HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-09-20, Page 8BULBS
The Best We Ever Had.
We have received our Fall importation
of Winter Flowering Bulbs direct
from Holland, and we can safely
say that they are the best we ever
Our prices fOr the same goods will be
found to be lower than the price6,
asked by city dealem.
CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $2;300,000
REST, $2,300,000
Main Street, Seaforth.
A General Banking Business trans-
acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected,
and advances made on same at lowest
Drafts sold on ail points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of One Dollar and
Solicitor Manager.
Something New.
New Girdles, new Belt Buckles, •new
Stick Pins, new designs in Waaham and
Elgin watches, new patterns in Sitver Flat-
ware, new patterns in Silver Plated ware.
New Ausonia, Ingrahan and Gilbert Clocks
at new prices.
Counter's Jewelry Establishment,
W. R. COUNTER, - Manager
Now open in all Departments of the
Central Business College,
Young Men and Women are coming in
from all parts of the Dominion to attend our
School, because they find with us verr.
superior advantages.
Our Catalogue explains them. Write for
Address, W. H. SHAW, Principal.
Yonge and Gerrard sta., Toronto.
Agent for the " National Cream Separator." warm-
faotured bk. the Raymond- Sewing Machine Cotopany
of Guelph. The universal favorite, simple and beau.
tiful in design, few parts to clean, easy to operate,
reliable and durable, more points of merit than any
other separator, a perfect skimmer suitable for from
two to twenty-five cow. Call at my office and ex-
amine the "National" before purchasing a separa-
tor. Sold on easy terms.
General Insurance Agent, and Dealer in Sewing
Maohinea and Bicycles,
Henderson's Photo
$1 a dozen
on Fair Days.
3. P. IIENDERSON, Seaforth.
Sorority- five per cent. of the new students from
outside of Stratford who were enrolled at the open-
ing of our Fall Term canto from nearer other bust -
teas: colleges than curs. They wanted the best
Business and Shot Wand training and 'came here for
it. Write for catalogue. Enter now if possible.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,
Grand Trunk Railway
Annual Western Excursion,
September 26, 27, 28.
From Seaforth ta : Port Huron, $3.30 ; Detroit,
$3-75 ; Cleveland, 6.5;$Bay City, 85,65'Sagioaw,
35.55; Columbus, $3,75 ; Grand Rapids, 87.50 ;
Chicago, 5.0.60; Cinctnnatti, $11,25, Good to
Muni on or beioro October 14th. All passengers
accompanied to Stratford and peisonal baggage in
valisee or trunks examined and passed customs.
Commercial Building, SEAFORTH.
Sept. 24 and 25
See Baldwin's
Snaps in
Bicycles and
won fxpoot ov.
TRAVELLERS. —The following veer tick-
eted -to distant points this week, y W.
Somerville, Grand Trunk agent: o the
Pan-American, Buffalo, John Bulge , An-
drew Jamieson, John MoDiarmid, G. A.
Aetzel and mother, Ray Dunlop, Wtm. H.
Jamesou, A. S. Dickson, John MoMillan,
ex -M. P., J. L. Killoran and Miss Jennie
Sproat; Lorne Porter, to St. Paul; Mayor
Wilson, to Toronto; John, Britn 11 and
Mrs. John Cookson, Hibbert, to Bel eville ;
James Willis, to Chicago ; L. T. D Lacey,
to Lookphrt, New York ; Jame. Co an, to
Durham; Miss Wingle, MoKillop, a d Miss
Ella Dickson, to Detroit; Mr. and re. J.
F. Hogg, to Orangeville; Joseph a d An-
drew nell, -Constance, to PeliD•Amerioan,
Buffalo, 49
THE FLAX MILL.—For some year. now
the Seaforth flax mill has been standing idle,
despite the fact that the market for the pro-
ducts of the mill have been extremely favor-
able. Last spring it was expected that the
mill would be started again, but, through
some misunderstanding, the negotiations fell
through, at a time whin it was too date in
the season for other parties •to take 'hold of
it. This is an enterprise which employs a
large number of hands during the ummer
season, and among a class of people ho are
very often unable to procure steady ork at
that time of the year. As well as the
amount of money paid out in wages to the
employes, a large sum of money is di tribut-
ed among the farmers in the neigh orhood
for flax, and from this,we also undo btedly
reap a benefit. A flai mill is 'mit uoh an
industry as we now require in 8aforh, and
we would like to see the couriitl nd the
board of trade take this matter up now.
Now is the time to look into the thing, and
if it is possible to get it riinning, awl, every-
thing will be in readinees , when the season
opens in the spring,and no hitchea o disap-
pointments will •then prevent our rea ing the
benefits of a 'live industry.
Huron Medical Association held- ak inter-
esting session in the counail .oha4lber at
Clinton, Friday afternoon. There was a
good attendance. The annual election of
officers took place with the followin result:
President, Dr. J. M. Dunsmore, St atford ;
vice-president, Dr. Burrows, Seder h ; sec-
retary, Dr. Shaw, Clinton. Dr. Me enzie,
of Monkton, read a paper on " Li htning
strokes, and nervous diseases in children."
He dealt with the best methods of resus-
citating a patient who had received a
lightning stroke which had not prov d fatal.
Other papers were readas follow : Dr.
Donald Smith, Mitehelle" A diffi.c lty in
the _diagnosis of sinallpbx ; "'Dr. Shaw,
Clinton, "The history of the treatment of
the prostrate gland; "Drs. Graham and
Gunn, Clinton, "Medical and eurgical
treatment of •the ProstOte gland."' These
papers were discussed at length by Drs.
Burrows, of Seaforth ; Turnbull, of Gode-
rich ; Woods' of BaYfleld ; McCallum, of
Clinton, andRobertson and Dunmore, of
Stratford. In the discuesion many inter-
esting points were brought out on the above
subjects'vvhich are creating considerable
intereatin the medical profession at present.
• •
LOCAL BRIEFS.—At the assize court in
Goderich last week, Mrs. Burns, of Bayfield;
was given damages to the extent of $350
and costs against W. J. Clark, formerly of
Seaforth. This was an action for malicious
prosecution. It will be remembered that
over a year ago Clark had ;Mrs. Burns ar-
rested on a charge of attempting to defraud
him out of money due for bread furnished
by Clark to Mrs., Burns' husband. The
case has been in court several times. --Mise
Robinson, of Harpurhey, left with us the
other day, some delicious peaches which
grew on a tree in her garden. ' The fruit
has a delicious .flavor, and . from the one
tree Miss Robinson had four buahels of very
fine peaches. Peach growing, as a rule, is
not very successful in this districts but Miss
Robinson seems to have solved the myetery.
The biggest difficulty, she says, was keep-
ing the boys away. --Dr. Belden has dis-
posed of his dental practice here to Mr. F.
W. Tweddle, late of Brussels, but formerly
of Seaforth. Dr. Belden intends' going to
Toronto to practice. While regretting to
lose the doctor and family, we welcome Mr.
Tweddle back again.—Mr. John Breadfoot
has returned home from a pleasant vi`sit to
the old country. Mr. Broadfoot was gone
about three menthe. Het visited many
points of interest in Scotian/id and Eogland.
He saw the place *here hili father, uncles
and other relatives were born, and he also
saw the house in which Mrs. Broadfoot was
born. He was much pleased with what he
saw, was treated kindly by every person
whom he met, and returned to Canada with
a much better op.nion of the old land
than he had before he visited it.—
Between twelve and 0110 o'clock on
Monday, the fire alarm called the major
ity of people _away from their dinners. For
tunately, it was only a false alarm, as a tire
with each a high wind blowing, might hay
resulted disastrously.—The town flag wa
flying at heti mast thie week; as a token o
respect for the late President McKinley.—
Messrs. Charlie Stewart and Allie Bethune
of New York, are here on a vieit po thei
parents and friends.—Messrs. Harland
Brothers, of Clinton, who have been carry
ing-on the business of the late firm of John
sonBrothers, have moved the balance o
of the stock to tbeir store in Clinton. The
Messrs. Harland are enterprising -business
men and we would have been pleased to
have them remain permanently in business
here—Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. McLeao were in
Buffalo this week taking in the sights at the
Pan-Amerioan.—There are now nearly 150
pupils in attendance at the Seaforth Collegi
ate Institute, the largest number in the
hiptory of the school. The Seaforth Insti-
tute has a very higi reputation, and the
efforts of the board in securing a clever and
efficient staff of t auhere are being fully
appreciated throughout the county.—Mr.
D. J. McCallum, who has been book•keeper
for the Stewart Milling Company, and who
held a similar position while the mill was
owned hy the Ogilvie Company, has pur-
chased an interest in the business. Mr.
McCallum is a thorough business man and
will be a valuable acquisition to the firm.—
Mr. John L. Hogg, late mathematical mas-
ter in the Collegiate Institute here, left on
Wedneeciay for Boston. 1 Mr. Hogg will
last week.—Miss Ells Smith is visiting
friends in Toronto, on .her way to Port
Arthur to resume her sehOol duties there.—
Speoial Thanksgiving meetings will be held
by the Salvation Army next Sunday and
Monday night, The barracks will be decor-.
!sued for the occasion and the meeting on
Sunday night will be conducted by Adjutant
and Mrs. Lightowler. On Monday night, a
special programme will be given. Several
children will sing and recite, and the Rev.
I. B. Wallwin, B. A. is expected to de-
liver an addrese. Adjutant and Mrs. Ligh-
towler will relate some of their experiences
in the work under the Stars and Stripes.—
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. MeGavin, of Detroit,
who have been visiting the former's parents,
•Mr. and Mrs. H. MoGavin, of Tuckersmith,,
have returned to their home.—Mrs. George
'Knight, of Sarnia, and Mrs. George Duncan,
of Woodstock, are visiting their mother,
Mrs. Sutherland, Centre street.—A very
thoughtful and timely sermon was delivered
Joy Rev. Father Northgraves, in St. James
church, on Sunday evening last, on the
assaseination of Presicreat McKinley, and
.the practical lemons to ; be derived there-
from. The reverend gentleman handled his
subject in a very able manner,, which was
much -enjoyed by all present.—A young boy
named Constable, employed in R. L.- Clerk's
saw mill, had the tops of the two centre
fingers of hie right hand taken off by a
jointing saw, on Wednesday,—Miss Moran
and her little nieces the Misses Jones, spent
a few days last week and this in effalo,
visiting the lettere' grand parents an !loing
the Pan.American.
the Huron Road, Tuckersmith, a
had five fine horses killed by the
Friday night last. The horses wer
ing in a field next the railway tr
had got through a defective fence
track, and were struok by the late
'train going west. . In theslot were
heavy draught two.year.olds,
draught brood mare and foal, and
They were all excellent animals s
being fitted by Mr. Dale for the fai
were valued at over $1,000, Mr. Da e
refused over $300 for the brood ma
Apart from a heavy monetary loss,
a very great inconvenience to him,
be very difficult te replace ani
those killed. An arbitration appo
the railway company and by Mr.
to value the animals, for the purp
certaining the compensation due
The railway company's arbitrato
the value of the animals at $800, w
Dale's arbitrators estimated their
something over $1,000, which is
nearer tbe true value of the horses
viewers from Tuckeramith and Hu 1
flounced the fence as unsafe, so t
measure, the loss may be borne by
way company.
, jr., of
r analt uarn-
c , and
n o the
a pair
riis zerre.
s. They
e alone.
t will be
it will
n s like
ted by
ale, met
e of as -
r. Dale.
I rethMart.
tt t, ipro.nae rail.
ROYAL REVIEW.—VOlunteers h wish
to, go to Toronto with the Seaforth Com a iy must
meet for drill at the Skating Rink nex uesday
evening at 7:30 o'olcok. Alex. Wilson, C pt in.
Three great lines—George A. Sia e shoes
for men, " Victoria " shoes for ladies, a d Granby
rubbers. W. H. Willis, boots and shces. 762-1
MONEY TO L0AN.—$2,500 of rivate
funds to loan on good security, at ourren ates of
interest. Apply at Tlin EXPOSITOR Office Seaforth.
759 -ti
MOls'EY TO LOAN.—To loan, rivate
funds, on first mortgage on farm property. Apply
to Tim Exrcisrroa Office, Seaforth. 752-tf
Violin Mandolin and clarione
giverby Thomas Brown, bandmaster, Clue
WANTED.—A good, general se
St. Andrew's Manse, London. N3 waeh
wages. Apply to frfra. Johnstone, St.
Manse, London.
Hair Brushes, Tooth and -Nail
Perfumery, and lateet Violet Preparations
v nt, ab
ng; good
nth ew's
Alex., a
Wilson sr, Seaforth. 1 1.762-1
AGENT WANTED. —A good, active, -re-
liable man to cell Musical Instrumento. Salary oi
commission. Apply to Scott BrothersoSeaforth.
ing days will be on Wednesday and Thur day, Sep -
MILLINERY OPENING DAYS. —0 lr 1,1'706pt -e2n -
tember 25 and 26. We cordially invi`e everybody to
inspect our fine Millinery. Wm. Pickard '& Co.,
" Victoria," the new shoe for women.
We have all the lat.st styles and are sole ageots for
this splendid shoe for Sesforth. W. II. boots
and ehoes.
would like all those having unfiuished work and all
Enrich the blood, clear the skin, end invigorate the
whole system. Price 25 and 50o per box, at Alex.
Wilson's, Seaforth,
Having sold my practice to Mr. P. W.
Tweddle, who takes possession on the 30th inst., I
persons owing me, to call before that date. G. F.
Belden, Dentist, Seaforth. ,1762-1
WEDDING RINOS.—I have'receivecl a new
stock this wrek. Any size you want ip 18K.
Also engagement rings in'new styles. Prices were
never so low as now. John Bulger, Joweliir, Sca-
forth. 1762-1
stove, small coal stove, refrigerator, sewing machine,
washing machine, lamps and kitchen tables. Apply
to Mrs. G. F. Belden, Seaf9rth,
Our furniture exhibit will be shown in our
own store on Tuesday and Wednesday next, being
show days, as we consider there is no room for a
proper disp'a.y of furniture in the Agricultural
Hall. Upholstering will be shown in the various
stagee from start to finish. Special prices will rule
. on above days. We invite all interestod te call.
, John Landaborough, Seaforth. 172-1
e POULTRY WANTED.—Konnedy BrOS pay
8 highest cash prices for all kinds cf fovrl, hides,
f skine and tallow. Phone 18. 1823
, sale or to root, the comfortable honse on Goiderich
street, Emit, Feaforth, recently occupied by Mr. P.
Keating. Apply to Stephen Lamb, Seaforth. •
•'. 1762x2
spend the next college year taking up post
graduate work at Tfavard University.
Mr. Hogg is one of our cleverest
young men, and we trust that he will
be successful in, the course of higher
studice he has mapped out for himself. Mrs.
Hogg is visiting her parents in Orangeville.
—The Sunshine Miaaion Band ,of the Presby-
terian church, will hold a lawn social on the
manse grounds on Satuiday afternoon.
Should the weather prove unfavorable, tea
will be served in the basement of the church.
—There is certainly a gold mine for the
farmers in raising hogs- this year, aud these
who have them to sell are reaping a: rich
harveet. As an indication of the prices just
now,'a carload shipped from here on Tues-
day by Messrs. George Chesney and Robert
Winter, to Collingwood, repreaented over j
$2,000, and it was not a very big load at
that.—Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins preacEed
the harvest Thanksgiving sermons in the '
Iparish of Holmesville on Sinaday last, Rev.
iMr. Wright.taking the service here.—The,
annual meeting of the 'clergy of Huron i
Deanery will be held in Seaforth on Wed- i
riesday next, at 11 o'clock in. the forenoon. I
--Right Worshipful Brother Hodgins repre- l
Isented the Masons of Seaforth at the funer- i
al of Grand Master Hungerford, at London, ;
1, I
THE SEAF' ORT1I SHOW.—The Ian lair,
under the auspiCes of the South Huron and
Tuckersmith Agricultural Societir, will be
held on the spacious new growl& of the
latter soaiety in Seaforth, on Tuesday and
Wedneaday next. The Seaforth show last
year was by all odds the most successful
held in the county, and this year promises
to eclipsei3ven that of last year Reports
from different parts of the county would
indicate that in addition to ,ft very large
attendance, the number of exhibits in all
departments will be much larger than on
any former occasion. The society has pur-
chased additional ground, so that the lpiece
allotted to cattle Will now be sufficieptly
large to accommodate all exhibitore. In
addition to an unusually large prize list,
there is an excellent programme of special
attractions, including speed contests,- eta.
With the excellent half -mile track
of the turf association at the disposal
of the society, these speed contests should
be in themselves a very strong drawing
card. Don't fail to be in Seaforth on the
days of the fair. In addition to the inany
special prizes offered at the fair, Mr. Philip
Murray will give a special prize of a Niagare
vapor bath cabinet, worth $6, for the best
turnout on the fair ground; that is horse,
buggy and h_ervess. Mr. Joseph Ilugill
also offers two good special prizes. He will
give a silver medal each for 1st aed 2nd
prizes for sucking colts sired -by his horse,
NOTES. —The fruit thief again visite Mr.
James Mitchell's orchard on Friday night
last and stole all the remaining pears and
apples within reach. As the quantity of
fruit stolen is large, the thief must sell jit,as
few mischievous boys take more than they
can eat. The man who steals the Coine
from a dead man's eyes is not so mean as
the one who would take the means of ineorse
from a couple too blind to see him stealing
in daylight.—Mr. William Patton heti re-
built the silo which was blown down—Mrs.
Mary Yorston and Olive -Scott have re-
turned after a pleasant visit to Galt and
vioinity.—Miss Susie Pearson, of Grey, re-
turned home this week after a fortnight's
visit with friends at Malesworth, Turnberry,
Glenannan, Wingham and Bluevaie,—Mre.
J. Collie is visiting Mende in Kin3ardine.7-
Cutting corn for ensilage is almost uuivereal
with the farmers this week and last.—Mies
Burgess returned home to Brockville last
week after a visit of several weeks with
Mrs; Collie. The ladies were girl friends in
Scotland and have lamp of friend -
Wesley Cornell
days, where he
a 511 insane as -
for Montreal
in few
RESIGNED.—Mr. R. E. Brown, who has
taught in School Section No. 5 for fifteen -
years, has tendered his resignation to the
trustees, and intends going West in the
spring. Mr. Brown is an excellent teacher,
and hie resignation is greatly regretted by
all in the section.
NOTES.—The wind storm of Sunday and,
Monday did a lot of damage in tumbling
down the apples. Many orchards are en-
tirely stripped.—Clegg and Dames shipped
a car of hogs from Belgrave on Tuesday of
this week. Some say the -market is a little
on the drop.—Mrs. Agin is quite ill and
under the doctor's care.—The weather has
turned very cool and seems quite fall like.—
The local fairs will boom soon now and then
people will be at their wits end. A good
many attended the Western, at London,
lad week and report a good show.—Mr.
Blaok, teacher in school section No. 3, is
hired again at the same salary as last year.
—Threshing is about over.
"Victoria," the new shoe for women.
We have the latest styles and aro sole agents for
this splendid shoe for Seaforth. W. H. Willis, boots
and shoes. 1762-1
Love at first sight never occurs more
genuinely than in the meeting of the femin-
ine fair with the new and stylish millinery
of The E. McFaiil Co., Seaforth. Elaborate
display on opening days, September 25th
and 26th. You are cordially invited to at-
tend. 1762-1
LOCALITIES.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Bell, of
Hullett, spent Sunday at Mr. A. Elcoat's.—
Miss Ida Miller, of Goderich township, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Wise.—Mr. and
Mrs. A. Elcoat and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Town-
send and Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph Crich at-
tended London fair last week.—The
farmers in this vicinity are busy filling their
silos this week.
WEST END NOTES.—A number of the
farmers of this neighborhood are getting
their silos filled this week. -,--Mrs. Dick, of
Blyth, who has been visiting her daughter
here, returned home last week. — Miss
Sarah Turner, of Clinton, visited relatives
here last week;—Rev. T. A. Steadman at-
tended the financial district meeting held in
Seaforth last week.—Among those who at-
tended London fair last week were Messrs.
W. C. Landsborough, H. Townsend and
J. G. °rich.
Ladies, don't forget show day, Wednes-
day next. Leave your wraps and parcels with us.
We will fake care of them. W. H. Willis, sole:agent
for the Victoria shoe for women, the Geo. A. Slater
shoe for men, and Granby rubbers. 1762-1
• A GRIM RELIC.—John Berry, while cut-
ting a drain through the rear of his prem-
ises, bordering on what is called the little
swamp, on the Blind Line, Hay, came across
a skeleton or the part of one. Some of , the
bones were partially decayed and others in
a good state of preservation. Some time ago
a cedar tree some three feet in diameter had
been cut down, and the stump remained.
This had to be removed, as it was on a
line with the drain, and some three feet of
excavation had to be made to reach the level
and remove the stump. While doing this
the discovery was made. The bones or
skeleton were laid upon pieces of cedar four
in number, side by side, about eeven feet
long, evidently out and put in position to
lay these remains on at a date so remote as
to perhaps count a hundred years or more.
It is supposed that they are the remains of
an Indian, and that the bodies of the de-
parted were disposed of, as is the custom of
later years, by laying them on top of the
ground with their accoutrements. The fact
of the tree having grown three feet in diam-
eter, and the skeleton being found four feet
from the surface, makes it evident that a
*century must nearly have passed: To find
the bones and wood in a good state of pre-
severation makes the subject and find a
mystery for solution. Are they the remains
of some old Huron Chief? The curious have
in this a °see for investigation.
J. G. STAN/WRY, B. A., (late with Me-
Oartby, Osier & Co., Toronto,) Barrister, Convey -
Ancor, Notary. Money to loan. Offices lately ocs.
oupled by Collins & Stanbury, over O'Neil's Rank,
Exeter, Ont. 1684-tf
NOTES.—A. J. Rollins, of Detroit, was re-
newing old acquaintances in town laat
week.—Upon the return of Bawden & Mc-
Donnell's prize horses from London and
Toronto Expositions, on Saturday, they
were photographed on Main street by Mr.
Joseph Senior.—JohnColwill, of Uentralia,
has moved into the house which he recently
purchased from Mr. Ira A.ndrews.—Richard
Speare has moved into Donald McGregor's
house, on Andrew street.—Mrs. Crocker, of
St. Marys, is at present the guest of her sis-
ter, Mrs. D. Johns.—J. H. Grieve left again
for Chicago last week, where he is likely to
locate.—Troopei David Loughhead, Wing -
ham, a returned South African soldier, has
been the guesit of Principal Boyd, of the
public schoo1.1 He is on his way to Toronto
to receive his medal from the Duke of Corn-
wall and York.—The funeral of Mrs. Hiolcs,
mother of Robert Hicks, jeweler, which
took place on Sunday from the residence of
her dau ter, Mrs. Elliott, was largely at-
tended. red Hess, sr., of Zurich, the
Liberal c ndidate for the Provincial elec-
tions, e t Fair day in town,—Mrs. D."
Johns is ring a new plate glass front put
in the eto e next, the post office.—Miss Edna
McCallum has recovered from -her recent
illness, and has resumed her position as
stenographer for Robert Lang, the apple
king.—F. J. Knight visited Buffalo on Fri-
day, to see the Pan-American, but found it
closed, on account of the President's death.
—Dr. and Mrs. Amos returned from their
honeymoon trip on Monday evening.—The
nine large plate glass windows, which have
been put in the front of E. _J. Spackman's
store, have added greatly to ite appearance.
—Mr. Valentine Ratz, ex -M. P., has dis-
posed of his mills at Khiva and hie other
property in Stephen to his brother and late
partner, Mr? John R dz flr. Retz intends
leaving Stephen, bet we have Lot heard
'where he intencle locating.
at the lo vest rates of interest.
Mlle, mortgagee and deeds drawn up. Monoaned
ey l
D. Hay, Commiesioner and Conveyancer ;
NOTES.—Mr. W.M. Doig and hie nephew,
Alexander, who have been epending the
rummer months in Algoma with friends,
were in this vicinity for a few days, prior to
their returning to the Detroit law school.—
The heavy wind during the week made a
scatteration of what few good winter apples
that were left, and will mean a good many
dollars loss to those having a good crop._
Mr. T. N. Forsyth carried off the red
ticket for his driving mare, at the Exeter
show, and third for foal. Mr. Forsyth has
not only the faculty of instructing the
minds of the young, but also a taste for a
good driver.—Mr. Thomas Young, sr. olel
Kippen boy of some 25 years ago, but now a
resident of Dauphin, Manitoba, is at pres-
ent paying a visit to his old time friends
here. Prosperity has been smiling on Mr.
Young in the west, he not only being a large
land owner, but has also a good Govern-
ment sit, which brings him in a nice little
income yearly. He is Government land
inspector. His many old friends here are
pleased to have another shake of the hand,
and wishing him many more years of suc-
cess in the west.—Mr. W. J. -McLean, who
has been home for a few months, assisting
on the farm, returned to fill hie post at Lon-
don on Monday.— Rev. Malcolm McLennan
will conduot the services in St. Andrews'
church on Sabbath. Mr. McLennan has
been asked back for another hearing.—Mrs.
B. Blair, of Algoma, is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Wm. Cooper, sr.—Mies Jennie Ander-
son, who was at the parental home for a
few weeks, has returned to London.—Mr.
Alexander MoMurtrie has returned home
from Manitoba and the Northwest, Mr.
McMurtrie enjoyed his trip very much, and
the broad acres of wheat fields were pleas-
ant to look upon. As far as the eye could
see it was nothing but wheat, wheat. But,
with all these sights, Mr. McMurtrie would
sooner enjoy hie fine property here.
Three great lines—George A. Slater shoes
for men, " Victoria "shoes for ladies, and. Granby,
rubbers. We are sole agents for Seaforth. W. 11.
Willis, Seaforth. 17624
Our departments are over -crowded with
New Goods. Such an army of Millinery,
Furs, Jackets and Dress Goods aa we have
had, never before. We don't care whose
email change helps to gouge out the things
and makes more room. We will prove, this
fall, to more people thaaever that we are
the great value givers. The E. MCFaul Co.,
Seaforth, 1762-1
NOTES. —Quite a number 'f om here
attended London fair last week .—
Miss Lizzie Dorrance, tea her, in-
tends going to the Normal after Johristmaa.
—The people ot Winthrop Cayan church
were pleased to see their pastor Rev. P.
Muegrave, back with them on S nday after
a very severe illness.—Mies Ida 1oSpadden
has returned from Toronto, where she has
been attending the exposition a d visiting
friends. She was accompanied by her cous-
in,Miss Samme, who will remain sometime.
--Mrs. Robert Shields has moved to Con-
stance, where she has purchased a comfort-
able home.—Mr. Wm, Miller, who has been
quite ill, has recovered.—A large number
of young folks assembled at the residence of
Mr. J. E. Elliott on the evening of Wed-
nesday last, and spent a very enjoyable
time, the pleastires of the evening being
dancing and games.
Hills Green.
NOTES.—Mr. James Troyer is learning
the telegraph operating with R. Niool, au
.,Blake.—Quite a number from this place at-
tended the London fair last week. They
report that it was better than ever before.
—Miss Jamieson, from near Clinton, ie
visiting at Mr. Wm. Curry's.—Mr. Ort-
wein, of Hensel!, gave a very able address
in the Methodist church here last Sunday
evening.—Mr. Edward Hagan intends going
to Toronto, in the near future, where he
will take up the study of medicine. We
wish him suecess.—Mr. Norman Patterson,
who has been in our midst for the past two
months, has moved away. We are sorry to
lose him.—Messrs. Thomas and John Con-
sitt heve gone to Buffalo, where they will
spend a few days at the Pan-American.—
Our veteran thresher, William Jarrott, has
purchased a new traction engine from the
Sawyer & Massey Company, of Toronto.
That is right, Bill, always keep up with the
times. Besides being very useful it is also
quite a novelty, as it is the first traotion
engine that has appeared on the Parr line.
It appears to be quite an improvement on
the one he had before.
Ladies, don't forget show day, Wednes-
day next. Leave your wraps and parce's with us.
We will take care of them. W. H. Willis, sole agent
for the Victoria shoe for women, the Gea. A. Slater
shoe for men, and Granby rubbers. 1762-1
COUNCIL,—Council met in the Huron
hotel, Dublin, on Monday. Members of
the council all present. A deputation from
Goderich, consisting of the mayor, M. G.
Cameron and D. McGillicuddy, waited on
the council to secure a right of way along
the Side of road from Walton to Seaforth
for an electrical railway. Their plans and
prospective convenience to the township
were very pleasing and the council adopted
a motion granting the rigbt of way through
the township, Archibald McGregor dissent-
ing to motion. Council passed accounts for
work and material amounting to $729.98.
A special by-law was passed for levying
school rates in two sections where trustees
forgot their duty. Charles Dodds' bonds as
collector were laid before the council and
accepted. The elerk was authorized to
write Grey and Morris councils to see if
they did not expend an amount equal to
McKillop's statute labor on boundaries and
that this council would apply to the county
council at its next sitting for an arbitration
to arrange such expenditure. Council ad-
journed to meet in Jones' hall, Leadbury,
on Monday, October 14t1I, at 1 o'clock
afternoon.—JouN C. M onnisoo,Clerk.
NEWSY NOTES.—Brusselo fall fair, on
October 3rd and 4th, promisee to be the
best ever held if the weather is fine.—Dr.
Tweddle has purchased a dental practice in
Seaforth, and will remove there shortly.
We don't like to lose citizens like the doc-
tor and family.—Voters' list court will be,
held in Brussels on TuesdaY, October lat.--
Last Friday morning, Ben Dark, who lives
3 miles east of Brussels, came to town with
the word that a bear was on his farm. Very
shortly after a earry•all loaded with 8 or 10
of our sports was on the road to hunt up
Mr. Bear, and within two houra the crowd
returned, bringing bruin with them. He
weighed1170 pounds and was claimed by A.
Cousley.--Brussels baseball team has
been defeated twice during the past week
by Blyth team. The score at Brussels on
Friday last, was 7 to 4, and at Blyth, on
Monday of this week, 18 to 7. Brussels
should have about 7 new players in their
team. Brussels foot ball club also went to
Blyth on Monday, defeating their opponents
by 1 to 0:—C. LeRoy Kenney, humorist,
and Miss i Marlette La Dell, elocutionist,
both of Toronto, have been engaged to take
the leading parts in the concert on the
second night of our fall lair.—The funeral
of Mr Rt4trt Burns, an old and well known
resident of Bruseele, took place on Monday
afternoon.f Mr. Burns was 77 years of age
and had Wen failing in health for some time,
cancer being the cause of death.—B. Gerry,
who has been dangerously ill during the
paet week, with a stoppage of the bowels, is
somewhat, improved.—G. A. Deadman left
for Manitoba on Monday. He is taking
40,000 pounds ot honey Co the western coun.
try.—Miss Jean, daughter of Mr. Jerrie!
Menzies, William street, was united in mar.
riage to Peter Sinclair, of Stratford, on
Wednesday of this week.—W. R. Stretton
and "bride, of Schrieber, are here on their
wedding tour. Mr. Stretton is a C. P. R.
NOTES.—Mr. Isaac Wade, of Fordsvich, is
in the vicinity these days buying apple°.
He is paying as high as per barrel for
good winter apples. He bought here two
years ago, and gave every satisfaction.—
Robert Nay sold his black driver, three
years old, to a Mr. McGlurie, of Turnberry,
for $125. Next to hogs horses come first
now-a-days.—Mr. 'Wilson, cheese-maker'of
Springbank, is fitting his trotting horse for
some of the fall races, where speeding in
the ring forma part of a day's sport.- He took
second money in Mount Forest last. 1st of
July, and to see him go on the road makes
us think that it will be a very swift animal
that will get ahead of him,—Mr. John Ham-
SEPTEMBER 20, 1901
ilton sold five head of cattle to a buyer outo
east the other day. He got a good price for
them.—Mr. George Robb, druggist, of
Clifford, was married to Miss J. Dolmage,
of that place, last Wednedday. Mr. Robb
is a Huron boy. His *her, who was
present at the marriage, Ryles in Clinton.—
Our two chopping mills are at it good and
strong every Saturday, and they get a lot
to do. They are choppingptt four cents per
bag.—Mr. P. Brown shippd a car lorad of
maple lumber from Clifford last week. He
got a big price for it. -+The Fordwioh,
Gorrie and Clifford buyers roe in the vicinity
buying up all the hogs thatare ready to go
at $7 per hundred weight.!—Mr. and Mrs.
James Horton, of the burg, i visited relatives
in Brookville for two weeks, returning on
Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jacques and
three sons attended the an -American, at
Buffalo, last week. Mr. Hoag and his
daughter, Lottle„ also were there for a
time.—Mr. Wm. Wallace, of the 17th con-
cession, hair just completed ' one of the fineet
silos in Howick. He has seven acres of
fine corn, which he is going to store away
this week.
DEATH OF A PIONEER.—One of the pioneer
residents of this neighborhood passed away
on Monday night, in the person of Mre. H.
Koehler. The deceased had reaohed the
good age of 84 years, and her sudden taking
off was a sad surprise to her friends and
neighbors. On Monday eh was out in
the orchard picking apples, and in the
evening complained of not feeling well.
Nothing serious'however, was anticipated
at the time, but daring the, night she be-
came seriously ill, and before the doctors
arrived she had passed away. The remains
were laid to rest in the Goshen line ceme-
tery on Wednesday.
NOTES.—Mr. C. Eilber took second prize
with his buggy horse at Exeter, on Tues-
day. Mr. E. Gies also took several prizes -
for horses at the same fair.—We are pleased
to see that Mr. John Deichert has sufficiently
recovered from his recent illness to be out
again.—Mise Lzzie Deitz, of Seaforth, is
visiting her sister and other relatives and
friends here.
Never mind what you know about Millin-
ery, think of what you would like your new
iall hat to be, even to the price. See if it
isn't at The E. McFaul Co s. Stere, Sea -
forth. A good time to see everything ne
on display is at their millinery openings oe
September 25th and 26tIs. You are wel-
Toronto 'Exhibition and went fro1m762there
INGS,—Mr. Henry Bennewies attend -
on a pleasure trip to Manitoba.—Mrs. Moore
has been away visiting her two daughters
and her brother in Toronto.—Mr. W. Staf-
ford has been away on a trip to Toronto and
Buffalo.—Mr. Wm. Dynee attended the,
London fair last week,—Mr. John Govan -
lock is being encouraged to come -out as a
candidate in opposition to Mr. Hyslop, and
will likely consent to contest East Huron.
Being a one-sided riding, if Mr. Govenlock
takes the field, the probabilities are that
the Conservatives will not loring out a can-
didate.—Mr. Thomas Irvine has gone to
work at the Grand Trunk oar shops for a
spell—Mr. A. Ross, who was visiting in
Manitoba, has returned home.—The new
blacksmith at Leadbury cones well recom-
mended and appears to be well patronized.
—Genuine grief is everywhere visible for the
death of President McKinley. We will not
put in writing what we think about the
filthy, oontemptable Socialite, or the mur-
derous Anarchists, just merely place them
on a par with venemous serpents or mad
dogs. If they are wiped off the American
continent, root and branch, so much the
better.—Mr. J. J. Irvine has been away on
a pleasant visit to Toronto, Hamilton and
Grimsby. While in Toronto he attended
some of the meetinge of the Ontario Con-
servative Union, and heard Mr. Whitney's
big speech on the evening of the 3rd of
September. He thinks Me. Whitney is a
fine fellow and a very able Man. On Sab-
bath, which Mr. Irvine spent in Toronto, he
heard Mies Carter, of Boston, who is one of
the very best singers in the United ,States,
give a solo and join in a duet, in Elm Street
Methodist church, and he heard a sermon
from Rev. Proteesor Falconer, of the College
of Halifax, in St. James Square Presbyter-
ian church. This sermon was a rare treat.
LOCAL BRIEFS.—The many friends of Rev.
Mr. Jowett will regret to learn of the seri,
ous illness of his son George, but we are
pleased to hear that at the time of writing
he is somewhat improved.—Mrs. Thomas
Neelands spent a couple of days in London
last week.—Mies Dation, of Stratford,
formerly of Heiman, is this week the guest
of Mrs. Thomas Murdock.—Mr. Herbert
Wallis, of Buffalo, was here last week, visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. A. McKeinzie.—Mr. and
Mrs. James Hoggarth retiirned home on
Tuesday evening last from i'spleasant week's
trip.—Mr. W. HReynolds, contractor, has
been confined to his room for several weeks,
owing to ilbsese. We hope soon to see him
sufficiently reoovered to resume hie work.—
The Canadial Foresters of Court Ivy Green
Lodge: intend having a handsome up-to-
date lamp; with emblems thereon, put in
front of their lodge room, in McEwen's
blook,—Mr. Robert Bonthron left here on
Monday evening for Boissevain. Manitoba,
where he intdnds assisting his sister, Mrs.
E. Nicol, whqie engaged there in the mer-
cantile busin*. Mr. Bonthron's duty will
l e
be principslITe book-keeper, for which he
is well quaid. 111. many friends here
wish him healeh and success in the far west.
—Rev. G. H. Long conducted services in
the Methodist church here, both morning
and evening, on Subbath last for Rev. Mr.
Jewitt, -whose son was BO serioualy ill as to
unfit him for conducting his own services.—
Mr. Mulhearn, a student of Huron Col-
lege, conducted services in St. Paul's church
on Sabbath evening last.—A large number
from Hensall and vicinity attended the Exe-
ter fair on Tuesday last. —Mrs. Robert Mc-
Arthur, jr., and Miss Annie Bell, daughter
of Mr. Paul D. Bell, both of Hay township,
near here, were in Buffalo attending the
Exposition the day that President McKia-
ley was shot and besides hearing the two
shots fired, they saw the president carried
out. The excitement, they state, was
beyond description.—Mrs. George Ingram
returned last week from St. Thomas, where
she had been visiting.—The Marshall estate
dwelling was sold by public auction, on
Saturday last, to Mr. George McEwen.—
Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie were in London on
Thureday of laet week.—Mrs. Dever, of
Detroit, is vieiting her sister, Mrs. F. C.
McDonell.—The Zurich show was well at-
tended from Heneall and vicinity.—Mesers.
A. Yungblut, James ,Bonthron, Cornelius
Cook and Abner Johnston returned home on
Tuesday from Buffalo, where they had been
attending the Pan -American. ----Miss Mary
Hagan ,who ha* been in Tilbury for the past
year, was in Hensel' on her way home, last
week. Her many friends here were pleased
to see her again.—Mrs. McKenzie, of Bay-
field, was here during the past week vieit-
ing her eon, Mr. Alexander McKenzie.—
Miss Kate Bonthron spent a couple of days
this week, visiting friends, and returned to
Exeter with her sister, Mrs. A. P. Ross.—
The Mines Bessie and Beatrice Urquhart
-have returned from London, where they
visited their aunts.—Mrs. D. B. McLean,
who viaited in Toronto and St. Thomas for
two weeks, returned home Saturday even-
ing.—Mies Jeanie Habkirk was in Exeter
during the past week visiting her aunt.—
Robert McCloy and Norman Sheffer were in
Bayfield this week.—The contractors are
making good headway with the new cement
ogening Days,
Wednesday & Thursday,
Sept. 25th and 26th
iriiiiirgnmtr.mtst )(mg
A stroll through the store will reveal to you,
our array of exceptional values at every
The Millinery Department will be a fearC
for feminine eyes. Come and admire.
That is, they didn't come just as soon as we ,
expected them. But they are here
now, and if the manufacturers kept us
waiting a few days they have fully -
made ib up by sending us elegant gar-
ments. It gives us pleasure to plies&
them on sale.
We feel sure that they are right in every
- detail. Though this year's coat is so .
different froni last year's in every wey,
we know people like change and are
certainly getting it this fall.
Style says the jacket you put away in the
spring to take out in the fall te tide you.'
through the winter, will never do.
See our new coats and you will be set -a.
thinking—perhaps you'll think it wis-
dom to purchase. We'll do what we
can for you as regards price, but then,.
they are not expensive—anyene can
afford a new and stylish jacket.
Our new clothe for Ladies' Suits haves very
strong magnetiam. We selected pure
wool clothe in weaves, that look like
aomethingrhen made up.
Somehow a wo` an looks altogether differ-
ent in a -ch ailor-Made—more stately -
and certain sensibly dressed.
In a- word, Tailor -Made suits have con-
quered the town, and we have alt the
popular weaves at popular prices.
Judge a store by its Black Dress Goods..
Thera is no more exacting test of a Dry
Goods Store's knowing and doing.
The new season's best is now ready. And
such a display 1 Handsome, rich Black
Goods, blacker than ever. New
Venetians, Amazon, Biarite, Corkscrew,
Tricot, Vicuna, Habit, and a dozen.
more, more peculiar names.
For dresses, we have the serviceable weaves
—weaves guaranteed by the makers to
give excellent wear.
Our Silks must be first in worth and beauty, .
possessing high standard in finish and
weave, and purity in quality.
Our customers know this and we want
those who are nob to know it also.
We sell large quantitiee of Dress Silke
every season we want to sell more,
Our Black Silica, this fall, are going to-
do much good advertising for this store,
and the wearers will have reason to
feel proud of the silk they bought from
New, don't wait, come in and select what
is needed while the stocks are at their
The . .
E. 111cFAUL
Dry Goods Go.
G4th's Greatest Cash -
Dry Goods Store.
Shorthorns at the Pan-American..
The following is a list of the prizes award-
ed for shorthoin cattle at the Buffalo Ex-
position. They were judged on Tuesday,
It will be seen that Ontario and Manitoba.
carried off the principal prizes:
Bull, 3 years or over --First, W. D. Firs%
Hamilton, Ontario; isecond, W. A. Boland,_
Grass Lake, Michigan, third, W. D. Flatt;,
HaBinuililt,o2n'y°eanrtaaarnid under 3—First, W. De
Flatt, Hamilton, Ontario second, Thomas
Greenway, Crystal City, Manitoba; third,
J. & W. B. Watt, Salem, Ontario; (not for
cash prize.)
)cler cne year—First, W. II
Flatt, Hamilton, Ontario ; second, Thomas.
Greenway, Crystal City, Manitoba; third,
D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio.
Bull, under 1 year—Firat, J. & W. B, -
Watt, Salem, Oortivio • second, W. R. Bo-
land, Grass Lake, Michigan;ithird, W. 13,
Flatt, Hamilton, Ontario; fourth, F. & W.
B. Watt, Salem, Ontario; fifth, Bronson C.
Rumsey, Buffalo.
Cow, 3 years or over—First, W. D. Flatt,
Hamilton, Ontario; second, W. D. Flatt,
Hamilton, Ontario '• third, Thomas Green-
way, Crystal City, Menitobe ; fourth, W,
D. Flatt, Hamilton, Ontario; fifth, W. A.
Boland,'Grass Lake, Michigan.
Heifer, 1 year and under 2—Fitat, W. A..
Boland, Grass Lake, Michigan ; second, W.
A. Boland, GraseLake, Michigan; third,
D. , R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio; fourth,
Thomas Greenway, Crystal City, Manitobs
fifth, Thoma e Greenway, Crystal City,
Heifer, 1 year and under 2—Firat, W. A.
Boland, Grass Lake, Michigan ; second, W.
D. Flatt, Hamilton, Ontario ; third, Thomaa
Greenway, Crys'al City, Manitoba; fourth,
D. R. Hanna, Revenna, Ohio; fifth, Bron-
son C. Rumsey, faiffalo.
Heifer calf—First, W. A. Boland, Gram
Lake, Michigan ; second, MeDonald Bros.,
Woodstock, Ootario ; third, W. Ei. Flatt,
Hamilton, Ontario; fourth, Bronson C.
Rumsey, Buffalo; fifth, Thomas Greenway,
Crystal City, Manitoba.
Herd—First, W. D. Flatt, Hamilton,
Ontario; second, W. A. Boland, Grua
Lake, Michigan; third, Thomas Greenways,
Crystal City, Manitoba.
Hamilton, Ontario. prize, W. D.
lany ago,tniltnnm,oeadta.l—Firat
Bull, any age, medal—First prize, W. Do
is ac.
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