The Huron Expositor, 1901-04-12, Page 7ommeamee, that he a hie way at carrier, ie on hitt it to the [re.. John - the door, he carrier 'aright by Ex the way y cookej tie of the the beet 0. t only act or. Next L in the for any en extra r animal, idle' was 'Wean of the hair was able for pro. turn the -Carry ta- Spring is • Irefethere aement Health,- 4ring the riflofle' or fore - Sturdy oant even atom has end the allow it. tonic at in badly d school ekes peo- :a." Na Off the t system!, erese, and im bolls, Dr. Wits are the E medical al blood use in red men, a, active ronderful s is given street, iegan US - a under me my emptied. appetit-e . I Wait it death ad often id finally etil used better, =Untied , when I taing the 1 when I .nereaeed 4 to my rid they o-hitd. I • on who arsPink ent with 11 cheap ills. Iii - if they iireet to 'ociry ilie, met paid he New =ew days ore than gerlin, a north- !, Nor th tia and [ay last mpanied ren and veer, his • to call reached others, oth the knife. icout ten return He was of, and • There ,hetihe f liar t • , rusty rgwooing t ens ely. utation, ttle of _Odense d and a, Tet - a di - earth. th,who rid the are in -laws ia sounds estrian .spond- striart ▪ and came n ran Cd, de- treak. ir 'f -Are (ter it these obtain- erest• x. *a not revel- -Went mins- .ently ferried leven plain had the aping en at , the :41 • 7 APRIL 12, 1901. Stanley. Solloot, REPORT. -The following is the monthly report, for March, for school sec- tion No, 14, Stanley, W. 11. ' JohnElton, teaoher. Names are in order of in rit : Fifth -W. F. Johnston. Senior four h- a. L. Whiteman, D. C. Grassick. repulse Bell Junior fourth -A. W. John ton, Melvin Alair, Jennie Mel3eath. 8 nior third ---Ida Dinsdale, Kate MoDiarmi , J. MoDonald. Junior third -Fred Kyle, foxy Mackay, W. Bagler. Senior second- cilia Kyle, Eleanor Hood, Jennie Bagler. J nior second -Emma Alair, E. Gemmell,-N.J nes. Senior, second part -Ellen Bagler, ean Grassi*, H. Jones. Janior, second p rt - Etta, Jarrett, Reina MeBeath, Ida J nes. Meet part -Janet Logan, t Arthur yle, Murray Fisher. The beat Spellers in the -monthly spelling matches were : Fifth and fourth, Herbert Whiteman; junior fo rtb, Albert Johnston ; senior third, Ida m ins - dale ; junior third, Fred. Kyle ; s nior second, Jennie Bagler '• junior aecond, 'fla srui Alair ; second part, Jean 0 cowlick ; • rat part, Murray FielAY. • Diseases of Children. Ideaslee, Scarlet Fever, and the many exbau diseasea of childhood, frequeatly leave the little ferers in a weakened and debilitated contitt health, from which it is difficult to rescue them cept by the regular nee of Dr. Chase's Nerve This preparation is admirably suited to the req ments of children, and has such an invigoratin restorative influence en the system as to make n puny children healthy, plump and activt,. I •ling suf. n of ex 7 ood. ire - and eak, Drastic Treatment For Hi coughs. A Binghamton man began to hice ugh last Saturday. He hiccoughed up all day and all night, and was hard at it Su o day morning. Every remedy that his fri nds gave him seemed to accelerate his ics. People sent in from, all o -ver toavn an re. commended sure cures. And he steas ily grew worse. Then -a wise neighbor had a bright i ea. He thought it all out by himself. He ent over to the_ hiccougher's• home, and was ushered into the room where the affli ted one was fast hiccoughing his life away. "Hullo said the neighbor, in a I ght and cheerful tone; "howas the old oak thia morning ?" The sufferer rolled his eyes_ at the ne gh- bor in a pained surprise. " Dan't give me any of your °roc dile glances," snorted the friend. "If y u'd quit drinking when I told you to, ou wouldn't be in this shameful condition." Wha hic.at's th hic at t" gasped the sick man. "Oh, don't emne, any of your inno business on me:" cried the neighbor. know you, you old sponge 1." The hiccougher'e face.turned red. 4' What -hie -did you-hiceiall me ?" he .st uttered. " Called you a sponge, you lobster l" bel- lowed the neighbor. "You're -a pr .tty object lesson for your unfortunate c. du. ren, ain't you, you gulping old hypocrite ?" "Get out of my hie -house 1" roared the aick mart. Go to blazes 1" yelled the neigh or. "Pon going to stay right here and see the last of you. The people on the street ent me otter'. " Wait until the old wo fe's gone,' they said, and then wave a flag out o the window.' They're going to ha e a jollification supper and fireworks to -n ght -and don't you dare to dissapp int 'ern 1" • This was too inueli for the hiccoug er. Re riaid ;leveret very bad words as he ms de a -dash at his neighbor, and they raced around the room a half dozen times, the laiecougher getting madder at every a.' p, and then -the neighbor darted through the door and escaped. The sick man flung a flower pot at him as he raced down the yard, and then he suddenly realieed that his hiccoughs had ,gone. For that was a part of the neigh or's theory, you Eee. He believed that if he could get the dying rnson real excited nd angry the affliction would leave him. and he proved he was right. • A Raging, Roaring Flood. 'ant oo Washed down a telegraph line w Chas. C. Ellis, of Liebon, In., had to re "Standing waist deep in icy water,' writes,"gave me a terrible cold and coug grew wore daily. Finally the best doc in °Aiwa& Neb., Sioux City and 0 said I had Consumption and could not Then I began using Dr. King's New Dis ery, and was wholly cured by six bottl Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds all Throat and Lung Troubles by I. V. druggist, Seaforth. Price 50e. iob air. he . It ors aha ive. ov- e.e and ear, Hay. Stiwor RITORT. -The following is the report, for the month of March, of the atanding of pupils of the, school in sec ion No. 4, Hay, of whieh Mr. W. E. Thom son is teacher Senior fourth -Ida Os old, Harvey Colosky, Mabel Kaercher, Willie Klopp. Junior fourth -Flora KloppMer- bert Kaercher, Roy Geiger. Senior third - Dora Geiger. Junior third -Mary Kee -ch- er, Erma Geiger, Lizzie Volland, Willie Heckmann, Ida Becker, Ilerbie Stumpf. Senior third -Bertha Heckmann, Co nie Stumpf. Junior seciond-Herbert KI pp, Maurice St•umpf. Part second -Me yin Surerus, Herman Heokmann Garwin Pr ng. Part first -Pearl Kaercher, 'Victor Ste pf. Job Couldn't Have Stood It If he'd had Itching Piles. They're ter- ribly annoying ; but Bucklen's Arnica S lye will cure the worst case of piles on ea th. It has cured thousands. For Injuries,P Ins or Bodily Eruptions it's the best salve in the world. Price 25c a box. Cure _guarant ed. Sold by I. V. Fear druggist, Seeforth. A Record Sale of -Shorthorn A record sale of Shorthorns was, accor mg to the Breeders' Gazette, made at South Omaha; Nebraeka, on March 12th and 1 tie A cow, four years old last October, aold for $3,705 ; amither cow sold for $1,50J, and one fetched $1,400. The averages obta ned for 64 come and heifers was $460 60. A bull, five years old in April, sold for $1, 00, and another a year old in April, for $ 30. The average for 17 built; was $433.25. At another sale- of Shorthorns at t. eat Liberty, Iowa, on the 14th and 151h, a ow, three years old in April, sold tor $1,010, nd another of the same age for $1,000. 1 he average of 73 females at this sale was$308 204 and of 17 bulls-, $191.46. The Shorthorn beom is still on. • Eaey to Feel Good. Countless thounsands have found a bl se- ing to the body in Dr.Kinght New Life P lis, which positively cure constipation ick Headache, Dizziness, Jaundice Mala ia, Fever and Ague, and all Liver and Stant ch troubles. Purely vogetable ; never grip or weaken. Only 25e at Fear's drug store. American Horse Market. - In Buffalo, last week, says the Revi wo t, the market showed considerable activity, and all offering@ ware disposed of to go od advantage, and a few carloads more ins Id have been disposed of were -they to be h d. Whe demand tor farm chunks was .an m- provement over that of the' previous week, the majority of them been taken by country dealer% at very satisfactory prices. This class will continue to find ready sale for he next five or six weeks. Draft horses s ld more readily than tor some time, the bull4 of ihern beiug taken by Massachusetts deal a. In Boston, says the New England Far er, the general tone showed improvement, b th Iri demand and valuation. The outlook is good from now on for the next threernonths, One pair draft, avera at $415; one pair oh a range of $100 to $17 In Chicago, aeon Gazette, there was pa horse market. Spec attracted an increase from all quarteise, a spring orders was e classes were in mor prices rose to the hig The arrival of Jose and August Neurnond lent additional stren demand, many chola purohaeed at $225 to$ Good drafters were et and medium grades in $80 to $130. Prime t better advantege at a to $180, with the bul $90 to $120. Expres e oral order!' from all q, Farnachunke were e arrivals beim; closed o medium 1,200 to 1, There was a more aeti and carriage horses, a consummated at a ran single animals and $40 oarriage teams. Out, from Chicago laat we head. Oae thousand bred drivers, are being ited States cavalry, ati "a'--eaCee 1,700 --pounds, sold Its, $550; others at ng to the Breed re' ioular activity in he Ily •prepared ho /see attendance of buyers a large volume of anted. All market urgent demand, and at point of the year. Wallach, Hamburg, Frankfort; Germany, to the draft horse heavy animals be ng 0 on foreign accou it. dy at $140 to $1 5, airly salve dents d, fancy bunnies sold to extreme range of 90 of the sales cboset at re sold freely on 1'13. rters at $120 to $1 O. ier, the bulk of he t at $50 to $125 or 500 pound °bun s. e inquiry for coach • d many males were e of $200 to $400 for to $520 for matched 237 horses exported k Britain took 217 ries, mostly trotting bought for the,Ure 85 to $125 per bead. Itching, Burn eases Cured Oents.-Dr. Agne in one day, and cures Scald Head, Eczema, Blotches and all erupti soothing and quieting in the -cure of all baby For sale by -I. V. Another Case of Ha An instance of the speotive charges for lo mentioned the other d ufaoturer of tombeto bringing granite from to Barrie, is," said the per hundred weight; granite from the New to this point is 50-te weight. It costa 20t c given weight across t Lawrence to Montreal, it does to carry that s Brunswick to Barrie." • AC We, the undersigne refund the money. o Greene's Warranted S to cure your cough or entice a 25 -cent bottle or rrianey refunded. ALF,X. WILSON, it Didn't The honeymoon was comfortably settled in in Swanlinbar. The from business, was gri wife crying bitterly. " Oh, George 1" she thing has happened ; beautiful pie, all by in and ate it." Well, never min cheerfully, " we can dog." rig, Skin Dis- or. Thirty -live Ointment relieves etter, Salt ,Rheum, arberhatch, Ulcers, ns of the skin. It is nd acts like magic umors.' 35c. -e-47 ear, Seafortha ong and Short 1. nfairnees in the re. and short haul was y by a Barrie man- es. "The cost of Aberdeen, Scotland, entleman, "30 cents the cost of bringing Brunswick quarries cents per hundred nti less to carry a e ocean, up the St. nd by rail here than e weight from New rd. do hereby agree to a 50 cent bottle of up of Ter if it tails Id. Wa also guar- provoiisatisfactory truggist, Seaforth. Pill-osophy.-T pills -but Dr. Agnew cents a vial lead in - borders on the phe liver, constipation, or the precursors of man These little -wonders r in a vial for to cents. - For sale by • cify Her. over, and they were heir snug little home husband, returning -ed to find his little sobbed, " a dreadful had made you a self, and Fide went my dear," he said, easy afford another ere are pills and • s Liver Pills at eco demand. The sale omenal. Sluggish regular bowels are physical disorders. ove the cause. 5 ear, Seaforth. 40 -At S. Marys, on Thursday morning, g of about twenty empty, was going nd near the high e way, causing one from the -rest and were some eight empty foreign re - e were thrown off lem down tire bank, orty feet. The car • lied with merchan• vy cars were com• e loss will, it is esti- 810,000. The for. ram passed over the s injured. a freight train consist care; for the most par west on the main line, bridge a brake beam g of the cars to separate jump the track. The cars behind this one, a frigerator cars, and tie the track and some ot a distance of about which broke down we. dale. Most of the em pletely smashed, and t mated, run up to abou ward portion of the bridge and no person To Cure a Cold Take Laxative Bro All druggists refund t cure. 25c. E. W. G each box. -Michael Oughton Refuge, Stratford, lite remembered by the ot °hell neighborhood. and his brother James one of ,the finest 206 bert, on whieb was a outbuildings, together implements. , The far Mr. Rock, near Zion's At the father's death t of. in One pay. e Quinine Tablets. money if it fails to ve'a signature is on • ed in the House of eek. r He will be settlers of the Mit- any years ago he eoarne the owners of ere farms in Hib. ick house and fine ith good stock and is now owned by urch, Huron Road. e estate was entire- tne oils n N rck. - Anyone who as ever. been troubled , with boils can-. sym- pat rze wit 1, 1 There was no f Bitters in thos( had to suffer in ,a -days no one n misery of boils. All they hav B.B.B. when t be cleansed Of and every boil appear. Miss Lydia 'Melody, Ont. esends the followi ease: ." Some time a out of order that man my body and prevent rest. I had nine on times, and quite a nu came on my shoolders "Our next door, ne condition I was in, told for my blood, and I di 1 4" After I had finishe found that some of ill peered and all the rest smaller. I then got and by the time 1 h gone there was not Besides this, a heada suffered greatly, left' so much in health that robust girl." • Dor oIcl J0D. urdock Blood days, so Job lence. Now - ed endure the to do is take ir blood will 11 impurities 11 quickly dis- useom, Essex Co., statement of her • niy blood .got so boils appeared on nie having any neck at different . ber of small ones nd ACI118. hbor, seeing the me to take B.B.B. 80. the first, bottle I • boils had •.disap- ere,getting much, wo more betties, these nearly all. boil to be seen. •e from which, I , and I improved am now a Iron, 6.6 ly fr and fore P0 1 of thro ult., tho The and holt ed h kill ing nigh CAZO afte ous 4) e of debt, but the boys* were wnyward rank heavily, and it was not lopg bo. everything was gone and both died ileac oseph Dean, the burteen.year-old son r. George Dean, of Stratford, nets his t with a razor on Friday night 22nd Ib is eover. fits, in the e. Confinement and his sickness affeet- m so severely that he threate imeelf, but his parents thought f it. He went to bed as usua , buta little later he got his f and cut his throat. A few wards his parents 'found him in tate. Hie condition ie imp ovin • anlyStrength and Beauty depend on purity o ancruch of that purita depend kid ey filtering. If these organs • and will not perform their fun will -seek in vain for strength for beauty. South American drivhs out all impurities throug and 09•Me very cloae to death, ht, now, however, that he will r boy is partially blind, and take as been kept to a great extent ed to noth- that ther's inutes seri. omanly the Itlood, on perfect re &leased tions' man nd woman idney Cure the body's • "filterers "-repairs weak spots, --•=46 For sale by I. V. Fear, Se forth. The Four George D ath came to the Iotir Georg s in differ- ent aye. The first, as most p ople know, died of an apoplectic stroke, Mob seized him hile in his carriage on the way to Os - i nabr ck, n Hanover. - While out walking on October 5, 1760, the econd suddenly stopped short, exclaim- ed, My God 1" and fell on the ground - dead Heart disease had killed him. P or George III., who was aged, blind, and ad long since lost his reason, passed peaolifully away without uttering a syllable; he s emed merely to have sunk into pro, foun1 slumber. G orge IV. was sitting upon his be& on the iight of his death, when a blood vessel suddenly broke in his head. I " y God! I am dying !" he excla med, then relapsed into a comatoee oond tion. Pres ntly, however,.those abou him Leard him urmttr "This 's my • eath ; and he closed his eyee for the last ime. Lon- don ?express. 1 B tter without tha with one that's got to i . Dr. Von Sta.n's sti ulate the digestive ento the good things of bad effects -carry them vest pocket -60 in box, ee cents. a 8 om ch a const nt " rt " Pineap be Ta lets organs. Let one life an leav no with ou in lyour 48 For eat° by I. V. Fear, 'Sea orth. • anger in Raw Veget la Messer Gauldi, chief of the Hyg ene of Rome, who has giv 1. tent on to the study of typhoid occu s in large cities, ha § oboe connection between its prevalen cons mption of raw vegetables, t eurv ' of typhoid fever co clos ly to that indicating the c such ent oocu bles. Bureau of u much at. fever as it wed a close e and the e seasonal responding uantity of vegetables sold throughou the differ- onths of the yeer Apar teem the fence of local infection d e to acci• dental pollution of watar Hupp y or milk sup ly, the contamination of ei her of the latt r cannot satisfactorily explain the dis- trib tion of cases in the city of Rome, wbe eas it is readily accounted for by the hyp thesis that these cases ar se in con. nect on With the consumption o raw vege tabl s, which is so ex tensive among the low r classes there. At Pad a, careful microicopial ancl baceeriologioal exami- nation of vegetables commonly !atria in the raw Rtate, including lettece and celery, has yiel ed results which clearly • emonstrate the mportance of these as a pos ible source of p raaitio and infectious dise see gener- ally. By the. bacteriological xamination mic obes were found in Euch my hods that a corn lete list of their specials co Id not be mad:. • The danger of eating s lads made of v getables containing this vas amount of pare itic and microbe life m at be con side able. A thorough disinfection is, how ver, easily effected by s eking the vegetables for half an heur in a 3 per cent. eolu ion of tartaric acid (about n ounce of acid to a quart of watet)."-Leslie's We kly. • TI AT aching head can e instant relieved by taki g one of MILBURN'S S ERLING HEADACHE POW 1 ERS. VOne powders,6c ; three for 103, ten ter 250. • She Liked F ied H m. A cording to one you g woma 'a experi- ence it is not exactly vise to have a decided fondness for any one art cle of diet and let youi friends know abou it. In her case, som how most of her riends had grasped the act tliat she was p rtial to fried ham. She lid like it once in a while for breakfast, but he realized how we risome too much of the ood thing may bow e, nor how jubil- ant he tired housekeep r is when she dire cove s some favorite die • to lead when she is in doubt. She was g jug out to the sub- urbs, for a few days, and before she left she had idelicious slice of f ied ham served for her reakfast. " 3eoause I know ho fond you are of ham" explained the old friend with whom she oar& The young woman Wag pleased by t e thoughtful little attention and ate wit1 a thankful spirit. It was near luncheon t me when the young wo an arrived at her suburban destination. As she went to the table the ifaint aroma of frie4 ham somewhere ii th culinary re- gions greeted her. " It is such a comfort to k ow what you like,' said her hostess. I k ew I couldn't fail to please you if 1 had fried ham for lune eon." The young yeoman smiled, still plea ed with the thoughtfuhres and with the ried ham. T at night she had promised to dine with the oung marnied friend wh'a lives in the sem suburbs and who is tack ing household pro lems and the suburbs and the doMestic service problem all at one land the eame time 16 es, I am without a maid again, and I am o glad to see you " said the young hot's' keeper, enthused. At the dinner. she 1 sery d fried ham: ' " t is so hard to know whit to have to - eat hese days, and I reinentber your old fond ese," she said in Explanation. • So it went on until tothe young woman's min the future seemed 3ne Ing procession of sale, ,three a day, with fried ham as their chief constituent. The rushing blow cam with her first meal back in her board• ing p ace. . _ W haven't had fried ham all the time you' e been gone. We drought we'd wait till ou're return, bgeause we know how fond you are of it," said her kind old friend. RE healt ional Any d Doi • ULAR ACTION of the bowels is necessary to . LAXA-LIVER PILLS are the beet °cense athartic for family or g literal use. Price 2.51a. uggist. g Llttle Things Just Right. "1 had two office boys," said a business man, "whose main duty ware to bring me notes or cards that were sent to me, or to fetch things that I wanted,' to use. One of these boys, when sent for a hook or any- thing heavy, would walk rapidly by my desk nd toss it indefinitely toward me. If it ha pened to miss me and land on the desk, be seemed to think it was all right. If it ell on the floor he always managed to fall o er it in his eagerness to pick it up. If h had a letter or card to deliver, he wouh come up to my desk and stand there, 'wenn ng it with minute care. This being cone' ded, he would flip it airly in my di. reoticn and deport. "Te other boy alwaye eame and went so • that I co a book,.i quietly e Letters toss d, ri the dir his ind my esk in t e fore he o noyi gly Tha bo thin s. got en char ed. • HURON EXPOSITO Id hardly hear him. If he brought k -stand, or box of letters he would t it down at one side of the desk. nd cards were always laid, not ht where my eye would fall on etly. If there was any doubt in hether he ought to lay a letter on r deliver it to some other person ce, he, always did hie thinkink be. me near tine, and -did not stand an- t my elbow studying the letter. underetood the science of little hen New Year's day came he oilers. The either boy was die - 11 YA D'S YELLOW OIL mires a▪ ll pain in luso or hest ; •reprains, outs, bruises, callous lumps, swell ngs, i ifiarnmation, ;rheumatism and neuralgia it is epee flo.- A 6 I Dou AOCD war 1 in spm .We on u 0..143 -maybe h liquor. said 4 'Bill did you drink that stuff in the glarei on y table.' - " e s id that he hed, nd I then told him he h d d unk poison, ai d that he'd be a dead mi • in five minutes Oh, I reckon not,' said Bill, 'but I , I 1 kno ed It was somethit a leetle stronger than I'd been inhavinh for every time I blo led y nose I burn d a hole in my han kerc er.'" • ' ath IOU MOTHERS flnd DR. LOW'S WORM SYRIIP th best medicine to e pel worme. Children like It-wo me don't. go Ca adian Horse Maiket. Some 10 head of hor es were sold at Grand's epository in T ronto, last week. General urposes horsesb ought $80 to $145, and seco &hand drivers and workers, which had been led in the oit for some time, from $20 o $80. The salwas, however, a l3 disappoin ment, none of the animals fetch- ing ,the p ices which dea lers thought they should ha e fetched. • it e Stronger Than Usual. ne lay back in Detroit," remarked a las treet man, " I accidentally left- aqu fortis in a ginus and soon after - was horrified to find the glass empty. uired as to what had become of it, and of t e boys in the store said that Bill ster a tough old s sionally-had had drunk it, n a short time t who dropped in net gone out, and supposing it to be he came in and I To our lene. ft than twe -Hon people be -Alw have to u -It's how a widow. -The to turn o about the - Irish come! more goo it !" -Mam for the ba What he -Wig whiskey that is ? ' alone." -A bo pulled ex we have -s tooth ea -Gran the Zoo, teegurs, what dri tail." -He She -" 0 that you Lime wit --" Li ot ?" , Pr son, is a somethin -A n youngste corner, you will little ma a cold in a nig t -use Vapo-Creso• has been used ext nsively during more ty-four years. Al Druggists. • Wit and Wisdom. at' is ethe best policy, but some ieve inmoderattijen in all things. ye speak the ruth--even if you e a long distanc telephone. d, sometimes, aye Peter, to see omen can smil and still be a an who tells yo that he is about er a new leaf mplie3 too much old one. Visitor-" Ah, now this is wel• n hour's rain like this will do in five minutes than a- week of a-" We must really get a nurse nurse for him 1 y.” Papa-" eeds is a night Watchman." -" Ther is one class of men that never injures.' Wagg-" And Wigg-" The itnen who leave it 's description o having a tooth resses it about 1 s well aE anything eonu.-t7, Just befo e it killed me the o papa-" And what did you see at Jimmy ?" JiMmy-" Lions an' n' bears an' cats!, an' a elephaupott • ked two pails off water wif its "1 altvaya say what I think." ! Then that r ust be the reason ften sit around for an hour at a out saying a wo d."J 4v416f4. '7'i tle Paul-"Pai a, what is a big- fessor Breadhea -" A bigot, my arson who is al solutely certain of he knows nothi tg about." ld gentleman, when passing a selling newsp& pers at a street emarked : " A e you not afraid atch cold on such a wet night, my Oh, no," replied the boy ; "selling newspapers keeps up the circula- tion, 'tint' -A judge in crossing the channel one stormy night came across a famous barrister well kno suf- fering te eibly from sea. iokness. "Can I n for hie ready wit, who was do anc,t. ing for you ?" Eked the judge. " Yes, gasped the sea -rick lawyer ; " I wish yo r lordship woald over -rule this motion." -Mrs. promised promised When ?" riedme y grace res what do my head Modus " Well, George, you me a new bonnet." George-" I you a new, bonnet? Great Scott ! Mre. Modus--" Before you mar - u swore i that never should die - upon my head hrough ou call this she by thing that's on ow ?" • you; and Newts No - A fa al accident oc township Wellington c Harry L ndsay, yOunges Commissi ner Lindtay, a instantly killed, on ,t day 1 ing bee as in pr gross James, ta• other son, in Ni a. large n mber of the nei ent. Su, denly the ;flyw machine urst, and piece direction;, one of which s the head, almost severin posing th brain. No otli jured, th ugh several aro ous escap e. Before medi unfortun to young man b 1 -Mrs. Wm. Cowan, a age, was ound dead in h •one day last week. She chair when found, and t al large wounds on her evidently caused death. of dissolute habits and w whisky. A coroner's inclu and the j ry brought in effect tha deceased came the hands of some person known, a d recommended Governm nt take the nece further investigation of a, n showed that t dence giv have bee from acci - Ave of last we Kent co morning, near that years, an driving t driving. As the party ere approaching the bridg , the horse, whie L was attached to a light b ggy, took frigh and ran away. They we e going swiftly over the bridge when th boy, in the onfusion pulled steadily o the rein. The horse instantly swerved . one side and the whole party pitched k adlong over the ide of the bridge to the e bankment, 40 feet below. The baby noel ed only a few scratches, the baby escaped u hurt, but the mother received internal i juries from whici she died. The horse esca ed unhurt. SMhen found Mrs. Arnold ha the baby clas ed tightly in her arms, and it is supposed she lost her own life in her efferts to protect This signature is on every bx of the genuine Laxat ve Bromo-Q lame Tablets the remed that cures a toad in one dap selainflicted ent. y sad accident o cured on Monday k, near the vill ge of Louisville, I nty. About 1 o'clock in the Mrs. George Ar old, who resides place, her bab boy, aged two soother son, ag d ten years, were ward the villa e, the elder boy es. arced in Nichol unty, in which eon of County ed 21 years, was et week. A saw - on the farm of hol, and at which hbcirs were pres- eel .of the sawing flew in different ruck Lindsay on the top and ex. er person was in- nd had miracul- al aid arrived the ' athed his last. !I oman 65 years of , r house in Gait, as sitting in her ere were sever. ead which had he was a woman ' is overly fond of 'est has been held verdict to the to her death by or persons un - that the Ontario sary steps for a e matter. Evi- , e wounds •might ✓ have resulted • g I • her child. HOIST WITH HIS OWN PETARD. new R porter Evened 17p Natter* Wt4h a Ceptiors Editor. "In one of, our western* cities some years ago,' said a Kansas -City man, "a friend of i bee was employed as a report- er on one of the local papers. The next man abov , him iwas constantly taking him to ta Lk for !alleged derelictions in duty and special] for mistakes in gram- mar, punc uation ind similar things. The editor tvla was fiorever quarreling with my friend, while Et. man of force and able to write i i a virile xnanner, was never- theless de cient n educatiop, and his grammar was oecasionally as bad as some of that of Charles Dickens. One day he held been particularly vicious in his criticis is of My friend. The follow- ing morni • g there appeared an editorial from his p n, in which the following sen- tence occu red: " `To be a true American one should visit tha. ocky inountains and contem- plate its b auty and grandeur.' "Here as the ichance my friend had been waiti g for, end so he cut the quota- tion out d sent it to the owner of the paper, to hotn bah men were responsi- ble, with t e following comments: " 'The 111 et thotight suggested by this strange s atemen is that its author should vis t a sch ool of grammar and eonternpla e its eauty and grandeur. This origi ality h4 the use of in singular pronoun 8t4 nding or a plural antecedent might be u ed to a vantage in a reveasion of the styl , like t e following, for exam- ple: 1 " 'To be a true l American one should visit the ditor o The Blank and con- templete heir beauty and grandeur.' Aside fro e the offense to English in thie admonitio . to the American people, will the senti e ent itself stand analysis? If the dictu so be trhe that to be a true American one sh uld visit the Rocky mountains nd con emplate its beauty and grandeur, hat is to become of the fol- lowing: "'The gg an whc cannot afford to in- dulge in th s visit d contemplation? . "'The b sy menwho cannot find time to go on a niounta n gazing tour? "'The • any god citizens who are blind?' "The attention Of the owner -was ar- rested, and he {maI e inquiries which re - suited in his stra ghtening out -matters between tbe twoen. While this drastic ni criticism Orhaps did not improve the ed- itor's gra mar it certainly did improve iny friend' pollen while on tha paper." I ON WIIOM WS THE LAUGH? An. Artleti Er Attempt to Have Fun With a Pieture Dealer. The following good joke on a party of artists (or was it en the picture dealer?) was told byl George Bogert, who was one of the party, as an actual occurrence: "One day," said Mr. Bogert, "Fred- erick Kost -Carleton Wiggins and my- self were: dowu town and for a lark etopped in one of those cheap picture •hops whc4e they sell oil paintings .foe about $1.2 After looking about a bit Kost select d one, supposed to represent a deer. Sa d he to the dealer: "'Beg p rdon, sir, but I am green at this buslne4ls. 'Will you mind explaining this pictur ? The deer appears to have a melanch ly, hunery look on his face. Am I right ' "'Quito correct, 1 replied the dealer. 'Step over ere. This is better.' " 'You s e, It's this way,' continued Kest confi entially; 'My wife and I are in the city for a flew days to buy some paintings for our new house in Indiana. I have to , get a few hundred dollars' worth, and I recken I had as well get them all right here' , "The dealer nearly dropped in his tracks, but was equal to the emergency. "'Yes, si ,' he said briskly, 'you have come to the best place in town, but be - fere we begin busiaess, gentlemen, come ever to the Astor House and have lunch with me.' "'Thank,' replied Kost without the ghost of a 'smile, 'we bed a late break- fast at the Waldtt-Astoria and really don't care flor anyt ing jest yet. By the trey, have you aUy pictures by a man named Carlieton Wiggins?' "'No; we had no .by Wiggins, but couldn't sell it. We don't handle his pic- tures.' "'Anything by a Ifellow named Bogert?' ever eXpect to either. His th having.' Have you any works of the rtist Frederick Kost?' said the dealer, scratching ely. 'Kost? I don't Df him.' choking with laugh- s last was too much, aye Kost put the deal - is. Without a word "'No are not wo celebrated " 'Kest?' his head rceditati think evei heard "We were nearl ter before, but th and the laugh we er on, as the sayin he put on his hat tnd, leaving his assist- . ant in charge, mched out of the store, wearing a yery paned expression on his face." Queer New Ye r Superstitions. "Don't take a light out of the house before one has been brought in," is the solemn, Initinction lon New Year's night of the peahantry f Lincolnshire, Eng- land. Death Is ce tain to result if this advice is twit folio ed. a wontan to enter the house Year's day is said to be a ner o4 evil. The same re - To permi first on Ne sure foreru sults are said to follow the throwing out of dirty water, ashes or any kind of ref- use. In sweepng the house the -dust must be swept from the door to the hearth or death will lie the c nsequence. A custom largely observed at present Is after mak- ing the fire in the norn1ng to! spread the ashes over, the threshold. If In the morning there Is ai impressioof a foot leading frota the louse, a death in that family Is ge firmly believed In that prep- arations are made or it, but if the foot- mark leads toward the house a birth during the year IS sure, and prepara- tions are m de accOrdingly. mont of l'ght we receive front BrighttiLlItars ot the Largest. The a any star depends ipon its distance, its size and the brillia ey of its surface. A faint star far away may therefore be much larger than one which apipears brighter to us because it is nearer, Rud as a matter of fact it is known that some faint stars have a uuch larger mass -that is, WOigll more-th n Sirius, the bright- est star in the heav ns, although this lat- ter star is three ti es heavier than Our sun. The Dan ibe flo*s through countries in Wil irl 5`..4e 10 nt_liAtres and dialects are eslehen It ts ,n iios _in length and hoer- tin t t t,eir tiftleis of ths COO '' • •-• • .. • • -A pleasant eve.ii. peet at th. residence of M Ji. 11 V w 1l Strat ford. t ,.e. ig • ho metroters of Weleg! • r - l• nelst •-titireh a•tem bled for r; gi p 147144: I .ractice. The MeMberE.'“I r.0 '.ear'tee-eh took ad vantave f t e e. -1,t a H p • served their choiema t a W. J R he t-,- and Mpg Robert • it t haul- • e epaelsterea chairs -•r Elareee' it, ree e-nnee f vj- able servic( 4 nderect as ohni leader. Asthma. You've tried almost very. thing for it, baven'tJ you? And we presume y u are about discouraged. 1 Now what do you think f our idea of breathing -ii the medicine, bringing i right up to the diseased part? It 1 oks reasonable, doesn'tit ? And it's uccessful, too. - W en you inhale Vapo-Cre olene you breathing becomes eas the wheezing ceases, and you d op to sleep. For croup and who ping - cough it's a quick cure. 16 Vacrrio-Creselene is sold by druggists ev where. The apozer and Lamp, widen Should 1 st a life- time, and a bottle of Crest:One complet , $r.50; extralsuppties of Cresolene 25 cents and 5 rents, Illestrated booklet containing' physicia s testi- monials free upon request. V;tPO-CRESO E 5 CO" stio Fulton St., New a' ork, U.S.A. R commended and sold by I. V Fear, Dru gist, Seaforth. Cow's Taste In Susie. I m not an agriculturist, but r ten yea s I lived with an uncle w o kept cow and milkmaids during that p riod. It •as noticed that certain milk naids coul draw more milk than other . Our mos characteristic cow was Tris e, so named on account of her sad e ring, and it required the most touching o bor- der songs to prevail upon her to give a dec nt supply of milk. The old v man whol generally milked, her- always n ound up vith the "Land of the Leal" to get the Creamy ending of the milking 1 roeess. A new hand once tackled Tries e with , sea songs 'and. dire consequence.. An-. othe cow was called the Evang liat tin ace° nt of her intense hatred fo 't salm tune and Sankey's hymns. She, ti1ange to s y, preferred rollicking tunes Can you tccount for this? -London eh ..43 icle. 4 Wife Pow Sale. AI ch later than 1828 there lived a pub- licani some miles off, whom I kne very well indeed, he was the namesa e of a first cousin to a carpenter in my c n tent empl y. He bought his wife for t stone two allon jartof Plymouth gin, if I was info reed aright. She had belong d to a ston cutter, but, as he was diss tisfied with her, he put up a written n tine ha seve al public places to this effectI "Notice. -This here be to hinfoltan the publ ell as how 0— 0— be d spozed to 8 11 his wife by Auction. Her be a dace t, clanely woman, and be of age 25 year. The sale be to take place in the — inn, Thursday next at 7 o'clock." -S. Barilig Gould's "A Quiet Village." The Power of Honey. "It seems to me, Mrd. Newrich, that your younger daughter Is getting about old eh, ough to make her limn &het," said the Fiocial caller. "She:don't need to," rleplied the proud marnmA. "We're quite !able to buy the best there is without thelgirls' makin any of their own things."-philadelphia But- ietin.. ' Irpli, Next to Good Government. Netto good government there is noth- ing so important to the business welfare °ratty progressive nation as an ample supply of iron and stability in its price.- Canster's. ...... The Helpless Woman. Th re was once a Woman who had Neva. Learned how to Swim, al h ugh she Went in Bathing eyery day in the Sumi ler. She had a Friend who had Ac- quire this Art with Some Trouble and wits -ery Proud of her Proficiency in it. "It is Absurd," said this Vide d, "to Live near the ;Water and not Seini. It makes you very Attrrietive to Good Swintmers if you can Goo Out witi them and they do Not Feel that yoa ate a Drag on their Pleasure. What would yeti Do in Case you Fell aft the Pier? Now, Watch me!" Wilth these words she Dfred off into the Water and Swam about By Herself. "It is a Good Thing to have a Woman Swiri so Well," said one of the Men near by. "Now, if any of the Children fall Into the Water she can Rescue them." Jut then the Woman' who Could, Not help Herself uttered a Scream. and Fell into I[he Sea. Instantly Five Men leaped in t Rescue Her and Spent the Rest of the ay Resuscitating her and Inquiring I1of she Was, leaving the Swin3mer to Divi by Herself. T is teaches us that Nothing Suceeeds like isteess.-Century. The Habit of Tipping. It makes a lordly briber of the givet end a grateful mendicant of the receiver. Thele I nothing menial in the work of SOI'V ng food and drink in a restatirant, for instnnee, but to see an Arnericab cith- zen Waiting after the meal is over with a hum le, suppliant eye upon the chang4 whkh he brings back after the bill h paid and to see him danciog servile at tend nee on the man who gives the tipi and insolently neglecting the man who does 't is as measly an exhibition of ett erytiting that Americanism doesn't Meat as y u can find in a ten days' journey. • pps's Cocoa Al to COM FOR, ING Distinguiehed everywhere for life.ey t Flavour, Superior Quality', De and Highly Nutritive Propertides, Specially grateful and comforting to the nervous and dyspeptic, Sold ouly in quarter -pound -tins, libelled JAMES EPPS & imiterl Hemcenpathic Chemiets, ondon, England. BRE KFAST SUPPER PPs's Coe04 1713 26 Spring Medicine. ' As a pining medicine Butdosk Blood Bitter has no equal. Ittones:Up thety .tem and remov s all • 1 impurities from the blood, and takes away that ire', weary feeling so pseva.lent in the!spring, - • Dos KLEMM PILLs act on the kldneye, hl dde danieduernary organa only. TInly cnre back cbes flamm ion, gravel. Bright's disease and. all other ess e-eak b ek, ihatimatism, diabetes, congestion, fri- iri 6iug from w o" -g aelion of the kidne38 and bladder. I , gagyards YtilOw Oil. The rest pain ewe. I; led eaternaily cures elliegs, rh6n- sorenes of every dereription. Internally usel it eures oup, celds, sore throat., osreenese, ae hying- sw_______4„palne,bruiees, stiffness. pais and ..._!_ bronchitis, quinsy, etc Price -2g cent!, all drug ists. FaIinnteaees of Nervooseess, Sleeplessness, Wea flees, Brain $-g, Lsck of Vitalitv, Nem ens Prostr Mon, Dizzy Spell, Teinceo Heart, Wh skey Nerves Gereral Debility, etc.. nee MilhurnIs eart and Ne ve Pills. Coue s. Cqlds; 13ronchitis,Heareeness,Sore Threat, Nstilu . Whooping Cough yield to the curative 1 Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, as eon- tioiwriser e lung, -healing virtue et the pine tree. --..-.40.----- Work While.YOu Sleep. it yoU take a Lara.IAver PIH to.night, befor re- tiring, 5 will work while you sleep without a gr' pe or sin, ri ft Biliousness. Constipation, Ds psia ii and Sic Headache, and make you feel better the month) . The Molsons Bank. INCORPORATED, 1855. CAPITAL PAID UP . . $2,500,000 RESERVE FUND . . . g.2,050,000 JAMES kLL1OT T, Genetal Manager. HNielALL BRANCH. Money advanced to farmers on their own, notes, with lone or more endorsers. Collectionmade in all parts of the world, and return al promptly remitted, at lowest rates of exchanges. Drafts sold on all points. in Canada, the United States and Europe. Sterling and American exchange bought and aoid Interelit allowed on deposits remain- ing for one Month or more Ekt current rate& Savings Department -Interest allowed OD deposits of $1 and upwarch. Special attention given to the celketion of farmers' stile notes. The Bank is open daily for transacting a general banking businees. F. E. KARNf Agent, liensall Branch. 1,t3S9-tf SE/V. RTH DYE WORKS i, Ladies and entlemen,thanking you all for past patronage and now that a new seas n Is at hand wish to lob you;know that I am stillin the business. ready to do m best to give you every satiefaction in doing your work in the line of cleaning and dyeing gentlemen's and ladies' clothing-, done without being ripped as well as to have. them ripped. Alt wool goods guaranteed to give good eatiefaction on aborteet notice: Shawls, curtains, eto.., at moderate prices. Please do sot fail to give me a call. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for work. HENRY NICHOL, opposite the Laundry, ,north Main street. 3.601-0 Merton Stock Farm, LOT 27, CONCESSION 8, HIBBERT Thoroughbred Durham Cows, Heifers and Mills of the most iashionable strains for sale at reasonable prices. Post office address, DAVID HILL, &fifth. 16614' McKillop Directory for 1901; DANIEL MAN EY, Reeve, Beechwood P.O. ALEX. GARD NER, Councillor, Leadbury P. O. JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. O. JAMES O'LA ORLIN, Councillor, Beechwood P. 0 ARCHIBALD McGREGOR, Councillor, Seatorth 1'.0 JOHN 0. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. O. DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. O. WILLIAM EVENS, Asseseer, BeeelasOood P. O. CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seater -0 P. O. RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Ittepeeters bury P. 0.1 SIGN CIRCULAR OF THE SAW Lead. NO VIS C- ct- So 07 tj 0 R4•1 CD ti Po eel re se c, --t o • 1-h .CD • CD XD a, 0 CD test 02 ees 8.1 1:5 •"1 Cl - l.+. O Eg-cl Pat 1•1 • . • nCD se ee ,•••0 al a) CD cis es- rn s rala ts' 0 311 CD (55 s 0 p CD 0 -es CD sea CD tas, -Pao -CIJ '••• et- STe. oaf 4=n -a P ea.a ee elo . • g. CfQ tr t P•I c.C3 P P - Asks * cL THE SEAFORTH MUSiCal - Instrument EMPORIUM. 111••••••••.0.9.1111.P1Mi ESTABLISHED, 1873. Owing tJ hard times, we have con - eluded to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Reduced Prices. Organs at $25 and upwards, and Pianos at cOrresponding prices. See us before purchasing. SCOTT BEOS. l'he MtlEillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY iNSURED OPPiesia. J. B. MeLeaia, President, Rippen P. 0, • Thomas Fraser, aice-preeident, Bruceftei,d P. 0. ; Toms, E. Raw, Seoy.Treas. Seaforth P. 0. ; W. 0, Broad. foot, Inspector' of Lessees, Seeforth P. O. DIASOTOZI. W. 0. Broadfools Seaforth; John O. Grieve, Wi throp ; George Dale, Seaforth, John Benneweis, IYtibIln, James Evans, .Peechwood ; John Watt, Oarlock; Thomas Fraser, Betioedelei ; John B. Mc- Lean, Hippo ; James Connolly. Clinton. * Bobt. Smiths, Harlock ; Rohl. MoMillan, fleafortb s aaroes_Cuteuroirig Egmondv e J. W. Teo, Hohnes- villa P. O.; George Murtha and John C. Morrison, auditor Parties deeroas to effect lasurasoes or tress. tot ether tininess will he promptly *Waded to Olt -pitlicalies to eny of the above Ohre% *oddness& It 11.11“*Peci1Y# post emew,