HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-11-22, Page 2REAL ESTATE POR SALE, IiOR SALE. —The honee and grounds belsngiug to the bee 8. G. Me laughey, corner of Church and Centre istr.:ets, Seaforth. The prope-tv will be so'd cheap aid on ettey terms. F. 110LMESTED, Sea - forth. 1734 tf 20 ACRE FARM FOR SAL.—In best who belt in Southern Manitoba. Ninety aeres ready for wheat next year ; 60 aores hay. Good new stable and granary. Twelve dollars per acre. Several ether proved and prairie farms for sele. Write CHAS. E. SHAW, Hex 17, Boissevain, Manitoba. 1767-tt GUM FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 27-, Con- ceesion 4, MaKillop containing 1.00 amrea, all of which cleared, well 'fenced, underdrsie. d mad in a high stste of cultivation. There is a .good wick house, large bank barn with stone ateblhor, plenty of water and a good .orchard. It ie withi a two urilea of Seaforth and Witlin a mile from a schoot. Apply on the premises or to Seaforth P. 0. WM. GRIEVE. 1767-tf riARM FOR SALE.—Ferna In Stanley for sale, Lot 29, Concesdon 2, containing 100 acres. All clear but 15 acres of hardwood bush. It is in a goad state of cultivation, well fenced and underdraincel. There is 011 the farm two barns, with stabling, and a large dwelling house. It is conveniently eituated, S miles from Clinton and a mile from Bairdar schoel. Addreetall intarir‘es to JOJN MeGREOOR, on the promisee, or MRS. D. hicGREG OR, 2nd Concession, Tackersitah, Seaforth, Oat. 1768 tt UARS1 IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—Forsale Lot 11 u and South half of Let 12, Ceneesaion 4, Stanley; contsining 15a acres, 90 acres cleared and in n. fair date of cultivation. There ia a- frame dwelling house with cellar, batik bern with stole stabling, stone pig pen, OtaVo 8110, tWo good wells also a rh er rues at the back of the farm.. • It is convenient to churchee, schools- and markets, being 3 miles from Brimfield and a miles from sleaforth. Apply On the promisee o addros THOMAS GESIAELL, Brumfield. 1722tf -GURU FOR SkLE.—For sale, Lot 9 and half of 10 on the 14th Concessien of bleKillop. containing - about 160 sores, of which between 80 and 70 aorcs are cleared. The buildings are fairly good, the house being nearly new. It is wathin 6 mites of the Village of Walton. It is a god farm and suitable for either grain or pssture. A entsiler farm would be taken In exchanee as pert payment. If not sold soon, Will be rented for a term of years. Apply on the prima ea or address Walton P. 0. J eafE3 CAMPBELL. 176541 MIABIll FOR SALF.„—For sale that very desirable ' V farm on the Mill Road, Tuakerstnith, adj doing the village of Egniondvill a It contains 97 aore., nearly all cleared and in a rood state of cultivation, and well underdrained. There is a comfortable brioic cottage ad 'gond barns, with root cellar and outbuildines. The buildings are situatod near the centre,ef tbe farm and on the Mill Real. It is well watered, and plenty of soft water in the kitohen. It is conveniently situtted fo: Orwell aid echoed and withia a mile and a half of S.lat...n.n. Will las sold cheap and on ever terms of payment. Apply to the proprietor, ROBERT FANSON, S.etfortta 1748-tf -LIAM IN HAY TOWNSHIP FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 22, on the North Baundary of Hay Township. This farm contains 100 sorer, 86 mom cleared., the rest god hard wocd besh. 11 19 well en. derdralried and fenced. There is a goad etene house with a No. 1 oeller ; Melee bank barn, i eplernent shed; sheep house 70x76, with fleet -01a f• stabling and root water underneath; a good °lathe : 2 goad wells and cistern. There is 14 acres of 1. 1 wbeat pawed on a riob fallow, wed measured, -0 acres seeded down recently, the rest in good s ape for oro. This is a No. 1 farm, well site tted for markets, churches, sehoola, pose office, etc., and will be sold reasonatay. Apply on the p emises, or address ROBERT N.,DOUGLAsaBlake,0nt.18118xStf aRM IN STANLEY FOR SALE ---Far sale, Lot 7, Concession 7, Farr Line, Stanley, coataining 100 acres. 90 acres of which are under cultivation ; wail fenced and %ell tile drained. The balance is good bush There are comfortable buildings, and an in good repair. The farm is within five mil :s of Kis pen Station ; thie e mges from Varna, arld ote and a hail miler 1 om Hills Green, where are churches, store, post. cfflee, &c. Taere is a school on the corner cf the farm. There is a gcod orchard and a waver failing- spring of water convenient t the buildings. This is exceptionaPy good farm, de- sirably situated, and will be eold cheap and on easy tame. Apply on the preul'SeI or address Hills Green P. 0. JAMES WORKMAN, 1788-tf "T-1.4 ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 1, in the Town. .12 ship a Tuckersmith, Coneession 3, 100 acres of laud, 96 acres cleared, web un4erdratned. Splendid farm for grata or stook, web watered, a running spring tbe whole year rens through the farm. Also on the farm is a splendid bank barn, nesr y new, which 11- 60x54, with . stone stabling underaeath. Also frame house 24)0'8, and Mellon 'axle, with good stone cellar, and two good wells. Thii pro- perty is situated In a very desirable loeallty with splendid grevel routs to market, on'y as miles to Seaforth. Also a good (livening house in Saafort situated on Coleman street, close to Victoria P.V:k. That house is composed of 8 rooms, well finished, plenty of hard and Kilt water, and kitehen 20x18, with pentry and wash room attached; and a geed woodshed. A good stelae 24x18. All of this property must be sold as the undersigned is moving to the United St Ass. All particulars concerning this proporty Call be had by applying at Tun EXPOsITOft Office or b the propietor, JAS1E3 KEFLOE, Sea - forth. 1762-tf VARM IN STANLEY FOR SATE—For sale, Lot 1,! 9 and the west hart of Lot 8, on the 121h conces- sion, or Emma Line, of Staley. This farm coa- taiaa 160 acres, ell of which is detest!, • except four acres. St is in a state of fireaciass oulivation, w 11 fenced and all underdrained,mostly with tile. There ia a large frame dwelling toilets aa pod as new, witt good stone foundation and miler, large bulk barn with striae stabling underneath, and numerous oth3r buil tinge, ineludiag a large pig house. Two good orch :rd.; of choice fruit. also nice shsde and otna inentil treea. There are two eping creeks runeeas, throigh the fano, and plenty of good water all the year round without pumping. It le well situated far markels, ohurchea, shuoa, post ofli a, etc, and god gravel roasle leading from it in all directions. It is within view of Lake Huron, aud the boats corn las seen passing up and down from the house. Thi I 14 one of the beat equipped farina le tau e mete, a el will be sold on easy tame, as the proprietor wantite retire on account of ill health. Apply on the preen - Bee, or address Blake P. a JOHN DUNN. 1734-tf You May Need For Cuts Burns Bruises Cramps Diarrhoea, All Bowel Complaints. It is a Mire, We and quick remedy. There's only one PA1N-IiILLE Panay BAvis'. Two sizes, 25c. and Pc. norease your wages. The boy who starts work, after a course ie this coll-ge, will start at wag -et two or three times greater than he eou'd hope to obtain without this special training. Gollegen nM L n Ion.* Toronto, Hemilton, Ottawa, Sernia, Berlin, Galt, Guelph, St. Catharine.. New is a good time to enter. All per i :tilers from. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, Y. M. C. A. Building, London, Ont. 1761-20 J. W. IN EST E RV E LT,:PISn This dog's head trade -mark on every package of the genuine Grip -Quinine Tablets The kind that cure coughs and colds in twenty-four hours. a SEAFORTH DYE WORKS Ladies and gentienien, thanking you all for past patronage and now that a new season Is- at hani wish to let you know that I am still in the husinees, ready to do toy bestto give you every -satiifaction in doing your work in the line of cleaning and dyeing gentlemen's and ladiesclothing, done without being ripped as well as to have them ripped, All wool goods guaranteed to give good eatisfaction on short- est notice. Shawls, curtains, etc., at moierate prices Please do not fail to give me a call. Cutter and eggs taken in exchange for work. riENRY NLCROL, opposite the Laundry, north Blain street 16a14: POWER OF ONE WORD Wiii Lift Out of Despondency Into Future Joy. 1 -;OPE AS A THE HIJRON EXPOSITOR ' nor mama. ' reet wnen tney werk ‘eithout fatigue? Why seek a, p1 119w when there is -110 night there? I want to see you after the pedestrianism of earth has been ex- shanged for power of flight and ve- locities infinite and enterprises in- terstellar, interworld. Am I not' right in saying that ,eternity can do more for us than can *.t.time.? .What will we not be able to 'do when our powers of locomotion shall be . quickened into the immor- tal spirit's speed? Why should bird have a swiftnessof wing when It is of no importance how long it shall taketo make its aerial way from forest to, forest and we, who have so mUch more •important er- rand in the world, get on so slowly? The roebuck outruns os, the hounds are quicker in the chase; but wait • until God lets us' loose•from all lim- itations and hinderments: Then we will fairly begin. • The Starting post will be the tombstone. Leaving the world. will be graduation day before the chief -work of our mental and spiritual 'career. Hopp sees the door ;opening, the victor's foot in stirrup for the mounting. .The day breaks' -first Rush of the horizon. The mission of hope will be an ever- lasting thisision, as -much of it in the heavenly .1),ei.e.a.ft,er as in the earthly -now. - Shall we have gained all as soon as eve enter realms celestial — nothing More to learn,.,no other heightseto climb, no new anthems to :raise, a Monotony of existence, the Seine thing over and over. again for endless years? No! More progreps in that World than -we ever made in this. Rene will stand , on the hills of heaven and look for ever bright- . ening landscapes, -other transfigura- tions of color, new -glories rolling over the scene, new celebrations of victories in other worlds, heaven ris- ing into grander heavens, seas of glass mingleifisi-vith fire, becoming a "-more brilliante glass mingling with a more Ranting fire. "Which hope." Now, let me introduce this feeling into the lives of some who are • at times hopeless. There is a family whose soa hits gone- wrong. Father and mother have about given him Up, he seems so headlong, so Un- grateful, so dissipated, and the old • folks do not know half the story of moral precipitation. elle has ceas- ed Writing home, but they hear of him through people who like to cnrry bad Move and eyery time the • report more deplorable He swears, he gambles, he drinks, he goes into , all the shambles of sin. His former employer says there is no hope for him, and all outside the family agree in thinking he, will ne- ver reform. The father and mother have . not quite given hiin, up, and • these weeds are to strengthen their hope. That boy is going to come back. ,. You have a hold on him that you Imuet not- relax. Thirough sprayer you may, win the eternal God for your side of the. etruggle. Yen must, enliSt all the beavenly domin- • ions, cheeubim and Seraphim and archangel,in the movement to save you son. Some day or some night he will call a halt to his infamous practices. ,* Something .will happen to him, as happened in a New York hotel to ii son of one of the most cftstingaished el&ge,men in Scotland ancl one sof the ctueen's chaplains. "When -elm 1 see you'?" said a, dis- tinguished -looking young man at the close of one of my services in Break- lyo tabernacle. I said, ''You *cans See me now." TTe said:* "No; want a private Conversationwith, YOU it your own house. _. When can come?" I said, "Tomorrow - i nght. : Your /Mille," I asked. Ile gave me his namd, the exact mune of his -father, whose name was known and is known through the Christian world. though years - ago he , departed this life. Returning honie, I took ep n, I took of which - his father was th.)a au- thor, and in the picture at the open- ing of the book I „found thtet the youngeman had most markedly his father's features. So I was , sure there was no deception. On, the following evening he came. . Ire said that he was the black sheep Of the family flock. Ile had; wander-. ed the world over -and been ie all kinds of Wickedness, • but a / few nights before, after reading a letter STRONG ANCHOR. - As 11 Was it Great Night for Opr Dark World 'Mica ill Bethlehem the Infant Saviour Was Dorn, So Will It Be a Great Night Whorl Christian Hope is Born in the Soul of the Sinner, ;Mend according t a Act of T'arliain en t of Can- • ada, In the yeer 1001. by William Beily,,ofTo- ronto, at the Dap% of AgaionIture, Ottawa. Nov. thith- dis- course Dr. Talmage Would lift- peo- ple -out of despondency and bring somethiug of efetttire.'jay into earth- ly depression.- The text. is Hebrews vi, 19, "Which hope." ,, There is an Atlantic _ ocean of depth and fullness in the verse from 'which my text e is taken, and I only wade into the'wevii at the beach. and take two words. . We all have re-; vorite words expressive of delight or abhorrence, words that easily find their way from brain to. • iip, words that have in them mornings and, midnights, laughter -and tea'st thunderbolts and dewdrops. In all the lexieons and -vocabularies there are few words that have for me the attractions of the last word of enlyi: text, "Which hope." There have in the course of ourlife been many angels of God that have looked over our shoulders; ' �r Met US on the - -road ' or chanted the darkness away, or lifted. -the cur- tains of the great future, or pulled us back from. the precipices, or roll- ed clown upon us the, repturons mus- ic of the heaveus„ but there is one of those angels- who has 'done' ed much for _us that we wish through" out all time and eternity to_ cele- brate it—the angel- of Hope. St. Paul makes it the centre of •-a greare of three, sayings •"No* abideth faith, hope, charity." And though he says that charity- is the greatest of the three, he does .not take . one plumefrom the wing, or one ray, of lustre from the broweIor one au- rora from the cheek, •.or one melody from the voice of the angel of my text. "Which hope." That -*as a 'great :night for •our world; when in a. Bethlehem.caravan- sary the Infant Royal was born, and that Will be :a great night 'in the darkness when Christian hope is born. There will be chanting in the skies and a star pointing to the Nativity. - I will not bother you with the husk of a definitibn and tell you what hone is. -When we. sit down hungry at a. table, we do not. Wallt all analytical discourse as to what bread is. Hand it on; pass it round; give us a slice of it. eJehn--; •sPeaks of hope as -a "pure hope"; Peter calls it a "lively hope"; Paul styles , it a "good hope," a. "sure hope," -a "rejoicing hope.'' - And all up and down the:Bible it is spo- ken of as an anchor, as a harbor, as helthet, as a door. No better medicine take than hope, It a fobrifuge,- a toiii did a man ever is a stimulant, ,n. catholicon. Thousands of people long ago de- parted this life would have been 'live int; to -day but for the- reason they let hope slip their grasp. I have . known people to live on hope after one lung was gone and disekse had _seemed to lay hold of eyeraS nerve and muscle and artery. and -bone. Alexander the Great, lstarting for the Wars. in Persia, divided his pro- perty among the Macedonians' He gave a village to one, a port to an- other, a field to another rand all his estate to his friends. Then Perdie, cas asked, "What -have you kept for you rsel f? IIe 'answered triumph- utly, "Trope." And, whatever else - you and 4 give away, we must, keep for ourklves hope—all. comforting, all cheering hope.- the heart of every man, woman and childthat hears or reads this sermonitiaysGrod -iniplant this principle right now! . Many have full aSsurence that alt is right- with the soul.. • They are as sure of heaven as if they had passed in pearly ,panels of the gate, as though , they were already seated in the temple of God unroll- ing the libretto of the heavenly chorister. I congratulate all such. I Wish I had it top—felS assurance —but .With me it, is hope. . "Which hope." Sinful, it expects forgive- ness; troubled, it expects relief; be- reft, it expects reunion; ,Clear down it expects wings to lift; 'shipwrecked, it expects. lifeboat; bankrupt, it, ex- pectseeteraal riches;a. prodigal, it expects the wide open door oOthe father's farmhouse. Tt does not wean itself out -by loOking backward; it always looks forward. What is the use of giving so much tierie to the -rehearsal' of the past? Your mistakes are not corrected by a .re- view. . Your losses cannot, by brooding over them, be 'turned into . gains. .11-, is the _future that has the nioet for us, and hope cheers us on. We have all committed blunders.; but does the calling. of the roll of thetn Make them any the le Ss blunders ? Look ahead in, all matters df use - fu ness Tlowever much you may .have accomplished ler God and the world's betterment your greatest ueefulness is to come. "No," says some one, "my health is gone." ''No,'' says some one, 'Silly money is game." "No," Says some one; "the most of my years are gone and therefore my usefu loess." 'Wily, you alklike an infidel. Do you suppose that all your capatity to do good is fenced in be'• ellis,life'? Are you go- ing to be a lounger- ancl a do-nothing after you have quit this world?, it is my business to tell yo,u that your faculties are to be enlarged* and in- tensified and your ,qualifications, for usefulness 1 uul ti plied tenfold, a- hen- , dredfold, is thousandfold. Is your •bealth gone? - Then that • ieS a sign that you are to enjoy .a • celestial health compared with which the most jocund and Idle riot's vital - i 1v of , vale it is, invalidism.. Are o fete 11 ties :spent.? Remember, .%t.ii re In LP. kluge' and queens unto (;ott. Aind how much more *wealth you will. have when yeuereign fore - ever and- ever! - I want to see you when you get Your heavenly work dress on.• This little bit ofa speck of a World we call the earth is only the place where we '-get ready to work. We are only journeymen here, but will be Master workmen these. Maven Will have no . loafere hanging around. ' The book;says. Of the inhabitants, "They rest mit dayl from his mother in Scota.nd, he had retired for .sleep, but, in the adjoining, roonahe 'heard some young men in such horrible conversation that he could not sleep. : He was shocked as he had neer before been by the talk of bad men. He arose, struck a light, took, but the letter from his mother and knelt down by , his bed -- side- and said, "0 Lord God of my mother, hive mercy on me!" He said that since. that prayer he wns entire- ly changed and loved what he before • hat d, and hatedwhat he before lov d, and asked what -I thought it all meant.. I replied, "You* have become a Christian." He said he I might be lled at any time to leave , the city. 1 never saw,:hintsegain, but \it seemed. to me; that .he had turned his back upon his wicked past and had started in the right direction And it ,iney, be• Sol with. yottr . boy. Write him often. Telt him how you are all thinking of him at home, and it may he your letter' .in hand, he may call upon his mother's God lo help and save him. Hope, you of the gray hair and wrinkles! Heaven has its thousands of souls -who were once . as :thoroughly wrong as your boy. is. • They repented, and they are with the old folks in the healthy air of the eternal .hills, where they have become ;voting again.. .Toeamither • chess of persons I in- troduce the angel of hope, and they are the ieValids. I cannot -take the diagnosis pf your disorder, but let hope cheer - you with one of two thoughts. • Such. mar vel ou s cures are being wrdught in our day through inedication* and surgery that your invalidism may yet, be.mastered. Per - Soni as ill as you have got. well. Cancer and tuberculosis ;will yet rive way before so- me new eliscovery. 1 see every day people strong and well Who not long ago 1 SaW pallid and leening heavily on a staff and hard- ly!..able to limb stairs. But if yojt will not take, the hand 'of ,hope for ear,thly convalescence let me point you te the perfect, body you .are yet .to ave if you love and eerve the Lord. Death will: put a prolong- ed •anaesth tic upon your present body, and -''ou will never again feel an ache clr pain, and thenin• his • good time e-ou. iVIU have 1). resurrec- • tion body, aboutwhich wt know no- thing except that it will be painless and glorione beyond all present ap- preciation.What must be • the health of that land which: never feels' cut of bold. or blast of heat and , where there. is no east wind SoWitar. pneumonias On the air, your fleet ness greater than the foot of deer your eye sight clearer than eagle it sky, perfect health, in a country where all the inhabitants are ever lastingly well! You who have ii your body an CrleySttiti bullet evei since the civil war; you who have kept alive only by precaetions • • and self denials and perpetual watching of pulse 'and lung; you of the deaf _piled ear and dim vision and the se - vete) backache; you who have not been free from: pain for ten years how do • you like this story 01- physi cal reconstruction, with all weakness 'and suffering substracted and every thing jocund and bounding added? Do not • have anything to do witl the gloom that Harriet Martineau ,expressed in her dying Words: "I have no reason. to believe in anothei world. I have :had ,enough of life in one and can see no good reason why Harriet Martineau should be perpetuated," Would you not rather ha.ve the Christian enthusiasm of Robert Annan, who when some one said, "I will be satisfied If I man- age somehow to get into heaves -4" re- plied, pointing to a sunken •-lliressel that was being drag-ged up the River Tay: "Would you like to be pulled into heaven. with two tugs airs that vessel yonder? r tell you:I 'Would like to go in with all my sails set and colors flying." Again, let me introduce the ele- ment of hope to those good people who are in despair about. the World's moral condition. They have gather- ed up appalling statistics. They tell of the number of divorces, but do not take into consideration that there are a thousand happy homes where there is one of marital dis- cord,' They tell you of the largo number in our land who are living itm prolate lives, but forget to ene tionithat there are many millions of men and women who are doing the best they can. They- tell you the number of drunkeries in this coun- try, but fail to mention the thou- sands of glorious ChUrChe8 with .two doors — one door open for all who will enter for pardon and consolation and the other door opening into the heavens for the ascent of souls pre- pared for translation. Let Hope say to the foreboding: no all you can with Biblh and spell- ing book and philosophic apparatus, but toil with the sunlight in your faces or your eftoets will be a, fail- ure. The pallor in the sky is not another phase of the night-, but the first.' sign of approaching day, which is as sure to come as to -night will- • be fsillowed with to -morrow, Things toe not going to leen. The Lord's hosts are not going to be drowned in the. Red sea of trouble. Miriam's m tibre will play On the high banks 'Israel Delivered.' High hope for the home! Hig-h hope for the church! high hope for the world! I introduce the angel of trope to those who through disease have lost. Christian friends. ''1 low could I find them," says a bereft soul; "up there. in the land Of the nultitudinous?" Yeti may find them by inquiry, by heavenly escort and by unfailing memory of the guard at the : gate, And he CarriCd me away ill the spirit to a great clad high mountain and.showed me that groat city, the Iffily Jerusalem, deecending out, of heaven from God, having' the glory of God-, a.nd her light was like unto a stone most precious, even. like a. Wi- per stone, clear as crystal, and had a, wall great and high and had twelve e gats and at the 'Kates an- gels," So you see there will be an angel guarding each gate. As you go. in ask the armed guard. He saw your loved one pass through and will know the direction to take and by what fountain or in what street of gold Is the mansion prepared: The blessed Christ knows where your de-- parted. loved one is, and he witl tell you if no one else will. Fifty ways of finding Out the whereabouts of your •ascended One. "But. will I sure- ly know him when I get, there, for he will so changed?" Yes, for you will be just as much changed, and the old affinity will.assert itself. The soul will be as tetsily distinguished by soul there as on earth the body he is distinguished by tbody. Then cultivate hope in regard to your own health. your own financial prosperity; yotil; own longevity, by seeing how in other people God mer- cifully reverses things and brings to 'pass 1 the unexpected, remeinbering that Washington lost more battles • than he gainedir but triumphed at the last, and, further, be.- making sure of your eternal safety through Jesu's Christ, understand that. you, are on the way to palaces and thrones. This life is a span Song. ending in dura- tions of bliss that neither human nor archangelic faculties can measure Or estimate — redolence of a. spring- time that never ends and fountains tossing in the light of a . sun- that never sets. May God thrill us with anticipations of this immortal. glee! "Which hope?" said in the opening• of., this sub- ject that my text was only the wave on the beach, while the whole, verse from which it is 'taken is an ocean. But the ocean tides aro coining in, and the sea is getting so deep I must fail back,• wading out- as I waded in; for what mortal can stand before the mighty surges of the full tide of eter; nal g-ladness? "Eye haat not seen, nor ear heard; neither huth entered into the heart of matt the things whfch (lod huth prepared for them. that love 'him." s eels eay oesee sone ',lie eseee, marked by a. strange dignity of set- ting, and was expressive of that re- verence and spirituality which the s lecturer deemed the fitting character- istics of hid thong. The first Scriptural reference ' to the singing of a hymn is found in the Gospels. • We are told that be- fore going to thesMount of Olives, _ "the same night On Which He Wait betrayed, the Master, ‘with Ills dis- ciples, soon to be teparateid from Him, 'sang. a, hymn.' This was _ their custom. For Many years the Hebrew mothers had taught theie _ children the: magnificient words of the Psalins, and in the temple ser- vices ansi. impressive antiphonal singing, voice answering voice, had long been used in the "Song of • Miriam," "When Israel Came Out of Egypt," and similar odes con- taining much of the history of the. Jewish people. The formation of the Christian Church was accompanied by congre- gational and home singing. • From an anthenticated source it is learned that in the first centuries "a bod36 calling themselves Christians met at swirls° and joined in einging togeth- er." The Gregorian chant is the earliest form of Church. 'music, the voices being entirely ,in unison without any harmony as known to-day.r In this form were sung strains- of the old synagogue music, used by the He- brews in the celebration of their ,various feasts. Later were intro- duced other portions of Scripture, such as the doxologies of the New Testament, the. Song of the Serap- him, "Holy, Holy, Holy"; the song of the angels on the night of Christ's birth, "Glory to God in the High- est," the Song of Mary, "My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord'!; the Tray.; , er of Simon, "Lord now latest Thou ; Thy servant depart in peace." These I were Sung in the next ferm of C.;hurch musio—the plain song, a chant with- out metrical form. • In addition to Bible words writers soon began to express their thoughts in verSe. Beginning in the Eastern or G reek church this spread to the Latin or the West. It was Dr. Ma- son Neil, Of London, England, who first. Attempted the translation of these verses. thus giving to the whole Eliglish speaking world, a rich herit age of hymnology. Prior t 0 1 he I leform a ti on emigre- ga fiche 1 singing had to some extent church services heing coniia1/4(‘‘.(ilth suffered an eclipse. the 31111510thtirc traieeie, d Mak, hoirs c*. But HJ) iritual revival same 11 r01.11111 to the original method. To the Eng- lish and Scotch refugees Geneva of- fered a safe hiding place, and there the Psalms were first placed in me- trical form. The first English Psal- ter contained sixty-one selections and the second eighty-seven. ln ad- dition to these there were retained - the Gloria, the Megnificut, the Nunc Dimitus, the Bentelictusr, and the Jubilate of the earls. d4s. The first. Scot ch l'Sulter was pub- lished in 1 561, and in lei 1.5 appear- ed an edition with music, and of this the lecturer exhibited an original,the fortunate owner 'being Mr. A. 'I'. Cringite, of sol-fa fame. For three centuries the 500 tch church continu- ed the exclusive use of Metrical Psalms in divine public worship, while in England the chant was fully : developed and the singing :of hymns became universai, t:oming to the threshold of. niodern hymnology. the lecturer referred briefly to the writings of Thomas who, among many others of merit, wrote the well known by111/1, " Glory to Thee, my God, this Night," which in its original form reads, "All praise to: Thee, my God, from whom all blessings flow." From a groat number, mediocre as well as gi'rat, written by Isaac Watts, there were instanced. "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross." "Jesus Shall Reign l'Where'er the Sun," " There is a Lend of pure Delight," etc. Char- les Wesley was Isaac Watts' worthy successor. To him the church owes such hynnis as "Jesus Lover of My Soul," "Love Divine,All Love -Ex- celling," "Oh. for a Thousand Ton- gues to Sing," "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing." "Christ, the Lord, Is iLisen To-dnY," and a host, of others well known and beloved. ON CHURCH HYMNODY REV. ALEX. MIMILLAN'S INTERESTING LECTURE IN RORONTO.. Old St. Androwts Church Choir Illustrat- ed the Various Forms of Church Music From the Ear:lest Times-3Iarked Dig- _ Jolty of Setting 10id Expressive of Rev- ' stream.. The second of the series of lec- tures inaugurated by the Toronto - Conservatory. of Music proved of great. interest. 'Ishe Jectiirer was the Rev. Alexander. McMillan, pastor of 'St. Enoch's Presbyterian church, and his subject, • 'Church Hynmody." Mr. McMillan sliceeeded in inspiring his hearers, with something of his own enthusiasm, and throughout. the - entire eveniug the interest never flagged. lie was rendered excellent assistance by the choir of Old St. Andrew's chnrch, which contributed a program illustrative of various forms of church music from the earl- iest days. it was noticeable that froni the Greeaariail chant to the pres- . _ •se Eueish Women as Physicians. That the English woman is estab- lishing a reputation in the profes- sion of medicine is evidenced by the fact that at the last intermediate ex- . that at. the last intermediate ex- aminations of the University Of.Lon- don for the degree of bachelor of medichie 1 went y -one women students I who presented themselves, passed with credit, two taking bermes. Al- so encouraging is the increasing number of \voltam receiving public appointments in institutions w) '('r women and children ere treated. wed. serving on -hospital staffs. The Metropolitan I ospi (1(1 for Women • al Elision road is nutting -ed. &Most 1\'0110'11 ohysieutns. The-. London Royal Free !lo:4pitn.1 n .poi100.1 two res idvtit tuedie,a1 offlcers. wins are women. TO Owe a Colo. in One Day Take Laxative Brom o Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E. W. Grove's signature is on eaph box. 25e. Itching, Burning Skin, _Cracked Hand.3, Sore Ear. Tyro Illuskrations of How Dr. Chase's Ointment Cures Itching Skin Dis- eases and Eruptions. Mr. .Tames MeIsaaes, 25 Elgin St., Ottawa, Ont., writes:—"I suffered with salt rheum for upwards of ten years, the skin on my hands cracking and breaking so as to make them useless. After trying all sorts or remedies in vain, I became discouraged and, thought my sufferings would never end. LaE.=t spring I used Dr. Chase's oint- ment and in a short time was perfectly -cured." Mr. B. Nicholson, Manor House, Win- nipeg, Men., states :—"For several months I had been troubled with eczema on my ears, and- for weeks I doctored with a prominent Winnipeg physician, but to no avail. I was in- duced by a fellow sufferer to try Dr. Chase's Ointment, and am happy to say that the first application gave instant relief. I am completely cured, and have had no return of this troublesome disease." There is no limit to the healing qual- ities of Dr. Chase's Ointment. - It is remarkably quick to relieve and posi- tively cures eaeh and every form of it- ching skin disease. 60 cts a box, all dealers or Edrnanson Bates & Co., Tore Qnto. NOVEMBER 22 1901 FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS CURES Diarrhoea, Dysentery, =Cholera, Cramps, Colic, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, $ummer Com. plaint and all FiUXOS of the Bowels. hum SEEN IN USE FOR RALF A CENTURY. Harmless, Reliable, Effectual, and should be in every home. SORE REMEDY. Mr. F. Churchill, Cornell, Ont., writes: "We have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry in the,horne and always find it a sure remedy for dysentery." USED 9 YEARS. M rs Jones, Northwood, Ont., writes : Y1 My baby, eight months old, was very bad with dysentery. We gave her Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and it saved her life. We have used it in our family for the last nine years and would not be without it." ACTION WONDERFUL Mrs. W. Varner, New Germany, N.S., writes: "1 have great con- fidence in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for various dis- eases in old and young. My little boy had a severe attack of summer complaint and I could get nothing to help him until I gave him Straw- berry. The action of this remedy was wonderful and soon had him perfectly well." The Indoor -bicycle Shoe. A light, comfortable shoe that looks like a dress shoe and feels like a bicycle shoe. It is the, only shoe that's as easy as Za bicycle shoe and doesn't look like one. Made of fine kid with noise- less, slipless Elk sole and heels. A perfect shoe for men or women to wear indoors— especially adapted for those who stand — salespeople, nurses, housewives— anyone on their feet. Can be worn all winter with overshoes. $3.00, $3.5�; men's or women's. Stamped on th„ scle, Riohardson & McInnis, Sole Agents for Seaforth. For pure blood, a bright eye, a clear complexion, a keenappetite, a good digestion and refreshing sleep, TAKE BRISTOL'S Sea-se...pea-Ma, It arouses the Liver, quickens the circulation, brightens the spirits and generally itikproves the health. Sixty-eight years trial have proved it to be, the most reliable BLOOD purifier known. All druggists sell -BRISTOL'S: Season's WWWWWWw4AMAAAAAAAAAN The season is rapidly changing. The hot weather of summer is giving place to the cool of -autumn, followed soon by the eold of winter. This change requires a change of clothing. Summe. suits must give place to fall suits and overcoats. You should St e our tango of suitings and overcoatiegs at once. We Tarry only the best at tuoderate prices. The fabrics =are such as to meet the approval of all: We make a specialty of ordered clothing and consequently are prepared to give you entire satisfaction in your fall and winter suits and overcoats. YOAMAAAAAAAAANYVVIAANY - BRIGHT B.ROS 4, FERNISEERS SEAFORTH Furniture Cheaper than Ever. On accomit ot great reduction in expenses, an4 manufacturing special lines we are now able to put furniture on the market cheaperi than ever. All intend ing purchasers will do well to call at our wareroonis, where full lines of up-to- date furniture are sold t right prices. ;. aL743$-Ifr lahae:14:133 " 1:TissTIDIZET_ISL3KI1VG-_ Tbis department is complete with's large selection of the best goods, and obliging 'attention given to this branch of the business. Night calls promptly attended to by out Undertaker, Mr. S. T. ifolmea God.erich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church. IIROADFOOT BOX & GO., SMA•POIR,TIELO sOvE elf DI ed %et net I The spiestio take bus owfi ily a' elle stalk of ecaut 11 oisollir tittilnsii- doirtiro3. sr gtt iimi.onvytywe,13et But if put Life is indC, whether life 1an 11-01:1 the fo; illli al tb)hgrill:r8VeeepewBrima dcti terli 143sl end, g. al • merely Item :(_hei:jelrienttshooafft iniffe.11 while its real rY si therefere 11 assume 1 :thett subvt nie: rti,ole.:iottbehneebleys:: fulness is unpleasant. juil For more i e*t3fartiss:sset:hul:ghtubehtlii:si .°0 "GoiinflYor he maered 111 -54thrltosuel-4alitills0<lei 0 estimate 1 spvtolryleeldfortontshil he accompli Annas of wh tiinevery 0 edtlt.at1311; pes'Srfoeleotilhgs lit5' rallien();-"eulf7eLre'c by Nerving h 11 blesp seesa It wet y Fi freshenet fled then between ne- SIII0 been )'e('1fll effieacious totlwr (-mita Pieces 0 bowls place; faId, hope°, Jay. ']'he the air. The drist e be washed onerat harm ilme For Nivel eellithed art aleohol uu reeeinmenet: with tide, lowed to (Is The laegi mings naval with a soft lacquered t in warm se valt and vi 42101 h. It may Icne t"saarge, pU1'0 earnal ,and MO it gaVe Vaien 1-ittp 44 arms vv= lalg7oul1 ri 1s1 Was Korea! uqually 1,10 )1oinm.igilmx. ca silent, after drOfli11('l al rude and b A Dix 107Millet.Ya'111'F'1- was the en1 t1) ltll-1oer pnliiiuiig of Engle! Oat to Franee tiler's Item 11 yee ht;.}; ri genooiogie Tiate-z. Ilni Evill,, 4i art! : t waiil 1 the 1114s14. iit4.1-nry I -01.7a. 1,111;ii salt.. ,1'1; ti,„I it:im ] lit,.,:try fl ees!,1141' iii,y imeit great ant: 111141 it rei n14.1in,1 a Neweie Area:131:in; as the an bad jcurnalis Make:3 veining - atiost dn. wonb3 111 Who ber,1 uffib,