The Huron Expositor, 1901-07-12, Page 2' sa- THE HITROB .EXPOSITOR JULY 121 190 REAL ESTATP. FOP. RALE. aen Will buy a geed 7 -roomed bon 0, pleasalt- ee e',1-reftf ly situated in See'erth, Almost nee,. Good hard and of water. Apply ta 803TT Bit0a,,Settforth, 1711 tf CIOR SALE -The honse anti grounds belonging to ✓ the tete S. G. MetlaUghey, earner of Church and Ventre streets, Seaforth. The property will be sold 'cheap- and on °my terms.- F. HOLMESTED, forth. 17344f TSIPORTANT NOTICE. -Far Bale in Hills Green, on the (or e: of Parr Line, In the Village of Hine Green. tete and ore fifth of ao acre of land for ; gr ot frame house 30x20, frame stable and good wk11, or tale or rent; will be sold cheep. Apply to MRS. MARGARET MAGAS, Hilla Green P. 0., Ont. 1751 tf -Dm SALE IN SEA.FORTEE.-On the corner of ✓ E izabeth and Isabella street& Jarvis team , a frame house,. 222! with 2 beiroems, 2 closets, pantry. aittine room, and a good kitchen and wood• tilted fatally& There is a smell garden with fruit trees, and good water on the plaoe. The above will be 811.1 cheap by epplt itg to W. KEMP, on the pace, or Boa 65, Statorth P. 0. 1750x4 TAARM IN STANLEY FOR SALE.-Forsale Lot 11 E and South halt of Let 12, Concession 4, Stanley, °outlining 150-ecres, 90 acres cleared anti in a fair stete of cultivation. There is &frame dwelling heuse with cellar, bank barn with • stone stabling, stone pig pen, stave silo, two good wells else a deer runs at the back of the farm. It is convenient to ohurchee, schools and markets, being 3 miles from Bruoefield and 0 miles from Seeforth. Apply on th i premises o addres THOMAS GESIMELL, Brucefield. 1722tf TIARII IN HAN FOR SALE. -For (tele, Lit 25, it Concession 6, Par Line, Hay, containing 100 acres. 95 mores cleared, well underdrained anti fen- ced, There is a large beck !louse with good collar, goodhare, frame stabling, pig pen, 3_ mores of oreh- ard, 2 wells and cistern. This is a No. 1. farm, well eitusted for markets, churches, wheel and Post Office, and will be sold reasonably. Apply on the premiseteer ad iresstliti. WM. CURRY, Hills Green, Ontario. 17394f D' PROPERTY ESTRABLE IN SEA,FORTII FOR SALE.-Beatitifully eitusted on Centre Street adjoining Beattie's tirove. There are two lots planted with the choicest ot fruit trees of all kinds and shrub& A frame house, stone cellar underneath, the whole house, a sitting room, dining room, summer and winter kitchens and four bedrooms, hard and soft water. It is one of the most pleasantly twitted, sonefortabIe and convenient residences in Set -;rt and will be sold cheap, Apely to 30SItill WAT- SON, Seaforth. 17004f "'MEM IN HIBBERT FOR SALE. -For sale, West X half of Lrt 23, on the 6th Col:tension et Hibbert, containing 60 acme, more or less. all cleared and in a good stet° of oultivatioe. Thom are good fences, and It is well underdrained. Thera are on the premises a good frame barn and stable, log house and frame kitchen. There is also plenty of water on the biekg and front of the farm ; else a good orehard, It is convenient to schools. ehurchet and post °Mee. Apply to WILLIAM BURKE, Pro. prietor, or to St. Golumban P. 0. 175 Istf MURK IN HULLETT FOR SALE. -For sato E cheap, the East half ot Let 7, Conrteleion 0, conteleing 50 acres, nearly all cleared, w t feenced, underdrained with tile, and in a good stet& of cultivation. There is a good frame h sus Id barn; piente ot watereand a gobd orchaed of a"einds of truit. It is within a rude and a half of th Allege of Constance. The proprietor desires to set more tend. Apply on the premises, or address tienstence P. 0. JAMES McGILL. 17514f -Dalai FOR• SALE. -For sale that very desirable ju farm on the Mill Road, Tuokersmith, adj dotter the vlilage of Eginondville, ft contains 97 twee, tioarly all oleared and in a goed state of cultivation, and well underdraiued. There Is a comfortable briok cottsge and goad barns, with root cellar aud outbuildines. The buildings are situsted near the centre of the farm and on the Min Real. Tt is *ell watered, and plenty of soft water in the kitshen. It is resaveniently eitietted tor church a td school and within a mile and a half of Seaferth. Will be sold cheap and on essy tonna of pep:neat. Apply to the preprietor, ROBERT FANSON, Seaforth. 174841 'LURK FOR SALE. -For sale the farm of the late r .0aorge Brown. Lot 3,- Concession 6, Hullett, conteiniag 100 awes, of whit% about 90 acres are cleared and in a good etate of culttvation, the ba'ancegOed hard wood. There it a new twe-story brick Isouse, with furnace, lire and soft water end all modern cmventeaees. There is a lerge bank ham, with stone stabling, shsep hems, implement house and all other neeessare out headlines. There are two geed wells and a flawing (Triage A geed orchard. There are abut 70 mama Beeded to grass. It is within three quarters of a nallei from the vellaae of. Constance, where are steeps. soheol, cherches, arc. Apply to the undersigned, Constance P. 0. GEORGE STEPHENSON, Exoeutor. 1741 ARM IN HAY TOWNSHIP roe.- SALE. -,For sale, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of Hay Townelaip. This farm contains 103 acres, 85 aorta cleared, the rest good hardwoed bush. It la wefl un- derdreined and fenced. There is a goadT atone home with a No. 1 stetter .- large bank barn I implement ailed; sheep house 70x75, with first-ola-s stabling and root utter underneath; a good orchard •, 2 eocd wells and cistern. There is 12.} acres of fall wheat sowed on a rich follow, well reanured ;40 &area seeded down recently, the root in good shape for crop. This Is a No. 1 farm, well _stbuated foe markets, ehnrchea, schools, poste office, etc., and will he sold reasonably. Apply on the premises, or addreea R013ERT N. DOUGLAS,Blake,0011.1668vei TIARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -For sale or to X. rent, Lot 20, Bayfled Reed No.th, Steele:, oontaining 134 acres, 125 tkeie3 oleared and in it gJod state (.1 cultiettion, the balance is god hardwotd bush. The farm is well underdrainei and a ell feaced. There ia a good b iok house. tw ) rood barnand ether entbuildings. Plenty of hard aeti soft w ter. Tao acres of choice tui t t-esa. Thi excellent laarn is within a quarter of a aid t. tit Varela, where there ia a postoffice, schools, churches, etc., and* miles of Brucetleld station. It is in a west deeirable loaation, in the bett farming section of Huron Will be sold on reasonable terms, or will bo rented for a t, u of years it net seal by rteptember 10. Fir further particulars app`y to S. A. MOFFAT, Varna. 175041:. FARu. IN STANLEY FOR SALE -For sale, Let 9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 12th conces- sion, or Brewton Line, of Stanley. This -farm con- tains 150 acres, ell of whi:kh Is (timed, except 1 • acres. It is in a state of first -pleas oulivation, w fenced and all underdrained,mostly with tile. Teem is a large frame dm/Aline house as good 113 new, with good cone foundation and cellar, large bank barn with stone stsbling underneath, and numerous othar buildings, Inaludieg It large pig hews. • Two good orchards of choice fruit, also nice shede and orna• menttl trees. There are two pp-ing creeka running through the farm, and plenty of good wane: all the year retied ithout pumping. It le well situeted far markets, churches, schco's, post oill'e, etc, and good gravel roo.ea leading from it In all direetions. Il ia within view of Lek% fluren, ant the beats Gen he- lmet' essolog nee and down from Mae house. This is one cf the h ett etilaped farina in tbe curity, and will he oa deo tonna. a 4 the proprietor vs 'tits to retire on ae went of 111 hesith. Anpiv en the pre ni- trss, or address Biake P. 0. JOHN DUN'S. 174 tt XCookiCotton Itoot Compound Is successfully used monthly by over ) ieCOLadies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Getty. Reel Com- posed. Take no °filer, as all Mixtures, pills and .,, asthma are dangerous. Frio., No. 1. $1 per box No. 9.10 degrees stronger,$8 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 1.cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. PP -Nos. i and 2 sold and recommeaded by all responsible Druggists in Canada. :n See nth by Alex. Wilson, j.S.IRel.efti and I. V. Fear, drueeiste. The Neviiiiarness .. MAKER.. ilavakg parehased the Harneaa Shop and bueiness of Mr. John Ward, 1 solicit the patronage of all the old customers, ana vete entee them and all new ones the best of workmanship and material. Always on hand a full line et HARNESS , SADDLES WHIPS TRUNKS VALISES ETC., ETC. Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed. .‘1 Give me a• ealh ANDREW OKE, Seaforth. WARD'S OLD STAND. _ ' 173e-tf AN ITEM OF INTEREST. Fenn loses taken at lowest rates'; pat ments to itlitt borrower, satiefaction guaranteed ; all corre- spondence cheerfully answered. ABNER COSENS, Wingham, Ont. Office -At corner of Minnie and Frarlea streets; every Saturday all day. 1667 •T r 14 I ;1' El 1 ;I ii A Sermon of Co gratulation to the O. E: As ociation. ' THE GROWTH OF CHRISTIANITY The Christian 411eligion • IS • Mightier To- day Than It Ever Was Before -Ins - fidelity Is Not Half So Blatant in Into Present Day as It Was in the Days of Our Fathers. • Washington, July 7e-A1theiugh Dr. Talmage was hinderiA from attending the great . ammo], meeting of the ChriStian Endeavor 'Society at • Cin- cinnati, his sermon shows hina to lea in 'sympathy with the great. movea ment; text, Amos ix, 13, '13ehold the days come, saith the Lord,. that th.e plowman shall.oxi;ert ake the reaper.' Unable becattse' of other important duties to accept the invitation to lake part in the ;great convention of Christian Endeavorers at Cincinnati, begun last week,. I preach a sermon of congratulation for all the members of that ma, gnifieent association, whe- ther _ now gathered in vast. asseme • blage or belie, in their places of usefulness, ftra!tesatlankie and cleat d. - 1. lantic, anas it is now'haryest ime in the fields and sickles are fiaseing ; in the gathering of a great crop, I find mighty. iruggestiveness in; my text. .1 It is a picture of a; tropical clime, with a season eir prosperous that -the harvest reacheis e•lear over to ; the planting time, and the swarthy )3.11S - bondman, busy cut ting the graila; al- niost feelS the breath of the hOrses on his .shouidera, the horses hit-Ched to the plow, preparing for a. !nide a-rop. "Behold the' days come, sa.ith the Lord, that th- plowman fhall. overtake the reaper." • When is that? That is now. That is this day. Nilien hardly have you done reaping ;one harvest of relig (Sus result than .; the plowman is getting ready for anoth- er. ' In phraseology charged:with all venom ands ab tee and caricatare I know that • infidels and agnas t i cs have* declared that christianite't has !col- lapsed: that the Bible is an obscilete book; ahtit the Chrirdian Church ia on the retreat. 1 shall answer that wholesale charge to -day. Between 3,000,000 and 4,000,000 Endeavorers sworn before high hea- ven that they will do all they can to take America, for God, Europe; for -Clod, Asia and Africa. for God -are not the signs most cheering? Or., to turn to the agricultural figure of my text, more than a 'million reap- ers are overtaken by more than a million plowmen. Besides this, there are more people who believe in the Bible than at any time .in the world's existence. An Arab guide .was lead- ing a French infidel across the des. - ere, and ever .and anon the; Arab guide would get- 'clown in the Sand and pray to the Lord. It dis,gusted the French infidel, and after awhile, as the Arab got up from one of; his prayers, the infidel said, "How do you know therals any God?" And the Arab guide said: "How do 1. know that a. man. and a Camel pass- ed by our tent last night? I know it by the footprint in the sand. And you want toknow how I know whe- ther there is any God? Look at the sunset. Is that the footstep of a man?" And by -the- same process you and I have come to understand that; this book is the footstep of God. But 'now let us see whetherthe book is a last .year's almanac, ' Let us see whether (he Caurch of GOd is a Bull Run . retreat, muskets, - can- teens and haversacks st re Ve ing all the' way. The • great English historian; Sharon Turner, a Man of vast learn- ing and great aehuracy, not a clergy- man, but an attorney as Well as a historian, , gives this overwhelming statistic in regard to Christianity and in regard to ti, e namberi of Chris- tians in the different centuries: Ira the ,first century "500,000, Christians, in the second : Century 2,000,000 -Christians, in the third century 5,- 000,000- . Christians,- in the fourth century 10.000,00-0 Christians, in the 10011 century 15,000,600 Christians, in the six century 20,c90,000 Ohris- tians, in the *seventh century 21,- 000,000 Caristittas, - in. the eighth century 30,000,000 Caristiaus, in the. ninth century 40,000,000' Christians, in the teuth century 50,000,000 Christians, in the eleventh century 70,000,000 Christ ians, in the taself1h century 80,000,000 Christians, •in the thirteenth centary 75,000,000 Chris- tians, in the fourteenth century '80,- 000,000 Christians, in tae fifteenth cent ury' 1 00.000,000 -Christians, in the' . sisteent h etint ure- -125,000,000 Christians, in the seventeenth century 1 55,000,000. Christiana, iti the eigh- t 'til 11 century 200, 000, 000 fea riss • tians-a decadence, as you observe, in o-nly one century, and teem. t hu matte up in the followinie cint tti iest while it ie the usual computation that there levee at the cloai of the nieehatult eent ury 470,000,000 (Atria tians, making its to believe that be- fore this century is closed the in nitan will have started its boom and lift ed its hosanna. ianity! What a Laity•11 hest nO 'friends! flow lonesome it. must be! Who. will take it out of t he poorhouse? Poor Christ iani 1 y ! Four hundred millions in , one cen- tury. In a few weeks of this year 2,500,000: copies of the. New Testa- ment, distributed. Why, the earth is like an old castle with 20 gates and a park of artillery ready to thunder down every gate. See howheathera done is being surrounded and honey- combed arid •at tacked by this all conquering gospea. At the beginning al the nineteenth century 150 misa sionat-ies: al. the close of that century 8,1,000 missionaries and nal ivn help- ers and evangelists, - At the begin- ning of the nineteenth century there were only 50,000 converts. •1N ow sitet•e are . over 1;000,000 conVer le - ft om heathendom. . You all know -that, an heetortant work of an tuany is- t6 plant the hat- tories2 Its may take many (lays t plant the batteries, and they may do alt. the work in ten minutes. These gospel batteries are being planted all along the seacoasts and in all nations. It may 1,E1.kg a, g004 While to ' [nom tnem, Linn tney may dol all their 'work in one day. They ill. Nations are to be born in a day. lI3ut Just come back to Christendom land. recognize the fact that . during '1 the ;last ten years as many people ave connected themselves with cyan ell - cal churches as connected themse ves with the churches in the first . ty years of last century. So Cl Hs- tianity is falling back, and the B ble, they say, Is becoming an obs lete book. I go into a,•court, and w ler- ever I find ' a; . judge's bench r a clerk's; --desk; I find a Bible. Upon what' book coal(' there be tittered the solemnity of an oath? 'What book is apt ;to be put in the trunk of the young inan ElEf he leaves for city Me? The Bible. What shall I find in. ,nine .out of every ten homes in this city? The Bible. In ;nine out of every ten homes in- Chris t eadom? The Bibin. Voltaire wrote the prophecy that the Bible in the nineteenth cen- tury would become extinct, The cen- Ailey is gone, and I have to tell you that the room in which Voltaire wrote that prolpheey ,not long ago was crowded from floor to ceiling with Bibles- from Switzerland.. - You may talk about the church teeing a collktion of hypocrites, but when the diphtheria sweeps your children off whom do you staid for? °Pile ; postmaster, the attorney -gen- eral, the hotel keeper, alderman.? No. You send for a, 'minister of- this Bible religion. Aid if you have not a room in our house for thebse- in, quies, what -building do you se ect? Do you say, e"a i tot me the ft est viola . in the. hotel?" Do you isay, "Give rne that theatre?" .Do you ;ay, "Give me that putsliel building W -"ere 1 recta lay my dead ftir,a little sthi1c With we say a prayer Over it,?" No, . You say, "Give us the Irouse of Goch" And if there is a song to be Si nig -at the obeequiee, *hat do you want? What does anybody want? The " larsaillaise firma?" "God Save 0 e King?" No. They want the hymn w th which they sang their old Chris , - ti in mother tato her last- sleep, Or 'Ll•ey want sung the Sabbath school .hs ain- which their little girl sang [he la •t Sabbath afternoon she was. out, !)clat-a she got that awful sickness W -deli- broke your heart. I appeal to yc ur counaon liense.' You know the meet endearing institution on earth, , the most 'miniar institution on earth Lo' -day, is the church of the L rd Jesus Christ. A man is a fool that does nol recognize it. , ahe itefidels say: "There , is great lit ert y now for. infidels:, ,freedom of platform. Infidelity shoats. ita power. • fr nn the fact. that le is everywhere to 1 ended, and it can .Say what it W 11." Why, me friends, infidelity is net half at) blatant in our day as it •w Is- in the days of our fathers. Po- p u knoNa thaf in the days . of our fa hers there • were _pronounced inli- tI ls ,iii public dulhority-, and they co dcl get any political position? Let a man, to -day cechu•e himself antag- ea ink!. to the tarietian religion, and w tar . City wants ' him for mayor; \a tat state Witt: ts- luta for governor; ev at nation wants hint for president or for king? L'et a man openly pro- cl that himself the c netny of our glor- it) is Christi -ruddy, and he cannot g -et. a majority of N. ot es' in any state, in :try city, -in n sy country, in . any w )rd of- Amalie t.. rho Christian religion is mightier lc -day than it ever was. Do you ti ink that. such it scene could be en - tic teed now as was,tmacted in , -tbe- dt ys of ISobespierre, when a shame - le -5 woman was eke -anal to the dig- nity of ts goddess and carried 10 a ge idea chair to a cathedral where in.ense was burned to her and peo- ple bowed down before her as a di - •vi 'e being, she taking the place of; tae Bible and Clod; while in the i Icor- ri lor of that cathedral were enacted' such -scenes of lrunkenness and de- b lathery as *ha I never before been * Lnessed? Do you think 8=1 ,a thing could pos ibly occur. in 0 nis- teldom to -day' No. The police of W shin -ton, or of New York, r of Paris would swop etpon- it, I 1 now a good deal of talk One infidel can r Eike g eat excitemen., blit. I can tell y(11 on what principle Hai's. It Is on ti e principle hat if a man jumps , o erboard fron. an oceaa liner he mtkes more ex itement than al the 5( 0 who stay on teoard. But the faet that he jumps overboard does ii t, stop the ship. Does that reek tl. e 500 passengers? It, makes • 'reat e citenaent d -hen a man jumps roth th lecturing platform , or fron the pt lpit into infidelity, but does that Map the Bible or the church rom carrying millions of ;passengers to tla shores of eternal :safety. rites(' opponents say -tat se eace I . . is overcomma religion in our 'day. ; They. look through the spectacl s of LI e infidel scientist, and they say: "In is impossible that- this b-ook be trate. People are finding it out. The II fele has got to go oyerboand. Sci- ence . is going to 1 brow it wer7 ard," . Do you •elieve that the ble account of th origin of tile 11 be overthrown by infidel scien- ts Who have 50 ifferent tfhy; heiri:s out the origin of ife? I solid ph Icenx entiment and s Carisi it nity in idelity makes in our guy. ;bc -13 w / ti. at ; should,. all come up i al - agreeing on One O 0 .theory, perhae m ght -be damaged', -bet there a re not so many differences - 1 .opinion in- si e -the church s outside t he ehurch. .011, it makes me sick st see tiles) literary fops g ring along with a copy of Dainvie. um (v one arm And a eaSe of traneexed rasshoppers,and bt tetertlierit tinder ate) other telling al out ;the "serviva of the fittest" as- d liaxlev's 'trot oplesm and the ne- . bi lar ; bypot haa is ! Th , fact is the t some' naturalists jest as soon as thee find out the di ereaee • bet Veen th r. feelers. of . a wasp and the horns of a beetle .begin to patronize the Alutighty, while' gassiz, glorious .A aesiz, who never- nade anv pre - ix tsion . - to being a Christian, puts fo etii his feet on the. dei.ci rine of evil- liii ion and says:, "I see, that many - of the naturalists f our day . are a'opting. facts whir). do. not 'hear ob- se •vat ion or has e - ot .passed under o servation. These mon warring w th each ' other- aarwin warring .ftearnat Latnarch, Vallace warring `avian* Cope, even Herachel 's de- n uncing Frgason.' They do • not. a, ee on embryology„ do net agree or -the gradation of the species."' Tet•e these infidel acient ists have paneled themselves- as a jury to dcid this trial be .weon In fi deli t y, th plaintiff,' . and A hristianity, the dejfendant, and after being out for ce tellies they eome'i te render their er4rd i et . G en tlemeu f t he jury, have y n agreed -on •a v rdict? No, no. fri, en --go back for an ther 500 years ad 'deliberate and gree on some-. *P&L' Til.erP it ;lot o, Poor m1sora- ,1 • Die Wretell in the ctty prison to -mor- row that could be condemned by a jury iths4 did not agree on the ver- dict, land yet you expect us to give up (air glorious Christianity to . please these men who cannot agree on anything. Ah, my friends, the Church of Jesus Christ instead of falling back is on the advance. I am certain it is on the advance. I see the glittering of the swords; I hear the tramping of the troops; I hear the thundering parks of artillery. 0 God, I thank thee that I have been permitted to see this day of thy LH- . umph, this day of the confusion of thine enemies! 0 Lord God, take thy word from thy thigh and ride forth to the victory! And then I 'find another most en- couraging thought in the fact that the secular printing press and the pulpit seem harnessed in the same team for the proclamat ion 'Of the -gos- pel. Every -banker in this capiSal to- morrow, every Wall street banker to- morrow, in New York, every State 1. street ba ker to -Morrow in Best= every -,Th rd street banker to-mOrrow in Philo elphia, every banker in the United Sates and every merchant will have in his pocket, a treatise on Christian y, 10, 20 or 30 passages of Script re in the: reporlis of ser- mons , preT ched throughout the • land to -day, t will be so in Chicago, so in New 0 leans, so in Charlet-Ohm, so in Boston, so in Philadelphia, SO in Cineirtnat , so everywhere. I know the tract societies are doing a grand and giori us work, but I- tell you there' ; is n� -power on earth to -day equal ;to he fact that the American printinge rrees is tak ing up the ser- mons whi *hundred • and -o Itl evenia millio Thor n idea people gettin osoph, say it 'h ;are preached to a few or a• few thousand people, • nday morning and Monday s altering that truth to the you have noticed a more sig - et if you have .talked with on thesubject, that they are r -disgusted with worldly phil- 1.15.4 matter of comfort. They r does not amount to anything when . you have a dead child in the Thy tell you when they were id the door of the future seem - (mei g the only comfort they Ind was the gospel. , People demonstrated all over. the science and philosophy can - the troubles and woes of and they want some other nd they are taking Chris - he only symnathetic reli- ever came into the world. ake a scientific consolation room 'where a mother has child: Try in that case did doctriue of the, "aur- a' fittest." 'Pell her that 15e -cause it was not worth as ninth als the other children. That, is yo ,lust house. Sid( a ed C ould •are havin 'land t not s the sec religio tranite gion You jt 'into t lost. y our pier ViVal f t child died eat lace rld, sat st tat er r "survival of the fittest." fry your transcendentalism, your 1 hil sophy, your s,cience, . on . that ,ido ved soul, and tell her it, was '11. geological necessity that her.; compa 1.01 .ehoirld be taken away from • ea aist as in the course of the World'. hi 'tory the, megatherium and, the ichthe °Saurus had .to pass out of exi ten e, and, then you go on in I your sr ient ifie ' consolation un -al t il -ou get (0 the sub- lime fa t • that 50;000,000 years; rot rioter. We ourselves Iliay be acienti lc. epecimens on the geologic shelf, ettified speennens of an ex- tinct hut 11.111 race. And after. you •have go - all .through with your econsol tio if the poor tan iCted soul iseno craeted by it, we will send forth - o any of our churches the plaitIe. .1 0 iristion we have and With one h. lf our of prayer and reading ;of Script re promises the tears will be wiped way, and the house . from floor to et polo wiltbe flooded ._ with the ca mmss of - an Indian sumther sunset T1 ere is where 1 eee the tri- umph 1 hristianity, People are di.s- .satisfi d with everything else. • They* want acid They Want Jesus Christ. Yousg I tau, do not be a•Shained to be a friend of the Bible.' Do not. put . 3, our thuirib in your vest, as young me sometimes do, and swags ger a Ott talking of the glorious light Cf. •neture and ot 'there being no need of the Bible. They have the light sf aturo in India and' China and .i all the dark places of the .earth. Did you .ever 'hear - that the light or n tura gave them comfort •for that- rouble? They have lancets • to cut an juggiernauts to crush, but n1o co for, . Ah,-..nry friends, you had better stop you, skepticism. Suppose you al e. p it in a crisis' like that, of • Colonel E han I Bon, ,I sreas the ac- count and at 0 a time -mentioned it in an dd .easai .-./i. 'descendant of Ethan All na eir, 0 iti an infidel, said it nev r 0 •c-urre •Soon after I :re- Ceived a. 1 liter : roin a professor • -in one of ou colbges, Who is also a descen Ian of. Etbau Allen and ite a Christ an, are' Wrote me that the in- cident Is .ccurate; ; that n y state- ment 'as ;authentic and ,rue. • The wife 0 - ( loneEthan Allen was a very C ens( 'rated W Titan . The, mother instructed the denghter in the truths of Chrieti- trite... The daughter sicken- ed and was ab ut to die, and • she said *.t Mr fat: tee: 'Father, shall I take a iir instal ation or shall I take mothez 's instrueltion? I aifl going to die •no v; - nmet have thtiee matter decide( . l'ha t : wan, who 'Iliad ; been .lotal ii ; hi' infidelity, said Ito his dy- ing da tieh or, .'31y dear, I.. you had - belt er teL ' votl ' mother're religion," ;Ale• advice is the seine to; You, 0 i young nein! Von Luria' haw -religion comfort • d her. You know what she raid 1 tt yi , 1 v, iti:1 I Filo WEIS' iiying. NtOtt awl k : I.r iiiko ;‘, onr mother's reli- '1' a ; e -e • (HE Watch lhaI s Are) Not Pasitiohable When " t to qtteket.. Boulal Ite Worn. , As ft shirtais nre s0 .frequently changing, ealdernen who are requir- ed to 'appear anywhere in evening dress a(re 1 ot quite , sure whether it is corr ct to wear a watch and chain • "Str icily speaking," said an ex- pert MI tal -ing to one who •wishes to be absplut dy ecorroct in his dreee when She toyal: party reaches To- ronto, all is_ litill, considered not quite dorrect to 'wear wa Li teoa t jew- . elry with rveninghlreset ; -It ia ;al , hoWdver, a question of taste. • li . ''T ill" sbetaatimes requested by gentlen en aving me their• orders for an T cv ning-dreOs suit to put in a al -etch -Omit button -hole in the vest; bu f - iriit he ma jelei ty of cases I have sc trict rdeis to leave it out. Person- ally I adv rate' he absence of jew- elry w ten a etettleman is wearing , evenin cla ss. 1 A mere chain stretch- ed acrOss t.he waistcOat call -hot rilione establi •h. his iaim to the title' of gentle an ... e l'Qu the otbiler hand. it seems to .....4._ IN ViidatING 1:311SES. me to be an came deichtrai ion some- thing to this effect: 'I have gold and , I wear De" - 'One may be geld' d ;n the assemp- 'Hon that it, is censidered by gentle- men vulgar to wear a watch and chain by the fact that, gen llenian's fashion plates cliepenee now with Ole watch and chain in eVeninp: (truss. That is quite a nett feature ao far ws t hese plates are coneerned, end emanate fr om the euthori t in the matter of dress. 'White evening vest'? You ran wear this a1 a theatre w -hen ou have been out dining, but to appear, at any ordinary soeial function in white vest would show bad taste. “Evening -dress jacket?* It is cor- rect to wear this at any funct ion ex- cept at a- dances You should. svear full evening drese at a danee-blar k suit throughou1 and the coat with . tails, "It is also incorrect to wear a silk hat with eventing _dress. You should wear an opera hat and long, black coat with silk revers for the street." Ladysmith Siege Storice. . One of the correspondents who Went through . the siege of Lady- smith, Mr. Donald Macdonald, de- scribed his experiences the other evening to a highly interested audi- ence at the Polytechnic Hall, I -lege -at street. His lecture bristled with good stories, and there was not a. touch of malice in any of them. One of the best- was that of a young offi- cer, who, on a critical occasion, vol- emteered to cut some wire fences, as he was the only .man who possessed' a. wire cutter. It was a iperilous op- eration, conducted undr a galling fire, - yet the officer escaped. Some t i me a ft or wa rd Mr. Macdonald met him, and said, ."I supilose you al- ways carry wire cutters now?" "No fear," was the reply, "I carry a corkscrew and a tin-opener; they' are more useful." Another story was the discovery of a Doer who had rc'ceivod a terrible bayonet wound t hrough tis ribs. As the 1111111 was being carri1ed' into the Brit iSh 1 .ines, El 1,011Clon ''Tommy': who was WaLehing him sked if he was badly hurt. "Yes doctor. "Do you kn "Course 1. do," said -"he's one o' mime 1 guy I slid it ' as gentle as wasn't the shovia.' in; i pullin' out. Lucky for me!"7-London Chronicle. " said the ow- • hien?" the soldier, it, 'im, but, I could. It t was the im he met Line ln's Dancin Mrs. Lincoln Was aim° to laugh as her husb soinetimes hapriened that point of her joke, One evening, sometime married A.brahana Lincoln was at a little evening I rounded by a beny of yo When the music struck u -t as ready nd, and it he was the :before she alise Todd arty, stir-. mg women. ) her tall and gawky; admirer •appreached, and much to her anansernent, said, in his peculiar- idiom: . "MISS Todd, T. want to dance with YOU the worst. way. - Miss Todd accepted the ;invitation, and casting- a.- look full of meaning at her friends, she dieleher best to keep. clear of Lincoln's great boots. Final - Sy she returned to her seat, quite out Of Meet t h front her exert i ms. "Well Mary,'' said One- 01 the girls, dance with you the Worst Slw ansWertki, "the very he way?" • eyee,,, svorst," -Sprayi ear rotafoee. Spray potatoes- with bc+cleaux mix- ture- and • parts green, using copper _ sulphate six pounds, litee four pounds, 'wider one. barre and Inuit: green one-half pound. •Use parts , green only during d nne, bu 1 the above formula during JI ly and Au- , gust. Spray -two or ill et, lanes a 1110111 h. At the: Vermont Experiment Station spraying 'during .en years in succession resell ed. in a el' laid of 29G1 bushels, of ,potatot's per a ere. "Where unsprayed the yield wit t 173 btah- els. The Kind Of 3131 He lg. Last 'night two men were speaking of a Toronto business man who is in- . t crested ttt a meet 1 many ventures. "He's an en lerprking .man," said one. -Enterprising!" exclaimed the oth- er; "why, if he had gas en the stom- ach he'd -organize a company to bore for • it -yes, and he eotild make money out . of it' and cure himself of the afflictiOnf"-a-Star. r Epitaph. The natural slut ipat y between rhyme and grammar is e 4nlpiified in this inscription upon a g ave in Duni- fries, Scotland:. "Here lies Andrew cPherson, Who was a peoaliar peraona He stood six feet t o Without his Shoe, And was slew At Waterloo." Milk Crosswise. Mille crosswise, that is to say, one fore teat on the right and a hind teat on the left and vice versa; the milk thus flows more coeiously than by .parallel -Old Friend-" Why, my come prettier and more el day." Young lady-" Yon Old friend -4' Well, then, wts other day." ear, you be arming each flatter me." 11 say every trameirrkw Two Extreme Cases of Itching Piles That Were Poaiti velar oughly Cured by 11 Ointment-M.1*e Only A and Th or - r. Chase's) atrial Cure For Every Form Of Pilien. - Mr. F. Stokes, 1113 Du lop street, Barrie, Ont., writes :-"I ras troubled with blind, itehing.piles fo years, and could get nothing to stop he constant itching. I was always in airs until a friend of mine told me of tlje wonderful cures Dr. Chase's Oointme t had made among his acquaintances. I only used one box, and am entirely cured. In gratitude for this marvello s cure, and for the benefit of others s ffering as 1 did, ,I send you this record If my case." Me. Amos P. Fisher of Somerset. Ring's Co., N.S., a eomme dal travel- ler, well-known throughout the Pro. vines, writes -"It Is great pleasure tc inform you that I have hen cured of itching piles by using Dr. t hase's Oint- ment. I was bothered wit i the above malady for twelve years, nd suffered extreme agony at times.• Thanks tc Dr. Chase's Ointment, 1 ani completely cured, and would recommend it ewith fullest confidence to all sintering the torture of this terrible isease." (if cents a box at all dealers, o lildrnanson. Bates & Co., Toronto. Agents wanted for Dr. base's last and complete Receipt Booltr, I t Met itet tie elle IlleS1110411111111111101w mem tensee 1-60 DROPS It ifteitt tt neentenennummentrumnicnuanntenenumnimmmersamner &actable Prep araiionforAs - shnilatirig lit -Food andReguta- 11jig thiaStonaths andloweis of mk•••••• PromotesDigestion,Cirerfut- itessAndRest.Contains neither pplunT,Morphine, nor iviitleral, NOT NARCOTIC. 1.14.7a al 01 c1.11t Jz 461- ...drerams « lectAefti Salts — Adze Seta N• kfterrnult - Caranza,rakr, 4 lAtm Sea - agikd Sugar . riaran A perfec t Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stotnach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverish- tless galLosS,OF SLEEP. Ter. Simile Signature of TZ -1-7,17 'YORK. InalMOMIMN.ms.•••••=•• ; 7 • '1174.4.4-'44PC, • ',I:I,' 11E :::"4!:,-; • i t t • - IS i'S'; 'Veiate:-,kZ• : eel se .., , • see se EE THAT THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATU IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF OF V.'RAPrER. A Chtstoria is put} up In one -size 'bottles only. h Is not sold In Ina, Don't allow auyone you anything else on the plea or promise tbatit is "just as good" and "will answer every pyr- pose.n Ai- Bee that you get 04-84-044-1L The faa. 'balls ' giguature „ZZS444, sTelly , • of , inanor. ••• d••••!',. The Proper Combination. There is only one combination that will insure you satisfaction in your clo thi ng. It is this--4he combination of style, comfort and. 'dur- ability. It is this combination that is to be found in our made-to- order suits, and is not to be found in other rrAlcis This is the com- bination you are after, and we want to give you an example of hew - we work the combination. We have a /lobby stock of the Ides Tweeds and Worsted. in the proper colorings and effects for the ground work of this great combination. Let us work it on you, 4ArviAAAAmAAAAA BRIGHT BROS., • EURXIS .11 ER 8, ;SELF OR TIL al' Frank Question. Are you satisfied with the shoes you wear? If not, try.a pair of "KING QUAuTLI They are the most desirable shoe o the face of the earth for women. The "KING QUALITY" shoe is all that .a really first-class shoe should be —comfortable, easy on the feet, stylish and durable. Buy the King Quality shoe at $8 a pair and get satisfaction. Made by MR J. D. KUNO 00., Limnos!, TORONTO. Furniture Cheaper than Evers On account of great reduction in expenses, and manufacturing special lines we are now able to put furniture on the market cheaper than ever. All intend ing purchasers will do well to call at our warerooms, where full lines of up -to' date furniture are sold Lt right prices. —u NDTITc. This department is complete with a large selection of the best goods, and obliging attention given to this branch of the business. Night calls promptly attended to by our Undertaker, Mr,, S. T. Holmes Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church. BROADFOOTI BOX & CO SM.A.H10 READY As soon as you Are CoL,.'. a" 41. You never havi to wait for the fire when you are :molting or baking—if you have Gurney's Imperial Oxford Range It can be sc quickly and easily regulated that it ineets all r quiremente4411 shortest notice, and as soon as you are through you can check th fire instantly* so that no heat or fuel is wasted when not required. Sold by SILLS & MURDIE, The Gurney Foundry Co , Limited, Toronto, Vancouver. aforth. innipeg, JUL 411111111111.00d am. 2?). ToTICE hereby ,ng on thl ceselott 5, Tuci AltaBlElte Stahl/0 eeceived up to 39111. ;ger, If Arne, 0 AV SI ndefsig ith, e sawe OD siosur, ItleG TRAY C2 signedI woreet, with *tIIp in wbite bei m•td Steer. aANDERSONi ucTION 1 )(ENT'S, gale igr silent of Je etrueted Mr. One west haw TbuxedaYoJu all the farm III Set email bilis) j.mcLaughlin ceaacc 8, Ala ther partionite SCAULETr, I AYAMS jii Wixi deared bale elate of cultiv etone stabil' souse; ades ; pas -and Blytb AMR) TUGS, 13ROVt ARM LA eitate tell leper na la the lst Co t6 in the ftb C 12 in tle fttl No. 9 in the 7i No. 36, in lb Lot No. 10 sbip VIEW trimly p13 pee OZCI te.x138 Barrelled, 3 ISALE, JOHN Bxecutors. Datedat Se r11110MAS B C,euntief A, 11. Campbe TIM EXPOSITC Satiafaition g. ikuerrom Atuotioi loth. Beitai understandinl ulento, rtp.euie, prices. cbari tor no pay. A Ad Lot el3, 1100110d tO STI mO CCH New Yes 0. Smillie's to - he will be ke - CRAP "DIOS FOR for send( -one thoraughb Terksbire Loa With privileg ARTITUR GAI "DULL me 1004 ae nada the Hertford bull number of eon. January lett 31 Hereford ate& PIG BIB en Lot 24 thproughbo bred Tosx,sau be admitted uf service, of • Canal Vi British Our rates estate everyi OAR8 tor further Trains leave: /allows -40-1Ne Tamenger., Mixed Train Mixed Train Ileitte LAtsl— Passenger.. 4 Preeseenger Mixed Trai4 WeUiiij ounce lieltTe-i, Ethel_ Genus Serrret-. Winghem„. Blueyale „ Brussels„. LOU& name Nottau.. London, d Centralia; Exeter..., Kippen.. - Brucelite Cfinten. Londeshol Bleleh Belgreve.f Wieghant Goma Sotertel liViegha0 Sulgrave.' Londesbol Bruit:afield ilensallee Exeter.. a Centralia, London, Money to lc Artplet forth. $ s1gnat Laxatii the remedil Gonerally fully draint are put eve wash them in freshly I them, Adi but no salt 'wards hard cookirg is 4 JJe drained melted huti