HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-10-18, Page 4lm -'---- � ---.1--.- -- -,. - I - --- i- =�T�� -- — ....... �� , - -- �-
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"I'll i ,", I I . IF1141k. MYTIR.n N RYPAIRTTn'R.
7 � . .
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. -. � �;-— ------ - " '
. .
, �� . . they will forth, will be
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... t I � I
� n �� I I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS of thO36 advantages, and we ,hope there, and -he is a whole host
. I
�f . I I tal;e ready' insane 'to -make them knowd . In 11111"'Balf. Dron't forget I the date, and 1 f
�- - � I . - I
I, � ;
- � ey each you whil to have a big night's fun be at the
Z- -111, � �� sr The figure between the pirentheft
.� I I'll, ��- one, denotes the page Of the p q cr on which the to their people. Besides this, they - were . Foreaters' oyster supper.
� � ,
1 I;, - - -
I 'A ,A *dvarblRemont will be ound. � accompanied by a corps. of newspaper cor- I imm
,� -
� .
� . : I I- Winter Tslk--Greig & hisedonald-1 , � .nley. '.
- I
-1 � 11 I . Sta
I ; - I - respond�qnts, representing she btst and most
-1 .�g To the Ladles -Stark & Mackay -4 . . I
� - I A � it ---Harland Bros -S widely read journals in the old land. What Bitinws, Bruns
� -�� I I Stove I -Mr. Campbell, of Now '
I 111. - 3 - . I .
:: * . . , -r Underwear -H - -6 .
I. . ; 4. I wilat cKinnon & Cc Canada is, what she hike done and what she � wick, is visiting at the bo7me of Mr. Walter
. - ; Cc udition Powders -1. V. Fear -4 I
- �� � I
. � -Miss Kate MoDermid has re-
� 1. - .. - . Dru4heit-Alex. Wllson--5 I i i capable of doill v�ill be .made well and McBeatil. .
- I
- I . ,
I 1,
� '.
� � v i = : - I 17 -: , � - muole-C, W. papst-8 . go turned from -a .visit to Toronto., -Mrs,
1, - I ir., -1i �
� I A .� : -*� I
i �m 9 i�� - -=% F -Arm for Sate -W. & Hurkar-6 � widely known through these journals, and George Forest, of NAnalmo, Brit iih Colum,
�- I I t , . I - '
?-. �, --- �-Iik ,- -g Auedon Sale --S. Reid -5 people will -hear tiler,
, Z� 4. - ' . - I
. ,- t. . � A-1- N � , Agent-, Wanted-Dornintoti Garment do -8 , I in this way thousands of . I bin, is visiting at the home of her fa
I . -. - --
- I -
� V -1 � - fl. oher Want d -A. Siewart-5 favorably of our country , whoi perhaps, had Mr, John Cameron. .
� -,X - Z - Tea , . .
; ..'� �i . . I . Willis a 80n,-6 I I I
- 't - T TU i �, �� Wet Weather Footwear�U . .
3 o�z -, - 11 never heard of it loefore6 W4 inay expect I
- � I i ,11� - � in the High Court of J-i9ticc---;J. P. Tisdall7b , 9 I - ,
. � j,, -- 11 . �
it - � I.!- A. � � will Paper--Alex� Winter -1 F.- iA many -ways, Brucefteld.
. - tberefore, the best results,, , I
- -� f, � " �rr; ' ' Tea Meeting -John MaNsy-8 - .
I .
- . - . .� A -1� - Property for Sale -D. mckay-6 . from this visit, and we tru�t these expccta- Have you seen our special ia a boy's
, -, � Z 1 41 . - . watch? ftoo�t@yoii8t.andwe warrant it for one
� � - ,. 1.4, Buff to- Moursion-W. Somerville -8 In e - I I Jowe!or &ad Optician, Sesforth,
- .1
� - ; -
� � - -11 �1', ,igs for 8vle-iameo spros" taions may be ore.than realiz d. � year. . J. F. M4 f
� ,; - I - . 1 1700.1
_- .�& I,. ; Cur-lers' Meetinz-8 . 1�.� I . I .
11�1-io 1 - a - B. R. HiowNs,.Brucefield,Notary Pub[
I - -K � A Servant Wantea-Mrs, R. Ransford-8 ' ents. I - to,
- I ; 1,y -s Editorial Notes a,i3d � Comm
� 1 1:1113. � , t MY atch Repirinz, &c� -6�i. V. Da uOnvoyancer, Fire and Life Insurance agent. Any
;;;. i "4� _ , etc-4-13cattla Bros -8 - ' �
- i ! Zda Teat 9 will be pleased to learn that amount of money to loan at- lowest current rates of
- - ` � . Our readet. I .
L , - josober Wanted -D. 8, enoor-6 I � . interest, on first,olass farm securit All kinds of
, Y.
� - . _I
- i -� - - GreAt Clearing Sale -D, Braund-6 Rev. Principal Grant is recovering from hii I oonveyanoing work done well and cheaply. At
.- , I
I'll a�
� ��� �
"I 1�1� , ` Te,-wher Wanted -W. J. Johnston -6 - . ' home every morning and Wednesday of each
, ; zf
-1 . I ; , recent severe illness and it is hoped the im-
1, �- --i - r - - j] Rulle for ftle-David, Hill -6 - . week. Several 'good farm@ for sale. 157
�' -�W-:
I It . t � Pig for Sorvice-H. T. Grieve -5 provement will be pormanerit. On the oc-
� I , "
� I- F - iv& Letpor-6 . . . .. JQTTINOS.-Rev. Mr. Stewart, Clinton,
: - �: 4 FAtr&Y Dog�,Tan -
:� I �- I
4o .. . -
III. �� I - .1 - -�� Ch!ckens Wanted -A lex. Stobie -8 casion of the Royal vit,ib to Kingston, on -
11 - -- - - I . preached in the Pre3byterian church on Ff i.
'I �, I , I I
, . ,- .
: *1 - . I . I - day last, and Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Hen.
�1� 't up in
-.- I i �1, � . Tuesday last, he wai permitted to s, �
I -: , I . . .
I - I
, I i -.
: I � � I sall, on Monday. -Miss H. I. Graham, of
I I Mi i a abair and view the proceediaRg from his .
: 1. -- . I ,
- .
I �� Egmondville,'will speak ia the Presbyterian
. - I � 9. ", .
. - - -, . . �
. - I �� I :- ht i55 urou &P000tot winJow. The Duke and Duchess made a I church on Friday evening (to -night) on
I 11 41. - lri
Iii special visit to the hospital where lie is
11 It i � � I
j iz. 1K mission work.-Meears. McCall and Day-
, .. " -1. t � I staying and had a few minutes pleasant '
. aA I - — - � trientlare building the brick work of Charl&i
Afn, 14 - '
. � -4
� . - 1. -.. �' i 8)nversAion with him, while the Duke, i
q Z e u - g . �? SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Oct. 18th, 1901 . . . -Mr. Watson and wife have
- � Z -
. � I
i '.i- -1i ,;� . � � - with his own hande, pinned. on Dr. Grant's
k - � ��� I ��� ,- =
, ". � -, - , ''. , . � I - - . : lRoua�'s stable.
. - .. , - . returned from Toronto, where they attend.
. " � -
� . 41 I " �� - -1. - - f- I - -- I ,
I . � - -74 ., I bresmat the decoratija recently bestowed , .
I I � the�'funeral of Mrs. Watson's sister, Mrs.
: t -i 0 �
� I . � '
. . % , I upon him.
� i . -yal Visit to Canada - � I
% � �-,*-- t- -� i The Ro . Hayne.-Mits Goodie Marks is back from -
7 . � I ..x - �*- V - ' I Toronto, where s�e
. . - .
11 .1 �
; � K. � I . � I .2 talked of and long expected In vie.v of the, sa-1 and much lamentei. went to Re6 the Dqke
I I ,f - ch . �
I � - I ;
; � -.. . � � � and Duchess. -Mr. A. G. Ross, south of
� I �
. - - .I- 1� - N, Clarke Wallace,.and
� 1,�, , - � � visit of the Doke and Daohess of Cornwall death of the Hoot I . � ,Brucefield, has purchased an inter(.9t in the
I . I .1 �
I . . � ;r ; .
. I �
- ,
i I . - �t ; - 11 � and York, the, future King and Queen of the prominent position �he occupied in, the imported standard bred 8 tallion, 11 Electric
, i � �; ". 1� . i
I !� 1 j ant con'
I : il: , N - . . Great Britain, to Canada, is now an ev n try, it would be a �rsoeful not on the B." We wish Mr. Rose every success in his
I enturprise. . I 11 I
� I - �
., I
I , . L-A- , I of the past, ,The royal Couple, with their part of the Liberals of the riding -he repre- � .
� IL � I I I
I . i - I �
� 4 I . I � —
� 'I - 4� 1 1 _: , � : suite, have spent nearly three weeks in this sented so long, to permit.-hil succesg6r to be -
- � � - - . . .
� i , , . I , . ! The Canadians have distinguished elected without opposition, It would not I ' ' Sodom.
� sl I T. Z � i country. .
: I , � I . � I -On Friday la,st, Mr. John Pen.
, � I -
. . - . lil I � 1 as of detract anything from the strength of the I NoTES. V
: -
� I - i. : A themselves by the warmth and heartine a number of teams helping -him to
7 . 1-4 I- . Governmentaod would tend to allay tile i,hale bad '
I � I � I—— � -� the reception which they lave extended to . '*construct an approach to his new barn.
. I. r. �
I . .1 - . : . asperity between political parties in this - .
, - ,. . (
� - - A -. �,- �� - I The evening was spent in dancing and other'
� � . V�w A, 11 - . - I- them. They made the tour from the At country. The. Dominion Government are
1 .4 .� , ,�-
i - . I- � so strODg in the House of Common8, that social amusements. -Miss Annie Kinsman,,
I . I � � lautic to the Pacific and back again, and at
I �
i I .1 , . � , 4 �t they could well afford to be thus mag. . spent a few days with her sister here. -It is
� I , � - -, �, - I their various stopping places the people . 111.
� � . . , -,on
j �� � 11 �1 I -k , nanimus t of reopect to the memory of a reportedthat revival meetings will be held
I . . - � 11 �.� � . . ii seemed to vie ivith each. other in their sturdy but honorable politidal opponent. I in the school house, commencing on Tueg-
I I . � - I .
, I .
I i . day evening. -As Mis S. C. Prouty was at-
, ; e . .
I . . effortatogiveto the- royal party the bcst .
, :
I , - r- - *1
, ,
I .. I I- . . � tending to her beusehold duties, shewas
� w f our country and people- The report that - was turrent for some
�: ' � : -� I . I - ,
" ..
I � . --� -�. imprenions o I
i -� . � � . . startled by the sound of breaking glasa.
� I ; '
I - I -.
I � I
: I � .
I � I I . While all the other Provi6tes, have'done days to the effect that Lord Minto, Gover '
� . . - . Upon entering the room from where the
. - I �. ,. . .
. .
. I .
0 ,
I - . 2 . .1 I I m If weneral, had sent -his rekicynati.m to. th ' .
: 1. � _
�. - I � - . .� - . I., nobly in thi,,i respect, we think it is n Ot too nor -C . M . sounds, .Came, she 'was surprised to find a
: I �i : I . ' '- ,
I ! I-
. , . i
I - -
� � .
I .
I a - . : It much to siy that Ontario has sustained her Imperial author!' lea on I acepunt of hii Oi�- ! partridge sitting on the raiiing of the stair.
, I I
. . .
- -- - 17. . , .. ferences with the Dorri-i aic n Premier, hai I way, It was,captured and given ito liberty.
1i P, I ; . I
I M '� . " ,� . . reputationas thopremier Province nf.the I . . I
� :- � . . . I .
� . � . I . - i -However, where
. � �, A. �
: . - � - , . �� - I Dominion. And in no place in Ontario .has been' officittly d4la I Brussels.
� I 3 .
; I - . I a so much stboke there ii hkely to be
I . - . � . the welcome been warmer - or more demon.- there i - * I
. , 1� IL - ,
�-11 r I ".
; Alt . . � '
I - : "I . , 4, � strative than that which was tendered the considerable fire and it, is qui.,.e certain that I I MfRACULOU61 ESCAPE. -Last Saturd-iLy
I '' I . � - I all has not been peace, Vrarmony and b'rot.11 - I afternoon' as Robert McNaughtoo, John
I - ,
� �
� . I i; I
: � . 11 oyal party at its chief city of 'Torr -ito last erl love between His E, xoellency and He street, was
� �
� � . �i ;- : r y I at his well fixing the pump
� .
. .. . I
: : 'It I . ;. handle, the piank go whieh he was standing
I I I � 1-11 . . week, The Dake and Duchess red,�' ed To. adviiers. If half the stories told about
; . � I -11 I .
I �- I I - I . thegoiligson of the Govetnor- General are suddenly broke and he was precipitated into
.1 i onto on Thursday at nooa, on thei- return
I w . I r
; I -1 .
. � .. . I true, the sooner he is out, of the Coll t , the well. He fall about 25 feeD whcn he
. 1-1 - . - � , n ry
. : I I -� ., --, I I from the Pacific Coast, and until 1.`� eir -de- I
l �-� �r . �! the b3tter foc the countr;y's good. landed on &'plank that -was acroan the well
. � 9 �. -- � , I
I - . .
- -
� 11 , I - � - � - - arcure, . on SExturday miorniag, . it was an at that depth. Agaistance wa�s speedily at
I I I � :
: i � . P
--�- -... Z �1. 1.
� . . I almost continuous ovatiJi. -- Never beicre A Contemporary remarks : - There ii hand and he was rescued from his perilous
. . I -1 � . I
I . - � �
0 T : ; I I .
, � �� � " tion little the worse of his experience. -
. � I - ... �
I �
I . 'Li � ; . � wa:S so brilliant an occa-ilon witneEs�d in one man who will., never be kDightedp 139 poei
� . - -�. The escape is all the more wonderful when
. . ,A - - �. I .
� I- i I -ommon the Conferring of titles it i8
� .--. � � I!, 4 Toronto, Notwithatandin the unfavorable matter how c considered that Mr. MeNaughton is
� : - .
I . � I . I � I I - ..
: - I i ., .
I . I . .1 � , weather, the spirits of tha good and loyal upon Canadian public -ni-en may become. over 85 years of age and weighs upwards of
� -.-Z1 . � � . _ 1 � In I . - I
Z . � � -- � - - leas, . oundo. �
: I � I people were not daunted. -in the , an,i That is Senator Ternpleman, proprietor of. 185 IY '
� . I LITTLE Locm.s, -Fourth division court
I . 1 41 ;
i I
I - t I
- � - T
'I- � the- demons Iration was al'ike creditable to the Victoria Times. He got out a souvei,ir .will be held here on October 23vd.-Lasi
. � �
- � i . �
.1 - - . :.. I � I - contaiuing .1
I . � I � Toronto and the Province of which it is the number of -i.i paper . a eplefidi Friday -evening InEpector Robb addressed
I .
� -- � Capital. The other citics and town. -i vipited ponrait of the Dae.hess of Cornwall, under- the public school board relative to taking
I -I. � , -1 - � neath wbich he ptinted 11 H� R. H, Victoria. up fifth form work in our school here. Th
I - � -
- .
I � . - � . by the royal party were equally . warm and 0
: F. I � � -11 Mary, born on May 26th, 1857." That matter will be brought lip again at a later
- . , 1,
- � : � � - -
: I '. ��
� � I . -
'�, I - ��4 1
. --� h rty in their demonstrations, although would make the Ducheas,44 years old, or '8 meting. -F. S. Scott will act.in the Ca
� - �:. - 4 -� ea I
� - Z� � - i, - . . I . ' PI.
I . .; :1 , T
I --,-: � � -, --1 the length of the visit being short,there was years older than her husband, wherea 'all city "of. clerk - of Gray township in the
� "
1, - -1 I � 11
I - �- . i� ' , .
�� ;1 - I :� the world knovt s that she was born in' .1�67 ab�ence of W.m. Spence who is compelled
I . -1
I Zi I ;;,, ---! t � not an opportunity given for demonstrations ,
-- �: I '
-111.1 � - --z i � I '
, � -
, I I . and 6 two.years younger than the Duke." to seek a warmer climaie for the winter for
� ,)
, � - V
� .�, I -
� 1:. - I- . '. .1, i, - .rge a saii-le as that at Toronto. " .
� 2 I - on,so la If the Daohese is like-the.rest of her sex are the benefic of his health. He will go to
': �', Z ; I : .
f- � I -
I . 1 I
! -� I w .1 .
. -11 .. The large numbers who -attended theae said to be, she might overlook a slip which Colorado.-Mro. W,'H. Kerr arrived home
� -
I -
I � -1 , -
� I .- . repre!;ented her to be a few years younger
I . � 1. I I,- denionnstrations, not alone at Toronto but C,+. . ii.from Winnipeg on. Wednesday after a
.. . -� I -1 . i . - . -- than 8he-i;, but to be made 10 yeari older three mon'tbW, visit. She was- accompamidd
�� . I . every other point where a stop of the roya,l
� ;� I � I may be taken as an unpardonable @in. b,y her sister, Miss Kay. -George Peter -'a;, of
� I I
I I -
. i 7 � '''; . I- I �
I t , - made, show that the people as a : . .
. � � � ,� I - train was . Michigan, was in town this week. He 13 a
� .
� I
I -
- - -
I I. � --i hole were cquall�y intere�;ted, At the re- The Toronto Mail of Saturday last says: son,of the late.Dr. Peters, who lived. here
� I I - - W . . �
. I I !
; . . 1% ,� " at the parliament. "A remarkably able and interesting paper, many years , ago.- Reg Fletcher returned
, -1,; I ception given in Toronto, ., � � -
- I � �! �
I - � I -- I . home from Chicago on Monday. He is tell--
-, I - t� I , " by Dr. W. R Bruce Smith, assistant super. -
� . ; � �
� I . ` . . -1 . , ary buildinga[,-on Friday evening, the crowd I - I I ing a holiday to try and regain hie health. -
. . - ,. - - " ��
I - - I ,
. � t� n
� � I - �
� 4 waa ii4mense osed, probably �
I i , .1 k. Cor4 ) of over into dent of the asylum for the insane at- Misses Minnie McNaughton and ThurEa
. . I 1, . �
. �
� � I'
I I �. thousand people, and thd Duke and Brockville, which appeared, some time ago Gerry,and W. H. Kerr attended the district
� I � 't ten
- .
I . - - -% i ,
.. I . I
I � : * 1, Duchess shook hands with all who presented in the Canadian Journal -of Medicine.. andi Epworth League convention held in Luck-
� ,, I . I I .
I tl
r � and
� I f r- Tuesday. -Dr. T. G. Holmet
I . now on
. -:
. . . I -1 . themseives.. This, in itself,was an herculian Surgery, has called the attention to this
. I
. . .
� . I I I .
I 1. - I i � . - subject of " mental sanitation." Dr. Smith Mri, Holmes, of Detroit, former residents
I 11 � 3 task, but it was cheerfully E�nd agreeably has made a profound study?of the subject i of Brussels, were calling on old friends here
. I-
1� ; �: j. I � - I in
I � . - , - performed. The Toronto demonstration specially favorable circumstances, and the this- ,week. --The Canadian Jubilee Singers
, ,� I �
� � :... �- . I . .
I I � ,� ' gave a concert here on Tuesday evening
7 i- w
I . as not participated in by Toronto people facts and arguments which. ti� puts forth,
I I . I �Iji - -
I . �' . der the auspices of the Methodisb church.
I ,� - &lone, but by leading. oltiz3ns from all parts and the results to which be points are *ell on
I - -
� I
� .1 worthy of consideration," L. ,FVVe have 'not Owing to-baid weather, the crowd was not.
I .
. I �, �, - of the --_Province, and the female citizens ha .- d an opportunity of seeiD the article, in ' as large.as expected. -W. H. McCracken
. . ; �i , 9 attended eight fall fairs in this neighbor.
: � I . . A were as enthwilastic participant&, if not as question, -but from our k0owledge of the -
- I -1 .
; � � ... �� hood and captured about 300 prizc.s in all.-
� . - .
. I . .1
: 11 - I - oons.picuoast, Ds. the mule. writer we'have no doubt it�juiitly merits the .
i . - � , � � . i
� - I .� Thomas Ballantype has diaposed of hie house
: . high encomiums passed upon it by the
. . � '
F . .
I On leaving Toronto, Saturday morning, and two -acre lot on James -street, to Mr.
� . � I ,
I . .� . Mail. We, therefore, beg to add our. mite
. . I I Simon Grant, who takes -possession in a
I . the royal party made a hurried trip through -of commendation and con#atulate our old .
I -. I - - k or so. I I
11 - wee
. -. I Western Oatario. They went to London, fri6nd and former fellow tolvnernan in thus
I - � Making brief stops at the intervening towns, devoting hie splendid. literary -ability and �
. � , - - superior medical skill and experiesce in - so' Bluevale.
� . aud a.t each stopping place there were eagee - i
I I I worthya cause. - -
i - I .
I - NOTES --.-Mr, Wesley- Cornell is atl,endiDk
. - . rowd�i, all anxious to see and hear the son ---- -- . .
.. - 0 J - . the College of Dentistry at Philadelphia.-
I . and daughter- in-law of the King. From Canadians will read with pride of the
I . . I I Mfe. (Rev,) D. Rogers, M ias Lily Rogers and
I - I
I I I went to Hamilton and from splendid record made by our , cattle, sheep Master Fred. Rogers, 'of Fordwich, are
I . . . I � I
: .- there to: Niagara, where they remained un -til and hogs at Buffalo. That 6-ur exhibitors spi3ndin a, few days in Bluevale, the guests
� . of Mr. 5oseph Leeoh.-The� season Of the
q ! Monday morning, when they visited Bev. should win almost as much'� prize money me,
, .
� - L er I at -other points batweei there and To. the Americans,who . kave ten head of cattle year is at. hand when, to 'borrow from the
- , I - � ' poets, I I the horn of the huntsman -is heard
. ,
� I ronto, and on Monday evening went east to to Our one, is indeed surprising. In some on the hill." At intervals during the golden
I "
� � . Montreal and the Maratime Provinces, other Iiiies we did almost as well. In autumn days, the sharp report of a gun
. .
I -�� � I . . cheese we took the only gold medal award- echoes through the hazo-onveloped woods,
- where great preparraitions for their reception ed. It is in the products of 6e farm that- and a wreath of white smoke Carlo lazily up.
� . , had been in, progr(ns for several days.--, Canada is pre-eminent. The exhibits that wards through the crimson and gold of the
, - I
� I � Theirnpression left bahiad them 6- the swept the boards at Buffald, says the Farm- maples. To descend to a more prosino
� - - . Zy era' Sun, were not hothouse products. Thev featute of the glorious autumn, the horney.
� Duke ,and Duchets is, Certainly, ai most were not the rdaults of an industry built -up handed.,sons of toil go forth to their daily
.. . ea.,slngone. They both made them�elves at the expense of others or relying for a
I � pl, 11 I uP- task of gatheting the -root crops, and as they
� .- . I . no agreeable as possible, while their situa. port on public taxati�g, They, were the unearth the yellow 11 murphics " and pile up
. - natural products of rour soil aqd climate the crimson mangolds, they no doubt take a
� . I tion was not without its difficulties. In- .
7 . turned out by sLilled hands and ftuly show deeper pleasure in the beautiful side of na.
. deed, the Dach(ss, in particula I r, - elicited of what r our country is Capable. To. relieve ture * hen they reflect how ,satisfactory the
- the admiration of all who came in, , Contact an . industry which loan allow such results of tical eide-has been to them. -Mr. W. J,
- . L - ' prac �i
with her, or even ,,*w her, and M-1 were all unnecessary buedens, and give it full and Duff sold a fine horse last week. -Mr. James
I free scope, should be one of the main objects Robertson, our former townsman, has -sold
: charmed by hcr beauby of paysm and ex. of our- Government. . . h i' fa r. J abez J ermyn, at
. treme amiability of manner. She will long ---- A good fig'ure.-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leat-
- be lovingly remembered by maLny of The reporter of' the Maill MOM' - horn. w,ere in TorontoL last week, during the
; .
i .1 0
- . people of Canada. pamed the royal pa.rty to Lon.0 1i Satur- recep�ion to the Duke and Duchess of York.
- - I : - the I , wh I
. . day is, evidently,,not, much , � of a farmer. The bad weather, no doubt, kept many who
` - That the visit wi 1,1 have berieficial resu. Its He makes the following refe ' rence to the might o�herwise have gone, from getting a
is certain. It will have a strong tendency ,- .- glimpae at royalty. -An item in one of the
L country passed through on the trip : 11 The Toronto papers attributes the .small number
- to increase, or perhaps we might rrore . . ,
� Duke of Cornwall and Y - rk has been shown Of inmates in the Central rison there to the
praperly say, to intensify, the feeling of at- 0. I I strict measures which ave been taken
� ta.chm ent to the mother country, and bind at last, after nia3y excure,ions on mountain I - 'K J's is true
� I I y the ties that bind I us to the and plain, the beautiful agricultural see. agai,,t tramps for some years. Th,
. . I more ,,'rop�gl' tions of the premier .Province. of Ontario, of this district at .any rate, for'the kni&t8
. . - I � old land. It will also show to the people of The outline of his journay on Saturday was of the road who pass through Bluevale are
L -
I .
. . �, I - -.., treat . now few and far between, and the wander-
. � . .. the Nvorld., and especially to'tb(so ol (, like a spear head driven clear into the most ..
. � �� fertile -section of all pedlars who used to present themselves
I .- Britain, the intensity of the fecting i ' Canada. 11 This is 1139
!; . n this like the meadow country of England," ex'- so frequently, seem to have followed in the
country for Britain and British institutions. claimed some of the visitors as they rolled wake of. their legs respectable brethren. -
It was because of -the roltit'QnLahips of the through the autumn fields. The recent rains On Wednesday of last week, at 4 o'clock p.
-in., at 'the manae, Bluevale, Mrs, Louise
royal pair that 'they 'elicited s-) much en- had imparted � fresh green to - the fading '
. gross, the plows were .busy making ready Bain wits united in marriage with Mr. Frank
tha.,iia,irn in this country, On - the other for the sowing of fall wh6at, the little Hill, Rev. W. J. West officiating. Miss
I hand, it qhould imprf,ts on the minds* and stretches of woodland were -all ablaze Katie.0okridge performed her duties.ad-
. with , �
hearbs of the v'.-;�tois the true loyalty to and autumn tints, the cattle .1 everywhere mirably as bridesmaid, while Mr.� Henry
. orthe and grokung Wolfe rendered his assistance in a similar
lave cherished by the Canadian people f all betokened a rich beautiful - agrioul. .
� British Crown, and at the .,;Ame time impress tural country, wholly different in character capacity for the bridegroom'. After the
!-- -,�- b I from that in which most of their ti marriage cereiiiony, the wedding party drove
I ,�i .�- I . .me has
4 .� I . them with the great and growing import- been spent during the present tour." While to the home ef the bride's mother, where a
s � - I �
� I
, - ,
� . I -� I I ance, of the relationships which exist be- this is all very good, if the - reporter ,had lar.gb Dumber of relatives and. friends were
- . � tween the parent and her most; prom. even been " born on a farm," as most polli. enjoyably entertained during the evening.-
. . tioians like to ol&im, -he would know that a Mr, -'John Moore, of Henfryll,was . amoog
I - I . isirly child. It should also give to them, and country in which farmers are only now those from a distance - who attended the,
- through them�,. to the people whom they di- plowing (or fall wheat must be away back Hill -Bain wedding. -Miss Bell Addison, of
'- rectly represent, an increased care for the as a farming country., The latest sown fall Fox Meade, is the guest of her cousin,'Mrii.
� I wheat has been in the ground for over 9, Win. H. Frazer,,of the Ist line, Morris.-
, - people and interests of this country. In month. . . Mr. G. Wray, -of Comber, Essex county,
I . - short, it ,should result mutually advantage.. � . .. I woke in'the village last week. He had been
- � .
I -
. ous to bath countries, not only in a senti. I Oonstance. attending the funeral of ��hi grandmother,
- 8 1
mental but in a commercial way. The � the late Mrs. B. Wray, ol Belgrave.-The
� . OYbTFR SUPPER.—An oyster suppir and annual meeting of the B&evale branch of
I I people of the Old country are remarkably enterta i nment m ill be held, under the au s, the Upper Canada Bible and Tract Society
; % .
t, - � apt in imitating royalty, and if the royal pices of Court -Constance, Canadian Order was held in the Presbyterian church, on
� � I . I visitors whom we have entertained so hos-. of Foreaters, on Friday, October 25th. Monday evening. , The attendance was fair,
SuPper will be served in the, basement of a litt'le above the' average at the yearly
- . . pitably, take advantage of this trait in the the Me'thodist church, from 6 to 8 o'clock, meetings, but all, who attended were very
, � - - character of the British' people to advance after which an excellent programme will be mnch pleaped with the very excellent ad,
' . - our interesta, the efforts we have put forth given. in' their hall.' The Foresters are dress --on "The Bible," which was given by
. . -- � I �L - � � I . � � making great. prep.trations for this enter. Rev, John RoFs, of Bruseels. After the
-1 I
I . will not have been in vain. We have many . .
. - advantAges to offer the people of Britain tainment, and hLavearranged for the very address the work of the year was reviewed,
�. - be�t talent to take part in the programme. the treasurer's report was read, and the
- The visitors must have become cognizant of Mr. Will McLeod, the comic singer of Sea. progress which had been made was found
' I
I . �
� ,
� .
; . . I
i - . i . .
, �
� - A
very sat,intactoury. Lue UU11691JUrs tbnUUWU-
era were then appointed for the ensuing
tolmrtll uriur, LUXAg, "UU VUL1130 VUMU WOLO V1.10tv
did good .work. The love wilt be quite
year, and the meeting was closed by �ho
heavy, as there was no insurance, The firm
benediction being 1�ronciunced by Rev. W.
will rebuild again as soon as 1possible, an
J. West. -Mr. Win. Messer is in Hamilton
they do a large business in brick and tile.
this week. -Mine bfary Thornton, of Wipg-
The fire is supposed to have started from
ham, is visiting her grandmother, Mr. 41nd
the furnace. -Sunday afternoon the Forev
Mrs, John Gardiner. � I
term of tole plaoej with brethren from
- I
Londeaboro, Winglism and Auburn, had 'a
Bxeter. I
parade to the Episcopal church where ReV.-
J. G. STANBURyt B. A. (late with me.
Mr. Lowe, of Winghani,'preached a very
eloquent sermon.-Rov. Mr. Larkin, of Sea.
Carthy Oaler & Co., Toronto,; ftrriater, Con*ey.
sneer, kotary. Monegtto loan. Oftes lately �oo.
Collins & 01201114 Bank,
forth, gave a very interesbin�le ture in the
Presbyterian church here on aeoday. even -
oupledby anbury, over.
Exeter, Ont, - 16844f .
ingj' unde�, the auspices of the Woman's
� WELL DoNE.—Mesars. Bawden & Mc-
Donnell, the well known. * horse importers, of
Foreign Missionary 8ociaty. Although the
evening w;9 wet and disagreeable there was
this -place, did their. share towares placing
a-foir turnout and those who attended were
Canada up head in the horse contest@ at the
well pleasod.—A great many from here took
and carried off thEir share of
in the anniversary toat meeting at Londes-
ie honors. Their celebrated stock horse,
boro on Monday evenin and report having
11 Belshazzar," took ffist piize, and a foal
had a splendid time. $he Methodist choir,
from him was Eimilarily honored, while they
under the leadership of Professor Campbell.
got second for "Catrope Loyalty," and
of Goder,ich, had charge of the tinging - and
third for "Wiloot-Thumpor," Thoseareall
rendered opme beautiful sele3tions.—T-he
Shire hoisgs. � . i
vote is to bo taken Friday on the grist mill
STANBURY —EASTWOOD. —We Clip the fol-
by-law. It will be too bad if it is defeated,
lowing from the Gazette : " On
but if the'vote is brought out there, in no
Wednesday Mrllillg, OAO�er 9�h, the home
doubt of it carrying.
of Dr. and Mi's. W. 0. Eus4wood wah filled
with gucsl,s, assembled to #itness the mar-
Orediton. I
riage of thtir youngest daughter, Margaret
Ootavia, to J. George Stuart Stanbury, M.
CjiuRca AN,NIVERSARY. — Sunday, 66h
A., a popular -young lawyer of Exeter., The
inst., was a red letter daV in the Methodist
Rev. A. R. Wright tieA the matrimonial
church of this place, it being the oceasion of
knot, under an at�ch of myrtle and whir,e
the church anniversary services. Rev,
George Cobbledick, M. A., B� A., of Park -
clematis. The drawing-roorn and dining.
room were beautifully decorated with lie
hill, was the preacher both evenings. Two
olemat i i v i no and asp�rague fern, bi ighte ed
very large and enthusiastic congregations
ap with autumn tinteld maple leaves, moun.
greeted the reverend gentleman, The servi-
tai a ash beri i t3s and! gladioli. The bi idet
coo were of a high order, eloquence, forceful.
who was piven away. by her father, looked
Does and power obaracterised the address,
Seldom has the truth been presentedin each
charming in a beautiful gown of white silk,
so train, the bodice of Whi3h was daintily
attractiveness to the satisfaction and pomp
trimmed with &4' rgandie and chiffon, and
of so large gatherings and we assure Mr.
wore the usual Vt. ill: and orange blotsoms,
She carried a shower tonquet of roses, and
Cobbledick of a cordial welcome upon his
return at some future date. On, Monday
looked as fair a bivide asever thesunehon3
afternoonthe annual musical and literary
on, Mist Jeannette Combe, B. A., of Olin-
entertainment was held in the above men-
ton, becomingly attired in blue silk, was
tioned church. Brief, terse and nted
. .
bridesmaid, while tbe happy groom was
addresses were delivered by Revs.
Cobbledick, of Parkhill; Morlock, Daah-
a '� - yiag
upported, through t e supposedly tr i
ordeal by W. M,' Alar i a, B. A , of Ext ter.
wood ; Anderson, of Kirkton; Miller, Park -
After the ceremony t a gues's sat down to
hill ; to the delight of the immense audience
a truly sumptukus , Jeuner, a wbich all
present. Never hanithe excelleat choir of
thedeli-,aciesof �heqeaaon were .served in
this church rendered better service, nor has
great profurion. Tie ppulaiiov of the
it iver been heard to bet ' ter advantage, and
bi ide- was attes.ted by the great number of
its efforts were thoroughly appreciated.
. I
valuable ail I useful p.-esenta bestowed upon
The trustees had asked for a thank offering
her, the a gift )(ina, 4'6 beautiful'gold
of $125, aild during the evening the pastor
.0 ,
watch. werg,oing-away orsturne 'Was of
ed that the proceeds, though in -
complete, had already exceeded the amount
blue broadcloth, the Eton,co,at op�ning over
a blouse of white �silkt Mi. and Mrs. Stan-
asked for. On hearing such a gratifying
bury left on the af terhoon trui a to % isit the
reporb, the vast assemblage &rose and sang
Pan-Ametioan and other points of -intereeb,
the doxology. Thus closed what is univer-
before taking u p the r reli Jence at E , xeter.
sally regareed as the most successful anni.
A host of friends extf nd to the young couple
versary services in the history of this
the beat u i iheo for a .ong and happy married
church. -
I I = .
. mcl�illo . P. \ f
DIED l"IN THE WNST'.—Word has been
A CLOSE CALL —A[ young son of Mr.
received from Mooed Jaw, Northwest Ter.
. John G. Grieve, of Ibis township, had a very
ritory, conveying the end news of the death
close call -a few days �go. He was putting
of . Mrs. James Rouat, formerly of this
township, She had been ill for a long time.
the horses in the-i3l-able at the noon,
and with them was a young colt. Just as
She leaves a husband but no children. The
he was coming out of one of the stalls, and
many old friends of the deceased will extend
while passing this animal, it kicked, strik-
their most sincere sympathy to- the bereaved
ing him on the eye and making a nasty
husband and friends..
CnriRcii NOTES.—Mr. A T. Cooper of"
wound, although no bones were broken and
Clinton, occupied the pulpit at Turner's
the eye was not port�nanently injured He
was, however, knock4d down, and ren'dered
chQrch.cu Sunday last.—Rev. T. A. Stead,
unconscious for a time, but, fortutiately, his
man is spending a couple of week3 at his
father was in anotberl part of the barn', ' and
home near Wyoming, but is expected to
speedily came to h" 4id. We are,,*,pleased to
resume his work on Sunday ,nexti.—Mr.
learn bilatthe lad 18p 1,glebting around again
Robert White has been engaged as caretaker
all right. , Had thd' blow been on the fore-
of church:for this year.
head the probabilities are- that he would
WEST END.NOTES.—The apples are a-faic
have been much more seriously injured.
crop this year and will all be packed this
week.—'Mr. Thomas Townsend returnei
week, as a threihing machine was at work
from the west la§t week, having spent some
on the farm of Mr. Thomas Adams, 3rd con-
time with his mother knd brothiare in North
cesz�ion, and as a shr
, �,,cf wheat was going
t era was
through the cylim � , -a- loud re-
Dakota� and Minneapolis. —Mrs. Broadf6ot
was the guest of Miss Rhoda Landsborough
, ,
, ,
port, like the expidiftid of a cartridge, and
IaB week.—Tho auction sale of .Mr. S..
the whole of the machine seemed as it
Johns was largely attended and everytiting'
on fire. The sheaf was in a blaze, and the:
was sold at good pricea.—Mr. Sam Ashton,
L . .
straw Was carried out onto the stack in this;
who has been visiting his sister here for
way. For L tunately there was not much wind.
some time, has secured rooms in Brucefield
blowing 0 the time, and the men on the
and will open % barber shop there. —Mr. M.
stack were able to stamp out the fire before .
Lloyd, who has resided. in Mr. Robert
any damaP was done, How the' explosive
Carnochan's house, has removed to Hallett
got into the sheaf of Wheat is a mystery.
afid , Mr. William L%ndshorough removed*
DEATH or, JwL-T HORAN.—There passed
there this week.—Mr. Samuel Townsend,
away on Thursday, 001tober 3rd, .Mr. John
o - Brandon, .Manitoba, is visiting his brother
Horan, at the age of e . ighty-five years. The
h 3re at present and as he has not been en -
deceased had been in � Poor'- health for the
joying good health for some time a change
past four years, but voas not confined .to bed
will uo doubt prove benefibial.
until about six mmithi previous to his death.
,He was one of the Oldest sAtlers of this
country, a,nd, like many others, cndured the
D. Hay, Commissioner and Conveyancer ;
hardships of pi, neer life. Dece'seed was
IV Its, mortgages and deed@ drawn up. Money leaned
highly thought of, .and by .his .death the
MI ,the lo ivest r%tqe of Interest. . 1740-tt
community loses a man of unquestionable
NOTES.—Mr. George T4ylor and Mr. Isaac
integrity,,and one who has been faithful to
JIrrot were in London on Saturday last.
his duties.: He leaves a wife and family Of
They went down to cast their eyes on the
up sons and daughters to mourn the
kind fat�er. The funeral
Ropl Duke and his good lady, They felt
olts of a took
we I repaid for their trip.—Mr. William
on Saturday. � Requeim High Mas3
Ivison, of the vil!age, the past week, had
was sang by Riw. Father MqKeown, of St.
the hard luck to lose a good milch cow,
C%olumban,and the remains Werelaid to root
which had just come in as a fresh cow for
in the Irishtown cemete
the winter. Thi% mesni quite a lose to Mr.
Cor�Nmir,.—Council met in Jones' -hall,
Ivison,—Mr. W. C. Kyle and Mr. Joseph
Leadbury, on Monday lab,t. Members of
Hood, who went out on the Manitoba ex -
the council were' all pres3nt, except the
curaion, returned home the Vast week.
reeve, who is nick. Ale$ander Gardner was
They b th Spent a pleasant, time with friends
elected chairman. Minutes of 1est meeting
in the west.—Miss Smith, sister of Mrs.
were read and adopted ; accounts were pass-
R ' Mell is. of ti i i village, is spending' S few
ed and p3dd, amountiDg �o $162.57. ,The
weeks i i 3itiog with her niece, Mrs. C ,, Me.
clerk was authorized to enter on collector's
Donell, of - Heneall. 'Mi88 Alice Whiteman
roll engineer's fees in ' specting drain on north
and her sisier, Miss Lilly, the past week,
three-quarter lob 26, concession 11, "on cer-
e t
!re al�Blyth, takjog in th i ht f
w the
a 0
tificate of engineer. Council adjourned to
fair anq also visiting fi i and's. ey spent a
Tset on Monday, November' lIth, at one
pleasant time.—Mrs. McKeiver, of Clinton,
elock in the afternoon. -
the fore part of thii week, was the guest at
A FP.EAK oO NATURE.—Mr. Georre Hen-
the home of Mr. James McDougall.—Mine
derson, of the Sbh concession, has a, reak of
Sara Cudmore, daughter of' Mr. and Mrs,
nature, wh ioh woull I out -do many of the
William Cudmore, and one of the most ac.
I museum freaks. This: is a young pig with
co�mplished young ladies of this vicinity, the
six feet, two behind and four in - front. At
past week, feft here for British Columbia,
the ankle joint, wher - most pigs have a kind
where she purposes making her future home,
of prong growing, this animal has on each
only under anew name. Miss Oudmore's
leg an extra and fully� formed foot, in ad-
many friends here wish her inany pleasant
dition to the foot in the - usual place. The
years in her now home.—Two grand gospel
pig is about six week! old, and to a fi -ie,
,rmoni were given by Rev. Mr. M of
so clCay,
strong young - an and gets around as
Goderich, in St. Andrew's church on Sab..
lively on till sixes as iost of them do on all
bath last. Mr. WoKay is a good preacher
fours. Mr. Headerson,ig quite proud of his
of sound gospel truths and -gives good food
six footed pig, and a great many of his
for thought and profit to bin bearers. He
neighbors have baen calling at his place to
will occupy the pulpir, again next Sabbath.
see thie monostro-Ility. � . I
—Mr. John. McGregor, jr., the past week,
. !!!!! -
paid a vis1t to his brother, Archy, the vil-
I i -
I V,
lage vulcan, of Leadbury.—Doing up odds
A GoOD ORCHARD, ! r. George Fother.
' �-
and ends and getting chores done up for the
I !
gill, a leading farmer 1 of East Wawanosh,
wiciter is keeping many of our citizens busy..
near here, has one of tb6 largest and beat
—Large quanti ies of grain still keep find.
fruit orchards ia the county. It comprises
ing their way to our grain market. .It in self
� I
8 acres of the cboicest�l fruit trece. This
evident that the farmers get the tol
. ) figure.
going.—Mr. Gilbert Dick, who is looking
year he sold the apples in this orchard to a
Blyth dealer for the sang sum. of $600 and
ahead to the cold weather approaching, and
the dealer was afterwards offered $150 on.
in order to be -equal to the occasion, has had
his bargain and refused It. This is pretty_
a furnace placed in his dwelling.
good for an off year in fruit and shovis that
orchards pay -it they are the right kind of
- Lurich.
fruit and properly cared for,
NOTE.S.—The concert held in Industry
BRIEFS.—Rev. Dr. 8. Beao,, of Florida ;
ha!I on Wednesday evening, under the aus.
Jacob Bean, of Iowa ;'Abraharn. Bean, of
pices of the C�ristian Endeavor, was a finan.
8tampford township, and Mr. and MrT.
a .
oial access, although the performance was
lea&-. Bean, of Gonerich,' were this week
not equal to the price of admission. Mr.
viiitiuq their sister, Mrs. George Seboellig.
McCrummish himself, is a -very good bari-
They had all been in Toronto, attending the
tone singer, far too good for the balance of
funeral of their brother Amon. O"unday,
his company. In fact, the rest pf the er-
Rev. Mr. Bean preached two excellent s;r.
formers were not ail good as can be picled
mons in the Evangelical church. It is a
up in any o! the small villages. If the
twenty years since he was here before, and
Christian Endeavor run any more concerts
bis old friends were pleased to see and hear
in the future, they ought to find out more
him again.—Mrs. Little, of Kilmanach,
about tht ir, talent before I..iting, as people
. Michigan, is visiting her father, Mr. Henry
don't Care about p&S ing fifty cents' to
O 'tweln.—J. B. Foster's new brick house in
such a show, and a great many did not
ring rapidly pushed towards completion.
on account of the pi ice and heat i ng of the
It will be one of the finest houses in the
company before it came here.—A great
village,—The Catholic church is nearing
many from here took in the Dungannon fair
completion and when finished will be a credit
and report it a succese.—Blyth was again
to, the congregation, —Our police trustees
vi-ited by another fire Saturdy mOr,ing
b ave had a lot of gravel placed on ,our streets.
lost, when Frezer & Logan's bric yard was
H. Magel had the contract.—Mr. W. Fee
destroyed. Before it was seen, it had got
has returned from a trip to Manitoba. He
quite a headway so all those that were at it
enjoyed the trip and is greatly ple4sed with
could do was to save some of the backs,
the country. —Messrs. G. Nicholson, jr., and
wiJoh they did by closviag a space. There
H. Merner have returned from a -trip to
were only a few at the fire on "count of no
North Dakota.—Mr. F. Howard and Miss
. . -
OCTOBER 189 190iL
Is it any W onder 7'.- % � -
I .
. i .
That the farmern use FBARS OONDITION -POWDER when thkV
c3n got results like this .- I . I 101
. �
1, .
. - - He Made $50 Otl� of 500a 1
Mr. Alex. J, Ross, of Brui;efield, a thoroug , hly re�i�ble UpAo-date farmer, Bayls.:
. I fed your Oondition Powddrs for about hree weeks to a teaiii
I � I
of borges, and it piled the flesh 6n at such a. 'rate, that they
. ' ' I -
brought me a fat' larger price when sold than they would have if
�. i ; '-
I bad not used it It was �aoney in m 'ocket that ti-ple I can �
y lip ,
. . I .
tell you. Yours truly, ALEX. J. ROSS' Brueefield.T
. 0
11 ;
I I i I
Three' 1b, Package for-, 50c ; thi's makes 200 doses.
. - I /
t .
Prepared only by !
i . 1$
0 .
I. V. FEAR, th�,.DrJ,tgrgJSt,,' �
SHLAL:FO:Rvm� - -
- --
T,ennie Bander'were uni ted in -marriage on
V Rev. 0. S. Finkbeiner. They will make
t air home in Hex)s&ll, and are followed by
tEle beat wishers of a host of friende.-Mr.
D. Sdhnell is rapidly gettin material on the
ground for his new barn. Ne whole neigh-
borhood, as far as Blake, has turned out and
given him a helping hand. -Mr. and Mrs..
Walter Stevens and his mother paseed
t4rough here on Wednesday They were
an their way to attend the f�neial of Mrs.
Camm, of Usborne, who was killed by the
train at St. Marys, oil Moniay. Mrs. Comm
wait an ,aunt of Mr. Steveni.-Mr. 0.
Hartleib moved into Thomas Johnston's
house this week, -Mr. Henry Web ' or, who
has been a resident of Zurich for a good
many years, has secured a positi-m in a.
tailor shop in Cheeley. , I
Hensaff. . I
LOCAL Bitirws,-Among the new p3tiii7ns
rectived for cement walks is one from Car.
liale's brick block to the school house. -
.Mrs. Thomas Dick was in Niagara Falls re-
cently, visiting f i iends, and in St. Catharines,
spending a few days at the hospital with. her
daughter, Miss Jean, who is in training as a
nurse and who was oil the sick list herself.
for a few weeks, but is. now sufficiently re'
covered to return home for a rest. '-Rev,
W. J. Dobe�rty,i'; of St. Paul's church, int6d
lea-iing here t e end of this month fo
Thorndale and. Evelyn, where he hats been
I in�ited to take charge ,of those two appoint -
�merits.. The reverened! gentleman ha
ably and satisfactorily conducted services
here and at the sister charge of Staffib, ani
wbi(e the change viill be, in his iatereatei
very many friends, both in and out of St.
Paul'a church, %ill regret to learn of his
leaving, as his sorvices� have been so I able,
faithful and much appreciated. -Over 20
from Hensall and vicivi�y left for London,
on . Saturday last, to see the Duke and
DucheEs.-Tyli'ss Dean, of Zurich, w9s in the
the village last week, vi iting Miss Minuie
Sheffer. -Kra. McAllister, sr., received a
very One sample of oats this week from her
son, W'illiam, who went to Alberta la-st
spring, He has between 7,000 and 8,000
bushels. -Mrs. Shirrey and her daughter,
Mrs. H. J. D.. Cook, and Miss Aggie Shir-
rey were in Toronto last week. -At a irint
ineeting of the session and managers of
Carmel church, held in the vestry on Mon-
day evening last, Mr. Frank Reese,, of To.
ronto, was engaged as precentor for the re-
mainder of this ear. -Mr. Kenneth Mae.
arthur, of Ails, Jrai ,,, was in the village
this week, vie ting his brother. -Rev. J. E.
" i
Hunter condul ted service in Carmel church,
on Sabbath orning last, and Rev. H. T.
Crossley in t e Methodiat church, at the
same hour. n 't�e afternoon they held
service in the - rink. The addresses oil that
occasion were.. o the fraternal socie- ies, the
men occupyi6g the Centre seats and the
women the end seats. The services were�
listened to with much interfs,', by an aF�,-3m.
. blage that completely filled the ap Aclous
rink. At the evening service the attendance
was fully as large, if nab larger. The meet.
ings mill. be conducted every evening this
week, with the exception of Saturday, and
the evangelists will either preach their fare-
well sermons on Sabbath or on Tuesday.
On Sabbath, the morriog services will be
- conducted as usual by the Reves. 4vroseley
and Hunter, the former in the Preagyterian
church, and the latter in the Methodist
church. -The council have been petitionbd
for a number of more cement walks on the
side and back streets. - The experiment� in
bei ng tried on the sonth-east side of Nelson
street of putting the walk on the outside 11of
the shade trees, Or over :where the drair,s
run. We venture to say, however, th at
with narrow streets and no permanent
drains under where the cement walk will � be,
laid, it will not be found s4tisfactory, and
will not present an good an appearance as
on the inpide. 'Miss Eva Stoneman, who
had been in Buffalo during 'the past summ . er,
returned home last week. -Mr. John Tay-
lor, of the township of Ha�, near Sexamith,
left here the first of the week to attend the
Pan American at Buffalo. -Mrs. Hunter, of ,
St. Thomas, spent Sabbath and Monday
with her husband, the Rev. J. R'. Hunter.
-Mrs. F. Rae had the misfortune, a week
or so ago, when descending the stairs in her
dwelling, to miss her footing, and in doing
-80 dislocated her ankle, but is now able to
use the injured member. -Mrs. Thompson
Murdo3k and Mrs. E. Rannie returned the
first of the week from Buffalo, where they ,I
had been spending a week- at the Exposi- 1
tion.-Miis Dora Webber has returned
home from Varna, where she has been for
some weekii.-Mrs. Henry Cook returned
home last week from Detroit, where she had
been visiting re&tives.-Mr. James Petty
and Mr. James Stewart spent .last week in
nd London. -Mrs. J. R. Hab-
�.kirk, accompanied by her sister, Mrs, A.
Taylor, of Exeter, took in the trip to To-
ronto to .see the Duke and Duchess, and
while away, visited their br4her Thomas,
.. --Lad]'
Have already this season left th
garm , ent. The Jackets and Skii
vate the nobility of the fernint
catering to the wants of the I&&
Nothing advertires our business so much as o
people he - re and in all the neighl
. biien sent us this season by some
t certainly appreciate.
Md'Ile Richie, who has made a study of Ladi
1. ence in O'Brien &Stitt's,,Toron
business perfectly. The skirts i
. - I the admiration of every one. V
goods, and a large variety to eel
Gents' tailoring is booming with us. Our wo
. creased. Mr. Mackay, our dest
� and ability, gained in Toronto's
. Garments. Did you see our nei
and Alated seams ? It has cert
� among the gentlemen, We hav
an w number in town. We only
. this work, -one remson why We
f ul business. Call and se� us.
every time. Watch our windoi
- I
at 15eato i. -A meeting of the 6outh Huron
Woman'i i Institute will be held in MlUeFg
opera hi ill, on Saturday, October 26th, at- . 3
O'clock. ;All the ladies are cordially invited
toatten - .-The Misses-Rannie, of Zurich,
i 'h ills,ge last week, vi6ting their
were in e vi I
brother, Mr. -H. Rannie.-Mim Tiernantof
Credito , was. in the village this wook,
.visiting ies Yuogblut.-M-r. James Miller,
of Cromarty, was -in the village part of last
week and this, visiting his son, William J. I
Miller. -Mr. James W. Bell, son of Mr.
James Bell, is in Philadelphia at present,
with a view to studying dentistry.-AlTs -
,. .
D. Ross, of this village, is and has been
quite seriously. ill. -Mr. A. Miller, of -To.
ronto, jc ined his wife beie this week, where
she has been upending several weeks virith
her brctber-in * law and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Alt.q. W. J. Miller. .
. .-
. �
Perth Notes. �
-Thelat.eAndrew Detwiller, Fullarton,
left 865( =1 property, and real e4tate
valued at -� . � -
I -Mr. and Mrs. . John Webster, of St.
Marva, elebrated their golden wedding on
Wednes Ay of last week. I
--Mr. W. W. Ballantyne, of Downie, has
purchasqd at the Pan-Americang one of the
prize-wi aning Ayrshire bulls, .
-Mr. Arthur -Mutton has, sold his home
in Mi tchell. to the congregation Of the Ger!
man cht rch for a home for their minister.
The pri,,e.paid was $1,000.
-ThE Perth county Poultry Assodation '
will hola their annual poultry show at
Stratford on the 8Lh,, Otti and 10th of Jana-
ary next. �
-R,ev.'G. % ifenderson, of St. Marys,
has been inVitea to become pastor of the
Lindsay Methoaiat church at the end of the �
present conference year.. .
-While playing around the house the
other day, a little son of Dr. - M iehell, oi ,
Dubli a, Ifell off a sofs and broke his collar -
be ae. �
-W. Maze, of North Esethope, has dis.
posed of his farm to John - Finnigan, and
intends gcing to Ireland to spend his deolin.
ing Yeats. . I
-Mrq. ,MeLaren,of St. Marys,- While on u.
visit to friends in the Northwest, had the
pleasure' of going through the trains: used
by the Duke and Duchess of York. �
-In 4five-mileraceat Montreal,lastweek, -
. 6 .
Harry ilkes, a ores belonging to Kidd
BroTher , of Listowel, - and driven by R.
Roche, 2 von first money. The time for the
five mit a was 12 minutes and 45 seconds.
-Mr . Wm., R-orne, of Monkton, has had
3,000 pounds of honey this year from about
60 hivek of bees and delivered about 500
pounds- in Mitchell on Wednesday. This
is consi ered an exceptionally good yield
and Mr . Horne will make about $300. -,
-Ixir�,. Reihl, reliat of the late Chri-Ack-
. ,
pher Reihl, of North Esbthope-, Passed away
WedneEday morning of last week at her
.home near Amulree. The deceased had
been sick for about two weeks and death
wall notl, unexpected. A faulfly, of four -
children survive. I �
-Mr,! Samuel Good, jr., has sold his farm,
being north half of lot 31, conZession 5,
containing 50 sores, in Wallace to Mr. John
M ahnk.1 of the same township', for $3�000.
Mr. Good has purchased the James Peake
farm, lot 28, concession 4, for the sum of `-
$6,000-� � � .
-Mril James Rome, a Stratford brakeman,
son of Mr. Peter Ross, of St. Marys, met
I with a ierious accident on Tuesday mom . ing
of last week, at Breslau, while breaking-ou
afreighttrain. His- foot -caught in the state
ofacotttle guard,and the train whichhe
I wa, 0 witch, came down on him]?
sm:,s� ut to a .
h. ng bit foot so badly that amputation
was n�cesiaary.
-Mr� Robert Aitcheson, of Downie, mob
with &"very painful .accident on Friday last
He ho,dibeen engaged in feeding Mr. 0. Ber-
UsIrd's ensilage cutter, when something went
out . of Order.� He went underneath the table
to fii it I , when his coat sleeve was can htin
the aiing and his arm, below the elbow,
*asTaldly mangled before he could he r,e-
lieved. ,�
-The Conservative Association, of List@--
wet, tendered a banquet to Mr. J. P. Whit- -
ney, K. C,, M. P. P., in George's hall, on
Wednesday evening of last week, upwards
of 100 people sitting down to the repast.
Col. (,,ampbe-11 occupied the chadr., and Mr.
F. R. Blewett, honorary president of the ,:
Junior (.;onservative Association, tilled the '
vice-chadr. I
---�The harvest home services were held in
the Methodist church, Staff&. on Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Henderson, the pastor, offioiated .
in the morning, and Rev. Mr. McAulay, of
Mitch -ell, in the evening. The Chu ' rch �was
well filled at both services. ,The entertain-
ment on Monda�y. evening was - also a suc-
cess. , The singing of the Messrs. Willisand
Miss Beatty, and the a p-eeches by Rev, Mr. .
Wallwin and Mr. Beatty, all of Seaforth, I
and Wine Hotham, of Mitchell, were aN
thoroughly enjoyed by the large audience.
The proceeds amounted to over $50.
-- -,-. f
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1-64 �
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-:�" ----.
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ev!-!-O� �-
'john Spott-,
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I . from the fffects
trs4biUg V Colt ! ,
w of tbo rl� Aud J.
�Spine- te,00ao;
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J'WD found on f
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11hip, - York t
� Aleoziiea. 'Unde
1p"I.- 0f. elay.
As it$ -2 .80
'09redlexit I
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� -ba# beem.Put In'
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to i . . e ,e)
; 0 6 rb
,— +. +0 � 6 MI
Cement to
.the best Yet Im
tO 'inanUfaetU'l
�known As the
.,,nc�tlitaery A -Vat
, 1
i I
04411 wt.efit tv ev�), I
t om wh�esl Per .
Z9 bashel-
'emori bw3hel— - .
� 'astley Veir bms'!et,
'� Int"'TI, 1-0. ].. loo,
. L Wroimb
. I
. V per doz--
. JV durvVeir 100 bet.,
"a now-
.- "r �
60 � IN Di-
rrr e 's 128..V4 --
- -
I W,0,0 —- -
11 V,jtp I too* .per bue.
i $at* ,tretall) pqr t
W310d per cord Obi
W304peroord f.41
& plog pow b&g— .-
ec 6's-ror "Beod— 1��
,Timolihy Seed::Z
Pork, per 100 1!bv..
Tsll(;w, Per lb— —:,
- . D1
� - � T,.DRONTO, 0
i 8 1 120 1 11 �
L lma,rket. ItIll
I ,. -
-Comwg *the -t
r,tuff still I bol(le
- dairy packed W
� I
. demand, but pi
,,o.O,d to medini
,1501 and low�911
. I go;1tidemand -a]
so Id , and !Z1
. -- .�Offefinge art 41
. bris'k. Prices
I ,
. L stock, and ordi
';� -quiet
�ket is , ,
f;eptember, 9J
te&bera, 9 to.
,�bqri, 841 to ',
B -atter -The ti
I Hinest towns]
- cfiner:t, f-Lall. �crei
I -�
- � makes Is;. t�6
I . 2 �
Iftle o INI-finitc].
mark,et in fai
caudled aelectl
.17 to 180, -and.
. at 10- �
, ito 1610.
� L
L . 130, end iseeft.
� dozon, .
. I
'. chiclUez-as live I
De4ers &=re U111
the -V want, I
P,r'1468 -are iatei
- 4sno are quotei
30 to 4A L
- T,0,500. T-Urlte
Vffferinga are.
� ,
. . hens would w
o �
� at 14) to lie. i
� I
� I
i I
� . 7
i -
i Torto�X-X,0, (
� at . 60 to 75e- r,
about 65e vg�
I I -
. 1 7
b -
ushel, BO to I
spring wheat -
-peao. 68 to 69
to 402C, ; Choi,
,A7 ; good AIJ
-red Clovar sco
seed N*. 2. $
Par ton, $11 -
demand - and
.quoted at Sti
wpou maull
and $177 for �
- I
I States icatth
ranchers, 4.1
65d. . .
- LiYERroo�
51d ; 'sheep �
present in la�j
vood demaxid
ta-t common �
. soil at any v
will hav-- to'
ket. There ��
prime steers ]
were b �
pound, he .
- from 4 bis 4J-'
-tie sold at fr
dry �cows -at,
to1c, while,
A013 ait frDn
Sold ut from
3e per poun
- buttbers pw
� I the otheris, .-,I
31 to 3,:Lc p �
.. 1 3 to 3ic'per
61c, per pou,
4 � �
,about st�ead
aud lower -
tons, $5.7s
" 25 ; f
iums, 14.60
U 84, - li'ah
--- - — � � to!!&75 ; f
0 1 1 1 , to� 34,50 ;.
I I prime fat h
.es - . . - $3.15 to $4
, I
. A $3.90 to -
. - I Istookers, 1$
- . � .
. 1 $3.80 ; ext
air orders with as for a stylish tailor-made I others lov
-to we design and mak6 now simply capti- . . Stranger ;
3e eez, and we are kept constantly busy I Thixed, $6..
'ea. I I )
,good�-, $6.1.
. ,
ne of our own costumes, worn by the best Tought, $5
iorin towns Nu berm of testimonials have I , -Q1. I
I .
of. the most distinguished people, which we
Be' Tailoring for years, and has bad exper - i-
to's leading ladies' tailorii, understands her
the has designed and fitted thi's season Are I
To keep all the newEst materials in ladiW
act from. I
rkshop has been enlarged, and our �staff in- -
gner and cutter, is pubving all his experience
best @hope, in the production of Gents' Fine .
v and stylish Yoke Overcoat, with raw edge I ...
minly won the hearts of all keen dressers
D orders from several outside places, as volt I
do tailoring. All our attention is given t0 I �
can keep up to date and have such a sucoelill-
Our price and work will 'Make you buy
� I
'Stark & Mackay,
i -- I
I .
. . . I -
I . I . .
. .
� �
. - � . .
. I !
TI- �
� � I .
- . . �
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I � -
. �
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4� �
- ------ .--------------- � -1- � .... - -1 � - . J� 1. -
eep SM
'tops. $4.7,1!
84. 80 ; M,i
nalls to g
yearlings, ,
'The Mi .
� Du
These -
I 11
raiutn plot
-the Fal -mil
their re",
the King ,
those wb,o
f ro.m ,phot,
thronal an
f4ueen .&r-4
picture is
and beati,
gmphs. 1.
All Our r4U
-� 4