HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-05-24, Page 71901
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MAY 24, If
The following horses will teavel the under-
mentioned routes for the seaSon of 1901 as
SMILLIE BROS. have redired the price of their
"Prince of Ilarlfo.d ;" will inszrefrSLR
Sgulei &twee Brucetleli.
The celebrated Clyd
lion Kennilwor
sdale Stal-
StsioN IsIcKaNzlea Pr iprietor.
Win Etmid in his own stable on rat 25, Coneess'on
tee R. S.. for the improvement f stoek this sum-
mer. Terms—ea per mere. 1744-tf
The Imported Clydesd le Stallion
"Mount Boy
-ftnetERT & ARCHIBALD ME, ZIES, Prop'd
levo hie own st ble, Lot 12, Cern
cession It, McKi lop, and proceed t Pa rick Gilvin's,
Caucasian 6,tor noon ; thr seu'h o Joseph,Nagle%
concession 8, Hibbeit, f er night Tuesday—West
el recs. then north almiles to the 8cd 00004810n
of McKillop, to Jeur•s Nash's, be noon ; then by
way (f Roxboro. to WIU. Hoge% ,:oncesreoe 4, fir
night. Wednesday—West to the Town Line, then
north to Concessioa 10, fricKil op, at
Beattie's, MeKillop Town Line fee noen ,1 en be
sage's h -ten • Walton, for night. Thursady—North
and.e9 to :lone( erion 12, Grey, at Dmiel Sh'ne'e,
for noon; then north and east to Ethel, for the
night. Freclay—South to Jen3es M lea,r rs, far noon ;
then eouth end east to David MePh !son's, 14th Or n -
cession o!Logan, for nieht. Set irday—South to
Join Rerine's, Concession 10, Me Mop, for roon ;
then to his own stable, veLere he retnali7nuntil
the tollowine Monday morning. 443
The Pure Breci_ Clyde dale Stal-
lion "Royal State man."
MCK.elt- BROS., Prop ietors.
Mender will leave his own atehl , Lot 17, South
Boundary, Stanley, and proceed eet to Wagner's
Corners, then north on the Goshen Line to David
MeCrinchey% f ar noon ; then no-th t no miles and
west to Broneon Line, then Routh te Henry Steck-
ler', for night. Tuesday—West to Snowdon Bros.,
Sauble Line'for- noon ; then eonth to R. Denomy's,
-for night, Wednesday—South to St. Joseph, then
east to the 14th concession, then south to Willi oil
•Shoat'e, tor neon; then teree reilee s3uth and west
to Motet's Hotel, Pa-hwcoi, for night. Thursday—
Nortb along the Bron -on Line to R. Nichols:0(1's, for
nnon then nottit to Blake for one hour, then mat
to John Backtr's, for nizht. Fr Way — East to
Shaffer's Hotel, Killeen, for noon; then east to the
and conctseien cf Tuektramith, then south to Wood
Brothers', Cabo ne Boundary, for the n*ght. Satur-
eisy—West two rnilee and a hell, then north to the
Zurich Road, then to William M nkllister's, Parr Line
for noon ; then west to Zurich br one hour, then
north ta the Town Line and east to his own stable,
4xhere he will remain net,' the following Monday
tour 'Me. 1741-2
The Imported Clydesdale Stallions
" Fla,shwood's Last", " Lord
Huron", "Joe Anderson."
Titoeres DICKSON, Proprietor.
Flaehword's Last will ,leave his own stable, Sea.
'forth, on Monday and preceed to Thomas Coleman's
west of Eemondviile, fo: noon ; to Ira Johns', west
end, Tuckereneith, far night. Tilesday—To- John
Dale'e, 2nd concession, Hallett, for noon ; thrnoe to
Christoeher ter night. Wednesday—To Mat
Ara strong's, 8th concession of Huelett, for non ;
to George Lcve's, lith eonceseion of MaKillop, fo:
night. Thursday—By way a Frank aforrisen's to
Jarnee Rvare's, 7th con 26seion of McKillop, for ni‘li'.
Friday—:To Patrick Flannery's, for noon ; thence
leTwey of Patrick Connor:a, to Ch ries Eta arhat'e
oth eonees•ron of /libber t, for night. Saturday—By
way of James Hudron's, for noon ; lhence home to
Seafceth. Lord Hume will aclocap ny Flashwccd's
Last, when required. Joe Anders° will remain at
home. Flaehwocd's Lest is a very sr eerier breeding
horse, being the sire cf the chan3pio ware of Aus-
tralia. A gelding stred by him wor the champion-
ship cut of a competitimeof 85 at C thee, England,
shires and Clydesdales competing. He was eired by
the unbeaten Flahwoccl, the champion of Scotland,
grand sire, the world famed Darnley. 1742-tf
The Celebrated Imported Shire
Stallion " Blaisdon
No. 16529 Great Britain.
BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietore.
Will stand for the imp-ovement of stock this season
at Berry's sale and exch Inge stable, Hensen, On
Uric,. It is conceded he- the best judges that this is
the best Shire Stallion ever imported into the
country. Terms, $15, pa j able Jenuary lat, 1902.
The Imported Clydesdale Stal-
lions, "Rosevale", "Union Bank"
and " Silverwood"
CHARLES E. MASON, Proprietor.
leave his own feeble, Mill Road, and proceed by way
of Broadfoot'a bridge to Alma, at George Irwin', for
noon ; then alone. the Huron Road to Clinton, at
the Commercial 6b ote I , for night. Tuesday—Along
• the Heron Road to flomesville, for noon; thence up
the Cut Line to Alexander Cox's, for night. Wei-
nesday—Along the 7th Concession ot Goderlch Town-
ship, to John Stewart', for night. Thursday—Eat
along the Bayfield Line to Vterna, foe noon; thence
along the Par Line to Josph Hudscn'e for night.
Friday—Ar3rig the Town Line to Kinpen, for noon;
thence east to Alcx. Sinclair's, for oiiht. S durday—
By way of the 4th Concession of Tuokersmithe to his
own stable, where he will remain unlit the following
Monday morning'.
Route of Union Bank (10,016). Mqnday—Will leave
his own stable, Mill Road, an I proceed to Whitfield
Crich's, for noon ; thence meet to Lend3n Road, to
the Commeecial Hotel, Clinton, f ar night. Tuesday—
By way of Bayfield Road to the 4eh Coneeesicn of
Stanley, to Bairdas School, then weeb to Adam
Stewart's for noon; thence by way of the 2nd Con-
cession of Stanley to his own stable. Wednesday—
Along the and Concession of Tuckersmith to John B.
McLean's, for nool ; thence by way c f tha London
Road to hie own stable, where he will remain until
the following Monday morning.
Route of Silverwcod (10,910). Thursday—Will
leave his own stable, and proceed by way of the
Mill Road to Diek's Hotel, Sert-forth, or noon; thee
by way of the Huron Road to James Carling's, for
enght_ Friday—No:th 21 miles, than weat by way of
Grieve's bridge to , thence by wry of the Town
Line to Kinburn, for night. Saturday south to Her-
bert Fowler'e, Alma, for noon; theece along the
Barron Road 11 miles, then south by Carnochan's
careen to his own stable, where he will ren3ain ne-
til the following Thursday morning. 1143-3
Lew prices form the loadstone that draws
custom to our store and good values
given for the same mu.ke our patrons
our friends, With every pair of boots
and shoes in stock you will find a uni-
form system of price that is always in
favor of the buyer. We do not give
away goods but we do buy close, sell
close, and share profits accordingly,
that is why we secure whet every en-
ergetic merchant is after, the bulk of
bueinese. In offerings for the preeent
season we are particularly enabled to
show decidedly interesting pt ice items,
which will satisfy our old customers
and surprise all others. Yeti will find
our large stock made up entirely of
goods that are truetworthy, eervicable
-and the best of their elass.T, Everything
goes at the lowest possible price.
Richardson &McInnis
Seaforth, Ont.
Tenders for Street Watering for 1901 will be re-
ceived at the clerk's office until May 27th next.
Tenclere to be at so much per hour. The work to be
done under the direction of the Fire and Water Com-
mittee. The lowest or any tender not neceesarily
&stone, May 1.6th, 1901.
Court Of Revision.
Township of Tuelterernith.
Public notice is hereby given that the first sitting
et the court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll
of the Township of Tuckereceith will be held at
Strong'st Hall, Lot 10, Conceesion 8, 11. R S., Tucker -
smith, on Monday, May 27th, at 10 o'clock. Inter-
ested parties will take notice and govern themselves
a.c.cordingly. Parties who have disposed of their
dogs since they were placed on the roll by the rased-
eer must have there strmik off at above court or the
tax will be collected. A. G. SMILLIE, Clerk of
Teekersmith. Dated May 10th, 1901, 1743.3
Education and Matrimony.
In an exceedingly interesting paper dis-
cussion on the results of the higher educe -
tion of women, President Charles F. Thwing,
et Western'Reserve liniversity;Says, speak-
ing of the relation of the education of wo-
men to marriage :
" A third result of the education of a
larger_ number of girls (than boys) touches
in a condriotory sense lupon the result
which I have just considered. Fewer women
wish to be married under the tonditions
of marriage which are open to them, I
suppose it it true that most women would
prefer the vocation of the Tife to any other.
But the woman who rime onally thinks of
this vocation finds herseOppoaed to enter-
ing into it, except when she has offered to
herself a partner suitable and acceptable.
The woman, educated gracious, accustomed
to gentle enviornment, is net Willing to take
as her partner a man ignerant, coarse un-
trained, whoee associatione are degrading
and damaging tothe higher instincts and
impulses. Therefore, her field of choice
becomes narrower by reaton of her educa-
tion:The woman who is educated will
marry better because. she se educated, but
the chances that she will desire to matry at
all are somewhat lessened ley her education
This conclusion suggests e fourth effect
which naturally follows the increasing pro-
portion of educated women A large num-
ber of women will enter specifio vocatione.
I can hardly say that a larger number will
become teachers, for teachiog has fern thine
immemorial been a profeseion chosen and
chosen wisely by women. Toe' mother
element is the supreme element in the
teaching of children, and, therefore, *omen
should, and men should not, enter into the
opportunity of teaching young boys and
girls. But we are to see women taking up
forms of businees requiring large judgment,
careful discrimination and the presence of
fine personality. I do not think we shall
find edueated women taking up such forms
of business as are represented in steel and
iron corporations, or railroad or steamship
companies, but we hall find them taking
up such forrns of endeavor as are embodied
in the great drygoods simple in the sale and
purchaee of real estate, in the -management
of private and public i
schools, and n the
administration of libraries. Of course, too,
the number who will beeome physicians will
rapidly increase. The number whe will
adopt the clerieal and the legal allinge
shows a very slight increase from •ear to
year. Women seem to prefer, and isely,
the material to all other former rofes-
sions." —
. Sheldon's Opinion.
Leamington, Oet., May 20th.—Mr. Shel-
don states that for two yeas he uns ccees-
fully sought a remedy to pure his son of '
Catarrh, but permanent results were ot at-
tained until Catarrhozone was Use .It
cured h0 little boy like magic, and •e has
been quite free from Catarrh ever since.
Catarrhozone Ores` all kilns of. C tarrh,
Bronchitfs, Throat Irritatiori, Cough and
Colds. No remedy like it. Quick o re-
lieve, pleasant to -use, guaraesteed to cure.
Clears throat and nose at -one , breath Try
Catarrhczone, 25 cents and 1. For ale 'at
Fear's drug store, Seaforth, pr by mail from
Polon & Co., Kingston, Oat.
• .
School Reports.
sO. 14., STANLVI".
The following is the monthly report for
school section No. 14, Sta ley, for April.
Names are in order of merit : Fift ,—H.
F. Johnston. Senior Yamaha-- . L.
Whiteman, D. C. Grassick, Louisa Bell.
Junior Fourth,—A. W. Johnston, . R.
Alair, Jennie McBeath.- . Senior
Mary Johnston, Kate McDiarmid, Ida
Dinsdale. Junior Third ,-j-Willie
Fred Kyle, Mary McKay. Second,— 'mma_
Alair, Jennie Bagler, Frank M Kay.
Second Part A„—Eilen Bag er, Jean Gras -
sick, Herbert Jones. Secojid Part B.,—
Reina McBetith,Aggie emmell, Etta.
Jarrett. Second Part 0.,—Murray isher,
Janet Logan, Arthur KyIe.I First P rt,—
Bruce Logan, Hannah insdale Sarah
Rathwell. The best spellers in the .m nthly
spelling matches were Fiftlh and F urth,
Freeborn Johnston; Seniori Third, Mary
Johnston • Junior Third, Enr1 Rat well;
Second, Emma Alair; Secon Part A., Jean
Grassick ; Second Part B , Ida Jones;
Second Part Q., Murray Fisher.
NO, 4, HAY.
The following is the standing of the
pupile of school section No. a, Hay, for the
month of April. The report is based on
good conduct, regularity of oittendance and
general, proficiency Senior Fourth,—
Willie Klopp, Mabel Kaeialer, Harvey
Colosky. Junior Fourth,-Flors,- Klopp,
Roy Geiger, Herbert Kaereher. Senior
Third,—Dora Geiger. J maior Third,—
Willie Heckmann, Ida Becker, Mary
Kaercher, Erma Geiger, Herbert Stumpf,
Lizzie Volland. Senior Third,—Bertha
Heckman, Cornelius Stumpf, Hubert Klopp,
Maurice Stumpf. Junior Second,—Her-
man Heckman, Garwin Prang, Alvin
Surarus, Donella Ruby. Senior, Part L,—
Pear Kaercher, Victor Stumpf, Jennie
Wismer. Junior, Part I.,—Emery Roby,
Naorni Wurm, Arnold ftumpf.—Wiissiu
E. THOMPSON, Teacher.
A Tonic for Mothers.
The happiness that comes to • home with baby's
advent is too frequently shadowed by the ill -health
or weakness of the mother. To restore the mother's
strength, to bring back vigor and energy, and to sus-
tain 1- er during the nursing period, Dr.Chase'e Nerve
Food is undoubtedly the most effeotive pteparatton
obtainable. It makes the blood fish, revitalizes the
nerves, and has a wonderful restoretive influeme on
the whole system. 60 cents tebox, all dealers.
The To#ure of
Prevented Sleep.
Mr. Paul Larivierta Meadowville
• Station, Pictou. Co., ,. N.S., writes
as follows; "1 shall always praise
Bordoek Blood Bitters as the best
remedy for skin disiO.tes. I had
been sufferleag from: Salt Rheum
or Eczema for the past five years
and could not get any rest from
the terrible burning and itching,
which was worse at night and pre-
vented me sleeping.
"Hearing of B.B.B. I thought
I would try it, and after using one
bottle I was so much relieved that
I :continued, using it, ,taking six
bottles in all, and ani DOW _com-
pletely cured."
It is a blessing that there is
r. such a reliable remedy as B.B.B.
for those torturedday and night
withteerible skin diseases and who
ca,n get no relief from their misery.
Apply it externally and tt takes
out the fire and itch and aids in
the healing prress.
Take it internally and it puri-
fies the blood of/all those poissons
which arethe source of skin erup-
B.B.B. Cures Eczema
and all Burning,
Itching Skin Diseases.
ciilty, for h was unable to eneke the etatio
official understand 'what he wiehed to d
withhis lag. At last a he epy thou0i
struck hirri. The porters • weae Freece
ergo, they must be Roman . Omelet:ea ; ergo
again, they must, have mem,: eiinh
knowledge of Latin ; so, drawing cam o
them aside, he pointed to his encumberance
"Rsquiescat in pace,'' he slid. • Then
tapping himself on the breast, he remarked
" Resurgent." "Ah, parfeitment, m'sieu,'
replied the man with a broad grin, and le
the way to the tat lug:gage office.
An Honorable Medicine
That apt eats to the Mat judgment of the beet peo
.ple i3 Dr. Chase's Kidney -fairer Pills, the greates
pneeription of Dr., A. W. Chase, the famoue Rezip
Book auth are By aetine directly and specitically o
the liver, kidneys a d bowels, this popular famil
medicine thoroughly cures liver complaint, bilious
nees, kidney diseane, constipation, and the accom
panying paine and aches. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Live
Pilleact promptly, pleasant'y and naturally. on
pill a dose,.26 cents a box. -
Sayings of Little Folks.
" Willie," said; mairnma, " didn't I tel
you to wash your face ?
" Yes, ma'am,' Willie replied, "and
did Wash it."
"1 don't believe you. It's jusints dirty
as ever."
"Mamma," piped little Elsie, who had
just been vaccinated," ena.ybe le did do it
but it didn't ' take ' the first time."
One very cold day Torri,- in his first
trousers, was walking out with his tiny
overcoat turned back to its utmost limit.
"Ton -i," said hie father; "button your
coat." The boy demurred. "Look at
mine," added his father. " Yes," said
Tom, ruefully, " but everybody knows that
you wear Veneers."
A Dentist's Queer Will.
A dentist died in a rural town in England
recently, after spending over fifty years
pulling the molars of his fellow citizens.
He had made it a hobby te keep all the
teethAse had drawn in the course of his pro--
fessional career, and took great pride in the
collection. When his will was opened
it was found that he had ordered
his collection of teeth to be placed with him
in his coffin for burial. His heirs- fulfilled
his command, and almost thirty thouaand
teeth were put into the coffin with the dead
dentist. If some archaeologist of the future
century shall happen to open that grave, he
will have "food for thought" and some
difficulty, perhaps, in explaining the pres-
ence of so many teeth.
Warts are Unsightly
That is the reason no one is clam -ring for a
few more warts—make them' fashionable,
and a remedy to grow -warts would quickly
be made a financial success. Yes, Putnem's
Corn and Wart Extractor removes them,
works quickly and without pain—any drug-
gist will tell you more about this remedy.
For sale by I. V. Fear, druggist, Seaforth.
Making Himself Understood.
The average Englishman, when travellieg
abroad, seems to believe that if he Only
shouts loud enough the native to whom he
is addressing himself is bound to under-
stand him. Not so the Irishman, whose
.mother wit usually suggests to him some
way out of the difficulty other than that of
bawling until he is black in ,the face. A
son of Erin was recently passing through a
northern French town celebrated for its old
cathedral, and, having an hour or two to
spare, decided to leave his portmanteau at
the railway station end pay a visit to the
edifioe in question. But here arose a diffi-
This signature is on every boxof the genuine
Laxative Broino.Qumine Tablets
the remedy that cur!ro a cold in one dos
A Sunday school superintendent, who
happened to be a dry goods merchant, and
who was teaching a class ot very little tots,
asked when he had finished explaining the
lesson: "Now, has any one a question to
ask ?" A very small eirl raised her hand.
" What is it, Martha ?" asked the super-
intendent. "Why, Mr. Brooks, how much
are those little red parasols in your
window ?" said Martha.
Five-year-old Hugh C ---had over-
heard some bad language in the streets and
had been disciplined for repeating it. One
day at dinner after accidentally dropping
his bread and butter on the ibor' he ex-
•claimod, God !" A moment of shocked
silence followed and his mother remon-
strated: "Hugh, you knew I told you
yesterday---" With folded hands and
closed eyes Hugh continued. " Bress
mamma and papa and Aunt Mamie.
And Followed its Advice—The
Result- was Better than He Ex-
pected, but in a, Different Way.
POINT Au Pic, Quin, May 20 —(Special) —
Henry Gagnon, of this place, reads the
papers. He sometimes reads the advertise-
His back Was sore, His urine was an un-
natural color, and he was sick.
So when he read an advertisement of
Dodd's Kidney Pills, he wondered if they
would relieve him. -,
He had made up hie mind that nothing
would cure him, but was hopeful that these
pills, about which he had read and heard so
much, might perhaps relieve him a little.
So he made up his mind to try. He did
so, and was very much surprised at the re-
This is how he puts it :—
• " At first I had little faith, but now, I
am happy to say, that I am completely cur-
ed. Dodd's Kidney pills are a grand medi-
cine, and I shall always , recommend them
for Kidney Disease."
Infantry Regiments.
Among the infantry regiments of the
British army ten are nominally Scotch,
sight Irish, three Welsh and 43 English.
Of.the English regiments it is interesting to
note how they are apportioned among the
various counties. There are ten for the
counties which do not give a name to any
regiment ; of these the largest is Cumber-
land, and the moat populous is Nottingham.
Lancashire possesses seven regiments and a
half, and Yorkshire four and a half. The
odd looking fraction is accounted for by the
York and Lancaster regiment. The popul-
ous empties of Surrey and Middlesex boast
of only two regiments and one regiment
respectively, though it is well known that
the rifle regiments are largely recruited
from London.
• -
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money • on a 50e bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it taile
to cure your cough or cold. We also guar-
antee a 25-oent bottle to prove satisfactory
or money refunded.
ALEX. WILSON, Druggist, Seaforth.
—The Hodd & Cullen Cempany, proprie-
tors of the Classic City Mills, Stratferd,
which were burned to the ground on April
21, have decided to rebuild on the old walls,
which are perfectly sound.. Although the
building will be the same size as the old
mill, it is not as yet known whether it will
be of the same capacity of 300 berrele per
day. The new mill may ne,t1 have a capacity
of more than 150 barrels at the outset, but
provision will be made in the building for
increasing it when required. lb will be
equipped with the most up to -date machin-
ery, and by running night and day may
have EXEI large a yearly output as the old
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. 25c. E. W. Grone's signature is on
each box.
Tommy Atkins to Mr. Kipling:
You've done us lots of kindness, Mr. Kieling, In the
You've taueht that we are human, anyhow'
But I do not like the things as you have saidof us
the last—
No ; it's j .-Ily hard of you to slate us now.,
I am a bloorein' Tommy, but I've sued a pound or
And I'm spliced t3 my old woman on the square ;
So I take my pen in Afrietcte write those lines to
For to say I do net think your words is fair.
Our job ! Your j b ! Yours may bring ITI011t praise;
(Get two fifty down for a song, and give it all
But whether be writes, or sings, or tights in these
advertising days,
To boom your work is the way to make it pay—pay
We're mit all absent -mind .d, and our w.aknesses is
Always those as you have pointed out so kind ;
Fer lots of us iteeteady ;chap, and some of ue had
Good characters, d'e-e see, to leave behind.
There's some of 08 11 ripe, no doubt, there's some
what thinks their py,
And sonic what !elves their girls behiad thorn, too,
But most of us is fair and square, whatever you may
Nat a bit like that darned Tommy" drawn by
you. .
j b! Your j ! Yours my brilg most praise
(Get a hunch ed quid a week, and gives it all away!)
Lut whether one writes, .or recites, or fights ii them
advertit ing days,
To boern yer job is the way to maim it pay—pay—
You'i e a k ndly.hearted beggir, and your influence
• is great,
And th re's thittilis, I don't mind owning, due to
But it hurts a m n who loves his shop, when them
whese words has weight
Saye things you know as well as him ain't true.
We thenk you all for giving—whilst we're getting
catty- rape,
It's well to know our wives and kids ie right ;
;tut- you're giving, please nnneuther, not t3 rips but
honest chaps,
As is not a bit the wot s 1 cause they tight.
Cur j -b ! Yeti- j3b ! Yentre m y hi lag mod prefer;
(G t what you .ike to ask 1 ,r a tune, and give it
a'l away 1) _
Litt Nvl.etil er ore wtit,s, or pain's, or fIgh's in these
Advertising days, .
To ho tre yerseit i the v ay to re;lee it pay—pay-
—London Truth.
60 Specia.lists on the Case.—
In the ordinary run of medical practice a
greater number than this have, treated cases --
of chronic dyspepsia and have failed to cure
—but Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets
(Go in a box at 35 cents cest) have made
the cure, giving relief in one day. These
little " specialists" have proven their real
merit. —72
For sale by I. V. Fear, Seaforth.
There Are Others,,
"Did you say that young . man in :the
parlor tried to kiss you, dear," said the
young step mother.,
"Yes, he did," replied the daughter.
"And did you tell him you would call
me ?" •
"No, I didn't; do you think no one in
the house wants to be kissed but you ?"--
'Yonkers Statesman.
WORMS cannot exist either in children or adults
when DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP is used. 25c. All
—The Hamilton Times gives the follow-
ing interesting particulars respecting the
early career of one of Canada's moat able
divines : Rev. John Potts is a Hamilton
boy, who used to clerk in Sam. Cann's
grocery on the Market Square. One night
he wandered over to the Merrick street
corner of the tquare and got religion in the
church that used to stand where the pickle
store is now, opposite Calder's. Then he
became class leader and exhorter and local
preacher. The late Edward Jackson,
recognizing in John Potts a young man of
parts and promise, sent him to college, and
;after he became a full fledged preacher and
had gained experience in little places, like
Markham, Aurora, Newmarket, Thorold
and London, he was appointed in 1866 to be
the first pastor of Centenary church in
Hamilton, to minister to the congregation
of which he had formerly been a member.
Rev. Dr. Potts belongs to the whole Meth-
odist church of Canada, but when he comes
to Hamilton he feels that he is coming home
and Hamilton Methodists regard him as one
of themselves. It is John Potts, of Hamil-
ton, just as it was Saul of Tarsus.
Have you Eczema ?—Have you
any skin disease or eruptions? Are you
subject to chafing or scalding? Dr. Agnew's
Ointment prevents and cures any and all of
these, and cures Itching, Bleeding and
Blind Piles besides. One application brings
relief in ten miuutes, and cases cured in
three to six nights. 35 cents.--er
For sale by LV. Fear, Seaforth.
—The last small pox quarantine in To-
ronto has been raised, and the medical
health officer pronounces Toronto clear of
the epidemic, excepting two or three cases
still in the isolation hospital. The patients
there are all recovering rapidly.
are easy to take, harmless in action and sure to cure
any headache in from 6 to 20 minute.
—A despatch from Pretoria, South Africa,
says : The number of burghers who are
surrendering is rapidly increasing. These
men state that the Boers are worn out 'by
the incessant movements of the British
troops. The majority of the burghers who
have surrendered are without horses and all
are half-starved and poorly clad. The
local Dutch think the advent of winter will
witness a general, surrender of the fighting
burghers. Already the nights are bitterly
cold and the veldt is dry.
To cure a cold in a night—use Vapo-Creso-
lene. It has been used extensively during more
than twenty-four years. All Druggists.
—Captain Neilly, who had the honor of
carrying the official deapatches announcing
the relief of Mafeking, was registered at
the Walker -House, Toronto, last week.
He is the representative of the Pall Mall
Gazette, and is making a tour of Canada in
the interests of that journal.
LIVER TROUBLES, biliousness, sallow complex•
ion, yellow eyes, jaundice, etc, yield to the cura-
tive powers of LAX A•LIVER PILLS. They are sure
to euro.
• Thoughts For Every Day. --
Fact is the rock against which the waves
of theory break.
Knowledge bereft of judgment is the most
miserable of widows.
Coequer the conquerable and submit to
the inevitable.
It takes a level headed man to survive a
stroke of good fortune.
FOR internal or external use HAGYARD'S YEL-
LOW OIL cannot be excelled as a pain relieving and
soothing remedy for all pain.
The matrons of the Edi-
son Orphanage at Lowell,
Mass., wrote they
had a sie!ge of whooping -
cough in their institution.
They said that every case
was promptly relieved by Vapo-
Cresolene. Its value in coughs and
colds waS so great they always kept
it ready for use. You know how it's
used, don't you? 'Tis heated by a
vaporizer and you inhale it. Write
us for a book that tells all about it. 2
Vario-Crestitlene is sold by drugeists everywhere.
The Va.poriz& and Lamp, which should last a life-
time, and a !bottle of eresolefie complete, $1.5o;
extra suppLels of Cresolene 25 cents and 50 cents.
Illustrated ;Cooldet containing physicians' testi-
monials free iupon request. VAPO-CRESOLENE Co.,
r8o Fulton sit., New York, U.S.A.
Recommended and soldby I. V, Fear,
Druggist, Seaforth.
Gold HOarded by Fisher Folk.
It is estiniated that over two million dol-
lars in American gold is hoarded up in
Placentia and Fortune bays, on the south
coast of Newfoundland. This money has
been saved by the fisher folk, and is hidden
in the most unlikely places_ Except . the
very poor, there are few among the inhabit-
ants of the little hamleis who have not a
nest egg of bright yellow American coins set
aside for some emergency. Before the dis-
astrous bank failures in the colony in the
autumn of 1894 many of the coasters lodged
their savings in the three banks at St. John,
when they made their semidinnualt visits
there in the Spring and fall ; but so heavy
were the loses by the collapse, and so bitter
was the lesaon it taught, that since then
wild horses could not drag them to a bank.
Every man into whose posseseion a *bank
note, check or Government order comes
hurries at one to exchange it for a Yankee
eagle, and t is is as hurriedly put away
with the sec et hoard, which in. some cases
amounts to thousands of dollars.
Little raves.—Old time a quarter -
a -box " Purrrs "are quitting the field in
whole battalions. Dr. Agnew's Little Pills
at to cents a vial are driving them out at all
points. Because they act gently: more
effectively, never pain, and are easy to take.
Sick Headadhe succumbs to one dose. --69
For eale ?sy I. V.• Fear, Seaforth.
,.HOw to Get Rich.
eiIn a N w Hampshire city there dwells an
olotogenar an hysieian, who, in addition to
his wide me ical skill, is known far and
wide as a dielpeneer of blunt philosophy.
The other day, says an exchange, a young
man of his ' acquaintance called at his
"1 have not come k :r pills this time,
doctor," said the visitor, "bub for advice.
You have lived manyatears in this world of
toil and troub e, and have had much experi-
ence. I am oung, and I want you to tell
me how to ge rieh ?"
The aged practitioner gazed through his
gleam at the young man, and in a moderate
tone, said : ,
"Yes, I can tell you. You are young
and can actomnlish your object if you will.
Your plan is this : First be industrious
and economical. Save as much as possible,
and spend as little. Pile up the dollars and
put them out at interest. If you follow out
these instructions, by the time you reach
my age you'll be as rich as Crossus, and as
mean as h—l."
A Cry for Help.—A pain in the back
Is a cry of the kidneys for help. South Ameri-
can Kidney Cure is the only cure thathasn't
a failure written against it in cases of
Bright's disease diabetes, inflammation of
the bladder, gravel and other kidney ail-
ments. Don't neglect the apparently insig-
nificant 'signs." This powerful liquid
specific prevehts and cures. -7o
For sale by I. V. Fear, Seaforth.
What Total Abstinence Does For
At the mines of Knockmahon, in the
county of Waterford, Ireland, at the time
Father Matthew visited that place about
100 persons were employed, 80 of whom
signed the pledge. Previous to the time
when they beceme teetotalers, their monthly
earnings were £900 (34,500). Soon after, at
the same work, and with apparently as
much ease, they earned £2,300 ($11,500) in
the same period of time. Add to this gain
£400 (32,000) in wages, £500 (32,500) more
which it was estimated they had heretofore
spent monthly in the public house, and we
have a positive improvement in the pecun-
iary resources of the industrious people to
the extent of £900 (34,500) per month.
One of the teachers of the city of Water-
ford states that within two years after the
people ef Waterford had entered upon the
temperance reform, "The working part of
the community had in their cottages and
rooms{ over £1,000 sterling (-35,000) more
value in furniture and clothing than they
had before they took the pledge."
From this single instance, see how happy
and•preeperous might be the condition of
workingmen in all parts of the world if
they would only let drink alone.—National
—Over thinly years ago Mies Mary
Elliott, of Shoudsburg, Pennsylvania, and
Herman Tryon, of - Monticello, met and
loved at first sight. A few sdays ago in the
parlor of the bride's relatives their pretty
romance culminated in their marriage.
The groom is 57 years old and his bride
four years his junior. At their first meet-
ing Tryon asked for the hand di Miss
—Elliott. Her 'father objected and sent the
young lover away. Recently Tryon wrote
to Miss Elliott, repeating his proposal of
marriage, and was accepted.
Suddenly Attacked.
Children are cften attacked suddenly by pal ful
and dannereus Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea, De sentery,
Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantutn, ete. Dr. Fow-
ler's Extract of Wild Strae berry i3 a prompt and
sure cure, which should always be kept in the house.
Run Down.
"1 was run down and nervous, so got a box of
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pill's, and they proved of
great benefit to me. My mother also al ithe8 I) say
that they were cf great va'ue to her "—P. HILLIER,
Left a Legacy.
-Lad uirtar lefts legac' of impure blood to many
people, causing tired fe ligs, lack of energy, 111ii-
ges1 i • n comnipation, hilimsness, etc. Burdock
Mond Bitters never fel a to cure any of the foregoing
diseesse by unioaking the secretions and removing
all 'input i';ies from the system.
A Boon to Cyclists.
A bottle of Hagyard'e Yellow Oil should be in
every cyclists's kit, as It is the most rffective remedy
for Sprains, Bruiees, Cuts, Stiff „Lints, Ccntrartion
of the Muscles, Cramp in the Legs, etc.
F01und at Last.
A liver pill that'll small and sure, th 41 ads gently,
quickly, and thoreughly, that dots net gripe. Laxa-
Liver Pills posses these wet:hies, and are a sure
cure for Liver Complai t, Constipation, Eiek Head -
Ache, etc.
* • 1111.----
Grovesend, Ont.
DBAR SIRS,—I m glad to be able to tel you that
Doan's Kidney Pi le proved an excellent remedy for
lame back an ki ney troublee, from which I suffer-
ed. I took one b x and they entirely cured me.
Mee. U. Selma
SEAFORTII, Wednesday,May 29th
averytiling New and Original!
Roman Filippodrome !
30 Cage Menagerie!
Monster Museum !.
Aquarium and Congress of
Living Phenomena!
1118 FEL1OWS
1 4
• Ps
Secured at a cest of ever $25,000. A Towering Giant among his Fellows.
The very Lord of Beasts. Taller —Longer— Weighs More —Costs more
than any other Elephant ever Captured Alive or Brought from his
Native jungle ! RAJAH is on Exhibition at all times in the
Big Tent. No Extra Charge. One ticket admits to all
the Advertised Shows. Ask yourself the question if
RAJAH is not the Largest Living Creature
that Inhabits GocPs Created Earth.
The Most Marvelous Monster of the Mighty Seas
EDNA 000 -KE
The Girl Wonder! The only Lady Somersault Rider in the World on a bare back horse. A challenge of
$10,000 to produce her equal.
The only lady fire and six hone rider the world has ever produced. For grace and skill she has no •equal.
The world's highest diver, actually flings himself backwerd from the highest point ever dived from.
Trained Jaguars, Tigers, Lions, Leopards, 13ear8, Lynxes, Wild Cate, Grizzliea, Catanaounts, Home,
Stallions, Monkeys and Ponies.
Grand. Golden, Glittering, Mile -Long Street Parade every day at 10 o'clock a. ma High Dive at 10:30 a. m-
end 6:30 p. m. All tents are waterproof. Exeurslons on sll railroads, Doors open at 1 and ---m.Per-
formances at 2 and 8 p. m.
Musical - Instrument
Owing to hard thnes, we have con-
cluded to sellTianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Organs at $25 -and upwards, and
Pianos at corresponding prices.
See us before purchasing.
rhe McKillop Mutual Fir
Insurance Company.
3. B. McLeall, President, Kippen P. 0.; Thomas
F '
raser vice-president, Brucetield P. 0. Thomas E.
Revs, Seoy-Treas. Soeforth P. 0. ; W. G. Broad -
foot, Inepeotor of Losses, Seaforth P. 0.
W. G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, WI
throp ; George Dale, Seaforth; John Bennewels,
Dublin; James Evans, Beechwood; John Watt,
Harlook ; Thomas Fraser, Brueelleld ; John B. Mc-
Lean, Kippen ; Samoa Connolly, Clinton.
Robi. Smith, Ilarlook ; ROE McMillan, Seaforth
James Cumming Egmondy e; J. W. Yeo, Holmes -
vine P. O.; George Murdie and John C. Morrison,
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or trans.
rot other business will be promptly attended to os
pplication to any of tbe shove °Meese, addressed Is
betr respective noel ofroele-
To write for our new catalogue if you are
interested in the selection of the best school
in which to train for business pursuite, The
Central Business College, Toronto, employs
eleven regular teachers, owns 60 typewrit-
ing machines and uses 20 splendid rooms in
its work. Its courses are thorough and
practical and its students and graduates are
in strong demand. Winter term from Janu-
ary 2nd. Enter any time after that date.
We also give splendid courses By Mail for
those who cannot attend oar school. All
particulars cheerfully giVen.
Central Business College,
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
onge and Gerrard sta., Toronto.
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