HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-10-25, Page 51901 lowsesienweemes ey tier, Says: hey ,ses. qv, which is orately on '8,, _mounted refer, leen tftich d achieved reat inclus- e ereea's win - DU, of the tdal at Ot- 'aiIaoe, the the highest ere in the ati in which aaarada and arker Ran- ith an im- I3th inat. ha barn at his arm in reduced the asury is a st that the met vaith last week. It wood at elite ctf the from him. t up. His :aped with. eut a mile wore for -ening, fith L11, paesed s. has been t -as not un- aao of the to Canada years ago ied in Mit- citizen a.nd hest. .0ot-omitted morning of thn loft of ?enter and patient in sad though his miud not found had been f the late sday morn - of her step.. Stratford. age. Her and she •eland. In eg in the years ago came to ailing since They leave township, duratior, Meek, in his ; native of came to first in --Was mar - :was him. -and lived ornington Len of a Wallace in let 6, on Maas 14 wade jita V et benn from tett, Witetfi rna trititta, !be buggy •wn out a wire to broken, used and Their that no #1 from 6 offering ay 50e aed M Convoy. 1.•tely oe- Ors flank, lOSI•tf y Pubtie, rent. Any nt rates of 11 kinds of At , of eaoh 167 lora made Lair eapti- tly busy the beat ialzz have vhich we experi- in& her ton are 1 ladies' eared` in. perrence eta' Fine 7aw edge ,aressers : as well - iven to :tinceees- ea buy TEL 4 CTOBER 25, 1901 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. MABK'M• SXAFORTIL October 25,1901 jag srbeat (new), Standard 00 04 to 80 66 r -p r.s.Sag Wheat eta. bushel, - 0 64 to 0 66 er hoehola. 0 34 tO 0 86 0 63 to 063 0 42 to 0 44 0 14 to 0 15 0 15 to 0 16 0 12 to 013 2 OD to 200 6 00 to 700 4 60 to 5 00 0 50 to 0 70 0 13 to 0 14 0 60 to 0 CO 1 00 to 0 00 4 00 to 425 2 00 to 225 0 50 to 0 DO 4- 00 to 600 3 00 to 3r0 7 60 to 8 00 04 to o 05 aeoe por bushel- aedy per based ' t " matea O. 1, loose_ - Batter, — " .per doz- •' • - raar, per 100 !be „ - r ion now- seem • • etabrah ?seam poleo- • • asa (nista pa barrel. 1•". •• • • — weed per Oord (long). • - • - Wsod nor oord (alum t)„- • • • se„ A OW per cfov4r Seed_ „ „ d.. „ s,„ ” "' - • ••• TIflthY See Pork, per IN ''`'' " • • Telrew, per lb.... " Dairy Markets. MT/NTREAL, October 22-0hee8e-The Mar. ket is quiet but steady. Ontario colored SoptembeFs 91 to 9ao ; Ontario white Sap. toinbers, 9h to 910 ; township. Septembers, 6 to 98 ; Quebec Septembers, tia to aao ; wider grade, 8 to 8.6e. Buttor-The mar. ket is firm, and in some cases holders of strictly finest have refused 2110 to 210. Finest fall creamery, 21a to 21ac ; fine fall creamery, 20i to 21e ; held oreamery, 18 to icti; weatern dairy, 15a to 16c ; Manitoba dairy, 14 to Iric. Eggs—rhere is a good demand, both locally and on export account, and prices aro firm, We quote irreela candled selected stook in a jobbing way at ri to Itio, and round lots of straight re- ceipts at 15a to lilac per dozen, seconds at 12 to 13a; and western cracked and seconds at 10 to 11.6 per dozen. TOE0aao, Ootober 22 -Butter --Dairy but- ters are offering liberally, and are in good demand for fresh choice etuff. Creameriee have not shown any improvement. Low grades and medium stuffs, which have been held in Stook too long, continue to offer heavily. The best dairy rolls are now sell- ang at 16; and dairy pound rolls at 17o. The choicest paile and tube sell at 161a. Low grade to medium is qaoted ail 12 to 150. Creamery is steady at 18 to 20o for solid, and 21 to 21ac for prints, Eggs -Offerings of new laid eggs are plentiful. Demand is strong, and prices are steady, at 17e for selected stock, and ordinary are quoted at 14 to 16c. Graara, etc. TORONTO, October 22 -Wheat -The mar- ket is eteady but easier at 650 for red and white a o. b. middle freights, and Old is quoted at 67c middle freights. Goose wheat is quoted at 60o for No. 2 east, and 58o middle freights,- Spting wheat is quoted at 67e. for No. 1 east. Manitoba wheat is eas- ier at 81ac for. No. 1 hard, and 78acs for No. 1 northern grinding in transit, and prices 2e lower are qaoted for the two grades nemed local delivery Toronto and west. Oats -Are firm. No. 2 white are quoted at 35ac on a low freight to New York. They are quoted at 35ac east, at 35e middle freights, and at 34ac north and west. Peas -Are steady at 71c north and west, and 72c_middle freights. adillfeed-Is steady at $15 to $15.50 for cars of shorts, and $13 for bran west. bIanitioba shorts( are quoted at $19, and bran at $17 Toronto freights. Barley -Is steady. No. extra on a low freight to New York is -quoted at 470 The quotations are for No. 1 east 52c, No. 1 middle freights 51c, No. 2, 486; No. 3 extra, 46e, and feed at 43ac mid- dle freights. Baled Hay -The offeripgs are fair, there is a moderate clems,nd and the market is steady. Cars on track here are quiet at $8.50 to $9. Baled Straw -The re- ceipts are fair, there is a moderately good dement', and the market is steady. Cars on traek here are quoted at $5 to $5.50. Seeds. TORONTO, October 22 -The market this week has continued dull and inactive, and there is little prospect of improvement until the frosty weather sets in permanently. There is still no foreign buying, as a result largely of the high prices asked here. Farm- ers are not yet marketing their seed crops, and this has ite effect -both upon the local markets and upon foreign purchasers. Red clover at outside points is being bought now at $4.25 to $4.75 per bushel. Alsike brings $5.50 to $7 per bushel. Machine -threaded timothy Bells at outside points at $2 to $2.25 per bushel. Choice lots bring slightly high- er prices. to $4.15,and medium butchers' mixed cows, heifers and, steers, $3,25. to $3,65 per cwt. Butchers' Cattle-=-Cominon butchers' cows, $2.80 to $3, and inferior cows, $2.50 to $2,75. Heavy Feeders -Heavy steers,weigh- ing from 1,100 to 1,200 pounds each, of, good breeding qualities, such as farmers re- quire, sold at $3 80 to $4 per cwt. ; those of the same weights, but rough, suit- able for the byres, sold at $3 25 to $3.75 per cwt. Light Feeders -Steers, weigh- ing from 900 to 1,000 pounds eseh, are worth $3 to $3 25 per cwt. Feeding Bulls -Bulls for the byres 1,000 to 1,300 pounds each, sold at $2.7eto $3.25. Buf- falo Stockers-1[041in steers, 500 to 800 pounds each, sold at $2.75 to $3, and off oolors and those of inferior quality at $1,75 to $2 per owt, .Mileh Cows -Hight oows and springers were.sold at $30 to -$45 each. Sheep -Prices , easy , at $3 to $3,25 for ewes, and $2 to $2 50 per cwt. for bucks. Spring Lc.mbot-Prioes easy at $2,50 to $3 eaoh,and $3.25 to $3.50 per coot, 'Hogs -Best seloot bacon hogs, not low than 160 nor more than 200 pounds each, unfed and un- watered off cars, sold at $6 to $6,75. Un. culled oar lots -of hogs sold at about $5,90 per owt. 'Births. WALLER-In Seaforth, on Ordsolier 1Dth, the:wife of ' Mr, Frank Wailer, of Bret:Mord, of *505. 51URRAY-fn Eemondville, on October 21st,tho wife , of Mr. P. II. Murray, of aeon. TASKER-In Holl•tt. on Oetohor Oth, tho w:fo of Mr. Lanoolot Taskor, of al diught o GRAELIS-In Clinton; on ()debar 10th, the Wife of Mr. Edward Greelle, of ilaughter. COLCLOUGH-On the Parr Line, Stinky, on Oo• tobor Ilth, the wile of Mr', William Cold ,ugh, of: a daughter. - IODGERT-In Usborne, an )ootober 140, the wife of Mr. Andrew Hodgert, of a son. MERNER-In Exeter, on Ootober 9th, the wife of Mr. George Merrier, of 6 VOLLAW--At the Bronson Hie, Hay. on October 16th, the wife of Mr. Henry Volland, of a daugh- ter. KENNEDY -On October 14th, at the Methodist 'par - Bonne, Auburn, the wife of Mr. Kennedy, of a son. WEBSTER-In Goderloh township, on October 9th, the wife -of Mr. Thomas Webster, of a son. WILLIAMS-In East Wawanosh, on October llth, the wife of Mr. John Williams, of a son. LAMMIE-On October 18th, the wite of Mr, Wm. Laminie, of liensalls of a daughter. Poultry. TORo-sTo, October 22 -The demand, is strong for all classes, particularly for ducks, of which the offerings are light. Well fat- ted turkeys also are scarce. Prices are about steady at 45 to 50c for scalded, and 35 to 50e for live chickens,* Turkeys are quoted at 10 to 12c for frefili killed, dry- pineked young birds ; 11. to Vste for young gebblere, and 9 to. 10o for old gobbler, 'Decks eell at 70 to atte pee pair, And WOO at 5 to per peuad, _ ---11 Marriages. CUDMORE-ISRAEL-In Seaforth, on October 16th, by Rev. I. B. Waliwin, 13. A.•Mr; Win. Cuchnore, to Mtge Minnie Israel, all of Seatorth. SHEPHERD-L1VERM0RE-1-In Clinton, on October 16th, by Major McMillan, of the Salvation Army, London, Mr. Robert Shepherd, to Miter Annie Florence, daughter of Mand Mrs. Livermore, all of Clinton. DRUMMOND-WADE-In Wingbam, on October 10th, by Rev. W. Lowe, Miss Eva ILWade, niece of Mr. and Mre. J. E Swart's, of WI glum, to Mr. Wm. R. Drummond, of Blyth. fi JOHNSTON-HAMILTON-a-At the raleidence of the bride's mother, Colborne township, on October 16th, by Rev. George McQuillan, 51r.James Ham- ilton Johnston, to Miss Armiiia Grace, daughter of Mr. Thomas Hamilton. I . HOWALD-BENDER-At tea Eva gelioal parson- age, Zurioh, on October 15th, by Rev. C. 8. Finkbeiner, Mr. 5'0de:icy Howal , to Miss Mag- dalena Bender. DUCHARME-JEFFREY-At St. etar's church, Drysdale, on October 166h, b Rev. Father Prud'home, Mr. D*vIdDu"baIi e, of Hay, to Miss Jeffrey, of Stanley.1 CANN-LINDENFIELD-Ati the home of the bride's brother, Detroit, on October 64 , Mr. Charles Cann, of Exeter, to Miss Laura F. Lindeoftsld, of Dashwcod. STAINES-STEWART-On October 16th, at the home of the bride'e 1 rother, r. George W. Stewart, Berlin, by Bev. John St wart, of Lyn - dos, Mr, Henry Staines, of Toren o,to Miss, Mary M. L. Stewart, of Berlini Deaths. BARBOUR-In West Wawanosh, o Wm: Barbour, aged 33 years. 9 days. McFALL-In Fordwich, on October Fall, aged 87 years. WILLETT-At Treherne Manitoba, • Mary Forbes, formesly of Morri Enos Willett, and sister of Mrs. of Brussels, aged 40 years. WATT -In Hull-tt, on October 18th, daughther of Mr. and Mrs. Jam months. ALBICK-In New Westmieter, B on Oetnber 14th, Mrs. W. A. Cal Brussels, aged 62 years. Ilig27612211. October 15th, rionthe and 19 16th, Mrs. Mo - October 641i, , wife of Mr. eil McLaughlin, Mary Elizabeth, s Watt, aged 9 itish Columbia, Ick, formerly of THE CANADIAN Bank of Commerce! CAPITAL (PAID UP) Eight Million Dollars $8,000,000. Rest, - - - $2,000,000. iiivo Stook Murkotm, Ettglonti, ()dolor 6I —United fAtatoll tattle, ; °hake Cottadittne, 5,[4 ; tioteipm, 4/1; shodvt Lit vanewn, Oetbber 2 —Canadiati (Attie, '44 ranchero, 4? to 54 ; sheep, 544. Trade firmer. BrisPALit, October 22 -Cattle -1Pairly me, tivo demand good butatiors' grade t 10 to 25e higher ; extra fine steers, $.6 to 30,25 ; fair to eholee shipping steers, $5 40 to $5,70; coaroo rough, $4,40 to $4,75 ; groon steers,. $3 75 to 34,50; common to oxtra cows,$4,15 to 34,50 ; export boll*, 33 50 to $4 ; vcai� and aim, common to ohoioo, $5,10 to $7,50. Ilogs—Slow and lower ; fair to- elselee Yorkers, $0,15 to $0,25 ). choice heavy, $0.55 to $0 ; grassers, 80 to 80.10; pigs, $5.00 to 80 ; roughs, $5 65 to $5,85. Sheep and Lambs—Sheen steady to firm ; choice vvethers, 83,50 to $3 70 ; common to fair, $2.00 to $3 ; lambs dull . 10 to 15o lower for ()nits ; fair to fancy, 34.50. to 35; common to fair, $4 to $4.45 ; good to ohoioe yearlings, $3,50 to 33.75 ; oulle, $2,75 to 83 40. MONTREAL,Ootobar 22 -The butchers were present in large numbers and there was a aood demand for all kinds of meat produce ing animals, excepting for the common and inferior beef critters, whioh are rather dia. oult to sell arid bring very low figures. Prices of cattle to -day ranged from 11 to ilia per pound, but very few bought over 3ac per pound. Mr. George Nicholeon paid 41c per pound for 24 superior calves from north- western Canada. Mr. G. Martel paid 4io per pound for a pair of choice steere, and 4ac per pound for six others. Pretty good cat- tle gold at from 31 to nearly .4c per pound, conamon dry cows and thrifty young stock from 2a to ac, and the leaner beaste and email bulls from la to 2c per pound. Mr. C. Brown paid $15 each for four superior calves, or about 4ic per pound. Mr. Girard paid $8 each for six good veals ; he also paid 40 per pound for 40 good lambs. Common Iambs sold at from $3 to $7 each. Shippers paid 30 per pound for good large sheep, and the butchers paid from 2a to 3o per pound for the others. Good Iambs sold at from n to 4c per pound, and the common lambs ,at from 3 to 31c per pound. Fat hogs sold at a.bout 6c per pound weighed off the cars. TORONTO, October 23. -Cattle -Feeders for the byres, as well as for farmers, were soli in good demand at about the same prices. The market for etockera was easy at the quotations given below. Export - Best loads of export cattle are worth from $4.50 to 84 80 per cwt., while lights are worth $4.25 to $4.50. Export Cows -Choice export cows are worth $3.30 to $3.75 per cwt. Balls -Heavy export bulls sold at 3460 per cwt., while light expert bulls sold at $3.60 to $3.75! ‘Butchers' Cattle -Choice picked lots of butchers' cattle, equal in quality to the best exporters,weighing 1,075 to 1,150 pounds each, sold at $4.25 to 3450. Loads of good butchers' cattle are worth $3.70 SEAFORTH BRANCH. A general Banking business tran- sacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, and special attention liven to the collection of Sale Notes SAVINGS BANK. -Interest allow- ed on deposits of $1 and Special facilities for tr business In the Klondike Money Orders, playable etPlAy ba following rates ,,,- Pwier S1.0 .08 g9/3 ,te -ow to 09 30 $1/9 ta PO .13 IfabalgaTaP 1, 0, at, MINTY, golicitor• Maws', 104 upwards. ansaction of District. nk, homed at the MALE 11,10118T1 On Wedeesday, Oatobar tt, flirt at COlfifflatigh 011i000 Estate vid Olutttlgo tht, Coleman Salt Company, oolvt3r ; Thomas Brown, 4110 On Tuesday, October 29 p. m,, on Lot 1, Con000sion Farm Stook and. Impl Mahaffy, proprietor ; Tho tioneor, On Friday, October 25th, on Lob 8, Concoplio Farm Stook and Impleme Horan, Sr., Proptietrets ; ,rhomes Brown, Auctioneer. On Ft iday, November lo tn., on Lot 20, _Conceool Clearing Salo of Fartn St IMPORTANT NOTICES. HOONY STRAYED. -A porel Texas pony strayed tram Sproat's Bricloyard on October 22nd, with along rope hal er railing. Information will be stylishly rewarded. WM. STOGDILL, Esmond. ville P. 0, 1767-1 SBEEP FOR SALE. -For sale at the farm of the undersigned, Mill Road, Tuokeremith,Leiceeter sheep, all ages and sexes, and all thoroughbred. Also Thoroughbred Shorthorn cattle. 1LOBE1IT CHARTERS, Egmondville P. 0. 17070 Porsilo, a rammed( ms story and half house, 1,PERTY IN EGIMONDVII•LE FOR SALE.- with gement cellar and cistern; a good stable and nearisi two soros Ot land ; immediately north of the EgmoOdville manse, The land is well planted with largo ond small !mite. Apply to Wm. ELLIOTT. 1707-tf pRI4E MONEY.-Partios who won prizes at the South Huron and iueleersmith Branch Agri. cultural Societies, rotten ly hold in Soriforth, oan reerave their money at any time by calling at the oiliest of the Treesurer, in Seaforth. ['mike do. siring their money lent to them by mail should notify the Treaeuror to this ends M. Y. MGLEAN, Treastirer. 1707,2 NOTE LOST. -Lost, b twoon Kinburn and George Clark's, on °debar Ilth, a note ot hand, made in favor of the undersigned, bearing date October llth, 1901, and due in five months, for tho sum of 630. The public) are hero)), caution° 1 againit pur. chasing or negotiating the same, as payment of it hat bees stopped, GEORGE CLARK, Constants), 1767X8 ALJOTION SALE OP FARM, FARM STOOK, IMPLEMENTi4, &c'. -Mr. F. S. Soott, Auction- eer, has received inetruotions from the undersigned to eel! by Public, Auction at Lot 10, Concession 14, MoKIllop, 011 Friday, November lst, 1901, at ono o'clock, tho following valuable property : Three working horiew 7 years old, 1 driving horse 7 years old, If filly rising 2 year' old, 5 cows supposed to bo in calf, 8 heifers rising 2 years old, 1 steer rising years old, 8 calves, 1 Maesey-Harris binder, 1 seed drill, 1 broadcast drill, I Maesey•Harrle mower, I now f boning mill, 1 she,' roller, 1 disc harrow, 1 steel horse rake, 1 pea harvester, I plow, I set iron harrowe, 1 hay fork, I wagon, 1 set of bobsleighs, 1 top buggy, 1 cutter, I road cart, 1 pulper, i. sot of light harness, 1 set of heavy harness, 1 wheelbarrow, about 30 tons of hay, a quantity of green feed, forks, chains, and other 'utiles, implements ore all nearly now. Bale unreecrved, as the Proprietor is giving up.farming. The farm, containing 150 sores, will alert be offered for 'ale if not rented or sold before the day of Pale. For further particulars apply to the Proprietor, Walton P. O. Torms.-All BUM of 65 and under, °Rah ; over that amount 10 months' credit will bo gla on on furnishing approved joint notes. Five per cent dismount for cash. Hay to he cash. Terms for arm made known on day cf sale. JAMES CAMPBELL, Proprietor ; F. S. soorr, Auctioneer. - 1707.1 , at 10 oislosk Pleaforth, Itsal retertii of the Tiedale, re, loneer. h, at 1 o'olook , Tuokeromith, mentos Jameo as Brown, atm. t one o'clock p. MoKillop. to, Mrs. John , MORTGAGE SALE OF A VALUABLE STORE PREMISES. IN THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURINSI. -Under and by virtue of the powers nntairiod in two certain mortgages, which have been'stiuly registered, and hich will be produced et the Maio of sale, there will be offered for stale be Public Auction, en Tues- day, November 6th, 1901. at thh hour of 2 o'clock in the afternocn, at the sionnuerelal Hotel, Seaforth, by" Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, the following pro - party, viz. : All and singular that cortein parcel or tract cf land and premises, eituate, lying, and being In the said -Town of Seaforth, being composed of a portion of Town Lot marked on a plan inede by Edgu• J. Jarvis, of part of the said Town of Sea - forth, and which plan s duly resistered and in- dicated en Bald plan is "Carmichael Lot," and which portion intended to be conveyed is situate on the West side of Main Street, commencing at a point six feet Wait of Main Strest, (as laid down on saO1 plan), and coniineno'ng at a point fifty-five feet In a Northerly direetion from the Northerly bound- ary line of Town Lot nu nber Twenty-four, as ehown on said plan, thence ortherly parallel with the Eastern boundary of Feld Lot, Twenty-one feet, thence West parallel to the Southern boundary of siid Lot, One Hundred and Five feet, to a lane ten feet wide; thence South parallel with the Esstern boundary of said Lot, Twenty-one feet, thence Easterly along the Nort ern boundary of the piece of land, already convey•d to one John Kidd and registered. One Hundre and Five feet to the place of beginning, together ith ;the use of the land in the rear of staid lands he eby oonveyed, as at present tn ud and enjos•cd, toge her also with the right to use tbe Northerly wal of the Kidd buildings, as provided by a certain agreement entered into the 18th day of October, 893, between one William Buck and Michael Jord na There is erected upon the premises a, ,two-eto brick store, almost new, whioh being in choic losation offers a splendid opportunity to :anyone wanting to procure a buel• nese place andaesidence in the said Town of Sea - forth. The rooms up- tetra over the store can be used as a dwelling hou e, or as offices, etc. Terms of Sale. -Twenty par ccit. of the purohaee money to be paid down at the tim: of sale, and the balance, without interest, wit in one month thereafter. The purchaser will be r qu'red to sign an a,sreenient for the completion of he purchase. Further par- ticulars Imo condition of sale will be made known on day of sale, and in t e meantime Dan be had from the undersigned. R. S. HAYS, Vendor's Solicitor. Dated the 18th day of October, 1901. 1767-2 *6 1. o'clock p. in 5, Ushorne, sok" and imple. mute. Janet Bishop, Proprietriks ; Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer. On Thursday, October 31 p. tn., on Lot 4, Cozumel Tuckersmith,. Farm Sto 6, at 1 o'clock; n 3,11. R. 8,, k and Imple- ments. James McQuade, Proprietor ; Thomaa Brown, Auctioneer On Saturday, November 2ad, at 1 o'clock p. rn., at the residence of he proprietor, in Dublin. Household Fur iture and other Effects. M. Williams, P oprietor ; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. On. Saturday, October 2 th, at 1 , o'clock p. m., at • the Grand Trunl Railway Stock Yards, Seaforth. Twent -eight well-bred Western Horses. Alf. ling, of Kansas, Proprietor; Thomas Brow , Auctioneer. On Tuesday, Novembe 12t,h, at one o'clock p. m., on Lot 19, uron Road, MO- Killop. Farm Stock d Implements. James Lee, Proprietor; homes Brown, Auctioneer. On Tuesday, Novembe 56h, 1901, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the C mmereial Hotel, Seaforth. Mortgage! Sale f Valuable Store Premises. R. S. Hays, ndor's Solicitor; Thomas Brown, Auotionee = On Tuesday, November th, at 1 o'clock p.. m., on Lot 8, Oonces ion 10, Hibbert. Superior Farm -Stock and Implements. ; F. R. Hamilton, ProPrieto ; James Jones, Auctioneer. I Save Time, T avel, and Money, By using the Telephone. A message by , Telepho e brings an itnmediate answer. TEACHERS W NTED. MEACHER WANTED. -For is Hay. Duties to commie day o11902. Personal applica S.tRUBY, Seeretary-Treasurer School Section No. 4, e the first teaohing ions received by 'WM. 21brich. Ont. 17670 The Bell Telep one Co., of Canada. Seaforth's Le ding Shoe Store WET WETHER FOOTWEA MEACHER WANTED. -For the Junior Depart- s'. went of Bayfield Public ahool for 1902. Ap- plications, stating qualificatio s and ealary required. received up to November 8th; 1901. - THOMAS CAMERON, Secretary, Bayfiel P. 0. 1767.8 frEACHER WANTED."--Fo .; male Or fe menoe January 2nd, 1902. : salary and testimonials, tee 16th. Perimutl appliCations KNECHTEL, Leadbury P. 0. fftWli The season slush is at pared for it Jootwetir13 the eoniing want - the your shoe ask your t offer you th • in • 00E1 MoKIN NON & CO., 131=119EC. MORE NEW DRESS GOODS. We have done the largest Dress Goods trade this season in the history of the store. We seemed to have just the goods that were in demand, and be- fore the season was half over our stock was badbly broken up. A representative of a large dress goods house in Montreal called on us last week and made us some te.napting offers in fine Dress Goods. We accepted the offers and bought pretty largely, which puts our Dress Goods stock in better shape than ever. The goods are here and are ready for inspection at prices like these. Cheviot Dress Goods, in grey and brown, 50 inches wide, regular price 66o, for 50o. Broadcloth, in black, brown, fawn and navy, 54 to 60 inches wide, at 75o, $1, $1.26 and $1.50. Homespuna, 50 inches wide, in navy and grey, regular 35o'for 25o. Grey Rome - spun., 53 inches wide, all wool, regular $1, for 75e. Heavy Black Frieze, 58 inches wide, requires no lining for skirt, very special at 90o. Black and Navy Serge, 58 inohes wide, bright finish, good value at 81,26, for $1. Melton Dress Goods, in fancy stripes, worth 25o, for 19o. 'Faintly Dress Goods, in two tone, worth 20o, for 12o. 04411311 .A.1q-73 cvivm pRI0 333. MoKINNON & 00., BLYTH. f. rain, and mud, and mad, Am you pre, Is your etoek of Ohba to withetand et epell 1 If not, we ontraet of supplying teede 1,1t16 1tll, We ado, heeause we eaft se ioducementa First—Largest a sortment. Second—Oourte us treatment. Third ---Best go do. Fourth—LoWest priees, School Section NO. 9, , ale. Duties to com- Applications, stating ved up ' to November preferred. WM. N. 1767.4 Stoves Stoves Call and see our display of all kinds of Stoves, both coal and wood. We carry the largest assortment in the County. We buy for cash7, and give our customers the benefit by giving them the lowest possible price. It will pay to give us a call if in need of any kind of a stove. The celebrated appy Thought Range and Radiant Home base heaters ess Always in stock, If yon will have a Steel Range, let us figure with you, so that you will not have to pay two prices. A few good second-hand Stoves at a bargain. YVY'VYWYVVVVYYVVYVYVVVVVY HARLAND BROS., Cheap Stove & Hardware House, CLINTON. We have foot*eas for man; woman .and child—footwear that is sub. stantial. and trustworthy, and in every way calculated to keep your foot dry and warm, SEAFORTik _,SOLE LOCAL AGENTS FOR , "Uwe Stizakr &km' Well Shod Boys and Girls. Ladiesand Gents' Underwear Department Complete. They need good strong, warm Shoes. 0 ale,.12411.0 44++++++++++++++++4++++++ SOME SPECIALS. Gents' heavy fleeced underwear, a bargain, 45c each. Gents' all -wool underwear, plain, a bargain, 45e each. Gents' heavy wool fleeced underwear at 65c eacb. Men's, unde'rwear from 25c to $2.50. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. 25c ladies' union underwear for 19c, 35c ladies' underwear for 25c; 65c ladies' underwear for 43o; ten dozen just arrived, snap, at 50e each. Ladies' underwear from 19c to $1.25 each. Inspect our line of School Boots and Shoes. Made to standthe wear and tear. Good stout leather, strongly stitched; good appearance, and moderate in price. They please the parents becauee they wear so well. A youngster dry shod seldom needs a doctor. No need to because strain, Shoes. LEAROYD & CO., SeafortliPs Popular Bargain 110111382 Car PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH.AAI Scold your boys and girls their shoes don't stand the if they wear our School Richardson & M'Innis Sole Agents for the Goodyear Glove Rubbers. SEAFORTH.. tc, 756t; In Ladies' Cloth Gapes and tailor•made suits, we have some excellent value, Our Black and Colored Dress Goods are the best value in the market. In Millinery we have the latest styles and: materials arriving every week. D. M. McBEATH, PRETORIA BLOCK, BLYTH The Great Cash Store. Somethin1+;:r7++ni'sw and stylish in Ladies' & Misses' CLOTH COATS. Corner Main and Market Smits Seaforth, Ontario. Pickard's The Largest Dry 'Goods and. Clothing Coneernin Four Counties': Possible erfectio AMAAMANYVVVYANAAAMAAM This is the aim of this store --perfect in the reliable quality of the goods it Mins, perfect in placing before its customers complete lines of Dry Goods, Cloth- ing, Furs, 76c. The question of priceis always set- tled in your favor in this store. It i.E1 not possible for any store to make a lower price. this is a chal- lenge to all buyers, to those who yield us their pref- erence, to those who favor others with their patron- age, and the countless mortals who go where their dollars will buy the most. Read wh4 we have to offer for this season. We back ev4y statement with the goods. Remember, any dealpr can furnish twaddle, but those who tempt you witla such unmis- takeable values as we are offering in every depart- ment are indeed rare. Staple Departnlent. The best Canadian blanket in the market we offer this season for 48e per lb., all sizes, all weights, from 6 to 10 lbs., all fast color borders. Another special blanket for $2.60 per pair, nice clean goods. Table Linens, all prices, from 25c to $1.50 per yard. We will men tion one line to give you an idea of the extra values we are offering this season: 72 inches wide pure linen, for 37c per yard Many specials in Towels and To wel- ling, See our pure linen towel at 12c each. All prices of imported Flannerette now in stock. These goods will be found choice patterns and perfectly fast colors. See the line we sell for 6c, 33 inches wide. Fur Department. Everybody who is conversant with the stores of Seaforth, acknowledges the superiority of our fur stock. , Our position is unique. We successfully combine fine goods, low prices and immense output, which gives us the whip- -hand of all competition. We handle reliable furs only; boaght direct from re- liable manufacturers only, and every garment we sell to you is fully guaranteed. In Ladies' Furs we have Persian Lamb coats, Astrachan, Bokharan Coon, Electric Seal and Wallaby coats. Yon will find all the above goods sold. on a dry goods basis of profit only. Collarettes, all sizes and kinds, from 1$2.85 to $35. Ruffs at all prices, from 70c to $16. Muffs at all prices, from $1 to $13. Men's Flies in all kinds of fur coats, robes, caps, fur -lined coats, gaunt- lets, &c. Our stock comprises the best in all the leading makes. Mantle Departm. ent Our mantle department leads for style, for variety of assortment, for exceptional valnes. It has done so for years. It is doing so to day. The ever increasing patronage it receives from the public is the surest criterion of the fact. Ladies' Departinent Just to hand a new lot of Opera Flannel and Silk Waists, Outing flannel WaiStf3 in a variety of shade e and patterns; at 68c each, Mercerized, sateen waisto, in navy and white and black and whit4, ehoie,e patterns, to sell at $1,85, Many gpeefas in Roman satin waists will h m3n4 at $1, CA, $1 NM $2,00, Our value§ hi Underwear, in hng plueli Weir, natural wool, blaok equestrienne§ are unekeelled, Hpecial line of all -wool Oftglitg6re /105i0i fd 20e tt pair, heavy ditto 26c, A clearing line of watorproofg, only two dozen loft, to cleat at 760 each, COWS FOR SALE -For eale, two gond lash cows, both young ; one newly calved, the other due to calve the first of November. Apply on Lot 81, Concession 9, McKillop. ROBERT DODDS, Winthrop P. 0. 1767x1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estete of William J. Chesney, late of the. Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897, Chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the mid William J. Chesney, who died on or before the 176h day of December, 1894, are required, on or before the 156h day of December, 1931, to send by poet prepaid, or deliver to Garrow & Garrow, of the Town of Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, Solicitors for the London and Western Trusts Company, of London. Ont, the Administrators of the testate of the seid deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their olaime, the statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such laet mentioned date the said administrators will proceed to diitribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which theyshall • then have notice, and that the said ad- ministrators will not be liable for the mid assets, or any part thereof, to any person or parlous of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribotion. GARR ROW. Solicitors for the London & Western Trust Co. Administrators of the mists of W. J. Chesney, I (leagued. Dated the 18th day of October, 1901. 1767-4 Return Engagemen -OF THE_ Famous Jolly PO Hypnotic Vaudreville Co. One Week of Solid Fun. . . COMMENCING . . Monday, October 2 With the following star performers; TIM) PULL, the famous German hypn tist and mind reader. Miss ANNA NA Pon, late of New Yor contralto,singing the latest illustrated son MR. J. M. Pure, fire torch and bat4n manipulator. MISS VIOLET LECLAIR, serpentine a d electric dancer. MR. ED. RAYMOND,. the popular comedi n. MISS CARRIE RIELLY, musicaldirectre ...a— Remember, this is one of the mosi refined and to -date shows on the road this season. Under • management of R. J. McKinney. P. 8.---Don'i fail to see the wild blind drive Wedneeday. at 12 noon, sharp, started from Queen's Hotel. 1767 P- he 011 he 1 Clothing Departments 1n the matter of Clothing, this store claims priority. It has always been and always Will be first in assortments, The eroWds that flock hero daily is evidence euotigh of a coveted leadership, The Stock la at its best now, More than moderately priced—decidedly cheap—are here in abundance. Special line of men's OURS, sizes from 36 to 44, known as the regular $8 suit, single or d,ouble breasted. Our price this seas41 is $6. Two specials in men's suits, sizes from 34 42, in blue and black worsted and dark grey tweeds ; our price is 37.85 a suit, regularly sold at $10. Grey cheviot men's overcoats, regularly sold at $8, our price $6. Black and blue beaver, regular $10 goods, our price $8, is a great invest- ment, We claim to have the best beaver coat in; the trade, in black, brown and blue, at $9.25„ All thei new styles in Raglans, Raglanettes, Varsity Chesterfield, &c. will be iound in our stock. Dress Goods DeOartment. A c1ea4ng line of plaid silk, regular 75c goods, clearing at 50c. English Peau-de-Soie, in a full range of colors, at 43e a yard. _ New Opera Flannels to hand, special line at 0c per yard. Horne 'spun dress goods, 56 inches wide, goods worth. 70e, our price 50c. Special line of costume cloth, 44 inches wide, eleven shades, at 25c a yard. Many specials in wool shawls. 0411-41~0~1.0444444.44* Highest prices paid for Batter, Eggs and Wool. 11. ECT PICliARp & rVWik . I/ADP ORTEB8 Opposite Town Building, Corner Main* and -Market Ste., Seaforth.