HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-04-26, Page 8- �._ � ­V__­j,__­­ ­ - - .- � I 1- � � �_ I . 11 . --- ________ -,.-- ,� -- � . , — - , ­­,­ - --- , - I - —­ - _­_,____ ­ �_, __ ­­ � - �­o� � ­­ — ­______,_ - _­_ ­ " -----"------,-: . * � ­_ __ � ­­ ­ . * �­_' �_­ . . . ___7 I - . . _­­­ -1 - --:-- I ­ - I ­ - - I ...... 1� - 7 � � �_ . : - I - I I � I _ i I . I '� - . . P I I q, . � : I i ! I i - . I � i I . . . . � I _� _., . i � I i � � . i I I , � . � � i . I . � I . I � . - - i - . � . . I . - I . I I . � � . � I * -_ I � i - - . . . . I I I . I il - � ! � . � .. . . . 1. I - . . . I I . . . � . . . I I - � . I - . I . I I - ! - � . . I . j�_;_, � . "I'll, I . � I � - - * I . . � . � -1 � I I . I i . - �i � - - I � . , _� I .- I r 1. ,� ­­ � I1. . ,.111 .. . . . . ., . . . � . I I . I I . - a - I - � � I - i - — � . . I . I � I I . I . . I . I I � I , ". ,� � I ! - - . I . �­ .1. ­ � ­ � , � I I _el i - , ; . . . : . - I - i � . . . I I - � I 4 ti — ­� I r . . . I - n. I - I I �� - .. I , - I ; I : i� :::: I— , ,� - I � — � - I � I � �. , I I I I I � � I i I ... ; : I I . I i . I I I 4 : � - , . � I - - . . . I . . I I ; I � I - - I � , I . � � , . - . - : S . , I . 4 �, . I � I 4 � - � ­" . . . � I I � � � I I . I I I � � . I 4 .. I - ; . iv� I � . . . � I I - . � - � - I � . � i I ! . % I I : .. I I � � I .! , ! . � . ; . � " I I I I � . � i � � . � � - . . - . I � ; � . . , . I �; . . � � .- �. 8 � . � 1 THE HUR POSITOR - . APREL 26. noi . I ; �� � 11 � I I i ON EX. . I . � - I' � - . I I I — __­ * I . I -_ Is - - . _� .1 . 107 . ' ' I - — � � I 11. I DISTWOT'MATTERS. I Theohairwalsoccupiediby Mr. R. S H.iys, � � — ----------- �Iw I I I I ��,�� �� Vi ­ I I * hou8e.-Miss t'tta Knight, who has been been unable to, secure him a situation. He year. -Mr. Joseph Lentz, of Detroit, ha - ' �L 1-- " I , - . � . obairtnan of the Collegiate Institute board, staying with ier aunt, Miss Stewart, for has been leader of some large bands and been h4e f r the past week or so on b 4 __ HAT H VR - �­. �_ ,4, 1�1 rff A. a,,* - I I - � C_ ,,, ; .. � I'�, * ' " ­ - , 0� . ag. Mr. Ed. Bossenberry has purchased � , ,,, _:,i , �L t, - 0 usis I GO -OD S T ole, -N Fz 't � , -aeably I 1he past six in uths, a i : J #w', . and a couple of. hours were vary . __ � i:� ial ,.i 41 - . I ll learning asks 'a high salary, buL, the members o(the ne8a.-. � 1� 4 .. � - � , : � �,., -?. .1 41 spent, Song and son�iment provailirg after the dressmaking from Miss May Allan, re- band are in hopes that they will be able to the hot se �nd lot of Mrs. Oatherine Rein. , �� " .- " --; . I �, I h t furo U 10.1v 4 � r, .0 01" i ov � . �. 1k J, �,--,,:,f�-;��-, - . � 1, I . �, t. I _, � A� N' I -, - the substantials and dolicadies provi led, by I turned to her home in London lost week.- secure employment for him, when they ex- hard, who,will go to 11awksville, to reside - I " 1� I _. . I . . I 11 . . I _ P�,,­ - . , . �!� � U�j : ,,, - . — ....... -.-- .- DELIGHTED S_ EA- I 'L� � ,. -.- I '' � - Iendorton; wtre di2po3od of. 1 Miss Emma. Fulton, of Staffa, ect �he band will be kept up to its past with her daughter. -Messrs. W. Merner and . I 1 7 ,,-? - " - `� � mfue host, I . - , t_� . f� "'V . w a visiting p - - . I _. . _ �1, � _ � X:�� . � T cl,� I , , . , Hor,si., Dirm. -Many of our rehders will This was a happy etillino, of whit was her sister, Mrs. David Chesney, is week. high standard, despite the fact that a num- m. 4: F�u4t, who have been on the sick list, � . � - ---,. V, I I � I . I . I certainly a very euc6e,smfu'and instructive' -Master Alber � . regret to learn A the death, in Manitoba, of . I t Allen brok� his I 1tle finger b6r of the members ERS I I ,_ have recently left town.' are fast improving, and we hope soon to see a z i ,..­� the fine Clydesdale stallion "MoBean�" He course of lectures aod the teachers and while playing football, - ork, the boys on the street again. - I I . . "I I I �� - the ' Fri( ay. -Miss -Mr. and Mrs. H. Bartram, of. New Y, . � � - . I I 0 . - 1. .i �,' was owned by Mr. John Harvey, son of Mr. trustees of Instit4te- Fire t9 be corn- Flossie Allen It Le been conofilr3 od t( the house are visiting Mrs. Bartram's pare,11 0, Mr. I I , � I +++-H-+++++++. � I . F, m9nded for their efforts in prolyiding so .- i - . . ....... - grip . . . . . , Joseph Harve, of Stanley, and w'a* pur- for the last ccuple of weecs'. rI. Book's and Mrs. H. Town. -Dr. R. R. Rose has . I � ­ ; � , . � � I I , chased by him 1 about a -year ago from the -he people and Miss Stew ixt's Sales e d or Thursday purchased the residence ef Mr. Hugh R)bb, Varna. . Not only have our Dew goods delight., ,I 4� � _. � - / ,�, , �1� I I matialyitig a literary feast for t . iI � I I � a � - I i I Messrs. _McGal, in of .McKillop He was during the winter Eedsort. We h withey last, were very successfui We h o been appointed sole agents for the throngs of people wil � '� - 3 on Goderich street, and will take possession o have visited �- I .. - .1 , , ' pring has come Posi I , - . aforth � I . . eve' ill take it tip again ne'�xt y3ar andktiat tha again and footbal Be, tfoor the new George A. Slater Ishoeq. - our store within the p i . I one of the best *stock horses r owned in w, I is the or bout the middle of next rkiontb. He paid a -at few weeks but., : I I . I 61 tivelyth( a-Aellest of all the swell ones. W-. H. . � - .. this county, wl dch has long been noted for course may be extend d. �16 have now, boys.! F)r Brown kio a it all the way in the neighborhood of $1,000 for it. ' . they have set the majority to bu I ; I - - The peol -Mr. Willis, boots and shoes, Seaforth. 1741-1 ying, I . . . I good horses, ai d we are informed he was as shown by- their increa ed atten.dan-,e that there. -Miss Jennie,Hills h a been laid up James Logan, one of the pioneer resid:ints - � JOTTI_N�Gs.­Mr. Murray, who has con� i I pular in Manitoba am they appreciate t -bis sort A tbing, if it is the last few days with a ali ... t at ack of I& of Stanl6y, was in town on Monday. Slr- ducted the Cook house for the past . - THEY WIN suca I I . 51 - succe f I d a po . WH11- I � 11., . __ ""' an ' �a death just a �he ri '11 kind and in -Mr. cob McGee: - o, . "' ea. placed before them of 9 ye)Lr, is . - - he was here. I fter one a . . grippe. talks of going Logan -has been suffering from ill be x1tk- leaving, and has rented a house in E hond- : . � ; the right way. . 9-11h . son is a as to his owner and to the . to the Pan-Amarican Exhibition some time during the winter, but we are 4 to' ville. 'We are very sorry to lose A -r. and! . I I . , i lease i ' )O=e 11 o *- this summer. -Miss May Allen, has had to notice that he is regaining his cod Mrs. M:Lrr y, as they have made a host oi � . I neighl here he was kept. - . I p . � . . . . I �_ - I � - -Sua,�R BE= ClU,LTuap,. -Just now when hire help on ao ,ount of rush ,of sp - ng trade. health. He informed us that Ill . e . fin hed friends iinc a coming here, two years ago.- : Oura is a sincere store. We Weigh car., . _-w PRICEScur IN.TWO : . ,.I usual . I ! I . 4or MR , -Miss Bella C)oper, of Ki pon, 'otheral : . i ILL-z;Ess - BisHop.-The many so much is being Said a j,out the cultivatind a rooming his seeding over two weeks ago- , , r. � , � . - - Messrs. Harnwell and Beattie Br fully every,Dvalue placed before you. I friends of Mr. rehibald Bishop, ex-M.P.P of sugar beats, ,it ma I e intere ting to with Miss To a Brown, a d Is ruing the Hotham, late of Constance, has now got have starte I their pedling wagons on the Our one thought in buying, our one,Aim, i� - - I i ��] '' � : I � I . . ! for South Hur n, will, regret to l n Mr. * Tiompson, of the dressma Ing M-1 lea mor � I . - . I . �_ _�- I I � We have too muh Wall Pa,per. Are you I he is seriously ill at . his residence in Us. township of Hay, one o th a beat farmers in forth. , . 3, of Sea. i located in town. His office is in Johni OD'A road this week. The :hens will have to in selling is to find your Wants and thany � .- ! . L I - . � I . black, in the rooms formerly occupied by work dou e time. -Mr. and Mrs. James, meet them as no others will meet them. I 1. la need ? � borne. He w a at -the Brucefield. show on this county, informs us tha, he fias grown I � .- t � -s' . . Dr. Belden. -Mr. Robert McMillan, jr , Of Armstrong ttended the wooden wedding of, People look for freshness in all our, goods. . . � ! - F, riday' last, a d seemed to be in the enjoy-, sugar beets on his farm for everal y are and I has leased his fine farm to his Mr. and M . A. Cardn' � Everybody knows just what, ' . � I Is so, perhaps these pfices will interest y last' has always found the[ i a most a coessful Tar,, BRUOPF _ELD Sff0%N1.,-The show of - Hullett, . o, Seaforth, on Mon-' I to e"t z I merit of his us &I good health. On his way 11 11 nephew, Mr. Scott, and has gone to r4ide day evoniu last and spent a very eajoy-� and expect just what they find, that . I entire stock held at Br I � I . you. and valuable crop. Sa uce�eld on Friday , on the . t I i I home, howe7ve ,he was atta&e b� paraly- . . Ht 13 the I nd and . , " I � � - I - I 1. I . on I , . . last, under the auspices farm of his father, Mr. John . 0- able ev4nin choicest and best at the lowest poggible. � I limate of thia,.county i i 11 mirably ,dapted of the South Huron : , and wish Mr. and Mrs. Cardno'� : I- i miss arid, riving 'at his aidence, he c. ' Millan, ex -M. P. -In the illustrated pal t of Many . st returns of the annivermar - I I price. � � I . � . , . . - 500 rolls Glim�mer Wall Paper suitable ; I i is buggy, unconse - ,for their succespful le. He says they Agricultural Sc ciety, was n4t as successful ; last Saturday's Globe there is a good gi oup Messrs a Brothers recently sold 81W. � . was found in 31cus and one , la Y. ul�u I ci , for almost any Ifind of room, borders to side completel, paralysed. H was, driving. are a sure crop, yield as its promotom hoped it ' uld be. The � i � Om all wel and he prefers 'p " ' w picture of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davis, of th f h . -The price received was $6.46 NE W MILLINERY � I ceilings lor some, Papers I alon 0 p sequent,fy, no ,.person knew them .for feed.for him at ,ck lo maugo ,do, and weather was f 6v,o a the directors 5 L I i I match, et an�dIeoeclll � I irable III( Mitchell and their family, consisting of ton worth . i .or. Be : I i I I - n thinks them i this year large] r a, )d , the � I per hu dirm . I I which in the tegular way would sell for j how long he h d been in this conditio , but, n every va a preterable�and rize list, sons and two daughters. Mr. Davis, &I.' I ; am � adding to the a mounts of pr zes o ered and � TEMPTERS - I :. � � I . I so rigid had t e muscles become that' it. w more profitable crop. IV are glad bo have . . though comparatively � a young man, has the � I , I ' . . � - 5 3 and 6 3 per, roll, out to ,3c per roll ' with consider ble difficulty' the. lines . w re In in this 'matter, also to the nu nber of PH e Hensaft. I : �: t made a Special effort h no 8L . a Mr. Thompson's experi, 111 a ; they also distinction of being the father of the largest " LoCA r. BRiF,Fs. -T e Mol8o B nk 0 . while they la4t. � , removed from! his hands. Latest advices as there is, no doubt the t if they can'be sue- to get competent although pen 1, The criop, fresh and bright - millinery,� , t . . , - ee � - � A . judges fro family in the county of Perth, and s on Monday in their new offic ; I I show that he as not improv6d, and alight' ceasfully and profitably grown in the man. m a ihtance, an hoped by theme : for bugines hate are beautiful and tempting an, L L%rgsst sel , none of the,sons are as good looking as the in via block. This building was, ection in town. - hopes are ento tained--for his relcoyery. ner he saysi the profib , onnected with their means to.draw ut an unus, ally good show it . i the D . � - I ! . . . culture for sugar will lie (onsiderably larg- . � of stock, Their chagrin c n be-- imagined, i old man," they are all nice, smart looking expeciaily , rected for the bank, way you look at them � Our-trimmero� . . I . I U � ' - The production � ieto has and is ve th I � � - . ' f ug r from be therefore, wheE it wab fou 'd ; young fellows, and all, evidently, grown to certai ,e into the show roojn 4 SF . -do vDit'-s :GAlLN.- er. of a that in the 1 the years of manhood.; 114 a credit to our village, while the ha ar ga red I - i . 3AFORTH'S! Loss VAN heavy draft cla a of horses h Mr. Davis has keen ch mint y iginal group of apring, - ' r � - - . I I I Mr. Thomas -urray,who -has been in the now P5s3cd the experiff on I stages, and all ore was only I the editor of the Mitchell Advocate for dver interior equals any office of such an Inati. �� hats. nfiZ taste and care is shown . � I R E FM E M BE R I tbatis wanted is the ne seary capita one apimal entered, while the entries in the I tution in I he county. -A number from our : . employ of th Broadfoot & Bnx Furniture I I to � I , I THE PLACE 'PAPST'S' light classes 41 years, and has been continuously on- in every detail of their make:up go �h,Lt � ! 0 al �hough more nume rouii, were , last, attended the . I I Company forl a number of years, left on , establish the factories. The market for the village, on Sabbath � : _. i I . . t nearly what they Should bif. nected with that journal for a longer pei iod 'funeral of the late Mr. Cameron, 'ster, You can forma, correct idea of the styles t . � � Tuesday mor, ID6 for 'Vancouver, Bri I most unlimited, so that In & � than any other newspaper man in Oat 6rio of Brandon, who was interred in Baird's: that are prevalent this Season , . I - . . tish' finished prod uot is al " . coun ; � - B06:KSTQRE, SEAFORTH.. Columbia, � ee he has secured a good there is'no fear from over production, and ty like thi a, where the 7a are purchaser be. Sure of good wo and the- . I I . , I 00 many 1 has been connected with any one jour ial. cemetery.-iMr. an I I � good horses, an where hor : I ! situation. H) will -also play withtone of r -o soon as the means . are provided there is - .me Weeding is d Mrs. �Villiam Me- 'We � rkmanship, , . I � I I . v w -one of the princip I That he may be long spared to continue in . Its, 'e enough of the typical Spring effect I t (, , al indust ies, t lie iff - � Dougall &Ad Miss Annie Papple, were in I band i and opera house orchestra, little doubt but the pr d0tion of the beet an i the activiti to sho . - r L . . anomaly which can hardly unted or. i es of life, will be the fery eiat Seaforth onl Tu w you that you can get full in : i Mr. Murray I as been the mainstay of the for sugar making will W 0 a of the leading ,- a0co f esday lamb. -The members of eu- i ; I I , . the city I . � I I P . I wish of the many who: enjoy the friendihip ure of style from us. i �7 � �i have been a ge � , a i 33rd regimeri band for a great many y aliclias of agriculture. : i � _&.15 K I - DOMINION BAN car& , and most profitable br Some say that there won of the genial editor of the Advocate. Henvall Lod Independent Order of Odd: . - I , . I I I i � I . i - -_ In fact, the at ccess of the band of lat Mr. Thompson is anxio ,a to know if syrup larger number of horses present but for the FollowilI, were honored with an invitation � - �, I - e years — . I . i � # . � : _� was very r-. Murray's self. 011 I I I � � from their sister lodge of Seaforth - � : I CA.PITALtP&I:� up), - $2,300,000 largely due to M n be made from the a beets, in the ab. fact that the previous day wilLs so unfavor- I I to attend SOME SPLENDID � � . . � � I able that horsemen did not ', ilke to take Londesboro. an at I Im . : i ? REST, � $2,300,000 sacrificing one av as secretary and treasurer. BeHICE) Of the appliances provided -by the reg- the . io Iq this (Friday) evening, cele--' i � - _. - � , - He stuck to h1s post in times of adversit' I . risk of taking their horses �� b i1a You can't, toll what kind of Dress Goods brating thd. anniversary of Fidelity Lodge, OFF RINGS 1 9 . . � I weather. This may .have !had some in- adver- Seaforbb.-Dr. Buchanan., of Zurich, was I , . 4 I ular factories. As we ian notg"ive him elay I the bad E I � y as ( . z.�_ - SEAF well as in time of prosperity. The mem- information on this p�in if any of Our , they have by Aimply; reading their I � i ,ORI'H BRANCH, a nee, but the e net be �her causes , � I bars of the ' ' p � and could not allow him to readers call throw light on the subj� in t tisement. The E. McFaul Co., Seaforth, ad. in the village on Monday a In the carpet, Main � , � I ect ;�e flue ,or fternoon last, curtai,b and drapery de- 1 -, . I St ee,t, Seaforth. leave wit,hou showin - - aball be pleased to liavelth(m do so, and at the falling off. It would be !a pity if this I vertise to get you to go to their store and attendi 3g the funeral of his mother, Mrs. A. partments are some worthy offerin m I ti g in some tangible I . � I -1 I - ' i old established i natitution, I ee their fine showing. if 9& . 1�1 I 11. � A General Bapicing Business trans- manner their appf-e-ciation of his Ion the same timeto affor4, any addi ional a hich has been ! you are going to Buchanan, ir.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowan, of The new goods are here in time for , � � I � . . .91 - - in b , "' you, I I It. V acted.,. Far ilers� Sale Notes collected, I faithful and ever clieerfull rendered formation they may have. . existence for nigh on to a century, ; buy a new Dress this spring you will p;ofit Kintail wer� here on Monday attending the It is now every tastefulbousekeeper is plan- � . . ­ . y . ; i ; - . I . and advances rn�We on same at lowest —0 , . should have to cease to exisi w for, want . by going there. They have never had auch funeral of Mrs. A. Buchanan, sr., Mrs. ming refreshing beatity. ,. I - services to ,th, band. They met in their -7— L ' � f L . � � 11�ni`of So L for her home and : L the par ' mother. -M 01;r � . . rates. rooms on Satuiday. night anaLpresent him Bring one pound of 4� of appreciation n ;, of tho for a stock and such a sale of handsome black Cowan' re. William G )rdov, of we think efforts to gs�t the ' - � I , ed I .)c bla& tea and one Village � richest . - . pound of coffee front A. YoI Seaforth. whose special b nefit it is b iing .Conducted. materials. Bruce5eld ' and beat has secured for these depart, � : I Drafts soicl on all points in Canada, with a rieatl�. written address and -a hand- . 1741-2 1741.1 , was in the -on Saturtliy � . . - I � 1. . . I tThe8how of' bills, althou,h be ter tb No forenoon last. -On Saturday afterno' I . L , -onetonof butterweekly; eggs - ­ 1, . ments exactly the goods wanted to. I . 1 4 the United StatO and Europe. E01me gold ri gi auitabl' engraved. Mr.- Wanted, an . TES.-Meaers. Bell arid Lasham have . I y . . A - I Murra made i suitable -reply, advising the 12c. Webave600bushols ol Wile grown timothy that of horses, and embracing m my )ry -bought quite a number of cattle, which MIS R 0 , gave, in behalf of t �a make the home more beautiful. , i I I v( a , f Guelph . 'iAVINGS DEPARTMENT. y . art I 9 n . as not as large am it I in I�Stitute of South Huron, a vei � allowed on. �Vo � - , -Interest d olover for silo, G. E. Kivo, Wingli-ini. 1740 ' superior animals, w I I they intend to pasture on their farms tihis We've friend making prices and Aebigna ir,4 ;! I . boys to push .right ahead with the band. ., I I � . i - . its of One Dollar and HATS RmttoDELLED, ��- lie undersig S have be n. The eicellert quality I summer. -Miss Edna Allan, of Petrolia, was interes iag prid instructive address ' . 1, I . upwards. After this th3 members. wished their es. . ' on � � wishes to inform the ladies of 8 xfo,th and vicinity of the animals e Khibited- 8.)7 CARPETS, OILCOTHS i I . teem -ed comrs, e every success. in his new . , however, made up called home on Tuesday, on account of the "Bread AlWng, Its U2e8 and Abuse . I � I � R 11 . that she Is prepared to rJo all clods of done over in some degree for the lack in nuir. here. The illness of her brother Harry.-Tilere has The. a� dres was followed by a lively die- � . . . I . work in straw at shorto3b noti ca. North Hain street, following is it list of the cueelon and: those who missed hearing Mies . - ,. S. HA I W. K. PEARCEP home. i 'I LIX'0LE,UM,,%, MATTINGS, I , !I Manager. I nearly oppo8ito the Laundry: Was Young, 8011forth. mccessful corn- been nosohool this week in the senior de- 13'. l Solid or . I : - 11 � I - ------* . * . � __ - . � � � I LT(JuoR Li I . 1788.4 petitors : . I partment of the public school here, on ac- Rose missed a troat, Aliss Shaffer sang LACE' CURTAINS, DAMASK . I- 11 N81111S -At a meeting bf the - � I . : . I . - . . two beautift � I ' Aged draugh, stallion, M. Butson's count of the illness of tho teacher, Mr. b1c. I Solos, which were very much : I � I . i - . . license commis donors lo'r South Huron, held Roo -ms TO RENT.-Friat rooms over A -_ V - . � . . . �� - . -1 Spring I Novielties. at Hen,.,all on Friday last, the following G. Ault's store, Main _e6ree., Se%forth. P03session, " Gallant, Colurnif," Agl, car or Allister. -Mr. T. Hill entertained a enj,jycd by' all presEnt,-Miea Rose, of . CURTAINS, ART MUSLINS, 11§� �: I "' a number I � � - ril. Api A. G. Ault. coac - . � after lot of Ap 1737-tf G-telph, was, the guest of Mi,es Al. J. 8m,il- � . � � were granted. license for the ensuing year : ' ih, Ist,'Levy & Co.'s .11 Milbur '�)- 2ad, of young folks at a dance on Wednesday � I : I Clover, timothy and I E. 0. Attrill's 11 Lviorigton's Panewelt " ; 3rd, evening last lie whil3 in town. -We were in error last SPOT MUSLINS, ART SATEE . I . Exeter,-Tave. ris, W. T. Acheson, Win. c .... e�s f firs . --Mias� A� Crispbas returned - NIS, : '�� 8 I c .... e�s quality, for W S'�� oee�s t James I 0 lass '�� ' S' ' I - . I I � . for iepairs, William ObleGinnia', Sestorth, . . . 174OK3 years old, Thom %a Skinner's �' St, George. " friends in Seaforth.-Miss Axton,iif London, acartilur &- Co's new bank had been done - . Hawkehuw, U 'ah Ourinin- ham. - "' ' �,s t Thomas Biasitt's " Clear lGrii.1 - Three home, after spend iDg, a jeouple of weeks with . � -9. e at rce b o t ��,m 'it,", eic week in stati,ug that the paintillig of Messrs. I � Gur new line will, meet vou this' month, Anderson leftil over .Shops, M ART TAPESTRIES. ' . I CAUTION, -To Fish on, The pu )lie are , Two years old, Thomas $kinner's " Sir is at present visitingl at the home of Mr. b . Stoneman. Mr. John Stacey �i . I . � * r � you will not be dise(ppoint�d. Taste in se- Farm- er Bros. a' d F. J. Knight. Township hereby cautioned against "assirg on th( farm of -Wilber." Aged roa,ister, A. Higgins' Ottimette. -Miss R. Y ung spent a few days pis G. Smallacombe, Aj I . I � 28, Concesa!t 111 1 , hIcHillol', for the " Sid -Tolstoi." Blood' having one the Paiiiting.-Mrs. McNavght. I re combined and of Usborrie,- o8eph Stephens, Woodbam. A. Gardner, Lot y Mr. ,� ATTRACTIVE WASH lection, quality, price, a, ' and bi K8 tant� Mr. rr watchea still lead the Township of 'tophen,-Taverns, William purpose of fishing, Ls'all fishli g ri,hts have I cen pre4 in Blytb, . . . 'well balanced. O� siallion, Thomas this week with friendso GOODS I ,; . I - I way,. we have thia line more complete than 10offatt, and served, and parties found tre� )ass ng will b - PfO30- - Skinner's " T�rqne." Swee takes for bept on, siate of Mrs. Wm. Lammie : I �: ; - ; ( eo'rge Grafton, Centralia ; 0 - . 41- 0 of this vil - � . utod wit�oub respect of Pelson . IIENR3' BEAT. light horse of any class, L - ever. Bring along! your repairs, all work August Hill, rediton ; B. Curt ham, TIF,,,Sol' Dr C. Attrill's lage, an who had been living with Mr. Dimities. Prints : � I * or Lelseeee. , I . . i I ioiWr f . � 17.0-2 Stanley. Percales no, . guaranteed, to j . 4 " LaDgdon's. Danegelt.11 B411a,- Durham, � give .4atiafactl'012. Kh.iva ; Patric. � and Mrs Thomas f I MUSE , . - � ,r � Hall,, Mount Kgrinel; Choicest tea and Wiley, of Stanley, for Piques, 0--gandies, Tretty n=es, but 9 I � � I James Shaddoc ,�-Corbetb; James Hannan, I 11 codee. They alwayi-i aged, 13t, Elcoad Brothers' IIIGena al Have. You often hear the Statement, one good Some ti e past, died on Thursday of last - not one whit prettier than a few hun. , . � � . - � .- Satisfy. C, S. Andrews, Soilort . Teloplime No. lock " ; 2ad- Smillie & turn deserves another. The man that turns week a d was buried on the following dred pieces of lovel - .. I - L, ,)4'. . ' 11 11 New . - : Shipka; Josep6l Brenner, Grand Bead ; _ Cha*nan' 1741-4 "I I ov y summer atulls we, - r, Dashtood.- W' . I Year's Gift ; "Drd, A. & . Broadfoot's er 81 0 to The E. McFaul Co., Seafortb, Saturda ,.-Miss Annie Pfaff left here on have that are properly called b ' Iry Establ in. Fritz, Crediton.- Just receiv ' ' � Counter's Jew ed one ca'. lo d of Redpath ".Chancellor" ; 4th, Rob�rt will have them turn over to him _ . � - . , left over fo . , � 0harters' . a suit of Wedneaqay for Clinton. -Miss Mabel Fult. V thear. I 'd tion. 'Township of gramilated sug anitobs Can You picture thein I - SE � F ,r nai era ar. Also anotimr ca load of M . Vn, w o as I - ORTH. " Prince Maru� o," clothes that can't be equalled elsewhere for . and their beauty'; : I I Hay, .-rl � . hoemaker, Zurich. Louis flour, ju9t to bandi which we A ill ffortothegoperal Two years old, l8t,� I h home spending Easter holidays, Pinks and blues, plains And figures, . - 'a's r4 - I . ,u h publIc at right prices. A. C.0 j)No, Searorth. I a Snell's 11 I t of Mo�nirig " ; 2ad, the money. Their $10 suits look and fit just h etu ned to Detroit. -While at the mill dashes, leaves and ddti until W. 111. 00UNTER, . . . 111na"er Foster, , ric , and- Michael Legel-, St 1740.2 ame ar I I , . - , - I Diambridis Filash there islA I . . Joseph, left ov r f6r- consideration. Mrs. Miss Crook, practical c )rse derhanetrator, L Thomas Lane's I ' 3ed, R. like a tailor-made ; so do' their $5, $6, $7 one day I st week, Mr. George BlackwelPs room here to tell ely anything I � Nicholson, Blak., not'gra,rited. Township-- will be at the E. MoVaul cc a st. , c on Thureday, B. -McLean's 11 night of the Y'Vest 11 ; 4th, and$8 suits. Their bo3s' suits are made to team be ame frightened and'dashed up of them. ,you scare I . May �nd, for the paipo'se ol polutilig out to the Snider Brother ' " Prince of Fortune." t etreXr. Blackwell cauld get c m- There is always room for one more dress in , I ' I . THE CANADIAN of Stanley,- He'ry Shaffer, Kippen; Friglie' Jadie3 the advantames of fle IB- & I- Psteot bias stand roughing it. 1741 1 - street bf ,, 0 1 i 0 - , -F .1 9 ,, They ran agaipat Mr. , ' � - I artiri, Varna. Charles� Wilson. Bruce- filled oorseta. The � XcFf I C . are agents for Yearlin a, Eloaa Brothers' I'lGeneral Bul- TuE LATE Mpt. A. D * CAIMERONi -Brief mand � Is nee, . I this corset and 11 ler." Sweepstak ' . yoursurnmer wardrobe when you get � I reference was made in these columns last 1 field, le� uld like al , C Mero�s agiriou tural warerooms at the Con. such & chance for another beautiful one � Uank.of Pommerce I ' ft over I conoider,tation. .Township wo tBh' r lady patrons to ca foL best boll of agty age I I hoar wh.%t she has to 8M. -1 in the beefiOg clelss,iJam I a r week to the death of thel late Mr. A. D. tennial h tel. I I . -i . of Tuckersmitb, J. J. Mbrrow, Brucefield, . � 1741 - as Sn011'a I r if � M"r. Blackwell was. thrown as we give. r and George Stro g, K 1 Corner.. - - I CAPITA�(PAID UP) yle'S'. Village Mangold Eeed,at A� You:ig's, Se%forth Morning." He eford,-Alexl Monteith's Cameron,but the followim'g additional par- off, but e caped injury. One of the horses, A large stock ef &ff arent N'ArIE !,ICE) fy Dal Steelc ", Matchem.)) ticulara concerning the dfoeased will be of howeve , a I ' � . Eight Million DoHars $8.000,000. of Bayfield, -M ro. E, - E lliott, Mrs. James & Co., Rernie an'� D. Al. Fell I , Briggs Jereey,-D. M. Antoah's badly hurt, having its ribs HOW ABOUT GLOVES I � Y& 00. Prizo main- " Kruger of Brampton." interest, to his numerous friends in this broken, . gas since - I � Pollock, J. E. Xorgan. (t,ix mOutillf) . Vil- motb, long red, Giant .vello , ONA add aldbe, eaw horses, Joseph Vance, Judges, -Heavy viciniLy. The deceased Iwas a member of James h been in charge of Mr. . " . - Rest, - I __ $2,000,000. lage of' Ilensall, -George Scott and Henry log and sugar boet, all'l�*Idin� varic ties, frorr select- Hamburg- Light esney, V. S., BE8T MADE � - Cantelon licenses extend'D cd stock � horses, P. Fariell, 118, ihe legal firm of Philb & Cameron, of DEATu.-�-We have to chronicle this week IN FRANCE . I I ed for three months 1741-2 Woodat ck. Bu k � until they put th:: ir hotels in I Watch ! See our big id. on page r Thomas Robson, M. P. P,, ondoll Brandon, Manitoba, and was a brother of the death rider Buchanan, mr., . � . SEAFORTM BRANCH. )roper repair. . 5 and town. f Mrs. Alex& fIT OV.ES � then watch our big window. It ill pay "Ou. S. ship. Messrs. John, and Peter! Cameron, of this of this vil age, who, after a long and die TREFOUSSE Town of Seaforlh,-Taverns, James Dick, . I - UZA %TJU � - - A gene�ral Banking bustriess tran- Hullett & Co., Seaforth. � L741-1 --*--. township. His death came very -Suddenly. tressing it ness, which she bore with Christ- , � z , I Henderson & Delacey, James Weir, Thomas I � saiated. FarrrterO' Notes driscounted, Sberpheno, W. & J. Hunter. Stiops, Ed- Choicest fresh fruits always kep1t in Stock LOCAL Bnmws, -The silver serivice which He had been slightly trotibled with heart ian atien e, departed this. life on Friday .1 - BEST SOLD - And special attintion given to the 1i C.S. Andrews, Poet Cfli,,e it3re, Scalortli. diseatie for a year or so, no immediate ni r, at t Is good old age of 83 ye- . � NA ward Dawson an( L. C. Jackson. . L-Jole. was dra mba . are, 6 INCA DA. colffection of,Sall'b N-ates." phone,No. 24. . 7 1.4 wn for a 86. Colu , la3t week, danger was anticipated. �Uoln the niglit -of mo the a 16 dayF,. Mrs. Buchanan was WE ARE AGENTS, . - . #_ was won by Mief Finneoan, = . SAVINGS BANK. -Int 'rest allow- . ache r of Me. his decease he retired- to i rest in his usual a native In Perthshire, Scotland. - . � , - 0 ENSTLAOR, CORN-, We ,re 8 ole age As for Killop. The solvice was vali!ied it $180, She was * I - ed an deposits af, $1 and upwards. Tim, MA�MMOTI (AVE. -Rev, Dr. Gifford, the Bailey corn. " We bavo )und iothing t D e(pial and the fortunate wi . to I b state of health aud after a close day'a. work the eldeat d,aughter of Mr. George Moir, of 99PWffl Dit Du Rmw I � of of Clinton, deli ered, a most interesting it for the si:o,�f 83 say John rimer is e oongrat- � . I Special facill'itili n ICHI)RAn & Salls, who I in his office. During I . ,a ftr transactio ulated. � tl!Ie night he was that plaI and was married in Scotland, at � I I are admilt We lea!n that Mr. '" I I . I . - lecture in the Me hodis't church on Monday el authorities on en8 I i ge corn, I . Elder 0 . 0 . ; business in the �Iandike District. evening, ! e an . 'I(fn gham. . Q� E. , r Seized with a sudden opaa�n and died b fore the age of 0,2 years, to the late Mr. Buchan - Money Orders, . under tl' spices of the Epwortl g, Wfn 1 74 1_tf V. S., formerly of Seaforth an la -terly of e The - - ..., I I PI-Yftbl a.t any bank, issued at the h � � medical aid could be sec#cd. He was 51 an, who predeceased her a little over a year - fo:lswing rates:- League. The c4'air was occupied by the "Residence For Sale or To Rent. -After Stratford, has gone to' Red 6er, Alberta, yeare of age.and leaves a wife, and 5 child. ago. Theldeceased remained in the old I . Under $1C 1 IV20 to $30 .12 � pastor, Rev. Nlr.i� Russell,. and there, was ..a Hay 19th ne�t c)mfort3ble br�,_;k home In Se(iforth, - and if he likes the country willf locate there � � . I ,Q10 to $20 J4 . now ,,cupkcl Ly Dr. Rose. lrat-class cella . ren, 3 girls and 2 boys. 41r. Cameron was country 5 Years -after being married, when I I . fairly good and nee. The aubjeett of the bt:)no ci,t7mi, heatei by fur ace, lawn In fro r with permahently.-Nir. J. W. Best, I arria ter, a native of Scotland, a E* MCFA UL � I - I � I . F. 110LUESTED ! nt and was at St. nd when two years she and her husband with two of a family, -_ - I F. C, G. ININ, TY, lecture was 11T�o Mammoth Cave" of garden In mar. Apply to J. L, 1011oran, Smafo, Thom 9 this week, attending the . . I I � I I � . rth. ea. -Mr. He h Gordon, of nt with his par., emigrated o this country, Settling first in . I I . e : ,� . 1741.1 9 . - 1, 11624 � � ' ' i" � ents, who settled in this Ownship. Schoble the towns Dry Gooc',s CO. - Manager. . I n Solicitor. spr'" "" of age came to this cou - . I � Kentucky, which waii�visitid and explored "" i a AM I I t k. M r. were scarce in those days and he)'obtained After residing there two years, they moved I � � I ___ - by Dr. Gifford aoi no years ago. The doctor' . We have been appointe solo agerts for 10 w " it own thi Vaughan, near Toronto. . . . j I P' a M' i is an entertaining and eloquent lecturer Seaforth for thq now George A, Slab .r shops. pool- Ed on hasgb'een laid up tnoA of the inter, the rudiments of his educN�tion in the public to Huron county, settling on lot 33, CA's Greatest I I I D I tivok- the s%velleet of all t1IF g.ba i Gaes, w. Lt. "'and although he .s still uncler tile W in the . � , � I �, - I Bicycle Se.ason 49:01. and his descriptio i of this marvellous sub- Willfs, boots land shoes, Seafo, I h. I d,,Ot,r,e school at Goderioh. Afterwards hW attend. 3rd concession of Usborne, where they re Cash- - I , I . I terannean city, v . 741.1 . care, we are pleaEed- to bear that lie is re ed the high echool at Milton, elualifving mained until about 11 years ago, when the ' 8 Store. I � -ith its passagea, streetq,, I . . -, I ___�___ plco,;;�, �ak illars and m' Bept bulk piold(,s ) � cer ts a (I U10f, ab C. cover,ing.-Rov., C. Fletcher, of Thame` - y Dry. Good . . - �r X r �� �8 , .-Ull ywers, P any , 13 hinisr,lf for a school teacher. He taught move ensall to eD oy a well earned I� - ___ I - � I C. Ai.drc-.-.,e,JtostcfI!(.,c Stak-c Saafort.a. Te'ophont road,- Usborne, and Mrs, Fle.che , j ------- ' � .- NN, NO ANAT80 ' � baturn't bemik,1[68 A -al. pectiliarilien, wag No. 21. !� : I spent rj�hool on the Ptirr line Stinley,fora year, rest. Mrs. Buchanan was .a ..... �� 1111 I � � � . . . i . - realisticand ente.-taining in the extreme. : —&-. L g w bh and was p I ' _N I : 1 741-4 Monday with Mr, and Mrs., D. ). iltioni- when he went to stud; lair in the office of - sterling w osse woman 'If rid of liquor or are fond of temperance � AGE TCY- I He is an admir ble word painter and has I - Mr. Thomas Murray and Mr. Aorloy Hab- the late M. C. Cameron, Ioderich. After excellent seed Of Many houses.-Jobit Leckie and family are mov. . . � . — . - � I � TE,ACIIERS' !PARLIA11911-P. - The annual kirk,.Iefb on Tues ay for Vanco aver British I uslities- She leaves 'to mourn dobratedlCoderichBicycle Co., I tPe faculty . two years there he finishe his'legal co week from Toronto, , For the cc , of li)riugi�g- the- objects he * ing of the West Huron Teachers' Columbia, where bhey go to pu h it ieir for. . a ing back to town this � - � - 11i%nufacturers 0 1 1 loscribes before Lhe mind's eye in'so real a meet in the office I urse the lose of a kind and loving mother 4 sons where rley have been all winter.- � I I - , e McCready, Common -i ( t fancy . be ocem, building' 15 Exeter, on N,Y.adnesda r and -and well doing ycung men, and the n of Cronan & ronan, . London. and 4 daug iters : Alex., of Tuckeramith ; A number of our merchants, this primg are . isewe amd ('0derich wheels, Bt anner, that one 6an almos Institute mill be held in the public johool tunes. They are both steady, indastrious He comme ced the practice of his profes. George, M. D., of Zurich ; Rev. Duncan, of . � I � trictly first in - . them in ,reality before him. The Mammoth . I ir many ut with new awnings for re Shops.- � .. +.kqF, fitted up,with Q & J or Dunlop tires, . Sion in. Milton, Halton- county, an after. of Tuckeremith ; Sucker'fishing has not been successful this � , t "' ' ' Thursday,'May 22nd and 23rd, begInniltig friends here will wish them all success in. d Lauark, a d. Andrew, I thei I . -'Wheeler Seats and Raven Pedals. All Cave is situated rear-Louisvillo, Kentucky, ' wards removed to Hamilton, where he con. Mrs. Griffi i, of Detroit ; Mrs. B. Smi�llie, year, the MgeAt sucker being the fisher,- , I . ,,vheels guaranteed for the season and is one . each morning at 19:30 a.� ill. 7he following, their now, home. -Mr. Thomas Bell, 0 lg()I. of the n io4tj wi ondQrf ul of nature's is a sum in 'of the' f tinued until he removed to Manitoba, some of Tuckersmith ; Mrs. F. Blatcliford, of � ary , 1410gramme: First "'ingbam, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. John Cunningham returned withbis stolen � ,clay defects in material or workmanship re. I many wonderful productions. We do not day,-" How 10 or 12 years ago, when he entered -into Usborne, arid Mrs. Cowan, of Kintail. The - ; - I ' know- the depth- of the cave or how deep ol devel,r a taste for the Bellisinapector (f the factories owned by . horse and buggy Saturday, not much tl-e - ; I . p-virtad free of charge., Bicycle sundries, Oil I . . 1,31 M� : I i . beautifu Las. B1. Wik,; " Nati: re of the big furnitur' partnership with Mr. Sift n Minister funeral to the Rodgerville cemetery, o .1 I I I into the bowels of - the earth its subter a combine, and was here I�P�w . n worse of the trip to the north country. The � V�11,1 P:trt apairs in stock. Repairing I - of the Interior in the 0 �nion Govern. Monday fact, was largely attended, testify- thief, �In that part, home work and method ol correction " Mr. looking over the Seaforth factt ry.-Mayor ment, and with whom be was in the closest - ing goes by the name of I - , ' 1 4 to the esteem in which the deceased Douglas, while here e - - promptly attended t9 by a competent, band 1 ranean pa9eages dte, but they must be a 1. Kilpatrick ; report of delegates to the Wilson and* Mrs. 1A ,nie days terms of friends'bip until It .' death. b , � - : . n �J - I l_�d charges reasonable. very considerable depth, -as - many I lilson ape , ,so he called himself 8 ott. � . Of -the Ontario Educational A essrs. last yveek and thif, with friends In Blenheim. in Hamilton he had the de 'ree of L. L. B. —@_ L.... alcoves - stociation, X W ile was held. � � -vw_ MT. �, feet in height, while the Bloomfleld, Tigert and Boyd ; discuss on of -Main street wi, thoroughly He was the party suspected, and later on . - W'I-A-�US(Z)IT, various avenues �r passage's measure about Scraped on the clianeps are he will be in durance vile. 4 NZ0,RT11 AIAIN ST., SEAFORT.11, one hundred and twenty resolutions submitted b; the Dntark Edu- Mo w 11 a neat and' blean. conferred on him by To onto University. � � i look - Hibbert. : --------------&_ . �- . !" 1630 1 miles ,in length, cational Association ; 11 Pow chn we'i ecure Wen the expreis from I Buffalo reached While in Hamilton, also, e was married to , You nee n't take their ad for it, you . � � while the lakcq and i .1 � Miss Buist, a daughter of Mr. David Baist, - MCK111Q,P. . . rivers are most independent work amonk Dur pn,8�1;) a" J. S. here on Saturday there was se�vera inches I needn't ta'k the word of others, but just go We have been appointed Pole agents -for : - � beautif ul. The arty which- Dr. Gifford Delgattv; 16 School p In 01m J. H. - of snow on the roofs of the cars, I Tk are was to their sto Is and take their time, and The Seaforth for the now Goerge A. Slator 3, pas!. �. Grand Trunk . Railway . of Collingwood. He was ifuccessful In his 3 � S -yr -sr . I accompanied tra elled about 'seventeen Tigert ;' "School inceNlhvs," oberl Stew. a heavy fall of ancw east on th�t morning. profession and enjoyed a vpry large practice shoe ; - I 'r _W1 AE - �, I 'is, .� i E. McFaul Co., Seaforth, will soon show flvelY� th13 ilwelles� Ot all the @well cues. W. a. _. � he S in Brandon. Indeed it is Oupposed his early I - '; ' . �n the -We understand thatl Ward iBrothers, of demise is due in Some degl�ee to overwork I I entrance known a "Fat Man's Misery, resolutidnaof the Ontarid , on , Asso. Luc6n, who had' ]eased the flak mi I here, I miles through thel ave, passing through the art. Second day, -,T Willi@, boots ;I shoes, Sesforth. I ., :: you the de d earnestness about the Dry 1741-1 'the great pi.,oturek(tue Pim-Arnerican. . a'( � '_ ' � . : u _J emerging by the " Cork Screw Alley, oi- hd Ition and too close applic%tion to business ren. Goods busi ess. They'll show you too, the Their's are actual, not, make believe bar. l � ation will be. resumed ab t � on i handoomes Millinery to be had this season ; ng values the year round Are � avy part of the world by land or sea. will be. coptinued,again in Is a e practice eI njoy- I"Outes. See us foi rates, ,route, etc., to ' and while in the, vern enjoyed a sail b"ceses8ic n &I]td have given it up again, on account if some dered necessary by the larO' ins. Sterli I . We ' the waters of the noon. misunderstanding with the pro ri itors.- ark assortm nt of the daintiest and prettiest 9 t I no, the eautiful Echo river. The fte p . - the: proper kinds of bargains to seek., The " Are, the present �1 I ed by his firm. The charaicter of the man L repteaeat -the differerit steamshi'p regulat is re,g ,rding Mrs. James McMichael, sr., w h Is 4 -in *Ike Muslins, Dimities, Prints ' McFaul Co., Seaforth, never mark up for lecture was a re I treat and well moribed . , 1 � lines via been things i 8 Ei � - ic-school leav t, ifac no n -some Measure from the t )w�o an - New York or Mi ?_4 publ Ing Sa I ty�?,,' i ,ill be quite ill for Some time, is If ciently may be judged i . : Organdies" to-, I t the sake of marking down . the hearty vote f thanks ten-d6red the discussed by W. W. R - , fact that during the life ofi his aged n 1741-1 to apparent bar- -4Apr I gainfigures. When anarticle isto, bars- ; ,gali � ho uld recovered to be a le to sit up. riother I i � lecturer at its clo e� . Lat I I show- he corresponded with her -egularly, and no! GOOD CA LE' -Mr. Alex.' Camp' duced they make the reduction an the old . . .1 I . in be retained as ah 4 blig tory a ibject ere have been frequent this w � g; 8ALEN. � -W. SOMEk�, ILLE, Agent . � L. , an J hence : I - ; - Jill the public.school teache re e aminational 9" matter how busy he mi be, he never! bell, of the loth concession, who is quite an . I I , we may look for May flowe"re -Mr. J. 0, price noticeable. But ust now they inter- , -g, SE'AFORTH. mu.-The.laot lecture Mr. H. 1. Strang, B. A. rhe a will also be Rose wa's Up from Toronto to a end 3anday . Dur- - � Commercial Buildlir CoL. HucTIES, ECTT neglected this duty and line afforded the! extensive reader of thoro ghbred J � � � . I of the course iven eat you in now stuff, Dress Goods, Milliner .16 - auspices a question drawer and o �her Subjects dis- � hams, has ecently mber of good C : ets, prints . 16 under the I - aged lady, in her declinill1g, years, one of I made a nun arp _v,. . . __ I I of the Col,legiat. ' Institt!ite, was- that by ,cussed. On Wedue day even ng an with his family here. Mr. Ro els serviceg her chief pleasures in life. I He wasa . 'prom - sales. He as Sold two cows and a heifer I Muslins) Silks, etc, !I ; Is itter. are evidently bein appreci%te by his new r. o ert Q. Hoggarth, for 1 1741-1 1 �_ 'anadian F STATISTICAL -According to the recently . � -Col. 8 in. Hughes, M.. P., inthe tainment wil't be en, wl� on n 'add asses 'employers, the , ur itur Corn. He to R . : A School ofthe Highest Lieutenant giv inentmember of the Pr4byterian church., M which be , 1, aliferman at the last, received $115 ;:a cow to Mr. Bert Kerslake _- s I ) � ( 3 ' I t11 " n ' h .g .r � d , w 111, I I , a, .4 -, , Ir 3 1 1 a g, 9 4 r a C din, I 1� I, I , _.., "" I C it, I " I 1 1 'n ' 11, 3;ta! ' � 2 'ri , il d h ,� a a , , ,�, t, �� I � I I � id t ; I . P I ` mie't" 56 'i - 11C I er ` treel ` 1� (f 11 3C., , 8 � 66LI�( I e I - I .0 ff )' 8, I !, e , 't , , I I 'Ill, 'I. ill , r, �. � a 0 "' I � to 4 r91 7 ca 171 I a d - ra I , I If 1011 I � i 'I � I I �, I - rV I I I I . I ) I - I I , e I - i C , , 3 �11 I I 31 I e , t I I 1( It er t_41 _ � I . � town hai) on F iday evening last. Col.: will be given by the prea iden , Mr. C- eorge -p&ny, as he has been promoted to Lie posi- wan a candidate for 8 C In leted assessment roll of this townshi . . tion of supply purchaber, and ill hereafter � 0 p � - St,an�ing. . Hv,,hes' 6me had evidently, precediaJ him, Bloo"mfield, on " Tile Aulatio of' ,th( pub' civic eleation, but was defeated. He was a, for $85 ; -a 14-monthal-old bull to Mr. Don. I A 0 ' there are 52,162 acres of land-. The assess- � for he W'A greete by a very large audience, lio school to citizenf,hip "' ' � ____ ___& jr�� , I A I teach 3re i member of the Sons of Sliotland and For. ald McKin ,'on, : of Tuckeremith, for $65, '6��� ' n have control of that depart . IN '4 ��V-,��',,,�7 ( uested ,to be obar . - I . cc , � the ball being Iled, and the audience the -- district are � ent.-While eaters and in addition ca ried considerable and a 13- onths'- old bull-, to Mr. James ment is $2,007,710. The population is 2,615. :I ,_�;_� -.4 " I urgentI3 re ing the aseetylene gas enere form in I . . - 11 .I 7 76 Z- �41 . - 'y r i,etned to be as a preciative as it was large, present, -and trustees and oth ra intei es ed'- Mr. insurance. The widowtnd family Mann, of cKillop, for $85. '. There are 3,138 days of statute labor. There , � � ,� t E. B. Gunn's store, on Sa urda: intend - These - ani- vy W! - r . ,,oO-- The chair was oc pied by' Mayor Wilson, in education will be made 0 le rning to Ontario �nd 'will ' male, cope ially the latter, are splendid ard. are 7,273 cattle; 2,027 Sheep ; 2,028 bogill- - -11, , Wei ome an I will Messrs! James Purcell and Er eet, , ' nig'aty' retu likely reside 1 : . t who, in a brief. and approprisite address, be glad ly listened to on at y a objec b o n th e had quite an exciting exper ence. . ; . -1 . a Wurr in Collingwood, where I Mrs.- Cameron's! male, and e trust the purcha�ere will be as :nd 1,850 horses. This shows only an aver - w ., . 8,TRATFORIJ 0� � � I .1 ey i :. it ONTARIO. int,roduced the C lone). The Subject of f,he Th father latill Goves T h - -4 - I- � suena2artil ;f -h 4.1 4-L ge of 14 head Of cattle to each UK, acres . � I I . . A� � "M ne were rougnu ..As& Ma ey deserve. in r. A FrN-E STALr.ro-.,-4-J. i. McLauchlin, . of - erq�ys 1R - lecture was I's ones in. South Africa." I- o— . em, an, Is e3capi,317 here for interment and nohv rest '17l'o large patronwo. tiiat our coltogc r 6 " .AAV, . had a light with th d a � po4tive-proof that the young men and women of Colonel Hughes as sufferin4,from a very I gas caught fire and b1a7ed u i their facej� in Baird's 1 Campbc,'I'still has a few good ones. � . .ed up i ' He McKillop, has just purchased that prize- . k%wkd.k kDOW Wh,�rL� tO (:Ojjjc� for a roliable bugin`388 ; severe cold and his voice . , E(,3f0ND1rlLLu NOTES.- Phe fall of snow Mr. Purcell cam off with 1 few slight cemetery. Thebar of I J �randon and the believeath reis� nothing like having the winning, pure bred Cly-dendale � stallion education. No two busin(i,sr3 eolltge,j are . Young Liberal club show -d their esteem for best, and his NucceFs in cattle breeding , ; aliko tbere- 'I - ! i was not in good on Saturday made it quite wintry, but the burns, 'but Mr. urray's fac ww badly C I 1). (,rc be vareful In c-J1oosi1)X a school. phape for !aki g. I or unal " Picken a pride, I Got our catal- I ape I However, his lecture lovely ra6of Setriday soor in[ de the snow ,burned'. the deceased and their a mpathy for the shows that he has made no mistake. I from Gundry Brothero, ,)_oe. Our otudenta ;tro remarkably su(�orssful In I Was ititerestin . He first traced the causes F t ely there w a nc t more 3�� of Goderich. This horse is acknowledged � , , s,.C111 'st,ng.. - 1,Mr. George Hill 36nd Miss Ag. , gas, as they woull: undoubted y have been y by�'experta to be a true type of the most- - rir,,,, and ltoldtr,,, (A.xe.tIllent 8it11%tio Students I which led- ti i t * . di8appear.J I bereaved b sending boaqtiful floral decor- —0 tl�, ng. ) to the present- -war, and bh ations, i a ImItted at aU3 I ime. - attitude of th _ . e gie Kyle spent Sunday with'dr. and Mrij.- seriously and perh permane ably i 1 ured. I I fashionable Clydesdaleg ; a grandson of the- - W. J, ELLIOTT, Pri e I core towards Britain. He John Hart, of Varna.-Mija Bello Van -,-The comic opera, "Said `asha'� . 0---�,- — . . Brussels. luciPal- then detailed eho v he h was DEA Till On Saturday afternoon the famous " Massive Flashwood," one of the 4444 � ad gone to South Egmond, who has been ta3ing wit, her presen ed esday : ' it of R. -v. Win. Norton took its flight. . 1 -62 Africa, touching the difficulties between grandmother in Toronto . - I spil greatest sires in Scotland. His breading __ . on t in Caidno's hall, on ljuticl:l.� . or the pas 5 ten evening, by the .Lyoeum Ope a 00 pan . HoRSE SOLD. -While ai�' BrAcefield horse He had Peen ailinf for a few days with insures him to be one of the kinds to pro, I I himself and General Hutton, the Canadian months, returned to the villag 0 last E atur- The company is a good one, an he resen- fair last Friday, Mr. Pet LAmont met in hearb failure, whie resulted in dude "export horeem.of size and quality such I I -M a. X. Hicks, who has been laid up- tation'of the opera was thorou lily I jo ell with Mr. Attrill, the - �ell known horse He was a retired Methodist minister and sol are required in cities of Britain, for More Good Thinos commandant of the - militia, and showing day. r t death. I I b-0 how -events bad justifiad the course be had with a severe sore throat, is able ' 6 be by a large audience. The pe forme a lad breeder of Goderich, and I which exporters pay ha Asomely. . I 'fl:-.r-�-,�-. -�c 0 . , .Z . 1� %� taken..' He thet gave several interesting . . old to him the resided bete for a number of years. He was 111 , , T�= U U%,00J? - - � about again, -Mr. Neil Brown has been good voices and their inging was much very fine Shire stallion waich he recently 83 years of age. The funeral services were � � VVe are alwi&3-a at our place of buaine8s and are reminis3onees of war scene.a which had come very ill for the last couple of lveek8, bit we ' above the average, whil:the 00miaalMea of purchased from Messrs. Bkwden & McDon. held in the 34othodist church on Wednes. - Blyth. I rLd to handle any kind of repsir work on bi. under his own ol servatiofi and of his Is '" ( " reFa hope for his recovery soon, -Misses Maggie the two funn ,; is The price 1�12v o es, tires, rimi or anything pertaining bo & bi. x* y m n ket . periences while �.n service in South a. Aberb art, -Nellie Kyle and Barbara McGee roars of laughter. --Telephones ave been in- Mr. Lamont paid $2,000 for him (.1 Cle. VUl04niZ'113g IS a ap clalty with ua. Afric y pe-- on in ell, of Exeter. paid is 82,400.� day, and were well attended by all the $FA -BRE AccIDENT.-A most severe and - , Old tires In addition, he h . , so that olergymen� n this localit . vakde ta serve like new. 0 rcb.%rgesare2)ofor&n . d sevqral very interesting He leave two painful accident happened to Mrs. William, y , I - spent last Sunday with Mrs, Re ... bins 11, in Stalled in Andrewo' grocery store and in he has made ' y kind of vulcanizing, brazin ... in propo tion., SZ14 all views of scene@ I connUtion with the ,the snug sum of $400 on the sons and two daughters, one son is a a _. war, the country. -Our new villagers, the M sere. ) doctor- Creighton, fir., on Sunday morning, st.seven work- guaranteed. and also of portio III of. th McLennan a green house, and vv ill be an ad. deal. He 1 tends bu ing another good in Shelburt ,a, Ontario, and the other is a o'clock. It appears -that the aged lady I SewirigMaolifne ropairin done, I a y 1.1 11 e country in which Shepherd, left the village Thursday'r igbt, ditional accommolation to the patrons of horse it he can get one to puit him. clerk in New York-; one daughter in mar- went out to the stable to attend to the cow. � 83 asore, knives . aoil lamn m6wers Sharpens , uitibrell i repaired. . 9 _ . y a! hostilities took pl kee. . Mitia McFaul ave a 'on the midnight express, for parts unkr own. theme eatablishTneits.-Mr. Goorge- Turn. BRIEF.S.-A quiet wedding took place at ried in Al ontreaI � the oth�r one at Dun, -A horse is also kept in the building, and am I " We have also a number of second hand wheels in couple of familial solos during the evening, , Mrl. and Mrs. Win. Hill dpent last Sun- bull shipped a car oad o v ry fine horses - r t . ., .-,cod shape and are real snaps at from q6 to #16. on which were much ppreciated, as was also" ' f � . the residence of M - F. Witmer, on Wed- gannon. � flew wheels and a day with - friends in the. cGuntryi-Miss to the old country Dn Tuesday. � Mr, Frank nesday, when Mr. Benja�iin Holtzman, of BRIE at be was passing .it a eat ran out, causing st,whig machines, we an- save you solo by Mr. Wa or Willis. The audience Minni FS. John Shortreed has sold h he horse to make a fierce kick, striking Ironi *5 to $10, And alao give you a 'Lloo abolco at a � o Cummings spent is � , gave Col Tay,", h . A . . S inday with Miss 'Kliniz went in chi rge of the lot'-' A..- Elkton Mich; n.n ana MI.- T.-; D t- 9 . . t;aoq range, of prices. Romemb or you sava b call. . . is "AS b,he others n o Jennie 18proat.-Mra, Cone Van ERg . 4 . . 9 5 11, . V U Y9 0 . ueAVy uraught, three year old stal. Mro. Creighton in the aide, breaking several - . assigtilid a . ond ArchiheI Cad ore intend shippin, a car this village, were united in � � i Angf on usag you will not have to pay, the pedglar for heart vote of thanks Fit ,the and family have ) I marriage. The lion to M4. Bender, of Wallace, for $300, ,of her ribs, and in falling she broke herarm . - got moved to their new load of heavy hors, -,a to the old coun )ry to. ceremony was performed by Rev. 0. -8. and shippal him on Monday. He turned at the wrist and cut a wide gash in ber . . t-alliag on you, You also oave time and worry, and conclusion' of the lecture. * At the close of home, the old Van Egmo3d homestead.- day (Friday). Mr. Cudmore v ill g) with Firikbeiner, at half. 4st five o'clock. Mr. the scales at . I get the right article at the right price. - � the lecture Col. H ighea was entertained at Miss Barbara McGee lias son confined to 1,740 pounds, and lack- head. Hel� was on band at once, and the , them. -Mr. H. E. Dirooks, of Stratfoi d was and Mrs. Holtzman feave tor their home In ad a month of being three years old. He aged lady was taken to the house and med- � - a banquet at the Oomme*roial hotel. About ther house with an attael f ]a grippe.7- here Tueed y nigi t, giving the ban� ome Elkton to -day (FriJay), III carry with them ? . � I . . ­ I � y - was aired by Sir Walter. -The East Huron- Ical attendance summonedi - She is doling as I I fifty of the buainl and professional'men of Miss Sarah Stewart left 0 d notruotion a C rooks is -a al ilendid the beet wishes of a largelcircle of friends. License Boird has only granted an extension nicely as can be expe-�ted. Serious as it- y . BALOWIN'S. Seafakth . �101 a foe her i a. Mr Is � � the town, and Ko' e from the, country, met ei8te in London. -M . , I I 2! - Z - . ,rorrance, of * musician, and the DAnd would like to retain -Rev. C. F. Finkbeiner h returned from for three months to the Leadbury hotel. waif, it would have been fatal had the beast A i - THE CENRAL REPAIR MAN. downto the J sum' tuously provided tables,__! Zurich's,' has in � I � - . - . . oved into Mi5s Sbe art'B his services, but ap to the present "have Confereuce. H y here soother 1 The people McKillop , sithe 1! � . - I . . , . 7 . e will str . r want to be struck her on the head when 'she felL . . i � - 0 1 . . i � . I . � k I - I I . I ! � . i A I �� - . I I I li - - - i . I - . I . % � I . - . . . : I I � I i I ; 11i . � I I � I � .i � I ­ � . � I d .1 � � . � i - i I � P I I - . I . I J . � I -, It � &______� . THIn I WHOL ;_ � A T madle-to- to-datep for wa ail give styli satisfacti Jru trousers$ I approval England T1 trade in t a4emand,c the amou want. I ' - . -cheap, 1q. -out of " matter of . has the M that.iB i7a 0- 101 -CC ,Our of , . goods rel� _ 1 to anythi . ahead of. I . . , - VV in Browt I in the th, V_ . � ,will be flo for your I oar stock -please yo . � I � .8-1 fedora ha . for the n are blaok the isha'y weight sf lines, D at 15c, 2i cotton 8b . shomm tb � - - for a boy' � Alls wheb lineS Lof b'! , � weight at � heavy we], we cut fv I � . . , orders W1_ rainutes'. 1 $5, 50 ; . - and Ocell 1. on ap, - I 'r 1J_ f