HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-12-06, Page 5Ti • - ens - anti areTT Lao lu of I., of nein. ring -- J. ,, . e in effer __I 80, an- isses laat •M isa tratIy tnnie alit o ge ;aged tad ......-... king e7he lipur- elee- 1 I first relay atis- skin iface [alle- ating ecen- Ea- aa a being was . fore - t ook and X lex-. T:ple, to of o oo er of fast,- .raw - Mom epent ES in went L-ide's on a six Miss :-, Mr. ,riner tome - aim< ,oseg. rionye Io- his retty was, :er of appy t' the txty. rana,o- stead even- tche resi- 'arm, esent ring- acea. gents bride al in e of t ale Trio Us in her Sited tem - wag - -I ao- apleo -,arry. setor Oath iting illan ress- (liter our- ;orth t.t..ng land btely ' eon- esea. the evith- ool, ire. With pent & Leen , the qiss eek. Urs. any t to ot, oro e htir arn- reen y ie t ! fx. , Ii - Loads t7te. tes, ehe b'k aa d of :atrk. = CM 1 1 3ER 61 . , .BraSels. gorits=-40bn Ranefordi of Clinton, was couple of tirnea during the week, on husinees connected with the whioh arg about ready to com- operations agan. -The Scotch 'coa- ven last Thursday everarg, by Miss acLachlan, under the atiopices of, $014 of Scotland, was a success in every far. The hall was crowded almost wing., Miss MaeLoolitan war; oRly the afternoon previous to the den- t sod with little more than twetty-four ura'ntice, it is a credit to the people of *get t aila locality to turn out ha such numbere.-A teacher has been engaged jet *snow department in our school, in the on of Miss Jean Scott, who ig now • a school hi Howicke-Reg. returned to Chloe& last Satarday, tit resume his peeltion thre, after an ea of aboat two months,. He has ro. rich inhealth.-George Ard11, -esker has taken a position in ib, all woolmedium wego, H'Kr.ribbed, heavy weight, all pare wool -shirts and drawer, n I intreh.-W. . r is atteucling roKIN: et - : -1: ; .1- ;,''''• a -. t -' -'•' I ' . I • XPOSIT01. • •,. 5 STANFIEW UNDERWEAR! Since we introduced the celebrated Stanfi three years ago, the demand for these goods is inc year wilt be a redord breaker. rhe more these go ales. Stanfield's undervi( ar is made of the best through a patent process which makes them unshri like, and if they shrink fetch them back and get tions; none are genuine except b ended "-tanfiel them ; -you cannot get them. in. Blyth, except frorn stock of other lines of underwear at !Pices like the Mea'a plain ibirts and drawers, alleaizes 251. dowers, 35c. Merda Scotch keit wool shirts and draWer drawers, double breast and shirts and drawers, in fine r book, very special, in all m unhrinkable Underwear q ; eling very rapidly, and this are known, the larger our Scotia wool, and put' ka let Wash them as you °hey. Beware of imita- ' We are local_ agents for uwWe also carry a large e :1 • ¥o'a fancystripe' shirts and Menhi fleeced shirts and . Stanfield's apshrinkable • Sanfield's unshrinkable„ es, $1.25, our immenSe stock of iei's Fur Coats lin racoon, - linty council week. -IO the If you wild inything in fine furs, you shbu. thOOaeigbhorhood ef 1 500 live turkeys wete do- • iverea is -havng tbem plucked and packed in ex- t cues, at the agriculture.' hell. --Aaron y end George MeNichol rekurned last from tht ic trip :to Manitoba. - k to Robert Thmson,He Caperines, Ruffs, Astrachan, Jackets, fur -lined 0 p this wee. wallaby, Siberian dog, Galloway and cub bear. C.A.S&rD 01.1‘7` rate week we are celled upon to report the McKINN ON &0 '53 of Mary Madre, wife of Hugh arm which took place at her'residence, on • or death ‘Van attributed te heart failure. $3 to$3 '25 ; an' inferior .covrat 52 40 to SeafQr bht of Thankazicieg Day. The cause • - h ' 2.65 per cwt. Heavy :Feedere-Heavy ' . - s, • 4-1.4-1-1-eleleiolnlel• e Having opened our new store, we are prepared to sell gbods attaeri ee plices, and will hold a bargain, sale until JAN RY Ilth,1902 We aro t eialaring our stock Of new and up-to-date gOods, and can satisfy o4r customers in all liues of -Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoe!, Hats, Cps, Furs, 'llardware, Cockery,!etc. Sonne Specials - Boys' long hootarariging in viilue Ifrom $2 to $2 50, for 90o. • Long felt boots, regular to $2,50, ter 900.1 Far caps, re tiler $L50 to p.50, for 90,1 and $3, Cloth caps, reg' r 400 to $1.40, for 15eand 756.' hdiea' collar and muff seto, regular $6 to $10.50, for to $6. ' Lale& •coatings, egalar to $.25, for 75o to $1.5. 1 men's gratings at extra 10 prices. Dinner sets, regu1ar $ to $9, for $5 50 to $7.25. Tea sets, regular $3.25 to $ , for $2.60 tb $ 6.50. Bed own sets, regular $1.85 to $6, for $L35 to $5. i 1 CALLfrANCI SEO R II phVALOES , • . . . ilin rOys & Son . ., wALTQN _•7 7 n, ONT. ittio LYT H, DoKaaeA• was m her i 0 year, auu au boa& resident of Brussels for upwards of steers, Weighing from 1,100k to 1,200 pounds -%yeakee-Greet interest was taken in the each, of good breediog qoalities, such as 01,0 Of It ONaughton Vs. the Village of Bros. farraere rquire, sold at :$3.50 to $3.75 per leis, for medical attendance to the' family of • 0Wt. ; those of the same weights, but rough, gt. Forayth, at the division court, on I suitable for the byres, sold at $3.25 to Wedneaday. The judge reeerved his de- $3.50 per cwt. Light Feeders -Seers weigh- ' en.-Lsb Saturdo,ymorning, death visit- i in from 800 to 900 pounds each,are worth the home of Mr. George Lott, and took ' $3 to $3 20 per cwt. BUffalo Stockers-- 1hird son, John Wesley, aged 8 Yearling steers, 500 to 800 pounds each, ;Fy rem?, months and 3 da,ya. Diphtheria was the cause of death. The child was at abed the Wednesday previous. The fun orai which WAS ptivate, took place on Sun. ay aft rnoon Re. John Holmes conduct- at '$2.50 to $2 73, and off 'colors and those of inferior quality $L75 to $2 per .owt. Mitch Cow -Twelve cows and springers sold at $32 to $48. Sheep-Pricea ;easy at 52 75 to $3 for ewe, arid $2 to $.50 per Sug Ch ri Ch4• iatr: h edilag Sh (Sitttitugub‘tairgk--mw t!ops for as is sip n drawieg near and one'a ht s 'naturally dwell `on the old,_ e tnew quetion, "What Shall I GiVe " 4,4 the -years roll around, th, tta4d y to give rieeful an appropriate attic' eopmes the rule r abhor than the o in, and a very ltise tilling it . ; a then could be more approp dr useful than tonnething in the i..e for Otiristmatel' , we have Ruibbers, Warm'. vetshoo, Comfortable , House r.r fathert Felt hoes pen; all kinds for • mother, Dress Shoe , tvening 1Slippere and Skating Sslhieoe f r the girls, Hookey Shoes and Skot hth hes for e boys, and House s in, great variety for the obi'. din. 0. d all et spebial Christmas a. We are • constantly adding . to al eady large stock of Christmas e Store . for bu111- iegthe service. We areoorry to say there csit. gkeh Spring LaMbs-Pnees firm- Hate there in the family afflicted with the' eh t o achar $2 75 t $3 e, id $3 to $3•50 per SAO lame diease.-Owing to the prevalence of .diphtheria in the town, all' the Sabbath ichoolg were closed last 'Sabbath. The pub- lic school has closed for week. been one - MARKET re Slane • Deaexuber 6, leo een wheatteewt Sanoardn..._ $0 al to 90 72 aoting Wheat per 0.70 to 0271 Sate par bushel-- 0 44 tO 6 45 p sper buehel-- 072 to /0 73 0 49 015 O 16 0 16 200 700 500 O 70 ▪ 14to to O 00- 4 26 2 26 • 90 6 00 3 LO 800 0 06 aelf.y per buetet___ _ _i , __ 0 43 .0 Bligart No. 1, locaeo --.- ...1„-- - - .. 0.14 to ,' e.- ... - 0 16 to 4pg per doz - - - - - -0- -- 0 16 to - nriper Xga ----- - -- --- 2- ee to 6 0 to Wee pat 100 in ..., ..--• -1 - . - .... 4 50 to nileep Skins.... • . i. 050 to wool__ __ _ _ _ _ - I.- _. < ... 0 13 to 4.3140e• Or bush (new),i; ..... - - - 0 60 to go (ad) per berrel _ .,.... ........ 1 00 to waed per cord (long) . —_ ..... 4 00 to Wynlper cord (hot)_.-. _ _., 2.00 ii. Apnleeper bag_ . - — .. - .. .. . 0 60 to ever Seed . • • 4 00 V.- Tlinathat ficed.......„-....._ ... _ „3 00 to Fors, per IGO Ma- .. -. —. — - 7 60 to Tal ovr, per il- - -.. - - - -. — - 04 to ..___ Dairy Markets, • Trr000, December 3---Butter-Thee are • large offeringi of all kinds of butter, and • - for the better grades, the demand is excel- ' lit •lent. Low graderand medium stuffs, c how - evert are still a glat and sell very low. We -gate :-Crearriery prints, 20 to 22c; solids, 19 to 20o ; dairy pound rolls, 16 to 17c; dairy large mile, 16e; dairy tabs,160 ; med- ium and low, 10 to 12,c. Eggs -There is a good demand and a growing scarcity of sup- ply. Prices are steady at 18c ; ordinary fresh are „looted at 16no 17c, and limed at 16o. etlieseraYere, Deeember 3-Cheeee-The market is fairly active and steady. Finest September makes, 9a to 9o; finest Ontario -Octobers, 9/ to 9a; finest township Octob- ers < to 9 ie ;fineat Quebec Octobers,, 9 to 9e t under grades'Sc. Butter -There, lea fairly good dernanel,both local and Ox - port. Finest townships, fall creamery, 20-16 ; fineat QUebee fall creamery, 20 to Wt) e western dairy, 14 to 16e; Manitoba dairy, 14 to 15o. Eggs -There is a good demand, and prices are firm. . We quote as follows --Strictly freehi stock, 25c - selected cold' storage, 2.20 ; straight arrivals, 21c ,• Mont- real limed, '16 to 17c-; western limed, 15 to 15c,and seconds, 13•10 I5c per dozen. • Id -Poultry. _ 1 TOROTO, December 3 -The offerings of poor thin turkeys and of scalded chickens • are much too numerous. The demand for the better grades is still good and the sup ply is fair. Prices are ateady at 40 to 75o • per pair for ducks ; 5 to 6c for geese, and 6 to tic per pound. for turkeys. ofe . 'ogs-Best select bapon liege, not ; Fee ea less than .60 nor more Ithan 200 pounds 1 Line eachT,1 unfed and nnviatered off cara, sold at Shoe $6.121 ; fats at $5.62/-, and lights at $5.87/c. Uncalled oar lots of hop sold at about $5 90 to $6 per owt. MW•.7TREAL, December 3 -Cattle -The wet, -disagreeable weather did not help a previously dull market, and the low prices of Thursday prevailed , with all common ptio stock. A few of the best cattle were sold at about 40 per pound, with pretty good • Toe animals at from 3 to 31.1e; and the common stock at from 2 to 2e per pound. A carload of common dry cows, which were held over from Thursday's market, were sold to -day at 2c per pound. Canners sold at from to 2o per pound. Colvea sold at from $3 to $8 each. Sheep sold at from 2i to 30 per pound. There were none bought; by ship- pers. Lambs sold at from 3-1 to no per pound. Fat, hoga are Tether lower in price, and sold at from 5c, to a little over .6e per • poundoweighed off the cars. 1311th.S. CRAWFORD-In Landeaboro. on November 19th, the wife of Mr. Charlet Crawford, of 'a son. • LEE -In Hullett, onNovember 22nd,the wife of Mr• . Wm. Lee, of s son. DUNHAM-In West Superier, on November 24th,the • wife of Mr; Arhie Dnhm, of & dauhter. MeTAVISH-In Paris, on November 28th, the wife of • Mr. Jchn MeTayih,cf a daughter. Marriages- MRSHALLTWITCHELL-At the residence of the bride's prents, hi Clinton, on November 27th, by Rev. Alex Stewart, Mr George Marshall, to Miss Alice, eeeend daughter of M. Arthur Twit- • ched 0SBALDESTONeFERGUSON-At the reidence of tbe bride's parents, in Cinton, on November 27th, by Rev. -Mr. Dunlop. Mr. Audrey Osbldes- ton, of Goderich townhip, to Adelatcle, third clauzliter of 11r. Tames Ferguson. BENNEWEISQUERENGESSER-In Logan, on Nc vember 19th, by Rev. II. Wiega.nd Mr. Aaron Bennewels, of Melilibp, to Miss Hannah, daugh- terof Mr. Ferdinand Querengestia4 of Lgan. GILL -Tx -In Gtey, av Nels-lb< r 20t, by Rev D. B. McRe, Mr Wnr. Gill, ta Miss Horse Market. Ton000, December 4-Grands have' se- cured the contraot from the Government for the purchase of the 600 horses that will be required for the third contingent. The eort of horses required are animals standing 14.215 to 15.2. dark, six to eight yeare old, and perfectly sotnad. They will, in feet, be bought on the same basis as Col. Dent has been purchasing. Some forty horses were Bola by auction at Grand's on Tuesday,most- ly general purpose and driver. -The aver- age price was $22 to 5105. Some service- ably sound general purpose horses sold at 50 to $80. Iff178 Stook Markets. • LIVERPOOL, December 3 -Cattle to -day are steady from 11/ to 13e per pound (dress- ed weight) ; refrigerator beef is 10 to 10o per pound. B VFFALOI Deoember 3 -Cattle -There were 600 Canadian cattle on the market;. good demand and 10 to 15e higher for good SEAORT/k f 1130 GH: AT on th Dollars. Weaptirc ased fr m a mtmfacturer's agent the balance of their' Toronto stoqk at 68e on tie doll r on thei manufacturer'spriceS Hundred of yar s of Dr ss Goods to be sold at nibst astonishingprices. Now is yo4e chance to uy dras goods at your own price?. .„ PRE S GOOD SPECIALS. • Four hundred an twelv yards of Cotume oths, worth from 30c t o 40e a yarda for 19c a ya d. One hun rd. an foty-t ree yard of heavy Cloth goods, 44 inolie, worth tOce for 1c per yard. • • Three hundred a d forty three yards of plain goods, Serge and Cashmere, worth 50c,_ for 3c aye. d. • Hundrede of 'ye ds to ch se from. No reastmable offer refused on these goods, as they nustgo. es will astonish you. THE ANAPA BUSINESS COLLEGE, CATHAM, ONT., Will giveyo r in this and suoceeding 113811C3 of this paper, tekti °Male from four of its former students, whosesoMb fled isalariee are over $11,000 per annum 1:; --n averag et $,760. What do you think of it? Watch eVer issue of this paper. Ciriter Main ,a11,01'ocirket Smuts Slisaforth, Ontaro. _ -The pri AMANYrAAAAAAAWAMOSMAA I Scalar Th s; Largest Dry Gooch; ansr Clothing . Concern in _ Four Countheo . Found in our advertise day to hundreds eff peo peint. No one ays us price, and no ar icle is No baits tolraw peopl The constant growth of Our stylish, dependable mint please the peope. by keeping constantly ceaselessly studying the customers thci e liberal prchases. ents, is the most important news of the le. What we eay ietruthful and to the more for an article than our advertised. poken which we have not( stck. to us; L.A.11 our offerings are legitimate, this bnsiiness is emphatic evidence that good, and our marvellously low prices,, Suceess such as ours is only possible in tonal 'with the world's market, by people seeds, and by- sharing with_ our iscounts that come with all our spot cash. Ladies' • The latest styles and n Just to hand a direct import o Lars, Having had sale for al ginning of the season, we hay 'iel Weiet in red, with neat tri 11)0 -YD CO•1 Popular , tarOin House. ()DUCE TAKEN AS CA41,A If eirOu stews wil not permit of your taking our regadar ceurilee, remember that we teach Book- keeping, S rthnd, and Penmanship BY MAIL. It you eanno ,each us, wo can reach you. Write for our CAT OUR cr MAIL COURSE CICULAR. ' • St Pau, Minn., Apr. 19, 1899. Mr. D. Mc ohian, Chatham, Ont. . Dee lead -It is impossible for me f find words i !atoll to express my appreciation tyour institution, tte I consider the time and money/ spent In harnin the art or Bookkeeping and Shdrtband has note t an amply repaid me both intlletually, and finane ily.' 1 OW9 my preeent position and the success I a 1 now enjoying to the ihorough training I reeeived in vur College. I fled in my experience that ther oat essential element in business- is to understan heokkeening, and 1 can candidly gar' that I hay had n i difficulty whatever in handling 11 Mary a. Crnechan, all of Gray. - set of book. ESIERSON-BRITTON-t the home of the bride's • To yu g men or women who desire to fit them - parents, Hullett township, on November 28th, by selves for acipolisible positions, I .woul1 recommen Rev. T. B. Coupland, Mr. ,Edwin Elverson, of then, by jilt Means to take a course through you Kiliarney, Menitoba, to Miss Ida Brtton, of institutio . With best .wishee for- your succees, ' Hullett. retriain to choice grades; others dull and barely • steady ; choice to fine steers.$5.90 to $6.40; , • a few Christmas steers bringing $7 to $9 • good shipping steers, 45.40 to $5.75; handy butchers', $4.50 to $5.30 ; bulls, $3.20 to $3.25; cows, $3 25 to $4 25; common to choice heifers, $3 to $5.10 ; fresh cowr ac- tive, $2 to $4 per head higher some fancy, $55 to $145; stockers, $2 to ; Michigan stockers $2.65 to $3 40 ; Canada stook calves, Choice to extra, $3.25 to $3,40 ; good to choice, do., $3 25 to $3.40 ; tlattacia feed- ers, good to extra, 53.75 to $4.25 ; milkers, choice to extra, $50 to $52 ; good to choice, $42 to 545 ; springers. $50 to $55 ; calves, choice to extra, $7 to 57.25; good to choice, 56.50 to 57 ; heavy, 54.25 to $4.50. , Hoge -Fairly good demand, without 'decided change; pigs higher-; Yorkers, heavy, 55.70 to 85.S0; light Yorkers, 55.50 to ,55 65 -pip, 55.35 to 55 40: mixed packers, 55.90 to 55; heavy, 56 10 to 56.15 ; roughs, 55 to 55.40 ; stags, 53 75 to 54.50. Sheep and Lambs -Sheep firm; choice to fancy 'amble-, $3.10 &to 53.15 ; coils to choice, 53.75 to 5.05; top mixed sheep, 53 15 to 53.50; culls and common, $1.75 te 52.75 • handy wethers, 53.50 to 53.75 k yearlings, i,3.50 to $4 ; extra export wethers, 53.75 to 53.85. Tonoo-To, December 4. -Cattle -Ext port Cattle -Choice lots of export oattle sold from 54.70 to 55 per cwt., and lights at 54 to 51.50. Export Cows-Clhoice export cows are worth 53.25 to $3.65 Per cwt. Bulls -Heavy export bulls sold at 53:75 to ' 54.25 per cwt, while light export bulls • sold 'at 53.25 to 53.65. Butchers' Cattle-- . Ch.oice picked lots of butchers' cattle, equal in quality to the best exporters, weighing 1,075 to 1,150 pounds eah, sold at, 54.25 • to 54.40. Loads of good butchere cattle are worth $3.0 to 54; and medium batch- - ors', mixed cows, heifers and steers, $3.40 to $3.55 per cwt. Common .butchershcows, • Death. KENNARD-In Seaforth, on November 29th, Harriet Winnlfred Kennard, seed 423 tare and. (I days. WESTFAHLIwEgmondvlle, on Nevember 29th, What we , years. leACIHLAN & CO;, Chatam, Ont. , LOUill Renkie, wife cf Mr. F. Wetfabl, aged 67 Me LCEY-In Goderich townhip, on November 24th; 1754, Joh Jezeth; son of Mr. Thomas Lacey, aged.? , • - Yourti sincerely, Jam 'A Cam bell (formrly c,f Dresden, Ont.) Since t is letter was written, Mr. Campbelt has been adva ced-frem the position Of assiWiant to *t of tri Or tit double the ealaryrebeved thn. ave 'done for him we can do for °there. The iJon Distance Telephone yea and LI monthe. GRAM -In Hay, oft Novemb:r 24th, Mrs. Will's• - Gram, aged 80 Year.) and 24 days COTT-n Fait Oxford; on No ernher 28th, Michael • Scot f the- of Mr. Jarnea Soott,ot Clinton, aged t,nd see !nd Wood. Stoves ur disnlay of all kinds of Stoves, both coal e carry the largest assortment in the County. We buy for ash, and give our enstomere he benefit by giving them he lov4st possible price. It Will pay to give • -us a nail if In need Of any kind of a stove. The celebrated hoi Ott ,11 ange and Radiant Home base fiteater ck. If you will have a Steel Range, let us u, so that you will not havel to pay two prices. I hiOaluable to Business men. You epeak to 40,000 subscribers in ande. and hundreds .of,thousands in et oears. LO1T-4In Brusses, en November 80th, John Wes- ' . the United States, within a distance Io, third son of George and Mary J. Ltt, aged 0' l.600 mies. Have you made its 8 years, 2 months and. 8 days., USS a* factori in your business? WILLIAMS-In Brueels, on,Novmber 28th, May . , Marks, wife of Mr. Hugh WIlliame,ged 06 yc are, The $41 Telephone Co., of Canada. 10 =maths and 1.3 days. SALE REGISTER. 00 Friday, December 13, at 3 o'clock p. m,, at the Cemmeroial Hotel, Seaforth, tots 31 and 32 in Adorns' Survey, Seaforth, on OM of which is a brick residence, and on the other a frame( reeidence. Thomas Brown, Auctioeer. • On TuesdaytePecember 10t, at -1 o'clock p. m., on LOtnO3,2, Concession 5, MoKillop, Farm Stock. .trnd Implements. Charles Dodds, PrOptietor ; Thomas Ilown, Auc- tioneer. On Tuesday, December 17th, at 1 o'clock p. m., at Mrs. Secord's residence, Varna, auction sale of Household Furt iure. Mrs. Secord, proprietress; Thomas Brown, arm, tioneer. On Saturday, December 14th, at 1 o'alock p. m., &tithe Grand Trunk Railway stock yards, Se.aforth, 'auotion sale ofBrieish Columbia ranch horses: • P. McConnell, proprietor ; Thos. Brown, auctioneer. impoRTANT NoTwEs. • T"bFIER WANTED. -For New School Section No. 16. Howl& and Grey, for 1902. Aopli- , catione received up to December 1411, stating eatery and Oualifictions.• Apply to GEORGE ROBERT- SON, Secretary, Mnleaworth P. 0., Ont. 1773x2 parcel eontainiSo a euit of fleece lined underWear, on the night of November 30th'be- tween Hensall and Donald Ifelcamon's corner. The Roder will please leave at the Hensel P. 0., and oblige. ERIC MeSAY. , 1773-3 TRAY COLTS.-Sf rayed from the orenlises of the 0 undersigned, Concessiol 2; McKillop, Roxboro, two colts, one e twoyearold and the other one , ye r old. Both wera bay in color and with a white star on the face. Any information leading to their re- covery will be thankfully received. JOHN SCOTT, Serforth P. 0. , ' 1773 tf 'DARA FOR SALE.For sale, Lot 20, Concession r 2nd, MoKillop, centaining 60 aore, nearly all cleared,' It is all seeded to grass except about 20 acres. There are six acres of fall wheat. Franke house and bank barn. A good orchard end plenty, of spring water. 15 18 within two miles of Seat arth, and is one of the best fauns in the township. Will be add cheap and on cagy term'. Apply on the premises, or acidreis Seaforth 0, JOSEPH BOLGE. • 17733 1-1DES, SKINS, FURS. The Underaigned is prepare d to pay the highest cash price for all Hides, Skin, Tallow, and Raw Pure, delivered at A. W. Stobie's egg erprlum. WM. MoDOUGALL, Searortia. • 1773-13 MiSHTER GPOGAN Tal ka bout Shoesfor a Change Always in st figure Withy .14-1-1-1"1-1r1•44.1-1-1÷ ew good kecod-hand Stoves " Poe I been thryha' me band at Oh poethry," says Clany, ',an I wud loike yer opiniin as to th' mirita iv me production. I've of* 'ought I curl wroite poethryeao I had a fir how,but this is th' forst toirne I've given it a whorl. It's intoitled ' An Ode to m Rhoea '." " Yer not the forst man t ags owed fur his shoes," I brutally remarl4el, though 1 mint no harm by it. "I've oilof got as fur ag th' furst vure," he say,00"but I intind to clap on twe or tree alorf3 whin I git toime." It goes this way: Av ye r hard up far a pair iv new shoes Dont bp widout thion army longer, But gop to Tom Richards n's Ili An' git a new pair fu e two dollars , an' fifty pis. • . " T4rets more truth than poethry ie yer produllion," I says. th" It trades a little thrimmin' about) th' idges, an' a little putty here an t ere wuddn't hurt it. Av ye'vo no obillio Ong, rn take it home to th' proiva lv me kitchen an' Pll sandpaper it down e bit." An' I did, an' this is spat HE TWO FIFTY SHOE, DidVes ee the fOine shoes, that Tom Rich- ardson se I - ? • ' e Theylre nobby, they're nate, an' they're PifStayr,e ithley'll weai r till they're worn out, an' long rather that, An' trii proice is ixoctly Two fifty. Cheap Stov ) • Oollector's .Notice Township of Play. On all taxes unpaid by the 14th of Decembe, inet., cost for collection will be added. CHARLES TROYR, Collector. • 1773-2 happepeci Where s th' Anse to be shpindire big Money, o shoes ?V Why ot save up yer dough an' be thrifti ? he Whin e're buyin' yer shoes kape al grip yer rse An' er pay more than Two fifty. I use to: buy shoes from this wan an' that- • • wiesomewhat unatiddy an' thifty, But I've med up me moindto shtick to th' brand 1 That Tom Richardson eel's far TWO ffity. Tom kapes thim on hand, but I kapeThim •ontfoetotth% wither be rainy or drifty, _ The'll kape out th' Wet, an they'll kape Thotigh th' proioe is no more thain Two out thlicould :fifty. GRO Richardson • Sole Agents for the Goodyear • Glove &libbers. I, • AND &Hardware at a bargain Os., Ouse, CLINTO atin, ach. Also a special line of lined and very neatly tr • Specials in figured Ro A repeat orderbfladi A beantifal range of 1 buckles, also a' new style in p u gestion0 •- •. ••• • t? Deliattment veltiesare always shown in this departmnt. der a Russian, Battenburg and point lacl col- ourreadymacle French flannel waists at tlie he- re -ordered, and can no r show you a pretty flan - ming, for 52.85. lack sateen waists, mac e of extra heavy Boman •mmed with box plaitet front and back, for $1.38 an satin waists, at $1. 0 and $1,85 each. s' ancl; children's plush back underwear to hand. dies' Antoinette dip b Its in vlvet, with faacy tent leather, to sell. at 25c each. • i k Fur Departm mt. ... ce in the handling of ars enables us to talk with eapquotations usually mean cheap products, or at is einquoted. We Assure our customers of the t quality of goods, with a guarantee that whatever . Many years' experie authority on the sublect. openers for high prices on w closest quotations and the be you buy will give satisfactio fOr Christmas. * • ould eeled from these lines s)oniething suitable for the pje Perhaps you son you Wish, to remember at Xmas While we have not room here to mento one-tenth Of the range we have to offer you more orless of a selection in, can with nonfidence recommend toyou-oursuperir ;assortment and- low pr ice UL the follow:ng line : Perfumery, Hair and- Cloth Bruhes, Dicesing Oa es, ' Specials in ladies' coa s in Astrachan, Bokliaran, Obon, Electric Seal and Persian Lamb in all len ths and qualities. Also capes, ruffs, collarettes, nreffe, gauntlets, Sec. Everything/in men's fur cots, fur robes; file caps, gauntlets, &c. atchewan buffalo robe, and an imitation Persian Also the gep.uine Sas lamb coat. Dress G • • Purses Books of all rinds, Bibles, Hymn Books and Prayer Boglie for all nom.i.utidny;, POE ts, lbunis, Calendars,1 H Xmas Cards, Fountain Pens, Gaines1- , .- have a lo of .Fncy Goods and Books that have ben se We will ell regardless of cost i time; th FIRST ' 9F, PIC ILSO on hand 1.• Careful buyers card hae taught them that each price S are- always the lowest Aspecial table of re half price. Two pieces homespu One piece only heav skirts, at 40c a yard.. Seven shades in a 5 Nine pieces of o he yard. We leave a complet shiinkable underwear. ods Department . , lly read. our announcements, because experience quotation means value worth coming for. Our • quality considered, __ _ • nanth in :dress goods, silks and velvets. to clear'.at 51 baohes wide, to clear at 43c. twill goods, 50 ineheS wide, _special for suits ancl inch suiting cloth for '350 per yard. vy coStume cloth, 14 inches wide, sp,ecial at 28e stock of all sizes and weights of Stanfield's un- °011, NORTH SEAFORTH. ARD'S, be Great Cash Store. ,,.....—.... , . , • Niiaw Goods. NeePir Gciods. , z , • • aairing jut rqeeived another largItconsignment cif Dry Good, whic i eve bought 4 al bargain from the manufacturers, it places uS in a position to o r to b . the pnb io better value tia0 ever an ; - Dre,sOoods, Hipsiery, Underwear , and Blank08. Illtiot • $hoes, and kubitiersj . 1 , PiiVre' have a lobby stock of Men',Womn's, and Children's, ove 400 piecfis ,jst passed i to.stpck. Our boots are wearers, our prices Ate the I wst. We have a few li es of]Men's, Womens, and Girls', to clear at reduced prices. ' • See our punt re proof rubbers, they are wearers. I • 1,- • G ocery DepartmOnt.' i!1 'room Groce Department we have "some , snaps. See our raisis, they are the, beet in the Market. Just the thing for your Xmas cake. . , BWHi RP ETORIA.00x, BLY ki. ! . -. a • , 1 Mills Co.. Trro,N.S. • . - who test and guarantee every garraelat not to .., 7; - shrink. No special dieections for washing. .:.. ...1),114i f6,(.---,4 - They will net shrink In dig wash.--Yoor Looney . i While Salarant.n's unsiarinkable ora' es twice Underwear that Fits and does not Shrink Wears will and is al. way Comfortable 9 Is manefacitared Sta nfields tirely from pure Novo . Unshr cotia woo Is, by IJII U &swear. , he Truro Knitting, .rehab 1:::::::: -.. IV' Y: ' : .....,.,,,, r. "the value inwear anti comfort, it costs nonsotethAn • -.' '.. • •.,„-rs:'•. any ll-w,00l underwear of the same quality,•Rea n.,6.2„....,!,sy:.--„,..i,,,. member only STA141%It.LeSp!uatran4...velpitet(1,3196titi tilt ...iwei;kri eldg- „i„,„ - • et, .. . , .....-• .. le Clothi n* . Department. On the clothing c astion, we are away ahead—ahead in vaiiety, LlitY and everything, but pric er The price is where iyou will be ahead, This is our guaranteeranything in lothing bought from uS can be returned, and you will receive your mi money bac f yu want it. Another shipmei t to hand of our celebrated beaver overcoats at $8 and $9.25, regular 510E., nd $12.50 goods. Alsg-a complete tock of Raglane, Riglanettes and. Chesterfield's leather ., Coats and rubber lined mocks • • A A Fe Three patterns Special line of goods. . Also specials in Special values lined, all shades. All the latest extra, Specials in Suits, suitS at $6, all sies, from 36 to 41, regular $5 goos. Amy ivorsted suits, two colors? for 59;15, rgular. $12:0 blue and black worsteds at $6, $8 and 59.75. ill be!. found in our me's mocha gloves, lined anduti- ovelties in men's and boys' cloth caps—valus sOinethipg 4014 Highest p ices pald for Butter, and Wool. P Opposite T ikka borne Ms11 and Ida.rket Ste.,Sesforthl Oggs CO*1 IMPORTERS