HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-04-05, Page 44 THE -HU ON EXPOSITOR A RIL 5. 1901 d Cart*ri�htjll saying that d enough for in in ore of Pa liament to holds no posi ion undorth' Provincial Gov. many. Mrs. Srr illi had beew in failing SW Tbo ffgUrikhpfWp-q fVtA r Eursue this pernici s'pra tice, b 1) it would ernment it in �robably nadequate for a J.health fi b or @am(, t io and for a ffianth 'UST G A IN* NEI W ADVERTISE U ENTS by IM r'. M. 0. moron, mow do0, a letter will ba very qrati f o the pu lie. ' It is the Dominic, Government,, and it the judge and her death v severe offfiet'on, to from Sir Ri be one, denotes ihs FIckgo of th f, st, t t r on which tb surely Cook =st do something.." - Air, I' t a large Iounlll. e inflnitely wo x4vartisement wit bo roe f the j dges of the oou.n. first class Mao. proportion of previous to lh�r deat she had been confided Cook's explau doo of this etlatement was A, e A Dollars Workh-Greig & Nfa-dvn�,d-t try follow d it alifol them are judges of the Surrogate Court, and to bed. She lea 7es bueband, 5 WI daugbtere American Prinfi-"royd & Co -6 that Mr. - Canibron told h1q, it meant he some Masterm in Chaucer.# as well. These %And 3 Sons. (Cook) would havc latter offices nd local cou' ty fees bring Farm rs4ho used Formallne lasti yeat fox lut n Bineer Twle--Re(d & Wiloon-5 to put up $10,000 for his the -George We% son of Robert 'Watt; of lary well u o $4,500 or. I Auction Salo-Uarvin Leake -5 call to the Sei ate. Some days later, in Much Cry �nd Little rool., 6 85,000-a figure Brussels, a young man yet in his teens, is success wi, i it. We sell the best at 715c per pint. t And Ris for Salo -J, Pu rcell-5 Hon. Premier Roso'has introiticed into very close to that of the salary -of a justice setting a worthy ex mple of what a youth is solicitor, Mr. Samuel 0. y had the grippe thi4i Ivictlan Sale of the Superi)r Court, whose work Is Much may do, He went Torn Brussels to the "-1 tOnic to clear 1 C-ttil for Sx[6-Thm 8oukor-fi company with If 01 nter1 you Shoud tike a Sp-rin'* Riehard R vrry-6 the Legislature a Assess. - Biggs, of Toron, a, Mr. Cook says he dioeupsw lie ill to %mend '�"eti ig, and who,:Iiving in a large Polaon works,'TDr t f years ago, it out of tl e 6ystem. We bav� a B�rdoek and -Sar�apdfilla Extract, at 50e per Atiction Silc-J� K, ach--5 w more 0 I 0, a ow rlmv Sh3cs-111ohardimn &,%lc1nnla--8 ed the proponiqlon w ment Act, hich eliqi ed ver - severe city, is.subje ited to greate e." ith Mr. �Q.mron again We and by bard woi nd -diligent attention hnrck's. Fensall-s bottle, tha Criticism from th FiL-mers-2--l3i a mom - fancy the fee i purifies the'blood a d clea:nses the systeiii from the dregs of Nvi in the Rossin ouge. The second point is -era of the s will bear tin -out iz� saying to duty he him tai eil the important posi.- Auction Satc-G. Bald%via-8 OPpol q1tten's Funeral-pxrdr.o's Hxll-8 sition In the Legi are n 0 Opposition that the judg as -A "neither the high or low tion -of draughtmma - for the above men. By the us of one bottle o that Mr. Cook' I lim's to have incidentally f this extract, you;,�ill sta� healthy all summr. uor License Act-wrn,. Ballantyne -5 ou fering either from inadequate Carts are lug Footwear -R. willij & Son -5, told Sir Rich A Cirtwright of Mr. Cam. CBS in the Provinne. his measure is one tioned firm and is n wdrawing83 per Any tend, an invitation! to all the ladies o visit our Fancy Olhi)114 L p" 0 , We�,, salaries or rern over work. The editor of for his services. This 1 t a a very practical spropooit nmorethan a year after it empowering the council$ f cities owns and the Beacon is drigaged In work just as im- illustration to tf e anadian youth of the Opening. Cron 01 Iver & The Fritits nt Viotorv-Alex, Wilson -S incorporated villages to; pass b7 laws ex. portant and % astly more laborious than are poseibilitiem, but the never come to the was made. 8 Ill gain it wa's lestified b t I y ting from munfaipal I axation or a term the judges ev3n of the Supr6me Courts, and ---A. Younz-S einp drone. % a and Cc,ffee-2 W:tll Par.or-2-3. Cimveg & Co.-$ Mr. Cook the 11- offer of the plarn he 1 we venture the statement that, if at the end -John Hall@ de arted this life at his Bough t was me e not ex6eeding throe years, indi iduals Or of each year, he can place to his credit clear, home in Hlimvil e, wnsfilp of'Usborne on Bit y Mr. W.. T. R. Preston a derati6n.. companies having public franchi ii 9, such as. an amount equal to half that earned by,the Sunday. mornin , 2 h, inst. at the age 14 �V ear le Diruggis �i The 11ito SprV-2-,,z. M jill(-tf, & oa-S for the oamenc F th Wr.t-d at I mee-Ifilis Thompso-8 Hato Remodele-d-Miss Young --S All the gent err on concerned in1his trans- b-dephone, eleobric light and ot i r similar m4t poorly remunerated, county judge in years. Aboutfou YE ra ago tbedecoased had On)Urlo, he will consider himself mighty the misfortune to fa I from an apple tree and 25EAPORTHIF A Q,cd Thinz-G. Willwin-S action, with the exception of Air. Camer u, 'tt assent of 0 c,,mpanies, witholut rece ving 'tt Van Wantzd-ffugh Richiuond-6 T fortunate'. sustained anch injuries thathe: neverfully-re-- who died a cohpl 3 of yeara ago, appeared the rathpayers.to each bydaws, Wilt Paper --0. W. Papst­8 covered from tha- shock, and has been in .Vighest Awaid-J. D. a ker-5: Several years ago, when electroal' enter- before the comini itee and entered flat de.- uron Notes. declining health f%e past seven or eight Congratulat[olls, ove r all repaired to the Rev. Mr. YtIland is holding epecial eervices nials of the they were alleged by Mr. prince were 'in their infa cy and i� order to —Andrew -Taylor has sold his 100 acre- years, hence death N &a not unexpected. The dining roor, -where the tables � groane4 every night this week, in the Methodist pa to frrd them enc6urageme it, the far in, lot * 1 3, 5 bh line, Mar to his broth deceased was highly res oted inthe com- under the veilizbt a . f good tbiriga�prepared church Mism Edna Palliator, of Guelph, jig oak to have played. Sir- Richard er James, the price being�$4)IiA munity and his ( eat h wir,13 be- generally re by the hostess the the full assent'of bo �h politi I parties, and where all d1d, ampI� guest of fl�r brother, Dr. Pallisfe wright declared on his oath that the letter with r.—On grotted. He leav, m a family of four Sons and —George. Redman, recently of, the 5 th justice. The wedding gifts wero useful# Saturday evening last, as several young men Mr. Cook speak pageed an act t th c ffee that tl iiii raile.and two daughters )a mourn his demise. His a �f with his 'name attached oncesiion of Gray, boo pu.rchase�d the Jew. numerou.3 and costly, showing the esteem in were passing the residence of Mr. 0. W, 3t tt 100 acres n the 7th I SKAFORTIR, FRIDAY, April 5th, 1. OL thereto was a �my�h.; that he never directly. tracks of str railwa5s, the I lea, wires I ine Morris, a rtner predeceased him about four which the oung couple Are held. The Holman, some of them made- a remark dim. orinc and such like pro)erty 6f t6lep ione a nd - moved to it. lifectly ri�ad or authorized anyone else years hgo. evening was most enjoyably spent';i'n"music pleasing to Mr. Holman, and as be evident, L �Mr. Thomas Malloy- who lives about —Mr. Wm, Kee den of Exeter, who has The Parliaments. to make tile ofteriof-,-a senatorship to Mr. hour., el6etric light commnies,' shoul' gamer, and an4ing till an early whe ly haahis war, paint on, he challenged them only be four miles from Wroxeter, ,.is 94 years of age, been employed on ti e Grand Trunk Railway alt, went home, delighted with the, pleasan to battle, the !result of which wo�ld have mmossed- aid no -produc ve in ection man w a dismissed from the -ion Parliament adjourned over Cook for "a as dead &ter.- still he walks into the villiLge nearly every atime they bi 4-8p�ent. We all join Jin -wish been that th dominie would have"got a The Domin mong -cmisideration ;'-further that he did no � bilieve any tz ial and not at heir �roper r actual day, uch effar ha Campany a service t iis'w�eek. It appears he ing Alr, and Mrs. Rose, a pleasa.4� Vbygg pummelling, bl�it county constable Dan We the Easter holidas, from Wedne,-day. until and a w been made i rnitted however, that he value as the pr �perty of g),ng con —The Jam,esou farm, in Hullet, has been number of others ' ere despatched to throu In life, Donald appe!t d and straigh (raesday next. There is no sign as yet wl en i sold to Mr. H. M. Snell. : The farm u- assist in Clearing the Snow aftT.r the big 9- tond -the diffi- Mr. Cook the posi. cer "The tsine 160 &C cc was a support�r :f culty.—Wrn nd John Patterson, sons of for no. This act has become known -a the session will close� There has not liplen res and the, price paid was storm up north, and on Saturday bight, fol. John Patter's n of Wrox,eter, formerly tion, and did what he pould to Scrap I Asses ent Act." �Tfie de- $2,700. lowing his usual Custom', returned home, of secure it for ran Willto, n. much business of general interest during t he r - are visiting friends in Bayfield at n —While po e received word of h iiresent. een The other day h is die- Plow shoe for men and boys; we have him, but, on account partly oi Mr. Cook's velopme t of these ut�er rises ha very ming out of'a neighbors house I this place, pant, week, legislators being principally on - the biggeEt vai lety� and bEtter values than ever be own conduct, and from the fa(t that Mr. rapid, -and. the property -thus pE r jelly ex* on Tuesdayl of last week,,Mr8. James Ford m'88011, the reasons beiag he had taken leave fore. W. H. V illid -Seafortb. 17381 gaged in committee work and resting of absence without arderls. Five others along Oil of Wingliam, -fell and broke her left arm at Cook was cons dered b -Sir Richard's col e was cons mpted from municipal taxation i" become EASTER T1 D EVERY DEPRT-1 I E-" T' Brussels. their oars after- the- weariness of the y the wrist. the line werb also dismissed, one at Denfield, Budget debt�te, which was closed with a Ti. such a pasition, valuable and profi,,.able, and the time has —Mr John Tedford, for many years a Clandeboye, Centralia, �ensall and Bruce- From all sectidna of the E. McFiul Ca's' very leagues as not uitable f< LOCAL GALtHERINGS.—Busincss Store, Seafo �rrived wl the gisla)ure concludes that resident of Clintqn, left on Monday of Is, th,1 Easter goods greet� you. W quiet in town, �owing to the bad condition of he was nn;xble to' obtain the appointment for a t field. 'ep vision giving the Governmerit a majority of f thip �Xemption fib tild b removedl'aod th at week for.,Mijinedosa, Manitoba, where lie —After a bra a struggle for life, John there any d �y you will, prepared to get th� h im. I - the roads.—The McDonald Qaartette, ot ! I has a son engaged in farming. A Creighton, a w I known resident of Brus. best spring :code for the least money, Th� London, w e tow hall, on fifty-two, which is about the regular Gov- pear in th n the so calle i irol propar�y shoul d- aels, do ar,ted t life n Sunday, March new spritigg Code are taking immensely with Wednesday le ening,Apri;l the Sit Wilfrid Laur'ier, as head of t.h c ad - d nor ernment majority in the House. There —Mr. WiTliam M. Lowrie of Clinton and 10th, under 94th a1vular sease of the heart wan the the public. 1 A, carnival of good values il ministration, ran called and informed the be assessed at its i as part at a goivg M 0 . Robert J. Shine of Brussels have paror - ' Brussels football clab, and P. everal important matters promised af ei d auspices of th their final examina'tion at the Veterinary ailment- Mr. 0 ilyhtoi! was a native of ready for ILL in Millinery, Dress Goods, committee that- he.'had never,.directly or _Concern, and a bill to that. effec6, is now big tumout is fxpected, —Ira Gerry was ap. the holidays, which are likely to create n, '�yrone, Ireland, it seeing the light of day Dress Trimming;e, Silka, Laces, Fancy Goods College, Toronto, the latter- taking honors in' uggested or caused it to t he bill, b4troduced - 'before the Legislatt �e. pointed an representative of the Brussels isteresting discussions. Chemistry. ob October 17, 18,34, and when 12 years old Carpets, CU tains, etc. 1738-1 football team, to go to Berlin, on Friday, to by Premier Ross 0, gested, that Al r. Qljok,c)uld get a sen' tor- thlerefore, to permit cross d the Atlant,ic and located at Toronto. lang,e to et ruseels boys a I —Mrs. Alex. MoDanald*, 4% conceseion, e The Ontario legislators have been wai k BRiERS. — ilt the congregational me6ting arr into the league municipalities, whe C.it 'is still Here:'he spent severt yca�s in tho dry goods ship by paying fo - it. considered Grey, has a b antiful Easter Illy, the stalk of Duff's chu,irch; a unanimous c- for 1901.—te firemen held a meeting on - %U was ex, ing industriously to ge busin f his U -t, to prorogation le. Mr. S. C. Bigge, who wafiat'the- time-acb. desirable, to contioue this e t* of which measures 21 inche and upon it are ess a nc.e, William Creighton, tendod to Rev. A. cNab, who has ha' Friday evenin�, and the following officers xemp ion, in r which be reirio md to Fergus where he q le pas,toral cliarge bver the coogregatio n Skeene ve inches in lengtli.� Who can beat entered into the a ime line 'on his own be- U Blue W hat being fi fore Easter, bat they have, not succeedea. ing as Mr. Coo c's nolicitor'and confidential part or in whole- four blossoms, one of them Babout to bloom, af to were appoi t'd Chi f, J. G as may,baAceireo. captain, A, Cutrie tecretary and treasurer, As several heavy questions have yet to e the Opposit,i ee t obiact to so stren. last September. It is not know'n whether agent wo cc Auctb-d the corre"4pondenc-c this ? half, residing there for 14 years or there- n b �vill accept or not. —Mr. John F. S. Scott chief engineer, W. Ainaley.— d Who V1141 iettled the Legislature %djoar ed an Thur� - for him, av Mr; McNa uoubly is, the giving of —On Tues By morning of last week one to try and hit) powo�. of ex. abouts. In 1874 demased became an em- McArthur and f -Brussels base bkll team have reor ized for inily have removed from gan inton's ost popular y day until Tuesday next, and it is the emption to the munici I councils wi ployee of the old G. -eat Western Railwa enlist the Eymp%tides f te' mm, bers in hild P bho lit of C, ourg ladies, Milan y their farm to the house which he recentiv 1901, and are nbw trVing to form a lea cula-tion that business will be fini,hod Jopie Fair, le t for Winnipeg, where she and. during the 20 years following filled gue their first isectiriDg t�e sEEenb of the licople, purc between Godeiidb, Clinton, Wingliam, a -ad P behal inil �on f, &�d who, nde d, was", instruments.) Fergus, Bluevatc, will be marri(d Thursday -evening to Mr. P011tiona at He based in Br�uesels. Mr. McArthur wan deceutly and in order next week. coup one. of Ithe ea rly'oettlers and will be much Brussels. T boys are -confident of bavin le in gettfi3g Mr. the same as --they l(ow, I Mildmay, Brusels an �almerston. when 9 -'a net u to PApouse the cau" ave for ordina ry Neil Fox, odit or of the Mo'rden Chronicle. i a good team P�t into The of bills, in whiah Toronbo'was mair.' minoed by bin n4glibora in this the field, inte exemptions or for a mon he retired and made ais bame permanently vioin ty. of w -ho, a - the preserVime. y by-law. They Mr. J. D. Hinchley,19f Hulleb, recent. 11r., Robert 13lair has rented a stock-4arm bowlers held th ir annual meeting in (3'r. F. ested, have been giving legislators t lot of in Brussels. i's not on intimate t mis jvich his former say that councils may as bought or en. ly sold to Mr. S.� H. Smith, -of Clinton, 20 near Ethel, and1will rerrove to it at once.— Blair's office, on Monday vening, and ap trouble daringthe past week. Indvad, it �q An unusually at, Iiih �and pretty wed- vegled in -to pasaing �f 6 by-law of thin kind by bullocks, whQhe average weight was 1,484 Mr., John Cr z1or' has been for the past, two pointed officers for 1901. They have rentid cmployer, swor,? �,hat Mr. Cook once fsug. ding took place th A wOek in Goderich so-�krcely too much to say tbat Toronto legi�- pounds, Thi' Is one of the finest bunches 3e-9, busily ngaged in drawin. home the roperty on the river bank from Rev, J. I wl e p com lock on� Wednesday, the a - mubscription - i gested to, him tl�tkt: pe hap3: panics, contrary to t ie wishes- of the of cattle thatilas left the country for some township, at 11 a' uaro timblJ- from the saw M Rose, and will, no doubt, have one of, if.not which is usualy of a 27th, in Mi4dietm's ill be ie for ver knott people *ham they'repre ut. church, which - was to the party I inds might, help along his Be time. the erection A va large bank barn on his I the best greens in the county. —?xeorge character ta,.kes at least one-third o' d for thei occasion C lien ou f the claims to tho offi-,a soug�t, but -that he Cur experience (of municipal Councils —Milton A. Buchanan, son of Dr. Bach. w farm during the'Comaig summen—There is Rogers, A. iley and W. F. Scott Ptarted time of the Legislature each se Miss Clara, ditugh -er of Mr. and Mrs. John msion. T anan, of Zur ch, has been appointed to a quite a boom n the leads us to believe that these fears are en- fellows (Biggs) warned r. Cook 0at such a course Middleton, became tile bride of Mr. Cliorles in'the building lige- this s6a- a - their round 5 on Mouday to ta hip in romance languag son. Besidei a goodly number of ho 'Sea and genius of the vi lage.—Peter Hogg is spend- i a en in Chicago Taylor, of (near B ytl)) Morris. The cer' barns, seven ie silos are to be bailt dar- -various bills amending,'the murtic. pal would re-qder him liable t' Ut'. tirely groundless. 0ounloils -are now en - eity. We congratulate Mr. Bach. a few holidays at his home iu Baden, a, imprisonme Univer ingi many was performed in the preeence of he Session, have been embo Ir, Biggm ad trusted with vc-ry 1_nucll�. I larger interests anan on the 'honor that has thus been con- Ing the comil g Sumer . in the immediate passed during t' NLA that lie hev6r hea* rd -f coin about 40 gueats, b Rev. E. B. Smith, and The funeral of the late J. A. Creighton tv.ok ded in one omnibus bill, as has beea-the cus. than this, and ther aral exceedingly. f 'w ferred upon him. place ou Friday, from the family resid Mr. Cook, ltho'�Igi hi� relations wit'li him e icinity.—Muesve McLughlin & Becker ence. tom Set apat v and has been pvsnd. There ii�e sev�' On Frida , March 22nd, Mro. Isabella seats were t f)r the invited. The 'fi tment of buggies It was Conducted by the Masoic and c allaged letter rom- instances on reco d here they have pretty young bride are turning a t a no assor oral amendmenteof m were so Intl 't f th f itchell, mot er of Wm, for the Pprinj trade. —Every m w4s cb4rmingly attired _person is com. Workman lodg nd a Jarge number of -ire or leas imporbancel, m in t Mitchell, town. in white Bilk organdio wiCh chiffon trim- i c R. o h a r d Ca i8lit. INle. Ca repo$ d hem, Be- clerk of � P1 members of bo'tJ'ord%,era were in attendance. .1 -meron bgd ,violited 'the trust Goderich, died at the. home of her aining of bi 4 toads At the present time, and to some of which ive m%y refer in a f a mings ; she wore a vetl and' carried a boquet, 'jigg.) - t side3 thig, the life'et a c uucillor depends son-in-law, in Tor except Lhe on 45 boy on the farm. who i's appeared to be a xiouEp as he 0 prito, from an attack of W. H. M-cCr cken purchased -a fine up tare issue. The Good Roads hill hm bee of white roses. M is A. CJTaylor, a sister . I see Air. Cook g e appoinbme'ut lie wa very much on his abilityto keep the annual pralysis. Deceased was for many years a busy right piano fron� R. Leatherdale this week, nt- of the groom, as bridehmaid', was garbed in sugar -n �k 139.7.11r. John Rowland, put into shape and been pagsed. It t,s a I . �Well known renidemb of Go�lerich. who da havingi an auction sale of his farm —Alfred Baekef is getting the material on 0 , hud had sug fis ed in his, hearing tha rate of t-axition b),-tho lowest possible a corresponding co tum'e of blue, with i C I the ground for t1he er pretty much in its original form, I only tha b —Alto. Perkins, relict of� the late HenrY black picture list and lalao e too4 and iml em,ente this week, will move ection of his newpoul.- notch, and 'he well huowo that the greato a try house. Alf. .r, C.)ok mi r. a subacciptiou of Qlo,. r pe 4pr"riee d boquet. 't ght� rkins, a former re3identl of 8borne and 0 Nvalton laving secured employment, haaaaptured nearlyall the it now provides that all the money may number of exemptio a he, Ives the higher Ex The groom was slippo Led by Mr. rl, prizes at party to show his lo B uJ, the different poultry Shown through. b eter, died it, London, or Sunday, March on 0 000 to the yalty. aj - B. Middleton. The uShere were a, brother witht L. MeD � aid & Co.—Mr. Thom" out given in one year, inatesd of being spre aq at the same time, Mr.' Cameron ' ta d' to the rate must be cn the great in Jority of 24t,b, after several month' llneas from can-, and cousin of tlie bride. derbilt, �be­ b to k i Johnston hat returned from Van . the country for bin- Bard Rocks ; t f the liver. s.were M ichi raises nothing but the best.—D, M. 800tt over ten years, and the provip-ion permil ing cer. a The remoin brought 121an, wh rei he has been spending the r., Uook Uiab hs, could not guarantee birn the. ax paers. While, therefore, there i municipaities to use any part of the g an't' A 1 or a use, 11 to E,xeter for interment. whiter month The eensus takers are now purchared the Patton property, on John no U, f 'ab the proposed law ivil street from Ro ed- Inglis, on r , -t�eseiiatorahip after the money Ny�aa —There diea at the home of her daugh their roanos, and judging from the Monday,— fiaial in many respects. t r, Pori; lbert. for the parchase of road machines, has beeil, paid, -)Ir. Cook w(uld only have -,to tak 6 be le E More par- Airs, George Roas, in WiEgham, on Frid sgtoa�tlegof the ro 00, it is not all pleasure. William Griffit has, returtied home from y fell i Stratford, where he has been clerking for A- atruck out. The money can now only bO his charces. LOCALS —Miss I c 1-Hawkiias r WEDDING very pleasant event ticul ly will this b3 the 4se with electric 22nd ult., HelEn, relict of the late Be usei in road ftnproVeM8n,t3. Te bill geem�r 'heanut, aged 34 years, Alro. Chesnut was from Kineardine la3t week, where she had to place on driesday afternoon of last R. Smith, formerly of Bruesels, Mr. Griffith i Mr. Praatou Win eflually elnp',]A�ic in bid light bg plants and ocasi nally also, with' ok m r eas ny There are ma#y municipal itie@ death. She was -an old 'rekident of tie census enum telep �ones. visiting her daughter at he time of been visiting with relatives.—Mr. P 1will resume ed to give univeroal saisfaction i th� her ellow, week at the It ) o of A] r. Goo ge Christo carpet weaving�. basin House, both parties giving it their approvaL denial that he tver O'ffered-'Mr. Cook a orator, started on his w rk. in pher, when bin daughter, Mins Trosair, was, :again in the Imes block.—John Hewitt whem then polling division No 4 3n Monday morning. 4as purchased tie Wy ' sum, or that lie I .1 conveyed any message e conveniences required �nd Uicknow district.. united in marr age to Mr. Thomas Bolger, i nn property, on the The supplementary eatimates have - re really necessary, and desired by Ithd —According to the repor � of the Bure4u —Joseph McMillan in having his barns re- pular and 'rall known young farmer of am auv 1�'-.tbinst NEnister to the effect that 4 a e a pr, ;corner of Turnb!rry and George streets,and broughb down and amount to a good round of Industries,the following is the amou modeled by cement foundations and other this vicinity. The ceremdby was witnessad will move hilto he same as soon as he can Mr. Cook could iae the senatorship for people but where thw-rove us is small, end nt of improvements.—M is Louise McGee I is via. by about 70 invited guests. Ptecisely :at 4 get possession if it.—R. Barrett has sam, embracing allowances for the com- q10#000. tax exemptions in the several places named pur- esirable that, i orde�� to get the con- in the county : Bruso;ls, $6,850 ; Exeter, o'clock the wedding march was played by e Barn ill property, on Alexander tis iting in Seaforih. chased th nience-ment of the now science building in The caso closea he e. Mr. Co k?,& charp�e, venience6 and comfor a whiqh they Supply,, $6,500, and $211,585 on farm lands whiph OBITUARV.—Mr. Henry Otway, an old Miss Lucy Sholdice, of this place, as - the street, and will take possession about the Toronto, and also for the surveys of the pro- is on th resident of these -p ts, departed this life on young couple Ook their places at, theL middle of April, —W. Harris e �Ie sidei `17he sworn' denials of -Sir both - pa,rties to the contr4ct should make are inside the corporation 4. Goderich, $10 altar. bas rented the Wednesday afternoon ast, at the home of The bride was viry esidence of J. Broadfoot, on Alexander posed Temisca.ming railway, which - the sacrif C63 for z, a time. The remission or 500 ; Seaforth, $4,000 ; W� ligham $17,37 ). prettily attired' in a Premier--aayls is to be conaLruaLed b UchaTd rtwriAht, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, - F. Naylor of Fast Wawa his sister, Mrs.. flaylen, where he had cos -Igrey trimmed with cream treet, for a term of yeara.—Robert e- tu e a pe y Mr. Samuel C, B11,g9, and Mr. W. T. R. parth I remission of general, taxes b oin com, lived for the last five y!ars. His death was ntcheon, Hugh Fors Govorurn y the meuced work At the Union fft satin ad rea itiblion and carrying i'd her th and Sim -on For, ctory, Win maybe, nd a' ten is, h thei ent. Perhaps the mos, important caused by blood poison Dg, brought on by hand � bouqu( qf white earn %Tnili8, V Preston are mnni6pality all- that ham, on Thursday last and , wit e on th' 0 -her. It is for the. pub- was orking an left announcement of the week waq rn-.%de �y the -In matters r6 of the municip or the went, on�' twlitsov� clediietions. is ne esgary on the p, %li ty the buzz planen - About flve o'elo k his 10 getting his foot frow-n �wo month@ ago. The wag ttended Mabel yth re p "'I'v f illg. ecc I atione. She u8ead orn lic to dn y her cousin, Miss aPremier, in CGn:ne- deceased -was a.mer3ba3t, in Port Albert for ?�aniod by the Wi ay M aGion with the proposed to Be are the enterprise. There ar hand came in contact with the I nives aL d over 20 yearts, butt I eti -Bingham, of ummerbill, while the groom L ahes of their m y of this kind) hoti' h, party spirit runs pretty e friends in this ection.—Jon. Colbert, an _�ed from, business on was supported by his brother, Joseph ne aid to the M4nitoulin and North Shore R;).il- flev' his four fingers were taken off.. The a,,, + Ti and strong, an&Coneo vi tives will be inclined ral uch inst4aces in thio'county, both a the death of his wil �94. 1 He w Jennie MoLonniin, of Seaforth, pent; Sun e s cident was a Net severe one anU. as an eeremoDy was performed by Rev. other of Mr. Olergue's b,,g y 0 1 way Compqmyj an Will lay Englishma by birt� I�obleing lie yolinge t tulationa bein day- with W. Critch. —George Robertson and r n 8 to Ltill hahere to Ib opinion tha'there was egar a telephone and electric lighting.: Mr. Naylor off ork for Bevolral wqGkS Aboy. Congi g over the son of the late Capt Obway, an officer schcml.�a.. TfLo Government will- ain 9 Earn dritcb, Of' Clinton, spent Sunday in give 2,500, —In Hensall, on 'Wednead' night of la t 'in company eat d win to a handsome spread crooked work in on ect,ion with the trans- "co modation. Of course., this condit ion the E'aglish n alvy. He leaves !behind him prepared by ti 0 hostess. town.—Leon Jackson has taktri aposition 000- acres of Algoma lands to the Manitoulinj' week, a live wire from the' electric plan After this a� social action, and that4h t Mr. Cook says,though could be secured by having a by-law en- two sister@, Airs. tie ardron, lof Toronto evening wa as clerk for Goo -ge Mitchell, o &ad North Shore ralwar. The, railway will! came in contac, with the telegraph line at a al ent until the early hours of f Ethel.—A ng B t this entails a e- ngt,h, ithl Consi erable expense -which, to 9, , small up to the statio that the woodwork became apective homes, ' fter wishing the you be three hundred miles in le that gentleman y not be able to bri dorse by the people. - such'a current and Mrs. Hayden, hoppardtou. the morning, %,bin all departed-io their r number from th,o place will take in the the railway crossing and sent w evidence tolcorrloor%tc his statements, is ng shootinUmatch at Clinton, on Good Friday, couple much h 6poiriess in future. Mr. ad nd Sudbury, neverth Con t ne —John Hewitt I an been a t Sections! ele&o trueE But, to all othcro, the Muni ipality in an object, and which,'under ignited, and ha not r Harold fortunately 4 e. ppoin, ed deputy ng I game warden for, th district, by the Pco. of the line will connect eaford with Owen! been pr�eseut-'t c buildi might have been M HN'R DTI-MESSAR' ES Mrs. Bolget wi �eeide on his farm which is - frank dcrii4s of the two niini8ters and of Mr- RoBs' bill, will be av,6i ed. The.bill is burned down. Underwear, Shirts, adjoins the bi vincial Goveriamplat. i 6.9 i ri, e's parental home. Sound, and Wiarton with To'bermory. Hats, Ties, Braces 8 Collars. Cliffs, et -0. IMr. PreB ton of pk rtj cipation in any scheme - odd one and should b come law. The —Probably f w farms In the County of Th6re'a only a litt e #pace in The E. Me. Clergue, the owner of the charter, promises to take rno�ey iu, return for a' outcr� by the Opposition is mainly, if not Huron have are ord such as that of the Hand. 0 a. Big St( h, for' these �85nat6 ap- 'Faul C re,J Seafort entir� 'Kippen. to Place 1,000 settlers an the I? f Lakelet. .nds annual I y� poi.ntm ford homestead, in the township of,Uaborne, I I Cnt,:will b accepted as frankly anrl be purpose f making poli. goods, yet the va lueo offered makes it a NORTHERN' BitEEzEs. Plow shoes fop' Mori and boys; we have for ten years, Toronto will be brozight� as fully %i now occupied- by Mr. James:Handford. It space always busy. Then again, men wish. —There has been -9 ity miles n arbr Sau' they ( given. L I �apibal, and not i ri th , general inter - was taken up �y the late Ri hard Hand ord ingio buy Ready -To. Wear Suits could have an immense lot 'of chopping done at Mr. the big est variety ind belter values t1i in ever be- ae tt Ste. Mario, ttndi o uDlirfiudi Person 'Will believe, or e8b8 of . the public. -TilE EXPOSITOR Cann at in the and from e purchas, tt -ing he past weeks. People fore. V K Wiffle,18eaforth. Lond� n two hundred miles nearer. at tim; to th no better place than this for So d t ce. has ever believe I at Sir Wilffid Laurier be ac6dsed'of undue -partiality to companie's preent not a air gie person has died thereon everything that is Is ired in suits ranging camole ngIrleat a int get their chopping BR'1EFS.—Mr.,R. B. MzLean has disposed of his fat steers Mr. John ,Murdocb, who or a funeral comeize left the premises. Few anywhere irom $5 to 8 done here. Tie charges are four and five breaking boats will run in winter between )r 8ir 'Richard Cartwright could or -corporations, On the 6 1738,1 2. capable ontrary rtr de Farnham left on cents per bag.- The saw mill has been run- W, udi Ing much thiiik'we have sometiff lea gone too far in, the the old country along with 114 own,'in or- To6ermoryand Manitoulin. The Goveru- A omn;vitirr at farms ini.auy cot nty have au h a record. NorEs.—Miss Cc purposes in a fe ' weeks Shipping them meat recains control over i t a proceed A pretty h )me wedding took place. at Monday f6r EMmo ton -and will be pbsent ning full force now for over a month, but partl a i t. direction I ub, t -paesenger and � oppaiq� esa of being Mr. Cook, had the residence a] -Mr. and Wr8 der to fill up space.—M. D. Hay is ovtr- I all summer.—Mr. G,orge Brown got kicked one C f the, immense freight rates. 0 rand Trunk and Canad ian Pa-. ere is nothing Totten, of annot mi a any logs 0 )een moving heaV, n in crying wol'e, when there is Chealey, on the2pth lilt., when their young- by a colt a w. hauling the interior of bin store, nd earbh for years to gaile no sek a a and is not making as number dump d in the yard. Logs are Out met- cifi�,-'Railways areto be given-equa running, a wolfe as in this inst nce. y e�OL. cami chants find their in the p eat daughter, Ainsinda' D., a popular young good a recover wo hoped.—M ng in yet, rid. there are enough there PICO accommodation too i lef t -4 oaitiou-i Ile succeeded in enlist- And whatever lady, was united in an Proctor 0 V, last ior for mall for the &Mo rights over the road. The Gov�qrnmant re- 4 marriage to Mr. All a FL d a., a n, now -surnmer's work.—Qlaite a at of business are -nd may be -paid of the 'I ominion Parliament, B. Bainton. a well,, to-do youilg bu6iness man near which city 11 to have ieceiving f h g in his bebadf, U r .'Cameron, an old P Loi a whole the charge of a number of our chi and well­ ocker players were,- up at "o llelf Dal fp'i on 1, and it, is, quite 'p -s- no person can proper�y ao of Blyth. The ceremony w a performed by cheeEe facto flutrimer. We! wish Mr. Rennick'i, Huniingfield, on Frida tmin the pine ti-inber on the lands granted, warn persG ry 7or pleased custmome�i'g.-3ZL'irl"ous and the lands ae to be in Mterna�,e sections �uso the Ontario y � pril fool!s days was in I fible that Mr.-C-Aiieron might, as a last r'e- Legislature- of subserriene3t, to . capitalistic Rev. J. C. - McCleackou, in the presence of him every Fuccees. night, tlying cynclulsiouls with the experts of a fool as regards the along either side the roate of t' be road. it I fort, suggest to h n he propriety of, makiag Influences, and in order to 'make any�. such the immediate friends of the contracting DEATH OF MISS' INDREW.—Mi6e Flossie that place.—The'! collectors of the Bible �veather, while a' ew delighted in the prac- ij go big a echeme thab it alniast takes one 8 parties, The bridal couple left the emme Andrew, daughter of r. T. Andrew, Society money have made their returns, and tise of theold tim jokes.—Mr. Ho.uston, of a liberal contr bu ion to the campaign futi(la an acc'uoation lie againsb I he Government day for their hoine in Blyth. aosed away Friday after -oon after a very they did exeee� ing:ly well this year, collect- e in St. And- 0 ine died i brea,th away. There is also -a provid- of the party, as a' aid to secure the 4 sym. the ppogition will h%N,e to wait until they —Mrs. JohnJard a Fargo, North rief illness. Deatil was due t3 perforatEm hig more than lias' been taken�in for many Clinton, conducted the Bervi i,ng nloney and land gea.nts E hurch on Siabliath last. Mr. Houe- for several other I)athy 0 Ddkota, on Friday, 22nd ult, after a short of the bowels', ree ItIn" in general peri- years.—Mr. Chris, Zagler has all hie effects f thosti who bad the bestowal of th a get Vetter' material for such a charge than illnees from pr)eumonia, folftwing ' �10UNS a good speaker, and his discourse was road,� in N��w 02tario. New la grippe, tonitie,. Aliss Andrcw gbfy re L �. ()"tariO is much coveted position But)- further tilall the bi lin wiestion affords. bi spected on Mr. Scott'ls farm now, and is ready to listened to wi th- ttention. —Miss May, making heavy draf to on the re- I - her age being but 50 years. i rhe decep.-jed by everyone who knew her, for her may start the plow act noon as the weathe will �is, of Stratford, iii spending a week visiting thie, no person wbo has read the evideac.- lady of Colborne as estimable qualitie)i. r t her father's heme, in this village. —By' the naurceff, and it will h%ve to b was known to thepeopl� �111A V10 an fictive let him.—Mr. Ric-nnie and family are at lip well in cau believe that e�von Mr. Cameron went, Editorial. Notes Aiiv.e Youxlv, lleet. daughter of the Into worker in the-p�ur h and Sabbaf-h. ls� ool work a (luantity of eggs that are being brought to the naar future to Compensate for the go, -)d nd Commentg. b u their ew'. farm.—Jack dalbraith Indeed, Mr. Cook's subsequent conduct Alexander Young, and her death !was ear. and led an xemplarV �)riptan life. ' Tfie has moved to the McLachlan farm; near the itoren of the village, it is vident that things goiDg its way bDth lal money and Aguinaldo, the 16adej of �he Pbilipi ne�is to the residents of the town- bereaved freiende ba-ee he symp%thy 6f the Fordwicli, and J. K, Wiggins is moving to proves thiit nothilg further than ti ne in rowful r. i. the heiii, are keeping pace with the times. — "I was surffents, hqu at I ship.. Herremwns were brought to Huron Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eflkie and children,who en captured 'by - entire community. Fordwich, whe o tie hm bought a JiZ Be.— for interment. ere all laid ide with an attuak of I.P. mtonded or offere' For he admitted,, and th and has been safe. Christ Wm. McCann I 'has engaged with M.r. e American Rutho DJAT11.0F MR. opber up orn I out the admission, th4t I —After -an illness extending fro ippe, we are pleased to note, are all on the The C00k Charge . I ly lodged in prison A Idanil M last Dle, of Hullett died Wednesday or ti e :summer months.—Altx. lonf after this ten'th It is hoped August., Susie Dennison, beloved wife of morning of a6 e ay to recovery. —Mr. W. . C. Kyle an offer lnl�q wic sulted McConnell and 6rge Pomeroy are going to :Py arvey Brothers have the contract of load - n McKillop, from poison gainJug a cons to his blood work/for Wm. I ohnston, out near Cliffod. ,r- s Lid to have been,mald o,ho continued o,3 t hc The capture of tho p,,,sed away to her reward on i g the large consignment Of logo at the 'The Cook charges have now been thL �Iuaaud dollar was that this will end 6he Phililpirie rebellion. Robert Mowbray, 14th concessio OUghly' iuvUltigafed before a colQttee of most intimte and. f wPey 4ief was very uuday, through an abrasion a ;� his finger. Mr. —Mr. J, T. IN111"i gi,ue' sale on Tuesday last, riendly terms with Sir cleverly efl*eoted a,,complished b 24th tilt, With her husband she had 'gone Dale spent the mos; of his life in Hul!ett wan well attend d, notwi��standivg the al- s ation onto the cars for shipment to Wood - the frlate. At all evente, all the evidence Wilfrid, SirRichard,� st�ategy. If th, b!L, ioUndiing to mak widel: wn as one of most impassable state of the roads. Fvery- getting well instwil- i arld.-Mir. Cameron ie Urits�acou, d now capture to Manito e their home township and was 6, oak.—Hired men are ava;lfi.11yle has been sub.r there, but failin Y health compoliel theiu the most euccessful far thab other insurgent leader. Dewet a d ces for the summer months, and the case, F n geb of e thing sold well ind a good sum was realiz. VVages are pretty in the MOB Complimentary '+nr so th county. le I in their pla has them. This, in e I f n war return last Novei'nber. Deceased aa the H� ,is onesty, which salt this seaso4,. so far as the commitee is concerned, him 'safely -housed, tbo! South Afrtica is success was d t I' h ed. W.H.Neiton.ofFordwich,waa alle. should be suffici,611b would soon be brought to a Close also, daughter of Wm. Danniton and was most gained him the U I ence of business tioneer. —Mat, IdeDermott and Burns Bott Csel have fitill to address to prove the' falsit$1 of the charges so . far as highly respected by a large circle 6f rela- people, coml c h ttee, and the com, ined the commi it �a sound judgment, paid our town a: visit a week ago. - They nittee have to these, gentlemen *ero concernod, tiud the The first regular p4rty d vision in tilo tives &nd friends. a prodigious energy� apd great force of are two of the mast wonderful men on the Groenway. make their report. Jn vi .0 —Wednesday Bvening of last h and 17th.1 Mr. Hugh Halliday is, we L)OT6.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curiz are �f the suppoeition of an ie e House, fCommons NF0ek the character, which enable �t, purchase was, on thi see ion took pla0i` home of Mr. Anson Shaw, Mo rie as the every obstacle that cqm in his way. He are sorry to hea�,.rather ill these days.— v1siting friends,in, deuce, however, which has bech 1 very fully 10r. Cook's part, ttle _ stilt of disappointed n the'early hours Michigan.—Mr. W. 1), of Frida morning last, scene of one of those most interesting cere- leaves a widow, two eonq and six daughters, Hog buyers ardi round paying -6.25, for Stinson started for home last Thursday- reported, and very widely eircu ' lated by the Impeo long defe and resulted in a majority of 52 -for the Giv. Moines—& marriage—between Harri Fear, all'well provided fat. Mr. Dale was 62 hogs e intends visitinj his sisters, Kra, Miller, daily papera, public sentiment will not be It is a good the investiga* elrnment. A very cornfort�blo majo a well-to-do vnung man of the Sth lite, and years of age. i:re tion was Traverse City,' and Mrs. Bauman, of in any way influenced or chan "'y" Miss Agnes Weir, Forrest, sister 110 Mrs. MATREOUNTAL.--O e of thos happy A rare, Illinois. ; a ay many doubto and The division was on the res e P&yfleld- —Mr. Wilson Eagleson, jr., od by tile held. It will cleae. 116tion of the haw. 'At 5 o'clock the wedding 1 march events that alwaTs - se� a ripple of excite- report, no matter what it may be. The peo. will settle� the min(ja a game who may, have e of the OPPositioul in favo ader b ught the Jones 50 -acre farm, near Corbett, r of protec- was played in L. �tuttanl very bee, 'Dr. Aanew, dekiapt, will resume his visits fo $29 700. —Mr, � Henry Eggart arrived pie now have, -the facts, so far as they can be had a feeling tha, 1po sibly, -something tion And condemning t le British preference, after which the style, ment and pleasure, cc rred at the reai- 0 f. . 1. All the eremony was peiformed deuce of Mr, N., T. damo, Springbank to Bayfleld, beginniag NVedhesday, April 10th, every h me last T ursday . afte " in their own conclas nt rr emb Wednesday afternod 1 during the suinmer. 1 858 �r Spending the - wrong. Put got, and they will for e4la, except Mr. with neatness and, despatch by Rev. David Farm, - CoDstanoe, on ednesday, March w nter in Mic i ther this, from a party 7 it wil'l Jabel Robinson, of West Elgi , voted with Rogers, chairman of the Wingham e istrict, 27tb, at 6 o'clock,'; ions on. the evidence,., irrerpec�ive of the Plin't Of 1118WX at bring len bl, Rose returned au.—Mr. and M -re. Robert much grjgt the Government. Miss Maude from Si me, of unitoba, are visiting their argument of counsel or the �h U of eiLbeii againat Mi. Ro ertson spoke in the pre-- ence of or 50 gueste. Adams was married to r. Wm. G. Ross, the Bruce Peni �Ula last week. He webt daughter, Mrs, Sylvester Corbett.—MrR. A. report of the t rty. The' prin a the resolution, but d d not record fon the morning of the 23rd of March -one of Hullett's ch.01910 oung men. Miss north again to I k after some nets that he R nald, of tho 7tb, visited Mrs. J, J. Me- committee. e mil p cip ontl w inself. ' nd umelfish heart ceased to beat was not expec, a ' Mary Wheatley playe: I the wedding march had not taken iore before he came home. W lliam over 8unday.—Mis Carrie Wilson fferer is Mr 00 his vote cither )r he other. It a kind a The charge of Mr. Cook waE that he was Led tha Air. ichard8on. of when Holer, the beloved svife of James in her usual good ty e, while the contract. —XIrs. John Rat 'Well hall returned from a re,urned from Ripley on -t in the genate, an 1A statement wa m do in soi Mrs. Smil, in� parties took thci� Aac�s under a beau- pleasautvisibwff friends in Detroit, —N r. h' had been visiting ber uncle, Mr. 'S'tin- an applicant for a Bea Lipgar, would vote wit thel0overnment.. Smillie, of ( Saturday, where d lie of it rey, passed away, that the Government had, throug the But, although he generally �alks Against lie. born in the parish of Tarboltor, Ayr. tifully decorate Rev. Mr. Hamil- James Ferguson i'o left for Port Ho e to so an aent, papers a short time �g that not only mem- them, lie usually winds I lip y votil p them. marriage to ondemboro, which he filled Rat year. a the judges of the I her now bereft husband on the 8,,h ( ay 0 ow. The briJe looked charming, attired —Air. Aitchesm Knox College student, demanded of him $10,000 for the appoint I ng for shire, Scotland, was united in ton, of L bers of Parliament; b id the matrimonial take the situatio Inent , that lie refused to give this or any co�.rts accepted freo p sees from the rail June, IS33, and on the 10th d ay of the in white organdie, tr *ed with lace 'in- preached in the, Presbyterian church last Uorne. othcr amourit for it, Refcr'riDg to t,49 demand 0 some of the same month thu Failed together from sertion - and ribbonE, and wore white Sabbath.—Rev. Ti' A. McLean, of Toronto UDDEi DEATji,.—In the Presbyteriun aud that he did not ob. wqy complauies. Aq; th 3 Earrie assi zea a few county court judges for an in�rease of eal- or (to them the then ur known carnationo in fier hai he also carrie4 a will occupy the Presbyterian ulpit on the' chi' rcb, last Sabbath after J tain the position he Bought. Mr. Coo da 6:ago, Chancellotl Boyd gave Greenock f p noon, Mr. Alexam- k hRs Y ad CxPlicit ary in tFc event of their dud'as being . in- land) Upper Canada. After a slo w and large� bouquet of whit -1 r6ses and maiden. 7th and 14th of April.—The fiehermen ourt tempeatuous-ocean voyage they arrived in hair ferns. Mits E, rima J. Forbes, I of getting their neta'�nd boats in- shape for he an be -In the only witne'Es in support of his own denial to the charg6 that the High C m ge der Rose, a staunch member of that churob, declaration. creased by the bill now before the Legisla. a highly respected Citizen of Garrie I -To reats his case on the state. judges traveled on p4eses, saying that there ture, the Stratford Beacon says 64 Toronto on. the N th of August. lot the Leadbury, acted as b ide imaid. She wore summer fishing, which s expected to begin suddenly expired, d4eath being duetolicart' nient he himself gava the committee. There was not a word of tlrAh in it,'and that it The first 7 years they ade their home in the white organdie, trimm?d ith lace insert on soon.—Dr. Wd'' on his rounds as cen- failure. Deceased was in the 69th year of ctmontl. The township of Scarb)ro, afterwards removing and pink ribbon, and d a bouquet of sue enumerator. Wbis work, together with his;age, and leaves a widowand family. He salary of a county court J ID were three points to that * indi was a gross libel. 00& a single judge is ad je is $2,400, Lind to the 17bh concespiou of Grey, whery they pink roses and fernei wore pink c�r eep the doctor hunt. wal well and wideli known in the commun- �raveling upon a paso, I ut they always pay with $200 extra for travelhilig expensew, have resided ever since. - his large practice, �!ill k first was that he was shown in Oo'tober,1896 thqir way like other eople. This atat.ement making the total $2,600 The deceased was nations in her hair ling for a few Oiys.—Mr. Whiddon, our ity,1 and deep regre� will be felt by all for 0 Miller Adams, assisted the groom. assessor, is also a 'king his annual viaita:— -t Thi� Is paid by most highly eateeined in the community, brother of the bri&,1 I% he 10,80 of so good �ud so worth a citizen. 0 b f e u 0 e 0 tGz' If4 In til I, I 0 I Ir le cot t n X, ;r d a t t r cau d Ty e w n wl o e d 0 In h R� I e u Ir I APRI IILLWM 03 SO is S. which iA some time. On satural ,6�01ook p- m­ F.oad. TUC", forth, flarint Bjarry-o propri on mond&3- on Lot 20. W-1 noll 2 on Lot, 0, 'took J- R� suctioneer. I On Friday-, Lot Ill Stock and M prjtreas - Th . sons, WheO vi j �OjU per bitwhe pep per bnahQi Barley per hUfl�a4 Jub— 11 per ten Mom 1H er 100 V'e W 30d pbir card (I �Wjod per cord b Apples per Ag— Tkirt'. per 100 lb— T o, �A I Continue )iea� best, rolls and tuba. -creamc: printsk and 19� market is uns ' scare here Jus 1 feeling is that which if MiLrli break the i P1711124 Inielt at 94 -ti for colored, 20; 'to 2I �D for brings I -3f to fairl�l a4ptive it, TonoNnol Al red, 70z ; ,gobee bad", 45i to 55'g; oat#, 3*4 $13 - 50 to $14 stexily for bran in ca steaA to'.30-for ear 11 here; Potatoe'l .32 to istndard. No, red wint northern sp,rinl 103 Id to 63 Ill July, 60 6-,�':L ToRoN.To, A, J6-7.5 to $7 per 21 $6.21 to 0.60 to V,pe 92.50 per push, I -He vat la le and Jamb:gand miajits. Prices round. Stock wereut stroul able feature of stock offered fo ly in advance -c ots �of r-hai e pound. f�ood -per:pound. M prices ranging i -while leau and p to. e io, jex Demand J, in advA sold at from $4 -perpound. AQ, were from 4 to: yearlings 5.�c P Prize firm, and per bead, no( 1: $6.50 per hand Buroo., K feleaere were In extra expor -0 to $5.60 -Y goo( -ping ttees, $� ohaice to extra butcher steerg,, butcher steers, fat bul* Cod to ,choice. let- ows, $3 Z S4.25- -, fe. zovrj let heife . clic light butelipre, rs� 80f) pound do., $3 25 to heiiers $2.75 ti best, $3.sl) to pounds, &4:25 good to choi eel ers., common I calves, thoice to. $t6o ; �Col Shoop and Li 7��5.75 to $5-9. $5.�jj5 ; comma istea,dy ; cboic( zood to cboie, to $4.50.� $3.2 auactiveerna $6.20 ; pig -31 to 13tag, ings i3old, jelo-Bel oad weights. TbuowTo, —Cholce late �q $1.60 to $5 Per $4 to $4 SO. solid at $3 85 t export bulls si -erf? cattle—cl cattle, qual ii: Weighing at $4 to 14 S�! --,,attle arewor bulteh6ra% mix $3.425 to 40 i jcows,$2 75 t ' I ad bulls isold. era-11elliVy- S' 120 0 pounds sold at$ thope af poop Feedrs—Stee Pounds ea*, Enfalo Stockt �edlors an tho to'$ -2.75 per cv; eows and a i - pril �eatcb. CAlVe8; $2 to $10. 81 far ,ewee, and � bftoks. Yew