HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-09-13, Page 3P , � � fff . I - � __ . - - . - - - . - � - ri"I. j.S . a � . �, Drop,.3 i 0011111, I'le'lSall t. - Molls, (q. - 1.`c'V(�rj,,jjj_ � . � ! (,41.*%to1-4t . . -iOlj �tjj(j, � . I 1*4(11�11111tte.s � 11� , - I n, rgriving . hildrewa L - - � - - a. I - 711tQ4 to cl, i� . , ,(tr,,� � `:'ier to any pre- . � 1B--4�,-,k;yn, .V � . - � y I I I . '. OF I iwwww , � . , V . - �t - - 4 � � . . . � - . � ITR., % � I ! r . ! - � I � � - � I I i � - : ===== I � . . i e. , � I ,1 of ,;�annaer ia : : ; � ;,,,� the Cold of L . . I 11". Suiii6ier 7 C11 :1, - . '. y, E� r ��- I , h".1,11d �zee . ! .- N"..'e-irry oaly . : 1 A �,(, inct-t the I I � i elothin- and I 0 - I . - - � -leti-111 ill your 1; )S.1 . - I i . � 1 7 1 , _� � � - - _:., -_=L­!n=,W= , - wlila�- i�L-!P; I fie- . )frits an'd . 41. � � . � krit(o.-m. - ,_ -8 , � pecial lint - All intend F. � ,,f llp�,.(�_ � 11 ,- - � . ". I � I - A goo(I-4, and I - I I . r. Holuies - I . i i . � - '. . I � I It I �� - � , ­ ,��=- -::-_:;:�.�-- � I I �L 1� �, -tope" 1. � I . I , I , I I . � ti it I - t 1;eaver . � I �,'horold 117- - at goods ab - I a -eq.11, . . I � � : " , . .MINIATOP.- . �, for spraying - . � ale Buffer- . I . - I i i . � Z INT. I ­ � . iron roofe' j-, � q for ye&M , . � - - I I I I " . . .\ � rd t e I ). � t I . I .'saafortb- � . . - . - . , . I . � I , f j !'o 6 $310W,1- ..001 fir, 036, I I I the - � , � ee , 'n I it- jj� � . � . � 27, I I I ... - I - __ I.. � .. 11 ­ - . � � . - � , - � . . - � I . — ; I ; I . THE NEWBORN BABE, . ............... i I . � I I I � wherein and Why It Ix More iffelp- s` I M � less Than a Young Brute. W - . I . ' I i I he newborn child is even Inferior to 1010 W# : 1, T .. I , the lower aninials of the same age in in- - A A& A i � - I telligence and IICIPffflucss. A young ap(),, i ort for that matter, a young dog, is far St r P0 I better fitted for Us immediate environ- . . ro.n.g. ints I [ nient than a week old infant. But while , -AB06T Be Be Be, I - the latter struggles onward and upward � I ugh a helpless infancy and a weak 1. ][tS i - thro � . th - tor the perfect inan'the. former Purity. I : rou - i � beyond t 2. Its Thousands ot CUMS, - nev he perfect : � : brute, � As Professor J. W. 1'owell says: 3. Its Economy. 1c., a d,ose. I 4 . . "Every child is barn destitute of things . ! � i . I possegsed in.manhood which distinguish . 3EB. 3E9. 313. i . from the lower aninials. Of all in- � him Regulates the Stomachp Liver &ad Bowel* �! I i I dustries lie is artless, of all institutions unlocks the Secretionst Purifies the Blood and' tie 1.9 lawless, of all languages he -is - ! � rema-'res all the Impurities from a common. � . gpeechle-Sq, Of All philosophies lie is opin- - -onless, of all reasoning he is thoughtless, Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sort, wd � I but arts, institutions, languages, opin- I I I - I � � 40T73EWERS ! I 10118 and mentations he acquires as the I . � . fears go by from childhood to manhood. DYSPFPSIA, BIL16USNESS, � I t 'I i r 0 a all these respects the newborn iZ.ONSTIPATION, HEADACHE, r I i babe is hardly the peer of the newborn SALT RHEUM, beast, but as the years pass ever and HEARTBURN, SOUR STOMACH, , ' ever be exhibits his superiority in all of DIZZINESS, DROPSY, � i I the great classes of activities until the RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES. I . � distance lir which he -is .separated from I . � , � - � the brute A so great that his realm of ex- j i . � . t . s another king(] -,: t Igtence I . om of nature," � I 11 i A I A& � � I Science- Is one great, unending question. -- M � : � First, "Is this so?" then., "Why is it so?" . M - = � are the words forever on the tongues of AW A -_ . 6 I - her votaries. And so -we find Protessor� . . . � � Alexander Chamberlain in his -book,- . -M "The Child, a Study In the Evolution of FURNITURMIJ Mani" asking, "What Is the meaning of � . the prolonged heIT)Iessuess of human in- ? � . � fancy?" Ile finds his answer in the fol- i E M P 0. R I U M.1 lowirig words of the late John Fiske, to I whom lie 6ankly gives full "credit for . . ' I . i the scientific interpretation of the . pro- longation of infancy:" . "The prolonged helplessness of the off- J. L a n ds b o /,� of 44, h ": spring must keep the parents together for . . . � . i . 1onj;(.-r and longer periods in successive . DEALER IN : epoolitz, and -when at last the association . I . �_ Is so long kept up that the older children . ! are gi�owing mature while the younger AlFurniture of all1inds. ones still need protection the family re-- I i . ' * - - latiorts begin to become permanent. At live and let live prices. Upholster -i "The parents have lived so long in com- : ; - pany that to seek now companionships ing done and satisfaction. in' every re' i, ' involvea some disturbance at ingrained spect. Picture framin neat and,cheap ; * .1 9 . habitq, and meanwhile the older sons are New Williams Bewirg .machine always!' � more likely to contiutie, their original as- an hand. No' travelling ar,ents, and!� sociation than to establish associations � . 0 with strangers since they 'have common n.b b i gh prices. Goods delivered in:, t_ - town and country free of charge. 1, ! objects to achieve and common enmities V) . i bequeathed and acquired with .neighbor- . __ . � ing families., I I "As the_ parent dies the headship of the � I- family thus established devolves upon the Undertaking I oldest or bravest or most sagaciou's mr.le renlaining. Thus the .little group grad- 11 I t ually becomes a clan, the members of .I ­ Department. - ..whieli are united by ties considerably . stron.-er than those which ally them to We have a large and varied assort - members of adjacent clans, with wh.om ment from which to choose in time of they may indeed combine to resist the need at prices.that have bFen a matter a­,-,ressions of yet further outlying clang . ' � or of formidable beasts, but taward of agreeabl surprise to all "Who ..have whom their feelings are usually those of de -Is with us. Two fine hearses on hostile rivalry." hand for summer and winter use. Ni(,ht ' I ide 'n Ancient Ship Timber. ca: I at Air. L - tinclsborough's res nee, An Enl-lisb paper says: "NoaWs vtrk� comer cottago,� in rear of Dominion ; Is gen(,-rally supposed to b6 the earliest Bank, will be promptly responded to.. . � I ship of which we have record; but, says � - . I � Eltigineering, .there 'exist paintings . of . I E.-Ypfian vessels immensely older than JOHN' LANDBBOROUGH,' the -(late of 2840 B. C.. usually assigned M I I to tho ark, being, indeed, probably 70 � , ONT. . I I and 80 centuries old. � I � � . "Moreaver, there are now In existence In Egypt boats which were built about -- . the period the ark was constructed. They ' The Whole Ston� . are, however, small craft. about 35 feet ! I I - and 21/2 th 3 feet ; in a, letter : . . d(Tp. They were discovered y�ars ago . " .. I by the eminent French E-yptologist, M. � E`, I h J. de Alorgiqn,,i ult c Drobably funcra ' I boats'. They i 7_014xill , I " and iver- n brick va s near Cairo I I ev , � are constructed of three inch acacia and .(ranny DAvisl.) I sycamore planks, dovetailed together and - - From Capt. F. Loye, Polico Stntion No. fastened with treDails. They have floors, 5, .N1ontreal:-:1We fre(jilendy'11SC I'FURY - but no ribs, and, though nearly [;,009 DAVIS'I'AIN-KILLER for 2)(tina ia the Wont - 1 (v,h.,,,rhewnati8-)4, bli§'ness, frost biles, chil- years old, they held rigidly together after Na a, craiii-pe, and ,sll aillictions whichl their supports had been removed. befall men in ouriposition. I have no best - "These may be considered side by side tation in fia)1lT)g thilt PAIN -KILLER itf the, ' beqtremedy to liave nenr at hand;" . . . with the better knawn but much moro Used lInteri'laily and Externally- - modern viking ship which is now to he Two Sizes, 25c. -and 50c. bottles. - seen in a shed at-Christianin. This craft 1� ' . was discovered in 1880 and in a-funpral tlw.b� Z�'_� . I . mound, so that we owe both these exist - -- ------------ * ..... * ----- - �; ... . . .... ........ _._�__. . ' Ing examples of extremely ancient ships In the Surrogate Court' of the to funeral customs of countries .so dis, . County of Huron. similar as Egypt and Norway." . . . � I I * - As it Last Resort. . In the matter of the Esbate ot Dixon . Tho new minister of a small town in Arbuckle Wright, late of the Town- ship of McKillop, in the County -of Invvroess-shiro was walking home from HuroD, married woman, decemed. I morning sm-vico recently when he chanc4 I Notice ld bereby given ptirsuant- to R. S. O., 1807, ed to overtake one of his parishioners, aq ' Chaptu 129, Scotion 38 1 that all creditors having old shoemaker. "Good moraingp -Mr. any claims against the estate of D;xon .Arbuckle Bain," said the minister. ,,Ilow is it wright,late of the Township cf IGHillop, in the i county of purob., married wornar), deefaused, who yogr good wife Is not out today?" died on orabout tne 7th dAy of June, A D., 1001, "She's no' but poorly," was the reply. in the Tov/nobip cf McKillop, in the County of "W4 ime whik of sleep she's had for the Huron, are. her(by rvqp'ested to send by inail pre- - .rid, or to deliVer to Q. F, Blair, of tho Village of I loit three nichts." . ,,usEc's, Siolioltor foi the Executors, John Cuthill The miulster was sorry to hear such a and Jamen-A. Cuthill, on or before the 15th day of poor account of Mrs. Bain's health .and mber, A. D., 1901, their fall .names, addreoges s2tode an awiptions and tbo full particulars of their expVe,,sed a wish for a speedy Improve- clalins (veyiflt�,b ffidikylt) and the, natu.,e of the � ' IL -,"i , . (if. any 1 nit -nit , " . - ld got a guld k(jeu) itic-B , � held by thein. And notice N 411f I further given that- after the said last inentloped lil t_,inking if sho 0ou date the Exeout)rq, will proceed - to dietributu the .j),11 said the shoemaker, "she'd soon � alv( , , - as5ets of the said . deceased amovg th�e parties on - bo on tho mend. Alaybe if ye're passing titicd theret), ,having regard only to the Qlatims of tho hoose tomorrow ye'll no# object to which notice ' �hull have bcon given fill above re - the (juired &ndtbeo2ldE.%ccutors will not be respon, en' in an just give her frae 'lastly' to sible ior tho aosetg, or any pirt, thereof, sodis- Pill] of your discoorse this morning. I'm tributedtonnyperoonof whoke olaim notice shall nt)P saying it -tvadna be very helpful."- not have been received at the time of di8tributfor. G. F. BLAIR, Bruopels, Ont Solicitor for the Ex- Seotti,ih Awerican� cautors, JOHN CUTHILL an'A JAMES A. CUTITILL. I I Daled at Brussels, Augubt 20tb, 1901, 17EG 3 - Startling Equine SaggLelt-r- . .� A startling story of equine sigacitY : Vdbre- APen wcoals PhosAadins, ' rorneg froni the provinces. A, liors-e was , . . The Great English Remedy. ,"- Standing in the sharts of a carriage Just 12 'Sold and reconirnended'by all ' outside the local theater. It had a`wcary druggists In Canada, Only Teli- look, as of one that desired repose. Sud. able medicine discovered. &z M pkages gua�anteed to cure all deuly it brightened urj, and before it lor�ms MoSexuaAlWeakness, all effects of abuse coul3 be stopped it made a, dash for the or exceog, Mental Worry, ExcessIve uge of To, box office. - The reasons for this unex- bacco, Opium or Stimulants, Malied on receipt of price, one packaTe $1, six, $6. Om IvillpkWo , pected behavior gave rise to much discus- 8ft Wig cure, Famp Ieta free to an address' slon till at last one of the crowd, wore Tho Wood Companyp WTndsor, &t- obaervallt than the others, pointed - out I that the legend "To the Stalls" was writ- Sold In Sesforth by Alek. Wils.onj. S. Roberts and ten' in large letters over the box office 1. V. Fear, dru I gglAs. , I window. . I . . I . - . The Wronx Horn. The . Seaforth � . 1� Colonel Corktight-The blamed bellboy . I �� � .. ' I la this hotel Is enough to give. a man a . -' - spasin- Guess wbat he did when I told Tea Store him to bring me a "horn" before I dress- . I . , ed. . . � - Unjor Nash -What. suh? . I . I Colonel Corktight-He brought me a Is the plice to buy your. Goods. A great shoo horn. I Clearing Sale is:now going on. A — . Clearing Discount Sale in -*11 kinds of so Say We All. . China, Oro4ery and Glassware. McJigger--You don't mean to say You Now is the ,time to get Goods at whole sal e,pri oes for the next 15days, believe in divorce? as I must reduce my large stock to - Tbingumbob-Well, I do In the case of make room for.my fall importations. , the man who is wedded to his opinionse , . They thust. all go. Also a large - I - stock of Fruit Gems, in all sizes, and . * good bargains . in all kinds . of Lots of men who- pr�ach charity wait I'' Orrocerieg'.. �4 lbs. Light C6ffee . for otber men to pr ctice it. Sugar !fo'r $1, slaq great value,in all - . kind of Tem. -Remember that f am I still ' receiving Weston's Toronto - Peoplo as a rule bear better with theh, I . Bread every day by the one eclock ,rizht ear than with their left Par. � I train, only 50 a � loaf. Come one! . Come all ! And get some of the great I - A very sad death occurred to one of bargains that a" now U be had. � ' I � � I I the residents of Carthage on Saturday . I I I. . i . . I ., mo , tning, 24th ult, Mrs. Fred. Strangway . . - Went to Listowel to be operated on for name inward trouble, After the operation ishe A 0 ' CT. AULT never rallied and was brought hanke, a . . - I- I . corpse a day or two after the operation. I . Deceased was 45 yearn of age, and leaves ft ' ' * . . I husband add three children. I - . . : � I . I i � . . I . -.- - - . - I . ­ - � - � . . I I . - . I N __ Q, . � - nwing ' me Beiis.- . The ringing . . of LL bell is not, as a MIC, a I)erfop-inance peculiarly trIving to 1.11c. ilerve.q, but, there 1" oil(! set of bell-ringers tile ilici-ilbers of which 11TL18t klioNv 110 jG�,jj% fol- tL ijj()ijj(��jjt ()f ti'Wilor Nvould in all probabilitY be for Llival thu 111olilent of dc'U111, 'I'lley � aro tile bell-ringers of the Giralda, in �Sevillc. The Baltimore American CtV118 their iii,(Ahod ()f ringing unique, It ougji� to be, surely. . I When the city is to make inerry on � high clays the ringers climb to the belfry, and then by the aid of a rope I 0-ild .steps cut in the wall of the tow- el', CLLCII 11101.111tS tO the bell he is to riiw, and stands astride the shoulder of I .. lie brazen inonster. Then he presses tho bell witli his feet, hold- ilig on to the crosspiece upon which the inass of nieta , I is swung. I Gradually tile great bell sways to the 111uscular movement of -the inan astride it until it acquires an mo- menVam that swing§ the liammer,, , . :_ "it glentlY, and then with increasing I fir. force I of the bell widens, , I Until the air- tremb] . big frofn the (yiant blows that strike the massive a . I sides of the -monster. The incre vibl-tLti0n. of the atmos- plicre, ar, the huge .bell rings out, Nvould be enough to inake ail unprac- ticed ringer turn dizzy and fall from his pemh. Dut this is not all, for It is iwt one but niany bells that are rin I ging in the belfry at the same � - I time iti obedience to the movements .of the� r riders, and the clang and di -a is de-11'elling. NotwithstLinding all, however, the videt's bend and risc, and fall with the ' action of the bells, now . appearing to the ol�servcr froni below to bo in a perfectly horizonta.1 position as the bell rcaches the jinji.t ()f it.,3 swing and ago.in rising gracefully to an. up- .1vni'd )OSition as the nionster f4ivays bimkwhrd with another t1jujiderilig . C5 note. . . Tho niost terrifyiiig pa rt of the daring performance is the sight of �Ilho,bell-rijiger- calinly swaying tile bell w , ide � it hangs far out of the .belfry over the city; for the ouLward swijig sellds tile couilterpoise With tho vijji�er into the Space beyolid the arch. and one can see t1w ringers astride, their brazen 1110LInts bollile far out into sp'acc. . - -No Room for KlukenA. * S t. Peter sits at the heavenly gates, Ili,, hands on tho strijigs of , .the lyre, and he .9ings a low song kIS lic . I . putiel tjy wail.8 for the souls of those who expire, Ile lical's Ill tho distLince a chorus of song thot swells froill tile foot of tile licavenly throlle, * and he siniles as the music is wafted along, and he warbles a lay of his oNVI). .1 "There is room in this region for millimis of souls who by sorrow and wou Nvere, bereft; 'tis for those who have suffered the inclody rolls, but the kickers 11111st turn to tile left. "There is room for the I)ebl)le who, When they were young, persisted ill sowitig wild oats, yet boomed up thei r town with sinew and tongue, but the kicker must go with the goats. ."There is rooin for the People who point6d with pride to the beauty and growth of their. town, who kept . sjngjn�­ . their praiscs albud till they died, but the kickers will plaal4e ain- ble down. They'd say that theniusic was all out of tinic and tile angelic '' li. own,' and gown nnd ine (i ' they'd send to the il'ooll for a jeweler to . .q.,11aple the gold in their crown. So, i whilu Owrc is roQnx for it million of .4ouls who by sorrow and woe were bereft, we Want 110 Complaint of tile jjjtt,,j(; thilt 1,()Il.s, so the kickers niust . turn to Lhe left." . � . I Basuto Sayillufs- I "The Dasutos; are addictud to ineta- phor, and their niet.Ltphorical sayings I eres ti ng: The, a,r(l 1111111el'OLIS and int following are a fo%v ill coilinioll . use and are given Lis sI)ccimens'. :1 "211cli may weet, but mountains ijt�vei-; " ' -,*Do not prick zn enciny with it two -pointed noedle, as that hurts yourspif cluite, a.s much as It does lijilt;" "A njother is like the cow which sustains tho fainily in time of . droiight:­ "One hand washes an- oLlivr:­ ''A sitthig hen never 9 c t s filt," an al swer to our "rolling _ I '. -isin. When all is quiet Stoll � a plio� in the land they say, "We are sitting dow-ji building hou.4es." 16other say- ing is. "A man who is patient cats fittted ben-�ts, but an impittientnimi h,ts to content hin'Self with the fles.-Ii of a k",111 goat."-Clianibers' Journal. Tlio Hair in Hot weatlier. . ()il jj)p 11otl(l .It night three tilnes 'Weeldv. oil the following day wa, ' ,11 Nvjtjl . so,,Ip ,11)(I ,��%jtcr, 1,iij . so � and cx- ljosp to tile Still's hent, for .11:14 1111111y h(kirs as pos-l'ityle. Let the S11,11 fall I oil thc scall), It is not, necessary to I C�Xpose t1g, entire scivl,p at, one tillie. . ()I)p p.,irt may be shielded while all - 00101' iS JMVillg its stin bath, 1"ew I)c()I)I(,, nre aware that by tt skilful � ise of the coillb "(, . ,;Ll I swele , qdglitiiess can N., I'villudied, lt jS dill"CUlt to Convoy ill words a correct idea, of tile Jjec(­,sar.,� 111otion of the 11.111d, It, re - S0111 hh'S th,Lt 01111)10�'Vd ill WhiSkillill, . Tli(�� an e_(rg i1flo 11; frothy statc. -Y r(),r1l) i.,; 111()ve.(I n,kpidly and Vel , . - I � i �vitjj tll(, ri�sjilt thitt the hair gh"fY, i assilille"; a fluff�, colidition..,'But this is II)cridy telliporary. , I jmcketm With Low co - liars. . ri'lirl'IMnglish fashion of breakfast jacl(cts witi, low sa,flor collars is be- , ing taken tip by many beauty seek- ers. It j,9 a sensible tuid,. becoming style, and the beqt possible way to acglif 1-o a pretty neck and throat. Any 1jurnber of society gil-IS are ma,k- I ing a prilctice ()f linving. all their house gowils cOnstruct . ed withoUt r_()jjjjr.q, said ns ft consequence 'the improvement in the Colo" of the skin is much haqtcned. i . . � I I . . I Primitive Stoves I . n spain. I in . many parts of Spain � the , "stove" in general use Is made from. fill (.mpty petrojeum.oil ca.n., by cut- ting a hole near the bottom on one . (yf tho sidon to mako a dr4ft, the can being lined with gypium to the pleasure of the constructor, giving the fire space &ccordingl,y. The stove t.hus made, primitive as it is In its a,ppearance, is effe,ptive In pur- pose and costs the equivalent of but I a, few Gento in our money. �, 0 . - I ... I . . . .� CAS ORIA, ' , For Iamtts and W&en. . . Ths to- -1 dnal$ INS six""" � fmr� of � 0 WO-IFIVW - . I � . � - I P n � HALF A CINTL,HY OLD I A Standard Remed,l f i . I Used InThousands of Hdimed � In Canada. . AWN& - rFL Y W CURES ; I I , : k ':1 Dlarrhcea. Dysentery, ChOlera, I - Cholera Norbus; Cholera Ikan' tura, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sic�lmesi and all Summer Complaint,& Its prompt use will prewnt z . � great deal of unnecessary s�ffer- ing and often save life. i I PRICEO - .35c. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Tormt D, ORt 10SITORe PIE . * I have removed my harDeRB shop to My OR NORTH OF TH11 POST OFFICE, where I will be plo ased to meet all my old customers and mar y new ones. Gillespie's Harness, is th� best Harness. � . - A'full stoc I k of Horse Blankets, Robes ! � - Sleigh Bells, Trunks, &c. i ! . --- � Prices right and satisfaction guan nteed Give us a call and we will plea e you delight your horse, satisfy your -purel. sarRepairing a,Sppoialty. I i I JAMES GILLESPIE, Seaj)rth' , One Door NORTH of the Post Of �ce. : . 718.tf I - I ; ONENEEM . RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICI NS. Pond's Extract Over fifty years a household remedy for Burns, Sprains, Wounds, Bruises . Coughs, Cblds and all accidents lia - I zae. _� -CA . UTION-4here Is only, . , " onh Pond's Extract. Be I I I ��_ ,'I sure you get the genuine, - , sold only in sealed bottles - In buff wrappers. � ­ ___ I - . I I :� REAL ESTATE'FOR SALE. � 920 ACRE FAftlil FOR SALK—In beFt whest lj,l� 0 in Southern Munitoba. Ninet acres read y fsr, whestnext year; 60 acre@ hay. &od new stable and granary, T%Vve dollars rer abre. Feveral other i roved and prairle fartna for sale. Writo CHAS. V SHAW, Box 17, Boiesevaln, Manitoba, — � i 1767.tf I TARM FOR SALF.—For sale Lot 27, COM cession 4, MaKillop, contaiDing 100 .Fheres, all j of which is ol6ared, well fenced, underdniatd a -.q ta high btate of cultivation. There is a gool ok houEe, large barik barn with atone Otablmgj plenty of water and a good orchard, It 14 w;thiq two miles of Seaforth and with'jj a rrillelfroin 4 school. Apply on the prenitaea or to Seaf or h P. 0 � . WJ9. GRIEVE, 767-tf I — . I FARAI FOR SALE.—Farm in Stanley for eale, Loi 21), 0, noes -ion 2, containiny 100 actea, All plear but 16 aeres of hudwood bu8b. 16 Is fel a Rooq atate of cultivation, well fene(d F4nd underOrainei,� There is on the farm two barns, ,A ith 8tab)log, and 0 large dwelllng houm It is conveniently eltuatedl' 8 miles from Clinton and j mile from Baird's school4 Addrem all inquiries to JOHN McGRE001t, on thO promises, or MRS. D. McGREGOR, 2ad Conoepsion' Tuakorenifth, Seektorth, Out. 1768-tf 1 1 - ! 'Agmnnfts�_ i THR ORIGINATOR OF . ­` ` DOAN'S KIDNEY P1 The original kidney speell the cure of Backache, Dit Bright's Disease'and aU Ux , , Troubles. . � Don't accept something j . good. See you get the ge � � DOAN'S., momop M"Mry for 1001. — DANIEL MANLEY, Reeve, Beechwood P. 0. i ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, L,eadbury . 0. i JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, VVInthrop P. 0 1 1 JAMES 01LAUGHLIN Councillor. Beechwwd P. 0 ARCHIBALD McGREboR Councillor, Sestorth P.11 JOHN 0. MORRISON, 0Q, Winthrbp P. 0 DAVID M. ROSS. Tre"urer, Winthrop P. 01 WILLIAM EVENS, Aaener, Beachwood P. 0. . ,H co)leotor, seaforth P. 0. .11CRARD POLLAUD, Sanitary Inspects Le�l, bury P. 0. �, -The editor of the St. Marys Ar an unplewmnt experience on Sand& ing, which he is not anxious to Whilst driving to Granton the ho away and be was thrown out togeth; bis little boy. �Ie fell on -h; head, � hat he was wearwg prevented his hel being split open, so that the only received were a badly bruised side ' I Fortunately the lad fell on his Istl I escaped being much hurt. : I VURVAIURE OF IME bFiNh, OwN7, to Prevent and Easy to Check If Treated In Time. * In Infaney and childhood lateral curva- ture of the spine develops very readily. In s�me eases, as will be presently shown, 'the causes are very slight� so that, to use our most eminent medical authors, "It is really wonderful that most of us are tolerably straight." A slight asymmetry of any one of the vertebrm of which the backbone is buUt up or an abnormal development or lack of development at one of the museles which hold it upright Is sufficient to prc4 - duce a deviation from its proper position. This of itself would be of comparative- ly small moment If the organs contained within the trunk were not affected by any considerable change from Its proper upright position. A: lateral curvature can. not exist without a shortening of tho trunk, Just as a bow when bent meim. ures less from tip to tip than when it is unstrung. This shortening in turn neces- sarily implies a crowding together of tho organs contained within the trunk. Constitutional weakness naturally tends to make lateral curvature of the spine more readily acquired. Of specific dis- orders which produce the same effect� rickets Is perhaps the chief. I i With the knowledge that lateral devia- tion Is thus easily caused, It Is not to be wondered at that* causes apparently very slight are frequently the only ones dis- coverable to account for certain of the many cases coming under the physicians' notice. A baby can scarcely support Its back before it in 8 or 4 mbntho old. Yet the proud nurse or mother not Infrequent- ly sets it erect or carries It on her arm without a proper support at a much.ear- � Her age. I Children who go to school at 6 or 7 years of age are of ten compelled to sit on a badIT shaped bench, sometimes with no support for the back, daring school hours. The muscles become tired, and the child leans to one side, usually' to the rightar I / A narrow space between the sent and , the desk obliges the child to push be- tween'them, so that, In girls particularly, a drag Is exerted on one shoulder, or the nkfrts form an uneven, cushion, tilting the spinal column out of the perpendicular. Even In grown men and women occupa- tional requiring a one sided muscular ac- tion otffect the vertebrm and therefore the shap of the spine.- In children the muc softer bones are still more readily recil . affec ed. Parents may therefore be .pardoxied If they Insist on Rbundance of room and conslleriq4ble lack of restraint for yonng chilften In the schoolroom. Te#h�� have frequently to take the 4 Initiative In matters of school hygiene, espeolally when their pupils are from homes In crowded Insanitary city tene- ments. Laieral curvature Is rftrely congenital. It 1.9 In most cases preventable, and cases taken In hand early are usually checked by strict observance of hygienic meag- ures. j . . HOUSEHOLD HINTS. - Vo; soiled spots In wall paper try rub- . bing with dry tornmeal or stale bread. If drawers or window screens move ,with ,difficulty, rub their edges well with hRrd Isoap. Da�np cupboards can be made dry by' plaefog a basin of lime on a shelf for a , few _�ourx, repenting the process now and agafn�, , I Crude petroleum, well rubbed In, is its SIDIPI and good a pollsher;as one can find I floors Which have been oiled, var- nished or painted. . Never put soda In the water In which you *ash china that has any gilding on It. �oda injures the gilding. Instead use soap, which answers just as well and has 11 o ill effects. I Cheese -may be kept from drying or molding by wrapping It in it thoroughly wrun,r cloth that has been dipped in Tin- egar and then putting It Into a paper bag, �eeping It In a cool place. An easy and satisfactory way to re- moveldust from a painted floot is to wet a fla4uel bag, wring It out an dry as pos- sible, !put it on the broom and drag it In even Otrokes over fhe floor. All the dirt will 1# this way be collected in one place and c4n be easily taken up without leav- ing streaks of dust on the paint. I i I Th�e Great Fittys Last Words. last words of great men are al- way.91 sacredly treasured, and there Is somel reason for the belief that in. in- stances the wo changed to suit the occagion. Various dying sentiments have been ascribed to the gteat William Pitt,'and Disraeli was fond iot telling a story which he heard from 1Rn old wolter at the house of com- monsl I Latp one might, said the waiter to Dis- raeli hortly after be entered parliament, I wa called out of bed by a messenger In a [post chaise shouting to me outside the vi Indow. . . "'What Is It?" 1 said. � "You're to get up and dress and bring isomei,of your pork pies down to Mr. Pitt - � -_ So 11 went, and as we drove along the messdnger told me thRt Mr. Pitt had not been 6ble to take any food, but had said, 111 t0inIg I could eat one of Bellamy'js pork pies." So �1 was sent for post haste. When I ' arrivo, Mr. Pitt had passed away. 9`h -e`4 were his last wordm: h one of Bellarny'v pork pies." - I Benett,of Travel. . _­ _' ; TrqTel enlarges a man's mind and coi- rectsi many erroneous first Impression Thu� a man watching golf players I this 6ountry may form an impression $ to play the game he requires a cleek, aO extra cleek, a� long cleek, a ebort cleek, A left and cleek, a right hand cleek and a little� behIndhand cleek, a right hand xllce�, a left hand slicer, a long xtimmy, a short stimmy and a medium stimmy, two brassies and RD extra brassy, besides a right baud brassy and two mediarn left band . brassies. Then he goes to Scot- land, the home Isind of golf, and. sees the Scotch boys enjoying the game with hockey sticks. - � : i . . : Illustrated. i ' "How do -you manage to get rid of bor"r asked Snodgrasn an he came $1h and took a set'by the editor's desk. � "Oh, easily enough," replied the editolr. "I begin to tell them stories about U'y mart youngster. Now, .only the oiher day he said- Whatl Kust you go? Well, good morning"' . All ston* fruits are, considered to Injurious for those who suffer from the liver and should be used cautiously- . ___ MARRIAGE LIOENSE8. I : � ISSUED AT THE NURON EXPOSITOR OFFICEl SBAFORTH, ONTARIO. - " I "O WITNESSES REQUIRED. I - . I - . , . - I . 4 . I W___ . I 69 BEAVER BRAND. �1 .For . mal-de-hyd e - I A COM"PLETE SUCCESS. - I �- - - - - - - 'W W W'W -T_'r'W'W'V W � Where pioperly used last Spriug, smut in oats has almost entirely disap- I * peared. I have been advised by a well-known miller to push the sale of it for , treating fall wheat in a similar way, as. it is being injured more and more each - year. In fact, he said, he had to reject a load this season"entii�ely, as owing to 0 smut it was totally unfit for -flour. I . FARMERS ! you know what 11 Beaver Bi and Formaldebyd,e " has done for oats. I can't. say that it will do as well for wheat, bu�. it is worth trying. I know that it will not injuie the growth, the cost and trdluble is trifliDg, and I see no reason why it sbould not be equally effective. ,�� ' I You will also find it when well diluted, excellent for. sprinkling around ) . 0 heD houses to destroy lice, spiders, and other insects. I . , Sold wholesale and retail by - I . - - ALEXe WILSONY I DRUGGIST AND BOOKSELLER, � FIRST DOOR NORTH OF PICKARD'St SEAFORTH., - I - � I I I . - - 1 4� 1 I Solid Comfort , I I I . I . � /_0 ,� �- Sh oes. , . _. \ , I . I . . % . Goodyear. Weltshoes, with I I � -, . . � . . - - .. Sleeper Insole. --- . ,�._ There are two kinds of shoes, I :�__ -, IS Goodyetir Welt,, and all other - . . .,. _: - varieties. . . � . - In a Goodyear Welt there are I . . . two kinds of Insoles; one is . Leather, and the other is a Sleeper Patent Flexible Insole. � There is only one shoe that represents a perpetual comfort, whereby' � . a shoe takes the placie of a slipper in the house " or a boat on the street , � I —this is the Goodyear NVelt that is made with the Sleeper Insole. � . . . _ The Sleeper Patent Flexible Insole, which is made from,iS-ounce � . : � Duck, is soft and pliablej, perfectl water -proof, and shapes itself to the I . � foot in such amanneras to affor the greatest possible comfort. . The Sleeper Insole will not harden with perspiration, as leather .,p insoles do, and is always r'eady for immediate wear. . The J. D. King Co., Limited, have the exclusive right for Canada. : �, � I , I I - - I � I . Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar OSTS P - and Timber. Our lumber consista of the best quality of HemlWk I I and Pino, beIng well manul"lured, Any smount,of 1 Scales! Scales ! ) ' L Red Cedar Shinglem Always on baud. Bring along L� your bills, you will be suire to E!t them filled vatis- . ! . Have yo' ever seen the low, handy truck emle, laotorily. AWGodertab stmet ;;Pat 1711-tt 1� the fftrwer% f rlej3d ? It Is the handiest farm kcale . I on the markEt, and, as for durobfilty, bas no equal, � _. 4 -- The m&tertal In it is aranteed all through, and � 1' -1 � - more, there Is a guarsnV printed on e&ch scale for STORE UNDER THE I . - 10 ye -ars. We also give a Governmeut certifloate . - " 1 I I (r,om tho GovernmeLt inspector of Weights, . TOWER. I stamped ond guarant(el t3 welgb correctly, and I - 1� will wi igh f,ow j pound to 2,030 uounds. I - �; , I �4 I We, the undersigned, have purrhased a low, Qg� �1 T� handy truck scale from J. H. Whently, and find it to @M16- , �� be the baDdlest and the most meful scale on the L .; . ,;I � market for weiRhing all kinds of farm produce, also 4D � liva stock ouch as fat cattle, horses, swine. &c. : W -1 I Hullett,�-_�Valter N. Cunningham, Adam Elliott, I 41111 0 � 0 I Daniel Stevenji, James Reid, William Murphy, John i ,� . , . � Kirkoonne'l, Rol)crb Bf attic, James Watt, Wrn. A. _ I M L . 1. Bryant, Wm. Sbepba,rd, Albert Trewin, Robert 13. M J Rope,son, Charles W. Rogerson, Joaeph H. Brown, McKl:kp. -W. H_ MeGavin, Rol�ers Arch I Jcacrh Ryan, James Ryan, John McClure, Jsme3 .� ': � ,- -Mann. Any parties desiring a "e wou*d findit to I I . their intereet to call or writa to 0; , .1 J. H. WHEATLY, I , : 1� - Harlock P, O., = . I ons. I I Sole agent 'for the Townships of Rullett and Od . � MoKulop. � . - 176213 � . L - 1 J 1 . . I I . I , 0) - - . I GAINED . = *@ ,- � .... I = owle M � I I I;e N 1Q4 . . 0- I %aw = _�i - L *921ABSE :9 W "� - � , , _� 0 1 �, La; z - . I � e n . BY USING MILBURN'S PILLSs ft M . , 0 �* . . VICTORIA, B.C., March 8, 19010 M I , �, � I M t I The T. Milburn Co., Limited, . - "I " d t:ml L �1. I Torontoytiont. -, Dear Sirs,-Aptne time ago my daughter, = I . � 0� = E aged xg years, bd I — I .1, C was troubled I '. 9 0, " i * 11 with bad head- � I 1.1 I '! aches and loss = I - of appetite. ;1W a; , ,� 'r . I . She was tired a ta.0 I %, ,, and listless most � I I � of the time, and W M L' / was loosing W zrwh � flesh. , 1111m,01,01 .. 1 �03 - - . - Her system got � � badly run down, . = � � I so hearinKyour i W �=3 1es3 1 Heart and Nerve GR I I Pills highly spoken of I rocurcd a box, W 0 ft W L A, and by the time she halused them she &Z . had gained 9j lbs. in weight and is now in g A." perfect health. - M 1. - Yours truly, L - MRS. P. H. CURTIS. 00116- %A - , �" , ! I .--------- I � . I . I a I L - I I i I . = - Seaforth Millse flow& 0 .I. 4% _� � � - 00 - �, The undersigned having purchased rom I 0"te . I . the Ogilvie -Milling Company, of Montreal, 1 .. I � . the well-known k = %W) . 0 0 . A %& 6 i Seaforth Flour Mills, ': Are now prepared to do all kinds of Red Cedar Shingles* _� L I Custom Work, Full car just arrived at the following I' "'i 1� I - prices: . � 4 . � i 7 ... TO WHICH . . . British Columbia red cedar 4x per . 14 � bunch, 78c; 3x per Lbunch, 74c; , Special Attention WHI be 3x pine per bunch, 73c. � � . L I - . L No. I Lath, 38c per hundred. r Given. i . I N. CLUFF & SONSs . Z, . The very best quality of Flour given In North Main Street, . . SAAforth. .. 3xchange for wheat. . . 1748 . I I Chopping of all kinds done on the shorb A.'U - BlUe �&-_jj , pat notice. Price, five, eente per bag. The Sign of the _ _ , I The -beat brands of Flour always an handt . ! and will be delivered in any part of the Is a reminder that you need not waft � . . L i I t1oVVn free of'uharge. or inconvent cus- . The highest prie's in cash paid for all tomer in person. While you L r competii- � . � 4 kinds f tor, who has gone in person, -waits, you I 0 " - I i F"d ofraalll%inds constantly on hand. . can have a private interview at any � I1� pay station. - I The Seaforth MMing Co. - THE BELL TELEPHONE WMPANY 'L I .1 . . . r I - L Im j 10lr CiNADA. A . -1 , - I w, , - I � . .1 _� � . , :i . I � , 5 - I I I I � � I I . 4 1 1 - 1�1 11 I - I i I il , . . �, - I , I q � . � . '1� 1. .- I - I �; 'Robert � t i . � � I I I . �� I �� - I I � I . ­ t I � -11 � - ., , , 11RAft1w4ft Doug VUX � -1 � .- . � . - BLACKSMITH and mi Sgecial Attention � � I URRIAGE ,opp. -1 . to ormeaboeifig aaii - . General Jobbing. , .� I 1. gueon C, . � MAKER imotei. , ft GoderIch street, - - � - - - - - Seafortb, q : � - � MB., : Wholesale and Retail Dealer in , i . Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar OSTS P - and Timber. Our lumber consista of the best quality of HemlWk I I and Pino, beIng well manul"lured, Any smount,of 1 Scales! Scales ! ) ' L Red Cedar Shinglem Always on baud. Bring along L� your bills, you will be suire to E!t them filled vatis- . ! . Have yo' ever seen the low, handy truck emle, laotorily. AWGodertab stmet ;;Pat 1711-tt 1� the fftrwer% f rlej3d ? It Is the handiest farm kcale . I on the markEt, and, as for durobfilty, bas no equal, � _. 4 -- The m&tertal In it is aranteed all through, and � 1' -1 � - more, there Is a guarsnV printed on e&ch scale for STORE UNDER THE I . - 10 ye -ars. We also give a Governmeut certifloate . - " 1 I I (r,om tho GovernmeLt inspector of Weights, . TOWER. I stamped ond guarant(el t3 welgb correctly, and I - 1� will wi igh f,ow j pound to 2,030 uounds. I - �; , I �4 I We, the undersigned, have purrhased a low, Qg� �1 T� handy truck scale from J. H. Whently, and find it to @M16- , �� be the baDdlest and the most meful scale on the L .; . ,;I � market for weiRhing all kinds of farm produce, also 4D � liva stock ouch as fat cattle, horses, swine. &c. : W -1 I Hullett,�-_�Valter N. Cunningham, Adam Elliott, I 41111 0 � 0 I Daniel Stevenji, James Reid, William Murphy, John i ,� . , . � Kirkoonne'l, Rol)crb Bf attic, James Watt, Wrn. A. _ I M L . 1. Bryant, Wm. Sbepba,rd, Albert Trewin, Robert 13. M J Rope,son, Charles W. Rogerson, Joaeph H. Brown, McKl:kp. -W. H_ MeGavin, Rol�ers Arch I Jcacrh Ryan, James Ryan, John McClure, Jsme3 .� ': � ,- -Mann. Any parties desiring a "e wou*d findit to I I . their intereet to call or writa to 0; , .1 J. H. WHEATLY, I , : 1� - Harlock P, O., = . I ons. I I Sole agent 'for the Townships of Rullett and Od . � MoKulop. � . - 176213 � . L - 1 J 1 . . I I . I , 0) - - . I GAINED . = *@ ,- � .... I = owle M � I I I;e N 1Q4 . . 0- I %aw = _�i - L *921ABSE :9 W "� - � , , _� 0 1 �, La; z - . I � e n . BY USING MILBURN'S PILLSs ft M . , 0 �* . . VICTORIA, B.C., March 8, 19010 M I , �, � I M t I The T. Milburn Co., Limited, . - "I " d t:ml L �1. I Torontoytiont. -, Dear Sirs,-Aptne time ago my daughter, = I . � 0� = E aged xg years, bd I — I .1, C was troubled I '. 9 0, " i * 11 with bad head- � I 1.1 I '! aches and loss = I - of appetite. ;1W a; , ,� 'r . I . She was tired a ta.0 I %, ,, and listless most � I I � of the time, and W M L' / was loosing W zrwh � flesh. , 1111m,01,01 .. 1 �03 - - . - Her system got � � badly run down, . = � � I so hearinKyour i W �=3 1es3 1 Heart and Nerve GR I I Pills highly spoken of I rocurcd a box, W 0 ft W L A, and by the time she halused them she &Z . had gained 9j lbs. in weight and is now in g A." perfect health. - M 1. - Yours truly, L - MRS. P. H. CURTIS. 00116- %A - , �" , ! I .--------- I � . I . I a I L - I I i I . = - Seaforth Millse flow& 0 .I. 4% _� � � - 00 - �, The undersigned having purchased rom I 0"te . I . the Ogilvie -Milling Company, of Montreal, 1 .. I � . the well-known k = %W) . 0 0 . A %& 6 i Seaforth Flour Mills, ': Are now prepared to do all kinds of Red Cedar Shingles* _� L I Custom Work, Full car just arrived at the following I' "'i 1� I - prices: . � 4 . � i 7 ... TO WHICH . . . British Columbia red cedar 4x per . 14 � bunch, 78c; 3x per Lbunch, 74c; , Special Attention WHI be 3x pine per bunch, 73c. � � . L I - . L No. I Lath, 38c per hundred. r Given. i . I N. CLUFF & SONSs . Z, . The very best quality of Flour given In North Main Street, . . SAAforth. .. 3xchange for wheat. . . 1748 . I I Chopping of all kinds done on the shorb A.'U - BlUe �&-_jj , pat notice. Price, five, eente per bag. The Sign of the _ _ , I The -beat brands of Flour always an handt . ! and will be delivered in any part of the Is a reminder that you need not waft � . . L i I t1oVVn free of'uharge. or inconvent cus- . The highest prie's in cash paid for all tomer in person. While you L r competii- � . � 4 kinds f tor, who has gone in person, -waits, you I 0 " - I i F"d ofraalll%inds constantly on hand. . can have a private interview at any � I1� pay station. - I The Seaforth MMing Co. - THE BELL TELEPHONE WMPANY 'L I .1 . . . r I - L Im j 10lr CiNADA. A . -1 , - I w, , - I � . .1 _� � . , :i . I � , 5 - I I I I � � I I . 4 1 1 - 1�1 11 I - I i I il , . . �, - I , I q �