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Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
Se• Ric -Simile Wrapper Below.
Very small and as essay
to take as sneer.
tea nwrrnonFOR HEADACHE.,
wirti mo FOR DIZZINESS':
mei; .,,,,,assarrna MUST *IV, MAWR R.
Its fund pigmy eretable.
TWIN GRIEVE, V. S.:honor graduate of Ontario
c,) Veterinary College. A .Idiseases of Domed'
animals treated. Catie promptly attended to an
ohargee moderate. Veterinary Dentstry a specialty.
Office and residenoe on Goderich street, one door
of Dr .Soott's office, Seaforth. 1112-U
&rester Solioltor, Conveyancer and Notary
?Walla. Money to loan. Office over Pickard's Store
Main Street, Seaforth. 1628
Btrriater, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public.
Sollottor for the Dominion Bank. Office—in rear of
Dominton Bank, Seaforth. Money to loan. 1235
T M. BEST, Barrieter, Solicitor, Conveytuncer,
0 a Notary Public. Offices up stairs, over 0. W.
Papet's bookstore, Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario.
JIENRY BEATTIE, Barrister, Solicitor, &a.
Money to loan. Office—Uady's Block, Sea.
arta. 1679-tf
An ARROW & ()ARROW, Barristers, Solicitors, &o.
Cor. Hathaon St. and Square, Goderich, Ont.
F•liOLKESTED, K10009E101 to the late firm, of
„ MoLlaughey & Hoiraested, Barrister, Solicitor
Oonveyaneer, and Notaty. . Solicitor for the (3sn
adlan Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farm
for Sate.. Office in Soott's Block, Main Street
oraduete of Royal Collitge of Dental Smcons of On.
tario, post gracitiet: courle in rown alto bridge work
at Haektil`e Slhool, Chicago. Local anasthetica fur
painlese extractiou of teeth. Office over Dominion
Bank, &atom, form. riy occupied by G. F. Bel Jett.
G. F. BELDEN, D. D. S.
Office, 116 Sherbeurne Strtet, Toronto.
na. F. A, SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the
IJ Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also
honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto
University. Office in the Petty block, Heneall.
Will vieit Zuricn every Monday, commencing Mon.
day, Jute lat. 1,687
-FIR. It. R. ROSS, Dentist Isuoceeaor to 0, W.
11 Twaddle), graduate of Royal College of Dental
Surgaona of Ontario; first claim honor graduate of
Toronto University .; crown and bridge work, also
gold work in allits torms. All the moat modern
methods for painleee filling and painless extraation of
teeth. All operations eerefully performed. Office
Tvredcile's old stand, over Dill's grecery, Seaforth.
Dr. John McGinnis,
Ron. Graduate London Western Unlveraity, member
at Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Office and Residence—Formerly occupied by Mr. Wm.
Piokard, Vieteria Street, next to the Cathode Churoh
^tricot cat's attended, promptly. 1468x12
ALlaii. fli-"iettg, M. D., Feitow of the Royal
College tit Pidyelotaas end Surgeons, Kingston.
lucceaFor to Dr. Mao%Lii. Onl.ot lately occupied
‘Dr. M-Vokid, Atle3,- Street Seaforth. Residence
—earner 01 ta Sqoare in bongo lately occupied
L„ Dancey. 1127
Dia, F. J. eURROWS,
oats resident Phyololan and Surgeon, Toronto Oen-
aral Roapital. Honor graduate Trinity University,
anezaher of the College of Phytdolane and Surgeons
Ontario.- Coroner for the County of Huron.
Office and Residence—Goderich Street, East of the
atothodiat Church. Telephone 40.
Moderloh street, opposite Methodist ohuroh,Seeforth
J. G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and
member Ontarlo College of Phyedelans and
Surgeons. Coroner for County of Huron.
0. MaoKAY, honor graduate Trinity University,
g old medalist Trinity Medical College. Member
College of Playsiolano and Surgeons, Ontario.
System Renovator
A spef‘ific and antidote tor impure, Weak and lin
paveriehed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate
Sion of the Heart, Ltvol Complaint, Neuralgia, Lon
al Memory, Bronchitis, Cbneumptton, Gall Stones,
Jaundget, Kt ney and Urinary Dinettes, St. Vitus
Dance, Female Irteg-nlarieles and General Debility.
LABoRATORY—Godertch, Ontario,
3. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mani]
Suld by J 8. RoBERTS, Seaforth.
lime you t oen the catalogue of the
It not, you are not ytt familiar mall the lesb
Canad' has to offtr in the lines of BUSINE4S
We have supplied more teachers for other !mei-
nuts sehools than all other Canadian busiu. si
colleges combined.
304 of our pupil-, secured good positions during
the past ye„r. Send for thia list and hancleome
Good board for ladles at $2 per week, gents, $2 50.
We pay railway tare up to F.S.
It circumstances will not allow you to attend at
Chatham, you can get INSTRUCTION BY MAIL, in
from Canada' a greatest school of 13usiness, by
D. MoLAGHLAN & CO Chatham, Ont.
By 5 w BARitsDALE IN careAuo •JOuuNAr..
Man's a stubborn brute at best. Put him
in the wrong and he will go through brim-
stone and fire before he will admit. it, if he
can help it, and when he must, driven into a
corner, he does it ungraciously, begrudging-
ly, surlily, and with ire that he has been
found out.
Theysay this ir the day and hour of
woman, a emancipation ; that she thinks as
she pleases, does art she likes, acknowledges
no master. -Thisse things may-• be. It is
not for mere writers of tales' however true,
to oast discredit on acceptedtenets, bub ia
is certain that two loving • hearts that best
as one down on the banks of the Wabash
met with trial and tribulation for many
weary months came togeoher the other day
because a girl's mother, insisted, ;on domin.
sting her pretty daughter's love affairs and
marrying " Pretty Nellie"--ethat's what all
the likely young men thereabouts persisted
in calling her—te the wrong suitor. And
pretty Nellie was ready, though weeping,
to accept her fate. Which is quite :wrong,
of course, and deeply humiliating to poor
Dan Cupid, who does the best he can, God
bless him.
Old man Dietrich was a hose oarpenter
in a ruralsort of way. The cousin Fritz
was a junior partner in his building affairs.
Upon.his own amount._ Fritz did building
for himself, his prineileal structure under
contract being a rising hope that when he
could afford it he would take his cousin,
Nellie Dietrich's daughter, to be his dutiful
and loving wife and gracious helpmate.
Over and beyond certain dreams 'feminine,
Mies Nellie was a bit of an heiress—for the
Wabash eountry—and held prospeces of
becoming some day sole legatee of many_ fat
acres of black loam ander rotund bank ac-
count. These dual attractions had quite
o'ermastered the sruggish nature of Cousin
Fritz. He imagined himself desperately in
love. Having declared his p -Lesion to Nel-
lie upon more than .one ocoastuis and having
been merrily laughel at for his pains, he
had carried his suit:to a higher court and
laid siege to the heart of Mamma Dietrich.
Hera he prospered.
" Keep on after her;" hed said that astute
lady. " Because she has refused you once
or twice don't be discieuraged. A girl likee
a man who wont take a 'No.' Never say
die, my dear Fri'z. I'll promise you the
little minx shall be yours yet." .
And they plotted, these two. All is fair
in love and war, said pretty :Nellie's. mam-
ma, which is a sentiment well enough for a
proverb, but no less than atrocious when it
comes to a morality and ethical culture.
Jess Saunders, tall, handsome, broad-,
shouldered, honest-browed, was Dietrieh's
foreman. He and Nellie had plighted trotb
—and a most charming couple, indeed, they
made, everybody. not directly interested
declared, and •in this .insta,ncre everybody
was quite rieht, even the boss carpenter
himself lookerg with complacence upon the
prospect of havfng Jess . for a son-in-law.
The young man bad no money as yet, but
he hoped to have some in the meet by -and.
by, and he was studying to heoome an archi-
tect, so he could design federal buildings
and thus secure a life. job. Neither he nor
Nellie was quite content to wait, .bue as
they really hadn't a penny, and- as they
were very young, and as -Nellie'e mamma
was so obstinately opposed to her daugh-
ter's match with any one -but Cousin Fritz;
why, they waited perforce.
03 the Saturday afternoon whsn the big,
nes' barn on the Dietrich farm received its
Iast nail," the t hands ". of pap e Dietrich
filed up at nightfall to receive their_ weekly
wage. The old man alvveys paid Off in hard
cash, and promptly too. • He was an honest
soul, and would as soon have had a note go
to protest as " stand off "an employee from
his due. -
In making change, the paymaster called
on Fritz to break fr..$20.gold piece for him.
The latter had not enough money, but gave
DietriCh what was in his pockets, took the
$20, placed it in an olduote book, put the
book in the pocket of a coat he carried on
his arm, hung the coat on a peg the
woodshed, and worst into the 'farmhouse
kitchen to " wash up."
Jess Saunders was -going home to town,
three miles away. He drew his wages, said
a few words to Nellie, and then steppei
into the woodshed to get his s Odle, for he
redo to and from his work.- -The old barn
had been torn down to make way for the
new one, and his horse had been picketed -
all afternoon grazing at ease, and saddle -
less. When he took down his saddle he
knocked Fritz' 00at from its peg. As he
picked it up Mother Dietrich and Nellie
came together to the shed to calf: and feed
the thickene. The young man hurrisdly
is all right, if you are, too fat;
and all wrong, if too thin already.
Fat, enough for yourhabit, is
healthy; a little more, or less, is
no great harm. Too fat, consult
a doctor; too thin, persistently
thin, no matter what cause, take
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
There are many causes of get-
ting too thin; they all come
under these two heads: over-
work and under -digestion.
Stop over -work, if you can;
but, whether you can or not,
take Scott's Emulsion ofCod
Liver Oil, to balance yourself
with your work. You can't.live
on it--true--but, by it, you
can. There's a limit; however;
you'll pay for it.
Scott's Emulsion' of Cod Liver
Oil is the readiest cure for
"can't eat," unless it comes of
your doing no 1 work -you can't
long be \yell and strong, without
some sort of aCtiyity:
The genuine has
this picture on it,
take no other.
If you, have not
tried it, send -for
free sample-, Its a-
greeable taste will
surprise you.
50c. and $400; all dryggists.
ort•N Pierce's Fr•
vte Prescription
Dou les a Mother's
Joy and Halves Her
Sor , owse
It does this by a pre -natal pre-
parati n in which the mother finds
of nau
growing stronger instead of
with each month. Instead
ea and nervousness, there are
appetite, quiet nerves, and
• g,sleep. The mind's con-
eeps pace with the body's
. There is no anxiety, no
I the approaching time of
When the birth hour
t is practically. painless, the
y is rapid, and the mother
erself, abundantly able to
nurse ii er child.
"Favorite, prescription" contains
no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine,
nor any other narcotic.
Sick women are invited to con-
sult Dr. Pierce by letter free of
,charge, and s� obtain without cost
the advice of a .specialist in the
diseases peculiar to women, , All
correspondence strictly private and
sacredly confidential. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Mrs. 1 Annie Blacker, 629 Catherine Street,
SyracuseX. Y., writes: tt Your medicines have
done.wouders for me. _ For years my health was
very poor;. I had, foul' miscarriages, but since
r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and
' Ooldend edical Discovery , I have much better
health, laid now I have a fine healthy baby. I
heve recommended your medicines to several
of ray friends and they have been benefited by
theratt .
-Dr. piercels Pleasant Pellets cure
dizziness and, sick headache.
bade them goodby, - quickly saddled his
horse and rode away. Mother Di strich was
Li s pet aversion.
&needy had the sound of Saunders'
horse's hoofir ceased ringing back from his
gallop over the bill, than careful Cousin
Fritz came hurrying in to find bit coat, -his
pocket book and !its golden contents, which
-he had roomentat:ity forgotten, Hastening
to essurehimselfhis money was safe, he
opened the pocketbook and found—nothing.
Then he uttered e ory .and looked again,
seat -chi ig with tremblieg fingers for the in-
visible. Canny 1Cousin Fritz was a bit
miserly, for a man so young. ' His loss smote
him 1 ke a stab v4th a knife. Sweat bathed
his few, and his hands shook, while- his
teeth chattered. : Then he cried out tigain,
and the two women came running to him.
Nellie hoped and! Mrs. Dietrich feared that
Cousin Fritz had been suddenly stricken
with ague, which grows profueely on the
banks of the Wahash, and is easily gathered
by the unwary. 1
" What is it, ! Fritz ?" they panted to.
gether. i
el My money !' he gasped.
"Your money?"
"Yes ; -my $21 gold piece. It is gone,
Somebody has s olen it. Who has been
here in the Isst five miautes ?" -
Mrs. Dietrich ooked pointedly at poor
Nellie. Nslhe flushed hotly and then turn-
ed very pale as she answered that look.
Both of there knew very well who had been
there. . Only a moment before they had
seen Jesein the Shed, with that Very coat
in his guilty hands. The elder woman
spoke &fit. and quickly :
".Why Jets, he was here, a minute ago,
'after his eaddle, I suppose. I Raw bim
holding your coat. Perhaps he was brush
Ing it off," she concluded maliciously.
" Oh, mother, the idea that Je;:i would
steal !" cried Miss Nellie, impetuously.
Then she began to cry. Even i a her eyes,
so strong a gletnor does circumstantial
evidence cast, -t-he facts _were too strong
for convineiog denial. -: . .
• Fritz hardly knew whether moat to give
his soul to joy or sorrow. ,On the one hand
he would be rid of a bated --rival. 'Upon
the other hi r money was gone. Ah, but
stay l Perhaps he could lose a rival and
find the rooney too. He picked up the coat
and empty pocketbook and grimly stalked
away to tell old -man Dietrichal I about ib.
Well, What could thee good man and
able boss earpenter do? He pooh-poohed
She idea that Jess was a thief, but when
that young man was accused by Fritz, open-
ly, on the Monday following, when the
Carpenter's hands went to work, the fore.
man promptly knocked the junior partner
down and would have -worse treated him if
Dietrich had not interfered. Jeer's was die-
-charged. He narrowly miesed indictment
for larceny. Then he sued Fritz for slander,
and loat his case. Half the township believ-
ed Jess guilty„-,Ljle was forbidden the
_Dietrich home, and even Nellie refneed to
meet him privately. It wasn't right to
disobey her parent -es she eaid.
Then Jess gesees morose, sad he started
for the bad at a downhill gait, and to help
She pace left the banks of the Wabash far
away and went up to Chicago.
As for Nellie, between She urging of
Fritz, and the importunities of- her mother,
and the acquiesence of her father, and the
aliisenoe of Jess, she grew thiriund pale, and
was "pretty Nellie" no longer. And at
last, one day, She said she didn't care any-
how, that peace was worrh Bennett:log, and
that if Fritz really thought a poor girl like
her was worth anything as a wife he might
take her and be blessed. And Fritz, he
was overjoyed. There might be some lack
of bloom in Nellie's fair heat, but the bank
account waxed apace, and the black loam
acres were still fattening.
So a wedding day was eet,. and the bells
were bidden ready to ring. Poor Nellie.
When Ora notable housewife, Mamma
Dietrieh, finally determined that yellow.
legged °Motion pie should grace the board
at the wedding dinner, _Papa Pietrich went
to select and behead the victims. He stop-
ped -sae -eche woodshed to [tett - his ax. Al-
-though h boss carpenter, he lost his hold of
the handle as he seized, it, and it fell glanc-
ingly, asting up dirt and chips from She
earthen fleor as its blade desCended sharply.
Thenewhere the axe had fallen and raised
this wooc'elieri commotion, Papa Dietrich
saw something sheting which WEka not steel ;
aomething.Yellow which was not moonlight.
He stooped and picked up --Fr i' z's $20 geld
piece. ,
Then he ahouted for Nellie.
Jess is back again. The downhill gait
has been suddenly reversed. Anther
chickenpie is proposed at the Deitrich
homestead, and half the 'population along
the banks of the Wabash, far away, has
beenbidden to partake.
Stops the Cough
and 'Works oft' The Cold.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablete cure a
cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price
25 cents.
An Uns4fLupathetic Minister.
" So long as I am Minister of Agriculture
I cannot yield to this demand." So replied
Mr. Hanbury to the Scottieh graziers who
sought recently to induce him to rerfrove the
embargo now laid on Canadian cattle. Mr.
Hanbury really had, says the Canadian
Gazette, no serious reply to make to the
Canadian case, Since 1896 800,000 Can-
adian cattle have been landed at' Deptford
and other quarantine etations for slaughter,
and though the officials of the sboard of ag.
,rioulture would gladly have justified their
1 position by the discovery of disease if they
could, not a sinele case even of suspicion
1 has arisen. " Canada " said Mr. Hanbury,
"might be free from disease at the present
moment, and he honestly thought it Was
and then with a fine disregard of all that he
bad said, he went on to enlarge upon the
dangers following the importation of deceiv-
ed cattle, as though that had anything to
do with the Canadian case. In truth, Mr.
Hanbury kil
owe, as the board of Agriculture
knows, that, Canadian herds are free from
pleuro-pneu onie as they have always been,
but he is too fearful of his officials, who,
yeere ago, hurried to pledge themselves to a
contrary opinion ; and he fears also the loss
of the votes of British farmers vvho have
benefitted by this bit of British protection.
For protection it leo and nothing else.
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on a 50-cea bottle of
Greene'elWarrented Syrup of Tar, 11 15 faile
to cure yourAugb or void. We also guar.
autee a 5t3ent bottle to wove satisfactory
or money refunded.
ALEX. WiLsoN, Seaforth.
The Rent Rag.
It was,isbout ten o'clock at night, anefeon
Wall street, not far from Fourth, that a
man saw a Chinese lantern swinging out-
side a third -story window of a building
across the way. The building was a box-
like structure, prematurely run to old age,
and he knew it to be a tenement house, oc-
cupied almost exclusively by poor colored
I In the daytime the sidewalk, swarmed
with little black children, and there were
dark faces reering over every sill all the
way up to the roof. He knew the corner
pretty well, but he couldn't understand
why a Chinese lantern erhould be hung out
of a window. :It had little decorative
value, swinging against the open front, and
the man who saw it couldn't remember that
She day was an anniversary calling for the
' A policemen happened along and the man
asked him about it.
" What's the meaning of that lantern up
Otero ?"
"Don't you know ?"
_ "Why, no. The windows up there are
-tights, and there eeems to be something
,going on.
"That's a rent rag."
"Yea, but what's a rent rag?"
" Well, when some man gets down on his
luck and can't pay his rent, he hes a kind of
benefit dance. The other tenants come to
it and chip in 10 or 15 cents apiece. They
get lots of fun out of it and he raises three
or four dollars to pay his rent. That's a
rent rag."
"What has the lantern got to do with
" That'e the way a rent rag is advertised.
When that lantern is out the colored people
know that some one is givi tg a dance to
raise rent; money. When some one else
gives a rag he is supposed to oome around
and put in his bit. Ie's a good scheme only
they say some of them' try to work it too
often."—Milwaukee Sentinel.
How to Keep the Baby Healthy
and Happy—Avoid the So -Call- ,
ed Soothing Medicines.
Every mother is naturally eolicitious as to
the health of her children, but not everyone
treats their little troubles in the right way.
The so.called soothing remedies are still used
altogether too much, although physicians
have preached against them for many year -
The fact that they put children to sleep is
ocesign that they are helpiul. Oa the oon•
trary, soothing drugs are dangerous and, d is,
tinotly harmful. 'At the slightest sign of ill
health or disorders, give the little ones
Baby's Own Tablets. This medicine is
purely vegetable, and is guaranteed to cons
tain no opiate or poisonous soothing stuff.
For indigestion, sour stomach, colic, consti-
pation, simple fevers, diarrhoea, the iriia-
lion accompanying the outtieg of teeth,
there can be no better, no safer remedy than
this. Baby's Own Tablete are a sweet,
pleasant little tablet, which any child will
take readily, and dissolved in water, may be
given with absolute safety to the youngest
infant. Mothers who have used these tab.
lets cheerfully testify to the benefit their
little ones have derived from them. Mrs.
R. L. McFarlane, Bristol, Que., rays :--"In
my estimation Baby's Own Tablets have no
equal as a medicine for little ones. In cases
of children teething I would not be without
them on any account, as they keep my baby
healthy and happy." Druggists sell them,
but if you cannot find them conveniently,
send 25c direct to us and we will forward a
box by mail prepaid. The Pr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, °aeries.
Every mother should have our valuable
little book on the care of infants and young
children. Sent free for the asking.
What a Canadian Woman Says.
If the charming -Duchess of Cornwalland
York reads the Canadian papers she must
be amused with the various descriptions
given of the Duke andeherself, and the com-
ments upon their iisipearance and manners.
This is a contrast to the South African
papers, which gave na dcssription of the
person el appearance of the Royal iisitors
and ignored the pretty dresses worn by the
ladies of the party almost entirely.
As the Duoheas is very natural and unaf-
fected, and very much like other women, it
is pretty certain that she takes an interest
in the praise and admiration expressed for
her upon all sides. Everyone agrees that
her photographs are positive libels, and give
no idea of the sweetneta and charm of
" Princess May." Her eyes, her complex-
ion, her her, gowns, and matmere, have all
been written rip, but it remained for a weet-
ern paper te refer to the Duchess as a
charming "little lady." The adjective is
scarcely appropriate, as the Duchess can
boast of more than the average number of
inches. One writer flippantly refers to thi.
Duke as the Duchess' "Royal George,''
A Sluggish Liwer
Brings Billousneso.
Headache, Indigestion and Consti-
pation—To Set . the Liver Hight,
You S.1Inst l'se Dr. Chase's Kidney -
Liver rills.
Good health is impossible when the
liver is deranged. Thu f:kin tells of
the poisoned state of the system by
pimples, blotches and liver spots ; tho
tongue is coated, the head aches, di-
gestion is impaired and the bpwels are
irregular. • There will come :spells of
dizziness and weakness„:1-)alpitation,
shortness of breath and munitrual de-
rangements. In sympathy with the
liver the kidneys become clogged and
the most serious complications arise.
Search where you will it is impossible
to -and a better treatment for bilious-
ness and liver complaint than Dr.
Chaso';-: KidneY-Liver ,Pills. Having a'
Ciirt.t and combined action on the kid-
ney, and liver they are so thorough and
scart.-hing as to promptly afford relief
and cure.
There is scarcely a home ,-in this
whole country where Dr. Chase's Kid -
nu:, --Live- Pills are unknown. They
have made their way by force of merit
until physicians and people alike re-
conie in them most unusual medicin-
al value. One p111 a dose, 25 cents a
Lox, at.all dealers, or Edmanson, Batea
ic Co., Toronto,,
oUR business to -day is an
entirely different affair
from what it was ten
years ago; it has expanded.
until we are in touch with all
points of Canada.
The Telearo.ph, to Telephone,
e..nd the Mail brthe is orders
from tholasa.nds of far away
Through our Catalogue and
the Mail we can furnish you
with the very newest and
choicest in Diamonds,
Watches, Silverware and
Money cheerfully refunded
in full if desired.
Cor. Veneta and Adelaide Streets,
411.1.,110, Orr
while another says that while the Duke is
imperturable'the Duchess is unable to keep
up a wooden dignity for very long at a time.
She smiles so radiantly upon very little pro-
vocation, and seems genuinely pleased with
The Ottawa writers say that the Duchess
charmed the ladies who presented the fur
cape by seying, "How lovely ! It was just
what I wanted, for I have only an old black
one." When it was presented she said:
"Shall I try it on?" and at once did so for
the ladies to see how she looked.
The Winnipeg people are enchanted with
the Duchess and also call attention to the
simplicity of her costumes, which have a
style and finish of their own. One paper
says that H. R. H. is distinguished more by
an air of perfect good breeding than by any
trappings of royal power. The Duchess has
won and will keep, the hearts of all Cana-
dians, and the impression she has made hece
will never be forgotten, for there is now a
personal interest added to the natural fee1.
ing of loyalty.
When the Baby Cries at Night
ehere is a cause for it. Perhaps it is gas on
the stomach, may be cramps or diarrhoea.
Don't lose sleep, anticipate such contingen-
cies by always keeping handy a bottle of
Poleon's Nerviline. Juat a few drops in
water given inwardly, then rub the little
one's stomach with a small quantity of Ner-
viline, and perfect rest is assured for the
night for both mother and baby. You may
not need Nerviline often, but when you do
need it you need it badly. Get a 25 cent
bottle -to -day at Fear's drug store, Seaforth.
What Drink Did For One Man.
"15 was in the beautiful bar -room of the
Tabor Grand in Denver," said Eli Perkins.
"A group of handsome young men were
laughing and drinking, when a poor, tottering
tramp pushed open the door, and with sad
eyi s, looked at them appealingly.
'Come in, Senator, and drown your
cares in the flowing bowl,' they said, jeer-
- I will come in, thank you,' he said; for
I am cold and hungry.?
• Take this brandy, Senator,' they said,
mockingly, ' and drink to our health.'
After swallowing the liquor the tramp
gazed at them an instant, and then, with a
dignity arid eloquence that showed how far
he had fallen in the social scale, he began to
Gentlemen,' he slid, sadly, '1 wish you
well. You and I complete a picture of life.
I was, .alas a Senator. My bloated face
was once' as - young and as handsome ae
yours. I, too, onoe had a home, and friends
and position, I had a wife as beautiful as
any artist's dream, and I dropped the price-
less pearl of honor and respect in the wine
oup, and Cleopatra -like, saw it dissolved
and quaffed it down. I had children as
sweet and lovely as the flowers of spring,
and I saw them fade and die undef the
currier of a drunken father.
I had a kotne where love lit the
flame upon the altar and ministered before
it, and I put out the holy fire, and darkness
and derrolation reigned in He stead, I had
aspirations—ambitions that soared as high
as the morning star, and I broke and bruised
their beautiful wings, and at hurt strangled
'them, that I might be tortured with their
Icries no more. 'To -day I am a husband
without a wife, a father without a child, a
tramp without a home to call his own a
man in whom every good impulse is dead,
all, all swallowed up in the maelstrom of
Young gentlemen,' he said, as he passed
out into the darkness, 'whichever way you
go—whether you follow your mothers',
wives' and children's prayers, and enjoy
their love on earth and dwell with them in
Heaven,.or whether you become a saddened
soul, -forever lost, like me, I—I wish you
well r
I shall never forget that sad picture,"
continued the humoriet. "It was wit and
humor ending in pathos, Tears dimmed
the eyes of the youths as they watched a
Ide- asps:tiring soul disappearing in the dark. l ._
Home Dying Made Easy When
Are Used.
For quality, variety, briliiancy and derra.-
bility of colors, the Diamond Dyes excel all
other paelrage dyes in the world. The. Dia-
mond Dyes are made in over fifty different
colors for wool and silk, and special fast
colcrs are made for dyeing cotton and mixed
goode. No other dyes so strong, so true to
color or so simple to use. Full and explicit
directions on each package enable the inex,
perienced to do as good work as the profes-
sional dyer.
The D atnond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns
colored on a superior quali y of Scoteh Hes-
sian are selling fast With one of these de-
signs it is easy to make a pretty fleor orna-
ment. The Wells & Richardson Co.' -Limit-
ed, 200 Mountain St. Montreal, P. Q., Will
send you free by mail all the new patterns if
you send in your addresa.
A Soldier of Fortune.
Of Major General Sir Henry Colville, who
has just been appc-inted by Lord Roberts to
the command of the Ninth Division, some
good stories -are told.- In his youth, says the
King, Sir Henry was one of the biggest
dare -devils that ever lived. One of his ex-
ploits was to carry a rider -skiff on his shoul-
der from his room to Charing Creme Station,
whence he took train to Dbver, and in the
dead of the night he rowed himself over to
Calais. When he married his first wife he
bethought himself of a novel honeymoon,
and the happy pair started off in a baloon
from Crystal Palace. They landed in Es-
sex, and came back to London, but as they
NOVEMBER 22 1901
were extremely youngnud had no luggage,
the hotel -keepers fought. very shy of them,
and it was a long time Wore they °mild find
a resting place. Diesitisfied with this ad-
venture, the young 3ouple went off to Mo-
rocco, and travelled in the disguise of Arabs,
with the full knowledge that discovery
meant certain death. Sir Henry calmed
down, however, long ago, and he is now so
eminentally reepeetable that he takes great
interest in dry plates, and belongs to a
camera club. He is also devoted to garden-
ing, and he he met with a considerable
'measure of success as .a writer. His best
book is "The Land of lhe Nile Springs,"
which gives a good idea of the excellence of
Sir Henry's work ia Uganda. The gallant
general is known to his fried& as " Od-
ger ."
Possesses Special Virtues and
Powers for Female Health-
, Building.
A Hamilton, Ont, Lady, Whose
Life Was Despaired of is Made
Well and Strong After Years of
Pine's Celery Compound has stood the
test of time and experience while hundreds
of the common preparations are fast sinking
into obscurity. Paine's Celery Compound is
not a p tent medicine; it is the discovery
of one of the greatest and ablest physicians
that ever practised the noble profession, and
for this reason it is prescribed by. many able
doctors who recognize ite woeth.
Paine's Celery Compound possesses special
virtu& and powers for female health -build-
ing. Ib banishes nervousness, weakness,
backaches, sideaches, headaches and all the
nameless ilia that come to women of all
ages. It gives them reser cheeks, sparkling
eyes, and restores the freshness and activity
of girlhood.
Miss Blake, of Hughson Street, Hamilton,
Ont., gives her testimony for the benefit of
women who are suffering—many in silence—
and earnestly looking for health and
"For years I suffered much, and was un-
der the care of doctors, who finally told me
I was going into consumption.- E became
worse through the use of medicines, and
gave up my doctor,: While in a very criti-
cal condition, not able to sleep or rest, al-
ways faint and weak, appetite add digestion
bad, my system run-down, and little life
left in me, I commenced to use Paine's
ery-Compound. After the use of one bottle
I felt much relieved. I have used in all
seven or eight bottles, and am • now a new
-woman, can enjoy life, antt as well as I wish
to be."
Canadian Cattle.
A farmer correspondent of the English
Live Stock Journal supplies an excellent bit
of evidence in favor of the 4dmission of store
cattle. He Says:
At our representative fat market at -Ise
lington last Christmas there were only 3,000
head of cattle, and a few years ago one
might have seen 10,000 there; this means
that we are giving up fattening and allowing
the foreigner to take possession of the whole
of this valuable trade. I must repeat that
all farmers cannot be breeders, but evere
farmer can fatten a certain number of cattle
each year, and unless he can do this he will
very soon have to give up growing corn al-
together • we cannot keep our arable land
going without cattle, and we cannot fatten
cattle without arable land ; the two must
go together.
And again :
Now my point is this, that we want store
cattle in the country, and we want them
cheaper, for, as I have already stated, we
cannot hope to be able to compete in tide
market unless we have plenty of good ma-
terial to work upon.
An Exeter' Man Who axpresses
His Opinions Freely in the
Local Newspaper.
EXETER, Nov. 18 (Special).—'Lorne Cann,
IL laundry man of this town, has sent a let-
ter to the Advocate, stating that Dodd's
KidneyPille have changed him from a sickly
delicate, run down man to a strong, hearty
and robust one.
Nothing could be plainer than the state-
ment made by Mr. Cann. He says he 'was
in such a terribly run-down condition that
She least exertion would leave him tired and
breathlees. He tried many medicines, and
was under physicians' treatment for over
three months, but got no better.
Finally he tried Dodd's Kidney Pills, and
She results of the first box were so encourag-
ing that he confirmed the treatment, and in
the end was completely restored to good
health, and stronger than he has been for
. Saw Mills of the Klondyke.
At Dawson there are five SELW mills in -
operation, says the Dawson Sun. They
have a combined daily capacity of 85,600
feet. They employ 177 men. There are
two shingle mills, each cutting '25,000
shingles a day, one lath mill, one sash and
door factory and some other wood -working
The lumber industry in Dawson has al-
ways been good, so the saw mill men say,
but it has been better the past summer than
any previous year; owing to the large
amount of building that is being done. The
new goyernment buildings are us:ng nearly
1,000,000 feet alone in their construction,
and the bueiness blocks, private dwellings
and sidewalks consume most of the bale
anc-e.. Many thousands of feet are also sent
up the creeks every summer for flume build-
of Dodd's Kidney Pills are
legion. The box is imitated,
the outside coating and shape of the
pills are imitated and the name—Dodd's
Kidney Pills is imitated. Imitations are
dangerous. The original is safe. Dodd's
'Kidney Pills have a reputation. 'mite-,
tors have none or they wouldn't imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There
is only one DODD'S. Dodd's is the
original. Dodd's is the name to be care-
ful about—
t I
.1 "Tye years ago my hair was
i fartilg out badly: I purchased a
ii bctile of 1.7cr's lli-,ir Vigor, and
!I smon my hair stoppcd coining on"
: rilL,s. 1,Tif:nic Hoovar, Paris, Ill.
- 4
4 --Nocz 4.1•••""nrza-r-s--.= .-1-zwrece==4:z..acG-.,.N444412■44-gimr.„
1 Pcrhaps your mother
t.i had thinhair, but that is
no rezson why you must
4 go through life with half -
i starvcd hair. If you want
li long, thick hair, feed it
11 with Ayer's Hair Vigor,
and make it rich, dark
and heavy.
si.00 a bottle. A:Perna/Mar
Bwowill express
:e.171trio.riter-rte,:lip:goiasx.. a
.3 cannot supply you,
you s, bottle. Be sure and give the BAIBe
br your ne ja.rosctteyxtrioetscso.ff,Loce.weA.n,mo.
bY air
ing and the various other purposes to whielv
lumber is put.
In price, lumber rules the same this year
as it did last. Matched and the clearest
quality obtained from native timbers com-
mands $125 per thousand feet; planed lum-
ber is quoted at $115, and ordinary rough
boards at $90 per , thousand. Special prices
are made where extra large orders are
plaeed, but the figures given are the current
market rates. The lumbermen who supply
theseenills with loge, out tip the Yukonsor
Klondyke, receive $38 pelthousand deliver-
ed at the mill.
The supply of legs for the mills is obtained
mainly from the banks of the Yukon,
though one mill draws largely from the
Stewart and another from a point 60 utiles
Up the Klondyke, where a big camp lase
been established.
Just What We Want.
We ask the privilege of having one triat
in the way of supplying your needs in goods
that &et -class druggists handle, or the filling
of your doctor's prescriptions. Our endeav-
ors to please you, and the tatisfactory way
in which you will be served, M ill make yore
a permanent, customer.
o our fresh stock of Paine's Celery Com-
pound, the mest popular family medicine of
She day. Thousands of teetimonials from -
the best people of Canada are sufficient
proofs of its virtues for the cure of rheuma-
tism, neuralgia, blood diseases, liver corn -
plaint, kidney diseases and all nervous.
troubles. Try a bottle and be convinced.
I. V. FE. --111, Druggist, Seaforth, Ont.
Marriage Changes,
In Scotland people even yet will not
marry readily in the month of May, to be
sure, because Marry in May and yell tue
for aye," and "The bride o' May is thrift-
less aye," are old saws by no means effete.
in the matter of warning effect. Now-a-daya
the contracting parties are not answerable to -
the Kirk in the matter of their preparednesee
in respect of good's and gear. Except in
very remote parts of the country "feet -
washing" is a defunt institution. There is•
no " riding of the broose." There has been,
no " Penny wedding" in Scotland for al-
most half a century. Gretna Green mar-
riages are affairs of the past. No 44 oreeling;
of the husband" takes place anywhere, no
" househeating," no ceremonious " kirk-
iog of the bride," all of which were in active
and popular vogue a hundred and more
years ago.
To Have Beautiful Skin.
Every ove who would have a clear, sat, velvety
skin free trom pimples, blackheads, redness and die.
figuring eruptions and -nee Dr, Chase's Ointment. It
is a true food for the skin, does rrot clog the pores se
do powders, and insures permanent benefits. There
is not a single Retains, burning skin disease of men
women or children tha't Dr. Mare's Ointment will noi
cure. Mothers Bili it invaluabe for Baby Eezeina,.
scald head and chafing on the little ones. _
School Report.
The following is a report of the standing
of the pupils of school section No. 10, Hay,
for the month of October, based on the re-
sults of the promotion examinations and on
general efficiency : Class II—Mabel Doug-
ald, Maggie Bonthron, Louisa Armstrong,
Robert Munn, James Bonthron, Willie Mc-
Ewen, Francis Coleman. Junior III—(a)
Wesley Coleman, Robert Patterson, Watson
Middleton, Louis Wal -per ; (b) Bessie Munn
and George Armstriong. Junior II—Alpine-
MnEwen, Ben Elder, Arthur Coleman, Mary
Coleman, Herman Todd, Roy Todd. Part
II—Vietoria, Rowoliffe, Archie Berwoliffe,
Alice Middleton, Mary Middleton. Senior
Part 1—Alex. Mosseau, Nellie Roweliffe,
Mary Walper. Jueior I --Rosie Bart, Alex.
Bart. -Best speller* for the month IV—
Mabel Dougall; Wesley Coleman;.
II—Arthur Colem n. Part II—Victoria,
A. MCGREGOR, Teacher.
The Publi Look For It.
The public look 1 r and demand true and
honeet dispensing when prescriptions are -
taken to the drug store. Our dispensing.
department is conducted on such perfected'
plans that errors are imposeible. Strict at-
tention to business, pure drugs and teethe
eines and low prices have won for us a posi-
tion second to none in the drug trade.
If you are suffering from headache, indi
gestien, heart trouble, liver complaint), kid
ney dieease, or ills resulting from impure
blood, we strongly advise you to use Paine'e
Celery Compound. It is the great,eat ban -
Wier of disease, the only medicine that can
bring you health and new life. Try a bot-
tle of Paine's Celery Compound if you feel
weak or rundown; it is a marvellous
ALEN. WILSON, Druggist, Seaforth, Ont.
—Mr. John D. Henderson died at WS
reei lence, in St. 'NI a ye, on Tuesday,—No-
vember 5th, aged 5t years, Mr, Hender-
son Wass a son of the late Robert Henderson,
of Blanshard, and moved to St. Marys some
twenty years ago. Besides his wife he
leaves a family of th ee daughters to mune
his lose. Mr. Hend mon had been confined
to his room for man months, and his death
was not unexpected.
—Mr. J. Cole and his daughter Lila, of
Russeldale, bad an xciting time while re-
turning from Mitchel the other day, Their
horse took fright as meeting a pig that was
,being driven along the road, and saddenly
wheeled and threw Mr. Cole out. He hung
on until he was badly bruised and stunned.
and Lila threw herself out a moment later,
Mr. Cole eneteieed some severe outs on the
head, and Lila was badly shaken up.
—For ayear or two Mr. Robert Hodgson,
of Hibbert, has been experimenting with
potatoes, and the eystem of cutting all hie
seed to two eyes; as advocated by the
Agricultural College at Guelph. This year
Mr. Hodgson planted 45 pounds of potatoes,
cut into pieces with only two eyes to a-
piece, and, as a result, he dug 36-1 bags, all
large sized potatoes. He says he rarely has
any small potatoes in the crop resulting
from the small cut treed, and says that the
system with him has Droved a great success.
The variety of potato that he used was the
Empire State.
lifow. Relief Car
FittalaY of
d Suffered for Fl
pepsia—Food Bee
Stomach Cramps )
oil the Topic, Petrol
Few men in Petrole
Tirol:11as Final
nearly forty yearll
jay came hero, and hefi
obeyed with Petrolea le
Waging the early oil rr
064 -Mine here Mr. Fii
--iiitintaines, hut later 11
e erkeident, that disabied
it, After recoveriig f
was appointed e
vatulituari for the town
iold during thirty yea
aint was by no means
sisfartune. From earl
*martyr to dyspepsia,
soi.a that be looked f
peroffut release, Hap
Mse Findlay had found
big fifeaong foe, .a Top:
hine to -find if thl was
, lam only too gla to te
iit publieatien might h
"1 am a pretty (
Findlay, but I 1
Alpe when I WAS not in
arspepsia and stomach
As a young man on the
jar- ts of pains with it ;
rny stomach) and vio'
Would follow. As 1 grt
increased. I could not
„simplest kind of foods !
eristern became hadly r
„so weak that I -really
.death as a release frol
After another I tried di
but could get no relief
et/secluded to quit ail 1
Meantime my condi],
'Violent cramps attackr
dog me for a time. Tit
snore frequent until tie
my stomach, and I
-Come. Unable to twee
driven home, as I 1
after an iniecti en of el
Teoovered. From that
dnereseed in frequency'
lug gave me relief exce
enunity from pain allot
became so week from
death altered me i
friend staid : " Why
'Williams' Pink Pills ?
• I said. 4 rVe tried ev
Worse all the time.' 4'
try a box cf._ Dr. Willi
--,,,gured me, and. I belie'
,good.' Well, I purehr
' 'taking them. After 1
helped me, so I kept o
,couple of triouths, wh
cured after se manv y
strength cin back,
- ita power, and I was
'fancied, and °gee en
This is -nearly two yea
to stay cured. ..1 hav
since or knownthe SI
hie. I am confident I
• now if it were not for.
Pills—nothing elee eve
The old adage, " ex
teacher," might well 1
dyspepsia, and if suff
guided by the experier
,suffered, but ate er
through the use of Dr.
there would be b-; dir
land. Dr. Williams' ]
at all dealers in medic
• paid at 50 emits a
$2,50, by addressing
Medicine Co., Brock,'
Can He Do
Your eighteen -year
good deal of Letin and
-exchange, hub unless
-enumerated _below he
well equipped se a bus
the world e and can h
Write a good, le0
Write a good, sensil
Speak and write gog
Draw an ordinary b
Take it to the prope
.set it cashed.
Add a column of figi
Make out an -ordinal
Write an ordinary el
Measure a pile of in
Spell all the words
Write an advertis
Make neat and corre
and ledger.
Tell the number of
:your largest bin and ti
Tell something ahem
and statesmen or the id
You ilav
You have had it a
it is getting worse, be
Neglect it despite the
best season of the year
easily and permanean
plemant, medicated ai
rhozone." You melee
everybody is talking o
Catarrhaone is the
promptly, effectually,
Doctors recommend it
and V.00, at Fear's Al
The Courtesy
44 Ian Maclaren," v
Engeavor World, has
-contrasting the kindli
the f ormality of the n
It is not Wise as a
on between claSses
think that if it comes
*ay, which lies Iselin
able working people,
their divii705 Will mak
their masters and t
bave less of that con
dignity, which is al
tkey will have more
other people; they
not to hurt satire
will be quicker to r
tie exegeneies of life
fruit of courtesy.
Were any wom
Perfect test) travel'
and some articles
'better for her, as a
third-clses carriage
close carriage. The
richer people, unle
,ekstriething she said,
a dressing ogee, the
distinction—in whic
any trouble in exact
meanness ---they w
pleasure, -convey to
child was a nuisaxt
with her luggage,
leave the compartm
with an artisan an
bid her weloome, m
tieipate her wants,
attentions— -because
With a child. And
and a child is the c
liable worm •expelier.
or adults. )3e sure yei
—A wagon went
ellen, on laaturday.
P. in., at a wild ra