HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-06-07, Page 31- a Ops ten, eat. Of she ala bag ehildroat ttry pre_ a. N. It - e o. r.elicialg f une, :9 t1an- etc. Ly mid e and .ts we ntlat 1718-3 11111111111.11 • :ore ant, it grey x es. Yu yon I see tend r) -to - -r JUNE 7 1901 ,r THE HURON EXPOSITOR. AUCTION SALES.' A UCTION SALE OF DESIRABLE PROPERTY A IN THE VILLAGE OF HENSA.LL.-II. S. Flaps has been instructed by the executors of the late Alex. Buchenan sr., to sell by public auction in In the village ef Heneall, on Tuesday, June 26th, 1901, at 2 o'clock p. m., the following valuable property situated on the south side of King etreet On the one lot is a la story frame house in good re. pair, a good brick cellar, hard and soft water con- venient. On the other lot is planted a number of fruit treee. The lots Join each other and will be sold separately. Also a quantity of goodiaard stove wood. Terms of Sale -Ten per cent of the purchase money to he paid on day of sale, the balance in two months. For further particulars apply to the Ex- ecutors, ALEX. BUCHANAN, JR. and DR. BUCHAN- AN. B. S. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. 1746-4 A UCTION SALE OF TWO 50 ACRE FARMS IN 11, TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT.-There will be sold by public auction, on the premitet, on Friday, June 7th, 1901, at 2 o'olock p. rn., the following farm properta : East half of Lot 29, in the lath Conceit-, aloe, and the past half of Lot 29, in the 13th Conces- sion of Hilebert, containing 60 acres in each lot. On the lot on the lath coneession, 42 acres are cleared, And the balance good hardwood timber. There is on this Iota good beak barn with stone stabling. On the other lot 30 sores are cleared, and the balance in bush. There is a good house a able good cellar, howea heeted by furnace. Them are excellent properties,' and in a bigh state of cultivation, and will be sold' separately. Terms -Ten percent. of purchase money ou the day of sale. Enough of the balance to make 50 per cent. within 80 days, without interest. The balance can remain on mortgage if the purchseer deeires. For further particulars, apple on the prem- ises, Or .to JUSTUS PARISH, Chiselharst' 11. BROWN, Au ct ioneer. , 1745.3 FOR SALE. MIOR SALE. -Registered Shorthorn Bulls from 10 je to 18 months of Scotch and lure Scotch breed. Ing,, good• colore, and big, thick smooth, etylish bulls, also a number of cows and heifers, all at very mod. erste prices and °sea terms. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ontario. 173641 DIGS FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep X for service on Lot 20, Ponca Beton 9, MoKillop, one thoreughbred Tarowerth and one thoroughbred Yorkshire boar. Tonne -8100 at the time of eervicta with privilege of returning. $1. 60 if charged. ARTHUR GALBRAITH. 173943 AUCTIONEERS. rfaHOMAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the j. Counties of Huron and Perth, Orders left at A. M. Campbell's implement warerooms, Seaforth, or TIM EXPOSITOR Office, will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge, 1708 tf A UCTIONEERING.-B, S. Phillips, Licensed „ex Auctioneer for the countlea of Huron and Perth. Being a praotIcal farmer and thoroughly understanding the value of farm stock and imple- roente, pinete me in a better position to realize good prices. Chargee moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All ordereleft at Heneall post office or at Lot 23, Conceeeion 2, Hay, will be promptly ttended to, 1709-tt STOCK FOR SERVICE, MO STOCK BREEDERS. -Our Shorthorn Bull, • islew Year's Gift, bas been removed from Mr. A G. Smillie's to the premises of the undersigned, where he will be kept until further notice in these oolumne. WM. CHAPMAN. 1786.tf DULL FOR SERVICE. -Tho undersigned will J3 keep for service on Lot 11, aoseeSs1013 9, the thoroughbred Anterloan registered Hereford bull, Kruger 106081, to which a limited number of cows will be taken. Terme 11.25 payable January 1st, 1002, Mao for Bale at any time young Ilereford stook, E. L. FARNHAM. 1745x6 - - ro PIG BREEDERS. -The undereigned will keep on Lot 26, Conoession 6, L. R. S., Tuckerenalth, A thoroughbred TAMWORTR Pio, also a thorough. bred YORKSIIIRN Pie. A limited number of aowe will be admitted to each. Terme, el, payable ab the time of eervice, or 61.60 If charged. JAMES GED&MILL. 1608-52 111 •;;;;71- 4.4464 4614, '10AIINFAIIIIII I. • 1111L 4.74`. tO _CO sir; Our direob connectiotus will save you time and money for all points, Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rattle are the lawest. We have them (suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR. ST OARS for your a000mmodation. Call for further information. Grand Trunk Railway. Traine leave Seaforth and Clinton stations Ai iOING EirlaPORTH. Cram& Passenger 12,40 P. M. 12.65 P. tt • Paseenger._. 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. M, Mixed Train._ _ 9.20 A. M. 10.15 A. IL Mixed Train 6.15P. M. 7.05 P. id GOINO EAST - Passenger 7.63 A. M. 7.88 A,M, Passenger_ 3.11 P. M. 2.66 P. M. Mixed 4.40 P. M 4.25 P. M. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. MORI° NORTM- Passenger. 8.07 P, 8.17 8.27 8.38 Paqatmgor. 6.63 A. m. 7.02 7.18 7.28 Ethel. Brussels.. Bluevale.. CIORIa SOUTII- Wingharb Bluevale Btu:male ..... Ethel- ..... • Mixed. 1.40 r. 2.10 . 2.85 8.25 Mixed. 8.65 A. Id 9.17 9.46 10.02 London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Paseenger. London, depart) 8.15 A.M. 4.40 P.M °emir:die 4 0 * 0.18 5,56 Exeter.. - ....... ..- .. 9.80 6.0 Henna_ ...... .......... 9.44 8.1 Kii een. .. ........ .... _ 9.50 6.25 • afield_ 9.68 8.88 ., Ca II tan. 10.16 8.55 Landed:, aro - .... .... .. 10.38 7.14 ,Blyth,., 10.41 7.28 Belgrave........ .... ...... 10.66 7.87 Winghern arrive ..... . .., 11.10 8.00 GOING BOOTH- Passenger. Wingham, depart._ .... 8.58 a.m. 3.16 P. M Magna% . .. ...... 7.01 Myth, 8.40 3,65 Londeaboro........ L ..:: 77..14 4.06 Clinton Brucetield 7.47 4.26 Kippen. 8.05 - 4.49 8.16 4,57 Hermit _ Exeter 8,22 5.02 8,85 5.14 Centralia 8.46 6.23 Lon on, (arrive) 0.37 A. U. 6.12 CENTRAL Hardware Store, Spring• Goods. We show a full line of Tinware and Granite, All Linea of Tinware made to or- der, Leader Barrel Churns the easiest run- ning churn in the marked. Re Acting Washing Machines and Royal American 'Wringers. Call and get our prices for Builders Hardware, Coiled Spring Wire fencing, Barbed Wire and plain Galvan• ized Wire. Estimates given for eavetrough- ing, Galvanized Iron and Furnace Work. Sills 84- Murdie HARDWARE, Counter's Old Stand. Seaforth Money To Loan. The Townehip of Tuokersmith has about 83,000 of Townehip Funds to loan at current rates of interest on tint mortgage on farm property. Apply to the Reeve or Treatearer. IL HORTON, Reeve, Homan 0.; 0. N. TURNER, Treasurer, Clinton P. 0. 1733-tf McKillop Directory for 1901. DANIEL MANLEY, Reeve, Beeobwood P. 0. ALEX, GARDINER, Councillor, Leadbury P. 0. JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0 JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Councillor, beechwood P. 0 ARCHIBALD MeGREGOR, Councillor, Seaforth P.0 JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0 DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0. WILLIAM EVENS, Ateresser, Beeohwood P. 0. `31.1ARLES DODDS, Collector, Seraforth P. 0, RICHARD POLLARD, 'Sanitary Inspector. LW. bury P. 0. CHINESE SIMPLICITY, A LAUGHABLE INCIDENT -OF THE CAP- TURE OF PEKING. The Amazing_ lDiaphay of Innoeene Childlike and Eland, by a Celeetit Warrior Cruised Even Grina Gen eral Chaffee to Smile. One of the most laughableiostanc which I witnessed /during the war 1 China happened -on Wednesday, the 15t of August, 1900, the day .foltewing t one on which Peking was entered by -Da allies and the legations were relieved. • The American troops, commandedb General Chaffee,started in the earl Morning from their camp under the Ta tar city 'wall, neer the canal gate, with oat consulting the other powers as their destination or intentions: About a. ne word came to .Chaffee that a sid gate had been 'found and opened on th right. With two officers of his\staff th general started at once to see for-himsel -the prospect of entrance. But a Ow time before , gallant CaptainRiley ha fallen, shot dead by a bullet through th head, which 'struck .him as he was sight ing a gun on top of the Chien gate. Dear ly beloved as an officer, a soldier and. man, the news of his death was a shoc to every one of the little army of Amer icans, who respected and admired him 0 greatly. • When General Chaffee and his ata officers went to the gate that had bee discovered, passed through gl it and alon the inside of the outer wall, I accom panied them. None of the party felt i the mood for levity, and I -remember tha I, for one, was laboring under a ver strong realization of the danger of our po sition. We eventually discovered tha the gate had but 'admitted us to an oute court, whieh was apparently between th outer wall and pn inner one of equal di mensions. Consequently we had gaine nothing in the matter of position byfind ing the gate. Before we had discovered all this,.how ever, and as we were still en.gaged explor ing the court, those -in advance came upon e s a Chinese, in the uniform of a soldier, s suddenly as -to cause them to wonder- 1 he had not sprung from the ground. Hi proximity at the moment of the discovery i of his existence, the -fact that he was ap parently unarmed and the broad ant trustful grin which illumined his counte mince were all pontly responsible for his escape from death. Had he been seen at any distance, or had he attempted t� es-. cape, he would certainly have been shot. Under the existing circunistatices lie very probably owed his lite to the presence of the American commander in chief. As the Americans advanced he present. - e. a small wooden tablet, upon which, were several Chinese eharacters. His evident anxiety that we should not over- look this bit of unintelligibly inscribed wood caused us at once to .jump no gee conclusion that he was the bearer of a message from "the city, within a city within a city." In other. words, WO thought: "Here's a man with. a message from the palace. • Perba.ps it is from the empress dowager, or even the emperor himself." At that Moment I eaw the Interpreter of the French general approaching. Knowing that be &rile speak Chinese, 1 hastened toward him and explained the important find we had made. The inter- preter had come to ask General Chaffee if the French artillery .might shell the im- perial city towers from the Tartar city wall, firing over the heads of the Amer- ican troops. Chaffee refused to entertain such a proposition for a moment, but, of course, that didn't stop the French. en fact, Chaffee had to nee all his well known bluntness, and even employ discourteous and profane language, before the French shells ceased bursting within a few yards of the American advance. But that Is another story. The French Interpreter was as eager as I to see what was on the placard.. He, the soldier detailed' toguardthe Chinese and myself formed an anxious knot as the Frenchman scanned, the qbeer hiero glyphics. I read dlsgtist on his face be- fore he had finished, but he did .not have opportimity to speak before the Chi- nese comnienced an earnest and emphatic harangue .to, the newcomer. Of coureo the Mongolian had tried ' the same_ thing, on all of us, but this was the first tirne he was understood. As he finished, or nth. er slowed down after the first spurt, Gen- eral Chaffee came bp. • "What about this fellow?" asked the general. • "Why; -sir," said the Interpreter, with a sickly smile, "this is a Chinese soldier. The board he carries testifies to that fact and in addition tells who he is -and to what 'boay of troops he is -attached. .11e belongs to a sort of Imperial guard.' He says he was on duty guarding the gate in the outer Wall and left his pest but for, a moment to find en his return that your soldiers had entered In his absence. He is very anxiotis that I should ask you to go outside the gate, at once; for, he says, no one is allowed in here, and If his com- mander discovers that he has -neglected his deity and left his post and gun he will be severely punished. - He. also says that if you will allow him to return to the gate he will show you the order which forbids any one to enter it." Well, we all laughed, One or two of. the younger ones fairly howled. We didn't any of us feel gay, but no one Could keep a straight face in the presence of such amazing simplicity. Even grim Chaffee smiled and grunted, whicb was as near as 1 ever knew him to come to a laugh. There was that innocent idiot of a Chinese soldier actually asking his en- emies, who were even -then undecided whether to tint an ed to him or send him to the rear as a prisoner, to go out of the Imperial city because his commanding officer would punish him for letting 'us in! And when one thinks of the, American casualties that were piled up before that day was over and the Chinese dead that Were scattered over that stubbornly -con- tested ground -the gatekeeper's unusual request seems still more ludicrous. The last ,I saw of him he was vainly endeavoring to make up his mind -whether to stop and exPostnlate with the Amer- ican soldiers whose 'hold on his pigtail was too secure for comfort or to go on resignedly in the face of the' :anticipated severity of the 's mmishment when he should be called to account for his, aban- don.ment of his post. -London News. e, al es, r- 9 7 a 0 11 11 d Trying Roth Places. "When I get to heaven," said a woman to her Baconian husband, "1 am going to ask Shakespeare if he wrote those plays." "Mpybe he won't be there," was the re- ply. "Then you ask him," said the wi ie.- RoistOn Journal. MARRIAGE LICENSES • ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. ARE* A SUE CURE FOR Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Ner- vous Prostration, Loss of Energy, Brain Fag, Faint and DizzySpells, Loss of Memory, Melancholia, Listlessness, After Effects of La Grippe, Palpitation of the Heart, Antemia, General Debility, and all troubles arising from a run- down system.. • They will build you up, make rich red blood and give, you vim and energy. Price, soc. per box, or three boxes for $1.25, at drug- gists, or yvill be sent on receipt of price by The T. Mil- burn' Co., Limited, Toronto, Opt. GILLESPIE'S HARNESS. ...4,•.11•1=1.0111111 • I have removed my harness shop to my own store, ONE DOOR NORTH OF THE POST OFFICE, where I will be pleased to )tieet all my old oustomera and many new Ones. Gillespie's Harness is the best Harness. A full stock of Horse Blankets, Robes, • Sleigh Bells, Trunks, ie.c. Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a call and we will please you, delight your horse, satisfy your purse. • • teRepairing a Specialty, JAMES GILLESPIE, Seaforth, One Door NORTH of the Yost Office, 1718.tf DOA NIS t M 244 C R SAOKA01411 LAME RACIN RHEUMATISM ()sauna BRIGHT'. DissAell DIZZINESS AND NA KIONIY & UmNARY &Wes* A011-01.1RADO, PILLS. MRS. I. always, Bdgett'S Land- ing, N.B., writes on Jan. 18, "In the fell 0( 1899 I was troubled with a severe pain in the back.' I could scarcely get up out of a chair and it gave me great pain to move about. I took .one box of Doan's Kidney Pills and was completely cured. I have not been troubled with It since." • To the public of Seaforth and surrounding country HAVING PURCHARED___,..gro, The Meat Business Formerly conducted by ' T. R. F. CASE Se CO. I trust, by strict attention to businese and supplying a first class article at a reasonable price, to merit the patronage bestowed on the late firm. Will pay the highest market price for .dressed poultry, good hides, eking and tel. ow, FRED GALES, Seatorth, • FURNITURE EMP:ORIUM. 1, Landsborough DEALE IN Furniture o all kinds At live and let live rices. Upholster- ing done and. satisfa tion in every re- spect. Picture fram`ng neat and cheap New Williams sewin machine always on hand. No tray lling agents, and no high prices. G ods delivered in town and country fre �f charge, Undertakine D partment. We have a large and varied assort- ment from which to choose in time of need, at prices that h ve been a matter of agreeable surprise to all who have dealt with us. Twc fine hearses on hand for summer and inter use. Night calls at Mr, Landsbo ough's residence, corner cottage in rear of Dominion Bank, will be promptly,responded to. JOHN ioliND BOROUGH, - SEAFORT111, ONT, Special Attention to Horseshcoeing and General Jobbing. ' Goderich street, Robert Devereux EACKSMITH end ARNIM opp. AKER Air - • - Seaforth, 401..D HIS -PICTURE TWELVE TIMES. An Artist's Story of the Popselbait:es '• In Forging. Painting,. "We sotuetimes come across queer de- velopments concerning the forgery of paintings," said a landscape artist in the course of conversation with a party of friends. "By fbrgery of course I mean .the painting of a picture over sorne other artist's name. tell you a true story which shows how safe the business is considered when carried on in the right' way. The dealer who worked this scheme had a genuine work by a great French landscape paint- er exhibited in his store. One day a westerner bought it for a good' round BUM "The art man closed the deal with rel- ish, but began to feel opposed to parting with his treasure as soon as the customer was outside the door. The painting was not to be delivered until three or four days later. He quickly lad it taken out of its frame and sent to a clever potboiler who had served him before. In three days the petboiler had a copy which, -con- sidering time and circumstances, was a rlirve t el, This copy went west, and the dlets kephis treasure. 1"The trick came off so prettily that the deeler decided to try it over again. It sonnds like a fairy tale, and yet it isetrue filet he said that same landscape to 12 different persons and delivered it to all of them, and /et he has the original in his own private collection. He decided that the latter plan would prove safer in the loeg runthan the store, as one of the 12 cueteraers might return for another bar- gain." "What dld the potboiler make out of Oita?" ask d one of his hearers. • "Not m ch," the artist said. "He ' struck for t raise each time the original came back to him, but I don't suppose he got more tiban $12 or $15 for the first copy." "Ever heard of Snakes?" inquired an- other artist in the party. "The ki g. of potboilers?" asked the firSt. 'That's the one. .He wound up in a !piratic asylum. It's a queer story. The man began to .think that he was some- body. His fakes were so clever that he -lost his equilibrium and stiffened the priees more than the dealer fancied. The latter said 'nit' and quit giving orders, al- tho igh the step caused him regret,. . nukes threatened and actualy went so at. as to tell his story to several inter- est id persons. Evidence was, the one thit g they 411 demanded. Had they only beei able t get,that, the dealer would haNe had a ot time of it. But there was., onlY the wo -el of Snakes to go by, and he ween't alweys quite sober when he told • never signe any of the _copies he made. his inerinillating tale. Besides, he had "The art, dealer had been cunning enough to let another man put in that fin- ishing tone . Why, there are men who do Inothing else but put signatures to spurious ma terpieces, either imported or horeeniade, nd who get from $5 to $20 for each Jo That's an art, too, and some of them are very good at it, and to have the tight twist to the signature is conSitlered So important by the dealers that those who are clever in that way get more than the potboilers who make the picttires." "And howaboutSnakes?" "Q11 nothing Came out of his squeal hut lard times to himself. Other dealers tumid ot the story and turned him down. He had shi 'ked too long to be able to make- a 1ivig by legitimate work, and he Was too iroud to try, strange to say, even when 1it his cups; results, slow star- vati'n, wancIenlng mind, still less .money, whi. Icy and l cigarettes substituted. for food complete bughouse, arrest and tran portatiob to Ward's island." el(A Sleepw lker,si Wonderful Peat. "An Interesting case of somnambulism Is reported by AC Badaire, director of the Normal schogl at Blois, France. It is ac- credited by Dr. Dufay and printed in 'The Proceedings of the Society of Psy- chic I Reset' cli,' " writes -Dr. R. Osgood Mas n in La ies' Home Journal. "T eophile Janicaud wh.s a pupil at the Nor al school, and in the month of July of hes second year he commenced to walk inhi sleep. On one occasion he got up in th • night 4nd determined to go fishing. His rother-in-law, M. Simonet, decided to accompanyhim, but before starting he slice eded In inducing him to alter his plan and go and visit a relative instead. i Acco dingly his was done, Janicaud re- main n fast asleep and undisturbed by the arklng logs or the fatigue of a long walk • lE1 nally he was ready to return, end on the vay, com ng to a narrow and danger- ous ath clos.e to the river, his brother-in- law autioned him to go carefully in the darkness. Ja icaud, with some scorn, de- clare that h could see the better of the two, and to prove it asked Simonet if he could see the match under his foot. Si- monet felt un er his foot, and sure enough there was t e match. It Was a dark night and be ides Janicaud was some 30 • feet ahead o him and had his nightcap drawle closely over his face." A Trick the Lawyer,' Trade. • The averag layman who may attend any of the zn re conspicuous trials in the civil r criminel courts is usually amused at fir t by the wrangles and tilts of op- posin counsel, but in the end he becomes boredj and wonders what is the point of all th s furioue recrimination. Some light washed on this matter the other day by a protniuent criminal lawyer who said: • "I lawyer engage in any of these con- trovetsies without an object. When I have s witnes4 who is going along swim- mingly and keeping his head, I never mix it up with m opponent. But when my witness begin to get rattled under cross examination, for instance, I am pretty apt te interje t a remark that will bring a retort from my learned friend on the other side. Qne word leads to another, and ie a jiffy we are at it hammer and tongs until t1e court stens us. Mean- while my obj ct is accomplished. The witness' min4I is diverted, he gets a chance to rec ver himself, and, if Lhap- pen to have bad the better of the argu• meta, he feelreassured and his confi- dence Is restored." A 4neer Woman. • Firet Prison' 1t11ssionary-That Mrs. De Goode is the tibst eccentric person I ever • saw. You re ember Mr. Brutie in cell No. f500, und sentence for killing his wife? Second Prieen Missionary -Yee, poor fellow, "Well, I g Ye her a lot of flowers imarked 'Bruti ,' and she went off and put them on the yoman's grave instead of bringing them here to cheer the poor hus- banAl.". CASTOR IA 3 1.111111111111MOMMAIBI E DOLLAR GODii.RICH TO ID]ITP,QIT AND RETURN. re THE FAST STEAMER City of Toledo WILL LEAVE GODERICH Wednesday, hue 19th, 8:306. m., Eastern time, arrive Port Huron 12:30 noon, Detroit 4 30 p. It Returning, leave Detroit Thursday, June 20, at 2 p. m. Port Huron 6:30 p. m., arriving at Goderich at 10:30 p. m., and leave for Detroit on Friday, June 21, at 8 a. m., 'Eastern time., Fare to Detroit one way, June 21st, el. The Stratford Herald excurtion will leave Stratford at 6:40 a. m. June 19, stopping at Mitchell, Dublin, Seaforth and Clinton. Round trip fare to Goderich-from Stratford $1.90, Mitchell $1.35, Dublin $1.15, Seaforth $1.10, Clinton 70c. Train will arrive at Clinton 7:35, Goderich 8:15, The steamer will leave Goderich at 8:30 14. m, Special train leaves Godetich for Clinton end way stations to Stratford, on arrival of steamer Thursday night. Moonlight °icemen -el rat Goderich Tuesday (welling, 25c. 0. F. BIELMAN, Traffic Manager, White Star Line. 1746.8 READY As soon as you Are You never have to wait for the fire when you are cooking or baking -if you have Gurney's Imperial Oxford Range The Seaforth Tea Store The. Seaforth Tea Store leads and others follow. Just received a oar of Redpath granulated and coffee eugare, and :will _sell as cheap as the cheapest. Please call and get prices. Also a new stock of Crockery, China and Glassware, all at a very love price.. Also a large stock of all kinds of French Groceries, which will be sold at the very lowest poesible prices. Maple Syrup, 25c a quart; 5 lha. Prunes for 25o; best Dates, 5o Ib.; best eleaned Currants, 100 Ib.; 3 cans Gillette Lye, 25o; 3 cans Salmon, 25c; 5 tins of Sardines for 25c; 6 lbs. heat B Ries for 25a; 5 lbe. Tapioca for 250 CateupSo a bottle Eddy Telephone Matches itte a box, 1;esti 40e coffee for 30c a lb. ; Labradore Herring, 20c a dozen. Am- erican Coal Oil 20e a gallon; all kinds of Black, Green, Gunpowder, Jrpan and Tee Dust from 100 a lb. up to 50c a lb. Remember that 1 am receiving Weston's Terento Bread every day by the one (=o'clock express. The highest price paid ELefor Butter and Eggs. Aiheordial invitation is extenned to all to call and get some of the GREAT BARGAINS. A. G. AULT SEAFORTH. It can be sc quickly and easily regulated that it meets ail requirements on shortest notice, and as soon as you are through you can check ;the fire instantly, so that no heat or fuel is wasted when not required. Sold by SILLS & MURDIE, eaforth. The Gurney Foundry Co, Limited, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver. $0114. Nunez** • IrPi)- e ' ar 471, 41)t) es. _ es- nen ifwill outwear. two pairs of Ordinary Common Rubbers. Search the World and you will find nothing %tele better than 07mitetted by Every Rubber Manufacturer and Dealer, but no imitation has our specially Manufac- - tured Rope Canvas or Duck, the only fabric which can be thoroughly impregnated with the Para Gum. When worn out have leather a ole put on and use for a Plow Boot. Thai. D. KingCe. , Limited, have the only genuine SWilite4 Rubber. Don't buy unless the words are stamped upon the sole of each Rubber; all others are frauds upon the Public. Cresswell, March 28, 1901. The T. Milburn Co., Limited; Toronto, Ont. Dear Sirs, -I write to say that I have used Burdock Blood Bitters with excellent results. Last spring my. daughter got all run down and was Very thin and weak. Her face was covered with red spots and a large boil formed on her cheek. I procured 2 bottles of ILB.B , and by the time she had ftnished them the spots and boil disappeared and she has got strong and fleshy again. I consider B.B.B. the best blood medicine known. MRS. I. DAVIDSON. Do You Want Hens. 11•111.1.11 Do you want hens that lay when eggs are a high price? Then get eggs from our pen of barred Ply- mouth Rooks, eeleeted from the best winter layers. Hens are of Fetch and Miller strains mated with a tine pook of Conger strain. Dressed chickens of this breed brought us 60e a piece lad year. Eggs, SI for 16. SMILLIE BROS., Bluevale, Ont. - 1741x8 Low prices form the loadstone that draws custom to our store and good values given for the same make our patrons our friends. With every pair of boots and shoes in etock you will find a uni- form system of price that 10 always In favor of the buyer. We do not give away goods but we do buy close, sell close, and share profits accordingly, that is why We secure what every ens ergetio merchant is after, the bulk of business. In offerings for the prevent season we are particularly enabled to show decidedly interesting price items, which will •satiety our old customers and surpriee all others. You will find our • large stook made up entirely of goods that are trustworthy, eervicable and the heat of their chase. Everything goes at the lowest possible price. Richardson &McInnis Seaforth, Ont. Seaforth The undersigned having purchased from the Ogilvie Milling Company, of Montreal, the well-known Seaforth Flour Mills Are now prepared to do all kinds of Having purchased the Harness Shop and business of Mr. John Ward, I solicit the patronage of all the old clistomers, and guar- antee them and all new ones the best of workmanship and material. Always on hand a full line of HARNESS WHIPS VALISES SADDLES TRUNKS ETC., ETC. Prices right and • satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a call. ANDREW 01C, Seaforth. -WARD'S OLD STAND. 173041 MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan at 41 per eent on good farm scour. Ity. Apply to JAS. L. KILLORAN, Barrister, Sea forth. 1712.41 ,AN ITEM OF ,INTEREST. Farm loans taken at lowest rate.; payments to suit borrower; satisfaction gnaranteed ; all corre. spondenoe cheerfully answeredj, ABNER COSENS. Wingharn, Ont. Office -At corner of Minnie and Patriek streets; every Saturday all day. 1867 SEAFORTH DYE WORKS Ladles and gentlemen, thenk ng you all for past patronage and now that a new asen Is at hand wish to let yob know that I am still in the business, ready to do my best to give you every satisfaction in doing your work In the line o cleanbng and dyeing gentlemen's and ladies' olothin , done without being ripped u well as to have thetn ripped. All wool goods guaranteed to give good tisfaction on short. est notice. Shawls, curtains, ole., at moderate prices. Please do not feil t.o gist* me a call. Butter and eggs taken in exchange or work. HENRY NICHOL, opposite the Launtitir,north Main street, 1691.11 • The Ohampio Shire Stallion Belshazzar -AND- The Hackney iltalhon Connaught Heir Will stand for the improvement of stock thia season at their own stables in These horses won first prize at the military tournament in Toronto last month. TERMS, $15 each, to ineure. Parties at distance can be furnished with good grass -at reasonable rates. • BAWDEN & McDONELL, 1742-11 Exeter. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between tis, the undersigned, as Egg Dealers, in the Town of Seadortb, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, under the finn risme of D. D. Wilson * Co., Ivo this day been dissolved by tnutual consent. All debts owing to said partnerehip are to be paid to the said D. D. Wilson and J. A. Wilson at the said Town of Sea - forth, and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said D. Et, Wilson and J. A. Wilton, by whom the same will be settled. The said business will be carried on as heretofore by the said D. D. Wilson and J. e. Wilson ander the firm name of D. D. Wilson & Co. f D. D. WILSON Witneso, R. S. HAY81 JOHN A. WILSON kJ. R. RICHARDSON Dated at Seaforth, the let day of libretto 1901. 1744.4 . . TO WHICH . Special Attention will be Given. The very best quality of Flour given in sxchange for wheat. Chopping of all kinds done on the abort. sat notice. Price, five cents per bag. k The best brands of Flour always on hand, and will be delivered in any part of the - town free of Aarge. The highest price in cash paid for all kinds of grain. Feed of all kinds constantly on hand. The Seaforth Milling Co. 1689 Skims cleanest, runs easiest, $65:on time. The gearing is made]. of gun metal. 12 The Highest Award -AT THE - Paris Exposition,1900 Grand Prize awl Gold Medal Ras been won by the MELOTTE CREAM. SEPARATOR. Eight days' free trial to intending pur- chasers. Skims clean and turns easy. • DUBLIN, Janusry 21s1, 1901: • Having tried three different makes of Cream Sep. arators 1 bought a Melotte. I would recommend 111 to any farmer with four or five cows. I think ii 10 the best paying article on the farm.-Jatoa BRUM. Call on or write the local agent, • J. D. WALKER, Staffs, Ont. 1788 Oak% Cotton loot Cowed 1,41001jecuistalliAdies. Belem", eireetaild1"4"1".1.1141414"e sakr our druggisS for Cask's Csd SW COP NIT& ke no othertas all Itixtures pills aa i lotions are dangerous Iiwriais. 4 0 pe box • Nei *put degrees rouge' r,gdatne.. 111 zo. or tv mailed on reeelpstof pri- 08 And per box. itamw.. The Ceeh 1112eispsay Wis0* Nr-Tos 2121.11 1 and 2 sold sad asa 107sil responsible Draft/lite is ainatin.• 5 Sold in Scaforth by Alex, Wilson, J. S. Roberts and I. V. Fear, druggists. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received by the council of the township of Stanley up to Monday the 10th day of June, 1901, far the oonstruo.lon of the following drainage works : Main Drain, 83,400 mole yards; Tap Drain, No. I, 2,760 cubic yards: Tap Drain, No. 2, 9,160 cubic yard.;. Tap Drain, No, 3, 1,780 cubic yards. Two bundled dollars of a, deposit to be roado with each tender. Plans and profiles may be seen at the office of the undersigned. Satisfactory bonds are required to be furnished by the contztwUrs. The lbweet or any tender not necessarily aocepted. JOHN E. HARNWML Towneklp Clerk, Varna, 1146-2 , 1 • 5- ee 4.71