HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-11-22, Page 3RV, an - Of is- tbe ner Ing Lure Idy ie of t c E OVEMBR 22, 1901 ON UDE. TOLS1 Oli_ Deetenetion s.horrs a Perverted idea of the ohleet of Life. The question, "Iles a man the right to hiown lifer invorrectly framed. ee take s In this Mutter Were -an be no question of eight. We an only ask if it is wise (and thelefore moral, for wisdom and mortal - u' identical)- to kill oneself. No, it is foolish, ae foolish as it would he to cut the stall of a plant that one wishes to k destroy. The plant does not perish, but ibt growth lee -omen distorted. ease is indeatructible, it is .iadependent • flaw and space, aid therefore death elm only alter the form of, life and de- stroy its maoifestations in this world. But -if I- put an end to my life in this world in- the first plahe I do not know whether life in the next Will be. more Agreeable and in the Second plitee- I de. prive myself of the possibility of winning for myself all that inky be attainable in this world. Besides, and this is the main point, it • fooliah for me to kill myself because by putting an end to my earthly life eierely because it seems unpleasant I show that I have a perverted idea of the object of life. I assume it object to be "enjoyment, while its real purposes should be the per- fecting of my individuality (ego) and the.. service of humanity in general. Suicide bi thereforeimmoral. Out, life is given to us to be used until its natural end in the servive of others. But the -suicide en- joye life only so long aa it seems pleasant to him. Whereas in all probability its use- fulness is just beginning when it becomes unpleasant. Every task is disagreeable at Jiret. For more than *::# years a man lay in a Faissiatt cloister paralyzed and able to plove only.his left hand, The physicians said thatshis suffering must have been in- tense. but he made no complaint and, estieSing himself and fixing his eyes on :ho snored images, constantly gave thanks to (het for the feeble- spark of life that was left to him. fie was visited by many thousands of people,and it is impossible to estimate the good that went out to the world from this man, who was almost de-- prived of the power of Motion. Certainly he accomplished more good than thou- sands of whole and sound men who fan- cied that they were benefiting mankind in every possible way. So long as life remains in a raan he can perfect himself„tuel serve humanity. But he ran serve le:enmity ouly by perfecting himself, and he can perfect himself only by serving humanity. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. • - THF tiNiv'ERsAL PERFUME"- S. HAN D KERCH 1E1 REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTE TOILET &-BATH r FURNITURE EMPORIU1VI. J. Land,sborough DEALER IN Furniture of all kinds At live and let live prices. Upholster- ing done and satisfaction in every re- spect. Picture framing neat and cheap New Williams sewing machine always on hand. No travelling agents, and no high prices. Goods delivered in town and country free of charge. tahleepeonful of flour added to the starch keeps curtaine stiff much longer. - • Freneh or black laces may be freehened by dipping them into weak tea atel then. pressing them on a flat surface between nee epeeers. The smoke of a common wood fire has n receutmended as an economical and .etlicacieue disinfectant for sickrooms or other eentamioated places. • Piet- of uuslaked lime ;in earthern book plaeei in different rooms Will, it is said, improve the atmosphere on a humi Jay. The lime will absorb the water from the air. The duet cloth for any room should be lightly sprinkled before using and should be. washed and dried after every dusting opera I am. Dirty dust cloths do more harm than good, n cleaning a room. For covering up cracks and mending celleleld articles' a mixture of three partes'.. aleehel and four parts ether hae been,' retsemmended. The frartures are coated with it:ie. pressed together and then al- lowed to dry for 24 hours. The lacquered bras); knobs and trim - tet 4 on. fureit ore are beet cleaned wh.7.1 a seft cloth wet in alcohol. All ail- las•Hored brasses should be first washed_ - in warm soapsuds and then rubbed with salt anti. vinegar applied with a fianael clot le • Undertaking Department. We have a large and varied assort- ment from which to choose in time of, need at prices that have been. a matter of agreeabl surprise to all who have (le tle. with us. Two fine hearses on hand for summer and winter use. Night ca' I at Mr. Landsboreugh's residence, ..;orner cottage in rear of Dominion - Bank, will be promptly, responded to. JOHN LANDSBPROUGH, Five Stages of the Sword. It may be said that the evolution of the '.word ha- passed through live die- , timestagee. First came the epoch of par • ca maw-, when men seemed to hew an I hark each' other for the nwre pleare lire it gave them; next the era Of legend, when ,tupendous and impo:eible feats of arms were said to have been neeem- plished. Thenfollowed the feudal time, 0. ea:1(Jas mixture of bloodshed and re- ligion, when the piety of the erusadere whe proved by their ability to slash the egitol:y bits elthirsty Saracens. Surriq'ding thk petied sprang the no- ble •a n of skillful fence, as the sword, • loneer a wealson of pure att ark, be- came a mixed :ism of offense and de- 11`11SI. ..mbilied. Filially we see its fall, bem i; to lam y a ere milli 0 ry accouter- nieot, after atteining a glery- that no one dreamed of during the days of its first rude 'and barbarous twe. SEAFORIII, ONT. --FM) equal to too :candle Tights and com- parable only to the light of noon day sun,- yet soft and restful to sew or read -by, such is the ht of the AUER GAS LAMP It ma.kes and burns its own gas- -- .. . is cheaper than oil and as easy to manage -though eightttirnesashright. Gives out very little heat. Our free catalogue gives fultparticu- lars. ' Write for it. _AUER LIGHT CO., -MAKERS. MONTRtAL. A Discussion In -Genealogy. They v., to at dinner at their country home at :Senthampton. A, poor eons' wit-. the only gueet. The mother, who is au ari-ooerat of the aristocrats, was ex- path:Hies for the benefit of the couAn ou excillenet, of her genealogy. he tobl hew this braneli traced to Lord -- et' I:ie.:hoot this te the kings of Scoi,jand, thot to ti r old peerevolution famili6s of Fre oee and the other to a family of Irisb of 900 years ago. Sed-lenly a precoviuus 6 -year-old dengh- ter. \\ ho took a great interest in her fa- titpr'-. hen oel of dogs, spoke up': 'Monition why are you proud of that? It' pet mix/ up ii hit of dogs, papa soy. they make curs. Ain't people the sonic'?" 'The father laughed, the cousin cones al - ed hi -i mirth, the must her flushed, and the gene diecuesioa encled.-New York Tieees WHEN LINCOLN DIED. Editorial by Greeley Tbrit Was Not Printed In The Tribune, The f )!owing very •reenn:leable story is told in "Jaime; 1Z asScil Lowell onS His - ['riot-id:iv eSerilmer'el, 1.e Edward E,-erett " lie is writing of Bidney II. Gay, then in inaging editor of the New York Tribune. "I have never seen in print Gay's story of that fearful night when Lincoln was killed.- But'onehears it freely repeated in conversation, and I:see no reason why it thould not be printed now.. "With the •news of the murder of Lin - min there came to New York every Other terrible message. The office of The Trib-,;- nne of cenrse rewived echoes of all the.. dispateleit which showed sthe alarm at Washiegton. .There were orders for the arrest f this man, there were suspicions of the loyalty of that man. No one knew what the morrow might bring. - "In the midst of the anxiety of such hour S o Mr. • Gaya the acting editor of that's) per, there entered the foreman of the ty esetting room, He' brought with him th proof of MranGrealey's article, as he" had left • it before leaving the cit for the day. • It was a brutal, bit- ter, sa castle personal attack on Pros! - dent ineoln, the Man who when 'Gay read tlie article was 'dying in Washing - "ton. • " "GO read the article and asked the foremen if else had any private place where he'could lock tip the type to which. no one but,hjenself had access. The fore- man Said he had. Gay bade him tie •up the type, lock the galley with this article In his cupoard and tell no one what he had to d hien. Of course no such article "apPealed in The Tribune the next morn- ing. 1.;:7'. "But- when ..GaY arrived the- next day at the office he was met with the news that `the old -man' wanted him and 'the intlinasion :that `the old men' was very , angry: Gay waited upon Greeley. - e yeu there., Mr. Gay? I have ()king for you. They tell me you my leader out Of this morning's - paper. Is it your paper or mine? -e should lik.e to know if I cannot print what I choose in my own paperl"This in a great rage. p paper is yours, Mr. Greeley. The article is in type up stairs, and you can - nee it when .you ehoose. Only this, Mr. Greeley: I: know New York, and I hope and believe -before God that there is so virtue In New York that if I had let the article go int& this morning's pa- per ti ere would not be one brick upon 'piloting* in The Tribune office now,. Cer- tainly I should be sorry if there were.' "Mi. Greeley was cowed. He said not a woid nor ever alluded to the subject again. It Was by this sort of service that MroGay earned Mr. Wilson's praise that `he kept,Mha Greeley up to the war.' " Be"' After' 'Wood's Phosplodinjo, • The eteat English Remedy:\ -- Sold and recommended by b,11 druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. ,Stz packages guaranteed to cure- all forms o Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one 'package $1, six, $5. One will ,please, siz wit4 care.Pamphlets free to any address. The Wee4 Company, Windsors nt. Sold in Seaforth by Alex. Wilson,J. 5, Robert and I. V. Fear, druggists. CENTRAL Hardware Store CEMENTS. We have a stock on hand of "Beaver Pottland Cements and Thorold Hy- draulic Cements. The best goods at the lowest price. Give us a call. AlEXICAN " FLY EXTERMINATOR. We have a stock of fine oil for spraying cattle. Don't let your animals suffer. ELASTIC CARBON ROOF PAINT. The only paint suitable for iron roofs; will stop a leak and good for years. Call and get prices. • been 1 ordere importance of the Novel. •I h f.ry ono loves a story, and scholars e is okening to the feet what ft force the modern novel is. It 18 the dominant litorary form of today, as is proved by ten. realic libraries and by publishers' The novel is an all coveriug tyrant. th,o lete choked the life out of the older Wens:: ferule. Sortie think it is the de- cadee. e; ur literature, but that is not tin pesit Sea The modern novel is` a gec,tt and potent power for good or evil, a ad it, remains with -us to make the good eh'slhog and to exclude the evil. The Light of Journalism. Newepa eerie like intliehluals, vary re 'slily in charaeter. Sante are as good tie• public will let them be, and others incfleitirs their. we i to make the puha tie hail as they ea atise it. to be. But Jsevaalistunas a v.: eas is a power that ma:wee for righteonences; it is an ad- anciug power, anii. the darkness that weeld came over the world 'without it is it lit: beyond conception. -Boston Her - aid. Directory for 190 1•111•11•111• NY! DANIEL MANLEY, Reeve, Beeohwond P. 0. ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Leadhury P. 0 JOHN 0. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0 ,TAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Counhillor, Beeehwood P. 0 ARCHIBALD McGREGOR, Councillor, Beefed JOHN 0. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0 DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0. WILLIAM EVENS, Aseesser, Beechwood P. 0. :11ARLES DODDS-, Collector, Seatorth P. 0. IICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspeoter, Lead - bury P. 0_ STEPHEN LAMB, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Timber. P.O Our lumber consists -of the best quality of Hemlock and Pine, being well manufactured. Any amount of Red Cedar Shingles always on hand. Bring along your bills, you will be sure to get them filled setts. ractorilY• tar Goderieh street 1711 -ti CASTOR For Infants and Children. The fac- simile signature Of 1 05 Oil Rpm 12:: IOL (Ss-.ySi. s• _ i !Undo° Dancing. . IIimloo dancing bears no similarity te that of the European;' Stage acting in the a lap° of cairn -dies and tragedies is hardly to be found among the Iiindoos. The chief characteristic of their dancing is tilt in' dress, which very often is horn - tile and .rotesque to _look at. Their 1 dances consist in evresti ng, jumping and betel! g the shouldere, h euls, ha mbeelegs, ' es if : agitnhed by violent convulsions, to the sun t.L of musieal instruments. • Tin IIiridoo taste for music is so mark- ed that there is not a single gathering, howeVer Small, which has not some. mu- siciai e at.1 its head. The -instruments on _whir i they play are, forthe most part, He tii et' -and trumpets; . they ha ye -also cymb ifs Old several' kinds of small drums. The sounds produced . by these instru- ment' are far from' pleasing and- may even app e am' hideous to European teas. TIv! 'mauve, on conauct or, is the most remarkab e of all the inusicions. In beat- ing t me fie taps with his fingers on a nar- row druin. As he boats his shoulders, head flints, thighs and, in fart. all the part, off his body perform successive nnive !melts, and simultimeously he utters ina riculatte cries, tints au i ma ting t he ntheicianelsoth by voice and gesture. i • Our direct connections will save yo time and money for all points. Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, )3rit1sh Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them suit everybody and PULLMAN TOL/R- ST CARS for your accommodation. Call tor further information. • Grand Trunk. Railway. Traits, leave &Worth and Clinton stations AI 0110We: one Wee- SNAVORTII, CLINTON. Passenger . 12.40 P. M. 12.56 r. M. Passenger-, ., 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. M. Mixed Trein.... 9.20 A.,M. 10.15 A. ,fixed- 6.15 P. M. 7.06 P. GOING EAST.-- Passenger.. 7.68 A. M. 7.88 A.M. Passenger.. .. 8.11 P. M. 2.65 P. it fixed 4.40 P. M 4.26 P. M. Wellington, Grey ciomo NORTH- Paortenger. Ethel 8.07 P. a. Brussels.. 8.17 Blueyale.. 8. 27 Wingham.... - 8.88 Goma, SOUTH- Pass Wingham 0.58 Bluevale... . .. 7.02 Bruseels.... ...... 7.18 Ethel 7.28 and Bruce. Mixed. 1.40 P. s. 2.10 2.86 8.26 Mixed. 8.65 A. id 9.17 9.45 -10.02 anger. A. H. I H Welsh Rabbit. . Tlic fatnous John ChatiTherlaiu of WaAington had a recipe for Welsh rab- bit which was a poem. It is t13 follONS'S: "Welsl1 Itribbit.-Four ounces of Ouse, half an ounce of butter, a spoon- ful f made mustard, two tablespoonfals i of Lreaml, cayenne and black pepper to taste. 1 "Gratei or chop the cheese then in a with a spoon or in a mortar with a ce rub all to a uniform paste, adding ' bow pest or not, as you like, a tablespoonful of ale, por ee, beer or champagne; make a slice . of eithet thick toast, "which_ dip an in- stal t in boiling water and place in the ON't . " '01V Itransfer your prepared checse mi. titre to a saucepan and stir over a on IC heat until melted, then heatsup eclY and pour upon the toriSt and ser 'e. This is a quantity • for One 11(.1'e, son. Time'required, from three to five - nth utes. This reelbe won the respect of congress." Sills & Murdie HARDWARE,. Counter's Old Stand. Seaforth 1- Some Reasons Why You Should insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL 11 neenyearsiled.rbdyleaaigeortsohefr. t.) specially prepared. eeps out water. i A heavy bodied oil. HARNESS A11 excellent preservative. s, educes cost of your harness.: ever burns the leather; its Efficiency is increased. Secures best service. titches kept from breaking. OIL is sold in all Localities - Manufactured by. Imporial 011 Company. env-1,2122.220111.22,22.02.••••=mel• LOCAL IMPROVEMENT. COURT13!RVISION. Notiee is hereby givt a r f the sitting of the Court of Revisicrein the 'jr unell Room, en Monday, Dee( nt bar tud next, at 8 o'el rek p. in., for the hearing of appehle yes outing th •sidewelke hereinafter nice- tiot.ed, tem ding seem:31110We, accuracy of measure- ments, or any other cc U) plait which peraens inter- esieri may desire to make, and which is by law cog' nimble by the Court. bldovrlk 1, -On the South pie6 of George Arcot, bete e n the Eastern 1111111 f Victcria Street and the Wets rn 1.mit of Chelk Street, 3 feet wide, costing 33000 is per line -I foot. Sidewalk 2.-Ou the Fa t side of William Street, from the Northern nit of GoderIch street to tbe Sou-hern limit of James St, eat, 4 feet wide, costing 44 mite ter 1.neil foot. Melnik 8. -On the South elde of Goderieh Street, between the Western limit of Carrnieh C'S Block and a poi, t tO feet West of the Western 1 mit of Lot 9, F G. Sparlingie Survey, 4i f at wide, coating 401 centpet lineal foot. Sidewalk 4. -On the Feet side of Church Street, bete een the Northern limit. of James Strert and the Boathern limit of Centre Street, 4 feet wide, meting 44 mote per rheal foot. Sidewalk g. -On 'he North Wrier of Centre f" treat, between no) Western limit of Main Etreet and the &atom limit of William street 3 feet wice and cost. log 33e p r Uncut foot. Si( ow; lk 6 -On the North side of John street bo. twee n the Waste n rmit of Jarrett etreet and the Eastern litn't of sparllne street 4 feet wide coati ng 44o per lineal foot, Sidewalk 7. -On the We,t side of Louisa street be- tween the Notthern limit cf Market street and the Southern limit of Goderi.th street, 13i feet wide, cost - rug 38 1.20 per lineal loot. Si.dewalk 8. -On the West side of Sperling street haw, en the Northern limit of Market street and the Fouthern limit of John street, 8 1.2 feet wide, cost. log 88 1-2c per lineal foot. Sidewalk 9. -On the South aide of George street betwe n the Eastern limit of Cbolk street and the Western I mit of Celan an it tet, 3 feet ,hide, cost - hag 380 per lineal foot. didewsik 10. -On the East side of Ord street be- tween the Northern 1 mit of Market street and the Southern limit of John etrcet, 3 1-2 feet wide, cost- ing 33 1.2e per 1 neat foot. Sidewalk 11 -On the East side of William street between the Northern limit of James street and the Southere cf Centre street, 4 feet wide, coating' 44e per lineal foot Sidewalk 12. --On the West side of Church street between the Northern limit of Goee lob am at and the Southern limit cif Centre s' root, 4 feet wide, cost- ing 440 per lineal foot. The municipplity will assume 40 per cent. of the most of frontage measurements And 60 per cent. of the oost of fiankage measuremente, also the entire ccst of ell street croteiege. The balance will be awned on the prJpert'oh fronting or fitoking on the above deeoribed portions of streets, and raised in fifteen equal annual instalments of principal and in• tercet combined, interest being at the rete ofu4e and cent. per annum, and said lustalmsnts being d payable fit the same time as the murticipattaxee. WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk. Seaforth, November 11th, 1901. 1770.2 STORIES OF BANK NOTES. Queer Plecores of Some of Those Pre- served In England. - A curious and interesting volume might be written on the adventures or some Bank of England notes from the day when they leave the printing press, clean and crisp and 'beautiful, to the last day of their varied careers, when, shorn of signature und with a hole punched through the figures which have made them so attractive, they are bundled into a close furnace and converted into ashes. Their leases of life vary as widely as their adventures, for, while some return to the fold with their work done within a day or two, there may be seen its Threadneedle street a note which was wandering for a. century and a quartet -before it came, again into the "Old Lady's" keeping. . One of the most historically interesting of bank notes WV that for £1,000 with which Admiral Cochrane paid the in- iquitous fine imposed on him in 1814. It may be remembered that this most gal- lant of sailors had been accused of con- spiring to defraud the Stock Exchange by circulating a false report of the death of Napoleon and had been sentenced to a fine of £1,000, 12 months' imprisonment and an hour in the pillory. A public subscription was raised among his constituents for the payment of his fine, and the admiral thus indorsed the note which they presented him: GUATEr, CHAMBER, KING'S BEN= Pluses, July 3, ism My health having suffered by long and, close centinement and my oppressors being resolved to deprive me of property or life, I submit to rob- bery cxproteet myself from murder in the hope that I shall live to bring.the delinquents to jus- tice, Com -teem. Loudon, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Passenger. London, depart . , .... 8.15. A.M. C40 r.m Centralia , 9.18 5.55 Exeter. 9 8Q 6.0 Hensall Hippen Brimfield- .. . ...... Cjiindleel.boT Loho •• Blyth Belgrave- Wingham arrive GOING SOUTH- Wingham; depart...... • • • BelgrAVe Londesboro ..... . .. •••• Clinton ..... ...• Oftlearteld •• }Owen - tiensail Exeter Centralia.... . London, 9.44 9.50 9,58 10.16 10.88 6.26 6.38 6.66 • 10.417.28 ' 10,66 7.87 11.10 8.00 Passenger. 6.53 A.M. 2.15 P. . 7.01 8.40 7.14 8.65 4.06 4.25 4.49 4.57- 5.02 6.14 7.22 7.47 8.05 8.15 8.22 8.36 8.46 6.23 9.37 A. M. 8.12 Turning. the Tassels. . "Turning the tassel" is an interesting .patt of the, • commencenient exercises at the Woman's college, Baltimore, All undergraduates there wear the cap owl gown, and the place of the tassel on each mortar board designates the Class of its wearer. . Beginning at the right hand corner of the .square top over which the tassel • me'st hang in case of a •freshman, (Niels of the other three cot.ners indicates re- spectively the other three classes. At the imminent when the seniors file back frem receiving their diplomas every oth- er meinber• of the student body present by one concerted _movement turns her taSsel, thereby raising her rank, Great General of -the Future. "lioW- is your boy in the army getting e &Ong, Willerby?" :inquired the old friend Of the family. ,'Es, George, sir," enthusiastically an- ssi'ered the father, who had just receiv.tel frim Algy another urgent requeet for Meney, "Abet boy is n masterly toon- :plogner already. He gsets into all sorts ot tight places, but he always mananes keep incommunication with his 'base o • supplies." 'Pertinent and Impertinent. "Doctor, your 'tonic made a- new. man o nie." • : "A new man? Well, bow is he off qnancially ?" A little _boy who was asked his name ervered, "Well, they call me 'Jimmy for s ort, but my maiden name is James." Some people who call themselves sing - (...s should be locked up for making false Li. ml Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- posed. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Prioe, No. 1, $1 per box' No. 9,10 degrees stronger, $1 per box. No. l orb, mailed en receipt of price and. two 8 -cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. $11rNos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. Once and only once the bank issued by mistake a note for a penny, which for sonic years was a source of annoyance and anxiety. Liken willful and stubborn sheep, it would not come back to the fold, and it was only recovered when the hank in despair offered a reward of £5 for its return. • In a mood of rare extravagance .the bank once printed four notes, each for 11,000,000, and promptly destroyed the plate. Two of these notes came into the very appropriate hands of Rothschilds and Coutts, where for a -time they at- tracted many open mouthed spectators. The only notes approaching these in value were two for £100,000 each, which were destined to a very "short life." Bank of England notes have often, as perhaps is not unnatural, been associated with tragedies and crime. It is not many years since a young gentleman of the name of Swann was found dead, shot by his own hand, in a London attic. He had squandered a large fortune in every kind of dissipation, and when he was reduced to his last £5 note he decided that life had nothing more to offer him. On a table by the side of his revolver was found a charred portion oi a bank note, with which, in bravado, he had lit his last cigar, and on it these words were penciled, "The last note of a dying Swoon." In the days when to steal or forge a bank note was a crime punishable by death the histories of many notes were tragic in the extreme. The circumstances of one memorable ease arc- peculiarly sad. A certain young man called Howland was accused by his uncle, a merchant in the city, of stealing a £50 note from the writing table in his study. Although it was not proved that the note had ever been in his possession or that it had been cashed, the circumstances were consider- ed suspicious enough to justify convic- tion, and the young man, who was pop- ular and of irreproachable character, was sentenced to death. Sonic years after his execution the note for which his life was sacrificed was found in a recess in the library chimney, where it is supposed a draft had carried it. Sold in Seaterth by Alex. Wilson, J. S. Roberts and IV. Fear, druggists. - lake Apple Butter, Cider -and Chopping Mill, I --- Now runnine full blast. Bring along your apples a d get some o+if that famous Apple Butter, so much lished by all N. B. Parties at a distance would be better to a oint a time for coming by letter, enabling them t get homo with it the same day. JOHN THIRSIC. 17640 Money To Loan. The Township of Twikeremith has abiint" $3,000 of Township Funds to loan at current rates Of it terest on first mortgage on farm property. Ap-ply to the Reeve or Treasurer. H. HORTON, Reeve Hensel, P. 0.; G. N. TURNER, Treasurer, 0110190'P. 0 1783-tf •,2.1•2 • • AFTElf!SHAVING, )12?acr COOLS, COMFORTS AND HEALS THE SKIN, ENA- BLING THE MOST TEN- DER FACE TO ENJOY A CLOSE SHAVE WITHOUT UNPLEASANT RESULTS, Avoid dangerous, irritat IngWitchHazelpreparat'ens represented to be "the same - as" Pond's Extract, which easily sour and generally contain -wood alcohol," a deadly poison. vfc",, Atr, Special Attention to Horseshoeing and General Jobbing. .911:30alaaelD40949. The King of Ranges,- "Duch's Nappy' Thought" Happy houg'ht Ranges • have been made for modern cooks and the careful housewife • who req,,uires to use economy and get,the best results. : Happy Thought Ranges are not experiments. They have been tested in 150,000 Canadian homes and have been imitated by more stove manufactureis than any other Range. Buy a Happy Thought, you'll get Quality that Means a Saying if you do. Itanitfactared by The Wm. Duch. Stove Co., Limited, Brantford Write the Matrefeeterere for as Illustrate& Catalogue. 1101.D NY S. Mullett & Co., Seaforth. How They Repealed the Law. Wilhelm Liebknecht in his memoirs of Karl Marx tells how the people of Lon- don forced' the repeal of thd law pro- hibiting the sale of beer on Sunday, which at the time was claimed to have been made by the aristocrats to "impress virtue and morale on the common peo- ple." "But the people of London," Stty,S Lieb- knecht, "don't understand a joke when an attack is made on their stomachs. By the hundred thousand they wandered out to Hyde park on the Sunday after the passage of that bill and thundered- into the cars of the pious aristocratic males 'and females who were enjoying their rides in carriages and on horseback a sneering `Go to church!' so lend that the • pious males and feniales were terror stricken. On the next Sunday the quar- ter of a million had increased to a half million, and the 'Go to church!' had be- come million,, and more serious, and by the third Sunday the measure Was al- ready revoked." Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH and CARRIAGE opp. MAKER Ziesel° Goderich street, - • • - - Seaforth. Red Cedar Shingles. 3x 74 cents, 4x 78 cents. LATH No. I Pine Lath, 38c per hundred. Pine Lumber. Dressed Pine Lumber for Doors $22 per M. N. CLUFF &SONS, North Main Street, - • Seaforth. 1748 MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan at 4i per cent os good farm sour. ity. Apply to JAS. L. KILLORAN, Barrister, Sea forth. /17124f London Dialect.. "Tho American," wrote Julian Ralph In HarperTs, "who believes, as thousands do, that tO betray one's nationality is to invite oveicharging and extortion in the west end shops of Liman is not only hard pressed, to choose the peculiar words the English employ, but he has quite as many and as. deep pitfalls to avoid in the methods of pronunciation. I will not refer to the false or ignorant methods of Illiterate persons, but will coofine attention to some eccentricities of pronunciation of men and women of ed- ucation, rank and breeding. They say immejitly, injin for engine, militry, figger and figgers, clank for clerk, paytent, nay- tional, and so on through a long list." They all Come Back. U. A gentleman called into one of our leading dung stores the other day, and after purchasing a 50e bottle of Royal Glycerated Balsam of Fir, made the remark "Well, I've come back to Balsam of .F.r. I've tried nearly everything advertised, but I find this does me brtttr than any of them." This has been the experience of a great many. It's hard to resist the takingadvertisements and guarantees pub- lished in connection with some cough remedies, but Royal Glycerated'Balsam of Fir stands on its own merits, unequalled as a sure, safe and speedy cure for Coughs, Hoarseness and any soreness or irrita- tion in the throat/or bronchial tubes It's equally suitable for all ages. Don't be put off by prepara- tions said to be " just as good," get it; 25c and 50e per bottle. For sale by all dealers, or by the sole manufacturer, ALE. WILSON Druggist, Seaforth. Two Mlillioli People wear Simmons Watch Chains. Many of our customers do. Very likely you would if you saw the handsome. assortment we carry and knew how cheaply. they are priced U's nearly present -buying time now. Why not drop in and look t he m -over ? The First Australian Ballot. The ballot was first- introduced into Rome in the second century B. C. This was the real Australian ballot. The voter received a sort of' wooden slate covered with wax on which the names of all the candidates were scratched. lie Made holes int the wax opposite those of his choice and dropped his tablet in the box. - After the downfall of the Roman re- public popular government took a long sleep, and there was little use for a bal- lot tilt quite modern times. Annoys the • "I'll get even with the proprietor of that hotel in some way," he announced. "You can do it easily, too," answered his friend. "Ilow?" be asked. "Commit suieide411n his hotel. That al- ways annoys thern."- A Natural Inquiry. Pa rke-Wigginson married a widow, didn't he? • Lane -Yes - Parke -I wonder how he likes her to mer hushentl.- Grip-Quinine Tablets (CHOCOLATE CoATEE) Grip -Quinine Tablets cure all sorts ot cold and damp weather diseases. Grip -Quinine retains all the curative Virtues of Quinine, with the disagreeable- ness left out. The Chocolate Tablet form makes it pleasant to take, much nicer than capsules, and better in results. Remember the name Grip -Quinine Tablets. The genuine are in boxes only, with Dog's Head Trade -mark. Refuse all others. Price 25 cents, at all druggists. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE NOON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEIAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. 2 To the Public of Seaforth and Surrounding Country. HAVING PURCHASED The Meat Business SI GN OF THE , CIRCULAR month and save the advance. Formerly Zonducted by FRED P GALES, We trust, by strict attention to business and supplying a first class article at a reasonable price, to merit the patronage bestowed on the late firm. Will pay the highest market price ,for dressed poultry, good hides,skins and tallow. WINTER tt COLVIN, Seitforth, 1764-'1 The Seaforth Tea Store Is giving some big cash snaps as follows Five pounds beet select raisins for 25e. Five pounds dates for 25c. Twenty - flys pounds of light coffee sugar for $1. Ten bars of Jewel eoap for 25e. Six pounds of rice for 25e. Ten pounds Of sulphur for 25e. Ten pounds of salts for 25e. Three pounds of fancy mixed biscuits for 35e. Fivepounds of broken soda biscuits for 25e. New Labrador herring just in. Great bargains in all kinds of China, Crockery and Glass- ware Remember that I still receive Weston's Toronto bread by the one o'clock train every day. A cordial invitation is extended to all to call and get some of the groat bargains that are to be had. IVO() uOVIU.iog e+ - CD Cr* CD et - )7.;) CD e•-•.4 Pmi CD )172 et - Tenders for Supplies, 1902.. ••••••• The undersigned will receive tenderup to noon on MONDAY, 25th INST., for supplies of butchers, meat, creamery butter, flour, oatmeal, p)tatoes, { cordwood, eta., etc. for the following institution% during the year 1902, viz. : At the Asylums for the 'near e in Toronto, London, iltirldlgOlfirlit's ;BitilliTigfelirsilige:o'n irt3tririVrt4ertZfol:rrgra! i Reform- atory, Toronto; the Reformatory fer no311, Penetish- gtilehene ; the Institution' for Deaf and Dumb,. Belleville, and the Blind at Brantford, for the 1 suEppxleevPotfi°Ife.-attotheTetde11r119y1rfUMirtin iTeclouroirnett, London, J Kingston, Hamilton, and 13rockeille, nor for this Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto. 1 -A marked cheque for five ier cent. of the estimated amount of the contract, payable to the order of the Honertble the Provincial Secretary, remelt ba fur- nished by each tenderer as a guarantee of his bola Odes. Two sufficient sureties will be r.quired for the due fulfilment of each contract, end mould any tender be withdrawn before the contract is awarded, or should the tenderer fell to furnish limb secedrity, the *mount of the deposit will be forfeited. Specifications and forma of tender may he had en application 'to the Department of the Provincial Secretary, Toronto, or to the Bursars of the re- spective institutions. The lowest or any tender not riecesesrily accepted. Newspapers inserting this advertisement without authority from the Department will not be paid for J. B. STRATTON, Provincial Secretary, Parliament Building, Toronto, Novembe lltia,. 1901. 1770-2 A. G. AULT SEAFORTH. t