HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-08-16, Page 2REAL ESTATF FOR SALE.
Will buy a good 7 -roomed beam, pleasaet.
rfri.Ju ly situeted in oat
Somforth, meal new.
ood hard and sole water. Apply to 8C1OTT
BROS., Sesforth. 1721 tf .
GIOR SALE -The hem end grounds belonging to
,U the it. R G afoCaughey, earner of Church and
Centre streets, Sesforth. The property will be sold
cheap and on easy terms. F. 11OLMESTED, Sea
forth. 178441
artARSI IN STANLEY FOR 5M.-Forsele Lot 11
r and South half of Let 12, Obwalden 4, Stanhiy,
oontelning 160 acres, 90 sores cleared and in a hair
state of cultivation. There is a frame dwelling house
with cellar, bank barn with stone stabling, stone pig
pen, stave silo, two good wells else river runs at
the beak of the farm. It is convenient to oburohee,
schools and markets, being 8 miles from Bruaefield
and 9 mile, from Sesforth. Apply on th s premises
0 eddres THOMAS GgN9IELJL, Brucetiold.
SALR-Beautifully gauged on Centre Street
adjoining Beettlets Grove. There are two lots planted
with the choicest of fruit trees of ail kinds and
shrubs. A frame house, stone cellar underneath the
wholehouse, a sitting room, dining room, summer
and winter kitchens' and four bedrooms, hard and
soft water. It is one of the most p1eMantly hinted,
comfortable and convenient reel ewes in Safari&
and will be sold cheap. Apply to JOSIAH WAT.
$OS, flesforth. 170041
'EntaRit IN HIBBERT FOR SALE. -For sale, West
J' half of -Let 28, on tho 6th Coneessioa ef
Ribbed, conteining 60 sorer, more or less, all
cleared and In e good skate of cultivatioa. There
are good fences, and it is well underdrained. There
are on the premises a geod frame barn aud stable,
log house and fame kitchen. There is am plenty
of water on the back and front of the farm ; also a
good orohard. 14 1. convenient to echoole, churehet
and post office. Apply to WILLIAM BURKE, Pro-
prietor, or to St. Columban P. 0. 176 .tf
WARM FOR SALE. -For sale that very desirable
_U farm on tho Mill Road; Tuokeramith, adj ening
tho village of Egmondvillo. It contains 97 sorer,
nearly all cleared and in a good state of cultivation
and well underdreined. There is a comfortable
brit& cottage iiid good barns', with root cellar and
outbuildings. The buildings are idtueted near, the
centre of the farm and on the Mill RoadIt is well
watered, and plenty of soft water in the kitthen.
It it conveniently situeted for chtitch and school
and within iPmile and a, half of Seaforth. Will be
sold oheap and on any terms of payment. Apply
to the proprietor, ROBERT FANSON, Seaforth.
'DAM! FOR SAM -For We the farm of the late
r George Brown Lot 11, Concession 6, Hullett,
conteining 100 sores, of whith about 00 soros are
cleared and in a goad etateof cultivation, the --
balance geed hard wood. There is a new two-story!.
brick house, with furnace, hard and soft water and
all modern cionveniences. There is a large bank"
harn, with stone staling, sheep house, implement
house and all other necessarv out buildings. There
are two good wells_ and a Rowing spring. A good
orchard. There are about 70 aores seeded to grass.
It is within three -g inners a a mile from the village
of Constance, where are stores. school, ohurches,
erc. Apply to the undersigned, Constance P. 0.
GEORGE ITEPHENSON, &router. 1.741 •
ic sale, Lot 22, on the North Bounder. of Hay
Township. This farm ()contains 100 sores. .45 sores
cleared, the reet good hardwood bush. It • -vell un.
derdeained and fenced. There is a good st house
with a No, 1 cellar; large bank barn; .iplement
shed; sheep house 70x75, with first-olve stebling.
and root cellar underneath, a good orchard ; 2 got d
wells and cistern. There is 12i mores of fall wheat
sowed on a stole fallow, well maaured ; 40 sores
seede&down recently, the feat in good shape for
crop.. This is a No, 1 farm, well situated for
markets, churches, schools, post office, etc., and
will be sold reasonably. Apply on the premises, or
address ROBERT N. D0UGL&S,Bialce,Ont.1668x8if
MIAMI FOR SALE FOR 84,260.-ighty erne
farm in Ogemsn County, fiffehigae, with 8700
worth of crops, modern new house, good barn and
outhouses, fine stone altar, good warn,. Ali
household furnishings of the best. Three horses, a
few head of cattle of fine breed, up-to-date farming
implements. Finest orcherd in County, of 4 acres.
One and one-half miles from good mtrket, ten miles
from County seat. Cellar holds 800 -bushels of
apples in reeks. Forty sores improved, balance
hardwood timber, nine rolling land, clay loam.
This property cost present owner 88,500 oash ;
reason., for selling, ptrty is going to Old Country.
Thie is a bargain. Retool and church mile from
/ann. All goes for 84,250 if taken by 24h of
August. Veer title. Address JOHN D. BURGEitil,
West Branch, Michigan. 1753-6
TURK FOR SALE OR TO RENT, -For sale or to
X rent, Lot 20, Barfle'd Road No th, Stanley.
containing 134 scree, 123 sores °leave and in a good
state of oulti ation, the balance is good hardwo3d:
bush. The farm is well underdrainei rine v ell
fenced. There is a [pod beck hou,e tw ) stood
barna and other outbuildings. Plenty of hard and
soft w..ter. Two soros of choice fruits treet.. Thla
excellent farm la Within a quarter of a inile of Varna,
where there is a postoffice, schools, oherohes, etc.,
and n miles of Brumfield s atton. It is in a meet
desirable !elation, in the test larmine section of
Huron Will be sold an reasonable tame, or will be
, rented for a te in of years if not sold -by September
let. For further • particulars appy to 8. A.
- MOFFAT, Varna. 17504!
FARM FOR SALE -For sale, Lot I, in the Town-
ship e,f Tuckeremith, Connerion 3, 100 anrea .of
land, 95 ades cleared, well un !ordained. Splendid
farm for grain or stook, well watered, a running
"spring the whole year runs through the farm. Also
on the Nrm N * splendid b ank barn, tie br y ne v,
whioh 11 .60x64, with aura etahling underneath.
Also frame hone° 24)08, and kitchen 18x16 with
good stone contr. and two good walla Thi, pro.
perty 1 situated In a very desirable looality with
splendid gravel rode to market, only 31 m11e4 to
&stoat. Aloe a gold dwelling norm In eaterte,
sita.ted on Coleman street, close to V,etoria Park,
This heuss is composed of 8 rooms, well Untitled,
plenty of hard and soil water, end kitehen
with psntry and wash room attsoaed, and a good
woodshed . -A good, stab'e 24x18, All of this property
must be sold as the undersigned is moving to the
United States. Ail particulars concerning this
property can ba had by applying at Tag. Exeosteog
Office or to the prop ir tor, JA31E3 KEEIOE, Nes-
fcrth. 1752.41
, _le 9 and the wait hail of Lot 8, on the 121h coma -
Woe, or Bronaon Line, of Stinley. This farm con-
tains 160 acre., all of whieh is cleared, exeept four
acres. It laid a state of first-class °titivation, w )II
fenced and all underdrained,mostly with tile. There
is a large frame derailing house sr g3od as new, with
good stone foundation and cellar, large bank barn
with etone stabling underneath, and numerous other
building", ingliscliag a large pig house. Two good
mbar& of choices fruit, also nice "btu and Orna-
mental trees. There are two ,ping creek,' runoieg
through the farm, end plenty nf good ware: all the
year round *Mout pumping. Ft le .well situated for
markets, churches, igloo's, post offi 8, eta , and good
gravel malt leading from it in all direetione. It IS
ithin view of Lake Huron, and tee boats earl be
seen patting up and down from the house. This le
one et the best equipped harms in the county, and
wit be dold on easy tenni, as the proprievor wAntr to
retire on account of ill troalth. aop'v bin the preeri-
ear or address Blake P. O. JOHN DUNN. a S44t
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound
Is sucoasfully used monthly by over
0,000Ladies. Safe, effectual'. Ladies ask .
your druggist for Cook's Cones Soot Com-
posed. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Prism, No. 1, $1 per
box t No.S. 10 degrees stronger.$3 per box. No.
1 or 2,niailed on receipt of price and two Leen t
stamps. The (kook Company Windsor, Ont.
rer-Noit. 1 and sold and recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
Ft old in Snot rrthiry Alex. liTsart, t • a• d
V. Far, druggists.
Red Cedar Shingles
Fall car just arrived at the following
British Colum:bia red cedar 4x per
bunch, 78c; 3x per bunch, 74c;
3x pine per bunch, 73c.
North Main, Street, &abate
Notice is Hereby Given
That a by-law was parsed by the Munioipal Council
of the Town of Seaforth on the (rah daY of July,
A. D. 1901, providirg for the iseue of debente•er to
the amount of $8,000, for the purpose ef mini; for
certain teal improvements in the said Town in the
issid by-law mentioned. The rafcl by -lay was reg-
istered in the Registry Crain of the County of
Huron, on the 'Rh day of July, 1901. Any motion
to quash etr tet aside She same, or any put thereof,
must be made within one month teem the date of
registration, and cannot te made thereafter.
Wei. ELLIOTT, Cle-ic,
Dated this 810 day of *Idly, A. D. 1901. 1755-8
Uire the Long Distance Telsphone
and have Long Distance Equipment
in their offices,
ALA the Local Manager for Rates.
Waters of the Gotpel Well Free
to All Who. Thirst,
TIto W•11 of the Gospril :Is Deep Enough
to Put Out the Burning Thirst of the
Whole of tho Human Raco—Trust hi
God's Provident. and All Shall lio
Well With You.
Washington, Aug. his di -
course Dr. Dr. 'llalmtage represents reli-
gion as a great refreshment a.nd in --
mites all the world to 4onae and re-
ceive it; text, Genesis xxix, 8, "We
cannat until all the.hooks -be gather-
ed tOgetner andi till ithey roll the
stone from the- weirs moUthen then
we water the sheep:" •
A spene in MesoPOtannia, beautiful-
ly pastoral. 'I A. Well 'of water of
great value in that region. The
fields around about it white with
three flecks of sheep lying down
waiting for the watering. I hear
their bleating coming onthe bright
air and the laughter of young men
and maidens indulging in ruetic-re-
partee. / look off, and I see other
Books of sheep Coining. Meanwhile
Jacob, a stranger, on the interesting
errand of looking for a wife,- comes
to the welln• A beautiful shepherd-
ess comes to the same weal. I see
her approaching, efollowen by
•father's flock of sleep. It was a
memorable meeting. Jacob mar-
ried tinit• shepherdess. . The Bible
account :of et "Jaeob kissed
Rachel !and lif ted up, his voice and '
wept." It has always been mys-
tery to me what , he found to cry
about! But tenor° that scene occur-
red Jacob accosts the sheXiords and
asks them why they postpone the
slaking Of the thirst of these sheep
and why they did not 'immediately,
proceed to water thein. The shep-
herd reply to the effect: "We are all
good neighbors, and as a mat Ler of.
courtesy WO wait until all the sheep
of the neighborhood come up. Be-
sides that, this- stone on the well's .
mouth is -somewhat heavy, and sev-
eral of us take hold of it and Push
it aside, and • then the buckets and
the troughs are filled and the sheep
are satisfied. We . cannot, mitt' all
the 'flocks are gathered. together and
till they roll the stone from' the
well's mouth; then we water the
sheep," 3
Oh, this is a thirsty world! -Hot
for the head, and 'blistering for the
feet, and parching for the tongue.
The world's great want is a cool, re-
freshing, sit tisfn,ing draft. We wan-
der around, and we find the cistern
empty. Long and tedious drought
Juts dried un.Otne World's fountain,
but centuries ago Shepherd,: • with
crook in the _shape of a cross and
feel cut to the bleeding, explored the
desert passages of this world and ono
day ettine . across a well a thousand
feet deep, bubbling and bright and
opalescent, and looked to the north,
*and the south, and the east, and the
west, and cried out, with a voice
strong and musical, that-rai
through the ages, "kro, every one
that thirstetb., .come • yo to the wa-
tars! •
Now, a great flock of sheep to -day
gather arpund this gospel well.
There are. a great many thirsty
souls. I wonder why the flocks 01
all nations do not gather, why no
many stay thirsty, and while I am
wondering about it inn, text breaks
forth in the explanation,- saying,
"We cannot until all the flocks be
gathered together and till they roll
the stone from the well's mouth;
then we water the sheep,"
If a herd of swine come to a well,
they angrily jostle eaah other for
the precedence; if a drove of cattle
come to a well, they hook each oth-
er back from the wafer; but when a
flock of sheep come, thouO a hun-
dred of them shall be idiseppointed„
they only express it thr sad bleat-
ing, they come togethnr pegaeably.
We want a great multitudO to come
around the gospel well. I know
there are those who do not like a
crowd; . they think a crowd is vulgar.
f they are oppressed for room in,
hurch, it makes them positively im-
patient and belligerent. We have
lad people permanently leave church
ecause, so many other people come
to it.- Not, so clic! these oriental
Ethapherds. They waited until ,all the
flocks were gathared, and the raore
looks that came the better they liked
t. And so We ought to be anxious
het all the people' should come, Go
ut into the highways and the
edges and compel. them to come in.
0 to the rich and tell them- they
re iedigent wiehont the gospel cif
esus. Go to the poor and Leli them
he affluence- there is in Christ. Go
o the blind and tell them of the
ouch that gives eternal illumine -
ion Go to the lame and tell them
1 the joy tha I, will make the lame
Ian leap like -a hart. Gather all
he sheep -off-all the mottneains. None
o torn of the dogs, none $o 'sick,
one so worried, none so dying, • as
o be omitted. Why net gather a
neat floCk.? All this city in a flock,
11 New York in a flOck, all London
I a flock,' all the world in a flock.
This well of the- gospel is deep en -
ugh` to put ou t he burn leg thirst
gLiA MILL UU Cannot pear .to co
to so democratic a fountain; you
not want to come with so many o
ors. It is as though you were corn
thirst, and You were invited ,to are ot old enough to enderstand my state you will fin
slake your thirst at the town pump song ws, You have flat been in the often eirpresses
instea of sitting in a parlor sipping worlii as long as lave, and you
just b
out 0 a chased chalice Which has can't talk to me bo t my misfor- silence as by an
Those, indeed,.
You dd a je,l'o'ngWealls, life without jars
YOU a great deal rive within a re
benevolence and
the t
be ie.
or ne
wY joiulin
life in
of- thi"
nal lif
Me me DOCK, pursuer(' the waives,
do come to the fountain where the .
th- Lordrs sick and bereft ones have
"Ah," says some one, "you
may seem strange to wows wno :ire run
married when I tell you bow the least
trifle can strike Wellinn fOr a
Week. But if you ever enter into this
that the- gentle sex as
tiger by an obstinate
ngovernable clamor.
vim begin this course of
at their setting out ar-
months nt a pitch of
affection of which :the
dship is but a faint re -
en lifted from a silver salver. tune
Want to get to heaven, but m
ust be in a special car, with you,
- feet on. a Turkish ottoman amo
in the time
y not have liv
but I have been
g old people, and
band of music on board they feel about, their
'Ettin. You do net Want to and nbout their depart
ompany with rustic Jacob and about, the loneliness tl
and -to be drinking out of the strikes through their s
in where -; 10,000 sheep have 1 To I lean on a peo
rinking before you. You will and then have it brea un er you
j, What does not
o remove the obstacle of pride There are only .two y ars' 'difference- Per these reasons
er find your way to the well between the death of rty father and in marriage the
ill have to come as we came, ' mother, After my Mother's decease .
o around as quire a preposse
nothing. He words and action
other. Each sho
n one reom : _success.
ason and go .
I know how. most perfect Wei
failing health semblance. As in an unfortunate mar -
d friends and riage the most iinute and indifferent
at sometimes things are object of the pharpest resent-
uls. ment, so in a ha py one they are occa-
for 50 years skins of the mos exquisite satisfaction.
What does not bilge in one we love?
end in one we dislike?
I take it for a rule that
hief business is to ac-
sion in favor of each
Ild tonsider the other's
with secret indulgence.
to take ithe water of eter
any .Way and at any ha
any kind of pitcher, cry
Oh, Lord Jesus,. I am dy
st! Give me the Water of et
, w.hether in trough or g
let! CI- ye m the water ef life!
core n t in hat it CODIeS to m
Away' with. 11 your hindrances
pride rota tho Well's mouth!
Here in - another man who is k
'back f om this water of life, by t,
stone of an obdurate heart wh
, lies 0 er the mOuth of the well. Y
have t o more feeling upon this. sub -
i •
ject t ien. if God had yet to do you
the fii st .kindness or you had to 'd0
-God' tie first wrong. Seated on his
lap al these years, his -everlasting
arms heltering you, where is your
gratit ide? Where is your . Morning
and e enieg 'prayer? Where are your
consec ,ated lives? I say to you as -
Daniel said to Belshazzar, 'rho God
ler wh se hand thy breath is, and all
thy ay, thou heist not glorified."
If you treated everybody as badly -.
as yo have treated God, you would
have lade 500 apologies; yea, your
whole. life would .have been an apolo-
gy. T1 ree , times a day you .have
been s rated at - G od's.table. . Spring,
swam a • autnmir and winter he has
approi rsately rip.pareled you. . Your .
health from Him, your .companion
from I iat, your children from - Him,
your home from Hina all the bright
. surrou -Wings of your life from Him.
Oh, in n, what dont thou with that
hard h -art? •Panst thou not feel one
throb .1 gra itude toward the *God'
that , itde ye u, and the Christ who
came to reclean you, -and the Holy
Ghost who h is all these years -been
imPert ning ou? ran you -could - sit
Own .1 vo mi lutes ender the tree of
a Savi ur's niartyrdoin and feel his
.lifeblo d tric clhig ati your forehead
and ch ek am hands, methinks you
would •Ot SQ c ainpreciatien of Whet
arou 0'c to a crucified- -Jesus. ,
- There aro men who are perfectly. -
discontented. Unhappy in the- peat,
. unhap y to -d y, to be unhappy for-
ever unless yo come to this gospel
well. ' his sati 'ties the sotil with a
high, c eel), all absorbing and eternal.
stitisfa tion. I "comes, and it offers
the m st Miro tunate man So much
of this world ts, is beet for him end
throws, all hea,von into the bargain.
The Wealth of Croesus and of all the
. Rothscailds is only a poor, miserable
ehilling compa ad with the eternal •
fortunes that 'hrist offers you , 'to -
the sceles-, wit on the other side
day., n the fer oast there was a
king w o used once a year to get on
.the. scales wer placed' gold itiiti ga-
yer and gems a- :indeed enough wen
placed there to balance the kin.
Then, at the elose of the weighing,
all these treasuren were thrown
- among tho populace -But Christ to
day steps on ono side the scales, an
on the other side are all the (ren
tires of the universe, and lie say
'"All are yours; all height, all- deptl
all length, all breadth, all eternity
all are yours.'' Wo do .not appeeciat
the promises q the gospel., -
•When an aged clergyman was dyin
-a man very eminent in the hhurc
-a , young theological student 'etoo
by his. side, and the aged man looke
up and said n to him, "Can't yeti giv
Inc some coMfort in my dying hour?'
''No,'said - the young man: "
can't -talk to you on this eubjefl,
You know all about, it, and hay
known it 'so long." alVell," said th
dying man "just recite to mo som
promises." The young- man thougn
-a mothent, and he came to thi
promise: 'The blood .of Jesus 'Chris
cleanseth from all sin," and the old
man clapped: his hands and in his dy-
ing moment said, •'"That's just the
promise . I hove been waiting for -
rho blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth
from alt sin.' " • Oh, • the warmth, the
grandeur, the magnificence of the
Came also to the gospel well, all
Ye troubled. I do .not suppose - you
have escaped. Compare your view
of this life at 15 years of age with.
what your view is of it at 40 or 60
or 70, What a great contrast of °pin-
- ion! Were you right then or are you
right now? Two cups placed in- your
' hand, one a svieon cup, the other
a sour cup. A cup of joy and a cup
of grief. Which has baen the nearest
to being full, and Out of which .have.
you the more frequently partaken?
What a different place the com.otery is
from what it used to bel , Once it
. was ao you a grand city improve-
ment, and you went out - on, the ex-,
meet, and you went out on the
pleasure excursion, - and you -ran
laughingly up the mound,; and you
criticised in a -light way the epitaph.
But since the day when you heard
the bell toll at the gate when you
went hi , with the procession' it is a
sad place, and there is'. a . flood of
rushing meniories that suffuse . the
eye and overmaster the heart.. Oh,
nal mY father Used to
nd though, looking for so
Ing would often get up fro
Ing witheut any seeming r
er- to another room aid
ob- take ibis cane and et rt out, and
hen he would OH; NO, HE
- some one would say, "Father, where
e." are you going?" and 1 e senuld an -
of swer, "I 'don't knota xactly where
I am going." Alwaysilooking for
ept something! -Though hh was a ten -
he 'der hearted man I nevee saw him cry
ich but. once, and that waslbat the burial
ou_ of my mother. After '0 years' livn
ard. to part
people to -day
it a pang as
hem there is
in the prom- j
I come to
y arm, or I
Ing them to '
down, "father
th i
ing together it was
And there are aged
who are feeling just su
that. I want to tell
a perfect en.chantment
ises Of this gospel,- an
them and effete thein
take their arm and I b
this- gospel well. Sit
or 'nether, sit down. ee -if
anything at the well for you,
David, the psalmist, have you a
thing encouraging to offer them
"Yes," says the psalmist; "the
shall .be fat and flourishing, to sho
that the Laird is upright. Ile is ni
rock, ,and there is no .unrighteou
The Mars Who Saw a White Obieet
Rine Out p, Grgsve at Night.
"I protest I witsn't frightened a bit,"
said a suburban eesident the other even-
ing as he sat with a few of the neighbors,
"You may laugh rill you event to, but you
cdn't proye by any act I committed or
any word JI spoke !that I was at all seared,
This Is how it happened:
"I was coming home abont 11:30 o'clock,
and, being in a huary to get home, made
a stroll cut Ulmer the cemetery. I was
ring Bleak at a natty good pace, jump -
mg over the moueds and tombstones. I
was uever more wake, more uormal or
less nervous in my life. But suddenly,
down in the hollow at one corner of the
cemetery, where ;the trees didn't admit
the moonlight, I sew something white rise
up out of a grave and then disappear in
Y • the earth. Immediately after I heard a
. dreadful greaten It was a real groan, I
was sure, the kied of a groan that is
Ny• wrung from a than by great physical
Y pain.
s- "I, stopped stock still. I didn't move.
e Olice more something white rose out of
ur rhe grave under !the tree shadows and
e? then sank bad,: into the grave. Once
d more the emu was repeated.
• "I was not frigbtened, I protest I was
if not. Bet n's I stood and looked and lis-
tened while the strange phenomenon was
.epeated it seemed to me the best course
was to retire as speedily as possible from
hat part of the cemetery. Was it a
ghost? I didn't believe it was at the time.
But I wasn't going to set myself up as a
udge and decide the case, and I wasn't
going to investigate. It wasn't my busi-
ess anyhow. I didn't own the.graveyard
nd I did not have any relatives buried
here. So I got out."
"And you ran, too," remarked the man
who lived across the stre_et. "I savv you."
"Yes, I suppose I must have run. You
ee,,I was anxious to tell my wife about
t; such a good story."
"Well, did you tfiud out what it was?"
"Oh, yes. It was perfectly natural, just
s I expected. The sexton's white horse
lad fallen in a grave and broken its leg.
t was trying to get out."
ness in . him." Corm, Isaiah, hay
you . atlything to Se, out of ye
prophecies'. for these aged' peopl
"Yes'," says Isaiah; ' demi to ol
age lam with the, nd to hoar
hairs ,will I carry thee," Well,
the Lerd is going to carry you, yo
ought, not to worry much abot
your 'i ailing eyesight and. failin
limbs.! But you say, "I • am so nea
worn out, and I am of no use t
God any more." I think the Lor
knowe whether you are 01 any mor
use on not. If you were of no mor
use, tie would have taken you befor
this: Do you think God has forgo
ten you because he has ta.ken care o
you for 70 or SO years') - He think
more of you to -day than he ever di
because you think more of 'him. Ma
the God .of Abraham and Isaac an
Jacob and Paul the aged be you
Gad forever! But I gather . all th
proMiees to -day in a group, and
ask the shepherds to drive thei
flocks of lambs and sheep up to .th
sparkling supply. "Behold, happ
is the man - whom God correcteth.'
"Though he cause grief, yet will h
have compassion." "Many are th
afflictIons of the righteous, but th
Lord deliveneth him out of them.'
"Weeping may endure for a night
but joy cometh in the morning."
am determined that no ohe shall .g
out 01 this 'louse uncomf rted. Yon
der is a timid and shri king sou
who seems to -hide awa from th
consolations I ani uttering as a child
with a sore hand hides away iron
the physician lest he touch th
wound. too roughly, and the triadic
_ h
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o A Crooked Tows.
▪ Northwich is the oddest town in all
e England.
There is not straight street or, in
, fact, a straight house in the place. Ev-
I ery part of it has the appearance of hav-
• ing recently suffered from the visitation
- of an earthquake. Northwich, as every
1 one knows, is the center of the salt hi-
e dustry.
On nearly all sides of the town are Iiig
salt works, with their engines pumping
e hundreds of thousands of gnIlons of
✓ brine every week. At a depth of some
as to go and compel the little Pa
ient to come otit and see the physi
inn. So I come to :your timid and
hrinking soul to-klay and -compe
'ou to come out, in the Presence o
he Divine Physician, He will not
int you. He has been healing
ounds for many years, and he wit
ive you gentle and omnipotent me-
icaanen t.
But some one in the audience says,
'Notwithstanding all. you have said
his morning,- I find no llevIation
or my troubles." Well, I am not
hrough yet. I have left the most
otent consideration for the last. I
m going to soothe you with the
hought of heaven, However talka-
lye we may be, there Will come a
ime when the stoutest, and most em-
hatic interrogation will eVoke from
s no answer. As soon els we have
osed • our lips for the fiaal silence
no power on • earth can break that
ta,cituritity. But where, 0 Chris-
tian, will be your .spirit? In a scene
of infinite gladness. The spring
morning of hea,yen waving its blos-
soms in the bright air. Victors
fresh from battle showing their scars.
Conquerors marching from gate to
gate. You among them. Oh, what
a great flock God will gathier around
the celestial well. No stone on the
well's mouth while the Shepherd wa-
ters the sheep. • There Ja,cerb will re-
cognize Rachel the shepherdess. And
standing on ono eine of
the well of eternal rap-
ture your children, and standing
on the other' side of eternal rapture
yotir Christian ancestry. 'You will
be bounded on all sides by a joy so
keen and grand that no otner world
has'ever been permitted to experience
it. Out of that one deep well of
heaven the Shepherd will dip reunion
for the bereaved, wealth ifor the
poor, health for the sick, est for
the weary. And then all th flock of
the Lorel's sheep will lie own in
the green pasture's, and world with-
out end we will praise the rd that
on tbis summet Sabbetth morning
we were permitted to studir, he story
of Jacob and Rachel at the well.
_ 200 or 300 feet are immense subterranean
_ lakes of brine, and as the contents of
these are pumped and pumped away the
upper crust of earth is Correspondingly
f weakened, and the result is an occasion.
al subeidence.
These subsidences have a "pulling"
effect on the nearest buildings, which are
drown "all ways," giving the town an
upside down impearance.
of the 1,(100,000,0oo of tile race. Do 3
not. .101 the church, by a spirit of ex- t
clusiVeness k,eeni the world out. Let_ 3
down all thd bars, swing open all • h
the gates, scatter all elio inyitations.
_aWhtisfeever will, let him come ". .1
Come, white and black. Come, red
men of the forest. Come, Lapland- . it
er, out of the snow. Come, Pata-
gonian, out of the south. Come in
ea' -have bad trouble, trouble,
rouble! God only knows hew much
'ou have had. It is a, wonder you
aye been able.to ltve ,through it,
is ta wonder your nervous system
las not been shattered and your
n•ain has not reeled: Troublo
furs. Come panting under palm a
leaves. Come one. Come all. Como 1; a
now. As at this will of Mesopo- n
Unita Jacob and Rachel were be- ti
trothed, so this morning at this well w
of salvation Christ, our Shepherd, p
will meet, you coming up with. your ,
long ft oaks of cares and anxieties,
end he will stretch out his heed inw
pledge of his affection, while all hea- d
Yen will cry out: "Behold, the p
bridegroom cometh! Go ye out to Y
meet him." '1, •
if I could gather all the griefs of
11' sorts 'frOm-these crowded streets
Lid could put them in one scroll,
either man nor -angel could endure
le recitation. Well, what do you
ant? Would you like' to have your
roperty back again? "No," you say
s a Christian 'man: "I was _bectim-
ng arrogant, and I think that is
hy the Lord took it away,
on't want, tti have my pro-
erty back.'' 1 Well, would
OU Ilene 3.0inr departed friends.
ack etgain:? 'No," yea say;
ouldn't take the renponsinility of
ringing them froin p. tearless realm
o a realm of tears. I couldn't, 'do
Weli, then, what do you want?
thousand voices, in the audience
ry out: "Comfort. (live us comn
art!" For that reason I have roll-
away the. stone from the well's
QUU cone, all ye Ivouude4 of
You notice hat this well of Mesa- I
potamia . had a stone on it, which 'n'
raust, be removed before the sheep ' ,‘
could be watered, and I find on the e` h
well of salvation ,to -day impediments 1 '
and obstacles which must be remov-
ed in order that you may obtain the
refreshment and life of this gospel. '
111 your vti.s9 tlIO iimPectellt is Piide 411
Frequently the Moat Disturbing
anent In Married Life.
It is very commonly observed that the
• most acute pangs which we meet with are
in the beginning of wedlock tied proceed
from ignorance of each other's humor and
want of prudence to make allmeances for
a, change from the most efirefill respect
t6 the most unbounded familiarity. Hence
it arises that trifles are commonly occa-
sions of the greatest anxiety, for contra-
diction being a thing wholly ueusual be-
tween a newly marriell couple, the small-
est instance of it is taken for tbe highest
injury, and it very seldom happens that
the man is slow enough in assuming the
.character of a husband or the woman
'quick enough in condescending to that of
a wife, It immediately follows that they
think they have all the time of their
courtship been talking in masks to each
other and therefore begin to act like dis-
appointed people. Philander finds Delia
ill natured and impertinent, and Delia
thinks Philander surly and inconsistent.
I bave known a fond couple to quarrel
In the very honeymoon about cutting up a
tart; nay, 1 could name two who, after
having had seven children, fell out and
Darted over boiling a leg of mutton. It
Reasoning It Out.
"How is this, Throggins? Have you
lost your opal ring?"
"No: left it at home."
"Where are you going?"
"Going to the races."
"Oho! Superstitious, are you?"
"Not a bit."
"Then why did you lenve your opal?"
"Well, it occurred to me that if I should
wear my opal in definnee of the populai
superstition the same mental process that
led me to do it might lead inn to betting
on the wrong horse."
The term “common sense" puzzles sc
many people, for we all must sorrowful-
ly admit its uncommonness. Common
sense is that sense which is common tc
all the five senses or the point where the
five senses meet, supposed to be the seal
of the soul, where It judges what is pre
sen ted by the five senses and then decide§
the mode of action.
The ostrich has long been laughed at
for pushing Its head into a bush when
hunted. It Is really far the wisest thing
• the bird could do, for its long neck is by -
far the most easily seen part of it. Its
body plumage harmonizes perfectly witb
• the desert sand.
Tea is tbe usasi drink in Persia, al.
though 5 Omit jIInri iiy of Turkish cot
tee is drunk in flint country.
-The total receipts in connection with
the celebration in Brussels in 'June amount-
ed to $465.26; with die' bursements of
$435 67, leaving a balance of $29.58.
Pain and Suffering.
Not- a Trace of Rheumatism Left
After Using Dr. Chase's Kidney.
Liver Pills.
If you are a sufferer from rheuma-
tism it is possible that you have tried
many- remedies without reaping much
benefit. Judging from the number
of cures that have been reported, Dr..
Chaee's Kidney -Liver Pills must be
about the best medicine obtainable for
rheumatism. .It cures thoroughly, by
ridding the blood of uric acid poisons,
the cause of rheematism and severe
body pains
Mr, S. Mane, Stittsville, CarletoreCo.,
Ont., writes "I was afflicted with
rheumatism,' had severe pains in the
knees, hip joints and across the back.
Rheumatism remedies did not -help me
and I began using Dr. Chase's Kidney -
Liver Pills, which have since complete-
ly cured me. There is not the lea.P.t
trace of rheumatism left,. and I ant no
longer subject to biliousness, headache
and stomach sickness, which formerly
attacked me frequently."e
Dr. Chase's ,Kidney -Liver Pills have
a larger sale by far than any similar
rernedY. 'They cure when others din-
" appoint. One pill a dose, 25 rents
box, at all dealers, or Edritanson, Detest
Os Co,., Toronto.
AUGUST 164 190i
What _is
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria lga
harm1es4 substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant,
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millionti of
Mothers. Csstoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish.
ness. Castorra cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Dowels of Infants and Children, giving --
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria Is the Children's
Panacea --The Mother's Friend.
Costoria is an excellent medicine for
children. Mothers have repeated4told me
of its good effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. Os000n, Lowell, Noss,
44 Castoris is so well adapted to thildres'
that I recommend it as superior to any pro.
scription known to me."
11, A. ARCHER, M. D. Brtralyx,
The Proper Combination.
There is only one combination, that will insure you satisfaction in
your clothing. It is this—the combination of style, comfort and dur-
ability. It is this combination that is to be found. in OUT made -to-,
order suits, and is not to be found in other wakes. This is the cam.
bination you are after, and we want to give yoi an example of how
WO work the combination. We have a nobby stock of the latest,
Tweeds and Worsted in the proper colorings and efftefs for the ground
work of this great combination. Let us work it on you.
For pure blood, a bright eye, a clear
complexion, a keen appetite, a good
digestion and refreshing sleep, TAKE
BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla
It arouses -the Liver, quickens the
circulation, brightens the spirits and
generally improves the health.
Sixty-eight year trial have) proved It to be, tlie most reliable BLOOD purifier known.
All druggists sell “BRISTOL'S."
Furniture Cheaper than Ent
On account of great reduction in expenses, and manufacturing Especial lines
we are now able to put furniture on the market cheaper than ever. 4J intend
in purchasers will do well to call at our warerooms, where full lines of up-to-
date furniture are sold t right prices,
This department' is complete with a large selection of the best goods, sad
obliging attention given to this branch of the business.
Night calls promptly attended to by OUT Undertaker, Mr. S. P. Holmes
Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church.
CENTRAL !Toronto Exhibition.
Hardware Store. August 26 to—September 7,1901.
We have a t•tock on hand of "Beaver
Portland Cements and Thorold Hy-
draulic Cements. The best goods at
the lowest price. Give no a call.
We have a stock of fine oil for spraying
cattle. Dou' et your animals suffer. '
The only paint
will stop a le
Call and get pr
Counter's Old
uitable for iron roofs ;
k and good for years.
Stand. Seaforth
Money To Loan.
This Township of Tuakersmith hss shout *8,0000?
Township Funds to loan at current rates of is tared
on first mortgage on farm property. Apply to tho
Rows or Treasurer. H. HORTON, limy*, lionsall
P. 0.; G. It 11710112, Treesurer, Olinfen P. 0
$6 500 P"'1ums4$
- 00
NAval and Military Displays Daily.
t 1
Bombardment of Taint Forts by
International Forces.
IGreatest Live Stock Show on the Con-
tinent. All Our Country's Resources.
Novel and
Fa .
Great Reunion of Canadian Old Boys
and Old College Students,
natured Bateson all Lines of Travel,
ANDREW SMITH, F. B,. C. V, S. B.J.01 al re
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