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The Huron Expositor, 1901-05-03, Page 5
I: 944. Iff) no reads this tutees you VEG sere(' con- afore May d to coin. the largest 19 inches bitioI in lie chance on Monday id died in Stansbury, court on rged on a giber from f the late ;aturday -_ Ce License-- on icense -on • Satur- eorge Mer- here.—The zed for the ,waa a large t town, and The fol- Honorary - vary vice- ant, N. I. Ltanbury ; Ilan ; cap - and Mrs. friends in hag recov- Fes reaum- ome locali- ground is luasell, of ars to Mr. Livered on an, intends :ling.—The key Bros.' great op - e f th liner rave deal - 'cave man geta the her home, Last week, died very Monday, 1 baby ate urday was ocality for t got mov- purchased raa getting r the great the sym- going to lob at car- to-wn, but 3x, which our prov- ith East and bearer - the mat- ratiosi and eery busy ,verytbing ng, it into Brussels the On- make the county ? rlum " de - Kees anx- Lto drop. pa.tha to worthy The E. s buying n need of sir store. Spring -sea, M il- •tereat to tie thnga 1742.1 masons, e a. big s Bessie riends in returned rom here .Jasper the -2&b hiswere re. John ortnight U harlee , spent v. r.--1Ze sting at- wart, of Marie manage .41r. and • eautiful k. Mr. ere and, Their .Stacey, parson - by Miss ecurely happy friends aalip- ox e near covered mike xf c+rd. rough- aril 17, depart- mntnle- • te ddress terday trained, ithout fediew- money anada rtolea da, on t duty mount. . ank of ceiver- 1 ON EXPOSITOR. Perth Notes, —Mr. William Heiden, of Rostock, has ur©haaed the Gladstone_ House, Stratford, from Mr- William McCaffrey, of Ellice, for $,000. He took possession on May lst. —William Stone, of the fourth concession of Blanchard, has sold his fine hundred acre farm to John Bragg, of the same township. Mr. Stone will move to St. Marys in the fall —1lfr. John Phinnhnore has decided to leave Mitchell and boats in Nova Scotia, and with that end in view has disposed of his Mitchell property to Mr. W. W. Burgess. --Mr. Henry Smith, of near Gadshill, .had an exciting experience with a bull the other day. He went into the stable to do some work, when the animal attacked him, infEiioting such serious injuries that it was necessary to call in a physician. --Mrs. AIfred Smith died at her home in • St, Marys on Saturday, April 20, aged 35 years,. 11 months and 23 days. The de- ceased lady has been in poor health for several years, and had been •confined to her room since the first of January last. Mrs. Smith was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell, of St. Marys. —On Monday of last week, at Harmony, Mr. George Scott died. He was a native of Scotland, having come to this country from Melrose, Scotland, in 1884. He then settled in the Gore of Downie, but about eight years ago he moved to his farm in South Eaethope, lot 37, concession 7. His widow and a family of three survive. —Mr. Joseph Hambly, of Dublin, for many years a resident of Staffs' died on Monday morning of last week. Deceased had been ill all winter, and despite all that medical skill and loving friends. could do, he passed away .to the great beyond. He leaves behind to mourn - his loss a widow, two sons and two daughters, who have the sympathy of the neighborhood in their hour of affliction. —There died Tuesday morning of last week in Shakespeare, Isabella Bell, wife of the late John Bell, at the age of 72 years and 6 months. She was born in Perth- shire and came to Stratford in the early forties, settling on lot 21, concession 2, North Eaathope. In that township she married her late husband, who died about 30 years ago. She had been healthy, despite her old age, up to within a week of her death. A daughter and two sons survive. MARKBl'23. SEAPORTS, May 2, 3901 Fall Wheat (new), Standard ,.. ..., so 68 to $0 66 Sprfag Wheat p:r boehol, _ _- .. 0 63 to 0 65 Otte per bushel_-._ -_.__..,,<_ 0 28 tO Paas per -_ ._ 0 60 to 'Braley per bnebot _ _ w _ ... - 0 38 to Butter, No,' 1. loose _. _ 0 13 to Butter, tub-..,— ..... . 0 13 to Ergs per doz_ 0 9 to Flour, per 100 fes- _ . __ -_ 2 03 to Hay per ton new.- ... _- 7 00 -to Il:dee per 109 the. _. — _ _ _ _ 4 60 to Sleep Skins..... ... ...... _. , . . 0 60 ts; _ _..-__0 16 to pstatooe per bulb (now),.- 0 25 to 81:t (retail) per b,rrrae _ _ .. _ 1 00 t.• weed per cord (Ica(;,._ _--.._ ..,- 4 00 S7 Wsodper oord (short):.,_-„-- 2 00 to Applos per bag_..._. _ _ . _ 0 60 to Cio ter Seed.,...., ..... ..._6 00 to Timothy Seed...._.._.. . ...... 1 26 to- Por'c, per I00 lbs.... _ .. 6 50 to T low, per 11)... .._._,__.4._ _ 04 to 0 29 0 60 0 40 0 13 0 13 O 10 2 00 8 00 6 00 0 70 O 17 O 30 O 00 4 26 2 26 0 90 7 60 2 60 7 00 0 06 Seeds. TORONTO, April 30—The season is practi- cally over, and there are few orders. Prices are unchanged. Jobbers here quote alsike at $7.25 to $8 50,red clover at $7.50 to $8.25, and timothy at $2.15 to $3 15 per bushel. Grain, etc. TommsTo, April 30—Wheat, white, 70:4c ; red, 70ic ; fife, 69e ; goose, 68:;0 ; peas, 65c ; barley, 46c ; oats, 34ic. M illfeed—Is steady at $14 for shorts and $13 for bran west. Potatoes—Car lots on track here are steady at 30 to 3.2c per bag, and potatoes out of store sell at 400. Wool, blue, 11 to 14c per pound ; unwashed fleece, 5 to 9c. Hay, per ton, $13 to $14.50. LIVERr0OL, April '30—Wheat, No, 1 Cal,, 6a 2d ; red winter, 6s ; No. 1 Northerii, 6s l d ; peas, 5a 7c1 ; pork, 63s; bacon, light, 42s 3d ; heavy, 403 9d ; cheese, white, 47s ; and colored, 463 6d. e Dairy Markets. TORONTO, April 30—Butter—There is an abundant supply of dairy rolls and stooks are large. The inquiry is fairly good, but the movement is not as active as holders here would wish. The choicest lots sell at 13 to 13}c, and a very few rolls sell at 140. There is plenty of low-grade butter, which is quoted at 10 to 12c. Creamery is steady and unchanged at 19 to 20c for prints, and 18 to 190 for solids. Eggs—Market is steady with case lots selling freely at 110. Offer- inge are heavy. - - MONTREAL, April 30—Cheese—There is very 1ittle business. New fodder goods are quoted at 8?2o. Butter—Business is light and the market easy at 1713. 'Eggs—There is a good demand at 11 to 11 Vic, Live Stook Markets. LONDON, England, April 30—There is a firmer tone inthe live stock markets. Best United States cattle, 610 ; sheep, 6}d, LIVERPOOL, April 30—Canadian cattle, 51d to 5;d. Firmer tone. MoNTRESL, April 30 --The butchers were out strong and trade was good with a slight decline in the prides of all kinds of cattle, except in the best beeves. A pair of choice heifers were sold at 5e per pound, less $1 each ; prime beeves sold at from .44 to 4'o per pound. Mr. George Nicholson bought ten good cattle at 4•c per pound. Pretty good arrivals brought from 3 to 411e, and the common rough stock and hard looking bulls at from 4- to 3io per pound. A few large bulls were bought by shippers at about 40 per pound. Calves sold at from $1 to $7 each. Sheep sell at from 3,4 to over 5c per pound, and the spring lambs 'at from $2.50 to $5 each. Good straight lots of fat hogs, weighed off the cars, sold at from 6:# to 6,o per pound, thick fat hogs at from 6 to 610 do.; bellied sows bring about 5c per pound. Bt'FFALO, April 30-0attle—Choice to ex- tra export cattle offered and cable quality, $5.50 to 85.65 ; good to best, $5 to $5.60 ; shipping steers, $4.75 to $5.30 ; export bulls, ohoice to extra, $4 to $4.50 good to choice butcher steers, $4.65 to $5 ; good to beat butcher steers, $4.35 to $4.65 ; good to bent fat bulls, $3 25 to $4.25 ; stook bulls, $3 to $3.50 ; canners, good to best, $2 to $2.25 ; yearling.' steers, good to choice, $3.75 to $4.10 ; good to choice fat cows, $4 to 84.35 ; fat heifers, choice to extra, $4,60 to $5.25 ;; good to choice do., $4 to $4.75 ; Canada stock calves, choice to extra, $4.25 to 84.50 ; good to choice do., $4 to $4.25 ; Canada feeders, good to extra,$4,25 to $4.50; milkers-,• choice to extra, $50 to $55 ; good to choice, $45 to $50 ; springerschoice to •extra, $48 to $52 ; good to choice, $3$ to $45 ; calves, choice to extra, $5.25 to $5.50; good to choice, $5 to $5.25. Sheep and Larnbs—The basis on choice Iambs was $5, one of two bunches seIIing at $5.10 ;-choice to extra light clipped lambs were quotable at $5 to $5.10 ; good to choice, $4.75 to $5 ; ohoice to extra, heavy clipped lambs, $4.80 to $4.90 ; wool Iambs, $5.25 to $5.50. Sheep and yearlings, $4 to $4.50. Several . loads were left over at the close. Hogs—Market opened slow and 15 to 20e lower, being on the basis of $5.95 to $6 ; heavy hogs sold at $6 ; mixed, $4.95 to $6 ; Yorkers, $5.90 to $5 95 ; pigs, .$5.75 to $5.80 ; roughs, $5.30 to 85.40 ; stags, $4.25 to $4.60 After the opening the market declined 5 to 100. York- ers, $5,80 to $5.85. About all the offerings were sold and the close was dull. TORONT_O, May lst.—Cattle,—Export --Choice lots of export cattle are worth from $4.75 to $5.25 per cwt., while lights are worth $4.40 to $4.60. Bulls—Heavy export bul a sold at $3 85 to $47.37i per cwt., while, lig t export bulls sold at 83.40 to $3 50. 'Bu °her..' Cattle—Choice picked' lots of but °hers' (Attle, equal in quality to the best ex otters, weighing 1,050 to 1,150 •pounds ea° , sold at $4 30 to $4 60, Loads of good bu . ohers' cattle are Worth $4 • to $4.20, anmedium butchers', mixed cows, heifers an. steers, $3.70 to $3 90 per cwt. Com- mobutchers' cc vs,$3.25' to $3 40,while in. fern. r rough cows and bulls sold at 83 to •$3. 5. Heavy Feeders—Heavy eeere,weigh- ing from 1,100 to 1,200 pounds each, of goobreeding quallies,sold at $4',25 to $4.50” per owt., while those of poorer uality, but sa e weight, ;sold at $3.75 to $4; per cwt Light FOdera—Steer.,we ghinv from 900 to 1,000 pounds each, sold a $3.50 to $3. 0 per owt. Buffalo Stocks —Yearling ate re, 500 to 800 pounds each, cold at 3.25 to ' 3.50, and off colors and those of inf rior qua ity at $2.50 to . per cwt. Milch ows —E ght cows and springers were sol at $30 to $52 eaoh. Calves -249 calves were sold at from $2 to $8. Sheep -Prices, firm- er, .50 to $4 • for ewes, andto $3.50 per wt. for buoks. Yearling Lambs --Year- ling lambs, grain fed, sold at $4.75 to $5.75 per wt. ; barnyards sold at $4 `to $4.50 per cwt. Hogs—Best select bacon hogs, not' less the • 160 nor more than 200 pounds- eaoh, unf :d -and unwatered off cars,, sold at $6,75 ; ligh s,-$6.25, and fate at :,: i .25 I per owt. (Inc + lied oar lots of hogs sold at about $6.60 to $•.70. ' THE CANADIi1N nk of Gori m rce ! ' CAPITALIPAID UP) ht Million Dollars $8.000,000. t, - - - - $2,1000,000. SEAFORTH! BRANCH. A general Banking: business tran- sa •ted. Farmers' Notes di counted, an • special. attention giv n oto the co Ieotion of Sale Notes. • AVINGS BANK.—Inter.st allow- ed on deposits of $1 and upwards. peciai facilities for transaction of bu•. iness in the Kloihdike District. oney Orders, payable at any bank, issued at the foilwing rates :— Under] 810 .08 820 to 830 .12 - 810 to $20 .10 $80 to $50 .14 I'IOLMESTED F. C, G. b)INTY, Solicitor. ;Manager. 1624 Births. CA 'NTNG—In Seafo th, on April 281h, the wife cf_ Mr. James Canning, of a daigbter. . O.OPER—In Kippen, on April 2tth, the wife of Mr. W. W. Cooper, of a on. I D:LTON—In Hibbert, on April 261h, the wife cf Mr. John Dalton, of a son. C MMINGS—In Goleri h township, Bayfield road, on April 19th, the nifc of Mr. John Cummings, of a daughter. SMITH—In Goderich, on April 19th, the wife of,ATr,. R. E. Stcith, of a daughtrr, D LNNY—Id Ford A inh, on April 18th, the is i's' cf Mr. Amos Denny, of a son. GLEY—In Lower Wingham, on April 23rd, the wife of Mr. G Srigley, of a s -n. AUTER—In Brussels, on April 20th, the wife of Mr. W. Kreuterl of a son. SR K Marriages. BENNETT—DAVIDSON—In Arcola, ` Northwest Teri itnry, nn April loth, by Bev. Mr. Kinsman, Mr. Cornelius Robinson Bennett, rf Arcola, .to Miss Ma;'gie, e'deet (laughter of Mr. Thomas David on, of Grey. HCLTZSIANN—RUBY—At Zurich, on April 24th, by Rev C.. Finkbeiner, Mr. Benjamin Hoitzmann. of Elkton, Michigan, to Miss Lizzie Rudy, of kurioh. WOODS—BI-HAN—in Durham, on April 181b, et the residence of the leide'e parents, Dr. .N. W. Wood,, of Bayfield. to Miss Margaret Fisher, eld- est (laughter et Mr. and Mrs Walter Ewing Buchan Me3AUGIIEY—CARBERT--At St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, cn April 22nd, by Rev. Father McMen. attire, Mr. John T. McCaughey. of Morris, to Mies Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carbort, of Hullett. Deaths. SLhETH—In Seaforth, en April 28th, Mary Halliday, wife of Mr. David Sleeth, aged 78 years. BISHOP -In Osborne, on April 26th, Archibald W. Bishop; ex -M. P. P. for South Ituron, aged 71 years, 7 month's and 19 days. HOGAN—In Goderioh, onAprirl"3rd, P. Hogan. MOSELY—In Goderich, oo April 21st, Mary HHrvey, relict of the late Jobu Mosely, aged 80 yea . McNEVIN—In Colborne, on April 21st John Mo• Nevin, aged 73 years. BROWN—At Sarnia. on April 22nd, Marianne Cobb, relict of the 'laic George Brown, formerly of Stirling. Huron road, in her 82nd year. BUCHANAN—At Herrsall, on Aptil 19th, lila-garet Bucharan,roliet of the late Alexander Buchanan, aged 88 years, 6 months and 10 days. McGILL—Iii Clinton, on April 2tst, James McGill, in', his 74th s ear. LEV1Tr-1n Exeter on Aprit 18th, Huldah M. Greif - ton, wife of Mr at%'m, Levitt, aged 45 years' and 9 menthe, BIA1RD-1n Howiok, on April 22nd, Elizabeth Mabel Oliver, relict of the late Robert Baird, ' aged 71 ,ears. Mc 0811—lin Grey, . on April 19th; Anna, Infant aughterof Mr. and Mrs. A. D, McCcsh, of Pine River, aged 8 months. NO TON—In Brussels, on April 20th, Rev. Wm, ort' n, Methodist mint ter, aged 83 years, 1 nontb arid 16 dans. HE DERSON—On the Bluevale road, Morris, en pril 23rd, Mrs. Charles Henderdon, axed 76 •ea•s. BR WN -In Detroit on April 2''th, James Brown, ermerly of Ea t Wawanoih, aged 71 years. • STI SON—In Gerrie, on April ,19th, Margaret Stir) • on, in her 75th year. , MPORTANT NOTICES. ARRIED COUPLE WANTED.—Man to work in tile yard, womanis run boarding h )use. Also einble man wanted. oal 'waggespaid. Apply in par on or by'letter to McCUTCHEON & GALLOWAY, Dul lin, Ontario. 1742x1 CPE LOST.—Lost, on the Huron road, East of Sea. forth, on Tuesday evening, April 80th. a Cripple capfora ladie's cloak. The nape is dark blue with a bl'.ok velvet collar and the upper cape lined with pin silk. The finder will be suitably res a'ded by leasing it at the st-re of .SILLS & MURDIE Sea - for t . ea -fort.. 1742.2 OTICE TO CREDITORS:—In the matter of Thomas W. Parlmer, of the Village of Londes- b r•, in the County of Huron, Teller and Gents' Fur• nis er, Insolvent.—Notice is hereby given, that the abo e named Thomas W. Parlmer toes made an ass gnment to me, the widener -nod, under tho pro. visi.ns of R S. 0. 1897, Chapter I47, and amending Ae s, of all hie real and personal estate and effects, for the benefit of his creditors. JOHN MULDREW, 7T York street. Toronto, Assignee, by J. M. BEST, Se' forth, his Solicitor. 1742.2. OR SALE —The Executors o1 the Testate of John Dobie, deceased, offer for sale the [oilwwing Ians in the village ofEgmondvllle; viz : Village Lo it I2, 13, 14 and 16 on the south side of East Front str'et and lots numbers 9 to 15 inclusive, abutting en th original road allowance between the 2nd and 3rd co cessions, Huron Road survey, Tuckeremith, also a .art of Lob No. 10 -,In the 2nd conoess'on and part of L• t 10, In the 3rd }ooncession 11. R. S., Tucker- smith, being a part ofthe original road allowance be ween the ra d 2nd and 3rd concessions, containing -in all about 6 sores of land. This is a very desirable pr perty for grn zing purposes and will be sold cheap. F. r further terms and particulars 'a 1 to Mee D 'HIE, Egmonc'ville, or to F. HOLMESTED, Barris- te , Seatorth, solicitor for the Executors. Dated th's 24th day of Apr11,1901. . 1742-3 The Champion Shire Stallion Belshazzar —AND— The Hackney Stalhon onnaught Heir W II stand for the improvement of stock this season at their own stables in to a at hese horses won first prize at the military rnament in Toronto last month. ERMS, $15 each, to insure. Parties at istance can be furnished with good grass reasonable rates. BAWDEN & McDONEL'L, 742-tf Exeter. Seaforth ost (Office NO IOM Important Red ation n Cost f . . Money Or Simplification f the On and after April let, 1 sion for money orders issue in Canada or United States, will be as f On orders up to, Over •$ 6 and up to " 10 !. ere. System. 1, the ghat a of commie- in Canada and sayable flows 6 3 dente 10 80,,,....X0 ., 60... 76 '� 00 '0 " ey order e $100, but as given as she remitter ared and certificate of b of the re itter. lased or paid at over order by remitter or a 01 a min te. Payment SON, P stmaster.' 1111 30 " " 60 " '' 75 It The limit for aaingle mo many of $100 each may b requires. Forms of application pre issue furnished at thereque Money Orden can be pu 1900 Post Offices in Canada. . The purchase of a. Mone messenger, is but the work equally prompt. 1742.4 S. DIC 6 5 .4 6 " SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR_ 14AW ro Or aPhi eft. • Fs g. Cfct 5. ee ele seeO Orn 0 m. O rn metm a CD. O a., O cr ct CD CA ei- 0 0 et w The following horses mentioned routes for t follows : Standard Bred ' ` Hackard No. JOSEPH HUGILI Will stand for the improv season at his own stable, Killop. will travi e season rotting 0235 , Profiri ment of t 36, Con If desired pasture can be furnished a distance. The Imported 01 ' desdal " Picken' : Pride J. J. MCLAUGHLIN, Ma Will stand for the impr.vement o own stable, Lot 24, Conoees on 8, MoK at the Royal 1i(.tel,' Seated , every Ss '9NIO NTHA I thnunder- of 1901 as Stallion, - T. R." tor. took for this eseion 6, Me. or rraree from 1742x2 Stallion I) ager. stock at his llop. Will be u rdoy. The Imported 01 ' desdal : Stallion " Balbogie Stam " J. MCGREoo , Manag:r. Monday—Will leave his own edible, Concession. 6, Stanley, and go to John G. Steep's, G derieh Town. ship, for noon ; then to John Gre n'e, Goderich Township, for night. Tu •sday--'To ' m. Elliott's, Goderioh township, for noon ; to H. El ord's, Bohner). vine, :for•. night. Wednee• ay—To R Iph Tiplady's, Base Line, Hullett, for no•n ; to Airs Frank Leigh. ton's, west end, Tuckersmi h, for ',nig t. Thursday. —To Wm. Aitcheeon'e, Be. °once si n Hullett, for noon ; to James Martine, 2nd concesslo:i, Tucker. smith, for night. Friday To Robt. McKay's, 4th concession, Tueke math, for noon ; to James Mc- Gregor's, 3rd concession, Tuokerem th, for night, Saturday—To Jain s Ro.:'s, conceal) on 3, Stanley, for noon ; to his ow stablfor night. 1742x2 The p Im orte " 5-r INNIS & ORT 01 Monday, May 81h Will 7, Concession 12, T okers Campbell's, 1} mil no noon ; then west 11- miles Broadfoct'e, 4th Co oessi Tuesday—Cross ova to G for noon ; then web alon a quarter miles, the north the 2nd conceeeic, of Glew's corner for ni ht. a half miles then 83 th to Hotel, for noon ; l once night." Thursday— ' ill p corner, Goderich t.wnshi Varna hotel for the night Charnber'e, Town L ne, f noon ; t Kipgen to N. Aar on's, for night. James Horton's for con, nd back t for night, where he 111 r >main until Monday morning. desdal alter." N, 'Props leave his o ith, and p th of tro then :nor. n, Tuckers orge Dale's the Huron a mile' an. ulletts, I the edneelday n Clintoat t o Ale'c.t Inn crossed to Jo for noon Friday Th eImpor " Flash�l Hurol THOM e O rr • 01 d`s "J 1s IICIC ill 1 d pro for n for n, H or nig neeseion of Hull th co . cession of :y wa•' of Frank noes ion of Melt ria, Flan ery'e, for by way of Patrick C . nnor'e, to Chari 9th concession of H bbert, for night. way of James Hud ,n'e, for noon ; ti Seaforth. Lord Hu on will a000mpar Last,when required Joe Anderson home. Flashwbod': Last horse, being the sir tralia. A gelding el ship out of a pompe attires and Clyd$eda the unbeaten D h grand sire, the ort Flaehwood's Last forth, on Monday a. west of Egmond'Ville end, - Tuokersn'lth, Dale's, 2nd eon eeei Christopher Dale, Armstrong's, 8b c to George Love's night. Thurso James Ryan's, 7 Friday—To Pat ,1 ay th e desdal Last", e Ande ON, Prop ave hie o eed to Tho on ; to Ir• fight. Tue llett, for n t. Wedn of t ed by ition es Co ood, tam e a very su e champion him won f 86 at Cai peting. he champs d Darnley( Stallion etors. •n stable Lot oceed to John k'e hotel, fir h to A. & J. . ith, for r ight. Huron road, road one and a quarter to west to Mr. West two and o Commercial s', Stanley, for n Middieton's , thence to the outh to John en by way of Saturday—To N. Horton's, the .following Stallions " Lord son." 4 ietor. n stable, Sea. as Coleman's Johne', wee day—To Joh. on ; thence sday—To Mai tt, for noon McKillop, for Morrison's to llop, for night. noon; thence es Eberhart's, Saturday—By ence home to ty Flaehwood'e will remain at riot breeding mare o1 Ans- the champion. lisle, England, ie was sired by rn of Scotland, 1742-tf • cK I N NO\ & CO., I , 131_1YTB_ Fi e DressCoods. e couldn't b was ge a uine merit in don't cunt for everyt they re resent the ne enough to make a goo facts, a and ma We has, nicest special All blank an a special wide, $1 mixtures special, gin todo the dress goods, trade we are doing, unless there ii. and prices. Big stocks and. big selling space li g. What about the goods? Are they right, and do ret ideas ? Are qualities dependable ? Is there variety t ' oice ? How about prices ? Those are the important eatures we want you to think about when judging- us If you do, you cannot help but buy at this store. for black all -wool Henrietta. :t makes one of the we quote a few of our d those are the f ing comparisons. e a great demand ourning dresses, and is useul afterwards, Below Ines ool Henriettas, in black and colors, from 20e to $1. colors, very special ab 50o. All wool Vigoreaux, in g line just received, worth 50o for 35e. Broadcloth, in b and $1.50. Homespune, spring weight, Harris' best 56 inches wide,; for tailor-made suits, 90o. Black an b 50e, 60c and 85c. Black and Colored Serges, 36 to 54 All wool Satin, Cloth, in ey, brown and mixtures, ack and navy, 56 inches oods, in grey and blue Colored Poplins, very nches wide, at 20o to $1. 0 AS AND os' M_ McKIN TON & CO., BLYTH. Jo Have Read Wrin Lawn Wire. HARDWARE ! �s�assaaseaaaa�.sar.�aarss nso4 - Bros., ;Old Stand SIGN Q THE GOLDEN PiOLOCK �`EAF'01�ZTH_ HARLAND BRcSI ust received. a full supply of all kin s of Hardware, Mixed. faints, Alabastine and K lsomine, Clothes ers, :Daisy; Churns, Spades, Shovels, akes, Hoes, &c., Mowers, U"•raniteware and Tinware, a 1 kinds of Fence Special pries on Screen Doors and Windows. • e buy in large benefit i f it. Give uS a uantities FOR CASH, and gijve our all and see for yourself. li-tetatetteatatett,t1 Sa nia While Oil only 15c 4 0 r Terms-- Cheap f a1an customers the er gallon. r Cash. Cheap Hardware rouse, SFAFORTH. We ire After You. 14+4 -He 1-344-1-44++++++÷ There are -a fed people that we have not captured. Are you one of the individeals we are after, who never bought a dollar's worth from us ? We pre- sume it's a habit you''e got of buying from your old-time friendly, high-priced house. Are you aware_ t one dose of our medicine will cure you of that high-pri Sed habit? We' e got to part you from': your high-priced friends, for a portion sf your patronage anyhow, and break you of that high-priced habit. You may be a chronic;case ; if so, you are worth securin;, as you will appre- ciate our bargains all the better when you get them, • . INVESTIGATE 85c waist silks,i all pure silk, for 50c a yard. 8c heavy rollertowelling for 5c. 10c American flint for 5c. 50c corsets for 39c. 75c ladies' strajv bailors for 39c, We are going out ,of carpets ; every carpet in 60c tapestry carpets for 40c. b0c union carpets for 35c. $1. Brussels carpets for 70c. Bargains all through tale store. Butter and eggs taken as our house at cost. csh. LER0YD lXi CO., B. B. Gunn's Old Stand, S FORTIS. Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate) Court of the County of Huron. In the estate of Christopher Thomas Dale, lateof the Township of Hullett, farmer, dedeased. • Notice is claim again Dale, farms eseaed, wh A. D, 1901, May, 1901 signed soli( their claim them, if ar further tak May the 6 meets of tI to, having have then Bible after olatm they of such die to the Ste, Solicitor fc 26th day o In the es All pers George A. the count on or abo required o 1901, to se Stepheneo said estate particular tion. Aft center ,will said estate gard only .BRYD Ontario. L The be lime, on T two mile Prices w WALKER. hereby given tha all perssrs having any tet the estat s of t e said Christopher T. r, late of the to nehip of Hullett de. died on or abou the 3rd day. of jpril, are required onr before the 23rd day of bo send or deliver prepaid to the under• itor for the exeoltore, a full statement of and the nature of the security held by y, duly verified by an affidavit. And e notice that atte the said 23rd day of xeautore wilt p eed to distribute the e estate among t e parties entitled there- reterenoe only to uoh claims as they shall received, and the they will not be reopen. he said date to any (.editor of whose shall not nave re eived notice at the time ribution. This 1' otioe is given pursuant lute in that behalf. F. HOLMESTED, the Executors. Dated at Seaforth this April, A. D. 1901. 1742-3 otice T� reditors. ate of George A. Brown, deceased. ns' having elaimi against the estate of :rown, late of th township of Huliett, in Of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died the llth day of pril, 1901, are hereby or before Saturday, the.lSth day of June d by post prepaid, or deliver to George , Constance, Ontario, the executor of the or to the undersigned, his solicitor, full of their olefins, duly verified by declare- r the 15th day of June, 1901, the said . ex- prooeed to distr bute the proceeds of the among the parties e. titled, having re• o the claims of whioh e then bar, notice. NE, Solicitor to the Executor, Clinton, ated at Clinton t e : • b ofApril, 1901. 1742.3 ME LI E and cheapest. will esday, May 7th, at t west of Mitch on surprise you. Ive LIME open a kiln of fresh e old lime works, the Huron Road. e a call. J. E. 1742x1 8eaforth's L acing Shoe Store Facts a i put the i Slater • hoe. The Slater Sho Slater Sho Montreal, largest fac exclusively for men. Slater sho factory. commence the right 1 Slates Sho ent shapes, sizes, and i leathers, sc his exact s. a Slater sh shoe. alwa price. bran slate frame and sold o is the product of the ompany, Limited, of and is made in - the ory in Canada making Goodyear welted shoes The making of the begins and ends at the is service and comfort the first time you put air_on your feet. The is made in 12 differ - 5 different widths, all n all the best grades of that any man can get ape and fit by buying e. The genuine Slater s has the name and ie - on the sole in a .50 and $5 a pair, ily in Seaforth by ,SOLE -LO SEAFORTI6 AGENTS .FOR Altae Cornu* Main and 1 Markt Sreets Seaforth, Ontario. Pickard's The La -gest Dry Goods and` Clot Cones Four Cohingurltiain s. Great Stock Clearing The Greatest Clothing Offer ever Announced i Seaforth. h selling out of a complete store full of clothing o ordinary occurrance. Having purchased the overmakes of one of our leading manufacturers, at a tremendous sacrifice, and finding ourselves crowded for room, we have made up our minds to reduce this sitock. This purpose once settled, the remainder be easy. Clothing Department. Sixty men's suits, all wool goods, assorted patterns, sizes 34 to 40 only, manufactured to sell from $5 to $8; we offer you your choice for $3.50. FiftY-three men's suits, all sizes, con- sisting of tweeds and fancy worsteds, sold in the regular way at from $8 to $10 ; we offjr you your choice of these Sixty five men's suits, all new goods, manufactured for this season's trade, the latest cut and newest patterns, re- gular $10 and $12 suits ; we offer you your choice for $7 - Fourteen youths' Suits, sizes 33 to 35, goods sold regularly at $5 ; we are going to clear this line at $2.85. Thirty youths' suits, made of good wearing material; in tweeds, serges and worsteds, sold in the regular way at Spccial line of boys' suits, sizes from 28 to 3 ; we are going to clear for $2.85. Special line of ehildren's blouse suits, blue Bei e, to clear at 753. One undred pair of men's tweed pants t be cleared at 90c. Speci l line of blue, black and brown deny p nts to clear for 50c. Gen s' Furnishings. Who your hatter ? We carry the latest s yles; we carry the largest va- riety ; e carry the best qualities ; our prices a e right, We should be your hatters. Our general stock of gents' furnish'ngs is complete. The most fashion ble goods and novelties in shirts, les, etc., are worthy of your inspecti n. Clot4ing-to-order Department. We ant to excel, but we cannot ex- cel unle s you are satisfied. We can- not sat fy unless the garments we sell are hon st, dependable and stylish, and hav to keep prices down if we want t succeed in excelling. It is this sys em that makes the following Blac and. blue worsted suits, specials Twee suits, specials at $11 and $13.50. Fanc worsteds, specials at $15, $16.50 nd $19.50. I House Furnishings Department. Curtains to the front. New curtains are a necessity of the season, and we want you to realize how we ean satisfy your needs, but we can only give you a price idea here. Curtains three yards long, 50 inches wide, fine Nottingham laze, taped Idge, special for $1 per yard. Curtains, fine Nottingham lace,ibut- tonhole edge, 54 inches wide, 3i iards long, for $1,50 per pair, Curtains, special Swiss effect, with spot centre, buttonhole edge, 3i yards long, 54 inches wide, for $2 per pair. Also other special lines at $2.50, Special values in tapestry curtains at Carpet Department. Our importations of Brussels and tapestry carpets are now to hand. These goods are bought direct from the manufacturers in the old country, and you will find the prices interesting. Two pieces only jute carpet, good patterns, special at 28c, Special line of tapestry at 473. Fine quality of ingrain, choice pat- terns, for 68e. Seventy-four tents per yard will buy a good quality of Brussels, choice pat- tern. Other specials at 84c, $1 and $1.18. Union carpets, specials at 25c, 35c and 45c. Genuine cotton chain carpet at 50e, 55e and 57c. Complete stock of Japanese mat- tings, oil cloths and linoleum, We carry linoleums 4 yards wide, Staple Department. Three hundred cottonade remnants left in stock, in lengths of from one to six yards. Fifty remnants of prints, in lengths of from one to eight yards, at half re- gular price. Specials in Prints at 5c, 7c, 801 100 and 12c. Specials in cotton shirtings at 8e, 10c and 12c. Some of our grey cottons still left at the old prices. VOL PICKARD & co. DIRECT IMPORTERS 0 pposite Town Building, Comer Main and Market Ste., Seaforth. U HEAR A GOOD DEAL Of talk about Wall Paper and Window Shades these days, but it's not all talk. We are actually selling beautiful new papers—wall, border and ceiling to match—at 5c per roll and upwards, the newest Areri- can designs ; and for Window Shades, we are selling a six foot shade witlrgood roller for 30c, while we have just received a lot of better lines at very low prices, Comparison in_vited. AL Va. WILSON, NEXT DOOR NORTH SEAFORTH OF PICKARD'S,