HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-03-29, Page 6I . � . . . I I i� . � � 444 - - . I - . - � la -�r��­­­­ 7---- ­­.­ ­ -_ . I - - . I . . . * 0 1 I I . 110 N ; I I 13Y I WOMAN'5 WIT. I , I . � I I I . . ABSOLUTE . . 13Y NPRS. AL =Ati DER. . - . I .. ­_ I . � I . . . � CEIAPtBR AM I It . � i RETRUWTION. � . � - ! � , At the . �owtjj, [- , "RITY I .�uchees, of Ilminsto6i d I L ,�, i , I . S't" C5 b, a houee, therl was not uumixed joy on the' ' . . - receipt of a,carefully composed, letter from ,-. . I - �- I � � 1, Nlrn. Rutliveri, announcing her engagement! - "I . ) . �), . " . A . to Marsden. I 1 4_�_ V , . � Cenuine ! Ildy D)rvingtorj could not' riiske it out . I , I - . She was not so carfied away by her eager. 31 . neon for this fresh betrothal as to lose eight I I I 1 of the probable injustice to Nora, whose . . 1� Cd,dft rte r s I proud, high spirited letter had touched her, I � � I I � � - and more still, had intipired her with hopes I 4b . *A__L2 4r% * that the mischief was not irreparable. She - I .�. le. I L11,11 -le Liver rinse, , hastened with Nlra. Ruthviin's epifitle to . , NOR Lord Dorrington. I . . - I 6: - . . � that sapient - 0 - I 11 Well, -my dear." * o. NOINCI nald Must Dear Signature of . nobjeman. wtien he had sio ly perneed It, . 10 I 1\ , 11 that brother of ,yours is a clever� fellow. . � I . V 010 ''"' . How he manages to.ge, rid J?f one woman , . � ho �'v111�1 and secure another in the twinkling of an , � � � � e_x�'2?i / eye, is beyond me alwgether� Mrs. Ruth. ' Motherhood ought always to br , X , ��� -_ . van is wistly vague on the subject." li�ppiness, Bu . it � s often the beS in 423 It wo. r AmInw- 64 1 ) tunLy of life-lollir nil appiness. s a -�" , U&,. am . krw- Clifford a momentary engage env to . I -_ - . - - Miss UE'Arange ecems�j to have originate , ; her iood, and as a I Toy *RIAU 4=4 as 040y in misapprehension on 411 sides .; and I feel ventive of the ills so ofterl 'follow . maternity Dr. Pierce's Favorite I , tk take 43 SVC", assured thaOille, too, will see the wisdom � : 4 . 4cription has bee ii hailed as a ��God-s __ , - I of setting a unwilling fiancee free." � 12 a FOR KFAGANG I " Perhals so ; but I A 'bb if Clifford to women.?' It hea ,s diseases pecu " " I I KTEI%o IFOR PIZIMEW 1 ever under,00k anything "o inst his will, to women, tones up the system, ma I -to unless uudt r pressure of ag motherhood practically painless, and .*"-I-- I i -I FOR BILIOUSKS neq got e ,tremendous tablishes the sofind health which insu � I I- , eapity ; %ud what the ne essity was for , I FOR TORPID LIVd. :� his, marryir g Nora L'Estrauge I pan net healthy childre . "I - 4 tOR CONSTIPATION. 880.12 I . L 6, � . " During the I)a.qt year I found inyself pregn . . ' - I and in rapidly, fail jig he ilth,), writes Mrs. V , a FOR $ALLOW SKIN. if Depend upon it, my letter is., at the , Kidder, of_ff It Dale Ila -ni, (14',nosburg Cent , root 'of this very prudent change of Irout," 0 4. . ((I odffi�rol dreadfully frombi .FOR THE CONPUXION I , 0=7r1i;X1aV= MUCT11AVII "Aw"t. I returned her 1�-dysbip, " I feel anxious' in and urluary dificulty. 1was Ing C , eit er (Ach dartand sg"M - �,-� - about Nora, however. ' I thi ik I had better ceptibly ufferld in I ; 2=a� har ainattimm Ifel hatoomethingi 'AFNI&W-Jy0got"19. I il '0 . W111Rr"M - irrunuptot)wn. and ove for my.self how be done. --I sough � your advice and receive � Or- f r- I .1 took twelve bottles of I h I b T Ic a b T -a 4 ,a P I P t i — -t ar it. *! 0 � A 'aj 1, 0- 5 � A 1 W4 aer bob Kna 801 of Pro Lon I I A, pove Von at N Jaur D,kno LA ! CURIE SICK HEADACHE. w I � I — I I , . � I VETERINARY . I i J02 GRIEVE, y, . s., honor graduate of Ontario 7 Veterinary College. A idiseases of Domenti a I a treated, calls promptly otended to an obacgesmoderate. Veterinary Dentatry iopocialt.y. (aue�iibnd rObidenco on Goderloh street, one door sas of Dr. Soon's office, Soaforth.. -, 1112-tf � � __ ! . LEGAI m � . . � JAMES L. KILLORANO . B i,-eldtar, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Not,ry fablia, Money to loan, Office over Pickard' a Store X.4ift strant, Heaforth, . 1528 R. S. HAYSI .1 BirrIbLeir Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public. solimtorlor -the Dominion Bank, - OM .,o -in rear of Dominion Bank, Soxforth. Money to- loan. 1235 iM. REST, Ba.rfluter, Solicitor, Conveyancer, & Notary Public, Offices up stairs, over 0. W. PAp6t's bookolora, Main SkreGt, Sesforth, OntArlo. . f. . -1 __ � 1627 RENRY REATTLE, Barrister, Solicitor, &O. Xoncy. to loan. Oftf6o-Oadv's Block, So4. fvrtti� . 1679-tf - ; � & GARROW, Barristers, Solicitors, &c. I GA*Q`o`r` wflamiit.on St. and Square, Godes-Ich, Ont. I . � - ; . J. T. GARROW, Q. 01. i IG76f CHARLES GAititow. L. L B. ; I I L � I b- j rf 0131ESTED, successor to The late Arm of I . �Iojaughey & Hblinested, Barrister, Solicitor I (33,i -q -o- ancer, and NotAly . Solicitor for the Can 1 vllpw auk of 001ninerce. money to land. Farm 1 foj� v.,ia. office tra Soot%'& Block, .Xala Street i Wo4h. I L I i I t I � � � DENTISTRY. ! ; , � i , I ` I . . :1 IF- BELDEN, D. D. S. I i DENTIST, � I Roo me over the Dcai�lnlon Bank, Main Street, valort1h. 1691-0 I . I , I 1) R.��F. A. SULUERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of. Dental Surgeons, Tozooto, also atior gradualie of Department of Dentistry, Toronto I Jolver4ity. 'Office in the Petty block, .HeE&al,'I. i Y111 visit, Zu.-lob every Monday, commencing kon- Ay, June lift. 1687 � � I -.-... . . I DR.'R. R. ROSS, Dentist (suoceseor to F. W. tweddle), graduate of Royal C[ollege of Dental urgoonb of OuLario; dr.A class honor graduate of . orouto Univers,ty ; crown and bridge work, -also � rild work in all . Ito forms. &11 the most modern I ethoda for painless filling and painless extraction of e-ubh-.-� All, operations carefully p6rformed. D ffice ,Yad,01e's old stand, over Dill's grocery, Sealorth. I : 10-10 . I � �_ 0 1 1 i . MEDICAL, � : : . -�.!­pz_ _ - I � � I I i � : I ; I Dr. John McGin;nIls, I on, Giaduate London Western University, membeir 8 f Ontr4ria College of Physicians and Surgeove. t1loe and Rooldenco-FormerI3 oacupied by Hr. lYm. I � ,,1karc% Vfotorla Strcilt, next to the Catholic Church *,,NLIgijt,omIIa attended ptomptly. 1458x12 . - I __ ­___ W HOTHAM, M. D,, C. M., Honor Graduate k d F 110$V of Triulty Medical dollege, Ora- ' Uat; ��'fa Ti1jilty U'nivorofty Member of College of h�olclilrjs r-nd SuT900us Of butarlo, Constance, On- ,jrjo. i()Iilcetorm(,-riyoccupledl)yDr,Ccor)or. 1660 i - !­ __ - ____ ' - ____ - ,� LEt. =NUITE, M. D.. rellovr of '$,he Royal 0611ego of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingoton. I isoesepi to Dr. Mmckld. Offlot lately occupied ! Dy.! Idackid, X341 Sire2i Seftforkh4 Residence *,Iurne'y of Ylatntria Square tu house Ix10IY;0oonpIod I . 'DanQoy. . 1127 L E.: __ 4 _____ - - I . . OR. F. J. ISURROWS11 I � . - t4 TrUildont-Phyalolan and Surgeon, Toronto Clan. &I Hoopital. Honor graduate Trinity� University, jmbrov,of the College of Phydicians and Snrgeons Ontario, Coroner for the County of Huron. , .fi!e n1d Rbsidonce-Goderloh Street, Emist of the ,toodlso Church, lelephone 46, - � � 1886 . � DRS. SC&T & MacKAY, . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, - t Jerfch street, Opposite Illetbodlat ahurch,fleaforib 5. SOOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and mer4bor Ontario College of Physicians snd , Surgeons. COTODeT (or County of Huron, I I MAOKAY, honor g . raduate Trinity University, told medalist Trinity Medical College. Member allego of. Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. t 1483 � _____ — L � A� "', furekq, , '� - � 'e'14' ��_:�� � �- _'�`-.­N . -1.1 I ��:i,l 7 � - "/., _��'. - - ­ ". - 7 4g�; 1 - -�!r, Ve te rin - y , , .- � 411�___,;.-k1_, t �;, _ _:..�� I /--"'". ,� , if . . .. V_ _::;3 1.", , � , ,,, ":.-/, - ..k- A � r ... 1,�, "Ov, ­ t ",�o'._.-f-, - ��, -A- ary,` - 1) , , -7 - . - _-, — I ., _. . ) t ,�. � . � —, — � I CAUSTIC BAL&AW. ,�� , I I , Reliable and ,S'peedy Remedy 'fo�, Curbs, 0 Splints, Spavins, Sweeny, Etc. - I C I i b can be used in everiv case of Veteriniry Practice re Stilionl4ting Lin irnonto or Blisters are pre- y ibed. See Pamphlet which socompank3s every I tie, It has no superior. Every bottle sold is rAnteed to give satisfaction. Price 75o a bottle ' d by all drugglets. Invaluable in the treatmeni � Amp Jaw in csttole. Bee Pamphlet. I pared by- - (� THE EIUREICA VETERINARY MEDECINE CO, don Ont. 1094-62 Y i McLEOWS I S I 3ystem_ Renova- tor � � . I -AND OTHER- 0 . # i ESTED - REMEDIES. t, I I oppi1fic rind antidote for Impure, Weak and fin r riehed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sibeploatiness, Palpata. fr of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Use 9 emory Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones S , dice, kiliney and Urinary Disenaes, St, Vitus! S o, rarrisle Irregularleles and General Debility, i BORATORY-Goderlob, Ontario. . i 6, McLE01), Proprietor and � Manu facturer. 6 Sold by J, S. RoBr,RTs, Seafortli, - 9 . � mabbers s.taud. ou return LO Onedworth �', 1`1 y J7 - I to morrow. I wilt explain -to my aunt that,. ierce's avo te.. i escription, arid also follo , . your instructions, I be6in to improve finin I am comp( Iled to go to town the same af ter- ately, My health t ( came excellent, arid I co noon, instead of ren,ainibg the couple of do all iny own w rk (we live on a good si days I promised." 6. � . . farin), I walked id ro:Ic nil I couP, and oyed It. I �had a short eli4y confinement It followed,. of course, a I ady CC Itave a healthy bajg b(��Y. � t' it' Mh a short MediCELI Advikr p per covers) is s ried out he - plauR, ond. havit g Lid interview V(ith bilre. rt,u�hv _� and found fi-ee on receipt M 31 one -cent stamps C I . v et her brothel was still al "� gh, ,she din. pay cost.,of cti toins and -mailing oi � patched a. telegram, to' r L'Estrange, Address 'Dr. R, '�., Pi �.rce,- Buffalo, N. � .,� whom sl�e wished to set . .J.. i 1 7 � Alm- VE"itrange had be n out caxly, -- ----- ' � . I, having walked with Bea and her governess f,orever,Ilcould e 0 y . � 11 " Are, You n to a music lass which that y uo'p, lady at. loved me,'but I a ioti d c ' the lose h4ve cenled, an doing o�;me f,ho ping on her slated on your ke: ping (�ur promise to way back. I , , my wife. Now I 'reno n I ,e you, and I he dign�fied master'of the' house having never to see you again 11 1i You will gone to dioer, the door was q. -ened by the yours,e�f to ano, i r, f 1� course -I w ,*I slavey " �f the eatablishme t, and Mrs rather know you ere 0 e in your gr louud the telegram on the draw. out of reach, whf L'Estrange?f non could touch ing room table. .1 So ,(Yood-bye ! 1S one 11 ever love yo Ao Nora was not there, and the message entirely,,eo inteng lyl a I dot thong boded nothing pleasant, Mrs . L'Eatrange curse the hour I li,st sa [ you. If it wf,nb downiaCair3 at once, and mceting her possible you ahout i eyer j `� t me, I- w ' own maid i the hall, she told J,er she was break every law, every '�ngdre, to come obliged to ,,o out again, in cas -NI13.) LtEst. You- Butthisi,i madne 6 ! ! 11 range askw , and -set forth to ... eep the ap, - I'- Youni ---still , 6rly yours, . I - point ineut. � I . �fford';Marsdcn I he bell �'ounded more than on-ce durinivy lo the r1rat ii;fla'te r .110 of finding - .. ithe saared jour oi te3t and refi, shment, bu- -self . fg,ee, Nora did not q aite take in r, ' Ue task of ittlFwaring was left , air of this stra go letter. ; o the neat . fierce deep, little ho,useimakl, whose lot it w I to serve impulse was to ryll with her great. tid � . . * - � Mora than One mas',er, I . to Helen. She fl�w dow 'stairs, and . Nora mo4nwbile employed heteelf in her the drawmg-ro.ow. I . NIrs, L'EltranReps a own room . '! She shrunk from illeeting 'Win. chair was in frow pf the f re, and Nora iton alone, � , wit he might come 'ally -day - so saw, as she though, .the I dark line of . while Hele was out,, she kept in her special dress on one side, �4s if he" feet were on . � � . . . stronghold.. - _. . ' � fender. � She had bf-en 'greatly disappointed that . 66 Ob , Helen ! - 'ear Helen ! Clifford , day. The . post had brought her leases me. -Than i God, J am free, q orning I ' �hltig fro ' Marsden ; so, with a si . nking free !" she qr'ad 1 joyous agitation. ar is reel uttere, , the words w I 0 t, shelhad set herself to -compose a lot- cj�s I . ��h e � She had .. , er to him' a figure started u from t' e chair, and V5 . . I .ton confronted he She ha,I written 11 Dear Cliffoz d," and sat. � Nora stood stil and du looking at the words in a sort of despair as pb, the open a how she hould attack her ti rrible sub. tcr in her hand, f Oing c .! zed and help �ect, when the servant of the house brought in the cruahin . confusid which had Per a letter, all.the eight of whic I her j- heart suddenly overw c1med he'. 4tood still ; the writing was Ma -aden 0. I - .. I I Has Margden then re 1; ased you,at y 11 Has N1 -s. VEstrange comf . in' ?" she own request 9." cried Wii ton$ impetuou eked, 1* . � and coming forward quic :ly, 'forgetting I . 31 the supreme excitement o the moment � " Yes 'in she i3 in the drawin 4 -room. Nora tor op�n the envelope afid glanced conventioDality ; while tc Nora it- see at the contents before 'rushing Ao confide equally natural to reply , iith an emph them to her at�'p.mother. . . . "Yes, oh ycs!i Whe-le is Hel�n ? " Nora," it began-" I think I sce the thought she was I e rei " i . - , relief in your 6yes-thoee sweet., truthful S' So did I," rj: turned Winton, recov eyes I love o N�-ell-wheu you read these Ing his-aolf_ po-3--eidon and his reserve. , I words -I give 1 , called 0 -to say good-byE, and I trust �ou back your plomioe, and ' set you free, There'is that in you, I- know will forgive my inopportu rie presence, act what, which forbids me to sham gen.' unguarded, and, I Jear, v �ry presumptu �rosity. I give you up because I emu � not question. . -Aly sincere inthrest in -in y help it. A'tremendouB necessity, 11 .& neces- welfare, must be y excu e." ity which I can not explain, cprnpels Me. 'i , " You are very kind, -0h, where O� t No words can exprees the agony of bitter- - Helen ? I must go and I �k for her." ieze and hu rniliation it coats me - to- release . fore Winton could stop lit r, had he been �.Qtl, for I love y u as passionate y as ever, dispozed, she h%d ed.: . 1; I _ to idid from tiieo first, .when oll uncon- Winton drAzIld a ter her,",'an expression cdously cant a apell over me th b has been hope iind joy gi adually ..� lighting up ' my ruin, Yeb.it has been all m own fault. ,sombre face. .8he was frei-by her own do not bla. e You. , If T, weile to write eire, Life ,n,,,gll be wirth living yc - - - -, While he stoo th king, pow and- glow, I . views of mu -h ol,.nr whi I he had of I . - pozzled siigge9Gn4_tbemze1ve-, the respe I = I able Watson camelin, I - . . 5 , I I I sir, . ' , " If you pl,eak " . rs, V11,3tran .. �.went 011L again, aj: d Aliss L'1J','strA�ngc d ; � I . g not know when she will r VD. 73 . � . I ; . ." Ah !-well, Ierha�jstllu he �esitat � . . 0 . I IN � . . He was dyi6g for few whords with No I - F - . but it would be bocl -taste [10 intrude up I . � � . - her'now, "Perhipa,'.' fle - , contir tied, I 11 I I . . may find Mrs. L' 4 trange �%t home to -m � - row. I should no:., like to leave witho I . . * I .. . bidding ber'good.lye.", i, ll rgkt,� if you are oo . faf; , He had nothing for it b 1 to take his h I I . I t � . �� and depart. I I J 1 and,,f1l wroo'g, if too thin already. Nora,. 'greatly a rpriaed '� at Htlen's a , � ,,,,,, c Id not compose h , reelf tc do an u , I I Fat, e io'Pgh for. your habit, is thing. Ve wandered to aed fro from roo � � . I 0 healthy 'little -more . 0 room, sometimeei; sittii�g down -to f ; � , .. ) 01. less., is � . � � .4 � 1 into vague reveriep. I � She �ead and rere , _ � �10 great ha�.m., 'TO 0 fa t, considt Marsden's lette'r ; �: UP ]p sionat de p I I ' I sobe'red god dismay 4 he . wl�at eon L dbctor; t6o thin,,, per3isten'tly have happened to ke Nil give her u .kt . .. I � frebly ?-� She was ijply , p hin , ,krieved for hi ' hat catse, t She strove to com o calf erto him ..no a144- er W ake ' I , - � , - � _t 3cott S F.Itniulsion of Cc d Liver her mind, but F,he � ould lot command h � I . ideas ; all she could I de -and a I I . ,he w I ')ii. - : i ashamed of the pleAsure she had .in doin, : ;, 9 I , I was to inolose the 4o rings � Marsden h There4r� many causes of get- given her �n a neat pacht ' and addre . I . : 1hem to the viver--la.ter in the evening a , I - : Ing too thin; �they 'all corne , ; : would write.- . I (11 _ At laht �1 ro. L' � trange returned, loo nder th,,&,;t. two -hcad,,: over � �� - ing pale atid tired.i . ork a n 4 �nder-digestl*On. " Oh, Helen ! iere -,where I ave y I I been ?" cried Nora, when her at p -moth . stop 01,r-work-Yif you can; cameinto the rocni, now only partial h � . lighted by the glovi f a good fire. � , mt) wl��It Cr you. car ornot ) 46 You will hard - guess ! I hi I I I I � - we be( with Lady Dorrin -,on'." And she procee ake Sccj-tt'� Emi�lsion of Cod 9 I d to describe the telegram and ter into I e . _Iver 0 1. � ) I Ito balance' '�ourself view, . I- , ..- I I . " I think Lad I orrin ton is terrib , Ith your ��Icjrk. You c n't live afraid you are breaki ng yo r heel t,, Nor n it--ti.4--but � by i t, . She feels !snre y6a have renouticed M ) , YOU, Marsden iii conse(lit nce Of her I tter, s .0 Ic -D � e of all. I S a� limit h wever; is'therefore: quite ple I ith y,ou, -But - ) have a wonderful poece of ews.! He h Ther� ased . � . . ou'll pal,- 6r it, I aboolutely engaged , himself to Mrs. Rut vent and they a'r6 t� be 'mia ried- soon." . I � .Scott'., Fmulgion of Cod Liver' "Then that, in 4ome w y, acc)unts f it is th readiest c re fo I- this letter," said Nota, handed 'Cli.Tord'ti t I . . Mrs. L'Estrange, W ! �D read it with surpris can"t eat'. iniless it bmes of , and regret. 1. . I Many and varied vrere tl e conje 3tur6a o our dcjlrig;� no ­ work --y u can t both as to what coulifposs�bly be he myi I terious necessity whioll infllueticed araden )ng be w�-11 and strongo-, without . both coming, reluctintly, to the c lusio of activit, that monel, must bc the r ob of evi - I � . -which wa; certairil good. I Th gO O' . - I Ora 07 � onic sort th Ulne h�Ls L__7.1 I I . * . 1h * �� . I . 11 . 11 , T . is 1:3)ict r6 Oil 'it, I . i . ke no o �er. . � Mrs. Ru;hven wa Once 88f ul along th If n 114ve hot' I . whole line ?he had, irked out fot , , _ 4ersel I I le . It, spnd for ..1. t If ell(, was � libtle a.. r e res acting tho feel � ee sam I 11 , Its a- I . ings Marsden rso f rankly avowe� 0 r , ; Nlise L'Etitrange, ell had he 6onec -eeable t Ste will ,,-. . t I 4i o7n'la 0 I I believing that she was infl obitig th c ue ce irprise V u. , * ' " " , deteste, , I t ( *1 11 11 OTT, & OWNE ,.- . ) . , , -disappointment onj that rive, Cheml�tso ­�e .. - f . I- Theri, she had the Man ,she loved ac 0 relj I ­ at her mercy ; , his, w lilthiavo - ' , and I ich wo I I To ro n to; I t __ lopou'pain and humilliation 0. a4 w ) all o ' .; . � .real heart and delicicy, g atifle,d fie� crue i Oc. and 1.00; all dr ggi sts A love of power whilei the certainty 'f ac P ­ � complishing the mar'r age( n which a 6 had � � , I . i I . .1 - i - � -_ _____ -:. I I I I - 11 . i I . . . I - I . � . . . I . . � . � . 1 _,___7_______, � , - , "''- , � I i � . � - ; i q . i i : : : . I d . � [ � - I I - I : � � � . I i I . I I - : F11E. - HE "RON 1 EXPOSITOB I ! I I I I I I I . . I 1. - - _�_ _ __­ I I i . i . - � met her soul. of falsifyingi Shirley's spiteful I -that you bail b ' n engaged to Helen, an I I prophecies of defeat, fille4 her with exultsi. � � . were now ,I ioping to marry her ?" . I �� � �, tion. There was a very ugly reverse to this I . - 11 Who :told ou this? Maradzu ?" h . , . medal, but, for the moment, shG- was able I I . * asked, abet 3 , catching her othei baud, an� I to puti- it asi de, if not to forget it, With I . holding bot t' h'. I . - her wealth, and Mared ate position and I .4 " Yes," I : red Nora, po ularity, the world wa at her feet. An I I " Then is is ati � infernal liar ! Why dic tMe craze about Notal L'Batrauge that, you believ � him 0 . . �tongue. 41 Why hould � . i� doubt him ?" . Id flud tha at yotirl, . would page over. He vir t an - Loo� , , , experienced woman of th world must be a Is it co �: 11 Then ,ou shc uld not have do bted me.' . ' Ated P � I I More suitable wife for � , im than a mere " You ould! ,n)t have me so conceited ew . simple moho 34 -girl like Nora. I taste in I your mou �h every to fancy A;namm,int be -very, very fond o . For sever %I days after i ihe had come to a 11 . me -when he never told me no ?11 , distinct line erdt%nding with Maraden, Mrs. mornir, g. Your appethe . " Whi][6 I thou ht every one Must see I - - Ru�thveu do oied herself � o overyone-even is poo,r, and fcod dis- wall g a too of myself !" I I y to n'a!!15 y0jil toher faltl]iful Shirleyj who was b no I you. You have Oh � sh to keep up chara3te � memshplies:d with the aspect ofthings. for WiSdOuL ' I _" I 0 a� t been accustomed to be thus frequent hesdac ies and 11 I don' suppose you believe Much in m5 debarred a mittance, and he scented mis- are often dizzy'll, Your wisdom I But, Nors, will you ally com( chief. Th gh the day was gone when he stomach - is w 'k and with me to India ?-to a wi , remot( hoped to r indle Mrs, Ruthven'm pa!eing le station V, 11� caprice for Iniself, he objected very strong- your bowels art 1 always 44 I a ly to her . m rrying Marsden, who had un- constir ated. . I ; amn 10) A wil enough to refu e ! But I . Th e's an old and re-� can't stark next meek !" Z i . consciously ounde his sirmor propre, and 11 I shou'd thin not. You III believe ' I insulted hi ,by his oppressive superiority. me, when I tell yon, I never love I ' wo � 4 "' When, at I t, Mrs. Ruihven was at home I . flsblee�ure: i man but yk urnelf, and give me ' ;U111-18 in 119 to him, he as in a very bad temper indeed, your heakin return ?" gJ in- which was ot improved by tile carelesq � � $6 I will, Ma*," said Nora, ,avely, re- , rium 0 , er manner. ou you . � - stea I y, � � t a ten er Go eninity, ! re. were going o out me coi �pletely," e said, i . : ing, aft�er they h d exchange reetinge. 11 Why, go, whet Mrs. I S'Estrange was ealle4l baoict � re- it is more t an a wee a ce I was admit. it was all Ottled a very happy party met ind ted V i -11 . I I I at dinner that vening-at w ich rep"t liar I I You have no right to complain ; I have ) I � Miss Bestr �ce, to er great delig t, was al- kes not seen an F one." . Ae 11 . - ., lowed to 6� presei it, and did o& , service by ea. 11 You have not been unwell, I bopel)" , � . promotiug� enera and very fiacc urmive con- * , g , res- " No ; I have felt rem O'rkably well ; bub I . versation. 1: ! I have P7 been busy with these tiresome - � ThesooiOypapers soon adde to, their I � ant papers, and she waved' her left hand to- i usual parj�graphv mysterious hints as,to , . wards the , $hirley atArted, for on her I � . broken en agements, and the fale e inforrim ell, finger spar ie& the double -hearted device, , tion diss inated by their contemporaries oat- of rubies an . ' � I � I per- diamonds ' be bad seen on 1 I , respecting the approaching nuptials of a uch Nora's. ; i . just . i I I certain � ular member of socie y, wilbse d a 11 I can'o9arcely believe my eyea !" he ex- I Don't take a oathartic domains I y not a hundred in les from a Dr. claimed, "Am I to conclude that Mars. 11 well -know 2 cathedral town in th ,Midlands, we4 den has transferred his allegiance, with the I dose arid then stop. Bet- etc., etc., to. edi- betrothal ring, from Xiss - L'Edtrarige to ter take a laxative dose t uld 97) . ; Nora VIE'strainge and Winton wore too zed you � each n i ght, just efiough to much strangers and pilgrims in the world of ell- 11 ife has," she returned, twirling the 4- London to share the attention beetowed on and� rirg round and round, and smiling softly. muse o ne good free move- I Mrs. Ruthven and Marsden. The noise . 11 And how -how did; Marsden contrive ment the day foll9wing. made by the, excraordinary theft of her ent to break off with Miss 12Estrange 10" You feel better the jewels had ven tihispretty widow a certain to 11 Tbat'l do -not know ; but he ilas done :1 viery ext day ' Your standing I e ,timation of soqiety, and 11 . y so, and as I have always -found you capable I appe 11 her insirrioke with so well,known is man as Y. of keeping silence when necessary, I do not ! t .- return;�� your Marsden made her position securel . mind telling you that . Mr. Marsden has 11 dyspepla is cure , your Littl i t� tell of this il�-balanced made some rather � ever ourious discoveries, I , Awayij tale, where though virtue is fairl� reward - i which, in short, render his marriage with � . 11Y9 ed, vice is �y no meano.chastized ilis it ought , n_ 1) your longue 'I , S up) be Miss L'Betrange, impos!i�le. -I ver C to be. u , icb, complete justice, i is, he w- ope , 11 Discoveries, eh ?" inz a peculiar tone' ; your acts .11, and ever, ra el I visible to -the nak4 eye ; let I give its 0 nd will you not trust me completely ?" your )owels no I longer as believe t.. ere is a secret awar�, which ould I No, my good friend - I - in short, I do give you trouble. ' .. brings unerring punishnlent - to �the evil - 1) V avel not exactly know myself. I � N14 door, even though he " flourishes as a g cen you, " It is all very mysterious, and deucedly PrIce.A'Scents. Alldrugglists. � bay -tree " in the eyes of - his neighlbors. U so hard for Misa L'Estrange," -. . I , A couple of years after what Nois conzid- I I I 11 I don�t suppose she is in a very euvi- to I havi taken Ayer's r Is for ;5 ered her great deliverance, . - h I . ,�� ,c slrat:ige, ant leonsiderthem the best r!rs be able state Qf mind," returned Mrs. Ruth. Ym"aadr:' Ortepilldoesme re ood in her tranquil home at B okjau which it ould von, with an air of quiet Onjoyment. thin half -a box of ny at k fu'd I was arranged was to be her residen 0 so long . to ,,Shirley looked at her curiously. have ever tried." as Mr. and Mrs. Winton remained n India, I Irs N. E. AID ":An4 have you given up all hopes of March 30, 1600. , Kans. wrote &94oll�ws, in one of her me thly let. .tracing your rubies ?" he asked. , '11 term to her otel daughter : I .1y I of Yes," 6�eea I - - - - I - � - - I . - Al - - - . " You will am gure, be borry to hear ou ?!� elarply,; 11 what suggest her. ed them to . I .. ' I - � - 11 - I that CliffQ 11araden had a bad faill out the, " I'don't know ; perhats an idea that ' --' . 11 I— hunting, 1�*Iwcek. They tell me he rides H I er Mareden has not hithe'rto brought you in. the park wi a prettily powdl red. � most rcckle Aly-; indeed, he is mu Chang. ings luck, 110 . � � No exterior brightness, ho ever, could ed since b a! marriage. Mrs. M aden, I in -to " He will replace My rubies with the cheer Nora. 3he kept a braveface, but her must say, in �'ee a capital lady of th' 0 1 1 man jr, rM_ Marsden diamoudia. Now, ,Captain Shir. heart felt as if it must break ; Ifor the mo. and is deeid y popular, though so' hat j ust d you thought I was going tQ merit life was to her, like e of those exacting ; tov ')lie ley, you sai u Mr. Marsden is e�the Zlent her cut you com letely ; you twere mistaken ; wretched dreame, where the reamer, all andmoody, 0 in fierce high spirits. He is the I am not goi g to cut you, but I am going burning to attain some joy ali lost within very thin, a 2� not nearly do handsome as he I. to dro� vou a an intimate friend, M r. touch, I" kept aok by impalps ile barriers, was. There Is a curious, glazed, Btariu re- Marsden, for some reason dr other, would vague obstacle , gossainer to I 8 eye, im. look in his yesi that distresses mc ; for I Uite not be pleased, 1. know, if! I continued on pregnable to t e strivi up spiri, always like� Ilim ; and he always shown the � ' , I the same terms with you, arid he is natural- she told herself. usel so, unmaid. utmost freei dliness to Bea and , my if I I. - Luc eh�e bell ly my first 'Consideration. You have al. e�lly,wtsoeg'rieve so about a ma who was never heard that he drinks too m but it I in- ways been friendly and useful, and I may e'vidently resolved not to rene% his proposal is whisperel: that he' eats opium, He is addi prudent ; for you have wisely agreed to her. She hh.d begged to j n Bea - and often awayi and when at home seems to take let. with me in lebtiug by-goues be by-gones, her governess in their early,�, walk ; ary. no interest in�auything. - Madame is master . - less But before entering into a new phase of my thing was better than isitting a 11. and mistress, land people appear to donsider . - so, existence, I a iould like to look through a She talked kindly and cheerf Ily in 'Ger, her rather ne le � eted by her'llumbandl, Mrs. few acknowle dgements of yours, which you -man to the little fraulein abou 'her home Marsden she 4 me all proper civilAy, but I . our have giveff I in 3 from time to, time," and she and her people every now and hen k1ling feel she does 4ot like me ; and I dare not en - sly drew from i1tussia leather despatch box into silence an I bitter thz,h and 0 f pain 5, ,then courage'Clifl:) -d to come here as often as be in several slips f paper neatly fastened to. with the retitle soness 0 wanted to would like. � �t is reported that Mrs. N1 arm. all gether, . fo home and r, ad ; a tough b ok of some den is tryinj zo bri�e Colonel Marsden, the ned. . to Mrs. Ru,hven !" cried Shirley, coloring Ind would draw her out of reelf. She next heir, w ii o is a lbacheloi� and rather out atic crimson, " if you mean that I am to clear complained of atigue, and t elbows, k oin li.�er husband in breaking . I I . I up -with you, previous to you'r enttiring on the house. the entail, a t en bhe'es ate is to be set - your I new P lase,) you intend to reward my Nora wentrifflessly upstairs, opened the tled on her. hismaybe mere � *)-I � gqssll , er- prudence by ,-uiaing me." ; drawiug-room door, and stopped for a mo. can not helF eling grieved for Clifford, he gs I She looked at him for a riltoment in amus. ment. Helen ,was speaking t some one, seems so bro Ki 3n an4 hopelese.. I Fou ed silence. I another step, aad she saw her step -mother " The in& I has zrot come in yet, 801I shall my "I am nol- quite so hard a creditor, seated on a I w chair lookin� up to Mr. send this oft I can not tell yon what pleas - one . Shirley ; par ly, perhaps, b0ause I do not Winton, who Aced on the hea*h-rug lean. ure 'your dei �c riptions of your delightf ul life . . . . our forget by-gon 8, quite. No ; I inagurate Ing his shbulde -5 against the cl -piece. up -country gveitetne, and Bea, too, looks -phase of my existence by returni _ r .tt this new rig She instinctive y turned her fa,lemney tiers. . . . korn the eagerly for 3 1 My kindjove- to. Is you all these promusory notes. I wish - to light, as assuming byan effc�t an air of Mark, who, I am sure, is a pattern hear no more of them -let da part friends. composure, 'advanced to shak 'h do with What a narl p w escap�e yo o; lolling . I miiib on ad luck in whatever way you him -a charming figure, e 'Un . Be. . u. had so as the flection of each other !"' � . would lest i ie it." I the fire played on her dark D, close- . T! I I E KND. � Shirley's dark faoe changed. " You are fitting clo.,h coat, edged with I kree and - of 1 ble - " a I his kind, and -and most liberal," he said. ,' I pretty cap of. the same fur ( ,owning tier OLD ANE FADED GARM�.NTS . de. wish our old -let me sayjriendship-was ol.den-brown earls. In spite ol her will and . . t! not to be on d." He took' the papers she grmly exerted self-control, a vivid blush Made tc) liook as Good as New - I . I , . " __Je ing held ot , 11 . I twisting them up, thrust rose to her,obeckff, which left ,-olor enough . 3y the Use of ten them into his breast po6kieb. "I shall even when it had partially faded. DI AM�n IDYE I . Ot, never meet your match again ; you have " Where is Bea ?" asked Mrs L'Eitrange, _ shown me what can' be dared and done by a when theothers had bid each other good. . ge woman, bless -,3 as you are with a heavy day. I . Mrs. William $urgent, Petrolia, Ont,, . oes purse and a I otent will." " Gone to take off her thingf " - says : " Your Diamond Dyes tire the beat I � 4 � " And all'k well that ends Well," said Nlrip. 41 I must bring her to see yo ," said Mrs. have ever use , and they have done splendid 3"d, Ruthvon. 8 is gave hirr, her hand with a L'147,straDge, with rather a sigUificant look work for MP; In J a short time Diamond ' ra slight inclina don of the head, and he felt to Winton. I Dyes saved eteuldollara, so-thatlIthink on' himself dismissed. I . " He is going, then," thougb ; ANora, too they desery i good word. _ Aly fri4nds, to $I * * * ; * * much taken up with the idea o heed her wh6m I ha, e shown my dyed goo Is, may * tep-mother leaving the room. I that Diamoi i Dyes make old . thl'i i,ge' look or- The days flaw fast, and that fixed for n " I thought you werti to sail to -day.?" like new. " e richest woman in ot x town, utl Winton's departure had dawned. she said, taking. off her cap and, parting the after seeing y wor1r,-has become v user of Nora dar . ed not hope that she still held-- frinaQ on her brow ; the room was quite too- your Dyes. ch minable 0 ths k you for on at the same'place in his regard. Of course, warin, after the cold air, and she drew a moe, � s D amond Dyes." b. she thought, her sudden change, her appar. chair forward, still keeping her , back to the - Mrs. Then %a yndman, Masho, , Que.9' ent read�iness first to accept Maviden and windows. mayis : 11 k,ave ufied Diamond Ilyes for Y- then to breali with him, had lowered her in 61 I have postponed -my deFarture for a !nany years, and find them most satisfactor . r m the estimatior of so high-minded a man as week or two," returned Winton ; and there in renewing �he colors 7 - all -Mark Winton. ' ; I of my ct ildren a ad He . had cal, ed.as he promited, but both was an awkward pausn, while Nora, with clothes. Fur brilliancy and fastues r, Dia. . unsteady fingers, drew off her gloves and mond Dyes,c nnot be excelled.", ur Mrs. L'Estrabge and her step -daughter were rubbed her hands gently togetl er. - - - Id. out. _. J .. so At He will not: go without bidding us 6i . Gauthier, an invalid, nd her . aid the former more than once, " You seem tired of your hol,lay ?". —Mrs. Jo4 i fr in good-bye," a No," said Winton, taking i - step nearer five -small oldidren, ranging in ag:16 om in as she began o understand matters without be heri and looking straiglit in ,) her eyes. one year to ten,� perished in th I el flames er questioning, 6nd grew anxious that the two " I must tell you the truth, ev(A though it which destroyed their pretty home, at Lit. tle Cascapedia, Ne I Brunswick, last Friday as she heartily oved should nob c seem bad taste to do so at least so w it other's lives I or a punctilio. * Is I must write soon' I am not tired with my ioliday, but night. Thefamilybad retired aboat two . . ad and ask him o luncheon or dinner." I wanted to throw myself into engrossing hours, and alli were sleeping sourill S d - "No, no, work, to deaden the pain of i' isappointed denly the wh!ole structure trembrEd asu if 190 - dear Helen !' Promise .,, me, hope—hope that, probably, I I ad no right from an earthquake. Air. Gauthier umped he- promise me faithfully you will not,," im- plored Nora, with such a distressed expres, to entertain, yet which I could dot resist ?11 from his bed to find that a coal oil stove in k4, Norawassilent. "Imayseem! sion of countenance that Mrp, L'EsDrange � a tiresome, the hallway I iadi�og to the stair I ad ex- . promised. . gprrsaevbriug blockhead—but, once more, ploded, and ti e sheets of flame had p1ready )U Thin last ;ht and crisp there 0 I offer you. my future life ! And I begun to fin i ;heir way into the bed I rooms day was brig, J ! er had been a lip ht fall of snow, and the grass promise, with all my soul, to be,your truest of two of the I ttle ones who slept ',11 that .- . ly '. __ I . friend, as well as y6 ur true lov � ! Shall I part of the f a — 6---..---- - - 111111� go or stay ,,)) . . ; sm �. He endeavored to 8�jother — m 22 And No �Ia—the tears wellin� � � over and -_ _; . d. � banging on, her 1*9hes—and softl�, bat most " Comshti samted distinctly, " Stay !" Then she lost hold on r- � � ' I go : herself -and burst into a fit of we�eping. . B,ACKEN - ly . I " Good heavens, tier& !" cri, d Winton, - . - a. . dismayed, " You do not accep � me against I . . - B ' Is . r o u", e . your will ?" 11 . . � . ;) b i . , . , -i ie COMBUPatl n, or inaotivity of the " No, no he returned, rec�veir ng her. I bo'wels, 1.9 probably the cause of more Felf a little. " But I have bee so miser- A I H - ir than any othipr able and so foolish !" � , ke distress and sufferin ! I : I ! I � 71- Organic derengement. Once the bowel,g' "Tell me," said Winton, hending one I sare constipated, the lcIdneys beCoMe knee on a foot -stool beside her J�', d k � e I ; L�Oggedj the liver,tor ,ni ta ing 1 i Leh K� _"I d, and the 3t0m- her hand gently in his,�, 11 why"i d you ac- ? )r and whole d .,itive system com- � 0 �Ietely Interfered with. cept Marsden ?". i , . e Tife head* aches, there 19 dizzineso, " Because I thought he lov� me very i � Wealcriess ara climness of vlslon� pains much ; and—" with a quick I lance from if you ��ava Backache you hol , a f in the baek,'�'jsldes and limbii, , the ac. her sweet, wat eiyes, and a fran pressure of Ridney'Diseiasc, If you negl et . . cumulation 40 th ' 7 BackUi develo i to . f wind and gas on the the hand a P no one else di .11 e it Will stomach, palris and fullness in the re 96 Ho 9 t .2) . I ,it ; . w was 1ths, 9" cried' in on hii someth .rig worse—Bright s S. I — a glon of the- stomach and depression heart beating fa6t. 11 You mu � have ease of Miabetes. There is a - ' it and despondency of spirits. how soon you grew dear to ' e 1—dearer use rubb�ng and.doctoring y ur . Constipaticn can never be oured- by than ba-ck. Cure the kidneys oything else on earth, or� in Heaven I Th re We use of MkIts a:nd sirbilar weaken- III 1. litating purgatIves. Dr. either 1� is only 4 )net kidney medicine ut no,t only ij Cliase's Kidiley-Liver Pills ai,�' Why did not Vou tell me so before I!" it cures,Packache every time . e cause the natural action of the bowels, ed Nora, smiling, though or lips still I . f- but so strengthen and Invisorate trembled, � . I . i� . ` - them as to enaEble tharxi to regularly 46 Because, mM love, my life, was afraid , 1 9 - d perform their functions without the Do .you remember, one day, , ou bid me' f aid of medicines, One p1ll a dose, 25 ' 400r, at Bfool� ale, and I Dodd ts ood-bye at the !I t cents a box, at all I dealeri3. I lared to bold yoJir hand closerl and longer ; - . I __ than I ought 1I The wordsi 6 1 love you, ; 41 0 . Is' I w I IV A. I AM , �0011 UM I MM 1111100 � T"u, M I 0 1 C 4i I %� � �I MR 0 k t � t , Ju0i, , I " I "' I i , a I i I a III", 0 1 d �, I �i e 4 1 � tri e% �� , 24 1 1 pi� It al � . Dr. Chasele. were on my lip4 at that me . ent ; but it f was no time or lace to speakl themi ; and idne - ever after, in .. so e nameless wa* you put I Kidneym-Liver , 41 me from you, an , virtually, told me you . would have noth 9 to do with *is ?" . - P! I Is* 61 Yes, I reme*,ber it, and I as told that . 4. US I � . I . I I . .. � I � . . : - I . . I � . T . . � i I I . �, � I i 11", i . i I I \ I I h- . MARCH 29-4 1901 I the fire with a. blanket, but the oil, had I bpread to such an extent as to render his a efforts futile, Then it occurred to the fra,ii. tic father to summon aid from the neigh- bors. He rushed to the -window, kicked out the sash and jumped to the ground, �upoa which lay several inches of snow, His feet slipped from under him, and when he at. ) tempted to rise he found that his left log was broken between the knee and the thigh. � On hands and knees he crawled in the direc. - f tion of a nearby house, but before he hsd � " I reached it his homm was enveloped in flames. I Above the crackling of ,the fire Mr. Gantbier ' 1. � could hear the feeble ,cries of his wife and ,: 1 7 children at one after another they were come i � � upon by the &mes. ­ i ____ . - @_ � A FATHER'S STORY. . � ELe Tells How His Son.Regained, ': � Health and Strength. . I I - . Had His Spine Injured, and for Two Yearg, � I I Was Unable to do Any Work, and for Most of the Time Was Confined to the House. � , I Mr. 1K. IVEntremont, a well-known far.. mer living &V West Pabuico, X. S., writes :. 11 I believe it is only right that I should let you know the benefit, your mediicine-1)1�. Williarne Pink Pills -have been to my sox I Constant, sixteen years -ago. For seve47f � y,ears he was almost a const*&v invalid, tha ' result of an injury to his spine whfle wor'k- , ing with his brothers on the farm. He I grew weak.and listlem, had no appetite, and ! for two yearij was unable to work, aud wag �' i for the most of the time confined to the , house, and for apart of the time to his bed. ! . . � He suffered considerably from pains ijr the. i ' � back ; his legs were weak ; and he had fre. 1 I quent headaches. At different times he was 1: I attended by two doctorej but got no benefit I � ; from the treatment. Then I procured -an I electric beIr, for him, but it was simply !! money wanted, a* it did not do him a pax. , I I ticle of good. One day, while my son was 1 reading a newspaper, he came across on, : : F I article tolling of a cure in a somewhat simi. ! lar case through the use of Dr. Williame i I Pink -Pills, and he then decided to give �� them a trial. After the second box was '� taken there was a marked improvem in � his condition. He continued .the use of the !� i pills untilho bad taken eight boxes, and ! � they have restored him to health. His ap. 1 jpetitebas returned ; the pain has lefb - his 1; ! back : he hat gained flesh ; is able to ride a I 1 1 1 bicycle, enjoys life, andisi able to do a day's ! work as well as any one of his age. This, ! ; I I I � letter in given gladly, so that others may i learn the merits of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilij. 1 �, and find a cure if ailing." I Dc. Williams' Pink Pills cure such tares as the one noted above, bec4uze they create new, rich, red blood, thus orengthening i I weak and shattered nerves. They do not ! purge and, weaken like other medicines, but i strengthen from the first depe to the last. i . Sold by all deoJera in medicine or sent post- paid at 50 cents 9, box or six boxes for $2 a- - by addressing the Dr. Williams' bledicine � : � Co., Brockville, Oat. I . . I � � � i I I � . Their Own Were Too Large. ; : I - to Have you any second-hand shoes'?" in- � quired a young lady ab a Liverpool -oboe � marufacture's. - i 11 We don't sell second,hand shoes, misil,l) .- said the shopman, shortly: 11 No, of course not, I didn't want to buy them, but if you happened to have any that had been left by persons buying -n - . . , I s Zggested mys�eriousleyw. I i 11 Oh, certainly. Here are a pair of but. I toned boots -kid -but quite worn out. ! i i I Would they do?" . ! I " What number are they?" i " Two7s-small twos at, that. And here i . I .14 one bronze slipper, thirteen aiie.11 t 11 But -thirteen in - an un * lucky number," I she said, anxiously. - I . z � : " Not in shoes, miss. And here is a num. 1 ) : ber one, not badly worn.' � r � , I " 1 will take them all. Thank you 10 � I I � much," and she proffered the shopman pay. � meat for the refuse shoes. i 11 There is no charge," he said., as he ' handed them to her in a neat package. 11 I : I suppow you want them for a ban I ging i I basket?" I .6 Mercy, no ! My sister is to be married i I this evening, and we want them to:thro I . W I after the carriage. Our own are a!1 new, ; and it must be an old oboe to bring luck." ! " I see, said the shopman, and he ,glized '.. . dreaming after her retreating form, mutter- I ing in a vivid monotoLe:. "And the� 1 family .shoes rang -3 from sixes to eights -41 11 )_ I I see.' ! i � t VVorthy to l3e Writteu in Letters- 1 . of Gold. I i; TAte a Gouche, N. B. -You do not praiw �t I I Catarrhozone highly ,enough ; it is worth . e I to be written in letters of gold. One s�ilzll � I bottle has* done more for me than all the i doctoes medicines I have taken in the last f tbree,years. I was a sufferer from 13ron- chitic Asthma, but by using Catarrhozine I have been entirely cured. Months have i since passed, and being entirely well, I feel i I I my. cure has been a perfect one,' A. J. ; - Kemp. i .� � Catarrhozone alone is the only cure for i I Catarrh, Asthma. Bronchitis and Lung � � Troubles. An absolute cure guaranteed I . i � J with every complete outfit. Price $1.00. For 1 I � sale- at Fear'a drug store, Seafortb. A trial I sent for 10c by N, c. polson & Co., King- ; i i ston, Canada, or Hartford, Conn., U. S. I . i 0— i - I :� Prayers Wanted. � Numerous stories are told -of Joe Hay- il cock'a platform !xgerience In the Jaym when, I- . Patronism was in ower, On one- -occasion i i Joseph was speaking in Port Elgin. In Fort I I E'lgin at that time there was a Dr. SiuclWir, 1. who had a most annoying habit of holdin& i up his band and checking a speaker in the � � o s mpreEsive part of bis i I oration. At least ,the habit was iLunoying i I 44 � to the average speaker ; but, an the ,eequ#J � wil , 1 bhow, it did not worry'Joseph any. - �� ' 4' We are charged," Joseph was saying on - I I this occasion, I I with ablismig our opponente. I � . " Wei never abuse any one. We reason w4b - those whom we think are pursuing a wrong q - � course ; in someextreme cases we even pray ; for them." . q " Hold on there," shouted the perpetual ! . � interrupter, as his ready hand went up. I " There," said Joseph, as he pointed to I the upright arm of 6e distuther, "is one ; who is calling for our prayers now." I The gentleman never interrupted agaivi. I � and a short time lAter he removed to the Northwest, -where it is hoped he livedbappY : � I ever af ter. . � . - To Nervous 'Womem Mire. D. W, Cronsberry, of leg Richmond Strolk : I .Toronto, says,.-" My daughter's nerves were solcx- . biugtedandshowai sowedli: and debilitAted WA she ha I t,) give up work, and was almost a viotim of � nervous prostration. Dr. Ohsan�ls Ne.ve Food PrDVA)d an excellent remedy In restoring her to health and . 6triength. After having used four boxes, 40 I$ at - 1, work again healthy end happy." 60 cents a box, A I � . all dealcrij, � . . - - . 11 �� .- .- Hay. - 1 i , S.c.tiooL Ripi,tatT.-The following is tho I I standing of the pupils of the school in It"' ' tion No. 4, Hay, for the month of FebrusrYt and of which Mr. W. E, Thompson is teaebw er : Senior fourth -Ida Oswold, AlAbel � i Kaercher, Willie Klopp, Normau'Kaerchert � Harvey- Colosky, Junior fourth-FIOV6 . 1 Klopp, Herbert Kaereher, Roy Geiger- i Senior third -Dora Geiger, Junior third- i! q � z Mary Kaercher, Erma Geiger, Willie HeGk* ; f I marm, Herbert Stumpf," Lizzie Vollaud, . , Ida Becher. Senior second-Cornelivis III, � Stumpf, BerthaHEckmann, Junior 50011a i ( -Hubert Klopp, Maurice Stumpf, rsr� 1 f, . .. i ! two -Alvin Surarus, Herman Hiekt:08,110.- ' � I ; 4i GarwinPraug. Part one -Pearly Kaerchf-ri, ,� �� 4 Vi(;t]Dr 8tUMpf. , I ., � I � J � I � TNE f,J&F,AT 43F] � LIN,*V. Fr, Al I . .- .� MRS. J :1 11 1. 4# 1 Can XE �. I - Favor .1 one of the 0 zines; pub =J:JiaJgg article a . Of , I - � the revenue � � treat�ment Of f ,case in evex-Y 11 ,Showing that ( The importe 1. Inen of eVery 11 found and - the �i . . it bestows OA I Y I peculiar to It i . 'Common ills of e ) ,ea h*2216 Medi( 3[a rspring ti 'etrength is 0-* duties, and tho I i functions, in is W. pound shown il ,sffp_c&,,&s the I d to 0, ay, I �t quickly bi ,I tion, , weakness euay,, and the i I - to women of al � � � � r , Mrs. R. Adr, 4- 'Xinge -Co., X.- , 11 I feelit a I f _. 1: . Ing the value 0 Sinoe zhildhooi' , aches, neuralgi tadke �once a wl -t to ibedo Have; I � � eured six bct. I � pound, which i, . me, .and after a - � life and health - -ed for. -Two Y, not had a retur, . never say too in er i ,yCompoun& — , I : � I IS(w,00x, Rm reporb of sebool which W. H. J71 Iowa. Names - z I -W. F. J,0111:11 Whit,eman, A Junior fourth - ton, Jennie M, Pinsda:16, Kate - Junior third -I Gemmell. SvI 'Kylle' Eleanor ,'; � ina, Alair, F, FW . Senior. second � Jones, Ellen jig� Ida Jonefif Rti Firist ps,4.-Ml 11annah Dined! Monthly spelli % senior, Herbert Xelvin-Alair; ' junior third, A Jennie Bagler 4 isenior, second I I second 'part, � , Arthur Xyle. _i ) _-_� PAINT -1 Here is a 3K nian to B All PICTON, Ont i -of P-1--ton,is a A� � - - hanger. Mr. I "I'll . I'll "I -,of the I . . . . . . � . AM I wish thi Painter Ala4 P iill iof us suffer seews to be � which, brings 1" Dad&z Kiduel� � . � ,emie -of Kidney ever had. I jai back w" Arew ,,,,, Inflammat I And I went- -t-0 , A e . I. in I � me. hey ar . han.ger's besL f kzow-a me, an� whsb I say -of i � Brain Lal . As one wan', watelled him. � The watcher -while,the Loboyl as he toiled thi tograph, 'took � peake 'cap t( 1300t. 9 Then he left W40rd pi-_ture 8 a lsou�nd-,'Sweet the fellow, m � grimy as be wi sixo'400k'l -anis himself au, -tle -girl runs ox and- kias6s bei left upon her which abe neei There is no I Xa coomforta. tentment, � 'Home, swee viorn Carpet, , -gan-home, BM I The - eat purT �behind theato And the u sketlehest fills: picture of woril do'llarb. Ten ,doflarz.' The other ef -sweat that Mu One is a )rA The other iti - . Sea 4.1 and maladies � the almost ma� if you suff-er p . troubles, just I few. drops In -a inast instant r ou hour the -ci b&C *1 y4ca . k,l dt - Th6-; Thewealth United Statju Chicago Time . 00010W, 11 - and - 8tst,es Steel C stood, ,remive, Let us see wl lucky or ,, responsible -A thwt b#s been woull any on Vvere working be where Schv � had, Schw4b': worked _and A ,Q0 1=047 W