HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-04-05, Page 81: el A DIST IOT MATTERS. The Really Artistic Papers Don't get on to the bargain counters. They are so few and far between, compared with the general run of papere, that they bring fair prices ; but they are worth all they cost. We have the only large stook of REALLY ARTrSTIC papers to be found in town. •••••••••••••••••,- f, P A psalm's BOOKSTORE, SEPFORTH. DOMINION BANK. ••••=•••••...4•.•••• CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $2,300,000 REST, - - $2,300,000` SEAFORTH BRANCH, Main Street, Seaforth. A General Banking Business trans- acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same at lowest rates. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.—Intere t allowed on deposits of One Dollar an upwards. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor W. K, PEARCE, Manager. Spring NoVelties. _ Our neWline will meet you thia month you will not be disappointed. Taste in ee lection quality, price, aro combined an well ba'lanced. Our watches still lead th. way, we have this line more complete that ever. Bring along your repairs, all wor. guaranteed to give satisfaction. ' Counter's Jewelry Establishment SEAFORTH. , , w. R. COUNTER, - • • • Manaae- DON'T NEGLEO - To write for our new cataloeue it you ar interested in the selection of the beat schoo in which to train for business pureuito. Th Central Business College, Toronto, employ t 'even regular teachers, owns 60 typewrit- ing machinee and tau 20 splendid rooms in its work. Its coursea are thorough and practical and its students and graduates are to strong demand. Winter term from Jams - try 2nd. Eater any time after that date. We elect give splendid courses By -Mail fo Jesse who cannot attend our school. Al iarticulars cheerfully given. I Central- Business Colleke, TORONTO, W. H. SHAW, Principal. :image and Gerrard sts., Toronto. _ 1586-52 EASTER HOLIDAYS. _______ FOR. THE PUBLIC Return tickets will be issued at single Are good going April 4th to Sth inelusive, ood to return on or before the 9th. SCHOOL VACA'PIONS. Fate and a third to teachers aud pupila, ood going Mardi 29th to April 6th, inclus- ;e, valio returning on or before April 16th. et certaficates from -your Principal who as a eupply. s ______ ._,.. V. SOMERVILLE Agent J Commercial Building, SE AFORTH. 1645 . - 3icycle Season 1901. ______ r IT, i We N, "N ATSO S AGENCY. , _— For the celebrated Goderieh Bicycle Co., ustsfeeturers of the MeUready, CoMmou !nac and ( ,oderich wheels, atrietly &et 'tee, fitted up with G. & J. or Dunlop tires, "'heeler Seats and Raven Pedals, All heels guaranteed for the season 1901. ny defects in material or workmanship re- 4ired free of charge. laicycie sundries, oil al part repairs in stock. Repairing -orriptly attended to by a competent hand id (Outages reasonable. A r - ..W - W -ts...rT S CD 1\T, NOItTif MAIN ST., SEAFORTIL, 1630 Spring Term Opens On _April 1st. ---C47-A17-7-1?-41:4-7 el7e_czer-- STRATFORD, ONTARIO. An excellent floe to enter our sohoo' for a course a. training. Prepare now for the eituationa that: , • aft you at fait, This popular college enjoy -a ' 14rge attenaanoe hecauee it la doing the beet work in cdurat'on in Canada to dea . Write for apecial apritar -;raular. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52 A COOD THINC. Ito you ever Itas,o any trouble with. agents corning ar nual and tolling you that you want a z•ortain rf late, and trying to con VinCe ou that you must nave that particular bicycle, sowing machine, ete. You w how it la done. :Then they take up your _cod time, or, perhaps, the tin 4: of a hired man; which costs money, and _should yuu buy you iliac' pay far the tiny) apent In making the sale, as time la money, and eotae one hate to pay, and you can de- pend on it that the agent or canvasser is not km ping a ham and rig for hia health. To avoid this end finvo the cash, WE allow you to alecide what you want, Then oat= e and choose from tae largest stook In Ontarlca Wok. Also you are not 4 anfined to one make or price. Our prima aro from aa:' up to a75 1410y -oleo, and on a sewing machine we give you 15 off for •not troubling ycu as a can - ewer or agent. A full atook of machine needles and repairs on hand. Aleo general repairing donciproinpt- “ awl well, and pricers the lowest, at BALDWIN'S, Seaforth METHULN SICK, —A despatch from Pre- toria bays Lord Methuen, the celebrated English general, is of fever, but is pro. egreeeing satisfactorily. THE HURON EXPOSIT of Ium er, besides large quantities of lath, thing' e and tanbark. est of this will be shippe I 'to Western On ario, They have gX/40/Sit-OV• (tt:t°, :ieleudn%gelrYinwg 10,ace oo dtietiriwnegn oafdevoaunreseeti when C oy started, and 't is to hoped they Citicatne T HEVES IN 1 GMONDVIL1,13.--, An Eg 'ondville correspondent writes us as follows - " 0 Saturday night last two thieves ntere ene of our village chicken coops, b t wer :disoovered in time to pre- vent, th m fro carrying out their -low pur. pose; hey ere both full grown men and old enongh to arn ten honest living, as they were plainly e en and tracked for some dia. twice. Residents of our village would do well to lee that all doors are carefully- lock- ed, particularly at ois season °Ole year." i ' TRAV4ILLER ..—The following were Hoke. - ed out to dist nt points this week by Wm. Somerville, r ilway - ticket agent : T.. J. Ryan and James Lsoey, MoKillop.; Arthur Forbes, jr., Fred. Twiss and Alonzo Oct- wein, .8 afort , to Detroit ; Mre.. Thomas Dodds, .MoKi lop, to , Carrington, North Dakota , Mra. S. Dorraire, to - Chicago ; Mr. J. ..Mci ougall and family, to Lang. don, N oh ir.) lusts ; Misi Mary McClure, to Echo Minn "sots ; Willie Levy.- Hensall, to Dors tr. M ntana ; Jeseph and Nil:thole', Wingle, Fran Longwood -and Thomas O'- Sullivan Mei illop, to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario s Mises Edith MoKibbin and grand. - daughter of W. Brodie, to Gaylord, Mich- igan. „,,, . • . comieo Too NEAR HOME.—The follow- ing.tele raphi despatch from Clinton ap. pears in the d ily papers of. Wednesday : " puite a stir was created here yesterday when it peoarn known that a ease of small- pox wee! in t wn. Mies MeRoberts,• of . London townsl ip, and a visitor at- the real- denoe of Mr. eter Cantelon, merchant, is .tho victim. The health offiser, Dr. .Shaw assisted by Dr, Graham, are, however; tali. ing the gram est precautions to prevent further alarm. The schools are closed until aft r Eats er, and it is expected a big business will e done in the vaccinating line for ili. few aye." • . AI ARRetoE 0 ' WM. HOWELL,-.--WITI. B. Lander llowel , B. A., of Chicago Univer- sity, son of Re . J. E. Howell, a former pastor of the Seaforth Methodist church, was mat -lied o Friday, . March 22ad, to Mise_Edith L. Livingatone, second daugh- ter of the late udge Livingstone of Simooe. The ceremony toolei' place in 'St. Paul's church. ', We mderstand Mr. and Mrs. Howell Will reside at Chicago. This an. nouncernent will be af iriterest to throes who knew Mr. Ho ellewheu his home was in Seaforth, and is friends .here will join in tenclericg coug at -illations and good wisher). i • ST. Til.oatAS' CHURtit Skrivrees, —Divine services have b en held in St. Thomas' church every evening this week; at,7:30 . Oa Good (i Friday there wit be service at 10:30 in the morniog, in ad ition to the eveting berviee. On Eaaler . Sunday- there will. be four seta, vices, at 8 ai na, holy communion ; 11 o'clock, morainic prayer, sermon end holy cornmanion ; 2:130, childrea's service, and at 7::30, evening oeayer and termon. The ser- vice in the evening will:be fully choral, the choir singing all the -responsive parts. The, collection on Etseter Day islor the miemien fund ot the diobese. Oa Monday evening, at 8 o'cle eh wi I be held the. annual vestry .mecting, in. the eohool room. • • . ' eAsoenee IluettoNrre DIES IN MANITOBA- — The Pilot Mound, Manitoba, Sentinel of last week saye : "Iteis with much. regret, that we chronical the death of ..Seinuel McLean, which took place .on Sunday-, the 17eh of .Merch. He wae in hie usual health up to .1,he time of hisl -death, heart failure being the cause. Mr McLean wei bora in the north of Irelandi in 1829, coming to Canada in 1847, at the age of 18 years. He worked a farm near Toronto for two years, then joined, the rush westward, being one of the first, settlera in the township of . Hullett, Huron county, ho• town of Clinton being composed of th ee 1 eildinos at that time. He crossed the aitland river and located helping to,fell the first tree ,where the vil- lage of Londes oro now stands. :He re- sided in Huron tounty. continuously until, 1889, at that tim coming to Manitoba and locating ou secti n 6, 3-10, where he liyed up to two years go," . . • A-1 ET i I OD IS T LADIES' Ane—The annual 'meetiog of.the Ladiee' Aid -of the Methodiet church was held eer Monday. The encour- aging report of the treasurer ehowed , that the ladies had raised the handsome sum of $325 during the year. After spending $309 on par/soilage furoishings, payments on the lot which they purchased adjoining tho parsonage and in phurch lighting, they have now a belance ou hand Of $16, The elec.. tion of offiecre was presided over by Rev. A. L. Ruesell and tho following were eleoted for the ensuing yea.r : Mrs,. Robert ,Willis, prosicieut ; 'Mrs. Wm. Pickard, vice-preei- ii dent ; Mrs. F. ,l, Burrows, secretary ; Mrs. D. Johneon) treae ter. After a resolution cs had been pond c egratulatiec the retiring officers on the 8t1 cess that hae atteudeo their etfortr), the new preeident was called to the chair and yery -ably prozideci over the appointing of the following committees : To visit the' sick;e-Mericianies Watson, Reid, Hartry and P. Da y ; to welcome strangers, --Nleedame Pick rd, W. :a Bright, Ham- ilton and F oyd ; o collect the mite money,' --eilfra. F. \ elah, Misses Hutchinson, Clare Pickard, 8, rebel' aly and Allie Tyre.mau. • • • Drsvro 01 Mies Cesev,--The days, the months, th years arid even the centuries, are rolline- nwar towards eternity and the angel of Se th has this time borne on ita Aving3 the ir mort I spirit of , Miss: Julie, youngest daughte of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Casey, of this town. Having left her home in August feet to et as assistant teacher in Pembroke eepara: e school, she became., it victim to t 'at fat 1 malady,- typhoid fever, and-wris re oved to the hoepital, . Not- withatandi g all t at medical skill and kind attendance could- lo, ehe gradnally became ntl weaker an wea er until o Wedneeday evening, M troh 2 th, she brea hed her last, At 1, p. m, n Fri ay her remains arrived . here and w re eh veyed to the,home of her larente. ho fu eral took place to St. daince' chu ch on Saturday morning, and all that wa inert: 1 of the deeeased young lady found a last eating place in St. James' cemetery. The in.cereist sympathy is ex- tended to t le ber eyed parents and .sorrow. ing siaters in this their sad hour of afilic. time —Ce o IN burn eorre ponde Review, pu lather county, has the f doings of t tee says : " The lu carried on 'ery e. this year. The s, January 1st, .Mr. had charge f it -for a number ef years, re- iring, :and a estern Ontario company isking pas _ This company consists f Mesere, E, amieson and M. Floody, IBlyth, a el Mr. James Lockhart, ex -reeve f McKilloi tow ship, of iSeaforth. These fentlemen ame ere abolit: the first of the ear and ,)ti e fat ilies of Messre. Jamieson nd Moody aerive here last week. They ave secure 1 the ption on over 1,000 acres f land, a d sin e commencing operations 1 eve given teady employment sto between l 0 and 20 mlen. hey leave -cut about 20,000 feces of all kinds of timher,andhave hauled r ost of this to th yard, pia= he remain- er in driv 8 on the Moira nd Jordan, Tney have lso s cured abou 75 Gorda of s Ingle bolt Th y Will corn erre° sawing a out the firist of pril, and expect) during t e eummer to tur out about 11,000,000 feet • • IIE Eettr. a -The Bannock. t -of the North:- Haetinge at Madook, in Hastings llowing reference .to the known Huronites. bering industry is being teneively in -this vicinity w mill changed hands on amuel McEwen, who has will berm fortunate duri g the rest, of the , they a e also ,induoing armere and land year. By paying the ighest cash prices owners to go into the 1 mbering industry, and s are indirectly' urniehing a great deal of work thrcughout his section." • COLIEGIATE I aTITUTE LEGTURE COURSE, —The ourth an last lecture of the eerie", will be held on F iday ev ning, April 19th, in the own hall, The a eaker for the even- ing wi I be LieutonanteC lonel Sam Hughes, M. P., who will °liver a address on scenes in Sou h Africa. Colone Hughes, having :taken n active art in he South African war, is in a posit on to s eak with authority on the ubject. is ad use will be illue. trated ith view immure by himself while in Sou h Africa ; these v ewe aro said to be the be t yet exh bited i Ontario. As a ' speake , Colonel ughes is too well known to nee any intr duction Fos, SALE 011 rent a ;quarter aor suitable . for garde SLEET , Seaferth. WA_ TED —1,0 Clover a ed, 100 turk ter. G. . King, Wi WANTED—By girla as dook; parlor MISS A TRILL, RI 0 REN , —For sale or to lot on Ord Street, Seaforth, App y to MRS. JAMES 1737x2 0 bush Is Timothy and ye, also Hod apples and but- gnarn. 1732 If April 13th, throe good aid and °use maid. Apply to ewood P rk, Goderloh. 1737x2 Corn ortable f ame ho se to rent, con- venient nd central, For -part oulare o 11 at The Ex- POSITOR Mae, Seater h. 1737-3 ROO, IS TO REN .—Fro t roo s over A. G. Ault store, Mai street, eaforth. Poineseion after let of April. pply to 0. Ault 1737,tf CLOVER AND latOTH ',--Cho ce brands olovere a id timothy at Hatni ton & Ke elake1.413,8840*- forth. Surp iae qualit mhoes f r firstulass goods, o ly 82 por pa r, both I ced and Willis, St afortb. SEED OATS.—We ha e for ale a few more et he improved Ligowo eta Th.s is ono c,f the best varieties we have c ver offer d fir °ale, Hamilto & Kerslake, Statfoith 17384 Nati ual quality shoes for me , in black, tan and hecolate,'only 62.60 p r pair. y. H. Willie, Seaforth, 1788 1 GRAS SEEDER.—Juat call and see our little 01 nt Broadcatt Sudo work, Hamilton & Kerslalco &melba. 1738-1 Nati nal quality shoes f r ladle , very nice and of and quality, only $ 50 per air. W. II. Willis, S forth: 1738-1 The ore you use A. Young s blended coffee an 40c black tea, till m re you a o convine'd that they have no equal for the money. The flavor is Moroi t front any othor, thl is in the blending. 1738-1 The ruit of viotory, oilers for cents. Progresei 'e farmera cf Huron nd Pert are taking tho lead. Oats, barie , wheat and corn are liable to be blighted by smut:this m tat be f ught as the Colorado potato bug wet,. Fortualdeha de, (1.1aaver Brand)io your weaponi Abot t 40 far nets armed themeelyt a with it las year, tly re will bo 400 this ear, in he van, If your dealer can' supply the genuine .,eaver Bran '1‘`orn:aldehyde rder direct from Ale, . Se forth, Agent for ntario. 1738-1 utton. W.H, 1738-1 Choic recleaned Clover and ti othy Heed at A. Yo ng'a. 1738-1 , If yn want the latest yles in wall paper see our lb e io heather silks lid emb seed goods. Paper ha, ging 40 per roll. J. Gravea Co, Main street, Sc tforth. 1738-1 . PLOW SuoEs.---The Wil shoes are the bolt, cheapeet an made in Canada te-day Ifor the ' them in e ven different etyjes 1 and fine s lit. Riehardson & Seaforth. The firest line of ready match ail papers t loWest price i on paperi )g and .)reparing wall .-Graves & ""o;', Se forth. - Sherwin-Williams prepa like them for spreading' quality them a tr al, Aak foroolor car SeAfortb. HATS ' wishes to • that she i REMODEL, n form the la prepared to ,ED. — lies of El o all wotk in a raw at shark. :t notice. -nearly op osite the La ndry, . - iarn's p tent plow handle t plow ehoo farmer. IN e awry English kip, grain eltinis, ()lei Agents, 1738-1 mixed prints to . Pull instructions free of charge. J, 1737-1 ed pa nes, none rid dura ility. Give , S. Mullett & Co., 1738-1 he undersigned ,aforth nd vicinity hide o done over North Hain street, Lea You Seafortha 1738 4 dli WANTED AT ON( B. —TW aup learn dreg making. A ;Ay to 188 -Th DOtninion Bank, Scafort,14. , THE UTO SI RA " —The most ti . of all apra *era, vvo ke by corn eased and see lt worked nd. he convin ed, Co., Seafo th, f• ' Ladie' shoes at extren Sixty pairit of W.otnea's button a worth $2-5 to $3, heavy nd ligt sizes, am choice for IP. Wel Seaforth, . entices to mpson, over 1733x2 wonderful air. Con.° Mullett & 1738-1 ely I w pricer, d high laced shoes t wefg t soles, all ardson & bialnnie, 1738 1 Queen eafuneral pr cassia in li ing mov- ing pietur ia. Don't fat o see th last sal prom - Mon of eni .tnn 0 -andel r shown all its magnificent realism, t gether with ny oth4r seen a, making a making a moat inter sting pro oanim of human patina an tragedy. C rtino'a pera louse, Sea - forth, Mo day es enhaa, Eth, under he auspices of gill Met iodist church P.m vol se to 30c, ad- rola.ticn , hildren 1 c Plan atifeae Drug Store. 1738-1 A ue-rli 2-1fr Gem ou Saturd SALE Or M. Bald w •, April 13, in., his entire ato k ef reeerve. hese wheels pair. Don b forget th entua of St and unde, pros,- d jal it notes pay will be acc pted. (icor COND AND BICYCLES. Wiii ecii by put Ho ailetiOil t the ho Ir of 4:3 and 3 p. Cdond han blue a withoot Will all he in fir class re - date cf cale. Terms -All lash ; over that mount ap- ble th Dominion Bank M. Bald vin, 8 aft -A th. 173S-2 Locei, lintese-I the ri k co petitions of the Se forth curli club, the ri k of Mr. George P terson ca out vi torio s, and in playing o for the t o hy b the ndividual members of the r k, Mr F. Holmosted, third pla er, beat hie leade , Mr. Peterson, by a scor of 15 to 3 winiai g th trophy, which he will hold entil ne t eeason. Mr. Holmeste '6 victory li all t e more remark- able as h has playe Yery little this season i and was reach out o praoti o.—Mr. D. Mc. Intyre re( eived a tele trans unday evening announei g the sad i Iellige ce of the death of his e dest taste ,. Aire. 'Dusty, of St. Mares. He went t , the toue town on Monday, :,o attend t 6 funer I,—Mr. George Baldwin, of this town, sh pped his first consignment of his 'Mop pai e to Manitoba last week They Were shi ped to Fairiey Brothers, of Carberr , the 11, anitoba agents. —mg. M Veil, of alkereille, and Mise Roe°, of Guelph, wi 1 denim- addressee un- der the a spices of he & forth, Horticul- tural So' iety, in the n hall, on the evening o Wednesday, p il 17th. These lectures ill be fre , and hose interested in horticu Lure or Ilo icultur should remem- ber the d te and at end.—' 'he Broadfoot & Box furn ture facto y was shut down on Monday last, to per it of he boilers being cleaned outs —After resid nee in Seaforth of seven ems, Dr. Fhb, V. 8,, left for St. Marys, o Tuesday where he takes the veterinar practice o his fa her. The doc- tor was it genial gentleman nd a good and careful prlactitioner, and h( leaves behind him here host of fri nds w us in wishing him su cm o the home if his yout .—Mr Dale, of ullett, nea Const Wedneed y evening, after a ness, of bl cel poisoni g, H leading fa rriers of th coma j expected eath will- 1 e a su —Miss Ciline, of ingha friends in town this wee Tweddle, lof Fergue fathe Tweddle, le, 1Y. 8., of Seaferth, died on of 81 yo irs,—The week or s has been wheat, an 1 fears ar many pia o will join with his return to Christopher T. nee, died early very brief ill. was one of the y, and his un - prise to many. , was visiting .—Mr. Joseph of Mr. F. W. russels, and formerly 0,8 lb wiii very hard on the fall , wbeea tftheerri 0 uf oari y thi ne j upreads t. 'riday ast, at the ago entertained that in —About 1 I, o'clock Thesday evening the fire alarm sotiUded and the firemen an citizens were soordon the run to find :the it was another fatse alarm. All ehould e thank- ful that there was no fire, but t ese fre. and quently raurring false alar a are a noying. lie i —Mrs. W er earoyd w 11 be t home hop Thursdays,. on and after A ril 25th.—The —a many frien s here of Rev. osephlMcGoy; ed formerly meter of Egmo dville church, Reu will be ple Bed to know that he is comfort- tler ably locatect in Vernon,,British Columbia, where he h s a charge.jiMd is doing good work,-:--MeSsrs. Wm. Cathryn° and George Stewart are arranging to start a livery (Amble in town.—Miss Mary oloGrogor, daughter of Mrs. D. MoGregor, of thie town, has t just returned from London, where she went for treatment for an affeotion of the ear, the after. results !of la grippe. ---Mr. John Bi*eri brother -in -la* of Dr. Burrows, whosa Pieria we mentione.d last week, died on Taesday and the remams were taken to the late ho e of 'the deceased on Wednes- day. -a -Mrs. F. G. Simpson and children, of London, ar epending a feW weeks with her permits at t e Methodist parsonage.—Miss i Jennie Rua ell has tetu fled home, after spending th winter in Lo don, Mies Carrie Gibicin ret rning with her.—Mr. Jame- Aich bald as one of the handsomest and best proper ioned heavy draught mares in his stables ere that has been in Seaforth for along ti e. She haa size, quality and weight, and it would be difficult to piok a fault in he . She was purchased by Mr. George Tu nbull, near Orangeville, and he soldner to r. Archibald,' She was bought for shipmen to the old country, although it is a pity su h an animal ihould leave this county.—T e eountr reeds are still in bad shape, altho gh to t e south they are irn- provitg and getting olearsd of snow.—Dr. Fowl r, V. S,, has resumed -practice here, and has Dr. Gibbs office and practice. Dr. Fowler is a lever young Man ; is well up in his prefessi n, and we have pleasure in wel- comirig him as a resident and profeesional man of Seat rth.—The Masonic brethren of Britannia lo ge had a very pleasant time in their lodge oom, on Monday evening last. District De uty Munroe paid the lodge hie first official visit, and in a ' neat and excel- lent address complimented' the officers and members on the efficient manner in which they got through their work, and gave many useful hints. After labor : the brethren re. tired to the refreshment room, where a so- _ oial hOur was pleasantly spent. —Mr. James Somerville, f Roxboro, had the misfortune, to bane a va uable young driving mareedast Ssturday, fr m paralysis.—There Is a pros- peot4tat th flax mill may be worked this ',easel:a—Mr J. P. Henderson is spending the Easter h lidays with Mende in Chicago. —Mr, and re. D. T. Hepburn went to Oshawa, on harraley, to spend Easter with home frien, e.—Mre. Harry Jeffrey; of Wingham, a d little daughter, are spending a fete days. ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 8, Barton.— he ciora_cert given by the Men- delssohn Ma e Quartette, in Cardno's hall, on Tuesday evening, was thoroughly ens joyed by th audienceeand the merits of the concert deserved a more liberal patron- age. The m mbera of the quartette have excellent vo me, and each number on the prograinme was heartily encored. The selections ghen by Miss Gramm, the eloou. tionist, were of the same high standing eel the einging, eking altogether a most en- t joyable ent rtainment.—Miss K. Killoran returned on Wednesday, after a winter's visit in Toro to, Chicago and Streator, Illi- nois. While in those cities ehe took occas- ion to visit s me public schools, and found the work very interesting.—Mrs. J. C. Creig has go e -to Toronto to 'spend Easter with friends here.—A couple,of weeks ago, while Mre. m. Henderson was shopping in town, she oat her puree and it has not turned up yet. It contained a five dollar bill and som change, and a slip of paper on which her name . was written. Mrs. Hen- derson would bOanuch pleaeed and gratified if the finder :would return it. We fancy few people ar so diehoneet as to keep an article got in that way, knowing to whom it belonge,—Th millinery establishments of Seaforth had their opening days on Wed• needay and hursday. The displays fully sustained th enviable reputations won by our merchant , and next week we shall give a more detaled account. —Mrs. Kirkman and Mies Tytler have gone to Guelph, to spend the hol'days with friends there.—The Workmen's nnual " at home" is on Tues. day evening ext—Mrs. M. A. Coulter and Mies Kato Co an will spendthe Easter holi- days at the h me of Mr. J. Anderson Coul- ter, Ingersoli.—Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Muir, of Waterloo, re visiting Mrs. D. Johnson, APRIL 5, 1 0 latT.0,14'S POPULATION.—CoUrity Clerk Lane has totalled the poPulation of the county from he aseessment rolls, of which he has just r oeived the list for 1900, and that our read re may see the changes one year makes w have given the population for 1899. It ill be teen that towne and villages have lost 19, and townships'. -307, too great a lo s for the fine old agrieultural county of Hu on. Municipality 1909 1899 Increase Decrease 57 122 Bayfield 570 561; Bruasels Blyth 1228 1167 880 937 CEIxtentteorn 1846 1841 2433 2555, Coderich 4054 4027 - /Jensen. 893 876 17 Seaforth 2426 2413 13 Wingham i 2183 2204 :I Wroxeter t 483 444 30 -- 6996 17015 181 Ashfield 3166 3277 1 200 111 Colborne 1802 1710 192. Goderich 2413 2464. 1 51 Grey Hay 3387 3243 144 3452 3440, 12 Howick 3781 3861 80 Hullett 2838 2696 142 3,1cKillop 2653 2679 26 Morris 2485 2612 157 Stanley 2146 2222 76 Stephen 4098 4141 43 Tuckersmith 2457 2443 a: 14 Turnberry 2161 2248 Usborne 2326 23s7 87 61 Wawanesh E. 1933 1916 17 WawanoslaW. 2055 2091 -- --- - - 3153 43460 421 Totals 149 60475 602 Total dIecrea e 19 61 —1 1..) 1 11 Bluevale. Neeas,,—Th little daughter of Counoil- lor Shaw, of i orrie, died on Tuesday, of lung trouble, a ed 17 monthi.—Mies Mary Thornton, of ingham, visited her grand- parents, Mr. a d Mrs. John :Gardiner, this week.—Has n vigation opened in your cel- lar ?—Mr. Joh McCracken,: jr., attended ,the 14th gran council of I the Canadian Order of Chose Friends, at amilton, last Council.—The iver is high, but not dan- f. week, as the representativ of Bluevale gerously Po. The snow i going away out. Said one of them to a omen " How slowly, aod th re is, at prose t, little dan- ger of a flood, The census enumerators are old are yOu ?" " I've seen 0 mummers," she replied. " How long ha e you been Tuesday.e-The Flax Company will lease blind ?'' rejoined the censu man.—Miss Ruby -Duff ret rned to St. atharines on land or furnish seed to those desiring to raise flax, next season, —Mr. Wm. Messer was in Hamilto last week,. on business.— Mies Emma M Creation is home from Lon- don for a short visit, accompanied by her niece, Miss I, erste NicOra9ken.—Messrs. John and Irwi Elliott, of Eapt Wawanosh, were in the vill ge on Fridsy, :on their way to Listowel.— est Sunday merning a horse belonging to M . John Fowler, jr., of the Bluevalo road, as so badly kicked by one of Mr. Peter F wler's that it had to be killed, The ho sea were let out and P. Fowler'e horse alked over the fence on a snow drift and eliberately kicked the other one,—Mr. A. N °Ewen has been very ill is far, from ell yet. Miss Aggie Smil- e teaching i his place thiS week. We e soon to he r of his complete recovery. Ir. Charles tames got Ins face scratch - with a falling limb last week.—Mr. ben Senborta one of the very -first set. s of Turnberlry, and a highly respected 36 728 928 326 an, is dead, ioneers are f 'ichard Frac t the age of 81 yearm. The st aiming away.—Messrs, or, ohn McDonald and Thomas Shortt are e gaged for the summer With Messrs. George McDonald. John King and Peter King res eatively.—Mr. Charles guiro, form rly station agent here, is as- s sting at Fer us station.—Mrs, Code, of Trowbridge, is a viaitor here.—Mr. John A. Creighton, ho ' died in Brussels last week, was at se e time G. ir. R. agent here.— Mr. 'Walter -Pa, tern n had a board or slab thrown against hi while working at the saw mill op Word y last, which bruised his leg severelV and laid him off for several days.—Morris eouncil intend purchasing a road grading Machine and have asked for tendon, for the smile, whieh will be re- ceived up till May127th.—A wedding took place at Mr. Anson Shaw's, Morrie, on March 20th, when! Mr. Harry Fear,- a farmer of : the 8thi line, near Blyth, was married tolMi Ag es Weir Forrest, sister of Mrs. Shaw by Rev. D. Rogers, chair- man of the Win sham distriet.--loung trouble was u usua ly common during the past winter nd until now.—Rev. Ira Hie's,' will sp 11 h s reputation by pro- phesying once o often. The weather canie so true to hi word in March that we t ought him he prophet, but when he edicts (mot er Whole month of such eather, we v ry Much doubt if it will he r alized.—Girl , when the census enumer- a. or asks " Ho old are you my pretty d ar ?" look a oh a d mattes?, like the half gallantly he'll replY " I believe you, for ; lady at the s ow, nd tell him, " Oh, a hnndred years or more 1" and see how I dies always t 11 th truth." int rop. _ National quality s oes for ladies, very nice a d of good qual ty, o ,ly $2.60 per pair. W. IL Seaforth. A GOOn CO T,-J111r. John MoMalti"n8,-1of 8 aforth, recen ly b ught a fine four-year- ol gelding fro a. eentloman near Clinton, for whioh he pa, d $210. Thie colt was an e tra good on ant was sired by the well k own Belgia et:Ilion, Bintrittrek, the p operty of Mr. Joh. Galbraith. • uOiaensmith. National quali y sh cs for men, in black, tan and chocolate, nly $ .50 per pair. W. II Willie, Seaforth. THOU SHALT NOT TEAL.—Yet honorable and List. o save 5, 10 or 15 per cent. by trading with The E. MoFaul Co s. Store, Seaforth tgeir merchandise is sold with satief ction, for the purchaser in view which the count their best advertie- meat, Their's is this store for Millinery, Dress Goods, tapIns, Fancy Goods, Car- pets, Laoo Curt ins and everything parfaits- ing to a .firet chart Dry Gooclo store. 1738-1 , STANDING OP Pt:D.—The following iti the standing obt ine at the recent promo. tion examinatio 133,1 the euccessful candi- dates in school s °tiers No, 1, Tuckerernith : From junior 4th to ee ior 4th, ont of a pos- sible 1,130, Wm, An us McLaren obtained 587. From juni r 3r to senior 3rd, out of a possible 725, ilfr d Buchanan obtained -475 ; Laura Dill ng, 455 and Roy Targnair 377. From 2ud to 3rd, out of a possible 630, Johnnie Mc aren obtained 390 ; Mag. Foe Buohanan, 3 5 and Meloy Tarquair, 361. From part II: to 2ad,lout of a possible 300, 011ie Boa obtain d 190 ; Alfie Buchanan, 190 ; Willie Bell 190 ; Cecil Dilling, 170, and Elliot Fairb irn, 125. J. G. STANBU V. A., (tato with Mo• Carthy, Oeler & C Torcnto,) Barrister, Convey' ancer, Notary. blot ey tol loan. Offices lately ea' nupled by Collins Stanhury, over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ont. 1 ANOTHER Go D HORSE SOLD.—b11.68eiCstrfe. Bawden & McDo iell, he well known horse importers of this lace recently made a very important sale. The sold to Mr. Peter Lamont, reeve of Hay the fine Shire stallion " Dasford Marti ids," o. 16,639. He is a magnificent hors , wit the best of quality, and will be a har horee to boat in the show ring. He is one of the very best of tho man good horses that Messrs. Bawden MoDonell have imported. He is four years Id, and was sold for $2,- 000. Mr. Lamo t is to be congratulated on his purchase, an the people of Hay are to be more congrat lated on having so good a horse in their mi at, arid having a man who has the pluck a d enterprise to risk hie money for so uso ul an ;animal. Surprise qualit goods, onl,y 82 per p Willis, Seafoith. In Seaforth y are more than pr step into The E forth. No wend eye and enslave dainty Muslins, Prints, Cambric ments may be j real feast for tho rich beauta, of MORE CALVES. Newry, is bound hood with good c bury on Tuesday m., until 1 p. m., Durham calves, hood wanting to Mr. Richmond he • , ow:Om/T. shoee, for ladies, first-class ir, bott laced and button. W.H. 1738-1 u'll find the pretty things tty this season if you bue McFaul Co'0. Store, Sea- r they oatch the feminine the feminine heart, those Ditni iee, Lessor', Challies , etc. The other depart. st as attractive, but the e fe inine ease is in the the Millinery display. 1738 1 Mr. Hugh Richmond, of to ate k up this neighbor. Ives. He will be at Lead. ext, April 9th, from 11 a ith a load of extra fine d a y in the neighbor- il buy calves should meet e on hat date, • Lo des There is a worl of worthy goods, w iich Oro. eanidg in the phrase ou'il see fully ex- plained and defined in he E. McFaul Co's. Dry Goods Stock Seaforth. You can get from them the v for butter and egg in merchandise. growing with its Dress Goode, Oaf ens, Sheetings, Clothing and eve Dry Goods store. NOTES.—A ver "Missions " was g the league on M Monday next the t to Christ," will b ry h in At ghest market prices tiehange for the beat resent, the store is eight of New Millinery, ets, ,Lece Curtains, Lin. Prints, Ready:To- Wear s thing to be found in a 1738 1 interesting topic on yen y Mrs. Coupland at nda evening last, On opic 'Dead to Sin,•Alive introduced by Dr. Mc - McLaughlin iS spending her Easter vacation ' Mr. A. MeAlliste at his home in spent a couple of —Mrs. Roberts is home of her fath t her home in Gerrie.— is spending his holidays ensall.—Mr. T. Palmer ays in Clinton this week. t present visiting at the r, Mr, A. Woodman.— Mrs, D. Floody is 'Waiting friends in Blyth thia week. --The Presbyterian church, pleted. which has undergine repairs, is now com- e Z rion. weOding took place on , on !Tuesday, when Mr. NOTES.—A prett the Blind line, Ha McBride and Miss Willert were united in the holy bonds of atriniony, Three broth. ers have now marri d three sisters, making quite a family co pact—Another of our old residents has p ssed away, in the per- son of Mr. Henry Otto, ,who departed this life on Sunday evening, having reached the ripe old age of 75 years, Mr. Otto had been a resident of the toiwnship of Hay for the past 40 years. The remains were interred in the Lutheran centetery on Taesday.—Mr. E. J. Hagan has- resigned his position as principal of our school, end left on Friday last. Mr. Stelek, df Hills Green, has been engaged in hie places and has already com- menced his dutiess-LMre. H. C. Doan has returned from Ham 1ton, where she was at. tending the convention of the Chosen Friends as a delegate from 4urinh lodge.—We are glad to see our sick people able to be out again. Mr. J. J. Truertmer was in ohuroh on Sunday last, aftSr having been confined to the house for over a year, Mrs. 3. F, Riekbeil, who has been oonfined to the house for the past two years, was aleo cliureh ou Sunday. Both are looking well.—Our loeal census enumerators are on their rounds, and are making good headway,—Mr. and Mrs, F. Seigner, of Crediton, wore visiting old friends in the village this week.—Mr. Gar- net Steinbaoh has gone to Toronto on a bu ineas trip. Morris. ASSED AWAY.—Another old resident, in the person of John Clark, near Sunshine, died at the home of his son, Alex, ()lark, on Supday evening, aged 88 years and 5 moeths. Deceased was a very smart, healthy old gentleman and always took a trip 'down to Hamilton every year. A few weeks ago he took a weak epelhand coupled with old age, he passed sway quite. sudden- ly at last. The funeral took place on To sday afternoon to Sunshine cemetery. i Th Rev. Mr. Brown conducted the mervioes at he house and grave. VOTES. —The roads are bad. The con- cesisions are quite bare and the side lines e.rel full of 'snow.; ---William Michie, jr., in- tends spending Easter with friends in Halton county. It is &bent seven years since Mr. Mollie was there, and he will no doubt see many changes 'in that time.— Three people were buried at Sunshine this wieter whose united ages total up 247 yeers and some months. • Farquhar. HESS TRIMMINGS. —Pretty Dress trim- rni ge elways add beauty to your appear - ear nee, just the finishing touches to your cos ume or gown that gives it the natty ef- fee . All the very. latest things are to be found at The E. McFaul Co's. Store, Sea - forth, where we know they will please you. Nolbetter book in which you find fashions, neWest styles than the Stondard Designer. They have the books on eale and ',the pat- terns always in stock., 1738.1 i NOTEs.—Mr. Henry J, Stephens, who has been renewing old acquaintances around hero, started this week for Chicago, to fol- io his occupation as Bailor. As Haery is a kin hearted, genial fellow, we wish him a sue essful summer.—S. Pollen, our gosd ma 1 carrier, has purchased the property of E. Hewitt, who intends to go on a farm the first opportunity.—Miss Vanstone, former tea4her ineur public school here, is the guebt of Mrs. Wm. Kay.—The stele sale of nuns,' Cemeron, last week, was a rumens in eyery particular. There! was an urn: -lel. ly litrge crowd present from far and rear. Ho see went as high as $178 ; grade c T8 and_ calf brought $126. The whole *sale bro ght $60, and one thoroughbred heiesr am anted to $2,800. Thei success of the att nded the stock. Mr. Andrew Campbell, i sal refleoted credit on the young men who of Seaforth, who has lived with Mr. Cam- eron for a number of yeara, tock oharge of the Sale, and Mr. II. Brown, of Winchelsea, ivi+led the hammer. • Henson,' , . N 'all paper from 3c a roll to 50c at Bab- cock s Drug Store, Hensel!. , 1738-1 FMMERS. — Form-al-de-hyde etc. for emu on grain. Fresh and guaranteed standard etre gth at 65o per pound, 40e a half pound at Bab- cock s Drug Store, Hensall. Full' direat.ons on each bottl Get our pamplet on Formaldehyde, eta. none , 1 , 1738-1 , , L oars Bniews.—Mr. William Perkins has bee home from London for the past week or o owiug to ill health.—Mr. John A. Mal olm, of Calder, and formerly of Hen- sel!, was in the village this week on busi- ness —We are pleated to see Mrs. David Clar , who -was seriously ill for a number of wee s able to go around again quite sina dy.—Mrs. E. Pierce, of Forest, .was in the village last week visiting Mrs. J. Sut rland.—Miss Harvey, of Stanley, who was pending a couple of weeks with her siste , Mrs. H. Jacobi, has retureed home. —M es Ida Peart was in Varna recently visit ng friends.—A committee of the village and also of the council were in Clinton on Mon ay evening inspecting 'brass band in - strut ents, with a view to purchasing. It appe re they were purchaeed for a siecond band formed in Clinton, bot very ehortly after being organized a eumber f ,the leadi g musicians moved away from town and the instruments, as a consequence were not u od, and in all probability they will be pure ased for the band that is being erg& ized in our village.— ervice will be held n St. Paul's church on Good Friday at 11 a. in., and Easter eervice on Sabbath at the s me hour.—Mr. Milton MeTaggart, of Hay, London road, 3 'miles south of our villa , has purchasad his father's fine:tarm, long known as the Willie Farm, --Sugar maki g has been the order of the day during the est week and a good run of sap is repor ed.—The friends of Mr. John Murray, of W ngham, son of Mr. Jaynes Murray, of this v Ilage, will regret to learn that ,he is at pr sent, and has been during the past week, very seriously ill.—Miss Smith is havin fine plate glass windows put in the west tore of the Marshall block which she recently purchased. The glass was pet in this *eek by „Mr. William Welsh and very much 'mproves the appearance of the build- ing — he cold weather has held out so well `this winter that our curlers right up to date are e abled to enjoy the veering gatne.-- Piofe sor Bedford has fitted up rooms in MoC1 y's block for teaching vocal- and iustru ental music, and this weak put in his pi no.—A number of the pupils of our publie school were this week promoted and new li hoot books have been the order of the day w th the ohildren,—Mr. George Soott,ot the C ntennial hotel, hao exchanged his fine gray rotter for a span of roadster's Ho excha ged with a gentleman from New- market.—The Misses Kaiser, of this village left h re on Thursday morning to (spend Easte with their sister, Mrs. Zeufle, of - Bram ton.—Miss Vera Murdock is at prea- ent venting with friends in Wingham.— A conert will be held in 'the Mettesdist chure tins (Friday) evening, for hich exoell nt talent has been secured, inel ding Miss lora Kay, who comes very highly recom ended ae an elocutionist and nter- tainer —The Misses McHugh, who have been 'siting relatives and friends in Lon- don, N oodutook, and other places during the p st few weeke, returned home on ace. day, Mr. Daniel Stewart, having received the p omise of a very satiefactory sliettle- ment f hie late loss on dwellieg houae, has deoid d to rebuild. We are pleased to learn f this, as dwellings such as Mr. Stew- art's are a credit to any village.—Mr. 'Wm, Moir as in Wingham last week spending a day ith his nephew, Mr. John Murray, who i quite ill.—Mr. James Bell retarned home ecently from the old country, where he ha been disposing of a shipment of fine horses The market was not as good as could ave been hoped for or as encourag- ing as the enterpriae merited.—Mr. F.: W. Small oombe, who was a delegate to the high c urt of the Canadian Order of Forest. ers, he d a,t Sarnia, and who represented Court Ivy Green lodge, of this village, gave a' very interesting account of the me ting of the high court at the ' last regula meeting of the local lodge on Tues. day ev ning last, and afterwards entertained the br thren at Mrs. E Sheffer's restaurant. —Mas er James Henderson Troyer, young- est s n of Mr. James E. Troyer, of, this place, had the misfortune, on Thuasday evenin of last week, when alighting from the Z- Crieh and Hensall stage wagon, on which the was enjoying a ride to fall and break his arm between the wAst and elbow. The injured arm was at met Net, and the little fellow is doing nicely. This should be a warning to boys to avoid putting them - 'wives needlessly in danger.—Miss Akins of Oli ton, sang a. solo in the Methodiss chum' on Sabbath evening last, which was very uch enjoyed. She will take part in the co eert to be held in the Methodist churo this (Friday) evening.—Mr, D. Ross, SPRING GOODS I iSIN-KnefftigitXternakinfil From former 'seasons you know the 'welt:erne and 'class of millinery that awaits your twining, EASTER MILLINERY. We will he ready to serve yOu with a showing :that excels every previous Crisps°, afsr°ensh'sachffdorbtr.ight are the new Bastes hats whieh are coming from the busy enough of the t3. pical 'spring effects to 1- wOrkroo and being entered into the millinery department. Remember the opening aye and be sure you annul some tiara with us. There will he sohfnewtylyeehuetrhea. t you can get full measure OUR SPRING DRESS GOODS newest, the best, the cleverest, the You are cordially invited to inspect the cream of the markets which is to be found here. We've made our selection. the peer of so many ae we're _always anxious to please the most critical taste. We believe the fabrics, the weave'', the colors, and just let us mention the price, will delight you. Come to -day, to.morrow or when you will said zee the new POPLINS, POPLINETTES, LUSTRES. CASHMERES, ESTA MINES, COATINGS, SERGES, AMAZONS, VENETIANS HANDSOME WASH STUFFS Were you surprised to fiad such a mags nificent lot of fancy wash stuffs in the tOwn ? Or have you not been in the - store since their arrival? We, without doubt, have the taking things in wash fabrios,moderate in price, rich in beauty. Voir mustisee our new collection of 0 RGANDIES, M USLIN S. DIMITIES, PERCALES, CAMBRICS, CHALLIES, PRINTS, PIQ UES, LA W NS Ngw. SILK ATTRAC- TIONS The new i3ilks are as Attractive as flows , ere and the variety as great. Oar- : specials in 50a silks for blounes -will be in great demand Ohs season end why ' not? Their wearing qualitiesi:are uns surpaseed, their appearance is rich and s fashionable and stylish dreesees ;will be lad to have shirt waists made 0 them, '00 ou•r very attractive varieties of pattern), and color combinations. OTHE,,It WORTHY THINGS Dees it eeem strange to you that Ude store is always so far ahead in small - wares and notione ? Perhaps it is be. camps our eeleetions are made with the very closest ettention given to_ the de- tails. Be that as it may, our' object is to have this store always recognized as the best place for GLOVES, HOSIERY, VEILINGS, CORSETS, VESTS, NECKWEAR LACES, EM BROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, ETC. sl -H-1-4+++++++. . . . The . . . E. 1PleFAUL Dry Goods Go. C4th's Greatest Cash Dry Goods Store. • of Blyth, has rented and moved into Miss MoICay'S dwelling.-3,1esers. Hugh Hunter, F. G. Lang, F. G. Bouthron and Alonzo. Ortwein, all of Seaforth, were in the village on Sabbath last.—Mies Westaway, of Exe- ter, is viiiiting her sister, Mrs. W. W. - Chapman, of Hay.—A song service will be held in the Methodist church on Sabbath, at the evening _service, and for which the choir have made special preparetions.—Mte Pull- man, who recently located in our village,has moved not to Chieelhurst, where he has re- ceived etnploymeut—Mr. 13awden,of Liman, was visiting at Mr. Andrew Johneton's on SebbathIlast.—Mrs, Cowan, of Kintail, who has beetespending a number of weeks with her mother, Mrs, A, Buchanan, sr.. who has been and is still seriouely ill, returned home on Wednesday last.—The new Molson's Bank and Messrs. MacArthur & Company's - new private bank building are each display-, ing new and attractive window signs. Beth - of these buildings will be ready for nee in the course of a week or so. • Varna. Tam:Ise—We are sorry to hear of the deeth of Mrs. J. E. Johnston, of Chatham. The deceased was a daoghter of the late John MoNaughten, and spent her early days quite close to our -village. The re- mains were interred in the aernetery at Goderich. A large number of her friends from this, vicinity attended the funeral,— Mrs. A. Johnston, who has been ill for some time with la grippe, is recovering.—Mr. Boyce, of Mitchell, holidayed recently at the Methodist parsonage.—Our new' post. office, under the management of Mr. Thomas McCash, in spite of the gloomy predictions cif sundry critics, seems to be doing ver well,—We are pleased to see that the chum trouble Ls being amaciably settled.—Mr. R. J. Richardson, B. A., has recently, been offered a position in the department of philosophy in the University of Wisconsin. Mr. Richardson has, however,- aecided not to ttecept, and will devote his attention, for some time, to farming, an occupatien which be finds more conductive to tils healtha-eMr. Alex. Mitchell has beeh an - pointed oensus enumerator for this part of Stanley. --Miss Emily Clark, who has b n ill for some time, is now gradually inipr v- ing.—Mr. S. Hewson has left our neigh r. hood, having purchased afarm on the Sauule line. We wish him auceess In his venture, —Mr. Austin, who has resided in our vill- age for the past year) has gone to work for Mr. Thomas Stinson, of the Sauble line. • —0,ae of those links which :connect us with the early pioneers of this( vicinity was broken on Friday evening, 22nd ultawhen Christina Livingstene wife of Mr. Neil McKellar of Cromarty, 'departed this life at he! fate residence, on the 12th ooncession of: Hib- bort, Deceased was born ia the comity ef Lanark, nearly 73 years ago and tante to Hibbert with her haehand Aen the country was all a wilderness. For the past two years deceased was an invalid, but was never confined to bed, and on the Friday evening she quietly fell asleep, sitting in her adoustorned chair, and one more of Hib- bert's early settlers passed to the great be. yond. Deceased was a consistent member of the Presbvterian church, and the funeral services were conducted on Monday of last week, by her pastoreRev. Peter Scott. She leaves behind her to mourn her loss a hus. band and two sons, Donald and Alexander, and one daughter, Mrs. Warren McGill two danghters having predeceased her. is like the up by me liness and stock it alone n That is 'Or, able goods' stores—ev woman ab' Sense that the place. as at a mai We are sp all kinds ; engage in engage in i yourself. win. again. there is- a power wit Sol 20c per y threshers' 50c ; over a low pric overall, a for our owl boys' buck wear ; boy 15c a pair we are clel caps at 251 two for 20 linen ; CI at 350 46 ploW mitt of linger fi nelette ADA it i is,o ot a Ilk," eaub, have ever I lug which; mention a. are concer materi is strong; and f the article will be pill to satisfy , tile knock crush hat, Ind up-to.11 A 11 that does ed ? Nat occurs to one whic West of efood. valu selling als Scotch tv) stripes, (11 selling at, lines we )) made, wel PO For0