The Huron Expositor, 1901-04-26, Page 3901 i$ a Drops rat rite IS of xeu'at )F Store WILt it 5S65- on ade tard 900 edaI p ter - et, .r.44-1) feerot enk it le; (it. Her and APRIL 26. 1901111"` T E HURON EXPOSITOL - IMPORTANT NOTICES. NOTE LOST.-Loet aboet the middle of March a note for $200 payable to Wm. Eineman, and feigned by Daniel and John Masan. Persons are hereby cautioned against negotiating the same se peement hat been stopped. G. W. WREN, Chisel - burst. 1789x3 70.1.0.••••• leitARTURE FARM TO RENT. -To rent for the -e• season, west half of Lot 15, Concession 1, Mo. KilIop, containing 50 aeres, all seeded to pas?. Good foneeS, plenty of water and geed shade. It is within 21 miles of Seaforth. Rent reasoeeble. Ap- ply opposite the fa.m or to Seaforth P. 0. FRAN- C! MURPHY. 17392:3 a_ P•••••••01.100, A-0AR IQB gALZ-Fer vele At Dee'field) 1,,) 10,00 whir poste. Roland posts, 6 inch toe hp and Se feet long, 120 each. Apply- to JAMEA THOMPSON, Beyfleed, or to GEORGE TURNER, Brucefield. 1736 tf , --- etTAN WANTED. -Wanted in every neighberhoad in In Huron county, a good, reliable man, to buy and sell calver, or work on commission. Write me for particuNare. HUGH RICHMOND, Newry P. O. 1737•lf INCREASE YOUR EARNINGS. -Costs you 110111• • Mg to find out how to be independent in an honorable permanent paying busing*, al11708 of a We time. One hundred per cent profit. LONDON CHEMISTS CO., Box 396, London, Canada. 1740.1 IIORSE AND RIGS FOR SALE -For ta`e one gcod, gentle ladieet driver; also one Itood top buggy, Devereaux's make, run lo than a year, a good cutter, a set of good light harness and a good 6uffalo robe. Going at a bargain. Apply to JAMES PURCELL, EgmondvIlle. 17384f r110 RENT. -Store to rent in thriving western town suitable for dry goods, gents fun:110110gs groceries, boots and shoes or general store. Busi- ness not overdone. A 1 stand, newlyrefitted, °ppd. site leading farmer's hotel and market, two doors from post etfice. The town is supported by indus- tries, fanning, deirying, fruit and stook raisieg, Stet elan opening, a regular snap for the right man. Write if you mean business. S. B. SHALE, Box 84, Listowel. 1740-4 FOR SALE. DULLS FOR SALE. -Rear sale, a number of 13 thoroughbred Shorthorn imported and Canadi- an tulle from 10 month* to years of age. Apoly at Riverside Stook Farm, Usbarne, or address Exeter P. O. THOS. RUSSELL. f _ 1786 -ti D1.-ItlIAM BULLS FOR SALE. -For se e four thoroughbred Durham bulls, ranging from ten months to te o years old. All red color and first due animals. Apply on Lot 25, Concession 4, Tinker - smith, or addrees Seaforth P. 0. HERBERT CRICH. 1731 tf M1OR SALE. -Registered Shorthorn Bulls from 10 ✓ to 18 months of Scotch and pure Scotch breed- ing, gocd colors, and big, thick smooth, etylieh bulls, slap a number of cows and heifers, all at very mod- erate prices and easy terms. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ontario. 173541 'DULLS FOR SALE. -The undersigned have for lel sale two thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls. eligible tar registration. Both red in color and aged 10 and 15 mouth. These are excellent animals. A. & J. BROADFOOT, Lot 21, Concsesion 4, H. R. , Tuck- memith, Seaforth P. G. • 17364f -DIGS FOR SERVIOE.-The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 20, Concession 9, Maintop, one thoreughbred Tamworth and one thoroughbred Yorkshire boar. Terms --$1.00 at the time of service, with privilege of returning. $t 50 if charged. ARTHUR GALBRAITH. 1739-13 WHOM) BRED STOCK FOR EMILE -The under - j_ signed has for sale on his !dock farm, lot 31, eoueession 5, Usborne, five thoro bred registered Mille from the best etrains and ranging from ten mouths old, up, one being4 ,years old ; and a very superior animal. Four are red _in color add one roan. Also a nureber of cows and heifers, eitber in calf or have recentle calved. These are all pure bred and are recomme,nded. If desirable an exchange will be wade for stock steers. THOMAS CUDMORE, Huron - late P. 0. 17204f AUCTIONEERS. MHOMAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the Cour ties of Huron and Perth. • Orders left at A. M. Campbell's Implement warerooms, Seaforth, or THE EXPOSI'TOR 'lice, will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. 17C8 ti A UCTIONEERING.-B. S. Phillips, Licensed IA. Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Being a practical farmer and thoroughly understanding the value of farm stock end imple- tcente, places me in a better position to realize good prIcee. Charges moderate. Sa,tiefaction guaranteed -or no pay. All orders left at Hensall post office or at Lot S8, Concession 2, Hay, will be pronaptty ttendecl to. 170941 elTOCK FOR SERVICE. rpo STOCE BrIEEDERS,-Our Shorthorn Bull, ▪ New Year's Gift, has been removed trom Mr. A G. Smillie's to the premisee of the undersigned, where he will be kept until further notice in these columns. eYM. CHAPMAN. 173641 art ULLS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE. -The un - .1) dersigned has tor Bale on Lot 18, Conceesion 2, Hae , two Shorthorn Durham butte, dark red in color, 7 and 18 months old reepectively with pedierees and er, bred from good stock. Will also keep that noted bull, Duke of Bengali, for service, terms on application. JOHN ELDER, Hensall P. O. 173941 110 PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep 1. au Lot 20, Concession 6, L. R. Se Tuckereme.th, a thoroughbred TAMWORTII PIG, also a thorough- bred YORRRIMUS Pte. A limited number of sows will be admitted to each. Torras, $1, payable at tbe time of service, or $1.50 it charged. JAMES GEMMILL. 1808-52 Our direct connections will save you time and money for all points. ; Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, flattish Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them eo suit everybody and PULLM.AN TOUR. ST CARS for your accommodation. Call for further information. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations at ..30ING WEST- Paesenger.... Mixed Train.... .. MixedTrain GOING EAST- Paasengor„ Passenger.. .. &fixed Train.... SEAPORT)" Cetreroa. 12.40 P. N. 12.55 P. M 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. M. 9.20 A. M. 10.15 A. M. 8.15 P. M. 7.05 P. hi 7.63 A. M. 8.11 P. M. 4 40 P. M Wellington, Grey and GOING NORTII- Peeeenger. Ethel 8.07 p. M. Bruesele.. Bluevale.. %%Ingham,. Goma SOUTH- Wingham Blues -ale Bruseels.... Eth I 8.17 8 S7 8 38 Paesengert 8.53 A. M. 7.02 7.18 7.28 7.38 A.M. 2.65 P. M. 4.25 P. M. Bruce. Mixed. 1.40 P. u. 2.10 2.e5 3.25 Mixed. 8.fifi A. M. 9.17 9.45 10.02 London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH - London, depart Centralla.................9.18 Exeter.. 980 Homan_ ........ .... . 9.44 Kippen, 9.60 Brucefield_ , 9.68 Clinton.. e. _ ........ .... 10,16 Londesboro _ .... . - - • • 10-83 Blyth. _ ' Beigrave 1100:1548 Wingham Arrive OWNS) Bou-- rn11.10 8.00 Wingham, depart.... .... 8.63 Paseenger. A.tti 8.15 P. tr Belgrave........ .. ...... 7.01 1 8.40 Blyth.. ..... ............. 7.14 1 155 Loodesboro.. • ....• - . • .• 4.05 77.:eve eciliV.,,e°1;1(i:: .. .. .. .. : .. ::: . ....... 8.06 4.49 4.26 Eippen- ....... . .. 8.16 4.67 Honsall 8. 5.0 Exeter. .... . . . . .... 8,85 6.142 _ Centralia,- - .. ..... . - 8.48 6.23 London, (errive) 9.37 A. u. 6.12 ' • Paste:ingot. 8.15 A.m. 4.40 P.M 6.66 8.0 81 8.25 8.33 8.66 7.14 7.23 AN ITEM OF INTEREST. Ferro loans taken at lowest rates; payments to kult, I,orrower ; satiefaetion guaranteed ,• ; coffee epondence cheerfully answered. ABNER (WENS, %Ingham, Ont. Ofilce-At corner of Minnie and Pate* streets; every saturday all day. ; 1867 Money To Loan. The Townahip of Tuakeramith has about $3,000 of Tee nate') Fundeto loan at current nate. Of Morelli ell Bret mortgage en farm property. Amity to the Reeve or Treasurer. H. HORTON, Elwyn, Heenan 1. ; 0. N. TURNER, Treasurer, Clinton P. O. 1738-tf KINDNESS OF HEART. A TRAIT OF CH RACTER OF WHICH THE QUEEN If4AS ABUNDANCE. Anecdotes Concerning the .Consort of Ms Majesty - King Edward VII -Her Ma- jesty Wine All Hearts by Her Inex- pressibly PO ightful Spontaneity -Sults the Action to ;he Need Presented to if ilea a ' Anecdotes clone rning Queen Alex- andra, and illu trating the sympa- thetic charm of her personality; are numerous. As -Princess of , Wales she• has officiat !d at more public functions and ha , mingled more gen - orally with t er ubjects -than naiggt, have been the e se had her husband succeeded to the throne early in their married life; so that ample oppor- tunity ha!s been . ers; to display the traits which haye endeared her so widely, and the English people have grown t� feel intimately acqua nted with her.- . . - , A. story is told -concerning a visit paid by the - Princess to Cambr dge, and of how "an undergraduate in imitation of Raleigh's gallantr to Queen -Elizabeth, spread his own on the pathway for the ;Princes to walk on. She paused for a mo ent as if puzzled or startled by this sud- den act ofesuperfluous devotion; but when one of- the suite had whis efed a word of explanation, it was ch rm- leg to see Thow sedulously she l'ited her dress to show the dazzled an ra- ther abashed proprietor of the pur- ple toga of Trinity that she was act-. uapy setting her foot on the g s boWing her. acknowledgments to hirn at, the same 'time." The obs rver who narrated title. incident. a ded,, concerning the way in whic the Princess won all hearts: "The. true secret lies in ,the Princess', simpl Zity of manner, - in the openness and mire- - strainedness of her enjoyment., There is something inexpressibly de- lightful in this spontaneousness.' Illustritt ive of: -Alexandra's li.inde ness of heart, in which she „so iiuch resembles the. late Queen, it is told how she entered the hall cif arl- borough House one day shortly be- fore Christmas, and noticed la y ung girl standing there, whose apnea ance - betokened delicacy and- -who le, ked a. eara ed . Her Royal Highness !bade her be seated, a.nd learned that she Was the bearer of some little. gar- ments which had been ordered fo the royal children. , Pleased - with the modest manner of the girl, Who did not know that the kind and gantle_ lady was the Princess, Alexa,ndr led the way to her own rooms wher she examined the Work and made i1:: quir-s' ies. by which she gained the inf rma- t ion . that the bearer had experted most of it herself. 'The convers tion' thus begun gradually revealed I that she had an invalid mother, who re- mained alone at home during .the long hours when she was com elled to work in a shop; and thati the sewing machine rage, then new had made her desire to become a s illful operator., in order that she inight. earn enough money, to own rf. ma- chine -of her own some clay, andi. thus be able to ;keep her mother eon pally while at work.: 11 . The .Princess summoned a servant, and ordered a bottle of wine,i 'bis- cuits, oranges and other invali(deli- cacies packed and brought tq her, meanwhile writing down witl4 er own hand the young girl's nam and address. She presented her wit1h the basket of dainties, telling her t take them . to her mother, and on hrist- mas morning the latter was the re- cipient of a handsome sewing ma - Chine, inscribed, "A Christmas gift from Alexandra." Perhaps nothing more . en eared Alexandra, to the peoplc than h r ten- derness as a wife. This we in- stanced on the occasion now s free- ly quoted when, the prince dep rting for a tour of India, she entrust d one of her suite with a. portrait of her- self, in order that on the Princes -ar- rival in India he might be surprised with the unexpected sight of his wife's face. During his terrible ill- ness , with typhoid • fever she was de- votedness itself. At the crisis, which occurred one Sunday, the vicar f St. Mary Magdalene's, Sandringhal , re- ceived the following short note from sthe Princess, just before the opining of the service: "My husband being, thank ,God, somewhat better,' I am -coining to church. r must leave, I fear, before the Service is concluded, that I may watch by, his bedside.. Can you not say a feW words in. prayer during the early part tof the service, that I may - jOin you in prayer for my husband before I return to him?", When -the Prince at last recovered, the faithful wife t,rected in the church a brass lecture, upon which is the inscrip- tion: 0 "••• •0 • • To,the Glory of God, : tlinnk-effering for HIR hiereY. '4 • 1401 DVC'enther, 1871. - Alexandra. • : "When I was 1it trouhle 1 called : : upen the Lord and He neerd mei • . t Forests Of Boxwood in Turkey 'Levant Herald of 'recent days says that although- large forests of boxwood, which is so largely , used by wood engravers, exists in the neighborhood of the villages of Kose SOVO and Monastir, Turkey, the trade in this wood was little known in the Salonica market until quite recent- ly. During March last two largo shipnaents of boxwood were made to - Liverpod, England, and the owners of these forests are now preparing to work them on ,a; larger scale. ! Queen Victoria's Bible Class. Queen Victoria once conducted' a ible class. Long ago, when sh 'was :cloying in London, she would call together the children of her married servants ifi one of the .priVate rpoms of Buck in gh am palace a ad read the Bible to them. At ahe close of- the 'reading she -would. explain .the chap- ter, 41 f)(1 CW1(1101.41 -11y11IIIS were rung. MARRIAGE LIOENE13 ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR 1 OF ICE, BRAFORTH, ONTARI NO WITNESSES REQUIRED, Shattered Nem and Weakene System, THE AFTER EFFE TS 0 LA GRIPPE. Have To Had L La Or Did it 11@ase ail Mte If it did, rea4 wh Brophy, of MoOttcalt say vf the good Mil and Nerve Pins 44 hi He Writes; wIlich left me all riTO, do and extremely weak. 1 co night and was teouOled w *ration, which cauSed ance. Hearing of bm'sPils,Ibegant.kngt my gratification they raced ated my whole system, a like a new man. I am 'cc° all suffering u I did. PPe? Effect? t F. J. tie" has to urn's Heart th:nerYp:orfolitrifititaervitilltulC; much *Amoy - effects of gs. m.EItegito c uip invigor, made me feel d them to GILLE IE'S HAR S. I have removed my; harne own store, ONE DOOR. N POST OFFICE, where I wi meet all ,my old customers ones. . Gillespie's Ha,rne - best Him A full stock of Horse BI Sleigh Bells, Tru Prices right and satisfac Give us a call and we delight your horse, satisfy SSS'Repairing a Speoialty, ebop to my RTH OF THE Ibe pleased to isd many new s is the ss. nkets, Robes, ks, &c. on guaranteed. ill please you, our purse. JAMES GILLESPIE, Seaforth, One Door NORTH! of till Poet Office. 1718 tf tend to you you have no can be absol PROOF F Don't Despair Even if you are t oubled with Backache and ot able to at. sehold duties. If uset Doa tely cure mmimmo= OM ONE 's Pills you by them. OF MANY. MONT EAL, Que., jaln. 26th, 1901; el Do's KIDNEY PILL CO., T ronto, Ont. Dear Sirs - have been uffering for 12 y7e from fid.y trouble. I had terrible b kache and iivss troubled with dizziness. My urine was scanty, hig ly colored and contained a thi k sticky se iment. I con- sulted phyuioi�ne without ny encases end alreost gave up in despair. At last I saw Doan'e Pilleadvertised, so 1- procured two boxes of them and they 'gave me a complete oure and I tan attend tot my household duties without trouble. I an recommend Doan's Pills and mnet say that they should be tried by all whe Buffer from kidney trouble. MBI M. Lzattair. ' To the public of eaforth and surrounding country - HAWING PURCHARED, /The Met 13usiness Formerly conducted by T. R. F. CASE & CO. I trent, by strict attention to business and supplying a first class article at a reasonable pripe, to merit the patronage bestowed on the late firm. Will pay the highest market price for dressed poultty, good hides? skins and till - OW. FRED GALES, Seaforth. 1719-41 FURNITURE,, E:MPORIUNi. J, Landsborough DEAL6 IN re of all kinds Furnitu At live and 1 ing done and speet. Pictu New William on hand. N no high pric town and con Undert We have a merit from w need, at price "of agreeable s dealt with, us hand for sum calls at Mr. corner cot tag Bank, will be t live prices. Upholster - satisfaction in every re - e training neat and cheap. sewing machine always travelling agents, and s. Goods delivered in try free of charge. king Department. larg and varied assort- ich t choose in time of that have been a matter rprise to all who have Two fine hearses on er and winter use. Night ands'borough's residence, in rear of Dominion proniptly responded to, J?liN /INDBBOROUGH, SEA 01t1:1, ONT. CO Atten orsesboein neral Jobb Go erich street, Robert .Devereux BLACKSMITH end tolltimi CARRIAGE oee- • MAKER 2:417 • - - Seaforth. Tll SCOT611 STILLS. HOW ?HEIR BY-PRODUCTS ARE POL- LUTIN T He hIVERS• i "Pot le," the i, q t,41* Left After the Firs Distillatiuu; .1i the Worst, as It Car] l• About 3;4.00 Grains of Sus pe ed and Di: eoltved Solids to the , Ga _ ll . Ther are 164 distilleries in Scot- land, nd an ,iner asingly difficult proble i in connect on with them is ho* ti get rid of t e by-products of distill tion. One of these by -pro. - ducts s what is kn wn as "pot ale," Which s the- liquor eft after the first dibtjil tion. It is a most obstinate and c raplex compo nd, as brown as peaty. Water. It becomes putrified and s ells badly a, ter a brief • con- tact wtli the air.: t is a highly ni- trogen us liquor, carrying 3,000 grains a gallop of - uspended and dis- solved solids-a,bou thirty Or forty; times s much soli. matter as .ordi- nary -ewage conta .s. It has been run in o the River epey, where the Gienli t distilleries have sprung up like m shrooms du ing the last few years, until the noble salmon river has be n all but rui ed. The riparian propri tors, howeve , by raising ac- tions in the law courts to compel distill ries to put ,a stop -to this polluti n, have gr; tly paralyzed the whisk trade in th t part of the countr, Seve al plane ha a been tried to utilize this "pot le" as a feeding stuff fir cattle a d as a manure. Ilither o n_one of these plans has proved a commerc al success. The prcices. which has t e best stood the test o experiment ie. that whi.611 is known as the " esicrobe" system, which is a filt ation expedient strong Ss assistedy bacteriological aid. I is not new. It is in use to purify sewage in seseral of the large .towns of England, out the credit of succes. fully applyine it to get rid of the re use of disti ieries is due to Dr. •owle of Du town, Speyside, who has been exper menting with it tor 3 DI ie time and as got' such good results that his sy em is now con- sidered applicable t • large distiller- ies. A pluit of this k nd costing £700 ($3,40 )) has just: b en laid down at Glen Vinchie distillery, East Loth- iart. I t is large en ugh to deal with 52,000 gallons of pot ale" .a week, ancl tl e eyes of th distilling world are no upon this lace to see what will c me. of the experlinent. In the proees a series ;of seven tanks in, d iplicate are used. These are, so arranged on the face of a steep Elope by the side of the distil- lery that. the licinor to be purified passes from the one to the other by gravitt tion. There is also on the top o the bank, above all the others, a receiving tank, capable of holdin 2,500 gall ns. To this the "pot le" is purnpid up from a set- tling. r nd storage tank at the low level. rst five tahcs dre filled with cincler of various' grades in size, while he two low rmost tanks are filled with fine s nd. The cinder tanks re seeded w th microbes and the. w rk cif these innumerable un- seen al d silent worker:3 is marvelous. They at up or tr. nsform the nitro- genous matter, s that when the effluen is discharg from. the lowest tank i has no sin 11, is clear as wa- ter, will not froth Ind is quite harm- less •to fishlife. It now carries not 3,000 rains a, ge, lon of solid sus- pended and dissolv d solids, but only from 100 to 150, nd the "pot al.e," or all that is left Of it, from being a, stro g a,cid is al caline, and in -the Proces. of filtratio has lost 25 per cent, f its bulk. ihe efiiuent from the last tank can a.ccordingly be re- turaed to any stre in with little de- trinien to the rest of the water, for the purified ale h s not the power to pro luce fungi, hich the unpuri- fled al possesses n a very marked degree, A ni st loathso e sight is a, river into which this "aot ale" is eharge as it leaarcb the still. The bed f the streani is covered for miles ith a ,grtiy, slimy eat's-tail 'fungus "leptomeet is lacteus," which kliere is no killin so long as it is fed wi rh this stuff. If w 11 ccinstruc at fiest, the contax , beds or filters are practically permit' ent, and as the microbes can be freely cultivated there is no diffi- culty i s keeping the beds constantl,v at wo k. The method adopted is to work them two hottrs out of twenty- fOur aad to let thein rest the other twenty-two, as the Microbes it seems want long rest after feeding on this rill product. Wanted to An Id woman of origin entered bank he other da to the desk. "Do you want to posit?" asked the "Na oi doant, some The -her s place, please, "Above it or beOw it?"- -"diat above it.1 Be Sure. undeniable Celtic )rovinci al savings and walked up -withdraw or de- lerk, i wants to put ;" was the 'reply. - Serk pushed Ism the book for gnature, and„ indicat ing the said: "Sign on . this line, IP "Me "Yes "Bef whole name ." re Oi was arried?" just as it is now." can't wroite."-London King. What Wor led Her. The Liverpool ost says that a firm ia Liverpool, being delighted at the idea that one of its employes was called upon to join the reserves, at once volunteered to pay half his wages to his wife n his absence. At the end of the mouth the woman ap- peared attd the in iety was at once given 1 er. "What?" she said. "Four pounds?" "Yes," replied the senior partner, "that is exactly htlf; sorry you are not satisfied." "It isn't that rrn not satisfied. Why, for years he has told me he Only got 16 shillings altogether, and .-and-if the Boers don't kill him I will."- 9ASTOR IA or Infante and Children. rani( Question. Are you satisfied with the shoes you wear? If not, ryatpair of "KING QUALITY. They are the most desirable shoe on the face of the earth for women. The "Knio QUALITY" shoe is all that a really first-class shoe should be -comfortable, easy on the feet, stylish and durable. Buy ths King Quality shoe at $3 a pair and get satisfaction. ado by THE .1. D. KING 004 LImIteell, TORONTO. A Call to Anus Canada responded nobly to the Motherland and is alv,rays willing to give he aid in build- ing up her in4ustrics \--,713ich they justly deserve " Loyal Royal" go hand in hanci, thus it is we offer; - • - • . wi be foef.ri.t in ih.e 1,!ft G D ;Teed to all garments and 0,3 tc.f the cot. P,:-....mem(.-cr we are -fowlclers in the Doininion of Tailor- niaf)e gal mey,t3 ready-to-wear. itzccpt no other as the ge uine. "Imitation is the Eincerest flattery" of which e are justly proud. Our registered the " Royal," the Brands are "Fit -Reform." NLSYR:I ORWAY WOODS MOM 12 PINE IIII i• t .ee. e e This s a,sen elf the year when coughs I: and cold are so prevalent, it would E be itdvis hle to keep a bottle of Dr. III Wood'slns6NoriVay Pine Syrup in the io ,,e; It :Ala -s all inflammation and irri- tation el the breathing organs, ad lis cures col glis and colds of young -an f": old mor quickly and effectually than i--; eny °tile . remedy. lrthur Molaskey, White's . et Point, neen's Co., N.B., writes: " :. " In the fall of 1899, I was taken o, - Sr down w th a, severe attack of La r q . ( i l'i ppe iii(q4 left me with a bad 1„ et, cl cough. I tried several reme.dies and rig could ob ain iao relief and was almost riin despair of a cure when a friend r advised e to take Dr. Wood's Nor- ' way Pin Syrup. I took three bottles 1 in all a d it made a complete cure." sun= raugssuinuanuseumuumsa ENTRAL Har ware Store. We sho Granite. der, Leader ning churn Re Actin American for Builder fencing, B ized Wire. ing, Galvan 1 pring Goods. a fill line of Tinware and 1 lines of Tinware made to or - Barrel Churns the easiest run - n the marked. Waehing Machines and Royal ringers. Call and get our prices Hardware, Coiled Spring Wire rbed Wire and plain Galvati- Estimates given for eavetrough- ized Iron and Furnace Work. sin Murdie ARDWARE-, Counter' -Old Stand, Seaforth ST Whol Lu mber, Our lumber and Pine, bei Red Cedar 8 your bills, yo Wearily. PHEN LAMB sale and Retail Dealer in ath, iShingles, Cedar Posts anSI Timber. consistsof the test quality of Hemlock g well o anufactured. Any amount of ngles leapt on band. Bring Meng will be sure to get them Ailed Ws- Goderich street %est 17114f NOyif READY. Eggs for ha chirg from pure White Rocks, some of the best Rock in Ca ads. Minobell's strain of Black Minorca', real beauties. Call and see my stook. Opposite Mr. fleatMe's grove. Eggs $1 per 13 or $1.60 per 243. Alen a eomPlete line of Bee Keeper's sup. Otos minden y on [hand at Manufacturer's prim. W11. HARTRY, Box 166, Seafortb. 17394 A Jo ey iby Telephone. 11 give a taste of Ideal Rapid Tr nsit, and save Time and Money. ,Yoir tinie is too valuable to spend in prritizg letters and awaiting re- pli . he Telephone gives instan- ta eous communication, Give the Log Distance Operator the name of th individual you want, you will th n wa4te no time in talking to an offi e bo y. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY I OF CANADA. MO E* TO LOAN Money to Ioin at 4 per cent on good farm *sour- Ity. Apply to JAS L. KILLORAN, Barrister, 8es forth. 17124 th th eaforth he undersigned having purchased from Ogilvie Milling Company, of Montreal, well-known eaforth Flour Mills Are now prepared to do all kind of ustom Work, Opecial Attention will Given. be The very best quality of Flour given in sechange for wheat. IChopping of all kinds done on the abort est notice. Price, five cents per bsg. The beat brands of Flour always on band, and will be delivered in any part of the town free of eharge. The highest price in cash paid for all kinds of grain. Feed of all kinds constantly on hand. The Seaforth Milling Co. 1889 or. The New Harness . . MAKER . . eying purehased the Harness Shop and bu iness of Mr. John Ward, I solicit the patronage of all the old cuatomers, and guar- antee them and all new ones the beat of workmanship and material. Always on hand a full line of HARNESS AADDLES WHIPS TRUNKS VALISES ETC., ETC. Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed. Givte me a call. ANDREW OKE, Seaforth. WARD'S OLD STAND. 17304f The Seaforth Planing Mill. 0.•••••••16•.••••••••=m1P he undersigned beg leave to return thanks to heir many customers for their patronage in he past and hope by giving the best vane possible both in material and work- ' hip, to merit a continuance of the genie. 11 kinde of pine lumber dressed and un - dr led always on hand. Shingles, pine and re .cedar always onhand and as cheap as cai be handled. Doors. sashes, frames, and blinds on hand or made to order On sheit notice. All unsettled accounts wili be thankfully re 'eived. : N. CLUFF & SONS, N Main Street, - - &Worth. len FLAX! mo.,1••••••••••••11 Livingston & Cio. Ha 'e a limited quantity of bed Dutch ivied for farm - ere in the vicinity of Brussels, who iniend raising Ili. during the coming season, whioh they are pre• ad to deliver in quantities to suit fikx growers, an can ba got at the Brussels flax mill, Seed given ou at 111.60 per bushel, and on the usual term*. For grown frotn tbis seed, $1.0 PER TO wil be paid, if of good growth, hervettel in proper se •n, and delivered at the flax mid as soon as ft wi 1 not grow there to give the weight, I lands, and the yield will be from a ton to a ton on a MU mere per acne Flax grown on low land ta. Bre.12,__Pagru,' era are strongly advised to soiwnsth.te_ir . MOOG, Manager. on good land, well plowed and harrowed, not on LIVINGSTON & CO., Proprietors. 3 AUSTRALIA'S STORY. ANOTHER STRONG _ARM ADDED TO ENGLAND'S PUISSANT MIGHT. History of the Growth of the Common- wealth -Dark Days Which Have Eirelve ed a Strong Nation Within the Greateet Empire 'Under the Sun -High Iraitk Expressed for Her futore Career.. e4The love of all thy sons encompass Thee, The love of all thy daughters cherish Thee." The great act is completed. Aus- tralia is a nation ready to take her place proudly with henseigiste on the earth. It was appropriate that the first year of the twentieth century and the birth of the Australian Osilla- monsvealth should be coincident Of hoth, we can as yet know little, but of both we can hope much. A hundred years ago who would ever have anticipated that the few thousand raen and women, withouC much character to make a fuss about with a Currency of rum and a morali- ty all their own, clustered on the shores of a harbor of which the beauties few of them could appre- ciate, racked by a heartless inhuman- ity or cursed by irresponsible au- thority, each equally hetrtful, who of them would have been bold enough ,to think that they were having the proud honor of laying the foundation stone of a right royal Empire in those unknown seas, and fashioning one of its most precious glories for. England's traditions? The story of Australia is one of the inost instructive lessons given to the world of racial development. When Greece sent forth her youth like swarms from the hive to carte; her laws and civilization to other. lands, they carried with them the high hopes and most sanguine wishes of the mother city. Rome sent hen soldiery to conquer and occupy, but, with few exceptions. England has no aspirations for over -sea colonies. Her colonies were made by the people of- ten in spite of Government -al opposi- tion, Her fleet was always ready to conquer and seize on the possessions of her enemies, but it was always the same. The eye of the Government was always turned to Europe. Pos- sessions in foreign parts were sim- ply the pawns, in the great -continent- al game, and very little more, in- deed. Her statesmen care4. nothing for them for -many years, and it was said she lost the American Colonies because the Prime Minister for the first time began to read the Anaeri- can despatches. Australia for many years had little for which to thank English states- manship. It is probable that no- thing would have been done with the southern continent. but that a great social danger had to be remedied bel politicians, and consequently the matter was forced on their consider- ation. It is a great pity that We cannot claim a higher origin, but that is just where the example of racial development -comes in. What country would have evolved a great nation from such unpromising ele- ments? Certainly not Spain, cer- tainly not France, and, we thinks not Germany. Spain abjectly faiIed with her colonieli, France and Ger- many have not yet found the secret of success. Even our earliest colon- ists suffered from the taint of con - friction, because, like slavery, it dill - bases master and s+rvant a,like. But they were all Englishmen and Eng- lishwomen into wh 1in had been la - spired by the past he spirit of self- reliance, however obscured for a time; and now we See in our nol3le cities, in our farms, in our flocks and herds, in our harbara bustling with ei world's commerce, in everything from, sea -board to centre, that God's heri- tage was given to no ignoble or un- worthy hands. AuStralie, teaches us another cause of pride of race. The attitude of the powers that be Le England toward e the colonies Is widely different from what it vran when the few score meti and WOIMMY landed In Neve S uth Wales - and f shuddered at the bl ckn.ess and save age sterility of thei future home. All last the English po itician has open- ed his eyes to Owl fact that Eng.. land's greatest resource is in the strong arms of her children, whether they are born in LOndon, Edinburg and Dublin, or in Sydney, Melbourne or Adelaide. They have proved it byi the best of proofs, and from what we see passing before our eyes in these days of the new-born national- en- thusiasm, we know they are ready to prove it again and again. It is significant of the future. We cannot explore the future, but we can con- sider tendencies. It is not likely; that Australia will have always the interrupted prosperity -for her pros- perity, with all the little obstacles . has been mainly progressive -and the development uninterfered with, by, which she has been hitherto bleesed,,, She has possibilities in her BUrr011111:1- illgS which may at any moment be- come formidably threatening. Great nations are : jealous of both Eng- land and her colonies, and it would be almost too much to hope for„ that the day will never come when the flood of a swarming race will be tap- ped and will force itself into a de- structive torrent far and wide. She . al HieWe air is daily gaining str ngth and cohes- ion to meet any of the troubles and misfortnnes of natio have a high faith in her high future career, and with her greatest poet wet may say of Australia as he said about the dear old Tome country - "Naught can rnalce her rue, If England to herself will prove but true." -The Australian Irea.ther Journal/ 4., The Bishop Knew 1111aa. ; A. story current about the Died of London just now represents as a. bored listener to a win speech. Turning to a fellow suf- ferer, he said; "Do you know that speaker?" "No," was the answisre "I do," said the ,bishop; "he sgewilca under many aliases, but his anima.* Than:tee Rot." -London Matz Norm Pit 1 44 -A fatal &widen is reported from Platteville, Oxford c Iuety. A barn was being pulled down on the farm lately owned by Idr. Irate Green, about four mile, northwest of the village. A plate was being lowered which- slipped and struck Isaac Nahrgau. breakh t Ns back, hip and leg- He died la the ceur. e of an hour. He was a prominent and wee -It -by farmer of Wilmot township.