The Huron Expositor, 1901-04-26, Page 6Irasaamainv THE HURON EX1POSITOR APRIL 264 1901 ABSOL TE SE POI enui0) Carter's Little Liver PTs. Must Sear Signature of $ee FaCePlualie Wrapper Below. Tete await said as easy te take alessgare "FON HEADACHE, CARTERp FOR DIZZINESS; ''''''' .Y011 BILIOUSNESS; r . ,FO N:TOOPID LIVER: . .1 TOR CONSTIPATION. ' ' no SALLOW SKIN., ' FOR THE COMPLEJCION 1 ....sesatrii.. ,..;!#Ava, 10/01°',..°116 CURE SICK HEADACHE. V URINARY - TOIIN GRIEVE, V.S., honor graduate of Ontario ej Veterinary Qol1ege. A Idiseases of Docuesti ontmale treated. Calls promptly attended to an °barges moderate. Voterinary Jont8ry a specialty. aud residenee ou Goderio street, one door Us of Dr. Soott's [officio, Setor4i. 111241 LEGAL{ ; 0. A —1.= 13arrister, Solioitor, Public. Money to KAM Street, Seafotth. Conveya loan. Office oer and Nota over Plukard'e Silo 1628 . R. Barrister, Solicitor Solicitor for the D Dominion Bank, 8 S. HA Conveyancer minion Bank. • %forth. Money S, nd Notary Publi Offlie—in rear to loan. , 1235 T M. BEST, EJ • Notary Publ Papstle bookstore, arrister, Soliclitor, o, Offices uP aluStreet, 813aforth, Conveyanoe stairs, over C. V Ontario, 1627 -11_,TENUY BEta xi, Mooey to I forth. IE, Barriet au, Office— .r, Solicitor, & ady's Block, Se 1679-11 QARROW & G • Cor. Efaml.t 1676 RROW, Barristers, n St. and Smiare, J. T. 014tROW, CHARLES Solleitors,i& Goderioh, On Q. 0. GArts.ow, L. L. B. 0 HOLMESTED r . Motioughey Clonveyancer, an. Olen Bank of Corr 'or tale. . Oftice liefortia. successor to the late firm , Holmested, i Barrister, Solicit( Notaiy . Solicitor for the Ca mere°. Money to lend. -Fan in Soott's Bitook, Main Strei ENTISTRY. G. E B Rooms over the lea.forth. LDEN D , ll D 8 • DENTIST. Dominion Bank, Main Streel 169141 DR. P. A. SEL Royal Colleg Lonor uate of ;?od Jaiverei4. 011ie VIII vieit Zurloh a ay, June 1st. ERY, Dentist graduate of th of Dental SurgeoneToronto, ale 'apartment of Dentistry, Toront in the Pet4y block, Howell ery Monday,. commencing Mon 1587 QR. R. R. 110 Tweddle), gr. urgeane of Onta. 'oronto Univers ty old work in all It aathodo for pa:cacao eath. All operati 'weddle's old stens 8, Dentist (snooessor duate of Royill lo ; drat class ; oroWn and forms. Al filling and painless no carefully performed. , over Dill's pinery, to P. W College of Dente honor graduate o bridge work, Mei the most =den extraction o 3 thee Seaforth. 1640 EDI() AL. Dr. LIthn on. Orsduate Loa. ' Ontario Colleg Mee and Residena okard# Viotoria St rNight calls atte McGinnis, on Wesiern Unlverslie, of Physiolaas Formerly occupied eet, next to the ded promptlyt M. D., C. 14„ 1 Trinity Medical nivoraity, Member come of Ontario, ly occupied by r:56131b61 and Surgeona by Mr. Wna Catholic Churol 1458x12 ° Honor Oradea( College, Gra of College 01 Constance, On Dr.Coocer. 165f — _ k.,W. HOTHAM, _ and Fellow let; of Trinity hs-ele;ane and Sur Ida. 0111,ee forme k Lmt. BETHU i., College 'of Ph mem:a to Dr. !Dr. Maokid, M UMW/ of Vieteris la E. Dancey. E. M. D., Fellow of the Boys; astolans and 81:11'•b00130, Kingston, scald. Office lataly -occupied t.s Street frioeforth. Residence Square in house lebely ocroupled 1127 DR. F. is realdent ?bye'. al Hoeptital. Hon4r ember of the Coll Ontario, Corer floe aria Re-sidene lthodist Uhumit. a BURROWS, tan and Surgeon Toronto Gen- graduate Trinity Univeraity, go of Physicians and Surgeons or for the County of Huron. -Goderloh Street, East of the Telephone 46. 1886 DRS. SC*TT PHYSICI derioh street, op 'mate G. SCOTT, grad member Ontar Surgeons. Cori -nor afacKAY, ben I gold medalist T College of Phys 8c, MacKAY, NS AND SURGEONS, Methodist ohuroh,Seeforth Ann Arbor, and Phyelatans and of Huron. Univereity, College. Member Ontario. 1488 — ate Victoria and o College of for County r graduate Trinity laity Medical °lane and Surgeons, .., .,,,,,--.----------- Eureka • Veterin- , ,ary. for Curbs, Etc. Practice Blisters are pre- every bottle sold is 75o a bottle. the treatment MEDECINE CO. 1694-52 - itOirr-- .1. " ...,•,.. te • e , . CAUSTIC Reliable and Speedy Splints, Spavins, in c an be used in every [ere Stimulating ibed. See pamphlet ttle. It has no 6141030r. aranteed to give satisfaction. Id by all druggists. Lump Jaw le catttle. pared by— THE EUREKA VETERINARY talon Ont. . - BALSAM. Remedy Sweeny, --n--- case of Veterinary Liniments or a hioh accompanies Every Price Invaluable in See Pamphlet. McLEOD S System Renovator 1 wh bol So' of 1 Vr#1 Lo —AND OTHER_ TESTED -REMEDIES. A speoido and antitiotrafer Impure, ,Weak and lin poverlshed Blood, Dyspepeta, Sieepleasness, Palpate. Sion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, 1Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Harney and Urinary Diseases, Si. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularietes and General Debility, LABORATORY—Goderich, Ontario. J. M. MeLEOD, Rroprietor and Mann facturer. Sold by J. S. Ri3BRTS, Seaforth. I601 -t? ry X0 0. 1. 11 12 STORIES BOUT ANGLING. There in a sto y of a herd laddie who was accosted by an angler of the fashionable type, dressed is the latest, with new basket and new fishing nod, etc., to match, " Well, boy, he said, "do many anglers come this way " Aye, whiles ane or twa." "1 suppose t my have good baskets T" " Wed, the hiv ,brve ebaskets, but there's never mi ckle in them." - Fish will take anything "if they only take it into their heads," as the half-wit said when he wits angling with a bout pin. Boys, however, lhave resource to " guddl- ing " when no other meane are available. A clergyman was angling one day for trout on a Highland stream, when he came across some b ya " guddling " with their sleever and tronsers rolled up. . "1 say, boy," exclaimed the raipister, "are you not D hauled of yourselves to be catching the po r trout in that way, guddl- ing for them wi h your hands under the stones? You know that is not a fair way of taking them'," The boys loolted up in astonishment, and one of them, boder than the °theirs, re- plied— " G'atwan ma , it's you wha shud be ashamed, tryin 1 to cheat them vn! sham 1 fines." Many ministeles are enthusiastic anglers. Another who ire& keen follower of Izaak Walton was ou walking one Sunday when he accidentally came upon a boy fishing. Taken by aurpr se, the lad was so perplex- ed and taken a ack that he allowed tho line to sink to t e bottom of the stream, while the rev. gentleman began lecturing him on the eviis of Sabbath desecration. The minister, hOwever, on seeing the float suddenly bob under the water, brought the lectiire to an ifupt end by exclaiming :— Pn' it oot, an I Pu' it oat! D'ye no' see) yenta) got a bite ?" Some excellent stories are told at the expense of the Clergy. A popular sports- man one day w Int a fiahing "by Tweed's #1, silver stream," ith a clergyman. Bites were plentiful, ut the sportsman seemed te get them 'all. The reverend gentleman fishedpatiently, and at last he hooked a fish. It madea rush clewn stream. The line parted, an 1 the minister's hopes and part of Ns fishi ig tackle vanished simul- s taneouslY. . • He said nothi' g for almost a minute; then turning to irnfriend, he remarked -]- "John, if M'O Teligious training had been siegleoted, what do you suppose I would have said'?" This somehow brings to mind a story of a gentleman fron the south who was out fishing on a Bligb1and loch, and having whipped the wa er for eome time without any success, he began toles° patience. "Confound t.1ern I" he exclaimed to Don- ald, the boatma , " it's evident they won't rise to day." Hardly had h uttered the words when he hooked a floe trout, whieh, in his excite - 1 ment, he sent ying high overhead, and which thereby regained its liberty. " Heeh," eaidDonald; dryly, " that ane I rose a fair neich onywye." Perhaps it wa owing to Donald's "dry " disposition that 4he angler was not more successful. At any rate, there is another story of an ent usiastic angler, a staunch teetotaller, who had a good stretch of Dee to fish in. He e gaged the tervices of an experienced boa man, but night after night he came back wi h empty creel. He at last departed in disg st. When he was gone the boatman was ap macho& and asked how it was that an e pert angler as Mr. T. T. was known to b had such 'a run of bad luck. " Aweel," sai the boatman, "he had nae wliusky, sae I took him whaur there wis nae fush." ' We cannot sa whether whisky is really essential to succ 53 in anglnig, but in con- nection with it t ere is certainly a wealth of humor evoked' A worthy clod r; while enjoying a holi- day in the island of Arran, took the oppor- tunity, along wti a friend to go fishing. During operatiqrs the doctor's sinker came off and was lost. Here was a dilemma—no 'linker, nb more linings tnat day, Ha ! happy thought his flask—no sooner eaid than done. The bottle warii filled with salt water, carefully corked li and sent down on. its Imission. After a few minutes' •interval. " Ha !" quett,h e doctor, " a bite," and so he 'pulled at raoi g speed a fine pair of whit - in a, one on eaob hook. ie eomparaioin in the boat exclaimed, " Ha, doctor, twill's this time." " Yes," replie the doctor, "and brought up on the bottle, too Y' Tarn and Son y, who are enthusiastic fishers, made gr t preparations for a big day's catch at D noon last summer. Hiring a puota they pull d out is uouple of miles off shore till the reached what waa reput- ed fo be " a goo spot." Here they ano ored. n Got overythi g rieht, na, Tam ?" asked Sandy. , .. "A'S richt, Se dy ; trust me for than," and Tam proceed d to dole the store out of the hamper. " Here's the h mist au' the cutties, an' the san'wiches a It the whusky jar, an' -- "Got the fishi g tackle ?" "-Great Scott ! gasped Tam, " I clean forgot that." Several youth were angling one day with.very little s ccess. In fact, one en- thusiast had not von got "a bite," baa he Was loth to admi hie lack sf success, ard assured his cornp nions 0E4 the trout were "nibbling grand.' One of the oth irs, howener, approached. the spot whore 1, is worthy son of Job was eagerly watching rom behind a bush; for a bite. "Stand back, ," he eaid, warding his cons Basica is, by no m disease it is in the begii It can al), in the begin is : you don' it; you doh won't believ forced to. ou s. Don't be to it quick— self and at Take Sc Cod Liver fully every This' is whatever 34 be told; an save life. If you have tree sampleelt ule6r6siaiyot SW, and ans., the dreadful thought to be -7. ning. ays be stopped— ling. The trouble know you've got believe it; you it— till you are nen it is danger- fraid but attend you can do it your-. ome. tt's .Emulsion of il, and live. care - ay. Sound doctrine, n -lay think or 1 -if heeded, will ot t rl ed agreea OWNS, oron to. .001 all CI It, send for le taste will Chemists, rUgirlitha ler Xooka1norQ ntnraoni or a woman, Dut i pritaustitig. The Onder high propre of the eyes and the gushed cheeks of the attentive clerk indicate nermus- ness rather than health. If this is true nyder most favorable condi- tions, what shall Ilk Wad .of those *bo Stiffer from woman- ly diseases, and who endure headache, backache,. and other pains day after day? No sick waren should itaarleet the meant st gun for wantonly diseases offered in ' Rector IN 's Vairorite ption. It tea tbe peri-' s, dries enfeebl- ing drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and sures female weakness. women strong and sick w «A heart overflowing With g as e sense of duty, urges line to tell you Of my wonderf 1 reto Corinne C. afook, ()rang burg, South Carolina. Itfly t e use Favorite Prescription 1 thm enti en, a new being 1 . compared with e poor miserable sufferer who wrote you four tnonths ago. retuark to my parents almost every d y that it seems alfoost an impossibility for medicine t do a person so much ood, During the whole summer I druid the house, and and felt better 31•1 WC g11 125 pounds. case of female disease ework more done htilestS makes weak men well, atitude, as well rite to you and erya, says Miss rangeburg Co., of Dr. Pierce's scarce y keep up to wal abott yesterday I walked fon miles from the exercise, I n Mine was a complicated In its worst forma' Doctor Pierce's P easel' biliousness. Pellets curs hiend off ; " there's a big no nibblin' at my line the noo." "Tuts, man ! I se your worm lyin' on the opposite bank." " Oh, I ken that br wly ; but I is jist _manila' till it wad era 1 in." Another enthuaiast c but unau cessful angler, who had spent the whole .ay and caught nothing, was a coated by a k eper. " Are you aware this water is private and that you are not llowed to t ke fish from it, ?" " Lesh, man," replied the angler, n I'm no' takin'-your fish. feedin' the n." Apoliceman'who is keea angle when off duty, was busily dyint the r d one afternoo.n. Though i plaia cloth so his personality was disco ered ly a te boys, who ealmly sat down behind some bushes to watch hitn. By -an -by he hooke a fine trout and was about to land it when off it went again, the " bo by " lookino quite perplexed over the en: pe. " Man," cried a chi dish voice t rough the bushes, " hoo d d ye no' p the snitchers 'on him ?" nd then ther was a rush of small feet in th -distance an great merriment. This brings to mind again an a ecdote about. two keen angler, who had bo n , en- joying then favorite sport one day, nd on their return they cane = at a wayside nn for a parting dram. They were r bowin' off the contents of their bask ts, hen th bar- maid asked if it was tr that fish is im in schools ? " Yes," Paid the on are generally supposed o do Eo." " Well," she replied, " from the siz3 of the fish that you and y ur 'lend have -got, you must have broken p a iafant cl so. An enterprising old our tr yrnan, With a large ereel of fine broo trc ut was et nding in tae doorway of a rail wa station hen a passenger accosted him an after ad iring the fi.ih, remarked : " Ort.ing-to take the ho e to sup er, I suppose ?'' Nae if I oan hel it," the gr nning rustic repliel. Thu' was a party ' city folks gaud oot fishin' fr e here this m rnin . They're expectit back oon, and I' just kind o' waitinnto save their feelings." fan TM" on, addressed, they Mr. Gladstone oi Teruperan e. Mr. Gladstone in 189, statei at 'yen pool : " Let us carry way with us, deep- ly stamped upon our , hearts, a eel' re of shame for the great pis ue of drunk nness which goes through the land sappine and undermining character breaking u Is the happiness of fami1ica ftentimes h osing for its victims not th'orat but the most susaeptible. Surely- there is, hardl one amongst us who has riot seen the pestilent. results to which this habtt leads. We should carry with 119 a deep and ade plate sense of the mischief, a d at earnestiinten- tion to do whetein us lie C.o renrove it. Irish 1:11rimor STORIES OF T LIE! PEAS, NTRY. To this month's Ninatleenth Century i Mr. Michael McDonsgh contribute the las1 of his inter( ging and amnSine papers, en itled " In the Bye -ways of Rnral Ireland." Here are some of his stories of the Irish peasants : The Irish peasant, h vrites, is still what ,Sir Walter Scott calle im, after -the visit of the great novelist torelann in the tarly thirties—hens still " 1 e gaYest fello itt. the world under dinar les aul en -Ilion ns." He has a cheerful way rega ding ci cum - stances which to other would be mos un- pleasant aud dishear ening. A pe8ant met with an accident hich rsu1ted n broken leg. The neig bore, of 'course, corm miserated him. " A rah," he rem rked with a gleam of satiefa non in his eye as he regarded the bandaged limb, .what a bles• sing it is that it wasn't me neck." Yes, the irrepressible Irishman as a joke for very occasion. Two countrytnen wh had not seen each , other fora long time, let at a fair. hey had a lot of thinga o tell eaph o her. " Shure ins married I am," said O'Brien. " You don't tell me so ?" said B ake. " Faith, yes," said O'B ien, "an I've •ot a fine healthy hhey whic the enighbors say is the very pieter of line " Blake looke for a moment at O'Brien, ho wan not, to say the least, remarkable for 'his good 1 oks, and then said, "I Oc , well what's the harrum so long as the c i1d'� healthy." nd yet a peasant to who a witticism thus spontaneously springs ay be very ei ple- minded. A London tonrist in a bright and intelligent peasant ofthe ders of the great metro olio. • Cheapsnle," he said, is crammed wi h poop e. Pico din ly is the satne. You can hard y walk i the Haymarket for the th Maga," and so on. " You don't say so," s fa the peartan in amazement. " But tell men' he added, re- calling to mind the mo tidy fair wino is held in the streets of " how do they manag sheep and pigs on fair A man walking along a peasant driving a wr key, with a load of turf tax the strength of the to the utmost. " W "you ought to be take animals for loading the that !" " Begorra, sur who was on his way to th try to sell the turf, " beg reland was te ling on - firs native village, with the ea tle, aYa ?" 'country road t hed looking which Boerne nfortunate an ," -said the p for cruelt as so heavily said the peas market tow rra, if 1 didn' • met on- to mal an, to 05 nt, to do :,; ;WV 04 that I'd be taken up for cruelty bet', a wife and six children," A landlord in the south of Ireland recent- ly received a letter from a ,tenant in tho following tering : " Yer Honnor—Hopin' thin finds you in health as it leaves me at present; your bull- dog Bill has assassinated my poor ould don- key." Then, ['gear, here is a rep y given at a recent examination of a class of little girls for confirmation. " What is the best preparation for the sacrarrient of marl- MOny ?" asked the solemn nd awennispir- big bishop. "‘ A little coo( in' me lord," was the reply • Get What You A When you ask for any of Dr. look lor his portrait and signature wise. you may g b an Imitation. gist who tries to induce you to te to be " just as good." If he eu he will subetitute drop in prene getting what you ask for, and rem are nolamily remedies to be corn Dr. A. W. Chew, author of theism k For. hue's Remed ea on the boat, other. ware of the dreg- s soinethion said Mutes medicines ptien. insist, on rubor that there ared to those cf us Reoeipe Bnok, The Old Rail ence In t be merry chars of boyhood, wh(ln vre never knew 5 Greater theanarteh'e mumps or meant")) or a mother's out of hair, When a sore toe was a treasure sod a stone. bruise Filled thlinathibear beelati with envy which they tried notate c meal, There were man treasured objeotti on the farm we held mo 1 dear, Orchard, fields, he creek we swan in, and tbe cid spring o ol and clear, Over there the °oda of hiok'ry sttd of oak 03 deep end den e, Looming pp behind the outlines of the old rail fence. On its raileartmlicorn, eua1 would whistle in the early sum m Calling to their hiding fellowa in the field of wavivg Corp And the rralarks and robins on the otakea 6 Mi , W01113 e t and sing Till the forest shades behind them svith their melody 'souid ti ig. The. e the catbird and the jaybird sat and called each other names, And the squirt° s and tte diem units playei the chase al Al catch me games, nd the garter s iake wa) oflens Id unpleasant evi. In the grdecalswe: in the corners of the (1)Id rail fence. As we grew to early tairnhcod, wheli We thoaght the eionntry ira In the diadem of beauty were the very NI est pearls ; Of I fain spel in' inhool or me in' or the jolly • I shuck in' 'tee Doan the old lane we would wander a all a merry httic " She," On the plea if being f ed (just the country lover On a grassy seat 'we'd linger in t e moonlight, ste And we'daupdelit:t al future picture to ched with CO'0- 8 most int< ego, As we HA there in the corner of the old rail fen:o. T'nere oze night in happy:dreaming we were sitting handin tiend, Up so near the g ter of heaven we Could almost hoar She band When she heard de3laraiion albisrered In her , e One he of 'en since has told me she kiAs mighty glad t On my headere's now a 'desert friltgel with foliage o And there's many a threta ad of rsi in ace dear old head to -day, Yet the flame cf :q 0 is burning h or bosoms as interne As it but ned in tt e_corner.of that ol ra I fence. A LADY IN ST PplIS Mrs. OatI erine Lougi eed Tells the Story o lier Pain and Sick. nese, an 1 How She as En- abled to Leave it al ehind. STAPLES, Out., April 22.—Mrs.iCetherine Lougheed, of t is place, has itu red for a long time with lame back.' See was very sick and miser ble. She was persuaded to try Dodd's Ki lney Pill', with. the result that she has co pletely recovered Mrs. Laughs d'a experience h grateful Buggers ion to several oth the neighborho d, who have fol .example with t ie same satisfacto Mrs. Loughe d says :—" I quff Lame Back for ilong time. I oo relief. I used wo boxes of D dd Pills, and am c mpletely eure ly recommend odd's Kidney ill one, as a erfe t and perman nt Lame Back. hey are a gran Gopd Mottoes In the servan s' hall, at Wi ds there hangs an old 'black -lett r prescribing "Twelve good r les the study of ing Charles . o Memory." Th y are as follow : Profane no I) vine ordinance. Touch no Sta e mattere. Urge no healths. Pick no quarr Is. Maintain no il opinions. Encourage no vice. Repeat no gri vances. Reveal no see(i.ets. Keep no bad ompany. Make no long !meals. - Lay no wager. . These rules observed will ma e tlhy peace and everlasting gisin. A Surpritss to Ever bOdy. The promptness wIth which Dr. hatters Kidney. Liver Pills regulate and invigorate th action c f the kidneys, liver and I4owei., is a surprise to everybody. They aro the peopi 'e favorite cure or kidney die - Te t presoript.on is ,sinally °nor Ill. ease, liver complail, indigestion an constipation. ho sale of this gr ous. One pill a doe, 25 cents a box, aai dealers, s been a r ladies in owed her rod with od Id get no s Kidney oan high. to any euro for me ieine." r Castle, ocument, found in Blessed Moody's Method Willa Boers. Some of Moo Ins meetings were "open," in the sense- that=anyono so disposed was at liberty to,speak or pray. But on import- ant occasions he knew very well beforehand who were likely to take part in the meet- ing, and eome of the most delightful sur- prises were what Artemus Ward would have called "prepared improMpeue." Of course, he was beset by cranks, but he faced them with great courage. Wh n a speaker was talking brerith he would, ive out the next hymn as naturally as thoegh the man had finished. Ilhave heard hirh say to a speaker who had scarcely comMenced what he had intendedito say, '=' Now sir, that is perfect ; if you add a single word you will spoil it. Let us sing No. n3." , When provoked beyond measure, he oPuld be very severe. An Australian evangelist had told a long story of fits own glorious doings and Severe Pains In Back and Hips. Mr. James blark, Conse on, Prince rdward Count', Ont., state :—"Eleven years ago I 'k10 taken wt h pains in my back, sett 1ng In my h ps and ex- tending up mr spine. The pain was very severe, a d at times almost unen- durable, and nany days I Was not able to do an hours work. ThOugh / had consulted many first-class =physicians and tried sevn al advertised medicines, I could get no relief, "At this time my father -1n -law told me to try Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and saiI he knew they would cure me. 1 se t.treci one box and great was my surprise when I began to feel better. I continued their Use until I had taken abut four boxes, which made me a so nd man. I have recom- mended them tc a number of my friends and have never met with one case where they did not meet with good euccess. My daughter, Mrs. Chas. Phil- lips, has Also been cured Of a severe stomach troub e by the use of these pills." One p 11 a dose. 5 cents a, box, at all deal rs', or Edmajison, Bates ie Co., Toronto, Opt. Dr. hasie's Kidn 'If -Liver i,s iiis. verkiavethemP v Then we can't F4 - UM you any- thing about them. You k ow how dark eve ythliag looks and holw you are about il ready to z ive up. Some- how, you can't throvi off the terrible depression. Are ttings really so 'blue? WI% it your nerves, • after all? That's where the trouble is. Your nerves at bei4poisoned from th impurities in your blo ! 4 Purifies he -blood and gives po er and stability 4 to the ne ves. It makes. ' health an = strength, activ- ity and c eerfOlness. This is what "Ayer'." will do fc r you. It's the oldest Sa saparilla in the land, the kind that was old befo e other Sarsa- parillas ere. known. This al o accounts for the sayin , "One bottle of Ayer's is • worth three bottdle.,s, o the! ordinary kin 51.0 a nit ell druggists. WaiN fito iftestim and desire the lit re If you have ny cor.ttlInt whit= can possibly r eve, irrita the doctor ply, without c • t. Ad rem freely. Ton + 1 racer a painupt re - DE, J. 0. Alf2R, LOWS% WIC of the opposition he had everywhere en- countered. As h sat down Mr. Moody re- marked : " I ca tell you why they op- posed you." " Why ?I' "Because you spoke too much about yourself." This was said in a oro ded meeting. • Interesting Off! ial Returns. The return lof th clerk of the Crown in Chancery on the general elec- tion of last Nov mber was presented' to Parliament recon ly. The number of re- jected ballots in t e elention was 7,718, as against 13,871 in 896, hich would tend to show the superio ity of the existing ballot form over the disc ballotof 1896. Tshe: total vote by pr vinces was as fol. low °atari° 426,083 Quebec 237,259 Nova Scotia 107,836 New Brunswi k 68,340 Prince Edwar Island 21,129 Manitoba 41,780 British Colum ia 26,451 - Northwest Te ritories 23,618 Total 952,490 In t he general e eotione of 1896 the total vote cast was :8 5,600n The largest ma- jority, 2,772, was secured by the Prime Minister, in Quebti East, and the smallest majority 1, in Nor h Brune. • How a Sp ain oes Hurt! But it isn't the ain al ne that is dreaded, just think of the 1 es of time and wages. Sprains without n mber have been cured by rubbing Poison' Ner iline well into the pores of the skin 8 rroun ing the joint. No matter whether it s a sp ained wrist, ankle, knee or back, just ry N rviline on it, and see how quickly it will ci4re. There is only one hounent that an be depended upon to cure sprains, strai a and swellings, and that is Poison's Nervilii e. Large bottle 25 oents, at Fear's drug sto e. Some Thing —The annual va of this nation ie in 000. — Sheep thrive moles are numerou to drain the land. — When wateri week put cold tea make them bloom —There are bet of Guernsey cattle number about 12,0 —Fresh eggs ea the year round, in at from one pence per dczen. Paoki Kong 14 shillings Sydney is 25 shilli —Lemon juice a dinary iron rust fr linen. —The use of hot great value, altho beauty ory out age —The applioatio point of a lead pen cure its stiffnees a Wo ue of round th Kn.oWing. the dairy products figures $500,000, - eat ii a pasture where . This mole boles serve g window plants once a in th4 water. This will rofuse y. eon 70Q and 800 breeders In Britain, and the cattle hea be bou• ght in China all inexh usable quantities o one and a half pence g lab• r coats in Hong er mo th, and freight to go per ton. d sal will remove or - m art cles of cotton and water for the face is of gh inTay authorities on net its use. of a bit of soap on the il to a creaky hing will d silerice its complaint's. —If soups are made the day before they are to he used t e sedirnent and the fat should be separate before they are warmed up, —Do not fry fish in bu4er, as it gives it a bad color. Oil i the best, but if the ex- pense is objected t , lard or clean dripping may be used. —Pure sweet oil for infants and you thing mild only is be taken before ale 11 is an excellent laxative g children, when some - required. It ehould be p. AI small teaspoonful will be sufficient for a child three years old. —A good summe drink may be made as follows : Boil eight quarts of water and and:pour it on two unees of cream of tartir. Add the juice andnnel of four lemons the latter cut very fi3 e, add two pounds of sugar. When coldtbottle, the result tightly and leave for fourci five +days before using. i • To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablet,. All druggists refund the money if it fails to euro. 25c. E. W= Grove's signature is on eaoh box. • Convulse 1 the House. Mrs. Siddone, th actress, told Thomas Campbell that whe she first visited Scot- land she was vexed y the coldness ofher audience. Their grve attention, but canny reservation of pram till they were sure she deserved it wore ut her patience. On one occasion, emir ingly she coiled up her powers to the most mphatic possible utter. ance of one pass ge, having previously vowed in her heart that if this could not touch them she would never again cross the Tweed, When it was finished Elie paused and looked at her listeners, At last the dead silepee 'was broken only by a single ler us parsimony of praise con - voice excla ing, " That's no' so bad." This hul1 Nuked the h use with laughter, and this was folloSve by peal after peal of applause. 5 I jA Card. We, the u dereigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Greene's Wa ranted Syrup of Tar if it tails to cure your cough oz. cold. We also guar- antee a 20-ce Ib bottle to prove satisfactory or money ref nded, owWwWo, iiii?tttt:unnAleeeees4i08:1311—Ix ,'. sili o 1 s i r . " beer,oytioninie e u your oath." else?" at last he ra er smartly got even with his tormentor. with -Yaw on the occasion referred to?" witnese. The witness bore it meekly, but (lesion bullaing a rather innocent -lookicg Counse --` Did you tell her that night ?" Counsel (to witnees)—" Was your wife Coutise/e—" You are quite sure? Remem- ber, No, sae" A certain unser council was on one 00- A ery Good Reason. WILSON,,NotDruggist, Seaforth. ' I am quitelure." Was 'she present with any one 4# No, said nothing to her what- evera word." Counsei (g tting aragry)—" Now state to the courtthe reason or reasons why you did not constilt our wife regarding the import- manetneveenned. ts,7 ioh occurred on the occasion ti Wituese— ' Becauee I haven't got a wife." 5 REGULAR A ?ION of the bowels is necessary to health. LAXA LIVER PILLS are the best occas- ional oaths to fpr family or general use. Price 25o. Any druggi t. • WhclesaIe PhilosophY. Learn o 1 ugh, A good laugh is better than med oin . Learn owf to tell a story. A well -told ,story is a w loome as a eunbearn in the eick MOM. Learn o k ep your troubles to yourself. The world a too busy to care for your ills and sorrows. , Learn to iitop croaking. If you cannot see any geodlin the world keep the bad to yourself. I Learn 1:r h`de your pains and aches wider pleasant miles. No one oar s to hear whether you h.ve the earac e, eadaohe or rheumatism. Don't Cry Tears do well. enough in novels, b ta e out of place in real life. Learn =0 1 eet your friends with a smile. A good hu nored man or woman is always welcome. Any g od thing, therefore, that you can do, or an k 0110588that you can show to any hum'n 1 eivg, you had better do it now; do not de cr or neglect it, for you will not pass this «a again. THAT &C taking one POWDERS 250. Feel e formance See a not stand Find a canceled Discov giving yo SYmPa wife for a Find a for your See an your ide your first Consid or religio Feel qu dressmak Think the fire fo Bulletin. MAGYAR or beast ; f wellings, I it is s spec' la head can be instantly relieved by sl a f ILBURN'S STERLING HEADACHE Oe powder, 5o; three for 10c, ten for Did You Ever tirely satisfied with a allow per - which cost you much money? an whose opinion of himself would a l'ttle pruning? y omfort in looking over a lot of an i checks ? ✓ 1 tv many of your friends are a sly laugh? hie 1 with a man who blames his 1 his troubles? y i ifficulty in inventing a reason won inwishtoakseesetned to reaoh up to love?Perfection since the days of ✓ yourselfdefeated in a political e a rgument ? *0atisfied with the work of your ✓ ? t ou were pulling chestnuts from t e other fellow ?—Philadelphia 1YELLOW OIL mires all pain in man r sprains, outs,. bruises, callous lumpy, flamimation, rheumatism and neuralgia o. Tw lv Business Maxims. The pre id nt of the London Chamber of Commerc g yes tvielve maxims, which he has teated th ough years of business experi- ences, an w ich he reoommends as tending to insure ue ess : 1. Ha'e a definite aim-. 2. Go treight for it. 3. Master all details. 4. Al ay know more than you are ex- pected to n w. 5. Ren er ber that diffioulties are made to overco e. 6. Tre allures as stepping stones to further e iorti. 7. Ne er put your hand out farther than you can d aw it back. 8. At imes be bold ; always prudenL 9. The minorsty often beats the majority n the end 10. Ma e good use of other men's brains. 11. Litt n well ; answer oautiously ; de• oide prom it1y. 12. Pe mat, by all means in your power, a sound mind in a sound body." • ANXIOUS MOTHERS Ilnd DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP the est medloine to expel worms. Children like it—wor it don't. Old Age. When o d ge has really commenced its march towjor4o final decay it is beat delay- ed by atte tiOn to those rules of conversa- tion by w ich life is sustained with the least frieti9n and the least waste. The prime rule far thie purpose are : To sub - 00 a 1 ght but nutritious diet, with milk as th standard food, but varied ac- cording t. season. To take food in a moderate • mentity four times in the day, in - eluding a 1 gat meal before going to bed. To clothe anmly but lightly, so that the Do tr are the only medicine that ' will cure Dia - 0 ey eBarighttl Dd.ist bites. Like s. ease was in - p i s Dodcpcscured iu riadnbel e ugil . toctors themselves confess that without Dodd's n1 Xi ney Pills they are aerless against Dia, et a Dodds Kidney 111 are tine first medicine hat over cured Diabetes. mi ations--box, narne and IllAare advertised to do so, 'utth. medicine thee dors uft belies I Is odd's Kidney Pale; oddKidney Pills aro fiftycents a box at a atru. gists. body may in all seasons maintain its =quaI temperature. To keep the bedy in fair exercise and the mind active and cheerful. To maintain an interest in what is going ea in the world, and to take part, in reason- able labors and pleasures, as though =old ago - were not present. To take plenty of deep during sleeping hours. To spend nine hours in bed at the least, and to take care during cold weather that the temperature of the bedroom is maintained at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. To avoid passion, excitement. luxury. Not Made in Germany, BRUSSELS, Ont., Dec. 31st, 190n J. M. McLeod, McLeod's Laboratory, Goderich, Ont. Dear Sir,—Having received great and last. ing benefit from your medicine, I write to express ni7 gratitude for the restoration of that precious boor', health. Seven years ago I felt my trouble coming on. It wait stomach trouble, of sometimes one and some- times another kin, generally changing it, name with the different phyiian =1 eeee stilted. Some said uleereted stomach, soma said cancer, and others seemed puzzled as te, what was really wrong. I was sometimes a. little better, aud then a great deal worse; This went ou for three years, when I found I had to do something, or else I would be, unable to attend to my house and familye, About that time we left our hoine in the - country and moved to Fargo, North Dakotsa where we have since lived., I was treateee by several doctors who had the name of be- ing splendid men in their profession. One of them was a most sueoessful practitioner, and any benefit I received was at hie hands. In spite of care and medicine, however, became daily weaker and weaker, until at length the hospital was suggested as a pos. Bible aid to recovery. With the hope of getting relief, no matter from what source, I was taken there, bus instead of getting. better I got worse and would I believe have died, had I been left there much longer. I then went back to my old doctor and was - still taking his medicine whet, I decided to come over and see my old home and Mende in Canada once more. I arrived here in December'1899, and while still on the train, for B/1188018 I met a lady who recommended your remedies very highly to me. I thought I could do no harm to try them. Shortly after New Years I got a bottle of your Sys- tem Renovator and a bottle of McLennan s Liniment. It was not in vain this time, for trom the time I began your =medicine I be - gen slowly but surely to improve in weight and strength right along, and tbat dreadful pain in my stomaeh and the vomiting wiiieh distressed me so much became a thing of th east. I gained twenty pounds in two months It is unnecessary to say rnore, tor r can truly say that I have not for years felt so well as I do now. I am going back to -Deltota and I am taking some of your Reno- vator with me. I hope that you may be- epared long in life and that your remedies. may cure more, as they did me. Your sincerely. MRS. ANNIE Lone's. Sold by Mr. Roberts, Seaforth, 1740 2 Wit and Wisdom. — Don't =complain if you lose your tempero you are probably better off without it. — The average man, says Baneby, is apt to believe whet the world doesn't say about , him. —Man is a good deal like a fish. You know the fish would never get into very serious trouble if it kept its mouth shut. —Insurance Agent—" .1188 any of your family shown a tendency to insanity Candidate—" My brother plays golf." —" This is, the seventh time you have been before me," -said the magistrate. " Yes," replied the culprit •" strange , how some men hold on to ofiee." , —The Father—" You two had better have a .quiet wedding,' The Lovers— Why ?' The Father — .1' There'll he noise enough and to spare before you are, married." —The moat wonderful thing about a baby, eaye =a cynic, is his ability to refrain from blushing when his mother, in his presence, describes his good points to his visitors, —Lady—"These references look all right."' Applicant—" Yes, mum. It doesn't wok well in me to say it, but me little boy, Ter- rence, is the best writer in his class." — Her Mother—" You are not well at all, Jennie. I think I'll send over for Dr. Douglas." Jennie—" What's the use of sending over for Dr. Douglas? He WAS - engaged last week to that girl Taylor." — " And have you ever yet obtained any. reward for merit at your school 1" inquired the austere grandparent. " Rather," said the callous grandson. "My teacher gives me a Hokin' most every day, and says 1 merit two." —Young Lady -4' That gentleman sitting over at the other table is a free thinker.' Middle Aged Benedict—" What class does he belting to ? Is he a bachelor or a wid- ower? They are the only species of free- thinkers I know." —An Irishman stopped at a hotel and get supper, lodging and breakfast. In the morning he told the landlord he had no money. " Why .didn't you sa,y so last night ?" asked the landlord. 44 Och," said Pat, "I thought yOu would be sorry enough to hear it this morning." • The Druggists are Busy. Druggists report great demand for the new 25 oent size of Catarrhozone, and to- day's sales almost cleared out their stook. They explain this rapid run on Catarrhozone • by the fact that it gives better satisfaction than any other remedy on the market. Drug- gists say that Catarrhozone ie the only rem - that really doe e cure Catarrh, Bron- chitis end Asthma. It relieves quickly, is pleasant and convenient to use, and guaran- teed to cure or your money back. Readers nuffering from Irritable Throat, Bronchitis,. Catarrh, etc, are strongly advised to try Catarrhazone ; it never fails to cure even the worst cases. For sale by Fear, the drug- gist, Seaforth. • Mr. Winston Churchill's Wit. Winston Churchill, the son of the late Randolph Churchill, is a young man of ex- traordinary energy and assurance, as bis re- cent adventures in the Transvaal amply at- test. He is also possessed of an innate humor, which manifests itself occasionally, to = the entertainment and delight of bis. friend,. Some time ago Mr. Churchill and his cornraderein-arms met at a supper. Among the assembled officers = was a very- prompous, self-opinionated major, whose tank commanded for him a respectful bear- ing, but whose habit of instructing hire brethren in matters military,. both le and out of season, made him rattier unpapulate Churchill and the aggressive major eat side by side at the table, and the martial poten- tate voiced hia opinions in hie usual manner. Churchill bore the infliction dumbly for la season ; then; taking advantage of a psusta when the major wanted to take breath, he eaid, very complacently and irrelevantly "Do you know, miller, I met a man this, morning who would gladly = forfeit £50 for the pleasure of kicking you." "Kicking met tar 1" roared the. angry major. "Kicking me ! I must ask you to mention his name immediately !" "But tbe fact is' major, I am not sure - that I ought to tellyou, replied Churehille with well -assumed caution. "But I insist on knowing his n-atne- at - Once, sir 1" shouted the truculent officer, now red with rage. "Weil, sir, I suppose I must tell you, It vva• a poor young fellow in the hospital, who has loet both his legs by the bursting of * shell." Pit Abo fl0n dctt Nel poP 5en era jay., ua:ooarde of „ b 111, tree and shaki iiiihsieeerotermacadrmde;setri ti fsn ,tsthwistletiovt:prearog,beesie ChWinen p"ritdbeeot lindis:w318500dt,r:hEiedxr‘TRAvilfaNszenmeEdlgwA.:.illij the Chinese, ea edta64iletianioni:osufboatouivr orarepethoepifieganrenyes zatilhanseleB, ettesel:ans: some idea of ti aaa it 12 aunaluoryi to.hmtchuf tA3Te vhiesenr:tihapvteiere$181 all eler; eaareell'c°, annlid"taatib: the speoompanit Thereetee0 areres noteft er ,01 ‘':ellere:o'oleaanbaflalal0n1 ,As th the cit in lander the shad .ASsbeat34719.eif,Pugl°rPbialytell ham a climate rich men to its t ..io4311:a131gPwCiut ao fasterolii cuI EfSNttStrrVbait an land. It has et .the world and d CHRIST ell regreosetesinitgyover istci °imitation, sitti bury Piabas, an soo same t0000 Chs r much like that and fiet.sal"-etin L town, It was i lish Episcopalis din was found atimontfooldrZoietawinagal eanits borders. Te:ifid caayttihone streets, and wh t e{ji:oinettlhrl stSh ceo ten h. t 0r 1111.ePlaroann1:11,119 41 That, ser, areT far Da betterue di city,. They an founded,moneyi ,ethh ne-t oaeuitaeo onground the undci on the conditic such lease all t to the church. P1. AU the New They have tl 5eLrt:v ergreaylo enty theh eh. has r s ation grounds 4 wdll aa chureht large part of ti eight-bour day and morning. to dress up for and during his than though ho THE LOWEII I recently vi tsideheiDa of the wfati bpontntotem eAfrreneeii# Aneer1i 1 south of New 2 oflo,i0ea00peoi, 85 .Tizhee trojawnthles, worke, good Sc beautiful rata swim half a de I took a we ping in the burn tural implemei 6thilsetbafof a with fal Therearvsteewere ge: h entered and i HeArnet43riicilainb n tap farming tools, Co"fentitedei)jaucntheioweffetr w.3943Maedninallfir getrnh4 thee atrrife oourenta. w 81 e rie” :o1:f lth t vNe:r i T6er thesn in main as to the atm - loans money a da ditvioanceo n Tuge and the loau years in ba Where allb rnineatla frozen, given f the p0100 ti that all expori the ee plants:, v ment inspeeti thoIeeeattll°sru1:ehgt fe Th amounts ustio b a yweearre ael xmp eo strte Australia, so tz:Iet 11.1;d1:b . u rUp (i TI Shorthorns, shire, Jerseys more then average grade ;rhea= e4rtal di Tia.. signatur Laxative the remedy th