HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-06-28, Page 6I
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BOTH T�IVIR HOUSES. - ., Recentlythere have been'several cases ness not I only over all that 'State, but ovei
� ____ I of prominent inen suddenly, falling in all the region aroun(i it.. .
i '
. I A STORY OF TR01P, LOVE', Collapse just after 6ating a hearty. ineal, , ___4__
AD -- � � I . - These nien have all been under treat- CMAPTER Ill.
oo am SOL, TE � � . '_. . �. ric 11 tr " one wi�h whom we hav
. I ineut for gast. ,ouble," and yet the And while every
to 1,Y NDWATID ENTkRFTT IfALEL I result shows that the treatment they had to do was virtuous, ley ti had ca es, an
I- Vt SO . 1 '' received -liad smothered Ltlie synipto�nil what they -liked �etterj tbaD ale; . tha
� - but had not retarded the progress of the *
I . . CJ1AP'fER 1. .1 disease'. - 0 . I - is to say, the plumbers and the plum ere
i . U' U �, a . . '. 'boys did tl�eir work well for eight hot rs
SE""`'��)5,-ITI I .
I " I ob There is a .real ,danger in the use Of ' day ; they slept nine hours every night, an�
; .tll not go, old follow ; that is the
. -
- I
OW3.12MEM" wholwof U." , ' palliatives when tj-iere is disease of the - this left them .seven hours to caoh fo , hi
It I thall be awfully lonely," said Frilz, in stomach and its allied Organs . of diges- meals, for his .dreesipg and ,undressingi � an(
Cenuine reply. _� tion and nutrition. The'*1isease ill such for any avocations ithich lie might pu�su
"Of course you ill, And of course I p I .
ases goes 011, while tile �distre'381119 outoide his vocatiori. Saturday afternoot
9 ,O -x I I 1�sball. But;. some t4o or. other we must symptouis alone are stopp�,d. 11resently, nobody plumbed b all -no, nor soldered
& .a1h MIS , be lonely. Each of us has been lonely be. . _� I
-% %.Z1 fore. . I I I like 'a smoth C -red So,there was ple ) of I opportunity for I
Cclrtul Q5 fire, .the disease I i little conversation, I What is it all fotf
I - 11 But what will mother say ?" . brealcs out in I says Emerson, I I b a little conversation.'
Ir 0 i # V1% a ,11 11 That I have to find out this morning," , in- le- I � And on very much I he same lines of time
1 C4 ,aid Romayne. ".And I will at it through e'v . .1, � Romayne's sisters etudied their Feeno
f , ving heart,
Linde Liver rwo. be ore I am an hoilir older. T tell you, old 11-ol S, liver, kid- I IZ I � I verbs, practised. their musie, kneaded th
. fellow, the way isl to make, up your mind, ung . I I
and then hold on. I Wax in your ears, like eys, or some bread on Wednesda), and attended ,to bhei
IpAust Bear Signature of . that old fellow we -had to do � in the Greek ; other organ. f . other duties, while �hey also, found severa
. . I The ti�e- of Dr. , ii hours a day for 11 a little conve � reation.'
. N I no such word ,as fail,' '�and all that. 1, Piercels� Golden ' � And the young peorle of New Padua ale
;.7 p#44,7-"'"' " 40 _ thought all this'- -out � in �oburob, when be 1
It was talking abo4t -something !else. The, Medical ,'Discov- . �. � bad discovered many agreeable methods fo
. 1; I using the consetvBton hours. Indeed- i
lxv&e-C�4470P�l , minute I heard Lucia say th � at mother was . ery results- in -a . . i . t
going to turn that black gown -again, I said radical cure of . was so pleasant a place.� as I have ,eve
,e4o pac.61mlle, Wrapper Below. 0 diseases of the i known. There wer horseback parties an
. ___ __ I Why should she turn - it ?'� I have Eisen -it stomach and oth- . I � picnic parties, pond lily parties and bathin
ywy on . &U and " OWY turneJ. four times already. And then, of er orgails c,f di.;' partics ; there was Nhautauqua Circle an
" "ke 80 ung=_ qour�e, it ca,me over mb *that the gown was . gestion and nutrition, It cures diseases on Exclamation Sool t and a Frank Stock
� to be turned so she need not buy w new I V I
* I FOR HEADACHG gown, And she did not want to buy's new of heart,-- lungs, liver, kidneys, etc., when ton Club. The, a everything excep
n en . . the disease of these organs has its origin hornets' seats t6' make them comfort -able
. 1%0 FOR DIUMEM. gown, .because Rite wanted me to go to, in the diseased. eondition of the stomach and they enjoyed Iffe, or, as the vornacula
��.�.*,f , ' Princeton. Then I said : " Princeton be 9C.
ITTLE FOR BILIOUSNESt. haDved ! I will go into business.1 " . and digestive arid nutritive system. says they " had a od time," as young peo
nd you never thought of me, Ro," (I i will tell you what myself and family think I' Is know how. Yaars went on, and. th
' . Eusiness of the 6rm extended with ever
FORJORPID LIVER'. ' 61-A of your niedicitte," writes Mr, M, N1, Wardwell I
' said Fritz, a little sadly. - . of 1,inwood, 1,cavenivorth Co,, Kansas, (t1i
... . TOR,CONSTIPATIONG it Dear old fellow, yes, I thought of .You. will do rill you say,, and more. I was takeh I year- ou might almost say that it 'extend
FOR SALLOWAKIN.. But tile difference is, OU like it, and I hate sick Tillie y6rs ago-, 1 g,ot so weak I coikld � 0 itseTf. That'barly phrase of Romayne's
down, vor hard sit vil); was that way M 'Art i� 11 'No never. want to see a job a secon
IFOR TOE COMPLEXION it, You kuow the Naronloo between. an tlir--. - - vpicked ll�, one of Dr, Plerc 's* I iime," went iar aill wide, and eventuall
f 1, enmrVU92cm JWU � , 'rumc., '. � abl,cissa and a horsehhoe when you see memovanduln Books one day atid saw you'r le_'! '
9fth 1704ray veptable. I - them ; I have to look in a book to see. which scripti6n o? catarrh of tile sto;1lach, I thought the firm took it as a trade -mark. It mad
1, __ - � it lilt in case, We had a bottle of Dr, Pierte's the heading of thcir note -paper, so they ba
I is which. You will have your part, which Goldeii.Ledicar']�iscovery in tile house that was I not to se0k.for bumir.ess in general. It wa
CURE SICK HEADACHE. is harder than mine. Vou will have to live ,got forl :niy inother. Yoti recommend it for was only on a great occasion,.Iike that o
- I . . alone in thig college barracks, and we sball catarrh of Lhe stoinach, so I vvelit to taking it, i the completion of the hospital, that the
. only have good tini(s together'in vacation. ,The mic bottle nearly evired Tile, I got two
, bottles ,Text titne aitcl tool, oue and one-half I appeared as comp6bit�ora for a contract
I shall finly and do something I like. evolT and vvaq ivell, Yowr illedicille cost tile th'" � .
VETHIIINARY i Indeed, after their reputation was astab
bleEsckl day of my ,life. Do not make"it'any dollars, arid the doctor cost iife'Fourteen dollar,�.11 i liolied, builders and contractors came t
Lard,�-r fur mp, I am I I . .
OHN GH19VE., V. 8., holior gradu%be of Outarlo 2� . gOiD'g,tO see ,mother ' Dr.:'Pierce's CcWillion Sense Medical" seek them. .. .
n6w. I . Adviser, in paper � covel-s, is sent free oil -
J Voterinary College. A Mueasee of I 4 1 , Nobody enjoyed I
Domemd � - , this popularity mor
animals treated. Calls promptly attersdod to an In short, my dear mot -her, for this once receipt of 1 'than Mrs. Montague. Indeed,as has bee
Oi3l oil , d - cent - stanips, to pay
charges nioder.&W. Veterinary Dontstry a opevivilty. I must,havo my wny," And be kissed her e - )eiise oustol,is and mailing On .
Diffice and residenoo on Godorloh -street, one -door her 'smooth oheel ' % y I said, she came to think that it was large]
i of Dr. Sec"'a o'lloe, Soaforth. ills-tt tcliderly, n.nd stroked - k Aildress Dr, R. V1 Pierce, Buffalo, N. .,
- wi,h her lianI. -I UMM no --- In � � - -_ --- i 0 her own making. She carly persuade
I - 11ii nyr,ther was crying ; but when 6 ' - � . I . ; hereelft.bat it was she vho sent Romayn
lie they can stop to think about it sh;nwe that to Mr. Galen, and had conceived the idea o
L El 0 11 I I pauard before :answeHb,, -those wordq, lie the shook in. not fa,6 1. And Mra, Alontagu training him as a sanitary engineer, i An
. I felt Lh�a sho 3613ed thoe'point. He, kne ' 4� L 3
how8ho ha*ed to give itup . w did. survive this di�grace, as sho called itf now, a's her, household care#; dimin�shed; uu
JAMES L. KILLORAN, .1 I ; he hated t -to her family for. mauy� yeats. Wdly� der Romayne's almost lavieh pro�ision fo
pain lior Z but, Le had determined the night
Bairititer Solloltor, Conveyancer and NotaTy before. I . enough, -as .ivill h4ppen to people of her fier comfort, she fulb it her duty to give he
rublio, money to loan. Offico over PlaLard' More 1 113 haii gwic Qn -his knees in prayer build,ahe came to persuade herself that sh� leisure time to enlarging the busindEs of th
11 I 'his- whil ; - and had
K&An atreet, Sonfurtill. 1628- that I e inig'tt.earry through -sc-en the advahtages of the plumber's firm. Romilyno would have gone wild ha(
thour,h lie had often -
prayed before,,ho had busiDe�s, aud bad becu tile perflon to oug he known that such tooting and solicitatio
rieveii� knel� to pra§.` The'boy was deter. - �
- gebt.it to 110mayr.6. She 13ometimes even as was going on i his interests as hi
AYSI mined ; he meant, to fluvocip".1,; and he sue. ,
B �rrlstor, Solicitor, Conve3ano�r and Notary Pul,11c. co6ded. , . wouderel if it woulti Dot 11116ve been better if mother carried forErd all the time. Bab
Solicitor for the Dominiou Bank, Ofllw-ia rtn� of I � - Fiilz had gone td the Odlen's "-fth his, in truth, it-oame to a coneidered a sort o
Dominion Banit-, Soxforth. bloney to loan. 1;�*15 Tneir father had dicd.im long a -go that brother-Friiz, who for 'some years, was a, joke among the peo e of th6 county. Mr
there waa It' -de left to -either, boy of his ; �l
M, BEST, Barridtor, Solicitor, Conveyancer, preFcilc,e but I he ine miory of hhA form, Three . Ieadivg professor i the Universit-y of Now- %ilhitbread could no Wake out the corner
it Notary Publio, 01ficea up stairs, over 0. W. lititle girls aoil two boy,, had'euwered around - Padua. The intr'cAuetor� sect;on of this of a new wing to the bakery, but Mrs. Mon
PAP I W8 1)(VICStOrk), Maill Stf eLt, SC%f0f th, 013.1rio., Mrs. -MOLtIlgUe ojq, the.day of the furieral. bt01y_. was needed I only '.hat the read?r tague's bays would be eeen at Mr. Whit
16%7 �, . -(!ja might 'understand better t!:o relations in � bread's door. Mrs, Montague would malL(
' � , Of thc,4e, youDger did not remember ,which* Romayne 1; vdi wi Lh the people of the a state call on that lady', and before she had
ENLRY JIM&TTEK, Barribter, Solicitor, &-t 6heir f4,.! ec at MI. 4nd Ro' a* ' ' .
- Money to lo,L*i. OfIke-JadV's Block, $("ik.- iniberea rn yne rind Frflz little oily 'wlhich. was thier ,home, and E01 gone, would say she hoped Mr. Whitbread
h I only rem! ullat lie hissedtheni NvhcD.
. - for - th. I 0 -19. ti they wen� to b(d., and told them how he irli-gLt follow the details of ,jhis little would not forget old friends in contracting
A ItROW & GA 1,11t OW, Bartistera, Solk-itors, &c used to ride to mill with a bag of coin, story. 16 �, . . � for the w1aterworke. All this eagerne�s 6
1 The boy had t�iat heavenly gift with hers was bred by a passionate love of Ro.
Geor. Lfauti ton 6t, alid Square, Goderlell,' Unt: Tbcu haJ - corile happ� years to them, and. tools with which sotbe people are born, and mayne ; from her eqnscientious determina.
- J � T. Gmtaow, Q. Q. even Ito I he;r motlier�-nDt tic deso6le and . , ,
(UTO CilAtu,Lrs GlAitao%v, L. L B. black aH Elo iniDgined .they would be, in gorneo alas, are not, like this author, and tion, formed on tb4b fitat night when he
- - is a gift as distinct #, %yent into business," and title went up
. poesibly this readcr, It,
foresight.. The girls grow tip obe6rfully and 'as th4t for m u'sic,or for painting. From the at
f[OIXEMD, twooesior to She late firra of .-> I
,,,hey 4; U-.)lmeebud, Barrister, go!lcl� ' .. � I ;- airs, that, in every way which, a ,mother
F. mousu �or lightli(arted. Tive bo3s -were shifty obe- first moment whet he c4fared himself .on could, she -would go into busine a oo� arid
00.2voyanoor, and Nobaty .13olicitor Ior theOma dieii�, wtll meaning. uu-selfish and brave.
. 00mine trial to old Galen, r, d Galen lo -ed him, he would loyally suppot,fa him.
adiAa Bank of roe. hionoy to leud� r"J"m The breakfasted on milk liind- oatmeal,, held the pip s ch a loviDg' way, and -
. 1 for Sala. 0,11m in SoovWtj Block, main sift -at. y . To her point of view all public institu ions
I I 896f4rkh. where, ha -1 th'cir father lived, they Would used the solder'so that hardly a -drop fell - were accounted an the bebt conceiveahle, or
- ___ ______-_1 have brmikfasted on beefsteak, with tin on the tiles. Both the younger Galen'd 'of the lowest degred4tion, according as ithey
. omlet. But they were 'as sturdy and strong took to him also. He was not afraid of did or did not 1, use the traps and
., -DENTISTRY. - on one diet as oil the other. . They enjoyed work - he. wan not in the' lea -at above his fau6ts in'which oul firm was intereeted.
- . life ; they niade life ch-e.erful ii.i the houoe.. litteino'ba. If the Nvork wits dirty, why it' She made herself a life member of thei Ill.
- hold - and, had Mrs. INtontague known, it, was dirty, that, wag all i there was water than Association because when she call 'd at
0. F BELDEN, D.. D. S. the mere necessity. �hat they hould go Oil enough on -d soap en Dug ' so to the -office in.Philadel hia q
D�9, 11 I when be cho '
I 'NT i 9 r. all her errands, should split the wood for be-elelln. h , she saw that; M r.
Roomoover the Dc-tult-icri Ba_nk, Alain Street So was it that when he passed Welsh had the 'rigU fauce,s and wiiter-
Ueafor%. 1691-tf the fircs and . -kindle. them in I he. morning, that first month ol eXD06ment which old bowl ; and she threw her whole influence
I their ownboots, aud in general ,
sho 11 I d b', % c k L '
- ___ - .1 � ' Galen bad imieted oi, he know more of - the against the State administration because in
ft. F. ,& SEUXORY, Dentist, graduate of the be their own servants, was giving them an )' I
business than iiine br-3 a - out, of ten would the Capitol at Harrisburg she saw ;that
D Royal 00110g6of Dental Surgeons, Tot onto, &!so educatin) whiell they -,would -cortainly have have ktiow�n in three mon-;.h.s, and old Galen I theirs were all wrong - 0 . . �, I
houor gradua,bo of Department of Veritistry, Toronto lost h%d not Mr. Montague been thrdw
Univeritty. 101beo in the Putty block, Hontiall, ' 0 then gladly made w ,th him the permanerit � Romayne had to caution her once� and
Witl viiib_ZuTlou evory Monday, comnioncir.g Jdou- from his horse, arid IT ad not the handsome agreement the annomicement; of which had again, as far as a son can caution a mother
I � J , I ' ling Mill.' .
Say, Juno lat. 1 1687 salary Ov'pp�jd : which he h 'd received as so- distressed hia mofficr. ' . I whom be loves. For, the rest, when some
. � treaeurer of the Kosciu,kr) Ro .
' - Then is the cvet)irg lie wa3 forever read. ill-natured person brought him - bit of
lt� R. R. R048, Dentlet (vuccomor to F. W. " Fritz shall study enough for'birn an � a
DTwoddlo), grakluate of Royal College of DOLtai ibg-hydritulios, hyftoatatics, any book on gossip, about one or another success of hers
8urgeono of OuLado; tirttelaea honor graduxte of me, dear mather ;,afid I Will work enough physics in the public library, he devoured as a drummer, he had to make as light of ., it
Toronto Univors ty -, cro,%vn And bridKo -work, also for me and him, and for 'you and Effia and -
gold work in all Ita foriii�a. AJI tile niost modern Lucia a,nJ Pull." I I 1. thern all. If lie uu�erRtood them, well. If as be, could, to persuade himself that.the
guethotta for patalest4 fll.iuX and pAlaleki-i oxtrautlou of " I do Lot know what You m ill do," said he did not tinderstar d them, fie knew that Etory was an exaggeration, and 'tchope that
keetfl. -AJlLQp0fMtJVr18 carefully performed. 31hee - he did not., and hipbly repolvE:d that eom such things did riot happen often.
. Tvi eddlle'o old sli,;nd, over Dill's grooery, Seaforih . L she, and �Qhe kissed him heartily. �I But I C I L e
1. - 1640 ,do kvow you are a good boy, and for just day he should. By L io time his two years - � - - - . .
this once, I s-jppot,e, you mudt have your, w-il,11 the Galcilm wer( tip be knew as much of CHAPTE'R IV. .
. I . WtHDIUAL. way.1) � . . . I the:rbusinessas thty did,and of'Ua prin. It wan necessary to explain
. Mrs. .'Mon.-
.,,_ � But she ha1 a good cryiog fi� after she O'Pals and theories I)e knew A great deal tague's methods and enthusiasm in the came
I . left him. ,'�',v� diA c -me do,xn to ten, but � more . ; and -fie he Ila money enoug!l, of his. of sauitary reform that the reader ma un-
. .
Dr. John McGinnis,, she s'aid little, Slic left them at their own 1 n the savings--b3,nk to be able to go to' derstand a breach which shebrought Nout,
Mon. Graduate London Woatern � , UnIversity, moinber evening oc::upations very early, and Paid New Havcn� and for,kix 111(inths to take wholly unintentionally, in the social life of
I ist Oatrvrlo Colioge of Physicians rind Aurgeons. she had somethdiog to do upstairs, This such a course as he Ijad bl,ocked out to him- our little cOmmu'llity'. We have always
Office and Residonoo-Formorly occupied by Mr. Wm. was a thina iv_hi,',h had never',happened ' self at the Sh(ffi.,Id ,I 100 . . cen on goo terms with the people in-whAt
Flakarti, Victoria Stroof, next to the Catholic Church C5 be. '
ill id p romptly. . 10811% I .- For Meanwhile, .) house-keclier under.,
mirXigh"t 0418 Fitto, fore; Dor did ; c aver happeli again ever we call the other village, although, in a
___ __ --.,. r-. . - - _ __ --- ____ yeare, with b:vekl brea,th, it. was Fpoken of stands how ' it, was that Mrt4. Alontagu`e be. way, we pity them. Their population is
AV�. 110711 AM, M. D., C. At., Honor Graduate as " Lhe ni(,�,'-� manirna went upstairs." camo reconciled to h Is - career. Aotually - in not 00 large as ours by five or six hundred ;
' a" d Follwv of Trioity Medical tiollege, Or%- . But inde-'ed` Lt ma'rked *an ep.och. The the house -with her was o6m-e one who un. indeed, had bur census been as- well taken
du,',� of TrInKy Univer6ity, Alevol),or of 0011tgo of next mrjriiiD�,, wban they met for breakfast de'ratood the unint(l igible-'nay, who could as theirs, there would have been more dif.
Ph3alc;anli and Surgeons of Ontarlo� Office -over Rolll,,Yne h
,�(, g��, # I
Hi4h6nd Bros,' llardvvare store, S,�L,foLth. 1650 if � Lie down to%�n. 110 had (10 the imPotsible., 'his mysterious cobweb, ference. But they are always fussy about
- - __ - _. ___ _____�__ gone into ba�ines-,," what ever that :meant, of, pipes beneath her feet, which modern .such things, and took more paice with theirs
LEX. BZ211U111C 9 D FoLow of the Royal He had mpvle the fire ; th6 tqakettle boiled' eivilizAtion hides so .carefully, because it is than -me did with cure. They have their
, A College Of Pflytilcla'llabil, 3, Kinpion. -if Ue proof-reuder w�ill let I'le say Ro-but all,important that"it should be visible -her own poetoffice, which is foolish in them, and
, , (I "u"1111010 '
autioesoor to Dr, Ma,)Ud. oinot 111,01y occartod . he waa not there. Ttiey breakfasted without own son knew about ,it alt. Aq some they are apt to drive to the 0. C, depot in.
3:Dr. Mackid, *ki,f P,.1fook ,3extorih. Rosidon" Romayne. , I eainted' " beloved hearer," titting Sunday ctend of coming over to our station, which
-()_?1f00Jv Of VI -It'-- 1046 011i,14-10 id 11101118 101181Y 00ouplod I .. 1
4. 9. Dancey, 1197 - ___ 1 '. after 8anday in her pew, admiles the Qs - ot- is all a piece of their independent nonsense,
______ _____ . CHAI'TER .11. , . I eric wisd-om of the dear 1-1 reotor " who, un. for which we do not care a straw. But they
r I dentands all about fo'rEknowle0ge and are good people all the afte, though none
0R. F. J. BURROWS I For ftLt,or tl;e boy had wilked the cokv evolution and Grim i 'am and EanLification of them come to our churches ; and when
.@sA3 reoldcut Pliyatalim and BurL him3elf, as he always did, and had made his
Toon, Toronto and Tract No. .00 an" ' the full of man and they have toi .
artl Elospital. Honor graduato Trinity lijujiverosien' breakf,i,st of a qaar�, D101 e or '1;84, of milk - �
. , r . . come to our stores, as they do,
. astabar of the College of Phyetolana and Burgeons and a d(zen bi-,r,ut, more or lots, he had the Igidorian degrece, of which khe knows we are always glad to see them. Some of
#I Ontario. 06volior for Elie County of Elurun. left a liaqJur hii mothe'r,.to gay that, she notbing-so Mrs. Montague admired a-3. she our ladies exchainge calls with some of their
Ciffloo and Residenco-Ooderich Street, -Bafit of the . might n ' loved Chia more than ,prophet, ho knew ladies. Well, there was a Mrs. Hood over
Aolitiodiin Church. Telephone 40. Cit F-ee Lim till evening. Nor did . w
� I � . iss6 'blie. Every evcning, rit a late supper; he, where the traps were and why they were there, a lady indeed, and she had establiell.
. I . . turned tip, alwayg Avith some amusing tales there, who never mis ook an o;tlet pipe for ed a sominsry for girls' ' i b wai a good plan,
Of the d"Y's ( -x,pt!rie9-ce In this d: friaul� mat- -an inlet pipe, and t) whom a well act,ing we all thought, for she had been left at her
DftS. SCOTT & MacKAY, ter of " findirig 1� place." His sisters 'hnd valre was as little- invaterious as a wV'flh. husband's death with severaljoung daugh.
PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Frilz obierved, atmong them - st,-Ives, that iron wa,a to her, Alore- than this, the pro. ters of her own, and we � thou b they could
Sodorfoll street. oppoolto Methodist churoh,Soxforth these &tories were rather va�xup, and- did.nJot phet,could do the thing he said should be help in the- school and would count more in
. . I
. - hang I 0 done. More than thi , lie was her own dear, the catalogue. ro.
t , I . handsome boy, who was co. sweet and cian. good school of it ; she advertised ib in on
9, G. SCOTT ' graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor and N' e u c!olely trTgether. But Mrs. Y;oq. M Hood made
,member 011tilril) 0011090 Of PhYsiolans ' and ague was somewhat, preoccupied. So the r
-�Surgaono. Coroner for County ofEluron. boy must "go into business," fie must ning when he was a baby. Most of all -for , county paper, which was a good move
. . . ; , of
0� KAMAY, hon � or graduate TrItifty UnIverel what " b-,isineas " iraq, she, scargely* know ; there was a climax -he sent in no bill at the hers and it became very -pop lar. The
gold modallsh Trinity Medical ()ollego., 'Y' but she OM know that end of the quarter. Ail bnuue�kcepers will othe'r village --they call it Neuw Padua,
Member he might,',be trusted now underat and why'Fri, I'a college charges thoug it thould really be � only another
. College of PbysloiarAa and SurgooL,a, ontsrlo. to do nothirg dibhonorable, and that when I h
1 1488 anythii- permanent came to hi I a hand,she ,were paid so easily ;; all sanatarians will ward of our city- is about a mile 'and a
0 - It he were why tile dOCtOL'd visits became half from us. Sa that from the Montaigne
- = would know ap soon aa any one. understand
not to arip-wer the wish. and prayer of her so few, And when Rom'ayne returned frorn house, which stands quite high, you could
CENT IRA L - heart by going to college, it was little ac- New Haven, when he went into partnership see perfectly easily when Mrs. Hood built a
count form er wbetl ' vith young Mol. Gal ,-n, and th6y took the brick L to her husband's old house, and in.
n her he went to work with v
Mr. Black or TAIr. Wtiite,' Mr. (�reen Qr Air. old stand, with the new title of " Sanitary deed4 the Argue announced that this new
Hapdwape Store, Brosvp, or whc,,�er lie sold stocks or sugar K'ngineer,". one understood how Mrs. Mon. building was necessary as a dorniftory for
I . - '
- coffee or cont. ,';'ie knew 'that some cf he r tague delighted in th � now rugs Romayne the seminary. Then was it thab Mrs, Mon-
� 0 .
Diceet fri-?Dds were " in business " and that' gavd her for a birthdny present, and how - -_ - -
Spring Goods. , she enj-tyed the bayi H13d the Iandart in .110
, that sr-nie of 1�e nice�tv of -them had a good N
'line of Tinware and deal ( I inor:ey, If this should .happen to which' he insisted she E,hnuld i ide on Satur.
We show a full - .
Granlito. All lines of Tinwaro made to or- Roniflyac, wl,y, there would be soma coin- day and go to church on Sun,lay. Suff 6catting
der, Diader Bt-rrcl Chui-na the eakiest run- P""I""I f,,r her dis1reria that he would not Romayne had been a favorite in the town
ning (1hurn in the inaiked. go t" thf, U13"'vers"y. . , since those days whr. i he was such a cun. .
Ito Acting Wafihing Machinw and Royal A!: ,r�iugly her, d,kt,rcsi wag all theInore i)ivg baby. Aq why bhould he not be, in.
American WringorH. G,01 and.get out, prices 11901" . X "g, and tho li v blow the boy had deed ? People do Dot give their plumbing With Croup
for Builders Hardware, CQi1ed Spring Wire given her lva� r(p?,,t�:-d in one tm-'ce an hard,, orders to a young man because he was a .
I fencing", Balbed Wire and lilai'll Galvan- when, at tl.,! cnd of the mouth he told her pretty baby ; but when they have ulways * (7roup is the terror -of every mothei
%ed Wire. EBtitriti,tes given for eavetrough- that for lilt Lhofe tnil-ty�ono-Jdaye, .S'unclays known him and'always flked him, and now and the cause of Trequent. deaffis'
ing, Oalvan:zcd fren,uod Furnace %Vork. excepted, he had L,t,-eri to'w'O'rk mith Mr, he tinderfitands his business, they are glad !',"long small chjldre�n. Dr. Chase'm
.1 - .
I -
� I — — Ga!eo, -the plumber. � they cat.give him their plumbing (rderm. fS11"'UP of Linseed and Turpentine
a That his fathei'.3, son -should be' a plumb. The town was grawing like fury with 9-1rirl9s ))"OmPt r(211c? to the loud, ring-
,. 'fl ak ; weafth and population-arowing fAster than : .
Sills & Murdie er ! She though � 5 �1,�lx cough, mialces breathIng easy and
she was bure it,',would. any town in tile Stat a -'as eveyy Amej wan 1preverits sliffocatlon. It is mothers,
- IfavorlLe 1'elll(-dy for coughs, colds,
k A RDWARE , -. But when people t-hink their. hearts Will t0W11 always is that or a hears of. Busiveas lcroup, bronvhitis, whooping cough and
break ; , Ety -ep - not, . The Very fact that came to the,'sailitary trigineere on the right �usthaia.
Counter's Old- . Stand. Seafortb r� '___�__ __ __ I � hand and on the leff. The S�ivc imane
_ _ — - . I mi.q. F. '"T. Bond, 90 Macdonald
'. T 'L - .. I auyhim -,A,ae oribablis)lerl, at Verona, and Irtre(-t, iBarrie, 011t., ZYs :--l-favint,
. . '_ "' ' u e and ('a'en'ti 1):d Nvas it mile below Itried vour riledicille, my faith Is very
I MaLEOD'S . .h ,. a Al t, -, -
ere' 'anoyiboi'd'
17 d9ft y 06e�i bid, And whan ,the wol-k III!( --h Ill Its PoNvers of curing cough and
Him was done, Dr. J31'1/-11l.L9 kp,ike of it in the i "011P. TJy little girl has been subjer-t
- System Renovator � I . . I �c
. Convention (f AVeniks at Kiratog'a as a ;t(.) the croup for a long tirrio, and I
� - '.
--AND GTL(P,'R- no eseflPin-cl the gernis of coll.Tti-inp- miracl8 of intelligeri-, crg'.ncering. ,S;m. -found nothing to cure it until I gave
� 0 . n' 0 ) r Syi
TESTED - REMEDI * . plicity and �,Ire pth are n8 pop,,ible'i . n I - t"haim-*s -) -up of Linseed and Tur-
.. EE- ti0ti;.kill them Nvith healtJi, Health plumbling, as ia a pyrimit! ; and 11�,)Mflyl 0 1-ritino. I CaDnot .speak too -higlily of
A spuniflo and AnfidoLe-for Im )Uro, Wcxk :md Im � . . said in all� (Inarters C nit they propoted to . �t , 11
I 25 rents a bottle, all dealers, or Ed-
poveriqllod Bl3od, DyLspepala, Sleeplessness, palpata. is your only ineans of kiLin- thein. finish ev'e y-j,,b an t1at they might never -
lion of the 11`�D'Jr,h, Livir Cowplairib, Nouraigia, i,oal . . b inanson, Bates & Co., Toronto.
of goin-a- Broachitio., Consumption, Gall stonc , � fee it acmin. He liai an t � -el!eri-, ataff Un-
., a . d I
111undton, kf,vey aud Urinary Diseasog, 95. vituo 11 Scott's 1,:MU1SiCn of coa._ffi,er oil der him. His own Eut:,J�s attrac'ed young .
DAnce, FOUIP40 Irrogularloles an' d Goneral Debility. , . r I I � fello�v6 like him from tile high tchocj, who Dr. Chase's Syruaft
LABORATORY-094orloh, Ontario. virill givc� you that' health-) - if any- . saw no%v that the profession �n whi�,h de- . _J P
;_ .T. M. bleLEOD , . pendg thb purity of every cup of col'i water
to i ,
' PrOPT'e'or allf] A"" thing will. � . . . I which one Cbristian* 'gives another is a pro- Of Linseed , .
fa(;turer. - . Onno PoR rRrr SAFAF . LE AN I 0 TRY iT. � fession quite as wcll worth f01101ViDg as I I
1361d 11, J �). ROBERTS f3e5fortill. any, S.) the firm of Montague and G.ilen
J �kEWIT8. TO A 0 N TO. i
116014? 'w i
CA�,_ I
I V1
" 4
_c4lolral I
. . 50c. 4nd Ji,oc,;c 11 niggists, was a pro-perou� ffini e-%tendircr its busi- i and'Turpentine.
� *D � .
. � -
. -
. . .
. . .
. I
. �
. � .
. -
. ; . .
. t �� � . I
. � I i
. I
� � , . .
II .. . 1. . .
. .
� - �
� I �:
I � - I �
. . 11. . - . - I I I � � - I -1 .
. .
- . . � - -11.- V �Z �
� � -
. I I I
- . - I - I
. . .
. I
I &Miil��M yQur mirror
���� to , da -y. Take -
t V �
) a last look at
I $s V I I -
I . hair. Itsure- I
a � ly may be A
the last if � -A
a . -
. - ___ - you want A
. � it so; you�
a .6
) � .your gray
0 . hair a week longer than
I you wish. There's no
e guesswork about this;
I it's sure every time. 11
� , To re- .I - __ .. �
0 . s t o r e � � IF
r color to i I
t .
r gray hair - I 1.
I use—_
9 �
. Afte r !R.Qr
t usink it
f . i ,
r for two I
. or three weeks notice how 1
e much younger you ap-
7 pear, ten years younger
I at least. I ., ' -
I Ayer's Hair Vigor also
V cures dandruff, prevents
e If alling of the h -air, makes
a hair grow, and is a splen -
f did hair dressing. -
7 It cannot help but do
I these things, for it's a
0 hair -food. When the hair
6 is well fed, it cannot help
I but grow.
� It makes the scalp
d healthy and this cures
e the disease that causes
I dandruff. -
. $ 1. 00 a bottle. All druggists.
r I I
r 11 My hair was coming out badly,
but .&Yer'8 Hair V or stopped the
a f-alling and has walle.iny hair Tery
thickand much darker than before.
I 1 think there is nothlog like it for
the hair." CORA KLEA
a April 25,1899. Tarro;;, I. T.
I I lq,r -
f . WPHO the Apoefor. , .31
. - if you do not obts,in all tb* benefift
a you desire from the use of the Vigor,
,vv rite the doctor about It. Address,
. . DR. J. 0. AYZR, Lawoll, Mass..
. I
I I - _V1 -V" V A�_ -A..' _A�
& & A& dh���
tague reflected, for the first tix'�Tle, that Mrs,
f Hood was a stranger in the neighborhood,
that she was a' Preeb5terian like. herself,
and .that everything made it proper thal
she should,go and call on her, and pay bet
the civilities which one of the old familioi
ought to be ready to offer. Mrs. Hood'i
children, it is true, had all been born it'.
New Padua, and it had never occurred t(
Mrs. Montague before that she owed them(
courtesioe. But she had not had tile carri.
age long, ani she had more time now that
she once -bad. '
So she made her visit. and was very
pleasantly received. Mrs. Hood is a charm-
ing person, and she sent, for that pretty girl,
Rosaline French, one of the scholars, when
he proved to be a second cousin of the
.Montaguea. There was F-ome sponge cak e
and some pho2a, which was then a new
brew, to which Mrs. T?vlonteguo was iiot ac-
cuatomed. So the visit went cff very
nicely, and Hire. Hood Fad said that she
would be glad to be the collecting agent for
the Indian Association in Now -Padua, and
Mrs, Montague rose to go. It was then
. that ,Mrs. Hbod said that .Michael had
better drive out by 'tho'back way, because
the front avenue was so lumbered up with
. timber for the new wing ; and then Mrp,
Montague, availing herself of thel chance
said, so 0 graciously : I . I I
� " When you come to the flaisbing, and
put in your bath -tube and your pipes, you
must come and make my boy a vhit. Here
is his card. Perhaps you do not know that
Nlontague and Galen are all my boys. I
call the Galen3 so, for they are very ince
, fellows. And really, Mrp. Hood, when
health is at stake one cannot be too care.
ful." -
To which last retrark Mrs. Hodd assented
very cordi k1ly, and indeed a little at length,
as a school mistress should. I
" And then, 1) said Mrs. Montague, when
she doecribed the interview to Frity, " she
had tile impudence to say that she should
take great care of the plumbing ; that, she
had consulted Profersor Thingamy about
.ib, and had made her contract already.
Impudent mirix ! I could have struck
It was this interview, more important in
village politics than can be imagined, which
made a certain division' in the cocial rela-
tions which I have described as so harmon-
ious before. Frit7 thought best not to tell
his brother of it at the time, but Romayno
found it out soon enough for all that. As
it happened, indeed, I think 1:'.-)mayne
know qalte aq much about the Hood affAr
as Mrs. Montagu'e did. For though he had
never Eeen .Mrs. Hood, he had seen her old.
est daughter, and had liked her very much,
There was a party at the Hoods', and in a
frolic somebody had proposed blind -man's.
d been - blinded, and
had caught bliss Hood. For him that, was
the beginning. He' guessed he -well, I do
not know how, for he had really never seen
her to know her before. Afterward there
happened to be one of those clueer accidents
which bring people together. He bought
the resin for the firm, and such paints and
whiting and chemicals as they used a good
deal of, at an old-fashioned drug store. It
had grown up to be a large wholesale busi-
nees from being the little variety store of
the village. A queer place it wa.q. It had
the little k,ix by eight panes to the windows
hich it had in Mad Anthony's time, when
Utrecht was laid out -long before the name
was changed., When you went ip, it was a
perfect Curiosity shop. There was a tor.
toiae.hhell which Hugh had brought from
the pond when he was a boy ; there was an
. a an
. alligator which he had shot in the S6.
John's River years afterward ; and scattered
along On the shelves the dusty relics of two
generations of village shop keeping -boxes,
flower-p0t8, jage-all without, a Idbel or a
mark, but remem bered, I suppose, some.
where in- old Roger's brain. A shop with.
out a sign, which never advertised, arid yet
which did half the.business of the manufac.
turers of the county in chemicals and other
drugs. .
.. At the door of this museum Romayne
drew up one day, held the reins in his h%nJ
as he pushed the door open and cried --
" Mr. Roger you may as well wire for half -
a ton of copperas ; we haven'b a3 much a3 I
thought." And he had jubt taken his seat
again in his wagon, when a lady called to
him hom. the steps, and to his surprise Le
Eaw his pretty friend Mi3a Hood.
11 I bpg your ii-ardon,' I said she, 'I hub Mr.
Roger 12n , 6 in. I was waiting for him. But
I will leave your order wi'h him if you
like. He cannot be gone far, for I found
the door unlocked as you did." .
No, Rimayre would not think
bling lir.r with the order. Indeed, he're-
membered that �.e muL-t see Mr. Roger
about arms reEin. He left the horqes, and
for twenty minutes Lai a nice talk with her
in the StLffy old shnp. It was aiatonishipg ,
I . — � f, ,
. , .
. �
... :_ -
I - ___ .
. - � k, -
. . k, .
I I -
I . I
, .
. . . - JUNE 281, 190, �_ 7 , ,
- 001000 - -
�, ____ ------_W-1 I -1 F .
' . L. � � jf - i N -1
V n �:��
how well they know each 'other when Roger ' ers, and without any arnl-dfio to arquire r '� — ____
� I ow" �_ .
came in from the postoffice, where fortun. I do cent method ,of pr"uring a livelihood I P -a �_
ately the mail had been b4te. And this E,h ould eut 'his little paragraph out an, 11 � I it Wr, CAT
was only their second thne of meeting ! pa ste it up where the boys. will tee it Vvhen I, I S r
The second time, but. not the 19,2t. F.,,r. th ey rise in the m and go to L,e,l at . So 15sid i
� ZZ
tune Javors the brave and the young, ni ght.-Arriprior �,r,%ill'-, - I I . - I 0 j
Romayne was band in gl6ve with our new . *_ I I j
. I
Presbyterian- minister. He was a very gr,od A MAN AND WIFF, - �
follow, who.had come to us about tb6 LiMe ____ '57e, 4-,h,e rouen!
� ,
- I , ,�, , �
when the new firm was establislied He uoath and �
, Agree 'Perfectly in Th-eir -vvarin - -
- likod Ramayne and Romayne had frcZen to. Praise of Dodd's Kidnby Pills, Ageney 4Df D�
-him at once. He was in and out at Law. - . the verI
ce,s every other day to talk about the Aino][19
who c
2 -i,st,ian Endeavor Socfeby, And the Suaday NXPAN,M, 011t.., June 24-(8peeiaJ)_It i - 'at C'SaAds %
8 c, �r, ,, ., . 8 I .0 it - i
Z.,, lif� I - selt, I
and the Board of' Charities, and- be pleasant to see a man and his wife agree at) , ra A 9
i �le , lAiX
was very fand of Mrs, Lawrence, who often heartily as Mr. and Airs. Simon Warner, of f is J4, ;;i repident
maqe him stay to lunch. At lunch one day this town, agree about Dodd's Kidney pill of"!
whom should he meet but Misa Hood. It " I would like to recommend Dod I S. . i Middlesex C
proved that Mrs. Lawrence had been a; d a Kid. 1. 111 P, Nre* Fair I
ney Pills to every one that I hear complain- yssrs ffht j
* - ,
scholar at the seminary and knew her. - g of 9, pain in the back," says 11r. I � ,I.eo brou -)Or' .
met in troub
Afterward he her theregagain, and one Warner. - . . 6. A reL -
.1 gnpp d , bo,th "
rw�ive Dy
day he walked home with her. I do not say 11 I was so lame in my back that my -,Vife I � �
- . � given the foll
that Lawrence tried to make a match be- bad to lift me out of bed. The doctors said . was
tween theni, or that his wife did, Let us they could do nothing for me. I was tol I At ys thb aprbog *;,
- -_ -
, .Kid d. I . fo- vvhielh�
hope they had other business in hand� and by a friend to try a box of Dodd",i I B grip OF - t --Ut il
ey - ily loet�;, b -
left such matters to take care of themselves, Pills, and found they helped me right away. . - rsdtilillY greV7 W,
,,-iil� ��a;-Imd rvi
which is generally safe. But I do know I recommended -them to everyone, and ul. - -9 t�o�
that, without any arrangement on any body, -',j ways after a trial the people are ready _:,�) I ,
part, Romayne was a little apt to lind out alt"lle best, doe
recommend them to others. 11Y Wife used , = teen Mont
the days,when Miss Hood made Mrs. Law- five boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and says jy vigtq - th
I rence a, visit. And if he bad then known exactly the same as I do. Neither abe ,,or bu'.' �Vlthoat 'any I
n 5 terrible -cougli, VV'
that his mother had been over to see her I feel safe unless we have a box i tb in my bead 'au -1 1i
mother, and to ask for a job for him, big house." � � I
wrath would have been awful. *_ . �collld not slec'Pj 0
- - .�
I in, titlk in a W13
.He was destined to find it 'Out, however, Contagious Diseases. (13 7
b I legrees. When his mother gave a � " ieft, trio C,
11 Stuff and nonsense," said the fat man, vote
. grLealtopaity to the Sullys, who came up to who was back among the smokers on 0, My ,condition -all b
. 're
Verona.wben their son was married. She Woodward avenue caf. " This talk about urgedfurtherlt -1
invited half the county, and nine -tenths of germsand ba-ffl1l and contagiongaild all � omr ja.jn�ily doctor
the New Padua people, but sent no cards to 'Oonsultatiop, the;
that sort or rot makes me fighting Mad. ed �
� the Hoods. It was a regular out-of-door People used to live longer and ins I ke a blam. .1 I tbay. PrOnOune '
-fete, where there was, as Red Jacket would ed sight less fuss about it before all these , b,org advl�sed rae I
say, all the room there was ; and really, to . - �ut aftrer lit
fads and kicks were ever licardof. . .P11101 I .
ask the Higginaes and not ask -the Hoods S5(* in doctornis IT
The idea of cons-umption bting contagi, isit! left iv an '4
was a very marked thing. But .Mrs. Hood, ous ! Bab ! They'll be claiming.pretty . T-6
. was even with ber, and when, in June, -Dr. soon that ane(zing is contagious;11 I jort I finally'u �
Witherspoon came to make the annual ad- I I,%- it is," asserted the fall man to the - I U-4 not taken r�
drees at the exhibition, and the seminary lefb. " You bet it is. So in laughing, so is I fore, 1, noticed An'
sent out an elegant invitation card engray. -crying, so is toothache and pretty near I ditic,a, and thie ,
ed in Philadelphia, theie was one of tbege everything." I � �thelr use. Afttr-
.cards exhibited in every parlor in Verona 96 months 1 W&3 cJ1l
Oh, go on ! Sols corns, so's baldness , Igh disapp�
.'a tight shoes," sueeringly. " Who did .
exvept at Mrs. Montague'e. And yet, I ,so f- The cot
: Euppose that there w -.As not a man in the you catch your moustache 7from ?" ad from the t-erri.l
I villitage who wanted so � much to be invited 11-ThaVs all right. There's the way .men .my, volz,e becatne ��
in the regular way to the exhibition as poor talk when they don't know wbao they are � ,improv4d, S,nd I I
sleep once mor;e. I
�Romayne_%Iontague. But young people can- talkingabout. Tgnorance is tbegreatioe unds,
not always have what they want, and so .he to refoxin and always has been. You had gained 37 PC I ;
had to sit in the gallery as the exhibition better—' to Dir. Willian"
went on, just as all the uninvited -townspeo. 11 Who's ignorant ? s I -09,11not awky enoll
ple did. And he could not show l,i--4 face at not any higher tban youra, Pd.l-ee ' know, thii tb*�y
the reception,as every other young inan O;d, m p off the �, life,"
whether he hailed from Verona or NZ .v subjec, of ignornee it I had to u2Zle my- In cases of thial
Padua." self. i wasn't talking to you anyhow." - pills W-111- give MA
I " ,No ; You wire talking j,ust to hear your. � I
- -sults than any '61
. (To be Continued.) sel talk, and make these people think you I
: *_ . were wise. I'll bet You S:5 you don't know- directly on the Ill,
Purely Personal. , the difference lletwp,en chicken pox au'd - . of the trouble ain�
Goderich, June 24tb,.-Rev. Mr. McKay 'small pox, and you riding around prei elline . disease from the i
has recovered from a severe attack of Throat � about contilgion." . . , � - - . -e.r,s .in medicitte, .
1) -
I cents a box, or s.
. Irritation. Of course everybody knows that " Gentlemen, aRid the smiling old lady dressing- the Dr-'
C.ita-rhowme cured him, and Mr. McK in the seat abead n,j ithe turnea to them, _
- ay . - Brioek,vifle4 Ont. ,
BAYS Catacrhcz)ne in an excellent remedy. docs3'b it etrike �-ou tbat auger is coutagi- I
Fur Ilinifiten' Sore Threat, Bronchitis, Lung Otis ! Has c-iihcr of you graduated in medi. _. I
. ,
Trouble and Catarrh there in nothing in the clvl�' '" V - -1 - Girl, -:4, -Pt
� � . �-
world to -day that, cures so quickly and per- 'The 070 look(d ebeep-bbly at each otbo,r,, � � if 0, t1rug,htf
rn�anently as Cafarrhcz)ne. Jt cures by in. laughed and vent lo aLaaing the weather "I What, it the gn
halation, without danger or'risk and is most dep-a-,nient. -Tue D-troif. Free Press, ; - .the mfght well a.,
- — I ible for ali
. agreeable to use. Two monthb', freatment, 0 . . reari6ilsi -hea
1 $1.00 ; small size, 25 canto. . For sale by What'Would They GiVe ? -�y the good xt
Fear, the druggist,. Scaforth, or Poison & it seems a waste of thw3 to warl) 1)(OP19 U."allifit sd,ojy �e said th&:
Co., Kip P I I . nC�g1ce,ing coo -he and c�lde, 1) it whkt woul J vietinis - befor,e speech or a.
. gston Oat. - El
0 - � of consumptiou and pncurion!a give it Illtir disearc. * fatal ly'lunders '� I
� were only in its beginning, it ill were oily a cough or
The Preacher's Answe,r- cold. Deadly lung ditca,e3 begin ,ivith colds that - bondage-;�-vick i
Rev. John McNeill was recentl I y holding ' `uld partainly be cured by Dr. Cbmva 8yzup of I . iriga, to rraltdrt or
Linseed : and Turpentine, the grex% preseript.lou : ,burt m�t must im.,
a revival service at Cardiff, Wales, and an- which not inerely relleve3 but thozougbly eur0b i awayll' as the phi
nounced that lie would answer any question cough and col -d together. - � I I speech, sit laxst b,
about the Bible. At once a note was sent �* — � - '
up to him, reading as follows : 11 Dear Mr. Wit and'Wisdom, . 1. �reflectiori frcqtmu.
i i
# gret for lo.st ftm
M cNeill : If you are seeking to help youn-f -Lots of good people would go wrong if Many a one haA
ife. ' they didn't fear punishment. nest -for the v,mtt:
then, kindly tell me who was Cain's w, ,
That seemed a poser, and the audience wait- �Ib seems strange and yet A is quite mhich would haw
el , with intense interest, tempered with possible tic livenext door to a distant rela- . .-a while watching_�
, arniisement, to see how the good man would tive. i :: With them her . 0.1
extricate himself. After a pause he said : .-The .man who has lived for himself has, we aTe happy it it
I! I love young men. especially young in- the privilege of being his only -mourner.- : - . the bright.atreani
quirers for light, and I wetild give this -Ib is stiange bow often tome peo.ple � , The iimpulaiv4o ir q
young man a word of advice. It is tbis : rove themselves fools, and yet have no the hasty ,
11 Don't lose your soul's salvation looking Enowledge of it,, �a",eptaneej haine i
after other people -'a wives." -Remember that your best friend is your . . I
- . '911111tog of misery
mother, and have nothing to do with fhote.. - never sundered tri
. � .. -
-To Reduce Your Boot Measure I who think otherwise. � If these things un
� One Size -Edna-" So you have accepted that-' that the fault in
Isn't half as hard, neither is it as painful young lawyer after all, after having -refused - . been that- of ftmli
bsfore the introduction of Putnam's Pain' a" him Once." May -I! Y es ; be appealed the defoict is a genei
In -twenty-four .8 ,coramo,ber vvith U.,
Corn and Wart Extractor. case and won b; r,uit, 11 -
. hours the corn is removed. Pretty and I __" Have you felt slippere '" i=i,r,ed an. it handicaps ut u
small feet are well assured - on. everybody, old lady in a shoe store. The C erl who- ide. I
but it can't be done unless you use P a tman's was new fit tile business and yo ug, answer, And, 'truly, it, ii
-tthers are not nearly so good. Patnam I a ed-" Yes, ma'am, many'a time." _�Vfiiys ,L4 with a hoi
is the, befit. - � -.Nl ra, M f tchell-4, When my buebatid, . Ing dowu " 'One -'s J
I stays out all night I refuse to give him, any. � .
� * - bre ak Wit. " .Mra. L,Ayton-ll When my - ,sither,we must ru-
A Boy's Bad Manners Lost Elm huabiind ,stays out all night he never wants I __ lus. It .is -a good A
- -_ -�Our loving W�orner
a Situation. any., - � . � of _tho doffleatle I
, Standing by the desk of a business man -Doctor-" How.does a lawyer feel wben- � home- ,when duly ,
who employs quite a number of lads, I saw his client gets six months I" Ls,wyer- ... wbole house ; but
a, boy of about 15 come in and apply for a I I Very much the same as a - doctor feels - IRA subordimte pl
situation. The boy waq well droned, and when they put his patient six feet below the ,eilsues i , I
in dem(anor and accent indi3ated that he sod." I I
belonged to one of the upper grades of the -" So yo -n ivant to marry my daughter, I To Cure -a <
public soboolle. Without taking off his .hat .do you ?" thundered the stern fa � � ;
or appearing to notice anybody who was " Yes -s, sir." stammered the terrified young � - Vake Laxstivie'3
present, he demanded in a sharp, unpleas. man, " hut not any worse than she wants , All druggjats reful
ant voice, ' Sty, mister, are yon advertising to marry me." � cure, 250, B1. vv�
for a boy V The business man looked '.e,t -" Pa," faid-little Jimmy, ,I I was very each box, I
him for a second. ' I want an older boy near getting to the bead ,of my e1was to,day,11 �_ �
than you,' -answered the merchant in a " How wag that, Jamie '01 44 1 A Tru`0
. Why, a big, . 14 I beg your Pail .
somewhat, louder voice. ' Oh,' answered word came all the way down to me, and if 11
the lal as he swung around and walked out. I could oi ly have eptlo/ it I should have - and a touch -of �
' That,' said the merchant to me' is a gone clear.up." . i _ - handed to an, V
sample of the manners, of the Toronto -Jone3-" Dear me ! You agip you . I . he had 'urcide
schoolboy. In my business. you know, 'we often Joy down the Jaw to your wife. How cane which he haA
depend almost entirely upon' the politeness, do you go about it '�" Bones-" Why, all . 49 1 hope I Zid mci
quickness -and adaptability of the,-voung you need is firmness. lusuallygo into my pla,yi g too roughl
, fellows we have behind the counter. i have study, look the door, and do it through the 11 . , 44 ot a Mt,` 81
to change my boys a dc7,qn times a Year be. keyhole." _* �,;; Vill be boys, .-sod -
cause I cannot get the' right- material Aly -" No. I can make you no contribution ;, You Aid not har-W,
customers ask me why I change my boys so I.don'r, believe.in sending out foreigs mis. � I " I'm g1lad to h
often. C,wtainly it is n(,t to save money, sionaries."' "But the Scriptures commstia hat again H-arry .
for I would be willing to keep them if they . us to f ced the bun gry." The man of wealth inates with whom
were worth keeping. The first thing they shrugged his shoulders, 11 Well, I'd feed t4a thne of the ai
ask me is what wages I pay,i and the next them , on sometilhig cheaper than mission- I I T: 464 What Aid ya
what hours they will have to work. They aries." I I � Qfd fellovv f�i?'
never think about me or my business ; all - ' I wish I bad a baby brother, marm- Charley fy'rty. "
I they want to know is how much they can ma," said a little girl. "'Why, dear, what, hawk -or. I$
get out of me. Apparently they give me no do you want one f,)r ?" " I want him tD. I � "' That makoe i
oredit for being able to teach them a. profit. wheel in my perambulation" - But you " The question iQ
able trade ; they only regard me as a tmk. have rieveral dolls." 11 Yes ; but they are " .man, but whethe
. master who is to be made pay the higheit, alwa:ys.getting broken . when the perambu. gentleman will b,f
price, give the aborte8t hours, and ,accept lator tips over." I I eaus , e he weara i
the lowest possible quality of service , ' -" Lot me tell you, Mrs. Thomas,," said vegetibles throu,
., Parents who are bringing up their boys a happy parent to a neigbbor, 11 my son .working in -a coir
I -
without manners and witbouVany consider. E rnest has been:' made captain of the cricket I Which was rig
ation for themselves or prospoctive em b." "' Obt I q1xite understand your feel- �
� I ploy- clu
. - _13gs, marm ; I fulf just the same myself Aeute and I
i . �
; when o carried off the mcdal alf'* I -
p ur Toung pig -are e
.. ; I pally influl
W9 the agricultural show." " i _�
a -4 p6in-aubdu'
N . 1n,9 PC
I *_ i equal in medi-e-iii,
Some Won , t Believe It. I quantity of -any
-11 liny people whi Mve Rijfrer,,_,J t'le a1utio iniseiry � Nerviline ic�j4 I
of itchiri-, or b1eedir,;,pi!,.-i for 3,.qrq Jjo i,p,,te of iiii-di, - � - Of tILO djeoa�se,;%n
. cines aiiii operalions won't beliI�% o tbat Dr. Cbast,'k . ,
t!1H11 tatl On S Ointiney t -s Tin act -ml t -i -e. Thprt bas ve,,er yel ' - tem. Nerviline,
'been a pt;�on to ldont)t the, tfl-a-3- of this greatpl�- insitic -cure and,
pant, in APervaing cy), brx. it w-ts Jile inAgie to ,just trub it'in, �thi
of Dodd's Kidney. Pills are alolviniz ill.- rain and Itebing, and is pmitivelygnaf- tack., The immi .
. anwed to (--ale r,jjy er,se of bleedill- �or pro-ruding
. legion, The box is imitated, i , eFl. Attk 3our Le'glibois about it . Ycur dcalt" . 'You. Pribee 25 C!
tic outside coating and shape of tha ' has it. . . 1. Seliforth. I
. -
pills are imitated and the name4Codd's ____ ___4._______ - -
Kidney Pills is imitated. Imitatiolls.are Fierce Battle Between Bulls, : The Wor
cangcrous. The oriROnal is safe. Dcdd's The Washington Times prints a story of - Talent doe4 et �
1,.'iclncy Pills a desperate battle between a Darliam, bull . `aoterAoes securi
harc a reputa-iion, Im it'- and a eacred bull r,f -hdia, on the plase of A, - doe" lay the fou
tDrs have nonc or they wouldn't imitate. E. Randle, at 'Congress Heights, .near There aire noshil
So they trade on tile reputation of Dodd'i Washington. The anirrials are -magnilicent there s,re -no j
I . lr� , ub
Kidney Pills. Do not be deccived. There specimens ard were pastured in separate there sire no tqi
. .
5 nelosurep. The Darbam went to the lacter. These hic
I - Dodd s is the dividing fenp-o and ballowcd a challenge to -
is only one DODD'S e
* � the heart �of t)le
criginal. Dodd's is tile name tobecare- the suered bull, and was answered promptlY. � . the v .
f il about- Then the Darbarn broke down the-jene-e I try heart i
J I � are 51100exisfully
I and the animals locked horns. There was 't- . low�er prizes a:ie
� o . bitter contest for half an hour and much .
� '
— blood was Epilledi Some men watched the . . butt'his ought I
. encounter, but were afraid to attempt to 1%11Y lone who Ioc
I D—WS separate the bullp. According to the storyt . ly. Mon may A,
I time ,by a spocd�
the India bu,'l made a mighty effort and deceived ia the
11 � " managed to ton his antagoniL-r, in the air . hood win�ka ,othe
and over the dividing fence. This wall 'Wink himself - ,
I enough for tbe Durbini, which turned tai! I I the %ind of Go
I and rs�n b(,Ilowirg away, The, ground - thielallery. or ti .
where the battle was fought is said to havc Cleve'r and uns
I bcen torn up as if by eiateam plow. . VaYms Lwtha hi
i the word, exeel,
i I I .
- ,
. .
� .- . ?
. . . .
I . * . I
. . � . � I - - . .1 I . J
. -
I . �
. I
I - . I . � I I