HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-05-10, Page 4IL
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r . - I I . THE HURON E - I MAY 110.0 1901
1 . I L
� .4 1 � . . . �. XPOSITOR i I I
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I I NIEW ADVERTISKNIENTS used by their'enumerators. T4rce repqrt- I unforttirl�tely i s; 'there is S�mething foolish bargain a iould be impeded by the was 18. . Then she went to Paris and was I L ! I
!, ; . 4 -
. - ;
i , I Dominion. In - hie event, it would a ve married three years later. M. Deaboges is 2
!, - ed that a few Of tlfb, enumerators in their : radically wrong, and we look for a nigger a 0- �
, . ,v�r`rheAN-ute1)aiyce-.,,re Ptrv%'.hcru,, er each - . . -
� .
- . h the &6triclo had the document in th,eir posces- in the fell'ue somewhere. . I thern frorr a deal of trouble, as there is no an architect. Alme. Desboges herself con- ', The , are talking about 16 t " I
( on -, leno�(s the vaKo of Nit, :i �! . r oa whie . I : " t
;, adv,,rtiaewent will be fourW � other way out of the mean into which they tinui d to PILint, ',)Ut ' y � t
�, i W . when she Saw how her i i
� I . siou, arll in acoordance with the irlhtrac- I . . ave gob tl emoe)vqs and their Province, and family was iucreasing she abandoned art to , I - � . .
. : ' ,
, - a', immediate at Editorial I I
� Ttv Art cf Saving -W. Pi ka-d & (%,�-5 h
11 tions received had take eps L Notes and Comments. there are many ievidences that they are devote her whole time to hei. family.
. Buggry ForSale-Jarned pu r -.0 - .5 4
I . ' .
� Pet at Mcdl-Aur-Lon to, Ch,tr'4�j� r�'n.--' I . t) have them ,destroyed. In no instance The Toronto Star says -. 11 Mr. I Parish poli- A W0XDBRVUL0PERA*,Tro-x.-Dr. Syrfried, I
. Uwn Slowere-15-Reitt & 'Til-jon - -3 � � Vhitnoy. �earbily Biok lof the business. i all Over the Country. .
I - I . ' 4 . ticians of the Roblin-Rogors calibre are the famous surgeon of Berlin, Germany, t I
. Vi e-11, Cudynore-S did the rt pliP4 indicato'that the objeotion. purposes to make a tour iE Jun , following - . 0 1 - .
� To Cantract-)rs-John: ELVel ie -1 I i , . DUgh to deal with railway has just received the congratulations of his � ; . -
. t scarcely heavy.eni I . h, �& .& A-& � - - -4 .
� Ccu-b c f Revision -A. G. Srr i Re -5 able schedule Irwas being used h the enumer. on the tracks of Hon, G. V1. Role, and t m uch an Jim Hill and McKeniie & professional brethren on a Successful oper- . .
� ; . y ell.
, , Cou t of Revlqion-J. E Mru xell-5 . I agnates i �W--�-� - - - - - - - - . I
L' Xctl-c ToTramlpamera-H. Owo�v -5 store. It will th6 be seen that in so farL a's ing the people what he thinks about the Mann. Tilley tried it and got badly taken ation believed to be unique, He removed a ; . :
. . . �. . - -
. ensusofficia,la bae concerned, no at- Premier. Why Should they not, hold joint in, and if some good Providence does not portion of a workman's Skull, pulverized by . e post C
- Thry are Talking Aboub It- -1 V. Few -4 till c , I Wh a t ? Th ard con-itlim * ' I �
�, No- MI-Friery-McKinncii & Co -6 V I i - intervene luo save the Province from the- the blow of an iron bolt, and filled the - - . .1, tition at Faws -
34ay=Alex, NVIson-6 ' i I . . L I ' f �
. Leult% S For tomp'- hal beeb mailo to Seduce them from , meetings ?" � Joint meetings we ,ld -be very resulb*of their foolish bargain, these samo cavity with bone from the skull o' an ox,
I -Life Wt,rth I iving -Bell Telepho,w C) -5 thi rathe of -virtue and truth b� inducing interesting and would ) ring . out large railway m m will own the lar eat qhareof carefully pared down and earved to fit the I I �
I � Wall Payer -C. W. Pai t3b-8 � ' . 9 Drug Store. Seaforthe
Saturday Shoe Specials -R. Willis & Son -5 thom to give, information 'which they had no- crowd@ of.people, but th - 6y wouh the Provinde before ten years pass --around, hole. The skin wati laid over the injury ,
Spruce Trees-Mitcht-11 Nursery Co. -3 be somewhat more exciti .
right to impart, and that the row raised L . 'm than profitable. . and healed 6aturally. The patient exper- - .
- I . L -
We [lives for Sale --- 4. La�vstrath-8 . &I The latest combination is that ' for the' ienced no ill effects. .
- .
I , Volunfe ra Attention -A. Wilaan-8 - over the matter w.Aa simply the sounding of . . Here it is : The person writing the following .sentence the largest numb,or
I . A Peouliar Season-or(-ig & Uaodonald-1 ' , I I The Toronto M . manufactU4 and sale -
I Shoe llaff3h-2-W, (1, Mllia-s a false alarm. - . ' ail Says - " Hon, George of medicines. Thin ' ` L
L E. Foster is out of Parliament, but still' in. company is to be know as the United States I Huron Notes. of times on a Canada post cmd, wins a,1$10 prize, We want everybody to try �
. To The Pul.1le-Kennedv Dro-6 .. The fact of the matiter -is,' 'that no bogus ' .
Aua,lou Sale-Georgo Coapm.in-S - the fight for good.governm out. His reverse Ferrol Company and it, has an an 4 -Fred Morgan has been appointed post- �
.; -- --- --- census Schedule was issued. What gave in St. J* deprives thel cc untry, of his- - apital of a million d' thorize master at Porter's Hill, having bought out it, L The sentenc * : 1
�4 work c ollare, It has been - ;
.- lr rise to the-sagpicion was the imming of a � . . 1
1414 . I in the Hopme, but cannot eclips I b Canada'r incorporated and its object; is to mann. the postoffice store. ;
Z* *05119,61#* circular from the Central Liberal 'Asaoci- - I facture and sell medicine in Toronto. The Evaingehits Crossley and Hunter will, Is. Vii EAR Sells Pure Druarap
Or 'Urou .0, . - 0� nows
- I . �J . 1. . . - ation, at Toronto, asking for the informa- brilliant oFator and great linancier.- Wheth- provisional directors are all Toronto men. lay the cornerstone of the new Methodist '
- - I er in or out of the. chamber, Mr. �o-iter is a - What will the next be ? I . church in Wingham. - The card must be h re by May 24th. Write one way only on this card, Ad- -�--
SE'AFORTIR, FRIDA'Y, May 10th, 190, Obn specified and which W&SL intended for powerful iiifluence-in inluence for good -Worley Kerr, late of Brinsley, has � � � -
I . . --
. . . . I'— * YJ -, . I bought out the general -store business of J. I .
I - use in revising the voters' lists. These cir. that is bound,to be felt. All this is, no . The proposition of the British Gorernment . dref,s the card to. I �
: . .
. culare were sent no6 to the census officials doubt.true, but taffy such as thli is not half ' L Eilber & Son, of Crediton. I -
. The Dominion Parliament. . . 0 -to impose an export tax of one shilling per -&Jr. A. Frazer, who has been -a resident - . I .
I - so gratifying 'to Mk. Foster -as. a ;eat in the : I I
31, is uggist,
business - at.Obtawa during the past week. but to the chairmen of pollirig sub -divisions- 0 man on the 'House of Commons, most of the representa. b,ek to his farm in McGillivray township. - - Dr 0
Fairly good progress has been made with ' . r, House would be, mud goodhe a knows he * . 'ton on coal, was strongly opposed in the of Clinton for the past six years, has moved
. � and other leading Liberals throughout the needed air there is not now -a . . . . L V,' Fea-r, the .
- province, and that any of them fell into the Opposition side who can acme *1thi i sing it, irre- -Nirs, John K, Ward, of Fordwich, de- . .
. (rhings are now being got into shape for pro , i- - f abiliti n eight tives from coal d stricts oppo parted this life on Thilrsday of last- week, - .
hands of censup officials was. purely aco of him in point o r. Whyt then, Joes spective of party.'vroolivitieu. The resolu. after an illness of about a month's duration,
rogation. Morning -sessions will begin next� dental and an the Mail not ilige some,of the ba � ck bench t � .. 191CAPORTHE -
, I
week, and the probabilities are thab the 24th � was due to the. fa � et that ch nonentities on L the Tory'side. who I , have � pasy iono'however, was carried od a vote of 336 -Mr. Samuel Hobbs, of Elimville,,.�had a , -
� parties h appanod to be activ ' - men in the constituencies,'; to resign- th ir se�te in favor to 227. Several Liberals voted for the painful experience the 'other day, when in I � -- I
of May will find our legisia,t-Drg comfortably . . I I resolution and some abstained from 'voting. some manner he swallowed a wire. fe, i beat route for the march ; the distance to doing the work, The .
. party in their respective district,q, and the of Mr. Foster,:: and thus- securo to their 1. . nce cOmPEDY Sbipped .a
. ensconsed in their respective homes. The 'circulars were sent to them irres-pect'ive of I party bhe!servicos of a man who has the . . staple which gob lodgod in his throat, ' I be covered in a day, and the exact camping car -load of tdw last week. -While Cutting
supplementary estimates and the grants to any connection they may have'had with' the �bility and snap to make ]lie influence felt There are eight distillers in the Province .-Wm. Blanhill, who ban been in busicess : grounds on the way." wood one day last week, Mr. R. Musgrove
. . - i -There passed away.on Sunday, April had the misfo .
'-rallwaya have not yet been submitted, but in the House. I � of Ontario who are required to pay a tax in Brill for the past 21 years, has -leaped It t rtune to cut his foot1with the
-dk the presumption is that- , , . - I I 028th, another of Ahe aged residents of East axe. �ook five stitche
census. Indea . I I � -Ontario. Revenue Act. Theirt his butcher shop to Samuel Walker, 6Lh Wawanosh, Barbara Robinson, relict of the 4 wound. We hope, h is to close the
they will now be forthcoming shortly, as ' . . ! - - - - � . underthe
the person remponsible for the a . 62C line of Morris, who will take possession on ; . owever, that he will
- I
I these are always left over until the last, and ending out of Militaryistri' comes- expensive, as was for this year was paid into the, license do. the 15th ifist., and carry on the business. . ' lilte Rev. James Young, who for 16 years- soon be able to be around. -Wm Rogen,
the circulars kne' ' partment a few'days ago, and amounted to . taught school in Zetland. Deceased -was who has been studying in Montrea
are then rushed through with railroad w nothing of 'the par Pes clearly shown, by the estimates of the M -in- � *-Mr. Henry W. Allen, a popular young - I i, is visit.
being connected with the census b * man of Lon- born in Scotland, but had been a resident of. at home. He intends noon
. deaboro, departed this life on to go to a
speed. The estimates of the expenditure for � uslnt8s. ister of Militil�aubmitted' to parliament the the snug su'rn oi 835,166. This would be a ; the township of East Wawanosh for nearly ton, where he will continue is el �
� ' Thursday April 23th,after ai short illnes3, , eetri.
the current year are nearly all passed, and, Similar circulars have been,sent-toill , da other day. T � e cost of the volunteers' an- very nice sourcq� of income for the Province , . I lus b �
- - who had no connection whatever WiLh the � if the stuff will h produoes it having only been confined to, bed for three 40 yearn. For the past 12 years since the cal studies. -Mrs. W. H. -Stewart, ,qf New � t
. � I I i
riticiam, � nual drill will 'amount to 0 or $480,000 ; the a much greate days. i death of her husband, she had resided with Hamburg, spent a few days- in Bluevale jut W
although there was considerable c ' did not cause -
taking of the censua. . They have,, also, been clothing for the year will arr ount t . o$100,000, ified, with al loss than the revenue ob. -The congregation of 6eist's church, her daughter,, Mrs. MeDontald�- She had week. -The quarterly meeting of the Met.h. L
I the Opposition did not make serious objec- 0 � . . I � ta i the accompanying miSery almost reached the fourscore mark, being odist church was held last Sunday. -At ' .
tion to any .of the items of proposed ex sent' ut for years, and usuaUy to. the same and the whole �expendi ture for our volunteer throwrl I St. Helena, intends to build a new church, I M
pen. . . . -
L . the system on Somewhat e'xtended- scale . to odab$2,000. More than $1,500 are al- 78 years of age. . � ' D.'Small, of Wivgbam, visited her brother,
The most ticklish legislati '� - ---Mrs. Reid, .relict of the late Ge I Mr. J1. Ruby, last week. -Mr. Win. Jewitt
diture. on yet to partiea as received thernathis ye,Lr, so . the Orge ;
. , ratifying . the Man I i- - . w e, a,nd, moreover, proposed t is year,will-rdai . i On Empire ready subscribed,Aud it is expected that Reid, of Bast Wawanoeb, died 'very sud-' of Brussels, shipped a car of bogs from h '
be completed is the billt practice is not a ne on figure of $2 000 000. h the good round Ay, May 23ed, a memorial the balance will be Secured before building . . ere
we understand the Central 'Conservative I . - , I . I 0. eburse, if the number of the �Ioronto Star will be issued, I denly early Tuesday morning of last week.' on Monday. - I � �
toba, railway deals, Although these L are . . people will ins at on pl4yin P at " sogering" . t operations have commenced. - � - 1llllllllllllllllll1 � I :
' - . ) . by the memberO of the Women,ij Canadian -Mrs. Harriet Sibley Ward, elde�t - .
I meeting with considerable opposition from a Associ�tion send out a similar docurneuV- they must exp ct to pay I )r the fun, but � She was iwher usual health the 'day pre- --
' - it does seem t6, us that the jame amount of ' Historical Soc ety, of Toronto, The me. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, P. B. Sibley, of i viOus, and on ,Monday evening walked to Hensafl.-
few of the. Western members, aside from and foi a simikr purpose. Tho. -whole tiling . . Clinton, died in New York, on the 22ad of Marnoeb. She retired at her usual hour, LoCAL B,RiErs. .-A grandconcert will 'be '
. ' money cou d- bg expen ith vastly better morial nur will contain articles on the -
ie a,mply another c"e of false alarm, and . April. She contracted a cold which de- "ring given in 31iller's opera hall on 'Monday
-protecting the rights of Ontario and the l apparently in the best of health. D i
11 ' results for the: people gererally in many influence of the! . .
Dominion in general, the Goverarricrit and 'a shows how very ready some re i ,Queen on Canadian history, vel%ed into pneumonia and caused her the night her daughter heard a noise# and evening, M
. ally good other. directions. I . I . ally 13th, under the auepices of'
. I , af on examination found Mrs. Reid gasping
large majority of the House seem disposed people are at coining 9. 83andal when there I I ---- her love for her favorite colony, -and as dest 0 ter an illness of about nine days. and for the beuefib of our newly- orgaulzsd- �
, I
to permit Manitoba to make her own bar- are no grounds for a scandal, and at imput. . The' ' an exprecsion of the affectious of its- people. -According to the annual report of the for breath, Before medical assistance could band, The services of the now'famed - "Me- -
. ing irliprop - .Oatari� I Logislatur has passed a The Historical $Ociety ban among fts mom'. Inspector of Prisons for the year 1900, the be procured .she, had passed away. She Donald Quartette, -of London, have beion en.
ar motivoll to an opponent wh v power to muriicipali- .. , so that this county of Huron is the banner temperance aged. The- band will also make their first
gaine and toL abide by them, and there is , en necessary act gi iDg I berg many writers of ability leaves an aged mother and one daughter. - I
- now no- doubt that the bills ratif , ing the no improper in.oLive is intended. - It ia ' a ties after tie first of Janill to! enact b unique Yeatum will undoubtedly prove a county of- the Province among the larger She was 53 yearn of age. ' ppearance- in public and will give selec- I
.� I � i I I Y- decilded success land. worthy of liberal pat. counties, havirl the lowest number of com- -We glean the following statistics from ions. The attendance promises L ,l 1
agreement between the Manitoba lcgi3la. pity that a Sensible man like Mr. Whitney, laws prohibiting the use of trading stamps. r6nage. The d are to be devoted to mittments to ;ail for d! unkenness from j885 , the Orely township asseenment roll : Total to be ve i
. I . . ingL the ' I 0 � .1 number of acres, 64,827 ; acres cleaned, arge, as our village and country frien 1 11
tu,re and the Several railways iL -areated and one occupying so iniportant: a, position The trading rit ,mp is a p raait�, prey Memorial Hall fund, inaugurated 'by to 1900, namely, 41. L ant to patronizi and saslat the bind, -His
will. be passed before the qlose of t'ie sea. in the country as he does, Should all ' ' this sopiety, by !which means may be pro. -Mrs. Wm. Martin, of Davon, south Of . 46�784 ; acres wood, 6,188 ; acres swamp,
. - . ow lliln� upon the body "Ornmerei'al, and the sooner � ordship, the Bishop of Huron, will hold � �
. � , Let. ' ' . vided to erect &!me ' morial hall to the mem. Exeter, suffered a slight stroke of paralysis 11,859 ; total assessment of real property, lifirmation services in St. PauPa church on
sion�' In this Parliament is, no doubt a self 0 be led into - taking up euch petty 'it is eradicatbd the better. Th� Dominion ory. of the Quee�p- on Thursday of last week, which rendered $1,740,375 ; p-rRonal property, $6,400 ; real o 'S,iet'L �
ing right, for, no matter how much mem- matters and attemptivi 'to construct a Trading Stamp Company, however, has a - . I I .- and personal, $1,746,774 ; .number of malee ?riday evening, and at the er charge of .
. � Dominion dhader, and threatens to take i -- her speechless, and it was feared at first . S,taffa the saime afternoon. -Dr. Robertson, . �
bers of the Dominion may dissent from the mountain when he has not as much . as j, , . A -somewhat important decision has been that it might prove serious, but heemarly bctween 21 and 60, 700 ; total popU'latILon I I intendent of Presbyterian - . . :
legal proble to have tEe provin ial act, iriesionary ,
bargain made, it is a matter entirely WiLthin mole. -hill out oft which to get'his material.. act asid � ihis cc given by the fuli court of judges at O.igood friends will be pleased I to learn - that she is 3,343 ; children between 9 and 14, 481 'I = in the Northwest, will occupy the
I a. . The fact that- mpany es no1v . I dogs, 428 ; bitches, 7 ; cattle, 11,216 ; sheep,
the powers of the Manitoba Legislature, and He should be R,bave that, sort of thing, .At POsscsas 81 h a clitirte ' Hall,-Toron on a. fair way to r'..'ecovery. pulpit of Carmel Presbyterian churp,h ,on
. . . . I -� r is only one of the toi in response to a stated qu _ , 3,465 ; hogs, 1,914; horses, 1,984 ; births, ,
ail events, lip-811ould inveatign,to hi'i charges. many insta ices ittL -Mrs. Bagahaw, who lives with her son, 4abbath evening and will address the coa. .
as such,, Should not, be interfered with. The - takes to a of hawlittle care parliament tion, subm ed by the Attorney - General Abe, in Exeter, met with a very unfortunate l 58 ; deaths, 25 ; acres orchard, 55Z,J ; acres gregation on e subject of missions.-
ei that special privileges�aiv wise- , . I I , th Mr,
Senate committee on the Cook a,ffair have and -ascertain thab there is something in ,1y in regard to the liability Of Separate school accident on Tudeclay morning of last week, fall wheat, 3,681 ; steam boilers, 16 1
. i ' be.9towe( . 'Cho Dominion Act Should 'be . I . . ga L I . ' �V. W. Bucbananj of Winnipeg, . the wen
not, yet submitted their report,. Several them, before he'proc,041 to stir up' a fuPs. at once rbp,aled. It is Supporters und r by She was ell ged in oleDning at -On Friday, April 26th, Alin . - -
I . I . I � isgrace to.the -laws incurring grants . ove pipes, a Mary knownt address ;& � �
this"'L . Tichbourne, third daughter of Mr.� and Mrs.. .
attempts have been made to get the *Com- about nothing as lie �ha3 dione on and country that these organizations Should be for echool- � when the step -ladder ;on which she stood . meetiLng in Mil er's opera hall Abis (Friday) ��
� " purl oses, The chief question I Richard Tichbourne, of Goderiah, paSsed - �
. slipped, and falling to! the floor, broke her evening. --Mr. H.- M. Poussette,' general i
mittee.together for this purpose, b other occasions, . . - I allo,we ' d to Car& oil their dishonest oper- asked was whet. ier property belonging to a right arm in two places near the wrist. away, after an illness of several months.
I -.. atious .und r th� sanction of. an act of par. al�gent of the Canada Life Assurance Com- - .
has always been a lack of a cluorum, and - --- . � llament. , I ,Separate'. schoo� 'supporter at the time of -Mr. and Mrs. James Roks ancidaughter The young woman obtained a profeEsional pally, was iu the vfflage on Wednesday 'vie. ' 3
. I I I . :
L i , teacher's certificate at Christmas, 1898, and it � .-
' *
cousequently nothing has yet been done. The Telephon . I ; thepassage of a by-law borrowing money left'Clinton last week for Chicago, where i .ing the local agent. -The 3-lethodist ��
. . � i ---- .1 . ' taughtechool last year at.Crediton until i,
- ---- * I I , . I fcr school purp they will make their home in future. Mr. y church, on Friday afternoon, the occasion .
I I Parilament. - � Referrin,r to th3 int�nt I . -sea remains liable for tbe Roes is one of the olde I she was forced by ill -health to give ,up her of the funeral of the late Albert Short, wm . I
- . . . . I I L .i011 'Of some , ultra rates levied under the by-law if the Separate t residents of Huron, I -
, The War. The Bell Tellphone Company has a bill Imperialists t , having been born in Atanley, on the Loill ! position in the fall. She returned home ' ,
There is nothing no 'lat Canada should become school supporter sells his property or with. L , cromcled Olts utmost capacity. The ter -
w to record from d-raws his Sup ort. Tile C in the year 1838 His elder i and all efforts to restore her to health were
zb3fore Parliamdat at Lite present time which part and- pared of the " Kingdom" of . hancellor and don road, , . I vice was Lconduated by the pastor Rev �
t : . I I r . .
South Africa. It is simply the same old is and J udge9 Fer uson an as -the first white ch;ld born -in in vain. Her parents and the remaining George Jewitt, &VOisted by � -
. creaLiug a (xlreat.Britain, �he Toronto Telegra in has decided t at I du creiith (C. J.) that townsh' all the resill
.1 good deal of discussion I members of the family bave.thesymp&thy Of dent mird ters and Rev. Mr. Wad'alloll, of
story over again. Th6ro has been no real ly L . h ing the currency of tile by- 1p- i is �
througliout the ountry and is like to meet We to say : 'I' ' Dom'iniom , was good la�v the rates levied must be paid ,by said -During the heav thunder storm on i all in- the many sorrows which liave been 13iniville. The funeral to the Exeter come.
� . I L '
3asional With consider4ble � oppoiitioti before i., enough name for. Canada unler Queen Via. Separate school Su* Wednesday night of last week, lightning I their portion of late, this being the third
fighting for a long time, only cc 11
I . . V pporter unless he ceases _ tery was also largely attended, testifying to
� sniping on both sides, aa straggling detach- struck the &inl on the residence of E. member of the family who has died within the respect in which the de7ce"ed was held, .
- - , beeomoz; law, if I it does become law- in it . toria, and this country need i no better name to be a resident )f -the school district, In - � I
ments happen to run across each other. : 3 und' . of a bona fide a'ale of the Fuller, of Wingham, alid asaed down the ' the past 15 months. � -Mr. Munro, merchantL �
' 'her successors. Canada is cases � -As the result of the agitation by the . L and postmaster, of . 2
1 present form which it should not do. . er any of propert ,the , pipesi and scor�, -
EChe Biitish forces are continually Pc i ; I content to .. e One iu.the'family of f ree na. new owner is r lieved of the rates Te9vied stove heN the occupants . Auburn, was in the village on'Thuradoly,
. ouring This bill Seeks permission from Parliament tions which undeir the by -la , . - who were sleeping in a i400m close by. - Mr. farmers of Colborne for the establishment of evening . I
the country wherever armed Boers are Sup- fortitheBribis nation. Free- - of last week, in ME official capal
to double its capital stock. Stich a pro, dom, not so ere grity, is the name b which - --- . Fuller jumped out of. b d and then fell to a pork factory, it has been decided to or- as deputy Grand Master of -the Masonic Or. I .
� J�
'J I
� I
I -
I t
I I �
I Is
I 0
1 �1,
posed to be, and gather in provisions, arma, , 13ritish uni The recent eDneolidations of capital the floor. He was Pin: d down one side. gauize -a joint stock company for that pur- der, and gave an addreiia'st f,ho. local lodge
. position is, of UourseF, -�unobj ac tion able, and till ill conquer. True mneri. in 9 .
horses, cattle and other supplies. Last I -The small farm of Mrs, Wm. Pxtton, of POse,,with a capital of $150,000. The fee- meeting. -Miss - Mabel Ful
no person w1i8m ban -n:) more dangerous -enemie illl the United States and the formation of i ton returned �
' would : oppose it. But, in it's Ethel, has been purohated by Christopher tory is to be .located in Clinton. The fol- home from Detroit this weeLk.4M -
week two British detachmento brought in presen the meddlers wl o want Canada to be a immense corporations and 'trusts have had'a Rayna'rd, of that localky, who intends re. lowing provisional officers and directors , lessre. W,
I - y could hav their
WS fighting bu�rghers, who were captured b act Of Incorporation the charges Of kingdom, a d'who, if . th `1 H. .Reynolds and H. B. Ingram, -who were
' I wondorfully stimulating influence upon.tbe tiring from farming afteri the next harvest. have been elected : President, M * -
the company are subject to revision by the way, would bless this blooming colon with - . 1110r in the employ of Mr. Robert Paterson, jr. I
with a3l their outfib in difforent plaeea, Governor-iLn Council,- a state churah and a Houseof Lords. ' And Now York Stock Exchange, The transac. The price paid was $1,585. It is a tidy Colborne ; vice president, D. A. previous to- his leaViaq f I 0
Ma, -0 .1� A 0 A : which means the4 t nlot and will suit M r a n -A and f-21 ;100rurue gis t, e r, C1 L inton : secretarv-treasurer . or the Soo, are now
-.7 � a .y sumen erng, and the &I m ight add at two weeks have been . first class when they �&4e parted 9 - e an .
� overnment, and its ,scale of prices can .., '" Alegr , a standing army mons ter the pa .the . .7 'T Captain Combe, Clinton ; directors, Ma or catryiug on the carpent r a contract g
Boor soldiers still in the fi-ald are in rag.i mud and avy fleet and last, but not least, . I with their business for thernmelves.-Mr. 0. -0. Pet
be increased wiblioub Similar assent. I a largest in. the Nstory of the country, and 100 ac' Jackson, Clinton ; W. Jones, Colborne ; V I
n T� I . ree. !
poverty. Th.e laat Boer 11 Long Tom " gun In the titled aiieto raq. Theme are attac imionte every pere6n seems to be piling tip wealth. , -The Bvuaaels� Post' says : 11 County Straughn, Colborne ; - W. Weir, G oderich ban leased the east part of his - bri-ek bloc I
new act this wholesome provision -and 'which Can a a c along very 7el with. recently occupied by the Molsons Bank, to
I was captured last week, The Boer prison- I . -he present Out- 1� n geb . W�nnings of a million dollars are a common Councillor Torrance, hE ving moved out of township; D. McEwal Stanley. Mrs' B. Kaiser, W ho intends carrying on a
ers, besides those thab have been deported public safe guard is omitted. If t, . I his divieion to Hgmondv Ile, will necessarily -Another old and highly respected boarding house in It, and to that end Mr.
- bill becomes law in its original shaps, the �. thIng, James EL Keene, a man who has liave to resign his seat it th - pioneer of Hullett township, departed this pe itt d A large ..
- - ' '
. � .. e county council I tty is having it nicely fi e up�-
.. to St. Helena and other places, now number . Z I Another o been a millionaire and a bankrupt more life on Monday of last week, in the. person
company can charge such fees for it I F till on-ee-plll �ne'nt politicians tin�esj perhaps ' after the June session, He is a first-class 4 'mber
I . I . ,s,,ee�rvice , I I , than any other man in the m � . ' of Mr. . John Alex, Barr, who had been ail. u of our villagers attenda the f uneral I
% ,upwards of twenty thousand. The war is, as it sees fit 1 This ,is, very prioperly, of.Canada bill,s gqne the -way Of &III fle,sh. ,Urliped States, is said to have cleared $20 . an, and will be great y missed, both for inj ter- Of the late Mr. Arch. Bishop, of Uaborne.- I I
, I � as ability and his geniality by his A -1r, and Mrs. David Nichol, of this village, �
n,d the objectore 'urge that* Hon. James Ro6, of Quebe 3, died, i� that 00�,000; Isaac' li. 11',Iwood, formerly of the brother county councillors. Mr. Torrance rial trouble. Mr. Barr -was born in Tyrone We week refleived an invitation to attend I i
practically, ended, and the work now re. objected to, a' I 0 his bubine -,, for the past year and a half with in
' - �
inaining is Simply gathering up tho f.ag. this safe guard' should be inserted, in the 'city on Satu day',. The dec.-ased had been An�orica.n Steel and Wire Company, ha was Warden for a year." county, Ireland, 73 -`years ago, and at the the marriage of Mr. Nichds - cousin, Mile �-:ments. It is simply regarded by the British ' .31=ed-five ill dollars, an ; age of 14 he came�to Canada, ettling at '
new law, or .'that' if the com any will not ,speaker of t e Senate, member, of the Que. , -Alfred Grayi Son of Mr '
ll p , I Of ars. nr" - A 4- U . Wesley Mary, second eaughter of Mr. D. Nichol of
it, Or rough work, which must be put . Hornny, Halton county, wher he lived 41 1
. 00 tb . i,VX ov 0 ave MACle sums Gray, of Wingham, died in the, Blyth, to Mr. James G. C6ning.-Mi"
al to this, that the permission to in- bee Legislati, e Council, Pre nier of Quebec, rangin from a n illion to five million dol. Marine hospital, Owen Sound, on Satur. eight years. When he left Halton county
through by mechanical means. Cattle, crease the capital stock "be ncl given. � IV6 and a memb r of I the Domim on. Government laro. lut a day of reckoning will come. I of he came direct to Huron county, -and settled �-Izzie- Johnson, daughter of Mr. John John. �
- day, April 27th. after an illness 9!)n, of the township of Hay, who has been I
f,ioraes and Ammunition are now scarce �vhen Sir M. 4zie Boweli was Premier, Sot io person inn$ lose in the end, and the several months from a tumor, Dee on lot 27, concession 12, Hullett, where he ' It,
. F,
do not see why Parliament should pay any The old brig; AS I eased . isiting relatives and -frie nds in Blake for a �15. 1 4 - ' .
. I among the Boers, and this is a dear indica- of Canadian politicians are man who stands cut from under in time will waF1 born in 1859, and resided until his death. Forty-nine years V, �
- . Dout 16 years ago umber of months, hats returned home,- -
last Match he married MiscJane Ford' 'k.
I - attention to what the desires of the com- rapidly drop?ing out. be lortunate. A month hence, or perhaps went to Duluth, where a� '19' r. D. B. McLean, of Tuckaremith, and 11
tion'that the end is drawiDg near. it is I I I . h .remained until he 0 1
--11�1. � . sny are. If Parliadent, as well,as the'Legi8- N soo ler, the wheel of fortune will take a dit- came to Owen 8oun of Trafalgar, who died four e C �
probable that p 3 1 ---- I d for 'reabment. are ; .
the commandoes still in the i . . I - &go- Ill And Mr. Win, Murdo h, of Stanley, have ' -
- . - � ferent turn, and.then the bubble will burnt -While working arou d the horses with religion Mr. Barr was _ an alherent - of the done to Glasgow, Scotland, with several car )
lature, would pay less regard to the lieliesta .When the question of enlarging the par- and hundreds who are millionaires to -day y Londeaboro Presbyterian church, and in loads of fat cattle. We learn the also in-
field do not exceed 'more than two or three of corporations, a great deal of time f1hat is liame-lit buildings was being discussed in will be woree than bankrupt then. ' a fork, in his liver bart, recently, Thomas politics he was a staunch Con y P
- thousand men, all told,! and .that the' bands now wasted would be s&vcd and the country the House of ' : I 1lllllllllllllll1 a Swarto, of Goderich, thet with a painful &a- servative. t1end combining pleasure with business in I [
of guerillas ordinarily ,lare not over two " .Common j.the c ther day, Mr. . -- , aident. By some means one of the prongs He was a true friend, a kind and good the way of - visiting the Glasgow Exposition
. hundred strong. Neither Botha, nor Dewet would be a deal better served. If it is in Taylor, an-6pposition memb3r, made a good ' News of the Week. of the implenicrit entered his foof� below the neigbbor, and highly esteemed by every-- We wish them a safe and plessaut'journei � . �'. the interests of tile country that, the capital � i i
has been activerly employed fo ' I suggestion. He sug DEATH OF A NOTED MUSICIAN. instep on an angle and came out near the one. aind su.-cess in thei to pria* .-.-AIr. and �
r a long time. gested tiat, instead of -Richard r en r e c
- Stock of the Telephone!Company should be, adding new public buildings in, Obtawa, .the Redhead, who wrote the tune of the " Rock heel, Just how the acci 3ent h ppened it is -An exciting episode Occurred in the X�lrs. James H. Wright, of Seaforth, who , -�
. of Ages," is dead. For years he was known hard to explaid, but �(t is er, on %�ere here visiting Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Many of the mines which have been closed increl�sed, then the increase should be made, . th 3 wou" very Butberland-Innis works, in E'xet i A
n roomsoccupiDd by �tbemape�akei, the ser. astbe champion of GreT,orjan music. He painful and Mr. Swarts in laid up. Wednesday of last week. 'It seems Mr. 11royer, Mrs. Wright's parents, returned �
( �
dow for nearly two yeara,.are again being and 'if it is in the ini(;res'ts'of the peoplq geaut at-ar )s . I Samuel Van Dusen, head sawyer, w hD i
m , tbechief (r 1,enger and other had been orpanist of t. Mary's rhurell, -The Udborill assessor reports, a popula- me this week. -Mrs. Webber of, Galvel
-worked, several having been re -opened dur- ' oul beUken fa ub, t
that the rates should be subject t officials sh ,,c Pad:din I gaged in oiling the machinery under his ton, Tex", is here at present, visiting her - �
. . o Grovern. purposes, _gton, since 1864 He 'also wrote the tion pf 2,319 and these other particalars : care, and in some 'manner his clothing be-
ing the Past month, and those gentlemen inst - noted to find ing8. " Number of acres, 43,675 ; acres cleared, I �
I I ment control, then, certainly that control tune ""Holy Offe p irents, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eacrett, ,,
-- -- . came caught in the. nut of a revolving ahsft, . I
quarters in ordinary city r sidences. He - M�8. CRONJE NSA--, E,. -Ad vices from the 37,219 ; value of real pro erty, $1,806 of Victoria Park Farm. Mrs. Webber was ;
350 ; when he was thrown with terrible force into . mourned for some time it will be remetril , i
should be exercised, and Parliament would said that half the parlialne, ,' .
An Exploded Scandal. 1111t building is now .island of St. Helena state that Mrs. Cronje, aagregate value of all pro orty, 81,919,250 ; P i
- the �machinery and against the two large bjred, as having been lost in the great, flood i I
.be doing wrong to ,abandon its authority. - Occupied as moidenelbs, and although this wife of the Boer gbueral in captivity there, cattle, 6,118 ; sheep, 1, 1 33 ; liog,,, 3,283 ; saws in motion. By his presence of mind
.. -1 . . I ay e some 11 . �
The Conservative papers have �ecently In this instance, that control should be re Te'y b hat of an exa geratfon it is is suffering from Insanity caused b ' horses, 1,715 ; births, 32 ; deaths, 22 ; acres
been making i � : . � y her tl�at visited Galvestom.-Mr. George Love
I much ado about a circular or tained by Parliament and a very great 1;rue that eno gh room could be obtained by great mental distress dur'n the war and of wood land, 4,025 ; acres of swamp, 429 ; lie managed. to grab hold of a brace, and le't here this week for Stephen, AlhinevoU, ' I
. ing ose ffiCers notiep to quit, to avoid her sorrow for her huab I Is exile. Mrs,� acres of orchard and gard1n, 628J ; acres of Mr. Wm. Parsons, who was close by, and wiere-he has several married daughters I f1l;
. I Bin .
schedule which was said to have been eent mistake will be made 0 it is given up. It the necessitylof building opeuationn and ex. Cron* - at the risk of his own life, seeing Mr. Van I
is p accompanied the commandant in all fall wheat, 5,783. living and with whom :he intends residing -
out by heads of tha, Liberal party to the may be, said that if the company makes its end iture forisome time to cc me. Theseof. h marcheo,andwas taken prisonerwith -The following statisti m are taken ' Dusen's dangerous predicament, seized him fo? some time at least,.ml D, Urquhart
census cc M-11:18sioners wid enumerators aBIc- rates for, hi h the ubli - A 4. .Rcera all rece. ve fullremunerition for thl-Ir . Oom h cha In ;".#-. . # - I
I .
- � ' - . 8 I V , ee no patronize se � rvi � ces and t here is no earth y reason wl him at, the battle or Paardeberg. It in eald the Stephen township ass(mament roll -. 'To. J ts - nae u prevent him,from w ks in Stratford this week -Mr. Taylor, a -
Ing for certain information fr L 'L lY that she fancies herself to be the ex -Empress tal acres, 57,687 ; tota . assessed va I lue, being drawn into the two saws, and thus hl�ynotist, is holding tneetiDgf here this - I
om these otfi- the compapy or use its instruments. This, I they should be provided ,wil free living saved him from almost certain' and * instant week an&giving evidence of his ability in .
. ' Eugene, �
a .
cial'a to be used for pyxty purpo,,rcs.- This however a correct statement of the I apartments it addition to their ful 1 $1,805,425 ; male persons ... rom 21 to GO, 417; death. As it was he wati stripped of nearly th: t Iiie.
,� is not ' ye certain 8. his the case w I pay- A FLORIDA Towx DFSTROYED.-.The I total p6pulation,-4,141 ; n timber of chiiAren I all bia clothing and a part of the toe of one
circular, it was mid, asiced, among other pogition'.' ,, The company enjo - 14"specitilly i h, -n the room is �beautiful oity of Jacksonville, Florida, was 1 between '5 and 12, 1,309 number I " . -things, for the names of all male residents, public franchises, and in return for 6hisit .required for I ublic purposes. With room 1. . of chil- of his boots wm out off by one of the saws. I -
. . almost completely destroyed by fire n dren between 5 and 16,'I 81 ; cattle, Golderich.
- in thi 3 way and by al reduction I e . 0 5,013 ; Tile eight was indeed ,g thrilling one, and i ftwi - 0--\,i I, -T
- the number oi members and a nators, ample and forty-eigh blocks of beautiful buildings acres of wood land, 10,2 ; acres of orch. alson Will regret to learn of hie continued . :
.1 over, the schOules with this is only right' that the public, through their Of Saturday and Sunday last. One hundrod She'll, 1,642 ; hog�, 1,6' ; horses, 1,812 ; he many friends of Judge
16 vear6 an, secured '
. information to be sent t6 members or can- representatives, should have some con trol accommodation f# futu ,� t 5 the man's escape from (fiath was miraculous. m
ies wo Stran e to say, however, he came out with-
- re necessiti uld have been laid waAlte, and:this imme area ard, 563 ; acres of fall wheat, 5-,775 ; dogs, ou 9 i I
. �
didat�-s in the Reform-intereats in each con, over the company. Moreover, the use of be secured and th' ? public wo Id be equally � I ii swept as clear asa floor. Thefirenseurned 1 421 ; bitches, 4. . . . t a scratch. . . ill, health. He has been granted three I
n- if not befter a - , , montbs'leave of absence,,and it is hoped this
stitueticy, The census officials are fiNvor to -the telaplione has -now become a necessity, erved. , This is -he kind of re. until it exhausted Itself. All the churches -Oil Tuesday of last -week, Christopber� , cessation from his regular duties will result .. I
Ref rmers should � --
e, e . f orm that I b - engaged in. in the city have been -burned. The disaster C.,'eldest son of M -r. and Mrs. James J. . Bluevale. . inbis full restoration to health, ,
Becrel,oy, and consequently could not giv ' and v ry Ecrious &moralization of business They should always a6 at ecreasing in- has effectually obliterated the dividing line MoMath, nf Goderich, died of a severe at. NOTE.S.-On Monday evening, at the resi- A Bic Fi,ovp. MILL E.NTrmnasE,-The
t' .
the information asked without violating � would result, and lose to the public ens'ue*, stead of increasing the bu. d*ens of the between the richland and a common tack of laryngitis, after a 'iery short illness dence of the bride's mother, Miss Annie M(sers. MeGaw have succeeded in ,effecting
their oaths, The charge made was, there- if its use had to be discontinued -to �ny people- I . 9
I . -- catastrophe has in de in, Beautiful as the boy was out with 1, in father the day - Wolfe was united in marriage to Mr. Jacob the organization of -a joint stock company to
fare, that an attempt was being made to considerable extent. Besides this, the Bell � women - wealthy este �r,
P' a
. � 'ri4ce E'dward Island is to et $30,000 a d lay, a I � a ��Y- pennileas to. previously, The attackwas noticed on the Erb, of Grey township. The young coupid cai ry on the business of flolir milling in thin
re therneelves in Company erljoy a monopoly of the business, ;t on the urb rd
induce the officials to porju - beside the beggar, Monday, but did not seeml serious or effect left the next morning for Painley.-Mrs. town. The company, which is Styled the
order to give information that would be of a.�d without the bece'seary Parliamentary year of -extra i.ubsidy from he Dominion shariDg; alike the, piLiles's fate that befel the child, but on Tues&y his casewas seen Abbey, of Kinburn, is visiting her daughter, La�e Huron and Manitoba Milliag Corn -
service to the Liberal party in the election% dhecks might abuse that monopoly, by i, _ as damages fo'r default in keepling the agree- them both. : to be dangerous, and though two doctors- Mrfi. Wm. Sellars. -On Tuesday -of last paqy, is capitalized at 3150,000, and will -
. . m Br -EF BUR-,E-D,-Armou1r and - Company's were unremitting in their attention he pass. week Dr. Agnew, assisted by his brother, ere �t a mill with a capaci�y of 1,200 barrels 11
Whachargo was first made by the leader oi posing on the public burdensonrie rates of ment made by the Macdoual government beef house, in Chicago, one of the largest ed away. . John -Agnew, of �,onclon Medical College, . of I our per day, .
. . I � I
the Opposition im the Ontatio Legislaturc-at ser'Vice, It is to prevent this that Parlia. in 1873k to m intAin constan commurl buildings at the atcck yord, caught fire on -There died in W' ham, on Friday, vaceinated57 public school Pupils. Dr, A HOSPITAL AND SANITARICIL-LbIt ,
tile close of the. We session and was after- ment should retain wi'thin itsel tion with theisland. In th a 'connection Saturday .and was damag:� by flames and April 26th, Mr. DonalclingeKinnon, of the Agnew is the medi , cal health officer for Turn. Mo iday uight one of the largest , and molt i
I' I � . � f power to milton rimes strikes t,e right note water to the value of $100,000. On the 3rd concession of Kinloss, at the ripe age of berry, and he will have the same task to do ent iustic meetings of the citizens .over held
vmrdo taken up tn the Dominion Parlia- regulate rates when necessary, and -if that the Ha a fourth floor were 1,600 head of live cattle, 78 years -and 6 months. M '
ment and has' since been - I . - when it fty : "The suill system , r. McKinnon Meeveral other sebools.-Perey Paterson in q'roderich was convened by the Daughters
-harp ' ad upon by power is given away for any reason whatso- would be bad I nough if it were which were rescued with. great difficulty. had been suffering for �some time, and had has been engaged to work In the Molesworth of the Empire,which consist of aR tile lead- "I
nQarly every Conservative ' full and The buildinf- is a five Story brick, and undergone an operat,on in the hope of relief, cheese factory this season. -James Hock. ing ladles of the town. The object w&X to
paper in the ever, Parliament will be.guilty of sacrificing final,' as Geor e Brown and th other fath. .
country, Upon the matter being brought 0 0 t C a extends near y a block, The building also but OVID to advanced age he did not rally. ridge and Charlie Agar have left Binevale discuss the advisability of erecting a marine
the interest of the people in fav r f he r of Confede tion promised hat it should contained 4,600 ca'casses of dressed beef. M r. .Me nnon, was born in the pariah of and intend to spend tile Summer in Mfchi- or general hospital in the town. After sev- -
tip In the House of Gomrll the Dominion ,be ;' with freg4ent demands fo better terms After � Wi I _
. interest and Aesirea of -a corporation. No an hour and a half of struggle the Portree, Scotland, in the year IS22. He gan.-Mrs. John Conery, of Wingliam, vie. era] complimentary speeches by leading,citi- -
. .1 it is. abominable. Each pro ince should firemen Succeeded io' conquering the flames. emigrated to Canada in 1851, and oettIed in ited her sister, Miss Hood, on Tuesday of zens, a resolution was unanimously pasned, I 4
Minister of Agriculture, under whose de. person can blanie the company for desiring
- . � Collect its owni revenue by dire b taxation." One hundred menj were at work on the Kislose, and cleared the farm which in still last week.-The'mllk drawers have begun ond)rsing the scheme, A provisid
I �
- partment the census officials are, telegra,ph- to obtain all the privileges and powers they . . t , nal. Ward
� ---- .
- t was, selected and property and danvamillig
' L�
' -
; I
f I
ed to all census commiusioners forbidding cam, but Parliament will be reprehensible if There is a ' ro8pect that ,'t e bills c and' the stifling odor �The following regimental orders, which exchanged pulpits ' itb Rev. Mr. NX . alcolm, com1mittees formed. Several gbod sit4w . ;lL
third and fourth floora, when a large the homestead. another season's work. -Rev. W. i Wes
them to alloW ' . P M L ' , on. ammonia pipe burst,
till usu by enumerators of they forego any; of the safeguards wh.icb' firming' the big ainitoba railw y deals will which arose drove t e men from their posts have been issued by Lieutenant. Colonel J. of Teeswater, on Sund-ay.-Mr. Albert wer,,, voluntarily placed at the disposal of
I v . 'I I
anyauch solledules and any of them that are necessary to secure efficient service for be I I talked out " of the Ho - f tothe open air. N1. any were half blinded S. Varcoe to all the officers of the 33rd Porter, of Wingliam, spent Saturday with the property committee, and a ebeque hand- -
' � I i use f Commonn' by the gas, and ese tped with difficulty. . regiment, will prove of interest to militia- his cousin, Georgo ' �
had receivdd them were instructed to im. the public and at a moderate rate of That is) that�every time 'the come.upt A LARGF, F.,killLYj'-Mme, Desboges, form. Porter. -Mr. Frank ed i 2 by the Oddfellows for a good sum, 44150
media,tely destroy -them. Replica were re. charges. This is not a matter in which one those- opposed"4 to them will n, ( . I men of Huron : 11 It is proposed to maroh Scott has had a part of hia verandah roofed Sew ral generous gifts of money from citi-
.. I ove amend" erly Harilet Lancaster, of New York, now the 33rd (Huron) regiment from headquar. over. It mak it . I
ceived from every one of the commissioners. municipality only 1 is interested. !I I , improvement. - ZenR - - It was proposed to aelect a site com
� I . . It is a monts to thero, and talk on d- of Paris, France, orilthe 5th inst. gave birth ters at GDderich to London, for the pull Duff & Stewares2ql ed an
I o the whole . eke alnen to triplets. This is'the third - pe a car of cedar posts mau4ing a view of the lake, and located so -
time that the of attending the annual camp In J-une. to Seaforth on lfri�ay.-Cyeorge Aitellemon as to make u -se of the fine mineral spring,, I
Out of 114 in the province, 102) stated that matter of vital import3nee t ments until th�li time for their eDnaideration same thing.has happened to her. She -w t
I �
they had never seen or heard of- the ached- country'. The interests of the people should at th � at particullar sitting expires, and so on � as Each officer of the regiment is requested to has been engaged all assistant in the cheese and salt wateri so that the establishment A, I
married exactly three years and three work out a detailed plan for this mareb, and factory this summer. -The Willing Work. will tend to interest outside �
. ule, and it was not in t lie hands of the en. always be paramount to the interests of the un i th, This is in 0 6ii as a Earl� J
. tl o .endl of the session. itar k;
I . . I
� � tithe ago, and hae nice children, all boys submit it in writing to the commanding era of the Methodist church held their itim for inv a-lide requirin . . � ud the �,�
urmeratars: of their districts. Nine report- corporations with, the people's representa. Possible,'and wle venture to say that none and healthy. THe fattier joyfull hopes officer, Colonel Val at Carlow. Plans quarterly tea at th6 home of Robert 9 Pill air a -
. will bje more �rejoiced than the members of that (4 M u 8. beneftts of salt water and mineral baths. ' In I
led that, they had seen a document finch as tives in Parliament. . When the - the next arrival will compiete the, to report all transport, number of wagons &(rove last Friday ovening.-The Bluevale it is hoped that outside gener,01111P 1-�
. 1i
. . � . I - -order is the Manitoba Povernment wh( , made the dozen and break the record," Harriet Lan- riquired, amount of forage and rations, and Flax Company in having flax -sown on the capi - .i
that described, bulb that it was not being turned the o� way, it Sometimes deals, if through some means ol other their � italisto may teud forward mo"GY �j
� ,her . - as . caster studied paintiog In New York till she provisions for the supply of the same ; the land they had rented. Wr, Jo eph PU!h is I =
. . a 8 gifts. -ij
� 1 -4
1 � ; . � � -
. I . . . I - � - - ; 114
� ..
I I � � 1.
.. � . � . . I . � �
- � I -- � �� . � . - �
� -
I - - I � . .
I - I � , ,
� I
I - : . . .
� � �
� . � � � - I I I �
I I � . - ; . . �
- . L � . �,
-- - I . I i � . I - .
- . ; . .
. - .1 I - I -
. . I I ./=
. . � I I 11 . i - I
i . I ; . I . I I
I I 11 � - � I I � .
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- AWO-0-ml
I- II-cruseb.ioli,
I .
I -
- - snoWY-Whirtf
,is bright On.
. wrest now t
i It -will -be *
I ,
that she 10,
1 - The E, :Mc]
0 - opa,red to z �
I ,P I
( C,28 goods.
� DIRLMt77
,Sairnisf pal
Saturday - 11
va,ma, some I
�eighti years,
,S&rn* ,who
'Well. He to
, banks# And -
services wer.
i . iell fie AteA
� became mald
� 0 the ovrn
H �1,
�,�� t,9,, propriob
�- . ,e
,x tont �of hio
� two ty.pe-W,
I 17,arna be w4
� I
I .
- ! strong'. Hi,
� - ,a al sbolp
, � iwell �d- f
- ,
1: Buehms1li, e
I � 'of Wbilaipes
p.easing eni,
.:hall here on,
,Nlr. Buchaul
, -cansda's 11(
eleverr and o
� lection Will I
t 1)oet miss t
, . tbildren -al
" ! are t10 thill
i � romuny attel
� ;rewlis siste
� 'Ile, ..
, vi on
. terly Boaz
11� � met on I
� Reid and M
I ded to the li
-4 enel was All
! Meeting- .
The aunt
I Foreign- Mis
'terian chur4c
- ,
- ,chureb., T -on
� tontinuill1k :
'X�hursday4 .
aburch was I
women lilled
. I met togethei
xon, to tepor
I I ye sea vil
means of e.)
� countries *f �
� furtherance
- . - -of burnan'so
Christ. I
The pulpil
I . Plante, and I
I 4 tables -for , .
v�ill be foun(
I - � . -isither side ic
I priate, t10 t
It -
N. were a numl
I- io the 46hwir .
A .00ty, ,Mrs. j I
� meiting wit
� -
I Among th,
� A, far and near-
: ��. . I
I 1�
; dents of th,
ll� the Dominib
� � red badges ; _
z while the h6
, . tbat the we
. . raturned on'
Some sf tbei
� -and Miss; Do
� aA inediad I -I
. 1130 their wor.
V �
, Interest ima
:1 the other ho
� W. f4or4on
I Perry, of Vro
. . L
As waa sp]
I of the week g
. was -au impr-4
. that vast me
`W,e8t sibg Al
Xymn, *4 A],
� Name," to
I .
- m e 0, I
� Mrs. Parisi
.� and for divi
I read tee Sri
1clinton, offe"
avocal 1610:
Mite Jean 0
. took Mrs, Ai
! - -
; . giving praye
� 'I Uxbridgf
I :1 .o I
I � work of the
11 ,,were present
Barrie, Bra
I Brockville-, 3
� I . r4lengarry, f�
I I I ston, Lanarl
i q -ondt
i land, L I I
5 -4 O'ttawao PArj
! 4 StratfIlDrA, I
I Whitbl W -h
i of Indian We"
, There werA
, :
. :1 teriale hearil.
I I b , nd
I , )righ't a
� I �
I lalight falling!
. I&
d for by �ttt
famine in In,
I reports Was 1
I , Portage Is F
i L -- thel'r own ha
i I -,to the foreig
f woman gave
I while anul
J ;
. gratliLtUde Of L
, I
. the -work th
� � societies it, v
auxinarieso I.
! oestberga bei
. i
� -
� 'that
I - , �q new L
and an addil
- � . t,,otal membe
while that x
- I � tatud ti -hereat
lsociety. Tt
The Forel
I two Btaflom
in Central I
� Canada an&
I . five speeiajL
L 'hill . .
- - t eee in I
� . � In one b
I iourious and
I 10f objects gi
� I
. =oala, India
own North,
lu'lly clever
iobject is t,
in his lifetix
per -sons. . , -
� - �
The &130-
� 'revenue of 'i
I t1duating .011.4
116,418 41. �
Ous missionf
China, 6%41
Wftt. $18 "T,
's I
- 86,93- ; a �
Maites for 1
Amount rRoe
Wam 47,'"2 4'
I L I -34-re. Ai
. *!ou �Of- Eirm
let fe'rer. , I
1"Loom when I
peefed, by t.
days prior tm
I baby girl,am
tructed $car
9611-Ut In ti
hame WM A
I - of 'Mr. wm
. ;of 'Mmol 33
Z= little 41-
. �
. -
- .
- �
-. � 4
- -1 1-1 1� - �