HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-11-29, Page 7Cc&
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NOVEMBER 29, 1901.
Illore to be Dreaded Than an Out.
Break of Smallpox.
o Epidemic in the Last, Quarter of a Cen-
tury -Has Carried off as Many People as
,tenareally Fall Victim' to Consumption.
veaveoir du Nord, St. Jerome, Que.
Throughout Canada much alarm rine been
-felt during the past few months attilit" out-
break of arnailpox that has oceurred u vari-
awl localities, and thousands of dollere have
been expended—and rightly so—insup-
pressiug it. Awl yet year in and year out
Ws country suffers from a plague that
dams more vietime annually then have beent,
carried off by any epidemic during the past
quarter of a century. Consumption—the
at White plague in the north—is near° to
I a dreaded than any epidemic. Its victims
throughoat Canada are numbered by the
eaousancle annually, and through its ravages
bright young lives in every quarter are
nreeghb to an untimely end. Why? There
are two reasons, the insicluous character of
the &settee, and the. all true prevalent be-
lief that those who inherit weaklungare
foredoomed to an early deaths and that the
mosh that can be done is to give the loved
eau temporary relief in the journey towards
eke grave, This is a great mistake. Medi-
a' sconce now knows that consumption,
when it has not reaohed an acute stage, is
tumble. But, better still, it Is preventible
seam from weak lungs, who will clothe
themselves properly, who will keep the
blood rich and red, not only need not dread
consumption, but will ultimately become
healthy, robust people. Among those upon
whom consumption had fastened its fangs,
and who have proved the disease is curable,
is Mr. Ildege St. George, of ,St. Jerome,
ae. His story as related to a reporter of
Wevenir du Nord, will be of interest to
similar sufferers. Mr. St. George says :
It Up to the age of fifteen years, I had al -
wee e enjoyed the best of health, but at that
age 1 became greatly run down. I lost color,
suffered • constantly from headaohes and
pains in the sides; my appetite left me and
became very weak. For upwarde of three
yeare—though I was having Medical treat-
Meat—the trouble went on, Then I was
attacked by a cough, and was told that I
was in consumption: Then the doctor who
Was attending me ordered CII6 to the Lauren-
tian Mountains in the hope that the change
of air would benefit me. I remained'Illere
for enne time, bat did not improve, and re-
turned home feeling that I had not much
longer to live. Et was then that my iarents
decided that I should use Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills, and I began taking them. Af-
ter using several boxes my appetite began to
return, and this creerned to mark the change
whicb brought about my recovery, for with
the improved appetite came gradual but
surely increasing strength. I continued the
use of theyills, and dailyefelt the weakness,
that had threatened to end my life, disap-
pear, until 4naIly I was again enjoying good
health, and now, as those who know me can
see, I allow no trace of the illness I pearled
through. I believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
saved my life, and I hope my statement will
induce similar sufferers to try them."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new, rich,
red blood. With every dose the blood is
strengthened, the quantity increased, and
thus the patient is enabled not only to re-
alst the further inroad of diaease, but is soon
restored to active health and strength. H
you are ill, or weak, or suffering from any
disease due to poor blood or weak nerves,
take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at once and
they will soon make you well. Those pills
are /fold by all dealers in medicine, or will
be sent post paid at 50 cents a box, or six
boxes for $2 50, by addressing the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat. -
You Must Have Grit.
Philip Ogilvie, a young Scotehman, was
an engineer, who fell in love with his em-
ployer's daughter, and she with him. He
Sta,ted the case to hie employer. " Ogilvie,"
Said the enraged man, `-` you are presumptu-
ous ; my daughter is worth thirty thousand
pewits; you have probably not so many
pence. I can dispense with your eervices
for the future."
"1! lack of wealth is all that can be urg-
ed againet me," was the reply. "1 will
speak to you again on the subject, sir. Good
He set, out for California, worked, toiled
and struggled, but for a long time no suc-
cess attended him. At last he was fortun-
ate; only to be robbed by an unscrupulous
partner. Again, through sheer grit, he suc-
ceeded ; but lost his all in a bank smash.
Leaving America he went to South Africa,
and was nearly killed in an attack by Zulus
en Salisbury Station. Recovering, he reach-
ed Bechuanaland, and eventually eight years
after leaving Glasgow he reached his native
city, the posseasor of fourteen thousand
Hi persistence was rewarded, and he is
now partner and sou -in-law of the man who
once treated him so harshly, but now recog-
nizes his worth,
"Any fool can slide through the world,"
said an American humorist, " but if ye
want ter leave er mark yew must hey some
grit about ye*."
Coughing at Night.
An old cough. You've triici many things
and they all failed. You ou4ht to feel un-
easy.' Winter is here, and SO is the cough,
and a winter bailey is always dangerous.
You categet instant relief and epeedy cure
by breathing Catarrhozone. Thin remark-
able lung and throat remedy relieves can-
geetion, promotes expeotonstion and cures
the cough in a few hours. Thousands say
Cietarrhozoneientn unfailing cure for coughs
and colds. Two sizes, 25 cents and $1 00,
-a Fear's drug store, Seaforth.
Gloyn ; 3, James Hishon ; 4, George Wett-
laufer ; 5, Sam; 3rd 'Class. -1,
Joseph Aitoheson ; 2,e Wilbert .Lamb; 3,
Robert Smart, Boys. -1, George Arm-
strong ; 2, George Aitcheson, Speoial for
best ridgeein field, Alex. Redford.
At the Change of Life. -
This trying ogl in woman's lifeeusually comes be.
tworn the ages of forty and fifty years and ie marked
by Irritability, headache, dizziness, irregular month-
lies, fitful appetite, forebodinge of evil,,palpitation ot
thoe:art and conttipation. Dr. Chase a. Nerve Food
is above an a woman's medicine, because it helps her
esfely through this trying period. It e»riehes the
blood, ettengti els the nervetsregulates the functions
of the feminine organa and t)nes and Invigorates the
e tole body.
The Profit in Pigs.
From. 100 pounds of dry food, 9 pounds
of live steer, 11 pounds of live sheep and
nearly 24 pounds of live hog are produced,
or 264 per cent more pig than steer from a
given remount of food, though hogs consume
more costly food than either sheep or steers,
says Professor J. W. Sanborn in Kanses
Farmer. •
This astonishing growing power of the
pig is due to the greater amount of food
consumed and the all devouri eiite of
the pig.
It has been found that the pig °trimmed
from 3 to 7 per cent.: of ive weight
daily, while the steer made from 2 to 3111
per -cent., or about little over one-half as
much as the pig. In other words the pig
has power to eat, to digest and to assimil-
ate food to a greater extent than any other
animal on the farm. Theinter nal construc-
tion of the hog is built for this 'purpose diff-
ferently from the eteer.
Going further, I found that the, pig gives
a larger ratio of dressea carcass than does
the steer in proportion to live weight, giv-
ing 82 per cent. of dressed eremite to 65 per
cent. in the steer, or 50 per cent., with the
hide and tallow free. _
Still pressing the claims of the _hog over
the steer to their ligitimate issue, .1 find
that 100 pounds of food from the data given
produced 7.39 pounds of water and beim
free meat in the pig and 1.67 pounds of
beef for consumption, or the pig produces
4.42 per cent. times more food material than
the steer from 100 pounds of food.
The producer sells the pig fat for market
at as high as price as the best steer. . You
therefore get the benefit of the muoh larger
growth and gain per 100 pounds of food,
and the early maturity of the pig, not being
required to pass through one or two costly
winteis of little growth, all of which shows
the greater advantage of the hog over •the
The hog is the best marketer of grain and
grass that the farmer has. He brings it
quicker and at greater pepfit for the food
consumed than any other animal, while his
meat is the eheapest that can
for the consumer when the ec
cured product is taken into co
The Public. Look For It.
The public look for and demand trueand
honest diepensiag when prescriptions are
taken to the drug' store. Our diepensing
department is conducted on such perfected
plans that errors are imposeible. •Strict at-
tention te business,- pure drugs and medi-
cines and low prices have won -for us a posi-
tion second to none in the drug trade.
If you are suffering from headache, indi
gestion, heart trouble, liver complaint, kid
ney diseame, or ills resulting from impure
blood, vveQtrongly advire you to use Paine's
Celery Compound. It is the greatest ban-
isher of disease, the only medicine that can
bring you health and new.life. Try a bot-
tle of Paine's Celery Compound if you feel
weak or rundown ; it is a marvellous
strengthener. ee
ALEX. WILSON, Druggist, Seaforth, Oat.
Hard on Noblemen.
A member of a fashionable club in London
lose his umbrella. tBeing resolved to draw
attention to the matter in ad effective man-
ner, he caused this notice to be put up in
the hall :
"The tiablernan who took away an Um-
brella, not his own on such a date is request-
ed to return it."
The committee took offense at this state-
ment and summoned the member who made
it before thein. -
" Why, sir," they inquired, " should you
have supposed that a nobleman should have
taken your umbrella?"
"Well," replied the member, "the first
article in the club rules says that this
club is to‘ be composed of noblemen and
gentlemen,' and since the person who stop
my umbrella oould not have been a gentle-
man, he must have been a nobleman.'
. •
be produoed
nomy in the
Happy Tit -Bits.
Well," she said in some astonishment,
as he looked up from the paper, " woman
certainly is invading all lines of business.
A girl burglar has just been caught."
" I wonder," he (tome -rented, thoughtfully,
"if the time is coming when timid man will
be worried at night for fear there's a woman
under the bed?"
A girl wile had been very elever at college
came home the other day and saicl to her
mother :
"Mother, I've graduated; but now
muet inform myself in psychology, philology,
"Just wait a minute," said the mother.
"I have arreragecl for you a thorough course
in roastology, boilogy, atitchology, darn-
alogy, patchology, and general domestie-
ology. Now, pat on your apron and pluck
that chicken."
Gas on the Stomach,
result of imperfect digestion pressing up
against the heart, it excites alarming symp-
toms. Inetant relief is afforded by taking,
ball an hour after the meal, ten drop e of
Poison's Nerviline in a little sweetened
Water. Nerviline aids digestion, expels the
gas and imparts a enee of comfort. Ner-
viline is good for lots of other things, and
Wise people keep a 25c bottle in the house
for rheureratiam, crampa, neuralgia, tooth-
ache, etc. Try it at I< ear's drug store, Sea-
.—'rhe annual plowing match of the Dow:
me Plowmen's Association was held last
week on the farra of Mr. Thomas Aitche-
son, conceesion 5, Downie. The following
rs a Itst of the succoseful competitors: lat
Claes.—Alex. Redford; 2, Robert Alb:le--
eon ; 3, Walter H. Murray ; 4, John
Frame; 5, Pater Smith e 6, D. Smith.
zid Class. -1, David Oliver; 2, James
Miserable Fol
state of mied and b
other form of stomae
Stan's Pineapple Tabl
remedy that nature pr
cal science has proved
ing and curing stothac
a symptom of distress
the Pineapple mutt., 5 cent:I.—Is
I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth.
8 amid trace both
dy to some one or
disorder. Dr. Von
t is a vest pocket "
vides and that medi-
a Wondenio prevent -
ailments. If you've
in your stomach test
*inter. Thus, ihey have been kept dis-
tinct for over 250 years, and in -and -in
breeding has been resorted to, to fix in a
sure manner the characteristics of the breed.
Thus, they have;. Much the appearance of
the Britt/any:cattle of to -day. It may be
noted here that the French,Canadian, Jer-
sey, Guernsey, Kerry, and Brittany cattle
are all supposed to come from the same
origin, and the Brittany is usually allowed
to be the older etode ; the different breeds
being modified by climate, care, and per-
haps indiviclinTA oharaoterietice of animals
bred from, until they vary from the 500
pound -Kerry to the Guernsey almost as
large as the Shorthorn., The three qualities
claimed for the French•Ceinadians are hardi-
ness, easy keeping qualities, and riehness of
milk. As they are email, the cows averag-
ing about.700 pounds each, they do not re --
quire large amounts of food. In form, they
are something like the Jersey; in color,
principally dark brown or bleck, with
brown stripes on the back and aropnd the
muzzle, or brown, with black point's, brin-
dle, or even yellow. JAS, &ONETIME.
Unsightly and Foul Diseases
Arising From Impure and Poison-
ed Blood are Quickly Cured.
Didn't Want 'Angels.
A Georgia darky went out to an old field
to "seek and pray."
It was dusk, and he knelt down and put
up a long petition that the angels would
come and minister unto them.
Presently he heard a flapping of wings
behiad-him, end in a second he was making
the race horse time on the home road, where
he jumped into bed and covered his head
from sight.
A Cured Man Says: "It Would
Mean the Use of Pages to Tell
One Half of What
Paine's Celery Compound
Has Done For Me."
ye've catched me again."
The miniater did his best to assure hers
that he preferred her in that dress. Before
leaving he prayed with her, but during the
prayer he heard an amount of unnecessary
rustling. When the prayer was ended he
found her Metamorphosed, with a triumph-,
ant look on her face. She had changed her
. .
gown in the meantime,
On an °octillion of ikejoicing at the manse
we invited the old women of the parish to
tea. The distances were great, but the
farmers were kind, and oonveyed the gueste
in carts to the gate. We Shall never forget
how nice they looked, clothed in all their
treasured finery. Old Mary was greatly in
evidence, and did her best to encourage the
/thrones. " Noo, dinna be feared, tak'
gude meal, the minister will no' eat ye,"
• and so on. When Betty Nichol was asked
what she would have, she replied—" What-
ever you like, sir, onything's good enough
for me."
" Hoots, woman, that's nae kind o'
answer," said Mary. " &et you tell the
minister what ye wad like bogie'.
She whispered to another—" Now dinna
be laying the banes on the clean tablecloth,
We'll jist pop them doon under the table."
After the repast was over She addressed
the maids—" Noo, lassies, we ve had a gran'
meal, an' we'll jist gang to the kitchen est('
help to wash the dishes."—People's Friend.
That great and eidiele genius, Professor
Edward E. Phelps, M. D., L.L. D., the dis-
coverer of Paine's Celery Compound, spent
y,ears in perfecting his prescription before
he gave it to it world of suffering and dis-
ease. Years of severe tests and tens of
thousends of precious lives saved, have all
combined to make Paine's Celery Compound
the preeent day popular family medicine.
Paine'eRelery Compound has triumphed
over numberless cases of foul and deep-
seated blood diseases. It effectually cleanses
the blood, braces the weak nerves, builds
up flesh and a constitution capable of reeiet-
ing sickness and disease. Mr. A. E. Ham-
mond, Mansonville, P. Q, cured by Paine's
Celery Celery Compound, writes thus :
"Some five yeare ago it was my sad mis-
fortune to be afflicted with scrofula sores, of
which I had five on one legetnd three on the
other. These were running sores for four
years. In addition to this I was taken
down with rheumatism in the small of my
back so badly that I could not get off my
'bed.; and to further intensify my sufferings,
I had sick' headache in the worst form.
" While in this condition, a friend of
mine, Mr. Perkins,a merchant of this place,
sold me a bottle of Paine'e Celery Com-
pound, with the express understanding that
if it did me no good I should pay nothing
for it.
"In email -jug this offer, I had no idea of
ever feeling under and obligation to pay, for
the Compound, as I had no faith in it doing
me good. To my very great surprise, how-
ever, I grew better ; and by the time I had
'used three bottles I was as well as ever, and
what I never expected' to see was realized,
viz. : the sere% on my legs were entirely
" It would mean the U89 of pages to tell
one half of what Paine's Celery Compound
has done for me. This mavellous .cure hare
been in effect for nearly a year,"
— He Got Mad.
A Govan boy was taking his father's
breakfast in a breakfast can, when another
bey came up'to him and gave the can a kick.
"1)o you care about me kicking that can ?"
said the new comer. " No, I don't," re-
plied the other boy. " Do you now ?" said
the former, giving the can another kick.
" No, I don't," replied the latter. " Do
you'now ?" cried the infuriated stranger,
giving the oan such a kik that it knocked
the bottom out. "No, I don't" again re-
plied he with the can. " My mither got a
o't from sours this morning."
Man and Wife in Distress.—
Rev. Dr. Bochror, of Buffalo, says: My
wife and I were both troubled with distress-
ing Catarrh, but we have enjoyed freedom
from this aggravating malady since the day
we first used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder.
Its action was instantaneous, giving 'the
most grateful relief within ten minutes afterl
, first application." 5o cents. -153
I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth.
Suddenly there was a loud knocking at
the, door, end his etartled wife cried .:
" John, git apedar, for de Lewd sake!
De' angels that you been sec in' is come for
" Le'm stay dar," wasi the trembling
answer. "Tell 'em thoo' de keyhole dat I
ain't got no :wing ter fiy wid, en I'm too
heavy ter tote 1"
• ,
The Kinks and Twists in Rheu-
matics Rugged Road. --For 4 years
the wife of a well-known Toronto physician
was on crutchei fromjaheurnatism Scourge,
and not until she began usling South Ameri-
can Rheumatic Cure' could she get - a
minute's permanent relief from pain. Four
bottles cured her Write for confirmation
if you're sceptical. -154
I. V. Fear Druegist, Seaforth.
• ,
French Canadian Cows.
(Written for Tye, Ex POKITOR.)
Since this test commenced on' May 1st,
there have been a great- many inquiries
about the French•Canacgan cows, their
work having aroused considerable interest
in all parts of the country.
The French settlers who first came to
Canada were natives of Brittany and Nor-
mandy, France. The firet cattle in Quebec,
in 1620 or thereabouts -were brought, no
doubt, -from these two districts. No im-
portations of other breeds worth mention-
ing are reported in the history of the pro-
vince until about 1800. Between 1776 and
1850, a few herds ot Eisglieh cattle, mostly
-Ayrshires and Shorthorn, were brought in-
to the province, but they were brought by
wealthy Englishmen living near Montreal
and Quebec, where they are still to be
found. They found but little favor with
the Freneh inhabitants in the poorer region
and in the remote pens along the Lauren-
tian and the lower.partsieof- the St. Law-
rence, both north and south, as they were
loth to crois their hardy little cows with
the larger breeds, fearing, with good reason,
that they could not grow sufficient feed to
keep the larger animals alive, to say noth-
ing of profit, during the seven months of the
The Wrong Sex.
Disguieing himself as a woman, Charles
Baker, aged 17, worked three weeks as a
domestic servant in a boarding-house in
Chicago without being detected. He was
employeid by Mrs Robert Whimeet, on
Lake 'avenue, and performed the usual
household duties, including cooking and
sewing. The deception was discovered
through the attempts of a boarder to make
love to the "new girl." As an excuse for the
escapade, he said that en account of his
feminine appearanoe he could not get em-
ployment, and he had no other way of mak.
• ,
pi1I-Fame,---10 c pts. a vial for Dr.
Agnew's Liver Pills wolIIld not make them
the fame they enjoy to -day if the curative
powers were not hi them. Wor• 11 v.'1 see
to- the top and that accounts for the \VOr (1,.:t
ful demand for these little g me. Ts ey
positivey cure Constipation, Uh ;a
Sick Headache. -119
I. -V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on a 5Encent bottle of
Greerie's Warranted Syrup of Tar, if it fails
to cure your cough or cold. We also guar,.
antee a 25•cent bottle to ptove satisfactory'
or money refunded.
ALEX. WTLS019, Seaforth.
• -
llth meeting of Grey
township council was held in the township
hall, Ettel, on Wednesday, November 20th,
pursuant to adjournment. Present full
council, .'33y -law No. 175 read let, 2nd and
3rd time and finally penned appointing F.
S. Scott as clerk. Bylaw No. 176 read
lat, 2nd and 3rd time ancl finally passed re
municipal election for 1902. Communica-
tion from G. F. Blair re Guhr Ye. Oliver
read and filed. Moved by Turnbull. second-
ed by MeDonald, that this council grant
$6 to David Campbell towards wire fence on
condition that the council of Wallace grant
the same amount.—Carried. Moved by
McDonald, seconded by Turnbull, that G.
F. Blair be and it hereby appointed solicitor
for, the townehip.—Carried. After passing
a number of accounts the council adjourned
to meet on December 16th.
Infants too young to take medicine may be
cured of croup, whooping cough and colds by
using Vapo-Cresolene—they breathe it.
as the Scotch block, Ancaster, she having
been re resident of the township for about
70 years.
In Heart Disease It works like
magic.--" For years my greatest enemy
was organic Hart Disease. From uneasiness
and palpitation it developed into abnormal
action, thumping, fluttering and choking
sensations, Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart
gave instant relief, and the bad symptoms
have entirely disappeared. It is a wonder-
worker,"-nRev. L.S.Dana,Pit tsburg,Pa.--1.55
I. V, Fear, druggist, Seaforth.
—A Dekalb; Illiaeis, dispatch- says :
Back of a case just) ended in the Dekalb
county circuit court there is an extraordin-
ary story. Mrs. Daisy Mack, who was
possessed of considerable ssteane, was mar -
r ed to John F. Mack. She gave him $80,-
000 as a wedding present, but they failed to
agree, and Mrs. Mack sought to have the
marriage annulled. She got a divorce, and
the moat aetoniehing part of it all la that
the husband returned her money, dollar for
dollar, and both parted on good terms.
—The lady who figures in the following
notice was born in Mitchell, and her friends
'there extend to her much joy and happi-
nese : A very pretty wedding took place
at the residence of Mr, Jebel Jewell, Kil-
larney, Manitoba, at 7 o'clock on Wednes-
day morning, November 6t13,when his
oldest daughter, Miss Edith Lottie, was
united in marriao to Mr. Robert Daly, one
of our popular citizens, the Rev. M. P.
Floyd performing the eolemn ceremony
which made them one.
"My Woman,Is It the Kid-
neys ?"—Investigation iu half the dis-
orders peculiar to woman would prove faulty
kidneys the seat of the teouble. If you're
troubled with that tired, dragging feeling,
have an almost constant heaviness, maybe -
sharp pains in the head, put South American
Kidney Cure to the test. You'll find it the
long sought friend, -and it never fails.— I •=-
Old Mary and the Minister.
An interesting character in our palish
was old Mary. She had a surname, hut we
seldom heard it. She was known in the
parish only " old Mary." If there was
ever a case of a merry heart doing good like
a medieine it was that of Mary. She had
such a " cheery " way with her and always
looked en the brightside of things. She
had a husband, but he was the inferior
moiety, and was known at Dan or Mary's
husband. Now, there was _nothing Daniel
rejoiced in so much as being able to outwit
his clever wife. Mary used tohide their
money among the dieles on the " dresser"
,—gometimes in one of the many jugs under
the teacups, and soi on. Dan would slip
into the house when Mary was milking the
cow, make a search for it, and slip some
pieces into his pocket. He really did not
want the coins ; it was just for the pleas-
, ure of telling his companione that he had
cheated Mary, and of teasing her about it
when he thought a suitable moment had ale
The first time we called for Mary we
efound her in *hat she called her "state of
"0, but ye've (latched me the day ; but
never mind, Fit ye doon." *
I naturally- took the easychair, but I
found I had made!a mistake when she re-
quested me to" get tip an' let the minister
sit doon."
There was a press in the room behind
evhieh hung her. beet gown. She set to
,Work to change it, talking all the time.
he then smoothed it down with both
hands, and looked thoroughly happy.
Noo I'm tidied ye can bide as lang as
aver ye like."
On another occasion when the minister
was paying a pastoral visit he again had the
misfortune to find her in her !working ab
tire. te
" Oh, minister, I never kened the like r
I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth.
Some Things Worth Knowing.
—Open air exercise and freely mingling
with people are prescribed as the best cure
for blushing.
—Women should alwass remember that
with the ellen skirt a short coat should be
worn, otherwise it is extraordinary how the
length of the leg may be shortened.
—You can always heat up the cold sails -
ages for breakfast by dipping them in
beaten egg, then in fine bread crumbs, and
foing them quickly in boiling lard or drip-
—In hanging pictures it is to be remem-
bered that although oil paintings look better
hung in the usual way, with a sloping in
from the top to the wall at the bottom e yet
etchings and water colors often look better
hung fiat against the wall.
—A watch should be cleaned every two
years or so. Any one having the misfor-
tune to drop his watch into water, &a,
should take it at once to a watchmaker to
have it taken to pieces and cleaned, for a
delay ofseven an hour might spell the watch
—Giddiness or vertigo, is alwrins a Ryan
ptomatio condition, and is caused by digest-
ive disturbance, altered conditions of the
circulation in the brain, and a variety of
other cause', such as malaria, exposure to
the sun's rays, hemorrhage disease of the
ear, or orgardc disease of the brain. Digest-
ive dieorders are most commonly the causes
of vertigo, and the patient generally com-
plains ot his distress after a hearty meal.
—For a coli, says a physician, the first
best thing is 4est. If not complete, ;then
as much as 3seible. Muscular exertion
must not be indulged in while there is fever
and the chillineee on exposure to the air
that accompanies it. The cough must be
stimulated and softened, not treacherously.
lulled. All the secreSions and excretions
of the body inust be rendered active. They
carry off toxic material from the circulation.
Salt Rheum Oured Quick.—Dr.
Agnew's Ointment cures Salt Rheum and
all itching or burning skin diseases in a day.
One application gives almost instant relief.
For Itching, Blind, or Bleeding Piles it
stands without a peer. Cures in three to
six,nights. 35 cents. -151
1 I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth.
—The Morning Post, of Isanclow England,
of October 29th1 in a letter written by its
corrsepondent, who accompanied the Prince
and Princess of Wales on their empire tour,
Mr. E. F. Knight, speaks of the present-
ation of a medal for service in South Africa
to Miss Russell, of Hamilton, daughter of
Dr. Russell, superintendent of the Insane
Asylum, at the review in Toronto. Mr.
Knight sari : " Among the recipients of
the medal was Mine Russell, who went to
South Africa as a nursing sister. I remem-
ber seeing her in Wynberg hospital, to
which she was first sent on her arrival in
Cape Town, and many wounded offieers who
were there at that early period of the war
have grateful and pleasant memories of the
kindly and beautiful, Canadian girl who
tended them so well during their suffer-
ings," Miss Russell, who is now in New
York, will sail on the 23rd inet.,• accom-
panying a patient to Egypt.
HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL cures sprains, bruises
sores, wounds, outs, frostbites, chilblains, stiturs 01
meta, burns, scalds, contusious, etc. Price 210
—Princess Chimay, formerly Clara Ward,
of Detroit, Michigan, whose seneational
elopement with an itinerant gypsy fiddler
some years ago caused a se illation, is 13 big
seriously all at a hotel in Paris, France.
Janos Rigo, the fiddler, is with her.
—Mrs. Ann Walker, widow of the late
John Walker, died on Sunday morniog at
her residence in Carluke, Ancester town-
ship, Went*orth county. Mrs. Wa ker
was one of the first sett1,61 in what is known
Stumbling Wreckst—Undone and
overdone I Discouraged and desolate! Ema-
ciated nerve wrecks! Not one of you is -too
deep down in the mire of disease but the
story of such a potent remedy as South
American Nervine can reach you and lift
you back to good health. It's nature's
trusted lieutenant, gentle, but firm and un-
flinching. It never
I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth.
—John Hagar, a Sandwich south farmer,
near Windsor, narrowly escaped being die-
embowled by a ferocious sow, whic% he
disturbed in the woods. The animal knock-
ed him down and ripped a cut in his abdo.
men with her teeth that required 13 stitches
to clue). •Hagar.managed to regain his feet
and beat off the brute with a club.
DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP is a safe, sure and re
lieble worm expeler. Acts equally well on (children
or adults. Be sure yon get Low's.
—Thomas Flaherty, for over a quarter of
of a century a 0. T. R. conductor, is
dead from the effects of an operation in
the General Hospital, Montreal, for ap-
pendicitis, Mr. Flaherty had charge of
the royal train when it carried the Duke
and Ducheee of York over the Grand Trunk
from Montreal to Levis recently.
One LAXA.LIVER PILL every nizht for thirty
days makes a crenplete euro o biliousness and con-
etiption. That le --just 25 cents to be cured..
—Robert Wiglehr barns, six in number,
near Leamington, Essex county, were de-
stroyed by fire lest week, with all of their
contents. Besides this year's crop of hay
and grain, $1,500 worth of tobacco, which
had been sold, and 8 COWP, 150 chickens
and all the agricultural implements were
cure the worst headache in from five to twenty min-
utee, and leave no bad after-effects. One powder 6o,
.3 powders 103, 10 powders 26o.
—Richard H. Geele.nd, 70 years old,
father of Hamlin Garland, and one ot the
pioneers of La °tense county, Wiscomio,
and Mary B. Bowles, widow of a late West
Salem merchant, 62 years old, were married
at the home of the bride, on Friday after-
noon. It was hardly worth their while.
Cr o mpt on's
Ask for our new Parisian' Straight
Front Models.
Every pair a masterpiece in the art
of _ corset. making, embodying the ex-
perience of over a—quarter of a century's
continuous corset making.
Fon SALE AT ALL FIRST -.CLASS etoon6Srosze.
4111.0P" -
Don't Wake
the Baby.
Did you know you could
give medicine to your child-
ren while they were sound-
ly sleeping? You certainly
can. It: is called Vapo
Cresolene. You put some
Cresolene in the vaporizer, light the
lamp, and place near the bed. The
children quietly breathe -in the vapor.
There is nothing equal' to it for
whooping cough, croup, colds, cough,
-sore throat, and all other troubles of
the throat and chest. It is eco-
nomical, pleasant, safe. 22
Vapo-Gresolene is sold by druggists everywlere.
A Vapo-Cresolene outfit, including the Vaporizer and
Lamp, which should last a life -time, and a bottle of
Cresolene, complete, $t.eo; extra supplies of Creso-
1 en e 25 cents and 50 cents. Illustrated booklet contain-
ing physicians' testimonials free upon request. VA PO-
C R ESOLE N 6 Co., rSo Fulton St., New York, U.S.A.
Recommended and sold by 1. V. Fear,
Druggist, Seaforth.
Good Rtory. Told by at Former Kan-
sas Attorney General:
One of the best stories General Archie.
Williams ever drew from his vast reper-
tory is told on himself. Many years ago,
when attorney general of Kansas, Mr.
Williams had occasion to make a trip to
the east. He had no railroad passes east
of the Missouri river, so he borrowed an
annual over an Illinois road from his old
friend Jake Smith. It happened during
the first stretch through Illinois that the
conductor of the train. on which the Kan-
sas man rode was a former schoolmate of
his. The conductor recognized Williams,
but Williams didn't recognize the con-
ductor, and about this fact the fun of the
story hangs.
"Mr. Smith," said the conductor, after
working his iraln and returning to have a
chat with his passenger from Kansas, "I
see you are from Topeka. Did you ever
know a man out there by the name --ef
A.rcbie Williams?"
"Yes, I knew him very -well," responded
the psuedo Smith, atter struggling hard
to steady his nerve and regain his com-
posure. "Yes, Williams is considerable
of a fellow out there. He's -attorney gen-
eral of the state."
"Who, Williams? Attorney general?
Well, I'll be —1" ejaculated the con-
ductor. "What kind ot people are they
out there in Kansas to elect a chuckle -
heed like that for -attorney general?
Why, sir, I used to know Williams back
here in Illinois—grew up with him, you
Might say—and of all the dundle pated,
slabsided, step on himself and fall over
fellers you ever Saw, Williams was the
worst. That man attorney general?
.Why, it you will believe me,. Mr. Smith,
- he didn't know law enough to wad a shot-
gun. Ile was run out of here hemline"—
"Stop it! Stop it!" ced Williams,
springing to his feet. " here is your
blankety blink Smith pass. Take it up
and collect fare if you want to, but you
can't abuse me any longer!"
The Business InatInet.
On one occasion in n London theater
thh business instinCt came out strongly.
A relative of the lessee was enacting the
part of an indignant father whose son
bad got into the hands of the money lend-
ers. In the Interview with the money
lender the father severely lectured him,
and then demanded his son's bill. "There,
sir," he said, "is toy check for a thousand
The money lender was Just reaching
out for the check when a voice came from
the pit: "Don't you take it, old chap. I've
get eye of his now for six pound ten, and
he's asked me to hold it for a fortnight."
About Titled People.
The young queen of Hollaud is a total
abstainer and ostentatiously refuses on all
public occasions to take wine. Her most
intimate friend Princess Pauline of Wur-
temberg, was by her won over to the ranks
of the teetotalera Now that King Hum-
bert is dead it is- said Queen Wilhelmina is
the only teetotal reigning monarch, if one
excepts the sultan of Turkey.
Prince Francis of Teck has vastly enjoyed
his Scottish visits this autumn. He wound
them up by spending some days with Mr.
and Mrs. Guthrie, at Torosa,y castle, a
place close to the ruins of Duart, the
ancient strongholds of the Macleans.
Prince Francis, although the Almanach de
Gotha counts him as belonging to the royal
house of Wurtemburg, is very proud of his
Scottish blood. Through his mother, Prin-
cess Mary of Cembridge he is a great--
grandson of George Id, and therefore
deecends in as direct a line from the Stuart
kings as does Edward VII 'himself. His
soldier's life, too, has not absorbed him to
the exclusion of other interests, and he
knows more about Mull aud Morven, Lorn
and Lismore, than do most of the south -
dwelling folk who tour through the western
Just opposite the window of the prince's
room at Torosay lies the long low rock -reef
where a Maclean of Duart placed his wife
that she might perish at flood tide. It hap-
pened 350 year ago, but the bad blood
made between the murdering husband and
the wife's avenging people has not even yet
completely died out. The lady was a
Campbell, daughter of Archibald, earl of
Argyll. She was rescued by some of her
servants, unknown to Maclean. Imagining
she was safely drowned, the sorrowing wid-
ower had a stately funeral furnished forth,
and, with fitting grief and skirling lament,
carried a coffin full of stones to the burying
place. The Campbells bided their time,
waited until their prey was wholly in their
power, then produced their sister, the liv-
ing proof of his pn.fidy, and Blew him where
he stood. Wild fighting followed .this, as
Might be expected in those wild times, and
to this day there is no friendship lost be-
tween Macleana and Campbells.
Use For HIS Head.
While a certain infantry regiment was
stationed at Aldershot it had among the
recruits a country yokel who was such a
great duffer that the sergeant could not
beat anything into him.
One day, while the recruits were being
inspected by the offictors, the countryman
seemed more awkward than ever. At
last the angry drill sergeant shouted to
"Man, what is your head on for?"
"Why, to keep my collar from slipping
off," was the ready retort.
Holding a Wasp.
TWO farmers recently laid. a wager that
otte could bold a was longer in his hand
than the other. The man who rubbed
chloroform on his hands expected to win,
but the other happened to know that male
Nva gps do not sting and aceordingly got
one of that sex. They sat and smiled at
end' other, while the crowd wondered,
until. the chloroform evaporated, and then
the man who used it suddenly let go his
The other man got the money.
Prepared from the finest selected
Cocoa, and distinguished every-
where for Delicacy of Flavour,
SuPerior Quality, and Highly
Nutritive Properties. Sold only
in quarter -pound tins, labelled
JAMES EPPS & CO., Limited,
Homceopathie Chemists, London,
kiips9S Cocoa
Good Health is Impossib
Without recruit' action' of the bowels. Laxa Liver
Pilia te,gulate the bowel I, cure consumption, d7ePeP•
she biliousness, sick he idaehe, and ell affections cf
the crganatof digestion. Price 26 cents. Ali drug-
Vsed internally ELsgyardes Yellow Oil curst Sore
Throat, Hcarseness. Quinsev, PAW in the Chest,
Cr 'up, eto. Used externally cures Rheumatiren,
Stiff Joints, Contracted Cords,Sprains,Straine, Burns,
Sea icisi, Cuts, and Bites of Insects.
Worms offset a &Nits health too serionely to ne
glect. Sometimes they cause convulsions and death.
If you suspoot them to be present, give Dr. Low's
Pleasant Worm Syrup, whili destroys the worms
without injuring the child. Price 25c.
Milburn's Sterling Headache Powdsrs contain
neither morphites nor opium. They promptly cure
Riot Headache, Neuralgia,' Headache, Eleadache of
Grippe, Headache of delicate ladies, and Headache
from any cause whatever. Price lee and 25c,
Troop Oit Liniment is without exception
the most effective remedy for Cuts, Wounds, 'Cicero,
Open Sores, Rheumatism, Bites, Stings of Insects,
etc. A large hettle 25 cents.
I have removed my harness shop to my
POST OFFICE, where I will be pleased to
meet all my Old customers and many new
Gillespie's Harness is the
best Harness.
A full stock of Horse Blankets, Robes,
Sleigh Bells, Trunks, &c.
• ---
Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed.
Give us a call and we 'will please you,
delight your horse, satisfy your purse.
egfRepairing a Specialty.
The breath of the pines is the breath ef life to the
consumptive. Norway Pine '43 -sup oontiles the pine
virtuea, and curet cousin, colds, bronchitis, hoarse -
nese, and all threat and lung troubles, which, If not
attended to, lead to ecnsumption.
One Door NORTH of the Postetiffice.
PIG FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned has on
Lot 28, Concession 11, licKillop, a thorough-
bred Yorkshire Brats to whish he will admit a limit-
ed number of tows. Terme-z76c, payeols at the
titre of eerviee, with the ptivilege of returning if
neceesary, HUGH T. GRIEVE. 176641
110 PIG BEIEEDERS.—The undersigned will keep
*.le OD Lot 26, C0130ession 6, L. R. 8., Tuekerimiiih,
s thoroughbred TAUWORTH Pro, also a thorough-
bred YoRitnuma PIG. A limited number of sows will
be admitted to each. Terms, 81, Payable at the Stine
of service, or 61.50 if charged. JAMES GEMMILL.
PIG FOR SERVICE—The undersigned will keep
on Let 29, Conceseion 14,Ilibbert, a Thorough-
bred Yorkshire boar to winele be will admit a
limited number of -sows. Terms. -41 at the titre of
service. JOHN ELGIE, Chiselhurst, Ont. 1771-tf
MINGLISH BERKSHIRE.—The undersigned will
1 ,n keep for service On Lot 16, Concession 2, Hay,
a pure hred Berkshire boar, large English breed.
Bring Sows of any sire Torms.—One dollar at time
of service, with the priveloge of returning if neeo3-
sary. JOHN ELDER, Hensall. 17714
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Do you use your neighbor's
By eo doing you are injuring his
business.e Present rate* make it
possible for you to have a telephone
in your own name.
The Bell Telephone Co., of Canada.
Musical - Instrument
Owing to bard times, we have c
eluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Organs at $25 and upwards, and
Pianos at corresponding prices.
-,See us before purchasing.
The McKillop Mutual Fir
Insurance Company.
J. B. McLean, Preedent, Kippen 12. 0.; Thomas
Frasier, vice-president, Bracefield P. O. ; Thomas E.
Rays, *lacy-Treas. Begot* P. O. 1 W. G. Broad
foot, Inspector et Loses, Biafora P. 0,
W. G. Broadfeel, Beeforib John G. Grieve, Wt
throp ; George Dale, Beaforth ; John Bennewele,
Dublin; James Evans Beechwood; John wses.
Hirlook ; Thomas Fraser, Brueelield ; Inbn B. Mc-
Lean, Kippen ; jennies Connolly, Clinton.
Bobt Buntb, Harlock ; Rohl.McMllIan Seafortb;
Jame. Crumning Egmondv 'e ; J. W. Teo Helmet -
villa P. O.; George Murdie and John o. Teo,
Par610e dedrone id effect Ieseranate or Usss.
o436 eWe byliness will be promptly attended is sok
postosf00 60 any of the above 'Moue, iddrewel 60
be4r re4Pectiva nett deceit,