s M iis Lize's f a �, tig it little fingers, -and thein L nd he iaid it hem dver aloud L for no reason, " There's can a av i office'�.nd* saw -hefore him in his office a little icontinued fiarlbelv a the u6deasoring one of all genuine white4aced wom wit and a grey -eyed child, wrongek troiXbl d little Wonlaii he 0, Miss fLize She, a . g04 to get a clear title to her emotion. urnlp' both, dreased in a meagrei sort of 1mo g 'ek lAwn,.which had drizzled someho* leutail4d Propert to sell it, else her house When h' got t, the house it was fast of Mal 13 got to go, into � kirfd of olivo�grecn, black. 1ha �T ere 'in a Suit agpinst it asleep fr( doo'ste-Es to chimneys. He he", g t no mone . to break! the Thornton got on to his long legs and bow- Mow. And s throw B0 is br Clio over a b%re apple �confodndlbd Saw over 'notat that hour ed as gravely 'as though i the little Womf 11 law I rec4on - tyley bough. H of the it L hair i' there l'—with a a ornf4l toEs �oul& I had been the Governor' wife, placed a a of his head �night 'Na !,the fittle woman. iHe would tto.wara �v building opposite, where i the for her and assumed his most cour0y Sout 1. the Is Blip pa ars u der the door, where she ern manner. plastered 411 the I aw signs of! B, could early )6.0 r at a morning find them. J thL The dav! was-1ob and dusty. �Thorntc n exceptiog W own—" I reckon th�y saw But the pal (is re ulky, and a doors f L 'there wafin't anything in the case for them, of a crack. got out R7'splayl� ooted, top -shredded, duaiy werelocked $a o d t,e hope by i—b%rely "ythipg Ior her, even if She gets oH palmleaf and waved it grandly, there th it and W11 takd a 'hard fight to get it. I He tried allow ind( ey were fast depositing the dust of a month or so all � I -with Sticks q1t ale ntin . from saeh to case - 'then be, !reckon they didWt encourage bar, and their, down the back 'gown and veil. . I ment inaidO He sat own on the stone commanded Z�bby, his little offiae nogro, to high prices-se!nt� bar to me. She cl�me to, steps and't pght Df the little white faced not deignin me because I an� c�peap, and- she can' t! afford go for iced leibon%de, g t6 noti�e woman and it or gr ly eyed daugb�er. Yes, the look of black inquiry on Zabby's face, to pay for a bl, nk better than I ain.," he loved theii I fro ' lingere�. Miss Liza dra g�d out a little black fan 11a a different pace in his and merely rapeating'as. Z�bby heart than! i i'l had ever loved anybody else —iced 'lemoiade 1" from a voinmin us�� pocket, unfurled ft with with 'a 01 'a � chivalric love, unmixed- wit� Iced lemonade, I said I . I with , ispleased lines in, jerk and set t( fanning herself in a moat �ny thong o5f-self an� � his own selfish re. atra distinctness slid d abnu his fine, thin lips, lagitated way. ler faoe'wao purpleo with iwi . th heat and excitement, and she collapsed Wards., e loved M so Liza in A certain Z�bby, driven to despair by the command big, eimplevi ay, b ult N ins LizeAme�er needed for io�X lemonade, -turned it over da h heavily into!'the saine dusty chair wiltoll had ! him. He 41 d thougl: t once; that he had mind that miss Liza, R quarte ie la fe�r moinems 30ore held the frail little loved his coi sin, Susa i Clay" and had been whif.e-faced %y ah. away, was: absolutely' the only sail on We Olin awfplly out p when is in married,some one horizon, so far as lemonEL:de went, anl p from'the ad14 Icing con ty wholly',,unworthy off in, that direction. BecausO Y -;r,1­0_heap," shb� repeated of her -,. but that lov( had always looked hotly. '*What'm�k s you.'cheap, I,d like forward to 61 me futur ) reward. 7his was When at last Zebby got back from Mi.si 10 k6ow. Heaven's y:)u got brains elnc,,,ugh *in as different. tie littl6 woman w nearly old .Lize's* with a generously filled pitcher, ha�- ur little finger (o, rout the who a lot of enough to his,mother. She Was older you I ing several times tasted ' the 6ontents 'to thct emiptv-headod D�C-aocounts over yon. der'T Dian' t I 1i k ohv your mother I Ma. than Miss Ll 0. Phrai es from Henry Clay's mak-e sure that Miss Liza had Put in saffi. 1 speeche ke 1 comi ng i p to his lips, and he Qlay had the fl a Was" hl�ndsomest, pair of eyes 00 a cient sugar, Thornton was no longer wavi d d! s most non and women are 0 the splay -footed fan. His head *w&S b in and the most brain. I f any woman I iin the simidarily 904 a once o twice in their liv( s, his lips were pushed out thoughtfally 4n,d pounty, you've r eyes, anJ you-ve got with pure d6" ig4t of h ovv n unselfishness, it e or X, t le P eep-qe bleed�p ro n k ble e ir i 11 0 e, his eyes had a light, a keenne;13 ia tiefti her brainei 0 what have you done cod. too with the full flowi g r ard of ri mple g which made his whole face quipe diffe.-brit With youi braino� on ve got more n you ness. Then Ild sai ove� to himself in a kind and infinitely stronger. The little wo -hiajn know what. to 4 )h, I reckon, an I you of'dazedway sat silent and whille and worn, 7hile'Th:�rt- haye gone and 4 ia;-' m under a bushel. to If it wadi] 't all vays! thieving cattle and ton got up and 'Paced up'andi down tl�e - keep from tiou,�4 about 'am, mehbe—I boundary faii 9 Rx d a 'set of shriveled' up offic don't know." py' a.. - I I a a Is old men whd `w d s4ll their souls for a Wh�en 6he had'at last gone, T4ornton! s�t For a momd t *bre_ —it dollar it it! was , Wom n—wroneed women KICK ' A 00 Kick a dog and he bites yo He biteslyou and you, klc�- lit' The more you kick t�l 1110 he bites and the more Ile bii the more you kickJ Eac makes the other wors'e,.i A tbin, body makes th bloo& Thin blood ake thin'body,-- Each makes tf ;other wo,rse. If there iszoiin to�bea.'change the help mu Como from, outside. - S (.,ott'g Emulsion is the, ri 9� 1�elp, �t breaks up lsuch� C01-11 inlation. Fi'st it,s'ets tl stonfach right. 1i e n'': i t e: rich6s ! the blood. 4� T h streh otheiis the body and �begins tio�grqlw new�fleih. A strong body mak!es ticc� bl:ood andrich blood r�hakes strong bod; y. Each Ma' kes tb I oth,er: �etter. This isk�ewa Scot'tl'i� tmulsion puts th,", e thi i I body' on its feet. N4 it1ca get 41ong by itself. No nee of medicine. This picture. represen 1he Trade Mark of 'Scot Einulsion aad is on t wrapper of every� bottle. Seld for free samp'le. SCOTT & BOWNF�, CAN�l Soc. and St. 4.druggi# �=M" old'-timey Xent4cky suppers-, with no dainty I inal line from omitted in the i loDg, traditio 2 and gaily-lunn to Eavor fried chickei pud( ing., 1.0 A" and plum 1'. LIF —a 14, ne The Governor, llink. yet well built 96,12' had , changed -JiW6. Write tis! t 'cal Kentu6ki- wn hair had some silver iii i The 0 is heavy bro the moiLth Stronger linen, and the eyes some- ISIMU stlublborn t Added' to all hing deeper --that van a1J. f c r n ic ry y e a I-; i. t de Prived me r.: thp6t Miss, Liza had alwqys found in him to WseraU Lotte" _01, r ':,c,�) n, ­,d I vel -Y thin. If's sp- be proud of was his, - suboess now and the - L an E, . d th c in ty.-cal Ayz_r'�,�Chcl�y Q01,41 position he held in the ey'ea 'of others. It is Pe nnd My lllur,�,1.11 ,Zd Swallen. a delightful flattery to a woman to have her 14'. hlann,.'Fau judgment justified by facts, particularIV lrilllq Tenn.', the F when her judgment has not been the pudg- I - it There i's ndOr d in the ht I ir 0 If you have any nee ment �f others. Thorntonis success, s rpig Ity yc^�! S Pink Pills, W-1 cures, ewelry line, however. smalls� on up to his 4ttaining the Governorehio., had 1!hme words were 1MAG113ra tl�e- been to MiseLize a delightful commentary arl S"Ch tes" drevv Gardiner, *f 81 ii3i the nd a flattering t�esti� lust write us about it. n her faith in him, a I It us what" Ynony of -her own exceeding good -judgment. i 'Ibavc have tqllgr� ; ; when he W" C1 'as some T r, regirding big physic, I hear " *id the Governort A) C"s 11%, . Z! he had suffere& Our Ca,tal4ua,cOtlains �1. YrY I ectOral: ear photographs of I mauy neighborbodd topies came up in their talk, i i'l do. Ceoo�e a burden V:A that Sally Fenley has written the judge Vi I hundreds of our choicest he almost; wish that she won't stay at school in Boston an- ploces, and will be s*at We know ft'*G tb e gre t. _paat waserable d. you free.. other day, I don't blame bar. There are r -9W bee- is . enJOYlag, There are est C Wer plenty of schools. in the South. tom edy ever dl' 0 r We guarqntee safe delivery good ones,over here in Le3;ingwn— entle W. CL 6 in miss Which makes me think," brok made. Arid'yo' will say setsatilon in be; Lize. 61 Betty Maria C ault is expecting so too aftel,yoU tly j1. jo rest Aay or z, —,Prepay charges and cheer Margaret Conby to visit her. Betty Maria �%s ever he wm, -oney met her in Cynthiana. . You rem **epirig am i f you S �il!a fully refund m ember Mrs. Th re's cum �n every a tbe en; won idrop. that Conby, the widow for whom You 110 attaibutvcs it all desire. augh- or tu case a long time ago. Well, it's her d Thr a Bizes. 25 ., C�g l. his lU r -Pi k.Pil arten in Lox- cold; t1c., juut rigl­ ! r r1one ter, and she teaches kindqrg ost i ,Mr. Gar#iner is a DIAMONR LIA n"s, ifir ington since her motherz death.` 'for eb -onic c-ises nttll n 'Lee 04 and. bld anA highly. s Falls. -Hat� Establfsh2A 1854. At this moment a tapping of the knocker �J. 0. AYEN 0 r - &Nlarm - -miss 7 interrupted her. Some 'one called, talk about the i-,-qprt Lize ! Maywe come in Then a girlish I &�Jt� by Dr. �Vilfiia figure appeared in the doorway lot 11, o6nOession 4, William Evans ant a reporter, R rie Bros. offie r. Division Y Why, "we were 'ust, talkin' about you iug Offie No. 2, George J . I i *,rnth., and Mr. Gard Yonde, and Adele4de Sts.. Betty Afitria." rances concession 51 �G�Orgo what is related We just came in a minute to - bring you DOrrano i r;eturniDg 0'9'13617. " Division No. a, iedeanumber eir TORON'0 as there are in- t T back a bowl you sent -Aunt Nancy, with the James Martin's hou lot 11, coneession IL hO tT officer. ' Mii. tors lief. He was gi&V4 plum-pddding. Besides, I wanted you to James I avidson re u Mbita?s house, Lead.' see Margaret." ion No. .1, Christophet! trouble waseaun bury, to 25, conceskon 13, Christopher the� blood, but -nothl. me the White returning 'offi�er. Accounts were -.the Mies L ize went, forward to weloo He could not wear -b In 9 a - pa Bed a ad.paid jamouAting to isif;8.38. At lorg, thin ' nsaI greenish black stock. letianger,, a Blender, r y -eyed girl ih vellow S Aud when I Fi ing. Thera was 'one lump in it, down at !and 'white organdV, and shook hanas with the nomihation,the bqilding-of a town hall, felt likesticko. the very toe. Thornton felt of it tentively, �;Botty Maria's brothet Presley, a ta.0, hand- and where, will be sidered. TrusLmi, n Dr. Williams? 1 te five and decided that it was a strawberry am. �some fellow with a c4tain. charm and re4-. and others with accou Will Please attend boxes, bena jook Ox ery ' Without warniDg-- a lumpl of corre ot, send n same either -tin the 14th or loth s- 'leanness about him. hettA Pon ing size o6e into his thruab. He I of Decei iber. Meetinks open at 10 eolok Ta Was much I - The Governor, having shaken hands with -t te-King them, bi e,i each d&­.—Jo-Hx 0. Mp-R-Riso-1Z, (Merk, ble,'� into flame a tew smouldering chips in Betty- Maria, was - w,%tching, the gray-ey 7 faue T them for A litt the #replace, got out the papers from his girl in the yellowL and White Organdy. I be bad taken ten blo, pookob, stuffed them into the lean, long I There was something'shy, yqt statel�, in her BABYS "'BALTH. -d and wbeM,_ ova stocking, then -the pin gave way, and he ha-d'� manner when She laid her slim hand slowly Cox"es he was So w4ef diffl�culty getting 'it in again. At last be' hr -that of the Governor. f The I ee'thing P riod Dangerous. any more. It is Se turned to go tothe window tp got out. The How like her mother she is," said a -ken them, ala� to Little Opaes and Very. has ta Ic buming chips'suddenly died 4-6wn and it was Governor, !'after tho young people had le Whet- �t. - -the troulAe, dark-�agail]. He paused -it a slight noiee,, 4� Yet ho ' much mor beautiful," Trying t)o',Mothers. he vvas we& g hi:e then he heard tpe white faced woman say- Her mother was a Sensible careful Baid. he co-dld-get iV ing tle thing," said&. Miss Liz� lys What mother doen-n t look forward with, it $ 7ell as any' mau 01 *ho are you, and what are you doing ? "-but thav kind allways is likely to h,lve dreadto the time wh `b_5 h be teeth. -1� Lea a the bonne at once." light-head6a enough children." , I . i ei�l a y E all Dr. williaMB7 P IV, Ing 7. -At that time ll�by in re,stleso, fe"r- t�; weak aud ail. Thornton took his bat off iDstinctively in Miss Lize Said several things more, but ish and i rdtable, and frequently there is ot . her medioines in t the dark and maid nothing. Then the little the G#erior did not.hear, 'He was thin ' k" -some dis)r4er of the wels and stoniscli. iqualities, Andmake, wort�au spoke agin iog in a vague, masculine way of how ex- The pooi libtle suffere is fighting one of his plsqpl� bright, aotis I,f you do no not get out at once—)y qu aite-an4 fluffy and draped girls' gowns first- b4tt les in this old' world of . pain, and if illeAre sold by. dea '.My dear madam," said Thornton, with we a ; ho 1 gray her eyes were ; how dully not aided in iiii :fight may be -overcome. te had, post PaM. a &6�p courtesy in his voice. I beg of you sof her hair ; how - she had altered and Every w sa mothertell a the little. Stiffiter -boxesfor _$2.50, by-. _Iwill'explain.11 r(wn beautiful since he knew her as a lit. ,'1 9 as much s she can, a, d the: mothers who likiW Medicine A00. 1"Dol as- I tell you!" she said firmly, tie girl when her mother brought her__Uth h ave he most succEst f.ul in t thin respect though quietly : "Get out of that Window, of -hem faded black�to his law office have fou I d tha� Bahy'i: Own Tablets �;give, close it after you and leave the place as that day a:good maimy years ago, �nd apked juet such Resistance as he hittle one to'eds, B11 y tag you can !" Thornton was making his advice about certain entailed propeft J. 6-,ght, B, ckville, saye I quickl y Mrs W'. in cautiously for the window4n the Aaik when Tbat was the ve y.first, case :for which he have use Baby'� Owij Tablets quite fra. tt the past'two oil 'his hom, visiting at she- ad�ed with indignation How dare had worked be& t, and soul ; that was the quently, nd ammuoh. 'a leased with them. you come to the house of an unprotected' caw which. bad opened up—why, he him. I find,t large attersdance aat & in especially � satisfadtory during woman andl a little,girl I Couldn't you find selfecar knew, how much it had opened b vices, h6ld in thi -1 caly aby's rat yQar. I !have uised theai in I - some man to rob ?" up. teethin in, vomibing, i a colic�. in indiges- thela-fternoon Df- T ":This was too much. She had struck Ile felt a subtl� connection, in which he' tion9 an in the'disorArs of the Stomach F. Swann, -of- the X Tho6ton in the dark, it is true, but she de ghted, betw ec'n this girl and his awn % a] I sind ow unually ac6ompanied by Tentless. ed a goodser1no- siom The zollectiol had'struok Straight home. Thornton, with fat i. He suddenly drew in a long -breath need �nd ev_!at-�- The aaion of the Tablets his Quixotic ideas about women of , he honeystokle which swayed its sweet- has always Son all the$ c6lild, be deairod.` to l0e&1 6tr�it-ies—. My dearl', nladam," he' 99 ne a toward him. How exquisitely tender Baby's Ho;i Tabletsifape a sweet, ple�saut side p.oints - who I said, gravely, L C Came io bring you a ChriEtmas present. I an Odor it wap. . He drew id another long little lo 'an. that all'il childreti will Itake 'Mhankagiving day m It is true bre�th,of it,:with -a keen pleasu ' readily. Thi can be � ushed' or disAdlved, am Thornton, Lawyer Thornton. re stirred ey Wingh&mat J�, I ba.Ve gotten into your house like a thief, somewhere in his brain of heart. in Water and admihis -'red with :safety . too Eugene bfa)�onald, and:I have taken the unpardonable liberty What are you sighing for ?" said.'Miss even.the youngest inf* Is I . ut. Guarant ad -,t6 of p6tting a lot of . legal papers into your Liza alertly. conta o opiate or sai� of the H. Elliou. of - Winj in x poisonous st6oking. They are the necessary - ones, My dear Miss tize," said the Governor, stuffs tiat ; . I . - make thg so-called toothing. 'Walter Burgess has securing your home. I wanted you to have tilting his bead back and looking into the me oj - mnnail dicine! dangerous little ones. If iyo% saltsman ;,4 F them for Christmas. I beg you to overlook' sky,- " it makes one sigh—such beautysuch do not.. -Winghazrx.� I A14ert by a wn 'I ur I ad Bab �Aleis 'at yo the clumsy way I've done it all. I want to odor'—just for the lovQ of it. Did you ever druggieVs, Sena 25 01 fts to The Dr. Wi14 season in epeace- liamg, ]M �edicine Co., $irockville, Ontario, iv up striko a m%tch, madam, to show you it is I, see rsuch- a night'? Look at those wid oney will be in and f I pastures, smell !the honeysUckles, and i I e sentt you by 11 to I'm not lying." u 10ot'li. receive tax and a box will b Mai �Piost look at the moon there, swung low, . like a, paid. not paidup 1�efore He e truck one of his sof tsulphur matches, chariot, on the � horizon. There are some Tatton *a-. ver -1 .1 _y i held it up and looked across at her wibh a perfect things in life, aren't there ?": Fairly ]�,eatbnl,. BJ-xevale'�s v soletnn kind of triumph of honesty. She It was the ' first Speech of the kind that The liduor sellers df Portland. Maine, 1 In the -Bights sit I met,his eyes a moment, then she laughed, Miss Liza had ever heard the Governor put, Shortt -and family b and 1hen as suddenly cried, Thorton lighted forth. have beenfinallybompoled to�:Admilb them. Mr. aud Mrs. Andx another match at the first one. - She slipped And itwas the. beginning of it all. Miss !aelvesbe%ten. Sherik"lPearson, has m4de their wediling trj.pl lthelawa-,s co ,downciiasofa, trembling and white. He Lizeoftefilookea back at it. Ali before I u eas On� man h paid "O� _numerbuls.'relativ;es A in fines a ad was oblige�. to sell je*ele went toward her, on the way lighting a can- -this she conside ed as he days of peace, ry The bride is a nati-i dle,which was on. the dining -table. She (T . be Continued.) he had earned in, the traffic it;o raise the young 1-00uple, will. m oney. Anothe� paid $1,200 within a &',horb had,on an: old black skirt, slipped hastily time -and signed a pledge 'in the.� presence of Mani rz M over, -;her night dross, and her hair, thinly Just hat We Want. streaked with grey, wa about'her . the ah-eriff and other oqoials th*t he �-wo uld Should- �,We ask the privilege of'havinj one trial not sell an -v more. A I Wirsiate' bre4k- (rhanksgiving day. era. When he got to bei she was sobbing lit I*w watch. The wimie, iii the' way of SO )plyii3g your needs in goods er who is liable to 2-2 mio'nths' iimptisonment. �ijt� her face- in her hands. 'smile mbille you eall y ly that first-class d uggisto handlepor the filling in default of fines, whic 'he sar be cannot .1 dear :madAm, he said uneasily. -�y,the way he thew, g: n say how sorry I am to have fright. of your dootor's' rescripfions. Our endeay. pay, ap ealed t6 Xr� Pearson, jva* tache by the mi , t ened 1you so." ore to please you, and the satisfactory way 1, Sheri are you going to , keep it; up, at t was not that so inuch an the dead n which you wi I be seryed, Will make you this rate ?" and the 041iff replied. 1!0h -11its'eyes.—Mr. A. X is, permanent cuE tomer, I I am going t I o make it so much harder our pnpularschool and,your goodness and I -yes, I have been I can.)) gaged for the -com CAT Liquor men . inil' orherl States Vho 'WE YOUR':ATTENTION - i I create unnerved. I am not a -rave woman." She have been suppor.ting t M, break. �Iwt a slight in lau bted a little chokingl laugh,; and got up o our fresh stock of �aine's Celery Com' Rine law -G. Andirson. of Wr g era, aregptting discourlZed.—Com. to h , feet, but put herifaoe in her hands pound, the most. popular family medicine of J baptism oi Rena Tei and. sobbed again. Thornton, Speechless, the day. Thousands of tentimonfale from Rev. W. J.andMrs, I put the candle down. the best people of- Canoa are suffiolent lt�ur Time 1� Va�uable. church,, on Thankiij She dried her eyes on' th6 sleev6 of her proofs of its virtues for th64 cure of rhe You Save time—yes, 1 and By too— the Prmbytei MOD ver when YOI� ZOMe your preparing for their nightdress and looked up into his gravel, big tism, neuralgia, blood dlsaases,�- li 0 M. to us dilrest, to have' f ace : i plaint, kidney diseases 'and all- nervous prescriptions filled will he gily-tiq in the; even ng, December. You're the beat man, yes, --the best and troubles. Try bottle and be convince&.- All our drugs and me4icines are warriaint- greatest nfan. Pve. ever known," she said I. V. FEAR, Druggisb, Seaforth, On't., ed as far as strength aii-11 �qbafity are con- was -calling -4 simply Any'woman- with a son like you earned. village 1"t Rkiday.: -4— ought to be proud. I had a Son ; he died McKillop. Our modern facilities Jbr aboolut#1 cor- dome yeapt ago, -Jss� y years ago ; h6 would have been about your :Couiscm Doil�GS.—A 7ispecial meeting of reot dispensing enableiii. to serve our �at., were glad to see be) Ifbe bail lived 1 should be ickly and well. Turnberry,,is, age. proud if roias qu -of : the council was held in the Royal Hotel, he were like � on, " i Come to � us for Feedthg Buttlee, Toilet -leges �On*ia b y Siaforth, on November 27th, to receive en. in She reached up and put her hands on hie ode, Perfumes, Spongolis, 1;rushesl Co&be, 4 gineerys report on the Road drain and other' go shoulders, then on up to his face, and drew buminesis. Members te. Xulan Jr., have re of council all present., ORTA*T WE14. Neabitt, -of U-5 ,om6e, 0. k., engineer for h1c. them 1 down the fine oval of 'it, and ki.sed. F. W; Farnt AN� imp him,on the lips, a long, firm kies, as his Killop, had filed with 6lerk a report and 8 cial attantion. is dipected.,to oiar fresh. -George T of Paine -'a ri Comi is- ;son 6f mother mi4ht have done. Then� all the Stoo Cale chivalrrof, Thornton's na profile with,plans. of a drainage Scheme on ROU4 tv this week, H0 I ture rose ixp in 8th and 9ohooncessions. west of river and marvellous medicine is r4 pommends# to yott him.' A bi feeling choked up in his throat. er tQ give an outlet. The with fulLcoafidend'e. PJi,'tne`i@_Ceh* pleased, to fte -her h _y Com, deepening riv ieee�nt -trip to th6 He held, he in his arms a moment and - for i pound,makes pure,! rich blood A it- bmishes clerk was authoriz6d to notify all parties an. that,�mome t neit _.er enry Clay's o Ud Vae fn ttlend m�eting of council on Sat. rheumatismi neuralgiaj 13yopepsiw' stom - %.i ratory 'sessed to a ach. atteu� nor Trentice's rhetoric- seemed to him so urday, the 114th day of December, at Lead 11iroulbles, liver coiia late -Mro. fathes fine, so no le, so �liinor so clean- out as his �Iaint And kidney disease. week.—Miso bury, iaid report would be read J.1 S. ROBERTS, D�ruggi*t, Seafortb,,Ont. own nature and -at' Joseph Lee,3104L-�' considered in council, A by-law was peened Whbn he'was Bety again, and the lit. of Wingham, -was V, i appointiog school ho fuse *o. 6, lot 16, con- tle wbite-fi ced-woman stood jim the door I cession 8. as! the' -place of nomination an MOM*. 'vveek. —The -Bluev, the 301h day of! 'December, at I Purge watching h m. he turned and 'made her'& Mon my, IToo latelor 10 week.) so, of 40wen f�a but be grand bow. She smiled ; the candle went NOTES. —A lecture W14 be give that he 2,k af terioorl, and, if more than & re- n in Knox! 6 X�n the (old breeze, and Thornton rode church, Belgr -on the, tion of ins otor O.f' 0 quired num' ave, evening of D com- away unde � the stars. He was thinking of her are nominated for reeve and Wr 18tb, Subj .. eeb, - "A i2ri� A-crim wal el& on Monday, council, an election to be h nor Henry Clay now he wit will 1bush, �6n Monda-Y, neither, re tice - -h Views, Jabuary'6th,� 19Q2, .,in the following laces his bi worth was thi * g!bis own thoughts about hi Boiling division �qo. 1, James ;'Shea's P houses going to. -,-Mr. R. - B. Atbock., 6th Mae lost two coone Iving In, own ria re , he as thinking1that if it wens Sunday were -in S 1r0;Z1Wt 3 valuable brood mare, last y - . by not, forev r a question of *mer's Pett ad am easily. Ne i y on the stomach. It �Js a'bad lose as the -a -tbiiag is Jett of the erO quarrels, if question off women— wner has nootharr one 0 take its �Place.._ wr f -helping the onged women ­t -a question 6 : land the vil.--:-Axa�l ood bees are all -the go"'*ow Mr. Russell Elm helpless—he mi6t,bp a great!lawyer, Once AkA ad one on 'Wedn6ad�y �i last week, the station last',wel as'lle rode on he I4�6hed in a gruff, spas- r. P. ' .Can telon , o4e on Monday, Palmerston, Uy Wl lumber to Toronto, modic wayas he tecdllected how entirely a and E. Laundy _"un& on Wvd- burglar he must havoi Seemed to the little M pesday of this �Paek._ The veather is cold I�Cheese Uompalfty wbite-face4 woman until he week.— held up the I and aleighiug saarce. —C�riitmas tree enter� I cheese -last I ! Ii Uric Acig In the blo 'Isetweek rendered lighted match, and then bel t i CL tinabine, December 17th, urned bAck to tainmeut at S his thought "If it were women 'wronged Unhealth for a short time. .y Pdneyp are the Don't miss it. wornell." fause of the acid bel v-satage -4 the wea 'ealth. LAXA-LIVER PILI hl REGULAR' TION of th wels is necessary to - -allii wero. 11 th4b ki ne fact times of snow. A �reat star hung white aul stiii over a ard the best oncag- hill 11j, Stowart?z low-shoulddred bill ahead pf him. He as they, shovid the a tonal catharblef6i Umily or g#neriiuse. Price %a. watch(d It absently as he rodl6'. AS he put afmin th Uric 4ny dru--ist- place.—ThaukagivI h Betry in hq stall—t s he clopt d the bar' qt the sy and At n h _�u i0f roast, tiarkeyq ocou Rh —The Mitchell bow.lers-1,! held their annual �door— t Ism �201 rp, 'v. el�e eclock was stiMing and the IWAly ve-uwon� a Christmas bells matignt a kidney supper at the Hicks b -hse,,� on 'Xuesdsy vital, were riDgipgr from the spires ]Dodd's Kidney MiAty Audow, of the two qhurcheB of B---. H9 paused a Madi 4L great.part! of IaVSDing,* Of last week. he: spread -was A� obbler, who for moalent,C2 looked again at the star. The I splendid one and did cred t to�,thab far famed I t ation curibs IS: aying blipor little won an had called him the greatest, house. The gathering wi I laige, every seat, euma smi go. orret I at the -table being occu jied� Mr. Hindir a. Way, tbi the best ma' g' had ever livown." Some ;SAW& _Fast a and Dr.:Cull fil edthe -vice chair. aw 4faie a ose heidants of -the b big worthinoss seemed born in him,,.,an al- tl . .�h I - .1 . p - Or 1pains and*sA. -The report of Mr.'Aod a, the searetkry, I most'ovei-piweril[)g dctermination Uplifted zed. v! his nature. it came to him as be w Joint$. Thor's 4 1v -he had awt ant Enhowed the club to be in flourishing bur* way�-_ i;igh-, have -1 acirm the Oiep lawn, that in the humble Oondition. Songai riecitaelonond speeahes 'followed. Mr. H. P. Bl�ckey, 'Toronto, stable of hi own nature,amid all the rough- Of vords.0.9 the Immi 'th have to ahuffle off *ho presented the club ilast Summer wil ness 'the st aw and 4ay and dumb brutes,: the hearWas -exec-1 Shon there shone a light such as had never shonet _-4 gold medal, and Mr. 0. Thomas, of 21 e 1-4 t 4�hnd :not only re- there.beforel., odd is Ntrolt, wei #eaen the im" trimehtt A -answer 41 you'll -A ovati6ns, but Wbr� made, by ivaol- pose the main -bb- CHAPTER 1111. *ous VAle,'life-long ho4orary,members Jf1 0 1 - IS to �ol the club. 'Mr. Thomas 'gave Several expi- .Years af �er� a long June evening Was tal reciDationa, which Were received wfth idney stealing across the wide blnlai- as lliastures -for Arnolst anythit -8 r Itubounaed outhusisam Welson Mont0ittiv 0 and over �he little tow tratid bya story B--. The M. P. P., replied to the jtoasb of the U Governor, f4ee from his dtNes at the Capi. V; Wbodstook. " A 1%tive Assembly. All t�o home Bpea- sin era -ab ftrued.frora bid I tal, was t1king supper so credilba�lt with Miss Li P 9 acquitted them Thompson,, bit rounder, a bill older a bit 'was gLVIUg A lectu- selvear and a happy Owls was spent uiltif more talkative. It was one of Miss Lize's roke up. bit rem -arks he -era N about 12:10, when the`g�th�sring b TAlanders ww ve-.3 the Highlander's I AL - seemed almost t at, if one 'had listen d one Oght have 1i r4l Miss Liza Simi ering. horintowgot-u! and walked up and down ne6ding me-14T'wo could be as a) oquei ild lie a good lawyer, I' �t as Henry Clay." ith�bis hatiis- blod him. A chill w. wal blowing; Thornt�j ot Miss L;zq, d, m� a no.aocount,' worth- iess John, I'd levery up stiffly.- V Fhat i I - ?as to be done ? hgad,,- �iheap or go and shake a Qaixotic-id 0s, that the whole affair oul& i man in that confounded law building Ilike a be worthlesel unleis the little white *rier for their laiing not �6. help a! little �oman found the �'arcled P is law papers as a ou 6 1 Woma�in like that Vm not :W4 rth the pow. on -Christmas! morning. He eyed the l6ou 66 Ut der to blow me OP." l6alculatingly! He had been in it only)once, T h6rntop Sat OoWn heavily -in his J office an he had:gone throu tning h the kitchen to the h ir and 6tared'at- the floor. room,� wherip th( gray eyed girl had ! vivell, 71 jdst I wish I were the powder Sat hemming ban all old-fashioned fire. ro ` i I as Liza said, v�it. an inst h ant's Wild; wave Place. The I 6tch 4nf roo , was low, no was f f er fan; �Ii� F.0 blow you up off of that the dining-rollim r, 0 for that � matter. He . �u bpi buklet y6u're sittin' oil ; and then even caloula, d. the down the to broad pDasibil ity of getting -room chimney. Vi h what was, left of me I'd go over there 4n, b low up tha I *hole law buildin' ybn- Ocb� things ad ting eein done before, and he that's what I'a do." Miss Liza tarped �vas -in no ihood to be, balked by anything. i rlanA blinked her eyes "th be head angrilN W� Then' he trid I the windows again: they 41c w 6raphaisis. were fast, all! save ne yes, it � gave a little, rho!rnt-on still! st.ared hard t the, fi�or. i creaked, Stu& a little, Stuck I age, in esitatingly, gave a n, dipped a trifle, as P in A ss�Liz.A-Ieanedjotward once a d fa a a fly fr6m:Ais forehea though reco�sider hg, and then flually de., )a sistent I,' bu an e h n,[Thointon di& not 1pok up H a cl. idedto let hl in in It was awkward get, the little is 1hpr seen or I elh4d her ;- and if he h1hd h ti�g.�his big, lank, sTace, but it �� w am( in through aellomplished at last, vc ula pr6bably la -ie thought her a- little o Then he pulle a d hit(bed his olothesinto ier bbad,� there beitig nothing at- all r6s�, - ling! � burshel bi sk t 'in the office, add his shape -and lo6ked boub him. There *as Vvn , limited Mlical knowladge be n �er� nothing to be: seen. phuir m%toh. Pinned struck a soft'. iul� to the Wooden chim- I S� r, i1x olo�ded bk Mis3- Lim's �nixed lion. ney wer6 two stookin a, one, the Emaller, filled with a few lumpy packages,- the inter.. �en he at� 11%st; looked up L'te's mediate pa a p%dd ad popoorn, :OT4red d, -evidently, with ap e (or two on:top to ap a(e ras hotter t�a�' ever, and sl�ie was . f�,- make a 4r&vq show. 13eside this. hung a iix,g'hersalf -O'i4oroualy. Som0whab asi `!h :10 5 S�ucepan is J, rk d ftom the Pre' t 'a r "Ib haier boilink over, I Miss lil y I dlmm'e( f ul Igot t her Jer,ke hers'el o tQf the chair, C plump little -feelb her lips With -ed a. and opened to Joey-Bbeas Oeal;- But Thorntons face which *as n, 00, and white 1 d keen whii tho, t, I 11kolme In the B ��adilelr, 1,0011tillence �jop� ad her. 8 a was hoping that he v 1! Id And Paine in fl' nac7 a poak aga'xii of h1e. shortcomings tbat he 11temarkhble Cur6 r,,Urected-bT JDr. might def6nd him hotly and loyally ag i at lasela fUdn�y-]Aver Pills. it himself, but he ot up and served he 3n- dad- veryl ly her -Mr. Wm. Boyql Toronto, 0" 19 THCG�,e strbet, , grai� with some of ol�vn larb:onade d w �Id speak no more of him. 0 An sa,,w­ ly with ki ney � was affli(:ted "st.olli, In Self. :: He walke ome with her at last to- bladder, in ontir ril-Nase, �n 2- der)o�-iLs in t:i,. wa�d: the sttnset,� swinging the empty 101111013- urine, seve e Paws in the bw:lc, , i n. d ade'pitcher, and, ith his eyes absently on the dusty pike w, ile Miss Liza, with a very strains ove , the that i, had tin get in the night and loiii.,3. up could 1 1,1(,1 two or three tin -i. --s then fsmiriineidea-lofsnaking him forget! ard,of water with reat pain. OntY 111-Lize y I eeplag her over occupied mind o;cubied t chatted on stead.1y, setting before "I 'the "Thbu4h 11ong to work, 1 Was -L sufforer and unal)l(, choic4b bits of g)ssip hich the little ��'owli conflaed three . Nyeekk ,, and , during to )i1y liect fjl, tlin t . tillle n, afforddd—hol pr Spotless skirt, the thought I could no� Possibly endure ! n this d Wbil-6,�high from d at. He 1 ouldl nit IV, greater misql-y. an to t 1��as Chll�.Ise's then that 1 be - d� -b b. iret aced h ieps a J to. supper, is A to a 0 c r E ipike leadir t h" own home, use �Dr. 1,ilis, it ls;�ivlth gr,;`Ltltude Kidney -Liver I that I say g That that they ave 'rree� m e of till these 6vening asi� M111818 s Liza 4at own symptom -S, Ond rradelme a'welVrnan. tidughtfully to her lonely blue china would not' t!hink Of �ein� 1,vithout Dr. tv and .'white linen she forgot '..- to I eat. Chase's -XI0ney-1AvfJr JPills In the t's" k he was tbinkins of Thornton, wa-'e'lin; * g'ug berself', perhaps, an powder, or,: pe2aps,, house, and �'can,, Chase's Syr ��irj of also! Lin�eed redommend Dr. aInd Turped- SmW 9clitler agbnq to get him of� the �ieta- tine and C 1-1 ver -,v superlo, medleires." a is e' S Nerve Food as h6rioal bushel b itsket under which it was a rmilionviction! lay"hid!suoh' inafterl In- every town, in Cana a Jus Village su,", and toxvn�qjjir cure -s are daily t I a. There are in every commPulty s)*t-omen Who devote their, 16nelyi being brought. abou. 1,:Idney-LLiver Pilhs.- b3, Dr. Chase's mo.' �"Ilhey are no experl- e0ii to imagini ag: themselveis ini the I title ment, but al kidr Py (11cille tllrtt ne haa r 14of some uneeliish devoti ion��s me�ser v co to others—of tonest a eervico s od the tel . 0 1 box, at ail (I�a tars, )n(e o 25 I)ill a close, ..)C Edmanson, Bato, a b fate." & Co., Toror4o. �=M" old'-timey Xent4cky suppers-, with no dainty I inal line from omitted in the i loDg, traditio 2 and gaily-lunn to Eavor fried chickei pud( ing., 1.0 A" and plum 1'. LIF —a 14, ne The Governor, llink. yet well built 96,12' had , changed -JiW6. Write tis! t 'cal Kentu6ki- wn hair had some silver iii i The 0 is heavy bro the moiLth Stronger linen, and the eyes some- ISIMU stlublborn t Added' to all hing deeper --that van a1J. f c r n ic ry y e a I-; i. t de Prived me r.: thp6t Miss, Liza had alwqys found in him to WseraU Lotte" _01, r ':,c,�) n, ­,d I vel -Y thin. If's sp- be proud of was his, - suboess now and the - L an E, . d th c in ty.-cal Ayz_r'�,�Chcl�y Q01,41 position he held in the ey'ea 'of others. It is Pe nnd My lllur,�,1.11 ,Zd Swallen. a delightful flattery to a woman to have her 14'. hlann,.'Fau judgment justified by facts, particularIV lrilllq Tenn.', the F when her judgment has not been the pudg- I - it There i's ndOr d in the ht I ir 0 If you have any nee ment �f others. Thorntonis success, s rpig Ity yc^�! S Pink Pills, W-1 cures, ewelry line, however. smalls� on up to his 4ttaining the Governorehio., had 1!hme words were 1MAG113ra tl�e- been to MiseLize a delightful commentary arl S"Ch tes" drevv Gardiner, *f 81 ii3i the nd a flattering t�esti� lust write us about it. n her faith in him, a I It us what" Ynony of -her own exceeding good -judgment. i 'Ibavc have tqllgr� ; ; when he W" C1 'as some T r, regirding big physic, I hear " *id the Governort A) C"s 11%, . Z! he had suffere& Our Ca,tal4ua,cOtlains �1. YrY I ectOral: ear photographs of I mauy neighborbodd topies came up in their talk, i i'l do. Ceoo�e a burden V:A that Sally Fenley has written the judge Vi I hundreds of our choicest he almost; wish that she won't stay at school in Boston an- ploces, and will be s*at We know ft'*G tb e gre t. _paat waserable d. you free.. other day, I don't blame bar. There are r -9W bee- is . enJOYlag, There are est C Wer plenty of schools. in the South. tom edy ever dl' 0 r We guarqntee safe delivery good ones,over here in Le3;ingwn— entle W. CL 6 in miss Which makes me think," brok made. Arid'yo' will say setsatilon in be; Lize. 61 Betty Maria C ault is expecting so too aftel,yoU tly j1. jo rest Aay or z, —,Prepay charges and cheer Margaret Conby to visit her. Betty Maria �%s ever he wm, -oney met her in Cynthiana. . You rem **epirig am i f you S �il!a fully refund m ember Mrs. Th re's cum �n every a tbe en; won idrop. that Conby, the widow for whom You 110 attaibutvcs it all desire. augh- or tu case a long time ago. Well, it's her d Thr a Bizes. 25 ., C�g l. his lU r -Pi k.Pil arten in Lox- cold; t1c., juut rigl­ ! r r1one ter, and she teaches kindqrg ost i ,Mr. Gar#iner is a DIAMONR LIA n"s, ifir ington since her motherz death.` 'for eb -onic c-ises nttll n 'Lee 04 and. bld anA highly. s Falls. -Hat� Establfsh2A 1854. At this moment a tapping of the knocker �J. 0. AYEN 0 r - &Nlarm - -miss 7 interrupted her. Some 'one called, talk about the i-,-qprt Lize ! Maywe come in Then a girlish I &�Jt� by Dr. �Vilfiia figure appeared in the doorway lot 11, o6nOession 4, William Evans ant a reporter, R rie Bros. offie r. Division Y Why, "we were 'ust, talkin' about you iug Offie No. 2, George J . I i *,rnth., and Mr. Gard Yonde, and Adele4de Sts.. Betty Afitria." rances concession 51 �G�Orgo what is related We just came in a minute to - bring you DOrrano i r;eturniDg 0'9'13617. " Division No. a, iedeanumber eir TORON'0 as there are in- t T back a bowl you sent -Aunt Nancy, with the James Martin's hou lot 11, coneession IL hO tT officer. ' Mii. tors lief. He was gi&V4 plum-pddding. Besides, I wanted you to James I avidson re u Mbita?s house, Lead.' see Margaret." ion No. .1, Christophet! trouble waseaun bury, to 25, conceskon 13, Christopher the� blood, but -nothl. me the White returning 'offi�er. Accounts were -.the Mies L ize went, forward to weloo He could not wear -b In 9 a - pa Bed a ad.paid jamouAting to isif;8.38. At lorg, thin ' nsaI greenish black stock. letianger,, a Blender, r y -eyed girl ih vellow S Aud when I Fi ing. Thera was 'one lump in it, down at !and 'white organdV, and shook hanas with the nomihation,the bqilding-of a town hall, felt likesticko. the very toe. Thornton felt of it tentively, �;Botty Maria's brothet Presley, a ta.0, hand- and where, will be sidered. TrusLmi, n Dr. Williams? 1 te five and decided that it was a strawberry am. �some fellow with a c4tain. charm and re4-. and others with accou Will Please attend boxes, bena jook Ox ery ' Without warniDg-- a lumpl of corre ot, send n same either -tin the 14th or loth s- 'leanness about him. hettA Pon ing size o6e into his thruab. He I of Decei iber. Meetinks open at 10 eolok Ta Was much I - The Governor, having shaken hands with -t te-King them, bi e,i each d&­.—Jo-Hx 0. Mp-R-Riso-1Z, (Merk, ble,'� into flame a tew smouldering chips in Betty- Maria, was - w,%tching, the gray-ey 7 faue T them for A litt the #replace, got out the papers from his girl in the yellowL and White Organdy. I be bad taken ten blo, pookob, stuffed them into the lean, long I There was something'shy, yqt statel�, in her BABYS "'BALTH. -d and wbeM,_ ova stocking, then -the pin gave way, and he ha-d'� manner when She laid her slim hand slowly Cox"es he was So w4ef diffl�culty getting 'it in again. At last be' hr -that of the Governor. f The I ee'thing P riod Dangerous. any more. It is Se turned to go tothe window tp got out. The How like her mother she is," said a -ken them, ala� to Little Opaes and Very. has ta Ic buming chips'suddenly died 4-6wn and it was Governor, !'after tho young people had le Whet- �t. - -the troulAe, dark-�agail]. He paused -it a slight noiee,, 4� Yet ho ' much mor beautiful," Trying t)o',Mothers. he vvas we& g hi:e then he heard tpe white faced woman say- Her mother was a Sensible careful Baid. he co-dld-get iV ing tle thing," said&. Miss Liz� lys What mother doen-n t look forward with, it $ 7ell as any' mau 01 *ho are you, and what are you doing ? "-but thav kind allways is likely to h,lve dreadto the time wh `b_5 h be teeth. -1� Lea a the bonne at once." light-head6a enough children." , I . i ei�l a y E all Dr. williaMB7 P IV, Ing 7. -At that time ll�by in re,stleso, fe"r- t�; weak aud ail. Thornton took his bat off iDstinctively in Miss Lize Said several things more, but ish and i rdtable, and frequently there is ot . her medioines in t the dark and maid nothing. Then the little the G#erior did not.hear, 'He was thin ' k" -some dis)r4er of the wels and stoniscli. iqualities, Andmake, wort�au spoke agin iog in a vague, masculine way of how ex- The pooi libtle suffere is fighting one of his plsqpl� bright, aotis I,f you do no not get out at once—)y qu aite-an4 fluffy and draped girls' gowns first- b4tt les in this old' world of . pain, and if illeAre sold by. dea '.My dear madam," said Thornton, with we a ; ho 1 gray her eyes were ; how dully not aided in iiii :fight may be -overcome. te had, post PaM. a &6�p courtesy in his voice. I beg of you sof her hair ; how - she had altered and Every w sa mothertell a the little. Stiffiter -boxesfor _$2.50, by-. _Iwill'explain.11 r(wn beautiful since he knew her as a lit. ,'1 9 as much s she can, a, d the: mothers who likiW Medicine A00. 1"Dol as- I tell you!" she said firmly, tie girl when her mother brought her__Uth h ave he most succEst f.ul in t thin respect though quietly : "Get out of that Window, of -hem faded black�to his law office have fou I d tha� Bahy'i: Own Tablets �;give, close it after you and leave the place as that day a:good maimy years ago, �nd apked juet such Resistance as he hittle one to'eds, B11 y tag you can !" Thornton was making his advice about certain entailed propeft J. 6-,ght, B, ckville, saye I quickl y Mrs W'. in cautiously for the window4n the Aaik when Tbat was the ve y.first, case :for which he have use Baby'� Owij Tablets quite fra. tt the past'two oil 'his hom, visiting at she- ad�ed with indignation How dare had worked be& t, and soul ; that was the quently, nd ammuoh. 'a leased with them. you come to the house of an unprotected' caw which. bad opened up—why, he him. I find,t large attersdance aat & in especially � satisfadtory during woman andl a little,girl I Couldn't you find selfecar knew, how much it had opened b vices, h6ld in thi -1 caly aby's rat yQar. I !have uised theai in I - some man to rob ?" up. teethin in, vomibing, i a colic�. in indiges- thela-fternoon Df- T ":This was too much. She had struck Ile felt a subtl� connection, in which he' tion9 an in the'disorArs of the Stomach F. Swann, -of- the X Tho6ton in the dark, it is true, but she de ghted, betw ec'n this girl and his awn % a] I sind ow unually ac6ompanied by Tentless. ed a goodser1no- siom The zollectiol had'struok Straight home. Thornton, with fat i. He suddenly drew in a long -breath need �nd ev_!at-�- The aaion of the Tablets his Quixotic ideas about women of , he honeystokle which swayed its sweet- has always Son all the$ c6lild, be deairod.` to l0e&1 6tr�it-ies—. My dearl', nladam," he' 99 ne a toward him. How exquisitely tender Baby's Ho;i Tabletsifape a sweet, ple�saut side p.oints - who I said, gravely, L C Came io bring you a ChriEtmas present. I an Odor it wap. . He drew id another long little lo 'an. that all'il childreti will Itake 'Mhankagiving day m It is true bre�th,of it,:with -a keen pleasu ' readily. Thi can be � ushed' or disAdlved, am Thornton, Lawyer Thornton. re stirred ey Wingh&mat J�, I ba.Ve gotten into your house like a thief, somewhere in his brain of heart. in Water and admihis -'red with :safety . too Eugene bfa)�onald, and:I have taken the unpardonable liberty What are you sighing for ?" said.'Miss even.the youngest inf* Is I . ut. Guarant ad -,t6 of p6tting a lot of . legal papers into your Liza alertly. conta o opiate or sai� of the H. Elliou. of - Winj in x poisonous st6oking. They are the necessary - ones, My dear Miss tize," said the Governor, stuffs tiat ; . I . - make thg so-called toothing. 'Walter Burgess has securing your home. I wanted you to have tilting his bead back and looking into the me oj - mnnail dicine! dangerous little ones. If iyo% saltsman ;,4 F them for Christmas. I beg you to overlook' sky,- " it makes one sigh—such beautysuch do not.. -Winghazrx.� I A14ert by a wn 'I ur I ad Bab �Aleis 'at yo the clumsy way I've done it all. I want to odor'—just for the lovQ of it. Did you ever druggieVs, Sena 25 01 fts to The Dr. Wi14 season in epeace- liamg, ]M �edicine Co., $irockville, Ontario, iv up striko a m%tch, madam, to show you it is I, see rsuch- a night'? Look at those wid oney will be in and f I pastures, smell !the honeysUckles, and i I e sentt you by 11 to I'm not lying." u 10ot'li. receive tax and a box will b Mai �Piost look at the moon there, swung low, . like a, paid. not paidup 1�efore He e truck one of his sof tsulphur matches, chariot, on the � horizon. There are some Tatton *a-. ver -1 .1 _y i held it up and looked across at her wibh a perfect things in life, aren't there ?": Fairly ]�,eatbnl,. BJ-xevale'�s v soletnn kind of triumph of honesty. She It was the ' first Speech of the kind that The liduor sellers df Portland. Maine, 1 In the -Bights sit I met,his eyes a moment, then she laughed, Miss Liza had ever heard the Governor put, Shortt -and family b and 1hen as suddenly cried, Thorton lighted forth. have beenfinallybompoled to�:Admilb them. Mr. aud Mrs. Andx another match at the first one. - She slipped And itwas the. beginning of it all. Miss !aelvesbe%ten. Sherik"lPearson, has m4de their wediling trj.pl lthelawa-,s co ,downciiasofa, trembling and white. He Lizeoftefilookea back at it. Ali before I u eas On� man h paid "O� _numerbuls.'relativ;es A in fines a ad was oblige�. to sell je*ele went toward her, on the way lighting a can- -this she conside ed as he days of peace, ry The bride is a nati-i dle,which was on. the dining -table. She (T . be Continued.) he had earned in, the traffic it;o raise the young 1-00uple, will. m oney. Anothe� paid $1,200 within a &',horb had,on an: old black skirt, slipped hastily time -and signed a pledge 'in the.� presence of Mani rz M over, -;her night dross, and her hair, thinly Just hat We Want. streaked with grey, wa about'her . the ah-eriff and other oqoials th*t he �-wo uld Should- �,We ask the privilege of'havinj one trial not sell an -v more. A I Wirsiate' bre4k- (rhanksgiving day. era. When he got to bei she was sobbing lit I*w watch. The wimie, iii the' way of SO )plyii3g your needs in goods er who is liable to 2-2 mio'nths' iimptisonment. �ijt� her face- in her hands. 'smile mbille you eall y ly that first-class d uggisto handlepor the filling in default of fines, whic 'he sar be cannot .1 dear :madAm, he said uneasily. -�y,the way he thew, g: n say how sorry I am to have fright. of your dootor's' rescripfions. Our endeay. pay, ap ealed t6 Xr� Pearson, jva* tache by the mi , t ened 1you so." ore to please you, and the satisfactory way 1, Sheri are you going to , keep it; up, at t was not that so inuch an the dead n which you wi I be seryed, Will make you this rate ?" and the 041iff replied. 1!0h -11its'eyes.—Mr. A. X is, permanent cuE tomer, I I am going t I o make it so much harder our pnpularschool and,your goodness and I -yes, I have been I can.)) gaged for the -com CAT Liquor men . inil' orherl States Vho 'WE YOUR':ATTENTION - i I create unnerved. I am not a -rave woman." She have been suppor.ting t M, break. �Iwt a slight in lau bted a little chokingl laugh,; and got up o our fresh stock of �aine's Celery Com' Rine law -G. Andirson. of Wr g era, aregptting discourlZed.—Com. to h , feet, but put herifaoe in her hands pound, the most. popular family medicine of J baptism oi Rena Tei and. sobbed again. Thornton, Speechless, the day. Thousands of tentimonfale from Rev. W. J.andMrs, I put the candle down. the best people of- Canoa are suffiolent lt�ur Time 1� Va�uable. church,, on Thankiij She dried her eyes on' th6 sleev6 of her proofs of its virtues for th64 cure of rhe You Save time—yes, 1 and By too— the Prmbytei MOD ver when YOI� ZOMe your preparing for their nightdress and looked up into his gravel, big tism, neuralgia, blood dlsaases,�- li 0 M. to us dilrest, to have' f ace : i plaint, kidney diseases 'and all- nervous prescriptions filled will he gily-tiq in the; even ng, December. You're the beat man, yes, --the best and troubles. Try bottle and be convince&.- All our drugs and me4icines are warriaint- greatest nfan. Pve. ever known," she said I. V. FEAR, Druggisb, Seaforth, On't., ed as far as strength aii-11 �qbafity are con- was -calling -4 simply Any'woman- with a son like you earned. village 1"t Rkiday.: -4— ought to be proud. I had a Son ; he died McKillop. Our modern facilities Jbr aboolut#1 cor- dome yeapt ago, -Jss� y years ago ; h6 would have been about your :Couiscm Doil�GS.—A 7ispecial meeting of reot dispensing enableiii. to serve our �at., were glad to see be) Ifbe bail lived 1 should be ickly and well. Turnberry,,is, age. proud if roias qu -of : the council was held in the Royal Hotel, he were like � on, " i Come to � us for Feedthg Buttlee, Toilet -leges �On*ia b y Siaforth, on November 27th, to receive en. in She reached up and put her hands on hie ode, Perfumes, Spongolis, 1;rushesl Co&be, 4 gineerys report on the Road drain and other' go shoulders, then on up to his face, and drew buminesis. Members te. Xulan Jr., have re of council all present., ORTA*T WE14. Neabitt, -of U-5 ,om6e, 0. k., engineer for h1c. them 1 down the fine oval of 'it, and ki.sed. F. W; Farnt AN� imp him,on the lips, a long, firm kies, as his Killop, had filed with 6lerk a report and 8 cial attantion. is dipected.,to oiar fresh. -George T of Paine -'a ri Comi is- ;son 6f mother mi4ht have done. Then� all the Stoo Cale chivalrrof, Thornton's na profile with,plans. of a drainage Scheme on ROU4 tv this week, H0 I ture rose ixp in 8th and 9ohooncessions. west of river and marvellous medicine is r4 pommends# to yott him.' A bi feeling choked up in his throat. er tQ give an outlet. The with fulLcoafidend'e. PJi,'tne`i@_Ceh* pleased, to fte -her h _y Com, deepening riv ieee�nt -trip to th6 He held, he in his arms a moment and - for i pound,makes pure,! rich blood A it- bmishes clerk was authoriz6d to notify all parties an. that,�mome t neit _.er enry Clay's o Ud Vae fn ttlend m�eting of council on Sat. rheumatismi neuralgiaj 13yopepsiw' stom - %.i ratory 'sessed to a ach. atteu� nor Trentice's rhetoric- seemed to him so urday, the 114th day of December, at Lead 11iroulbles, liver coiia late -Mro. fathes fine, so no le, so �liinor so clean- out as his �Iaint And kidney disease. week.—Miso bury, iaid report would be read J.1 S. ROBERTS, D�ruggi*t, Seafortb,,Ont. own nature and -at' Joseph Lee,3104L-�' considered in council, A by-law was peened Whbn he'was Bety again, and the lit. of Wingham, -was V, i appointiog school ho fuse *o. 6, lot 16, con- tle wbite-fi ced-woman stood jim the door I cession 8. as! the' -place of nomination an MOM*. 'vveek. —The -Bluev, the 301h day of! 'December, at I Purge watching h m. he turned and 'made her'& Mon my, IToo latelor 10 week.) so, of 40wen f�a but be grand bow. She smiled ; the candle went NOTES. —A lecture W14 be give that he 2,k af terioorl, and, if more than & re- n in Knox! 6 X�n the (old breeze, and Thornton rode church, Belgr -on the, tion of ins otor O.f' 0 quired num' ave, evening of D com- away unde � the stars. He was thinking of her are nominated for reeve and Wr 18tb, Subj .. eeb, - "A i2ri� A-crim wal el& on Monday, council, an election to be h nor Henry Clay now he wit will 1bush, �6n Monda-Y, neither, re tice - -h Views, Jabuary'6th,� 19Q2, .,in the following laces his bi worth was thi * g!bis own thoughts about hi Boiling division �qo. 1, James ;'Shea's P houses going to. -,-Mr. R. - B. Atbock., 6th Mae lost two coone Iving In, own ria re , he as thinking1that if it wens Sunday were -in S 1r0;Z1Wt 3 valuable brood mare, last y - . by not, forev r a question of *mer's Pett ad am easily. Ne i y on the stomach. It �Js a'bad lose as the -a -tbiiag is Jett of the erO quarrels, if question off women— wner has nootharr one 0 take its �Place.._ wr f -helping the onged women ­t -a question 6 : land the vil.--:-Axa�l ood bees are all -the go"'*ow Mr. Russell Elm helpless—he mi6t,bp a great!lawyer, Once AkA ad one on 'Wedn6ad�y �i last week, the station last',wel as'lle rode on he I4�6hed in a gruff, spas- r. P. ' .Can telon , o4e on Monday, Palmerston, Uy Wl lumber to Toronto, modic wayas he tecdllected how entirely a and E. Laundy _"un& on Wvd- burglar he must havoi Seemed to the little M pesday of this �Paek._ The veather is cold I�Cheese Uompalfty wbite-face4 woman until he week.— held up the I and aleighiug saarce. —C�riitmas tree enter� I cheese -last I ! Ii Uric Acig In the blo 'Isetweek rendered lighted match, and then bel t i CL tinabine, December 17th, urned bAck to tainmeut at S his thought "If it were women 'wronged Unhealth for a short time. .y Pdneyp are the Don't miss it. wornell." fause of the acid bel v-satage -4 the wea 'ealth. LAXA-LIVER PILI hl REGULAR' TION of th wels is necessary to - -allii wero. 11 th4b ki ne fact times of snow. A �reat star hung white aul stiii over a ard the best oncag- hill 11j, Stowart?z low-shoulddred bill ahead pf him. He as they, shovid the a tonal catharblef6i Umily or g#neriiuse. Price %a. watch(d It absently as he rodl6'. AS he put afmin th Uric 4ny dru--ist- place.—ThaukagivI h Betry in hq stall—t s he clopt d the bar' qt the sy and At n h _�u i0f roast, tiarkeyq ocou Rh —The Mitchell bow.lers-1,! held their annual �door— t Ism �201 rp, 'v. el�e eclock was stiMing and the IWAly ve-uwon� a Christmas bells matignt a kidney supper at the Hicks b -hse,,� on 'Xuesdsy vital, were riDgipgr from the spires ]Dodd's Kidney MiAty Audow, of the two qhurcheB of B---. H9 paused a Madi 4L great.part! of IaVSDing,* Of last week. he: spread -was A� obbler, who for moalent,C2 looked again at the star. The I splendid one and did cred t to�,thab far famed I t ation curibs IS: aying blipor little won an had called him the greatest, house. The gathering wi I laige, every seat, euma smi go. orret I at the -table being occu jied� Mr. Hindir a. Way, tbi the best ma' g' had ever livown." Some ;SAW& _Fast a and Dr.:Cull fil edthe -vice chair. aw 4faie a ose heidants of -the b big worthinoss seemed born in him,,.,an al- tl . .�h I - .1 . p - Or 1pains and*sA. -The report of Mr.'Aod a, the searetkry, I most'ovei-piweril[)g dctermination Uplifted zed. v! his nature. it came to him as be w Joint$. Thor's 4 1v -he had awt ant Enhowed the club to be in flourishing bur* way�-_ i;igh-, have -1 acirm the Oiep lawn, that in the humble Oondition. Songai riecitaelonond speeahes 'followed. Mr. H. P. Bl�ckey, 'Toronto, stable of hi own nature,amid all the rough- Of vords.0.9 the Immi 'th have to ahuffle off *ho presented the club ilast Summer wil ness 'the st aw and 4ay and dumb brutes,: the hearWas -exec-1 Shon there shone a light such as had never shonet _-4 gold medal, and Mr. 0. Thomas, of 21 e 1-4 t 4�hnd :not only re- there.beforel., odd is Ntrolt, wei #eaen the im" trimehtt A -answer 41 you'll -A ovati6ns, but Wbr� made, by ivaol- pose the main -bb- CHAPTER 1111. *ous VAle,'life-long ho4orary,members Jf1 0 1 - IS to �ol the club. 'Mr. Thomas 'gave Several expi- .Years af �er� a long June evening Was tal reciDationa, which Were received wfth idney stealing across the wide blnlai- as lliastures -for Arnolst anythit -8 r Itubounaed outhusisam Welson Mont0ittiv 0 and over �he little tow tratid bya story B--. The M. P. P., replied to the jtoasb of the U Governor, f4ee from his dtNes at the Capi. V; Wbodstook. " A 1%tive Assembly. All t�o home Bpea- sin era -ab ftrued.frora bid I tal, was t1king supper so credilba�lt with Miss Li P 9 acquitted them Thompson,, bit rounder, a bill older a bit 'was gLVIUg A lectu- selvear and a happy Owls was spent uiltif more talkative. It was one of Miss Lize's roke up. bit rem -arks he -era N about 12:10, when the`g�th�sring b TAlanders ww ve-.3 the Highlander's I AL -