The Huron Expositor, 1901-08-02, Page 2_
ele :
et,: • -
. , .
9 •
• eine ly situated in 8ealorth, almost new.
Good hard ancle-sofi water. Apply •te SCOTT
BROS., Seeforth.
FOE SAL—Tho house and grounds belonging' to
. the late S. G. Mer.ladgbey, corner of Church and
Centre streets Seforth. The property will be gold
cheap and on coy terros, F. HOLMESTED, Sea -
forth. 178441
rteRet IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—Fer gale Lot 1.1.
U and South half of Let 12, Concession 4, Stanley,
nentainteg 150 acres, 90 mores teetered and in a fair
etete of cultivation. There ia a frame dwelling hetet°
with cellar, bank betel with stone stabling, stone pig
pen, stare silo, two good wells slap a river rung at
the back of the farm. It is oonkentent to ohurahea,
echools and markets, being S miles from Bruceileld
and 9 milea from Seaforth. Apply on tho premises
• addles THOMAS GEMMELL, Brucetiald,
SALE.—Beautifully aLuted on Centro Street
adjoining Beattlets Grove, There are two lots planted
with the choicest of fruit trees of alt kindand
shrubs. A frame house, gone cellar underneath the
whole house, a sitting room, dining room, summer
and winter kitchens and four bedrooms, hard and
sat water. It is one of the moat pleasantly located,
eomfortable end convenient residences in &Worth
and will be sold cheap. Apply to JOSIAH %VAT
SON, Seaforth. 170041
-PAM! IN 1111,113ERT Fait SALE.—For sale, West
..0 half of Let 23, on the Oth Conaession e
Bibbed, containing 60 acres, mpre or less, al
cleared and in a good state of etaltivation, There
are good fences, and It is well underdrained. There
are on the premises a good frame barn and stable,
log house and frame kitchen. There is also plenty
of water on the beak and front of the farm ; lao a
good orohard. It is convenient to sahoole. atm chest
and post office. Apply to WILLIAM BURK K4 itro•
priator, or to St. Columban In 0. 17" titf
J' cheap, the East half of Lot 7. Coneeseion 9,
conteieine 50 sores, nearly all cleared, well fenced,
underdrained with tile, and in a good state of
cultivation. There 13 a good fratee house and baro;
plenty of water, and a good °mimed of all kinds of
fruit. It is within a mile and a half of the village of
Constance._ The proprietor desires to get more
land. Apply on the premises, or address Constance
P. O. JAMES MeGILL. 175141
'ILIAR11 FOR SAI.,—For gale that very _desirable
je farm on the Mill Read, Tuekeremith, adjeoieg
the village of Egmondville. rt contains 97 sore.,
nearly all cleared and in a good state of cultivation,
and Vi.011 underdrsined. There 18 a ceinfortable
brit* cottaee and good barns, with root Maier and
outbulidines. The buildinge are situeted near the
centre of the farm and on the MIR Rond. It is well
watered, and plenty of soft water in the 'citation.
in conveniently: situsted for ottu-ch end school
and within, emit° and a half of Seatorte. Witl he
sold cheap and on eagy terms of payment. Apply
to the proprietor, ROBERT PAXSON, Seaforth.
FMIAMI FOR SALE.—For sale the farm of the late
. George Brown Let 3, Concession 6, Hullett,
containine 100 acre, of whicth about 90 scree are
e:eared and in a good etate of eultivatioe, the
balance -goer' hardayaod. There is a new two-story
brick home, with furnace, hard and sea .vater and
alt. modern conveniences. There is a 1 -ee bank
barn, with stone stabling, sheep house, t iplement
how and all other necessary out buildtn; There
are two good wells and a flowing spree A good
orchard. There are about 70 acres seeded 'o grass.
It if within three-quarters of , a mile from t re village
ot Constance, where are steres. 'wheal:" (-hutches,
era. Apply to the undersigned, Constance - P. 0.
GEORGE 'eTEPHENSUN, Executor. 1741
_U sale, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of Hay
Townshcp. This fatm coaxing 100 acres, 85 acme
cleared, the rest good hardwood bush. It is well un-
derdreined and fenced. Thom is a good stone holm
- with a No. 1. cellar ; !ergo bank barn, iinpiernent
shed ; sheep house, 70x75, with itrat-ola 5 tteteing
and root Misr underneath ; a good orehard; 2 geed
wells and eistero. There is 1.2i write of fall wheat
sowed on a rich fallow, well naanurecl ; 40 -acres
seeded dawn reeently, the rest in good @hap() for
crop. This is :1a No. 1 farm, well situated for
markete, allure/fear satinets, post office, de., and
will be sold reasoriably. Apply on the -eremites, or
actiress ROBERT N. D0UGL4tS,Blake,0nt.1688x5if
MIAMI FOR SALE FOR e4,250.—Eighty acre
_U farm in Ogenaan County, Michigan, with 8700
worth of crape modern new house, rood barn and
outhouse', fine stone cellar. good water. All
household furniahing3 of the beet. Three horeca,
few head of cattle of fine breed, up-to-date farming
implement& Mese orchard in County, of 4 aoree
One ad one -het miles from good raericet, ten miles
from County Beat. Cellar holds 800 bush* of
apples in make Forty acres improved, bal&nea
hardwood timber, nice rolling land, clay loam.
Thiel property cost present owner 83,500 °ash ;
reason for selling, party la going to Old rountry.
Thia is a bargain. School and church I mile froui
feral. All goe3 for $4,24 if taken by 24h of
August. C'eer title. Address JOHN D. BURGERS,
We* Branch, kliehigan. 1753-0
MURK FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—For safe or to
_U rant, Let 20, Bayfieni Road No4b, Butner:.
centsielne 131 scree 123 acre oieerel and line tod
state cf (mitt :anon, the balance is resod hardwo.d
busb. The farm le well undardrainel and v ell
fenced. There is a good b tak house tw • good
barn e+ and other outbuildings. P:enty of hard and
soft w.ter, Two aores of ohoice eerie tree.. Thie
excellent farm is within & quarter of a Hire of Varna,
where, there is a poetoffice, sehooI4, churehes, etc.,
and et miles of Bruaefleld stem. It is in a mast
destranie looation, in the lc 1 farm.riz section of
Ifurrn Will be said on ieaeonable term?, or %ill br
rented for a te ni of years if uot sold by eepteetber
lat. Far further p irtieutars app'y to 8. A.
MOFFAT, Varna, 17604f
VA.Rel FOR SALE.—For sale, Lob 1, in the Town.
U dap tl Tuckeramith, Conoeeston 8, 100 acres of
land, 95 aores cleared, well un Isrdrained. Splendid
farm for grain or stook, well watered,: a running
spring the whole year runs through the farm. Also
on the term ie a splendid bank barn, new y ne
whieh 1, 00x54, with atone stabling underneath.
Aloe frame houao e.ext8, and kitchau 18x10, wino
good atone cellar, and two good wells. Thi t pro-
perty. is situated In a very desirable locality with
splendid grayed to Ida to market, only 3e mileto
Seaforth. Mao a good dwelling houge in Seaforto,
attested on Coleman street, elm to Victoria Park
This hausa fa compoited of 8 rooms, well neighed,
plenty of bard sad soft water, and kitchen 20x16,
with pentry and wash room attaahed, and a good.
woodshed,`A good stable 24x18, All of this property
must be add as the underaigned 10 riming to the
United States. All partioulars coneernine thia
property can be had by applying at Tax Execerron
Office or to the proprietor, JAMES KEHOE, Nea.
forth. 176241
iy and the west half of Let 8, on the 121h concrete
gime or-Broneen Line, of Stanley. Tnia farm con-
tains 150 stereo, all of whieh is clewed, exeopt feu -
sores. It is in a stetit of firat-clasa cu Meatier', w 41
fNaced and all underdrrened,rnestly with tile. Trim
ig le large frame dwelling how° as geed a3 now, with
good stone fautehition and cellar, Iare b ink born
with t stab:kg underneath, and nuaier.mer oth )r
builainem, lwandi re a liege pie hou+e. Two ;nod
orchards ot elio:o) fruit, also ules ehido and o•na.
uintal treeo. There are two tp.in4 creeke runeine
throtteh the farm, aid plenty of good wee • a'l the
year round v Wood peeping. wellettuetad fir
markets, chateau, soli•o's. peat nal e, etc , anI ecod
gravel roeia learlinz from it in all dire •tion'. I c is
within view of [aka Huron, ani hats 0t1he
mien pagettre up and down teen the /mete.; Thi+ 14
000 of the heat equieped faring in the c may, lied
will be sold on easy terms, (la the proprienor w tut.; to
retire on amount, of III health. Apply on the premi-
en, or address Blake P. 0. JOHN DUNN, tr
CookiCotton Root Compound
re succeasfully used monthly- by over
10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
_your druggist for Cook's Cotton Iteet Com-
pound. Take no other, as ell Mixtures, pills and
imitetioes are dangerous. Pries, No. 1, 11 per
box',No: 9,10 degrees stronger,$8 per box. No.
I or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two Rsent
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Oat.
VIrt-Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all
respousible Druggists in Canada.
Sold in Seaferth by A , iVi18013, J. 9.1 Robertr and
I. V. Fear, drueelets.
AU -GUST 2, 1901
ilae• !a:A ej hue a gom
od 7.rooed houe, spleasant-
sEcR sociErliEs
Rev. Dr. Talmage Expresses His
View of Them,
Advises All to Test Their Usefielineitts by •
Two or Three Rules :—First,- Its In-
, Silence on , Your Home ; Second, Its
Effect on Your Secular Occupation ;
Third, its Effect on Your Sense of
illoral and Religious Obligation.
Washington, .Jetly. 28, ,— A pt'ti-
questiou Which is asked in most
houses, -and for. many years, is here ,
asked by I .Talmago and answered;
text, Proverbs- 7de*, .9,_ "Discnyer not
a secret to another.",
11,, appears that in 'Solomon's time,
as in all .subsequent periods of " the
world, there vere people too much
disposed to tell all they knoi. • It
was blab,. blab, blab;- physicians re-
vealing the case Of their patients,
lawyers exposing the private affairs
of their clients, neighbors advertising
the -faults of the next door resident,.
pretended friends beteriying confi-
dences. 1
One-half of the .troublo of every
community 'cornea from the fact .that
so many peottio have not 1. capaci
to keep their. mouthsshut. ,. When
hear something disparaging of yo
my first ditty is not to tell you, b
if I tell you .what somebody has sa
against you and then go out '
tell everybody else What
told you and' •they go o
and telt others what - I to
them ehat 1 told you, and sive all
out, some to hunt up the original
of the story and others to hunt
doWn, We • shall get the .whole co
triunity talking-. about what you d
do and what' you did not do, ae
there will -be as many s.calps tak
as thouga band .of: MedoeS h
swept upon a helpless vi4lago.. 1
have two -ears, but only one tongti
o physioldgieal suggeson that m,
ought, to hear a good deal mo
than we tell. Let , us !join a. Oenspi
ace, that we will tell each 9ther a
the good and nothing of the Ill, an
then there will net: be such awf
need of sermons oil Solo non's word
'entscover not a secret t
• Splomon head a • very
tic circle. in his early Lays he ha
very confused reotiontli about mon
gamy and Polygamy, and his mull;
tudinous assooiatee in the matrionen
ial state kept hine, too well informe
05 to what wai going on in Jeri
They gathered up all the pr.
via Cies and potired -them into his eat
and his family hectinte-a sorosis o
female debating society of 700, dis
cussing day after day all the diffidul
ties bet ween husbands -and wives, be
tween employers and employes, b
tween rulers and subjects, until Sol
onion, in my text. deplores volubilit
about affairs. that do not 'belong t
US atid extols thevirtne of secretive
By the power of a secret divulge
fainil;es, -churches!: neighborhoods
natiims, fly apart. By the power 0
a secret kept great charities, social
ities, reformatory movements an
Christian enterprises may be advanc-
NI. 'Men are gregarious — cattle i
herds, fish ill -schools, birds i
flocks,' men in social circles. You 'Ma
by llw discharge*of a gun scatter a
flock of quails or by the plunge
the anchor Seat' Lipari the dehizeue
the sea, but they. will gather them
selves together again. 11 you. by
some new power could break the as
sociations in which men. -now stand
they cduld agttid adhere, gocrmeant
1.1C so. :He has gathered all. the 'flow-
ers a,nd ehru0s into associations.
You_ may plant one, forgetufienot or alone, away -off upon the
but it til1 .socen htint up
eome •other foegetmetiot -or heart-
sease. Plants 1pve company. You
will find them talking tO each other
in the dew:. •
You sometimes see a man with no
outbranchings of. sympathy. His na-
ture is cold and, hard, like a ship's
tnast ice glazed, Which the most agile
Sailor could. never .climb. Others
have0 thousand roots and a thous-
and branches.- Innum-erable tendrils
climb their hearts and •blossoolall
the way up, and the fowls of hee.ven
sing in the branches, In consequence
of this tendency we find men coining
ogether in tribes; in• eommuneties,
n churches, in • Societies. Spine
gather together to euteivate the arts,
entre to plan for -the [welfare of the
Lal, some to - discuss. religious
hem, some to kindle their mirth;
time to advance their craft. •
Here we find the oft distussed (wes-
kit' whether associations that, do
heir work with closed doors and ad-
rift their members by passwords and -
reef- ea eh other with a, secret grip
ru right or wrong : I einsWer that
t 'depends entirely on the nature of
he object for which- they Meet. Is
t to: puss the hours in revelry, was -
a 11, blasphemy -and obscene t alk or
o plot t rou ble to t he • s t ate * 'or t o
.e bawds the innocent,' t hen I Say,
1 1
o another."
urge domes-
_ •
0 -
- with einphas is • t ha t .nian cart •
mistake, Noe -Bhe ut- is tobject. the-
defense of Ow right s of. any class
against, oppression,- the improvement
of the mind, the enlargement. (14 the
hen rt , t he advancement Of a rl,' t he
defense of elle goverintie
pnt, t he, extir-
ation or erime or the -kindling of a
pert. hearted sociality, then .1 'say,
with just as much emphasis, Yes,
Ileere is no need that Wo Who plan
for he co -wriest o•f right realer wrong
should pu 1,1 ish o all the world -our
int en lions . The general of an army "
never sends 10. the opposing troops
informat on of the eoming attack,
Shall we who have enlisted in the
tie() of God and' humanity expose
se plans to the.enemy? No; we will
secret plot the ruin of all the en-
rprises of satan and his cohorts,
hen they expect us by day, we will
11 upon them by night, While. they
e strengthening 'their left wing we
11 fall on their right. By a plan
of battle formed in secret conclave
we will. coine suddenly upon tan
;crying, "The sword of `the Lord and
of G ideon. " Secrecy of plot and ex-
ecution is wrong only when •the ob-
ject and ends are nefarious. Every
family is a secret society, every busi-
ness man and every banking and in-
surance institution. Those men who
have no capacity to keep a secret
are unfit for positions of trust any-
where. There are thousands of men
whose. vittP1 need is culturing a ca-
pacity to keep a secret. Men talk
too much, and woinen too. There is i3
- ke.O.D. silence a al
The New Harness
Efaving purchased the Harness Shop and
business of Mr. John Ward, solicit the
patronage of all the old customers, and guar-
antee them and all new ones the best of
workmanship and tnaterial. Always on
hand a full line of
Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed.
Give me a eall,
ANDREW OKE, Seaforth.
WARD% OLD STAtiD. 1780 -if
speak .ta th oti
not belonging, . to any of t
great Seero I, societies about, whi
there has been so much violent 'di
cussion, I have only words of prai
forthose associations which have f
their object the maintenance of rigl
against wrong or tlise' reclamation
inebriates or, like the score -of m
tual benefit societies called ley (Brie
ent names, that provide temporary r
Jif for Widow e and orphans and f
then incapacitated by sickness or a
eidente from kayoing a livelihoo
Had it not been for the secret•lab
organizations in this c o tin try in°
. °poly would long ago have,. under i
ponderous wheels, ground the lab°
Ing .classes into an intolerable, servi-
The, men who want the whole
earth to themselves would have go t
it before this, had .it nothenfor the
git fl.trut noofs of the last horses or
. drowned in the large Potationof
ch • cognac or Monongahela, That secret
se society was the Loch Earn, Their
se. 'business • was tle, Ville de Havre.
or They struok, and the Ville de Havre
it -went. tinder!
of The third test by which you may
lee know- whether the sociecy to which
re you belong is good or bad is this:
e_ What, is its effect ou your sense of
or moral and.religioue obligation? Now,
e_ if I should take the names of all -the
d people in th is audience and put them
or . 011 a, roll and' then I shoold lay that
roll back of this .organ and a hun-
ts &ed years from now some one should
r. take that roll and call it from A to
banding together of great eeeret • b
ganizationei and while vie 'deplen
manythings that have been done b
them, their existence is -a ,necessit
and their legitimate sphere' distinc
ly pointed out by the providence of
God. Su1i organizations are trying
to 'dismiss from their association all
members who are in favor of anarehy
and .socia,1 chaos. • They will gradu.
ally eease anything like tyranny over
their members and will forbid. violent
interference with' any non's 'work,
whether lee belongs totheir union or
is outside of it, and will declare their
disgirst With any; such rule as thtl.
passed in England by the Manches
ter Bricklayers' Association, whidi
says any man found running or
working beyond a regular speed shall
be fine& 2' shillings and sixpence for
the first offense, 5 shilling's for the
Secondo 10 shilling's for the third and
if. still persisting -shall be dealt with
-as ,the committee. thinks proper.
There are secret societies in our
colleges that have letters of the
Greek alphabet for their nomencla.-
ture,, and their members are at the
'very front, in scholarshipand irree
proaehable in morals, while there' ay
Others the scene of carousal, and they
. gamble, hndthey drink, and they
graduate knowing a &mired tune
more about sin than they -do o
geometry and Sophocles. In othe
words, secret societfies, like indivi
duals, are good for bad, aro the
means of moral health or of tem
Z there would not one of -you clai-
mer, I say that, any society that
makes me forget that fact is a bad
r. Which would you rather have in
ei Your hand when you come to die, a
y pack of ,cards or a Bible? Which
y would you rather have pressed to
t. your lips the closing Moment., the
cup of Belshazgarean wassail or the
chalice et exChristian communion'T
Whom would you rather have for your
pallbearers, the elders of a Christian
church or the companions whose -con-
versation was full of Slang and in-
nuendo? Whom would you rather
have for your eternal companions,
those men ‘elio spend their evenings
betting, gambling., swearing, carous-
ing and telling vile stories or your
little child, that bright girl whom
'the Lord took? You can never break
away from the little arms that used
to be flung around your Reck when
she used to say, ."I'apa, do stay with
Me to -night, do stay with me to-
night!" You will never be able to
wipe away from your lips the dying
kiss of your little girl. The fascinae
# tion of a bad seeret society is so
great that -sometimes a man has
turned his back on his hOnie when
Itis child was dying of scarlet fever,
He went away. Before he got back
0- midnight the eyes had Noel eleende
-the undertaker had done his work, A Difflent red41411.
weeks' watehing, lay unconscious in on "Some People I five Married," Rev.
In an article in Ladle -SI Home Journal
and the wife, -worn -out with three ,
f the next, room. Then the returned D. M. Steele says; "Two foreigners came
to me one evening, neither of whom could
i . . .
twtst tile Dag end tight. If ants, blaek
or red, discover the chest, paint the wood
box all outside with camphor once a fort-
night. Twice a yenr take down the whole
contrivnnce and scald It outside and W-
eide with boiling soda water.
All manner of food keeps beautifully
ln it from one meal to the next. Fur-
thermore, things May bo put in it while
Lill wenn If they have to go into a
!gilt, unventilated place, as a refrigerat-
r,= they must needs be stone eold or
hey will get soggy land smelly.
Always set away cooked things in un-
overed dishes. Wire gauze dish covers
ill keep out dust and edmit of ventila-
ion. They are, however, too costly for
laity purses. A good substitute is a
00p Or oval of st10 ut wire, with either
heesecloth or mosquito net sewed firmly
ver it. Make the hoops of sizes to tit all
orts of dishes, off, rather, of sizes to
tand aa inch beyond the edges they must
over. The weight of the wire holds
Item well down. Every week drop the
o -vers in a wash boiler with water and a
I ttle soda, boil for five minutes and, dry
i the sun.
Light and lime, the best of all antisep-
t es, should be relied on to keep the fresh
Ir closets sweet. Hang a bag of quick -
1 mo somewhere and change the contents
s fast as the Hine sleeks. In country or
$ iburban houses ants are often a plague.
ring of 'air slacked lime an inch wide
nd., a half inch deep will keep them out
f a dish holding food. They cannot
crawl over a shelf thickly clustered with
powdered lime; But since they travel al -
Ways by `definite roads it is well to find
t ie path and block it by a smear of coal
op pine tar, applied, if possible, outside
of tho pantry, 1 e. -,
Sate in freezing weather, keep fruits,
vegetables and cut flowers in the fresh
air closet until wanted. Cooked meat
and salt ones can star there the year
reund. It is the place, for such things as
cheese, nuts, raisins,dates and olives. ;
All of these lose flaecir or grow rank by
keeping in a warm place or by suffering
great alternation of temperature.
✓ father conies up stairs, and he sees
the cradle gone; and- he says, "What
is the matter?" On the judgment
day lie will find out what- was the
I matter.
poral and eternal damnation. Al
good people recognize the .vice of
slanderingan individual, bUt, many
do not see the sin of slandering ,an
,organization, • There are old secret
sacieties in this and other countries,
&time of them centuries old, which
haws been widely denounced aee im-
moral eand damaging in their Qu-
eue°, yet, I '.have hundreds of per-
sonal friends who . belong 1 o them --
friends who are consecrated to God,
pillars in the church, faithful in all
relations of life, . examples of virtue
and piety. They are the kind of
friends whom I would have for my
executors at the time of decease, and
they aro the men whom I would have
carry inc out to the last -sleep when
'I am dead. You cannot make me
believe that they would belong to
bad institutions. They are the men
who . would stamp on anything in-
iquitous,and would , certainly
rather ta.lce their testimony in regard
to such -societies than the testimeny
of those who, -having been sworn M-
ies -members., by their assault upon
them, confess themselves perjurtirs.
But -Christ has giien us a rule ley
which 'we may judge not only all ftt-
dividuals, but all societies, secret
e.t.d.- open. 413y their fruits we shall
'chow them." pad societies make
bad men. Good societies make good
men. A bad man: wilt -not .stay in a'
good society. A good man will not.
stay In a bad society. Then try all
secret societies by two or three
• Test the first: Their, influence on
home, if you have a home, That
wife' soon loses her influence over her
hueband who nervously and foolishly
looks 'upon all evening absence as an
assault - on domesticity. How aro
the ,great enterprises of reform and
art and literature and beneficience
and public weal to be canned on if
every man is to have his world .
bounded on one side by his front
doorstep and on the other side by.
his back window,- knowing nothing
higher than - his own attic or lower
than his own cellar? That wife who
. becomes jealous -of her husband's at-
- tention to art 'br literature or re,
Iigion or charity is breaking her own
scepter of conjugal powor.1 I know
an instance- where_ a wifethought
that her. husband was giving too
tnany nights. to Christian service, to
charitable service, to prayer meet-
ing's and to religious ;convocation.
She Fiystemafically decoyed him .
away . until now he attends no
church, waits Upon no charitable in-
stftution andis on a rapid way to
destruction, his morals gone, his
money gone, and, I fear, his -soul
gone. .
.11ere are .six secular nights in the
week. "What shall I do with them?"
says the father and the husband. "I
.will give four icef these nights to the
improvenient and entertainment of
uiy family, either at home or in good .
neighbolrhood. I will devoteone to
charitable institutions. 1 nr1 1 I devote
One to My, lodge." I hongratula,10
you. Here i a man whb says, "Put
of the six secular nights of the week
-I will 4vote five to lodges and clubs
as ociations and one to the
hoine, % Thich night, I. will spend in
scowlin like.a. March squall, wishing
I was o It spending it as I have spent
the othe r five." That man's obitu-
ary( is ritten. 'hot one out of ten
thonsan that, ever get so far on the
Wrong oad ver st ops. rud ually
his heelth will fail through late
hour, end through too unlit stimu-
lants he will be Ort-,'a1e prey for
• erysipelr s and rheumatls,1 ck the
Anoth r test by which you can find
whether 1 your secret, society is right
or wron4T is the effect it has on your
Secular ,)ceupatione I can under -
stand h
through eueh a channel, if the se -
1w through such an institti-
time a nen_ can . reach commercial
success; • I know swine men :have
forined heir best busineSs relations
- cret soc ety has advantaged. you in
an honorable; calling, it is a good
one, but has.your credit failed?. Are
bargain 1nakcrs now .uiore anxious
how the -trust you . with a bale of
goods?, Have the men whose names
were down in ,the commercial agency
Al befose they entered' the soCiety
been goihg down since it commercial
standing? Then look out, You and
1 every day know of Commercial es-
tablishments going to ruin through
the socal excesses of one or two
members their fortune beaten to
death with ball players' bat or cut
amidship with the front prow of the
UnItsis 9.1.? gig daWn under the
speak ten words of English. Each was
ignorant of the other's language, and
neither understood mine. She was a
Slav from Bohemia, and he a German
from Bavaria. They bad come across
Oh, man astray, God help you'l months before, she with her permits,
11.111. going to make a very stout rope.
and he alone. They had first become ac -
You know that sometimes a rope- quainted traveling eteerage and now were
maker will take very small threads to be manied. The witness asked me to
and ivind them together until after merry them. But how could I?
reWhile they become a ship ,cable. And ,`At last an idea struck me, and I ask -
I am going to take some Vrcry small, ed, 'Comprenez vous Francaise?' They
delicate threads and wind them to- both assented eagerly. 'Wee, weeY So
gether until they make a, very stout, sat down, wrote out the best, or, rather,
the least bad, translation that I coald
turd married them with that. It was a
curious mixture. She knew little Ger-
man, and he still less Bohemian. The
only thing cosmopolite appeared to be the
'language of the heart.' They talked be-
tween themselves some species of collo-
quial Latin, and I married them in
French. -
"The tmly thing American about the
whole affair was the eagle on the single
silver dollar which they gave me for a
rope, I will take alV the memories of
the -marriage day—a thread of laugh-
ter, a thread of light, a thread of
music, a thread of banqueting, ' 0
thread of cohere tul at ion—and.: I
twistthem together, and I have one
. strand, Then I take a thread of the
hour of the first advent. in your
house, a thread of the darkness that
preceded, and a -thread of the light
that followed. and a thread of the
beautiful scarf that little child used
to wear .when she bounded out at
eventide to greet you, and then a
thread of the beam iful dress in which
you laid her away for the resurrec-
tion, and then- T .twist all these
threads together, and 1 have 'another
strand. Then I take a thread of the
scarlet robe of a suffering Christ;and
a thread of the white raiment of
your loved onset . before the theone,
and a string of the harp seraphic,
.and I twist (110111(110111 all together, rind T
have a third.strand. ."Oh," you say,
'"either Strand is enough to hold fast
a world!" No, I will take these
strands, And I will twist them t 0-
ge tiler, and one end of that rope I
will fasten, not to the communion
table, for it shall be removed; not to
o pillar of the organ, fore tha.t will
crumble in the ages; but I wind it
:round and round. the cross of a sym-
pathizing Christ, and, having 'fasten-
ed one end of the rope to the .cross,
I throw the other end to you. Lay
hold of it! Pull for your life! Pull
for heaven!
Vicarious Bliss.
.At. the return on Saturday Of the
°ads , Engineers, who have been
rving in South A(rica, the unfam-
liar khaki made 11 difficult to d is-
riminate, and one young lady was
little too hasty, Bushing forward
• ith outstretched arms .she threw
hem around the neck of one Of the
en and passionately kissed him
gain and again. Then drawingback
er hoad to gaze at the loved face
!„9 she thought) she recoiledeabash-
d, and exclaiming, "Ohl You're not
br 0 then'!" retreated covered with
lushes, and was lost the crowd.
-Leeds. Mercury,
_ Then lie Went.
Mr. Staylate—Now, when it comes
t gunning for ducks, I prefer a
S ooth-bore..
Miss Sharpe (suppressing a yawn)
I should think that would be un -
s tisfactory and annoying at Wipes.
Mr; S t ay 1 ate—Why ?
Miss Sharpe—Because I never knew
y kind of, bore that would go off
at tho right time.
His Indignant Inquiry.
Ile (on his knees) — Darling I
ve you with all my heart, ith
1 my Soul, and with all the
rength of my being.
'She — .Are you inf ;earnest,
He (reproachfully) — Ini earl esti
Say, do you think I am baggin
Mousers this way for fun)
A Suggestion That May Prove 11 1p-
ful to Housekeepers.
he first thing is to take stock of our
d mestic dominion intelligently. Co 'sid-
e well its possibilities, then set a out
aliziug them. With a hall or' p• rch
h ndy, try to put the icebox there. Ivo
It the best light; possible and as n uch
fr sh air. Close beside it fix your f
o closet, which, save in the most tor-
e 1 weather, keens cooked food b iter
t an the icebox Itself. It demands nly
t be put out of doors away from the
s n's direct rays; hence it is as mu le a
b 00 to the flat dweller with a shady fire
es ape or north looking window as to the
p ople who have houses all to themse vee.
nybody who can drive a -nail can
m ke one at a cost uot to exceed a dollar.
It is only a frame box, with door and
sr es of wire gauze and shelves avoss
t e inside. It is best made fest to the
II at such a heiglIt as to be safe flrom
pr wling cats and should have, furth r, a
tr sty lock. Put away food in it in c 000
ea then dishes; never .in any sort of et -
al not even in silver. Slip each 111811
in g 008,rikte. gliteseclotin bag and
What Troubled Him.
He stood in front of a department store
window on Eighth street gazing into the
dim distance with a look of settled mel-
ancholy on his brow. He looked dusty
end forlorn and carried his bat in his
right hand, as though inviting alms. A
kind, motherly looking womae paused to
scan him. Opening her purse, she glided
up to hint and gently dropped a clime into
the hat.
Ile started violently. "Madam!" he ex-
She colored. "It Isn't very much, I
know," she said, "bnt some people might
only have given you a penny." Then a
thought struck her. "Perhaps I made a
mistake," she said nervously. "I
"Mndam, you did." he replied austere-
ly. "Permit me to assure you that am
not a beggar. , I merelY paused here try-
ing to think ft 1 lied forgotten, nny of the
things my -wife told me to bring home
(his evening." •
She rend the. riddle of his wayworn
looks at once and with profuse and bro-
ken apologies. hurried away.
. The Trinket roams.
Among the novelties In nature is a
smnll worm, called the trinket worm,
characterized by tido p culiarity, which
gives rise to its name:
On the leaves of a wil
trinket vine, is found
which looks at first like p small flece of
white thread and is al
If the leaf be taken off n
a gleam case in the room,
will, in the @bort space o
Into a good sized caterp Ilar, beautifully
colored and studded with golden, spots.
climb up the
tremities to the
e other hanging
nto a variety of
te patterns for
'rings, brooches
time to time
ts ?lathe is de -
'vine, called the
a finial! worm,
ost wo tonless.
d placed under
his little thread
24 hours, grow
When matured, it wil
glees; fasten one of Its e
glass roof, and, leaving t
in the air, Will curl itself
forms, presenting exquis
gold trinkets, such as ea
and clasps, changing fro
in great variety, whence
Three aD
Tourist In Ire1az41 (to r
How waay sails have
"Threp,-breakfask jIai
London Pun,
—The men who succeed i
those who take the risk of a
own convictions,
ral postmaa)—
ou hers in thi
sr sad '
publie life ure
ending by their
Dir. Chase's chit
A Food fo the Skin.
An Antiseptic Healer WIkieli Pronapt-
l) Allays Itching. and Burning
as d Thoroughly Cures Every
P ran of Itching Skin Disease.
If he extraordinary v
Chasi's Ointment were t
derst od there would not
Cana a that would be wi
house for a single day.
In he first place it 1
beaut tier for the ?kin. ri
.and 1Pasant to use that
delay in applying it. It
Pies, lackheads, and all
agree. ble and dieflguring
In t le severest eases 0
rheun, fetter, Peald he.
tchin Skin eruptions,
Ointi int affords Instant
layin the burning, sting'
and 'rill perrentnently cU
regal rly,
lue of Dr.
()roughly un -
e a family in
hout it in the
a font and
10 is so pure
no lady will
emoves pim-
sorts of dis-
kin diseases.
eozema, salt
d and other
Dr. Chase's
relief by al -
g sensations,
ee if applied
Dr. 'heer's Ointment is the standard
centre et the world over, and is so mar-
Vellou ly euceessfUl as t far surpass
all riv I a. Ask your neigh )ors about it.
There is not a single CO Inmunity in
Centela but hes some Me where ti-iiS
reined has worked remit ska.ble cures.
60 ce ts a box, at .all de lers, or Edu
mans n, Bates & Co., Tor • nto,
ee.eirieee. eheeeeseesi
What is
„ eNSN-seNes\e‘.
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
awl Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.'
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish.
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething. Troubles, cures Constipation an4
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving
' healthy and natural sleep. Castorla, is the Children's
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
"Castor's is an excellent medicine for
children. Mothers have repeatedly told Inc
of its good effect upon their children.."
DR. G. C. OAGoon, Lowell, Mass,
Castorla Is so well adapted to childrae
that I recomMend it as superior tviny pro-
scription knoivn to me."
IL A.A.RCHUR, M. D. Brooklyn, y
1,61PCK 'CITY.
The Proper Combination.
There is only one combination that will insure you satisfaction in.
your clothing. It is this—the combination of style, comfort and dur-
ability. It is this combination that is to be found in our made-to-
order suits, and is not to be found in other [cakes. This is the com-
bination you are after, and we want to give you an example of how
we work the combination: We have a nobby stock of the latest
Tweeds and Worsted in the proper colorings and effects for the ground
work of this great combination. Let us work it on you.
For pure blood, a bright eye, a clear
complexion, a keen appetite, a good
digestion and refreshing sleep, TAKE
BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla,
It arouses the Liver, cenickens the
circulation, brightens the spirits and
generally improves the health.
Sixty-eight peers trial have prayed it to he, -the most reliable BLOOD purifier known.
All druggists sell "BRISTOL'S:"
Furniture Cheaper than Ever.
On account of great reduction in expenses, and manufacturing special lines
we are now able to put furniture on the market cheaper than ever. All intend
ing purchasers will do well to _call at our warerooms, where full linos of up-to-
date furniture aro sold r,t right prices.
.7.11:1/21.71f: :
This department is complete with a large selection of the best goods, and
obliging attention given to this branch of the business.
Night calls promptly attended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes
Goderich street, Seafdrth, opposite the Methodistt church.
Hardware Store,
We have a stock on hand of "Beaver
Portland Cements and Thorold Hy-
draulic Cements. The best goods at
the lowest price, Give us A call.
We have a stock of fine oil for spraying
cattle. Don't let your animals suffer.
The only paint suitable for iron roof.;
will stop a leak and .good for years.
Call and get prices.
Sills &,. Murdie
Counter's Old Stand. Beaforth
Money To Loan.
The Township of Tuokerstaith has about $8,000 Alf
Township Funds to loan at current rates of Interest
on first mortgage on farm proiortv. Apply te the
Reeve or Treaeurer. 11. HO TON, Reeve, Hemea11
P. 0.; G. N. TURNER, Treasurer, ()Linton P. 0
Toronto Exhibition.
August 26 to September 7,1901.
c1tfl 50PREIEWMS
ArTtaoils $6,509
Naval and Military Displays Daily.
Bombardment of Taku Forts by
International Forces,
Greatest Live Stock Show on the Con-
tinent. Ail Our Country's 'Resources.
• Novel and High Class Entertainment
Great Reunion of Canadian Old Boys
and Old College Students, -
Reduced Rates on Lines of Traits).
ANDREW SMITH, 17`; R. C. V. S. IL 3. 414d
President, Kingpin
in wee
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Jews Wssr—,
Mixed Train
Mixed Train..
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L, ndCon 477:14 -
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