HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-06-28, Page 34 TURE 11100101MM001=4 I I _,W . . . a � F . - ,_4R 44 t�ca mly. Tt � 11 ­ VFRO to go, I . .1 * rotaise tbat, it I t 1,r every pur- � ` �!-T.G.R-I,A. � I � ;:_ I's Cz . I :�w 67C. -T . . 'Wrippar. wamm .- . . . . I � I . � . . . � a � I . I ' ; I . . . I T,,HE -1.0 I 11 2-1 190 1 � i I -_ ____ � � . i ij INTE I I . III --- - I � ____ - - . -_ —_ . � I . I I - . . -_ I I - I 14 __ - I . .t. . - I 'A , � . _. , � � I A I , . " . � 1 7 RTUN-_- " I.-, . Seaforth Hillso Jlt­ THE ROSE OF LIFE. I .� � ,,MPORTANT NOTIOES. 1___. __ I " . _ , ., - . - ! _____ - I . I Q .. , 6 R E."A D Y . I BRITISH -' H V'� ; ' I I A WonlIan I n 11, I an c, I-: -V� ]I(-) Cn-1 A -Vee -__ .. - rr � I � -ed Into the prettlisce of The ro,ze,�p(,l,,, ia tile garden:', . I . - � - , , � . i . � _. STIUkY IjEIrER.- Str&3 ycung heifer. Owner "11*1:1* lk:il I ��Id?' . , I I - . I . /--ft . and 10_e6ite S-ylli-l�afay ,t '11rill, I I Ic I ., . � th� undersigned, a ' I . '. , I , '� I * 1� I .", - -1 ­­ I I I I and take Tlip %:i IT of sl�N :00ve me I , - '� . . "Do you Fcp tll,il, ,,vtw.,in in black Mt- - I r.sigmed having purebased. from E , . � . - soon as you Are � __ -all, prove pr ,rty, pixy expenses. . . . The unde 01' "N - plew C 11 R. 0 V1.11 LOCK, 'Seaforth. 1748X3 14 l"_. alt I ;!1_14, : �.� - � I . . I till- therc?" �.,;:Iid a rn;1r():,.41,dv(v(.0ve. As - � I . her fvwft� - —.-- ­ - � * . V; . i n . - ! Lbe Ogilvie Milling Company, of Montreal, - ­ __ - ---..,. �- ­- I ­ Tile hu,7,tA tl,.,:-t) cf illy Ileart ' .­ - k I , � "Well, she l)(�,:.-.o.;",v.S tho 1-:11-f. gil't of be- I .. � m - - I . _"" I ; I I I ' Gool) CHANCE. -The comfortable cottage On Y 1.,I I I tl`� mull'�; g,bld; . " , . . I . tintm-Mly and at Nvill. You never have to IvAit for the -fire I 11, ; the well-known - Street Wott, rccently owned by Mr. , . , � 1. ': - ! ing able to Cr , A (,oderich Ti.v t�,:,v -,11mJ --is till nuon ­­ okiDr, 'or bakincy-if - I I - t on r-eAsonable tel M3 Or Will � . " �,, � "l , .. "If she S(, S a group or ,.voii (jrP5I wheil" you 0 0 , III I"y 11, � & �,;,. - � , .10�0 blil:_11, is to ren .. ­d,�7)!old_ I . I .N-: -�. . � I . � , - �1. �, ... be sold if licterr(d. It II all conventencea and 0 llva!�IYJ 1,,�%',, and wissIcIlly � f , ...,,�, � . mi tition waiLing for a train, you have I . I Seaforth Flour Mills, in 900 repair, Stab!k- accomniodRUOU cam be . , . � ._�,�,, - =-- I . . %1`1th it it desired. _Ap'ply to NVM. COPIY, And lovo I "olow., � -.: *.,.,, 1A .. She'll sit or riall(I Very Ilu"Ir them ,Ind __ 11 .1 given, . '. ..:,:11'k, . 1749-tf --yrt -6nnu', r(-](,,t,g(! my II . � - � -'j . . I I bn 'St Wit CI -3111`- Of emirse her ird,liclry � . 9 11 - Are now prepared to do all kinds of seaforth I � , ,."",J,! . ` I - . I . - (1f- I 3 E.i,r,i1;g2 %�Oo. " � �.i..-t.� . ,� '�, wi I attl,-,Ict tiltention, and -some uiall Ivill Gurney s . I � 17 1� . . ­ - :_ I � . I . I-A,CIII,,g WANTED --One holding , tlod . . - ­­, .. � . Surely collie to lieu relief. The story is I . - ,_ �_, for School section No 10., Tlien ,I Wind; Older tban Time, , ., .- , � �, - - % I T, cji)ss, cert, r- -ate, at she has ho niolill,',' to bily a ticket to � gp?fl Custom Work I !p of C�rvy, Huron Count),. Duties to Wiser Ifiari slei;[), . .,.'Il. i ( th I Imperial � I � � TownFill Ayp'lloations received up ; ,;! � . I * 6 get to her dlying (lau-11ter in the next . . i cOn,lt 0,)ce alt,,,r vacation. i I Answered: "The %('1101c W011d'19 601'rON r I I z:1 " I .,. . Y,� " 16tb, Apply personally if po!slble to IVAI, � - � , � I I I . It is tt cominon thing for nien to . .� I . , -T ''I, � , to w n., - - ,�� ? '. .., T� . . . TO WHICH .. . . . to julv Is 3ouri to 4cep, . " ,., I, . (? I - ,�­ : ­� I :'�A !,�11� . '. . , � -1 J11 - 1: - - Cranbrook. 17403 t"I ! � ; - - 11, . �11!1� ­ l,t'TjI',RY, St.cr,tary, Its (Inric desconds upon you '. , . � �; . I 1, , ", . give lior a few dollars promptly and nev - - ­ . , 11 , 1, 1� , i I , - __ ay's IJ_;h iio0n; ., N,,I-;,. '. I It Oxford - � I I �­ . �. I , I � . At d, er nslcl,.ally q�jestiojls. She has a variety . I �' Special Attention will be . � I --iTRAY CAI VES.-Strsyed from tile under- . �1! . . I I its pallor -1s.whitching about you -,,- 164"I I ��j I * , P I 17�ies to �(!Il. I thitilc sho is the most .; -ct 18, Cancessloa 14, -Ifullett, on or . " , of sto I ___ ­ �11W _. . 4 ,� ."', -11 Given. , . ­ - S si-ned, L , P'jay' 4th, ft,ur yearling calvei, dehornt-d, From every moon. . . 1� - about , . ��, � successful beggar, I know. . . - � U. . . - The cl - f - . witfi a clip in the end of the right ear. Color -one -ies of.,tr thousand lovers, . �, I TR' OP OIL "Crying at will 'is something I don't Range �r White heifer. one red heifer, one grs� better and one A thowand slain, . .,.I �( � . ' . _. . �,v . ' - I The very best quality of Flour given in - � rtd steer. Finder will be suitably rewarded. JNO. Tile tears ofall ilip forgotten I . underhFUnid. I bave seen counterfeit cries It can be sc ouickly an(I easily regulated that it meLts all requirements on SANDERSON,', Slyth P, O., 0 1 ntAri,3. 176OX4 Wbo kiss -e -d in vain,,j . L NIMENT I galore on the stap . , bilt this womflu's cry � axchange for wheat. . I � . . .. � . Arid tile jounieying years that1iave vanished � � I I I is much nearer the real thing. No, she shorteat notice, and. as Eoon as you are through ou can !check the fire "Instantly, Chopping of all kinds done on the short, - I I FOR SALE. - Have left on you - � I � 11 FOR does uot hold a li I andkerchief to Ler eyes a y eat notice. Priee,.five eents per bag. I . I - - I - - 0 FABMtRS -For We, A g . ood hay loader, The ,witness, eadi ' of its . pn4n, !, ­- I I at all. She just�kceps her face well up .so that no beat o,i fuel is wasted when not required. The beat brands of Flour always ;'n hand, . I Ancient, �vt,jt I)CW. I .!:� � Sptainsp Stra Cuts, Toundst Ulcerst -'and sobs freely, � her tears rolling down I . _� I - and will be delivered in any part of the I T irgerEoll ma�,e. The owner has no further So many lives you have.1kyed; , r 1. C)p&n $ore44 Br ,iis"# Stiff joint$, Bites and her cheeks that 411 may see them. She . town free of zbarge. . use for IL Apply to GEORGE CHESNEY, Sea. So many a star" 1� The hi best price in cash - � .�l � I rl� - I I Cougfis� Colds, Contracted " * I ' r t h 11 1760-2 ­ _ paid ,for :all z forth. Ilath j,ecred in .tile signs to make you , ;1� jq cry anywhereh. - . __ . Stings'pf Insectl ? "Vve seen that woman stop on tho Sold- by SILLS & MURIDIE, Seafo * kinds of grain. I - . The wonder )ou,nrel I .i I - i IMOATS FOR SALE. -The hav on 25 - Cords�jfteumadsmt Neuralgia, Bronchit near wherc- threo men were - . Feed of all kinds constantly on band, v . nI 7j acres of oats, adjoi;iing the And OIS IS tile pricc! of your beauty: I" � UP , d�walk ' . � I I ' " - I I soul Is thrt;nged I �. . , a I ( I tjo, are Cff ared to: tiale. fhe orop Is Your wild - - . Croup; Sort I hroat? QllinSty, � Whooping :t d ing and sob as if her. heart would The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited, Toronto, Winnipeg, I With tile ,mns of joy unfulfilled I �, '. f ,d what - . 4CO(l. For further particu!ars apply to F. S. SCOTT, pba.lit � I . aftj all 11ainful Sweffings. � br ah. When one of the men nsl�c i The SeaforthAliffing Co. � - 1749x2 It Wronged, -0 cough Vancouver. � jjjua:v*s, or MRS, SAGE, Seaforlb. . That benuty 1 -at � I , I tll� l,natter was, she replied she lived 20 � � . . im . - . With tile p�ngs of all secret betrayal#, , ' 1 ' I ni'll I purse. The I I - FOR SALE- The ghof-ts of desire, , I � .,I - . �es away il.nd bad lost her I ,AVALUABLE 200 ACHE FARM -1 - A LARGE BOTTLE, 25c. I — . � in Wawanosb, Iluron county; 160 aorcS .The bite of old flanle,and the clilll- I . three me a h dollar and -a half - .. . . t)cIcared ; balance gcod bush ; vtoll fenecd ; in good . , r anil ask.ed no questions. How STORE UNDER THE f3tato of cultivation ; 2 acres orchard -, wcdern barn, Of . tile a.sites' of tire." , in a jiff5 - ,n like that I I . I I . ttone, stabling, A,Ld other outbuildinge; good -chirles 0. D. Roberts in Century, often in a day she does a tui . I I - . houct. ; a de6iraly'e property , school at corner of I 61 L ESPIE' S don't know. . � I � I TOWER. ! ' , ' - I lot; two and a hAlf m lee 1(om Aub.irrl, u front I "She does her trick so arti-itiCallY th"t . . I READING NOVELS AS WORK. � 1119 , '7--,dlp% ; td I � 1113 th station ; inspuc.tion . im ited. ApPly to ,. . we, llate to turn. the fraud doAvIl. One I - �tjos. f3ROW14, Auburn, Ort. JI i - I _. I 1.� -- :� - W -d 0 0-� ". Vive Hundred 11annserl.vis a year - I 0 . —, . I I � . .;HA NES& ti�e I did interfere in tho front of a bo- - 0 . , � Abont nix verage IFor One Ilkan. . . . tel, but the five men she had erleo to Sim- . . P I . , � - - AR51 LANDS FOR SALE. -The (�,ecutors of the -it I , . . I I 0 � 0 A 0 0 - v,tat-_ c I the late Christopher T. Date, have the � (I Inc . F Five blllldr�'d Ilovels a -year is a record ply gave me a stony stare and wave . - . I I '# > 0 PD ,-,, M . Z tol�r,�% ir g farin liands for sale, bud v Ifloh they will , -harness shop to my off as they handed . her a few sionall bills. ' ricafy!e-ItI5,�iz: L--t.LNo.2 for one man'S reading, but that is aborlt ---I have reiI my �, . t'� t.A 0 0 (D tul[ rta,s,(ltatJN' aDd o I I own store, ONE DOOR NORTH OF THE ., A t-4 --t Cn I aw I � � in f , vie let col,;v(shion, Hulle t Township, Lot No. tllo utilliber that'0110 of the regular read- .. POST OFFICE, where I will be pleased to They wouldn't bear wy story and s*wal- 11 1. c-1 CD 11 i lowed her tears of woo as a trout jumps , � I I 0 ::� �;: � - - ors of a large publishill" bobse in Ithis . C ,;Irith,i(thCcz,!--(4.,Qion,HulltttTownBliip. LotNo. I I 1, f-11 :� )... I I:) ill tj j- 6th C.011C(lftf0l), H111ICtt Zowngbip. Lot meet. all, my old customers and many new at a fly. I guess those men would lq1ther e!i ,.\*a. ,I ill th... 7th Cencession, flullett Town5hip, Lot city IjjajjagC.,4'to exanilhe aUnUallY. Whis . * I �d , 0 �t ;r ones, - I I feel they'd helped a poor WoMfln. thill) be- � * Cn P. �-. co No, it',, in the 'ith Con(egsion, Ilullett Township, cxtinljIj,,Itj()II !Ij no 's,liperficial revieNO, Ci- � . I I . Ong =_ - . Lf�t Nv 10 in tt-c 8I,h Concest3len, Ilul!ett Town- tllc,,,, bl,.,, olle J11,1L gives a tbOrough lievo there !was such a fraud. Tha t's t .4 o P , the I � VId arness is . r" t4 0 ,P I -11,11 111c6eff-Tioseciltairiloo gcre8 cach,aW are Gillespie's H__ he� go. ,�, 'I 5 t:T- � tv - kiio%vled­v -of th0 Pirit, stY10 and geueyal - . why I lot .1 ',, I � Mk-4ft ulars � % "No, I an� sure she uties no onion or ,,,4r,'% all act.ded to grass. For further 1)3,rii,7 % I CD � �,nd ' to the Exeiutora or to F, Ch,iI i.,;tics of tho niallusCrIJA, for .the ­ be t Harness. . . - - I i 0 tv t'.1 'Z� 0 W t,-rrrs appl� I'MIOL"8 (lj)ilflt)u' CC each . 1pt is I . otbor punge t odors to c,illso tier tenrs. ( I - W� LR" I Win (,.tvd, &q , Staforth. JIZ, ROSANNA nianuser - - i _-12-.7 A 0 M 1)-kI.l-,, JoHN �. DALE, CHRISTOPHER J. DALE, I I � e,'. ready on tap �� ;� 1-4 9 P - 11-1-ittel) (311t ,-Ind file(I nNI-tty for reference. ets, Rob6s Her tear gl f- 0 td J-. 0 . I I So M a. �, -,-- �� I , �, F.%.-cutora. i A full stock of Horse Blank and never lippeav to be vinlity. . ; 11 .�_r -, cr, 0 0 Z t� "' ont, � -nis h( -o has nearly 90 I . , l'� CD �_. C -t- . Pated at Sca!oi',h, thI318(h day of June, 1101. - . (.,f the olfler fii -I Sleigh Bells, Trunks, &c. - -- , a doctor ,about it, and lie " I - Jill@ r� 0 O -Q cl- . 1-750-1- botiti(I y()luincs of I.-Vader.3' opinions, wiLb _�_ days ago I a�keil � �"- 1', = - I C-1 Cn CD =­_ about -100 Opinions in CaQh_-1.oluMv. Per- - couldn't explain it more than to SI1Y that ; I 0 P rJ1 )­� : � Prices right nd Eatisfaction guaranteed. practice ulafies perfect and that the tear . 11. _�' . . - � FOR 0 cl- )--� Qn AUCTIONEERS. haps 40 out of tllv 400 fIr0 about books - (,, a cIffl and we will please you, � I I I � -, � , - t -f M . . - �, Tive .us oped the Same 111S � CD 0 0 1 . ­ - - - _____._ ' , gl.,III(js Could Ile d (., Y c I - I I I - 0 �- 5 . which linvp been published. Of the other _o�,_ ,_ � . delight your hcrae, eatiefy your purse. n body. F �j C..,. � )� PD TliumAs IWOWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the ,, ,t, -,v Iii,ny have been brought out 111)y other portion of the 1111iija -��;,� - Pr r-;, Ill 5 - go 1, -11 I Countieo of Hurob and Perth. Orders Ieft at "60 Some f 0 ir-YRepa-iring a Specialty, . have promised -to show. hill, tile wonian I :�;�- * - MA_ . A. bl. Campbvll'o implement wareroonis, Scalorl;h, or t)y OtlIL:I' 1111bli.1.11ill- 131011.1ses, but most of I I i �__11 1,_1_1 CHILDREN AND ADULTS 0 CD P �:;, ,W. � some thne." ��'? �, co co . i .� 'Dip hx pom rt it C ffice, will reeeive prow. pt attention. th(qu jv(q.e I-ettirtioll to ibeir authors, uov- I �� - ;> �-d -0 in ct- i - ,,�, .1 - 17' C3 tf I . JAMES O'LLESPIE, Seaforth, ", -1 et , . ,,.,tidf&otiorj gun.rantetcl or no charg,�- 1: a let -. . Pa Lo- . , t-, �t � I Cr to .,P[""ar 11 'Rlfl. . i �� ,; � CU�ES )-a :: " , - �. L:CjIo.NEERING._B. S. Phillipa, Liocansed reador wiil look o�er at 10-11st ' One Door N)R! ff, of the Poet Office. AN A ISTOCRATIC PRISON. I " 'et . . 0 81 q '. � � A -ood � . . . 0 C -t- � r.! )"re .- , I I . i718 tf I — I . 0 1=j 6 . 11 . . . Auctioneer for the countle3 of 11-aron and fn�;[ � I 1) 4 - � -- uw!1w.�01-iotj in,a day tllpt ly,gine Ct� . - . I . I A - --- - 5 , � - I Insti I a France For the Care 't I Diarrhma, Dysentery, Cholera 4 0 �. 0 - . i T � �; I -r �nd t !:trougbly 3 o c I o (Th-, ',� I'71 '* 6' e 1; MQ ' f-401 :1 Vertb. Being a plactic I firruc 6 . 12 0 a II (I (, [I 01,� ,ii t 11 - . soly, j �p I tutlo 9 %0 0 _14 1, Imulen-tanding the vidue of farm stack d Imple- le is a x"ish of �vorl,, -will got I of uIng iticii offenders. . Cramps, Colic, Cholera Infaritum, P -ft 0 CD _"W 0 . � I ri ez,tv, I,Iae(,- nye In a be'ter posI to r� iza good VVII," il',( Y * I::Yj P-0 a , . , � priece. Chargee niod *rate. Hati6faction aranbeed through twiCC tfill.'t ntimber. Most Of the Bincer. Twine Under th innocent loohing title "La . IWIddall. W - . 14, 1 �� Cholera Morbus, Summer Com �71 9" td � . . i or no ptky. AH crdere leth at Hansa!l pc -t ,411,�,) or publi;,!"in" not Loci) mana- )LIni'son V�terue]IC" there P.xi.';ts in 11 � � W-.-: I 0 im . I - i - 0 bnw�ps do, - � ., 0 CD - t - I.Lt .8, Cer;-ceetion -2, Hay, %kill b'3 prorlip-'ly " -1 I , . � - ..... I. ,�,,, ­... - � - 0 � , - , )-I 0 0 �.Q , '. I .1 t �,,riljt3 jj-jul-c� (.�.ajj two weeliq before de- France whit might be briefly desigriate,1 . " 4_� pla,int and- all Fluxes of the, M i �\\. ��. , .. . - ,� i 7 , 4 -.1 " f I = � I % : S; P 4r Un ..�. - i . , , ' Bowels. l`_ Ctended to, 1709-tt, I , SE ASON 1901 . � �� I 11 I , -.- eldill- C111 i,(Auruln, them. if p9sSible, ___ as an autho rized al-Istocuatic pri:.,on for . �, ` 1 \17 . I _;.�:-�' Iv.13 foull(led by ,a v �V�w They fri.4-li ,,I v,,fluable charge inil have �-, twine Eupplied to juvenile Orf� liders. It 11 I 0 0 M " . r . - . " FARINIERS' E ECIAL `Vr.(!e ,S� "'51., . i �_,�, i � . - P 1_� - _!L - to be luoked mit- for CarCfLl11Y,-hl1d !D' Faiwers Oi,ly-at Ec. ycr :b, in tvo.bushel, cotton'; 'I De Metz, a man doq)- 7-., " IF ,.+, (D cl- I STOCK FOR -SERV10F. legal 1131111DArY, NL . . i 1�,l .. . HAS BEEN IN USE FOR, 06 4 11 . 11 N � CD �,�, : q 11 CII of Ij)FS the III)IIsher is Sometimes 16 0 n tage, b(und w;th tq o rope enap halters, I interested in the training -flud well"LL-0 . *­. I :::� �q +-i- ,- 1) , - y . I . . PV - , I BBEEDERS.-Our 1,-Jiortborn-Bulf, Z Pai .�. HA �_J. (D 0 -1 j r 0 STCCK and I ligunL, CO'llp. (acb, length over 600 (cet yor (V LF A CENTURY. 0 = I I - 1).�ruictllarly if the, receipt of the of the youll- 'with a Tiew to cIICCUII� thI3 - H 0 New year's Gift, has becii reinoved'Hoin-Mr. A liable, - " I ... � .11 ft - r. pound, t ua!ity D,d hrgth guaralatecd, CiEh%ith 1`__ I . . - . 8 of the unders'gued, where � owledge�l. At crdere i;ureh.iEci pays freight. gro�ving SL)7il'it of insubordintitiou to 'LLI- C ) I .1 i ,;. Swillie'o to the promise lilt,n tisci i pt has been acku - dp*- i k ne will b2 kept until further notice in these 6tIum"b. jej,,q f(,jIu* or fj�,� . o1q. of cy,ery bundr dd epe oiden J. Ti GILM,C)UR, Wartitu, Central thority, both at ho P I,- - 0 P i 1 Z4 c MES . �`. 0 PoNd 1. _S 173G-tf _ ed ,A Ir me and at school. Harmdess, Reliable, Effectual, and " , , = - -, -� I CIIAVYA:N� . ' PrIEon, Teronto. Further patticuli)rs address JAI pecially marked ill . or ..-* _. - ' ' ijc-d �y the XC�NC,­, jLsp(etol, paIi!,,.rrc-i.t Bui'dings, Torcnto. should be in every home. CrQ , ,I � ll,,�III,,-.--Cj- I,IS which are 'decli which had become Is W 0 1111� � - � 11 I I . .N %& P .(D � � I ,,I I- 1� ! J. R. STRATTON, the liigbest�ranks Qf Society in Frutice. Ili - -. C;1 0 �­,_ -)lG,4 FOR SERVICE. -The undersigced will ke,q) l)ulj1k,h(1r e Je.ft ,in the hands 0 . ' n . - I !1� __1, 11 . PIONli"lill SLOre"rY- One of lutary elements h : 1'� 0 ��- I . ; � I for eervlc(� on Lct 20, 0onatesion 9, McKillcl), 110LU,e 11Y the.fitithor.. They are careftilly Toronto, June ,Qtb,',DCI. I 17110-3- , �he most -,I � . . ' f - � - the last nine years and ��. W cl- 00- � . i ,-no thor-. u,,hl,,red Tan,worth and one thoroutghb., ed . 111' i itution is the alb- family for [)tit ,I�v,l ,,jud after a certain,Dumber of - jlIjc schem of t S IDSt SURE REMEDY. . ,., �;: 0 - ,� I Yorkshire'tioar. TermE­$1.00 at the time of service, 74 ' . I - . . - �Mr. F. Churchill, I sCornell, 0 would-n'ot be without it." I A)L 0 t---1 �� W = -1 I _.. - . 1 privilege of returning.:� $1.150 it charged. years, if no. one (;laims them, are dc�_ . solute secl-ecy 1,vhicli is maintained 11) nt. . Ct- rt, r�� a N� i; h . 1, - . t the exact loc,ilitY Of 1 9 rA 0 , I ,RVICE AT YOUR b h ; " P� Ln - 4 ARTI1 1739-13 s . � r . W UEL G.%,LBRAITIT. stroyed. . . TELEPHON11 SF France. -reetion �-J. . . awhile an author i4closes a $5. . � I 0 Lind the nanies W ACTION WONDERFUL. pli :3 W 0 0 � -- � Oaco In RE'SIDENC E � . . this llorlse�ofasoLo rites : "We have used Dr. i 10E. -Tha underAzne� will , I 'e. On an ele. Fowler's ExtraCt of Wild Straw- ,-, 0 P., W -"ho are sent thel 4M 4 BULL FOR SEFLV bill with the .object of propitiating the , . of those . I I . .Mrs.'W. Varner, New Germany, a Im I.- - 0 1 he(p for Eervice on L -,%t 11, Co-, ce�jion 9, ' � . -worry v , , ,ire berry in the home and always find -14 pS = .� �:h CD it, thu thotoughbred American regit.tered I-eader, for th'ere sc�ms'to be a. wide- ! is sort of inburance against I ,lt(.,fl, soliewbat.,b, , traU Of country N.S., writes : " I have great con - 1111,11 ' I gencies. The prem- es'or. Tours stands a I Ord bill], KrugrrJ0698t, to 'Ahich a limited SI.,read .sL,pposition aulong a certain class and grave enier� -%vithin a few I'll �­. P � Herc'f7 . � -e remedy for dysenterv." 1-1 ,� it a su, . elt. I L :e �akeo. Terms Sl.c�15 payable 17 -en �' ium is a very Emall fraction of your 0 -vn S fidence in Dr. Fowler's Extract of C1 01 - 1:1, 0 - 0 - - pm�_ , .� ber of cows will b -e, , all brol, larg k� I Z..e4 M ­ , num of atithors tbat the I aders a c .,c quaUrangular building knoi a - - 0 - � -an 902, AW6 for Ea!e at any tinia 3,OuDZ 'ineu Who A La Coloni Agricole, which is. a govern- � . .ry for vario rA 1--d I 0 CD 4 � j ry Lst,, 1( ,k uS diS- �:F, in . W 1111 r -d atod down and nnsucces.sful literary ordinary household expenses. : Wild Strawber - Ilerefo K, E. L. FARNIIA.M. 1745.0 I � �-� 10 '. .1 - . ---,."---------------------�-.-- dislike to see ailY'ODG succeed when tlle�y the Local Managerfor terme. ment (,stal)lisliment, and behind the chap- � USED 9 YEARS.. eases in old and young. My little 01 0 0 I= �- - � - � 0 PIG RREEDF-11S.-The underi3igned will kee have failed. If be does .not send tin in- I . . y e!, whicb is situated in the center of tho I - cl- CD I . p hwood, Ont., boy had a severe attack of summer PD :� ,.-. -14 'oil Lot 26, Concession 6., L. R. S., Tuckersni'th, U THE BELL TELEPHONE CO2NIPAN Wert fron I"a 'Milisou Paterou'lle Is Cut)- I Mrs. Jones, Nort N-. P I . I T closmue, the author is apt to Sc d a 10119 r . __ , complaint and I could get nothing ts 0) 1` M rD thoroughbred TA.NiI Pxa,al: F CANADA. niii-ly con,cealed. . I I My baby, ei-bt months . C11- ?"'.1 A limited Dunaher of sows will letter C-.vplainlilg that I . , , 27 t' Be a thorough- 0 �1 I writes : . . h�lr d YoRK5ulR'H PIG. Ct, L the story',is "found- It is a 1I-ectangular, two storied btlil,l- ol � d was very bad with' dysentery. to help him until I'gave him Straw- A PS 4� 0 s= t .,I - !"'Idmittei to each. Terms, $1, payable at the birne ed on f a " ; or the experiences of the ebapel, I ,A -C� tz a& - JAMES GEMMILL. it berr . The action of -this remed . 0 (D CrQ , of survloe, or $1.60 if obarg z ed. 1608-52 - writer's grouldfather, or that be has a I To the public of Seaforth Ing adjoi �ing tI e east end of the NY e gave her Dr. Fowl e r'.�- Extract Y Y , 0 14 >1 44 or � I lar,e nuniber of . friends alld i-clatives' . and the n � irst thin." that MeOts of Wild Strawberry and it saved was wonderful and soon had him P3 0 CD 0 11,- I - - __ � . n and surrounding COUntry upon ent -ing Is a huge board bearing thn � � Pda 4 W (D 0 IM ,Ind assilre it a large sale, . . I I . oerfeAlv well." )- - --cl �_� 0 xvlio ,kvill buy , . I her life. -We have used it ill our 13 PY , - � I � �, -_ - ]i e literary editor of I . __ , . ominousv�,or(j "Silence." The ground 1. ;D., CD - � _�­s7j�:­.�*-_ ­;fL,�-�f--f js� f riend, th . . -_ " I- �7 ,,.,,�i '.1 . L'�. *,- - find that I . - the. local journal, Will g!Te it a- 111aguffi- floor is o-cupi risonlike cells and I CD " (D 0 — m HAVING r(;1RCI­IARED____..mw1& . contains rather I . . I ps " t.tj Pa ,_�, . I � _ . cent review, or that the author's friends . offic f e upper 0 . $ C, M, . 1 4% , ,, . I N!1:11 . smaller culls and is surrounded by a -at- Ism I N. .. have all pronounced it infinitely betLer FW 5 W "0106 . �, � - ;,- - _ . . " . The .11cat Business II communicflt�jon � , ''L I __i:� - - - . lery which Sh"N Off R N P1 0- td r:7" 1 � � _,;�."_, __ -, I than most Of the novels published. S na'ps so CD . __ ..- - . __ I . . with the g,round floor. I 0 Red. Hot ' - 0 CD = � - I . It is ou'ly ini.nitc, experience which can . Formerly condticted' by . '%'Vlipn a boy or a young man under age � I - CID W , 'V a ; i - I . Our direct connections will save You teach a man tO� kl'O-%v 010 Pilblic taste, � T. 'R. F. - CA�E & CO. �,__ becomes inveterately idle, refractory or. I . — . . t1ine and money for all points. and it tal,es a ,great inany qualities be- I ' 6i . +4.-+-.t-,.-+-.L-.Uno--Or.l-+-Ie-t.-++.,.--.%-.%J.-.%-.L-I-i"- � � . f � � I . I n to businees and diss! , his parents or gnardialis C1,111 i- . er has I trust, by Btrict attentio patee. ' - - I � Sides literary perception. A read supplViug a f �rst cla2p at ticle at a reas6nable obtain .t,h(! coDsent of a' magistrate, wbich Fifty ends Table Linen, twe-and-a-half yaids in each, 50c an end. . 1 4 , , , I � ''. " P___ I ... Canadian North West to be ji'ot only 4 Critic, but also sonicthilig - I .- I � �, .. , price, to merit the- patronage bestowed On is somedines SeC011ded by that ,of a nied- I ..�... I _. ecasts of ,t o 1yeath- . . � ,� het. Thp. for b rints at 5c a yard. I � ��' of a prop -i c, Iladian P t , . � �� . Vie, Toronto or Chicago, repared the late firm. . ical Inall, and after certain papers Ilav0 FoAy pieces Amei an and Ca I ,; � 1: � [.�_ - I . cl _ I er bureau ILYC Dot more carefully p [_ .� I . Rrltiolh Columbia and 0alifomia" been sl-n�d a INt-Of (ItlestI013.8 ITIRtilig 10 I I --. -J, 94 . — f likely to bc wrong -than .111-0 the M . - or more . 'Will pay the highest )narket price for the J)Oy1S e4cation and present or past Twenty-eiglit pieces of American D,mities at 9c a yard. I 1, � . points. . . - � I I . e have th of those nieu NV110 try to f0uctCll dressed poultry, good hide2, F-kins Eind tal. peculiaritie . -4 ; _ I em opinions . �s i's fille(l up by the parelit.5, ft . �i_ Our rates are the low'88t. W the 'public will likC.- this country double -fold Dress Goods, black and colored, worth � I .. � � � I - what boo,k ow. -it,' who in Twenty-five pieces of h - find tile culpt - a I t and PULLMAN TOUR I - :� i I suit everybody . I . . � I I - � � I I � I __ cked into shape in a bealtliv, . � . I � CARS for your accommodation. call . � I . I would be li 9, a- c out to 12�c a yard. - i I - _8T , outdoor fftshion, is solemnly banded ov�,r ' I - . . . . . i� - for further information. PrivileffC. LES, Seaforths � � . -1 - `%i;;1htcaP - .. - - IF119 I . �i Atz E - - .... � - � . - �, ,­ I I 1� -RaflwaY. Amon- the lilanY straD90 P1 .Z� - -, , ; � rivil(,�-es FRED A to the pn cuMnI care of Monsieur 10 (111-Oc- Ten dozen Summer Corsets to be sold at 29c a pair. ,,,,,, - I 'j . .- . . Grand Trunk C, . 1719-tf ' . I ;,--. . �- orth anzi Clinton 8t%tlOu3 at ' English sovereigns to �tbeic teur. I .. I wt� - 't Trains leave Seal . fruflilted by . . The mlin feftture In the treatment is Fifteen doze Ladies' Fast Black Cotten Hose at 5c a pair. I .�W ; z i � n � I I . I - - . - . ollows .. SHAFORTIT. I CLC;TDX subjeeLs probably tile -most remarkoble . solitary,'confinement dIll-ing i Ilea rcera ti "ll, I � - *_/ __ .. � _4011(o WR-ir- End of . . �. -1 � 12.55 P_ v Nvas the I)CI-Illission given to the NIT . - must o 'at 15c a .. i ­. 12.40 P. rd. FU URE . be it long dr short. Three mouths is thO Ten pieces Black Silk La'ce, 12 inches wide, 'Worth 50ci- 9 I -, I - Prusgen,1-1 .......... 10. 12 P. M - 10.217 P. R. Susscx by Queen ';Nlary to NV0,11' his uight- .� I 1, ; �__ I P%8st10X11r_. .. .. 119.16 A� Af Ile so Ivisli- ­ . I . usual flTie, but cansPs ll."rc been liooivn . I -, - . 7 54 rd, . I , - 4- i 1, - 9.20 A. &f. , I i � .; Mixed Tra.m.. . . - - " Ya . � . c,,p, or even tNv6 nighLealM, if - 6.15 P. m. - I. Vi P. 54 in whichl it has been exten(led to one or � !:�f:i, ,;� . - . , -f � . - .. , .. - - I 4-I!, . . Tdixed TriLin ...... . - I 1. _. I - I 21 _. I ed, ill her royal presence- ' Ej M 0 R I U M__5 . - ­-- 1. -.,-- I -i a _'Wdl __ - - 6' Hose, seamlesF, at 19c a pair. . �. t", - 1. . � I ot'to E ,1*11() e,irl was a -, �icthll of colds in the even tNyd, years. . I Ladies' Black Cashmer . I . , ,Ait- � I . A - .1 , ; A, I t, P018#1011gar .. .. .... 7.63 A. bf. 7.33 A.M. I - .A.;a, i ", 'W t -A pasaellger_ _ .... s.11 P, INT. 2-') 1 P, M - Iletld, IvIlich, )jI,c the law, are 110 resPect- .. . I "I - ­,", ,.w )�, -t TV - . � I s1tranwe Ennter Custom. pieces of Tapestry Carpet, worth 50c, must ,,O,at 37c a yard. I - t '_Wtf. .. 4 4) F. 31 ,. . � , V? .. .. , 1I Train.- _* I ers of r)er.9011s, and as he c6nsidet'Od CfL- Fro�ll finic immemorial a mo,q c,.-�traor- . Skims Cleanest, runs easiest, $65 on z 41. - - -]a GreyL and Bruce, tirrb In thc�bead'too heavy ta tiri,N) to PU I . dinar-, ctistom has been obse"VO(I Of' E-1'3- Twenty-five pairs of Lace Curtains, worth $1.25 to .51.50, for 98C a pair. � .1 V � . time.. The gearing is made � � 'I 4 � wellingto , Mixeti, for' loyalty lie peLitioDed- thc q1:10011 for. I I Land8borough allaton, in LejeeStOr- i I � �# - - i , . ter N.Ionlays at 11 of gun metal. i � 'A ,Joma Noun]- Pamoriger. C�P`Butter and Eggs taken as caeb. I �� H. verliflSsion to wear his, nightcap in her . - . 1.40 P. � , - -dor -etain .,,I P1000 Of I . + � _Fthol....... - 8 07 F� m. , . � � .ihir , L. �n ol to I co � - - - - — — i I � Brussels.. .. .. 8.17 - '1� " in -LI I�ft to t --- - - 1W W 19 . : I � I j�` 2.10 pre-wtic" . I he parish it) tile good old 9_15 d!Dg thisluilique priV- . DEALE11- IN grot I 0 it . 827 "The patent COnCC I I hidul-"e in thn The Highest Award I � . Bluevale .. .. .. I ers have to � : I 1 1 win�,harn ...... 838 3.25 days tild, Villflg I ; i ilege is one of the most amllsill-1- in VOPII ft gaine of bottle � I 01� � I p%gaange,r. II oubtful pleasure of -AT TIEIE-- ` �(o Sumu- � : 4 Gol. _ [at we'do I -1 Winf ..... (5,63 It. H. 8.56 A. &L ftill).qls. It 1�tinq tljjl�: "'Know yu 01 I Furniture of all kinds (I But before they can begin to . . � 4 11 is I f, " '! ghami ... .... ,,d trusty cousin .,Ind 0 1 hickint C I 7 . � -P 7.02 9.17 give to 0111 belove'd a . -tain prelimin,irios have to b0 , , -14 I Bt .... , . I LEAROYD & 0 � 011,�190 uf;�1110_..... - play ( i. � 7.13 9.15 1 . Paris- ExInwiti -144 � Brusse!a � ... ...... .. 10.021 counselor, Henry, 11",jul of SLISq0N. ViS- ' pies and t"M ; --I EtheL....,..., .. - ..... 7�23 of E- clinind At live and let live prices. Upholster- g.nd th liough. Two Itir.,,-c ti'Pat - t I � tilit F v I e1r. . penny loaves have to be IM - '"AFORTH. - I i I . . - ------------- 0— I . co itzl' titc.l. and Lord . two dol,en . Gunn?s Old Stand7 S � z, 14, I to *ear ing done and ,-atisfaction in every Te- I en bottle, ' v 33 . - � ,-..i flud Purnell, lict'llse ,['.Dd Pardon . . scralliblod ro�,. A IiI W0.0d e and Gold Medal . _. - ' � Grand Priz . t., - " -o 6P .. .: London, Huron and Bruce his cap or 'ni,_.hteaP*, or any t%i of tbeiii, spect. Picture framing neat and che - . � . - I Gonvi 'NORT11- P&&Nnizer. I .(,, �s IN -ell in our prec;ence . 0 bound i�oun(l w4h iron rin)q .,Ind C011- ' Has been won by the - � $,��, - , a s New jj!jlljaljj8.Ee-NvIr)­ machine always . 1. M 'It hiS j)j0ac,I,,I taining �Ie, Is tbrowu on the gronnd, and i London, depart .......... 8.16 A.M. 4.40 P. �� I . f ally ot QI! person or and thp me of the neighboriti- villaIN Of - I MELOTTE CREA I . . 9.18 6.56 in the pr(seiiee 0 No tr�vec'lling agents .11 THE GODERICH At SEPAPLATOR. -�4 ) 0 - 0 1 1 Centrall&...... _._.... - * on band. .- ,, --I &.Kotar.._.._-.---­ .. 9.30 6.0 persolis Nvi,11!11 this ruall-fl, or any Other-- I ' r) i it from the 1, f 1 r o bigh I. r ces. Goods delive,T,ed in ,medbouruo� have to xvPest Eight days' free trial :to intending . � 4.A ffensall . ................ 9.44 6.1 pl, I pur. � ,lee in cIll. (,(-.n-.:,,:(Ius ,vvbcr(�soev0l., (In - n 0 11 - It i, I ­ I " - -nsp. .3 hardly neces­ - 1 6.25 . . Hallatonhill) gi � ­ KLppen... . ............ .. 0.50 -.14 sliall, be town and Jountry free ot chargf. chasers. 'Skims clean, and turns easy. �, 1.11 1 9.58 6. 3 13 Jug Iliq life, 'Ind th"C' our I �ttvl - � ; 0 is invarilibly �. , � i Brucefleld - - � ............ . I - � � � sary to 11(ld that the str"991 � I f - i I Clinton_ _.._-.-­- 10-16 6.5.5 sul,ficieut \�,Iirai,t ill hi -3 bull,'Ilf-" . 0 � provocaf,lye of a good 111.,111y c,,isnaltleS Of Street Fair and - . DUBLI.N Jznvayy 21st, 1901. � .. , . Londesboro _.... .... .. 10;83 7.11 . lie battlo . .i_ I I . . 1 , r -, I . Btyth_ _........... "10-41 7.23 , e Bill]. - Undeistaki'n z' one form or another. JVbPn t Hsvinztri-edtbr,cediffieren;lrnakee of crRAffisep- I io 56 � 7 87 The Croia.pler '�N'110 SI'll Is tit � , g has been Avon, tile victors drink tb,e Con- ) I &1I -,ire, I bought a MelOtte, I would recorlanaerld It ; _t � - 7 - BeIgnive_... .... ...... with four of live cows. I * th! is � ,-�,z i . nk It I I wirighara ary"Ve ...... .. 11.10 8.00 A croupier's collinioneil ,-,S'-11,1rY is $050 tents of the bottle. -London Chronicle. to any farmer -he UrIM-JACOR ROUXEII 7 ,�� I . . . I I GOINO SOUT11- . pa�SI nd ny rl -e to $1,200. A Department. . Trade Carnival We best.paying article on t � - 4 5 F. H per ,annut)), 1-1 .be inz , - I - . ;, 4 1 .� I � Wingbam, depart .... .... 6.58 A.m. &V . ' � the Con- - . - 1, Call on or write the local agent, Z74. . I regular seliool is (stabli�;i ' Oil .! : - 4j BtA&r3ve....--_.- .. - 7. 01 3.43 , We hav e and varied ,assort- T1je Cares of nieltex. . ! . , 4 - �i -4 - 3 5 5 ' 'I'lle 0 P, ; Bly�h � .............. ::.,: *. 7., (Iqllli;lo for. trainin,` thOSSO "let'- ' ou jilld the possession o.f a large - to be held in J. D. WALKER, Staffa, Out- Londe-sboro. . ...... - .... 7.22 4.05 I Itprofessor of roulotte" Once oj)euly sa i d ment from which. to eboose in -time of. "'Do 3 '19 .1-Y.?" said tho Come t the First Street Fair in Canada, . IT28 - , I- A I � . q ... . . lim of .nouey OCC, � ions wol — - - .? � s, , ined S' I , ices that have . I . . ( I (1inlon ........... ... . .. 7 47 been a matter, . it ve Dian. . the Pret1l iest Summer Town on the Continenti olield ........ 4.4.1 that sonle of Ili I-et�ruiLs aLt'.1 11121, need* at 1.) I . __� . t I . ) in( Ills . AjYtn i 4 . Kron ... -...- 90-3 able I ,; . 8.15 v'".i(h their fill, ' Reb" vocars7hospUdini, KIppon . .......... _ ., .. 4 67 'd ex t e I- i t, . t-lI "Is to Ile . of agreeab-o sutpri-iI3 to all who haxe "I do," answered thp millionalre- - i, i. � i 1 8.212 6.02 -they lil�vd 0 TFIRE� DAYS OF . � _-, Ifuniall-........- .... 6J4 1 to pl,lce the t!all, in any number dealt ivitl. Us. Two fine heaTSeS On 11-Whot sort of %vorry?" Fligh, AneMOV, I;b.. � I ,;: I . *� - w Exater ............ .. .... 8.36 1 ` I is hard tu bulieve N i ,C?,Il t S going; to NT J Q LY 112 & 3 .. ne Great -E-nL by *11 - ', , , 2 I , out of ";X. 1 ,o,'bielhoily i SOLIDIENJOYME I 19 -Sold and recommended - - 8.46 5.11-13 fi vo.t i met 1111'01-1-y for fear F I _� .i I a . . - Tne d1seovereY RIZ � . ` .�! ct.atralta .... .......... 9.37 A. �(. 6 I 1, tile fe"I to be c6nvinood of it. band fL)r.,:qjmmerarA W�inter use. . . druggists In Cilnada, Oni lreii- Lon inn, (arrive). � ........ t 'Possil 10 or . I V O' get It away - from I Me." ! ++++- -4 1_1 �911 ++J._1_1_4�11 �bration r, : able medlel all - . e -, - . .— If it Nvere 1)(),,iible tile 1)1,11"Or Ni-ould: be calls at -11 r. Land,t,borcugh's residence, dea is the lat�est and most attractive form of summer cele , ckagcs guarantea to cure 1- I -len tied - n't' n (I'llicker raiC .th'.'Ill even corner cotta -c, in rear of Dominion - . — The Strjet Fair i -. da for rMso Sex Wr&lkness, all effeets,ofabuse . - � , * 1 4 , ]Aorse Market. ( � � tit I's 0 I . .. See . the rag,0 in the United StateL We have the befit town in Canada for r ' cessive use of To- I . i . - ild thc­�40 very cl 'Yer .-��rollpic_ Bank, -wil, I be pr9l, resp nded to. k Tbelr Color. yet devised. All irele with a large park in the centre. Our beautiful or excess, 34entall. Worry, Ex - - june 19. -Thirty -six Jildian xlovv. it I I Ilitly resp fft%ir, being Ilaid out in a e 140, MZI on receipt ! s,�!' . . , clear watel-9 of the trop- this a � � ,rI)l,.11N*I'.), 110 ,,j!j:�jst�tjICCN of. an . . I)jVej s in 111L ' booth#, bacco, OPIum or Stlmulii be tible, with t su�rounded �n both aides of the ourect with all sorts of fantaritic of price, one paekage e Uizz pkyw- - --, � ponie8 eonbulned by thn Hudson Bay- Cam- "'o"'d � - square will be . si, six, $5. On I � � ticculliplibe, Sitting at tlic� to ble, to got rich of different Colol'S T addr4e,59. , - ! 1 1 'rand' -Y OHN LANDABOROUGHl ical ser 9 find that fi::h species ofigoods and inanufactuies. bjzj�jzjcure. ramphleta fTCet* ­, 1 � . I . P, . .- I � in an hour. Thore is 110 I'QL,(l for cheat- i �, .dart ill the dieplayibg every an - paay, me.L.. solcl at (A 8 on Tu sd8 , . when frialitened JO not all � � TUO Wo" CoMpany, W udeors Out. A, a om two to four years (if age '1111t at e 'ell different Free open air- entertainments by high class vaudeville artists d Thes-, ianged fr the 1�11.li: .tll(, gt -, is FORTH, ONTY same dir'e'etion, but tb a � ; - I " . I � 4EA . YJ BOO - ' ' were broken. in"' Oil the l"t ()f I . ; ,�old in Fe forth byAlt- j n, J. S. Roberte,and , I aad but very few Of them . '11-1.1 to give the ta- -1 ___�_ I kind t.,kcs shelter ill thOt Portion of the each daY. a 4 I 1. ; Thev ,.% I - - kinds. I V_ Fear, djugg'-49. . .ere Eipretty tough looking. lot, still so itlgelli.011,�!Y , 111gell as I their f'l- A Horse - . cli'llices if - I I - I 111,[Xi"I'llul, Of zcwtop Directory for 1901. rsubmaJine growth ne ll-e,:t in color to that Show. Processions of various - .- , ,-he - -) to 8.3,4 each. One, Of the bles Ole . I ' . - t � . t . , Y Sold at $1� 1. .(' f -_111'11(:'011t of ffie ash. . i I 8 full in gwing his V0r. The,'j)'rofi'S Of thv lll� Y, ,ll L Mdny Bands of MuSiC- - . pureliXapkra had his hand 11 11 . P. 0. — 'e" 1, I f., 1 ('�videljce,of ilint.-Led-er! 310111-111Y. DANIELMANUY,,fteeve, Becebwool 0 - . Robed . - ,tnima,l home. It, seerned anxIOUs to go 1� Fireworks and fairy-like, illumination of the Park at night. , - . , � I , �� . .. - t -_ — ALEX, CARDINER, Councillor, Leadbury P.O. No ].In is Et to ,"in who hRs not sat le 4 . ion wanted, and wlrit�rop P. 0 r - .1 , I , � -!- -1 . anywbere than in the direct I ho has not Altogetheir a scene novel, beautiful and never to be forgotten , � - hijoxN I tn TVIC JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, � jarg�!:zt ,,.tit stones 5- chwood P. 0 down one 0 luk and w .- L 4.0 � � for the The I JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Councillor. Pee a , . orth with s eye, with Programme. purpose in hi. Every Day a Differeiat I _. wh.( it I,t4t Seen was Making a bolt � i I - ; - - � Iftwereux __ f , i .- . -A tc,rity are in- the Tjoilli-le Or the Inn tit ARCHIBALD bleGREGOR, Councillor, Seiforth P.0 come - ' - �-. tr WN I I I I 4.t&ir,A­.iy leading to the Parisian laundry. et joHN- C. MORRISON, Cleric, Wlnfhr�p P. 6 . and clinched paluis, 13irgle first cla,as return fare, good goint- June 29th, quly Ist,2ad and - - j 11 - Ips, - r.1 . I � - . I , I 0 I- n, 1-0 IlTon., 01--,11 60 J0 white cbeeL, set I" Railway Ra�E s �4.;- �A a lot of g:)od li(.rses, mostly drivers or Ii.ght 11�­,,Ill�vv. -Al. ny ,'I DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, %Vinthrqp P, 0. I - - _17492 . I -er 3.-d, and return July 4th. - -1 - � ved.."-Buh% - i . - at- prices rang- 1�,L,­. I I­U,ld ,Ind of inknown d6l)Lh. WILLIAM EVENS, Asfesser, Beech,WLcod P. 0. . able to say, " am rusol I I - i Aelivery inimals, were 6old �, 21f, fuct )�i - I SUCK314 TH -4 :­':.-- � . I . '----- ..-----. I . __ . — . .. - Ir I . -.-- , "HARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P. 0. ten ion � ' . I I 1. Special �__ -,- `120 each. The top plice , ickory weighs 52.917 1 z . I S ing from ',*,() to ,, . nt of people , god '30 are Con- JICIIARD POLLARD, Sanitar,N lospeoter, Lead. I CARRIAGE on. -IF 1 old, T% -i -o -wIr 00 . � I Well seasoned red a to Horsee in and ?' � was obtitined, for a grey mare six vear8 - ss and 10 bury F. 0. I U L A:. �4 I bg.y geld- ifi.ned Ito bed b illne � . : , . _-, i ;1nd warranted lLii3d in harness. A stantly C()l I I . Pound., to the cubic fDoL ' __ - Hotel. i I 41 ' - � � . 0— . -, I . � ' � . -4 I i ' old, with the same 'wctr- se� nZed 7o . � , ' EN LAMB t SH I NGLES111 General Jobb g. z� MAKER Aquel I : � i in,,,.st-ven years I)er cent of thu. I I - I � STEPH 9 I -1 I � . I � - � ran t v , fetched -,��l 111.51). 11'he general run for ___ Not�ce of Disso16 I tion. . 11 ce Goderich street, - - - - - Sesfortb, , ' ­ . I Wholesale and Retail Dzaler in Until further noti' , we will sell Shingles - 3 . __ ! I at the following 1rices : tl()rvg of �hiB citt,se was about $80 to 690. - - - � I . MARRIAGE 'LICENSES, Notire is hereby g VED that t!he partnership' . I I - � ' � I . � I at tho I ASOFORIA hingles, Cedar POStS I � __*_�� - . hert.tofore e_,zistirg between the undIer:igned, Lumber, Lath, S i British Columbia red cedar 4x per I Money To Loan. 1� � ISSUED ;kT, Town of Scsfnih, a!S Tailors tmi 001ts' Furnishero, I, m ­ �. L Potatoes. , . I I I . � I - and Timber. I bunch, 78c; 3x ppr bunch, 74c ; I I I t t� I I - J� .4 �`l I I " ii " & . tinder the firm name ot "Stark & Leatherland," ba,j I � . - etsuilth has About - -- . -due ,S._Car JOILS are very mt. Mr. U. K : , To!,.�j,,,r,,, J OFFICES thisday becn dissolved by mutual corm S nd Mldre I 3x pine per bun6, 73c. I Th Town hip r,f Tu,k KOM of ks�! [116 -dealers SaV that they are THEt HURON, EXPOSITOR I or Inh,nt Our lumber consif)0 of the beat 11-aality of Heraloci I , " - I ' I It 11 z loan at current rates of interest , � I OY � � - u,rcp. an(l so . Staik iAill continue. the business, to N�hom -all jI Pine, being well manufactured An T rn bip Funds to 0 tl_ . I �re quoted n ' I acccunt.3 due and o,Aing th3 said firiii are to be on I r Ilaort;,age C11 farth propertv. Apply to th . .1 � omIn" 1, . RedCedarShinirles blw&;s On hl ' 0 N. CLUFF & SONSI I I,: ni&U 1 -it. �l my. 'They � I I ;d. Y "m *'ul Ret or Treatiurer. 111, 11ORTO$, Reeve, He unab'- to buy E FORTH, ONTARIO. 8'i -z - 1� I .. r, - I I SEA , . I Paid, and- to whom all the debta o%virig b� the 8b6id . Ths, fat'l. r2-110000 1902 your bills, you will b3 sure to get them filled , is' , !� -ER, Treasurer, CIIII P� io. .. I -illy Ii. Ill a", ,-)o to 550 per I)a,f trauk Toronto . -1 are to be ,�res(nted for payment. LOYTIJIS owle, _ , Seaforth. p. O.; G. N. TURI,j . I n I � , . firm I ever? tiptorlly. g2rooderich stre.t-,-t_-mt 1711 -ti I' North MainStreet, - - ' Potat(,(-6 (.ul; of store are aclive and strong . - A. LEATUERLAND. Wi'ne-p, . IdgUtUft . .� . , I I . . and, * WITNESSE$ 'REQUIRED - . . STARK, JOII-4 42�I* � �._ � Wrapper. . I � 1748 1 1 , 173341 1. I oc per bag, No J(111'4 RANKIN. Dated at Seaforth, this '8th day, - of � I- . '. They �­11 readi v 'I (I , I I I' at 60 to 7 ' 1 -74 .Q I � � - . . . of June, I I. � I . � . .... I the ,­!­,,1,.r.3t Btouk brings 75C per bag. � . . .. . , I - - I t . . � I I . . .. 1. . r I I F I . . � � � I I � . - _�� I .. � - � - . . I . � � I I - � ; . I . ... � . � . I . � - - I I i . . r � . r ,Z.: .. . . - - . z I - I . . . I I . . - � I � . . . i . . � I . � � . I