HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-03-29, Page 8a •,. • CRITICISE OUR WALL PAPER. It will etand it. - We carry a very artistic atock. For design and har- mony of colors, our Wall Paper can- not be approached. Prices are always interesting here. ' If deairecl, the paper will be triinmed free of charge. • f'ILV-1ABGEER PAPST'S BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. DOMINION BANK CAPITAL (Paid Up)., - .$2,300,000 REST, - -"? $2,300,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, Main Street, Seaforth. A General Banking Business trans- acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collect d, and advances made on same at low st rates. Drafts sold on all points in Cana a, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENTjntr st allowed on deposits of One Dollar a d upwards, R. S. HAYS,- W. K. PEARC Solicitor Manag r. Spring Novelties. Our new line will meet you this mo you will not be disappointed. Taste in lection quality, price, are combined d well balstaced. Our watches still lead t e way, we have this line more complete t an ever. Bring along your repairs, all w r guaranteed to give satisfaction. Counter's Jewelry Establishme SEAFORD!. W. R. COUNTER, - • Maca: 'ti t a e'. W. N. WATSON'S AGENCY. NORTH MAIN STE,EiTT, SEAFORT a.LER. --FIP•o5T CLASS SEWING MACHINES it YMOND AND WHITE ALI& ace ing machine parts, aupplies, needles, t- tachmerts and oil. All kind a of aewing 13:mob' ea repaired promptly, charges reasonable. General Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Only ft at class cor.,panie3 repreeented. Agent for the Toronto General Trusts Corporation. Mon3-y advancrd on farm ard town property, at lcw rates of intertst, and charges low. W _ W.210.21'S 01\T NORTH MAIN bT._, SEAFORTII, 1630 Spring Term Opens On April 1st. 1(d01 eye-- STRATFORD, ONTARIO. An excellent time to enter our echoer for a course of training. Prepare now for the situations that ,aait :cunt fall. This, popular collrge erj-n a a large attendance because it is doing the beat work i buainees ducation in Canada to day. Write for spec: :lapdog. cireula.r. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. • 4444-52 E.AS:TER HOLIDAYS. FOR THE PUBLIC) Retarn tickets will be ieaued at single fere geed going April 4th to 8th in31usive, geed to return an or before the 9th, SCHOOL VACATIONS. Fees! iAnd a third to teachers and pupil, e I t gULLI, ( ; (IMarch a9th to April OthI inclus- ive, valie returning on or before A nril etith. (-et certificates from your Prinerpal who. het. a supply. W. SOMERVILLE, Agent Commercial Building, SEAFORTH. 1646 Seaforth's Leading Shoe Store - ABOUT OUR SPRINC COODS. UltaanaaaaaarfaTit Scereely a day paseed in March but brought us new Spaing gooda, and to- day oar stock of up-to-date styles of IA4 Spr:ng footwear is complete, and we aUf ter are ready for Spring business. The old adeee that goods well bought e, potat are hell sold," was never more appli: Robe cable to any stock than it is to ours at the present time. We have every- TL thing in tbo shoe line, ranging from New the tiny bootee for the baby, to the bt 0 heavy plow shoe for the farmer. The youe reputation we have upheld for the iejeg peat quarter of a century of selling not c Li.ELIABLE FOOTWEAR, has been strict- the b ly maintained in buying our stock for is. ms this season, We guarantee IiEST (.1*ALITY always, and prices always right. Next week's paper will con- tain more details of our new stock, - giving names of the different makes of shoes with their prices. In the meantime, call in and talk shoes with 1.13- THE HURON EkPOSITOR MARCH 29, 1901 DISTRICT M Ibiellaron spooitor. TUAVELLERS• .-The following were tioket- ed to "dietant pointii this week, by W. Som- erville, railway and steam' hip agent : W. li G. Shaw, Brussels'and Mr. and Mrs. Davey, Seaforth, to Great Falls; Montana ; Mrs. John Reid, recently i of Brucefield, to Spokane, Washington; Thernae Boyd, Mo- Killop, , to Anaconda, Montana; D. D. Campbell, to Chicago ; 11 rold Willson, to Detroit. THE MENDELSSOHN MA E QUARTETTE. - The Mendelssohn Male Qu rtette has been secured to give an entertai ment in Cardno's hall, on Tuesday evening n xt. This organ- ization is admitted by the est critics to be the leading company of the kincl,,and where• ever they have sung th;y have elicited praise of the very, hishest. They have ap-, peered in all the large oen ce• of the United States, and are now makin a tour of the principal places in Ontario. On the occa- sion of their visit to Tor • nto, a couple of weeks ago, they were moat enthueiaetically received, and the very flat °ring manner in which they were spoken of sy the papers of that city, is a suffieient gu rantee of their excellence. On account of having an open date on the 2ad of April, t ey have broken in on their regular tour te give an enter- tainment in Seaforth, when we are sure they will be greeted by a large d appreciative audience. HEARD FROM. -We e tioned a couple of weeks ago that Rev. S. cheson, of Kip - pen, had gone to Dakota to isit his brother, with the hope that the ch nge would im- prove his health, which has not been eatis- factory for some time. Mr. Acheson, how- ever, is one of those men "w ocan not long be idle. In the Grand Forks Daily Herald of March 21st, we notice the following : " The, e was a good attend& oe at the meet- ing of Pembina Presbyter, , held, in the First Presbyterian church, beginning Tues- day night. At the initial s• union the ser- mon was preached by Rev. chasm; of Kip. pen, Ont., who delivered a very eloquent and instructive &ddress. M . Acheson is a brother of ReteT. D. A heson, of Park River." We hope the Da ota people do not take a notion to capture Mr. Aehesion, and keep him with them, as ve would all be sorry to lose him in the Hu on Presbytery. GIRL WANTED. -Wanted, general house W6F- Apoly tin F. C. G. Minty, Bsntrenthier forth. a good girl for. ediately to Mrs. O residence, Sea- ' 173741 While we de not quote prices .fer. our goods in ad; ertising, remember we will n3t be .un- dersold, by any person in our line cf Wein e9e. Spinial values in tea and coffee. . A-. Young, Sea. forth. • -1737-1 -Apprentice wanted to lear lee. S`ca,dy work by no year." ' Seaforth. paper hang - G1111%"03 & CO , 17370. • SERVANT tVA-TED-Good general aer- tent wanted for family of four. Good wages to apraTetent girl. Apply to Box 5., Ingersoll, Ont, 1737x1 " We handle Lengmuirat oele .rated trunks nd valises, good asso:ttnent . and rine right. R. & Son, Cady's-block, Seaforth 17374 You should have your b thoroughly and put in. gond runni heeling starts, you save time-nnd b r we do all kind, of repairing and- s arperaing. George. M. Baldwin, Se 81 5 cyale cleaned g shape before - °Ole. Rernam• cissor and knife forth. 17874 FOR SALE OR TO RE_NT,-F T sale or to nt a quarter acre iot on Ord tree,, Seaforth, - 'table for garden, Apply to MRS. JAMES EETH, Seaforth, 1737x2 WALL PAPER, -The largesi stock, latest d !signs, lowest pricee and best work unship. Paper - h nging 40 per roll You can prove this statement by sea;ng for yottreolvee, Give us a call, J. 703,711es & Co , Seaforth.i I ' FORM AL -DE 11YDE.--Eartner if you want to increase yaur yield 10 to 60 per cont., if you want °loan straw for feeding purposes, if .„ ou want to re- move one cf the greateat diecornf i to of threshing then treat your send oats with &lave Brand Ferro.altiohy'dc, Alex. wilsone advertiee eat on page will tell you more about it. - 1737-1 , The plan of the hall for the Mendelssohn Male (uartette, on Tuesday night, -o ens at -Fear'e Drug store. for subscribers, to -night Friday) and to nob -subscribers on Saturday.- Prices 25c and 36o. ' 1737-1 New shoes for Easter, the atest spring shells styles are now in Alirge asso tinent of new goods at popular price. . R. Willis & Son, Cady's Block, Scafoi th. 1737-1 MILLINERY Oreietaree-Our ipening days will be Wednesday and Thursday, Ap 3rd and 4th. EVoryacciy cordially invitied, W. cicaan Seaforth 1736.2 SERVANT WANTED, -A good - art. Por For particulara as to Work and Mrs. John A. Wilson, Ingleside, Scalia G. ff. Gibb, V. S., must call Sett! Ca:OUNTS.-All parties inde for ri April let, en which date he leave Gib , V. S. general set. - an -as apply to th. 1735 3 ted to Dr, the same b0. town. G. H. . 1735-3 eateran-A brand new made-to-order POrtlard cutter for sale. BEM & WEL. ON, Hardware Merth zhants, Seaforth • • 1710-tf NTED -1,000 ebUshels T mothy and Clo-er seed. 100 turkeys, also dried apiales and but- ter.1 G. E. King, ignam.• 1732 tf QENTRAL HARDWARE STOR •-For sap oue ets, spites and sap • parks. • You will find our gods and prices right. We still handl the old re - bah e Robert -nn a Lajuid Partite. Non better. Call ea isr Wants in eur line fiatialftWen guarant'!ed. & Muidie, Seaforth„ 1735-2 aeseeo -By April 13t.h, hree good as cook, tutor maid and house ma'd. Apply to ATCRILL, Ridgewcoci Park God • h. 1737x2 I will be the best ,concert thi . year, the Men elseohn Male Quarbett-, in Cardno' Hall, Tues., day, April 2nd. Popular prices, 2,:c Oat yaur seats early. 1737-1' A I H 1401 Di Ci C.88 light wagon for ale schema Beattie Bros., Seaforth. 1737-1 0 rnfortable frame house to rent, con- venient and central. For particulars ca lat The E. roal ort. 0111-3e Seaforth girl. • • 1737-3 . Don't mists hearing the Mendel Bohn Mare ousreetta in Cardno's Ball, TUCEdV,-Ap il 2nd. The finest company of male singers'oa the r ad. Prices L5c rind 36c. Plan at Fear'e Drug Store, Seaforth. 1737-1 AUCTION SALE OF. 45 BICYC ES. -ES. -Aa I have a large number deeconcr hand bio cies coining In in'exchange for new ones, as well as large stock now bn hand, I will have an auction sal of thern on Saturday, April 13. at 3:30 and 8 p. m. hese wheels will all bo thoroughlv overhauled and re aired when needed, as well as having good ,tire,s pu; on them, making them practically as good as new.' Don't for• gnt t le date of th' sale. Terms -All 1111.18 of 515 and Under wadi, over • that amount app oved joint George M. Baldwin, Seaforth. notearpayable at the Dominion Bank will • e aoic7e3p7t-3eci. alenclelssohn Male Quartette, a suited by Augusta E. Granite; reader, in Carcloo's Hall, Sea• th Tuesday, April 2nd. Prices 25o an 36c. • 1737-1 lONIS RENT. -Front rooms over A. tees atore, Main street, Seaforth. Possession 1.et of April. Apply -to A. G. Ault. 17371f ee Formaldehyde for smut is oats and O e ug Store, Seaforth. scab. For aate and directions f r using at st' 1 1737-1 • , „, ic -June -01" THE TIDE. -Th Clinton I Era, of last week, gives the follovvine local history : "Some ye re ago a g man, then a resident of Sta ley, real - that the habits he had for ed were onducive to either hie own elfare or enefit of society, was induced o present lf f em ere ip in a temperance which met weekly in Vern When me to that part. of the pledge wherein the candidate for initiation says"1 sol - y promise that I will not map, or pur- for the use of others, any intoxicating, re," he objected to taleing tae latter of it. He was quite willing te promise abstinence. for himself, but wee afraid business, at that time, would almost treating a necessity. There was a conference among the Offieiels of the at .theaunexpeeted turn of - affairs ; were in -favor of refusing to accept or the candidate unless he tot* the en - pledge; others ta,vored a compromise. orthy chief, a 'man of judgment and ence, and some others, thought it to accept the candidate on thq per. anyhow, believing it might the young man's safety, if ndthing -1 :- SEAFOR TI4 ISOLE4.0CAL,AGENTS FOR, lertitik; Stoure sQy lodge it ca emnl chase liquo pert total his make hasty • lodge iome admit tire he w ; experi better Sonal rove 3 more, and the ()and date was initiated. It proved to be the tu man's life, who w adopted, and has si, quirements pf th worthy chief, to wh claiming this well known a years, and no and the iodiv'dual Sherritt, now M. P. Tire WOItkatISN',. members of of United W " at home " i evening of Tu an, i the o a b eafort rkme the sday, musical and literar prepared. an in ad given by Mr. Josep Grand Foreman . of and their friends These annual re-uni and interestieg,and one will fully ustai largely atten ed. mug point in the young o not oe live whole m cred Mr. erk of 5 sines° ong before he up to the re - pledge. The is due for re- oorge Stewart, hnley for many an of Clinton, n quest on is Mr. John for Nor h Middlesex." • " AT lodge, , will ha ddfello April programme is being Won an address will be Gibson, of Ingersoll, the order, Members re cordially invited. na are alvrays pleasant we have no 1oubt this the record ad will be HOUE."-The .Aneient Order e their annual 's hell on the th. A good • THE GEOOR %THY OCIAL -The ocial held under the aue • ices o the Youn People's Society of the Preeb terian churn , on Wed- nesday evenie last, was a (tempi te success in every nape ti. T ere was a la ge attend.. &nee of both o d,and jyoung, and p rtioularly of the former. The hair was o oupied Rev. Mr, Lark n, pas or of the 090 -regation. .A splendid pr ram e of vocal a d instru- mental music • id rec tations wee rendered, in which all o to k part really distin- guished theme lveii a d delighted the audi- ence, The voo 1 eel °done were a solo by Miss Stephen , Meet r Willie Hays, and Mi. Melvin So t ; a quartette by Messrs. Scott and Ha s and he Misses Murray and McLennan. lh inst umentals were a piano duet by the Ines Cash and &later ; a violin solo be, I . W. Patine '• a cornet duet by Messrs. Leod and Freeman. The recitations wezje by M 0. J. C. Greig, and -the Misses Reijl and orma Dickson. The programme opi ludec, refreshments were eeeved, and a o dal h ur, which all. seethed to enjoy lame s ly, as apent before closing up time was a n unce . The ;moose of this entertainment ould .ncourage the young people to," do e se e again" soon. • . LOCAL BRI i,IS.- istrict Deputy D. Munro'of Aub re Will pay an official visit to Britannia -M owe ledge, Seaforth, on Monday eveni. g nex . ' The officers are desirous that a any of the members of the lodge as po s'ble ill be presen at that meeting to wel o et e district de uty and to profit- by h a in .tructions. Visiting; brethren will a s « be ade welcome. -Mrs. S. Dorrance lea a her next, week for Chi- cago,' where sh: 'ill r side with he ; daugh- ter. -Mies Mc ure; daughter if the late George Me lure, •f McKillo , leaves here next week f r D kota, where she in- -tends spending e au mer with fiends. - Mr. John H. M ouga 1, one of our oldest and most respe' t d r eidents, int ncle re. moving with hiel family to Dakota where his two sons lave b en for so e time. They expect to et next week. W ile re- gretting Mr. i cDou sll'e depart re, his many. friendsi ereab uts will w sh him prosperity in th west rn land. -I\ r. and Mrs. Donald M Innis, ho have sp nt most of the Winter in own, I ft on Setur ay for Exeter, where -tI 4 ha e purchased a corn- fortable home, a d inte d residing h reafter. We did hope we ould ave Mt. a d Mrs. McInnis as peri anent residents f Sea - forth, but the at radio s of close pr ximity to old home fri nds p oved strong e• than the•advantages. a thi progressiv town, and while grudgi g the to our neighbors to the south, we I wish them heal h • and happiness in theR new 1 ome.-a-Mr, ohn H. Reid has been ap ibis@ secretary o Brit- eannia Masonic lo e in elect° of Mr. J. 0. Roae, who has go e to loronto. Th mem• bore of Britannia inade •o mistake in select- ing Mr. Reicl for o important., an oil ea, as he is capable in e iry rtapect.-Main street was ecraped for til e first time this season on Monday last. -T i ty-et ht years ago beat Seturday the fire of m. • Robertson & Co., (now Reid a; Wi stony opened their hardware etore in Seafo th. Mr. V. 0. -Reid, the senior memb r of the resent firm, then &mere ad, w s manager a d has been head of the Uuines .ever since, He is now one of the oh est res dents, as w 11 as one.of the oldest usines men of the town, aud the older he rows tliemore popular he becomes. That h may ong renin with us will be the sine re wih of his nu erous friends. -Mrs, Isa c Mil er has. leas d the comfortable reside ce wliere ohe no 7 re sides to Mr. Wm. McLeo , and inten s go- ing to Harpurhey to real e, having re tecl a house there belon aing tib Mrs. Sell ry.- We stated last we k that Mr, Jam a D. Dude is returning to South Africa as a sergeant. We are pleased to say th t we were mietaken. e has ' enliated aei ser- geant major and r girnental drill instructor, the highest non -co missioned- office in the regiment. This i , certainly, an etiviable poeition for so yo ng a man and speaks well for Mr. Durie'l skill 4s a soldier and his ability and cha acter ii other respects. The regiment were expect d to sail on Wed- nesday last. -Mr. Turner who hae been ledger keeper in t ie Dominion ank here for nearly a year, left for Wi nipeg on iSattirdaya whore h talses a simile ' position i- n, the agency of di fe city; here, is Mr. rorge Lynch,and hi t--- I seeen by Mr. alc0 sh.- r. D. census commissione • for S uth 11 in town• on Monde meeting with erators of this vicinity and instructing in theft' duties -We learn that am, of Constance, I tends .moving to practice his pr fession and rooms in Jeheson's block: The d make a welnoine ad ition te the al lists of the town, Mr. Robert who has been residi g in Warren, district, with his d ughter, Mrs. and n place ia, rquhart, Eno, was he e um - hem r. oeh- to owu ae aken etor will rofes ion- arn bell, Nipissing lansaard, will re - intends Blensh. in War - while he. $teru for some years, has returne aide- in town. Mrs. Bl shar coming here to reside also, as Mr • ard has dispoeed of his property ren and is looating 1is family here is engaged in .minin in tihp new 078 districts. -Mr. 13en F. Coo er, so of Mr. John Cooper, of Go rie, w s in . town on Tuesday. He had een visiting re atis in Tuckersmith. The Messer Coo er 1 eve disposed of their p eperty in Girrie and leave next week or Ma itoba and the Northwest, where t ey int nd t king up land with the view f settli g ther pe ma- nently. Mr. Coope 'does n t inte a d to re. move his family f om Go rie u i til ext spring. -Next Frid y bein Goof Fri ay, will be observed as gener 1 holi ay, and all the 'atoms and ot er busi eas pl ces !will be closed. -The east rn pare of t e town was considerably flo ded on Tuead y m ru- ing by the heavy raja and haw, but the waters soousubsidetl.-The eneus enu er- i atore commence worallovcjr the 1 omi ion on. Monday morning next whe i cite ens generally will be reiuired •o tut., th nu selves inside out and answer all in nnerl of questiooe. The enu erator f3r Seafo th are : R. Lumsden, qohn K Horan, Cha les Wilson, James Wats n and N. D. loLe n. -A meeting will be lield at heQue nie h tel on Saturday evening at 8 'clock, for he purpose of reorganiz ng the footb 11 el b. -A purse, contodnin Y a email sum •f mo ey was found in Egmonc1villa ahort tame a o. The owner can get dile purse by ,„calling at THE EXPOSITOR.-MIt. Harold Will on, on of Mr. 0. C. Willso , who has 'leen in Bright Brothers' clo hing store f r .so e time, _left on Mon ay foe Ma istiq e, Michigan, where he Lhae secured go d situation. He is a br ght an stead , you g man and will do well where6aer he goes L—• S. Mullett & Compny's elivery hoese , was left standing at the store door untied on Monday afternoon, when it took a sutl- den notion to go to thstabl , and started THE GREAT.e. Mendelssohn Male Quartette -ASSISTED BI - AUGUSTA E. GRAMM, READER CARDNO'S HALL Tuesday, April 2nd The best Male Quartette travelling, ap- pearing for the first time at popular prime. Plan' of hall at Fe es drug store. Open to subscribers to-ni ht (Friday) at 6 o'clock, and to non-subsorib re on Saturday. - PRICES 25c and 36c. around the Royal h whioh surprised the ped at the stable do any harm. -Mr. Fr been assistant in Li some time, has take Young' in the Ament trophy. ning ov est, by 'ohampi Gutteri grooery.-I eaforth ourli as the for He made a r Mr. W. D ne point. n curler for tel corner at a pa'oe e who saw it. It stop - r without having done nk Habkirk, who has ens' grooery store for a position in Mr. A. • the -point competition # club, Mr. William unate winner of the store o r. Am -this go has been a'ward for building the concrete ab iron bridges to be construct ty. One of these is tyl, Mite tweenthe townshi of Howiok river, b Wm. L Wcdnes horse, bald. old cou 81 pennta, -win- ,the next high- nt is, therefore, eason.-Mr. F. d the contract tments for two d for the coun- ell's creek, be- urnberry and and the , o her on the Maitland tween Howiek and Welke:mi.-Mr. ve, of Hills Green, as in town on ay delivering a v ry fine young Moll he had sold t James Archi- "his horse was for s ipment to the try. The emirs. eve are horse fanciers and always ijave so ething good in that lin.-Mr. and ire, D. D. Wilson ar- rived hone from the old oo utry on Tues- day eve ing. -Mr. John B ker, of Sand- wich, ne r London, came he e a couple of weeks a o to visit and consu t his brother- in-law, r. Burrows. He h a been confined to bed e er since his arrival nd but slight hopes a e entertained for his recovery. -Mr. isher, busineas m nager of the Stratfor Herald, wee ita tow. on. Tuesday. -The anitoba corresponde t of the Pres- byterian Review'has the fol owing to say about an old Seaforth boy • "Rev. J. S. Muldre , of Morris, has rec ived a hearty call froth the Souris congre ation, which was sust ined by the Glenbo o Presbytery. The Seer a people may cong atulate them- selves if Mr. Muldrew a cepts."-Miss Minnie 'Hicks returned home from Toronto on Mond y last. -Mr. Ada Crozier was down at t. Marys last ' wee visiting his father, Mr. Thomas Crozier. The friends of the ol gentleman here will be pleased to learn tha he is still robust and enjoying good heal h. -Mr. David Sp oat, of Bel - grave, w s in town this week He drove here and ays the eleighiug is ood most of the way. The north country s still filled with ano» to such an extent t -tat some fear even the 2th of Julywill not ee it removed. -Mrs. F. I. MeCrohan, of T ronto, is the guest of iss Minnie Hicks, arpurhey.- Mr. and lrs. J. R. L. Waugh of Chicago are visitin• at the home Of their son-in-law, J. H. Rei.. -The roads in thd country are very bad, nd no person goes oh them except those who have to. Business in town is consequen ly very dull.,Mies Nellie Dever. aux, of th s town, has secured a situation as head m !liner in Walkerton. She cannot fail to ple se the ladiee with her artistic work, Leadbury. Boy's cl thing, the worthy sorts. It's be- cause of t e careful attention The E. talc. Raul Co., Seatorth, give to their Boys' Clothing epartment that makes it recog- nized, not only by the mothers but by the boys o,lso as a place where satisfaction is given. Th lads know the amount of rough- ing they c n do in this ,Company's Suits. 1736 1 NOTES. The robins have again visited us, which is a ure sign that spring is near et hand.-Mi:s Maly Wall, whose serious ill- ness was m ntioned in THE EXPOSITOR some weeka ago, bas since died:, We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved father and other relati ea. -Miss Emma J. Forbes and Mise Minni Dundee have ° been around col- lecting mon y in aid of the Methodist mis- sions, and eve met with fairesuccess.-Mr. J. J. Irvin is preparing material for the purpoee of uilding an edition to hie dwel- ling. -Miss Mary E. Smith and Mies Bella Davidson h ve been around gathering Money in behalf of the Upper Canada Bible Society, and the peo le have responded very well. - Master Wil iam Davidson left for Manitoba last week. Willie was 4 favorite with people here and will be missed in social circler. W wieh him success in the Prairie Province.- here is a good deal of specula- tion 111 reg rd to what the population of Canada is ar present, but we rather think those optimists who place it at upwards, of six millions ill be somewhat disappointed. Stanley, Menrsten. - Oa Wedneaday, the 27th inst., the ho e of Mr. and, Mrs. Isaac Er- ratt, Babyl n line, Stanley', was the scene of a quiet b t pretty wedding, when their youngest da ghter, Mies Minnie, was united in marriage to Mr. Robert MeClinchey, of the Goshen line. Tbe nuptial knot was tied by Re e J. M. Andrews, of Varna, in the presence of a number of ievited guests. The ceremon was performed at 12 o'clock noon, after hich the company sat down to a very tem ting dinner, The bride was prettily atti ed in a blue travelling suit, with trimmi gs to match.' She was the re- cipient of a umber of verfuseful and valu- able present:. The happy couple took the evening tra n for Marlette, Michigan, to spend the oneymoon there. On their re- turn they w 11 settle down to the sterner realities of li e in their home, Goshen line, Stanley. T e bride is a young lady of sterling char cter, and is held in very high esteem by all her acquaintances. She has, for some yea s, held the position of organist in the Gos en Methodist ,church. The groom is one if Stanley's prosperous young fanners, who lacks nothing but a house- keeper, and e congratulate him on his choice. Tir EXPOSITOR joins their many friends in wi hing them a long, happy and prosperous jo rney through life. • Londesboro. ck of spring footwear has now assortment of good goods at very .11. Willis & Son, Cady's Block, 1787-1 KS . -More of • those dainty uitable for shirt waists and s, have arrived at The E. W- ore, Seaforth. • Silks are not this spring, you'll say so too, o the qualities shown at 38e, 5o per yard. The colors and pretty as the most tasty dress- . 1737-1 ster Percy Jeffrey is on the sent, and not able to attend 8. MeClay and Palmer have MoClackerty restaurant, in MeClay will move out this Palmer will not move till he is goods here. -Mr. George lanchester, who has rented Our new st arrived. A larg reasonable price Seaforth. -FANCY Si wash silks, dress trimmin Faul Co's. 8 too expensive when yeti se 50c, 60ce and designs are as er could desir NOTES. -Mi sick list at pr school. -Mess bought out th Clinton. Mr. week, but Mr. disposes of li Bradford, of the blacksmith shop owned by Mr. G. Snell, moved here on Wednesday last. -Mr. and Miss -Barkwell of Carlow'spent Sunday at the home of M. Wm. Hiles. -Mrs, William Brigham spent last week at the home of Mrs. Mills, arlock.-.Mr. and Mrs. Go. vier, of Manchester, were vislitore at the home of Mrs. Young. Miss K. Mills, of Harlock, e ant a few da's this week with friends her .-Mr. Hen y Tenne, who has not been 0.13 e to work for some time, left for Manitoba, n Tuesday morning last, hoping to improve is health. DIED IN MANITOBA,- he Pilot Mound Sentinel of March 22nd, has the following: " Anthony Cookerline as born in Hull, England, th 1826, and di d at the residence of Mrs. la. Riddell, Pilo Mound, on Maroh 15tb, 1901.1 He emigrat d to Canada and settled near Toronto i 1856. In 1846 he moved to guron count , where he alters- ately wor ed a ferm and conducted a blacksmith shop in and near the village of Londesboro Mr. Cocke line was one of the pioneers of this part of Manitoba, having settled near1 Pilot Moun as early as the spring of 179. Of his amily of six, three are left to nourn their loss ; Mrs. George Brogden, of Londesboro, r. W. Cookerline and Mrs. R Riddell, of ilot Mound. Ile was always staunch M thodist and ever enjoyed th respect and esteem of all who knew him. Mrs. A. Co kerline was born in' Ireland in 1828. I 1829 her father emigrated o Canada nd settled near Brampton. Mrs. Cook cline moved to Huron cou • ty and sett1e1 near Londesboro in 1853, and remained in hat locality until they came t Manitoba. he took an active. part in all c urch and Su day sohool work and for rie eral years -ta ght a class in the first Metho let church e ected in Londes- boro. Mrs Cookerline a ways enjoyed the esteem of -er many ac uaintanoes. Mr. and Mrs. C ckerline resided on their own farm until bout 4 ,year ii ago, when they moved to heir daught r's, Mrs. Riddell, where they pent their lasi days." • 1Sodom burs.—Mt. Fred Greenhad a colt die on i Sunday night. ,This is th third horse he has had die on him inside year and also had one crippled -Wood lbees and dances are the order of the day around here. -The big bridge, near Stanlake's mill, is in a very unsafe condition. -Some men from London are camping around here aid gathering old rags and bones. -Miss Eth 1 Isaac has gone Il to Lucan with her sister, re. G. Bewden, for a few weeks. • Brussel (Too late for last ITEMS. -The town is‘ver on account of the Grand being tied up and the bad roads. -A nuinber of tray ing in town t see days, be get' out. -A. ames shipp cattle from B prospects for t are brighter t that nothing going on, as t thing of th spent a few da John Beattie at and pleasure co ber of the you a ball in Atwo report having M. Lodge gave tainment in th Robert Thomso wel, thie wee was in Ethel giving music grocer, got in a Barber was businee and ple was in London dapped a car of hogs to To day. -John Lee ie returned Toronto, on M nday. He to return to mesas pe will be delighte to welcome a permanent re ident again was one of our • cek.) quiet thia week, Trunk Railway ondition of the Here are holiday- ause:they canno d a car load of lgrave, on a rednesday.-The e furniture factory in town an ever, and it is to be hoped ill prevent he scheme from e town is i need of some - kind. -Nelson Williamson s in Belgra e, this week.- as in Gedeiich, on business mbined, this week. -A num- g people of he town took in d, on Frid night. They good tim .-The K. 0. T. a grand super and enter- ir hall, on Tu aday evening. - spent a fe days in Listo- .-Mies Je n McLaughlin or several days this week, essone-Ja es Ballantyne, car of sugar this week. -C. Wingham this week, on sure combin (I. -John Long this week. -George Best onto, on Mon. to his homeain xpects shortly manently. All Mr. Leekie as as be always ost entermasing residents. (forme. BRIEFS.-Mes re. Stevenso and Cole have embarked in the butchering business in our village. There i plenty of oom for them here. -Miss Rid ell has moveld into the shop formerly ocoupi d by WS- lbw:in.-Miss Patrick is mane. r of the millinerydepart- ment of Mr. Jobn Donaghy store. Miss Riddell and Misa Patrick are aid to be ex- perts in their lin , and the p blic may de- pend upon gettin their headgear trimmed to perfection this season. -Th, blockade on the C. P. R. con inued from Monday of last week until the f llowing Sat rday, at 8 p. m. -The thaw f the past ew days has taken a great de 1 of the sn w away, and the roade are got ing quite b re in places. - The Rev. Mr. Bu ns, of Harri ton, occupied the Methodist pu pit in our vi loge, morning and evening, la t Sabbath reaching two excellent sertnons.-Mr. W . Russell , has been suffering fr in an attac a of la grippe, but is improvi g slowly. Mr. Samuel Harding has been very ill fo some time, with heart trouble. -Spring is welcomed by everybody, the wlintor having been so long and steady. -The Baptist ch rch property in the village has been sold to a Mr. Harris, for the sum of 82 0. -Mr. Ale ander Keine is convalescent, u ter a sever illness. -In- spector Robb visi ed our echo 1 last week. This is his first vi it to the no school. Nceres.-Farme it enure in some oung, 6th line, 11 ot last week, whe' were hauled to di land. It was a g good time too. -T the roads now, an up soon, and the sidelines had far t for travel. The hill is at present 1 A. T. Cole's hill wonder at all if it when it all goes a off in a hurry we is thick on the riv Martin, of Hullett farm at Sunshine. Mrs. Martin to M do well in this 103 moving to his far brother Andrew m west this summer. Simon Forsyth's fa it soon. Mr. Fore for Almeda, North day of this week. office in Sunehine, this week, Mrs. She was buried on died on Wednesda many are laid up township fathers, a cided to purchase of the township, - orris. s are busy taking out localities. Mr. Robert ad a good be on Friday 126 loads of manure field and ap ead over the od chore -dont and in a e bottom is oing out of we may loo for a smash ooner the be ter, as our o much sno all along snow on M Laundy's ) feet deep a d on Mr. feet, so w need not s the midd e of April ay. Sbould he snow go ill have a bi flood. Iee ✓ this sprin .-Mr. F. has got mo ed on to his We welcom Mr. and rris and hop they wilf lity.--iames Taylor is on the 5th line. His y take a t ip to the James Hall as bought m and will cave on to • th and fam ly started est Territor , on Tues. There died a the post. 011 Monday orning of ateon, aged 92 years. he farm on which she of- this wee .-A good with bad olds. -The their last m eting, de - road grader •r the use good move. Staffa. The Wanted kir IA dress g ode are at The E. McFaul 0 at. Store, Se forth, for the smallest cost,he goods ar not so ex- pensive, but that e ery woman ay be the be proud possessor o a very han some new dress. There it wide selection as well as little pricing in the Dress Goods epartment now. The new weaves and colors gs will be interesting to you to see them. 1737-1, Does. -Mrs. Hutchison, of Seaforth, spent a few days qf last week with her daughter, Mrs. Joljin Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. Babb, of Mitch 11, spent S eiday with their daughter, Mrs.j F.D. Hutchi on. -Mies Murphy, of Iriehtovv is the gue t of Mrs. F. Carlin. -In the a sence of the astor, the Epworth League took charge of t e services in the Methodist ch rch Sunda evening. Captain Fell, who ias recent' returned from the west, had c arge of th meeting. Potterfield, of Mitchell, s ent a few th Mr. Iva Campbell, in the village. Kenner, of Mitchell, west called to on Friday night, to sod his little -Miss days wi Rev. J. Staff& grandson, Kenner Bell, who to dangerously ill. -Mrs. Robert White, of Stratford, and Miss lezzle White, of Mitchel, are at pree- ent th- guests of Mr. and Mr. Ed.Drake.- Mr. aid Mrs. P, MeNaughton entertained a number of their friends Friday evening.- Tne Weses Norris entertained a ,sleigh load of thehj Cromarty friends Pr day evening. &mostj enjoyable time was spent. -Mrs. George Batson is at present v siting friends in Wa n. -Mr. Drake has urchased the Oliver residence, and will move there short' • Bayfield. Dr. Agnew, dentist, will res me his visits to Bayfed, beginning Wednesday, pril 10th, every WedneSd1Iy afternoon during the eunluner. 1785 8 BREEs. - William Neart has begun building operations for the slimmer, by re - airing nd removing the hoUse purchased y Win. Brandon from Mrs. Walwin,-Alex. Brown left for Owen Sound, op Monday, to take his place on the survey steamer Bay- field. -l- he social held at the house of Mr. Watson lad week, week was a success, a large I number 'being present, although the weather was utifivorable.-Rev. James Hamilton, of Goderio ohur0, will pre Order hall, on enjoyabl of Foram , preached in the 1Presbyterian last Sabbath, Rev.l r. Campbell I ch next Sabbath. -Th Independent Foresters held an at h me, in their Tuesday , evening, hen a very time warspent by a arge number ere and their friends, Dr. Wright, on Tuesday, m. Jowett, .-Wm. OS. ay, and re- ble.-James Bayfield ex - winter, de- ems of the man for his of ice, and spring. - the house sepb Rich - turned from e reports a turning. He was accom- y passage. He was 1( days going ,e days re the return trip by two cousins, • d locating here. -Meas Chesney ed to her quarters at the Com - ter an absence of severiti weeks. of Tot nham, was in town, visiting his brother-in-law, who has been ill for some rim mond w porta th McGee, press, h spite the snow storms and t last two months. Jim is the job. -Th lake is nearly clear everythi g points to an earl Thoma e tinaon has removed t purchase i by him from Mr. J ardson. Willie Sturgeon has r a trip a roes the Atlantic. very stor and twel panied o who fate has retur rnercial a s in Clinton on Mon roads nearly impass of the Seaforth and made good time al Wroxeter. , British Columbia red cedar end Ontario cedar oiling es on hand, also lumber aid lath. Gib. son Bros. •1733-(f BRIEFS. -Wroxeter will be represereed in Baden -Po ell's Police, in Sout4 Aire a, as Messrs. enry (Hank) Sandersoi and E rry McLeod e • listed in Manitoba. Their lied - owed metiers live in town, alao ma:ay gds. ter e and urothers. We wish th m a good time and afe return. -A sheep riiling case, by dogs, « as tried in town 1asi week, be- fore Mes re. Miller and McKe cher. The defendant lost the case and was fined eight dollars an costs. -R. Black shipped a car of flour! 1 st week. -T. Hemph'll got in a car of oa1ts on Saturday last. -T e blockade on the r ilroad was so complete that no mail wa r eeived for over six days. -Mr. John B a. has rented the new Spotton house, an; will move in forthwith. -Mr. Harry Allsn has moved into W.S.- S. McKe oher'sshou e, and Mr. Neil Whi e into the house ta ated by Mr. Allen -Mr. A. Walker, o Bracebridgee was in town this . week.- . Robert Black was in 14ounti For- est, on Ye day last. -Gibson Brethere have commence I shipping maple rollers. They are cuttin an extensive stock of maple chair legs leo. , 1 • Wesu space in T forth, can it's fairly new, and t e values offered makeat a space 1 always b1e . Now is your time to buy for Spring a1 Summer all your Pri ts, Ging- hams, Mns ins, Lawns, Percales Piques, Chambraefs, etc. 1737-1 LOCALI I S. -Mears. Joseph and Samuel Speare hald wood bee on- Wedneaday last, and gave 4 arty at night. -James Camp- bell also ha a wood bee and d rice last week. -Tie roads are in very b d condi- tion. At p esent it is almost imp ssible to get along, vv. th either wheels or leighs.- Making iia le syrup is the ord r of the day. -A ver sad and painful acc dent oc- curred ab Monday I F. R. Ha his leg br paring the or other t snapped house will g ways a very Neil Mc el last week, o She was br day aftern ily have the vicinity. Cron:tarty: oons.-There's only e E. McFaul Co's. big be allowed for these rammed with these a limited tore, Sea- oods, yet oods, all ut two miles east of st, when Albert. eldest s ilton, bad the miefortun kr below the knee. T f et of a bull, when en e anitnal fell on Albert's h bone. Being laid u hard with him, as he industrious young ma ar died on Friday e er a long and painfu d at Roy' e cemetery, here, 011 n of Mr. to have ey were 01110 way leg and in the was al- .-Mre. ening of illness. n Mon- . Her aged mother and fam- ympathy of their frien f3 in the • Zurich. NOTES. -I--, A r. D. Gottschalk returned to Bad Axe, Mi higen, on Monday, after visit- ing his fami y here. -Mr. John Torrance had a very s ccessful auction sale laat week. He will lea e the farm shortly. Mr. C. Hartleib hks eturned from a busin ee trip to Londo4 Stratford and Sebrin vine. - All the milliners have commenced veork on the spring goecise Our merchants 11 have large and tared stocks, so that tih4 ladies of our burg' and vicinity will have io diffi- culty in pr cu mg, the very latest inj millin- ery in our vi lage.-Mr. H. C. Doanl has, a staff of carp nters busy at work n his stable. -Mr, W. :G. Hess has mov d into the house fornterly owned by his fa her. - Mr. R. S. Ric 'archon has moved into one of Dr. Buchaaan s houses, formerly o eupied i by Charles ossenberry.-Mr. I. itimer has been en ag d to manage Mr. S. R nnie's Lake road ar4i fora year. ---Mr. J. 4, Wit. hams has traded his old boiler for a n ea and larger one, whieh will be placed in his mill shortly. ! ! McKillop. We sell Langmuir's celebrated trunks and valises, good a Eartmept and at rock bottom Iprices. R. Willis & Soh, Boots( and Siroel, Seaforth. 737-1 A GOOD onsn.!---McGavin Br there, Leadbury, hay secured, at a long 'retire, Mr. T. J. Eerr 's famous Clyde at Rion, "Sunlight,'? eighing 2,240 pounds and ei aged eight year. This fine animal ha bern used until r(costly as a stock horse i the old eountri, Where his progeny no coin - mend top figurs. The Messrs. Mc avin are to be coogr Itulated odprocuring o su- perior an anima , and we hope the ublic will show their appreciation of their nter- prise by giving them a liberal patr nage. The purchase peice watt 81,850. PIG PURCHASED. -Mr. Arthur Gal aith, of the 9th concession, recently pur based from Mr. Thomas E. Hays, a very au erior young thoreugabred Yorkshire pkg. This pig was bred! by Mr. G. E. Cressw 11, of Tuckeramithp who has the best pigs o this now popular breed that money could pro- cure. These, are the kind of pigs diet are now require te make old country bacon, and farmers 4vhii are wise will cater to that market. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. -At the last oun- ell meeting the following persons were ap- pointed pound -keepers for McKillop: John Maloney, Conrad Eckert, Timothy Ryan, Thomas Davidson, Alexander McGregor, John Rae, George A. Gray, George McKee, George Dorrance, and Samuel Balfour. The following were appointed fence -viewers; Bernard O'Connell, John Murray, Francis McQuaid, Jarrell{ Davidson Alexander Kerr, William Grieve, John McDowell, Wiiliam McGavin, and James Ryan, (Walton). At this meeting, ale°, the question was "aid - • SPRING MILLINER • OPENINGS At The Peoples' Popular Store Wednesday,April3 Thtiirsday, April 4 tlaV .f3 u It It From foriner seasons you know the welaoine • and plass of millinery that awaits pee corn g, EAS ER MILLINERY. We 1ril1 be ready to serve you with sho ang that excels every previorie seasdn's effort. Crisp, frdsh and bright are the new Bast* hate which are coming from the beer workroom and being entered into th milli ery department. Remember tee. open ng days and be sure you spent somel time with us. There will be echnoowu you ofhe outthatt33,opuicaula pgreitngfulleff metemistsut of st le here. OUR SPRING DRESS, -GOODS You Ire cordially invited to beneath& neweat, the beat, the cleverest, the cream of the markets which is to he found here. We've made our selection the peer of so mealy as we're always anxious to please the most critical taste. We believe the fabrics, the weaves, the colors, and just let 1113 111e1111011 the price, will delight you. Come to -day, to -morrow or when you will and see the new POPLINS, POPLINETTES, LUSTRES, CASHMERES, ' ESTAMINES, COATING% SERGES, AMAZONS, VENETIANS HANISOME WASH STUFOS Were roil surprised to find such a magf- nificen lot of fancy wash stuffs in the town ? Or have you not been in the store s nce their arrival? We, without doubt, have the taking things in wash - fabrics, moderate in price, rith in beautye You mist see our new collection of 0 RANINES, M USLINS, DIMTIES, PERCALES, CAMBRICS, CHALLIES, PRINTS, PIQUES, LAWNS NEW ILIC ATTRAC- ' TIONS . The nevst Mika are as attractive as flow - era and the variety as great. Our specials in 50,3 silks for blouses: will be in great demand this season and _why not? Tbeir wearing qualities are no- surpasse , their appearance is. rich and fashiona le and stylish dressers will be glad to ij&ve shirt waists made of them. See our very attractive varieties ot. patterns and color combinations. OTHER WORTHY THING Does it 4em strange to you that this store is lwaye so far ahead in small- , wares an1 notions ?- Perhaps it is be- cause ou4 selections are made with the very cloe st attention given to the de. Bethat _as it may, our object- i- to have this store always recognized as the best place for GLOVES, HOSIERY, VEILINGS, CORSETS, VESTS, NECKWEAR; LACES, EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, ETC. .1-1-1-1-1±1-1 ++4 ... The ... E. 111cFA1JTL Dry Goods Co. C 4th' s Greatest Cask Dry Goods Store. ered as to the advisability of appointing. officials, whose duty it will be to irnpound all, animals found on roadways contrary to la*, and if such are appointed to charge $2 for tags for milk cows pasturing on roads.. This would pay, officials and expense of tags. Those favoring such action would do well to let the counoil know before their next meeting, which' takes place on May 27th.- Jons C. Monitiscx, Clerk. liticker.sMith. Our own male of footwear gives the best i satisfaction for far wear. Three grades, 92.50, 113 and 93.25 and all Warranted to wear well. R. Willis & Son, Cady's bloc c, Beaforth. . l FARM Sol -AL -Miss Walker has sold her farm on the -Mitt road, the west half of lot: 30a containing 50 acres, to Messrs. W. and P. McKenzie, foe the sum of $1,450. It is a pasture lot, and there are no buildings on it. If you don't see the Spring Millinezy open- ings at TheE. NicFaul Co., Store, Seaford), you will miss a tare millinery treat. Don't forget the days, Wednesday and Thursday,. April 3rd and 4th, because on those days people from far and near will visit this store to see a most xcellent showing of stylish Millinery, boug t from the fashionable mil- linery centres, New York; London and Paris. The ha damns effects welcome your. inspection. 73 BULL SOLD.- r. Appleton Elcoat1,o7-1 of the West End, Tuckersmit h, reeently sold to McAsh Brother,. Varna, a thoroughbred Durham bull calf, three months' old, for 8100. He is red in color, and tis bred from Mr. Elcoat's weil. known stockebull, London Chief. He is a most promising calf, and will be a valuable addition to the herd of the Messrs. McAsh, and we hope the enter4 prising purchasers will have the best of good ruck with hal. We fin value, transac done w tomers, always of rea durabili $10, spits in lead the greys an Iu many suits, si sizes 27 greys at . • in immens just re6 'which NI and, twe Sef anti ne hats an , Do, deny, Ni lea alt8vic.c' Th - are goo IrVk shirts, --s SO J&.r .Te, st ethhearbgee, Our ;,-'eN' . grol , ri , , Ii , i Foit , Manit during M Pas€0 Toroi at, at Patis at 9:00 p. Colo Fur Pacific 4- 1 King St