The Huron Expositor, 1901-05-03, Page 21.4
we have we'll hold "
As every oxen who has purchased Page li`cntin -
now heleas the best Fence on the market,
" What we benent we're after
end if you are in the market for fencing we wore
Ike to haye yott consider the merits of the "Pa'ge
Yence. Coiled Wire, rnade n our own 'Wire P.1
*oven hy ourselves. Shipped already to put up.
!..•• ,t• wilt buy a good 7 -roomed home, pleesant-
(7,7001) ly situated in Seaforth, almost new.
Good hd' arand soft water. Apply to SCOTT
BROS., Seeforth, 17214f
DOR SALE. -The home and grounds beloeging to
J. ehe tete S. G. Ittr:e.laughey, corner of Church and
Centre streets, Seafortle The property will be sold
cheap aud on easy terms. F. HOLMESTED. Elea -
forth. 178441
"RGAVN.- 8303 win buy a nioe com'ortabie
frame house aud a querher of an acre of good
Iand, pleasaatly situated in the vil age of Harper
hey, and 1 mile we -t of the thriving town of Sea -
forth, has a good cellar and is well fenced. There
are a number of good fruit trees rend hard and soft
water close to the houee, Apply tethe undersigned.
JAtIES MoNASIARA, Box 14, Seefo:th P. O.
U Find south host of Let 12, Conceation 4, Stanley,
°outlining 150 acre, 90 acres cleared and in a fair
state of cultivation. There is a frame dwelling house
with cellar, bank barn with stone stabling, stone pig
pentstave silo, two good wells age h river runs at
theback of the farm. It let couver&nt to ohurchee,
sehools and markets, being 8 miles from Bruoefield
and 0- milee from Seaforth, Apply on the premises
o addrett Tefaelee GENISIELL, Bruoefleld.
MIAMI IN HAY FOR SALE. -For rale, Lot 25,
Couceseion 6, Par Lino, Hay, °entraining 100
acres. 96 acree cleared, well underdrained and fen -
mad. There is a large b ick house with good cellar,
good barn, frame stabling, pigpen, 8 sores elf or3h-
ard, 2 at ells and cistern. This is a N. 1 ?TU, we'll
situated for reatkets, churches, seholl and post
Office, and will be seld reasonably, Apply on the
preanisee,or address MR3. WSL CURRY, Mlle Green.,
Ontario, 178941.
A GOOD INVESTMENT.:-?aneonS 1 -iek block
end dwelling in Exeter, for sale. ehe brick
block Is well eituated on Main street, is : ;(55 feet,
three atom, and oontalus four stores; film and
two halite ell leneed •, the beet business steed in town.
The dwelling is brick, of two storye, and °whine 10
rooms is admirably adapted fore boarding. house;
must be (fold. Terme easy. Apply to R. FANSON,
Exeter, Ont. 1739-3
SALM-Beautifully si'-usted on ()antra Street
sogaining Beattie's Grove. There are two lots planted
with the choicest ot fruit trove of all kinds and
shrubs. A.frame house, stone collar underneath the
whole home-, a sitting room, dining- room, summer
and winter kitchens and four bedrooms, hard and
Soft water. It is one of the mod pleasantly loz.,ated,
emnfortable and convenient residences in Seal nth.
and will be °old cheap. Apply .th JOSIAH WAT-
SON, Seatorth. 1700.6!
'PAM 1N HULLETT FOR 8 kr:E.-For at°, Lot
U 4, Onnoession 13, ertillett, conteining 76 acres,
all cleared, underdne dad, well termed, and abeut 40
Aires seeded to grass. I There ere flair buildings.,
There is a good orchard, and a never -failing spring
creek runs through the farm wad a good well at the
house itis near school and post onto, and con-
venient to the best markets. It is a splendid farm,
not a 1006 01 waste land on it, and is well adapted tor
stock raising. It will be sold cheep and on easy
term. -Apply to the undereigned, Seaforth P. 0.
ITOUSES FOR SeLE-Beionging to the estate
La ot the late Valentino Boehler. Large tram 3
house on Goderich street 'a -t, Seaforth, stone
foundation, god celer, la good repair and cottage
Alongside. Also one and a hell ttory brick house
(with wire lot) In Egmondville, 9 mime, goad
cellar, mummer kitchen, stable and orchard, lately
occupied by Mrs. Bochler, deceased, and acrea of
vacant land in Egmendville. These properties will
be sold cheap. Apply to JAMES L. KILLORAN,
Seafatth, or to JOSEPH WEBER, Dublin, Executor.
FARM FOR SALE. -For sale the farm of the late
George 13 own Let 8, Concession 0, trullett.
conttiniog 100 acree, of whieh about 93 acres are
cleared and in a good etate of cultivatioa, the
' balance good hard wood. There le a new two-story
beick house, with furnace, h ard and soft writer and
all modern conveniences. There is a large bank
hare, with stone etrabling, sheep house, implement.
house and all other necessary out buildings. There
are two good wells earl a flawing open. A good
°rattan!. There aro about 70 acme seeded to grass.
it la eithin three -gulden, of a mile from the villasee
of Constance, wh Ire are stsreeschoel, churches,
&c. -Apply to the undersigned, Conguance P. O.
GEORGE 3TEPHENSUN, Exeatitor. 1741
L sibs, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of Hey
Township. This farm contains 100 acres, 85 acres
cleased;the rest good hardwood bush. It is web un-
derdreined and fenced. Mere is 3 gold stone houae
with a No. 1 °eller ; large bank barn; implement
shod, sheep house 70x75 with fleet -awl stebling
and root °eller underneath ; a good orchard, 2 gond
walla and cistern. There Is 124 acres of fall wheat
sewed on a rich fallow, well menured ; 40 awes
seeded down reeently, the rest in good shape for
crop. This is a No, 1 farm, well situated for
markets, churches, trohoole, post office, 'etc., and
will bo gold reagontably. Apply on the e:f1116106, or
address ROBERT N, DOUp L AS,Blake,Onb.1808xSt I
.12 9 and the west half of Lot 8, an the 12th conces-
sion, or Bronson Line, of Stanley. This farm con-
tains 150 acree, all of whioh is °leered, except feu r
agree. It Is in a stete of first-clase cultivation, w ill
feneed and all underdra.ined,mestly with tile. Thera
is a large frame /leonine house as good as now with
'pod sone founeation and cellar, large. bank barn
with eterie stnbiog underneath, and nu merolis oth sr
buildings, ineludieg a hrgo pig home. Two good
orchards of ChOIC3 fruit, also nioe shade and orna-
mantel trees. There aro two spring creeks running
through the farm, and plenty of goad wa,e: all the
year round a ithout pumping. It le avail ultuated fer
'markets, churches, sehlo`s, post °Ill .e, eto , and good
gravel male leading from it in all directions. It is
within view of Leke Huron, and the boats cen be
seen pealing up ta,nd down teem the house. Thi I is
one ct the beet tcptioped farm in the csunty, reed
will be (sold on eerier teems, at the proprietor wanti to
retire on account of 1111100,1th. Apply on the prang -
eat, or address Blake P. 0. JOHN Dteera. 173441.
The Seaforth
Tea Store
The Seaforth Tea Se,ore leads and others
knew. Just reeeived a or of Redpath
graemlated and coffee augers, and will
son as cheap es the cheepeste Please
cell and get prices.
Also a new stock of Crockery, China end -
Glassware, all at a very low price.
Aleo a large stock of all kinds of French
Groceries., which will be sold. at the
very lowest possible prices.
Maple Syrup, 250 a quart; 5 lbs. Prunes for
250 ; best Dates, 50 lb. ; best cleaned
Currants, 100 lb.; 3 cane Gillette Lye,
25e; 3 cans Salmon, 25o; 5 tins of
Sardines for 5o,2 6 lbs, beet B Rice for
250 ; 5 lbs. Tapioca for 2,, Catsup 5c
a bottle; Eddy Telephone Matches 10c
a box; best 40o (toffee for 30c a lb. ;
Labradore Herring, 20e a dozen. Am-
- erican Coal Oil 20e a gallon; ail kinds
of Black, Green'Gunpowder, Jrpa,n and
• Tea Dust from IO0 a lb. up to 50e a lb.
Remember that J am receiving Weaton.'s
Termite Bread every °ley by the oue
o'clock express. The highest price paid
for Butter and Eggs.
Acordied invitetioa ie extenned to all to
call and get, eome of the GREAT
A, G... AU.LT.
MAY 3, 190i
Dr. Teln4o-Draws 1.11u,strations
Fronb the Insect World.
"Go to the Alit, Thou Sluggard, Consider
Her WayS and Ie wise, Which Having
No Guldeli Oyeersoor or Ruler, Provideth
Hier siteaii in trhe Summer and Gather-
eth ., Her ood in the Harvest."
Waethingt n, April 28.--11j this
discourse Pr, Talmage (111.1WS his . il-
lustrations .1 from a- teethe seldom
utilized for moral and religious 1)01.-
1 poses;, text, Proverbs, vi, 6-8, "Go
to the ant, thou sluggard, consider'.
her ways wild .be wise, which, having
no guide, ( verSeer or ruler,. provid-
eth her n4at in the summer and
gathereth h. r food in • the harvest.''
The morelt• of, Solomon's writings
have -perishOl. They have &lie out
of existence as thoroughly as the 20
books of PI ne and most df the books
of -Aeschylu and Euripides and Varro
and Quietil.* • •S' Solomon's Song and
Ecelesiamtes1 and* Proverbs, preserved
by inspirarpn, are a small part of
his voluminkets productions. Ile was
a great ecie • tist." One verse in the
Bible sugge ts that he was a bot-
anist, a zo ilogist, an ornithologist, _
an ichthyol )gist and knew all- about,
reptilia, 1 rings iv, 38, "Ile: spake
of trees; fr in the cedar tree that is
in Lebano i (Sven ;Unto the hyssop
that spring th, out of the wall; - he
spake a,lso of beasts and of lowl
and Of cree ing things and of ashes,'
Besides all hese scientific works; he
composed 3 000 'proverbs and 1,005
songs_ '
Although :!•Soloinon lived lobg be-
fore the mitrosc.ope was .construeted,
he was ale) an insectologist and
watched a; d describes the spider
bend its su pension bridge of silk
from tree te tree, calling it, the spi-
der's web, •d he- notices its skillful -
foothold in limbing the.smooth well
of the thron,room in Jerusalem, say-
. ing, - "The s ilder taketh hold with
her hands ai d is in king's palaces,"
But . he is -es Yecially interested in the
ant mad_ rec ,namends its habits as
worthy :of seedy and imitation, say-
ing, "Go to the ant, thou sluggard,
consider he ways . and •bo wise,
whieh, havinr no guide,, overseer or
ruler, provi eth. her meat in • the,
summer and •gathereth sher food in:
.the harvest.'
Bet it w. s nbt until about 300
years dh, hen ;Ian S wammerdam, '
the soifi of a apothecary at Amster-
dam, kJQilanI, began the study of
the antj. uncle ' powerful lens that i he
full force o Solomon's injunction
AN aS ." up erst -ma. The great, Teach,
scientis , in lie examination of , the
Y 1147Xt', d ISCOVered' as
great rj dist lay of the wisdom • of
(1.0(1 s al:flat on-rY as astronomers
discover n the .heavens and was So
absorbed and• wrought upon, by the •
wonders e -des:covered in the ant and
other in ctsthat. body and 7 mind
gave way, *and he eitared at 43
years of .ge, a martyr of the great
science o in. ectology. • -
No one but Odd could have fash-
ioned tie spoken of in our
text or 'wen it such genius -of in-
stinct, it, sdom for harvesting at:
the right ti e, its wonders Of an-
tennae, h hich it gathers food,
and of n and bleb, which, instead *of
the mod n o the human .jaw up and
down in in tication, move from
side to e de; ts nervous system, it's -
enlarging doe -s in hot weather for
mere swe p ( f* breeze, its. mode Of
attack d d tense, closing the -gate
at nigh ag inst bandit Invaders;
its peril:Italie of the 'earth for hu-
man residenc , its social life, ite ree
pUblicangov irnmen I, with the con-
sent of the roverned; its maternal
fidelities, the habit of these crea-
tures gatberi r. now- and again tinder
the dome' of thc ant hillchek, seem-
ingly in hODS •ltation, and then de-
parting, toI,execute their differebt
But So out+ would ,not commend
all the h bits, of the ant, for some
of them nre a:! laid as some of 'the
habits of the »iuman race. Some of
these smael cr atures are desperadoes -
and murderer , Now and then they
marshal thenrelves into hosts anti
march in stra ght "Tinge and conic upon
an erwarapm nt *of their own meo
and des Lriry Is oceupant se excel.) I,
t he you g, whom they carry into
Captivity. an 1 if the welly come
buck without any such captives they
are not permii ted• to enter, bot are
sent forth. to Inntke more successful
conquest. Scionion gives no C0111-
mendat icA to such sangu Mary ba-
havier among insects any niOre tha n
he would hate. commended sanguin-
ary behaVior a.mong men, These Be-
rth, ,creartus • have sowetinees
wrought fear' 11 damage,: a.nd 1 hey
have iunderm ned a • .town- inNeW
Granada, whi .h in -eime may drop
into 'the abys, they have dug for it.
But 1 what the habits which.
Solomon wouli esijoiti when he same
"'Consider her ways and be- wise."
First of all p evidence; forethought.'
Anticipation o COW iiig 110CesSilieS,'
1110 Sorry to s ty these filial it k's are
not. charaefeei le of all the 0111.8.
These creature s of (.1 od are d hatted
into granivorous and carnivoroue.
The latter are not frugal. but the
former ate fru ral, While the lab. is
warm and mo -ing' about is not hin-
dered by ice sn ow ban k• .1 hey im-
port their ter roes- of food„ They
bring in their caravel) of pi•osisiOns;
they haul ir their long 1 rkillf of
wheat or corn or oats. The fatmers
are not more busy in July end Aug-
ust in reaping t heir harvest ellen tire
the ants busy in July ancl. August
reap i ng 1 heir uti.vest . They st tack
thein away; y pile them up, They
question %%ter they have enough,
They aggregat a sufficient emount
to last them nt 11 .4 he nextwarm
season. When :v in ter openS,. thetY are
ready. -Blow, y, wintry blast e! Tlang
your icicles- fee 111 t he tie e launches!
Imbed all the --J ig•hways under snow-
drifts! Enough for a II 1 he denizens
of the' bine. 11 tatter shut um
'lardy efts witidn. 0 od, who f4d-
eth every ] iViflI thing, has blessed
the aril hill.
n contrast m ith 1 hat insectile be-
havior, what lo you think of that
large mon her 0 proeper 0 tts men and
women who livi on evory Ci�lliji
that they feakit raising their fam-
ilies in luxuriot s 'mails and at death
expeeting some ind friend to give
tleir Otittglaters cinPloYluctat as mu-
1=10 Cetlellprs or
orn Went tenni()
have ti) right.
•neighborhood h
improvidence, q
enost strike: inc
liter" and ."tei
have no ell/11111W
the rocking cra
it is relentless
fancy full owed
(*teat or (Mena
110S8 of hearing
aster or unfo
make life a purl
most lives theta
mer, although
summer, and tin
vide for the fu
laves\ , tiers or
'('s. Such Such p Even ts
o eh'Idren. Every
s sp dinette of seat
he te WO '(18 that
n the text inc "SUM -
iter.' Sonia pm le
in their lives, 'Pram
le to the still grain)
s of eyesight 01' (111,1-
01' privation or d
uicat e env ironme
dual winter. But, in
is a. period of Snille
it n ay be a short
1. is the linty to pro -
One of the •bi, t ways of insur
the future is to .put, aside all y
con. for charitalle pr Virden . . Y
put 0, crumbling Stone, In the found
t i on of your fo 1 tine .11 1 you do ni
In your plans r ,g.ard 1 the • sufferin
that you may alleviate. You w
have the pledge ofthe higl hens
_for your temper 1 1 ' welfare when y (
help the helplea. . for the promise i
"Blessed is he I let c beidereth ti
Poor. The Lord Will t °liver him '
time of trouble, ' Then there is
other way of pi evicting for th.c
ture. _ If you ha 'ts $1,po0 a year
come,* save $100 'or '2,000 a ye
save $500; or 3,00 , save $1,00
Do you • say suet eco only is me
'nese? I say it, i a vaster ' osann
for you to mak I no provis on f
the future and ompel your hien
or the world to take care f you
yours in case of bereavamene or c
amity. .
There are won en w o at the th
increase of •their husbands esoure
lareck all On an extravaganwar.
robe. There ar meni who at 1.
prospect of ., las ger p -osper• ty bui
houses they will ne be -able
pay for, There are people wi
$4,000 .at year it come who, lave n
$1 laid up for a rainy day. •It is
ghastly dishones y 'pr tetice on 1,1
next generation. Such men 'deser
bankruptcy and inpovesishe wit. 1
ahnost every Mt 's 'if . tiler, Collie
a winter of cold misfo tune, Prepa
for it ,while you may. Who (2 the
m ()meter has t. stood stinetim
below zero? . WI at ship ha nev
been caught in. ( st or n? WI at reg
ment at the fie et -ne ret g et, . jut
a battle? Have et letst as muc
foresight as tke insect 10 w rld. Ex
amine the pante es of the nt hill
in • this April wer ther, and ott wi
(Intl that last, 8111 mer' sum ly is no
yet exhausted, Dkamin the a nex
July, and You N ilielin 1 the e btetot
replenished. " •t
Go o th, ant h
sluggard, consicle* her ays and b
Wise, which, having no gead,, over
state er ruler, prderidett her meat h
1 he summer and ra the ail h 1 er foot
in t he ' harvest. ' .
But my subJeCi, rethee bighei
1 ha n. temporal it lee -fort sight fur 1 h(
soul, provision Ifor e ernal extieri-
encee, preparation for the 'a:1r be-
' yond. Ant hilla, erre ik ot t and
, teach us a larger and u igh tima les-
son of preparing food for t, le mor,
' important part of us! 1 o you realize
! that a luau may , be a. nillio a tee ot
' a, multi -millionaire •for ime and a
: bankenot for eternity, : prin e for a
: le* yea rs and , a pauper fore \ er? The
; ant -'would not, bel.sat isfi d with gath-
ering enough food, for elf winter
or reterter ,ail a Winter. Bu how
nutny of us- seem, conten , -tie ugh not
having prepared, for th ten minket-
th part of what will b, our exist-
ence! Put -yourself .in righveli
tions to the Christ of t le ages
through letta seek Nettie') for all yo
have ever done :wrong and trengt
for all you will be called 1.0 endure
and there. will be no fo co i life o
death.or eternity to di. condi
I declare it! There is enou
traneforming and street theal -
abase tie WM. te 14 of create
It IlraS Le en found hy ilesientists
insierte utlefi Ned in !hie c'tiNe of
1114e11111 .11.1.Vt, liven IlliN 101(1 in tor-
t toe for , yours, I OW 11111ch the in-
set t and the fowl end In' brute may
be rightly tall( d to stater for the ad-
Vancenten t. of hinunn kriowledge and
the heti e emelt of he !condi I ion of
tht Imam race do 01. pow stop to
Oir- MISS, I lit he who 11,44. -1 -sly harms
• any: of ( hers tying (strut ion insults
the Creat Alas, for elle horrere of
vivisectioel I have no eonadence in
the motet ity of a man! or a woman
who woied haren a horse or a dog
or a cat es u. pigeon. Stich men. and
n onsen, under affront , if !=hey dared
woild take the lite of •a human be-.
a 1
ing ing. You cannot ma e me believe
1)0 tht t God looks down lindifferezittly
du Up 11 th0 galled neck of Che ox or tkie
cru illy curbed bit, of the horse or
it the medic t ered ea Re in the snow-
s st o r the bear
ill bal.
ells lac(
u Go
4: see
n lea
a der.
1- sec
on. or a pew, only lie bed to be careful not to
hat; hit some worshiper with the butt end
a while making his short reaches.
Everybody in the congregation put in
something, and the, collector made a lit-
tle bow every tI1110 a coin Jingled in the
pocket. IL had gone about half way
round when another 'elder started out
with another beg and pole. The writer
wondered he had not started before. His
purpose, however, wins not to help his fel-
low collector finiehi the work. Instead,
he started just where the other bad be-
gun and passed the bag 'to the same peo-
ple, and every one dropped in a coin as
faithfully as he had done the first time.
Nor was this the end, for the second
collector had no sooner got a good start
than a third stepped out from the pulpit
front vvith bag and pole and went as in-
dustriously over tha ground as the two
others had done. %I° was just as suc-
cessful as his predeeessors.
Things were getting serious. The
stranger had put- sOver in tho' firet hag,
but fearing that the collection might eon -
Untie indefinitely he dropped copper
coins iu the second and third bags and
was not a little relieved when he saw
that the rest of the men in the elders'
seats kept their plades.
Later he learned the sect•et of the proc-
ess. The first man Collected for the min-
ister, the second for the church, the third
for the poor. ,As each member of the
congregation contributed one Holland
cent to each bag it Seemed as if a little
calculation might hive saved much col-
lecting. The sum of the three deposits
would in our mates} be about one and
one-fifth cents for estch person.
At the moment when the bags began to
pass the minister ga‘ve out a hymn, but
the congregation finished singing it long
before the colleetioe was over. There
did not, however, ensue one of those si-
lences during which you can hear pins
drop and flies buze, for the ministee
Ignored the collectors, who were. still
making their halting progress through
mon.-Youth's Companion.
the aisles, and prorriptly began his seal
, --doo
111 - rts boulevards Of
s iated froi a triumphal,
floWered c rcle, And wh4n
(is they- keep peefect order
elr streight lintel, turning ell
If a
' ove
'f -"L bar in th
(s it. Order
el- order in g
be merit, melt
Id all pbserv
I) and I take
th that thing are not at
i• this world If, there is
colony- or r
iere not a
s lives of im
i? If Clod
ifs creatures
en or the cockpit
Mg. or the pigeori
ration of fish that pr
to thej ant, thou nsis
how od honors it.
irth.oriaore, go to th
n the •emson of God a
hooting' or
, not useci.
reant, and
ant ad
pointed or-
- The being who tatight, the in -
how ,o build was e-eitenieter as
Zs chitects. Tha Paths inside
little home radiate from the
with aS complete rrangement
.ver th
a city rad -
arch or a
they march
oving in
for noth-
helper lie in la way, they
it. • If there e a -house or
Way, they n ch through
in architectu a structure,
vernment, or 1 r of move-
r of -expediti n, So let us
this God ap inted rule
Kai isfae tion an the fact
o se ends in
ivine regu.
public of in -
iv nrtealreguuLl for t
and, pho
eie Meat
heir food
bo in teases
at liYel i ho
1 uman a
trine of .
Aie eot tve
rthing, al
orgot len b
Are ye not o Inore veil
sparrows?" I et there 1
ir individual lives, orch
lily, order it -the chtlecl
the worl
hy. -
ands n g Ptiielrei
ral worlc
0 that IA
f the so
heel of th
• 'talon in
• sectS, is t
e iota th
13 end Wein e
- • leas of
r ) the how
11- t he .'unetne
1 he har Yes
to provide th
• and gather
, will he not
d 11 11111 t Vt'S of hum
and I in tie • guidance of
fah ? 1 j i•each the. doe
particular providence. ",
sparisows . old for f
yet, eel on , of them is
fore od?
1 ha many
oede. o
in I. le fat
a -
he 'The New Store DietectIve and the
Ws Suspected hoolifter.
in "'When in doubt let her alone' is outi
iu first an most Important tnaxim in re'
te gard to •hoplifters," Said a New Orlean
od floorwalker of long experience. "It hi
f- better to let a thousand' guilty people es4
a cape and carry off our property with
O them than to run the risk of making one
1(1 mietake, and when you hear of a yeoman
0- being actually taken into custody you maY
uo rest assured that she has been under sun!
)0 veillance for days and that the evideneei
nough to convict a
to jump at conA
ley are 'caught I
goes, and that re
ident which taugh
the most valuabl
lF evilest her is strong
1, bishop. It doesn't_ d
d tensions, even when
the act,' as the sayin
.e minds me of a little in
se me what was probabl
a lesson of my life.
le "It happened soon a
a. business," the floor
e "when I was bolding
- Ile state. In ail
Is no . ream for aetal'e
„or wh tt Linnaeus .a
lint) ,r haV Lold us eon er
livin .ent of the na u
are ve not ready to re
God who •i irns whee
ar sestem nd the vaster
univerke rigula.tes. the b e hive and
the hit hill and that al the affairs
of 0 ut• 0101 1 141 1i 'Cos are leder divine
11113111 ge111011 1? When sofa one asked
a he o
in ft
aly if
.o livt
1-'rov 'de nee
)re wt.
the top of t.
he did not feel
So Many mile
i on, he rep 'it
is- my vere:
leave. Ibis sub
for t hose win
ing to end ire the fatigtu s sclf
saeri lees n-wessary to na ce revela-
tion- (If the natural worl 1, so re-en-
forcit.g t o Scriptures. If the mic-
Id speek, whit a story it,
df hardship r I d poverty
g. and persever t ice on the
ose who entre ieed it for
likcovery! le would tell
ed eyes of M. Strauss, of
and of scor,s of those
mint' te ob-
th vision
ny :a pro-
f putt ing
nce is go -
torte can
n? While
rt her up
hing (ex-
er!" -
1 of the
season of
us to be
orld, and
to say,
bird; go
fields; go
the cans
allery of
the path
ins of in -
e. Make
ry on re -
glow of
rr spirits.
leery star
f the Re-
lic bloom
o is tho
f She ron and the ly of the
and eVery overhanging cliff
you 11 the Bock of
ling suggest .
earl ng from- on high, wh
light to time, who are in
end even 01 little hillock
the roadside Or in tlw fields reminds
yOU of I t he isdom of Militating in
tempor 11 ar d spiritual I llirigs the
insectil , forethoughte "whieh having
. 1 •
no - guide, overseer , or 1 tiler, pro-
videth her 1 lent in the su e mer and
mount ai
it. dengel
frOM ht
d: "No
next doo
ect let u
were will
ter I went into th
Miter went on,
OW11 the job of a
house detective in a d partment store al-
mott as large as thiei It was 'my first
employment of the kind, and naturally I
. WilS 111.1XiOUS to show Iny efficiency; so I
, • or more went by without giving me a
til ; was a little disappointed when a month
chance to gather in a Iculprit. One day,
. ' when we 131 -id a big-balrgain sale in prog-
r ress and thh store was jammed with pee-
! ple from erid to -end, I had my attention -
I attracted to a quietl dressed, middle .
s , aged woman who wa wandering from
- 1 department; to depart ent in a manner
i that struck me as suspicious. At last
! she stopped before a fancy goods counter,
i where a number of handsome silver card-
! cases were displayed, and a moment later
, I saw her piek up one of them and drop
: it into her jeicket.
1 "She stepped at c•nce into the crowd,
i and I rushed after bre .1 was a little
distance away at the tine, and the crush
I5 so greatrI could it t get to her imme-
diately without exciting a panic. Just
before I reached her eide the Siiiing man
who meneged the faacy goods depart•
• 11) 0111 squeezed in ale -a4 of MO 111141 tapped
her on the shoulder. Pardon me, mad-
am" he said, 'but yeti left this on my
counter,' and he liandnd her a cardem-e,
almost the facsimile (1' the one I saw
her pick up. 'Why, t1 at can't be mina'
she exclaimed, looking' stertled; '1 have
mine in my poetise.' The department
manager opened the rase he had brought
and disclosed a large r ill of bills, a hun-
dred dollar note on tie outside. "This
may help you to idol tify it,' he said,
smiling, By that the the lady bad ex-
tracted - the other. 'Yes, that is- mine,'
she said when she sa the money. 'ft
was an absurd mist ke, but you see
they look very" much alike on the out-
side.' .
"During this brief
ran cold. Ten seeonds
have had the woman
ably involving.the hou
age suit and certainly
the department mane
.me for the first time.
_field. 'I suppose you
call her back too.'
17, but I was mighty
him how I was intendi
1-••• roscope co
'' could tell
II • and surfed
h part of :1.1
of the blitu
1 you
.h o
ig pow
r. in Christ for both hemispheres.
Furthermore, go to'. tee an
onsider that it -does ot .
ork because it is insienifita
.agreent of seed eit hat le into it
abitat ion may :be:so 81110,11 Lea 111
na,i•ded eye cannot, see i 1 bui the in
ectile work goes on, 1 he Carpente
nt at evork above ground, t 10 Mil
g011' ant at work under room. . Mom
of these creatures inix t, e leaves o
for the roofor w( 11 of their tiny
the fir and the elkins of th i pin
abode, and others. go o1.t. as unter
heoking for food, while )thers in do
mestie duties stay at h nee. lwente
SIN:4A of the food they are i wving
toward their granary pit. up m a'
balance wouid . he telly mak the
scaler; quiver./ All of it work- on a
sl»all scale There iip no Ise i i our
rt3fuSing a mission ibecei se it is in-
gnifirant. Anything that Cod ' in
s providence puts bet° .e es to do
&portant. The r.eedle has 18 of -
'e 'as certainly as the telescope and
e spade . as a par iametearian
roll.. You knciw who. became of
:Oman in the perable • f the talents
to burled the one tale it, instead of
it t Mg 11 to prate ical tnd . a.c ottani-
( leo use. His apelogy was of no
11,1;iiiIrtlit'sd.nore, go. to 1 e. ant and
nsider .its in dela tigabl eines. 11 by
c -accidental strol e of our -foot or
e insectile world i;tre d :strop de in -
e. removal of a le nber the. ei iese of
antly they go to :rebuilding. They
- not eit around mopi ig. At. 11.
airt in a second, Their frigl 1 Ma
ed jai ely gives wayto their rel use
y.. And if our .s helms Of useful -
ss. end our plallS- of tvi isk fail, why
• down in d iscOurag.ment ? As
large tale hills as haee ever diem
_ const rue t ed will be - cons t 1 net ed
again. Put your tr ist t 1. Cod and
do -,your 'duly, and your best. days
.are ,yet to come. You have never
heti I'd such songs as e on te' 1 1 yet.
hear, nor have you. t.ver lived i stich
grand, abode. as you *ill yet re cupy,
and tit I the worldh treleurps you
have. lost nre nothing con pared with
't he opillence that 'you, wi 1 yet own.
11 you love /1.1141 trust; the Lord, Paul
-looks you in the face and then wa.ves
f• the 'Whet's
hiS hand; --toward 0 hea,v(n fu 1 of
palaces and thrones, seyi g, "All are
yours!" So that, what you fall to,
get in this present. life you will get
-in the coining life.. GO to work right
away and rebuild as well as you- can,
knowing that what the trowels - of
earthly industry fail to rear the scep-
ters of :heavenly reward will more
than make up. • Persistence is the
Jesson of every 11.111. bill. Wagto riot --a
moment, in useless regrets or 011 -
healthy repining. Men fret t heni-
selves down, but no man ever yet
fretted himeelfs up. Make the ob-
-stades in your sem your coadjutors-,
aci 11)1 those who have .acconiplished
any 1131ng wort h accompl isemen 1.
. Pert hermOre, go to this ant and
-consider, that if Clod hon,)rs an in-
sect by making. it our initructor in
important lessons NVO Ought not to
who, after inspeetieg• the
Pets of 0 d's creation,
out 1 .01.11 1 wir Cabinets
destri yed. This hour in I i
fessor's d it y Abe work It
eyesight on the altar of sck
ing on, A id what great. 1
one Ofier than the loss Of
unlessit he loss of reasol
1 t be t( 1 escot e is reaching
and 1 le microscope is re
1 her down both are
'Flier , is a God, • and he i
!wise and neriit ely good:
him a id • w wsh ip him for
face tl at w L And no , are close to w I' be th i nk mys
licit. Will allow
f doorsand ti
f the natural
there are , voiceS that se
"Go tie the ant; go to ti
to theellOwnss; go to Gs
to the • wa.te s." Listen
1 ates 1 hat irop from' the
the Ite e tops.. • Notice in
dhs t ry
veal ed
the: y
the 102-
sunrise and
Intl (xpos'
speak )f tin
(loonier an(
makt, you
Hose o
V alley,
alk 1 he less,
divine guide4
ion a commen
gion. Put, th
sunset into
?flees. • Let,
morning star
every arom
iird«)1 him Wi
ges, and
he "day-
-11 givens
Int i it by
gathereth' 1. r food in the
They runiled a Vtaltor to `Country
Church In Hollan .
A Sunday among the staid urghers of
Holland gave Mr. Clifton Johnson an
opportunity to see three ch rch collec-
tions taken up in. rapid suce ssion. He
had asked to be directed to a character-
istic cohntry church in an o ttlying vil-
lage.s a- result he went by train from
as iry as the
Leyden to a little place with an un -
Pronounceable name, where there was a
church severe in its simpl
meeting houses of colonial Ne Englund.
It-yesembled them, too, in 114 chilliness,
for there was no attempt at arming it,
and the people were dependent upon foot
toves o the old fashioned type that was
beginniilg to go out of vogue in America
11 hundied yetrs ago. Scvel'nll gore of
hese little boxes stood iu the '.hurch en-
try, neatly piled against tho Tall, ready
o be filled with smoldering pe t and Imp-
lied to the wershipers as theyi came in.
When the time for the col ection ar-
, ived, a man etarted out fromrthe railed
ff space before the pulpit, which space
lIvas occupied by the elders, apd with a
lack pocket at the end of an eight foot
ole proceeded to his task. tWith this
ccessor7 he could reach clear to the end
olloquy my blood
more and I would
nder arrest, prob-
e in a great dam-
osing my job. As
er turned he maw
'Hello, Jim!' he
were intending to
s,' I replied slow-
areful not to tell
g to do it." -
Threescore and ten ears is the psalm-
ist's -measure of life, but in Caithness,
Scotland, a man of 70, unless married, is
described as a lad or b his brother of 00
its,a boy.
The great wall of Ohina, portions of
which are still in evidInce, was complet-
Ad 211 B. C.
-Mr. Charles C. Chic of Clinton, lute
hem appointed agent for the improved
United States oreem sepy,rator. This is a
good machine, and, as Myt.Crich is a hustler'
he should sell a number of them.
Prostrud „
Itching, Plies
Rev. '8. A: Duprau, Methodist Min-
ister, Conseeon, Prince Edward County,
Ont., states was troubled with
itching and bleeding Iles for years,
and they ultimately at ained to a very
violent form, Large lumps or ab-
scesses formed, so th t 11. was with
great difficulty and c nsiderable pain
that I was able to sto 1. At this se-
vere criels .1 purchase. a box of Dr.
Chase' e Ointment, but I had little or
no faith in it, as 1 lo• ti- tried various
remedies -before and to no purpose.
"Now,, imagine how 3reat and joyous
was my surprise to fit d that Just. the
one box cured me so that the lumps
disappeared, and also, the external
swelling, I feel like e different man
to -day, and have not the least doubt
that Dr. Chase's flint ent nave.d me
from a very dangerous and painful op-
eration and many yens of suffering.
You are at perfect libcrty to use this
testimonial as you zee fit for the bene- I
lit of others similarly anacted."
60c at all dealers'.
Dr. Chas 'a
tri .111111P
sbinaating Wood etildReg
ti12.Stomachs andBowels of
'Re saticillest.Containsolither
wri,Morphito nor Ifthetal,
N4.11 C 0T!�.
mao•••••••••.••••••IIIIIPIS •
in 44 -
Ratilefla'Sslis -
Aire Mix>
aelanaIssrehi, #
Fad &ler •
nitres* Rorer.
erred Reriledy for Cons tipa-
, Sour Stotnach,Diarrhoea,
rms ,Convutsions,feverih--
s and Loss OF SLEEP.
'IL.; Simile Signature of
..14-ww,;(1,1 •
. A
°Astoria is 'int up in one -site baths only. it
Is not sold in 'bnIk. Delft allow- anyone to sail
you anything Ise on the plea or- promise thetit
pisos:`,11.iist;iiras °oath% atndyoluiwgellt1 Ca.ns:s.erzoev.erzipaz
• -t•,n=anamene,..--,. Cf:
ing and
in all
our lab
ust theft"
i3ocket ith§
by the makers of
Brand" cloth -
will be found
oats bearing
he Peerless
‹t1 ?:1
(Ye e:;:- A
; I \\./CZ -k)
c LOT -MI N.g
-REG ISsrEtk`E
In future this label be attached to all ga
will be found in the left hand pocket of the
Rcniembek the brands of the original makers in
zarme ts ready to. wear; "The Royal" and
cnts and
nada of tailor made
he "Fit -Reform."
C4th' Leading Clothing & Furnishing Store
-Will be ne
ded for some time yet and now is the tini4 o get one if you want it
We have e ill a (toed assortment left in black and blue beavers, black and grey
cheviots,nbrown friezes.and a large stock of asOrted colors in boys' sixes.
The prices will surprise you, sterling quality combined with cheapness. You
will understand the bargains you are getting i* god value bettar if you
conle and see them, than if we told you about theni here. Call and see
Furniture Cheaper tan Ever.
On acc unt of great reduction in expenses, and_m‘nufacturing special lines,
we are now able to put furniture on the market cheap4 than ever. All intend-
ing purchas rs will do well to call at our warerooms, were full lines of up-to-
date furnit re are sold t t right prices.
RIMERANNSwomr---, aw.xeforouirwrng
This d partment is complete with a large geleetio of the best goode, and
obliging att ntion given to this branch of the businese.
Night calls promptly attended to by our Undertak-er, Mr. 8. L Holmes
Goderich st eet, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church.
sre WS PO
good enact
aeffelo robe
,E4 %teed
heifer, witla
to the moo
Tea Mded b
sirso RENT
town s
nese not ov
mite leadteg
from Post
tries, hoof
class orenlr
Write If yet
sion 4, Mail
months to tl
animals. A
smith, or adt
E to 18 n
Ing, good
els, a num
erate prlees
tor regietrat
15 menthe.
erstnitb, Sea
for serv
one tboreug
Yorkshire b
A. M. Catnp
TIM Exeoee
et.1 Anceol
Perth. Beim
teente, pIaet
prlece. Cha
or no pay.
at Lot 23,
tt,ended to.
ToG 701
.11,_ for e'en
improved Y
at time of se
hooked, AN
111. &AIM, p
.be wilt be kes
Will. -entail!
Hay, two She
7 and 15 moll
bred from gc
Duke of Het
110 P10 Bi
1 on Let
a thoroughli
be admitted*
of service, se
. Ourdirt
'''.1).3°F1's.:110iretAl I:I:VI:. j
. for further
b,Tiorawlorss: Isal
091olos EIS:
Mixed Iran
bleu I
wifte!ale ;
iloilio SOurni
Gem) Negri
Xxeter „;.
once BOMA
Rave 3!
Fitted I
CAN Bkli