The Huron Expositor, 1901-08-02, Page 31901 Is a, Drop,,e- '4sant. Os of tstoria. t and Oviag drou'a I to children t.tee any pm_ ette. r OF 101.4 R. _faction in -t and dur- made-to- the com- e of how the latest the ground ter. •ial lines II intend d- )Ods, and and • Ifolmes 'GT:ST 2, 1901 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. VALUABLE 2C0 ACRE FARM FOR SALE- it'aoaeesb, Huron county; 160 acres lead; tedance gcod tineh ; well fenced ; in good stet* of cultiv Mien ; scree orcherd ; modern barn, dere etabling, ...led other outbuildings ; goad horse ; a deeirao:c property ; echoed at corner of ; two *Rd he'.f 111 les from Auburn, 6 front Meth station'inspection invited. Apply to TAOS. BROWN, Auburn, Oet. 17608 FARM FOR SALF.-1 have decided to sell my farm, beauefelly eituated in the growing Town Wioghare, COUtatning €6 !keret, suitable for fem. leg purpeees or for uitding Iota. r The soil is excel- lent. an t is we I o ate -el with throe wells and two overflowing springs. There are on the premiees a feed brick Muse, bailk learn and all necessary out-, imildirge. This mt deeirable property I offer for ;gloat a bargain. D. STEWART, Wingharr. 1765-4 - _ AGOOD INVT.STMF.NP.-Faneon'e brick block and dwelline in Eeeter. for sale. The brick Meek is well lituatel on Main street, is 70x* 6 feet, three storm tad contains four stales, offices and two hat's, all lc sed ; the hest businees stand in own. The dwerearr is tell*, of to 61°rYe, and contains 10 roorne ; is ad nimbly adopted for a boirdL p: house ; must be sold. Terms etey. Apply t3 R. FANSON, Eeeter, Ont. 1761-3 Fiirtmesion 7, Tuckeesmith, containingi171-1i-TUCKERSMITH TO RENT -To rant Lot 4, Co , 100 sorely, shout te5 acres cleared and under good cultivation. There are about 00 acres sreied to mar, Thera it a frame house and other outbuild- kgs. It is withen de miles of Sestorth ; there is good orchard said plenty of water. For particulars Jelefrees Skaffa P. O. MONTGOMERY PATRICK. 1754.tf DESIRABLE RESIDENCE IN SEAFORTH FOR SALE. -That commodious and pleasantly sit- uated residecce on E.ast Godelich etreet, at present 0e:copied by • Mr. P. Keating, will be told cheap. 'The hcuse le a two store fravae, with apleadid stone cellar. It le fitted up wilh beth roam *n.1 all wedeln improxemente and ie heated by a furnaee. /lard and soft water In the kitchen. There aro two Tote end a good etable. Apple t3 MRS_ P. KEATING, in the reMdcace, cr to MR. STEPHEN LAMB, Sea - forth. 17543;4 TEACHERS WANTED. TEACHER WANTED. ---Wanted, for School Section No. 6, MeKillop, Counte of Heiroe, a Teacher having- nad 3 years.' experience and been to the Norwei &heel. Duties to commence August loth, 1901. Appliceeiens reneived up to August fith. Personal applicati n to ttuetees preferred. W. 0, SMITH, Secretare .Treatumr, Winthrop, Ont. 52-4 filEACIIER WANTED. -Teacher for Volon School j_ Section No 15, Townships of Hey- and Stephen, duties to commeece August 19th.1901- All oPPII- cations should be in by August 12th. Aoplicante to addreas Any conitnunieation to J A00B SCHROEDER, Secretary-Treaeuter, Dashwood, Ontario. All applicants must appear personally. 1768x4 AUCTIONEERS.1 rpHOLIAB BROWN* Licensed Anitioneer for the j_ Comatose! Theron send Perth. Orders left at A. M. Campbell's implement worerooms, Sea'orth, or THE EXPOSITOR Office, will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed or no chazge. 1728-tf 4 liCTIONEBRING.-B. S. Phillips, Licensed /-11. Auctioneer for the countiee of Huron and Perth. Being a practical termer and thoroughly understanding the vsioe of farm stock and imple- ment!. places me in a better position to realize good prices. Charges nexlerate. &etiefaction guaranteed or no pay. All orderleft at Hensofl post office or at La ea, Conceeeion 2, Hay, will be promptly ttended to. - 1709-tt STOCK FOR SERVICE. DULL FOR SERVICE. -The undereigued will „DI keep for service on Lot 8, COOCeldir.dt 06, Tuck- erewith, the imported Durham buli, Royal Don, formerly ownei ey W. J. Biggine„ of Clinton. Terms, $9 for thorcughbreds and i2.25 for g-redes. Parties corning !roe: a distance aill be furniehed feel. PETER licKAY. 1752-4 110 PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep on Lot 26, Conceeeion 6, L. R. S., Tuckersinttb, a thoroughbred Tomo -oar -re PIG, also a thorough- bred YORKSHIRE PIG. A limited number of tows will be admitted to each. Terms, v., payable it the time of service, or fe1.60 if charged. JAMES OF-siefir r 160S-62 USE - THE. - GENUINE • MURRAY & UNMAN'SFLO'< DIPA THE UNIVERSAL PERFUME - For. THE HANDKE-KHIEF., i LET & BATH. SREFUSE ALL TJTUTES. / - =it3,111.. Onr direct connections will save you time and money for all points. CanadianNorth West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rater; are the lowest. We have them a suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR - ,ST OARS for your accommodation. Call for further information. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains We Seaforth and Clinton etstiona at ollowe SEAFORTIL Onneron. 12.40 P. M. 12.66 r. 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. k 9.20 A. M. 10.15 A. M. 6.15 P. IL 7.06 P. M .JOIXO WEST- Pasoonger. Paseenger.... Mixed Train Mixed TrAln 00tWO Eerie - Passenger,. Preseenger.„ Mixed Train.... 7.63 A. M. 7.38 A.M. 3.11 P. M. 2.65 P. M. 4 40 P. it 4.25 P. ki, Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Mixed. 1.40 P. M. 2.10 2,26 8.25 Mixed. 8.66 A. m 9.17 9.45 10.02 GOIKO NORTH-.Parmenger. Ethel 8.07 P. et. Brueeele.. .. ,. 8.17 Bluevale.. .. .. 8 27 Winehan...... _ 8 3d Gonoe SoL;Tfl- Passenger. Winehato.... ...... .. 8.63 A. M. Blnevale ....._.. seee Brussels.... .. • ... .. 7.18 Ethel._ ....... _ . .. • 7,28 London, Huron and Bruce. "GOHIO NORTH - London, depart.......... Centralia Exeter.. - ...• . • . • • - • Hanaail_ ...... Ktppen . . .. . ..... Brueefteld Clinton_ Londeeboro Blyth_ _ Belorave_ • Wtrighara arrive.... Goma .sourn- WIngham, depart Beigrave. . Myth, Londeelxiro... ..... Clinton_ .. . • • • • • -.- Brumfield Kippen_ ..... .. • • • Honsall_ ....... • • • • - Exeter ..---- - London; (arrive)- Psseenger. 8.16 A.U. 4.40 rem 9.18 6.66 9.80 8.0 9.44 9.60 8.26 9.68 8.33 10.16 8.56 10.33 7.14 10.41 7.23 10.68 7.87 11.10 8.00 Paaeenger. 8.63 A.M. 8.16 P. m 7.01 8.40 7.14 365 7.22 4,05 7.47 4.26 8.06 4.49 8.16 4.67 8,22 6.02 8.86 6.14 8.48 6.23 9.87 A. M. 6.1e 1:te6r''. Aft'. 'Wood's Phosphonne, 77),e Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able inedioine discovered. Biz packages guaranteed to cure all forme of sexual weakness, ei effects of abuse Or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To - bps°. Opium or Sttmulants. Mailed on receipt °L Price, one Package $1,81x, ee, one wat please. st4 cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Cempamy, Wmdsor, Out - Sold in So forth by Alex. Wilson, J. S. Roberta and 1. V. Peer, druggiets. Thie aignatore is on every box of the genuine Laxative Brotno-Quinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold in one -elm, "A KNOT AND A STRI G. An Abeentmlnded Mem and an Equate ey Absentminded Woman, They were seated ory• neer one an- other on a. sofa and had got paet the stage of small talk, seeming eentent to beam at -each other, seying no evert]. The, weather -was very warm indeed, and the man, reached in his peeket ,,for his hand- kerchief in order to wipe his brow. As he pulled the ,handkerehief out the girl noticed that it had a large knot tied in one of its corners. "rou alssentinindcd man!" she said suddenly. "What is the meaning of that knot in goiir -handkerchief?" ' He flushed hotly. "I don't think- I ought to tell you," said he. ."It might be fatal." "Yon foolish thing-, Charnel- I don't care if• you did forget to bring me. that picture you promised me last time you were here. Confess, sir. "Ewers better' for you." !"No," he .replied. "It !wasn't for the _ picture. I forgot to .tie the knot in for that. It was something else." ! • "I insist on knowing," said !she.. "Was it something about that Aliss-�h, what's her. name?" "You know Ludic Edgerton's . name very well. It -•wanot with referenereto Miss Edgerton nor to Miss He[ghtley ei- ther." "Well, :what was it, then, ,stupid? You probably have forgotten what Your mem- ory knot is about.' Now, haven't you?" "No; I haven't." ClIo-eniflo?u"ud it, Gladys, I don't want to teLle."harles Henry Guelph, proceed." "Well, well- Oh, darn it, it was to remind me to propose toeyou tonight!" "And you forgot?" she said, with a twinkle in her eyes' and a suspicionof.ft dimple. "No -o -o," he_ faltered. "Ole .no." Just then he caught sight of a bit of tin ribbon on her first finger -delicate bine ribbon. "What is that ribbon on your finger?" said he, with no special 'se- quence. "Stupid, that was to remind me to ac- cept you, dear." • The only 'sequel to this. is the explana- tion that the man had not brought home a bundle of 'important papers from. the office and that the, girl had forgotten to order the fruitor beeakfast: but, stiff, these were mere. details. TIPS TO tHE COOK. A cracked egg will !boil per:feet:1y well if wrapped in ,greased paper tiecl. with a string and put into boiling water. When boiling fish, add an onion to the water aml sweet herbs tied in a piece of muslin. This is a French ;cook's sugges- tion and very tasty: A new -idea in serving poached eggs is to pour browned butter over the toast before putties. the eggs on it and - then sprinklieg the whole with finely chopped pickle. The Italian .way 0,f. serving salmon is to place the boiled fish on a platter bor- dered with macaroni., Over this pour a tomato sauce, and sprinkle grated cheese over the whole. • The yolk of a hard boiled egg mixed with cheese and beaten to a soft -paste makes an appetizing filling for sand- wiches to be served at Sunday or ;mid- night suppers. To make successful gravies only just enough fat to take up'.a heaping table- spoonful of flour shauld begeserved. The rest should be poured off. Add the flour to the hot fat without stirring first in cold water. The starch cells burst more speedily in this way. A nice way to use up .remnants of meat is to scramble it. Chop it, and to two cups of it add two tablespeonfulsof broth or hot water. Add a,piece of but- ter the size of a small egg and heat. Break in three eggs, stir till cooked, then season with salt and pepper. Two Japanese Festivals. In Japan the little girls hold high festi- val on March 3 every year and the boys on May 5. On the girls' day the -doll- shops of Tokyo, .Kioto and other large cities are gayly decked out with what are called "0 Hina Saina"-tiny models of people and .things, and the whole Japa- neces court in miniature. On the boys' day, which is sacred to Hachiman, the god of war, all tbe houses' are decorated with gigantic paper carps, floating in the air from poles, after the manner of flags -one carp for every son that has .beren born to ,the family during the last twelvemonth. This display signifies that as the carp swims up the river against the current so will the sturdy boy overcome all ob-. stades, rising to fame -and fortune. Settled Her Doubts. At a certain fete in the north of Eng- land there was a captive balloon 'which, - on payment of a shilling, you.could get in and have a view of the surrounding coun- try. Nervous Lady (about to enter eager the balloon, to attendant) -I say, my man, is there any danger of this balloon burst- ing? Irish Attenthint-Eist aisy, ma rm. Don't you see it's fastened wid a cable, and should it burst we could easily pull you down, Nervous lady steps into the car quite satisfied. Ropes Jack Tar Cannot 'Splice. In the old days, nearly all of a yacht's rigging was-heinp, but in our modern rac- ing. craft very little hemp rope is used. Not only the standing riggingrebut a great part of the running„ is steel wire rope. Only the ropes that -have to be pulled on with hands, like sheets -ropes that trim the sails -are made of hemp. This is be- cause steel is not only stronger, but it does not stretch like cord made of fiber. - Home Magazine., Sister] y Sympathy. Gwendolen -How late you are, dear! What have you been doing all the after- noon? Maud -Helping the Grigsbys at their - "at home" and makiug myself generally fascinating and agreeable. - Gwendolen -Poor thing! 1,Vhat a hard day's work for you! -Punch. A .Close Call. "Don't you talk to your husband ever the phone?" "Never. When I have anything of im- portance to say to my husband,.1 want to get near him.". Men are are a good deal like horses; it Is always the ."old reliable fan3ily hot'"! that knocks everything to smash and runs away.--Atchisole Giobib FOR 'arena, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, Pain in the Stom AND ALL Slimmer Complaints, `1111/10 ch ITS EFFECTS ARE MARVELLOU IT ACTS LIKE A CHARM. !RELIEF ALMOST INSTANTANE0 S. Pleasant, Rapid, Reliable, Effec 1 Every Rouse should have it. Ask your Druggist for IL .Take no other. PRICE, - 35o. desSpnimer Sa e Of Fine Boots, Shoes and Oxfor s elg.t-lait . i To keep an up-to-date stook like our it becomes necessary every six month to hold a house cleaning sale. At present we are sold out of some sizes -in ur beet selling lines, and we are going to make it an object for you to visit our shoe store and see if we haven't he size you wear in some of the redu ed • shoes. In the lines where some s see are sold out wa have reduced some to below cost. Our Mid•Summer Sale starts to -day nd will continue through July and Aug et. Every day will find new lines on ur, Bargain 'Labia. Sit7e keep the largest and best stock of Trunks and Valises in town, at the lowest prices. Richardson & M'Innis SEAFORTH. -MEM MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE SHAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED, eee-: ' IND BLOOD 11. Cresswell, March 28, 19 The'T. Milburn Co., Limited; Toronto, Ont. Dear Sirs, -I write to say t have used Burdock Blood Bitt ith excellent results. L at rs st, spring my daughter got all run own and was very thin nd eak4 Her face was covered with zfed Spots and a large boil formed on her cheek. I procured 2 bottles of B.B.R., and by the time she -- ad finished them the spots and soii disappeared and she has ot strong and fleshy again. I CP Pier B.B.B. the best blood *echo he known. MRS. I. DAVIDSON. FURNITURE MPORIUM. J. Landsboro ugh DEALER IN Furniture of all kin1s At live and let live prices. Uphol ter - ng done and satisfaction in ever re- epect. Picture framing neat and c eap New Williams sewing machine alifrays on hand. No travelling agents, and no high prices. Goods delivered in Itown and country free of charge. /Undertaking Department. We have a large and varied assort- ment from which to choose in time of need, at prices that have been a matter of agreeable surprise to all who have dealt with us. Two fine hearses on hand for summer and winter use. Night calls at Mr. Landsborcugh's residence, corner cottage in rear of Dominion Bank, will be promptly responded to. JOHN LANDBBOROUGH, SEAFORTH, ONT. McKillop Directory for 1901. DANIEL MANLEY, Reeve, Beachwood P. 0. ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Lesdbury P. 0. JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0 JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Councillor, Beechwood P. 0 ARCHIBALD MeGREGOR, Couosillor, Elesforth P.O JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0, DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0. WILLIAM EVENS, Asseseer, Beeehwood P. 0. Osumi. JHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P. 0. Of lICHARD. POLLARD, Sanitary Inspeoter, Lead. bury P. 0. 1 THE HIJR0 EXPOSITOR, THE WIDE WORLD. Interesting Little Facts . Gathered -From the Corners of .'This Mg, Earth - Peep Into Many Lando. ' London consunies 11 tons of ealt a. day. I -There are 72 places named Newton 11 England. I -In the German army nearly 10,000 .;tirrier pigeons aro used.. ; Alexandria possesses ,the Inigest artificial harbbr in the n pied. -... I Out of 16,300 islands in the In - !than Ocean, only 370 are inhabit- ed. i Paris has 149 brigades of scaven- igers, in all 2,000 teen and 600 •wo- ,Oeen. . I At present each 1,100,000 tons of noal raised Coste one human life. - I In 1801 London had only 959,000 people, .' Liverpool 82,000, and prighton 7,000. I The a,verage depth lof the Irish Sea is 240 feet, of the English Channel 1.10 feet.. You can take out a patent in I3e1- kiuin for S:5, in France for £10, in !Russia for 1!,19: . ; 1 Every English parish with a popu- ' lotion of over .300 is obliged to elect it !parish council. , i The French Legion of Honor is the biggest order of merit, It num- bers 53,000 members. Buffaloes are found at . the height of 12,000 feet on the African moun- tains of Kilima Njaro. ' The Argentine Republic is offerink ape.cial inducements to encourage im- migration from japan. -South Australia,. sixteen times as big as England, has a population uly (oval to that of Leeds. . In Bohemia 63 nobles own the bulk Df the country. None of their estates are less than 12,000 acres. . Russian law allows a man to mar- ry only four times, ond he must naarry before eighty or _tot at all. Wheat, rye and turnip crops are ' ecreasing in England; barley, oats, end potatoes are increasing. ltaly's convictions are 230 per 00,000 population, a world's re- ord. Singapore comes next with cles. Close on -42,000,000 oysters, val- ed at over £147,000, were landed -n Great Britain's coasts last 'year. Britain's colonies, including India, have 256,000,000 people, six times the population of the United King - do 111. ' Norway, Servia, Greece and Dui- gmaernita. are the only European nations which have but one house of parlia- ' e The spectroscope, by the aid of which we are able to tell what the sun is made of, was inveneed. in 1851i1C))o' ut 1,100 men are employed by the. Bank of England, and their sal- aries amount to nearly e:300,000 a year. In iron -making 40,000.000 tons of • coal a year is used in Englaahl and AIllerietl, . 20,000,000 oy G ermany and France. • • Out of the 5.601,219 who attend school, 144,063 English eieldra un- der fourteen years of age are wage- earners.: - The Nile is noted for the neriety Of its fish. An .expedition sent by the British Museum brought home 9,000 specimens, Dewsbury hasthe highest rates of any town in England - 8s. 6d. In the 'pound. Lancaster, 3s. 8d. in the pound, is the lowest.. -Powers of Example. At the close of a large 'temperance meeting, a. man well known in the neighborhood as a notorious -drunk- ard, was asked to sign the pledge and make a fresh start in lifc. He was a great, powerful man, and • he doggedly objected he looked quit formidable. "I will sign the pledge if you will," said a. gentle voiceat his s do. He turned quickly round and saw a frail looking little ,;•oinan with earnest, tearful eyes. "I:11 sign if you will," she repeat- ed. know ithi hard for you, huti it May be easier if we both sign to -I gether, and then We can help each other to keep the pledge. Come, le us get our cards," and stepping u tothe table she signed the pledge, and! then- held out the pen to him. Impressed by the intense earnest ness of her manner, and drawn b force of herexample, the man cam forward and a minutelater wentI down the hall with his pledge car in his hand. Sultan Objects to Bicycles. The Sultan of Turkey objects to -bicycle races, not because he is afraidof anyone getting hurt, but because he - fears Ile may get hurt himself. Crowds are not Welcome A the neighborhood of his .sacred per son. When a .number - of people sr gathered together it becomes it riot and they make it easier for the cal- iph's subjects to, conspire tegether and, perhaps, to arange e t Ignept. against, their sovereign's life. Thie feeling on the part of the Turkisi authorities has acquired fresh ener- gy since the -assassination of Kin Humbert. Further races in Constan- tinople have, therefore, been forbid den by the police. ' Literary People and Holidays. Literary people are evidently no In need of holidays. o long ns the have pens, ink, and paper, and a cess to a library, they can writ their bovoks -a.nywhege, and man choose to write thein in the quie seclusion of a. Country house, Ride Haggard enJoys the Seclusion of Norfolk farm, George Meredith lead a 'recluslvo life among the .Surre hills, G. A. Henty !writes all hi boys' books on board his 80 -ton yacht, and Dr, GordOn Stables ha for his study .a gypsY caravan f' i which he wanders at will for a ha. 1 of every year. His Reason. .'No," said Willie Wishington, .1/1 never expect to marry,'' - ."Why not?'t "Well, I shouldn't ca.re to marry woman who was not clever. And 1 proposed to one and she regarde me as sufficiently intelligent arid fo bearing to make a suitable husbanid -why, then 1 shouldn't regard her as clever .tt CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The fee - simile t -Why if Wog.. A shoe th highest awa World's Fair enough for a 1 Beauty, co pearance and points that wo Its price a the choice oft who know ho fully and corn $3.00 and t has won the d at the Paris ught to be good dy to wear. fort, style, ap- urability are the the gold medal. d value make it ousands of ladies v to dress taste- ortably. 4.00 per pair. Made by The J. D. King Co., Limited Toronto. ' JI7ViN 04... JP loy _ _ A _ 3UALIT GILL SHE'S HAR ESS. I have removed, own store, ONE D POST OFFICE, w meet all my old ou ones. y harness isbop to my OR NORTH OF THE ere I wilOse pleased to tomers and many new Gillespie's arness is the best arness. A full stock of H rse Blankets, Robes, • Sleigh Bel s, Trunks, Ike. atisfaction guaranteed. d we will please you, &tidy your purse. (Ashy. SPIE, Seaforth, 11 of the Yost Office. 1718-tf Prices right and Give us a call delight your horse, sgrRepairing a S JAMES GILL One Deer NORI eleMNIEINIMINIIIMINIEIE111111111.1M RECOMMENDEp BY PHYSICIANS. Pond'4 Extract Overfifty yeas a household remedy for Burns, Spra ns, Wounds, Bruises Coughs, Colds 4nd all accidents lia ble to occur in e ery home. CAUTION -There is only one Pond's Ei!ract. Be sure you get the genuine, sold only In sealed bottles In buff wrappere. Scales! Scales! Have yon ever seen itbe love, handy truck scale, the farmer's frieud 9 It is the handiest farm male on tbe market, and, as ;for durability, ha e Niue). The material in it is guaranteed all through, and more, there is a guaratit c printed on eech male for 10 years. We also give a Government certificate from the Government Inspector of Weighte, stamped end guarali to weigh correctly, and will vet igh front poun to 2,00 pounds. We, the undereigned, have purchased & low, handy truck scale nom J. H. Wheativ, and find it to be the handiest ard he most useful scsIe on the market tor weighing al kinds of farm produce, also live stock, such as fa cattle, horsee, swine. &o. : Flullett,-Walter N. unningham, Adam Elliott, Daniel Stevens, James Reid, William Murphy, John Kirkoonne'l, Robert rattle, James Wstt, Wm. A. Bryant, Wm. Strophe d, Albert Tiewin;Robert B. Rog e -son, Charles W. Rogerson, JOreph H. Brown, McKillcp,-W. H. cGavin, Robert Archibald, Jceeph Ryan, James fRy.n, John McClure, JalEe3 Mann. Any parties de fring a (reale won'd find it to their intereet to call or lrrlth to J. 11. WHEATLY, Harlock P• 0., Ont. Sole agent for the Townships of Mellott and McK Mop. 1752 tf DOAN'S e't INKY PILLS CURE 11AOKAOHS LAME BACK RHEUMATISM 61ARETRII emowri oisaase DIZZINESS Affe ASA KIDNEY & URINARF -SWAMIS ARE CURED 11V 0 -P. 11.63 LLS MRS. I. STEEVES, Edgett's Land- ing, N.B., writes On Jan. 18, urr : "In the fall of 1899 I wo troubled with a severe pain in the back. I could scarcely get up out of a chair and it gave me great pain to move about. I took one box of Doan's Kidney Pills and was completely cured. I have not been troubled with it since." BOOTS ! BOOTS 600 Pairs Just Received. The best value in the market. Call And See Them. THE GREAT CASH STORE D. 11. McBEATH, BLYTH - - ONT. 1744.62 WHAT YOUR STRIVING DOES FOli OTHERS:A 11 all the rill of thie tentinuous striving Were ¥ifl11y to amino How p r would stra ti:o planning end eontri'l. The en tien. ureine and the hurried driving Of leety, heatt .1:nd Lrainl But ever in the wete of true achieving There shines this glowing trail: Some other soul will be spurred on, conceiving New strength and hope, in its own power beltste ing, Because thou didst not fail. Not thine lone the glory -nor the sorrow, If thou dost miss the goal; Undreamed, of lives, in mazy a far tomorrow, Froin thee -their weakness or their force AZ borroK; On, on, 4rnbitious soul! -Ella Wheeler Wilecex in Succesa, C RING CONSUMPTION. Early Detection of the Disease Is of Prime importance. Now tliat the value of the open air treatmen of consumption has been dem- onstrated, the great importance of an early dia mosis of the disease is evident. Unfort mately it is by no means easy to recognize the disease in its incipiency, for the arly symptoms are not distinc- tive, and the cause of the failing healtli Is not o ten suspected until the disease has becoe e firmly established. The symptoms calling attention espe- cially to isease of the lungs are general- ly late i appearing, n -d the physician's suspicion will usually nave been arous- ed long lefore there is any severe cough or prole. e expectoration. At first there is merely a falling off in health; the perm' is "a little below par," and his friends remark that he is losing flesh. He is not actually ill, and his con- dition causes him little anxiety, being at- tributed to a rush of work or to worri- ment caused by a business hitch or some family trouble. But as time goes on and the supposed cause of the trouble has been removed, the patient does not recover his strength. On the contrary, the gradual decline continues, and a noticeable pallor ap- pears, The lips are bluish, the eyes are abnormally white, the pinkish hue of the nails fades out, the mucous membrane of the mouth is pale -in medical lan- guage, the patient is anmmic. This pallor is a suspicious sign; and an- other symptom of marked significance is a rapid pulse, one that beats continuously 90 or 100 tirnes a minute. At this time there is usually also more or less fever, although it may be so slight as to be de- tected only by a frequent use of the ther- mometer. A fourth symptom of importance is in- creased perspiration, usually most mark- ed in the first hours after midnight - night sweats -hut sometimes troublesome In the daytime as well. Cough during this period is as often ab- sent as present, and in any ease is sel- dom more than a nervous hacking. Lat- er it becomes more persistent, and some expectoration appears. But by this time the phfeician can generally detect signs of lung trouble by an examination of the chest, and the diecovery,of tubercle ba- cilli when the expectorated matter is studied under the microscope will re- move all doubts as to the nature of the malady. Of course, one who has persistent anm- mia, a rapid pulse, night sweats and perhaps fever is not necessarily in the early stages of consumption, although there is ground for suseicion. Even if he is; however, there need be no exces- sive alarm, for the disease at this stage is almost positively curable, and its early detection is therefore a blessing. The Cancer Isrlicrobe. Cancer is caused by an animal microbe known to science as an amceba. The germ is not the same as that of consump- tion and cholera, the latter being vegeta- ble growths, while the cancer germ is an animal growth, coming under •the same head as, those of malaria, yellow fever and smallpox. It is one of the lowest forms of animal life of which any trace has been found. In shape the cancer microbe ?night be likened to an ideal money bag, slightly elongated. The upper portion, where the strings would be tied around the bng, con- tains the mouth. Under the microscope the germs are shown to possess an inter- nal organism, embracing a digestive ap- paratus. The microbe, entering the human body by what process we do not know, fastens upon the first cell which it encounters and begins to feed upon and destroy the cell tissue. Having emptied one cell, it cuts its way out and attacks another. During its life the microbe duplicatei itself thou- sands of times, and the home tenanted by the colony it thus founds constitutes a cancer. Calais' Curious Street. In Calais not far from the landing pier is what is known as the fisher quar- ter. ' The inhabitants of this part of the town, numbering something like 2,000, form a community of their own and live guite apart from the rest of Calais. The young people never think of marrying out of their quarter. Just in the heart of this district is a very narrow street, its width being about five feet at most. Tha curious thing about it is that the bottom room of every house is quite isolated from the upper rooms, and the tenants who wish to go up to the bedrooms have to come out into the street and enter another doorway, behind which is a flight of steps leading up stairs. Durability of Wood. In very dry atmospheres the durability of wood is almost incredible. Pieces of wood, wooden caskets and wooden arti- cles have been withdrawn from Egyptian catacombs of an antiquity 2,000 or 8,000 years antedating the Christian era. Buniness Is Business. The Millionaire -Yee, your highness, 1 Intend to settle ten millions on my daugh- ter the day she is married. The Duke -Just give me a month's op- tion on that and consider it -Brook- lyn -Life. Re Knew. Teacher -If you are polite and hind to your young comrades, what will be the result? Bully Jones --They'll know they can lick you -Puck, NarroW minded peot4 are like narrow necked bottles -the less they have in them the more noise they make in get- ting it out. Our deposits of borax ere bellevig 61/ be practically inexhaustible. .1 it ; ; 1 The Whole Story in a. eee- 1, 444 (ntnny :...vis'.) From Capt. F. Love, Police Stetter, N. 5, Montreal:- 'We frequently MO PEraly DAVIS' Pane-Kim...En fore aim; in the go:p- c:eh, rheumatism, stiyness, frost bites, r- binin.s, ernmeee, and al befall men in our position. 1 have no heei- tati('u in saying that PAIN -KILLER s 11.e bc.q remedy to have near at hand. - Used Internally and Externally. Two Sizes, 25e. and 50c. bottles. Red Cedar Shingles. Full car just arrived at the following prices: British Columbia red cedar 4x per bunch, 78c; 3x per bunch, 74c; 3x pine per bunch, 73c. N. CLUFF & SONS, North Main Street, Seaforth. at•es Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of 4amee Ritchie,late of the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. Pursuant to the proviejons of the Revised Statues of Oe teal°, chapter M, tection 38, notice is hereby, given that all creditors and otter persons hexing- c:aims or demands against the estate of Jame!! Ritehie, late of the Town/011p of Howick, in the County of Hump, fernier'deceaeed, who died on or about the .11th day of June, 5. D., 1901, at the Township of Houick edo.esaid, are, on or before the let day of September, 19M, to deliver or send by post to one of the three executors, Thomas Ritchie, Evlimore P. 0.; Alexander McKercher, Wroxeter P. O., or Tindall Ritchie, Belmore P. 0., fun partici:dare of their claims and a statement of their account... duly verified, and the nature of the security (if any) beta by there, and after the above named date, the said executors will proceed to distribette the assets cf tbe estate among tbe persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they theta shall have notice, and they shall not be liable for the newts, or any y art tliezeof, to any person or pereone of whose claim they shall not have notice at the time of euch distribution. THOMAS RITCHIE, Executor. Dated at BOA is3k the 22nd day of July, A. D. 1991. 1754-3 Seaforth .111ills. • The undersigned having purchased frzni the Ogilvie Milling Company, of Montreal, the well-known Seaforth Flour Mills, Are now prepared to do all kinds of ett- 4 :S! e -re 4 Custom Works TO WHICH . • Special Attention will be Given. The very beet quality of Flour given in exchang4 for 'wheat. Chopping of all kinds done on the short, est notice. Price five cents per bag. The best branch; of Flour always on handl, and will be delivered in any part of the town free of eharge. The highest price iu cash paid for all kinds of grain. Feed of all kinds constantly on band. The Seaforth Milling Co. 1689 STORE UNDER THE TOWER. STEPHEN LAMB, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Timber. Our lumber eowilete of She beet quality of Hemlock and Pin., being weU manufactured. Any amount of Red Cedar Shingles slasys on band.. Bring alithg your bine, you will be sure to got them filled HMI- faetorily. SirGodoriob *est "...74. 171141 td CD •° 4 p cp 44/ ce, re. et- fD el , oft CD t= ;0 1-1* oo -4 P O E 5 tr. on (1) tttl ed ted g.0 - • 144.4 et' w 121" -0 Do CD cp ,E.15 et - r.0 LI a) et- P.J 1.4.3 R -a• 0 e+- *xi re 40, O ' 0 - ttr ge ti co e.e. 0 PO e) co Pe a )-6 a) o 4:o 4 /IWO MEW 4L..dif Cig2 Ci° ommi nts Robert IDevereux ILACKSPAITR and 1.. 4iarseei Atteingntio: to .1hoe nd wininnAmemiudiAr. Opp. General Jobbing. It ter c 111•••••••••••=1=MIN• Goderiob street, - Seafortb, MONEY TO LOAN :Money Saloon at 41 per 42Eoni 4. good farm semi. ity. Apply to JAB. L. BILLORAN,Barrieter,Ses.4 'cash. 17124f , 4 4It 4 4 _ • , -