HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-04-05, Page 5dam'
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APRIL 54 1901
Salisbury, according to the London D
Express, is suffering from a kidney
tion, which is likely to incapacitate him
some tirae. -
Oa Saturday, April 13th, 1901, at ne
o'clook p. m. on east half of Lot 5, Hu on
Read, TuckeIsmith, 11 miles east Of ea -
forth, farm stock and implernents. Rich rd
Barry, proprietor; Thelma! Brown, aucti n•
On Monday.- April Sth at 1 o'clock p. m.
on Lot 20, Concession 4, • Hibbert, f rm
etock without reeerve. John E. Roaoh,
proprietor; Thos. Brown, auctioneer.
On Monday, April 8th, at 1 o'clook p.
on Lot 20, Concession 4, Hibbert, F rm
Stock. J, Roaeh, proprietor; Thee. Bro n,
Ou Friday, April, 12th, at] o'clock p.
on Lot Il, Concession 12, MaKillon, F
.Stock and Implements. Mrs. Stenzel,
prietress ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer,
Swoon!. April 4 1901
Fall Whoa (now), Standard.— .... 80 63 to, $0
Spezia Wheal per bushel". 0 63 to 0
O 28 03
O 60 to
O 88 tto
0 16 to
0 15 to
0 9 to
2 01 to
7 01 to
4 50 to
O 50 to
0 16 to
O 25 to
1 00 to
4 00 to
2 00 to
0 60 to
6 00 to
1 25 to
6 50 to
04 to 06
°eta per bushel__ ,
paha per anew.. _ , _ -*--
BVIey per heshe1.— •
tatter, la`o. 1, icoe.
Beater, tub ,
Egfro per doe__ _
Flea, Pr 100°
Hay per ton new_ ._„ "* - • r
• •
Hidee per 100 „ _ '
Saeop . „ ” " ' • •
Wool., _
a3set/3e8 par Oust;
Salt (retail) per barrel- _ ”•• - -
Weed per oord (long)
Weed- poroord (short)„._ - • •
Apples par bag__ • `•`"
Coeor Seed...„,,
Timothy Seed_ ._ •••••
Pork, per WO • • • •
Tallow, per
grain fed, sol at -$4 75. to $525 per owt.,
,Baynyartie d t $3.75 to $4.50 per cwt.
rfcrge-Best eel et bacon hogs, not less than.
160 nor more t an 200 pounds each, unfed
and unwatered if carsoold at $6.75 ; lights,
$5.75, and _fats at. $6 per owt.
BECHER-At the t wn line, Hay, on March 21st,
the wife of Mr. sitar Ilscher, of a sou. ,
DAY -In Howiclk, •n March 210, the wife of Mr.
Thomair.DitY, o a daughter. .
NASH-In Gorrie, n March 24th, the Vvife of Mr.
George P. Nash of a on. -- •
STRONG -1n Howl k, On March 26th, the wife of
Mr. Wm. GOStr ng, of a son.
MANNING -In pi ton, on blotch 21, the wife of
Mr. Wilbur F. anning, of a daughter.
WORTH -In Wing am, on Martell 22nd, the wife of
Mr, Robert Worth, of a sen.,
DIAMOND -4n Mb ham, On March 23rd, the wife
of Mr. Wm Dia mend, Of a doughter.
ELLIOTT-In Ttirn orry, on Marsh 27th, the wife of
Mr. Charles 1I1i tt, of a lotto
YOUNG -In Fordw eh, on March 2let, tho wife of
Mr. &MSS You g, Jr., of a von,
COOKEr--At Henoa , on March ?rah, the wife of Mr.
II. J. D. Cooke, a daughter.
BREWER -In Brine elle no Marlh 22nd, the wife of
Mr. 11. R. Bow r, of a Ben.
BAINTON-TOTTE .....At the residence of the bride's
66 parents, on Mar h 20th, by Rev. J.C. MaCraoken,
65 Mr. Allan 13.,13a1 ten, of Blyth, to Miss Amanda
D. 28 Tctten, of 0 osley
McCALL-KI/OKBY At the reeldence of the bride's
40 parents, on Mar.h 20th, by ?ev. Wm. Penile!),
15 Mr. Thomas 0 cOall, of Blyth, to Mies Lizzie,
daughter of Mr. e eorge Kirkby, of Morrie.
1 TAYLOR-MIDD E ON -At Middleton's church,
- Getter -Joh toviosh p, on March 27th, by Rev. E. 13.
00 Smith, Charles, son of Rev. J. B. Taylor, of
00 13 yth, to Misti, CI ra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Middleton, Ba field Road, C4oderich township
FOX -F IR -In W nnipeg, at Knox church, on
17 blotch 28th, by v. M. C. Rumball, of Morden
30 Presbyterian iOliu oh, Mr. Neil Fox, of Morden,
Manitobe, fitm rly of Clinton, to Miss Josie
Fair, (sister 0.1 M . W. D. Fair), of Clinton.
Dairy Markets.
Tonorro, April 2-Butter-Receipte h
continue heavy and the outlet is not
keeping. Prices are easy at 15 to 163
heat rolls rend 12 to 13o for low grades
tubs. Creamery is steady at 21 to 23c
prints, and 19 to 20c for solids. Eggs -
market is unsettled, and although eggs
scarce here :just now and quoted at 14c,
fooling is that there are lots in the count
which if marketed for Easter will lik
break the price.
MONTIeEAL, April 2-Chee8e-The mar
is quiet at 9,1 to fne for white, and sa to
for colored. Butter -The market is eats
2(M to to .214e for best creamery ; held d
brings 13i to 16e. Eggs -The market
fairly active at 14 to 15c.
Gram, etc.
TORONTO, April 2 -Wheat, white, I( ;
red, 70s ; goose,664 to 67o ; spring 70 to 72e;
barley, 45/T to 46o; rve, 52c ; buokwhe t,
351,c ; oats, 341r to 33c ; peas, 66c ; h
$13 50 to .$14 50 ; straw, $9, MilIfeect Is
siteady at $15.50 to $16- for shorts, and $14 50
for bran in oar lots west. Potatoes- he
market is -steadier, with prices quoted at 20
to 31.1e for car lots of loosepotatoes on tr ck
here. Potatoes out of stbre are quoted at
32 to 35c.
LIVERe005„ April 2 -Spot wheat quiet;
No. 1 standard California, 64 3.1.-1 to 63 4 ;
No, 2 red winter, 63 1d to es lid '• No 1
northern spring, 63 to 63 4id • Wel a,
63 Irl to U 1 ; futures quiet ; May a»d
July, (is Wad.
Seeds, ,
TORONTO, April 2-Alsace
choice No. 1,
$6.75 to $7 per bushel; Alsike, good, No.
2, ,i6.25 to $6.50 per buahel ; red clover,
$6,50 to $7 per bushel ; timothy, $1.75 to
$2 50 per pushel.
Live Stock Markets.
.I.O/ND011„ England, April 1 -United SW
cattle, 6.:el ; sheep, 7id.
LIVERPOOL, April 1 -Canadian oattle,4
Moaaranai., April 2. --The arrivals in c
tie was large, while the receipts of she
and Iambs and calves Warn below requi
merge. Prices howed a alight increase
round. Stock fair to choice, with splendid
assortment. Butchers anel other buy
were out strong, buying freely. A regr
abIs feature of the market was the few sm
stock offered for sale. Catale-Prices slig
ly in advance of last week. A few pick
Lots of choice for Easter sold at 5ic p
pound. Good cattle brought from 4?,, to 50
per pound. Medium to fair was quoted
prices ranging from 3?, to -lie per poun
while -lean and common stock were offered
at 2 to 3.fc per pound. Sheep and Lambs -
Demand in excees of supply and prices
slightly in advance. Quality good. She p
sold at from $4 to $7 per head, or 3!/, to
per pound. Quotations for spring lam
were from 4 to 6o per pound for grain fe
yearlings 5.'ac per pound was paid. Calves
Price firm, and inclined upwards- for be
stock. Quotations were from $1.50 to $
per head, according to size arid qualit
Hogs -Receipts light, demand fair, pric
steady. Quotations were from $6.25
$6 50 per hundred pounds for select lots.
Beeateo, April 2 -Cattle -Stockers a
feeders were in good demand and highe
Fresh cows and springers lower. Choice
extra export cattle of desirable a uality,$5.
to $5.60; good to best, $4.85 to $5; shi
ping steers., $4.60 to $4.75; export bull
choice to extra, $4 to $4.25 ; good to choi
hatcher steers, $4 35 to $4,65 ; good to be
butcher steers, $4,10 to $4.35 ; good to be
at bulls, $3 25 to $3.50 '• yearling steer
good to choice, $3.75 to $4; good to choi
fat cows, $3 25 to $3.50; extra fat cow
$4.25 ; fat cows good to extra,$3.85 to $4.1
fat heifers, choice to extra, $4 to $t35
light butchers', $3.75 to $4. 40 ; Canada etoc
ers, 800 pounds, $3.75 to $4 ; good to choi
do., $3 25 to $3.75; common and stock
heifera $2.75 to $3 ; stock steers, good
beat, $163 to $4.15 ; feeders, 900 to 9
pounds, $4.25 to $4.40 ; Canada feeder
good to choice,$3 90 to $4.25'Canada stoe
ers, common to good, $3.35 to $4 ; Cana
calves, choice to extra, of good color, $4..
to $4,60; common do., $3 25 to $3 5
Sheep and Lambs -Choice to extra lamb
'35 75 to $5.9a ; good to choice, $5.50
common to fair, $5 to $5.50; shee
steady ; choice to extra'$5.23 to $5.40
good to choice,$5 to $5.25; common to fai
$3.23 to $4.50. Hoge -Market opened wit
an active demand ; heavy $6.25 to $0.30
mixed, $6.20 to $6.25 ; Yorkers, $6.15
$6,20 ; pigs, $6.10 to $6.15 ; roughs, $5.
to $S75; stags, $4 25 to $4.75. All offe
ings said, close steady on light and firm
good weights.
ToaoNTo, April 3. -Cattle, -Expo
-Choice lots of export cattle are worth fro
$4.60 to $5 per cwt., while lights are wor h
$4 to $4 50. Bulls -Heavy export bulls
sold at $3 85 to $425 per cwt., while ligi t
export bulls sold at $8.40 to $3.60. Bate
ere' Cattle -Choice picked Iota of butche
cattle, equal in quality to the best exporte
weighing 1,000 to 1,100 pounds each, so
at $4 to $4 30. Loads of good butche
cattle are worth $3,50 to $3.80, and roediu
butchers', mixed cows, heifers and steer
$3.25 to $3 40 per cwt. Common butche
cows,$2 75 to $3 10,while inferior rough co
and bulle sold at $2 50 to $2 75. Heavy Fee
ers-Heavy steers, weighing from 1,100
1,2,00 pounds each, of good breeding qu
ties, sold at $3.90 to - $4.25 per own, whi
those of poorer quality, but same weight
sold at $3.60 to $3,80 per cwt. Lig
Feedere-Steers, weighing from 900 to 1,0
pounds each, sold at $3.35 to $3.50 per c
Buffalo Stockers -Yearling steers, 500 to 8(
pounds CaQ11, sold at $3 to $3.30, and
eolors and those of inferior quality at $2.
to $2.75 per cwt. Mitch Cows -Twelve mil
COW s and epringers were sold at $30 to
each. Gaivee-175 calves were sold at fro
$2 to $10. Sheep -Prices easier, $a to $3.
for ewes, and $2.50 to $3.25 per owt. f
'bucks. Yearling Lambs -Yearling lam
DALE -In linnet, r ear Constance on April 3rd
Christopher ir 0 as, Dale, aged 62 yearand 6
ANDREW -At Cra nce, , township of Hullett, on
March 29.he Fl men May Andrew, youngest
dauohter of Mr. homes And etew, aged 20 years
and 6 ntonthe.
CHAESINUT-In )yin ham, on March 22nd, Helen,
; relict -of the 1 te 3enjamin Chestnut, and mother
of Mrs. Georg Ross, of Wingham, aged 84 years.
MITCHELL -In Totpnto, on March 22ncl, lesbella
reliot of the late John Mitchell, of God -
°rich, aged 78,ye re. •
JARDINE-In Forgo North Dakota, on Muth 22nd,
Jennie Ycung, w le of Mr. John Jardine, former.
L ly of Oo1born4 a ed 60 yeas.
BELL -In Arden AI nacho, on February IO th, Mr.
Joseph Bell, for orly of;Stanley.
CREIGHTON-Irr B u,eel, on March 24th, John
Alexander Creig ton, aged 67 yeore and 7
months. .
SMILLIE-In Gro n March 28rd, Hellen, wife of
Mr. Jame° Sn 111 , aged 89 years and 6 months.
Bank o Commerce!
Eight Milli n Dollars $8.000,000.
Rest, - , $2,000,000.
A goneral
sacted., Far
and _special
callectien of
ed on depOsi
Special fac
business in t
Money Orders, p
following retes
Under $1
810 to $2
inking business tran-
ers' Notes discounted,
attention given to the
Sale Notes.
A N K. -Interest allow-
s of $1 and upwards.
Mies for transaction of
he Klondike District.
3 -able at any bask, issued at the
.08 320 to 380 .12
.10 380 to 360 .14
F, 0. G. MINTY,
-11X-AN WANTED. -Wanted ire every neighborhoed
On in Huron county, a good, reliable man, to buy
and sell calvee, or work on commission. Write me
for particulate. HUG 11 RICHSIOND, Newry P. O.
' • I 1737.1i1
CAACTLE FORBALIO-FOr eale two steers and one
hoifer.j two 3 ears old and three yearling heifers,
all in good tondltIo. Apply on Lot 15, Concession
14, MoKillo , T110 A SOUTER, Walon P. 0.
- - -
FOlt SALE -For sa'e one
led driver; also one good top
ake, run le s than a year, a
od light harness and a good
a bargain. Apply to JAME3
le. 173841
good, gentle la
buggy, Devereaux'e n
gnod cutter, a set ef g
buffalo robe Going 6
Brown bas been
sell by public auction
bed, on Monday, A:pri
the following propert
geldings rising 4 years
old, 1 filly ilsing thee
mare rising Six, one eri
-Ten °owe supposed t
bull, 2 cows with calf
8 steers rising two, 7 h
will positively be eold
sures of $10 and uncle
menthe' credit will be
joint note. A discou
per annu n will be
amounts. 3. ROACH
FARM STOCK. -Mr. Thos.
notructed by Mr. J. Roach b
n Lot 20, Commit:1n 4, gib -
8011, 1901 at 1 o'elock p. in.,
viz. : Horses -One span of
old, 1 geldinz rieing 3 years
, I. span of fillies rising two, 1
n of working heroes: Cettie
o be in calf to a thorouehbred
O foot, 10 6tcers rising three,
Hers rising two. The whole
vithout reserve. Terme-All
, cash; over that amount 9
leen on furnishing approved
t at the rate of 6 per cent.
allowed for cut on oredit
Proprietor ; THOS. BROWN,
PLEMENTS.-Mr. Tho. Brown has been in-
structed by Mr. Richt )3arry to sell by public auc-
tion on East hell of Lo 5, Huron Bead, Tuckersatith,
1O miles East of Set
itfo is, on Saturday, April 18th,
1901, at 1 o'clock ro m/ , the following property viz :
Horses -One horee rig'a g 9 years old, 1 gelding rising
three broken to hernia s, 1 gelding rising two, one
heavy draught mars rising four, 1 general purpose
mare 6 years old. -Cat le -Two newly calved cows,
4 two year old heifers, three year old heifers, 2 calves
two good two year old teem, 3 three year old heifers,
two steers rising :3 :ears old. Implements -One
Wisner seed drill, 1 V rity plow nearly newe4 set of
diamond harrows, 1 f rinieg mill Clioton make, 1
Brantford binder, on Clinton horse power, 1 eet
double harness, 1 set s ngle harness, 1 t3p buggy, 1
lumber wago3, 1 cutte , 1 pair botoleighs, 1 trey rake,
1 root r ulper, forks, pades, shovels, whey barrel,
chains, and a lot of s all articles, also two dozen
hens. The whole will positively be sold as the farm
has been rented. iTe ms -All sunte of $i and under,
cash; ever that aino nt 8 'months' credit will be
given on furnishing a proved j Ant notes. A dis-
count at the rate of 6 er ,eent. per annum will be
allowed for cash en credit amounts. RICHARD
BARRY, Proprietor; THOS. BROWN, Auotioneer.
Jones has reed\ d instructions ,froni Mr. Mar-
vin Leake to eell by w blic auction ou Lot 16, 0n.
cession 6, township of Logan, on Tuesday, April 9.h,
1001, the following : Inc span matched geldings 8
and 7 years old rea eetIvely, 10 bands high and
weigh 2.50 pound, w 11 broken eingle and double;
2 roadster geldings ris ng 5 years old, 1 general pur-'
pose gelding rising O ybers 'old, 1 Norman mere
ing 3 years old, 1 roadliter dolt one year old sired by
Gusteer, dem Thornwood, 1 reliable driving mare
sired by Thornwood, &sine 9 yeare old, 1 brood mare
heavy draught 8.yeard old and in foal to Aberdeen, 1
aged mare eired by Derald Dinnie, in foal to Aber-
deen 1 dreuelit ffIly 2 years old got by Aberdeen, 1
newly calved co', 8 o we in calf, 1 ferrow cow, 8 _
steers one year old, 1 lbeifer 1 year old, 2 fat steers
rising three years old,14 fat heifers rising tbree years
old, 1 fat cow, 4 well red ewes 1 brood sow sup-
posed to be in litter. Sale at 1 o'clook sharp. Terms
-Fat cattle eash. , 00 and under, cash; over
that amount 8 months credit will be given on fur-
nishine approved joint note. A discount of 3 per
cent. eff for cash on credit torments. The above
stock is in good condi on and must be sold without
reserve as the proprie or is short of pasture. MAR -
VIN LEAKE, Proprietor; JAMES JONES, Auction -
1738 -1
Liquor, icense Act.
In aceerdance with he provisions cf the Lige r
License Act publia tetica is hereby given the;
meeting of the Board Lioenso Commissioners for
the district of Soueh uteri will be held at ,
Scott's Hotel, in ti e Village of Hensel!, on
the 19th ay of April, inst.
o'elook a. m., to consider applications for the
sale of Heuer in the sad district of South Huron for
1901-1002. INew appli ants for. tavein lioenses ara
Fiigie Mertin for the area Hotel ; Mrs. Nicholson,
for Blake Hotel -, 0. C Petty, for new hotel in tho
village of Hensel!, F.r Shop -L. C. Jae.ksen, Sea -
f th
Licenses isstied tor urrent year. were, town tavern,
5; shop,2 Village te -ern 8; six months, 1; shap 2.
Township taverns, 20. Applications for insuing year
are, town tavern, ; hop 2. Village. taverh, 9;
shop 2. Township ta erne 20.
Any petition againe the granting of license to any
new apelicant or the premises named, must be
lodged with the under igned at least four days before
the meeting of the bo rd.
License Intipector, Seaforth.
April 2nd, 1901.
Seaforth's Leading Shoe Sion
17.K.T1 ,E1,11:74361,1i II fit ITIL,
We believe our new stocla of Spring
Footwear is as complete and well selected
an assortment of up-todate styles as you will
find outside the large ei ies.
Whether it be li ht dress shoes or
medium weight shoes, eavy working shoes
or comfortable house sh es, we have them
in all styles, shapes and riees, for all eizss
of men, women and ohiis ren.
Ladies' Fin Shoes.
In Ladies' Flne Fo twear, we handle
the "Empress" and "King Quality."
The " Empress " oboes re made from the
best materials, bY exper workmen, and is
up•to-date in every parti ular. We recom-
mend them to give p rfect satisfaction.
Price stamped on the a le of every pair.
Lace and button, boots $ ,$2.50 and $3 a
pair. Oxford shoes, $2 a d $2.50 a pair.
The "King Quality ' shoe is made by
the J. D. King Co,, and ueeds no' introduc-
tion from us. Laae and button boots, $3 a
Lower priced
laced and button
strap slippers, ranging fir
Men's FIfle
In Men's Fine Foot ear, we control
the sale of the famous Sia er Shoe for Sea -
forth and vicinity.' Thee shoes are becom-
ing more popular Bvery eason, as evinced
by our increasing ales. later shoes need
no breaking in, a made in tan and black,
in all popular I ethers, twelve different
shapes, five differ nt wi this, and are sold
for $3.50 and $5 a •air.
Lower priced shoes we also show in
great variety, fro $1,25 to $3 a pair, so
that we have no t uble t fit any foot or
suit any purse.
n great variety in
xford shoes and
m $1.25 to $250a
Boys' an 0 rife
Shoes a •
Whether it be a echo 1 shoe or a Sun-
day shoe for your •oy or irl, you will find
our stock will n et al demands. Best
quality and 'owes prices 0 all time..
Children s
We never o erlook the
when it comes to I ice sh es. B
and strap slippers rom 51 cents
upwards, and alw ys a ood as
choose from.
We invite eve'y one o call
new goods, wheth you re res
or not,
ittle folks/
tton boote
a pair and
ortrnent to
nd see our
y to buy
Livin ston & Cp.
Have a limited quantit of best Dutch siood for farm.
ere in the vicenity of bruase1, who I tend raising
fete during the coming teason, hloh tey are pro.
pared to deliver in quentities to suit lhx growere,
and elm be got at the Brussels flex mill. 1 Seed given
out at 8(.50 per bushe1,1 and on the MUD. terms. For
Ilex grown from this geed,
$10 P'will be-cria 111INT paid, if of goo growth, harves in proper
season, and delivered a the flax mill a won as fit
for threshing.
N. B. -Farmers are strongly advised Pc sow their
fax on good land, well plowed and harrowed, not on
low lands, and the yield will be from a ton to a ton
ond a halt more per aorta. Flax grown on low land
will not grow there te ive tho weight.
LIVINGST N & CO., Proprietors.
P. HOGG, Manager. 4
• !. 1. t .. r
et- eei
o -e
111.Mh` c-0 e"te
i ..
131..J -W -119a.
Our Spring Millinery Opening marked an even
every woman Within reach of this store. It is our op
Millinery, when Dame Fashion will hold c'ourt for
spread before them a fascinating array of the approve
tions in headgear for this season. We're not incline
achievements, but it is far from an idle boast to say t
such a beautiful display of millinery elegance and exce
out at this store on Friday, the 29th inst. Miss Bak
Jameson, spent six weeks in the different millinery ce
all the new ideas and latest designs, and they are no
t of paramount interest to
ening display of, Spring
her i many devotees, and
Oeations and concep-
to be boastful, of our
at lyth has neer seen
len as will be opened
r, accompanied
tres, where the
ptepared to g
customers the benefit. A cordial invitation is extended toIall to visit ot
0.8.81=1 CDIVM
y Miss
ve our
r ()amid
a gams r wa
Johnson Bros., 0 d Sta
We have not had time to prepare a list for this week. Look out for
particulars next -week. We have lots of goods, aod have bargains in every
line, and to mistake. We invite all to attend when onveaient. If anything
is required in
are, Stoves, Graniteware,
Call and interview us, as our PRICES ARE
We ould like the privilege to figure with you or
Nails Ainerican Field Fence, Barbed
Coiled Spring Wire., ete.
Sa0 a White Oil only 15c per gaIkn.
Ou Terms-- Cheap ifot Cass
4 -41~4 -444444 -#44 -44 -*4-4-33-44-4:
Please give us a e 11.
Tremendous Pure
Direct from the American market in bond. These,goods are
very special, and cannot, be duplicated. On sale this week
at 5c per yard.
A Few Specials for this we*s Sa16:
Three th.ou and yards of beautiful Lace, worth 12ic to 5 ; on sale this I week
at c per yard.
Ten dozen Ladies' Cashmere Hose, worth 35c; sale pric 23o a pair.
Fifteen do en Ladies' Corsets—pink, blue, drab and black—worth 50c
pri e 390 a pair.
See our sp cial W. C.- Corsets, straight fronts, they are the latest.
Thirty pie es of Carpet just arrived, all reduced in i ice from 28c t‘i)
a y rd.
Our shelves and counters are groaning with bargains for this 'week's sale.
unn713 Old Stand, S iprOlti*H.
The Seaforth
Wholesale an Retail Dealer in
Lumber, Lath, hingles, Cecar Posts
and Timber.
Our lumber consists f the best vents of Hemlock -
and Pine, being well ni nufactuted. Any amount of
Red Cedar Shingles al aye on hand. Bring aigieg
your bills, you will be ure to get them filledmIs-
factorily. figrOoderio street "oset. l
The ugliest Award;
-AT THE -,-
Paris Exposition, 1900;
Eight da
chasers. • 8
Havino trie
aratlirs, 1 bou
to any farmer
the best payi
Call on
Prize and Gold Medal
as -been won by the
a' free trial to intending pur-
-ims clean and turns easy.
DUBLIN, January 21s0, 1931.
three different mak& of °roam Sep -
ht a Melotte. I Would recommend it
with four or five cows. I think It is
g article on the farm. -JACOB BaCXER.
or write the local agent,
. D. WALKErt, Staffa, Ont.
Tea Stoke
The Seaforth Tea Store is right p.t the
front with a rat Class line of grloceries
of which I w11 quote you a few of the
many bargai s. -
Just arrived a large shipment of America's
beat sugar h use /4yrup, 95c for a two
gallon pail, jbest tomato cateup 50 a
bottle, French mUstard 90 a bottle, 1
large can of jork and beans 80 can,
small can 4c 1 barrel of pure maple
syrup from t e eitat at $1 a gallo , jams
and marmalalde 90 a gem, all ki ds of
jelly powder at 10 a package, 6 ounde
of rice for 250, 5 p unds of tapi ea for
25c 5 pounds be*t prunes for 25o, 3
pounds of bet rai ins for 25c a pound,
cleaned curr nts 1c a pound, 5 ounds
of boneless flsh fof 25c, No. 1 1erring
25e a dczen r 5 4ozen for $1, another
shipment of ew cates at 50 a ound,
6 pounds cooking gs for 25e, a ins of
sardines for 25c, jI dozen cloths pins
for 5e, just arrived a few nice fresh
die, good meat saw and
er 60 , one good bread pan
°Ned r 50c, one good' gran-
. bids ng powder 50o, one
thre piece set and baking
that 1 receive a shApment
ancy bread every ay by
cxpr Se.
boxes of Ha
baking pow
and baking
ite pail and
good granite
powder 50c.
Now don't forge
of Weston's
the 1 o'clock
Spfing Season
The Largest
lailf Goods and
I g
Concern in
Four Counties,.
Att�fld our Grand Millinery Opening
APRIL 3rd and 4th.
erally to
lady who
Spring M
the collect
convey to
weeks of
that is lat
selves of
e:Ittend a cordial invitation to our customeis and the public gen-
ifAit our Millinery Show Room on the above mentioned days. No
can possibly avail herself of the opportunity, should itti138 our Grand
linery Opening. Mach care and skill have gone to the perfecting of
ion, which is complete in. the minutest detail. No words begin to
y ur minds the beauty and. richness of out 1 trimmed hats, and ae
c reful preparation have been devoted to the collecting of everything
es and newest, we trust our customers and public will avail them -
h opportunity of Seeing 'it at its best on .April 3rd and 4th.
Dre0 Goods
Our re arkable display of , pring
Dress Go (IS deserves your care -f1 in-
spection. 411 wool tweeds, correct for
separate s irts or suits, special for 50c
a yard.
rwo sp mai lines of checked goods
at 50c an 65c a yard.
Special line of broadcloths in all
sha es at 50,1
Te alb ti•OSS cloth in all light hades
for dsts,
Atmazo cloth in all shades at Toe.
In blac 4ress goods, special lines of
black mat lases at 75c, 80c, 85C, 90e,
$1 and $1.25.
Special 1ine of English silk, ' all
shades, at 50c.
Persian pattern silks, dress lengths,
special at 8O.
Black ea de soir, special values,
will:be f$nd at 75c, $1, $1.10, $1.25
and . $1.5 .
Also s ecial values in taffeta, T:enga-
line, gros r in. -and armour.
New w hj goods to hand in moslins,
in celored aril white.
Special line fancy stripe muslins at
10c, 13c, 40 16c, 19c, 20c and 30c.
Special ine silver sultana at 35c.
Special line silver sil-verta at 25c,
UR all I ilH11/ 'MPH 10F, JAN no
11 Rif&
.11! li,8117741..111_ilczsiltii,Isttl;41i,71,ft oizateo7il7_,141114.
j. i‘\446elleeloe'rt.
if) .
This is
are 'think
of the ma
invented f
or becom.
waist. S
assorted c
he season mostly all wom.en
ng of Shirt Waists. Fact
ter is, that no other garment
r women is as comfortable
g or sensible as the shirt
e our stock.
'alues in calico shirt waist,
lors sizes from 32 to 40 at
50c.' Also misses' waists, from size
14 to 13, at 50c each.
Print -w is s in wide stripe, variety
of colors, 11 izes, at 75e,
Speeial Im of tucked calieo waists,
in polka do and stripes, variety of
colors, all siz,s, at 90e each.
Special lin of colored muslin waists,
white yo iariety of colors, all sizes,
at $1 eac
Special in of -white lawn waists,
fine tucki g, all sizes, at Si each. Also
a special line of white muslin, with
insertion nd cluster of tucks, at $1.25.
Special 1 in of white organdie waists,
with shell tu ling and hem stitching,
at $1.75 e:c1
Special tin = of white organdie waists,
with heniztit lied and cluster of shell
tucking, bsck and front, at $2.70,
Special ]iie ,of white and black or-
gandie w ist , with fine tucking and
valencieric s nsertion back and front,
at $3.20 e
Special values in ladies' wrappers in
red nd av blue, with new stripes,
at 8 , c an $ .10 each. Also a special
line with riL on skirt, at S1.48 each.
I Op
1 Clothing
Here is thie whole story. We keep
the best clothing we can get. We do
it because we know it will pay Us to
do it. We know that if a man comes
here and get J stylish, well -fitting, corn.
fortable clothing, he will come again
We ask you to inspect our clothing for
Spling. See the styles, material and.
workmanship Below we will mention
a few special lines :
Slender men's Regent street suits,
made with double breasted vest, mili-
tary cut coat, shaped trousers, sizes -31
to 40, special value at
Young men's Regent street suits in
two shades, ctit with a double breasted
vest, shaped trousers, special at $9.
Special values in men's Spring over-
coats, dark Oxford grey, all wool,
cheviot finish silk facings, shrunk duck
interlining, special at $7.85.
Special values in whip cord over
coats 'at $6.65 and $7.85.
There are Many things in our big
stock of boys' clothing that will appeal
strongly to mothers in this vicinity.
The most cas1 al inspection will con-
vince you tha we have been energetic
as well as co scientious in Our effort
to secure the best stock we ever
brought to this town.
Special val
for boys from 4 to 8 years old; special
value at $2.25, $2.75, $3 and $4.
Our new bats to hand in all the
latest styles in soft and stiff.
es in boys' vesty suits,
Carpet Department.
A few more carpet foals left -35
union ends at 15c, and "o) wool ends
at 30e.
Several odd lets of lJco curtains
clearing at gre[tt red ucti ais, Also our
new lace curt&ins to 1 ,.rd, ranging in
pike from 25 to $8.
Large rang ,E1 of ,taiti:-ruide costumes
to hand. Owing to the great success
tailor made gaisments have inet with,
we have found it necps--ary to greatly
inereaSe our stock. Ve are .:,..howing a
much larger assortmn.',-. eostumes,
jackets, capes land skii.U.
Special linel of Sprin-..: >oats to hand,
all shades, at '5.
Tailoninad costumez from 85.75 to
Town. Building, Corner Main and Market St& Seafortb,