HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-06-28, Page 4TA THE R UR ON!, EXPOSkTOR. JUNE 28 1901 NEW ADVERTU,11,'i.,TEXT8 Bench. His successor in the -representaton basl�been d'ecide'd by the leg&l authoritiies wedding march was played by Miss McCrea, plaintiff against the township for $100 dam. W'ard'10�nd, as well �s in the d tha the redgnation must take effee". A sis�erof the bride gffTho figure botw.jce "Le of Prince li.' The bride as assisted ages and full costs of suit. The corporation Gorcrnaient, %rill . likely � be . Mr. F-mquar. writ for. a now election bas been issued, and by Miss Lena Perdue, and the groom by brought in Robert Jamieson and Robert ie,donotea the page rf tic an whth the a IvertisernerA will b� ound. harn, the present Preinicr - of the Island. th& eVo I im has'been fixed for July 9. 1 ,, i Mr. MoOrea, jr., brother of the bride. The Jamieson the younger, as thii(l parties, and expected that on 1nonv Was . I)e the
F o.r rarticular Men -Gr(,i,, & Nlacdon Id -1 I ir Wilfrid seems to have a -liking for Pro- acco"Unt of this elec�io cere rfornied by Rev. Mr. Me- claimed relief over against them, setting tip coming so near the general election ot
Our irobby—E. WePaul Co, - S ,incial Premier.4. -the Quiilan.'of Bly�h. that'th Joinieons ve $SO—Doll
wero contraotors, and 9 Vote& Lisit NottQe�Johi 0, morrison-5 Conservatives consider opposition'f u tile, Iand A pretty wed ing was eo'emnized in -that it was through their negli ence that 10 night FI�ai for Sale—S. A. Moff4tt-5 'of
A Ra that Colonely L13 s will be re-clected by na- Christ's a arkdale, on - Wednesday the accident occurred. The action was dis. )-ands
I,,.cycle for Sile—peid & rd Nut to Crack. y hurch, t jee
allain, of
clamation. Had Colonely Lays sent his of last week, in wh ch Minnie X, daughter missed assgainst Robert Jamieson D, with
.4,nother Shipment -D. H. ble in his speech in.the county of Bruce the da�N
W. Somervillo-8 resignation to the Government, instead of of Mr. Win, Luca , banker, was united in costs to;be paid by township, and judgment Ing 1eVV
'Premier Reis gnve those, who filing it with the- Speaker, he might have marriage to J. ovey, druggist, of Clia- was givien against Robert Jamieson, the Mid.Summer sale -i -F, �V!111�9 & San -5 other day, THE DRUGGIST Graxt I3argaf.v:--Aieh.krd9on McInnis -6 are so apb at fault,fi withdrawn it, but it Reems that ouce'a too. The officia rom Toronto
For Keiqp-ri nding. with our ub a ting clergyman was Ray. J. younger, for the arrount of plaintiff's jude. C-01
Wa aWl'
p resignationis placed with the peaker i� F. Paike, of Amherotburg, who was assisted ment against the corporation. Jamieson
cr it
school system -a nut to ackwhioh,will t t must come into effect. lyy R. a v, B, N a v, --p I 1. will' appeal on the ground that it was not a & their engenulty pietty severel to,- accot Arbor ,01leg Pon't ulis it -6 Oa Thursday Insib, Master Thomas Col. contract, but that he was only working on home here* lel
sub ling, who is working for Dr. A. G. Elliott, day work and was not bound to have proper in L
Girl Wanted—Mrs. Dr. Burrows= -8 plish the task, ' The test I mits is. Mr. Andrew Miscampbell, who has repre S EAFORTH, Calves for Sale—Hugh Webrnoud-5 practical, fair and re'ason st Simooe in the Ontario Lpg-isla. of Lu,-kn able knd w ap. sented. E�t ow, had his Id t a6ii. I roken near approaches io the bridge, Millinery—IK31ibinon & Co�5 fausiug, is a7'
pealpowerfully to the thewrist. Hewas,riditig aoicm,cle on the There's a Difference—A. Wilson -6 common oj6se of ture for a great man' years, and ho was Gariett loft
y w boundary a couple of miles east' of the vil- Formosa. Something Now J. P. Ifenderson-8 every reader'. said one �f the ablest men on the Conservative lage, and whan coming down he hill ome of the hailstones were as 1,%rge as lien held in Exeter on Tuesday evening last a
e i 7 -i y C3 his (By o Blucva!e Correopondeut.) on know he* wide a. field -is covered- eide, and one bf Mr. Whitneys chief il- foot cauglib in onc� of the ped ds of the ad p %snoatit degrce after the 1 ad Henry Ward Beecher said of the ancient eggs and door knobs and others measured conferred the aecond C1046 ek, returne
by the act respecting public and.. high lars, intends, it is aaid,.retiriDg from )oli�ical bicycle and lie was �hrowu to tile ground. more than two inches. -Some 70 per.-wils of the meeling. The Hensall b Giapital, Quebec, that it was "a b -it; or me.
schools ; you knw, too, how ur retbren speak freely 0 at the close of this legislative tbrin, and willt of took advantilge of the East Huron and highly of the kind an 4. e r t ai n —J. Cober & Sons, carriage makers, diaev 'urope parched upon a rook and ment _t school avotern is cri icized by, Mr. Whitney - al 14, bey re tbie, h0me Ethel, have purchased the Ronald engine dried for 'keeping," or so�ieth'D? Bruce farmer6' excursion to the Experi- ceived from the :sister lodge ()f not again be a candidate. His successor is x
and his friends, an yet you- will be our" to Lb at likely to be Mr. R. H.' Jupp, of Orillia. buildings, in Brus4els, andwill move their mentalFarm, at G.nelph, on Thursday of Among recent brn _aisinga and addition,, friends -on
SEAFORTIT, FRIDAY, June 0 -8th, 1901 effect. TU
pri6od tozhear that not a single amendment It mil4lit not be approp F I loody spelat splendid �ve learn of thr
Should Mr. Whitney get intb power, Mr. plaut to Brusaels. 'Tile Brussels council as -ply the ram r"ae to sp- I -as' week. Ringling Brot her Js
was offered to the public or high schools a e words to - Formosa, although e of 'Wro. Elder. Robert MisQampbell would certainly' ba his Com. an aid to the new factory, have g aut.ed ex- in the Royal city that day, and Bell and Andrew Aloir.—M I All
circus was from the Opposition benches., Mr. Whit. Wa on a rook and has good keeping qualitiep, iza Tessie Sh 12-04ke o
many were enabled to kill two birds with herd, who bar been spending a U ipent -6
The 'War. ney can indulge in att'oks upon the Educai- missioner of Cro,�;n Land a, and his retire. eniption from taxes on the property for Eve but it certaitil is a bit of Germany, trans. the one stone. tile. th I a 'The company will emplay from 15 plantwl in y d flour" tion Department, �ut when it comes to ment at this time wouid seem to indicata yeare. Canada �u ishing in the Quite a number visited ffigbersiser, Mrs. Wileon C� Wood Of rfrDn' -` There is little change in- the siLuation in thathehaB not very much hope for Mv, to 20 hands, friends at other adjoining places, returning London, returned home this m-eekLDr.
legislation for th' improvement of our new soil. About t1weuty miles north of South Africa. The Boers seem to b3 as home Friday night.. Aong them was Mr. I Graham and TNKrs. Graham, of -sit, ed S -elpleas as the child
tern, he i as h om, Tees- Clinton, yi is ,cel6rat,
Robert Leathern, who viilel at Prest erland' the fi -er ow IF
U rat of last inatt b
-of The Toronto Telegram remarks 1c Once Maaitou,. Manitoba, on June 2t con- mosa. One drives through Balmore and a4d Mr. James Fowler visited Galt, as did fl-week.—Mr. Win, NAcCloy is havLng -.h-0 one predict ]a
the past year. Wherever a small force of our schools, where, as Mr. WhjJhW1V saye, 'Alf: A 1 active and aggressive as they have be-Qn for who is receiving his first lessons at cue tho home of Mr. wnd Mrs. R 8 Sprung, of water in the ootinty:of Brad,-, is thia For- on, A' ed at Air. J. Stith
School Bye 11-Thitney's succese. �A very pleasant wedding took Place ttt Bluevale, and some five or six fr
I lit the tlittle or nothing ismell taught,, a, - who, -o upon atime _- AleNaughbon was the only "IS $8 fin 3 . nox, Amolemde, both pretty names, and on -.y V" QU zQ 0 V U - m I we ng nea.,1V painved Py AIT. British troops is found and they think they �A. Hayns-is visiting M,.r
of Auburn, and John W. Bowlei, of M through pleasant country and prosperous W. 3. West has returned from the meeting Stoneman.-INIf6 In I
mental paralysis is the prevaiff;g -condition. Indepou"dent in he. L,)cal House. -That tod, Mauitobii, a prosperous f a r j14 r, of the General Assembl' at, 0-tawa, and Latnmie, jr.-Ur. G. X. Babcock has can overcome them, they attack and an en- The subject of education is so extensive you Ig farms. (�ood big b.%rne, but poorer houses Y MOV. was when he was el-ected as a �P&tron from living ten miles south of MaE itou. he ill occupy his own pulpib uext Sabbath ed, for the present, into tile Marshall n t discuss it-satiefac torily at are the rule, and the nearer one gets to For- gagement ensues, in which the Boers gener that.one can o
-dancing and must & North Brace- first merAer of bride ia a daughter of Mr. aill Mrs. J. morn, the more general is. bhig C at ing aiser.- ally get the worst of it. They are also. meeting like this, where the -time a so He was the rule. Far 'The Scottish games recently vacated by Mr. B. K Knox, of Auburn. Kincardine, on Wuraday, drew' not one The Misses,Cluff, of Tuckerarnith, wer
that now' extinct party to get a, Parliament- out in the country otie could see tlio ad ver limited. If it be true, -as the OpPo8ition 'I e in
always ready to wayla railway and tran of .0 -The picaic at_ KiugebridgE, Ashfi that we are aware of, from about here, the village last ' eek, visiti g the r an .31d
alleges, that the educational results glitter of what af ter w"ards proved to be the n j port trains and attack- them, but of late ur ary sent. Now we see Farmer MoNaugh� township, od Thursday of -last week, under cross on the village church. . Just n the perhaps because of the farmers' excursion Miss Violet W.1ifteides.
school system are so - poor, then it, must, ton chairman. of a reception committee for atholio 4 urch, e
a, tiost gratifying oJeceso, nal Correspondent.) they have not betit so an cessful in enter- necessarily follow that the peoplo of Canada Premier' Roes and his colleagues, and the at that place, was It are groming away from the --e associations.
tile auspices of the Roman C he sami day. But, really, we think people I
dge of the town the view is very beauiful. t (Fiom bn Occasio
One stands on a large, high hill, with greea ciir,-Rcif RF, Of the old land. And it is the Scotch them- church
priaes of this kh2d. The British, on the -and particularly of Ontario-iire declining great mogul of the whole affair, even con- and the parishoners have just reason for fields and sloping orcharda on the left and will be re. opened next Sabbath. Rev.J.1, 0 Pelves wfio are deserting the old w ther hand, orb kept busy hunting down intellectually, afidLfaat.sinking. into a state deseendi�g to throw a speech full of bo. congratulating themselves. Speelches were right, and houses blinking among the treea, I Murray, of Kincardine,
aye- positive ignoralee, quets will preach ruing
n me
of mental lethargy and at"a Reform Government whioh a faw elivered by local politicians a d others There are nough of. them around n Carly
marauding parties- of Boers, capturing pris- which must make itself apparent ij� one way Fair below tile rough, rey rocks, house and evening. For the
9 Past morth the coil- years ago he endeavored to defeat." Mr. while there were- plen lace to make a good crowd, but the gregLation has worobi ped in the baiement,
ty of other amuse- every p
era and supplies and work of that kind. or another. Naw, what proof is there for *McNaughton is not like, some people we monts, suWas danong, races, etc., furni2li- wherever it can get on opening to trail it- crowd s oni goei to an affair purely Scotch. The up�er part of p ihe church has been on mounted, and the road winding in and out eld
this ? If our schools are - worse than they know of. He learns wisdo�n-by exparien1ce amusement for every person. Although they ate- the aioW cfa_�niih of
But prospects. for peace are' not any more 0 ing
-nd beautifully free. used to be, then the young men a self. Away beyond the village another bif, thoroughly overhauled a
favorable, so far as outriders can judge, nd women and grows in sense aa -he grpws in years. peoples, if th;y continue as they are doing.
of the country, froirt 20 to 30 years qf age, -An event of importance transpieed at hill and the church atop of it coed. The work on the ceiling is compond
than was the case a year ago. About the are not so well educated asl the� previous the Blyth parsonage, on Tuesday of last The carriage goes slowly along, Max O'Rell"s characteristic story that if of five panels,one large centre e, eveirele4- every one 0
two Scotsmen were 2hipwrecked on a desert field Lie of light
wmk, at 11:30 a. m., it being -the marriage in it exclaiming at the rough, qaint little
no Steamer Wrecked. i� onIv consolation there is, is th, I
at hostilities generation of the same age. A child 5 A Fi pla� with a raised moulding. The ,e I island they wolild form a Caledonian Society, blue.with three ornamental Centre pieem,
years of age when I became '..Mini of Edwin Kreahling,L of must come to ona- some time. The ster of Morris, to Mrs. W. past the photographer'tq where the 1VES ittlese. How can they keep
LO,§T. hiucation nitiab now be 23 ears of age. Egq&rt, of Myth. They were attended by queerest little picture3 of boys in men's cub will become poi and the ety'les of light terra cotta.. The nt has been made in the British way from the bagpiper, ? those Etrange, stateme
The tteamer Lusitanis, of the Elder. Moiss Clara K realil iug, sister of the groorn, of clothes are displayed ; part, the sawmill, a
slanting position of the ceil 139 is blended
Whatever education he possesses he acquir House of Commons that tl�e weekly cost Of ed under a ry�tcm which. Mr� Whitney Dempster line,with,300 passengers on board, as bridesmaid, and A. Youngblut, of Hen. with its pond and steps leading dow savage, weird, stirring, thrilling means of
a to it from a light blue at the bottom to.4rani At -is so -dormant as the war, amounts to the snug sum of six 8%ye, instead of improving, injured. L -,,t wag wrecked last Wednesday night off Carp3 sall. After the usual dinner the party left and past tho bin conveying music. No one the top, with a rich golden border at the
shop and other stores We to be uumovedby their rousing skirls. They Bllard. top in blue and gold, and art ornamental Uca, questi were 0 us not make this an academic question on tile 3:45 train for Berlin, to spend a put our hones in care of the fat host f the
million dollars. go that the Boers have the
then, but a practi f I wi. There The Lti.eitanial was bound round Cape sllort time, after which they will return to Calrosis hotel, Tile Culro3s, not a G2rman all out the wild note in each one of us. border at- the bqttO*m. The side, walls are
satisfaction that while they are made to Race for AIrritreal with a I Were they our national instrument and war 500,000 children atstnool 18 years ago, not arge cargo and a Morris and -reside on Mr. Kreahling's old name, btib belonging to the adjoining town- !'divided by a blue and gold band. T -he uffer from their stupid and wicked Ptub. . - abipload of pa-seengers. Sh was upon us, andthough we were lth to Up -
light drab, and the lower -half
one of whom' is to founa' in a public e mistook her horncstead. ship, has outside as well as inside stairs, per part is a
bornees, they also make their opponent a sefiool tb-day. They are ali men and course, in Fh dense fog and'went ashore near -Tile re3idenco of Mr. Jaines Ford, of and cubby lioles wUre-ver you turn. Thq fitght, should their voices speiLk to us -from three ahadea-darker. These Lire supported
women d ready Renews, 20 mil' the hills, the men would be up an -tie are on the farm, somn have es north of Cape Race, be. the 2ad concession : of tephen, was, the steps are as white as bone and scrubbed so Puffer in their pockets. grown ; sot by a rich dado border twenty inches higb.
fore daybreak. The ship ran over a reVf E"camo of very pretty wedding on Wed- thin t and the wombn would consecrate their aone into business, others in'to the pr hat,sonie day soon s-)mebody will step ir loft
sions, others have gone a1sroaa. Taku those g8 ag u nd urge is divided into five panels, the ground being them treniblingly to thd battle. o wonder N
ofes. in four colors. The cei ng of the cho
and ban' ai' st a cliff. ncsday Of 1:131t week, when his eldest daugh- through them, We were taken to the sit- nearest and dearest wi�h a kiss a
m with the previ FOCOHT-FOI� T11Z BOATSL blended in three ehadea. In the ccntre of
Ve ter, Mies Martha A. wag., united in marri. ting -room, where there wa�8 a pr
Honoring the Memory of Bra' you know.; compare the ofusion of 0 'they leas intelligent" ran* low playing at all that the Irish and Scotch art- great -each panel is a raised
our generation. . Ar The passengers, -s, age to Win. Prodger, of London. Vie red ge itims, a parrot and a fel, hand -painted teroll,;
Woman. mostly immigrant fighters. The queer, uncanny pipes touched
were panic-stric' n less -successful in bualness,'nob us well 1.1, ceremony was petfori ed at h;,,,,h noon by "The Girl I Lef t Behind Me," on a violin. and at the bottoma dado border, The pil-
A very interesting carem6ay tc k ulace ken. They starnpeded thei with a little of the epirlirt kind. Yet formed generally, no" as, - we!ll read ? D4 and fought f RCv, R, Millyard, in the presence of a We thought ourselves upstairs, but as tile lars on each side are painted n four colors, or the boats, but were overcome how human they are, lending themselves so
b r of friends and relatives, The groorn hotel. is built, on the side of a hill, all we oramented with gold, The iron front of
o on Saturday last, at the historic village of they niake inferior doctors or lawyers-, or b trol, nuili 6 officars and crew,,who -sectired cot., entirely to the reels and strathapeys when the gallery. is blended in
y us, five colors, orna..
Luud 'a Lane, in the Niagara 'diEtriet. Ministers ? What are their dofects I Thia after a -loar 8truggla with the roug - her. Ole was supported by li�8 brothar. while Miss had to do was to walic through a curio uqused looking kitahen at the back of i 8 a pra ttle men 3 among u etical questiow; you "n se -it Lora.inc Ford performed sirnila.'r d ties for the but a moment before they, were, unable - to mented with gold, The ffect of the wbole
This was the unveiling of a monument t the passengers,. who e
reelveg. used the bride. Fipeak save in D, dirge or a, battle cry. But for yoL ng-ropm And we were in the yard out erected to commemorate the bravery and k ivee. The women -and children were iperbaps their day is most pleasing. The work has been done I a n tis over per
-sed throa-gh lapded first and the men followed. -On 'd haps there by Mr. James Matthews, of St. Thomas who If the young men who pa-- TLIaaday nig' t or early W d y
-ny tim the r is C
fidelity to the British Cr�own and to per- the public and high 6"chools in i morning of last week, burglars entere We heard that we were just in time fo ire not somany of the old hearts to respond ertainly a maeter hand at church de'cor- e are �Tbc crew stood by the ship. A It
y eav y hardwire etore of Mr. A. McCurdy, of afternoon service in the church, On our
ir-noraut nd sL-upid because of iny neglect an to them. But Micro is the man, witl�onb a
petuate the name and farrie of one he has sea was running a:i atin . The work in this case has been done
E way up we pass more stores, t lie postoffice, the entire 2atisfattion of the comittee. w 1, while the Luoitania Ford 9
ormeireducation-fcr that mua�_;�be Wich. ntranc was edected by break. drop of Scottish blood, even, wb6 can -resist to
the reel oTullocbgoru.m ? ties dwe ling houses, children out playing cro- 'I of glass
ong-ailloo pao'sed to licr reward. Darin- Was holding her own,'it is thought she will case if Mr. Whitney's argument, ix Bound- in(I One of the pa in the back o All who have seen the atiditoriumpro-nounce prove a total los. the war of 1813 3, and on the 23rd of June of -1hen let, the Op window of the cellar 'and removing the sigh, quet, the convent, built far baqk 0 it a thing of beauty. Air. Mattliews is this poaftion say so. They can- ALL PASSENGERS SAVED, I from the It garsu3 a'in ane unite;
tha year, L%ura Ingersoll,.wife of James not blow lint and cold ; they cannob say our As far au Mr. McC,�rOy knows there was road and the big otel, wbion we were in- Aii cny sm . riph thatt ket p3 up spite' week at work finishing the bazernent.
Secord, becoming possessed of car" avzt,etrn is d6teriorating.an& not at the same The latestnews' received at' Montreal no' much taken, but tim money till was formed, containsithe biggest bar -room in' in not)sclenca I a5)hoir Min. tirne say t -bat ive are becoming mo're ignd'r- stated that the passengers and crew were all broken open and a lot of coppers and a Oatario. Of this we are not sure, however, For werry we'l be a', ormation concerairg the intentions of tlie ' - i As lang arather than more- intelligent. 'I ilm SaVed and ptovided - with provisiona, that watch belonging to Mr. McCurdy is miueing. Perhaps tihe good people of Formosa botlat as v. u ha'u breath tae draw Varna. loot,
American . f6rcea, wa exao,2eratinz the �fficiency of our And dari�e till we be like tao fa', Iked a distance of I hopel tile . holds were - f all of water, th the There was in the till '$13 which the burglar about their big bar-rcom just as we, of Th e i e:1 o' T ulloch-oru m. DEATH 01i MR. D,i_vii) 1Wt.NLES$ -Tbe
or burglars overlooked. Bluevale, boast of our cheese. Be that as it c twonty difles, alone, and moat of the,4way sehools or the charactec of our teache're or w. were washing over the vessel, There needs na be sat: gret a fraise, people of this vi inity, as well as many and their 8uperior attainments in scholarship that it was- breakipg. up fas,-. -One of the most bighly esteemed re-si. may, it is a. large building. The people are throughout the cou brough a dense ewamp, to' &onvey fo the Wi'd.rivginl dull Itallau will regret- to learn but I would like to ask Mr. Whitney if he There were 6 first-class, 14 second-olms,and dauta of Aghfield township died somewhat flocking to church, children grownups, old I wadna gic cor aia stv rithspeys of the death, at Chatham, Ont, zf M.David
ig Brit�ish. forces the importaub information of can find in any oth bout 300 third-class passenger- suddenly on Sunda t., 16th ins For ha -6f a huuder suco. e o' thrn.
�er country, an a yy t., in the men and old- women, indeed very old men -tey're dowtand dowle at the best, Wanless, a once prominent and respected
11a _ L TI which she had become possessed. She ac- numer of t ea�chers,as well qualified as. 'urs person of rhomas Bla a, of the 7th a naes. and wom6n, all climbing the long, high hill, resident of thie vicinity, and 'a 'brother'of
0 0 The3'rc All-egroo, rd &'the res', compli8hed. her mission in the n i 1-k. of time, for the work in hich. they are* engaged sion. He was in L-Icknow on Saturday, which none but Roman Catholic$ would Tbuy canna pleme a Bighland ta3te
n'T an Messrs. Jaines and John Wanle6s, of V,arna.
vnd the information thus gained enabled tile o,- can lie show me 'y State, in the U Huro Notes. apparently in his usu I health, but while at struggle up on a hot day. All the old wo- Comp-Ired wiTullo2hgoruin�, The Chatham Plamet,
nion, of last week, makes
-Tile 12�h 6f or in any co.untry in the world.; a courge 'of July will be celebrated in home eating his-- supper complained of -ill- men wear; low shoes, blue -grey stockings May deal an' eorrow be Me chance, the following roference to the a -d event British to prevent a surprise attack from- -c
study, taken -all in all, better qualified to de. Clinton this year. rt brown or black skirts, with a
k, � ness, and on Sunday;cveniug passed away.' and sho And a' the HIR that cZe f me France -i This morning there pa --sed away, at the
cheir opponents and also to take such steps vel3P the Powels of the child and to-' (iuA'ck- �.Nl re, James Maxwell has purallasf?d'the He wag about 67 years of age, a Liberal In deep tucktin them to let down when they Wha'er h,- be that widna dance Public General Hospital, David Watiless,for
The reel o' Tullocbgorum." a& ultimately resulted in their victory. It en his desire for the acquisition of know. residence of John Leckie, in Brussels, pay. P01itiCS, a member of Crewe Methodist grow. Tliq all keep jabbering away in Ger- many years an esteemed citizen of Chatham, ledgo. (Applause.) And if wa compa-e ing $550 for it. church; he was twice'married'and leavF-s a man. . Thr children are much more modern And the abandon of -Allistet McAllister at the y
was deemed advisable that something should age of 65 ears. Mr. Wanleen had
'ildren by his first - ife and They come streaming up to takes hold ofone. the people of Ontario, who are the product -Tile corner stone of. the now Methodist family of five c� . o survives hi w in appearance., been in failing health for some time, but his
be done to commemorate this act of brav- of our schools, with the people of any other church,. ' four -by the second, w M.- the front, of the church with their clean lit- "Ob, Allister, McAllibter, your eh),nwr, se'a us
ery and fidelity on the p3xt of Mrs. Seco rd. iin Clinton, will be laid by 3kirs. W. condition was not considered, idarming an- province or &f any 91her country, will not Doherty, on July I'st. -Mr. -Thomas Brock-, of Exeter, wbile tie faces, brightly trimmed hats,and frizzy a' a.3teer. tiI last Sunday morning, when he was over -
The matter was taken 'up aboUtL,three years the con-parison be rpasonably satisfactory _Re�. F. J. 'Oaten, of the Ashfield- air. leading his Jersey bull the other day,. hair, pop Oowol on one knee and'get seated, Get oot your pipes An' blaw w birr' come by a fainting spell while in his pew in
We'll dance the Hig
No one says our system is inCaDabl' of im. cuit of theMethodist church has had the et with a terrible a' the boys t � the riLrht side Lyirls . blaml fl:ng. 1, h. V; .4- V 1, L
acre b t he Ty; t- - I Q - e initlant-. f.ha to the left
UL k.,W oa ab, an I 9 I ez vt an a urch. X10 an re- provement. A system of. education, like degree of NJ. A, conferred 'on him. 1 the bull making a vicious attack upon him. The organlsoun�ds like a fine on� and the The miller Rab was fidgin' f ain, moved to the hospital on Monday, and his an amount suffioient for - the cree-tion of - a any other organism, must adapt -itself in -'There is talk of establiehing- another i The bull kn'ooked him� down and gored him choir is gobd. � Close by is the priest's fine Tze dance'tht, Highland fling his lan 3 strength rapidly failed until the -end came.
residence He lap, he danced wi'mIght and main, esuitable monument was. raised in sabscrip- some respeeDs to the changing. conditions -of large furniture factory in Witigharn by Mr. Iseveral times in the: body, breaking two 1,!and behind is the burial ground, The like was never seen, The deceased was born in Dundee, tland,
tions of five and ten cents, in hich the a people. Ot this the '-,universities of James A. Cline and.other-local capitalists. ribs and otherwise : injuring him. Mr. where every cross is inscribed in German. in 1835, and came to this countr with his' The church would do credit to a city.. It As round &boot the r;ng he whude, y Behool chldrat were permitted to -partici- Europe and America, here, the chanes are -While Using a jack-knife, the other Brock finally managed to.get'out of its way He cracire his thuiiibs and shake43 his duds parents when a lad of seven years. They
more clearly outlined, furnish -a strikin day�,.,Nlaster Percy Moffatt, of Stanley, ac. pate 9 and thereby escape urther injury, but it lips a congregation of two thousand and- The meal flew frie bis tail in elud4l settled in Varna, in the ounty of Huron, The monumen�t wait designed and keeps twolpriests busy. It was built around And blinded &` their cen.
ill tiatration, Science is -now supere6diug cidentally struck himself in the eye with ib, !will be some time before he recov;rs from and, on reaching manhood, Mr. Wanless
execated by Miss Mildred Peel, a Can ad i a n, largely the study of languages, and many seriotisly injuring the eye. his wounds. About year ago the late the old church'I the services being continued Oh, Allister, McAlister, etc." took control of the saw and grist mill of London. It is, too, the first public ebairsarenow established in modern uni- Over 800 people took advantage of the' lJohn Saunders was similarly treated by the until the now church was complete. tbere, which he managed successfully for
monument erected to a woman in Canada. versities for which, there, would have- been �'ast Huron Farmers' Institute excursion to same bbasb. ThewhQle place and surrounding country 0 some time. He then accepted the manage- Hensall ment of the Exeter woollen mills, and con-
gs, . Certain ma 0 most painful accident. befel Edward if there were any rotes. du-cted them until his removal to i0hathaw, -Saturday many other thin' tters are last week. jMiller's Pon, George A�iller, 9th concession, man P I fants in the LOCAL BRIEFS. -Mr. and Mrs. Paul D.
The monument was unveiled on no use 20 or -30 years ago. In school, as in the Model Farin, Guelph, on Thursday *f ! -A: German. Roman Catholic. We asked a Jazt, by Mrs, Ross. wife of the Premier of fundamental. Many thibgs may be taught -Mr. E. Bb8aeriberry, of Zurich, had a �Goderich township, w4ile engaged in 2ut- place at 411, and. he answered, Irish like, Bell, of the Zurich road, a mile west of Hen- about fourteen years ago, when he entered
Ontario, and the proceedings connected to advantage, but the e3sentia subjecte on streak of good luck Wt Parkhill races, on ting wood with a circular saw. W. Cole- that therel was just one, and he moved sall, on whose fine farm the dam is situated, the employ of the T.. H..Taylor Co., with- with the n, Hin which all e-ducation is based,'I'namely the Tuesday of last week. His- horse. Sidney had the machine at muork at 11n1A 0–n. away two 1years ago. Every man wo an hn� 1, I, 11 A
k ceremony were suitaule 0 where so any of our boys and ypung men -0 or," UUULLIeU ever since. and child will speak and nod to straDgers. three We, triust -have t6e fir;3t place. Given Pointer, took first money inthe2,:50 class, telon'a, the belt, flewoff the pulley on the have been privileged from year to year to Mr..Wavlese was a Liberal in politics, and'
and impressive. The mopument stands there eseentials, and trained te%chere, and and Pat captured first in the free-fer-all. aw and George, in endeavoring to replace As the first to do this were gay, #,young fel- enjoy bathing . , notwithstanding the many a consietent member and staunch supporter of
close to 'the handsome monument erected, a ou may adorn the schopl curriculum in, -John Mowatt, glove cutter at Chap- .'b, caught his ha Iowa, we thought them rather free and a inconvoniences suffered by the owne the Presbyterian church. He was highly nd just at the wrist, and
ra in the es few years ago by the Dcminion to commem. any way you chaose-wit�/dome4tic science man's glove factory, Wingham,' left on ike a fl%eb the 1 even trifle impudent but soon learned that t way of grain being tramped and gates left
t was ended teemed by the entire community. The
I bey
or legacies in agriculture, - -or contests in Thursday.of last week on a trip to Scotland. n a terrible mangled arm. It was at do t from cilrility and politeness. The open, have requested us to mention that, deceased leaves two gone and two daughter* orate the battle in which the valor of Brit. phyaiology, or whatever -suits your fancy., He will visit the Glasgow Exhibitioa and' me time thought the arm would school and nearly everything li�s a cross while they do not- wi L oh, for the present,, to to mourg'11iis lose : James, John aind Mrs,
on% made Lundy's Lane historic. Under -the The pupil's staff of life in to learn how to his former home in the old land.' t? be amputated, 'but he begged of the upon it. You'l not believe that anywhere Gilchrist, of Diduth; and Miss Aggie, of
having lea*rned that properly, be bought fror ave deprive comers of the privileges, they have
shadows of this monument rest the remain a read -Henry Oakes has n his �hysician to leave it for a while, and at th. near you is a spot with such a f4reign air, been eni eek days, they do most Buffalo. We may say that Mr.
is a matriculan' joying on w wanlese
of Mrs. Laura Secord and her husband, t of that, great university in brother I John of Winnipeg, Mtonitoba, the ime of writing it is doing as well as possi- ulhtil you see it.. It is easily getatablq'; strongly object to the dam being need on first start in business was in Piper7s ed4 Jam(s. ' And it is here where this last ar which the learned men of all the ages are .67 acre lot Atuated 6n the Maitland conces- 61e. better visit it. The little locality, or coloDYt Sabbath as a public bathing resort, and Goderich. He learned the woollen tnill
A the professors. Whatever we do let its not sion, Goderi(-h township, being the north 'I -A very happy event took place ou has kept itself as purely German as it wall respectfully request that ito use be discon-
business with the late Mr. Wm. Logan. He less pretentious monument has been erected. dilute the substantial elements of a good half of lot 50,, known as the Oakes farm. Tuesday afternoon of last -vvee-k, at 11 Hilly possible to do 'a young country with its tinued on Salibaths.-Miss Amy Murdock's the" leased BelVe woollen mil�-ftt "Hay-,
Mre. Secord died at the a . English education. with,, liquid preparations -Miss Tillie Well, of Zurich, who.has e of 93 years differ�nt olimaN and couditions. Long piano recital, on Monday evening last which he conducted for gome time, and
9 Home," the residence of Wm. Kinsman, 10th ughter, main ij�'taot and'indifferent to its Mr. James H. Cayne, president of the On. of bare -brained empiries.- been employed as stenographer," with the cionoession, Tuckaromith, when his dai "y it re Miller's opera hall, proved the most largely afterwards built a saw and shingle mill in
taria Historical Society, was chairman on Anderson Furniture Com'pany, of Wood. �ennett Ritchie, was mnited in. marriage smarter neighbors. But progress, or irnita- attended and one of t -he best yet i the same township. This was burned, and it
I 1q, took, has resigned her position and accept- with.John Whiteman, rho lives on the ad- tion, or new de�nands, or something Eays, given.
this occasion, and in h Editorial - Notes and Comments.., The selections given by her large class of was then he took control of the grist and -is address gave the :d one with bles'ers. Hart & Riddel, whole- joining farm. Rev. George Long performed not so, for here lare girls with Eton Coate pupils gave evidence of skilful inst saw mills in Varna. The other particulars as ruction follo,wing interesting description of the The Government have not lost any tim sale stationers, of Toronto. the cerement assisted by Rev. Mr. Irving, a and fashionable skirts, without tucks, and' and were much enjoyed by the audience as given by the Planet are quite accurfite.- achievements of this brave lady whoEe name in filling the viicanc� caused by the. death of '-On Monday of [a ' st week, M%ry F. Lead- fbrmbr pastor. The bride, who was prettily the lads, lote-of them have bicycler. he were also the short and interesting ad- mings, was sup- and fame were being perpetuated by the tile late Hon. A. S. Hardy. Mr. CharlIs J- sion 5, Grey, departed this lifenafter'a li 0 �L t U arguhar. er,' wife of Mr. Henr�y Batema. , of cone s. attir�d in white lace trim i bicycle will mean trip3 Out Of the colony, dresses of the Revds. G. Jewit a d J. .
13g- �, rt6d by her sister, �Emma; while John and we all know, that travellers bring back Henderson. The solos rendered by 'Mr.
ye o, ha b , ap. erin -illness -from lung trouble. Deceased raquair performed a like service .-for the n HONEST VALuE Tunomll AND THRouoH-
erection af the monument jst unveilej- He McCabe, a law 'r, of- Toront 4 a T dw ideas. Th old may adhere closely to David McGill, of Myth, and recently pro. �g
said pointed Chief Surrogate Clerk of" th e .ro- leaves a husband, who is, in poor health, and groom. The ceremony �ook place under a their well tried;nd not -found wanting pat- center of Carmel church, and - the violin Every inch of Silk and every inch of Drew It was 88 years am On Alonday next, vince. Mr. McCabe is.a Roman. a little son. torn, but the voong want a now one. e Seaforth, sell, handsome arch on the verandah. The little sel etions given by Miss Ethel Murdock, Goods The E. cFaul Co., -7-While pressing hay, on Thursday of last TvIisseo Haggeth, of Centralia, and Alexan. We bade go-od1b e with regret to the red I I Y tell's YOU that You have received that the battle of Beechwoods, or Beaver The election of Mr. R. L. Richardson, M week, Charles Bates,, of Goderich, got his d ef Staples, acted aimaids of honor, and geraniums, whicl� everybody haa iDabund- bolth called for encores, and added greatly value and likely savd money. They are not Dam, was fought,and it wi,3 S� years arfo leg caught in the feeder, and had it eve nee, o its cha�mirtg crooked streets, the to the evening's entertainment. -Master this evening tha,,,, according tj her stat . P., for Liagar, Manitoba, is being pr6te 8 rely Mr,, - Whiteman, of kippen, played the trying to see how much of your� money they e ed) Arnold Macarthur had the misfortune, on can get, but how Ii,
IS crushed from the knee to the toes, The vredding march. little river, to th fat old Germans smoking Friday afternoon last, while engaged play.
met, L&W a Sacord beceme posrc-ssed of in- and the evidence taken so far looks as i he tie. Let them sell you
formation as to Lhe plans of Lhe chief of t accident. is a moob severe one, but i1v 'I'S hoped -The following, is the legislative school their pipes of pe:ce in their blue doors, and ing with one of his companions, to
0 a aved, I so twist your Silks and - Muslins for the hot day he may have to walk the planik. It will th�6 lirnb can be 9 grant for 1.901 for the various municipalities all resolved to'; come a ai the 'first his collarbone that it was almost unknow.
UnitedStates, t4en at Niaara, to capture gain dresses. 10aattheir Store You find th6m-
the emall L"iftis pity if Mr. Richardson is unseated, as the -Oa Tuesday of laot'week thieve bb. ini the county : Ashfield, $343 ; Colbo*rne chance. No More delightful place than srtment of choice fabrics. 1750.1 h outpost under Lieutenant ingly broken. It 'was set the same evening
tained an entrance through a back window Formosa couldp'nexisib in leafy June, and, and no doubt in the course of a few weeks 'JOTS. -The farmers re now beginning to
Fitx(libbori at Da Cowa. The Americans by probabilities are he will not be elected 8-322 ; Goderich', $297 ; Grey, $418 ;4,-H&3,
right of might had established themelves again. -Although he isitoo ind - ependen� to into the sla'u(yhter house of Jamm Gordon & $383 ; Howick, $4 , 66 ; Ifullett, .8339 - Me- to some, its bea&y would be no legs in bril.
on, near thee' carding mills, ucknow, liant October, or the glorious Indian sum, it will be all right - again. -Miss Minnie cut their bay. The hay crop iseems to be
the home of the Secords, James 8ecord, be in hi and Killop, $3i3; Morris, $3�6 Stanley, $264 li favor with either parLy in Partia. Sheffer was in Parkhill' last week attend- fairly good this year. -Picnics and excur- b
the h-uaband, was on ment, he has developeA into o stole a lamb that had been killed and en, $4_63 T mer of Nove�ber� -P, D, patrol, lying sick, uoker�mith, $108; East ing the f uneral of her friend Miss G arden sions are now the order of the 4ay.-Mr. having been Nvouudcd at ueeriston Heihts, no of 'tile mPs dressed'a iliort time before. no .at useful member the Hoqge. West, Wawanosh, $238; The annual strawberry festival, held In Simon Campbell and his daughter, lirr. able and mo a W Tw a i of -in.g her duty as a patr I, -What might -have proved. a serious ac- nton the Realiz. iotic Canatd;an. it might no' be so comfortab r the patty odari $442 Seaforth, Bluevale skating rink on" Saturday afternoon and John Stewart, took a trip to Detroit I"t a t y cident happened to Wm. Flick, of Colborne, $29 ; er o s United I -np.ire Loy' ut it would be be' for I 7aph loop between evening last, under the auspices week, and spent a very enjoyable time. -A wife, a d%ught leaders, b �,,ng� v .8 tter 9 u� $26, Bayfield, §70 ; NOTI;-;. he �elegi
the other d4y. -her Blyth of the
er action was prompt, I re many more like While* lie andi': his brol, $,08, trus ii ref UgOe, b the countr if there we 96115 $1�51 ; Exeter, $227 ; Bitievale andi Gortie is com leted. A ga Ladies' Auxiliary Missionary Society of St. number from tbis,Vicinity attended the eir- 0; I 9 were hitchi6g a� colt in a gang -plow, it ran Heusall,, Irl I Wro et4r, $54. Separate of Fre' cYalaaffians put it up in two weekne. Poul's church, was largely attended and cue at Stratford, 'bi'i Friday last. The cirom him. co6rageoua and effective, and it has madNe; x
t away, dragging the -plow over him, He is fjo�ools- as follows : A hfield, $47 ; Hay, They I ive ir heir house car on the sidiag proved a success in every re3pect. The as also attended n famous for ever among women. tarting a London, on Monday from her home she proceeded by way cf St. �, At the Libbral convention for -Con' tre doing as w( ' )II as can�be expected. $42 Hullett, $11; McKillov, $14 ; Stephen, ab this statio i. and were driven to and from Henoall band was presenti and by some. -Many ret to learn of here she planged at once inty the Bruce, held t -A terrific hail -storm paased over Wing- rendered 19 tte 14 -J David's, WL a Glainnits, on Friday, Mr. ham and vi inity lubst Saturday afternoon 84i. West Wawanosb, '15 ; (.,'.oderich 857. their work. They carry th ir own cook.- splendid selections throughout the evening death of Dr. Irving, of St, Marys. He was denue underbrush of w Thla total grant to the bWc schools of Mr. Oaliley, 3hoemaker at Molesworth, has and earnea well merited admiratioirfor their - been first hat 'a still known to -Malcolm, the present member in the Liegis- It was'the c well known around here- having at worst of its kind ever seen th re, H�ron is $5,146 a, at to separate been over lookingrat the Phcp here with a rapid advancement since organization.- in Exeter and afterward ill
old settlers as the Black ,destruction with if.. 0 wamp. All th lature, declined re�nomination, and carried great ud M a in Kirkton, dar- hsurnmer's day, on June 23., froin. da and r'. The so ools, $1717. view to renting iti Since the removal of Alargenumber fromHensall and-vic i, Y' Stewart, of ng which time he became endeared to many.
break to moonlight, she traversed the deptlis Chealey, wAs 6e ut crops saffered severely, and general damaze -Mies Ella Howard, Exeter, and Mr. Alex. McGee to Belgrave, we are in need L ioity 2 a of the awam attended the Ringling Bros.' circus in Lon- by his genial mannir. A number of years was inflicted* Many windows in Wingliam A. 1J, MoTavish, of the �rless goods depart- of a shoemaker. -Mr. Harry Diment raised do'n on Monday last, and pronounce it the ago he removed to St. Marye, where he re- -P and forest alone, hungry, shoice. In olden times this constituency were.bro ken. me t of- J. If. Chapmau & Company, Lon. anaddition to his barn o' for the most parb of he way ra ' ed was strongly Liberal, but n Tuesday, assisted beat ever exhibited in London. -Mies Ids aided until his death. -Some of -our farmers' 99 in late' yeap i -On Wednesday 'of last week, at noon, don, were married Thurs and shoeless, and menaced at every step by became badly demoralized ay of last week in, by a large number, of friends and neighbors. Dick, who is� carrying on, y store took in the excursion to Guelph on Tuetday the fear of the deadly rattlesnake and wild by Patronts the portable saw mill owned by Mr. George the Main Street church. Exeter, the cere- -The world Is looking lovely just now.- at Durham, is home on a a milliner and although Patronism is- 'now deaod t Burrows, of Sheppardton, was diecovered to visit. -Mrs. Paul last-�-Miss Addie and aster Reginald mony being performed Qy Rev. Mr. Mill. Miss Mary and Mr. Fred Dowling, of Har. D. Bell has one of the larg'est and finest rose Turnbull entertained 'a - large number of anima,ls, the wildcat, the bear and the wolf, demoralization of party 'follow1ers.' has ot beonfire. Every. effort was made.by work- yara. The bride was assisted by hLer sister, riflton, and Miss Allie McDonald, of Michi. bushes we have seen. It contains kundredo friends on Monday. The time was taken men and kind neighbors to stay the ravages Miss E. Howard, and was attired in a Paris gan, visited at' Mr- Frank B. Scott's whose crier once cau3ed even her dauntless yet been entirely' cured, so that a cau'did&'!te 'y
t e
last of perfectly formed red roses. -The farmers up by playing games, flootb ILIand oiwingin a caurage to falter. This terrible journey of can scarcqly. tell just where he is at. The -,Of the fiery fland, but without avail. There gown of ailk Brussels net, richly trimmed weok.-Mieses Libbie and Oral McKee, -of in this section are busily engaged haying. All the guests -spent A Very enjoyable time* twenty miles the devoted woman. traversed Couservabives have taken oilt-a clever and was no insurance, and the whole is almost a w I th ailk applique, and carried a bouquet of alone, finding her way by inbtiuct trough strong man, in the Molesworth are -visiting at Mr. George The atop is good. -The dwel -Th-e ball on Friday ev ning, held in Yar- person of, Mr. Clark, totalloes. i h, of, St. M ling and two e the trackless forest and swampp rdses. Mr. Fred MeTav arys, MeDoDald's.--A farewell social ill be lots recently occupied by the late Mr. and ILi crossin, the editor of the Review. in Kiii6ardine �A pretty wedd took place at the supported the groom. A W qubar pub c hall, under the auspices of the Swollen torrent of Twelve -Mile Creek upon wedding repast given to Rev. D. Rogers and family on the Mrs. Alex. Buchanan, were sold by 'ublic football club, was well attended. -A large p if the Liberals are to hold the cons me of Andrew g gan, Wingham, at was served at the home oi the bridee par-. parsonage lawn, 'this (Friday) evelILD auction on T be'
91 ueoday last, to Mr. James Moir, nurn r attended the
a fallen tree, and af ter narro w-ly escaping by at the Pext election they will have to get 12:30 o31ock WednMg picnic under the so Utuen y h
�day of last week, when e0ti. Mr. and Mrs. McTavish received under the auepices of the Methodist choir. of Vaborne, who, we understand, It" pur- auspices of the Presbyterian Sabbathschoo,4 rare presence of mind the, tomahawk of sharp move on and put their best foot for. his daughter,. Miss Maryi. was married to m1aly beautiful preEents, including a set of -M ra. J. J.
f riendly Indians, who regarded her, ap- a ward. in. J. Farquilarson'in the pres6nee ot the Casemore and children, of chased it as a gift to his son-in-law and Kirkton, on Monday. They had:& splendid apy, she reatched. Da Ce-va, told her story to silver cutlery from their friends in Chap- Mauistique, Michigan, are visiting relatives daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. programme, and all- present, enjoyed them- leading relatives and friends of the con. maii& In the afternoon hey left on a wed. hereabout. -1k1r. Wm. and Miss Cora Mee- Airs, G. A. MaMorran, who waa home visit. selves. Lieutenant FitzGibbon and fainted. &ra. Colonel Leys, the e-ratic M' P. P, f . or- trao.tin- parties. -R D. Stewart,- -School section No. 2 will hold th'eir ev. A, E. Prior offici- din trip, to the east, and wi!l spend a few Per went to Ypsilanti, Michigan, on Satur- ing her mother, the late Mrs. William Bell 'Picnic in Mr. Thomas Hunkin's bush ,on 8ecard recovere& from the fatigue of her I 9 journey, and as the inscription on the monu London, a few weeks a o sent in his ated. day� at the - Pan-American. Exposition- in day last. Mr. Me .9 reaj seer returned on Monday, returned home to -Chicago on WedneEday Saturday. A good time is expected. -A nient indicates, was spared to see the colony naton of his seat, owing to* Some Ifanci d in -A very interesting event war Buffalo. They will reside in London. but Mies Cora wiH remain for several last. -The lecture given in the Methodist number of the Royal Templars of Temper- Trinity'church . , Belgrave, on %ednesday -At the June seseions in Goderich, last weeks. -The fare from - Bluevale to the 'church on Thursday evening Of last we k a a for which she had done so much, grow into disagreement with the Government," t of last week when Alias Ellen McCrea, e n e of this iliage attended the meeting at,
at Confeeeration beneath the flag she 0
subsequently tu'rned put that. the Colonel daughter f week, an at -Lion lit by Isaac Dav- Pay.Americani was only 82 on Wednesday under the auspices of the Dominion Tem. Varna on T V
a gre was broug 0 nesday of last week. loved so well." 0. McCrea, of Morris, wa4 idiob, (,f Wingham, against-, the corporation of last week, 1�ut nobody went. Our holi- peratice Alliance, was very wall attended. had acted with undue haste and -that there dnited in marriage to Dr, Albert Perdue, V. of the township of Howick, for damage3 day season ha 1 4 not.yet commenced. -A very Interesting and profitable addresses were -At the annual meeting of the' South -nown that ir S., of Clifford, The bride is a most p,)pular sustained by Davids �ugh being thrown unusually seNtere hailstorm visited this given by the Rev. J. B. McKillop, secre- Perth Farmers, institute held in St. arys it is n*w very generally was really no cause for disagreement, and on thr
and estimable young lady, and the groom is off big egg wagon andcoming in contact with. section on S turday afternoon last. It tary of the Louis Davia -will retire from Dominion the Colonel desired to' withdraw..mhis resi well and favorably known, having spent his timbers left unguarcled at the entran"ce to broke many windows in alliancetz and Rev. Hector, last- week, Mr. J. A. Donald was elected nation. He now fin Wingham and who is well known as the black knight.- president. and all the old directors were ds out, however, tha,t earlier days in that vicinity, but is now the Fordwich bridge, on the night of the 9th Turnberry, but had spenb its force before it A large"number of the members of Heneall -elected, except in Hibbert Mr. Dalrymple Politics,.to- take a seat on teuperior Court for zome reason this can not be done,'and it Bluev le, doing no dam% practisiDg his profession in Cliffo' of October, 1900. Verdi% was given for reached Oddfellows attended the district nieetin w as appointed in place of A. A. Colphouno rd. The here. re
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