HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-08-23, Page 5)RE 1134. ereeted hieh he con.. ras a resident yeara, was Cheejey. the stable one kicked ,g only lived ehell, has re- thureh, South The truatee lodiet church to' stay a salary by a Mitchell in ad that Mr. rocluct of 400 iGn for North sa on August ate to repre- ,teetion. resigned his &lease of the larIes Werner, n tee director na, wha has irice the or - been honor - the _board of Young 'Monte last Friday local general has been aot- - The death of tepted a call aseoci- II at once be lectrie. etorm iota:lay night, the cower of ime _ extin- `he aldermen in consider- ! present hay - le barn o -f Mr. as totally de - machinery, anont, Texatt, The latter -ears and had Ir. Le,igh is 4h8trt, second kingham, of aek, to John atford. The St. James' David Wil - farmer, living a, was struck thunderstorm 96,son's crop 0, which only rnis in many vicinity be - .y afternoon,. 1 very close, vy -pour, but ,f the grain in ,n safely bar. r, struck the on, of Gavo- t, a Fergus. of about half quantity- of the buildings A team of oars, a dairy- Richardeon horse*/ were another mana untouched. bout 83,000 ; eraek gasmen- ute, operated lotion Com- arahiaYstruck t 2, o'clock on and went to 'Oirl 65 to 80 i members of it down her Leath of MartY re was $27W $100,000 6- paereengers. pont sixteen OW in dust. drowned la kr of the Yu -- co. r,at" Bump! u hs e on your eighbors. bole :ea. "It Is to . generous oul- le enterpriein,g Time," have if you have.00 hOWn on the blue laws and ?.ftil attention,. .Breezy Time," ..rae House on 'eatinual laugh to ewell thie etpera House, 710.1 8cib oa 175$.1 Rote, Whitt ill 1 beau,tiful, r creation of how their sate and a KHOUred that gaged at a a, the swell ghost order. IOTEL. AUGUST 23, 1901 •V THE HURON EXPOSITOR. MARKBTS. ••••••••••••••••• SHAFORTIT, AllgUat 22, 1001 fan Wheat (new), Standard fea 64 to sO 60 iiiumg Wheat per butthel,.. - 0 64 to 0 66 OA* Per 1)0311a- ... 0 32 10 0 84 Deeper bushel- — - ... 0 GO to 0 61 atrier per btrebel - - • - 0 38 to 0 40 Batter, Ita. 1• 10080- - — 0 14 to 0 16 Butter, 0 15 to 0 le Erie pee doz.. 0 9 to 0 10 Flour, ear lee ite 2 03 to 2 00 gag per ton new- - 6 00 to 6 00 Hi 4 50 to 6 00 des esr I00 163- 0 60 to 0 70 0 13 100 14 see? ekins • • • . .• • • 23piess per bueh (now),- 0 26 to 0 30 sere (retail) per barrel-. 1 00 to 0 00 weed per eord — - 4 00to 4 26 VI3e4per cord (short)... 2 00 to 2 ,26 AVON Per ?log- . • 0 50 to 0 90 Clover Sega 6 00 to 7 60 Timothy Seed- 1 26 to 2 50 Pork, per 100 - 7 60 to 800 low, -per lb- - — 04. to 0 05 Dairy Markets. TORONTO, AugUst 20—Butter—Offeringe are still large andaprices unchanged.: Choice tubs, palls and crocks sell at 16 to 17o, and -common to modern grades bring 12 to 150. Pound roils are in good demand at 17 to 18ce .Creamery is active and in good demand at 210 for prints and 20io for solids. Eggs— Good select stock is in demand. Prices are firm at 120 for pick of the market, and keld fresh are barely steady at 11 to 11.1,c. Culls ass selling at 7 to 80. Morratara Auguet 20—Cheese—There is agood deal of difference of opinion as to values, but we quote finest Ontario og to 91,c, and fineat Quebecs, 9',1 to 9o. Butter —The butter market continues firm in tone, bat business was light. Finest creamery is held stiff at 20:j to 21-o, and under grades all the way from 1812 to 191o. Eggs—The tone •is firm and the demand fair. We quote: 'Candled stook at 12 to 12c; straight re• oeipts at 11 to llio, and No. 2 eandled stock at 9i to 10io per dozen. CANTON, N. Y, August 19—At Saturday's board large cheese sold at 9e ; _twine, 9i -a Batter, 20 to 21 --cc • ruling price, 20c. AIORRISBURG, Ontario, August 19—On Saturday 500 boxes of cheese were boarded; price for white 9ke, colored, 9:4c. All sold on kerb; white 9 3 16c, colored Linea, N. 1%, A.ugust I9—At the Utica Dairy Board of Trade to -day, the offerings of cheese were,r1,200 lots of 9,024 boxes. Large cheese sold at N . to 93, ruling at 90. Small cheese at he.' Creamery butter, in tuba, sold at 20 to 21c; bulk at 210; prints, at 22 to 23c. Live Stock, Markets. Losoos, England,. August 20—United States cattle, qc1 ; Canadians, 6d ; sheep, '6d. Livanroora August 20—Canadian cattle, 6c1 ; sheep, 5,td,Trade fair. • MONTREAL, August 20—Trade was slow, excepting for the best cattle, and a number • of good, large eteere were bought by ship-. pers at from 4.c to 4i!c per pound; a few choice, small cattle were; bought by the butchers at the same raf,es. Pretty good -anirnala solcl at from 3.k to pc per pound ; common, dry cows and thrifty young stook from 2i to ato do., while the 'leaner eowe and small bulls sold at from 2 to 215a per _pound Calves sold at :tom 82 to $1...? each. Shippers paid from to :lie per pound for good, large sheep, and the butchers paid about 3e per pound for the others. Lambs sold at from $2,25 to 83,75 each.- Fat hogs sold at from 6 to 7+0 per pound, weighed off the cars. BCFE.A.LO, August 20—Cattle—In slow de- mand for all grades, and fully 10 per cent. lower for best grades ; good to best export steers, $5.50 to $5,80 ; good to choice ship- ping de., $5.40 to 5.50;$fairly good to choice fat medium do., $5•15 to $5 35 ; ehoice to extra fat cows, $4,25 to $4.75 ; oommon to good do., $3 to 83.10'export hulls, choice, $4.15 to 84.25 ; good butchers' bulls'$3.60 to $4 ; thin sausage bulls, $3.15 to $3.60. Hogs—Slow and about steady, except for grassersT hogs were 5 to 20e lower td -day ; fair to choice Yorkers' $6 to 3(3,10; mixed packers, $6,15 to $6.20 ; Med- ium heavy, 36.20; choice heavy, $6,20 to 36.95; grassers and dairy fed, $5 80 to $6. Pigs—Good to ohoice, $5 80 to $6 '• roughs, $5.25 to $5.50; stage, 84.25 to $4.60. Sheep and Lambs—Slow and 15 to 25c lower for best Iambs ; spring lambs, choice to fancy, 85.50 to $5.65 ; fair .to good, $5.15 to 85.40 ; common to good culls, $2 75 to $5 ; yearling Iambs, 83,90 to $4.10 ; fair to good, $3.25 to 33.75; culls and oommon, $1,50 to $3 ; handy wethers, $3 75 to 34.; fair to extra, $3.25 to 84 25, TORONTO, August 21.-0 attle,---gxport - --Choice late of export cattle are worth from • 84.85 to 85.124 per cwt., while lights are worth $4 40 to $4,80. Bulls—Heavy export bulls sold ab $4 to $4.25 per cwt., while light export bulls sold at $3.60 to $3.75. Butchers' Cattlea-Choice picked lots of butehers' °Attie, equal in quality to the best exporters, weighing 980 to 1,125 pounds each, sold at $4.40 to It 60. Loads of good betehers' cattle are worth 84 to $4.25, and medium butchers' mixed cows, heifers and steers, $3.60 to $;3.75 per owt. Export Cows—Choice export eows sold at $3.75 to $4 per owt. Butchers' Oattle—Com- -mon butchers' cows, $3 to $3,15, infer- ior cows, $2.50 to 82.75. Heavy Feed- ers—Heavy steers, weighing from 1,100 to 1,200 pounds each, of good breeding quali- ties, are yrorth $4.25 per cwt. Light Feeslers—Steers, weighing from 900 to 1,000 pounds eaoh, sold at 83.25 to 83,40 per cwt. Buffalo Stockers—Yearling steers, 500 to 800 pound* eaah, sold at $3 to $3.25, and off colors and those of inferior quality at $2.50 per owt. Miloh Cows—Twelve cows and epringers were sold at $25 to $45 .eaoh. Calves—Cares were sold at from $2 to $10. Sheep—Prices firm at $3.50 to $3.65 for -ewes, and 82.50 to $3 per cwt. for bucks. ,Spring Lambs—Prices firtn at $2 50 to $4 each, and $4.25 to 35 per cwt. Hogs—Best • eelect bacon hogs, not less than 100 nor more than 200 pounds eaoh, unfed and un- watered off oars' sold at 87.25 ; lights, 36.75, and fats at$6.75. Unculled oar lots of hogs sold at about 87 per cwt. SALE REGISTER. OnSaturday, August 31st, at 2 o'clock p. at the Ciommercial Hotel, Seaforth. Kxtensive Sale of Land, tie Estate of the late , Christopher Dale. F. Hohnested, Solicitor; Thomas Brovan, Auctioneer. On Monday, September 2nd, at 1 o'clock p. 91., on Lot 10, Oonceseion 7, Tucker - smith. Extensive Sale of Farm Stock and Implements. James Hudson, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. On Friday, Auguet 301h, at 2 o'clock p. ra., 4t the Comnaercial Hotel, Seaforth, A Lao' o Farm of 100 acres, Lot 30, Coa- °esti 10, MoKillop. John Cahill, Ex. mite llamas Brown, Auctioneer. On :ay, August 30th, at 12:30 o'clock p. m., Oromarty, valuable household fur- . niture, hordes, cows, etc. James Hislop, troprietor ; James Jones, auotinneer. mirmaimmomm THE GREAT CASH STORE New Dress Goods For F-aII. Several large Shipments received last week. Now is the time to get the most fashionable Textures, Pat- terns and Shades in the market at right prices. D. M. McBEATIL BLYTH - - ONT. • 1744-52 FALL SHOWS. Industrial. Toronto, August 26-Septeinbor 7. Western Fair, London, September 6-14. Guelph Central, Guelph, September 17-19. East Huron,-Brussele, October 8-4; Howick, Gorrle, October 12. Turnberry, Wingham, September 26-27. Hamilton, September 10-12. Northern, Walkerton, September 18-19 South Huron, Seaforth, September 24-25. Centre Bruce, Paisley, September 24-26. East Wawanosh, Belgrave, October 1-2. Dungannon, October 10-11. Mitchell, September 26-27. Sonth Perth, St. Marys, Ocitober 1-2. North Perth, Stratford, October 8-9. LuoknowiOctober 2-8. Morris, 13lyth, October 8-9. Hey, Zurich, Septernbef18-19. Stephen and Usborn ter, September 16747. Of Great Northwester " Joh, October 1-2. Kline, Atwood, Se her 24-26. tiethwel, Ootober 1.--2. - - North Middlesex, Ansa Craig. September 19,-20, , 41.11MENNIMM111.1111111111111110•11111111A111111 THE CANADIAN Bank of Commerce 1 CA PIT'A L PA! D UPI Eight Million Dollars $8000 000. Rest, - - - $2,000,000. SEAFORTH 'BRANCH. A general Banking business tran- sacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, and spepial attention given to the collection of Sale Notes. SAVINGS BAN K.—I nterest allow - ed on deposits of $1 and upwards. Special facilities for transaction of business in the Klondike District. • Money Orders, paYablesat any bank, issued. at the followleg rates :- Under $10 .08 820 to $80 .12 81.0 to 820 .10 880 to 850 .14 F. HOLMESTED F. 0. G. MINTY, Solicitor. ' Manager. •1624 131Ith8. 13RADWIN-In Blyth, on .August 1211), the Wife of Mr. A. E. Bradvien, of a daughter. POPE -In Wroxeter, Auguet fith, the wife of Mr. Donald C. Pope, of a daughter. ROSS -In Bruesets, on August 10th, the wife of Mr. - D. C. Ross, of a daughter. STUMPF-At the Bronson.line, Hay, on.August 9th, the wife of Mr. M. Stumpf, of a daughter. ROGERS-In East Wawanosh, on August 61h, the wife -of Mr. J hn Rogers, of a son. NEIL -in Contralta, on Augu3t llth, the wife of Mr. James Neil, of a daughter. REDSIAN-InHay, on August 13111, the wife of Mr. Charles Redman, of a daughter. OESTREICHER-In Stephen, !op August Ilth, the v,ire of Mr. Herman Oeetreleher, of a dairghter. ese Marriages. COLBERT-McLEOD-At the mango; Eginondvillo, . on August 21e1, by Rev. N. Strew, B. A., Mr. Arthur N. Colbert; of Seaforth, to Miss Flora A. McLeod, of Egmondville, LEISHMAN-e-OfAINS-In-East Wawenosh, on Aug. ust 18th, by Rev. Mr, McQuillan, elhe Sarah L , daughter of Mr. R. Leishman, to Mr. Joseph Mains, of Aroolo, Assioabola. RAE—DARKER—In Thorold, on August 144h, by Rev, J. Kay, Mr. R. B. Rae, of Wiegham, to Mimi Maggie Dilator, of Thorold. DAV;£1-POMEROY-In Wingharn, on August 7th, by Rev. E. 3, Ohegwin, Mr. W. Bertram Dale, of Cartwright, Manitoba, third ion of Mr. W. S. Davis, .cf Clintoretollise Mildred Maud Pomeroy, of Woodstock, daughter of Mr. S. Pomeroy, cf Detroit, FAIR-IRWIN-In Clinton, on -Auguet 14111, at the rm esidence cf the bride's parents, by Rev. Jaes Hamilton, of Londesboro, Mr, Norman Fair to elks Li ante, third 4sughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ilicherd Irwin. -Deaths. MORRIS -On Atignet16th, at Ores:Ai-it rood, Toronto,Guorgena Eli" wife cf Mr. Massey Mor- rie, formerly manager of the Canadian Bank cf Commerce, Seaforth. WEIR -In Turnherry, oo Aligns.; 131h, Jane, wife.of - Mr. Robeit Weir, aged 55 years. The Sign of the Blue Bell •Is a reminder that you need not wait or inconvenience yourself to see a* cus- tomer in person. While your competi- tor, who has -gone in person, waits, you can have a private interview at any • pay station. i THE BELL TELET'HONE bO'MPANY OF CANADA. In the Surrogate Court -of the County of Huron. ./mm•••••••=•••••••.. In the matter of the guardianship of the infant children and infant grand- children of Andrew Reid, late of Corn - duff, in the • Province of Assiniboia formerly of the TOwnship of Hullett, Farmer, deceased. eotloe is hereby given'that after twente days from the first publioation of this notice, application will be made to ehe Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, oia nehalf of the Toronto General Trusts • Corporation, for an order appointing the said`Orer- poration guardian. of Thomas Russell Reid, Sare,te Reid, Wesley Lovett Reid ' and Margaret Reid the infant children of the said Andrew Reid, deceased, and also Martha Jane McBtine, infant grandchild of the said Andrew Reid, de- ceased, The Toronto General Truett; Corporation, F. HOLMESTED, theft Solicitor. Dated at Seeforth, August 20th, 1901. 1758.3 PLUMS. Largeet stook of Plums in the °aunty, probably 3,000 baskets, of choicest varieties, sold direct bo you from tho tree at right price!. Also a lot of pears, beet kinds. About 100 baekets of peaches, later kInde. Over one ton of No. 1 honey for saic. C. HOARE, Proprietor, Clinton, Ont. 1758-4 Stock For Sale. The following Stock is offered for sale on easy terms: • Heeszs.-One span of working horses, ono heavy draught breeding mare, 6 years old, suppome to be In foal to an imported horse',000 very superior driving mare, coming four, well broke and thorough- ly reliable. Came. -Five young cowa, with calves at foot; 4 steers coming three. CallILIA0a.-One three created covered marriage. The etoeic is all good and in good condition. Apply to S. RA.NNIE, Zurich. 1758x4 NOTICE. "The Ditches and Watercourses Act, 1894." --- . Township of Maleillop Sittings of the Court of Appeal to ,bo holden by His Honor Judge Masson at the Council Chamber, in the Town of Seaforth, on Tuesday, the 1 Oth cl;ty of September, 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, in tho matter of the appeal of John B. Aitcherson troll the award of F. W. Farncomb, C. E., engineer for the Townehip of McKillop, in reference to a ditch to be improved on Lots 24, 26, 28, 27, Conoession 9, and Lots 20 and 27, Conceasion 10. All parties interested are re. quested to attend and to give evidence concerning the same. Given under the treat of the geld Town- ship this 23nd day of August, 1901. • JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk. 1758-8 I3LACKSMITHING. --- - Having purchased the Blacksmithing business and property in the Village of Leadbury, I wish.to announce to the people of the surrounding country that I will be reedy' on or about the 28111 day of August to attend to their wants in the line of Bleck- smithing in all its departments. Trusting by prompt attention to business and gcod work to receive a shard of their patrcn ego. 1758x2 A. McGREGOR. • Courtof Revision. • Notice is horebY given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Or. tsrio VotersLists Aet, by His Honor, the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Council Room, Seafolth, on the 11111 day of September, 1901, at 10 o'c oak a. in,., to hear and determine the eeveral complaints of errors and omission in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Seaforth for 1901. All persone having business at the Court aro required to attend at the said time and plaoe. WM. num Clerk of Sosforth. Dated thie 22nd day et August, 1901,.. • 1758-1 MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan at 4/ per Cent on good farm &sour. ity. Apply to JAS. L. KILLORAN, Barrister, Bea forth. 1712-0 IMPORTAgal NOTI•ES. TEAOHERS WANTED. -Wanted for School See - tion No. 4 Stanley, two teachers, either male or female, to tf itch north and south echoole, holding second cease professional oertificate. Doties to corn - MOW° Jantuo, let, 1902. Applicat ons received up to October 10th, state salary expected. Personal op- pplisation to trustees preferred' THOMAS NICHOL- SON, Hayfield P. O. 1758x4 VARA! FOR SALE,—Fartu in Stanley for sale, Lot 17 20, Cionoesrion 2, containing 100 acres. All clear but 15 acres of hardwood bush. is in a good state of oultivetion, well fenced and underdrained. There is on the farm two barns, with stabling, and a large dwelling house. is ()conveniently situated, • 8 miles from Clinton and / mile from Baird's sohdol. Address all inquiries to JOHN MoGREGOR, on the premises, or MRS, D. MaGREGOR, 2nd Canceesion, Tuekeremith, Seaforth, Ont. 1768.11 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IM. PLEMENTEL-Mr. Thomas Brown has re. caved instruotiOns from Mr. James Hudson to sell by public auction on Lot 10, Conceeelon 7, Tucker. emith, on Monday, September 2nd, 1901, at one &cloak m , the following property, viz: Horses. -One team ot working horses, 1 filly corning 2 years old got by Royal Statesman, 1 blood colt coming 2 years old gob by Rumor Jr., 1 blooe sinker gob by Rumor Jr.'1 roadster coming 3 years old. Cattle.- Three ,n11311h cows supposed to bo in calf, 2 heifers to calve this fall, 2 heifers to oalvo in the spring, 7 steers coming 8 yeses old, 2 -heifers corning 2 years old, 1 sbeer corning 2 years old, 10 feeders, 8 spring calves, 1 brood sow and 2 'sp,ing pigs. Implements. -One Frost & Wood binder nearly new, 1 Doering mower, 6 foot out, nearly new; 1 sulky hay rake, Maxwell, nearly new ; 1 disci harrow, Windser make, nearly new ; 1 te rive hoes seed drill, Oshawa make, neatly new ; 1 fanning 01111, Chathem make, nearly new; 1 -set iron herr° ,ve, 1 single plow, 1 two furrow plow, 1 root puiper, Maxwell make, nearly new ; 1 new wheelbarrow, 1 set of team harness nearly new, 2 set of °Ingle harness, 2 top buggies, 2 cuttere, 1 wagon box, 2' dozen new grain bags, shovels, forks, about 60 hens, and other small articles too nunoerous_ to mention. Tenno.-All sums ot $6 and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months' °radii will be given by furnishing approved joint note!. A dis- count of 5 per cent. will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. JAMES HUDSON, Proprietor; THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. 1768.2 Voters' Lists Court. --- Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to "The Ontario Yobere' Lists Act," by Hie Honor the Judge of -the County Court of the County of Perth, at licKenna're Hall, Dublin, on tho flixth day of September, 1901, at ten o'clock, to hoar and determine the several complaints of errors and oniissions in the Voters' List -of the Municipality of Hibbert for 1901. All persons having brniaess at the Court 'are required to attend at the said time and place. JAMES JORDAN, Clerk of Bald Munieipality, Dated the 1910 day of August, 1901. 1758-8 Notice to Creditors. In the Estate of Thomas Rose, late of the Village of Brimfield, in the County of Huron, Station Agent, deceased. Notice is hereby even pursuant to the Reviled Statutes cf Ontario, 1897, Cbapter .129, that- all oreditors and olihers having claims against the Mato of ' the above named Thomas It( se, who died on or about the 1710 day ot March, 1001.eat the Village of Brucefield, in the County of Huron, aro required to deliver or send by post paid to John T. Rose, Station Agent, Peisley,. Ontario, the admin- istrator of the property of the, said deceased, a statement in writing, containing th Ir names and addresises and full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the securities, if any, hold by them, on or before the 7th day of September, A. D , 1001. And further take notice, that atter said date the said Administrator shall proceed to distribute the assets of the saki estate among tbe parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the alarms of which he shall then have notioo, and tho said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets, nor any part the'cof, to any person or pinwale of whose claim he has no notice at the time of such distribution. JOHN T. ROSE, Paisley, Adminletrator ; BURGESS & BURGESS, Paisley, Ont., Solicitors for said Ad. ininistratoe. Dated thie 141h day of August, A, D,, 1901, 1768.2 • Auction Sale OF VALUABLE Village Properties. There will be offered for sale at public, auction on the promisee, by B. 3. Phillips, Auctioneer, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 241h, at 2 o'clock p. m., the following proportion in the Village of Howell : Parcel 1, -Frame building for- merly occupied as a confectionery gore, with dwelling rooms in oonneetion and bake oven in rear. This property has a frontage ot.22 feet on King - street, in the most central part of the business portion of Hensel'. 4;40.1 opening for a geed baker. ; Parcel 2.-A frame shop now occupied as a -bicycle emporium, 22x62, with first.claes stone foundation and excellent collar full size of building. Parcel 8. -Frame dwelling..heuse at the rear of the above described properties, fronting on Richmond street south.• This property has a good stone foundation and cellar. There Is alsci a frame stable on • the premises. The above properties will be offered for sale on reasonable terms. Further par. ticulars may be obtained from the undersigned. GEORGE INGRAM, Hensall, Ontario; B. S. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. Dated this 7th day of August, 1901. 1768-1 MoKINN ON & 131.1-"Y-TEr_ Our Great Clearing Sale Nearing It's End. Before many days the unusual offerings which have made it the most sue- ccesful sale of the kind we have ever held and the talk of the town, will be en- tirely closed out. This "ad" is published to call attention to the sale so that no one customer will miss a share of the bargains we are offering. Very soon we expect our new Fall Goods, in fact some of our new Dress Goods are here now, when our store will be piled high with new and desirable goods. It will pay you to watch our ads so you will be posted in regard to our new stock.. We quote a few prices below-togive you an idea of the values offered.: Factory Cotton, yard wide, heavy weight, worth Sp, for 5o. New prints, light and dark colors, regular 8c, for 5o. Prints, light and dark ciolors, no dressing, regular price 12,10 and 14o, for 100. White Honey Comb Quilts, full size, worth $1.25, for $1. Best Standard Shirtihg, guaranteed best iudigo blue, regular price 14o, for 12;0, Dress Goode, in plain( Cashmere and small checks; 40 inches wide, regular price 25o, reduced to 15o. Flannelette, in fancy checks and stripes, worth 70, for 50. Ladies' Shirt Waists, In fine percale in fancy stripe and checks, detaehed collars, worth 60c, for 42o. Ladies' Wets, in all sizes, at 5c, 8o, 10o, 15o, 25o, and 50or. Printed Muslim, fast oolors, worth 10c, for So. Printed Dimities, worth 19ic and 15c, reduced to 80. THE BEST IS BETTER THAN EVER. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, CHATHAM, ONT. Canada's greatest School of Shorthand and Bust. nese training. FALL TERM RE.OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT. 3. • 29 yeers of suceessful work is our record. The past year the mot successful in the history of ours0413e0hf000Lur pupile sleoured good positions during the 12 months ending June 86, 1901. Results are, the grand test to apply to the work of any &boo!. If 11 torested, write for the handsomest catalogue issued by any Business College on the oontinent, and for a list of where these 304 pupil's were placed. Within the past few days we have received three calls to supply commercial terwhers for other colleges, bes.des severe! coatis Loin business houses for office help, The graduates of this Bohol' are not to be found anywhere seeking tpositions in vain. It will pay the intending attident to keep this point in view. We pay the railway fare up to 88 to student° frbm a di aae Goodboard at 82.50 per week for gents aril $2 for ladies. - If you htve not seen our catalogue you are not yet" familiar with the best Canada has to offer in the line of BUS10688 or Shorthand training, Write for it. D. McLACHLAN & CO,, Chatham, Oat, 1754 Seaforth's Leading Shoe Store New Fall Styles OF.THE SLATER SHOE. With' all our experience in the shoe business, we believe the Slater shoe to be the most modern, the finest finished, the easiest fitting and best wearing gentleman's uhoe in Canada to -day. Slater shoes are made only from the best brands of leather—box calf, wax calf and kidduck—and every pair Good- year welted, vvhioh i an exact repro- duction of hand sewn. Slater shoes are made in twelve different shapes and five widths, so that you have.no trouble to get a perfect fit if you wear them. The genuine Slater shoe always has the name and price stamped on the sole in a elate frame, and are sold all over Canada at the one price -33.50 and $5 a pair. Our firet shipment of new Fall tyles arrived this week, and .we invite you to oall and, see these Slater shoes, which !Ire sold only in Seaforth by deermitai iii•.\\‘` -"1"`' SEAFORTH ,SOLE -LOCAL AGENTS FOR, "thee SiticaRir 'Mule '7 0A-811 .A.1\T3J ONE PRICM- McKINNON & CO., BLYTH. Great Closing Salo OF HARDWARE Stoves, Tinware, Graniteware, Etc., Etc. Johnson Bros. Old Stand, Seaforth. AAAAAANWWWWAAAAAAW1 This will be the last chance to secure such bargains, as all will be cleared out next month. A sample of a few prices, everything in the store on the same basis. Truly these are bargains : Barbed wire, $3 per cwt. Coil spring wire, $3 per cwt. Spades and shovels 68c Peerless machine oil, 250 per gallon Black machine oil, 150 per gallon Cylinder machine oil, 600 per gallon All sizes Manila rope'12o per pound Axle grease, 5o per box A few sets of Mrs. Potts' irons, 6so One-third the price off all whips gope ties, with snaps, 7e or 4 for 25c 24 -inch fly screen, 10o per yard One only, 16 -inch lawn mower, $2 25 250 trays for 18o 40o trays for 28c 450 trap' for 32c One only,,$3.50 hall lamp for $2.25 Two only, $3 hall lamp for $1.85 One only, $3 hall lamp, Ruby, 82 One only, $2.50 hall lamp for $1.75 All tin and granite ware from 25 to 30 per cent. less than regular prima : • A great snap on stoves -4 $22 No. 9 Hustler, wood cook, for $13 A $21 No. 9 Atlas, wood cook, for $12 A $23 No. 9 Family Jewel, for $15 A $23 No. 9 Grand Jewel, for $15 A $25 No. 9 Good Cheer, for 817 $28 No. 9 G-ood Cheer range, coal and wood, for $20 10c scrub brushes for 5c 30c butcher knives for 20o 25 per cent. discount off all table and pocket cutlery and scissors All steel carpenter hammers for 33c 50c lanterns for 350 850 cold blast lanterns for 65c 20 per cant. diacount off all paint brushes $3.50 clothes wringer for $2.48 30e, door mats for 20o 9 -inch fence plyers for 33o 10-inoh fence plyers for 38e Robertson's mixed paints, new stock, per quart 30c 25o kalsomine, all colors, 12c 50o alabastine for 25o 75o hand saws for 58c $1.50 horse clippers for $1,20 $2 home clippers, ball bearings, for $1.55 65c meat saws for 50c 90o five gallon family oil cans for 68c Shop fixtures, for prices apply. at the store, 1 fire proof safe 1 counter desk 1 office deek 3 show oases 1 letter press 1 alarm till 1 7 -foot step ladder 3 galvanized oil tanks 1 warehouse truck 1 1,200 lb. platform scale 1 240 lb. family scale 1 set differential pulley blocks 2 extension ladders 2 syndicate coal heaters 1 pair bob sleighs Just received at our Clint Store 2 cars cement—Thorold $1.10 per bbl., Portland $2.55 per bbl. Please Give Us a Oall,• alga Cheap Hardware House, SEAFORTH. .A.1\TO'11111R) $3,000 Shipment OF THIS GREAT WHOLESALE STOCK Has Just Arrived and now on Sale. gffttaliJoengaggflrEgrifer-tt • JUL TIM BARGAINS giARGAINS --- Our prices are a mystery to the trade aq well as to the people, and the question is asked again and again, "hos' can Learoyd. & 0o. sell so cheap 7" The reason is, this stock was purchased at a rate on the dollar on manufactur- er's price. •"UP -Watch for prices on big bills. AorwyesamoviasodooaaWasWAAAAAAA L HAROYD & 00 • Seaforth's Popular Bargain House. INS -PRODUCT TAKEN AS CASH.la hange of Business. .AAAAAAAAAAAmAAANA.... THE CROMARTY STORE. Having purchased the stock of J ames Hislop at a rate on the dollar, I will sell the balance of the stock at greatly reduced prices. Below are a few of the many reductions : • Dinner sets, regular price $9, for $7:25; regular $12 sets for $W ; tea sets, regular price $3:50, for $2:75 ; $3 sets for $2:25, $3:25 sets for $2:40; chamber sets, regular price $3:50, for $2; $5 sets for $4, $6:50 sets for $5. Big bargains in all lines of Crockery, Glassware and Earthenware. Four hundred rolls of Wall Paper, choice patterns, to he cleared. at 3e a roll. Highest price paid for Produce of all kinds. IRA ANDREWI 1758-4 Corner Main and Market Sreets Seaforth, Ontario. ickard's The Largest Dry Goods and Clothing Concern lit TOM' Countl.a; Great Mid -Summer Reduction Sale. AiWsAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA It's our policy .to carry. no goods from season to season. Broken lines, odd as- sortments, 'discontinued numbers, rem- nants, and hundreds of accumulations incidental to a growing business, are now Marked absolutely regardless of previous selling figures. These goods must move with a rush—nothing unsale- able, clean, new, fresh, stylish, wantable goods only; clearing lines in every de- partment. Ladies' Department. SHIRT WAISTS at one-half and two-thirds off the regular price. These goods do not deserve this cutting treatment, but we have lots of them, and they have to go. This will be your gain, take advantage of it. White Waists. White lawn Shirt Waists, trimmed with clusters of fine tucks, reduced from $1.05 to 70c. White lawn Shirt Waists, with two rows of embroidery inserts= itt front and clusters of tucks, reduced from 31.30 and $L45 to 85e and 98c. A line of fine lawn shirt waists, trimmed with rows of hemstitching, re- duced from $1,50 to $1. Muslin shirt waists, with clusters of shell tucking and valeneiennes, re- duced. from $1.75 and $1.85 to $1.15 and $L25. A line of all-over tucked shirt Waists, reduced from $2,25 to $1.50 each. Fine lawn and namsook shirt waists, some with all-over embroidered fro? s others with all-over tucks and valenciennes, reduced from $2.85 to $1.90. Three fine muslin waists left, with all-over clusters of tucks and insertion intervening, reduced. from $3.35 to 32.25. Colored Waists. A line of pretty stripecl calico shirt waists, reduced from 75c, 90c and $1, to 50c each. Blue ancl white sailor shirt waists, reduced from 31.05 to 70c. Pretty chambray waists, in plain pink and blue tucked all over,reduced from $1,45 to 98e. A line of dimities in all colors, reduced. from $1.55 to SI. Ginghams in blues, greys and lavan.der, with two rows of insertion back and front, reduced from $1.75 to $1,15. A few muslin waists, trimmed with valenciennes insertion, reduced from $2 to 31.35, Six pretty zephyr waists left in pink, mauve and. blue, with white tucks, reduced from 33.75 to $2.50. Specials in Whitewecur. Our entire stock of bea utiful whitewear, comprising Night Dresses, Chemises, Drawers, Corset Covers and Underskirts, will be cleared at 15 per cent. off the regular price. A chance of a life time in Ladies' White Duck and Pique Skirts, neatly trimmed with embroidery and insertion, also circular flounce with coratling heading, 25 per cent. off—regular :$2,85, reduced to $2.15, regular 33, reduced to 32.25, and so on. Special -values this month in. Ladies' and Children's Cotton Hose. Dress Goods Department A few ends of silk worth from 350 to 70c per yard, your choke at 25c, • Fifty remnants of dress goods at half the regular price. Thirteen pieces of dress goods, in plain and fancies, worth from 50c to 60e per yard, your choice for 25c. Special line in black grenadine, 12 inches wide, 15c per yard. Twenty-five per cent. off all colored muslins and piques. Twenty.five per cent. off all parasols. • Staple • Department. Special line all pure linen towels, size 20x38, for 12c each. Special line table linen, 58 inches wide, for 27e. • A few lines table covers, slightly damaged, to clear at 25 per cent. less than regular price. One hundred large heavy cotton quilts to clear at 95c each. Special of prints to clear at 5c per yard. Special table of remnants in prints, flannelettes and cottonades, to be sold at about half price. Highest prices paid for Buttery Eggs and Wool. & CO -DIRECT • IMPORTERS Opposite Town Building, Corner Main sad Market Ste., Seaforth.