HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-11-22, Page 7air ui r'as rC1114:-= -I a igeng ag4 ning eats,. „. et's, ra. eeeteen.enne TilOnjecasa asileaene - -st th U war: feed i Igor, dark) en -Press e- tire name , Address eU Pottlysio. omminammun,„. Roses. to_ which - erne this year .-the clearest trrnhers com- ; planed Irina direary rough Special pekes e orders are ,re the current n who supply dia Yukon, or- ussairl deliver. ie obteen.ed _the yak from ea -int -46G milee lein camp ea, Want - mg one trieti: aeeds in goods e, or the filling in Our endease. factory way iU make you Celery Com- e need/en:le of gnonieds frorn are sufficient of rheumy. - liver corn - all nervous eonviaced. WI, Oat. Ma. yet will not e May, to be • and yell rue tlay is, thrift- masenti effete Now -a-days- answerable te r preparednese- r. Except in itintry " feet - on. There ie 'here has been thud for al - Green mar - Na " creelieg, anywhere'no tennis " Isirk- werein active red and more L Skin. • n, vela ets redness and dia. ,e'e Ointment. It s'og- the porea as benefits. There disease of men, ntni en t w ill not nehy nen ma.. saes. t. the standing ▪ No. In, Hay, sed on the re- stions and on enlabc1 Mug- s Armstrong, n, WiiIie Mc- mior irson Watson r F Bessie M min fir II,—;Alpine eleman, Mary - Todd, Part je Rowcliffe, eton, Senior Roweliffe, Bart, Alex, anth: I-V— • Caleman II— Victoria Ft, Teacher. .7or 'p.trd true and eriptions are - ✓ dispeneing ch perfected • Strict &t- end meths eer us a pool - trade. d ache, indi eipla ot, kid ram impure e use Painene eatest ban - that can ry- e, bot - f yea feer: marvellotre reforth,. Ont. died at Ws tesdays Hendei- LHenderson, Merys sorni ie wife be tet to mourn - sen confined id his death er Lila, of fie while re - day. Their ,ig that wee reeddenly eHe hung' rd stunned, I nent later. nt on the _ op- t Hodgson, irig all hie -,reci by the This 'year Of potatoes!, ;eyes tee Lv bagg, all rarely Ilse e resulting es that the eat saccees. 4 was the • V ,TOVEIVIBER 22/ 1901, „warier - YEARS OF SUFFERING. gow Relief Carae to Thomas Findlay, of Petrolea. ga Had Suffered for Forty 174rs from Ds s- pepsia—Food Became Detestable and Stiimach Cramps Made Life -a, Burden. From the Topic, Petrolea, On. Few men iu Petrolea are better known than Mr. Tnotnas Findlaye who has resided • here nearly forty years. In 1862 Mr. Find- ley came here, and before the railway con - ejected with Parolees he drove a stage coach, bringing the early oil men. When the rail - rota came here Mr, Findlay engaged in the brteinees, but later he suffered from a gun • Accident, that disabled his hands permanent - After recovering from this, Mr. Find- ley was appointed constable and night watchman for the town, which offiee he has held during thirty years past. This acci- dent was by no means Mr. Finlay's worst leiefertune. From early youth he had been amartyr to dyspepsia, which filially became - salad that he looked forward to death as a merciful release. Happening to hear that afreFindlay had found complete relief from Its lifedong foe, a Topic reporter waited on Isi'm to find if this was true. Mr. Findlay esee only too glad to tell hia story, hoping itepublication might help some other suffer- " Tama preety old man now," %id es, -11r. Findlay, "but I cannot remember the time when I was not in pai» from prenioious nispepein and stomach trouble until lately. As a young man ort the farm I suffered all nate of pains with it, ; food would sour on my stomach, and violent vomiting spells mould follow. As I grew older my sufferings •Increased. I could not eat anything but the airnliettt- ktnd of food, and little of that. My systerrebeeame badly run down, and I grew scliveak that I really looked forward to death as a eelease. Ifrom my misery. Oae after another I tried doctors and medicines, but Could get no relief; then in despair I concluded to quit all and await the end. Meantime my condition became worse. Violent era Mpg attacked my lege, prostrat- ing me for a time. They beeame worse, and more frequent until they one day attacked my stomach, and I thought my encrhad come. Unable to move and in agony I was driven home, as I thought to die but, after an injecti en of morphine I gradually recovered. From that time on the cramps increased in frequency and violence. Noth- ing gave me relief except, the temporary im- munity from pain afforded by morphine. I became go weak from pure starvation that death ertared me in the face. Finally a friend said " Why don't you try O. Williams' Pink Pills ? ' Whathe the use ?' I said. I've tried everything, and just got worse all the time.' Weil,' she said, 'you try a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, they ...eared me, and I believe they %I ill do you good.' Well, I purchased a box and started takiag them. After a little I thought they helped me, so I kept on taking them for a couple of months, when I felt I was really cured after s ) many years of offering. My strength came back, my etomach recovered its power, and I was able to eat anything I fancied, and once more cauld enjoy life. This is nearly two year ago,but I was cured to stay cured. I have never had a sick day since or k.nown the enghteet stomach trou- ble. I am confident I would he a dead man now if it were not for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills—nothing else ever helped me." Ttae old adage, " expet i arisen i3 the best teacher," might well be applied in eases •of dyspepsia, and if euffererienwciuld only be gelded by the experience of those who hage eaffered, but are now well and happy through the use of Dr. Williams? Pink Pills, there would be lee; distress throughout the land. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be had at all dealers in medicine or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes fer $50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine bo., Brock'. ille, Oat. THE HURON EXPOSITORS • Can He Do These Things. Your eighteen -year-old boy may have a good deal of Leibu and cube root, says an exchange, but unless he can do the things enumerated below he is not even ordinarily well equipped as a business man or a man of the world ; and can he do them? Write a good, legible hand. Write a good, sensible letter. Speak and write good English. Draw an ordinary bank -cheek. Take it to the proper place in the bank to get it catihed. Add a column of figures rapidly and 'ac- curately. Make out an ordinary eeccount. Write an ordinary prorMsary note. • Measure a pile of lumber in your shed. Spell all the words he knows how to use. Write, an advertisement for the local Mrs. Burnett' s a boy on horsebaek was thrown into the ditch, ands -further west two wheels were torn from Mr. Samuel Coppin'a buggy, but the occupents, Mr. and Mrs. ; Coppin and baby, were uninjured. Tho: team continued on their wild run, butetvere pulled up about two miles further west. Warts are Unsightly, ' That is the reason no one is clamoring for a fes more warts—make them fashionable and a remedy to grow warts would quickly be made a financial sUcceen Yes, Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor removes them, works quickly and without .pain --any ldrug- gist will tell you More about thie;rernedy. • A Fearful Penalty. The folio% ing is from Hall's .Journal of Health : "A glass of beer can't hurt anybody ! Why I know a person—yonder he is now— a specimen of manly beauty, a portly six- footer ; he has the bearing of a princes. He is one of our merchant princes. His face wears the _hue of youth, and now at the age of 50 odd he has the quick, elastic step of our young men of 25 and none more fun of wit and mirth than he; and I know that he never dines without a brandy and water, and never goes tobed without a terrapin° or oyster supper, with plenty of champaigne, and more than that he has never been known to be drunk. So here is a living example and disproof of the temperance twaddle about the dangerous nature of another glees and the destructive effects of a temperate use of good liquors." Now it so happened that this specimen of sate brandy dr inking was a relative of ours. He died a year or two atter that with chronic diarrhoea, re common end of those who are never drunk, but never out of liquor. He left his widow a splendid man- sion uptown, and a clear five thousand a year, besides a large fortune to each af his children, for he had ships ° on every sea, and credit at every counter, hat which he never had occasion to use. • For months before he died—he was a year dying—he could eat nothing Without dis- tress; in the midet of hia millions he died of inanition. That is not half, reader. He had been a steady drinker, a daily drinker for 28 years. He left a legacy to his children which lie did not mention; Scrofula has been eating up -one daughter for 15 years; another is in the madhouse; the third and fourth were of unearthly beauty—there was a kind of grandeur iti-that beauty—but they blighted, and they paled and faded into Heaven, we trust, ,in their sweetest teens; another i3 tottering on the verge of the grave, and only to one of them is left all the eenees. • Long Life is Inherited. This statement can be proved by inveetigation. When a person whose ancestors had long lives dies in middle age yeti can in nine cases out of t n trace the cause to disordered kidneys and consequent suf- fering from Bright's dieeme, iheumatism, and fatty heart or dropay. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills pre. vent and cure these fatal ani painful diseneee as no other preparation was ever known to do. One pill a dose, 85 cents a box. King Oscar and Gen. Lagerberg. Many amusing sterien are told of General Lagerberg's encounters with King Oscar of Sweden and Norway, who tolerates -in . him what would be be less niajeste if dune by any other persen. They. promenade together nearly every day, and frequently join the throng in the public parks at Stockholm. The Ring has as sharp an eye for a pretty girl as he had fifty years ago, and never fails to notice one his promenade. One day while" with hialriend, the "General in" The Ring's Garden," a shaded promenade near the palace, he turned around to stare .at a hand- some woman, who was pass*, when a drop- ing limb of one of the trees knocked off his silk hat. He tut tied to Legerberg and said hotly : 'General, why didn't you warn,me of that tree." , "I have as good arright to stare at a pretty girl as your Majesty," he replied. General Lagerberg is a man of economical habits, and is never known to have money. He allows his friends anti admirers- to pay for his beer and cigars, and was never known to treat. One day while they were walking paper. - Make neat and correct entries in day -book and ledger. Tell the number of bushels of wheat in your largeat bin and their value at current rates. Tell something about the great authors and statesmen or the present day. • You Have Catarrh: You have had it a long time. Probably it in. getting worse, but still you neglect it. Neglect it despite the fact that this is the beet season of the year to cure Catarrh. It's easily and permanently cured by the very pleasant, medicated air treatment, " Cater- rhozone." You must know the name, for everybody is talking of its wonderful cures. Catarrhozone is the only remedy that promptly, effectually, always cures Catarrh. Doctors recommend it. Two sizes, 25 cents and $1.00, at Fear's drug store, Seaforth. • The Courtesy of Poor Folks: " Ian Maclaren," writing in the Christian Engeavor World, has the following to say, contraating the kindliness of the poor with the formality of the upperselasses. He saye: It is not wise as a rule to make compari- trona between classes, but I am inclined to think that if it comes to the spirit of court- esy, which lies behind all manners, respect- able working people, say our artisans and their wives will make a better show than their maters and their wives They will have leas of thee concern about their own dignity, which i always a sign of vulgarity; tiey will have more regard for the claims of otner people ; they will be more anxious not to hurt another's feelings ; and they' will be quicker to render services in the lit- tle exegencies of lie; and all this is the fruit of courtesy. " WerensaY woman (and I count this a perfect test) traveling with a yelling child and some articles of luggage/ it would be better far her, as a rule, to take a place in a third-class carriage rather than in a first- eless carriage. The chances 'are that among richer people, unless they. gathered from something she said, or from hername upon a drt sting oaee, that she was a perigee of distinction—in which case they would take any trouble kr exact proportion to their own meanness—they would eye her with dis- pleaeure, convey to her the idea that the child was a nuisance, ignore the straggle with her luggage, and make her glad to leave the compartment. Were she to travel with an artisan and his wife, they would bid her welcome, make her feel at home, an- ticipate her wants, and encompass her with ettentione— because she was a lonely woman with a child. And the service of a woman and a child is the climax af courtesy." . DR. LOW'S WORM. SYRUP is a safe, sure and re e arra expeller. Acts equally well on children or adults. ' Be surd you get Low's. —A wagon went up the hill west, in Mit- chell, on Saturday, and inst., about - 7:15 n. me at a wild rate of epeed. When near together, King Osea.r dropped hii glove, which was picked up and returned to him by an old peasant woman. The King than her graciously and dipped -into his po for a coin, but could not find anything a five -krone piece—worth $1.40. Tenn to hi S companionhe sai 1: "Count, loan me a krone to give' . woman. I have nothing but this Ii and I don't want to giveherso tnti.n. " Perhaes the old woman can chane _ retorted the general. • Your Time is Valuable. You save time—yes, and money too— when you come to us direst to have your prescriptions filled. All our drugs and medicines are warrant- ed as far as strength and quality are con - eel ned, Our modern facilities for absolutely cor- rect dispensing enablenus to iserve our pat- ronsagnickly and well. Came to us for Feeding Bottlea, Teilet goods, Perfumes, Sponges, 13rushes, Cdrnbs, etc. Yolir Thicat. Gargles can't' go back far enou gth,; sPrays do n 't reach deep enough ; but the air you breathe touches every, part. Then why not put some healing medicine in the air and let them go along together? That is what Vapo-Creso- lene is for. It puts the healing medi- cine right on the places that most need it. You now see why it so quickly cures sore throat, bron- chitis, hoarseness, whooping -cough and asthma. 20 Vapo.Cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere. The Vaporizer and Lamp, which should last a life- titne, and a bottle of Cresolene complete, $1.5o; extra supplies of Cresolene 2.5 cents and 50 cents. Illustrated booklet containing physicians' testi- monials free upon request. Vaeo-CREsoLetea Co 18o Fulton St., New York, U.S.A. Recommended and sold brI. V. Fear, Druggist, Seaforth. to accept the inevitable and submit to Brit- ish rule, aud who are anxious to return to their homes,- could express their views freely to one another without tear of threats and violence to their persons from their fellow - prisoners. I will endeavor to relate briefly the system of in imidation that was going on: The irrenoncilable party, with Com- mandants Wolmarans and Eloff at their head, had eetablished what they pleased to °all a' vilgilance committee, consisting of about 40 members, all irreconcilables of the worat description, and many of them, in my opinion, real bad charactees. Sortie of them were Philanders, some ex;Staate Artillery- men, and a few Johannesburg detectives, besides—to their shame be it said—one or two Englishmen. ,These men used to make it their businees to go round the camp at night time. lietening to the conversation of others, and if in their opinion the slightest tendency was Shown, or opiaion expressed, in favor of ending the war by giving in or a wish to take the oath of allegiance, if allow- ed to return to South Africa, they became marked m'en at once, and were often insult- ed, disfigured byhLviughtir beards cut eff, and threatene wilier other vi nence.—Li euto Col. A. L. Pa et, in Longnian's Magazine. • MILBURN'S S ERIANG HEADACHE POWDERS cure the worst headaehe in frnm five to twenty tr in. utee, aseel leave no bad after-effects. One powder 5e, 8 powders 10e, id powders 25e. t, an -n" AN IMPORTANT ITEM. Special attnation is directed to our fresh stocknef Paine's Celery boinpound. This marvellous medicine is recommended to you with full confidence.- Paine's Celery Com- pound makes pure, rich blood ; it banishes rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, stomach troubles, liver coMplaint and kidney disease. • He Ought to go Fasting. ' A Chimp young man invited five frienes to dinner: 00 the bill of fare was Belgian hare,- which Was pronounced excellent. The next day each guest received a note from the host expl ning that the Belgian hare was in realit7 rh fried to -cat. The host, who will p1ay1a trick of this kind on • his friends, should be compelled to dine alone and triendle si for the remainder of.hisalays. One LAXA-LIVER PILL , every nieht for th'rty plete cure of biliousness and con- is—juzt 26 cents to be cured. et , Whoha Did She Kiss f? .., - A pretty sehool mama who teaches the young idea in a rural district not more than a hundred miles from Moosomin, Northwest Territory, reeently made the offer to kiss the first pupil who arrived at the school next morning, as an incentive to punctu- ality. On gding to school the following morning she found six young men sitting on ere they had.roosted all night ol trustees standing in the couple of elderly farmers be - in the sehool, they having • days makea a co s'ipation. That the feneeeL-w —three Sch porch, and a hind a desk crawled through a window. And each one declared he wag,tirst. and wanted the , teach- er to fulfil her promise. -H • HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL cures eprains, bruises, Bores, wounds, 'cuts frostbites, chilblains, 'stings of niecto, burns, ecalds, contuslous, etc. Price 25c • - --- Too Much Photographed. uso, of Spain, recently aroused se Colford, a -pretty American ebastian, by repeatedly taking snap shots ait her while on the beach. . Mies Colfdrd, who is reported to be well ne -.noWn in New York society, and who has - , eel arrived from Peen;' was promenadioet on beach with her aged French maid, and eouthfal monarch was also taking a . •a - s-, walk, accompanied by Loriga, his i puenasee iristructon As usual, Master 'lions° carried a camera slung over his !der and every time he passed the _ .it, . Ame ican girl he took a snap shot of her. Miss Colford for a time was unaware of this. When she discovered what the lad l was doing sl e became intensely angry. At this time she had no 'idea of the identity of her persecitor. She rushed up to King Alfonso, just as he was preparing to take .another picture, seized his camera and threw it upon the ground-rexclaiming : , "How dere you ?" i Colonel Boriga pick up the camera and placed himi3elf. between the king and the excited American girl, sas i ag - in . English : "Madam, this is the King of Spain." . 1' It mak s no difference whO he is," re- Colford, angrily. " This is the he has photographed me. I rose, insulting i: s stence, and I know it." . r we thought her retriark bly King Alfo the ira of M girl, at San J. S. ROBERTS, Druggist, Seaforth, Ont. • Strange Houses. A Russian gentleman has erected, -at a cost of 80 rubies; on his country estate at Savi- nowka, in Podolia, a 16 roomed house made entirely of paper. The house, which was constructed in New York, is calculated by its architect to last longer • than would a stone building. The whole of the furniture, too, is made from the same strange material. In County Westmeith, Ireland, a house has been built whereOf all the windows are made to resemble in .outline the backs of easy chairs, beiug thus couseructed by its eccentric owner to match the backs of a suite of chairs in the dining -room. In the neighborhood of Ipswich a certain land owner, thinking that the view from his house lacked a thumb, proceeded to supply ire place by erecting' a row of cottages so de- signed as to resemble, from his side, the edifice r«juired. ApproaChing from the other directi in, however, the .sham is at once manifest. A somewhat similar building in Kent, which has always been Ivied as a dwelling house, was built over 100 years back by Sir John Boyd, a native of Bridgend, i a memory of a friend who died in Africa, and was in- terred beneath a church,of which Sir John's memorial is an exact copy. The present oc- cupant of this curious houee is a blacksmith. —The Golden Penny. To cure a, cold in a night—use Vapo-Creso- -jene. It has been used extensively during more than twenty-four years. -.All Druggist. Among Boer Prisoners at St. Helena. The Boer is a two.sided individual. On the one hand, he is decidedly slim and double-faced ; .on the other, be is obstinate and ignorant to a degree, full of strife, ready and willing to be stirring up bitter feeling against the Eaglish. This latter proprnsity was zarried to such a pitch in their camps that it led to gress and malicious intimida- tion, and in one case to arson ; and has led to the • necessity' of establishing separate peace camps, where those who are prepared torted Mies second t i m call that want him t "Tell h pretty," put in the king. " That's our excuse. Beg her pardon and say that after this the pictures shall not be developed. Miss Coloford began to apologize for her outburst, but the roya.lboy evidently thought the conversation had lasted long enough, for he turned his back up m Mies Colford and walked away, leaving her under , the embarrassing gaze of the beach promenad- ers. the traces became unhooked and the tongue of the conveyance dropped, frightening the horses. The sudden spring of the horses through Mr. Awrey out, and a short dis- tance further on Mrs. Awrey and the child were also thrown out and so seriously hurt that slight hopes are entertained of their recovery. Mr. Awrey escaped serious in- jury. • Discouraged Stomachs.—Could' you wonder at the delicate organs of digestion refusing to be helped and comforted when day after day they are lilcrabby " drowned out" by strong tonics, bitters and hurtful nostrums. com- mon sense came into Medical Science when it .tvolved the tasty tablet doie and discovered a God -send to huina.nity in Dr. Von Stan's pine- apple tablets formula. 55 cents. -I4.1. I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth —Mr: John Redmond, M. P., leader of the Irish platy in the British House of Commons, will lecture in the Russell thea- tre, Oaawa, on the Irish cause, on the 21st het. • —Thomas J. Keliher, a well known man about town, and proprietor of the Occident- al saloon, Sault Ste: Marie, Michigan, was burned to death one night last weeks in a room whieh he occupied above his saloon, which was eartly destroyed by fire.; The deceased was 27 years of age, and came to the 4'Soo "four years ago from Camphellford, Ontario, where his father and several broth- ers and seaters survive him. - . • Piles—Itching, Blind and Bleeding—Cured in three to six nights. Dr. Agnew's Ointment is peerless in curing. One application gives instant relief. It cures all itching and irritating skin diseases, Chaf- ing, Eczema, etc. 35 cents. -43 I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth. —Wm. Garland, M. P. P., for Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, died at Arizona, on Tuesday of last week. He had been suffer- ing from throat, trouble. —A week ago Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kenny, of the township of Wolford, about two miles from Merrickville, were taken ill with pneumonia and both died a few days later, only 17 hours apart. They were fully 75 years of age, and had lived happily to- g3ther for over half a century. —Thomas E. Bailey, carriage builder, of St. Thomas, tripped while coming down stairs Wednesday night of last week, in the Lindop block, and, failing, broke his neck. Deceased was 66 years of age and an old resident. Got a Constant Headache?— • Ten chances to one the secret of your suffer- - ing is that "white man's burden," Catarrh. Here's a sentence from one man's evidence for Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder—"One application gave me instant relief,cleared the nasal passages and stopped the pain in my head." It's a quick, safe and sure treatment, and it never fails to cute. 50 cents. -45 I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth. • —Wm. Robinson, ex -M. P. P., off King- ston, writes to the press that Pfiacipal Grant, of Queen's University, asked Andrew Carnegie, the great American millionaire, for assistance for the college, and received the as3urance of a liberal donation if Prin- cipal Grant would advoeate the anagnation of Canada to the United States. The prin- cipal emphatically declined the offer. He is not built that way, • —The Rev. A. J. Irwin, of the Methodist church, Port Colborne, Mrs. Irwin and their son Arthur, came very near being poisoned by eating sardines, The can had been in the house for some time, and when opened it was noticed that very little oil W&8 ota the sardines. It is thought there may have been an- opening in the can, which accounts for the poisoning. "Love Laughst Locksmiths" as South American Kidney Cure liiighs at disease. it's the seemingly impossible doors to disease that it unlocks that makes its cures almost incredible. But for every cure there is a proof if you care to investi- gate. It is a liquid kidney'speciflc and it . never fails. -Makes and keeps men and well.—I42 • `i.= I. V. Fear, druggist, Seeforth. sea —At a recent meeting of the Toronto University College Women's Residence As- societion, Principal Hutton, in his address, said "There was a tradition that women university graduates Were unfitted for be- coming wives. Against this the principal of University College entered an emphatic plea of diisnete. University women, by their realization of theirseriousness of life, were likely to restore the old time home as it was before the social gaieties took up so much of life. University women °naturally expected to marry educated • men, and a woman with a trained and c'ultivated mind was far more likely to prove a real helpmeet to an educated man than one whose horizon was limited and test s non-literary. • 40 Gems, 10 ents.—Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills cure a 1 troubles arising from torpor of the liver. Easy and quick, banish Sick Headache, pur'fy the blood and trade.* cate all impurities from the system. The • demand is big. • Th Pill S are little, easy to take. pleaeatit results, no pain. 40 in a vial, so cents. -141 I. V. Fear, d uggist, Seafortb. —A very seriou accident occurred one day last week nea Hilleburg, Wentworth county. Mr. Edwi Awrey, his wite, and a two-year-old ohil were returning from church, and when oing down a hill one of The Iceman's Troubles.—" My business," says John Gray, ice dealer, of Wingham, Ont., "is one of the most fertile fields under the sun for sowing the seeds for rheumatic suffering. For five years I was a great invalid, words cannot convey the faint- est idea of my intense suffering and constant pain I endured. , 6 bottles of South Ameeican Rheumatic Cure permanently cured me."146 I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth. $5,448 personal; Jonathan Capling, St. Marys, gentleman, $5,145 personal, $700 real ; John Blain,South Easthope, farmer, $1,600 personal, $5,500 real ; John Coult- head, Downie, farmer, $1,268 personal, $6,000 real; John Mayberry, Elmo., farmer, $5,900 personal ; Hugh Durkin, Mitchell, laborer, $750 pens mal, $400 real ; Ann Walker, Stratford, widow, $2,250 personal, $400 real. Fur guardianship, Cetherine F, Irving, St. Marys, $2,000 personal. —Mr. Wm. Ryan, of Logan, intends shortly moving to Mitchell. He has rented the brick house in the North ward, lately vacated by Mr. O'Leary. —Mr. George Miller has been appointed postmaster at Cromarty, to succeed Mr. Hislop, who has disposed of his business there, and the office has been moved to Mr. Miller's prerniaes. —After an illness of over a year, Mrs. Mary Elliott, of the 3rd concession of Lo- gan, died on Monday of last week, from consumption. She was a fine young woman, and her death i3 much regretted. —Messrs. Francis Brothers, of Fullerton, eold a four-year-old gelding last week to Mr. John MeMann, of Seaforth, for the handsome sum of' $225. Hol r; are evi lent- ly going up in price. —Ou Friday evening of last week, the ' members of Mrs. Fuller's bible chess and the teachers of the Sunday school, in Logan, as- sembled at the residence of Mr. D. Waugh, and presented Mee. Fuller with an address and a beautiful arm chair. —Oa Wednesday morning of last week, a pretty wedding was celebrated in St. Joseph's church, Stratford, by Rev. Dean Kilroy. The contracting partite! were Mise Susan Jossphine, daughter of Mr. Cirnelius McNamara, of the Gore of Downie, ant Mr, J. Connolly, of Lcgan. —What might have proved a very serious accident happened to Mr. John Quineey, of Zion, on Saturday, 2nd inst. While work- ing in the field the horses took fright and became unmanageable. Mr. Quinsey, in endeavoring to stop them, was knocked down, and sustained eeveral bruises, which necessitates him staying in the house for a month or more. —The animal fall meeting of the Ellice Plownig,A,sociation was held on Wednes- day afternoon of last week, on the farm of Mr. John Goetz, lot 19, concession 1, Ellice, and, rio far as the keenness of competition and the excellence of the work performed was concerned, it was a decided success. ,The weather was fine, but cold, andto this is attributed the emallness cf the attend- ance as compared with last year. The hon- ors of the match were divided as follows : Class n—Mesers, Peter Smith, Alexander Radford, Walter Murray, John Frame, Robert nkitcheson, Da N i 1 Smith, Wilbert Lamb, and James Gloyn. Mr. P. Smith won t he special prize for the best erown,and Mr. R. Aitcheson the epeci el for the best finish. Class II,—Messre. George Wett- laufer, James Hishion, Sam Smith, Henry Chisner, Nicholas Roach, John Murr and Win. Fischer. Mr. George W ettlaufer won the special pries for the beet crown, and also for the best finish, while Mr. John Muvr won that, offered for the competitor who fin- ished on the best time. • ,IAN'S DAILY TALK. —Mr. G. C. Creelman, superintendent of Farmers' Institutes, announces that 750 meetings have been arranged for during the t pproaching a inter season, beginning ou the 21st inst. This is the largest number for one a i uter,on record. —About midnight one night recently the dwelling house, with adjuncts and contents, of Alex. McLean, farme, one mile and a half from Carlton Place, was consumed by fire. Two persons perished in the flames; namely, Mrs. Jamts MoLesn, aged 82 years, mother of the owner, and a hired man named Mc- Gregor, aged 18 years Eight of the in. mates, clad only in night apparel, escaped mostly through the windows. The place a complete desolation, nothing remaining but scattered brick and a very small portion of the bones of the victims. • Apoplexy.—Dr. Agnew's Cure for Ow Heart is effective in apoplectic symptoms. If you have unpleasant dizziness, lightness or sudden rush of blood to the head, take precautions against a recurrence. This great remedy will remove the cause. The press of the land has daily a ilist of sudden deaths which would not be chronicled if Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart were used. -147 I. V. Fear Druggist, Seaforth. Gave Him Exercise. The father was trying to imprees upon his son, who wanted to play golf for exercise, that chopping wood would answer the pure pose just as well. " Oh, no father," said the boy, " it ii the walking no, strokes that makes golf such a valuable exercis3 ; that gives the legs a chance as well as the arms." " Oh, that's it, ii it?" said the old man. And then he went into the yard and placed slieks of wood at intervals all around it. After thi4 he handed the boy an axe, and eaid, " Now play the full course." For "Run-down" People there's nothing known in medical treatment to -day so effective and certain of a cure and so magical in its building up power as South American Nervine, because it strikes at the root of all nervous ailments, the digestive organs, makes rich red blood, drives away emaciation, puts on flesh and makes over physical wrecks generally. -48 I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth. • - Perth Notes- -Mr. H. E. Darkiff has been appointed manager of the Hardill engine works, at Mitchell. —Mies -Kedbfleisch, of near Tavistock, had the main cord in her tight ankle broken the other day, by being thrown from a rig. —13aildings have been erected in Listowel and vicinity this year, the contracts for which totalled the handsome sum of $37,420. --Mrs. John W. Rowland, of Elma, has purchased from Mr. Albert Babb, the brick house in Mitchell, for $1,100. The lady takes possession in spring. —Mr. James Hodds ex -Mayor of Strat- ford, has disposed of hie interest in the Classic City mills to James Pringle, jr., and will go out west. • —The following wills 'were entered for probate at the local Surrogate Court at Stratford during October, there beiog none for letters of administration : Mrs. Cathar- ine A. Ryan, Mitchell, $1,700 real ; Mrs. Jessie McCallum, Shakespeare, widow, Crompton's CORSETS "MERIT WILL. WIN" The fact that Crompton's Corsets hold first place in the istimafion of all Canadian women is entirely due to superior workmanship, best quality of material, correct styles and beauty of designs Ask for Our new Straight Front Models. EVERY FAIR A PRRFECT Fir A.1:1 - Foram GuastkaTartn. —Another of Blanshard's pianeers has passed to the great majority. Mr, Alex. Cameron, one of Blanshard's oldest and first settlers, p:s3ed away on Friday, let inst., after but a short illness. He had been for over eighty six years a Canadian. The late Mr. Cameron was born in Inverness, Scot- land, near the foot of Ben Nevis, in 1814. When quite young he came to Canada with his parents, settling in Quebec, near Mont- real. In 1843 he came westward to Blau - shard, which was then practically unknown, and settled near Anderson, where be has ever since resided, suffering the hardships and wants of the early settlers. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS Number ,132 Words Used by Various Persons In Twenty-four Hour's. • "I have been trying to figure out how many words the average man utters in every twenty-four hours," said a gentle- man who had a. penchant for -peculiar things, "but I have been unable to reach any satisfactory conclusion. on accouut of the different rates of speed at which dif- ferent persons talk. Of course I have no reference to the different kinds of words which may be found in the daily vocabu- lary of the average man, but I'm talking about the total number at words -uttered, counting repetitions and all, during every twenty-four hours. "There is the Quiet, melancholy gentle- man who will not speak on an average of 500 vaords a day, and there are many who for one reason or another would. not titter anything like this number. On the other hand, there is the conversational gatling gun, not always a woman, either, who will roll off words at a fearful rate of speed and whose aggregate for one day would run up to dizzy heights. Then there is the normal talker, who will strike a good decent average—the man who will neither bore you with his indifferent si- lence nor tire you with his meaningless verbosity. "But suppose that we figure that the. average person will utter an average of sixty words every minute. This would amount to 2,400 words for every herrn or about 57,600 words for every twenty-four hours. Of course no person will talk this inuch, as the windiest ot men and women would probably break down before they had talked as much as fifty-seven col- umns In the average daily newspaper. The only question is as to how much timer each person puts in talking during each des,. Some men and women are situated so that they cannot talk during the day, except at mealtime, on account of the character of the work they have to do. . There are others, such as -traveling men, for instance, who depend upon talking for a living. I have figured that the high man, probably the traveling mail, will tar five hours out of every twenty-four, which would gtve him a total of -12,000 words every day. I have figured that most any sort of man will talk as Much as ten minutes out of every twenty-four hours, and this would give him a total of 000 words for the day. "These are the two extremes. I am satisfied that the normal man—the man who strikes a decent average between indifferent silence and disgusting verbos- ity—will talk probably one hour, all told, each day, which would allow him 2,400 words. And this, by the way, is consid- erable talk, for it will fill two columns in a newspaper, nnd a whole lot of wisdom can be crowded into two columns." • To Teat the Oven. A celebrated French cook always tried his oven with white kitchen paper, which he placed on the shelf in the oven on whieh the article to be be cooked was to be put and left it there I or five minutes: If at the expiration of that time it was eharred, the heat was too great; if it was dark beown, the oveti was right for small pastries and thin cakes; if light brown, it was suitable for pound cakes, pie .crusts, etc.; if only a dark yellow, puff pastes, sponge cake mixtures and meringues might be put in. Epps's Cocoa Prepared from the finest selected • Cocoa, and distinguished every- where for Delicacy of Flavour, Superior Quality, and Highly Nutritive Properties. Sold only • in quarter -pound tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & .00., Limited, Homceopathic • Chemists, London, England. Epps's Cocoa BREAKFAST—SUPPER 1765-26 • The breath of the pines is the breath of life to the consumptive. Ncr.vay Pine Sysup contline tke pine virtues, and cure s conahs, colds, bronchitis, hearee. neeir, and all throat and lung troubles, which, if not attended to, lead to consumption. Learn to Laugh. Learn to laugh. A good laugh is better than medicine. Learn to tell a story. A well told story is as welcome as a sun- beam in a sickroom. Learn to keep your own troubles to yourself. The world is too busy to care for your ills and sor- rows. Learn to do something for others. Even if you are a bedridden invalid there is always something that you can do to make others happier, and that is th• surest way- to attain happiness for your- sel f/—Boston Bea con. Good Health is Impossible Wil bout reghlea action of the bowels. Laxa Liver Pills regulate the bawds cure eonstimption, dyspep- s;a, biliousness, sink 'headaehe, and all affections of the organs of digestion. Price 26 cents. All drug- gists. Used internally- Hagyard's Yellow Oil curas Sore Throat, Hcarseness. Quineev, Pain in the Chest, Cr nip, eto. Used externally cures Rheumati-m, Stiff Joints, Contr tcted Cerds,Spraine,Straine, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, and Bites of Insects. • • Worms afloat a child's health' too serionely tone gleet. Sometimes they cause eonvuleiens and death: - If you suspect them to be present, give Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, whiel destroys the 1401111e without injuring the child. Price 25c. a• • Milburn's Sterling Headache Powdera contain neither morphine nor opluin. They promptly cure Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Headache, Headache of Gilppe, Headache of dt Beate ladies,' and Headache from any cause whatever. Pr:ce lee and 25e. British Proem 011 Tani is without exception the moat effective rented few Cuts, Wounds, Veen, Open Sores, Rheumatis *tee, Stings of Insects, etc. A large bcttle 2cen f MPORTANT NOTICES. 11013RE BRED 'BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCKS.—I _IL have a number of Cooaerls and Pullets for sale. Write me for prices. J. F. DALY*, Seaforth, Ont. 1768-tf PROPERTY IN EGMONDVILLE FOR SALE.— For sate, a commodious story and half house, with clement cellar and cisbern ; a good stable and nearlv two acres of land ; immediately worth of the Egreondville manse. The land is well planted with itrise and small fruits. Apply to Wm. ELLIOTT.- -1767.tf 'Ike Knew Ulla. George (dramatically)—You have de- cided that I must give her up? Farewell, then, mother! There is nothing lett for me but to go out and destroy myself! Mother—Goedby! Not a minute later than 6 for dinner4 Georael TONEY LOST.—Lost, on Tuesday, November INT 6th, a roll of money, containing one $50 bill, two $10 bills, one $5 bill. and $1 bill. The $50 bill was on the Molsons Bank. It was either lost in Sea - forth or between Seaforth and Ethel. Any person finding it will he liberally rewarded. THOS. LEVY, Seaforth. 1769-3 HOUSE AND LOT IN SEAFORTH FOR SALE. —For sale, the comfertable and conveniently situated residence en Goderich street, the property of the undersigned. There bra ten rooms, good cellar, hard and soft water, and all other necessary conveniences. It is within two min ites' walk of Main street. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to A. G. AULT, Groot r, &Worth. 116941 •TOR SALE.—The undersigned, owing to ill _IP health, has deoided to offer for sale her lee cream and fruit business in the Village of Hensel!. The stand is a N. 1, in the most central part of the village, and affordd every convenience for carrying on the splendid businees already established. Bakery busineits in connection. For full particulars apply to MRS. E. SHEFFER, Hensel' P. 0. 1761-tf STOCK FOR SALE. CHEEP FOR RALE.—For sale at the farm of the 0 undersigned, Mill Road, Tuekersmith, Leicester sheep, all ages and Foxes, and all thoroughbred. Also Thoroughbred Shorthorn cattle. ROBERT CHARTERS, Egli -lands -Lis P. 0. 1767x5 ffIHREE YOUNG BULLS FOR SALE.—For sale, 1 three young thoroughbred Durham bulls, with registered pedigrees, and ready for service •, two red in color and one roan. Apply to DAVID HILL, Lot • 27, Coneasion 8, Hibbert, Staffa P. 0. , 1700-tf DURHAM CATTLE FOR SA.LE.—For sale, four young bull?, fit for eervice : eleo vows .and heifers. All Theroughbred Durham, with reg- istered pedigrees, and fr,m the hest and moot pop- ular strains, and several of them are prize winners. Apply on Lot 25, Concession 4, H. R. 8., Tucker- enuth, or address Seafc,rth P. 0. H. Crich. 1769 tf GILL!,±SPIE S HARNESS. THOROUGHBRED STOCK FOR SALE —Two rei and two roan Durham bulls,from 9 months to 2 years old t also alew Durham heifers in calf to the celebrated stock bull, New Year's Gift. Theee cattle aro all first class] with regisle-e 1 pedigrrca, and ,the heifers are due to calve in January. Apply on Lot 24, Concession 2, L. P. S., Tuakersinith, or Bruce - field P. 0. WM. CHAPMAN. 17694f I have reMoved my harness shop to my own store, ONE DOOR NORTH OF THE POST OFFICE, Where I will be pleased to meet all my old cOstomers and many new ones. Gillespie's arness is the best Harness. COLTS AND BROOD MARES FOR SALE.—As I am overstocked will offer for sale two -year- fins and two weanlings, sired by Haokard, and out of we'l bred mares. The 3 are all sound, good in- dividuals, and in good condition. Aliso two -broad mares, 7 and 11 3ca s old ; good drivers and workers, and in foal. Will give time to reepansible parties. JOSEPH HUGILL, Lot 35, Conoeesion 5, MeKillep. 1770x2( AUCTIONEERS. A full stock of istbrse Blankets, Robes, Sleigh B lis, Trunks, &c. Prices right an satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a call and we will please you, delight your hors, satisfy your purse, terRepairing a Specialty. JAMES GILLESPIE, Seaforth, One Door N011H of the Post Office. 1718-tt I STORE -UNDER THE TQWER. rpHoulks BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the - J_ Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders left at A. M. Campbell's implement warerooms, Seaforth, or THE Exvostrea °Meeiwill receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. 1708 tt itUCTIONEEKING.—B. 8. Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Being a pritekke., al f armer and thoroughly understanding the faibe of farm stock and imple- ments, places ole itt apietter position to realize gond prloee. Charges modseate. 'Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orderalleft at Hensall post office or at Lot 58, Coneessifite"-V, Hay, will be promptly ttended to. 1709-tt STOCK FOR SERVICE. TIBIG FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned has on .1 Lot 28, Concession, 111 McKillop, a thorough- bred Yorkshire Bear, to whtele he will admit a limit- ed number of eowe. Terms -76o, payanle at the thee di service, with the privilege of returning if necessary.. HUGH T. GRIEVE. 17664f — 0 PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned, will keep on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S., Tuckersm_th, a thoroughbred Tamwoxru Pre, also a thorough- bred YOARAMAN Pro. A limited number of sows will be admitted to each. Terms, $1, payable at the time of service, or 11.501! charged. JAM.= GEMMILL. 1406-52 al3 n sig 111-' 212 c• C:r p CD " Z". rz.„ sfr.) 0 rP‘a a, 5 c) d t.cp CD iz cl) cr+ "/ 72 CD gi Cira rp CD )--1` w 1..1 • rt - 7+" E 1.—+ 0 g citz "I CD IP M 1=1 g 0111 ol - - CD ' e" - P▪ in 4 ° 8 CD E Pwrics Cr 0 cD, ito e4" rp tot- .cz -et- =Jag &;* 51 51 51 Do you ue your neighbor's TVephone ? By so deing you are injuring his business. Present rates make it possible for you to have a telephone in your oWn name. The Bell Tel ephone Co., of Canada. THE SEAFORTH Musi▪ ed,7_ Instrument PORJUM. 111•••••04.1•IMON, ESTABLISHED, 1873. Owing to 13rd times, we Lave con- cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Reduced• Prices. Organs at t2.5 and upwards, and Pianos at corr sponding prices. See us before purchasing, COTT BI;;OS. The Mutual Fire Instu*ce Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED °MOM. .1. B. McLean, President, Rippen P. tl. ; Thomas Fraser, vice-president, Brucefield P. 0. • Thomas E. Hays, Seey-Treas. Seaforth P. 0,- 1 WI G. Broad - foot, Inspector of Loeser', Seaforth P. 0. DIRZOTOILL W. G. Broadfoet, Seaforth; Jahn G. Grieve, ist throp ; George Dale, Seatorth ; John Bennewele, Dublin; James Evans, Beech -wood; John Watt, • airlock; Thomas- Tuner Brum:11181d ; John E. Mc- Lean, Nippon ; James C:onnoily, Clinton. ASSAM Robt. Smith, jiarlook; Robt. McMillan, Ileafortiq Janos Cumming- ltimondv 'e ; J. W. Yoo, Holmes - vine P. 0.• Georg ii Wardle sod John C. Morrison, anditon . Pasties &reboil to effect Imorances Of WNW tot other businail will be promptly attended to as tar gorieactuoyanotristot IT above Olean, addseesed ba