HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-07-05, Page 2RON
Will buy igoo 7-roaine4 hone,pIen
Ly situated in Seeorbli, Memel now.
Good hard and soft water. Apple to SCUTT
BROS., Seaforth. e 1721 tf
OOR SALE. -The hone and grounds belenging- to
U the tate S. G. Me0aughey;oorner of Ohuroh and
"Centre streets, Seaforth. The property will be sold
cheap artd: on easy terns. HOLMESTED, Sea -
,forth. I7344f
Van SAL1 I SEAFOR.TEL-Ori the earner of
Viz tbeth and Isabella streete, Jarvis earvee,
a frame house, 112x2t„ with 2 beiroems, 2 closets,
pantry, sltine room, and a poi kitchen• and wood-
shed attlehed. The is a small garden with fruit
treeseand good wate.r me the plan. The above
wilt be sold ehesp by applvi ag to W. KEMP, on the
p!ace, or Box. 65, Setioorth P. 0. 1750x4
U and South halt of Let 12, Concession 4, Stanley,
conteiniog 150 acres, 90 acres oleared and in a fair
state of cultivation. There is 11frieree dwelling house
witli cellar, bank barn with stone stebling, stone pig
pen, stave silo, two good welle als3 a river rues at
the back of the farm. It is convenient to ohurohee,
eehools and markets, being 3 miles from Bruoefield
and 9 milea from Seaforbh, Apply on the premises
o addres neromse GEMMELL, Brucefield. •
-Luau IN HAY non senE.-For site, Lot 2.1,
1 Concession 6, Pat Line, Hay, containing 100
acres. 95 acme cleared, well underdrained and fen-
ced•. There is a large b -ick house with good cellar,
good barn, frame stabling, pig pen. 3 acres of oralo
ard, 2 wells and cistern. Th's is a No. 1 farm, well
situated for markets, churches, soho31 and Post
Odle°, and will be sold reasonably. Apply on the
premisee,or address MRS. WM, CURRY', Hille Green,
Ontario. 17.394f
_LY SALE -Beautifully eituated on Centre Street
adjoining Besttie's Greve. There are two lots plented
with the choicest of fruit trees of all kinds and
shrubs. A frame house, stone cellar underneath the
whole house, a sitting room, dining room, summer
and winter kitchens and four bedrooms, hard and
soft water. It is oneof the most pleasantly located,
oomfortable and oonvenient residenoes in Seaforth
and will be sold cheap. Apply to JOSIAH WAT-
SON`, Begonia. 170041
-ILIA.RM FOR SALE. -For sate that very -desirable
.12 farm on the Mill Road, Tu3kersmith, adjoining
the village of Egmondville. It contains 97 itore.‘,
nearly all cleared and in a good state of cultivation,
and wall underdrained. There Is a comfortable
brittle cottage and good barns, with root °eller and
outbuildings. The buildings are situeted near the
centre of -the farm and on the Mid Road. It is well
watered, and plenty. of soft water in the icitehen.
It 13 conveniently situated for oinych and school
and within a mile and a half of Seatarth. Will be.
sold cheap and on easy terms of peyment. Apply
the'proprietor, ROBERT FANSON, Seaforth.
MIAMI FOR SALE. -For sale the farin of theist's
:12 George Brown. Let 3, Conceseion 6, litullett,
containhag 100 acres, of whit& about 90 aores are
cleared and in- a goes' state of eultiratioe, tha
balance goad hard wood, 'There is a new twoestory.
briek house, with fartume, herd and soft water and
all moiern conventeeees. There 13 a ire bank
barn, with stone stabling, sheep heuse, ttitp:ement
house and all other necessary out buildist e There.
are two good wells and a flowing eprIne A good
orchard, There are about 70 arc s seede-t "0 erase.
Ikle within three,querters of a mile from • t villaget Constance, where are stores. aohool. :lurches,
&C. Apply to the undersigned, Oonsta -et P. 0.
GEORGE 3TEPRENSON, Exeauter. 1741
sale, Lot 22, on'the North Boundary of tray
Township. This farm contains 100 aoree, 85 acres
cleared, the rest good hardwood bush. It la welt un-
derirained and feneed. There is a good stone houee
with a No. 1 oellsr, ; large bank baro, implement
" shed, sheep house 7075, with flret-olets steb:ing
and root eellar underneath; a good orchard ; 2 good
wells and cistern. There is 121 aeres nf fall wheat
sowed on a rich fallow, well manured ; 40 a3res
seeded down recently, the met in gooi shape for
crop. This Is a No.' 1 farm, well situated for
markets, churches, set:tools, poet °Moe, etc., and
will be Hatd reasonebly.- Apply on the premieee, or
address ROBERT N. DOUGLAS,I3leke,0nt.1663x3it
rent, Lot 20, liayfie'd Road Notbh, Staniar.
containing 134 aores, 125 acre 3 oletrel and in a good
state of oultiesatioa. to be.laaee l geod herd wo-el
bush. The farm Is well uncleedrainel ani ;eel!
feaced.e There la a good b.iek home. two good
harp and ether outbuildings. Plenty of herd and
Bolt teeter. Two sores of choice ftuit tree e Thie
excellent farm ie ithin a quarter of a lure of Varies.,
where there is a postoffiee, sehoote, olaseehee; etc.,
and St, miles of Brimfield elation. It le in a mist
desirable location, In the te:t farming section of
Huron Witt be sold on reasonable Orme, or win be
rente for a te•In of years if not $431d by September
let. For further perticulaes apply to S. A.
MOFFAT, Varna. 1 1760.1?
_U 9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 12th conces-
sion, or Bronson Line, of Stenley. Thla fermi con-
tains 150 afore% all of whieh is ()leered, exoipt faur
acres. 11 13 in a state of firet-01a93 ouliyatien, welt
fensei and all underdrained.mostly with Me. There
is a large frame dwelling house as good Lia Di
ST with
good stone foundation and cellar, levee benkbarn
with stelae stebling underneath, and aumeroue otter
buildinge, inaluding a large plg house. Two good
orchards of choice fruit, also nice shscle and !ernsmntl tram There are two ep:Ing creeke =ening
through the farm, and plenty of good Yew:: MI the
year round without pumping, It ie well situated for
markets, ohurehee, scheo.s, pest 'Ai c, etc , and good
gravel male leading from it in all dirootions. It is
within view of Lake Huron. and t'aa beats ca be
seen peeing up and down frotu the house. Tells Is
one of the best equipped arm la the c)unty, and
will be sold on catty terms, aa the proprietor wante to
retire on aceount of ill hearth. Apply cm the premi-
en, or addrees Blake P. 0. JOHN DUNN. 173411
Township of McKillop
VotersLists for 1901.
Noti?.S is hereby given thee 1 heve trams:nib tol or
delivered to the pe solo insistioaed in Se Alone 8 end
It of the Onterio Voters' Lista Act, the oopiee re-
quired by /mid sectione to be so transmitted or
delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of
all pereona appearing by the lag Revised ASB.333-
mutt Roll, ,31 the said Munioipahty, to be entitled to
te in the said Municipality at elections for mem
be, of the Lezislative Aseembly and et fduulcipal
°teatime; and Matte saki List was drab locate I up in
my office, in the Townehip of aloKillop, in the
°malty of Heron, oe the 21st day of Jene, and
1'er/ulna there for iospeotion: Electors ac called
upon ho examine the said List, and if any °millions
or any other errors are found faiere.n. to take
immediate proaeedings to hive the saii'errons
corrected aceordinee, to law.
1750-2 CI ork of Mettillep.
Cook's Cotton Itoot Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
4,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com-
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitstions are dangerous. Price, No. 1,$1 p_er
bo; No. lit, io degrees stronger,$s per box. No.
1, or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two acent
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
rffir-Nos. land 2 sold and recommended by all
responsible Druggists in. Canada.
Sd it S,n.f nth by Alex. Wilsan, J;S.I Re':ert2 and
L V. Fe1M', dru4-4ists.
The New Harness:
.. MAKER . .
Having parehased the Harness 1:Thep and
business of Mr. John Ward, I solicit the
patronage of all the aid customers; and guer-
antee them and all new ones the best of
workmanship and material. Always on
band a full line of
HA.R.N14.1SS le:A.1)1)1,ES
Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed.
Give me a call.
ANDREWIOK E, -Seaforth.
Money to loan at 41, per eenten goo' term Femur -
IV. Apply to JAN. !...:KILLORAN, Berrister, Sea
forth. ;O:tee`ere: • .....144-4:6M17124f
Farm loans taken at iowest rates; payments to
Suit borrower satisfaotion guaranteed- all oorre•
spondence ebeerfully answered. ABNER 00SENS,
Wingharn, Ont. 0 ee--M corner of Minnie and
Patrisk streete; every Saturday aff day. 1667
A Delicate- and iffinUlt Duty
Urded.Up ri All.
Rev. Dr. Talmage Point,
-telerietiatts lioaicI F
tion Against the Sin,
SyMpittleize With a
the Sinner.
Wa-shingt -1 Ines 30.-A -delicate
and difficulty duty 'S by Dr. - Tal-
mage in this tliero rse urged upon
all, and especially in on those given
.to quick temper; text, Eplussians
20, "Be ye angry and sin not."
Equipose of Le pen kindness, pa-
tience, forbearatte , a. e extolled by
most of the radii nt' j ens of inspira-
tion, but • my tex contains that
which al first sigit i startling. A
certain kind of auger is approved -
ave, we are eonem ueltd to indulge in
it.. The most of is heye no need to
cultivate high te per,' and how often
affronted sinipulSe which we- are Sorry
we say things and do things under
for when perhaps it is too late to
make effective apology! Why, then.,
should the apostle Paul ,dip his -pen
in the ink horn and trace upon parch-
ment, afterward no be printed Upon
paper for: alt. aoges, the injunction,
"13e Ye angry and sin not?" 1.
My text commends e wholesome- in-
dignation. It discriminate's between
the offense and the offender, the sin
and the sinner, tile 'crime and • the
. •
To illustrates
Alcoholisin has:
ru inen, more fort uaes, blasted 'more
homes, destroyed more souls, than
any evil that I think of. IL pours
a river of poison and fire through
the nations. Millions have died be-
cause of it and millions are dying
now, and others will die. • Intemper-
atice is an old eiti. The greateCyrus,
wenn-14 to the: Lacedemoniaus
self, boasted of many of his qualities,
ELMOng others, that he- could drink
and bear more wine than his distin-
guished brother, Louis X and. Ale.* -
ander .the Great died' drunk. , The
Out That Whule
el:just Indignae
Yet They .sifonld
d Try and Save
'Parliament' of Edieburgb. in 1.661
called in hisiorY "the drunken p
Lament." Every -man or worn
rightly constructed will blush WI
indignation at tile national ancl.
t erna t ional and hensiepheric
planetary curseeIt is gond to
aroused against it. You eeme. o
of that eenditioe better man' or
better woman, 'Be. ye angry at th
abomination, and the more auger t
more essultat ten to •tharac ter.,
that aroused feeling- : becomes. ,sint
when- it extends. to =the vietim of tli
great - -Drunkenness you are
hete with a Vivid:40-.2d; bin 1.
drunkard you are- to efts', to help
,Tust take into consideration th
there are men and women. who on
Were as upriglet as yoursell'Who ha
been prostrated by alcoholism. Pe
haps it came of a physinian's pr
scription for the- relief of- Nein, a r
currency of the pain caieg for
continuance of the, remedy; pet hap
the grandfather Was -an inebriate an
the temptation • to inebriety. leapin
over a generation,. has swooped o
this unfortunate; perhap4it was us.
der an at tempt to drown trouble th:
the beilumbing, sand narceitic liqui
was Sought salter; prrheps it -was
NW3` gradual chaining the ma
with the beverage 'which was though
to be a servant, •svhen one day it an
flounced itself ' maeter. Be hunabl
now, "and ' admit - that. there is
trong probability that under th
ante circumstances you • yOUrSC
'light have been captured. The tw
sppropriate emotions for you to a
ow are indignation at then intoxi
ant which enthralled and sympath
or the victim. Try to. get the stif
ever out of his present environment;
ecommend any hygienic relief that
-ou know of and, above all, .implore
he divine- rescue for the struggle in
which so many of the noblest and
randest have been worsted. •
There is • enothst evil the. abhor-
ence of which you are all called to
nd it is on .the increase -the gam
ling practice. Recent denelopments
how time .mucin of rhis devastation
s being wrought. ladieS ' parlors.
t an evil which sometimes is as
()lite and gracious as it is harmful.
Weed, there never were so; many
eopIe• trying. to get money setithoet
tilting • it, . 13u1. 11 is a haggard
rensgreesion that • comes down to us
-0a1 the past, blighting all ita way.
nof the ablest Men of tif Cep -
tries, Charles Vox, got renel,V feer
is Speed' against "The- Petit fon 6f
le Clergy" by spending 22 hours
le gaming tanle... Irving's life of
liver Goldsmith says that 1 he::. great
oet lost £30, all his, earnings, in
tort tour to see the world. b bop
w t h or of "The Decline and Fall
theRoman Inmpire." came to his
(101'll111' 4ayak fall hrough g-aming
-act ices anSE7 in a lei 1(.1: in. i776
dd. "I have Undone mysel f, anti
to no purpose b conooal froth
oi my ahomina hie madness anti
Ily. 1 have never hest so .much in
daYs as hiti.:•0 lo-nigh(.,gand I
n in debt to the house for • the
.(1'(:111';:;-01.1 hear the story of t un-,
.incipled ma mipulators of st Ocks
d of the devices of the gaut-hling
loon to out rap the -verdant ,andun-
-p o'ici;*4 [Ma t having 3outr. pulse
ighe e3“1- e our- heart t hump, and
111'na titre sh9t•ked 110
Ila Mr,' If so, you are not much of
man or much of a woman. You
gh t o angry. for' here is ne.
1 in such vehement .dislike. Yon
glit o so a itgr y that. s•ou could
1 !sprees s•our feelings: in 1; he pi!os-
ev of young mon who are just
-ming their life theories. " Trt every
ssible way you ought t derto,unee
st pendo US. robbery. Lel i t
known- that he only 'successful
me in scilicet a mre aplays for Mon-
iss-t)sh.e one In which hr loses all
But, while you are hotly indignent•
- al
1 it
/• /I
against the crime,. how; do you feel
about those who Were fleeced and
slain? They did nk know that their
sMall boat was so near. the peace-
strom. Some of . them were born
with a- tendency to recklessness and
ex p eri,eft t and haeard. They in-
herited/ nt diepeisition to 'tempt
chance. Do not 'heap 911 them addi-
tional discouragements; do • not de-
ridsetneie InSnesc theine to start
gt .. . hon them that there are
-norn,fortunes to he gained than have
'et been gathered and that with God
or their friend they will be provided
or here and- through the Saviour's
1 terry tney may reign forever in the
land where there are no losses and
i finite gains,- Whip you may red- i
en in the face at the fact that -gams I
1 lieg 'is the disgraceful mother of
1 mititudinous criniese of envie, jeal- '
nsies, revenges, ',quarrels, cruelties,
f Isehoods, forgeries, suicide, =r-
evs and despair, be careful What yeti
, ay of the victim of the vice and
hat you do.. He needs more sym-
athy than the man who came up
f -oin inebriety and . debauch and as-
s tseinatkon, for many such repent
ed are saved, bet confiemed gam-
lers hardly ever reform. . ' ..
During the course of a prolonged
inistry I have seen thousands re-
deemed, many bf them. who Were
c ear gene in sin, by Almighty'grace -.
re,scuen. in all parts of this land
,, a el in some parts of other lands I
tve seen those .!wh6 were given up
incorrigible and- lest recovered i
ft r God a,nd Henyiel, but how many s
c mfirmed -gamblers have I seen con- .
1 rted feom their ey-il ways? A thou-
sand'? Nor, Pine hun dr On No.- Fifty?
No. Two? 1\4. OnirT No, I rea'd. in a
book of one such rescued. . 1 have no
ii-mht. that -there have been other ,
cijtses, but no evil does Its work •so
t1iorougiily and eternally as ' gambl-
i g. Such almost hopeless of refor- ;
1. ation -ought to call forth from you 1
.'d eper sympathy than you feel for -
a y other unfortunate. Pity by all
n eans, s 7 for those who, shipwrecked
aid brufsA among the timbers, have
n vertheless Climbed up to the fisher- 4
inan'e cabin and found warmth and
shelter, but More pity for those Who -i-
Inver ,reaele shore,. but are dashed to .
d iiith in the breakers, 139 angry at ,
the sin, but sympathize with its vic- ,
tiins. • .,
There IS another Sin that. we are
oftentimes:called to. be angry with,
al d that is fraud.. •Wo all like hon-
es y, and ,when it is sacrifieed we aro .
vchement ill denuncia.tion. We hope
that the 'detectives will soon come
, mon the track of the absconding
. b tek official, of the burglar who blew
' u the safe, of the clel'k who skill -
fu ly change -el the figures in the ac --
co int book, of the falsifier who se -
cu 'eel the loan on valueless property, (
of the agent. wile because of his per -
co tage wrong fully admits a • elan ta ,
th" benefit of a life- insurance policy
wl en nis heat: , is ready to stop and 4
W 0 comes from an. ancestry 'char- '
ac. eristically ellort lived.
t. ne eet of fraud told in big head- lc
. lines ins -the thorning papers . right-
- fully. arotisee the nation's wrath. It
r:e znirtics titre tette:1171g;
; of C rifuelus or Christ are preferable.
Ask. him if he thinks it would be a.
fair hing in the Creator of 411 things
to P It in this world the human race.
• and ive them 110 ditch communique
tioe for their. guidance and, if they
. did vrong, tell them of no Way of
- reeas ery. 1 taink • if a famous ince-
del our time, instead of being
taket away instantaneotisly, had
died in hi& bed rtf ter ,weelis and
months of ill es he 'would have re-
volee his teac iings and left for his
belo ed fami y ,consolations which
they could not find in obsequies at
.whiel not one word of Holy Scrip-
ture as teed, or at Fresh Pond cre-
mato y, where no Christian benedic-
tion 'as peon unced. I do not pos-
r say Int t in a proyonged ill-
ness her sou d have been et eetrac-
tion, but I thi k there would.'
- Bet_ let me c Mess at thin crisis of
my e ,rmon • th t -there is not- an ie -
Juliet on in e Bible..more
to o 6Yr- than the words of the text,.
While i appla ids a wholesome in-
digna ion., it earns against ,,,,sinful
anger. And th re is in all the realm
of p ssion not ling more 'destructive
than indiscri nnate hate. First of
all; i frenzies the nervous ganglia,.
A business mai of our acquaintance
said: "I cannot afford to get . mad.
It huts me so." And if sinful an-
ger d mages t e body how Much
More it rives t te disposition. There
are ti ousands f men clerks in stores
who you'd ha e been members of
great business ,!firms,- and underme-
_chant s who ould have been boss
carpe ters, and attorneys who would
• have een leading -advocates, and
prea.c ors to co igregations who are
starvi g them to death who might
have md ap[)rc ciative surroundings,
who 1 aye been kept back -and kept
down by• ungov,rnable tempers.. The
outbr aklasted only a little while,
but its impeded a lifetime.
sal' to all ,soungs men hoping to
a.cblev financia moral or religious
SUCCeS. -Contr,o1 your tempers. Do
not le critic's or defeat rebuff you-.
Verdi, the great musician, applied to
becolu4 a stn en( ill the •Conserva.-
tory 41 Music ( Milan and he 'WAS
rCiCCle by the irector, who said he
could frnake not ing of the newcom-
er; as he showe 1 no disposition for
music. But the ceitieism did not
ocaspe -ate or . tic feat him. The iletost
ofetho e who lat ye • largely Succeeded
in. all :epartme its were characteriz-
ed by self cont �l. In battle they
would cahnly look at .the bomb
hrow at thcir feet, wondering
vhethe would explode. In com-
uercia life, nen n -panics smOte the
•ity, t wee men were placid, while
)the• . '
were ing themselves
'oarsc3 _ at the St ock Exchange; While
titers jnearlv sic ooned because a cer-
nin Lock .bud gone 100 points
own, jthey call ily waited until it
would et 100 ; oints up, While the
pposit g attore ss. in the courtroo.m
at the n
f somethi .
of equi;
Vater 110 jjis lipe
1-16L proceeded -with
was seeing whet
he interest
o.d woman
of -every good man a
'ho reads of the crime t
re -
lie 0
rid 0
to have- 11 exposed and punisned,
is unscathed,and you put a p
1111 int on fraud, you 'depress pub
ni Pals,. you induce those who are
• th fence between right and wrong
get 'down ons the wrong side, and y
pu 'the business of the world on
clo t1 igrade. The constabulary a
itentiars. 1111.15) 1. do their work. 13
le the mertnless . and the godl
• frothed
to ,
Ott side, h
cry: "Good fot him! 1 aen glad he is
vjthia the pri on doors!" our
be it • • gl
d oct Or
to find out if that man is
tit saving m'a what were ohe perat
floral overthrow. Per- =gineer
other t
ready . repented and is on the
bl odd • of the Lamb; Christi-
causes ofhis
hu s he has a
_washed in the
hopefulsfor the recovery of the recal-
citrant. Bless ,d all prison- refs)! in-
ers! Blessed at
preniclents who
haVe a ,ohance
forgis•ing, lathe
• the prodigal! I
whom the Lord
glory, saying,
be' with me- •in
113 as surc? lof heaven as you are.
tt alt oppostunity you have now
obeying .erin text. YOu were an -(-
at the mistlemennor, but you are
t hese governors and •
are glad wben they
p-ordoti! ith sed the
who welcomes hcale
lessed I he ds ing thief
e took with hive to
"This day shalt thou
There is another evil that we ought
-to abhor, vhilc we try to help the
victim, and that is infidelity... It
• snatches the lif- preserver from-' the
ina a afloat and aft ords not so much
as a spar or plank as substitute. It
gwOuld extinguish tho only light that
. has ever, been kindled for the trou-
bled and *the lo t. Let the spirit of
infl elite. take nold of a neighbor-
hoo and in that towu the marriage
rela ion is a feince, and good morals
give place to all styles of immorals.
Let it take Pos ession of this earth,
and there woulc be no virthe left in
all the world's ircumference„ All the„
sine rebuked i the Ten Command-
ments would. be dominant. The torch
(hat shall kindl Lite conflagration of
the' eartn in its laet catastrophe will
not do as mud damage as would
infid ,lity and aenosticism if they got
the chance, ' Be. angry • with
_ .
saich theories of unbelief and ,
hated of 1God. Never laugh at. the
cisme of t ose whowould be-
little the Bible vitb, their jocularity.
Ha se a - lightn
a flu ir in your c
your brow for a
blot out the sun
bf C
in a
the. c
a nge
ng in your eye .and
heek and a frown on
this t ardy that would
and moon and stars
1.7iStianitv hnd leave an things
Arctic nigh, the cold 'equal to
askness. You da well no be
e but 1017 about those Who
been flung of scepticism, . and
there -is more millions than you
ver know of until the judgment
reveals • e *cry t hing. Ah, here
emne. your opeortunity for gentle-
ness. kindness awl _sympathy. The
limbs Winy is that if - s ell had been,
plied Wit h 'the sane, influences as this
unbel ever there would. not be a
Bible _ in all you • house- from cellar
lib- attic. • Perin ps he was in some
impoi taut transacteen swindled by a
intent ei• of the church. Whose taking
of th ' sacrament was a sacrilege.
Perhaps, he read sitgnostic books and
heard agnostic It etetres and mingled
_ in agnostic circlee until he had been
eds - your Christ ian
my, ori, that you
41; et 1 into any labor -
befogged and n
help More than
know 'of. Do not
sel gument about the truth of
Christianity. elle may ,beat you at
that. Ile has a whole artillery of
weapons ready to open fire.
Inensutber that no one was ever re-
formed for this liIe in' Fayed -for the
life to come by ah a rgeinent, but in
humblfsst and . -gent!, et way, your
voice subdued ask ..him a few ques-
tions. I Ask him if .11.(;had a Chris-
tian parentage, and if he • says yes
, ask hon. whet her the old folks died
happy. -Ask him if he has ever heard
of -nnY one going out_ of .this life in
raptUr0 of infidelity and agnost lc-
' ism. Ask him if it is not a Some -
What remarkable f let that the Bible,
after so many yet 114' Sticks together
-tind that t1iere ar more copies of it
in existence than ever before. Ask
him in he knows of any better civili-
zation tnan Cln ist ian eivilleatiOn
when.- 's
ie goin
` the wo
ful to
who de
for an
lion fo
don for
not Spe
ty" or
dared t
fox, sae
fox." Sefs-ing ti
ment of the w.ot
ernment yet. Nil?
below t to forellte,
until th optic i
WELS bor
the sunl
ever S EL
ger aga
have Lfla
from its
est cliff,
sinning I
two piec&
other on a 'clay 11
night; ti e w itido
because he im
bear to ook do
sination of the Is
ever wal sed the
outh with rage be-
le,- said- on the other
ose put a glass Of
nefreshmeni and
the remark, "As
I. he gent leman
el Me." Self control! What
us thing! We want it in the
seeliteg. t le pulse of one des-
• Ws,
heti 1-0
etin con
same trt
n men
o much
to des
4Sing all
id's bio
and e d
their s
her swet
want it the en -
headlight of an -
'8 reund the curve.
'k. s We want it in
id women in timee
church and state
lit)ion-'-self control!
other character's in
-taphy stands Jesus
against sin, mord-
. Witness hns be-
t he robed ruffians
capital punishment
Intl hypocrisy, par-
t penitence. Iie did
k of Ht rod as "his majes-
'his ros• 1 highness,'but
) compas • him to a cunning
ink. ''G ye and tell that
e mightiest govern -
d, the Roman ifoy-
ing his hand JUSL
d of the nlind ,mati
erve of him who
sightlees is created, and
ght has two new paths to
eal MU, tration the world
of ange without sin - an -
/1st the li bominations which -
tiled and blasted the earth
deepesti avern to its high -
but so s iuch pity for' the
tied suffering nations that he
them to transfix him upon
S of won nailed -across each
,21 piTio atwasabsladnakrekt,assietphte
on the c Id mountiQusrintollfi.
or, wi thou t vn upon the assas-
vel lee t being that.
sore of the lakes
s could not.
heaven shut
Like hi n, let us hate iniquity with
complete hatred: ut, like him, may
we help hoSe eiele0 are overthrown
and be illing to suffer for their re-
storation Then, although at. the
Opening c f this d scours{' our; text
may': hay seemed 10 command -us t o
do an in possible: thing, we will at
the close of i hie sermon, wi th a
Prayer t f: (xi for help. le more
rigid:, and de! erm i led 1 han e be-
fore 'regal Ise that which ie wrong,
1 hill' We S11:111 feel
all the erring and
WhiltY" 811 1110
SO kind:y 1 oil rd.
1VOrk s, cI foe their rescue tie,'
we tViil roe th et We haVe Stilt
the -,Alpin ‘, 1..110 I 1 in alayan, heigh!
of , ay' 1 h 1 -1) en..oine, "Do s 1'
ee: sin not "
. .
Ita Grain lExhibit at the Pan-AnterIcan
ExpositiOn at Buffalo Is the Cynosure
of. Thoutinds of A imiring Eyes -other
Grains a id Products Hold Their Own
In Goud Company, '.
(Sp dal by Martha erslip)
The Hon J. P. Ito hl in, Premier of
Manitoba, being fully aware of the
value of egrieul t tired object . lessons
from the Province of Manitoba de-
cided to exhibit at Buffalo. and Mr.
3E1111PS liar Manitoba Emigra-
tion Agent, Was 'appointed eatennis-
SiOner. Tb.e eXhibit is itt charge of Alr.
Robent Nelson of Elgin, Manitoba,
aesisted by Mr. Oscar Mcilettn, grain
merchant, of Winnipeg, and J . ‘V.
Umplu; of Menem, Manitoba, farm-
er an pleinent .1 aker.
The exhibit Jiason of the finest los
Weisensi. thee Agri latural
et. consiete or grame 011(1 tornges. sine
grains are ,-41ispiaed -in furor, in
bags, and - in creetat eaves. The.
'wheat nhich is inesitly of the -No, 1
hard. Alenitoba red inite, is Sh(rX11 in
considerable VarieleVi Bari*" is also
displayed in -straw and in bags. Flax
hi thO 'straw and in seed. . Rye in
straw a id seed. Pine specimens. of
clover ti no thy, brome grasses and
Kenteteice grasses are in _evidence, ac
well a.. several Varieties of wild
vetches,. and about. twenty-five var-
ieties of -native grasses used as for-
age. 1 : -
The length of. i. he when t St ra.W
varies frenn, Oree tr(.1 six, feet„ 1 lie Init.-
ley from three to. 4111. feet. 'lite
straws are tied up in bundles eind
art islically arranged. Visitors are
surprised when they learn that Matti -
Wise, has a territory of ¶3;956 square
miles, and that in this Province vast.
areas of the best. agricultural lands
in the world are yet unoccupied
The full problem has been solved,
as there is an unlimited supply in
the Souris district. indications of
coal whic have not yet been develoP-
ed have been found in the Pembina
The climate of Manitoba is• warni
during the summer menthe and very
cold durteg part of the .winter, which
usually stts- in during the latter part
of November and lasts till the end- of
. March. After this date frosts occur
soinetimein at night.. All the grain
Is sown about the middle of April,
as no varieties of winter wheat have
• been fund suitable so far.
Experime ts with winter grains
Aalroedel be, alltgen at Brandon. Harv -
tried at the
esting usnally begins about the third
or fourth' week in August and up to
t he present there has been an un-
limited demand for all the wheat
that, the Provinee can supitly. The
annual rainfall in Manitoba is about
17.6. inehet
rIcillsi. dboyetps
The soil
acres are
, nearly la inches of which
een April ist and •October
of Afenitoba consists of n
yew? table mould, which is
fete i le. Thirty million
available for farthing pur-
poses, fully three mil -lion acres of
this Vast area are under cultivation.
The chs nieal analysis whieh have,
boon math, prove that the elements of
plant foot in the Manitoba soil are
double th )80 found in the average
good soil of Europe:
Amongat t he agricultural pro-
duces of -A anitoba, wheat is the most
important The No. 1 hard wheat
grown. in Fanitoba and in the North-
west Tel r i t or i es , bus rarely been
equa I lod , . and never excelled by any
other whet t in the ,world. We learn
from Mr. V. Saunders, L. L. 11., Di-
rector of xperi won t al Farms, that
the number on - Acres sown in Mani -
teen in ispit ,. was 1.629,9n5, and
the total yield wile 27,992,230 buSh-
ene, an everage of, 17.18 per acre.
On ts slam/ next iln importance, with
an averagc crop of 88.8 bushels per
acre., fol owed by barley with an
acreage of) 1812,01 :2 and an average
mew of 21/.4 hushels per acre. The
total yield of potatoes last year
wns 3,220,395 bushels; there was
oleo a considerable acreage devoted
to flak, rs 0, pease and roots. Flax
is grown Chiefly for eecd and oil
cake, but : now the manufaeture of
flux is hieing introduced.
In . iilitnit obit the st ock induetry is
ra p idly - inereasing in impoetanee, a
In rge titillate!' of beef cattle are pro-
duced for eeport. Dairsing has
made 1.100d progress, and the quanti-
1 bun of ch.e se and butter pr odueed is
yoaely inertietsing, Oi he value of the
onfput of t hese products for 1 ei99
o'es :'e' 170,559. Tho 1111114140r af swine
tl k :I 11:0 11.410h g,'Tv11 1:!'r* thin
fOrli1Orly. 014 leiXt•CI 1111:+141414d4 y L-
efn‘in;ne.; n ore genersd.
nil ('I'41 is a Provin,:e par ex-
t ..11( nee for p0 IV lp..8 1,4 WI gardoll IWO-
d ii,u of all kiqs is grown in at mu-
'1 hi,; vast Province is s it tent d lent -
s\ ny bet ween (I' Atlant it.' 1111(1 Pa-
cifiC COnS1‘3. Its les-ge stretchee of
prtt irie are int ersevted hy alleys of
different widths. lovers whirl)
ustiall;k flow through thel,e valley:4
are bordered wit h reol7 . In many
01 her. dist riC ls here all! 1.1v1t s of tim-
ber. and along the ranges of hills
eyhich run across the Province from
sou theas t to northwest there are
forests of considerable magnitudes
The proportion of forest and wood-
land eto the total area is estimated
at nearly forty per cent. Free home-
steads of 160 acres can still be had
in Manitoba by, paying an entraace
fee to• the Government of 510. It is
necessary to live on the homestead
six months - out of the year and
make certain improvements, which.
are easily within the means of any
able bodied man. This exhibit will
doubtless result in causing many in-
tending settlers to make their homes
on the fertile plains of Manitoba.
People over the border line had an
Idea that Canada was a cold plane,
that. nothing nauch would grow
there, but seeing is believing, and
thcry must believe now. Mr. Nelson
and his assistants deservp. to be con-
gratulated on. the good taste they
have -shown in -arranging their -ReportR from veterinavies are to the
effect that grip is spreading alarmingly
among the horses in New York city. Ab
the New York Veterinary Hospital it was
estimated that twelve or fifteen thousand
had the grip, 500 being seriously enough
affected to be disabled.
Feeble, Wasted Nerves
Aroused to New Life.
Sufferer For Years From Weak
Heart, Exhausted Nerves aud
Sleeplesoness Cured by Five
-.Boxes of Dr. Chase's 'Nerve Food.
'Whether weakened and wasted by
overwork, worry or disease, the re-
sult of exhausted nerves is felt in
neuralgic 'pains; nervous headache and
dyspepsia, seriotis functional derange-
ments and ultimately in parelysts, ep11-
1-epsy, locomotor ataxia, prontration or
insanity, the remedy is found in Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food, as is proven in
the case referred to below :-
Mrs. Chas. H. Jones, Piereeton, Que.„
writes :-'-"For years I have been a
great sufferer with ray heart and
nerves. I would take shaking spells and
a dizzy swimming feeling would come -
over. me. Night after night I sveu1.1
never close my eyes, and my head
would ache as though It would burst.
At last I had to keep to my bed, end
though my doctor attended me from
fall to spring, his medicine did not
help me.
, "I have now taken 'flve boxes of
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and It has
done me more good than I ever beleved
a medicine could do. Weeds fail to ex -
0$z my gratitude for the -wonderful
cure brought about by this treatment."
• Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a
box, 0 boxes for $2,50, at all dealers, cr
Ecinutusen, Bates Se C� any, Tomato,
. -
Amy 5i 1901
What is
, NANNWN, ‘N,\:441/4`,N.W.,k-Ak.ka, see„
Nesseseesseesse sesseesseweweee‘e sessewess
Castoria, is for Infants and Children. Castoria
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Ophuill
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions or
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish.
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Catorta
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Dowels of Infants and Children;giving-
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
' I
"Cestorin is an excellent medicine for
children, Mothers have repeatedly told me i
of its good effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass. I
_ Cistoria,
"Castoria Is so well adaptedto children
that I recommend it as superior:, twiny pr..
ecription known to me." eakt.„
H. A. ARCHER, M. D. Brook!"
he Proper Combination.
Tb.cre is only one combination that will insure you satisfaction fit
your clothing. It is this—the combination of style,comfort and dur-
ability. It is this combination that is th be found in OUT made-to-
order suits, and is not to be found in other makes This is the tom-
bination you, are after, and we want to give you an example of how
we work the combination. We have a nobby, stock of the latest
Tweeds and. Worsted in the proper colorings and effects for the ground
work of this great combination. Let us work it on you.
uraiture Cheaper than Ever.
On account of great reduction in expenses, and manufacturing special lines
we are now able to put furniture on the market cheaper than ever. ,AVI intend
in purchasers will do well to call at our warerooms, where full lines of up -to -
da e furniture are sold t right prices,
E3Iiii-ar 'OD KED..11.1i2E4
This department is complete with a large selection of the best goods, and
ob iging attention given to this branch of the business.
Night calls promptly attended to by Our Undertaker, Mr. S. E Holmes
G derich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church.
here is a Difference.
Dalmatian Insect Powder
Is very useful article, but at the same time it is very uncertain in results, its
act vity depending largely on the stage of development attained by the buds
wh n collected. For this reason what might be truthfully sold as pure
matian Insect Powder, may at the same time be comparatively inert This
acc unts for many failures. If you get the right article, ground from unopened
bu se it will give you satisfaction. It positively kills insects on fowl, flees and
-1311 s, etc. We sell it at 5c per ounce. If you have been disappointed with
wh t you have used, try ours next time.
If you require Paris Green, we sell Birger's En• glish make at2,5e per lb.
Bu this, and. you need have no fear about the potato bugs getting the better
of ou. Yours for pure drugs.
As soon as you Are
never have to wait for the fire
a you are cooking or baking—if
It can be sc quickly and eacily regulated that it meets all requirements on
shor est notice, and as soon as you are through you can Jacek th-e fire instantly',
so ti at noheat or fuel is wasted when not required.
S id by SILLS & MURDIE, Seaforth
he Gurney Foundry Co,, Limited, Toronto, Winnipeg,
eanswence after
lo jujy, lathe
Tula CA.
signed, Dot
t 404
wit** olli) loth
mbite bolter, .0114
red litter, Find
el(aVed ; belant
4 .4W. 01 eultivitl.
stone itat',1111g1
bottie ; -"el"
lOt z3wo.an!1 a
sly* 40stion
'THOS. 1110304
erl. AR* 'LANDS
iollovang fii93 t. 3!
roll reestrlib/Y
intbe it CODel
b intb�UbCOtt
32 10 tte 0tla
No.9 la lb* TM
20.716, fil tbe
eet No. 10 in
stip. These feu
111010Y $11 tec4e1
nee tenni OP
Hcbseefed, Eva
DALE, 301111
Bated at &aro
A. IL Cumbers
Too Exnerrou A
SatiatastiOu guar
Fern,. Being a
went*, places 131
prima. charges
or vw pay. All
at Lot 53, COJ1
ttooded to.
lgeW Yeses
G. Male's to the
lie will be Ite t
for *ravine
o ne thoroughbred
Yorkshire boar.
with prlvftege
ketp : for
Ilullett, the -kb
Hereford hull, H
cumber otpows
lanuary ink Mt'
es lot 26,
a thbrettgabftd
bred Yoissuris
ha admitted 40 130
et Ifervioop Or UA
Our direct
Mine autli
British 04,
Our rates Are
isult everybmi
-ST OARS for
fer further info
Train. leave
°Howe -
Mixed Train....
atlxed Train
Sonia Naar-
Passenger_ ..
Wired Train.... ..
Geri* Metall-
Brawls.. .. .;
- Ithrevale-
Gams litonalv--
lame NORTH -
London. -dePlet
Nippon- . .
Clinton -
Pxeter . .
Loudon, farriv
JOIIN O. 3101tItl...
bury 1'. 0.
July 9t
mile tra
men have Big
jug their hones
222 :m17) 1PR) eaa se en oe aaand:
214ddd ,o,
If1f and
Mi Run, h
J. CA1tD-147o,, p