HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-07-05, Page 3, Drops Opium leasa1it. • Jong or verish. Castoria on and lates • giving e ted to childrese ortany pm_ - Prooklyn, OF .01P• 111.1051.11111 action lii fort awl dur- ur con- .1 e of how the latest the :around s. Evers Tecial lines AU intend s of up-to- oods, and Ifolmes L121=r er eoults, its the hudg pure DaI- art. This unopened , flees and nted with 5: per lb. the bettor eras on tantly, arth. peg, _ JULY 5, 1901 TOE *ITRON EXPOSITOR. IMPORTANT NOTICES. MEACITER WANTED.-.0no holding Second Tel Ohm certifleate, for School Stadion No. 10., Township of Grey, Huron Couety. Duties to tonnrenee after vacation. Applications reoeived up to Ally 15th. Apply personally if possible to WM. %TORY, Secretary, Crianbrook. 1749 3 TRAY CALVES.-Streyed from the under- signed, Lot 13, Concession 14, Mullett, on or a ut efay 4th, four yearling ealvee, dehorned, wait olip in the end of the right ear. Color -one white heifer, one red heifer, one gree heifer and one reksteer. Finder will be 'suitably rewarded. mo. SANDERSON, Biyth 1'. 0., Ontario. 1750x4 FOR SALE. •Utit VALUABLE200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE - in Huron county; 160 acres cleared haitreee good bah; well fenced; In good state of cultivatien ; 2 sores orettard ; modern barn, stone btablins, atd other outbuildings; good houee ; cleanable property; school at corner of lot; two and a half m les from Auburn, 6 !roue Bbeh, station ; inspection invited. Apply VI' THOS. BROWN, Auburn, Ont. 1760x8 MIARM LANDS FOR SALE. -The executors of the estate c f the late Christopher T; Dat; have.the folloaing farm lands for ludo, and es hioh they will tell mac nably and on eaey to,m, I iz : Let No. 2 In the lot Conceesion, Hulle:t Township. Lot No. 6 in the 6th Concession, Mullett Township, Lot No. n in the 6th Concession, Mullett Township. Lot No. 9in the 7th Conceasion, Mullett Township. Lot No. 16, in the 7th Concession, Mullett Township. Lot No. 10 In the fith Conoession, Mullett Town-. ealp. These farms (satin 100 torea each, and • are nearly all seeded to gram For further particulars snd terms apply to the Exeoutors or to F. llehrest ed, Big Scaforth. ESTHER ROSANNA DALE, JOHN F. DALE, CHRISTOPHER J. DALE, Executors. Dated at Scam th, this 18th day of June, 1901. 1760-4 AUCTIONEERS. aillOMAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the el Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders left at A.M. Campbell's implement ~eremite, Seaforth, or Tint Exrostroe Office will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed or no chaige. 1708-tf A tiCTIONEERING.-B. S, Philips, Licensed Jj Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Being a practical farmer and thoroughly understanding the value of _farm stock and imple- yeente, places me in a beeter position to realize good pricee. Chargee moderete. Satisfaction guaranteed er no pay. All °retire left at Mensall post office or at Lot 23, Concession 2, Hay, will be promptly tiended to. 1709-tt STOOK FOR SERVICE, - 8TOCK BREEDERS. -Our Shorthorn Bull, .1. New Year'e Gift, has been removed from Mr. A G. Braille's to the premisea of the undersigned, where he will be kept until further notice in these columne. CIIA.PMAN. 1730-tf PJOS FOR SERVICE -The undersigned will keep tor service on Lot 20, Concession 9, McKillop, one thoraughbred Tamworth and one thoroughbred Yorkshire boar. Terms-SLOO at the time of service, with privilege of returning. St 60 if charged. ARTHLR GALBRAITH, 1789-13 B1.1LL FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 11, Conceesion 9, Mullett, the thoroughbred American regietered Hereford buil, Kruger 166981, to which a limited number of.cow will be taken. Terms $1,25 payable January 181, 1002. Also for sale at any time young Hereford dock. E. L. FARNHAM/ 1746x10 TIO PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S., Tuokerseutth, a thoroughbred TAMWORTII Pea, also a thorough- bred YORKSHIRE Pea. A limited number of sows will he admitted to each. Terms, $1, payable at the time of service, or $1.60 if oharged. JAMES GEMMILL, 1608-62 111 AI ..... ast ... 411111 eoy Our direct connections will save you titre) and money for all points, Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them (suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR. ST OARS for your accommodation. Call for further information. Grand Trunk Railway. TWOS leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as allows: Some Wear - Passenger Passenger....... Mixed Train Mixed Train GOING EAST- Pauengor Pnesenger.. Mixed .. BEIFORTH. CLINTON. 12.40 P. M. 12.66 P. M. 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. M. 9.20 A. M. 10.16 A. M. 6.15 P. X. 7.05 P. 64 7.53 A. M. 7.38 A.M. am P. BC 2.66 P. M. 4 40 P, M 4.25 Wellington, Grey and GOING NORTE-- Paeseuger. ..„ . 8.07 re M. Bruseelti.. 8.17 Bluevaia.. - 8 27 Wingheen.... 8.88 Bente Sotrrn- Wingharn Bluevale ..... . Brueeets.... ...... Ethel_ Passenger. 6.53 A. M. 7.02 7.18 7.28 London, Huron and Gotee Notten- London, depart Centralia 9.18 Exeter__ .......... 880 }Unocal- .. 9.44 Kippen 9.50 Brucefield .. • 8.68 Bruce. Mixed. 1.40 P. M. 2.10 2.86 8.25 Mixed. 8.66 e. m. 9.17 9.45 10.02 Bruce. Paeaengor. 8.16 A.M. 4.40 P.M 5.65 6.0 6.1 6.26 6.88 6.55 7.14 7.28 7.87 Clinton - • • ..• • • • Londelwro Blyth Beigrave.--- Wingharn .. COINS SOUTH- Winghltn, depart... Belerave Bly th Londeehoro .... . Clinton Bruceneld Kippen • sr Ren9all Fxetar Centralia Loudon, (arrive). • • 10.16 10.33 10.41 10,66 11.10 8.00 Pnonenger. 6.63 A.M. 3.16 r. re 7.01 8.40 7.14 8.56 7.22 4.06 7.47 4.25 8.06 4.49 8.16 4.67 8.22 6.02 8.35 5.14 8.46 - 6.23 9.87 A. M. 6.12 BleKillop Directory for 1901. DANIEL MANLEY, Reeve, Beechwood P. 0. ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Leadbury P. JOHN G. GRIEVE Councillor, Winthrop P. 0 JAMES 0'LA0GHLIN, Councillor, Beeehwood P. 0 ARCHIBALD bleGREC.OR, Councillor, Seaforth P.0 JOHN 0. 'el0RRIS0N, Clerk, 'Winthrop P. 0 DAVIDeal, ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0. WILLIAM EVENS, Astesser, Beechwood P. 0. DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P. 0. 3101IARD POLLARD, Sanitary inspector, Lead. bitty P. 0. , sEAFoRTH IIACE. CE MEET. Tuesday and Wednesday July 9th and 10th, '01 $1,800 IN PURSES. Seaforth Race Track is the fastest half Rule treble in the Province and the horse !nen have signified their intention of bring- ing their horses to Seaforth. PROGRAMME: FIRST DAY 2:4() Pece and Trot 2:2,0 Pace and 2:17 Trot 2:10 Pace and 2:14 Trot Half Mile Run, heats 2 in 3 SEGON.D DAY 3 -Year-old pace and trot,ii mile heats $150.00 2:27 Pace and 2:22 Trot 300..004$ Pttee and Trot $300.00 Mile' Run, heats 2 in 3 $100.00 Admission. 5e;2.Carriages 25o. 1- M. BRODERICK, Secretary. J, CARDNO, President. 1748 -td $250.00 $300.00 $300.00 $ loom • CANADA AND IRELAND. They Make charaeteristic and A ttractive !exhibits at the Glasgow Exposiitort - Beth In Physical Juxtaposition. • Russia is n'ot tire only agricultural country which here enters the manu- facturing lists. *The Canadian eon-- tr efru 1011 is trItttilly C0Mpreitt.11s1Vi., and scarcely Testi enterprising.' All the products Of tlhe Dominion are re- presented, veld visitors will be Sur- prn•ed at their variety and extent. Agriculture is most in I.2VidenCe, it is illteorand very prettily ley ia lofty kiosk in the centre of the pavilion, d.‘corat d ent irely from t op to bot- tom with the (Tanis and' grasses of Canada. These are supplied by i250 farmers, and arrangedby the diet - or of the central experinoental fartn. Then the -re -are fru ts, vegetables, cheeses, wines, flour, honey, canned But the ma.nu- goods, and so forth. factures will .probably attract equal attention. One realizes that anailit is actually bijeoming a manufa taing !country. It turns out paper, wool- dn, cotton, silk,robber, leitther, iron, Land wooden gloods. The agricultural implennents are, perhaps, ;the(' most noticeable examples: • 4 is, I believe, a fact that Canada annually exports anout 1,000 reaning machines to Germany. As t o the ,mineral section', t he wealth of Ontario, Quebec, IsTOart, Scotia. and Dritishl'Columbia is dis- played in a systematic fashieen by t heir yet" pee t iv.' governmen and that of the Dominion .as a whole is looked after by the central govern- ment at Ottawa. Forestry is Similar- ly treated. The Irish :Pavilion. The Mat .pavilion, which s.tands hard by the Canadian, will a,ttract universal attention by reason of its cliarming and characteristic. exterior. It, ie designed by 'Mr. T. Manly BOane, and represents a small coun- tiey of • Georgian period, at Malalilde., standing in its own grounds. It is a low,double-fronted house. with Nvhite concreted walls, roundud. bow windows, and thatched roof. The 'fritindly" aspect -to bor- row a tterman term- of this mod5ist st ruct urti makes 'it conspicuous The interior 1 divided into several roenns tchich iti'e devoted to different hrancheL‘ept Irish industry. There ere ttte etlse,' linens; laces, basket. work, Donegal earpets, wood carving, and models ot ships from Belfast. Looms are being . pu 1 up nand will be , at \vork . There wile etISO sonie prom latt hold ou t of a still at Nvork,,but. I in- quired after it Otn vain: Perharte ig 01161. in order to Make" theThat tonal eliaracDir coMplete, The Department of Agriculture and -Technical tion for Ireland, xvilich is respiunsi ble for t h is pavilion, is to be congra 11- latrid on tho result. -Catholic Union. Canadiau Frog's ,Are Sweetest.. Canadian frog legs are -firmer, sweeter and :larger, and in their- 'na- tivo haunts jump farther than those from other sections. Frogs' legs no longer sell by the pair, as they used to do. The demand for theth has be - Coin° so extensive it is found more convenient to - sell them by the pound. The frogs are caught chiefly . by netting, or by means of a piee_e_ol. red flannel attached to -a loliok as bait._ Their weight ranges .fr m six ounces to two and a half pou ds. So says a ,writer in the. New York Sun, Others who ship them tj New York -send along Um whole r1.g and the meat in often too soft. Ljut the writer s'ays the French-Canadians pack and ship them too soon -they. should- be allOwad to cool before be- ing packed. He tells of an interview with an experienced frog catcher. whose observations are worth gain-. ing: 'Very intelligent animal, a frog. I used to catch 'em and keep .'ent ina tub of water. Then I'd catch a bumblebee by the wings and ' throw him down hard onto the water, and while he was buzzing around trying to got off, the frog .would jump for him and get him. - - "But the bumblebee. had his re- venge al ready , and yu ecoUldn't count one-tWo before a look of p.tt in - ed surprise Would come into that frog's eyes. The bum bl c4 'r had stung hinie With that rarri how -ever, for. which I 'give the species credit, the. frog -tvould. then , take his fore foot, reach down, and pull the bumblebee out. That is a fact. ''Tie y work those forefeCS' very cleverly. anyway, When hooked. a frog will often take hold of the lieh line and try to get the hook out . Failing that, he will hold the lint: so as to enete up .on the hook . As . for wha 1 they eat , 1 once found a big • frog which had choked to (Weill ent 114 stvallOw. I suppose -the bird Ant d coino down 11) the river drank to.. get mud for his nest. At. any net e, there 11 WHS. 1ittl jis 111-1 1 sticking out of tile frog's •motith. I've caught froaes . that lied eaten little 11"-h eliont four 'Defies long." '1 he 1.aura, Sevort1 BIon u in en t. T110 Laura Secoril :Monument, un- erilctl ;It I etnely'a I,ttne, on e.••'‘a (ley, .11111e '22,. ie a bronze life-eiae oust of the heroine, (el n 'onion. granite pedestal,' end is -the Nvoik of Miss'elittlyt d Peet. 'Ile te.ection of this memorial toils eindertaken by the lint...trio Historical Society. A hout, $(1(l) has bren collected. nett -----S1 Mt iij still requir«I to complete the Ntork lvItich, it is hitt tidtdr, NVili hu Pule 1.11(- 11t -icing of suitably inseribed 1 al leis ttt Ow house ttte CliippeWa in telt el she lit., d, over 50 yen rs ago: et the i. liousiti in tneeinston 'front , 'which etre ster id 011 her her eoic \veil., and i la• hoti. e 111 11ecew \\licit wa.e. tile le eti- conititers of Lietit . Piteirebtott..n. in 1 81 a . A beadsl 0110 . Will -0 h-0 in. plactsi A 0 1.11itt* nor :grave en t:Irip- pt.wa t.'litirch. meniAene people should not -einioutiage prevailing disposition to accept ex- cuses for 11oral;r1eiliinq1le111;es. nee a man gives tio;., the struegle for suc- cess -when lie falters and qui'', \Shen he breaks- or fktils and 111 (7\4 s poor the stuff is.of tVit iCit - 10 1,-fq I lin 1 1 al.t, 1 0 int be jet; drink. and people say Of him that lett for drillic ito niighl. lutve Lead(' a great name for hiniselfg- , MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR •OFFICE, BEAFORTH. ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED, AREA SURE CURE FOR Nervousness Sleeplessness, Ner- vous Prostration, Loss of Energy, Brain Fag, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Loss of Memory, Melancholia, ListleSsness, After Effects of La Grippe, Palation of the Heart, Ana3mia, Ge eral Debility, and all troubles trising from a run- down systeit. They will 13iild you up, make rich red blood and give you vim and energy. Price, 50c.1 per box, or three oxes for $x.25, at drug- gists, or will be sent on receipt of price by The T. Mil, burn Co., Limited Toronto, On. II4111ESPIE'S IFIAON ESS. I have remov4d my harness shop. to my own store, ONE DOOR NORTH OF THE POST OFFICE, where I will be pleased to meet all my old °gatemen; and many. new ones. Gillespie's1 Harness is the bet Harness. A full stock olf Horse Blankets, Robes, } Sleigh Bells, Trunks, &c. Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a cell and we will please you, delight your horse, satisfy your purse. ,"Repairing a Specialty. JAMES G4LE8TIE, Seaforth, One Door, N RTH of the Post Office. 1718•13 Binder Twine SE4ON 1901 '. FARMERS' S ECIAL ". binder twine supplied to Farmers Only at e. per lb., in tweebushel, cotton, 16•oz grain tage, 1 ound with two rope snap halters, and weighing 60 1 s. tech, length ovet 600 feet per pound, euality ani length guaranteed. Ceeh with micro, purcheeer pays -freight. Addrers orders J. T. GILMOUR, Warden Central Prim; Toronto. f urther perttoulars addreee JAMES Next's', Irepector, l'arilament Buildings, Toronto. • J. R. STRATTON, Tomato, June Sth 1901. Provinolal Secretary. .17E0-8 TELEPHONE ERVICE AT YOUR RES1DENO11 is sort of insurance against worry and grave emergencies. The prem. ium is a very small fraction of your ordinary household expenses. Ask the Loco ,Manager for terms. THE BELL ELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA, To the p and surr HAVING PURCH ublic of Seaforth ounding country Th,e Meat Business Form Hy conducted by , T. R. F. CASE & CO. I trust, by strict attention to business and sppplying a firs class article at a reasonable price, to merit he patronage bestowed on the late firm. • Will pay th highest market priee for dressed poultry good hides, skins and tal- i:M. FRED G./'LES, Seaforth. FOR Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, Pain in the Stomach AND ALL • Summer Complaints. ITS EFFEOTS ARE MARVELLOUL IT MITI LIKE A CHARM.. RELIEF ALMOST INSTANTANEOUS. Pleasant, Rapid, Reliable, Effectual. Every liuuse should have it. Ask your Druggist for it. Take no other. PRICE, 350. Notice of Dissolution. • Notice is hereby g`ven that the partnership heretofore exieting between the undersigned, at the Town oeffeaforth, as Tailors slid Gents' Furnishers, ueder the firm name of "Stark & Leatherland," has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Stark will continuethe businees, to whom all accounts due and owing ths said firm are to be paid, and to whom all the debts owing by the said flrm are to be presented for payment. LOFTUS STARK, JOHN A. LEATHERLAND, witneas. JOHN RANKIN. Dated at Seaforth, this lfah day of June, 1401. 1749-3 QUAINT INDIAN CUSTOM. Chief il* the Sli4 NatIong Condole With Dr. Oronhaatoleha in Ilk Recent Bo- a reaveneent--tellier 11111's Letter.. . The Indians I ave. sono' very pretty, if quaint, eusto Ins, .to wlovit they cling with much tenacity and hold in gi:erat reverence.. - An ,illustrat ion of th 1;.e will be found in the follow- ing address by the chiefs of the Six Nations to Dr. )ie.inliya.telelia, condol- ing with him t pon (he recent death of hie 'wife. Tie customs to . which allusion is m Lae, an well a.s the _ forms of expreSsion by which they are described, have prevailed among those Indian tribes for hundreds of years. . The bek uty and appropriate - :floss of cerenne y and language ':an - not fail to be 'ecognized and appre- ciated ' by all To Dr. Oronhyatekha: Dear , Sir am Brother -I am. in- structed by the chief!, of Alec Six Na- tions to forward t� you their sin- cere sympathy a. -id to condole with you in the great loss you have sus- tained by the death of your wife, as follows; 1, We are aW tre that when a. mem_ her of a famil *dies, the survivors are brought to mourn, and are in great 'darkness; tears will flow from their eYes, so hat they cannot • seo what le going n around. them. Such , being your _ present condition, as well rt.8i that ef your family, your brotherchiefs Df tihe Six Nations . take the pure a hite linen, and wipe off the etears of sorrow from your eyes, 90 that you May clearly see the objects about nou and understand What. io going On ,around you. 2. And whon tit„,person is brought to eloorr, his !ears are stopped up, so thati he cannot hear clearly the things i that are going on around him; stitch has become yours and your faintly's cond i ton, Your brother chiefs therefore now remove the ob- struction from , your ears, so that. when your family and friends will spca,k to you, you may hear with distinctness, 3. And wlan :a -person is , brought m to ou '11 by death in his family, hls i throat becomes: choked -so that lie ca4not speak; such has become yours and your family's-- condition. Your brother chiefs will therefore now re- move the -obstruction. from your throat, so that .you may once metre be able to speak with clearness to your family and friends, e4. And when a person Is brought to griel by the -death of a dear Onee his Wart is wrung with pain and en- veloped l i11. deeP sadness :Ind sorrow', and he feels that the grief is over- powering. Sueh being your condition, as well as thate of your family, your brother chiefs Will therefore now ad- minis^ter a. potiOn of medicine to con- sole you and all your family, so that . your and their hearts may ho set right, tind thus you may be able to resume !your great responsibilities to- waeds :'our fellow -beings. 5. And now we 'proceed t 0 the grave cf your departed and beloved wife, a.nd we decorate it with wrep.thS of love and affection, niade of sweet grasses and forest flowers, and we . cover il. with a slab to,; sheltr it from storms and excessive heat, SO that her ' remains may-. be securely .protecinfel and -quietly and peaeefully rest, ! . 6. And when a person is cut off from life, .blood,Stains may be left, in his Usual skat, Your ,• brother -.chiefs therefore now wipe away all stains ifrom. . t.he. seal, so that you may reatune . it with ('()111t 't. 7. And when a person is blought to grief,by death, his head is boWed down with sorrow and woe. Stick be- . Ing your conditiOn, as well as that of your .fartily; your brother chiefs support your bowed headand raise you up, and remove the clouds of sorrowfront your horizon, so that you niay- clearly see the. sun rise .in the morning, and trace its course un- til it reaches the mid heaven,, when its bright, effulgent rays will shine around you and your faintly, so that you may .once more be cheered , and. With renewed energy resume your. great. responsibilities, and tie able tii discharge your dot is 1 oWar(1S your fellow -n en, Signed on b jeolisailatoftilili(: Conn( il, Josiah il 6ecret a ry S.N, (I, _Jenny LInf) Started It. Forfifty years. the Protestant, Or- phans' Home in Toronto has been looking after the fatherless children. and starting them on the journey of life. It, is interesting to- know; that this insti tut ion reeeived the assiste ance at its initial inn of ,Jenny Lind, the SWedish Nightingele. JO) ny Lind was discovered by P. T. Bar- num and brought, to America, for a tour. I.Ier sweet. V0110 he people -.on' both eides of the line, When in,Toronto half 13 centur y ago she sang for the Protestant, Orphans' Ilonie rend 1)10 pr oceeds of her con- cert started the institution upon its mission. Th OSP W110 remember i he first building 00 Beverley 41 rept. will recall the - inscript ion' over the door which said that the charity Was founded by Jelin.v Lind in 1 851. In the more commodious structure in.. the . West End the home is . doing gren.ter Work Unlit eVrr, Itrilty, of the d-Ltended. Th'o r011 w y ci ric-b 131 rod and dark-skinned people are more inclin- ed to mentill disorder than the 1ig,11 ter -ha ired and complexioned has never, , PO far as our revollection serves, . been accounted for by the wise in such matters. Tt may, per- haps, be conSoling 10 1110 fair -skin- ned to hear Hint in one madhouse, °tit- of two hundred patients, only four have light hair and complex- ions, and one red hair. -From . Health. Notice to Fishermen. A. fernier who owns a few acres up in Muskoka ila?4the following 'sign on his properly as a warning 10 trespassers: "This is to certify thai you Have nary business fishing he.,?Fe;. This is my land -there's taxes' to Id for eOery dog -gone year. t want it trampled down; vou fellows from the town: 130 p I do n So t :My old 1 bulldog is living yet, Lost ,ssu forget -lest you forget." • ASTORIA For Infants and Children. 'go' MIT inaPPer• North Main Street, Seaforth. 1748 lashfoq co Comfort. For once fashion and common sense have joined in the cause of comfort in ladies' footwear. The really fashionable shoe is built much like a man's shoe on a womanly scale. This fashion has the advantage of a fine appearance, combined with common-sense comfort, and will therefore be a permanent one. -Won the gold medal at Paris Exposition. $3 and $4. Sold everywhere. Genuine only when stamped- " KING QUALITY." Made by Th3 Li. D. King Co., Limited Toronto, Creswell, March 28, 1901. The T. Milburn Co., Limited; Toronto, Ont. Dear Sirs, -I write to say that have used Burdock Blood Bitters with excellent results. Last spring my, daughter got all run down and was very thin and weak, Her face was covered with red spots and a Jarge boil formed on her cheek. I procured 2 bottles of B.B.B., and by the time she had finished them the spots and boil disappeared and she has got strong and fleshy again. I consider B.B.B. the best blood medicine known. MRS. I. DAVIDSON. FURNITURE EMPORIUM. J. Landsborough DEALER IN Furniture of all kinds At live and let live prices. Upholster- ing done and satisfaction in every Ke- spect. Picture framing neat and cheap New Williams sewing machine arways on hand. No travelling agents, and no high prIces. Goods delivered in town and country free of charge. Undertaking Department. We have a large and varied assort- ment from whith to choose in time of need, at prices that have been a matter of agreeable surprise to all who have dealt with us. Two fine hearses on hand for summer and winter use. Night calls at Mr. Landsborcugh's residence, corner cottage in rear of Dominion Bank, will be promptly responded to. JOHN LANDSBOROUGH, SEAFORTH ONT. DOA NS KIDNEY PAU& CURE' B ACKACHE LAME BACK RHEUMATISM MASSIE* S aiamrs DIZZINESS moo ASA KIONIY &URINARY 010,ASES OYRIP 11V e, • a I P L. es • MRS. I. Srs4vzs, Edgett's Land- ing, N.B., writes on Jan. tS, rgot : "In the fall of 1899 I was troubled with a sectore pain in the back. I could scarcely get up out of a chair and it gave me great pain to move about. I took one box of Doan's Kidney Pills and was completely cured. I have not boon troubled with it since." SHINGLES ••••••m•••• Until further notice, we will eell Shingles at the following prices : British Columbia red cedar 4x per bunch, 78c; 3x per bunch, 74c;. 3x pine per bunch, 73c. N. CLUFF & SONS, WHAT YOUR STRIVING DOES FOR OTHERS. If all tlet etal of tL centinuous striving necre titely to att.iin. Bow r • r v. i1ds (in the planning and contriii tie ent]1 ;.,ing a:. 1 Innti,h1 driving ' Of 1e...7y, leei a are] I rain: But ever in the wake of true aehieving There eirines this glowing. trail: Some other seul will be spurred on, conce.iving New strength and hope, in its own power belieee ing, Becauee thou didst not fail. Not thine alune the glory -nor the sorrow, If thou dost miss the goal; Cndreamed of lives, in many a far tomorrow, From thee their weakness or their force shall borrow; On, on, ambitious soul! -Ella Wheeler Wilcox in Success, CURING CONSUMPTION, Early Detection of the Disease In of Prime importance. Now that the value of the open els treatment of consumption has been dem- onstrated, the great importance of an early diagnosis of the disease is evident. Unfortunately it is by no means easy, Ib recognize the disease in its incipiency, for the early symptoms are not distinc- tive, aud the cause of the failing health Is not often suspected until the disease has become firmly established. The symptoms calling attention espe- cially to disease of the lungs are general- ly late in appearing, and the physician's eusplcions will usually have been arous- ed long before there is any severe cough or profuse expectoration. At first there is merely a falling off in health; the persen is "a little below par," and his friends remark that he is losing flesh. He is not actually ill, and his con- dition causes him little anxiety, being at- tributed to a rush of work or to worri- ment caused by' -a business hitch or some family trouble. But as time goes on and the supposed cause of the trouble has been removed, the patient does not recover his strength. On the contrary, the gradual decline continues, and a noticeable pallor ap- pears. The lips aro bluish, the eyes are abnormally white, the pinkish hue of the nails fades out, the mucous membrane of the mouth is pale -in medical lan- guage, the patient is anwmic. This pallor is a suspicious sign; and an- other symptom of marked significance is a rapid pulse, one that beats continuously, 90 or 100 times a minute. At this time there is usually also more or less fever, although it may be so slight as to be de- tected only by a frequent use of the ther- mometer. A fourth symptom of importance Is in- creased perspiration, usually most raark- ed in the first hours after midnight - night sweats -but sometimes troublesome in the daytime as 'well. Cough during this period is as often ab- sent as present, and in any ease is sel- dom more than a nervous hacking. Lat- er it becomes more persistent, and some expectoration appears. But by this time the physician can generally detect signs of lung trouble by an examination of the chest, and the discovery of tubercle ba- cilli when the expectorated matter is studied under the microscope will re- move all doubts as to the nature of the malady. Of course, one who has persistent ame- mia, a rapid pulse, night sweats and - perhaps fever is not necessarily in the early stages of consumption, although there is ground for suspicion. Even 11 he is, however, there need be no exces- tiive alarm, for the disease at this stage is elmost positively curable, and its early detection is therefore a blessing. The Cancer Microbe. Cancer is caused by an animal microbe kaown to science as an anaceba. The germ is not the same as that of consump- tion and cholera, the latter being vegeta-, ble growths, while the cancer germ is an animal growth, coming under the same head as those of malaria, yellow fever and smallpox. It is one of the lowest forms of animal life of which any trace has been found. In shape the cancer microbe might be likened to an ideal money bag, slightly elongated. The upper portion, where the strings would be tied around the bag, con- tains the mouth. Under the microscope the germs are shown to possess an inter- nal organism, embracing a digestive ap- paratus. The microbe, entering the human body. by what process we do not know, fastens upon the first cell which it encounters and begins to feed upon and destroy the cell tissue. Having emptied one cell, it cutg its way out and attacks another. During its life the microbe duplicates itself thou- sands of times, and the home tenanted by the colony it thus founds constitutes a cancer. Calais's' Curious Street. In Calais not far from the landing pier is what is known'as the fisher quar- ter. The inhabitants of this part of the town, numbering something like 2,000, form a community of their own and live quite apart from the rest of Calais, The young people never think of marrying out of their quarter. Just in the heart of this district is a very narrow street, its width being about five feet at most. The curious thing about it is that the bottom room of every house is quite isolated from the upper rooms, and the tenants who wish to go up to the bedrooms have to come out into the street and enter another doorway, behind which is a flight of steps leading up stairs. Durability of Wood. In very dry atmospheres the dul'ability of wood is almost incredible. Pieces of wood, wooden caskets and wooden arti- cles have been withdrawn from Egyptian catacombs of an antiquity 2,000 or 8,000. years antedating the Christian era. Buninerfa be Bursineers. The Millionalre-Yes, your highness, 1 Intend to settle ten millions on my daugh- ter the day she is married. The Duke -Just give me a month's op- tion on that and I'll consider it. -Brook lyn Life. Ile Snow. Teacher -If you are polite and kind to your young comrades, what will be the result? Bully Jones -They'll know they can lick you. -Puck. Narrow minded people are like narro* necked bottles -the less they have in them the mere noise they make in get- ting it out. Our deposits of borax are beilevail td be practically inexhaustible. STEPHEN LAMB, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Timber. IOur lumber ocuisistiof the beet quality of Hemlock and Pine, being well manufactured. Any amount of Bed Cedar Shingles always on hand, Bring slang your bills, you will be sure to get Chem Hied IN s- facitarily. 1111rGetesrieh eireetIrst. 171141 Seaforth The undersigned having purchaeed from the Ogilvie Milling Company, of Montreal, the well known Seaforth Flour Mills, Are now prepared to do all kinds of Custom Work . . TO WHICH. . Special Attention will be Given. • The very best quality of Flour given in exchange for wheat. Chopping of all kinds done on the short, est notice. Price, five cents per bag. The best brands of Flour always on hand, and will be delivered in any part of the town free of aarge. The highest price in cash paid for all kinds of grain. Feed of all lauds constantly on hand. The Seaforth Milling Co. 1689 STORE UNDER THE TOWER. q 0 l> g 0 w tt =-1 0 C) 0 rya e -e H., t'l o 0 ,-51 a 0 ao tzTa ewe re, ne ce- 111t t se Pe oa .4.4 cz crs 1110 tgi g to7oj P 14 ^ 2 i:c2 t co_ OM% r:i 40 trl i -t il r-st CD 7; --, - .41Fri On aq D2., (Cri )1:i .`a" P.1 •0 ED no = c/- g. er t -t- E oa cl) I:1 tel • Z:t% et- `•<1 ree• 0 OQ o--li m CD et -'l .P I1••=i C/ 20 /7a cri; s:l et- in) r/1 CD f -i. pp 0 op ar Ori 0 1--i >4 P I:1 as o 03 0 0 fai: .cetti 11=1 ti CD tai 1:3) 0 '-f '-ttl Pt' r•ee CD W cd tnd tzr 0 ,rD iTt 1:5" 6 i oni• Nam e...mig Imo gig Or 1111: d smug =5 :Rag 01.6. gig t'D too. Ori t11) Skims cleanest, runs easiest, $85 on time. The gearing is made of gun metal. The Highest Award -AT THE -- Paris Exposition,I900 Grand Prize and Gold Medal Has been won by the MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATOR. 1.1.•••••••••••• Eight days' free trial to intending pur- chasers. Skims clean and turns easy. DUBLIN, January 2166, 11101. Having tried three different makes of Cream Sep- aratsre, I bought a Melotte. I would recommend it to any farmer with four or five COWS. 1 think it Is the best paying article on the farrn.-Jeco)s Bnaxen. Call on or write the local agent, 3. D. WALKER, Stafia, Ont. 1783 171f6ft AI"' Tao* Phositedia, The Great English Iternelly.th. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Biz kages guaranteed to care all forms o Sexua Weaknesen all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Bxcessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package 114 six, 16. OnewillPlease• sizwiUture. -Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor. Ont. Sold in Seeforth by Alex, "%Teen, J. S..Roberts sod I. V. Fear, druggiste. Robert !Devereux ILACKSM1TH to%Val tte=aild CARRIACE opp, General Jobbing, MAKERiteeli Goderleh street, - .•• Seaforth. Money To Loan. The Township of Tuckersmith has about $3,000 of Township Funds to loan M current rates ef interest on first mortgage on farm property. Atply to the Reeve or Treasurer. IL IIORTOB, Reeve, Heneall P. O.; G. N. TURNER, Treasurer, alnico P. 0, 173341