HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-12-06, Page 811
0%2 1%yth, at 11 1#1 and each of the others at TJ�EY ARE R� visitiqg'at Mir.'Fanston's' this weak.- -Mi a -sickness ID& death �rou it ave ex I ter , giving N-:
rong words a 00ME YE
a m. County court sittings fo trials I t Ada Barber, of Guelph-, spent � Sun, I& �t at I hope s ad. co, nfort. Such
Xmas GiTTS01 fxpooft " 0 �f consolations are nor ealily fo en, And
*ud ger oral Eeis�oni, June- 10�h aid Do- Our Wa6doome preinium, !the C anadic n Nr. George Piters tDolan, 'g
iOL f such kindnesses are not easily Saced ftom
or 9t;h.l 1 Couiity court" sitti "for Annued, ii.how: ready for dlitribuiian, did 8omorset, Oh and Miss -Helen �-Dor
thiE labor been
191, jal.
DISTRICT MATTERS. 0als #ithout ory, April lot' and �)atober in a few days '0ill bi;rnailad 'to 4 lai go nu - London,are the guests of Mr,s., J. I. our memories. Has
mlly say lno-�
tfioUt result ? We 6 aphat
rt Fanstoulb �s mi
bar of bacribliors who availed themsely a JUann at presen-t,-Mr. Robe
a And m -Ohr '0h R
stian. gmcc,s- YE WHO NE ED U, - 'RW -..,,AR
oAd, ofti g Both -in number
of our ffer, abd re wed their oubscri - leased, his f arrn on tb� 'm ill R ad
Bell's! Tracti Ha we claim a share of ad vanoo ent, and ai- 5 YE WHO NEED HOS
on, Engine W, L W
, m. as,,. o
Fro,.% CO PO�I)ENTS.'—' Mr. J In JZ1. tiono e I The'oonditionse on which a Sgrnoludville, to Mr�
no IBRY,
as 6 do aoteei eye toeyd,
e KO though at tim w
4er, of Ilene it writes ""I adver ised An is is�l 5 YE NEE D GLOVES,
sue th �qautiful and interesting book a, bury,1 at &-good rebtal.—Mzl. Walte little
Walton, Nov. 22,1901. t we have the right spiri;,'theae
thl go ye
N#t YY 0 ursub3oriptibn on year a leaveo here to -day f0r,Wyomi w er� ten. YE WHO NEED HANDKERORJE
d iffere as a a soon forgiven forpt!
intenos a
un eta ca t cost.,cyou �pending theiWinter h his apg r
11 ad*anoe paTbyO
SEE "UR Mr. Rober.t Boll', 6tray i iteer n the last !son of TH Expos
I hav a b oesn'
tid several steer h $ 601. , b aye ca, ase- for great
-1�ngine Works, su iient anyth, ig n YE WHO NEP,,P CORSETR.'
Seaforth a 04�. I As a congrega we
h n thankfulness that you have Won placed
Dear.Sit,—We pure ased OL of you� 6h me o -day and*h�hlvo got ibe owl r of the eAraf. S�imply send -u a money to ter, Mrs. A, Smith.—" Mr. RobeIrt H
46tray nimal.: I ftd it pays to ad, ertise in pay one! y;ear in advance, . and the premi � m Tuckiaramith, called , t our office" and st4t d . . . . . .
Traction Engines and we take pleaimre In We are Ready'
5 CENT TABLE HE EXPOSIT course it do that Will be of 'Pats �s over us: in spiritual mat term We now ask
2 AL AA teatjifying�as to -its ability to do all that yoil out post p id 'to'your addr& 3.� that the yield at hi 12'acres
a this fur -I ined overcoat as a V 17,H o. L
As 3ust what a has Now is ge time, iq�lso, for pow on actib ra. 800 busheloij instead f 600, as eporti d you toi%ocept
pvery� piarden The balan is correspondet equal to tleiki ur R NEEDP
falwint it 'capable of" doing. It in an Al it. Thi4 is slight. eipressiozo of the ippreciation, of
to send ri their nai;aoe,' of 0
Engine �in every -riexpeot, and has given v, 'a Mr. !John rice, of iie �6r people.' This taken of good will to your elf TO REGARD YOUR NEED�91-
-Ot r old fr iend,� Mr. Duncan McFarlane, year fr al Now subscribers will also e- ,oral) grown by
OF enbire smisfacticon. a a Opy L of t ition to ohiselhu.rst.—Mr� J.1 L,Tangman,, w'io,h 01 and also one to Mrs. MoLeani, the presontA TO SUPPLY YOUR ,,�EEDS i
Gr �din, 3�orth Dakota, writi is to us ceiv, he an uAl. . In ad
Wishing y0itle'Ver puccess, we remain, he r' is no a eat i A been teller in the B wk of Commeme ( ..a tion of which will immediately follow� has
ly 'foi- its at
t a4t plaeb on NOv6mber 27tt, as ttraotioi3s, io'contai
freely from your )ongre
0 6lendar for next year, �or several years, an pgomotO o1a Qome IL eam
5 - You Will L
J. & 1�4 Williamson. ram &I thi' 'k vv�.'have been on )scribei;g useful be gation arid in
Woo it yb Is 0 on rli� - Ong y repro
Ble n ihor h sentative. And may �God
CHINA. AND TRI EXPOSIT.OR �Ifioe the first yolar of its scribe for any at er P or positionAn $and Mr.
TRA The following were ticket. en we were in perei, POSIT R, pboll, nephew, -,of Mr. R. Lu a grant that you may be long ipared 6. , go THE, PRICES ARE RIGHT
6d to at 'xistes oe, abo4t 12 years wh 066june'don with Tim F,
di i* Dint& this week by William out andl in am nget us., Sigae I on behalf of
rie to take r. a
p h 4 n i ram Bar THE GOODS ARE RIGHT
P- OW agent Grand Trunk hanle , and f�t the last 21 years in Nort rhaps 6 following list- will helpl, you P1 . ; the CongregaLt McN611y,
Sol �u t � )akota, and, ip all that time. we baveL On Y THP,9X 'OSITOR an :r:l id, (3oft - wosections'inAhe al etrie a a lon,—A, I ilder, A. � THE QUALITIES AR
Masers. Daniel. and Charles 'Dupee, t 4ontreid Daily Her J bamo Hugh
0 6st'tm 0 papers, and � one of-, them we kad In 'if burne on on y
FANCY GOODS niture faot;ry t D. B. 'McKinnon, JOE n Be RIG11T
$ 7& aL 0-8 d
Huutsvi,114 ; Rev. J. A. Davidson, Varna, to I to an oil some ay�j the a' ploy McQUairie, Richard Soi aers, ] Ebert B. i Me' THE VARIE TIES ARE RIG#T
Ow*it was lost. That " peaks pretty good Ti= Ex' SITOR and, VVeekly G lobe,� V. 61
Toro Mrs. John Henderson, Worth
nto D y 11 Gowan, James A. AEderson Jamesi M.
ti - 3) 011, �ork short hours'�Mrx. J. F. w
or tl 6 L PoSt�l anthori ea. We' need Tifft Ex osiToR and Weekly: Witness, SL 5
scarce, y say any old f ionds of -THE ExparoR ai d istmins T ur
Main strelp -to Toronto Mrs, J. Gra"ick, 'that the -m ter, 15. a ; t home on Weodnesday a d L Smith. The Seasoeg. Handsome
M inneipolis Mayor J. A! Wilson, to I heson, ofl God ri(.. fi rge
Mi. Eira
r TnE EXPOSITOR 41 arming, World, $I. r5. e3l Ise
to a NoTEs —Mr. Goo POW311 shipped a
T among the readers of THE ad Abl. is COATS, OAPERINES, RUFn
Chicago. J k car load of turkeys t po, I on Thknks-
BER ExPos ToR will be pleased to hear f am him, Tirz E 'll,081TOR an . armets"Sun, $1.80 is bjng� Mrs. J. C. Greig.—Mrs a Uverpo
1 1* ili -'t of vhich &I th6 BOAS, CAPS, ET�0,
E PAPS7 'iR HURON FA'R*iaS' —At 4n4 will ]'Oin with us in the V� i sh that he yj Toronto, who has beeii 'vie'le in i
giving Day, on account
THE PLAC SOU IN�TMTE. I A nil ny othelre. If you don't see as noL of
'Xnox's, H:jrpuifheY, r6tui ad home i to stores kept open till' noon, bi It
a directors of the South^ Ola3p be spared, for many mpre- ye�rf jto-per., tlj4s ra. I In our stock of furs, you Th -g
meeting of the aper you wa to drop us a card. n uhe farme
0 --Oa Saturday Iasi Z If
on Tutslay 118ex-e pageJ. i0ay. ra expeiated them to )a oven, ibere-
uslities are, perfectly h 46-1't
BOOKSTORE 'SEAFORTHA* nion Farmers' Institute, be�4' ROTHERS. in kincy, hostler At! the Royd hotel, -gob was very little brisivess One. r1day- even latest � approved ; on will th6
at Henmall,'-gotion was taken* W affiliate this MoL AN
ic ztd by' a horse oa. the leg and has bel a ing, the Conservatives 4?f thi place held a ver
inatibute, with the Winter Fair held at, 11 A RR IAGE OP MR. TuoMAS SOO. we eminently fair and con all
1 2 Spargo, 1 )f mestin n Industiyo_. bail, in sinterestsof 'eh
hi( iup ever airice.-�-Mr. Job cohld wl —a satisfactory pronlis� dae.
19 r
A -
a 1h,
g t
0 (
Guelph. This will entitle all -persons pre- ke the following from the- Toron, t, I'Star of th
Honest Bar.irains for' ak tb &741 k a ore passed tc, -Dr. �iff6rdl I and 1e lecture 1 their,- ogandidatio, Major Bed E. Councillor +
oi Ion, EnglAnd, v�ill de;i ver a rapgement toreplace any garment, b.
1168day 0 last, Week A q I i�t wed- u
senting membership tickets for the curren, -.Md I I I may
or incomIng year to free entry three times 8ing was cel;brat6d at four ocl ck th4 othli a eakers� also a th choir,-8ild ifiO ailno's hall; Seafdrth, on tile eveni F,.! McNally was in the char. r. Wright� w�A prove other than represented.
excollen chairimidin whichl were:! heardily ue�dlay, Dacembe4 10th, on .. "Our il the firob speakeri'and ti ied ti answer i
each day to the Winter Fair, to be held Af ternaon at he residence, of Mir Henry,
December secionde by all present. 0 the w ole, the bioi t,1 Economical, 'E �hioal audlPolitixiali"`�i� You make your purchases of OU4 hero
I r of Dr. McDonald's argu ants on the ov-
December 9th to l3thi 1901., The" re'gular Watson, 84 0, noord xvenai6i, Toronic�,when. P . 11
annive ry was a grand Eucoose, and all ks E I the Trusts Qwq the Pea a, 0 t ie ernment's pulp Wood nd New On aria always azB�ured, that
p we are
Institute meetinde-will ba. held at Bruce- his,i.Nrd daug 'ter, Miss G.e�rgina pouglas, than
In'Watches, Clocks, Jewelry in Ml its retired their homes "tiefied that the pe( Own the Ttuets.?" These are lire policy, but failed mis ably.' In fact, he' Xiang to give you better
field on January 10bb, and at- Exeter on %,,atsq�, 'was'� married to Mr. Tf 0' as G.' �aiel a val0e and a
Qt n, k1;)7cwr T'lated. t a most rolaksant and brofit 1 .4 61 " ; #I,; ^ —co, —kel elemed to floundar all over and oL]fh3u h f 12-+
r ooze xro tian you
the following 4ay, January llth, v. 0: A. Kuhiing
"bony --Goods, Nt cola. i Re recto
)v Ities, ening -111 mp
Out Glass, E to 4very Ze, reEsion the fire
ware, T ;]� I
0 interest and a on e certainly left,&Lgood t would get elsewhere.
hurch' of t a Ascension, perfor d :the�
etc. Any of these.lines are suitable for
COLLECIATE 1160KEYiSTS.�A mOeting fdr er eeou�e & very large audienoe.�-The no t me be was herej this time he spoiled it.
emen Mlio Isabel Watson �vas the
Xmas Gifts. Make your selections early� LOCAL! BRIE, Fs.-Mei�rs. Archibald 4ry serviceR in�the, Metbodi As to Cloth ackets
4-i at 0 ur h 'Mr. Marshall, a clever fol
a ever oung speaker,
the 014PD96 of re -organizing the Collegiat rides naid,. and Mr. Charles A. Campbell
and they wil�l bd resery Cudmor shipped two car lo�ds of horses to, on Sabbaili, , next, cond ot �d lolwed-�., and in the short time a Im
ed for you. il I be held Ilowed h'.'
f L 8
Institute hockey club was held on Tuesday eat ir an. The biide wore an old'rose trav- Lst 3
Listowe on Tuesday. Th i th lev. Dr. Daniel, �of Ood'eriA, one a t id hei'not only soared on every oint, but also oWve',had a chan
ling E nit. T e happy couple left it Ile 0 et evening, when thd following officers were medi- Will i . , P
01 t able an here o it tie' P sent
SL ZstabHshment, elected : President, Air. 'Coiling i vide- tely -i f ter tbo ceremony f9ra trip New d �e -ins- arly that ook at them.
mote, by a+ Brit y Go, rern your Wi and Ice
Counter' Jewelry Africa d eloquerib preac tl� showed, cle ater Ji6kets
doing Can yotL' make 1�your, last w JAI cot 40
officer b fore"' being sent ff.-Mt. jhu mb Mr. John OKeefa i has removi id: to merit. 'vvas everything that was p6a :8
SEAFORTH. iderit, Mr. Br4wn eeQrstaory-tr6 urer,: �6rk ii nd oth'# eastern cities. Adong the
prez� -been work *rig Mis, C as. a Then 'Crl. for this season-
bing or'
Grant, �ho haa le!lor the pe 7if you care a
Manager any an sow Mat�ieson spoke, dealidg mostly with the Style ?
Well, ive
m, in. Tuclieromith, for, a ral reo(ntly purchased ;from Me., Kea.iro
-.k Wi R. OUNTER, d presents was a ailvar berry
E. Alurray mana�-er, F. Broadfoot tro -v f vwr,, and now' ocoupies t��el ;eeiden( e, sib] ople's in tereet 9.
i L *1 , ney's f a
tain, 0. Silli ; manag�lng , co veer, A. p r friends. t. wh
at fr Mr. Soole's new8pi a r. -O'Keefe i8L prising busi,nE finanbes, but althdughb 3 spoke for over an you can get rlewi styli, -,h coats
years,,h a rem6v6d to Bruse6le he he enter this itore
Waugh, L. MoDonald,, -11. Bright� A. TIM I XPOSITCR has pleasure in ektending
i will take charge of a arm fcx his t r-�ia- an nd Seaforth-ii fortunate in gain�,nii,g -hour, be, -said nothing more than he asys I for, not very much more th I it ill,
ils' "old 1 11
-1 - -out
OMINION —BA ISR a Broadfoot. he pect to �hae 6oDgra tulatior 3� to one of 11 on 4
t law, Mr.'"Thowas Mulaughlin. Mr. Gr t every session in U e. 13g you to repairthe old on prov it
a btasion, and iff J01131U with
a goo( 8 T riands in this vicinit W, broke up with hearby ch eers for be c ndi- to its le
,,Collegians a, im i:% Oi the H, The in ti e, b
year, and eve� thifig this alLSPiCiOU . a
has man y f W e: done, and aliLttla added . a
J le
any old
promises a mo�t Hu"ecessf I season. the m rienda of the groom �h re in -The HoEi. Mr. i'arrow was i r Y.
0�kl*ITAL(Pald Up), $2,30C 000 while ro !4-
gretting hi removal 'from this Me oatee. is not likel
wi g Mr. a Mil a, Soole
midst: on- (anvaesing, 7e
shin much li� pinesa 1110P.
.�RIEST, $2,30(,0'00 sectian,, will I hope the PeOP16 of he a-ul
'FICE ITED.-The annual 616otiou n th S. JABIRS G�xr LL D. -After a Saturday,
OF S .01�`EC ei r now rE I tions. The kinds f ats we sell Ila, re
: co
ilprth 4111 bid good to hi ms3if aad is seeme d certain of carry i ti� ti a i i ding by a eeh
Sher- 0 therine M6 -
of officers in conro'ection with Court i a w e what ex tend ad illness 0 much admired ai�d talked about. Eta'
EA' F 0 R T, H, B R A N C)Hj. eotimablp Thtie 'is no Va a
wifial:-Dr. tkinson,, of 1Debr it,' lArge'r majority than r.
Doi old wife of Jam as Campbe 1, of the lUh
wood Forest Ancient Order of Fo�esters. look
WAXTED,-1,000 b1lishels' of 010tatofs. and his little son, spent Thanksgiviag on ter fl'lan 4vnr t them,
1fg ay con I s8iou of MOE 1110 pas ad Eiwi%) to d bt that Blyth Will do 3e,
i was held on Monday evening last, when the neys of 'Mr. C.. Bennet, w io has beenj i e
e po
Main Street, Seaforth. OardnD Bros., Seoforth. L7.73 z
with his"motbor here, Mrs. Ch
ey apo I ier 4orld on Sunday, ovembei 24,
following were elected Chief �,taioger, i eat 'farm stoe for 111,
The grea. John str et. �-M rs. Robert - T Simpson, of a eliable Dress Goods ghte
rans-, James Willun sub Chief Ranger, H. Car- t),, Tj iold fill, by S. Mullett & 0 TorontojLwas here for some ilays, Visit rig Mu three years,
�A eneral Banking Business t Of 3. SDI o a aforth age 47 years. She wal'� a dau r of 'popular manager of the Bink' of Hainfli -a
hplacei al g
ted. armers' Sale Notes collIcted filoin ti
F -for the past- rteeived wardlFi-.-
nochan ; senior vF li-ho. , o have it �JiK. assortment of other a' (ack McDonald, her bir Of course we carry all gradeat d weavies,.
oodward, D. McLeod o es. ne�,[ her mo er,' Mrs. John Henderson, nd day of his transfer to a. placs in the Na tim
:d advances --made on same at I weat Junior woodward, J ameis Young s�-,nior Ri y, Bruce count- 7. Twon
all nd goo
od hAnd. 7734
ty-three ve& a i;%ffd even the least expensive good i are besti,
I 'ra -ohain's are still other friends, and t e. aped lady acc m- th r,branch.- H 'the, very beol of their kind. Bi �b at -stand y0i'll,
'beadle, P. Colbert junior beadli Bracelets an 1, lad iet,' long ago s1he was united i ri marriage to' her'now west, to open up pno et left
T dpanied 3r to the Queen Chy on Tues ay beri E ved partner who with three sons a a
Wednesday morning for his w home, A
Pr4lfts sold bn all points in Ca�ada, den tremurer, Wm. D. oag sadir'� efashion. clitatiockisthelargeitweeeerhatfin
an -,season you are likely wanting 001neting staba
t�ese lines. Se( th'eni. J. F. Daly, Je eler and last a a glad to sei Mr.
number of his frie'd ti ad1er him and his
06 United States and Europe. John FincL surgeon, Dr. J. G. i S�otr, M. clan itor tourvive wife and In ther. t r -
Optician. 778-1 31 nice, for good, and ia that line wei Ire able -red f
y- go at ME
Johnsto sufficiently recovered from his wife�a surprise party on Monca evenin p -or
trustees, Dr. J. G. Scott, H. Town, VdWard nici) to anaemia was the cauAe of to please you exactly,
riterest Good mort ing, have you tried,
$AVINGS DEPARTM04T.-1 catte recent a oident to be able to get- arotind Dao3ased was highly esteemed in the oom- Dr. Lindsay's reolidenc e, -j w iere they all Win,, ha
Latimer, A. Forester correspondent' J4mes th,%t
Ill d on. deposits f 0 Dollar and 0 bars for -96o' Boattit3 towfi, al, bough be is still la'me.-Miss TASTE IN COLOR
a pwe
Bro-. pure laundr� soap. I H. report having ape It a splendid time. The
good wife; an affedio i- n
A. Anderson. mur i 4. She was a
ulwards. Brcs., S)afolth. .779-1 Isabella rabam has a nic poem of her party
ate r4other and a first-class neighbor. H)r broke up in the an all I ones, %11 wish. EFFECT IN WEAVE 1
Remember �bat Daly extends t yoq. a own com coition in
S. HAYS, W. PEAR E. DEATH OF ANOTHER Pio.NEER.-Andther the So ish- merlds'n hig Mr. and Mrs. BennE tt every success in
tiol: nations were--to-t he Presbyterian chi rep.
cordial Invitationto ball and ex-arnine his 0,k, �18 edicated STYLE IN FINISH I As a --
Solicitor M or. of the pioneer resid 0 Journal, of Now York. - It i. �to i
this r.
ents � of in Brusee�s their' new h M D.
-i w4l be opva night un*.11 9 o'll remains we
his stol evary Wk. i son Thea re interred Crittnien has ALL. I
in the person of Mrs. Westfahl, of E 1 Jessie Ne in severed his =ection with the Exeter our doe
The een of Scotti, QUALITY IN
Mon F. Dal Je'wtlor �nd OptioNn, Seaforth.. 1773 cem �ery. The fami�y is sympi�,thizsd vvit�h
villei has passed away. Mrs. Westftht had ade a oba a his in! tI �'i.r bereavement, oy'll
nd! -eient -at his home
McLacthl n." It is ell itten a
IMPORTANT NOTIM, 1 As r. ethulna� has in Mike creoitablia to the �ead d heart Of bih e. flou� mills, and is at p� Suits for Men and B
here. -The machinery or t a grist mil 90
-been a severe sufferer for several
ye .9 fiorn actice, Py taklog Dr. Rcss in as a p �rffieri all
asthma and for the pastiyear she boo been A13coun.to due to Dr! Bethune must be sett pd forth- -scoompliA.hed authore a., -Mrs. Kilrkwq8d, arri-��ed last Thursday, 'aid th a millwrights If the
Ready -To
Ith, ul,. to dnte. A lax. Bethune, M. D. 1772-2 of B ram ton, spent th Th:nksgiving ho -Wear Suit Dep irtment
W. N. WATSON, SIAFORTH' cotrifined to her residence'most of fhe time. w, are atpresent busy getti ig it in sh It
ape. is provirog agreat. success, there are reasons
A(e t for - th6 " ational Cream Separator," alanu- Shter was relieved from 'her sufferings- on Ebony and iBbirliDg Silver, in �41 I the days wi her daughter, Mi a Kirkwood, 'of YOU
�.BR�HFS.-Mr. Zimmerman, cf avistock, is the intention 'to have it running before
fac�ured by the RaYmond Sewin Maohine Co apany 1�tcat di-aigo,-at Ply's Jewelry Store, ,SeA0olth. for it, and this is one of them The gar-
-the Col egiate Institi1te and 'was here over Sunday, visitilag ffiends.-- New Year's. 'Mr. 'and Mrs- S. H. Gidle
Friday last. She was 67 years of �age. y mento'hold their shape and pie pplement:
of �qluelph. The universal fa e, simple an beau- 1773.1 age- the Wear -
le, of Lo ers
erate, Ong the Mrs. S ervil don, -spent Thanks- her were v parents, in
bittitt in desiM few parts. to lea easy to o Herself and her husband were am Quit e a fevV from heeie attended the fu isiting at the f )rm
ers until they literally worn o b.
FOR X41AS C�KE, -We now h in stook giving d y at Ingleside, the rekid6noe 'of
ielfAmble and durable, more p 1 3, f merit ti n any first settlers, in EgmO'Ldville, and ohq has of George Keller'�nan's son Dn Tuesda Exet6r, this week.
raisin@, Ile
w A. McLeii In a suit, quality is to be deal above
t t
otb:ar separator� a perfe6t; sk1rarner suitable fo from 6, Crosse Mr. D. Wilson. -Mr. no Mr. end Mrs. G. eriier wexle -in Exet 'r "SOMI
resided-therei continuously ever ainm !Her fgs
twq o wentv-fiyecowi. Call at MY offlee a id ex- Blucji datee, nulte, barrister, of Ghelph, aid M McLean apOnf, one Jay this week on a v it al Constan, -1e.
ivas line 't thing else -except fib.
maiden name was Loni�a Reink is. 9ho io 8, Ile
e.='Mr. Doan and andson, thing
aru�ne he "National" before purchasing a a apam! t� A leafortb 1771 it. o th , fla�
tort Sold on ea3y terms. a a ng M . M. V. Me Goo In our Ready -To- Wear Clothin Depart- Aevery
a sister of Mr. John Reinkie,, of Tu'ker. Thankeg,ving holidays with the Wilily of
C.- MARRIBIJ.-A viery pleasant eiient took
A pair of gold spectacles is sE,
just t r
f Loan, - Miss ;Armstrong, of merit, we com
ith, and of Mr. Louis Reinkie, of 'Eg- 6r a present. Buy them now M 0 vvjll gar lillij, of Rodge'rville, war a this wee r. bine best maerial 1h per,
IV. -V17-Ar-rS DT, am -place at the residonce of JohnBritton, -
0 ange! �be lenL49 as been dpexk few da 't Ill a lasts of Mr. H. C. Doan. -One night near herej on the evening of the 28th6q'*i fect�ess of fit'and hitch both to th loweot - Ey
She was a kind, good Woman 0 later to suit the sig*h J. F. Whitby,t ye with
D ly, Je veler and Optiolan, Seato. th. W73-1 her aunt, Met apburn.-M4
Peneral In6urance Agent, and Dealer in ' e vy ing - 1 0
cyclea, marriage of Mr.
or last veek, Mr. Cas� er Rarig and famil Y November. Thike was th possible price 'that ec�nomy
and was much and deservedly res ected, by can a or
Now is the time to procur nit for Wilson was in Chicago. o�i -business thiffF- eiNORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, all who know her, but she was mostbighly 11 U Iwakened by the barking. of dog' i 2� Britton's daughter, Miss Ida, to Mr. Ed, ch. C -M elled t
-it tit t 680 appreciated and beloved in the homeli, Her "our and be sure.t , 6yeos 1 , r. t M's and week.-Ibe fruits Of FnDnoply are quite die- tile r4ard. Mr. � Rarig got up and i Van � 'win Emerson, of Killarney, Manitoba. The
get the It oat and ebolcoat goods money can
P- cernable 1 u tha-6aal oil that the people have
aged partner! Bury out ith a lantern ta see whi6t was the i nat- ceremony was perform(d by Rev. Mr.
ives her, and, will have Th e, are doahlig
Dill, Sea -.,orbh 1773-1
The Sta dard� Oil, C
ttkesympathyof all in his great'be' OmPs,4 ter, Coupland, of Londeaboro, and was witnessed
Genuine Business Education - reave, to use nciw. �hen he found that twodois had k Ile,l
control t a oil trade of Cana a as well as of all h c
The kiu-1 our students receive. merit.. g�efo, duok8, chiqkens, butter, and arktt qevente�n in number. One d by a goodly number of the fi lends of the
price, trade or casti, Cardno. theUratod States and the abuff they f4r-, the Lga belonged W a neighqor,'but the young people. ' Mr. Emenicn. - is to be E* JIcFA E -
Bros., 803011:4i.
1773-1 nish mak as a light ver3 li tt e better than'
17' THE LATE MRS.'PUROELL. -Died, at Eg. other'5was a stranger.: a neighboir bore half heartily congratulated on his choice of-. a
WANTE right Dried 8C M. 31 ge of fu
the old t Ilow dip. J. G. Crioh, Who I rii6ud�ille, on Sunday morning, November D. Applei the lose. lifo's partner. Mias'Brlit -,On w a one of the
'dare I 8k loring.in tie Tt miscaming Dry Goods
of direct fr An Germany. Also Roll 3utiler,
24th, M has beeh
6. Sarah Pare11, wife of Mr. J am�a most estimable, oiccampl hed and popular m tll�,ese R ON
55 t& year of her age. Two i iv Fu 4 -ned ho a. lle tTsborne.. Fowl, and Ra Fu G. E. King, Winghan� triot, N 10 Untario haj retu m
Purcell, in the young ladies of this dietr' ct, bc ing active in,
speaks v ry favorably that'country. ' He
STRATFORD, ONTARIO. th's Greates tash ALL 'RIGHt I
years aga sh6 was atitacked with la grippe, D A T.11 0 F A Pio�z sR. -An6' (y
ther -of ith many good works. Mr. i ind Mrs. Emerson
Dried appl potatoes and poultry says thei 6 is plenty of i i
Many leadipg bilaineas oolleges emplo and, since then bad been an invalid, bu :ood fArmiag land and
y out grad- honored and th loneers of' atried life u
w nted at BeAtie ros., Seaforth. 1773-1 war y rider r loot orable r
uatba as teaeber Surely this is proof of sulerlor- only becam6 seiiously.ill a few days! previ, an a ance oi ffie ve *y best timber. ' !Is Dry Goods AState.
in th( Jerson: of R George Monteit' curnotances ar�d with the brig eat prospects
We buy rig to we sell. tigb I
it.y.: All our graduatc3 got altilatio!1a.-I WrRe for P. W will hut ke h up 160 acres A lanq and intends ous to her demith. The decease& Mrm� the I hames road, Vaborne,: departed for the future', and the m kny f ends of the
not be uadorsok by anyone in the trad Try us
-;ogue. e-1
Pureell.Vas bbrn in' gQI a k �arl in tl e- Now Year. -Mr.
nd Trunk Ral raorithly t1okete, sIlDwing the the towns and be eonvinwd. J. F and W, Glyt 0 ou
G.ra Daly, Je life o, k ruesday of. 4ast weak. He ie "bride will aii icerel
be's boun wish: th
*uoents to ecuie da',13 4y1rain froin Sesforth,cmt Adjala,in. the county of 8imcioe, and moioied Optician, Seaforth. 0 sec need of� good position aWhle wincing under our young f ere n d's
73.1 1 A he good age of 88 rears. tb we *��t q
are store reac M1 air beat and brightest hopes *ill be ore
when a, child, with, her paren6, to the townt I in a a i1c WioDlaele, N' Oh- &010 rebukd, at the same time we felt somewhat t
NOT] cm-gvi itches -made from combings. it )i b I did not seem to be a victin I of, than realized, while T -- E-�PoSrTOI-t has
W. ELLIOTT, Principal. ship of M6Killn,,p, where she lived until her' NIBS, E. Ross, r(otne over James Wat west Ter 'itory, and b te leaving-,T'dre e mplimented.-For Canadians, or, anybody
son's office, 7 cil any partiCiular diseme, but hij , death was special pleasure in joining in these good on 4� s5 =d I
ith Main Street, Seafortb, shortl� f or thatvlace.= county coun' else for that matter, to give money ltOftelfi
4441-62 m%rri rh`f 11i ki I t ok - place on the NO' 1771.4
3 t le,wearing mee rugged .)r loi ig lued
-ra is to son at Goderioh this week.-4be eneral Buller, vv�uld be
2,th age. Clear Grit ma,' rath Oub of a wishes for one who was f va and
At., fror�ij here late residen2e to the FOR SALE.Ofle He had enjoyed 1 remark bl.� mn 3. a memorial to G'
tie, one cone -j tu �ion. contributor'to its colu
5ars old, also d- good to ) buggy
Onta F0 strange freak indeed. He
c hurcli, Sbaforth, and frorri thenoo dgivingffll�, two r -jibrary Assoc atidu are establish is not deerviag
good health until wit in about 4 weak preis
Henderson"s Photo Cathor, c ff&16 robe. APPlyto-J G.Wiscn,sea' Ing and. c -quipping Ii rari(w at different of the least bit of sympathy. A's 4 b [go riah
sni on( bu
to St. Jarneso cemetery, beneath whose f(l.th, I vio i to his death, w en overcome by w, 3ak -Kirktc n. -
points ew Ontario, for the use man he can swagger on inherited lea �atea in
ness Oak to boil JoTTLNGis. -Among thode wh abibended the
t ougho4t N
acred sod all that was mottal. of an affeci. I
0 4- nd failure, of appetite he
11 Highest caali� price paid forr�4,furs at of the In bermin in th se ir gions, and we the west of England, but as the le, or of.an
alLudio, tionate mob6r was laid tb rest. h'ef I-avc-13 and d( ually grew 'weaker un�il the vit
Riohard� on & MolwiE�, Seaforkb. 1773-1 hav Elimville fowl supper werdWesl oyHodgins,J. - army, he, cut a migh figure at the
-five children, . twa sorls� nd a bee requ ted to state that so
a husband �arid a y pdr- ty sorry
re land he a we son desirous of sistin is Rood k as got
three daughters, to mourn their loss. Skating will i soon be he in 0 spar ul 4piately died oub. B t he n3ve E.Elliott, H. -A. Couplan do N W. Fletcher' Tugela river. Frenh, the man who 4
are reac �y for the Akaters with a good aseoitt coml aii ad, no doubt feeling �;onsoious h W' H. Ell' t. -Mr. Jarr. es 0: Tuf to in 01 Ball r. a the right man 'in the-
R1.51TMAS Jtt cut of W Lot
can do ealloy lea Ing't air �co Was of
both hookey and �opring ekates. we aiso� a w al ent life had reached its close., H smiles now; his wife'arri ved a position 1
aide on Sat -
sharpen books, et6., at t is o a 14
o before th bb right �place. Buller was aitog4l or 00
Tli.-A very udden death MU1106t & Co., S03forth. was re] oared for the change. 1 He w
mr,day from a four months, to her
occurred in this town on Frid C.;1 7 e nM' g FOR StLp,.-A good y suit- nati 1 o Glaegowi S
8 ECIALTIES I - oung bore inst. The class A reaJink atter desir3d cotland, aAd was '11or Aaughtier," Mrs. Willian. H it slow.
"y gazinea of
last. Miss Harriet W. Kennard, si6ter ol 0le for arm work. Will be sold cheap fok cash, or is books �nd ma containing. in. in t y ar 1813, coming to Caa4da when Burgess,,
FQr Mouldingm, Pictur 'eir, of,th , a Ropl, hote 3 Clow Ill I)art paytamt. Apply t to religious) read. 'Virden Manitoba. Jam)s is ii to ell. Bayfield.
w'11 tak, structivemiaud In P Pro d t
e Frames, Photos, :,Mrs. James W. wag an. your maawith his' ounger brothers an'(
!1 73 tf ing. -Mis a ha y iof the big day unting, some 40
and everything in the ArtisVo litte, go preparing to go. out in the evening. i She Carki ell known to BLOWS.�Mr. James McDonald `a in town:
settl i g or a shorb time iat the dounty o years ago with the Prin a of LWates, the
lad tor ba &ur, also Man
to H�u,lerson�s. He keeps ever Just received a car of M 'in &aforth, is at'Or'...1t on a visit for a few dL&ya'l on, busin, 3. -,Mrs sim-
a icar of Redpath �granulated sugar. do on L)rd Walsing. 0118,0f -God
ything hid j ust emerged from her room df s3: anito y to Law k k, afterwards moviog,.to, Usbome �present King of Englan
Adk &r prices. -F61%iiyes in'Tor6nto. iss Shaw has jt fit riding a few days with
in tbt%t liao, and they are right ipp.to the street and in paisb�,g along eiic�, ile ape
rothers took up firms on th, hatn's estate, at Martin I 'all, i tear Mat
0 C�rduo I Iros., 1773.1 �eburxoed from Onion Lake, In the North.
dLate. _ whel t a b friends in Bayfielo.-Mr. H. Either, M P.
she was heard to utter an exclamation of T71h, bta oad on which they-dontinued ti
a ea. �ost Territory, 'Where �he has been la ari ig -h i's Norfolk, England. -Fred StevBno preacted
ti� was near b� real P., was in B&yfield last WedndsdAy.,,on-
1 73-1 iin the Sunshine MethodiEt c un -
pain. Mrs. Weir, w was Try aving a,g od run, our famous r�� a i' . ht rcl� on insurance businolis.-ServieeB werie --heldm
t. Beatbie Brasi, SeAforth. or the Past five years a a a missionary amo He was a life long. Presby%er�an
Photos a Specialty. soon at her side' and aksisted her. into �.room h �rg and p litics a Liberal. He Was a mah o � �day afternoon. -John k e rrived h me
the t
n a
couch and immeliately Our OhriatmM. fruit cake the baat, 15c he Indiana. Although n 'a mor ;ban ordinary intellig6ricei; a haitet 6: :from Elkhorn', Manito a, a the �churchea in tOwn on ThanksgiVin g Dai.
and laid her o -at' n
pir lb. ardiko Brog., Se%f3rbh. 11173-1 Miss Shaw was located was tafectedwwTih 11 - Saturday.
DE RSO sent for a doctor, but the 'vital spartc - had a a and a lovet -Mr. James Jo 'iison ab ipped a qiia ritityof
ouprightness !and �:-Mr. Fletcher"Swit�er, ., his purchase(! fa
wl are war 9 wl on
fled before medical aid,- reached her i� Miss B11" �90 you ryi your smallpox land alit) herself contracted the d a' hon �y. He was, ill effort, oil's 0 f
Wall Wedlnesd�y of last week. --James
or bras out o,/ar those Xin a ure a lot on Main street, land ten, Is erecting Donaldson and D. KcKenzie were in -Glode-
as pro.entsi Really ease, her many friends as
plet, gi g nei hbor'
or about a year, being threat ned Uh a wa mk� etting people o 9- ilich! last Friday, consulting Architoc� i
fu Ci
bli8ineas of 1, U of t.. ouble, nd a use Cis -Miss Jennie Smith �lef t on 9 day for
11 You Need to Know f t and lung affeption, but was �lways eaqeoi4ft r at X11149 t1role, and to epubl's ler about plans lor the new Prost�er�r
Kennard had been suffering from pool '� Is to( bul, but don't you ever stop to thit k that will I be pie ad �o ;cry brick x1esid nee i 2 the ape
ealth Pit nobl me and withal' an- obli eighbor fine two at
e learn that she has c ely recovere 1� a ki do t ue friend a F+o*-
-A hear' She will rest for a year before retur edves
ui t do so teemle I b all and beloved byl those mh
&ble'tct be around. Slie was 42 yearalof age aWceoefulln we have, for the last 6 Week teen Miss Bertha D le� 0,,fpeC, I I'hAnksgiving wi h Torontohospital, io earr nun ing. -Art ur Ma7
not inti maitely. Lk.; uefi Ootton has engaged with I,.- S vitzer.� or-
1)*Ing 1 tp the oholcest goods In the ti knew' hi beab and nx- church to be built next spring. -M;
If iaterested in practical education inaft, t, and Mrs. (Dr.) F V:ts ditah.-Mr. G.
and was a daughteri of the late Mr Koh Whidiclon, of 0hpalayl was' hom'fo for tile
mard, U& no v one of ftibe finest asaortmeni of a man ca not but be.greatly miosea in the' man Pletcher -spent I huri day u Londox
is the name of our splendid school' P ers, B. A., �' incip I of the Collegiato Thanksgiving halid�ays. -Thomas Sanderao
of Brucefield. Shc�, had � resided witl!t Mr. tliat eat) be found in rany up-to-date je%�el Rog r comMunitV where he has been s'
the storo. o farnilia r in. Jameson moved Into his new reside ice
and Mr. Weir for !,many yeai s.: n A d c%xamIA6. our otock, it costs you thing. Institute, has !establi had two readi49 andAlfied Scotchmere refurned home
8he was C0 ' J figure, He leaves a' am
J.'� F. Da Je*010' nd Optician, Seaforlb. family ati three 4onh on Friday. Harry J)nes arrived.hotne h Cai*eio of a bright, cheerf�tl disposition an& her 73.1 rooms in connection wit the Institute, - 0410 1
Und �wo daughters. Manitoba last Willismson,
rais for th
sudden de%tW is a s0ere bereavement 'to her a bbys and,'one for the girls. T a
TORONTO, :New ins durrants, peels, nuts Elgin, Manitoba, onMonday.--Rev. A. S. who�:haiflived�onj]Mr. O.Simon's � firm, on -
Anderson' had hai kka
figoi, at Ic W prices.; Cardno Bros., daily papers au�, the leading magazines wil gh ing sermon
sister and other friqnds. Seaftr ine
Vi ef thoroughly prepare- young people fib I
the Payfieid for the past 'five �A P1.
3 the
Re�d y for the nee& of the seasot Our to the Methodist c reg tion on Thurs, ay has
be furnished for -he use of th pupils out A Blyth. removed to a arm: on the first canoes.
Vas, ness dat iss, of life by- our complete ---- 4— -
to ODMPlete ' PrIccio right. We're I o ng to school hours. This sho aid prove a oplend A ArNOMA MEETING AND P3B89NTATION.---� afternoon.�Rev. M artih, of Exe er;
DrTH OF NV- HITESI r nion! -The date the Presbyter-li&# 0hriet.-
c9urses in Accountin- PESi -we 116yo conducted Thanksgiving services in a in T
go Telegraph y, a lot of groo rleS and crockery in the n,-xt 80 thing for the sob olara, I artict Llarly for tho 5e On �hark= Daly, Thanksgiving 3er,
madementionrece't1yof the death :by ac. days. B ttie EPro h tree entertai ment has been changed
S-horthand, Typewriting,, etc. We pf- Searoith. 1773-1 Imphes -M.
i W ely s6e vie 91,'er) d in St. Andrew' hum,obj ,Presbyterian chural� I hurad ay last. I I
YI)e-' oident of in an Pained Whit eide ho are ad-kituAied th%t they raii a am Deconther th to Christmas fiighb,
I these publications. Mr. rvogers undoubtedly Blyth after which the annuald meec I ishe
v de a duzarf capable- teachers and t 9 �Fouhl on Goderioh street, abopt two in fras
SI tin 0 Decembar 25th.
riting machines, mid; produce good the 1 '>" A,, Le dbury. preg611t
of no then- we have alcured w6eks ago, a othal � a -Am of money. Appl�, ;, Mr.' believes that a 1 nowled ge of the affairs bf Ong regation-1v hold, r oatts. Circular free,. addition6d particul rs of. the &ad, affai . The SWphi �amb, Sec forth. '17 73x1 the re, the present day are an aces ary adju Doiwqs.-Mrs. Smith h%s h6i a unfortunate man w a William 'Whit net to parts Rub -nitted were exceedingly satiifac.' pleas int
ei-ENTER ANY TIME. whit sides, �Havef you seen the beautiful
Ch ri Itmaff East Wawanash.
son of M r. arfieB Whi.teside�, of 0psents on the 10c tabla, at Dill's, the M' a tborough eduo,ktion, nd wi i most beartft tory.� Tf is being the thirty-fifth annive're. week's visit with frien& -and relatives at We
44dress, W. H. SHAW, Principal, Ap� e Leaf
Stbre, Seiforth. . endorse this Vic w. The ii formatu a I sary � of 'Rev. A. MoLeans oastorat in Staffa and other points to the qouth of here. Ptmc man friend f Mr- tie
H(sael, Michigan, and a former rakident 1 1`73-1 h a�
�Do(- �LOST,- 'ronftb ar
yon e and Garrard itEf., Toronbo. iXAL. town -
of Seaforth. He was ils will gain f ratb e papers an� a 4- Blth a Thankegiving tea prepared by the She was accompanied by Mrs. Greig, (if gob A Johns' -
$1,62 also a k),rand.0n of -Collie bitch, sable cr light 0 ton, who ri6idea in
t6 br�own ith white points. ill be not oul ereding, bu c ladiei,in I onor of the occasi artaker� Walton. -There �ppe irs to be something of ship; near Blyth, 1voill rekret to I Of
Mr. Wm. Whites! ee, of Hensall. He was. Kindly notify CharlL3 Z11168 w 104 as p e4�r his
At the time bf the 8 1`73 1 not fall ti ver in tl do i ection 'at preiient illness. i He has been iull. I OR
about 20 years of a Ke. A tzel: o assiatil th by iving the congregatioq, which was a craze for land continued t of
ent'l e* ws en aged in unloading eare Trugh home-made mince meat at Dill', practical knowledge of the ffairs of their full represented. T I feature ol and many'farms have chai iged hands. be the summer, and 4though able to ko, about,
'Ie, Principe
n1me, wag t a readin�),, o ikirig the' improvement -he' thia Mapt LeAf Stor , seaforth. own oountry!and th� w rld at large, whi 1; at or near Dalut , The cant hooki with e rig's progra I price paid is from $50 up to $ 70 - an adre, is not mi triekseal bm
0 which he was wor ing alippeA, ca' MCHr4en A--NanVERSARY. 'ain from their school bookh. ress to Mr. abbompapied, 4d nrg to improvemen 5a.-Blesers. John bi& friends would ike to see. Bttnk of Commer 4. acoLd an a !an a
i they could n tl� 3Lean,'l TZ
ushig him -The et odi8t
n Sun. Mr. Rogers i on �giafo� with, be presentation of i very � handifi*e 0 g rain grin ler -A very me to loee his ballance nd falling from t6e car, liurch Will hold it$ annIMSary 6ervlooa n:d to keep our CollE nd e a e gc t a ATT914PTED SUIJUIDE. ich, wl preach in the front eduoa in connection with their saw n 3 foriday
severni large logo r(Iled over him, ingicting rank' of tional h;stit4- f ur-li ed overcoat, followed aut)th6r ad ill and %re affai occurred in this township
CAPtTAL(PAIP, UP) d&y. Tb�-Rey.Dr�Dantpl,cf Goder r
I - 0 11
off 1A
th. lfuneei of tile with the p a Week, which is
on -611ars $8.000,,( 00. such iajuries as to c-auser immediate dea as ed b� tne ual are res "Dta- 'doing a larcre ork for molting of Iasi I morning! aim eve Ing. The &an s tions. -Miss Ida Melville,- Maple ViII4, dressi to M. a. MoLeap, lk ly to re
D ohuroh to aid io mebt. RUS3eldale, is visiting Missei eEsia and tion those in th" vicinity. -�� Mia ny; w 11 regret -to, suit i atb 4. In fa
is c the ex c t-5 45VE
His father, Mr. James Whitesides,wiont to nt Pi peoses ol the year. D. Daniel is 16 bril- a purse of money. Mr. McLean, a n the d9 f a well known Bin much
oacher. 130 was- lately pasbor of JheFirsb Laura Vanst(aie.-The enter �ainment giv�n who as much affecte , do expresedd heartfelt hLar of the death of Mr.q. Jarr eg Canip 11, reap cited resident of this townabi�p. For-'
with hir d i10 on, Mrs.
'thodl 'eryone is 'o by the members of St. Thoi n -as urch, t thank Which sad event 04"plfic )-in the early part some tim6.Mr. D. rs 'k
$2)000,(00. Dnhith, identified Ithe remains an& took a' church,,London. E% a home iallY
theo to Hessel, where they indibed. ch Mctean a bebi%lf and ME Ande OP; of the 9A con -
were ititerred. The bereaLved purerits and the town 41, an Tu aday evening, w a own 'or the very reat kipdrifiss of the of last week. 8he had b)en a sufferer fr3m cesSiDD, had been n a melancholy mood, due
B:R4NCH. next to Godlines5, mid if feirly well a
family hae the heartfelt sympathy of many 0.11 pationiae Dili'o, Seaforth, you are a ttended. "he p incipal attra gation, aoguring them of; Ithe Rrea ansemia for a considerablaAength of time. in some measure d revers, a. 1.12
�ur) (if the f
A g.eneral Banktrig busIness tran- old friend in thi's County. tion was A�.s, Jarley's waxworks. Th�s., love i hi h his 13 -more, 9
salcted. Farmer Tr�- us and �b convinood. X 73-1 e' i,,r - 1,,, 1�an( only peo. E be %va* a k i ad hearted wi Yman and will The the summer time fie lost a
a-' Notsix discounted, season the worthy old lady had with heria pla. Mollorw iii the address presented! much missed iii the comm inity, -Miss
Si Is, recently his shoal were w ad by d
GlAv ZiPe4piml attontion g1ven 9 _ogs.,
large variety of excellen 5 figdres, which bot to �M-cLean D er 9' h li- a
bank giving nd pie C f horses
The dolightt d arid amused t e an iience� N1 U4- hav Is aftein6on t a s with her. young Ion 10 )as, sick,' these combin ad circumstances ecting, the(new ou
te' the! Divi�,io Cot:RT� SITTII� FAR 'PASTOR, -We 01 Cranbrook, spent h ately behas had a con 4 dzerolot�n
n of'Sate Notoos, -Sittil�gs of ENTERT14i.MENT. co. render
I W. the.divWon; court- will be held in this aqnual Thankog ving dinner of the etho.
SAVINGS BANK.-tirtterest ail' Cal selections and select on§ PD. the gram�- apecto thanksgivi mith, It the home of tho 1%tt,es paret 68. his -mi
county during 1902 as follows : Goderich, rLg to God, 'for his mani- ctso much hat Le broaded o 7er ed On deoposits. of $I "thct upward hol on Thanksgiving even- I phone added to the plea 3ure-d1f the evening�,a fold oth girls are attending the Collegia . te �n- Fearin at be might do ximself
January3rd, February let, March let, April coFtings bestowed upun us during the g possibly tt
S0001at faallitlew for transectla tus. V nuor wls served from 6 to 8'
o: clock entertainme)ab.-The 5 Dung Peoplo i thor- past �aar. We have cnjoyed a
of let, May let-; June $th, July 2nd, Septem. ln'(the b se stitute at Seaforbli.-It is repor dthat ih a personal injury, the family have kept little.
monti There waq a large At tend- oughly eujoy'od their dE nee in Cardzio's hall necess,tiesof life, baitvary in ny of its melee, some miles to the east of here, one% w�Abdh on:him, but he escaped t '01,
13-usiness in tho Klondlke D'Str'ct, ber lot, October ls't,� November 3rd, Decem- arAoe an, all d4ample justice to the: Donn.
hfo aey ordeM pa�abie at any bank, issued i bhe on Tfitinkagiv�ng night. Th�re Was& larie luxuA,.s, and it such have beeil ur tampon, follow a ad with a ad
follozing ratea bar let it�ucwanother on the fie sees on Monday mornin and b km
Seaforth, Febr6kry 7th, Juno 6th tifully 9 pt
I Iled tables. The ladies of t I con- attenclanoe,� iricluding manyi, from, out of ial b sairtga, much gwea a been our� shovel aiid nearly pat an nd - to him. U suiet b'cutting his thro'at. ith Under Re .08 $20 to 00 J2 September
th, Oatober7, Debember' 8th. grpgati' were in nc w�ise lacking t e r C-4
111, their town. Exc6l�ent music wasil furni"ed b t Pr has this is true it is deplorable t' wife nd couplef neighbors he w
810 to $20 JO $30 to. $5o .14 Clinton.Febfuary P>tb,April Rth,Jane7th,Sep. o6rts t make everything pl spiri al. The Uoseen ej 0 think that V ut to as r their Brown's or�' i ke t deed idist., &nd h a there is sush st.-Nearly the a
F. 11OL51EST-ED Nestra, and dancing waa beenin our rn ower felt I a savage in our mid stable' t about 8-30 to see a sick horse,
F. 0. G. MINI y, tember 0th' Octobe'r 8th, December: 9bh. many gu eats, and,all thor a I the up;until early in the mornih.�.-Mrs. M tip to
Manager. coughly an 01 and d'iffased throughoiit the whole congre. all those who went on the harvest excur- the neighbors went homo and he- w
Brussels, February 5th� April 3rd, Juno 3rd, r1oh pro 7isionH rno'da by them. Af t,�
If �24 r din -
September 3rd, Oct Tavish, of �aris spent the h�olidays with gatim, One of �ur� greatest reasons for sion to Manitoba -gave-returned. O ranary.ras his wife thoughtf �o go
obei 3rd, December 3rd. ne;rwas served, 4n, adjournment
wall nade friends in town. -'We regret to hear of the thauLfulnees is, that! the Mast r,, has per- I young chap was so well pleased to got b�ok. ai for the other horses. Nab pat 16inig
Exeter, February to3he b, dy of the church, where an' t ibe". illness of h Jamea Kehoe, of r
h, May 6ih., August this town, mit�te I you, the shepherd, for.so Imany years i that,for a few days and nijghts -ter his in W,
of Elliaboro, Assinalola,' 28th, December 5th. Dungannon, 4t then. the.*, t4ought he should, hi went
Flebru. le rr ramme of addreeses �and� i iusio who ha� beeii confi&d bed for some tin�j, to Watch over His flock here. For 35 years turn his yells of delight
north (A Wo011seley -accidently sho; by P 9 4
waar ary'14th, May 12bho� September 11blo N�- WIS g, I ca ild ard p 0 look. for him, and was horrified o find
his 10 In ven The chair was oce b 7 the but hope #.con to see him around agai. ad and Oared for by miles and miles . away. -A �r.
P Forbes him fying in the granary, behind a ing
-year-old son, recently, The lever of ve ber 10Lh, the fl)ck has been watch
Ba�field, February 15bb.4 P4 toi, I tev. M r� ;Wall win. Brief ad r sees usua all
the &n, which is used to open, the bre ch, May 13th, Septembex 13tb, November Iltb. were �iven by Rpi., I. -Mr. I William Matthews, of Jerard you, a nearl present he il and his sister, Miss Emm �, h his the as e ad to,
to y re to -day yot
Mr.I Shaw, of E a and- Crawford,,coianty, Kansas, who has been io'i ha 16 retur mfll *Ith oat out. He'w
ve 13�.en our only pa r in Blyth, sharing from i he west. Mr. FO'1 bee as Isid up the house- and a ddotor summone. , -who
a cinity1for a montli, left for his horno
k�io lng there was a,. cartridge witilin, 4th, Septrember 4th, October 4th, D with our joys and b
a ri eke hile there, found that very little co fo im,
4�e solm a pl asitig and we uld be done'L
rendere i else. this weak. ..,Mr. Matthews is a native of fears orkinj zealous y and �fa thfully for but with the tender care al his as he had completely save
With the gnu 6ver his knee he tried to force 4th. Gorrie,'Felortiary 4th, April 2nd'June I I ind hearted red the
not, work, so he cocked the gun., not Winghani, Febivary!Gth, April 4th,' June ville, and Rev. 'Mr. 9a ton. Th 3hoir this vi rows, our hopes and' with fever for several
ecember ga d
tiobs, And a a lo b pi�p
d-dwi t the love r, Miss Battam wa
when the hammer fell 2L y i inch Exeter, and jig - epew of Mrs, Fanston, a itual up-bu
t; ind 2nd, September nd,f October 2nd, &oem,, ad' ad. T the ild' g of thl congrega. relb6tives at home we trust he will soon�lbe and iaimetitary canal, the injury be g An
he: icharga blew off all the mired. e event of the prole me, this town:+--�Mr. Win. McDougall is on th tion. n the pulpit, abbath school, Bible himself again. -A Oright. Faung Miss t4k- Alote d with a qommon jaek knife. A ub Joh-
upper par ' of ber 2nd. Zurioho February 1 Ith, May 5tho W",- ho the able 'address b 7., Dr. market on'
goo yo e one we
n us aa sy r Cal . Ben ng a ooU
inton, who took as his ;heme mkins. Mr.: 'McDougall is well known to faithfu admonitions and "a nro novalin have news more frequently He was perteotly conso after
the &ther head and face, killing him in- August 27th, Octobe r',Ath. Crediton, Feb. Gilbr oei a buyer of hides and d Young Pe pie's meei in to t' k the other ras to :d
tani do (of 01 to THu Exrom u., wo
tje� book remaining in one hand of ruary 13th, Alay,7th,� August 29th Novem. The Mi 6n. fo r the Times. gav� many 1 the farmiars of bhia vioiniby in this capacity
the Q 3rpse and the Pi,Pe. in the other al ter ber 6th. Blyth, Feb�uary rd, 'May 8th, bornej�nuch fruit f�: C�al nob
an no we as.114 I ph it thife M ter. Bat $ She says that for� z three �whoW weeks-- he e� pircum§tance, But of colirse
0 yon�
deat - Deoeal practical d I tructive, as 11 48ing and will, no doubt, receive their patronago erha s, no other al t 0� aracter looked high and low and c�uld aunt of his selffleared
Bed was only three feet from August 30th, November 7th. e for olots,'ap4 ho was frequent ipe.
th zzle- of th' a th hud p 130t see na. a on A00
e gun., lY Inpefte1d to whenever thev have invthina in his line to a �A Andp.nmrl umi� fn IvAnool in—I i�tlll- im-A +16l,l (',lin�tnn Ana" fxf. a co' -ar"teat