The Huron Expositor, 1901-11-15, Page 7__.`""w`ltesswearat
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NOVEMBER 15) 1901.
well Shod Boys' and PALE YOUNG ,GIRLES.
They need good strong,
warm _Shoes.
sits 71" tRtIn:s
t Our line of School Boots and Shoes.
Made to *Land the weer and tear.
Good etout leather, etrongly stitched;
good appearance, and moderate in
price. °They Omuta s the parents
because they wear so well. A
youngeter dry shod iteIdom needs _a
No need to scold your boys and girls
'semen, their shoes don't stand the
strain, if they wear our School
chardson & VI Innis
tide Agents for the Goodyear
Glove Rubbers.
,K have a number of Cooke:is and Pulleta for sale.
Write me for prices. J, F. DLV, Seaforth, Ont.
G1JSES FOR SALE.—Dr. Camphell'e houses for
sale cheap. Two on Victoria streot ,• one on
Main Street. et present wailed by Mrs. J. Orr Rose.
GM A. AETZEL, Seaforth. 176841
- -
For sale, a commodious story and half house,
with cement eater and cistern; a good stable and
neariv two acres of land ; immediately north of the
nereonevinc manse. The land is well planted with
large and smell fruits.. Apply to Wm. ELLIOTT.
fONEY LOST. --Lost, on Tuesday. November
jo 5th. a roll of money, containing one 860 bill,
two $10 hills, one :35 bill, and $1. till. The 850 hilt
Wu on the Moleons Bank. It was either lot in Sea -
forth or between Seaforth and Ethel. Any person
finding it will le liberally iewarded. TEIOS,
LEVY, Seaforth, 1760.3
--For eale, the point -rtaLle and conveniently
tnatert eidence en Goderich at eet, the prapei by
of the undersigned. Thr re. are ton issome, good
cellar, hotal and soft watt r, ,and all other neeessaly
coaveoiencee. It is within two minutes' la elk of
Mein street. Will bet sold at a be rgain. Apply to A,
4i. AL -LT, Groc r, St .forth. 1769 -If
TIOR SALE.—The undersigned, owing to ill
r health, has decided t 3 offer for sale her ice
cream and frelt business in the Village of Mensal!.
The stand is a No. 1, in the most central part of the
vidage, and affords every convenience for carrying
nntbc plendil business alreaiy established.
Bakery business in connection. For full particulars
apply to sine% E. SHEFFER, Eteneall P. 0. 1761.-tf
Annetrorg has instreeted Mr. Thomas Broyen to sell
by Publio Auction, on Lot 1, Concession 7, Ilullett,
one rat's. East of Constance, on Wednesday. Novem-
ber 20th, 1931, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the foil nviug
property, namely lierscs.—One draught brood
mare in foal to Midlothian, 1 mare 6 3 e tra ld, in
teal to Mount Beys ; 1 mare 4 3 ears old, in foal to
Midlothian; 2 fill el 3 3 care old, 2 fillies 2 years old,
2 teldinge 1 year oto, 1 filly 1 year old, 1 dris lag
geding 1 year old, 2 diving fillies 1 s. ear old, got by
Skim sr ; I heavy dreuala spring colt. Cat'le.---Six
witch cows suppoce d to be in calf b a thoroughbred
bull, 8 2 -year cid atc ere, 8 yearlinr heifers, 8 year-
ling Means, 4 spring- calves. Sheep and Pip. --
Twenty-four will bre t Leicelter ev.-ea, 30 stare pigs 3
menthe &on 3 brood Bows, about 60 hene. Ireple.
nt.—One Mnssey-Harris binder, 1 Sylvester
moo er, 1 Maxwel maw, 1 Toltoe pea hart eeter, 1
lumber wagon, 1 low truck farm wagon, 1 seed drill,
1 new horee rake, 1 now gang plow, 1 two -furrow
Plow, 1 singe plow, 2 f4013111,us, 1 pair 11 rbsleighs,
nearly new; -1 set slstform scales, 1 post hole
digger, 1 root puiper, 2 set double harness, 1 set
plow harness, 1 set dismond harrow, 1 lentil.: g mill,
nearly naw: 1 c at box, a nutn'ser of gates, 1 new
water tank, I hay fork, e ith rare and pureys com-
plete• ; 1 horse -power, 1 itglieultural firrnaue, 1
°utter, 1 °reeler, 1 wood rack, 40 ceiar panite 0 feet
long, a- quantity of hemlock lumber, 1 douole ear-
riage, with pole sad -shafts ; 1 churn, 1 parlor coal
stove, nearly Lt'Sti ; 2 cook stoves, and numeroue
small articlee. Feed Grain. -1,600 bussels cf Sen-
sation oats, 400 bushels New Century oat., about 100
bushels of Llgewaw oats, 100 bushels of. bariss
Those aro all sew varieties and are highly recom-
mended by the grower; also a quantity of oat
sheresee. The atook is all sell bred sand in good
condition, and the implements -are all in good repair.
The whole win positively be said, as the ?roprietor
bm reeted his farm. Lunch will be sereed from 11
o'olock till 12, and purchasers front a Merano can be
accommodated till the fcliowing- day. Terms ; All
101119 Of 85 and under, °ash ; over that amount 11
months,' oreclit %ill be given on approved joint rotes.
A discount of 6 cents on the dollar will be 'Hawed
for eash on eredis amounts. ROBT. ARMSTRONG,
- Proprietor; THUS. BROWN, AuctIoneer. 1769.2
PLEMENTEL—Jarces Jones has teleit ed In-
structions from Mr. W. J. Byrre to ee'l by Public
Auction, on Lot 30, Conceseion, 2, Towneldp of
Logan, on. Wednesday, November 20, 1901, the f I.
lowing: One horse (13 ears old, 1 mare 4 years old, 1
heavy draught mare in foal to Allan O'Clockheil, 4
years old ; 1 mere 8 years old, in fond to Cansicnia ;
I gt neranpurpoee horse e 3 care old, 1 gelding 1 year
old, 1 filly 8 years (1(1 (driver), I aged mate with foal
by her si. ts and in foal to Allan O'Cloekheil ; 1 colt
6 menthe old got by Allan O'Clookheil, 1 colt 6
months) old got by Royal Sootsman, 7 cons suppoted
to le in calf, 1 cow due to calve in January ; 2 dry
eowe, 1 steer rising 8 years old, 3 heiferti6i0g, 8
%t'are cid, 6 steers rising 2 3 care old, 3 heifers Ti8l136r
s eara Sold, 8. spring calves, pige 2 months old, 4
well bred ewes, 1 binder, 1 mower, 1 seed drill, 1
bone rake, t gang plow, 2 plows, 1 set harrows, 1
fanning mill, 1 eta!' land roller (t ew), 2 wagons, 1
pair truelos, 1 top buggy, 1 road cart, 1 cutter, 1
1 horse poaer and large straw cut ter, 1 reapers 1
smell straw cutter, 1 set Boatel 1,000 lbs, oapasity, 1
pt a harvester, 1 3 -furrow gang plow, hay fork, ropes,
pulleys, &c. ; I wheelbarrow (new), 1 gravel box, I
ha o each, 1 wood rack, 1 pate bobe..eighe, 1 long
ladder, S coda wood, 1 Ea heavy hart ess (sew), 2
ts plow harness, 2 sets of collars, 3 puipers, 1 grind
nor to 1 Belittler, 1 hay knife, 27 cow chains, crowbar,
whiffietreee„neckyokee 60 hene, 200 bush ie turnips,
160 betehele nientrolcis, f ries, chaina, &co &co 1, stack
of straw, 1 sideboard, 1 churn, -chairs, tables, and a
lot of other household articles 1.0 numerous to
nticn. Sale as 1 o'clock, sharp. Terme : All
tOtP9 of ,O) and under, cash ; over that aisount 12
mouths' credit on furnishing- approved joint notes,
6 per cent off for viola on credit amounts. Poen
tively no resent, as the Proprietor has rented his
tetni Anil is engaged in the heel( wont bushiest&
WM. J. BYRNE, Proprietor ; JAMES JONES, Atte-
tioneer for Perth and Huron. 1769.2
Hew They May Gain Bright Eyes
and Rosy Cheeks,
The Story of a Young Girl Who Suffered
from Headaches, Dizziness and Faint-
ing Spells --Her Health Besame so Bad
That She Was Forced to Give up
Mies Catherine McLellan la a young lady
well known in Charlottetown, P. E. I., and
greatly esteemed among her acquaintanoes.
Like so many other young ladies through-
out the land, Miss McLellan fell a victim to
anaemia, or poorness of blood, and although
several medicines were tried,she found noth-
ing to help her until she began using Dr.
Williams' Pink PtIlsfor Pale People. Miss
MeLellan tells the story of her illness as fol-
lows :—" I am now eighteen years of age,
and for a censiderablis time suffered much
from anaemia. My blood had almost turned
to water, and I was very weak and patell in
fruit Gould not dndergo the least ;exertion.
My appetite failed me. I suffered from
headaches '• if -1 etopped I would beoome
dizzy, and frequently I suffered herrn faint.
ing spells. I tried'severelikinds of medicine
and doctors prescribed for- me, but, instead
of getting better, I was gradually growing
weaker, and eventually had to -discontinue
going to school. About this time I read
the test imoniel of a girl whoee oon1iii n
was similar to mine, who had been mired by
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. I then decided
to try thee pills, and have every reason to
be gratified that I did so, as they have com-
pletely restored my health. Every one of
the aymptoms that had' made 'my 'life so
miserable have disappeared, and I am now
enjoying as good health as any girl of my
age could wish, and 1 shall always have a
good word to say for Dr, Williams' Pink
Miss McLellan further stated that while
she was not deeirous of publicity in matters
of this kind, she nevertheless felt that her
experience, if known, might be the means of
bringing health to some other sufferer, and
it is this very praiseworthy motive that has
induced her to give the above statement for
publication. •
Dr, Williams' Pink Tills make rich, red
blood, and give tone to the nerves. It is be-
cause ot this that they bring bright eyes,
rosy aheeks-and light foot steps to girls who
have been weary, pale and listless, and had
begun to feel that life was a burden. Pale
and anaemia girls everywhere should give
these pills a fair trial, as they are certain to
restore health and etrength. See .that the
lull name, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People," is on thewrapper around
every box. Sold by all dealers or sent post
paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for
$2 50, by addressing the Dr. Williame'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
tn BEEP FOR SALE —For sale at the farm ot the
0 undeteigned, Mill Road, Tuckeramith, Leicester
eneep, all ages and sexce, and all thoroughbred.
Aleo Thoroughbred Shorthorn catt'e.. ROBERT
CHARTERS, Egmendrille P. 0. 1767,0
1 three young thoroughbred Durham bulls, with
registered pedigrees', and ready for eerviee ; two red
In color and one roan, Apply to DAVID HILL, Lot
27, Conceeeion 8, Bibbed, 8taffa P. 0. 17664t
J youbull% fit for eervice : aleo cows at.
heifer& Ali Thoroughbred Durliame, with r-g-
istered pedigreee, and frsm the boot and most p
sttaine, and Neve rat of them are prize whine
Apply on Lot 26, Conceselon 4, H. R. S., Tuo ch-
eetah, or addresa feeafcrrh P. 0. H. ()rich. 1769-11
1 and two roan Durham bulle,from 0 months to 2
tears old ; also a few Durham helfere in calf to the
celebrated stock bull, New Year's Gift. There cattle
aro all that class with regle'cos i pedigrees, and the
betters aro duo to calve in January. Apply on Lot
21, Concestekm 3, L R. S., Tuckeremitla, or Bruce -
d, -Id P. 0. WM. CIIA_PMAN. 1769-tt
Coon Cotton Root Compound
s successfully used monthly by over
,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Cern-
Potted. 'rake no other, as all Mixture, pills and
Ifni tations erenengerotte. Price, No. IL, al No. box; No.21,10 degrees stronger,68 per box. No.
1 oc 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 1-nent
stampe. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
Prxr"Nos..i. and 2 sold and recorameaded by all
reepousible Druggiste in Canada.
Crotchets of a Cynic.
In the race for wealth- right often gets
left. .
Ridicule, unless barbed 'with reason, is
To be thoroughly hated one needs but to
be reasonable.
If many of us could see ourselves as we
really are we would be aehained to be on
epealriog terms with ourselves.
Women's sphere, in spite of all that her
apologists may say, is, at the brine but a
hem i sphere.
He that is successful can afford to smile ;
he that is not successful cannot afford to do
We do not always learn from the mis-
takes of other, but we are always ready to
profit by them.
Woman's visual .memory is very defective,
judging from the frequ ney with which she
looks into a mirror. •
When a man thinks ne woman is differ-
ent from other women, it argues that he
does not know either the ene or the others,
• '
Free to Any Address.
The manufacturers of the popular Dia-
mond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns are filling
orders daily frotn alt seetione of Canada and
the United States. The pretty designs are
attraot ing the attention of women who
are interested in the melting up of home-
made mats and rugs. Each pattern is
brought out in full, rich colors on the best
imported Scotch hessian, ready for hooking,
Scores of pretty creations Made from the
Diamond Denalat and Rug Patterns were
exhibited at the autumn fettle; and attracted
much attention. The Wells & Richardson
Co., Limited, 200 .Mountain St., Montreal,
P. Q., will send post paid to any address
sheets of new designs to enable ladies to
make proper selections.
A Georgian's Cradle.
Rome is intending to undo herself in the
matter of the cradle whinh she proposes to
preeent to the king and queen on the occa-
sion of the birth of their first child.- The
eupports of the cradle proper -'are in gilded
bronze, while the cradle is in silver. At
the head is a column ornamented with
Roman trophies, surmounted by a 'figure of
Rome with the royal crown in her hand,
while on -the inside is the wolf of the capi-
tol. Opposite, at the foot, rises a female
figure, the genius of the house of Savoy, the
wings distended as though to protect the
child, and grasping in her hands the arms of
the house of Savoy and Montenegro. ,The
figure of Rome rises to the height of over
six feet. This is upheld by four lions,
which are connected by the mend of 12 rione
(districts) of Rome. Between the two fig-
ures is swung the cradle, elliptical in form
and covered with an intricate allegorical
design. This work of art has been entirely
designed by Senator Moneeverde, -the most
iminent Italian sculptor.
s joid in Seaforth by Alex, Wileon, J. S, Roberts and
1. V. fear, druggiate,
'Depressed and Discouraged.
a is remarkabienow thoroughly ,the whole system
is thrown out of order when the nerves b000me weak
and exhausted. All energy and ;ambition emus to
disappear, the mind wanders, memory fails and doe-
ponetency reigns supreme. Dr. Chase's Nem e Food.
puts new vim and energysInto the brain, nerves and
body, builde,up the system:Sand prevents paralysis;
prostration arid insanity,
Klondike Morals.
The man who shall do for the gold fields
of Alaska what Bret Harte did for calibre'
nia in the days of '49 is slow to appear. All
we have had from that corner of the world
in a literary way, so far, is included in a
few more or less—ereeally lese—readable
books of travel, (some 'monk rhapsodies from
the weary pen of Joaquin Miller, a few
sketches from Hamlin Garland that were
more labored than they were vivid.
Yet the Klondike must be fairly teeming
with what, in the slang of the writing craft,
is -called " good stuff.' - The postibilities of
it, and of the newly opened land beyond, as
a field for the observation of a man who
will look straightly at -the queer life men
lead there and who :will Write about it
straightly, were disclosed tome in fleeting
Flimpses the other day by the' stories of one
just I churned from Alaska.
For example—and in retedling•the stories
I give the barest silhouette of them—a gov-1
ernment official stationed there tenaporarily,
and accompanied by his wife, was ft =womb- j
ed one day -by,a young miner, distinguished'
even in that rendezvous of 'wicked, lawless
men for his evil deeds. In an abashed,
pitdul way the lad exhibited a bag of gold
of store than ordinarily comforting proper-
tio , and said : "1 wish you'd give that to
yo,wife, but don't tell her who gave it to
you. Don't say anything about it—just
give it to her." ,
The official asked a reason for such gen-
erosity, and; after much encouragement,
the miner said : "1 never spoke to your
wife and I don't want to—tha 's the last
thing I want. But I've seen her Omit
here and she reminds me of my mother.
You give her that and don't say I word. If
you don'e oblige me yoti-know how the stuff
will go"—and he pointed signific ntly down -
the street to one of the most abandoned
places in the camp.
The official oonsented to take he preeent
to his wife on condieion . that she should
hold it as a little trust for their boy. The
identity of the giver was made- known to
her, and one day she thanked him simply
and gently for hie gift, The map was great-
ly overcome'and este sober, righteous life
he live'd for days after that was the wonder
of the oamp.
The boy in question was greatly ,beloved
of the miners, who frequently begged the
privelege of taking him with them on their
prospecting tours. The parents soon came
to feel implicit confidence in the child's
strange friends, bub they lavished gold upon
him with euch persistence that the father
finally was obliged to, stipulate that if the
boy was taken on these expeditions no
presents ehould be mede. -
When the boy was with them on these
trips profanity was sespended, and any man
who forgot the child's' presence and broke
loose in impassioned monologue was made
to understand that that kind of talk was
barred for the day. They did nob waste
words in impressing this idea, remarking
merely e " Look out, he,may be old enough
to tuidetetitucl," Thet silenced the foulest
Not many good women find their way to
that pert of the world, but those who do
are as safe, so the mimes say, as they could
be in any settled community of Christen-
"What would happen tea man who in-
sulted a good woman up here ?" one miner
was asked,
"He'd be put out of the wey just as
quickly as we could get to him," was the
answer, •
"Suppose he were very drunk—so drunk
that he wasn't responsible for what he said
or did?"
" Thet wouldn't make any difference, A
quiek-killing would be all he'd get."
So thoroughly understood was this that
the official under whose observation the
foregoing incidents came never felt the
slightest anxiety about leaving his wife
alone when he was called away, from the
settlement by his dutiee.
The first time he wag absent from her,
however, he left a loaded revolver with her,
rather because it conduced to his own peace
of mind than' because she felt any doubt
about her safety. When he returned he
found that his wife had thrown the weapon
on a top shelf where she eouldn't have
reaohed it by any pessibility, and by way of
explaaation she said that) the only dread
she had felt during her husband's absence
had disappeared so soon as the revolver was
out of sight.
A dozen other etories bore upon tho queer
rules of chivalry which governed theee wild,
had men, and made them fine and gentle in
their conduct toward children and good
A Case of Kidney Disease That
Could Not be Cured by Ordin-
ary Drugs and Medicine.
A Statement Carrying Warning
and Encouragement to Every
While the blood is the life of the system,
carrying to every part its share of force and
energy, it is also the means by which the
waste matter, the result of decomposition of
the tissues, is removed from the body. If
disease has touched the kidneye, there is
grave danger, and deadly opposition will
settle upon the body and milid.
If you have any of the symptoms of
Bright's disease or diabetes, Paine's Celery
Compound is the only meolicine on earth
that can stay the ravages of the disease and
cure permanently. Mr. C. Kevill, of Dune.
ford, Ont., teetifies as follows L.
"For the past fifteen years I have been
troubled with dieeased kidneys. Often
while working in a stooping position I'would
find it difficult to straighten up at once, and
could only do so after repeated efforts.
While under very severe attacks of my
trouble, I became very nervoue, and con-
tinually had tired, wornoot feelings. My
rest at might seemed to do me no good, as I
alwaya felt tired in Orel morning. I had
been taking medicines and was getting
worse all the time. At last I decided to
give Paine'e Celery Compound a trial. I
proeured a bottle, and took it as directed,
and found its effect wonderful. Before I
had,finiehed the first bottle I began to im-
prove ; after I had .used the Becond bottle I
felt as well as ever I did in my life. It
banished all my aches and pains, and my
nerveueness disappeared. I can go to bed
now and sleep well, and rise in the morning
rested and refreshed."
Men Grow Smaller.
The moment a man ceases to grow he be-
gins to diminish. Such is the conclueion at
which a German physician has arrived; after
several months' careful study of the subject
of human height.
Impressed by the feat that men and wo-
men, after they have arrived at an advanced
age, apparently grow miller year after
year, he went to various cities in Germany,
and in each compiled statistics showing the
height and age of 'hundreds of persons. In
this way he claims to have discovered some
interrsting,seientific facts.
n•Men, he says, begin to grew smaller ia
their 351h year. and women a little before
they are 40. glen, however, he maintains
stop growing when they are 30 and for 5 or
6 years their stature remains stationary,
Then it decreases, at first very slowly—not
more thaa half a inillimetre every 10 months
—but afterward more rapidly, so that from
the eightieth yea e onward the annualdimin-
alien may be as much as three millimetres.
It fellows that except during a few years
of life ohange is taking place in the stature
of every human being.
Too Great a Risk.
It le dengerous to neglect a simple case of itching
piles, as tho trouble is likely to become chronic and
develop into fatal incurable fistula or calmer of the
rectum. Alaingle applioati .11 of Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment will quickly relieve the itching and burning
sensation,and a few boxes will cure any cue of piles.
This atandard ointment has probably relieved more
suffering than any preparation you can mention.
Don't think our Vapo
Cr e solene is something
new, for it isn't. For more
than twenty .years it has
been extensively used for
all forins of bronchial and
throat' -trouble. Mrs. Ballington
Booth .said of it, years ago, that "No
family where there are young child-
ren should be without Vapo-Creso-
lene." You breathe -in the vapor, it
goes all though the bronchial tubes,
soothing, healing, curing. It's
pleasant, safe, economical. 18
Vapo-Cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere,
The Vaporizer and Letup, which should last a life.
-time, arid a bottle of Cresoleno complete, $1.5o;
extra _supplies of Cresenene 25 cents and 50 cents.
Illustrated booklet containing physiolans' testi.
monials free upon request, I/APO-CRUM...ENE CO.,
ttlo Fulton St., New York, IU,S.A.
Recommended and old by I. V. Fear,
Druggist, Seaforth.
Pope's wardrobe in per eot condition. No
epot or stain may dis gure the garments
worn by his holinees, a d as he always ap-
pears in white, even a f w hours' wear de-
prives the robes of the r treshnests. It is
considered that no mat's hand is dainty
enough for their care, se in this one respeot
women are permitted to serve the pontiff.
Only the most delicate materials are used,
moire silk being the summer fabric, and a
specially woven fine cloth the winter one,
How He Takes Care of' His
The shrewdest monarch in Europe, from
a business point of view, is niedoubtedly the
Sultan. He does not believe in Turkish
banks, but deposits all Ms superfluous cash
abroad, special messengers being sent at
intervals to pay the money in. He also has
a curious habit of secreting money in all
sorts of strange places in the palace, and
prefers to run the risk of being robbed
rather than enrich the coffers of an Ottoman
bank. But he does noodepend on his regal
pori ion solely for his income. He OW114
one of the main streets in Constantinople, a
sugar plantation in the Wept Indies, and
draws a handsome dividend from a* line of
steamehips plying on the Bosporue.
cure the worst headache in from five to twenty n in•
utee, and leave no bad after-effects. One powder 6n,
3 powder e 106;10 powdere 250.
Careful Statement.
Was this man Dennis an entire stranger
to you ?" asked the crose-examining couneel
of a witness in an important case.
" Sore ?" seid bhe wieness, whose stupid
face was crossed with wrinkles- of anxiety,
for he had been warned to be cautious and
exact in his answers.
The lawyer repeated his question.
" Well, no, serr," eitid the witness, with
sudden gleatn of enlightenment : "he could
net be than for he had but the wan arm,
sore ; but he was a partial stranger, sorr.
Oi'd never seen him befoor."—Youth's Com-
HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL cures sprains, bruises,
sores, wounds, cute, frostbites, chilblains, sthigs of
oasts, burne, scalds, contuaious, etc. Price 26e.
A Victim of Scotch Logic
A Highland hotelkeeper was one day
having a squabble with an Englishman in
the lobby of the hotel about hie bill. The
stranger said it was a grows impoeition—he
could live cheaper in the best hotel in Lon-
don. The landlord replied :
" Oh, nae doot, sir, nae doot ; but dae
ye no' ken the reason V,'
" Not a bit of it," replied the stranger,
" Well, then," replied the host, " an ye
seem to be a sersible bit callant, I'll tell ye.
There's 365 days in the Lunnon hotelkeep-
er'e calendar ; but we have only three
months here, Dae ye understand 'me noo,
freen ? We maun make hay in the hie -
Ian's while tte sun shines for it's unix) eel-
dom she di3't."
One LAXA-LIVER PILL every nista for thirty
daya makes s complete cure of biliousneee and eau-
etipation. That is—jupt 26 oonta to be cured,
A Red -Tape Tale of Tommy.
The Umtatata Herald tells the following
story :1
A lommy, whose identity is oonsealed in
the name of Private Smith, was in (the hos-
pital with enteric. The doctor one day
hurried through the ward. Smith was ly.'
ing in a comatose condition. There was a
hurried examination, a whi iper to the nurse,
and the orderlies arrived with a stretcher
to take Tommy to the mortuary. The
corpse, however, sat up -En the midst of the
funeral preparations. To the " sister "
who stood by in an equal state of wonder-
ment our friend Smith faintly but firmly
announced that his demise was, to say the
least of it, somewhat anticipated. The
nut 8 3 heti bated a moment, and then the
voice of duty triumphed.
"The doctor says you are dead, Smith,
and he ought to know best, If you wish to
make a complaint you mut do so at the
DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP is a Tate, sure and. re
lieble worm expeller. Acts equally well on chthiren
or adults. Be sure you get Low's.
Nuggets of Interest.
The driest place on the earth is the little
town of Payta, on the coast of Peru, where
seven years is the average interval between
two rains. In old times the water supply
• of Payta was brought.down from the moun
tains every night by a herd of little donkeys
who retarned in the cool`of the evening.
Iv many parts of Spain the " stove " itt
general use is made from an empty petrol
eum oil can, by rcutting a hole near the
bottom on one ofi the sides, to make a draft
the can being 'heed wieh gypsum to the
pleasure of the constructor, giving tile fire
space accordingly. The atove thus made
primitive as it Jelin its appearance, is effect
ive in purpose and coats the equivalent of
but a few cents in our roney,
A large staff of women is employed at the
Tatioan for the sole purpose of keeping the
pressednwhen it W048 learned that there was
no truth in the story that the boys would
have their doge with them.
It never had been their intention to do
more than go to the university, as other
American boys do, there to complete their
education. But the newspaper articles had
preceded them, and as a retult their lives
were made, burdeneome. Farmers from far
around called on the boys to see their dogs.
Wherever they went they were identified as
the two Croker boys who had brought their
bull pups to Cornell.
While their fellow -students did every-
thing,witshin their power to make the Crek-
er boys welcome, the youog men could not
escape the notoriety that had been thrust
upon them. Even in their own rooms they
were not safe from intrusion,and study was
made next to an impossibility. They stood
theirtriale as long as seemed to be well,
and then, with their father's permission,
gave it all up and returned to New, York.
While crow' feet yet have spared the face
And rime of time has left no trace
Upon the locks which still with grace
Above our brows have clung,
We find our pace is growing slow,
And as we view the passing. elm
There conies a time when we must know
That we're no longer young.
There comes a time when children born
Long since our childhood's locks were shorn
The victor's bays we missed have worn
To praises freely sung,
And while these acclamations flow
Truth's whisper in the ear sounds low
That it is time for be to know
That we're no longer young;
That Itis time to bear the pain
Of learning that we must remain
Henceforth An exile from youth's reign
In age's desert flung;
But e'er we stagger from this blow,
IVY /eh adds to life another woe,
i.ty fortune grant. US MIN to know
When We're no longer young!
Nature's Great and Unfailing Weapon
Against Thera In Sunshine.
Half the deatlia in the world are now
known to be caused by microbes. In nor-
mal health about 70 distinct speeics are
ordinarily present in the whole body. Lo-
cal or climatic conditions might lessen the
number somewhat or increasd-it to sever-
al hundred.
The entire mucous membrane of the
body is infested by microbes. The eye is,
however, comparatively free, because it
Is constantly washed by tears. The di-
gestive orgons, next to tho skin, contain
the moist microbes. Thirty species 'inhab-
it the mouth, 30 the stomach and 45 the
lower part of the interior of the body.
The tonsils in the throat are often found
to contain germs of all sorts. The lungs,
windpipe and bronchial tubes are always
likely to contain a few tubercle bacilli—
di-plitherin, influenza and pneumonia. The
liver and kidneys harbor germs of encer,
tuberculosis, malaria and typhoid fever.
Sometimes all- of thepe are present at the
same timer -along with many harmless
If a section of the ordinarily healthy
forearm Wer0 placed under the micro-
scope, it might show here and there tuber-
cle, tetanus (lockjaw), malarial or blood
poisoning bacilli, but they would be rare.
- Nature's great and unfailing weapon
against microbes is sunshine. Sometimes
it takes a few minutes, sometimes weeks,
but in the end a direct ray of sunlight
will kill any microbe.
'What'are microbes? They are very low
orders of animal or vegetable life; The
majority of those which inhabit the hu-
man body are believed to be vegetable.
The air swarms with microbes. Exper-
iment shows that in one minute in the air
of a living room from 50 to 100 microbes
will fall on one square inch of gelatin.
One microbe, the Mycoderma aceti, is a
dipsomaniac. No human being ever. had
the thirst for alcohol that this microbe
possesses. It will turn the finest wine
ever made into vinegar in a few hours.
Strange to say, this groggy rnierObe
never touches liquor which contains
above 10 per cent alcohol, showing tlaat
its taste is refined. In the human stom-
ach it is harmless.
A list of the common diseases known to
be caused by microbes is: Consumption,
pneumonia, diphtheria, scarlet ftver, lock-
jaw, metal -la, typhoid, smalrpox, the
plague, leprosy, influenza, cancer, chol-
era, blood poisoning, erysipelas, rheuma-
tism, eczema, hydrophobia, measles and
yenow fever
" You have not gone to Europe, then, as
you expected ?" cried Mrs. Fosdick to Mrs.
' No," was the reply. " It is so difficult
for Mr. Spriggs to leave his busisess, and
then I read the other day about a ship that
broke her record. Just think how dreadful
it would be to be on a ship in the middle of
the ocean with her record broken.
For twenty-four years Vapo.Cresolene has
been extensively used for all forms of throat and
bronchial troubles. All Druggists,
Rough on the Croker Boys.
A New York despatch says : Because
of the notoriety given to them by two
newspapers that are antagonizing the inter-
ests of their father, Richard riroker, sr.,
the Tammany boss, Richard Oroker, ire
and Herbert Croker have been forced to
foreake their univeisity course and have
left Cornell. It, is improbable that they
will attempt to continue their education.
They are now in this city, and expect to
take up business careers.
When the two Croker boys left New York
for Cornell Univertity, i wo Park Row pub-
lications traneferred the itttteeke that -had
been aimed at the father to the sons. It
was announced that they would take their
prize bulldogs with them and it was inti-
mated that they intended to turn the
universite into a place for sport.
Cartoons were published picturing the
students drersed in the extreme of Eoglish
styles, each leading or being led by a bull-
dog of mastodonio proportions. One of the
papers pictured an alleged scene within the
Democratic Club, Mr. Cioker oompelling
the Tammany leaders to bid farewell to the
Pedigrees of the dogs were given. They
are fine epecimens of their kind and will be
seen at the dog show this year. .Minnie
cost Mr. Croker $5,000 in London ; Miter
was purchased for about the same amount.
At Ithaca a great crowd was at the rail-
road station to meet the sons of Richard
Croker and 'much &appointment wee ex•
•.— •
Folio*. the Doctoral.
De Witt—Yes, my son. follow, the med-
ical profession.
Gabbil—With his black clothe. and
white lawn tie he looks more like a nein-
triter than a doctor.
De Witt—I didn't say he was a doctor.
Ere's an undertaker.-
Pelndexterto Suicide.
"Is it true that Mr. Poindexter has
committed suicide?" asked Miss Fosdick.
"Yes, it is true," replied Hunker. "I
was an intimate acquaintance, and"—
"Was there no other reason. for the
deed?" interrupted the girl.
Crompt o n's
Ask for our new Parisian Straight
Front Models.
Every pair a masterptece in the art
of corset making, embodOng the ex-
perience of over a quarter of a century's
continuous corset making.
ARE A Red Cedar Shingles*
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Ner-
vous Prostration, Loss of Energy,
Brain Fag, Faint and Dizzy Spells,
Loss of Memory, Melancholia„
Listlessness, After Effects of La
Grippe, Palpitation of the Heart,
Anaemia, General Debility, and
all troubles arising from a run-
down system.
They will build you up, make rich
red blood and give you vim and
Price, 56c. per
box, or three boxes
for $1.25, at drug-
gists, or will be
sent on receipt'of
price by The T. Mil-
burn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Rain and sweat
bave no effect on
harness treated
with Eurskallar-
nese Oil. It re-
sists the damp,
keeps the loath-
er soft and
able, Stitches
do eat break.
No roughsur.
face to chafe
=dom. The
barnass not
only keeps
looking like
Kew, but
wears twice
as longby the
use of Eureka
Harness OIL
in cans—
all sizes.
Stade by
Imperial 011
Company. (
1 \
Special Attention
to Horsesboeing and
General Jobbing.
Goderieh street,
0 •
• - Seaforth
Money To Loan.
Too Township of Tuckersmith has about $8,000 of
Townahlp Funds to loan at current rates of tutored
on first mortgage on farm ,tiszfrtsr. Apply to the I
Reeve or Treasurer. H. 0 TON, Reeve, Heneall
P. 0.; G. N. TURNER, Treasurer, Clinton P1.0
Musical - Instrument
Owing to hard times, we have con.
chided to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced Prices,
Organs at $25 and upwards, and
Pianos at corresponding prices.
See us before purchasing.
SCOTT Pie.(1S.
Prepared from the finest selected
Cocoa, and distinguiehed every-
where for Delicacy of Flavour,
Superior Quality, and Highly
Nutritive Properties. Sold only
in quarter -pound tine, labelled
JAMES EPPS & CO., Limited,
Horreceopathic Chemists, London,
Epps's Cocoa
The breath of the pins is Mel reath cf life to the
consumptive. Ne rway Pine Fysup cont -ins the pine
virtues, and cures ecughe, colds, bronchitis, hearse. -
nose, and all throat and lung froublea, which, if nct
attended to, lead to consumption,
Good Health is Impossible
Without regula action of the bowels. Lax* Liver
eta, biliousness, tick 'headache, and all affections c f
the °flans of digestion. Prlcs 26 cents. ATI drug -
cregulate the bowel,, cure consumption, dyspep-
Used internally Hagyard's Yellow Oil curie Sore
Throat, Hoarseness. Quinaey, Pain in the Chest.
Cr mr, to. Used externally cures Rheumatitm,
Stiff Joints, Coot r toted Cords,Sproins,Straine, Burns,
&aide, Cuts, and Bites of Insect&
Worms affect a chill's health too serionsly 10 ne
glect. Sometimes they cause convulairne and death..
11 you suepeot them to be present, give Dr. Low's
Pleasant Worm 03 rup, which de3froys the worms
without injuring the child. Price 260.
Milburn's Sterling Headache Pow& re contain
neither morphine nor opium. They promptly care
'Olok Headache, Neuralgis, Headaohe, Headache of
,Orippe, Headache of delicate ladies, and Headache
.Ifeoin any oause whatever. Pr:ce lee and 25c.
-British Teem, en Liniment is without exception
the most effective remedy for Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers,
Open Sores, Rheumatism, Bites, Wine of Inecote,
OW. A large bottle 26 mine
THOMAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the
Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders left at
A. M. Campbell's implement w.areroorns, Seaforth, or
Tun Exrostroa Office, will receive prompt attention.
Satiefaotion guaranteed or no charge. 1708-11
UOTIONEERINO.—B. B. Phillips,_ Licensed
Jj Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and
Perth. Being a practioal farmer and thoroughly
understanding the value of farm stock and imple-
ments, places me in a better position to realize good
prices. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed
or no pay. All orders let t at Rentall post office or
at Lot 98, Concession 2, Hay, will be promptly
ttended to. 1709-11
3x 74 cents, 4x 78 cents.
No. 1 Pine Lath, 38c per hundred.
Pine Lumber.
Dressed Pine Lumber for Doors
$22 per M.
North Main Street,
••••••••••001...0.0mmale •
I have removed my harness shop to my
POST OFFICE, where I will be pleased to
meet all my old customers and many new
T-IrG FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned has on
Lot 28, Coneeseien 11, MeKillop, a thorough-
bred Yorkshire Bear, to whioh he will admit a limit-
ed number of EOWP.Terms--76o, payanie at the
time of service. with the privilege cf returning if
necessary. BUGII T. GRIEVE. 1766.41
110 PIG BREEDERIL—The undersigned will keep
on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. E. S., Tuokersm3h,
I thoroughbred TAMwORTII PIG, Moo a thorough-
bred YORRBRIRR PIO. A limited number of WWI Will
bo admitted to each. Terms, $1, Payable at the time
3f service, or $1.50 if charged. JAMES GEIEMILL.
rIlEACHER WANTED.—For School Section No, 4,
• Hay, Duties to commence the first teaching
day of 1902. Personal .appliostions received by WM.
S.fRUBY, Secretary•Treasurertpirich,Ont. 1767x4
Gillespie's Harness is the
best Harness.
A full stock of Horse Blankets, Robes,
Sleigh Bells, Trunks, &e.
Prices right and satisfaetion guaranteed.
Give us a call and we will please you,
delight your horse, satisfy your purse.
re'Repairing a Specialty.
MEACHER WANTED.—For School Section No. 9,
• McKillop; tnale or female. Duties to com-
mence January .2nd, 1902. Appliostions, stating
sa'ary and testimonials, received up to November
161h. Personal applications preferred. WM. N.
KNECHTEL, Leidbury l'. 0. 1767 4
One Door NORTH of the Post Office,
FIRsr. A 1 D
Used Internally and, External](,
CAUTION! Avoid the weak wateryWitch
Flinzel preparations, represented to be "the
same as" Potters Extract, which easily sour
and often contain "wood alcohol" an irritant
externally and, taken internally, a poison.
Money to loan at 4i per eent on good farm secur•
ity. Apply to JAS. L. KILLOEAN, Barrieter. Sea;
forth. 1712-11
I, Joseph Weber, have »lade application to the
Lieenie Conamisaionero of Bast Huron, for the privi-
lege of tranaftrring my license, in the Village of Dub-
lin, tn the Township of McKillop, to John Haohnel,
of the Township of Logan. Any objection to said
toaster must be made on or before the 18th day_ of
November, 1901, tO the License inspector. JOSIFO
WESEL ate**. ff"' sesesomadmoimia 1700-$
0 —•
is IP L -J
1:i i -i•
tool to W 4
cl) i-0
,..4, ......,
c (12 e+
'• t: Cr'
0 P -s CD
Z h.d
I -I
w ,,,,,, i••0 •
CD oe; cal)
f.. -d I..,
.. ot
1-t 5 4
'- )..i.
:"‘ uy:13-
o -oz 1-a-
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Corawy.
J. 11. ileLeao, President, }finnan P. 0.. ThOInkt
Fraaer, vice-president, Brucefield P. -0.; Thorn -se E.
Hays, Seoy•Trese. Seaforth P. 0. W. G. Broad -
foot, Inspector of Losses, Seaforth P. 0.
W.0. Steadiest, Seaforth John 0. -Grieve, WI
throp ; George Dale, Seaforth John Benuoweis,
Dublin.; Jame, Evens, Ileechwood John Watt,
Oarlock ; Thomas Trines, Brnoeiteld'; John B. me.
Lean, Kippers s J1411109 Connolly, Clinton.
ROL Snalth, Harlot* ; Robt. Reafrirtin
James Cumming! Egatondv '1; J. W. Teo MOInae•
Yale P. 0.; George Nurdie and John 0. 'liorrison.
Parties desirous to effect inenreneee or anew
tot other busheeso WI be promptly attended to -;
tIPPItootios to allY of SW above moms maims
reepeetive piItVNk