HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-05-24, Page 4-�-�.--�x--:--.---��.--.,.----,.--- - , —1-111--- �, - ­.­-­——-- I � . . — - ­­­ ---k -�-.,c--�-,,---�--:--'--,-��-�---1.7---�--,--,-,---,."---.,'�---�".--�-'-- — 1 ----,7--- ---,--,- --"- - I � . . � ! % I � I . . . — � . I - . . I . I . . ", -T- ---7-- " . �­ F . - -,---1V , I . . . I I . : I . , ­- - -- ��­ �--­­ - , 1 - — : i— — , � � - — — — -.1- ­­ - - - -­ ---- � --- -i ---- - - - - -- - - I - ­­ - � ; I i . - . I . i '. i . � . I . ; . . I . . , � - � . . - . I . - . / . . . I I - � - I - . I I - I . I . . , . - I I I � . I . I I . � I ; . . - . . . - I � '-"--,,.!----rt��----,—�----.—.�,,,�,,.�, — — . - . I � - . . . . I I . . . . . I � I 41 . . I -- . � � . I . . � . - - . I , I . : �. —1 I.-:—.-- - � . ; - . I I ----- — --- , � J � � ,— — - . c - . - I — . I - . I � -��­­­­ 1 1 . - . I - - - � � - . � . . . �- , I I �� .:, . I , . � . . � � � � . I , � I � � - . I . - �—:, . . I - . . . . . I . - . I . - . I . , . .i . 11 . � . . — . — - . I � � � . I � . . . � I � . I - , I � . ., - ,. I - - , , I — - � . I . � � ! � . . I . . I . I � I q . . . I I I . � � I � ; . � I - ; ! A . — � — — - - - ,:—,- — � I . I � . . � � �- - , - - ;� � i . - , "' , I ---- - ----- -, — C I i * - .. � f I I — � i i . . - — — � Z I . — - -1 I I — � I - - I . � � . . . - � I I I I . . . � I i - . I . I - � " — --- � . .� I I I . . I I �, . . � : . . � . I - � . � � . �k ! I . I . � . , . . , I �1 - . . I — . ; - . . . . . I I I - " - � I � � . . I i I - - � , � . I .. � I I . � .� - , , . � , .4 �7. �111 . � .- I : 1 ­ . . . - I- . - I : . I � I , . . � I � � ) - I., . . , � I . I . � i � . I I . :3 , -- .... . . 1. . . I . - - i : I . - . . . I � I � I i � . - . . � 4 1 . 11 �� -� I . . . � — � 0a � 4 . . THE. HURON EXPOSITOR � . � 1� . - I r I - . -4 ... ,�, - I � I I � I MAY 24. 19 i ��k I'll- I 0 . I _- � �- - - ­- - - --- 1Z - -� � -- - - - - — , - � - --. - A . . . - — I 1 ,4 k I ." ,W4 - . � I A -- -- — ---­­--- ,-- � - - i I si - - - I � - - 11 r I - � � ; ; � . I � . . -- I I . .;W��-� I � . I I � . � . I - I . I I I � � --- I — -"M"�� �� I �- , � 1-1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS acquiroitare foolishto neglect.it, the State, are subject in a large measure to its would be'& distinct loan *to the Liberal party repast, where 4 did ample justice to the . - . I � I I . � TTT . 11 �J I can � � . I .� .--- . I i � - . afafom-4- �f - . . t I IM control. The dav when thi ractinall anrl fn f.h. 13�­; . A U 4, U 44 1 1 13 1. V. FEAR sell * pure druzs I � �, I . � � I " .�.a " . M 111oll, Ego a . ; � between the p-irinitb(.Me, or each .� � . .11 I - . I - V gff The figure h ' Schwal) to the obAtrary, ti(!twithstand one, denotes the page, of the wi; (r on w Ich the '119' Jr J recognized and ediorced may it be just at - �, -U . vu�v V MU VU V the Liberals of East %Vollington on Tuesday 900 U'llngS 1PrOVLded for the occasion I The bride was the !recipient of many valu- , I � : i � I . I . I : '! i- I , r - I . � :�:�. advertisement will be f ound . . ,� � . �� � � � : . - ­,- Semionable ClothinK-Greig & Ma(don 01-1 I �i , ;, . ) But we do not mean to bay that success can. I . . not be hand, but we have a shrewd guess that it will I arrive about as soon as the advantages -has placed the eiitire Liberal party of the . Province under a deep debt of gratitude to . . . able ifts, , 1 � -fl r. John Aeudle Exeter,- met with , Of . W I . - I � I . g in the drug line is tested t � j�l . i � 1 04 � k � - 1. � - � - i % I 11sa American Show -4 , attained without educatiou,.ae the - L . I which Manitoba will reap -from her railway them. . . a p ainfulaccidont on Saturday, 11th ins"t., ba I : - - some snaps-yeKinnon & C)-5 ,6 �� .. I . : , 4 - 1. - Hair Goode- Prof. Dorenxand-5 term is uslually employed. W . . . h�it.we say is, , bargains." . , ---- . I % -- � ; = Kr 4. � I . which might have � resulted in the loss of . :3 before being placed. in stock, so,that we . . . 14 1 1 Pute Drug -s-1. V, Foar-4 - . that it is not a Darrier to success ; that muc� 'Re ., UKUJLA 0 80. VwO More of hi n erri, appears he and - . . i 01 . n i � A I Special valuca�D, Maboath-5 forring to the Manitoba ,,railway deal -the corner etc � of the nev� Wiugham Mr. John Mau ng were ttiu - ice in the pa guarantee them pure I and of the high- Attetion Sale -A. E Salre-5 cess can be att%iucd much more casily hay. . . I n . .C# -1 " the , Toronto Telegram says:: " Liberals Methodist church will be laid to-d&y, refrigerator,- a d one of the bloo a being too 0 1 . . I -'WiH For Service -F. L. F,viihani -5 ing sezured an educa.'ion, and that the en* i lar e, Mr. Ma ning took the axe to out it est qiiality. This is what you want 4 . comtv 0(.unell mcetirg- -W. Lane -6 � . I insist that Sir John gave away: half of Can-, (May 24bb). . ; 9 - . OKfnra Shoe- -3---W. H. WM-3-8 joyments of sile.-CAFZs in lif� will he -more 'in i ' -The Eketer council has passed a by-law in two. It was placed on a plank, and just a . i -1 - � I Sprx� ing Afixture,j-Pabcock'd, lle"aall-S tense fur the oduca.ed III . an 'Lhau Lho unedu* ada to build the C.�P. R., and now Sir Wil. fixing the fee fqr the privilegeof solliug as Mr. Manning went to make the blow the ;4 when you require drugs. This is M ' . I 0 . � � Wedding Presents -A. Young -8 � frid is giving away the other half to build � cigarettes at $5-0. 1 :3 what you get here. You can depend , notcl To Lcaae-:-T. J hlarki-5 cated. � - I i - chunk slipped, an at the same time Mr. . - June Weddlogs-d-J. F. Daly & Co -8 ' - � . . I an alleged competing line." If the Tele. -According to instructions from the post Rendle made an av�tempt to stop it, when .- I I Auction Sale-Jusfus P:trl-h-5 C-1 - - gram had Fiubstituted " Mr. Roblin," the office department, m6.ney order offices will. the axe came in contact with his hand, cut- - Of oil u-9 every time. Bring in your , 1:9 Sale of Calves -11, Richmoad-7-6 � Members' Indemnity. . � 0 re- I-- - � Manitoba Premier, for Sir Wilfrid, it would be"opened at Farquhar and Jamestown. Mug a paiPfUl wound fti his forefinger, and - . %we Rent-Wni, C,)pp-6 I There seems to be at least one subj,ect have been about right. Sir �Wilfrid had -The township co � noil of West Wawa. bruising the other Oomewhat. It w6s only, M ceipts and prescriptions, and we will to Egirs For If-xtuhfng-Wm. Copp -5 - upon . i ' the dullness of- the axe that saved his Poo . .. - --1 w.hich .611 parties in' the 'Dominion 'nothing to do -with the agreement more than nosh has purchased new champion road -- � paq fill them 'with exactly what they c CD . - I Parliament can agree, wheti.the lamb and he has, with any other Mani� I toba legisla. grading machine fro the Copp Company, fingers. all bwA A&AA I � ion which tha . RX ie idown peacefully together t t Pr6vincebas the conatitu. of Hamilton. - ccurred on Sunday, May nd everything the best quali - lod 9 ht '!o jolt txpooftff. the lion can I' , -The death o � . a fo r, a. 0 . TV ' tional right to pass, and it is absurd trying -Mr. and M. I es Louttit, who have 12th, at his home in Wingbam, of John F. 0 ty 1A I .1 - - That subject is the pay for members. The to place responsibility on him, been rebidents of Wingham, for 20 years, Morrison, who hO been a resident Of Wing- I . sible to be had, I � 1 long talked of resolution increasin . g the in. - - I Michigan, ham for many years. The late Mr. Morri- X POS V SEAFORTIT, FRIDAY, May 24th, 190 1 left this week for Nttle Creek, I . A resolution has been -passed by the Do- where they will ma e eir It ure otne. n wae in his 75th;' year, and had lived . in � . . 1, demnity of me. bers from. $1,000 to $.1,500 1 mpany, - Lon Wingham. For wriumber of years he con -71 in Vs FEAR ps � * per session,was mov,ed in the House on minion Parliament providing for the estab- -The P. L. Mot d n Cc of - the town of Perth;; previous to coming to 94 The Dominion Parliament. ' don, have been 'awarded the coutract for I - : - Monday, by Sir Wilfrid L9,urier and was lishment.of a Canadian mint a , t 0 � k,tawa, for aying the granolithi, sidewalks in, Luck. ducted a boot and shoe repairing shop, and ;4 If you want a . I . I AnoLlier session of the Dominion Par. I . . I ' 0 � lia, in-ent has been closed. Prorogation took seconded by Mr Borden- the'leader of the the coinage of gold, silver and ,Copper coins. now, at 9��3 a foot. i Lbout 36,000 -feet. will was w0l known by the old residents of the Wedding Pre- i I 11 Opposition, and � ivk"arried all It is a somewhat expensive enterprke, but be put dovVn there th a year. - � town and vicinity. � He was a Liberal in F4 i . The Druggi t, OA place on Thursday afternoon, but the . but unani. ., I -Lewis Crich has' bought the estateof politics, and took an active interest in pub- N sent, we have a i Is I - I mouBly. Only f)ur members spoke against we suppose it is all right, for the resolution - I . : greater number of members hied themselves the late J. Cricb, on the Huron road, Tuck. lie questions of the'day. He had been in i the increase, an( .even they did. not rise to was. heartily endorsed by the Opposition as 0 very ; - from the capital before that time, so they . I ersmith, The farm consists of 50 acres, feeble healbh for the past few months, being I SEAFORTH. I I thesublime heights of voting against it. well -a% by the'suppa�ters of ;the Govern. with bain and buildiog",the price being troublqdwith heart, disease. Deceased is choose from ! - OQ 0 - could'be home with their families and , I I meqt.. Thebuildingfor the mint willcost . , - n . J I " ­ . This increaFe s4l cost "the country about $�00,000,-a fence surroundingit, 814-400, about $2,000. � surviv6d by his,wi0ow anifamily of three , 04 W � friends on the twon,ty-fourth. Business � I 0 -Thefollowing ch nges bav6 been gazet. sons and one daughter. I -A . $150,000 annu41 Whether or not the and vaults'and strong rooms �45,000; ma. � . �, 1; was rushed for the past week and more - I - ' ted in the 33rd regim nt : To be Lieuten. -Mr. C. H. 4eid, of Stanley, is pushing I. V. FEAR sells pure drugs JV � - I �� . legislation was got through in that time country will r6c i ve value for this expendi. chinery $64,000, a total of about $300,000. ant, Second Lieuten nt C, McPhail, vice the cattle -trade, an the following stock. I . I -, The resolution calls for an annual charge of - 4 � - than during the entire previous part of the ture is a questio . The increase is to be $75,000, which Mr. Fielding thinks will. J , Pollock, retired. o be Second Lieuten. which was delivered to him last week, will I - ---- .11 given to the members of the Senate as well ant, Sergeant-Major . W. Jackson, vice B. show : R. Delgaty, Stanley, 1, 1,165 ; Mrs. . I . . � � � , nession,- thus showing that it is possible to . . � � . more than meet the obligations. .The.mint, Do F. Grant, prom ; Sparks, 20 2,470 ; 'J. Sharp, 2, 2 450 ; W. B aghfield cemetery on,- M onday, accompanied raising on Thursday -of last week, The . Il,lS if as to those of the. House of Commons and from the. coinage of copper and'Hilver is ex. Ote . : by a large circle of friends.-mThe r�sideFce barn was raised on a 6rick foundation and shorten the sessions very materie . -Snowden Bros., 6f the Sauble line,Stsu. Aikenbead, 20 2,450 ; F. Grant, 15,-20,600 ; pected to yield a rdvenpe of $94,000 a year, D. A] oEwen, 1, 1,120 ; J. Johnstone, I I - . : - includes the present session. Whate of James Fox, William street, is progressing the framers are already. busily engaged .4 - . the members should so, will. The pres- ver ley, recently sold to lNfr."S. 'Smith, of Clin. P f - in so that if not profitable the chances are that ' 1, rapidly. -J. Leckie has decided to b��Id a eaclosing and shingling it.- . sure of the past week, however, has been excuse there may be for an in-�rease to the it will be self-sustainin � .1 ton, 28 head of cattle, which averagd in 275 ; J. MAneori, 8, 9,450 ; G. Johnstone, I I Mr. John, Members of the opula,-� charribei � 9. I . weight 1,410�poands. They were a no lot 1,400 ; G. 'Ooleman, 3, 2,700; A. Huller, new residence at once, . Elder, of Hay, near Hensall, recently sold ra,ther severe,'and if Parliament is ubef ul sit . r, there is -- I - . of cattle, and netted the Me ; mars, Snowden a Goderich township, 1, 900 ; W. J. Nesbitt, - to a gentleinan near Seaforth a fine young . 11 ' all,, too little consideration has been given certainly none fo� an'inereaee. to the eon.. 10 it speech to his constituents, a few days handsome sum.- � � - 2, 2,300 ; J. Rogers, 3, 3,900 ;'J. G. Steep, . Leadbury. bull for which he received a handsome sum, I - " tore, except it �6 that the latter - body ago, Honi Mr. Stratton, Provincial Secre. -Mrs. Thomas Han lin, a former resident 6, 7,840 ; G. Miller, 8, 9,540 ; J. 0. Elliott, He also sold a horse to the same man, for � to many subjects, as millions of dollars were a L I � The carpet., curtain and drapery depart. - L i which he received $1,50. Mr. ,Bid would not endorse'the increase unless the tary, said 'with referene' e to the bill p'asoed ,of Exeter, died in Owen :Sound recently. 1, 1,300 ; J, Jacobi, Hay, 2, 1,600 ; J. ment at The E. McFaul Co's store Seaforth, er is & .voted,aw&-y for various objects without . y I . Deceased had undergoae an -operation for an Green, 2. 2,300 ; M. Clark, Hullett, 4, 5" � 4 successful cattle breeder and in the past few were included. t -would have been very -at the recent session of 1 the Legislature im- ' is overflowing with artistic newness in pretty -months has dis osed of Za I scarcely a minute's consideration \Hon. . ; ; � r, but her'syntem wai un. 020 ; J. Noble, % 2,580 ; J. Hogarth, 2 number I "' ' I abscess in her ba ! I designs. Not a pattern but what would ' P . much better had members set themselves powering ithe' Government to extend, the able to withstand the shock. She vg#s 65 2,200 ; A. .B. Wiltsie, Tuckeremith, 2, 2,- of very fine animals, but bag stlu . � , Mr. Borden, the leader o 0;1141itioni � add beauty to some room, noo*v or cranny . , earnestly to wort: to devise a scheme for -,legialtstive term until �the session can be years of ago. V 610 ; A. Fisher, Colborne, 8, 10,110. three very superior ones left, -Mr. finished up by placing the views of the . from a' -tic to cellar and back again, if you . U I � -A mosti dietresoing accident occurred at - James Green is putting an additio,u to his the decrease of parliamentary, and legiel,A- closed, that because of the passage of the act --JohD Grainger I as sold his 100 acre . will; They have the Ftuff to add beauty to, ­ � . - way crossing - Opposition on record by way of a reso- . . barn and intends having a ,raising the first � - lution condemning the Government for tive represent ti d the simplification of the duration of 'the Legislature need not be farm, in Grey, to Mrs. 8harpin, at the hand. the Grand Trunk Rail ,,, a couple and f arnish a room in the beat manner. part of next -w "t . ' n an Mr. Grainger in. of miles east of Clinton, on Wednesday . eek. This will givehirria . ar . - some figure of! $5,000 Prices are as they should be, the lowest. having so largely e _ pro2edure, aird i this way shorten. the ses. prolonged ; but it extends the time if addi. 0 . - flne completed barn. -Mr, James A� Bell, of increased the x . .. a% I tends living on the far until next fall)wheu night of fast week, f by which Mr. Andrew � 1"145 1 e London road, intends having a raising LLL alone and decre the, expenditure, Had tional time is rcquired, to complete the he contemplates spending the rest of his Taylor, of Clinton,llost both feet. . He was , th � penditure and the debt.- Mr. Borden was tl is . I public -business before the House adjourns, days in the town of %Vingham i driving home that 'night, and came NOTE,.s.-We tender our -sympathy to Mr. in a week or so of his fine new barn, to replied to by Mr. Fielding, who wa3 tl�io they first done 01 and then, finding" the- The necessity of extending the session will L - to the Al. Y. McLean, of TiYE Ext,osl`TOR, L � -Master Herman Becker, of Oordwich, crossing just before'! the night express came it, his replace the ones destroyed by fire last UILL ... � , ` remuneration to I little, increased it, there largely de- end upon t6 course of the Op. an a C e n red the lose It will be a fine structure 45x85, with brick I . only one on the (Joverninbrit, side whci� took ., p met with .c' id nt'o Wednesday even, along. His horse apparently became fright- severe bereavement, having sufl�' I would, perhaps ' less fau?t found with the position in expediting or retarding public ing t�rew Mr. Taylor out of of a son and brother in a sho'rt space of bagement.--Mis Stephenson, assistant � part in the discussion, although several Op. I ing of last week whil getting on his wheel. ened, and shy' . , I - business. There is no good reason, if the the rig and just in front of the -train. The time. -In our obituary notice of the late ifeacher, is in a nton this week, being proceeding. As i is, the inore'a'se may He was at the'top Of the hill, near Trinity I : Cli 11 positionists took a hand in it. All the be House is convened at the.usual time, why, church, and i . a some P.de a mistep wheels of the engine passed over his Mrs Crozier, two � weeks ago, the name ealled 'there through the illness .of ber- ' . I apologized for but not justified. SdVOI , under normal ,-ondibio' legs, Rich'ardR:teshould have read John Rie, brother. -The friends of Mr. John Fitz. 0ame the motion was nagativeid- on a pure y I y us, the work should severing both just� at the ankle. Messrs. . 7 while getting oil his waeel, and slipped and the gentleman in question being an esteem- - af ter increasing their pay by one-half, mem. not be completed before' the Parliament ends fell, breaking his collar bone. Charles Layton and Amos Town -send, of I I party vote, the Government being Fu tained ,1 -, by effluxion of time, , But no one desires to . Tuckersmith, happp'ned along just at that e - gerald, of Hibbert, will regret to learn that bers will not conti4ub to receive free passes d resident of t1iis section. -Miss Grace his dwelling was destroyed by fire on Tues. by a majority of 49 � ! -Oc Wednesday afternoon of last week, Smith has got a wheel. Being a bright . .. . ' have a general elect,ioni held at EL season of time, and took t � day afternoon, while he was from home at. . --- ! . . from the railway companies. If the in, . ' Mr, James Siriciairl and Miss Lizzie Both, be unfortunate man to girl, she will soon be able to ride it niicely- tend inj the funeral of the late M r. Thomas � I ' the year when the roads are likely to be in 6 Clinton, where he received the best of med. . Not Good Advice. crease in indemnity puts a stop to this most an almost Impas�ible loonditl - well, both w� 11 known residente*of Grey . '.%-]r,J,J,Irvine has got his barn on the Bar- , on in some i L Hicks. Mr. Fitzgerild waii in H . 0 e cal treAtment. It" was a very Barrow e@. - , entail objectioni,ble and Jangerous practice, it will parts of the Province. In . a word, t wriship, were united in marriage at th 1 rows place reshingled. The roof of the build - Mr. Schwab, the -working head of the 7 Cape from instant death. . . , when he learned of --the fate of his dwelling, . . . - have been madp in,vain, and the -people home of Mrs. � A. McNichol, Brussels, by -Death has rein' ved a most promising ings, which have been up 20 years or over,and great American steel trust, has been giving not 4 though authority is given to, exteud the Rev. 'John Ross, B. A. :0 -M&TW, H. Harburn, of the Hensall . . will, unqueition&61�, reap a time, it need not be exercised if the osi. which were shingled with swamp pine, are greenhouse' has a very fine display of I some whalesome ad;vice to poor boys, in an' liberal reward . Ian, inthe person of Mr, Win, B, F I . � . tion facilitate as far as possible the tr nsac.� . --Mr. John L Wilson, of the 9th concei. yo ung rr � now pretty wi,11 gone.' -The name of an flowers and garden plants. -The-addition.to - Bagehaw, son of ' Mr. Win. Bagehaw, of � I I . I slop of Howick, who i., a stock raiser of the i i been from the increase dthough, perhaps, indif. tion of the business of the sebsion, 8tepheis, which sa(l, event occurred on Fri. . . Mr. Babcock's drug store, with 64-wellin � address recently delivered by him in New . able-bodied young foreigner who ha vidual members wil I not 6e much advant. - . . I - . � first-class sort, hav- a thoroughbred York using a rig for peddling purposes for some rooms above, which he purebaL,ed from 9 York. There are few men who should be -� I , . I (Jay, 10% hist. The deceased was stricken Mr. - � ' aged. , 11, .. 11 - The Stratford Hearld .says : 11 The re- sow, one year old, �i hioh raised thirteen down about five weeks previous with an time, does not appear on the list of licensed W. J. Miller, is nearing completion and, --' I able to give sounder advice in this direction I I . pigs, for which he received the fancy sum peddlars for Huron county. This fellow with balconies at the front and I � than the man who began life as a poor bo Now that the 1n, * I port that Mr. L, B. Osler, M. P,, for Wtet' acute attack of appendicitis, and his case at - rear, win y o inion. members h -ave of $159'.72, when they were seven months I ' . had better r.ony up or the authorities will present a fine appearance. �.Nfrs, (4- A. ' -himself, without a dallar, and whose Brat increased their indemnity, it will be in Toronto, is to be t�ansferred from the Com. old. I once aesumted is serious nature. The best be after him, . 1 4 thel, has diil� . - N David Milne, of L medical ail was surnmoned, and after a care. MeMorran, of Chicago, is here visiting her , -1.1r. - order for the menib�ere of the Ontario Legis- mons. to the Ontario Legislature to' become ful diagnoe . remunerative occupation. was a -driver of a . 11 . . osed of the following well-bred Shorthorn Is of the case an operation was . ----. . mother, Mrs, Wm, Bell, who is so ,seriously, I lature to follow t', eir example. a chief lieutebant of Mr. Whibn y, ,with a p . . ill. -Mrs. Anderson, of Seaforth, is I grocer's delivery wagon; who got into the There is 14 ,stock : " Golden Ra�," a.young bull, pur. recommended, being the only hope of likely - Hensall. , also l . even more justification for the increase in view to the Provincial, Treasurership, will chased by Mr. Duncau McPhee; of Glen saving his gife. The operation was perforn�- Helfebore, Eoglish Paris Green, Blue here :for the same purpose. -Mr. John I � employ of the Carnegie company, and who the Oatario ind�mnib be recei'ved with much �` : . ed bv Dr. Wishart' of London, assisted b Stcna. for sprayinsr. Full diiections for ushig, Bor. Wren, high school teacher, of L,jeau, &c. I worked his way from one positio , y than for an increase - � . riterest throughout'. Eden, Grey pounty, and another ," Clan ' y deau .,I)raying, mixture at 13,iboo(We Drug, Store. Hen- companied by �Mr. Tie . . n to an. . The Ontario sessions the Pro,vinoe. If H6n. IGeorge Roster were Stewart," to IN-tr. Ada' Weir, of ,inton. Drs. Bro w6ing M Rivers. He survived sill. 1745-1 r, was fiere the and other, until he beca.me what he is to -day . the shock ,Nf the operation, but his ,was a of last week visiting his parents, Mr. and 0 : His h�rd is.do6g well this spring, 16 calves LOCAL BniE,rs,-A large quantity Of fine Mrs. George Wren.-,Nfre. J the head man in one of - the largest indus. usually last at.least three months and it is. to succeed Mr. O,jler 'in the- CoZonst the. I being in *the co � unt. hard struggle with the grim reaper, 'life at olm 0. Troyer I � . . . . on rare ocoasions t I at the . Dominion sessions shift would develop another weloome feat-, -At 5 o'clock on all times being �at !'a very low ebb, until square timber is being loaded on flat cars and children are in Seafortb this week trial enterprises in the wbrld, at a salary of - . ure." Xertainly, Mr. Fosuer is 'need- , uesday morning of i for shipment from this station. .There will- visiting relatives land friends. -Mr. F. Rae, . `� � ed in in death relieved him of his sufferinge. He was � . � . - . a million dollars a year. � . , exceed five montE 8," while the pay * of the the Commons and would be a' power of last week, Mr. D. B - Forster was united ' 28 years of age, and. leaves be enoLigh to make a full train load. Mr. of Dcufield, was. home this week visitin ' I .1 P , , � . marriage to Miss Kate' IcKay, at the resi- - a wife and I Dominion membe is now nearly three times strength to his party there. But! Mr. Osler I'll ch "' D.� U, (jubarb's men, who dr-ew it nearly all his wife and family. e hat a gO3 In his address Ale. Schwab apoke- to some � , � dence of the bride's father, Mr, Hector Me. ild. - in, are eDgaged in loading it. -The fruit -position as stave cutter Air. Ra, I three hundred poorboys of New York, and that Of the .-prov"incial member. Besides would add nothing to the stren#h of th', Kay, of Lucknow. The ceremony was per. -The Brussels Post says : Last Febru- at Derifield.-Min Opposition in the Legisl ; crops, as well as the grain crops, give fine Smith is constantly Improving the appear.. he told them some thinga which should be of thi3, the Dominion term lasts for 5 -years, 4ture. i TOere are,� formed by Rdv.A. McKay, and after a w Miss Meiklejohn, of Morris,lost her gold promise, while the yield of hay will likely sinee of ,her I � I - .- I dozen abler men than he on both sides of the ding breakfast, the bridal couple left for watch in Brussels, presumably at the-' Oen- millinery store and -dwelling lasting advantage to them. But there was . whereas the Ontario term only lasts. for House. As a money maker we believe Mr. their future home in Orillia. - tral hotel shed, where her horse was. An � be larger than it has been for many years, rooms. A plate glass front with lead color I four ears, so that ,the Dominion I if the fro8t does not affect it. -Miss Belle top lights is the latest improvenlent.-Mr. % one thing he said which many will not �y memb er Oaler has proved a guccoss,,but as 'a politi- -Mr. James Brintnell, of . Exeter, met unavailing soarch wag made, but a light Sparks left here on Wednesday to attend and MTO. James Bonthron, . � I agree with, and which few would like to see has fewer election contests than the pro. cian he is a failure. I i with a painful accident while working on-- fall of snow covered the ground, and the of Hay, arethis � . I . - I I - vincia � -� missing article was not discovered. The the Teachers' Convention, held at Exeter.- week visiting relatives and friends in South- - . acted upon. This was that most of the 1, while the o t her calls on a repre- The Dominion and On'tario Gollernmor ts Mr. Blatchford's. barn, in Uabdrne, One day loss of the watch was made known by small '.Miss Patison, of Toronto, in visiting her sis- ampton.�Mr. and Nlrs. John ,McFaul are . I - successful men in industrial life had not sentative's purse are_ equally as numerous have � jointly agreed to*refer the mines act, lastweek. He was standing onabeam, bills distributed, but no traceof itwas ter, Mrs. F. G. Arnold. -The sacrament of in London this week. -Miss Hutton, of been to college, and be �bhereupon advised and exacting in the one case as'in the other.' � 1 ! when in some manner a piece of tim the Lord's Supper was dispensed in Carmel Forest, is visiting her � sister, M rs. 0 A. - I ' !Ier found by the owner until last week, when it I . I We do not ' -passed by the Ontario Legislature in 1900, struck him, throwing him off his standing Presbyterian church on ,Sabbath morning � - his youthfut hearers if they desired to' at wish to be ; understood as advo 1. in un- � v `11 discovered at T. Fletcher's watchmak- McDonell.-Mrs. -McDougall wag in Kippen - to the courts in order to test ,its coustitu. place with such force as to render hi ing a last. The preparatory service, -on Friday, and vicinity this week vipitine friends. I tain sucoess in life, to start industrial eating an increasein the Legislative indem- -' tionality. Under this act po'vier is 'lake to conscious and fracture several ribs. tore. , Miss Meiklejohn had left the was-�conducted by Rev. Mr. Ayleward, of 0 . ; � n n umber of the case and movement with the, - I ; -At the last meeting of the Unborne I careers early, and no' nity, but we do say � that, all things Con' of $10 pe ton upon ores of township counoll he by � - Parkhill. -A song vervice was held in the - � _ t to mind a higher adda . -impose a tax t -law confirming the three jewellers in Bru.-selo, and in this w3y Methodist, church on Sabbath evening last, Zurich. , ' � I F cation. As to the accuracy of the first part sidered, a D,)minion member was more the recovery was made. The watch was Li(;IIT AND LAW. -A case of conriider�blc � nickel, or $60 per ton *hen .iuch ores are . appointment of.pathmantere.was passed. A , which was one of the beat ever given in that interest, in this village was tried at the . liberally remunerated -at $1,0 � I found in a somewhat battered up condition I - of his statement, we cannot speak positive- � 00 than4a mem- petition for the formation of a, new school 0 church. In addition to the negular church Chancery Court sitting ( o( i I t � ber of the Logiii , lat , are is at $600, the pres.. partly treated or redticed, *hilst ores of section, composed -of parfe of sections No. and was sold to the.' arty who handed it in ch I 8 in 7' ler ch as IV, ,but even if if is correct, it would not I I copper and*nickel combined are renderel for repairs, as t e oir, who gave a uumber'of fine selections, week. In this 'iAms, who �i.) . and -6, was very strongly opposed, so a number of the band instruments were purchased the electric Egli t pl� nt ia this ent rate of pay in this province. ' - 5,2,4 ' �, iaternal machinery case J. A. Will - liable to a fine of $7 per ton, o $50 per ton the prayer of the petitioners was not grant- was badly rusted. , I . � justify the advice which followed - the state f ., 1,nent, Successful as' Mr. Se � � -James Millman died at his residence in brought into service,as weil as thr�evlo. village, was asking to recover damage from I . hwab and .. - if properly' treated or reduce , A stron.; ed. It was decided to hold, the court of lins played by Mr. George Trott, Miss Min- Mr. Cook ' others have been, it was not the lack of this Editorial -Notes and Comments. PFOtle8t was made to the: Dom[ ion Govern. revision on June Ist, at 10 o'clock. Wingham on Saturday, Ilth inst, . ,, of Hensall, thep�r!oufrom whom . I I . - inent against the Provincial nactment by age of 76 years. s ago nie Sheffer and Miss Ethel Murdock. The he purchased. the plant, claiming that it was I higher eJucation that made them successful; The report comes from Ottawa. .that an -On Saturday afternoon, 1 1 Ch inst., mor- 8 spacious church was crowded, and the ser- not in as . an associa the deceased was taken ill. He ivas a us- .good condition as was represented. � , tion. called the, Untario Miners' row came to the home of Mr.Thomas Joynt, vice was greatly enjoyed by the large con- Some 18 witnesses were examined, The on.the cantrary, had they enjoyed thia cdu- assistant inspector of pdnitentiaries is to be Protective Association, on the ground that'it of St. Helens,'whon their eldest son, Wil- tive of �Dlevonshire,'England, and when a gregation.-Theaunivermary of the layin evidence giv�en was mostly of � cation the probabilities are they would have appointed at -a salary' of .92,000 ' yea was unconstitutional. It wais urged that . young man came to; this country, and set- 9 It to & a professional . a r. liam John, aged 11 years, 10 months and 14 of the corner stone of the . church will nature, and dea been even more successful in bu8ines - the taxes proposed were in r ality export days, passed away after 4 few days' illness. tled in the town of Duhdas, where he con- be held on Thursda�'y evening of this with volts, etc. considerable extent . � and This will be a nice 'soft spot for some good I ducted a harness making busines-i for forty Judgment was rendered more useful as citizens. But is it tru'e� that OritL to light -upon. I � I duties on nickel ores, and as a ch were an Dece%sed was a very clever boy at school, ears. Some 292 years ago he came to week. Rev. Mr.Ruseell,of Seaforth,and Rev. for Williams for $300 and costs. I ! . -- . interference with trade and cot imerce, The kind and affeationateto his little Wing: G. H. Long*111 be the principal speakers, DOTS. -Mr. Ernest Geis, who is one of our I -- they were really utieducated men ? Is it not I Provincial legislation,' Kam, and has resided there continuously ever I n. order to encourage the refining of lead - - ib wai contended, and companions and will be greatly missed since, living a retired life. ,Mr. Millman-. - while a very fine musical programme has best and most enterprising farmers, and rather true that in many senRes they were was ultra vires, and theTefore the Federal by them. been prepared for the occasion. -Rev. J. 8, who is noted as a breeder- of good sheep, has � . ore, of which there is an abundant supply in authorities were asked td disal ow it. The was a man who had made many warm - - Hendersom will conduct services in Beeton a Leicester yearling larrb which has wool 1:6 1 1 highly educated, although they acquired 1. -Frorn letters renently received fronj Mr. friends since he came to Wingham, and was . � . . some parts of British Columbia, the Domin- twelve' -months during which tie" act could Win. UcAllister, who r' h and Mr. Russell, of St. Marys, inches long and of the finest quality. -Mr. thab education laboriously and by their own, emoved a'short't'me, held in high eiiteem, He was a member of' onSabbat ion Government has decided'to give a boun. be disallowed expired on Saturday, and it ago from Stanley, in this county, to the a student of Knox College, will preach here Robert McKinley, of efforts. indeed it has been stated of Mr. has been determined to obtain a decision a family of four boys and two girls, all of . * the� Goshen line, ty, A resolution to this -effect was intro. � Edmonton district, it is learned that he is whom had predecea morning and evening. -The friends of Mrs, Stanley, ha . Schwab that very early in life he became from the courts in preference to exer i i sed him. . Mr. Millman d tbe good fortune to have a . duced in the House on Manday. It provid i the veto power. I � I I . 018109 forging -along in good style. When he wrote had never married, and his neice, Miss Win. Bell, of this village, will .regret to air of mares give birth .to two fine fouls a - - conscious of the necessity of more education, I CIO I I � -� I . he had 52 acres sowed. - The furrows, he learn that she is very seriously ill.- r. e w d aye ago, Both colts saw the light of I � that the bounty on lead refiAed in Ca - Millman, had kept house for him for a num. M E . - Duncan Robertson has purchased a very day within a few hours of h other. -Mr. nadian - writes, are half- a mile long, and four rounds her of years. He ;'Was 9, member of the eac and that he had established in his own home smelters from Canadian lead ora shall be-, in Prof. Goldwin Smith is a keenobserver and a. laboratory, and there studied chemistry at � �: . makes an acre ; while one round with the _ Wingham Methodist church, and a - fine buggy from Messrs. Brown & Clark, ,of E. Bossenberry baa 11 v of horA41 in -- drill sows a bag of outs. He is ahead of his Conservative, trai ing for theraces at Exeter on Friday. 1902, $5 per ton of refined lead ; ,in 1903, $4 a strong thinker, and his opinions on any life long this ge6,-Mr, Oliver Geiger, a son of n a ca P) odd times as leisure from his ordinary oc. per ton ; in 1904, $3 per ton ; in 1905 - $2 . neighbors, and is working his land thor. "" i er ton , and in 1906, $1, payable half ) subject are �lways des6rying of considera. -Robert Matheson, at one time editor of M r. ;iwen . ger, of this village, has been Ed. generally gets a slice of what is going in cupations would permit, and that it is to F, in July and January ' -year'" tion. Atarecenb meeti�gof theCanadain Ou lhl ' � I . the Clinton New Era, sends the following to engaged as an assistant in the Mol8ous bank this line. -Air. David Lehman, who about the knowledge thus acquired that he owes y . These bounties I I . ' Is. Holm'do', of -Clinton, who is- far ad. and has entered upon Ilia duties. Possess- to . shall not exoeed $100,000 inan year. By Club in Toronto, Prof, �mith gave a little that paper : "On May 2ad, at L,A Grange n Years ago was working with Mr. iff. re, e f & utiful suburb , t he will, no doubt, Well here, but who is now a prosperous the- end of 1906 it is hoped the enterprise quarter of an hour speeoh,'in his jeweled on Mond Tk, when, while com. was my p rove himself well qualifled-for the respon . his hkill in steal which Pecured him the Y. . I variced in yea ; in t ith serious acoidenb Illinois, a bea of Obicago-i' ing a good education, - . commanding position he now 'Occupies. Ed- will be abl6 to stand alone and the bounty I . . ay of last we . rivilege to be pi-caent at the golden P - business man at Cairo, Miciligan,was here .English. It contaiaed a !few treasures from ing Out of her house, slipped upon thelsteEs, sible position. -Mr. Miller, of near Crom- last week, visiting friends. -Mr G. Nichol- lication has never injured any person, nor will cease. . . - and in falling fractured one of her im ' wedding of two old friends whorn I had arty, was in thp village part of last week son, of the Brownson line, St , � . - � . his long memory of public affaire in England 9- known in Clinton when I wa3 editor of the - auley, had sev- � has it reta,'rded their,yrogreis and useful. ' A few years ago Mrs. Holmes, who was New E'ra from 1869 W 1872, and it occu r and this visiting his son, Mr. W. J. Miller, eral sheep killed by lightni I . Mr. Phillips Thompson, a clever and well and l'i i s, world -wide 'observation of current - r ed - ng one-night last . nessin-life. Woall desirs to got through known writer of Toronto, in a letterto the events. I .. thenaresidentof Goderioh township, met to me that it would fiiake an interesting carriage maker, Mr. Atiller was just on week. -The court of revision for thetowo- I ; his way home from 1111noia, whibbe he had ship of Hay will be held'on . I . n his optnion", the two features of . with a similar accident, from which she han item to their many fiiendg in dear old Clin. the Irdof June - life as . pleasantly and �," comf6rtably as ,S,,ar deprecating the growing tendency on the age are decadenoy of party government been lame ever since, and to make matters ton, The parties were M- been-spendin a number of months with next . -Mr. John Deiobert is dangerously ill � . � . r. and Mrs. D.�n. I s8ible. This is a proper desire. What the part -of 'politiGi and aggregation of -capital orse in the mishap of Monday it was her relatives a I friends. -Mr. Duncan Me. at present. -Rev. � . 11R? ans of both In respect of w t ald McTavish, and the affair took place at and Mrs. W L. Wing, of - � political - party government, hd said i, wou d soon be other limb. I n , ' ' al'o people Ft riving and working for, but to -CaMps to encourage a spirit of militarvism t I the residence of their daughter, Mrs. Jam Eweii, son of Mr. Alex. MoSwen, Hay, left Rerlin, were here for a few days this week, I the duty of journalists and publicists to -The many old friends in Winghain no here a week or so ago for BLU,ff&lo, � I � , * to e of - A, Yuill, whose husband ;im also a w,,.Il . Wing, who is a p)-ofessional nur 11 V . obtain something "hat will add to tho. Pleafl- and ji t, oiani amoQ? the people of Canada, contrive' some now system to 'k Mr. Win. Watson, formerly of that town, may remain where he Mr -w. - I 99 . its pwe, �nown ex Clintonian, for some time.-Mi6a .11ary cam 11 � tires of -life and at the sanio time increase Mr. MeTavi�h, when .e to attend Mrs. Finklminer.-Mri, ' I . , . concludes by the following pertinent re. . Party Government could not exist without ` but now'Of Moose,jaw, Northwest Territory, - i!2 Clinton, it will be rememb,red., was -a Carlisle was in,8eaforth this week visiting Morlock, of D%shwood was.'here.this weak,'. 1. Individual uffefulneos? 'l'hq're iti no medium marks which should be carefully a clear,cut, division of opinion between two ivill ,ejoi(,e with him in.hia good luck. Prior leading b(auksmith, and was an ac' acquaintances, -Quite a number of our vit. -f here will be no I pondered a en$8 ceptable service in tht E'vangelical . we know at that will add to this end more by every Canadian. - He says : , -1 ections of the people. This, he .conoluded, to going to the went in 1883, Mr. Wato precentor in the Presbyterian church. He lagers, on Tuesday last, attended the funer- ch�urch on Sunday owing to'- the absence of � 'The great was not the case in Ragland, Canada and Conservative hi6uds presented him with a I 8 it show -card hold 0 la now 80 years of age, and M re., McTavish . I - - , a out by this 'continent to the the' United States. The party struggle had gold watch. While working in tile harvest is nearly i%n o14. Considering her years, her burst, who died after a very short illness.- DRATIL-It is our painfu , immediately than "a liberal. education e field, about three� years ago, Mr. Watson llp . . al of the late Mr. Thomas Hicks, of Chisel- the pastor. I duty this week, is canferred by our schoola and colleg's, down -trodden peoples of E'urope used to be now -assumed Vfie form of a 'struggle -for . ,&It Mr. Robert Mowbray, of Butte Cit , Alon. to record the death of rs. that here there was n' '- h io fair, altholigh Mr. McTavish has y 11 M Finkbeiner, b& Succosaful as Mr. Schwab an(] other succ - o military system or plam and power between two organiz3iions lost tl�le watch, 'On May Ist, nearly three nearly lost his eyesight. They are now en tana,.and Mr. James Mowbray, of Rose , 1,)ved wife of Rev. 0. S. Finkbeiner, which I 0011- burdensome taxation , If provent tendencies with -the same political. issues. years afterwards' Mr. Watson found his City, Michigan, were in the village -part of I sad event occurred on Tuesday morning, ul men have been, we venture the state- continue unchecked how long will it, e 11 I I t ' ing the closing y0ars of life, aurround6'd - , b -- � long lost treasure, apparently none the "oy last week and thin inent that i�f they were to speak i,heir.hunost before our Americam and Canadian fa'rmers - . i by their children a�d children's - children. visiting their relatives, death being the result -of confinement. The Worse. ; . � The Liberals of East Wellin* i i Mr. Bernard Thomson and - , - become a more peasalitry-e very man, with gton, at their They were marriedi on May 2nd, 1851, at family.- little g�irl child only lived one day and .was con-victions, every one of Ahern Would say a hoe having to support in idleness' COnV013tiont- Ott. Tuesday last, tendered a -The following property cliauges have Bowmanville Ontarib by the late Rev. Mr. A week or eo ago as Miss Aunic Cameron, that a liberal edLIc a loafer- . I plated in the coffin with its mother. Mrs, -abion i�ould litive been with a -gun.', . . recently take pl�ce in Wingharn : Samuel Clemie, and on the casion of the 50bh an- -daughter of Mr. John S. Cameron,. of Finkbeiner was only 34 years , of age, and . � 9 nomination to Hon. J, M. (,'rib. Id the house next to the town ni versary were the recipients of rnany golden by the members of her . Youhill has 23 . '� . unanimon' 01 I . nut o-aly an: advantage to thern, but a great ----� � . I Stanley, and Miss Maggie McDonald were was greatly beloved Eon, Attorney -G eneral, to. be their candidate park, b9longing to John Watt, to Menno returning home from HenBall,'their horse . - . �. . Baer, late of Manchester. The price paid k I ion. The sincerest 'lobe ie sound on the railway Ques- at the' forthcoming alect',on. The the Uni�cd States." . sympathy of all is extended to Mr. Fink - And JafAting pleasure, and Lhat wit�h it life The G gifts and congratul1atioDs from friends in husband's congregat , ' nomina- Ontario and too ffight on the London road, near the Would have been eaeier than it 11a8 been tio,ri, If the people would only awake to ' Was $1,100 cash, ! Mr. Youhill has also sold . , - , village, and springing into the ditch over- beinerin his very sad bereavement. ' A ' tione were made by ballot, and on the first to Thomas Bell, �t a fair price, the whole 7 I Tn�l turned the buggy, throwing the young memorial service was held in the Evangeli. - I without it. The counsel we wouid. give to appreciate the powers they poarse.3s, and let ballot a large number of names were brought ofl Briissels. ladies out, Fortunately they were not, aI church on Wednesday afternoon, when . . . . ot 414 on the onst side of William street, � i 0 � . all young men,. Lherefuro, is to oulploy and their Parliamentary representatives under. forward, but all retired save Mr. Gibson owned by David Campbell, and part of lots NOTES.—The football boys went to ,Xode injured and the horse be gled the church was crowded with sorro�viug . ' I .. - coming entan take adv-an,tage ofevery facility at- their stand that they are in earnest, . 415 and 416, on -the west side of Leopold rich the other day,an'd were defeated by the did not get away. The ladies were sup- friends. The remains will be taken to , millions Of and two others, 'Oa the second ballot Mr command to secutte as liberal an edtication dollars which go to enrich rallway magnates street, the prcPerty of John Brennan, team of that town by 3 goals to 2,--;Quiite a plied with another bug and reaehed � I I , - . Gibson had a large majority of all the votes pr . p gy home Hamilton to -day (Friday) for interment, ., c . . per mishap. -Mr. W. W. -- I . I - - -----,-.:- � I ; They ou 'h as Van Iforn, Alaokenvie & Matill and cast, and his nomination was made unani. We also underfitand that Richard Porter oronto. The folk,wing are among them : Buchanan, of Wi nipeg, the well known -During 8�iuda-yle thunder storm, May I . as i6�;ds within their power- to -do. Cheeley, The ty contains 1,`1 acres. umber from here are, taking in the races in without further will never regret it. Of course such educa- - others of like ilk would find th n - eir way into mous. . He was not at .'the convention, but has sold his hol4se and lot, next to the , Baker,'J, Beattie, E. C. Dunford, Joseph temperance orator, gave a very fine lecture Mb, lig ing struck the fine bank barn of'� � tizens and I , . rdoll, W. F. Scott. -M. Moses, of the 2nd here, in Miller's hall, on Thursday evening Mr. . LouienDiegel, on the 10th concession I tion asi may be. along the line of life they the pockets of the' � farmers, ci there is no doubt tie will a�cept the 1�omina- Dinsley House, to Mr. George Allan, for � ht try. Tfie Globe says: 1 ! merchants of the coun ; I intend to pursue and such as they can make tion so generously tendered him, Mr. $1,100. ''I I . oncession of Morris, is holidaying in Ham. of last week. At the close.of -the lecture, a of Logan, entirely consuming the building Gibson has repi�esented , this .constituency -A very pr6tt!y-weddirig took 019,C3 On i ton with relatives. --?-R. WilliamW has pur- Court of ".he Royal Templars of Temperance and its -content#, whi,ah included 450 useful in that sphere, is ' what they should 11 The traditional Philadelphia lawyer could during the greater part of. the present term, Wednesday eveii.ing, . May 15th,' at vie d1hased a fine driving*re from near Hen. was organized here with a good membership bushels of wheat, 150 bushels of peas, a new I ' first acquire, Proficiency in this direction scarcely keep track of the various phases or since the death of -the late Mr. John " Maple Leaf " farm near Blyth, the beau- siall.-Quite a n'umber of horses went from to commence with. -Canon Richardson, of McCormick binder, a new w gon should be the first consideration, and after which Manitoba's railway policy Passd8 Craig. It had been said by the Conserva. tiful home of M;'r'. and Mrs. -A. W. Slo.Lri, Brussels to be teated! at Lis London, was in the village on Monday a; and a seed - .through, The situation . becomes vaguer tive papers that the Liberals of the riding, when their youngest daughter, Nlargar I ; towel, for the drill ; besides this a colt, 2 cows, 5 calves - U et purpose of being sent to South Africa. Col. afternoon last visiting Rev. W. J, Doherty, and a number of hogs were burned to - that the sphere of research might be en. with -each turn-- of the wheel. . What re- desiring a local man, they would not again Williamson, became bbe bride 4f Wesley Dent did the testing�-Ori Monda , F. S. of St. Paul's church. -Mr. Patison, grand I death. �- I ' I - mains clear is that anitoba wil y larged and the larger it is, the greater the . . I - become nominate Mr. (4ribson. 2he convention of -Walker, of Wingbam, The ceremony was Scott took J. W. Scott, who pleaded guilty organizer of rety for some sev, �nteen millions of dol I the Home Circle, is in the " - Tuesday, however, sets this rumor at fe8t, performed by Rev. Will, Penhall, of Blyth, to; stealing the Cunningham horse out of the village this week visiting h -is daughter, in Downie pleasure realized from it will be. A person Bu On Friday, May 10th, at her residen I ,ke ago, to Goderich, Mrs. G. F. Arnold. -During the past f4w lars, advance the it terests of. a group Of The constituency is strongly' Liberal, and in the pregence of the immediate relatives church shed some wei, , Isabel Bissett, widow of the late can, certainly, do a good deal in educating railway promoters fo.- W`hom the countr has there can h" John M,ennie', a lady greatly beloved and . y e no doubt"as to ) Mr. Gibson's of the contracting! parties. The - brid,e I ook - where he will get a -speedy trial. -Brussels - weeks, Mr. T. J. Berry has disposed of six esteemed, passed peacefully away to 'rest, him, self, and it may be necessary for many 1 done exceedingly well already, and then election, The Liberals of the 1'rovince gen. ed charming, attiied in white silk organdie, -base ball team wiii �lay a friendl . ported shire stallions. The last sale was aged 88 years. For nearly sixty,six years I . have no more substantial concessions than y jgam�e 'in � to acquire their education in thisway, but, orally will be pleased at this rAquit. Mr. trimmed with white lace and satin ribbc.ti, With Harriston, on ; May 24th, at Harri. that of a fine five-year-old, to Ron. Thomas I ' - I I should be secured under the provisio6a of the Gibson is now one of the oldest rilembers of and carried a. beautiful bouquet of bridal ston.-R. Roach 6s returned home hoin G-reenway, of If they have the opportun ity they will find - she had lived in Downie on the same home- - I general law if they were urged to. their full the Legislature. He has been a member of roses. The bride'maid, Miss Mabal Jamie- Je I Manitoba, -Mr. J. A, stead. Both the and her husband were the task much easier and more pleasant if extant. It will be soid that they never are the Government f , or a great many 4 . wittville, New York state, 'where he had Horton, of I-Turondale, formerly teacher of from Scotia`g moil. She was born in Keith- . , the take advantage as much as is within and never will be urged to their full extent. fire � years, son, wa8 also att.1red in white - organdie, some horses in training all winter.- school section No, 10 Tuckersinith, who beffl, Aberdeenshire. In 1843 sbe and her . y .1 b acting in the capacity of Provincial I trimmed with' white la.ce and chiffon, and Njr. James Ballantyne, who has been Under has been attending the 'School of Practical husband came to Canada, settling tfirstin their power of the educational institutions We do not accept this view, for we believe I . . 1. Secretary, then as Commissioner of Crown carried a ))ouqtiet!of pink carnations. - The the doctor's care for some Science, in � of the country. that public opinion in rapidly moving to- Lands and now holding the position . I � weeks, is, we are Toronto, for the past year the neighborhood Of Rice Lake, removing . An education in an easy of groom was, supported by Mr.- J. K Davis sorry to say, not much improved, -The successfully passed his examination witll , ward the conviction thgb railways, enjoying Attor'u'ey- General. He is one'of the Af thence to Downie. In 1858 Mr. Mennie - and pleasant thing to carry, and any who 6-o th:y do privileges at the - hande of th strong. of Winqham. ,ter congratulations a6� funeral of the late J. Ryan, of Walton, took honors. -Mr. John .Mousso, of the 5th died, leavivg Mrs, Mennia and a smahl I I . 0 eat men in the Cabinet, and his retirement I beat wishes, all 6t down to a b,ountiful place at the Catholic church here, then to concession of Hay, had a successful barn family. I 0 r . I . I . . 1 3 1 . I I . . - - I - ! � . : ­ . - I � . 1, i� �� if .i �E(l I . � , in! � - a I I I I e I I , li 1�tt 't, , lil� , , C i I I I ( I II - . I ; . 'I I . � I . � - � I � . . . - . c ; . . . . - I ! I . i I W . I . � . � I ; i . - . .. I . I . - I . i . . I - - ­ . I - i - I I . I . � ! � . . I - . i � � I � I - .. . �-, � I . - ­ . . . . i I 1. I . I t I 'T0TT1,.N-G6.- %rwija have I I . , -t SAMUO . -VIS, , — , 0 , .." left M I they -have -'( B# , om 0 Wj10 has re I � -3.9r. G,reola, `Y, Zallia -on. � - I � - &iusou - as ( 41 Iti,011 it IS js re ,are . - an V � rial )3W,8VS,- so closing CilayI .of 'es, . ,-bIgg-inning lot] - tb I 0 Montbs 0 1 A. WcGrelfOl t ash in his I I V,.Palliator I - I - . 411 I . 10 re, I ,Mel 0045. of -0 I � � , nods� Of �tl .. -; . bir, "I I 468 � a in the 7 - . .- week.- r* ; . a , � pajutirig Ilia -b beoccuPle . the 18111nTrier, � I-Godefleh Sts" �T osday-.-F-j seteral DOW b . I -There diA I -miss U&ry- . � - Jarown, of St I age and de&t r�sultiug in , b - I J)ownie "&- 1p, - e ,01 ,Stratford, -, - il � ..­. 'I I . �- Until I t Al - . - here ,le .0,rs,nge Lod -g , it," Annual - ro Winnipeg, wil Of meeting, bi � The matter i Grand 31-astel I . - � � on the list, t, - Grand Lodge w . �-Sstur-dsy. th,e little dai of the mltdhje`� � Tlear losing 1 . - bie�-Vele On 11 ' irace wheu, C. water, And be . I sank a secom been noticed I lzerW. uly bame - Mr. T. , I Collegiate *ts � of a red�neck b.irawhijah Ito pa,rts of the from the rive kind ileemingl I f roro .the groui � by A -1r. Lenne. F*11 WhOAUVSW'� S.PTSIDK Wb"t PSI 40.16g per bushel r4gs per bushel. B11rivy pet bu4h4 13uj"r, Ka. 1" 101 I Bawier, tub-, EM per doz�­ Floiiy� per 110 #A I � Hay Pelf un new , HidreePOTIM IN Sho�? Skins.. -.,i, W-0,01...-- 3� Valtato'de -per bul Sitto (rAtAl) per Wwa per Vordfll' Wiedper-cord ti g'A ' Uo per bag- oipror Bieed­­, . Timot 2y* Seed - � Pork,.Per 1-00 lbs T Jo*,.par1b­- is-C W,0-..TTRmL, very little buff" 8i to Sir, for' western. Bnt ISAo f4 flnegt, - a.t 11 to 1110 I No, 2. - � Tono-NTo, 3 - Asir y in tube a and the marke and unchange� 13 to 14c, Anid I Isic, Commo � Urea,rnb�ry boll pr�ints, and 17�1 ceigto moderat � are nuchainged., I I I � Tbno,sTo, N tone, Sales a here were .rep Borne holders, Pot-atoes Dut,6, I I Tmw.N�To, V - small lotin V1 X and with Warn ied the operati(. I though the r� large - , for soinel � -prices, the fa be anxious to i sesmon. The a 'Wool trade is -I Ing- Pulled V. to be fol mills =0 g, er.q. Fleece-' wool have beei (rho market is could not pay year�," Wool. , i quiet -and pric Pupers being � at 19 to 20e, : - 140A - -N LoNTn0,,\,, E " , `1 Improvement 11 Worse. Unit. Rdiab C&UIO, �' � - LJVV,.1:wC4)T,,� Bjd� I W-o:'TREAL," 1011tiu. full fori prices Were no nu last ThurE I sold at, about being bought I Pound, I- -r. � . very od eat potiu-1,o- Pret to 41.c; per V*A . from 21 to SA . 1 2 ler-Gus, and to C-Wlvelg sold ,&I Per/# paid I sheep, and th Ter pound 10 -from $2.50 t( � n,iore plentif . . .Prices ate - weighed off 714,c per poun, BT I 14 V-PrAT-0, .1 tra eXport ca -to V5.75- ; go ping steer's - . . thoiee to 11 --choice butche - to beat butel d, I . � � butcher -steer, fat bulls, $1- 4 $3.50 to $3, 1 1 1 , 1 71 Rto,ok bulls, - good to ,ch ,-,boift fat P-0 'O'hoice to exti -- lv� �­ -- -- -��� NIMK""51'�Z a