The Huron Expositor, 1901-06-28, Page 2-7 2 41101 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. A. Will buys gooi 7aromeet pitevelt- 041,7 ny situated ie Seeterth, Lnob new. : Good hard and soft %vete:. Aepie te noTr BROS., Seaforth. . 17•21-tt GtOR SALE. -The home anti grounds belengiug to 12. the late S. G. SIcaeughey, oorner of Church and ' Centre streets, Seaforth. The property will be sold cheap mai on easy terms. F. HOLMESTED, Sea. forth. 17314f — -1-311APERIV t EGMONDVILLE FOR SME.- 1. For sate a comtortable frame dwelling hoese `rant an acre of land, yory pleaeantly situated in the village of Eernondville. The lot is well plaeted with large and small fraits. There is aleo-a gocd well. An admirable location far a retired farmer. Will be roni cheep. Apply on the promises or t DONALD MoKAY, Seaforth P. 0. - 1748 -Lf A BARGAIN -00S will buy a nice com'ortible frame holm and a pouter of an acre of geed - land, pncasaetly siteated In the vinage of Iferpur. hey. ant 1 mile we t of the thriving town of Sea. forth, ha i a rot cellar anti is well fenced. Thsre are a manner of geed fruit trees and hard and gore water elm to the house. Apply te the underaigued. 341LES bleNASIARA, Bax 14, Scafo.th P. 0. 1721-tf MIAMI IN STANLEY FOR LE. -For sale Lot II U and South half of Let 12, onesion 4, Stanley. contdalng 150 ares, Pn Ayres. too,red and in a fair state of cultivatien. There is &frame dwelling huee with cellar, bank barn with stone stabling, stone pig pen, stave silo, two good wells else a deer rune at the baek of the farm, it is convenient to churchea, schools, and markets, being S miles; from Brueefield and 9 mileefrom Seaforth, Apply on the promisee o addres THOMAS GEMMELL, Brucefield. 172atf rdie.1111 IN HAY FR SALE. -For trete, Let 25, X Concession 0, Par Line, hay, containing 1.00 acres, 95 acres cleared, Well underdrainod and f sn- oed. There Is a loge b ick loupe with good collar, good barn, frame stabling, pig pan, 3 acres of oreh- ard, 2 wells and astern, This Is a No. I farm, woll situated for raarkets, churches, wheel and Pest °Mee, and wilt be sold reasonably. Apply on the premise4or adlreo3 MRS. W. CURRY, Hills Green, Ontario. 1739.tf DESIRABLE PROFS:MY IN $EAFORTII FOR SALE. -Beautifully situeted on Centre Street adjoining 13eattle's Grove. There are We) lets planted with the choicest of fruit trees of all kinds and shrubs. A frame house, stone cellar underneath the wlrelp house, a altblog room, dining romv, summer and ntor kitokens and tour bedrooms, hard and soft water. It is one of the most pleasantly located, comfortable and convenient residences in Seaferbla and will be field cheap. Apply to JOSIAH WAT- SON, Seaforth..: 17004f MIAMI ran SALE. -For sale that very desirable 1'4 farm on the Kill Road, Tuokeremith, adj &sine the v:Pago of Egistoodville. It contains 07 acre., nearly all cleared and In a ecied state of cultiyatioe, and well undardrained. There is a eomfortable ink& cottage: and geed barns, with rnot collar and outbuildings. The buildings fve situated near the centre of the farm and on the bin Road. It is well watered, and plenty of soft water in the kitohen. II is conveniently eituotei to: ohu ch and aoheol and within a mile and a half of Seaferth. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms of peymen'e Apply to the proprietor, ROBERT FANSON, SeafortS. 174S-tf 161ARM FOR SALE. -For sale the farm k the late r George Brresn, Lot` 3, Concesaion Eullett, containing 100 sores, of which about 9 ..cres are cleared and in a gold state of culti the balance good hard wood. There Is a new two-story beak house, with furnace, herd and eon water and all madern oeuvenieloee. Thera is a twee bank barn, evith stone stabling, alseep Mine, unpiement house and all other necessary out batidinae, There are two good *elle and a flawing spring.. A good orchard, There are about 70 acres seeded to pass. nit within three-quarters of a mile from the villaee' of Constance, where are stems. selseel, cherehee, &c. Apply to the underelened. Cons5enee P. 0. GEORGE STEPHENSON, Exoeutor. 1741. 161ARM IN HAY TOWNSHIP FOR SALE. -For X sole, Lot 22, on the kforth Boundary of Hay Township. This farm conteine 100 acres, 85 aeres cleared, the mat good hardwood bush. It is wee un- derdrained and fenced. There is a good stone hour with a No. 1 cellar ; ferge bank barn, implement shod; sheep house 70x76, with flret-olavie sten:int..; and root Geller underneath; a good orchard; 2 good well and cistern. There is 12i aores of fall wheat sowed on a rich fallow, well manured ; 40 acres seeded down recently, the rest in good shape for crop. This Is a No. I feral, well situated for markets, churches, schools, pest office, etc., and will be sold reasonably. Apply on the premises, or address ROBERT N. DOUGLAS,Bia,ke,Ont.100ixitf "GURU IN STANLEY FOR SALE -For sale, Let X 9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 12th concee. slots, or Broneon Line, of St enley. Tots farm con. tattle IN acres, ail of which is clewed, except f sores. It is io a abate of erste:lass outtivstisn, fenced and all underdratnecienostly with Me. Teen Is a large frame daelling house as good as new, with good stone founiation and cellar, large balk tarn with etnet stebling underneath, and numerous other buildings, houltrileg a (ergo pig house. Two good orchards of choice fruit, also nice shade and orna. mental trace. There are two spring creeks ruerame through the farm, and plenty of good wAte: 01 the year round without pumping. It Is well eituetei f 3r markets, thurolies, settee:ft, poet offi m, etc ,and glad gravel roads leading from it in all directions, It le within view of Lake Huron, and the boats can to seen passing up and doom from the house. This is one of the best equipped farms in the clunty, aid will be sold on easy terms, as the proprietor wants to retire on account of 111 health. Apply on the premi- ses, or address Blake P. O. JOHN DUNN. 1734.tt BINDER TWINE FARMERS00•OPERATIVE COMPANY,"Limited BRANTFORD - ONT. Prices for the Season of 1901 Red Star, 600 ft i - - 101/-1 Red Star, p50 ft 10-3 Special YI)knilla, 500 ft - old! - - - 8c Siaal, standard ------70 These latter two not our own make. Joseph Stratford, General Manager. 1744-7 PROCRkSTIN ITION That Observeth the Wind Shall Not Sow." IMPORTANCEOF PROMPT ACTION THE ,HURON EXPOSITOR JUNE 28, 1901 :ere or mectinenes or merchants- or artists or mon of learned 'profession air women -at, t o head of households, -tfould have cone their work in a Chriethea way Ind after lives of use- ful:I-tees on ea •113.- would have taken threnies in heaven,, It would have been a whole family saved for time .and .f.:etved for eternity. But the pas- tor had adjou ned thestrong and effective -• discs urse to is. clear Sun- day. • The. mot ie' went home chilled in body; -mind and soul and con- cluded not t i rouble _herself or Too many People Spew' Their Time in - her household about the fut are and t o r Watching the Weather -Vane and Study- • 11.i 1 0 -morrow take care of i tself and I in the Barometer L Make tip Your Leep on doing as they hod been do - mg: No God in flint:home. No re - Blind What Yost Are Going to Do, and ligiousconsolal ion in tinw of be - Then Go Ahead nod Do It. reayemente No formation of el.hor- Washingt on, .June 23; -----Froin a pas- (nigh Christian character in the lives of thoee growing up boys and rage of Script ure. unebserved most.' Thoy Will go out into the world to readers Dr. 'T,ituutt.fi. in this dis- , meet its vicissitudes without any course shows the importance of -Online 1 0-enf orceinen of the sroepel prompt action' in' anything- we .haVe' • W}1tiI)I1v1twhncdid1wt. to do for ourselves or others; text, put clown the manuscript of his well Etch siasti>s xi, 4, "Ile thai. obirv- prepalael sermon on the Bible if he eth the wind shall not i-folV,'' preached from notes or pour it out What do you find in this packxd . of his soul if lehad lodged it there sentence of Solonion's monolOgue? 1 „ through careful preparation! No, He lied in it a fernier at his front door allowed that opportunity, which exetinining the Weather... It iS' Seed-: could never ret urn, to puss into eshera time. . His fields have .been plowed • nit e•• Unilppr oved. Ire observed by and 'harrowed. ill'ho Wheat ie. In t he the Wray the rain dashed against the windows: of (Tie parsonage? and the barn - in sacks, t'ettcly . to lie taken windows of, tile church that the Wind afield. and • Scat teced. ' %Now is the . time to SOW, 1301 the Wind iS not Was from the east, or the northeast, but he did not. sow or sawed that favorable. it May blow up a sstorm . et_ before night, and -he umS• get wet if N' „ ,4 41`'was not worth sowing. he starts out. for sthe sowing; or it In all depart men( A of 1i1e there are may be a, long storm; that will wash those hindered by the wind Of .liub- lie . out the Seed from the soil; 'or • there opinionII has become an aphor- may have been a lou droughttend iftin in politics and inii!great nitiVe- g , the Wind may eon:thaw to blow -.lies' • lnent.S1 "Ile i8 WO ii ing to sec Which weather. The parched fields may not Way the wind_ blows." And it is no takcain the grain, anti the birds May easy thing to . II efy public opinion, pick it, up, and the labor as Well as to be run upon: lev. newspaPers, to be the seed. may .. be, .wasted, ' overhauled' in ewial eirclee, to be gives tiP the work for that day --and 4. anat lima l feed by those who hereto- ' -4 into the house- and waits to See tot c. INTI2r° ifri '11:ds aritd: a, tite-nii.er* it what it will be on- the morrow, 'On V. requires a eeroisiu waiea Jew poseess, the morrow the sv_Incl. .is still- in, the 'yee no great reformatory or elevate wrcing direction, E and for a Whole in,e- movement, '-inte eVer 1.8.'en accom- ,weels and for .a. month. Did you O'er plisbed -MOH soneone was willing to - see' Math .a, long spell of bad- weather? defy what the world should think or -',I.-ee let ha rgic . and overea lel tome and kay or do. But there havy been men dilat on agricult heist. :allows the Sea- and Women of thet. kind. They stand .son to pass without solving, and no all UP -ct-Pd Clown. (he corridors of Ids - sowing, of coulee?, no harvest ',flat,. tory, -esamples ,for Us to follow. is what Solouton. means Wlten lie sa ys Cotenainities and .ehurches _anti ha- : -- in his text, "Ile that obserVeth the tionS SOnictinies are thrown into he -F - wind shall not Sos....'' '. I , .. It 'n anti it requires -a man of great . e i I AS much in our i Um o- as in .-.1 I etitilPu-° It) nittilltain ti . right 11 -fl ---'4- o , monic times there is7'etbroact a fatal tiorl-' ThihY'llti.`'''7'"ars agbI here m'r hesitecyr a disPoSition to let. little- Carae a time of bitternesA s in meri-- things stop 'us'S .a. ruinous adjourn- can politiese-ind the impeachment of ne.ti t . - We . all want:: to do some good a Preeident- of the United Stateisi Iii the woeld, . but. 'how ensil's.. we are was dismalateti- Two or three ro tri -c naitiqi in our endeavors., Perhaps We ' Otte Wen, at tin risk' of losing their - are solicitors folgOlUegreat charity.. sen a t orie I . poeit ion, stood out There is a good ',man ewho has large agitinin the demand ;of: their politieal means, and In • is.: accust omed to giste- tteeoeitites and Fared Ow ' country liberally to Loyitmts., - to iimlatos, from that which all people of all to reform orgauizatiOnS, to schools, partiea now See Wallid Illi.Ve been a to dawdles, to eontuntnities desolut- celionite-- and would have put everY ed. sea It flood or deval-if a Led with fireS, subsOeuent president, at the .nerC. Of But- that good.. man, like many a am opponents. It only required the good num, is anerearial in his tern- 's' 1.11 'fig of a few neont hs, when time re petevat ne . :is th,pressed br . a.t.- ..i(e.eef etentionlii:clucl-ill.ociantliotrwovitItorsayive :too I ow en moepiteric changes. ../..lie ..i'S alWaVS l Virt jai iZtel by 1.1,1eeliat wind. For a in eh 111we t 0 sv,....t t citing t he Went her . tide or that reason ycnt, postpone the vane and st tidying I he barometer! clut r ti a ble sOlicit a I ion. Meanwhile Make up your inind what 'you are go - the suffering- that you Wish to allevi- ing to do and then go ahead Lind do, ate- does its awful work', and the op- it. - hitere al ss is Will' he h indranees. pot(units for relief is pttst. . If the 1 t - ie ci, moral di -Feeler if you ' allow - wind had been.. ft ow. the west or , prudence to overmaster all i he other northwest , you ! Would .have, entered grate.. The Bible intekeS Morey- of - the philanthropist'a counting _ room courage 'mei fait It awl pereeverance and sought, the gift, but i he wind then it doe s 'of citation. It is not . Was blowing from '"t he east or north- onirec.ia year - that the great ocean east, tend . you Cld inot make the c,i at ...„nea...ers fail,. to eciii at the appoint - t em p1 e tied you thoroughly illustrat- crel, I 41,1,0 _because of the .storm signals_ ncl llIS text; "Ife that. observeth the ease tne we at her 1 wita u prophesy wind shall -not. sow-. '- - . What- hurricane or cyclone it nic6-, There roines a darkaSubblith morn- next yednesdny, n.>xl Thursday, next ing. The past (Cr looks out of t lee 'SatUrdaY, I ha mieatners will put out window and SreStliti clouds gat her. from New York and Philndelphia and and then discharge '1 heir burdens of- Bost on herbors and will reach Liv - rain. Instead of a full Church it will .„erpool and A 0 a t h;.1 tap t on and Glee - be a handful of . people with wet feet, goer and TIreneen, I heir arrivals as and the dripping (imbrella at the certain tee their embarkation. They doorway . or in (he- end Of the pew. cannot afford to consult' the wind, y - 'llie - past or has prepared one of his nor ean ou ill your life voyage.' best sermons. It has .coSt. -him great The grandest ani best- things ever research; and he- has been much la accomplished have been in the teeth prayer while preparing, it. Ile puts of hostility. , ConSider the grandest the sermon .aside for a clear day and • enterprise 'of the 'eternities -the sal - talks platitudes and goes home quite . -suit ion of a world. Did -the Raman depressed, but. at the same time feel- empire send up Invitations to the ing that -he has don.° his elutV.- Ile heavens inviting the Lord (if descend did not realise that in that, smtill amid vociferat ions of welcome to audience there WOO at leagt two per- come and take possess-iem of the mast sons Who ought to. haNTei had better capacious and ornate of the pi:dace's treatment, One of these hearers was and sail Galilee with richest imper- a Man in a s crisis of struggle with ial flotilla and walk over flowers of evill appetite. A. carefully prepared, Solomon's gardens, which were 'Still discourseunder tlej divine blessilig , in the outskirts of Jerusalem? No. woelei Inive been to him complete vice It struck him with insult as soon as tory. The fireS:it COajd reach hint. Let the camel of sin would have beeta extinguiehed; and his keen anddrivers in the Bethlehem caravansary brilliant mind would have- been con- teStify. See the vilest hate , pursue hi I. to the gospel ministry., and him to the borders- of the Nile! he is have been- a. mighlx even- • „ Wateie his at as a criminal • gel, and. tens . of thousands of souls in We coin is' See how they belie his would have, unde.r. the spell ofhis every action, misinterPret his best Clerietitin eloquence, given tip Rill "a.nd Ward:4, howl at him with worst rnobs weter hie). out. with sleepless F4E-tried a ,t>ts!free., aml througliout all the litets\:as - there ysould have nights .en «Ad mountains! See him Cook's Cotton Root Compound been congrikiltat ion `find hOsanna, • hoisted into a Mart yrdom At. which MateV ages of et twilit y the noon:they cowled itself with mid- Issuccessfutty used =Ohl Srbir Over an't after -flight shadows; and the rocke shook 0,00014dies, Safe,effectual. Ladies ask pi tssed there be epiebi(aiec(tedi your druggist for Cook's. Cones Beet COM- a utong the ranSomed 'of 'what was into! Catteclysin, and the dead started roust Take no other, es all Mixtures, pills and out of their sepulcher, feeling it was no. time sleep when such ilOrtnorS were being enacted, us t Can oyer the names of the men and women' who have done most -for our poor old world,. and you will call- the 'names of. those who had inObs after them. :They were shun- ned by [the elite, they were cartooned by the eatirists, they lived on food Which ynti and .VWottld not throw to a kennel.- *mu. of them died in prison, smile of them were burned the stalea some of them Were buried at puldie expense because of the laws of sari I'! at km, They were hounded through the World and • hounded out' of ,it„ Now SA:( cross the (Wean to see the room in which they were horn or died rout look up at the monu- ments .which the church of the world *has reared to their mat chluss rid 'lily and courage. After 100 or flt It) or :-390.. years the world has mad up it a mind. that instead of being, flogellat- ed they ought to have been' garland- ed,- instead of Cave of the. mountain for residence they ought to have had bestowed' upon them Alhambra; Young man,- you have planned what you are going to be and do he the World, but you are waiting for cite. CilinStances to become more favor- able. You are, like the farmer in the text, observing the wind. Better start now. Obstacles will help you if you conquer them., Cut your way I hrough, Peter Cooper, the else philanthropiSt, who will blees all succeeding c 'at twieeawish th.> institu- tion he ftitind-d, workt d five yea t'S fur $25 a year and his booed. Many of us. who are; now preachere of the gospel or medical practitioners 'oe members of the bar or merchants or -citizens in various kinds of business had very pCioe opportunity at the start because we had it too easy I faX. t.QP_ eilPY.J. We neve': aPPse.cia.kd rust are dangerous, Primp, No. 1, $1 per box ',No. 9,1a degrees Stronger,$8 per box. No. or 2, maned on receipt of price and two 11-cen t stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. Vire-Nos. land 2 sold and recommended by all responeible Druggists in Canada. Slid in Seat n.th by Alex. Winton,J. S. Lta.ertt and I. V. Feardauegnaes, The New Harness MAKER Having purohased the Harness Shop and business of Mr. John Ward, I solicit .the patronage of all the old customers, and guar- antee them and all new ones the best of workmanship and material. Always on hand a full line of - HARNESS SADDLES W MPS TRUNKS VAT-TSB3 ETC., ETC. Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed. Gies ine a call ANDREW OKE, Sealorth. WARD' OLD STAND. 1730-tf MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan at 4i per cent on good turn` scour. • [by. Apply to JAS. L. KILLORIN, Barrister, Sea forth. .1712-tf AN ITEM OF INTEREST. Faille loans taken at loweet rates; payments to suit borrower; satisfaction guaranteed; all corre- spondence cheerfu'lv answered. ABNER COSENS, Wit/gleam, Ont. Offiee-At comer of Minnie and Patrick streets; every Saturday all day. 1667 accompl 'shed one st °rare Sunday in en church, ein earl h under al mighty gaspel .sernein delivetfed „to 15 or 20 people. Ilat the crieis I sneak of Was Mil properly met The man in struggle with eyil habit heard that storms- clay ay word that moved hint He went out in \t -lea rain mains' vi ed and unhelped back .fei hieeVil way and down tee his biaorthrow. fled it been a sunnhiny Ablaut h. he wont(' have hefted something Worth hearing. But Ala.. wind.blew from the atormy direction that Sabbath clay. Thu t gospel htishandllittu- not iced it and art .(1 Minn HS suggest ion and may discover' some day. his great mis- take. fle had a sad(' full of the fin- est' of the, seneat, --but he'withheld it, and etene'dity he Will fied, whenethe whole story eis. told, that he was a - Vivid illastration of thee truth of my tex t . "He that observoth the wind shall not sow." y • There evas anot her persen in t hat st ormy Sunday a tel tence 't hat de- served something, better - from that Pastor than extemperized nothirige nest.:. I was a mother who was half awakened to a _sense of • responSihil- ity in regard to her household. She had begun to question terseli -as -t whether it would net he- better to introduce into her' home a religion that would decide- aright the Alestiny of her sons . end (taught ere. 31er home had so far been controlled only. by worldly principle. She had dare ed the Him! of the elements -that morning eed had found her way to church, hoping to hear something that would help 10 decide I he do- mestic question which was to her a solicitude. A good; strong sermon under the divine blessiag would have led her into t Ktugdom of (hod -and afterward her whole familY. The children, whether they 'became _farm - what it is to . get an education he- ' eauee our fathers or older brothers paid the schoOling, and we did not get the muscle which. nothing but, hard work can develop. I congratu- late you,- young man, if to you life is a struggle. It is out of such cir- cumstances. God makes heroes, if they arc willing to 1.1e made. Cut your way through. If it, were proper to do so and you Should stand in any board of bank directors, in any board of trade, in -any legislat are, state or national, ! and ask .all who were brought tip in luxury and ease to lift their hand, . here and there a hand might. be lifted. But. ask those who - had an awful hard time at the start, to lift their hands, and most. of Um hands would be IMO. T.110 heroes of chnreli and state were not brought, up on confectionery and cake, But my subject takes another step. ThrOugh medical scienee and dyne tistry that has improved the world's mastication and stronger defense against elimat ie changes and better understanding' of the laws of health human lift'.hasbeen greatly prolong- ed. But a ceetenaria.a is• still a won- der. how many people do you know a hundred years old? Ido not know one. We talk' of a eentury"as though IL were a Very long reach of time. But what is; one century on earth colapared with -centuries that, we are . to live soutewhere, SolnelloW-ten tteieft, a million cenfUrieS,a quintil- lion Of centuries? We ai all 'determ- ined to get-. ready for the longer life. we are to. live after our exit from I ing's sublemary, We are Waiting' for more propitious opportunity. We .have too much bush t ess to attend to now oe too -Much pi etsure to allow nnything to in t erfe'e with its bril- liant, prci-gress. Ve tire wait- ing until ' the wind blows in the right dieeetion, We are go- ing soW and s w the very best grain, and we are g ing to raise an eternal harVeSt of happiness. We like what you say al out heaven, and we are going elevre„ hinie • we will 'get -lungs are sound-, good, the examining ind at the right - Tasty. But my my digestion is physician -of- the. life ' test:trance eo npany says --my heart beats just the HOt number of tintee It minute, .and I ant cautious about: sitting in, a draft, and I ob- serve all the laws of hygiene; _and ,my father and mother lived to be very old, and I come front a, long lived family.e So we adjourn and postpone , until, like the farmer- suggested by my text, we allow the seeding to pass, and sudden pnastalionia or a reckless bicycle or an ungoverned au- tomobile put us out of life with ell its magnificent opportunities of de- ciding aright the question, of ever- lasting residence. A Spanish 'pro- verb says: -The rotal of By and By leads to the town of Never." Whether in your' • life it is a south wind or a north wind, a west wind or an east wind, that is now, blow- ing. elo you eola feel like saying: "This whole subject 31 .now decide. Lord God, through thy S -on -Jesus Christ, my Saviour, I am thine for- ever. I throw iii self, reckless of everything else, into the fathomless ocean of thymercy," ," t.:nys someone in frivolousand i'ol lick ti way, "f ' am, not ic farmer you find in your text. I do not watch (lit' Wind. What. do I care about the weather vane? I am sow- ing now." What are you sowing, my brother? Are you sowing, evil habits? Are you sowing infidel and UI eistic beliefs? Are you sowing ha reds, revenges,. discontents, un- - Hen a thoughts or unclean actions? If so, you will raise a, big crop -a very - big -crop. The farmer some- times plants things that do not come up, and he has to plant them over again. But those evil things that you have planted Will take root. and come up in harvest of disappoint- ment, in harvesl of pain, in harvest of despair, in harvest of fire. -Hosea, one of the first of all the writing prophets, although four of the other prophets are put before hint in the canon of Set ipture wrote. an as- tounding Metaphor that may be quot- ed as descriptive of those who do evil: ''They have sown the wind, and they shall' reap the whirlwind." Some one has said,, "Children may be strangled, but deeds .never." There are other persons who truth- fully say: "I am doing the best I can. The7-. clouds-, are thick and the wind blows the wrong Way, but 1 am Sowing prayers and sowing kind- nesses ‘and sowing helpfulness and sewing hopes of a better worl&" Good for you, my brother, my sis- ter! . What you plant will come up. What you sow: will rise into a harv- est the wealth of which you will not knamv Until you go up higher. I hear the rustling of your harvest in the bright fields of -heaven. The soft gales of that lend, as they pas, bend the full -headed grain in curves of beauty. It. is :golden in the light of the sun that never sets. As you pass in you will not have to gird On the sickle for the reaping, and there will be nothing to replied. you Of weary husbandmen toiling under hot sum- mer sun on earth and lying down time der the shadow of the tree at .non - tide, sso I ieed 'Were they, so very tir- ed. No, no; your harvest Will be reaped without any toil of your hands, without any besweatirig of your brow. Christ in one of his ser- mons told how your harvest will be gathered when he said, "The reapers angels." A HALF -WAY STATION CHRIST BETWEEN THE ANIMAL MAN AND THE IDEAL MAN. HUMANITY RIVAL TO THE BRUTE The Era Ushered in by Jesus Will End by Making Man Rival of Angels -Dig- nity and Grandeur of the Soul's Food- biliiies-Pettered by No Dogmas, But Love Only. Even as your Father which is in heaven is per fee t -Al at thew v„ 48. iii the long past of human history there has been but one ideal man. He came; lie startled the 'world; He -dis- appeared. Ifis stay was just long enough. to drop a few seed principles into unwilling and barren soil, but they took root, grew into a forest of stately trees, end now our social or- der and progress thrive under their grateful. Never has a man said so little and accomplished so much.: Every thought was a re -Vela - ion, every. word shook the earth POOR COPY fiew nel taasting iii roclos for the 'material of it n feendetion, The Chriet i. euI ii t a point which was a half-eray r • • ion ir.t.ween the animal Man of ft,- I and. the ideal 111all of, the fu t hi eettun ity began as a Pleat to the brute; it-' will end es the rival of anteelee By Plow de- grees it has a hieved an upward climb, and every :eon has brought it closer to heaven . The uni old mil- li ons who have fallv In by the wayside will continue the joerna. in another life, Generation-, heve been enufTed ont. like a condi e be trallr- ferred to Inrger oppormnities and a better enVironm W.. We also shall drop our 'earthly work to complete it in I he Immensity...et& Ise entity t o - ward which we are surely drifting. without that thie life would be a grim diett.•!..:-, but with it we use to -day, if we tire wise, as a stepping stone to an endless series of I el -morrows, The dignity an.1 grandeur of the soul's possibilities are beyond the -reach of the imaginal. ion. . Every age pushes its forward int o a wider de- velopment. Every experience, whe- ther it is followed- with smiles or at (Nine. Wit h leisure or struggle, is in- tended and is fitted to give' ns new strength for the new °tithe -0k which it yields, The divine eallSei011SneSS is always present that; we can do more and be more. A glowing ember frbnt the altar of God is the soul, and though it now slumbers it will some time be homed into a flame. The earth may for at while enchain our . attention, for it is a fascinating - novelty to be alive, as the traveler toward ,t1w. Mountain top may rest satisfied wiLh the prospect which stretches before his -wondering eyes; but there is an inward voice which tells us that we must keep our steady way until the summit is reached, and that the toil will be repaidben what is Waiting for us there. . What you are now is as nothing to what you and your can never -find. perfect reel until 11w throne of God is; in. • Fight . wbon, • therefore, you think of the soul's capabilities, of this:earthly Life al the dedication of -n took' to be hereafter written; - when eim see that tlw laws of the univiers4., stern and implacable, are nothing( more then the strong hand,. of a father ; who rest rains his child front itillicting an injury upon him- self, then you are id harmony with _the divinc> order, Ilion you get a. glimpse Of true religion, then you aro %curie:fag sidte by side With the know what God wants - and to discover that you can never be -happy until you also want it is to learn the secret of usefulness and contentment . We are too perfonctory in our re- ligion. We think to buy heaven by an obedience which is often irksome. We imagine that if we belies -e certain doelyines our belief will offset a-sele fish life, it is eot belief that -saves. There are no, dogmas in heaven,but Jove only. Creeds are well enough ns a pastime, but the serious -.bust- JIL'IsS 61 life is to be your better self in temptation and to grow larger and nobler with every decade that flies MI° the past. Growth is the wit I chword of t he soul. That kind of manliness which knows how to keep its cheer in. - ad- versi t y as well as in good fortenw, wh ich cares for nothi»g except_ its own preservation_ and increase, which loons on unoullied honor and integ- ej1 y as lee only lir jvisit.:48 jewels earth -can afTord-the t kind of manliness land wontanlineas ie another name for godliness, and the only religion which knows no chenge is securely Yoe may be rich or eb.tcl-,sae(ct based on 1 il. 1.3et. poor,. t is a mere inci- dent. But if you vitro true, fail hf.11. loyal to your dee! my, seeking to be of sere ivy to ths a in Id because I( is (hoc] s world, you belong to Chilat and he helengs .te you. You may weep 01 e ou may laugh, you Sit in the sunshine or the shadow. You have what money cannot num-hese, it peace>, seren. joy, a pose, a *eel f - possess ion Which are a foretaste of the eternal life.-From-serfnon by Rev. Dr. George II, Iiepevorth. Good Color Schemes. A careful study of color tf nes and cOnibina i ions would firing much more effective resulta in ninny homes. For instance, blue and white iS a favorite color scheme• for bedroom furnishing and is often chosen and es often spoiled by incongruous surroundings. Japanese rugs are the best solution of the difficulty of floor covering_ with blue and white furnishing schemes, or if Persian rugs are chos- en, to give a, touch of warmth, they should have predominating blue tones and all subdued colorings. Then, con- - fusion should be avoided and a ma- jority. of plain stuffs prevail. Plain portieres of solid oak color are rest- ful to the eye. Money Lenders' Paradia-s7"7"."." A money lending case was heard In Dublin in which the interest charged amounted,to 2,800 per cent. This in- terest was reduced by the judge to five per cent, -Willie Oliver, the l5-yearold son of Mr. Luke Oliver, of St. Marys, met with a very serious accident while at work in the woodshop at the Maxwell works, in that town, on Tuesday morning of last . week. One of his hands came in contact with the knives of a planing machine, with the re- sult that all that is left of his hand is the little finger and part of the palm. Every Form of Piles Mr. George Thompson, a leading merchant of Blenheim, Ont., states :- 1'1 was troubled with itching piles for fifteen years, and at times they were so bad I could scarcely walk, I tried a great many remedies, but never found anything like Dr. Chase's Oint- ment. It cured me." Mr. .Tas, Sackson .of the Laurie Spool Company, at. Alexis des Monts, Que., writes was troubled for two years with that cruel disease, bleeding piles, and after using Dr. Chase's Ointment. I can say I am entirely rid of it. It Is a treasure to all suffering from piles." Mr. W. D. Thornton, blacksmith, Calgary, N.W.T., states :-"For fifteen years I suffered untold agony from blind, itching piles, and have been un- der treatment with well-known phy- sicians. t had 15 tumors removed, but obtained no positive cure. I have suf- fered more than I can tell, but can now say that, thanks to Dr. Chase's Oint- ment, I am positively cured, and by one and a half boxes. 130e a box.. Dr. Chase's Ointment. 11 V tentantitioal11111Metmeotetelinelllent111(11liereette. • II see THAT TH SIGNATURE OF IS ON link WRAPPER.. OF BURY BOTTLE Or A CaStoria is prd up in one -size 'bottles only, ft not sold in, balk. Don't allow aims to tea - you anything else on the plea or promise Salt is "just as good" and "Will answer every psr.: pose." .C4-13ee that you get -04,-134-0-144. The fa:- ri11.11 cf w*no, C "11 XACT LOPY OF Wign RitorsAPPER. Leaders for June. +.1444-1.444.4-1-1-4-1-1-14-1-14+ HELLEBORE I WALL PAVERS PARIS GREEN WINDOW SH ADES COPPER SULPHATE CURTAIN POLES COPPER CARBONATE LIQUID AMMONIA :COPPERAS SPONGES AND BRUSHES 'PERFUMERY BA BY 0 ARRIAGES EXPRESS WAGONS HAMMOCKS FOOTBALLS FISHING TACKLE. EX. WILSONS DRUG AND BOOK S7ORE, FIRST DOOR NORTh. OF PICKARD'S, SEAFORTH. U R Isi i 0 t, -TRADE MAAS The "King Quality" ladies' shoe with the "Twin turn sole" is the ideal of comfort and ap- pearance. Twin Turn soles are just as flexible as your finest dress - shoe soles, but they are twice as thick. Invented, patented and con- trolled by the makers of "King Quality." Can be got in no other shoe. No tacks or threads -under - the foot, no squeak—greater wear, more comfort, handsome appearance. Gold medal, Paris Exposi- tion. $4.00. All dealers. Mad* by The J. P. King Co., Lirnitoclip Toronto. The Proper Combination. There i$ only one combination that will insure you satisfaction in your clothing. It is this—the combination of style, comfort and du ability. It is this combination that is to be found in, our made-to- order suits, and is not to be found in other makes. This is the com- bination you are after, and we want to give you an example of how we work the combination. We have a nobby stock of the West Tweeds and Worsted in the proper colorings and effects for the ground work of this great combination, Let us work it OH you. YOAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAN BRIGHT BROS, FEWVISIIERS, &WORM Furniture Cheaper than Ever. On account of great reduction in expenses, and manufacturing special lino we are.now able to put furniture on the market cheaper than ever. All intend ing purchasers will do well to call at our warerooms, where full lines of up40- date furniture are sold f.t right prices. Egonmgagm ITISTIDMRMAJKIWG1-.. This department is complete with a large selection of the best goods, an obliging attention given to this branch of the business. Night calls promptly attended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Helmet Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church. BROADFOOTI BOX & Cal sm.A.PORTEI- cleric John lfJsn be sold 'it II re- eve/I With It 00114/Xtb• Close e rrAC Tovonahip of conunenceof to July epth Rurimal, s nb " j It gene lese for It forth, ‚cres o of Wa . Forf4 es, or VALUAI ies 'a;bl e of add sows etabil house ; A de 1(41. slro *ad myth static le10/3. BEM -o salp measly 13 and leans ;! liteirrested DALE, JOH Executors. J. Dated eti a vount1 M.Catopl -Tat 1%rost Setithetioel 2. merit Peoria Bei senderatense Iowa "dee prices. Vb erne pay, at Lot eSa ttendcd to. nio sir tizer G. Sneilliens be will be k CHAP ]'d S FO brad one them Yorkshire t with pitisil ARTHUR Q1' 13u" /svP Hulleet, t Hereford slumber of Januoxy Is Hereford a 110 PIG on - thoroug bred To be seltaitt of act -vice, • Oar d tilt an Brit Oar rat suit es oAI ler furth4 Trains 11 awe: nouro W Faseene- Passenge Mixed T faxed Trot -Goma EU Pewees Passenge ailed Teed Well loisa No 1, Ilrusee gorse Wingla Elmreal Brussel Lo acme N Lou Osoil Ceo Lou Tog ponies_ ny, These and is They they a purch - anima anyw whf lot of Ana W lug, -s ranty, horse ally ii rota They the 140' ROP s 1,„.mr,-.....,, ,i,,,,.,, „„,,,„,,,,,m„,,,„„„,.,,,,,„.„., ,,,„„„„,„, _ - __-- _ -es-- -- --- ... Id. ,..... Mk it/ lii i I r i1 -111,11.10,o. n i i li I. m..1 WI Olt 1 W.' AVegetable, Prep arationforAs - itnitatirig theTooci andReg, ula- tilt theS twat:iris and.I3owels of I N FAN : „Ill .1) --RE N —. ,....—.-. Promotes DigeitioniCheerfui- sness thd Iles LContaitts neither Opum,Morpliine nor IlinPral. NOT NARCOTIC. _ -ftg;fitoradlIrSegaZZITITZtla Pumpifin Sted- .ALCienna # Roalidiaala- Azite.ref,4', 299'want - 0ohona&J'ada. o Yliiv feed - (111/0.4d Swop > liawyroii& Nam A perfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convuis ions,Feveri sit- ngss aryl Loss OF SLEEP. L. -lc 5intile Signature of .0441;17 NEW Ar0121t. • - . ,•.1"-', '1.74;-•`, - .! , _11.;„ - - - .., .,...• - • I II see THAT TH SIGNATURE OF IS ON link WRAPPER.. OF BURY BOTTLE Or A CaStoria is prd up in one -size 'bottles only, ft not sold in, balk. Don't allow aims to tea - you anything else on the plea or promise Salt is "just as good" and "Will answer every psr.: pose." .C4-13ee that you get -04,-134-0-144. The fa:- ri11.11 cf w*no, C "11 XACT LOPY OF Wign RitorsAPPER. Leaders for June. +.1444-1.444.4-1-1-4-1-1-14-1-14+ HELLEBORE I WALL PAVERS PARIS GREEN WINDOW SH ADES COPPER SULPHATE CURTAIN POLES COPPER CARBONATE LIQUID AMMONIA :COPPERAS SPONGES AND BRUSHES 'PERFUMERY BA BY 0 ARRIAGES EXPRESS WAGONS HAMMOCKS FOOTBALLS FISHING TACKLE. EX. WILSONS DRUG AND BOOK S7ORE, FIRST DOOR NORTh. OF PICKARD'S, SEAFORTH. U R Isi i 0 t, -TRADE MAAS The "King Quality" ladies' shoe with the "Twin turn sole" is the ideal of comfort and ap- pearance. Twin Turn soles are just as flexible as your finest dress - shoe soles, but they are twice as thick. Invented, patented and con- trolled by the makers of "King Quality." Can be got in no other shoe. No tacks or threads -under - the foot, no squeak—greater wear, more comfort, handsome appearance. Gold medal, Paris Exposi- tion. $4.00. All dealers. Mad* by The J. P. King Co., Lirnitoclip Toronto. The Proper Combination. There i$ only one combination that will insure you satisfaction in your clothing. It is this—the combination of style, comfort and du ability. It is this combination that is to be found in, our made-to- order suits, and is not to be found in other makes. This is the com- bination you are after, and we want to give you an example of how we work the combination. We have a nobby stock of the West Tweeds and Worsted in the proper colorings and effects for the ground work of this great combination, Let us work it OH you. YOAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAN BRIGHT BROS, FEWVISIIERS, &WORM Furniture Cheaper than Ever. On account of great reduction in expenses, and manufacturing special lino we are.now able to put furniture on the market cheaper than ever. All intend ing purchasers will do well to call at our warerooms, where full lines of up40- date furniture are sold f.t right prices. Egonmgagm ITISTIDMRMAJKIWG1-.. This department is complete with a large selection of the best goods, an obliging attention given to this branch of the business. Night calls promptly attended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Helmet Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church. BROADFOOTI BOX & Cal sm.A.PORTEI- cleric John lfJsn be sold 'it II re- eve/I With It 00114/Xtb• Close e rrAC Tovonahip of conunenceof to July epth Rurimal, s nb " j It gene lese for It forth, ‚cres o of Wa . Forf4 es, or VALUAI ies 'a;bl e of add sows etabil house ; A de 1(41. slro *ad myth static le10/3. BEM -o salp measly 13 and leans ;! liteirrested DALE, JOH Executors. J. Dated eti a vount1 M.Catopl -Tat 1%rost Setithetioel 2. merit Peoria Bei senderatense Iowa "dee prices. Vb erne pay, at Lot eSa ttendcd to. nio sir tizer G. Sneilliens be will be k CHAP ]'d S FO brad one them Yorkshire t with pitisil ARTHUR Q1' 13u" /svP Hulleet, t Hereford slumber of Januoxy Is Hereford a 110 PIG on - thoroug bred To be seltaitt of act -vice, • Oar d tilt an Brit Oar rat suit es oAI ler furth4 Trains 11 awe: nouro W Faseene- Passenge Mixed T faxed Trot -Goma EU Pewees Passenge ailed Teed Well loisa No 1, Ilrusee gorse Wingla Elmreal Brussel Lo acme N Lou Osoil Ceo Lou Tog ponies_ ny, These and is They they a purch - anima anyw whf lot of Ana W lug, -s ranty, horse ally ii rota They the