HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-12-13, Page 2t
DECEMBER 13, 190
or HUR
A j3#rMgU .4
iAt XSTATE FOR -SAL-rull Wop,,j tile, ElLtt,411 the;__511 QL41114 Or 10'per c4?nt
ll ulq R uFG11, TI�i E Se Daldn, oild,' them Wit i ono 1 t Izil S&tind teetb,.
11) a ild eins not tloQsdn �nd iie �driveu by r
house and groqwia bel-)ngink to
of October by Oil ova Qjem.
S- .0. Koaughe 1377, .61 they m 61ISW preach no 111411
corner at Church and ull�
faja] i. A SMLrt-.hy engineer at rth. The pr6pettjr will be to' wa qM. a.�d* after! a haiid-to-jiwid fight, ifiled
Centre retail eatol 'all tl,( io d, islands The Kin g of anges
i4r. lie terms. V. ROLUESTED, LAST, H E� F_ ar se Wit i but airid 'to6k their. des- I
aheUpLar I on a0y A cyclono: one of the depot iii takota , said, Thought"
"Duch's klappv The dolpin,
1734 tf P S 'lled the sea, ovl�v th ose hi�ee - %,
I the- l:)COMo-
QHARACTERIiED By D%1A TEALly "When will you gret 0 P ches.
#w1mamer In ti,
la 14s and D X. a population Lot 3� Oi t4ve,. and., Johdrin0s bur Police�-EightyIejgt,
&Ogg F*tM FOR SAM—In best; wheat bolt take it rj[de with us?' Jil r
-st '0 -01
in SC uther 0 !So gt. W. �V&rke, m- swilmn2ing 4 Manitobz Xlnetk acres ready for 0(� , �1 5, 000 WQ-re drowned. 1) 1.., welw, said'X, a6w, If -that suits -c
wheat UeXt year* 610, s"es bay. Good new slabl( I I
0 you, "go oil 0 o.side of t n at Ro%,od,poort
Tw Ive dollars per M6. d� of 33 police
'R TIMES -9 a , aved wqo had c1iinbod 1 to t he
and gra U tbi I
&Ore. seveoM 61 bek C�
rie tarms for sale. Wrloo BOV
Ved and prat CHAR - ACTERISTIG'01 Of the 4zhast trocs' lhi� . y end 3, Afethodist Millis- on
other int locomotivii when that Waco was aittilcled
CHAS. SH&W� Box 17, Bolz�aavaiu, Manitoba. ov.1ar s4 o a No? Then i ter, who inv got ijuly 5, 1,991,'*fter repulsing attack Rim
0 on
God Said I Will show, Wonders In the C od gou ma iever lee one the other side, ind between iis were 4 the volunteers who cli3ared "the
UtAIM FOR SALLE.—For sale tot 27, Con- a icyclone oil the occall, and'- the. engineer and the stoker. vi lage iU14-mas severel fi3ided
st The y WC - I& "twerp In
1�! ink: before -you wjU
r coss on 4, MeRillop, contstuing low acres, all Haaveja$ nod in th EarW nod Rev. 'sv� When buyJjin Ange th you. bi[ty a:dd then
t � i -I t" 4is. 800 miles back tr4in, startomd.- - The enWineer had Ills n: dobig so, ia�d 89 Tpr. ]E� �9 A -
of whiohis cleared,.welt fenced, undordraia�d &,,.d Sho;
Dr. TA pa*zo Thinks the Prop acy j agel bify a Ha app t1gilt YOU
in, a higit st%to of bulLivation. There Is 'a goid and. for thirty-six ho urs dui hajid on the agitated pulse df I tile !to , sent�3�, at entrance d Vill ppy, hough t. i� In b�iying a H
tb� i6yolone and after � 1 we eX grewt engine T!he stoker sho- same da e,' 25 -0 000 previous hap-
barawith atone s6abling� Has B�e'n In Part and Is Beina Ful- 4 of Morid� lwh6n, on 'have the unstinted.r4coinmendation of. 15 2
o6ok house,large bank It was Wq
v wIth1*1 -P f. moment to gq. to t1j,, veled -coal an d ut Poor gaTd p old I s-po- p%nty d &ter ands. good orchard. It is ted livery in the' sh 1� e4 at him, h purchasers. Range buildir&
two talles �ot &&forth and within a. mile from'& 1Illd—�,1ar'0Wel1 to, Dentli. lucome tw
b!)jtto;4. Th told- us bef ore, we - rb the door wi a loud clana isiti by his s eady fire check-, .4
school, 0 ly OnAhe premises or to seaforth P. 0. 01' an 1h us -it's uot a war U3
19 Natored aebording tqAct of parii ti ed_'al� 9 ocli).ck tkat tile barometek A vast plAin slipped,j under ti 19UPP rt arive�,whipi.
Wit. G 1767-tt, tkriientofCau- 6d o: lemy uti specialty
lefl e no Toom for iinprove
ad&, in flin year 190 . by -Mlliw�i JBidly, of To. h fa It o'clock �t night us, and the li lie! h Ld only t4ee roi inds left, I ds d6w ell issue -we were fought
I eu,` bu.t at ills bwept. bYr,'...a:nd thA 'MARM FOR SALE P� I .-Farm Iq StAIlev for sale,� Lot ronto, at the Do t� of AgrivWL4r0i Ottawa.
w We 0 aw nod with t4O shock of reat monster �)ll Will'. we rode fe4c(. s d the post. ment in oiTr construction, we It 111
X o.9. G�nceslion 2, containing, lbo acres.- All 1 :1 1 9 if clear but 15 acres of hvilwood bugh. It is in a zoid t, 0 waves. 1V 1 t1c lights 1put. Urash trembled and. ftuadeO and, snorted genne'siScouts.-Liet. A. up- 47 Happ3r Tho',UgRt. tq
, well fenced and underdrWne i.
state Of UltiVati=, w int all tile 1�fd�oats- Wt�teils rush- and raged 'as it 'hurled us oil. 1. boiak, at Joub(TVSNek, -on J ly-16,
There is c n the far barns, with stabling, and a course tDr. Talin ge recit6ir some ell.
m two nT theough tljle:skylight� 4OW into said to the Met Jodist) minist on 191
n M, assisted Sergt. Cima to Save
large dwi Iling house, It is conviniently altuated r
that the th 0 ca�ia nat They ate =a-nufatured b- 9 miles from, Clinton and j mile from BsIr&8 schoiil great events and shows. d-dn*n on the furnaces the othev' sid6 f ithe locomotive r* -1 iv 6cout, whose horse hail been .64
0corice I -
Addre,as 11 Inquines to JOEIN McGREGOR, on the il th
I world is adva44ing in thd right di- uy cy and smol4ed in.. the "My brotheir, wh; sh,u]d mi iistcVs cilled, the Boe�.% at the' same time t -W*6teners bf
decrE 5 f WX. BUCK STOVJ�
premises. or higs.- D, McGREGOR, 2nd ConceFsion, (4ugo.: -Seen. hundred . f, I
1768 -ti people pray� quarrel abdVt thi .6c beirrig within 1 0 yards and� iring
Tu tikerarc ith.'Seatorth, Oat. recUon; toxt, Joel ii, 30, IJ will and Q r g) at iship pois- X OIL s k, ly.
show ina, shricking. u agency? th ilac th a i heavi
wolioers J�h tile lieaens and in
ARMt FOR GAZE.-Fo eale, Lot 9 and halt of 10 ed, mome on the top.0"i a moun- firm -track, that. ron ilck; tha is. )�L.A.M.C,'- �3,631, ,Corp.. W. W.
neenio� of b1oKillop, containhir tile cartl�
on is 14th cc
F tatn o pho;Phorosicent, fire' and then the deerm YO'- see is engineer s eeden, pronioted Sergeant by: 00ma
skboatl.�50;aores,of whtchbotweea 60 and 70 a e4
or plunged dowh, 4own, down until it arm; th mander-in-'O ersefo* i4ibr- an IllustratedPainpblet.
eleawd� Th:a bultdings are fairly good, the Dr. C*,mingLgreat andgood1man at -is free ,G How beau- hiet, at D Write for
are Britisb HMO
n -early now. Wo4ld agai ' tifully they wol-W -ango Riveir Colorly, on July
houn be: It is within 5 miles of thp, see ed:�as i, sl�o: never
in toget her They
alton. It is a good farm and suitabl- nave w le so*e distance
hz�ve told us the ext
r ant to ard going to t4l Qs through' We 1901 un� �firo
VIM 01
for grain or pasture. A smaller farm woulA of tile be � righted. �Ali,! you
ou. ilie tra
exchanZe. as part payment. It Tnob sild fuO,filluient of this. p4ecsL. see a could not d to ist iii� w'unded man lyin in
be taken ' n elyclote aiseiii,. :do it t
won,,, wil be iented for a terra of years. Apply on. As I tepped into his st in ton- But lo6k'jit tile disasiter� oceanic. notwd ', withc ut th o open, and
I � Ud! we� could O� th W.ith him wen
the premiie3 or addreis Waltion R. 0. jkR3 - f -lie -8. Mullc tb & Co., Seaforth. rho ftnow
1765 don . o -a 5 �just. Shall. r cail thb �oll;, of the Klead,ship-i giAecr.11 ty minutes beang fired, at all t
111y arrival from Pi �Ye nloos�ers of the ideep, anJ So 1 rejoic joevent nioth
after the' �_re, e lay by day. 'Work t
n0h had surteiidered ia�t,
ARM FORSALF�_ror ne that very deslr&ble' SwOr en. c ll� your nAz ord Xitc
des. The for all to do, aj�d we irlay 'tu)-n the enier, in reviewing Lord
jinin Sedan the'good doctor said to me.
tarn � on the Mill Rjad, Tuokeramith, adj Wcex V, 9 b do I -Tawe, �hc chillei, the City crank of the 'hristi in machiner Me'-huen's'� operla4ions in the ' iouth-
the.village of Egruondvill-- It contains a7 aore4, "It Is ju, t what I a,
nearly all cleared and In. a, good stat.e. of' cultivation _h, d t0l JVO'� of �Boston, 1.116 AfelVillo, the Presi- this - way or tha , for e are' y we t . Transviaall'
also reports this vow, ered call
abouttFrance. People laughed at me'- dent, the 0 #Mper aud 1
and well undardralued. There Is a comfortable briti, ilid, Oregon, thb agents. But th6e is the track laid cle'ver capture !by Lieut. -Col.. Wil
becaui§� e � I taJked about 'the - seven Alollegan. ut th ago -no, �6e' remembe' liams:
brick cc age.. and good lbaros, w1th rook. cellar. and y rs i t -F --
are situated near the horw4 ro a 11 duo. mix U.,
outbuildi m The buildings and the vials, but I fo s iv
07entre t "Lieut. -061. '�E. Williams obtained
a farm Und on the: Mill-, Road. Tt Is well all this from the book o callin- the �oA On none' of them I aid by -the - hand" of thi A] rnighty water -, ad plenty of soft water In the kitabon n$wer,andthe roll, is as long as the information that a convoy lander
It is Own eniently, ettn&ted for aburoh Lho book of R'eVelation.", Not ita God in sockets that no terrcst�ial or
hite crollj of the 4tlanti;c s.urf at satanic pressure�' can ver effect. Coniniandant : Vermaas was o the
and . t a.mile &no a, half of �Seaforth. Will bq� ing -ujy uch responsibility in the in7 soldvolhiles and Ott az%v terms of p%yineut. App[Y Cape, Ilattet*as breakers? And along the Uack t4o car ot the ribirth of hiin, inear , ats.
terpr6tatjoiR Of Ale passage, I' Who herbat
tot rietor, TLOREkT.FANSOX, Seatorth.. Look flt the . dei4iie. I dingly sent his wagonq, un-.
1748-tf FPly 4tSert.that there are in it isuo- d'saters ep� -world's rediampti$n wil - roll � and He accor
Imuseum in
hel fourth 'roll to the Grand Cenfz al dep' t Of der escort' t6wards Leeuwfont�ln to
gest' s Of manYhings in our t f.poak not ot the plague in lt P ed
RM if -X HAX e. century� that ravaged Europe'and in the millennium. I h*ve, no anxief�y give the ap�eat�ance of a conthrance' 04 r Our- eVesi dilate and our Neart
Let 22,, on tha. North Bc of 'the mard th that direction and. andary of 'ffwy Ars h e]apolit" domin- about the track. I am only afrai #f. paper.
quickens in its pulsations as we.kead
Township Thlafarm. contains. 100,4oreg, 86 aorfe. ions aria ugh that for our ind6le faith- then with ' his Australians (New collpel�v
cleared,t � rest. good hard wood bush. Ittsweiluh- of events in the third century, the rsekiles wro such ter-! lice and Up
-V vi in �he egli,eentli centuj-y,. but I! fulliess Gad will Ais and South Wales �Tounted. Rifles and
derdralueo fenced. Thera Is ik tond atone house sixth * century, the eighth century,;' the ch go usi
Zo It censir *, large bank aru; implomPot sonic Dushmen) u).�ad� a rapid night arch
with a, N look &�-j lie -yellow fevers and thei get some othei atoker and
-ihvd ; alit ep house M76,with firat-olwe st,6b'ing foil rtcenth..ceutur, but there Were IQ choleras aili: the' s all d thel otlier'engind6t. �Tfie tra-in isi going upon Kt(loarnplaii-ts, which in spite Olt
diphth Ile
and coot c t�llar underneath; a good otobard; 2 zac d niare.fariieaching evetit crowde %;� wells and stern., There to 12j. aares-'. of fall wheat the �d linto.- scu�rlet tev& s. a M1 tile typ oids of q through with u4 or without u re Uled at 6.11,1� a.ni. onthd f How-
niaeteenth century than inta:anyl S.
inw, will ma-Aured . 40 acres tke tch morm lg,. Th I
sawed On a, rich fal ent3i years ur war, India, � where' al t t,dcks-
and the last tvv or. i So, my lirctbr�n,. eir wl'eel
other., rn goaded do�lwn recently, the rest In good shape for Sovereig
every tweUt Ji. �eax 3�000,000 devot-1 events that twe g0ing 4 y. If 1thin& showed 0 L: Wf lliams the� direction for ladii-`
crop� T#1% Is a Ito. I farr�.. well s1tW.ad for eclipse WRY preceding twent, we
markets, 4hurches., schoola, post � office, - eto, and ees:: congregate, the caravans brotight! qeem �o turxi out�jright, give �,vvings taken by 11C POCI'S, Ind, aftrUt -a Vk-, Ll ki n wear are go od shme
Mtd in the daily of Apply on the -c1oi-*k05j*or will. be so,10 reasonably. oa� nounced in 'one , paragraph :tile. cholept, and' that o: ie discase! to.your joy.�' If t1lings seeni tur gallop Of vVelVe miles, lic wq able lade li-avy address Rf)BEAT N. DOUGL",Blake, an i;71 I
and without sliaw in eighteen dVs in Bos- out *rong, throw out. the �Iich to,ride dol -11 -tile whole
any spdcial emphasis or rw.i
-ah. OvOlveithoman of -faith an& so �es—easy as a. he
h 0, Prisoners, ox-
-IL-IARK i N STANLEY FOft SALE oi d in one sum-' old fas�t. convoy, whil
61. 11 ��Vs -,Ceec
ft-ts which a. 11crodotus, Joseph -
_V 7, C(acessiga T, Parr Line, Stanleyi co itaining slain b it in India �and l.",5,000 Those of ,you i*hQ a; wivolls 4, opther vehicles an d
100, acrea, 9.0 aor6s. of wh' ob, are undeir an' vtion Xenophon, a Gibbon, would ,e in iuidli�
'IDjypt. il)is4tsters epidat ale. 'Sonic! may wel 'th: vie 1,500 cattle rst the ison-
in, ank Go& that yoii ha Aill well feaccid and ell tile dialned.' The. I %ace Is have taken whole chapters or whole
finest Ivel*e the
-ood bus] i. There are comfortable I bull(. re, and iloiiuments . la(le of I i r of the in Green- seen so many wohdrQus thinp, bu�t voluines to -elaborote'. Looking out. The fakrm Is within 'five alea Of and Dif bist,
ut�' Pa ticilt 10a ther ti� 5j, d
in 'aurol Hill and Mount Aa- there are People ilive t07day-` wh� folitchl ron
ail in gooc � repair. wood and 1'oit., a, the�
uport our.:time, we must c:ry o JH I -
Hippen, station; three m1les from Varna, ...d. ore bur -ire tp" doctors who lost their e to see tbe shillimeriii vell rA Lke
may liv
churches, store, post oftice, &c. There is a schoat
a, bill milei f!om Rills Green, vzti.-re are the words
and - g
of the text, "Wonders; in ji ji be e s SO. es, co,
lie hea es battlf g� with soutbetri epidern- tw �n the mate6al and the 'spiri& D1111-ilig t 1) 50 r u
'rei,14 and, in tile earthl" T
o the PrOpose to. show you 'the D
on theco.,nerof thafarm. Th I d orchavd, ual v�orld lif �cd. liragriet�sm, p covorod 60 0, $4.00. *ft" e Mae
H riagof watere V ateatt that r
and %, nevt r fa ing sp buildings, This is an exec-ptionaly go d: fa t n Tn Lub- word with whic1l We cover yp ou Ros ill 27 1 ol�r.,. a wly
,a I But 110NV urn the leaf i I r )n 1-1 t ,gr 1 1 ;L�, -1 -
ni, d c - t inie in which lva live, is w� liderful � - - Il- Al'so mnde in E_671pira Calf.
inorance, will �ot` b WTI thelli Very! olle of the enl)-
and will be sold oheap, and on, easy for anidj� :)Iarit thj� white lilies and e an e�,Plor%l
for bless-;; disaster nd wondorful
-ee aluiWil 1 11 terms. Aviv oil the prempei or address litua tho, palili. e jw-litshades r6alm. Ulectrici�y,.lt fjery�j courr tul-ed velli( U -spers sewn silk, sole� w��h mg, iot - therb Must be -lights S
Green R. SAKE$ WORKMAN�- 114a-tf and main fW4
twd, thei My rtle.,! 'Aiis age no more scr Of the sky, thdt Denjiunin rirail.14-_
es in this Dicture as ia all i
shad ioth- Tho RM 'OR SAL`S�For sale, Lot 1, in the To %vn- chat-act4rize I bi W( -of dis;)ster lin lassoed and kfnrse and Bdll ano pure lineri. 1khe WOM I
A ers. Nde i I rgue that our time I ship )f Tookeramith. Conceesion 3,. 100 aores U L)le.,;sjl g�bless_ Edison have brOu.0t un t Quec",
n ier coinplet
u the M&MIA1
I for disaster? Ouv w9rld
n(t,,95acreaoleare.dwell'ua!erdrained.. Splendid is woriderl t li: �y -Vo'nd�
ng -of l ng wi ty� tl�e average of hu- Vilc ia
-C, tor is t10 N' a 1,� the form 0
farm for grain or, stock, well watereil, a ruantrig ll�s 1111W a TOU-1 time since by T -the control, has gi ttOr wol: ders o r spring the. whole year runs through the farm. Also Adly ii� veal. Whether he e or opart d lilt 111110�1 I i1i front, of -u Cl
h id of Go it v Man life resing, F orts
d bowled o
ut'into i
is' a! years w th� 40 'till 1a �je(j,
aq tha fari a - to a splendid b7.nk bara, aeirly no V, *� 1 0 ydars once. these thing . I P, ;11,. 1 ixty f iat ill' hoight,
which I% E60x%, with, atone stabling underneath. 11 epileptic 6art4i oll- Om AIEU iLoba does not make hj�ch diffarence whe'r� n;d rich Ili 4 a
.0W trav 61 One tbat d!
�N C, - , . I -
to ell fl. The will
411so, I m. house 21xlg, and lkitchan 18x16, with vulslon &fter
I wgivuLlsion; frQsts
0 New Yor in le I an i e days. we stand, but the! highe: -thei aidd and lookitig u
aellar,aud two good wells.. Thij pra- �1 -ard
stnd� be show,'
go d atone Pounding it, ith s ll� L
� Ve W �lodgre hminer i of -lbs
perhy lial situated ia I _rLy desirale locality with laes il't w6uld zyv Point the lar the
ires meltiti- it with tur- e taker Richardaon & Mclanis,_ Sole. Agents for SeaXor6. 4Df go
splendid gravel roids to, market.,Lor.kwy 31 milesto iceberg and f Ili othet- ger: the pi,#poct. We thb far above o4
M � ! . . su�rrulit of the linnuille.lit Witl
Seaforth. Also sk- good dwelling house in Seafort�#, throe in�Atlis.. In cItlier' words, ithre( will SeO them fl,(O heav3n if we d6
This hous is -ccraposed of 8 roqms, well finished
entimes heated, It is a Oth tv
d no W ave OrLI1 Shree inonths o not 'see -them fi. o.f;,Vi(.tojw,2
lft$tt_� SO long. situated a! Coleman street, close to Victoria Park-. wondr to me it li d -plam
other da b Will be,sho n con
Ycaxs ago 9 at Vire 'Island' �iiiatical Igtolp"
ys. T alvera�e of
Blot eors shooting by on this ide a t;he
plenty�of rd&nd soft water.and kitchenL 20xle, nd 1
a Lou- Island, and I w6n life pri 0. t -up in th ts ofl the pedestall.:
W114 Peat and WaShL room attaiaed; and a g-,)od gnlzing it alEl etf-% Leti m 1 11 aer no w th, r
.O.rS. Shooti
ng by ve wl -his 050 I cupodw froin which they delegr Liph t m4st notablQ iei��ig tj For Torpid Liver. Flatuieric 1nendecl, I
woodshed, A, good, stab'e, 24x`(Q� All of this property, iat of o t h er-
whqn N6ah li th
I Vork the apl5roaich Q ve el 1111% Brock, Hie4:-Illp-
tile other ,iida and razing''it, Constipation, Bili6msness ard
must be so dge. the uaderdK -ing tOL the New'
ne is ulor and �Methu. ah liv �d- his f ss lliJod, oil W
alted St �t4_& &!I particulars concarninZ thla none of thiam,-slowing up for ;safety. q i Sick 'H adache, TAKE
property d be h3d by applying at TaK ExposiToR I of intell hSaI4 hours before tbe�r comel intc port. toki, bas loving care.
Whole fleet
s alid navies and argosies
-roundings, ij 11r. Offinee, or I a the proprietori. T.A-VES XREEGE, ea- 1110u� P. Chases Ind tlie:Abrahanfl There is aw-openijlig in tab,-wal, and arphitecturall ,�fuj
foxth. otillas of worlds. sweeping all
Liucoinq and t16 11�nry Arijsolls 01 operator % 'pqts Ills:. 'te escope Vwas ths'
about us. Our eart lil%-,e el, flt�hing
h the coin lig timi wlil not Ile reMiire�. tlir6ugh tha�t bpeling ar4 loo I-zs out
_"ARX STANEXY FOR, SALE. -For sale, L -3t sillack off the wfound - the 0
banks, of e R, 11ts
to leaim� to rea, by! pine
and the west halt of Zot% on te.12th concas. larid, while the. lr.l`�,jjcstic ar�d t, Iraill kn6t,lighLE nd sees vesge far but at sea, with its W-4
orllrmaon Line, of 8, ulay., Thlatarm9con, t..L
s ig Wit
Mures, &JI, of whleh is cleired, except. flut Safe, Llic -actink,
up and i,100 d
, ljj
sion, aud the- X* or se,�tl�d on bemftker's b ch, no was ii litu, he
tains aiser Withelm der. Grosse Wil thW Vol out ' EI) i�
gus0ns ]�&ve, to. stuOy as Aerm ItIatinastateaf first-clas cultivation,w 11 ush by, Besides that, our Painless, do not weaken,
vhi "I wa ud
fenced and all underdralued,mostly with tile, 'Tirlere by si, . been damaged in -it Ie, 01in cattle "A-Ve ar6 e.xpebtiii tile LizonL: to- a
Is a large C sme dwelling house &a n- always give satisfaction. Red rosel
,jood as now, witU tides alon' ever�
good sWnetoundaticid' -mii�hincry, and ever and anon ge oll,� its 9 night." I sdid:, "Is i � p )ssible
and. eellar, large bank brArn or
poor -ihan a Id 3or, land his childrei: "'Ou know all' tho0o vessals? DO you-. on, by Adults
r A most tellable Household Medicine, -ca�m be taken at, any sees V_Wte mes
with atone stabling uriderneath, and numerous osha th.6 furnaces have. burst, and -the Children.
buildings, naludiagaluge pig houim. Two good W& may� go ��doN n aud 4athe inth m Jj kiiow them as yb%i know, a irian"s
-lie, illoulltains ell
tkin beams * of t
orchardit o � choice f ruit, &too nice sh ads and orna. of f EL el He saLid: tile � hilpso h6r 1 U hundred 4 y uv6L z never meatsltre�s. -T%ere are two spring creelo hAo, broken, and the islands have througla,tb ar farm, jan4 plenty of good w d up to recit h eo the
sek and the great hulk of -7
s�hiped a- ago 171
wirer 114ke a mistake. Defo- Alt druggist sell s-SKISTOL
roUine without pumping. It Is well situated for hulls I -often kn�
-er the wotld ha., been j' claos with our ' oys and girls, tho�( w In -------
y the y r the
kets, 0 rehes, schoolej. post ofil �e eto , and good i , ----- )h1los 1-1 have
mar, arroW with acci- old 1 0, �heri would be sent! dqwr masts. I., know thern a
graveIrma.. 3 leazling from it in all dR;i1o'n's. rb.is dents that ever and e-rion thro-
withindif of L%ke Huron, and the boats. can be "finirriedi to ithe fo tio ni� class becaus6 thQ5 watched them so 1: The MOW
ate' -demolition.
seen asaft Z up, and down tirom. the house, This Is t aris 0 the questions;', PreE Oil, what a grap g it is to
fai 14(1 to aris it. eems j.0 4s� as if t lie AX3 mUez:
one S the iest equipped -farms In the c:)unty, a: id last
libtaries' Ili Jai lie important have'ships telegraphed and hi 1ralided
will he i3olc on easy t rms.. as the -proprietor wanti to huadrcd.-�-e'ars were especially , chax- lo* before tile.
and 11tios or T; and.- Mstori`�M. y Q in to
retire, ou ai eountot Ill he4lth. Apply outpe prijiui- cl crized by volcailic-_� 11' - e sea, or add e,48 Blake P. JOHN DUNK. 17SCI;f friends own to th(
oe of ia
ov at�q �PetWal glielves and j mg� conic jollg 4 an.
oceanic, ellide ic. I s6y volcanic be- e Ma wharf easo n
nand welcom4 tl*i Theri
i azi taillesi �-a.11 whw desir4 to r absent
11 f 01i
ca so an caeth only a vol -
walk tb7l6ugh tl�em or sit dowA at stand
ones I So to -day 4,re ita
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o hushed up.
them gltcl d throuKh the wemberhl
When Stromboli in the, w I �QwcVi
and Cot6pxi and -V estivius stop ke oui
gl6Lss of inspi�atioti
'The; Whole Story BI U98 0 we 1 ok off and
breathing, let the foundatiolfs of the ssi quick -inform tion:
OTORIA STATUE. The season is rapidly changing. The 4et weather of isumm6r is
1.0 see a, whole fle f
XewEpapiers. falling all a u d u
I eL letter ..eavth boware' Soven thousand et o! ships coining in.
Aetori 'Webb, Will be such as set
That is he sliip -,,- fla with
er tial - y carthUpakes in two centuries record Wick as;- '94piemb %quinoc� one star nfl this Magnificent groun off" to U 0 bitsf i)l ace to cool of autumn. followed won by theold-
I i LiivinLr the Of
4 # �c ue Of tile British News three Rays, Old J. va, ills . . - I I I T� f 1� - :
cc] in tlie ' ata,log aneld andstale. 'If ig ad�varu
above the topl, gad tag�. A huge Plat& wi. I be
iaA A l"t-9- Th
Wep� -e To �xtho
emperor, for V..
associat le world twice i'day de;in 8t. J -0
�011! Trajan, thic- the ship ;of tile' cliv rch, n: ark of salt �,iiies' Park In ft winter: This chai igi� 'requires a change ol dothiwg. Sumnin el
F r It of
goes to ancient Antioch and ainid,the the -1 newspaper 4t the WIth the
—th )jjg
breA water high the Palace, nrid thq Mall will be.
upon th6 smok,,Aack
f 90�niclo" of his reception is met by 1 fast 1 i6b1c)l ' and through', the showing she� 11 s h�l d rou gh w ather: .b . r, suits Must give P1 to fall suits and o�,erdoats. YOu shotild su wedliml
i 3ug t into t1le sch me as- el
no-Wis aper at t. e
that neia -ly destroys Wit till
h tot
Froir Capt. F. Love, Polica S. n xo. ail eard h
1be ChIto
ex ti -a Ube le4, a � an there between r range of suitings and overcoatin: a�t once. We earry
DAVIO PAJN-X1LL=. fOrptellia intl4e sto lit - -man er on all' is wd intended when e is
Ble3sing o
.1 wil h her.
it is eted to; use the Mal I as, the
'NIOr treal.— 'We lreqaently u*e vratny tile emperor's life, Lisbon, fair and j projii�i
but the 0 t in W, Salvatiorl. com- proaci to, Ille statue,��and tholplaza i
ach, rAmtrizattem, aq -nns, frost utes, ciat- beautiful, itt .1 O':61ock on the ist. of el proclam tiOn: The i of' Unveni, niigbtie'st craft
s h 211p,
blain the beat at moderate prices. The fabrics axe such to me -et the
Ot Rua
Noveniber, I 7t5_ in six minutes 60,- ever unchod, me�of tritluiplial Plocessions; .1and Who f1r13'
s,. crampa, axid�all alitiCtIO03 WhICIL Do y:)u ii ��at nearly I the
Imilloops Oj ViisEengers 9c'
befultmenin our 00o llave� perished, dionakw isocie e have been! born
tation �n naving t XIAIN-KrLLuxt is the ing for ;p s More, PH
and Voltaire an will
Ptloiaslaon. I'h&'e no bet wait MO -ophets *great State cercmon)k i * d it/!
be*1 re, edy to have vear ites of diem F'or that region it a; early approval of all. Vire mike a sp�ciafty of- ordered le'lotbingand 1
at hand.11 �Iindred lyeaxs and- and apostles nd 311artyrs in be adorned -with gr*ps of, st*iiary
al I t �the traugal
Vaed Xnteritally and Externally. was tire la.qt judkilelent, nothing want- lie 'Di6le $006ties and 'in, conquer rs ot the
early cab -ious parts of the iffelues Sol
t fo6t of the reprosenting the 1vai
consequently ar6prepared t e von entire satisfabtion in yotir I
'Iwo SizeW, 25c. and 5ft bo, ing but, v �trfllllji IL11 tAe grep't 1 '[philanthropic 0. giv!
Wes. ctl Ef vrqpe, and mast; whil fr in Ore rigging hands en,piro., The, plans v�beii,'carriedi out
Cal are waying thi wiky as i the2 -oach from �Nrhilue- d overcoats.
lerica f0cli the throb -1,1500 y 1.9
will i jake the aPP, I fall and winter S I tE lau
dwiridlirig.� into ji�lbecllity. they are -ours. Tbey went out from
destroyed. 1 1.
I knew
tile Mard, 1�
chimileys in Bo4tou. partly or "Jully NVJA�o inflldelit,�T is
us, alid. we wove iback gain, for ha' uckinigAiam-. Palikde almOst as.
CO L While fj n ing as, the vista -in I'aris .
.'�f otl�er -ingling the �vht�el
B u. t'� tile isast er!k ilifidcilitY i S thus� (I%N -, de Trion-phe the
Increase .-d hold Otirs! VOW
our own household, Hail, fro Ar4
R Re 0111U04S ill EL Wh-
caught- flio�i, ',Ind ile
In 11812: Ottrlielts was'
La In. nuto on the white�,.
r; wages Stop tolli
in the gzj[p� of ftu g the
Woi�de: self sacrifive. A clergS- funeral bell and rihg the whdding
earthquEike, in rs 0 Conclaiive. -BR I
have. JuLd of Cliristitwity is'limking abo r
ou their counterpart in later It a haift Put off; thqe black -and put ht. CQzlcorde.
y 1880 The aft
Ili Chile 100,000 ,jquar'e, iiiiles� of land MLR AT u think Mr. u 1-1ml
st. thal:
anthem. Shut UPI the hearse and al VO B1 shro'se. is
Tue., boy who starts by v61canid for for�KX YN11,4 lie 'Wns a lalsslollf�r rP T7
work, after [V courie i. ��ce uplicaved to four Y L't take the chariot. not a bashful in the peesence ol girls pupw Vol
6 t1w in, trenlej 110,111. living, 400 Milts Now the sh' o volt? 1 'o did
this collge, will start at and seven feet f petmallent eJcva,- C/ R dvis H# R 8) SAIFOR
I cil;iies atiound tho -'s 10 to be, (I
tion, ill I ni a P'O kt o oo. aild soluetimes. gpeat
Wagps tvM or thrae times gce.ttetr than 1�e i) a 1�lan felt the geoloC- �1'0 headia d. I t 1) nit irupressioll?
oon she will
top r n in 1857, 'J 1101VIN -ei
-19-01`iv;� -N`t1f)les shake the :t 101 1() degi _�q 11 OJOW t
Iv., � 7- it froill his own 11-Aps.
could f ica-1 I V rf E�hd we will Old hl
1 e 'VII
0 obtaiu without this ap)citd. I I
Ar t of doors in. W] 1. go
f Afeklco in 1858�'j endozaj the c "ater,
training, CPlteges at, L n lon, Tov,ni.n F -zero; he s�op.� 0 . aboard her.
of the Argentine TIL wrapped in, ��abbit skii ca for. hips going
'Cornwall supplied
:Is woven to- out. ago, Whey
Harri*ho-ri, Ottawa, 8.kraia, B --din. (Ldt public, in 1861; L 6 ships comlig in,
e f
"Is it POS; Im
Now is good e IT&- ,
G, ael.0, St. Catharine- stij d: ible� Now she f the world's tin., This
wharf. 11hrow
time to ea, er. All. par, i.ialar waii"In Islandg You 410 7[lot me an �LO degkees I)ej i ien to sev.'en: ]per cent. for Ch , ea, r thi Adiid of
Alarlila tu'roriz d in 1863-1, the 0 c es
.9 from. by such i1orcl, uplifted OW out theL
ck not'ul i that
and let down in 1 1871; t4ovada, do, and long jr#rjr finw
1. 7cro?"
FORMT �01tY BUSINF1188 Q0LLliX.F Ehak- wa* gangway eTbre P,
Y0,11. w
lost friends, f r i 11 bave eter- re
Y. M�,10. A. Bailding Ltrxdo . n, Ont. ell in 1871, Antioch ill IS72, Califor- happZ" �kll lfor.,;Ch�rist! 41here
I 'Ire
ia ex manufacturing �Pe�ial lines
-Prin,. nia iii 1872,'Sajj! 8tttv'ador in,1878, is th any ot�er,.being that 1 willi'mity of reunio f8tand, b ck nd 1�0 Cold in One Di4y On account of great -red ilenses, and
ri 61�26 J1 a EL Uction
W. W ESTE RV _E LT,� 1,"Nq" wh,'Lt sUbterranean ex- rally s�ich : erlt-liusia.41ri? Mothers give way unti other mifli Tu�e Lixa�tive �rbmio Quinine Tableells abl' to ritit furntuT *a the 1 arket �hqaper than eVer. 1i All int4nd 10
ons come
sewiji' th(�ir fin we aTe now e i e im
citellwilt! Ischia, P11 i I gel's bff to edi cate 11 aboard her. drqghts refund* ih-e money if it fails
sland of �the
Have You thei axeWell to sin!, Fare— to cure Thq *3r
t, boys f >r the 10-oispel millist'ry, xr;o g &�ichasers will do we o, calL A our warerooms treatures
be'littiful Italian Well to Pa revv el I E. W.� 13 iie's.090ture ach. I , P40-
Alediterralicall.i a ir t W�lere f Uft iin4,
ther I . I to Sick- is on e b?:x..25c. �in U
irip ? witteri F4 0 V.; nine
11g, pkice'. vineyard (,�lLjd, V lars I nb. lu th6
oil ness! .44 to open I
sul- xt, rY arew(ll to; death! � "Illessed. I d' e re sold .t rightyrides.
Evem-body has Grii 1'01t�1(10(1 UY i'll mxtural' - charin, a tablo -,until the course through PkM7 are a.11 they who ate .6 rnitur -a
nd 1 V
P Coll enter in thrau *'h the Zmefj Its
somelime aud every- historical 1'01�'la' mar: schdo'l E Lind and the zd a rd tl U lie' 1
iscence: Yonder Capri, ge 1091- xates into the tvi, , : , .1 -
cal seminary be'completed. d 0 111oftness -0
body I ii o' I tic suininer r6sort I l�
7U. ws that of the Til-oulilli em- Poor
Y -Is
�WidoNy puttil adOtiver com'pl�lnt
perors; yoi�,der N� I t .19 her mite into
Pat-, the
I)le, t4e adise
beautiful island sudd inly 0
remed3, for, ft. But it Of art—ThiS o Lord's treas:jry,4 the race of ciii�pror INCIDENTS BRAVERY "_0 ?,rX A ]EINM
dmpres�cd i V
This depai-tilient is complete with a IaTge selection of the be4 goo4s, and -
produces 7linpleasaut topIllod into the troll- or prqsident, apon t -he coin
M), of the earth,
effects. GRIP-QUIN- 8i000 aiterl-vitiakers pierishing, 1��Ot so C6 Tr ull#leiaomf� aii 0b9t1A0,Ae Allinents -W-at-er ba
M so y Lopl.
I I n -to this brazieh of, the business.
and fISPIcuous 4s the bloodiNviti-, some of t1l'o Db' 3dis Wit- obl'Iging attentio given
e ci�rn killions f chene -�Hiand
RNE Tab', ets 4re inore effctual, easier to btlie of tiloni So- far down beneath h 911� ly, Yieiiit
proul tly to t
ed it.
-oid of bad results. The j goo(14 Men 'Morgugh A cition
take and de, wo� 110ers in so'd .11 A fri".11.1
t Ile T-Cfftr an obsequies that, It In � ,
11 othum. gnex), 'but Jo e Ik inm &O-nd MigIlt calls prbm�tly AtAnded t by our Undirtake- Xr. S. T. ffolilieP
relieve; in a dose and curelin a day- They nitty !.)e said of In women than nmea, to v�homo Christ is of D*. Chaae�x Kjdueym-�l1Aver,PII1*. A,
f them,
any,a, one o The bi
e, r
La 'Christ first and C'hri t ts of' -itry m' '�d by..
cure Colds, Coughs, Sore- Lis it, Nvas, s4iid of Moses, "The Lord everAhbig. Inciden God�rieh s: tree . t, Seafbith, op oeite the Methodistt ehnrch�
Porte P_
a throt Lord K In ilearly everr�r family there Is, more i Igerlus
at,,, ural ia, Aches and Pains. itchene
-for re- c)r legq� sufferfiag from I er-di roers,
"A buries him." Italy, all Europe la'st, ilia 6w Ist f-- ek. 11 Inc 11
or, Aj 's at
vitn"A for Octo tv 14
dose at -syO0aEiight.11 -Sold u RoAnIPOOT -I BO:X & tile alto
=ake weepi 11 Christendom weeping Aff dead W, 0. upl I Thro 6. to show bill ousf qess. and lip�.daehes, and no home
hy drUgg.13tS at 2$C or,,by niail from the A, that the'Pr alen Idea A 'Istale- be 1B I C 0 is j
C� I iii cure. for sAch- der
where there. werL- hearts to sympath- ba
luttqs, 0 F
r qilff�iiccl�si4stj- riess anjolig
the ti rits. 1,4r)k�Chase's Kldaley-14ver
ne Oo. Brockville. Ont. ize ilnd Christians -to pray.- Ekut while tr�(11)s in. &0u, Af- -1gemi-I
an(f at th lit of�� th� spring rica is 'not altogoi!licr we Pi Is are wonclorfully prompf-and effec-
fo e
nations. were measuring t4at i fhorhing 'co" Ili I orning for tiv6 fpr all such disorders as'.* ell as 01
tllel�, The folloWilig
inei ents are ken t
SEAFORTH. DY�'WORKS nia-nitudo,'of disast ' nieas'uring4 it for d kpopsia And, co, pation. -They
ex land I MorlAng; for the seal - Aiorn-k f-r-om a lis Avlli 1i _occLft)icd
1.4 out eLr Wgre st� fami�-.ir viedicinq
g an �Patlon Morlillig t -ever
colLi0ins I hi, 0 or
n6t With tile 'goilden rod lik* that of em of two To e Public
Ladiesand en le en, thaakin ynu all for past with 'which e t
Patronage an I no. , t t a nq.w 9 on a disQov re -d, as is te8tifled, to. b�y ;thou-
thd'aiigol measured heav ult. And 10 e'
i;� wish to letya a k 8): 1-4 _8 In se -le
that ram a 1� lases,
ready Wdo n ky best Which 1, -e -.8edite-
at hand. 'and p eel Alopung rst. (King, RgOon Uuaros. sariids tf people. f
11 ia.th6 bqs -of death, ailldSurrounding v ntry.
en -but with the black rule of'a 'day- in Iiej shall be no Ca. 19 d:
1": C.: Q11 (1, 1
every satisfaction icki pron otcd'*Dre� Mrs. Faulkner, 8 GlIde
Java, df the Thdian afahlPolago, r v I a -it 43 whi
give ".a
chains to., Toiiolito, says �—"After dr h-
in dolqj yow work I the line otialeaning and dyeing no Isof-rows to vet Majar. August 3X' 74 cents 4X 78, cents.
most fertile island of all th� e as in -it lit
gentlemieri�e t nd Indies' clothing, doile without hein arth,� suage, n6 dd$potisn� to'sliatter,:� no -Iction October 2(j, out sticcess for billousness, tb
is c
woes � to 40m Plahit and zie'k headache i�r overlthree
Passlon�ftte,' Blessed dam, Ol'anga i'ver on on',� Aud
4y -.N� goods wriaran wed to give good �. sacaoiactz-)n oa �h ira. 'quake, abLd '=OuRtain eLfter
rippe t A14stei -
d as wel as to have thech ripoei. A I alight i4 the grip of the,' earth- li�7er �Ncom VAVING P ROHA�
it LA4;
lodOuntain -veaxs 4 am gi
I �Ik est notlOo. Shikwlsr outUics hribt,. d sc%rd I S ad to testify to my 4ppre-
eta�, at modetats, d caiTed teW.Ple, ust 2,, 1903, j p ur,, i ed d convOy for. e
take- the Dro 'ationi of Dr, -Chase's Kidney Liver No. . 1, Pine Lath, 38a per hundr
e�tvamaia call. uutter [2r.0en dow, atB,�, p3S.
prices Plevedonot.failta, n6d
n and city-ater city ut1til �d hand, stghteen Miles
and Ggo, ta1en;1c, exchange for *n!, Druise i aild When e re� chod- rills. At firs
rk. HENRY a. o ;th Pins,Lumber.
that island, Which pro e -Y seemed a liftle
NICE OL, opi *site- the Laundry. north. blaba strast duces the beat thO scel)terl %`oundecl foot, step the W'a I Formerly �onducted
-gons hadi only- sevei
"Thi#e is _I men strong, but boijig both searebing a Dre s ed Pin Lumber for De ors Tender
beverage 61'. all th ton t1le thro 01 tj -nd, S e
e world, pred GALM
uced i the with hiikj. "jith liese lid rodL, to tho�oug4 in theIr action, amply, IfRED P
. I I i , bleedingi i
P ic co any, I
ophe. . On" I the head of tj voy. aid. stbpped neonvent, nicie by We trm i, by atrict attentiont, tb blisiness L
the ghastliest. catastr kingdom. ;Ppay 22pe - M.
dred ithous_a4id peap These thirigts I say g after resu 14. CLU
4eadl 1 , Wa " 5 - every way
le dying, b cause I lit it, cavturin�� 5 At- 1 0 is, FF & SONISs
g. lot,,,. is � have entire] remonable priee, to merit thb pat�ronage
Me ILLOP TAXE41 21 00111ifig niii4r0r, home, on A:u and 16 �iter in and aud supplying a firat el"s iale� at s Other rewl
31, ou to ba� Wort,. Seaft irth
y disappe r.-.. gG
xoxtll-jp will kreiLt ea YatCljjjlg� al ed, _n
:L886 _ _I w nt yout6 be Cape carts, ti I consift Gd. MM
The unAe. 6d, , Ile rable 'y� neaaache ' .4orth Main Street,
tax collector for �1 ; Dr. Chase'is Kidney -Liver -p�illa
b:) at 0'. 0 � I- � rthquake Which ttepe w nddrs utl'�-011- force of the Wf � i 11 PYAC U + A +L- 1_+ P.-
10 '501, Seabrth, a i Friday auj Sat. progt-�&to i . ng �7, i line ej certainly thO b IUD. V W.1c W" M.
utday fte d ono-hvLlf of Charleston, S.+ fl-Om�,th Aeavens nd the earth. �101 0
C � est I bkve.ever used, -ill , -
no of a tah. week, until Satur 1%y, the vicini%r 1, .0 W pay i the high"t mbavlst pr�ca for trar
I I I freely recommen4 theni W� tor ho
I Cal- a--_Lt(ut. . -6d p -o * 1
1,011 a [Go. has or Steina*,ckers" 1 1104 - P qONEY'+ TO LOAN dresp ultry, good jMde"
1r, tor the pwpnae bt- rqcelvinz tax o - i - :rn'
d I theii�, whother' J A.
money latOtegied should take notice and '13ut lo , I One pill a doso, 25 ce hts a bo*x' Cizi� aud tallo
1mvern a ok 'at the -disasters cy 'Lmit-ous at all Xparleno.
clonic. Pleasing, lbe. divine Baillie-, on. July +_f0ol,
77te "OldiRg. CHARLES Dr�DDS, kt the r4outh having deallers, or Eldmanson, Bates Co, I Money a lohn,st di per eent on gooqlum. a 30urii At drugg-1.
purposes are)ldrnesseif
F V -3
the Ganires are jn traces Oet lleard 'that -0 'Os Patch r�deris had Toronto,' iea�rtb.
171 Z -V
P 0- 0 R