HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-10-25, Page 6With our mode of filling g mall orders, a man living In the "heart of the Rockies" can do business with us almost as satisfactorily as if living in the city. If It's a Diamond Ring, a 25o. Collar Button or any article in the Jewelry line, WRITE US. All goods marked In plain figures strictly one price. Carriage charges paid by us and money refunded if you desire It. Our handsomely IIIustrated catalogue sent free. R YRIE BROS., row sad Adelaide Sts., DIAMOND HALL. TORONTO. iataldiehed 1351. 6 ABSOLUTE A SECOND COURTSHIP. The Thursday evening meeting was over. Some one had opened the outer ohapel door, and a stream of cold air flowed in up to the sEcuRiTy corner where a group of men .were gathered y g Cenuine 7 are t -r s Littie _ Liver Pilis. Must Sear Signature of See ParAind$e: wrapper Were -esti; ind as easy Santo es monk F1o11-rEQAa1E Flt R181Nt$$ FM muusic$L, Nle slim ufrol. N• q TWATmN. PIS SALLOW NIL NS iutcsu1M f about the stove. "-Nano Bell ain't out to.ni ht, is she ?" asked coo of them, a stout, good natured woman in moutii'ng. Her neighbor had a eallow,much wrinkled, oomplainiog: face. She shock her head sig. nificantly, holding her armed woollen glove against her cheek. " I heard shewas fails g considerable . lately," continued the other. " Ssh ! don'6 speak so lou . She hasn't ever got up from the grip 1 . t winter. I shouldn't be surprised if he didn't last long. ,Eodon t realize it, it ain't likely men ain't apt to. An old man=ia a faIed bro n overcoat, en the other side of the stove, stole •sihntly away to the door: It see ed to Daniel Bell that" it had grown cold • r is the lest hour. The -keen sir smog im as the wo- man's words had done just w. • He made bii way up to the shed wherhis horse was tied, turning out of the pat as he heard others oomiogg up bebiad hi in the dark- n3ss. He did not want to peak to any. body. He was so slow ab ut unhitching that Jim, the old horse,ed around at ppr him in surprise, and we:.°d dimly conscious fi that something was wrong, the two start- ed off on the lonely drive to: ether. What had those women m of by speak- ing peaking of Nanoy like that ?—I they'd lived 046 her more'n forty years, he had, they wouldn't have talkedthat y. Niamey had been pretty ick r he know that -rte w.e_ll,«. u -hadn't he taken .' care of her a•t thee s thing peskier dl+l!r t w see itshave got. THE HURON EXPOSITOR I "/ wrote Dr. PIoi'oO regard- Ing my base, and received a prompt reply, free." n I endured nearly_ four years of suffer- ing," writes Mrs. J. L. Myers, of Washington, W.Va., "caused principally from improper med- ical attention after the birth of a child, a n d female weak- ness, in a sass, resulting complication of dis- eases, Had a terri- ble cough and an incessant pain and soreness in lungs. Was reduced in flesh from 184 pounds to about zoo pounds in eighteen `months. I had no appetite, and became so weak and nervous I could scarcely sit! up. I doctored with our home physicians for two years with no benefit, I'was finally induced to try Dr. Pierces medicines. I wrote to Doctor Pierce regarding my case, and re- ceived a prompt reply, . free, advis- ing the proper medicines for my case. After taking four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription a n d four of his 'Golden Medical Discovery.' three doses each day, also taking one bot- tle ottle of Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract et Smart -Weed and some of his ` Pellets,' I mated phi n , and ern "'QUI r o me lid hmit aN ' ikon -vivid eser I4i, y- ef. I vain feel lila Ung to Of Ilow " Mist' Eldridge's gone over to the Corn- ers, so I thought I'd stop in till he comes baok." She looked Nanoy over with keen, but not unsympathetin interest, and decided that she was better than she had expected to find her. " I'm glad to have somebody oomo is an' bring the news," said Nancy, as her caller folded her sewing after an hour's talk. " I ask Mist' Bell, but he don't always remem- ber." " When warm weather comes you'll be able to getout. more,",said Mrs. Eldridge. " Its proper_ oold !" " Well, 1 don't have to be out in it as some do," , answered Nanoy.Mist s so Savin' of my steps. He " Bzll won't so much as let me draw a bucket of water from the well. Don't make any difference what I want=kIndlio s or oven wood,or something from the press room, there ,tis. I don't have to speak of a thin twice." No girl could have alluded to her lover's - roses or bon -bons with more concealed pride' than Nano, quoted her husband's atten- tions. " You're fortunate," said Mrs. Eld- ridgea little stiffly. I '• do' know as 1 ought to spoken as I did," thought Nancy, afterward. " Mist'. Eldrige ain't -a very easy man to get along with. I hope she didn't feel bad.'- " Where's the old backgammon board, Nanoy ?" was Daniel's question soon after this visit. "- Up in John's room, Dan'l." " You haven't forgot how to play, have you?"` " Why, no, I guess not. I guess I could beat you." This she proceeded . to do, greatly to Daniel's delight. only . surpassed when he himself won an occasional victory. The old couple .at a itb the board on their knees. pondering their suovts or floni ishing their dim bozos in mob other's faces in ez- aitsasnt, whss wizgs.Md doable silts s grads the " thrmsingea" Irma the "table" s cases molest. " beet hers some •t bar in NS piiay betimes tau lasers si► had ked No three thry but - sad the mss[ she Ins held- latereeent her des. f sea Thula teak 1.14 a4 bet haws f i. sr - eases ir-fI rilic ly brushing the top of the stove with a tur- keywing, though there were no &rhea on it. Daniel drew a ponderous breath ; hie lit- tle surprise was even more enjoyable than be had anticipated. " I haven't said I was goin' to be left yet," he remarked slowly. "-Why, Dan'l, you don't mean -1" I dost propose to let you get lost alone in that ileeper—that'd never do anyway in the world. I guess we can manage to get there together, eh ? What you s'pose the boy11 say to see us come in 7 'Twill be sort o' bridal trip, won't it ?" The old man vias looking at her with deep wells of tenderness in his eyes. Nancy hand made a Ste ow ' rd -him and put her pt a up to his coat as if to brush away invisible dust, suddenly his arms closed around her, and held her. He .kissed her bent head and wornback leased bis throat attic 0 r patting her gently. " I got' a good wife when I got ye, Nanoy," was what he said at- last. His wife did not answer. She !leaned !, against him, andalowly stroked his shoulder up and down with one tremulous hand. She was arylag. TIB END. • The Morbid Principle of Rheuma- tism is Uric Acid. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND DRIVES IT FROM THE BLOOD "AND CURES THE DISEASE. ,..m1M.ime AMMO The Wonderful Medicine :Does a Marvellous Work For Mr. G. J. McDonald, of Cornwall, Ont. The ablest patbologista are of opinion that then is a morbid principle in the blood whoa rhesaistism is ptrssnt. The morbid psi is is Brie acid, winch eireslates with She bleed ani este epee the jaw sed ars- elms ebilloisi the pates atoll mains of rheamaim - OCTOBER 25, 1901 raz,71 "My bare was f .lying out a;.,1 turning gray very f.45t, t. 1;,., ,t. .; Hair Viggo: stopped the failing ,,,,J restored the natural E. Z. BC1lomme, Cohces, N. Y. It's __.._____. n T not to look old, wtt.l the color of seventy j'.^.._: s in your ha►4r ! P c,': Rps yc are seventy, and you lige your gray hair! If not, use Ayers Hair Vigor. In less than a month yeti,, gray hair will have all the dalrk, rich color of youth.. $1.0 r bottle. Ml dry !e Ii your tlrnggiit cannot vappiy yc send ns one dollar and we X311 sxorc+,i yon s bottle. Be sure and rive the marine of your nearest exj)rei�8 of Liege. w_ddre ,, J. C. LY R. CO., Lowell, Mi. 'ttie for them clothes. and as for that roll mottle bills he's beta 'bowl oft with, it's all that's left of the bandeeaore farm his dad left bin not :long ago, Dar- ing bis littl tiip down bene he'sspest as -. acre or two o . lead, and than ain't mush of it left. ow dye know ? says BilL This I told he bow I'd got Saw sloes is the itches, pulled him up�short ase; bis be sad foaad sat lis was sq i even thing Omni p t tit#Mw, 1111 set te the ► ae a -ha yule, Sethilit the thee - ^I' 1 41,624.a. eis Male ,, COMM Cas Secure Abe Rich, Red Pink Pills Every Nery Body- from odyf';om the Budg1 Among the 3 where 'u (none icor e impress of p Dudes. ways the Vie, fee became ill, e Abe was going is o and Tr. 1 lied t ' •.did not .have 'jtren� ggth gradu' f fled, she bad f and finally of t a f,w rode w The yoaog lady' ad that she was that ,eonanmpltiO ciury Onede rbo dd eve ti edea at I tamed .sit seem ia9 medicine' err t+or's treetnietrt i good mend still. y the time the goes*unmutat Dadse's eonditi ills were Contin jaw- weeks the ~strength was tea Ion, was almost AM of the pills n weeks more four in Perfect heal; ro It reporter t--" I belie IE li saved any `1 timed tbera to -of tion boo laid its: Tut then facts aey way exaggea deliosfi stayer'' , jagrthe well - / be -Ow std MEIN tea.► - L