HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-08-23, Page 2EAL ESTATE FOBSALE.
P.' Will bny goo7-rootned hoe ce 1)IC39a1i
ly situated in Seaearth, almost n w,
Good hard and sofi water. Apply tee 80 )Tr
BROS., Seaforth. 1721 tf
CIOR SALE -The honee erountis belonging to
the lete S. G. Alealaughey, corner of Church and
Centre otreete, Seeforth. The propinty will be sold
cheap caul on ettey terms. F. HOLMOSTED, Beta
forth. 17844f
Teo STANLEY FOR BALF.-.For sale Lct 11
fl and South halt of Let 12, Ceneeesion 4. Stanley,
conteining• 150 acres, 90 acme cleared end in a, fair
state of cultivation. There is a frame dwelling- house
with, celler, benk bern with stone stabling, stone pig
pen, oteve silo, two good wells else a river rues at
the beak of the Wen. Ik is convenient to ohurchee,
schwas and markete, being 8 mikes from Brooefield
and 0 tullea from Seatorth. Apply on the premises
O addrea THOMAS QESISIELL, Brucefleid.
SALE. -Beautifully tattusted on Centro Street
isdjoining Beettieis Grove. There are two iota planted
with the choicest at fruit trees at ell kind a and
shrub". A frame house, atone cellar underneath the
whole bowie, a sitting room, dining room, summer
and winter kitchen's and four bodroome, hard and
oeft water. It ie one of the mot pleaeandy loe.ated•
eemfortable end convenient reeldenees le Seat erth
aud will be seld cheap. Apply to jOSI&H WAT-
SON, Seatorthe 17004f
half of Lt 28, on the eth 0111.4)81101 C
Ribbed, centaining 60 twee, more or less, en
cleared and in a good state of cultivesion. There
are good fences, and it is well undrained. There
are on the premiees a geod !ranee barn and stable,
log house and frame kithhen. There fa also plenty
of water on the beck and front of the farm, also a
good orohard. It e convenient to ochoole, oleurchee
and post °nice. Apply to WILLIAM BURKE, Pro-
petetor, or to St. Columben P. 0. ITeit-tf
faRBI FOR SALE. -For sale that very desirable
term on the Mill Road, Tuekersmith, adj ening
the valage of Egmondville. It contains 07 sere.,
needy all "eteared and in a good state of cultivatio
and well underdrained. There is a comfortable
brick cottage and good barna, with reot. cellar and
outbuildituro. The buntings are eitueted near the
centre or the farm and atathe Mill Road. Tt is well
watered, and pienty of soft wider in th,e isltehon.
It is conveniently siteeted for church and school
and within a mile and aalialt of Seaforte. Will bo
sold cheap and an easy term of payment_ Apply
to the proprietor, ROBERT FANSON, Seaforth.
MIAMI. FOR SALE. -For sale the fern' ot ths late
,U George BrCiAtin. Lot 3, Concession 0, Hullett,
eanteining 100 aores, of which about 90 acres are
°leered and In a good tate of cultif
vation the
balance med hard wood. There is a new two-etory
brick- now, with furnace, herd and soft water and
all modern aanvenlencese There is a ,large brink
barn, with otone stabling, sheep house, implement
house and an other rieeessarY oat buildings. There
are two good wells and a nowieg omen-. A geed
orcherd, There are abont 70 aurae seeded to gum.
This within three-qharters of a mile from the valeze
of Conota.nce, tehere are storm, ,ochool. churches,
&a Apply to the undersigned, Constance P. 0.
ela sale, Lot 22; on the North Bounder," of Hey
Townehlp. This farm eontains 100 aore 35 neeree
cleared, the rest good hardwood bush. •well un-
derdrained and Mooed. There le e good s � home
With, a no, 1 cellar ; largo bank barn, aplement
a.'hect; sheep houee 70)(76, with first-cda a (deleting
and root eerier underneatha good orchard; 2 grad
wells arid cistern. There is'4.21- LLOTO8 cif tall wheat
',viewed on a rich fallow, well immured ; 40 acres
seeded down reoently, the rest in sr nod ghats() for
orop. This Is te N� 1 farm, well situated for
markets, churches, eohnols, poet offtee, °tee and
will be sold reasonably. Apply on the preiniene, or
address ROBERT N. D0U0L4S,Blake„,Ortb.161130if
FTIARM FOR SALE FOR 84,250.-enghty acre
farm in Ogemen County, It'chigme, with 537e0
everth of mope, modern new house, good barn end
outhouses, fine stone cellar, gooa water. All
boneeleold fueniehinze of the loose. Three horees,
rew heed of °rattle ot fine breed, up-to-date farming
iMpleneenta. Fined orchard in County, of 4 wares.
One and one hall miles from good merket, ten relies
front County seat Cellar holder 300 buehels of
apples in racke Forty acres 'reproved, blance
hardwood timber, nioe rolling lend, cilay loern.
Thie property cost present OWner $8,600 nosh ;
relation for selling, party is going to Old Country.
This is a bergtain. Sehool aed chant% a mile from
farm. Ail gnee for $4,2i0 :if taken by 2)th of
Auguse. 0'eer title. Acidteue JOHN D. BURGE iS,
West Branch, Michigan. 1763.8
• rent, Lot' 20, Bayfieid Road No th, Staale
containing 134 acrea 125 miles &etre I and in a g ted
state cf oulti ation, the balance is good hardwo -d
bueh, The team is well underdrainei ani ell
fenced. There la a good b ick hon e tee.) teed
barns and, other outbuildings. Pletne, of heal and
soft weter. Two acres of choice fruit tree. Thie
excellent fano is within a quarter of a mite of Varna„
where there is a postottlee, schwa', ohurehes, etc,,
and st miles of Brueefteld 'edition. It is in a mist
dee/table its:melon, in the Le t farnslas section of
Huron Will be gold on reseonable term', or will bs
rooted for a te m of years it not seld by September
late For further perticulare app'y to S. , A.
MOFFA,T, Verne. 17604f
MIAMI FOR SALE. -For 'sale, Lot 1, in the Town.
U ship r f Tuokersnaith. OonJeesion 3, 100 acres of
land, 95 acres cleared, well un ferdrained. Splendid
farm for grain or stook, well watered, a naming
spring the whale yesr rune through the farm. Also
on the term ie eplinclid b elk bean, ne d y ne
wig:1h h 130x54, with etene stabling underneath.
Alen karate house x18, aud lotchen I4xiU witet
good steno °eller, and two good wells. Thi i pro-
peray 14 situated in e, very desirable tonality it'
eplenti l• gravel to ide to market, cony 3f mile to
Seabruh. Mgt a good dwelling honRe in of tt,
sttutted on Coleman street, oioee to Vet Inc Park,
This h...,Itss is eoroplerd of 8 rooms. well fiaished,
plenty of hard and sot wetter, and kitchen eeeto,
with pentry and weett room etteohed, and &geed
woodthecLaA good stab'e 24.x18. All of this property
tined be sold as the undersigned is moving to We
United St dee. Ali particulars conoernine this
prnperty can be had by a,oplyieue at Tay, Exeosrrot
Office or V) the prop actor, JAYE; KEHOta.mee-
fortie. 1762-tf
-LtiAttlt IN STANLEY i011t SALE -For sale, Let
_U 9 and the wrest halt of Lot8, en tine iVh canoes,-
sion, or Bronson Line, of Shelley. Tale farm male
tains 160 acres, all of whioh is oleired, except !air
acres. It is in a lade of first -oleos oulivation, w 31
fenced and all underdrabaedonoetly with bile. 'Nero
is a' large frame dwelling haute as geed as new,
geed stone foundation and sonar, large Lamlebern
with etene atabling underneath, and numerous other
bundines, !minding a large pig hou4e. Taw) good
orchards of cholas fruit, also nice @haste and orna-
mental tree*. There are two fp -log oreeka runaiag-
through the farm, and plenty of good a:tie: ail the
year round without pumping. it is well situated for
markets, churches, gam's, pobt etc , and Oood
gravel reale leading from it Inc ail direction'.- It is
within view of Laice Huron, and the boat 011 be
seen passing up and do ten from the house. This is
one ot the beet equipped farms in the c moty, and
wi'l bi eold on easy te-me, Xi the proprietor w*nt; to
retire on account of 111 health. Apply on the prowl -
fee, or erldrese Blake P. O. JOIN DUN'. 1731 tf
Oooki Cotton Root Compound
Te successfully used monthly by over
MOO -Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies, ask
_your draggiat for Cook's Codas Rea Cam-
ping. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitstioris are dangerous. Inc., ?fa. 1, Si per
box 140.11,10 degree's stronger, $s per box. No.
I or 2„ mailed ea receipt of price and two eeent
stamps. Th. Cook company Windsor, Oat.
rar'Nos. 1 and 2 sold and reconemended by all
responsible Druggists facetted*. .
er el in Silt trth hy <Vex. Wt'son, T, 9..1liohert+ d
I. la. eater, deuggisar.
Red Cedar Shingles
Full ear ;eat arrived at the following
British Columbia red cedar 4x per
bunch, 78c ; 3x per bunch, 74c;
3x pine per bunch, 73e.
North Main Street, - Seaforth.
Notice is Hereby Given
That a by-lew wee mesa by the Municipal Council,
of the Town of Seetorth orr thee5th day at July,
A. D. 1901, providirg for the iseue of debentere • to
the antount of $8.000, for the purpose rt pee in, for
certein lout improvements In the said Town in the
said by-law naenttoned. The said by -lay was reg-
istered in the Registry ()Mee of the Couiey cf
Huron, on the 19th day of July, Mi. Any metion
to quash or ret aside the same, or env part thereof,
must be made within one month from the date of
registration, and cannot te made, thereafter-
Dated this Ilit day of JULY', A. D. 1901. 1765-3
Use the Long Distance Telephone
and have Long Distance Equipment
in their offiees.
Ask the Local Manager for Rates.
.0,11EN ()IF THE- HOME
Eloquent Discourse on Woman's
Dr. Talmage Drn.ws a Beautiful Picture
of Armee Life as It Should ne-avea
men's Position at the, Present Time Is
/t/ot One of " Commieeratien, But One
of Congratulation.
Washington, Aug. 18. --In this d
course Dr. Talmage extols home
a field' of usefulness, and especia
encourages wives and indthers; te
Genesis 1, 27, "Male and female c
tiled he them."
In other words, God, who c
make no mistake, maele man a
woman for a specific work and
moVe in particular sphere* -man
regnant iii his realm, woman to
dominant in -hers. The boutida
line between Italy and Switzerlan.
between England and. Scotland,
not more thoroughIt, marked th
this 'distiaction between the erapi
masculine and the empire feminin
So entirely dissithilar are the Del
-to which God called them that y
can no more compare them than y
can oxygen and hydrogen, water an
.grass, trees and stars. All this ta,
about the superiority of one sex
the other is an everlasting waste
ink and speech. A jeweler may ha
a scale so 'delicate that he can weig
the dust of diamonds, butwhere a
the scales So delicate that you ca
weigh in them affection, sentimen
against sentiment, thought again
thought, soul against soul, a Man
word against a woman's word?
You come out/ witli your stereotyp
ed remark that. Man is superior t
woman in intetlect, and then I ope
on my deal( the' swarthy, iron type
thunderbolted - writings Of JIarrie
Martineau and Elizabeth Brovenin
and George You come
with your stereotyped remark abou
woman's superiority- to man in th
item ol affection, but I. ask yo
where was there more captecity t
love than in John the dieciple,
Robert MoCheyne, the Scotchnean
and John Sunainerfield, the Motto
dist, and Henry Martyn, the mission
arY? The heart of those men was s
large that after You had rolled- int
it the hemispheres there was room
still left to marshal the hosts of hett
van and set, UP the throne of th
eternal Jehovah'. I .deny- to man th
throne intellectual: I -deny to woe
man. the throne affectional. No h.0
man phraseology will ever 'define th
spheres while there is an intuitio
by which. we know when winery is i
his realm and when a, woman is i
her realm and when either of then
is out, of it. N*0 bungling. legisla
tura ought to attempt to make -a
definition or to say, "This is the
line, and that is the line."
My theory! is that if worna,n wants
to vote she ought to vote and that
if_ a man Wante to. embroider and
keep house he ought to be allowed
to embroider and keep house. There
are masculine, women, and there are
effeminate men. My theory is that
you have no right to interfere with
any one's doing. anything that
righte9us. .NiAlbany and Washington
might as well 'decree by legislation
how high a brown thrasher should
fly or how. deep a trout should
plunge as ,to try to seek out the
height or the depth of woman's
duty. The question of capacity will
settle finally the whole question, the
whole subject. When a woman is
prepared to preach, she will preach,
and neither. conference nor presby-
tery can hinder her. When a woman
Is prepared to neeve in highest com-
mercial sphere's, she will have great
influence on, the exchange, and no
boards of trade can hinder her. I
want woman to understand that
heart • and brain, can overflow any
barrier that politicia.ns may set up
and that nOthing can keep her back
or keep her -down, but the queetiont
of capa,city.
I know there litre women of most
undesirable nature who wander up
and down the country, having no
homes of their Own or forsaking
their own hoates, talking about their
rights, and we know very well that
they themselve„e are fitr neither to
vote nor fit to keep house. Their
mission. 'Seems to he teehurailiate the
two sexes at the thought of what
any one of us might become. No would want to live under the
laws that such women would enact,
or to have east upon society the
children that stuch wonteit would
raise. But I will show yOu that the
best rights that woman can ownShe
already • has in her .possession: t at, Y
her position in- this 'country" this S
re -
re ,
chrougn tne eternities.
. lily. chi f anxiety, then, is not that
woman ave other - rights accorded
her, but that she, by the grace of
God, ris ' up to. She appreciation of
the , gl rious rights she already
possesses. I shall only h
time' to speak of one grand
all absot bing tight .thitt every
man has . and . that is to make ho
happy. plat realm no one has e
disputed with her. Men may cc
home at notin or at night, and t
tarry a cOntparatively little wh
but she all day long governs
beautifie it, sanctifies -it. ' tt
within ex' power to make it
most att active place ontearth. It
the -only calm. harbor in this AVOI
You kno as well as I do that t
.outside orld and- the business V70
is a, Ion scene of jostle and cont
tion. T e man Who has a dol
struggle to keep it; the man vii
has it n t etruggles to getteit. Pei
up. Prie s' down. Lessee. Clainse M
.represen calories. Gougings. Und
selling. uyegs depreciating; sal
men exaggerating. • Tehants seeki
less rent landlords demanding mo
Gold Rd etehtStruggles about offi
Men wh are in trying -to keep .
men out trying to -get in. Sli
Tumbles. Defalcatione, pa.n.ics. Cat
trophes, 0 woman, thank God y
have a: home, and that you inay
queen, in it. Better be there th
wear a queen's ceronet. Better -
there than carry the purse of a pr
COSS. Your abode may be humb
but you can by -your faith in G
and your cheerfulness of demean
gild it with spleridiors such as an u
.holsterer's hand never yet kindled
There are abodes in the city
humble, two stories, font. plain, 'u
pawed rooms; undesirable neighbo
hood; cid yet there is a man he
to -day: ho would die on the thrash-
eld rat er than surrender it. Why?
It is h e: Whenever he thinks of it
he - se angels of God hovering
around t. The ladders of heaven are
let dow i to this house. Over . the
child's rough crib there are the
chantin s of angels, as, those that
spunded over Bethlehem. It is
. home. "hese -children •may come up
after a hilee d' anthey may win high -
paitio and they may have an af-•
flubtit.r sidence, but they will not un-
til their dying day forget that hum-
hle -roo under which their father
rested i nd their mother sang and
their • isters played. Oh, if • you
would ether up all tender memories,
nit the. lights and- shades of the heart
all ban metings and reunions, . all fil-
ial,' fee, ernal, paternal and conjugal
affectioi s,. and eteu had only . just
four le tees to spelt out that height
and dei tit . and length and breadth
and m niteede and eternity of mean-
ing, yo would, with streaming eyes .
and ti einbling voice and agitated
ha,nd, rite it ' out in these four Ay-
ing cap tals, H -O -M -E, s
What right does wo,taian Want that
is gran er than to be queen in such
a real'? Why, the eagles of heaven
cannot I fly" across that dominion.
Horses, panting and with lathered.
flanks, are not swift' enough to -lila
.to the outpost of that realm. They
-say th t the sun never sets- upon
the En Hsi). Empire, but I have to
tell .yo that on this realm. of wo
nian's nflvence eteruity never Mark
•iiny, b und. rsabella fled from • th
Spanis throne pursued by . the. nit
tion'e nathema, but she Who he t
queen ti a home will never lose Ur
throne and'cleath itself will only b
tile: a in.exation of heavenly prinei
you want to -get your -grand
est ide of a queen, you do not thinl
of Oat erine of Russia., or of Anne
of Ei, gland, or Maria Theresa o
Austri but- when you want to get
your randest idea of a queen you
think f the plain woma,n who, eat
(moos' e entitle father at the table, or
walke with him arm in arm down
ife's pathway, sonaetimes to the
hanks tering banquet, sometimes 'to
he g •ave, but always. together -
oothi g your piety griefs, correct -
ng y er childish waywardness, Mil-
ne' in your infantile sports, listen -
ng to your .evening prayers, toiling
or yo with needle, or at the mein-
ing heel, and on cold nights wra,p-
ing y u up snug and warm. • And
hen a last, on that day when she
ay in the. bank room dying, and you
aw li r take. those thin hands with
nich she toiled for you. so long and
ut ti m together in it dying pray -
r • t at commended you to Ged,
hom she had taught you to trust -
h, sh was. the queen! Tho chariots
1 Go eame aiown to fetch her; and
s. she Went in all heaven rose up.
ou c
ut a
he de
lid y
s wh
o sp
s ten
en -
es -
1' -
traceless Moore An, ne, Jesus WI
come up in that hour and offer III
hand, and he will say, "You stoo
by me whenyou were well; now
will not a seet you when you or
sick," One : wave of His 'mild an
the storn will drop, and anothe
wave of II s hand and midnight shal
break into midnoon, and - anothe
wave of Uis hand and the phamber
Mins of GO will come down fron
the treasute houses of heaven wit
robes lusteous, blood washed an
hea.ven glinted, in which you wil
array yourself for the marriage sup
per of the Lamb. And then with Mir
lam, who struck the timbre' by th
Red Sea, and with - Deborah, wit
led the Lord's hosS, into the fight
and with Hannah, who gave he
Samuel to the Lord, and with Mary
who rocked Jesus to sleep Whil
there were, angels.singing in, the air
and with Florence Nightingale, who
bound up the. battle wounde of th
Crimea., yeu will, from the ehalice
of God, deink to the soul's, eterna
One twilight, after I had been
playing- with the children for SOMe
time, I lay down on th g lounge to
rest, and, half asleep and half awake,
I seemed to dream this 'dream: It
seemed to me that I was in a far
distant land -not Persia, although
more than oriental luxurianee crown -
cd the citigeet. nor the tropics, al-
though more. than tropicalt fruitful-
ness filled the gardens; Der Italy,
although more than Italian, softness
filled the air. And I wandered
around looking for thorns and net-
tles, but I found none of them grew!
there. And I walked forth, and I
saw the sun rise, and I said, "When
will it sit again?" and the pun sank
not. And I saw all the people in
holiday apparel, arid I said., "When
wilI they put on workingmen's garb
again and delve in the mine and
swelter at the forge?" Bu,t neither
the garments nor the robes i did they
put off. Anti I wandered in the sub-
urbs, -and .- I said, "Where, do they
bury the dead of this great city?"
And I looked along by the hills
where it would be m,ost beatitiful for
the dead to sleep, and 1 sane castles
and towers and battlements, but not
. a mausoleum, nor monument, nor
white slab could I see. And I went -
into the great chapel of the, town,
and I said: Where do the poor wor-
ship? Where ! are the benches on.
which they al ?" And a voice an-
swered, "We '1 ave nd poor in this
great. city.." And I wandered out
seeking to fia the place, where were
, the hovels of the. _destitute„ and I
found mansio- e of amber and ivory,
and gold, but no tear did I see or
sigh hear. I was bewildered, and I
sat under t e shadow of a great
tree, and 1 S ,id, 'What am 1 . .and
whence. comes all this?" ,And at
that moment here came from among
the leaves, skipping up the 'flowery ,
paths and across the sparkling wa-
ters, a, very bright and sparkling -
group, and w en I saw their; step 'I
knew il:tt, . aid When I heard their -
voiee$ t thou •lit I knew them, but '
their ail Parel was so different from
anythin 1 ha ever. seen I bowed, a
stranger to :trangers. But after .
-awhile, , wile they , clapped their
- . hands and sh uteci, "Welcome! Wel-
s cohael4 the m 'story was solved, and
e I saw that tie le had passed anti that
eternity had c me, and that God lead
1. gathered us u int o a higher! home,
- and . I said, ' en all here?" and the..
e voices of hint: neralrle generations an-
_ swered, "An here." And while tears
of gladness were raining down our
cheeks and the branches of -the Leb-
anon cedars were clamping their
hands and the towers of the great
city were chiming their welcome, we •
began to la.0 h - and sing and leap
and shout: ."Home! t Home!
AUGUST 231 1901
11 ill/j/C iu l.li:ILi rcx ct.••-•
s der was needed lo ollow them., nor
d did they sing in hieroglyphics: they
told the old, old st(iry, and not one
O word wes lost. in the telling. As the
d minister prayed watched that
• choir. The soprano' was not rattling
her music and chatting with the eon-
" trait(); from the thew to the tiniest
t rabic the singers el47e. silent. The
1 minister was dressed like an mann-
11 tlry devil -tempted ; mortal, wore
d 'short hair, and parted it on the
side. He told the story of life as it
should be, of the htotherhood of
man, of the blessedness of toil. lie
• took a millionaire_ , with soft hand:
o and a hard heart mid hung him over
, the pulpit. He held an hottest, earn-
• est laborer, with hard hands and a.
, soft heart, and deified labor by the
• sweat, of the brow till I envied the
• laborer. The serthon was running'
over with unadorned simplicity, ivith
o sanctified cOmmon sense, chuck fuli
of the old Genesis to Revelation Gos-
pel that makes sinners squirm and
saints sing. After the collection, af-
ter a good, old-fashioned 'hymn, a
SOithist preached another sermon in
the smile sweet way, singing from
the heart, which he reached, 801110
0110 ceme up and shook my hand,
told me they were glad to see me,
smile came from a good soul. Itrill‘l'It:11S1'
, and left me with a smile.
a benediction that shone fromthose
eyeS, That was two smiles and a.
hymn book, besides several semitone.
Jetty ha Day.
"I don't believe I ran ever be mu -ch
• of a ei ristian," said a little girl to
her mo her. -
t ''Why,?" her mother asked. •
"Deti ;IMO there's so much to be-
, done if one wants to be good," Was
t he rep y. "One has got. to over-
come se much and bear so many
burdens, and all that. You know
how ill' minister told all about" it
last Stindey."
• ."Iros 'did your brother get all
that wOod -into the'shed last spring?
Did he ido it all at once or little by
"Littile by little, of ;course," an-
swered ithe _girl.
. "Welt that's just the may we live.
a Chrielian life. All the trials and
burdens ;won't come at one time. We
musl evercome those of to -day and
let thote of to -morrow alone till we
• come th them. . Of course there's a
great cleat of work to be "done in a
ance o our oblibations to God, and
Christin's lifetime, in the perform -
the d i. charge of the duties that de-
volve upon us, but that work is
dcme i st as Dick moved the wood -
little by little.
. Evert, day We should ask God for
etrength to fake us through that.
day. a When to -morrow conies ask
again, i He will give all we ask for,
and as: we need it. By doing a little
to-daya little to -morrow, and keep-
ing . on 111 that way, we accomplish
great things. Look af ' life in its
lit Ile by little aspect, railer than as
one great task to be one ,all at
once, find it will be easy to fare it.
time is not one of -conuniserati , ,
but one of coniggatulaition; that -the in
grandeur and power of her realm .
have never yet been appreciated; t
that she sits to -day on a throne so .
high that all the thrones of earth wi
piled on tole of each other would not Si
make for her a footstool. Here is, w
the platform on which she stands. at
Away down below it are the ballot ho
box and the congressional aesem-
blage ',and the legislative hall.
Womari always has voted ic nd al-
-ways will vote. Our g-reat-grand-
fathers thought they were by their,
votes putting NVashiagton into the
efresidential chair. No.. His niotle-•':.
er, by the principles *she taught him •
and • by the habits she incitictiterl,
made him president. It was a Chris-
tian mother's hand dropping the bal-
lot when Lord ,Bacon wrote, Mid
Newton philosophized, (- and- Alfred
the Great governed, and d chulthan
Edwards thundered of ju.dg- i
merit., to come. How many•
men • there have been .in
high political --station who would
have been insuillIcient to Stand the --
test to whicb. their moral principle
was put had it not beeti for a wife's
vciice that encouraged them to do
right and a wife's prayer that sound-
ed louder than the clamor of partis-
nnot think of her now with: -
rush of tenderness that stirs
p foundations of your soul,
u feel as. much a child again.
n you cried on her lap, and
could bring her back again
a,k just once more your narne
erly .as- she used to speak it
ou w uld be willing to throw your -
elf o the ground" and kiss' the sod
that , overs her, crying, „,"Mother,
othe .!" Ah, she was the queen. -
he w s, the 'queen.
Now can you tell tne how many
hous nd miles a woman like that
mild have to travel down before
le goto" the ballot,ebox? Compared
ith this work of training kings
t cl ueens• for God and eternity,
W i significant seems all this work
voting for aldermen and common
uncilmen •and sheriffs and con -
s t
and mayors and presidents.-
o -m ke one such goOd woman as I
ve °scribed how many thousand
ould you want of these good peo-
e wl o go in the round' of godless -
ss a d fashion and dissipation, dis-
ettien their body and going as far
disgraceful, apparel as they
re o so as mot to be arrested of
e police, their behavior a sorrow
the good and a caricature of the
cion and an insult to that Cod
io adn them woinen and not gor-
ns, and tramping on, down
rou h a frivolous and dissipated
, temporal and eternal destruc-
n. woman.. with the 'leaning
y ur soul strike dead at your feet
thae allurements to •dissipiteion
d t fashion. Your immortal soul
mot be fed upon such garbage.
c lls you up to empire mid .do -
lion. Will you have it? Oh, give
God your heart, give to God
ur best energies, give to God all
ur culture, give to. Gott all your
reilnenient, give yourself to Him for.
this werld and the next., Soon all
these' bright- . eyes will. bet -quenched
itnd-thlese voices wilt be huShed. Itor
the last time you will look upon this
fair earth; father's hand, . mother's
hand,. sister's hand, child's hand,
will b no. more in yours: It will be
-night, and there .will come a cold
wind f om the Jordan, and You must
rt, it be a lone woman on a
anship! Why, my- friends, the right ea,
of suffrage, as we men exercise it, to
seems to be it feeble thing. You, a 3,0
Christilia Man, come up to the ballot yo
bOL.and you drop your vote. Right
after you comes a libertine ores, sot,
the oftscouring of the street, and he
drops his vote, and his vote coun-
teracts yours. But if in the- quiet
of home life a daughter by her Chris-
tian demeanor, a wife by her indus-
try, a mother by her faithfulness,
casts a vote in the ri,ght direction,
then nothing can resist it and the
influence of that vote will throb
Col. Fred
ing story to
of .a father, d
ciple is, like]
er's footsteps
Col. Dow' o
Quebec, And,
of the city a
took a publi
Falls of Mon
way house
Pulled up his
"The carriag
"For what
colonel. -
"For the
was the rept
"But none
don't intend
The driver
was waiting
said inapres
this carriage
years, and t
before. Sante
fare a crank
the ,name Of
wouldn't drin
to- the po in
pay for anyb
The son f
the same gro
his father ha
ow and Kis Sea.
. Dow tells the follow -
illustrate how the son
voted tb a great pr -in-
to _follow in his fatlt-
ce visited friencle% at
while seeing the sights
d its surroundings, 'he
carriage to Visit tile
morency. At a halls
n the road the driver
-horse and remarked:
altvays stone ;Jaere."
purpose?" asked the
passengers to treat,'''
f us" drink, and we
o treat."
had dism,ounted, and
y the roadside. Draw -
to his full height, he
ively: "I have driven
ow more than thirty
Is happened but •once
time ago 1 had for a
rout. Portland; Me., by
eal Done who said he
; and what was more
, he said he wouldn't
dy. else to -drink."
und himself Occupying
nd as that on which
sto od.
Remind r of Quentrele Raid.
Out in ICS, sas they are still pay-
ing claims -'fo 'damages sustained in
the • celebrated Quantrell raid, Up
to the prese t time $391,04.5 has
been paid.
The Wo ld's Largest Prises.
. France's iew prison. at Fresnes,
-some eight ni les from Paris, is the
largest in tha world.
You are wro
Guise the chur
showed you t
you could tiot
because the th
rather than r
good churches
'isters, there ei
My friend w
On Sunda
advice, 1 w nt
fore I had be
once a pill. r
and eel ips d
large hat real
ers and 'fashio
it, and ben
never..Othis oc
good..to me, t
led me a mer
to the front.
itbet e
nghe toithe sea
handed me a
The organist
it preached i
The choir joh
heeetnetee nee
appy Hour.
1g; you should not ac-
hes because the usher
a back seat, because
.understand the ohoir,
mister was prodigious
ligious. There are
there are good min -
re good choirs in To -
s right.
orniag, acting an hie
to church. Twice be-
n seated in the rear,
reared its stately head
the parson; again, a
ed its fOrest of feath-
, and I gazed -through
ntth it, but above it
'asion the usher was
ook Lae on and on and
'3/ hundred yards' dash
thought he was go -
pit, but he stopped at
in the church, and
mile and a hymn book.
(niched the organ, and
. soft tremulous tones,
ed it, and there was
iov. gladness. and
j An old eintrim Otani Ad.
The t 1111tt. rimon i al adver t i semen ts
are lee no means a modern idea ise
shiewm by the. following which ap-
peareet in the London 'nines ill its
isStio of Jammu. 17SO:
Al.ArPliefeNIONV - A gentleman of
small fortune, and have- been brought
up very -gently, and of a good char.
Lice ea and of a respect able' flintily.
and ahout thirty, and; have been
hronght tip in the tountry, isnd nev-
er heen in any trade whatever, and.
vete- agreeable colapany: his fortune
heing ; small, . tithing this of tionie
-lady that has got a goaid - f or tun • in
bur oa n hands 10 the amount of
iJa4,000 or .C5.000 or more. Oaf
• W. Lit 401* C10111(*St ili hill .pilloSS. /Ind 1. )
he. united to a trent leitien of striet
honor .; - .
fel und ay a nd :---ot l t et day eXeep 'led
for an int erView, ' but - let tPrt--,. po4-1-
paid Aitken in. Ilireet t.c) Mr. 11 111-
hert, No. 5, Barron Oei reel , Pan. on.
Vile, Islington. •
Shipp; Met Sail the Sea*.
Of 8,767 • ships calling at Malta
last y,..nr, :1,325 weer° British.
The fastest boat plying between
'tug] a it d and lndia makes only 14.,
knots on the whole passage.
No 'British ship may carry a deck
load ef timber into a British port
between the last day of October and
April 16.
In. the course of a year 334;000
vessels of a combined tonnage, of
56,000,000 of tons enter British
ports and 298,000 clear.
An ordinary -lead for casting at
Sea weighs seven to fourteen pounds,
and has at the bottom ot it a hole
filled with tallow to bring -up sam-
ples of the_sea bottom.
"net Pay Their Church Dues.
Several members of a chtirth In
Kutztewn, Pa., having fallen far be-
hind With their fair dues, the board
of truatees has decided- that in fu-
ture tkie -bell shall not be 'tolled for
a fun ral in any family which has
net pittd up ite indebtedness and a -
year i1 advance besides.
egetqblePre,perationforAs- -
similating Wood antilleguia-
Egg the5tataachs andBowels of'
gm.••=•1•••••••m. •••••••••••••1••••••
Promotes Mestion,Cheerfui-
Itess &JO irestkontaftts neither
m,Morplithe nor Mimi
4•m•go•Md00•11•1•••••• • •
Rwriptin. ,4ressi^
Adat igmf-•
Avenzin. t -
Won phut -
Clothed &roar
frioripan new:
A peed Retiledy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Convuisions,Feverish-
!less and Lo SS OF SLEER
01 lac Simile Signature of
6Ar...-1, toPY wri A PPE F.,
oastoria is put up In one -she bottles enly. It
is not sold in hulk. Don't allow azipitirtes ailI
you auything else on the plea er promiN that it
s "jnst as good" and. 'will answer every per.
pose. Xi- Bee that yon get 0 -A44 -0-1-1-A4
orm issl-
4 -ague
, ..
The Proper Combination.
There is only one eorabiLtion that will insure you satisfaction in
your clothing,rt is this—the C.ombinAtion of style, comfort and dur-
ability. It is this combination that is to be found in our made -til -
'order suits,e,and is not to be 'found in other makes. This is the com-
bination you are after, and we want to -give you an example of how
we work the combination. We have a nobby stock of the .latest
Tweeds and Worsted in the proper colorings and effects for the ground
work of this great combination. Let us work it on you.
For Torpid Liver, Flatulence,
Constipation, Biliousness and
Sick Headache TAKE
Safe, Mild, Quiek-acting,
Painless, do not weaken,
and always give satisfaction.
A most reiiabie Household Medicine, can be taken at any season, by Adults or
All druggistasell "BILISTOLPS•"
Furniture Cheaper than Ever.
On account of meat reduction in expense, and manufacturing specialljnes
we are new able to put furniture on tie market cheaper than ever. All intend
ing purchasers will do well to call at our warerooms, where full lines of up-to-
date furniture are sold ct right prices:
This department is complete with a large selection of the best goods, an
obliging attention given to this branch of the business.
Night calls promptly atteilded to by our Undertaker, Mr. 8. r Holmes
Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt ehurch.
-It I the intentioa of tee frieeds of the
Irish 04 &dim. It will be carried on in the
late Pat lok Boyle to eontinue to issue the BROADFOOT BOX .,
iaterest of Canadian Oatholioe, irrespective
& 00.1
fotftpuarre.ty politics, which will be eschewed in
With Constipation
Come a Host of ills.
.To Get Wen and Keep: Well Regu-
late the Bowels • by tolnig Dr.
Chase's Kidney -liver Pills. ,
You cannot avoid disease if you
neglect to regulate the bowels and
allow he liver and kidneys to become
torpid, isluggish and inaetive.' Dr.
Chase' Iiidney-liver Pills are the
most aluable family medicine that
one ca conceive of because -they In-
vigorat, and regulate the excretory
and filtiering organs -as no other 11prepar-
ationO, 4as ever knOwn to do.
Mr. ,eo. Benner, -Marton, Ont.
writes --t1 don't like to have my name
put In ublic print, but I feel it a duty
to my ehilow-men to recommend Dr._
Chase'41 Kidney -liver Pitts. POI-,
about I four years I was troubled
with c -ironic constipation and weak-
ness o the kidneys; My condition evn.s I
verily believe that they hare
saved ny life. I am now well and feel
like a TeW men,"
More people -use Dr. Chnee's
ttitine -Liver Pills tam n any othee
adian ,edicine. They rat, pre/eel:re
cause hey euro when other reenfelit
fail. ek your neighbor aboUt the:.
One pill a dose, 25 cents a box,
ens or Edwanson Bates & CO., TOronto.
when I
began t° and I Dr* ,Counter's Old Stand. Seafortll
Kidnver ne,
CENTRAL loronto Exhibition.
Hardware Store. August 26 to September MAK
We have Weir on hand of "Beaver "
I $6,500 ATTRPREFT:24.--$6,500
Portland Cements and Thorold
draulie Cements. The best goods -at-i
the lowest price. Give us a call. 1
We have a etc& of fine oil for spraying
cattle. Don't let your animals suffer.
The:oi3ly Paluf suitable for iron roofs;
will stop. a leak and good for years.
Call and get prices.
Naval and Military DisPlaYs
Bonihardinent of Taint Forts. by
International- Forces.
Greatest Live Stook Show on the Con-
tinent. All Our Country's Resources.
Sills 84 Mu -rd. Novel and High dass Entertainment
Great Reunion of Canadian Old sof
... AUGUST 276.
and Old College Student* -
Money To Loan.
The Tc wnehip of Tuakeramith has about $3,000 of , Preeident.
Township Fundis to loan at eurient rates of a terest '
on iirsi mortgage on farm propertv. Apply to the
Reeve or Treasurer. H. HORTON, Reeve, Hensel'
0..; G. N. TURNER, Treasurer, Clinton P. 6
Reduced Rates an All Lbws of Travel.
-- -
20 AC1
eitteat ne
and te.aA;
er •
of blob
b,lCk hie
ewe mile
WM, Gal
2te bo
Bard an
In the
tat*" 80
Is good
leilea of
ingot van
with *
sat She
sold SS
lifter in
it will be
other ea
Will be
smith, A
Orihd Be
-et the
or aer,00
Telin Ex