HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-03-29, Page 5... . I . i . . . I I . � i . I . I-
I , . : ; T t#11
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. Corner in �1 ( . - The Largest - ';.
, I i , '
I �
I is,. TT H. Cook on beina, examined be - cot, oh6ice 0:03 80 ti) $4,25 of cwtf mod. � illn kaf*."VA ,A .;.I 10kh I Al 1h A T i TT TNT -NT n -\T and . : i a I 4 - Dry Goods and . I
'I � . . I I 1 Z�7- 01. n I - I
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MARCH 29,q 1901 i I . . � THE � HURON EXPOSITOR� I I I 1 5
---� I 0�1 -1 . - . I = . I . .� I I M - I I .j
; . !� ____; . --- - - . � i --- I
I . - .1
. -
I The Ccok Case. ' � same. Picked1o,to sold as high as $4,50 per : I REGISTER. I t
� SAL;,
. a I � %F".7 . I I L I I Clothln!g ,
on lower for common catile. St kers—Ruh � q sisafort ,
.the charge Roxd� Tuckerem th, I miles 0 t of Sea. � � -S
� . 11 -.T I r 11 I i Market F1 t8i
fore the Senate committee, in, referenoe to itim to goo& $3.25 to $3.716 PD. r cwt,-sno o-cloqk p. tn. on east half of L 5' Huron % -) � I 0 1. I 10
that the Governm t, or an I ' I I I I � r I Xara Concern in
the Government, had offered to b, demand fairly good sad prices -J � Ontario i I Four Countfou.
* . .
� . forth, farm stock and implemon . Richard - . 7 1,
was M . I . - I � , 4;::;;;::;:;Z� ;::� *., -.--.--- � � - I
of rj�e4dy t $215 to 83.30 per ov! :for good :B31i"5rr2 � i :
:rh'im a senatorship for $10,0W, accused 4 � � f - Barry, proprietor ; Thornsis Bio U, auction- . I I i � I
� steers. Feeders .y ew of - , � i I I -
3. Cameron of making the offer —Voi &I . bring to a A - . . .
the, 1&te M. 0 . ear. � I . � I :
to him, an the go-between between himself k deman ari nomin . I I ]
. Was prices. as quoted On Wednes . I : !
in table. B lls—Mo� crate supp y sold to a - - Lo 'e-7, April 3rd, a) 1 o'clock , - - 1 I 1 I i P: 0 "
I t , I .
sud the Government, and inainuated that. stead I P. M., on . , Conoe sion 1. �, Hullott, pening� , ; F -
y demand at ubehanged prices. Milch J farm stock and implema�fite. John Row- . - Our Spring Millinery 0 ,
. Mr. Cameron made this offer at the instance 11 . I . ,
- a - Cows—Very I few milchers were offered. land, proprietor - Thonriai Brom n, auction. I I : T 8 � i ing Season .
M-ination Mr. Cook got ear. I I � . I
In his exa ranged from $30 to $45 a head. Sheep i ;
I i � 1. — - - i
I I " �. I I
- I 'i ;;� --
) ,
��� � wright. .. - turdimy Ma ,� 30th. , , t)
at with the knowledge of Sir Rich rd Cart Price
- I � , I ;
I ore a 0ifle firmer, export ewes were. , - 'a I I i �
-hursday, April U Frid y and 8 rich �9th an . ,
I oilong very nicely and told a tolerably I . On T , at I o'clock p. ! � - .
I .
I ,straight and plausible story, bat under selling at $3 to $3.60 per owt, and butchers' m., on �Lob 9, Concemsi n 4, McKi I llop. i . . I
li� a - - - - - - - �� - - - - - -
I to $4 "A a - � AAAAAAA , . . .
croaa-examination by Mr. Blake he com. sheep at �2.$p 1 r 8 k sai Im lements, Henry Me. ,
T a ba—Lith )�( ff-d I I �
-lotel broke down, contradicting himself good, -L%m .- 0 kings sold to a Oardlo, Oopriot 3r ; Roa. Brown, auction- ' t: intere st to
, t
� � F Y 1. good de i r , . , Our Spring Millineiy Opening will mark an event of paramoun, -
� 'In many of his former statements and refut MAO at er prices of $4.50 to ear. I . . � . . I
. ver other questions put to him. P. 10 per emb for ohoce stock. All offer- , every woman within reach of this store. It is our opening display � of Spring :. F 1901
ing to anov On Mc uday. A )ril 8 bh sit I o'cl ek p. m I 0
� old. Hc go—Seleeto advanced on JLot 20, Con 3essi rt, fa ; . . I
. raorose-examination his memory was not 11"919 were � r;; Millinery, when Dame Fashion, will hold court for her many de otees, and ;
� � .
� '
.. nearlyAcy accurate as in his first examination. 37jo perowt, [to $6.50, and fate and lights - stock w �thout � r, wervT J*ohHnit 0, Roach, spread before them a fascinating array, of the approved creations aiiiii 6oncep- _q__1P__1P__#__9__9__# -I- If--*--@
� : 25o per 8wt t 86.50. The feelia � was firm. proprid . t(r; Thos Brown, suctioi or. � . , -If--4-4r a a a * I i i i i i 11 !44-1111 !� !4
�a Tbe Globe's Ottams correspondent says ' 17 4)- � � . tiojis in headgear for t ,
- The case which Mr. Berman H. Cook has M ONTI� Eir Marchft The butchers were I . . - this season. We're not inclined to be boas f ul of our . - X
I ' r I . . �
attempted to make out virtually collapsed preterit lin arge numb ra and trade was 'IMPORTANT - achieVement!j,.but it is far from an idle boast to say that Blyth bas 1*er seen Atte
I ag. The witness underwent a . 0�, - 0 same as on last 1. ZN40TIO�tl. 1� such a beftlitifiil display *,of millinery elegance and excellence as will I ibe opened . , , nery pening
. good, wi�h 0, iceb abi �t tt i I d our Cr--n;d Milli 0 .
P. ' 8 11 a r I I
this morn! Thursda�.'s arket. .Prime beeves sold at i4a by If iss �
three hours) cross -examination from Mr. . f I RED 0 FOR SALE.-' e und reigned has out at this store on Frid-,'ay, the 29th inst. Miss Baker, accompan !,,� . - . i
' from 4i �o q,J per pot ad, pretty good. stock S for es e 225 buEbolo of will] Ito D3 ish oats fo . �
Blake, with humiliating results to :himself.' at from' Ir toAjo , &nil the common animal@ seed, Prl�o 8 a a @ el, R.0 T. DO DS, Lot , I` Jameson, spent six weeks in the different millinery centres, where they copied 1
Mr. Cook's memory was frequently faulty in - . at Concessioni 9, MCKIII P. , 1737xl ' - , -- J give ,our APR ,
,.the extreme, while statements upon vital at froml2h-to�3jc per 3oundi 0A ves sold , - ,all the new'ideas an�d late,it designs, and they are now prepared ti; J
I U I — I
:p�inte, when d have been clear from 82 to $8 each. Old sheep a iNIONEY TO LOA .-To loon'on firit Mortgage customefs rdial invitation is extended to all to visi out grand
� ' . I -- I - 1
were vague and general: He 3J to nearly ,4t per pomd, iarling lambs. at .on " rn prop ty, tMM $1,000 to 8 .600 � � We exten'd a cordial invitation to our customers and the public geu-
. sud explicit, thoughts and beliefs where from 4� to 50 per pound. Aierin'g lambs sold funds.i A. r y at Tn EXPOSITOR OMPO, oXfOrW"to opening. I � . �
. . . 'Via] 04
- , p, F 1787-3 . � I erally to. i it � � r Millinery Show Room on the above mentioned da s. No
offered his � .
at I I I , , y
defluite and positive language was de. from $4 to $5.5) each. F kt hogs are _ - . I I .
manded, and rarely could he be induced to slightly higher in price, sellingat about 6jo � C.ALE31=1, .,&1T3:) (3 W:M VMICIM I - lady who canpossibly avail herself of the opportunity, sliould miss our Grand
I LIARM S OK- SALE.- The und reigned has - .
If I
er pound, weighed o# the care. L: for @ a ohro', 0 thdrou hbred D rbarrk bull - Spring TMillinetly Opening. Much care and skill have gone to th6 perfecting of
swear to istatements Positively. The effect P , old, fron 4 Irnporte sto-3k, Iso severA - I ' I 0 0
is offered BUFFALO, March i26 -Cattle -Good to three year ,� � 6H the collectiO 3,� which is complete !in the minu
,of the testimony and correspondenc good gene I ur o horses fir in 8 to I years old, M(I]E� . . . - � test detail. No words begin, to
. daring the morning was that, for four years beat smooth fat expo4 catt)e ol desirable heavy dr%ugbt olding comh g two d a heavy .J . INNON .& CO., BLYT . convey t'c your;;n1ii1ds the beauty� and richness of out trimmed hats, arid as
juality, $5.50 to $6.60 ; good to%est, 64.85 a i I
. mr. Cook labored unceasingly to be appointe draughb yoarlin Al yj b3th extra go 3, WAL I ---I-- weeks of c aration have been devoted to the collectiagg of* everything
to $5 ; 8hippiag-steere, $4.60, to $4.75 ; er. BUBOLZ, gilio dvil e. . 1787x2 . il - *-- I I ef 41' PIQP � ?1)
- . ;, � �
�ed to the Senate. To this end he corres port bulls, choice -to extra, $4 to $4.25 , I ;, . . that is Wes� and newest, we trn0t.lour customers and public will avail them- .
nded with or interviewed every Ontario I I I � , , � . I
'�Ial p f0c I a
- n
AJARE FOR SALI.-For ealD 4 good Teneral r., i f ,I .
d I 0 a '
'� I 61
d ,h I � h of _ sy.
I I good to choice butcher steers,$4.25 to $4,,,50-;- , I V to , i . � kelves of, thl opportunity o seei�g it at its best on April 3rd and 4th.
%nister in the Cabinet. In his letters ' . 3are -rishig 6 years Ad and I tool ?oil a � , : , . I
good to best btiteher oteerm, $4 to . $4, r u dahe r'Je, will fcal about.tho 15th of my. Will . I - . � � I .
he grow Scriptural, and once advised 1 25 ; � r I - - =� I .. � i -
. , I
I C' . 11 .
against "muzzling the ox that treaded good to best fait balls, $3,25 to. .9,3.50; to so don I romonablic terms. - Apply to R, SCAR. ,
) feeder bulls, 83 to $3, 5 ; stock ulls, $2 75 LETT, Wipthrop, . ' 17373x, 8 � A I I I I -
1 1 [
out the corn.' At another time - he —, - 11 I . G --
pathetically wrote .that 11 hf,pe defer. to $3.25 ; y - glers, good to choice, - 11 . ! Dres.s 1: ods Clothin
1 83 . 75 to 84 ; �good to Ohoice fat bows, 83 25 ... . I I 9
. red maketh the heart , sick," Uri APLEMENTS,-Mr.Thos. 3rown ha 'been In i � i .
I q . .
I I I .* I L U to $3.50 ; extra fat cows, 84 ; fat cows. strioted b Mr. Rloh� ird Barry o sell by ublio sue: HIRDARE AR9111 i i I I
-UOOK made severn a as one W Lie
were damaging to his case, but the moat
. striking were those wherein he confessed
I that long subsequent to the time at which
. the alle ed attempt was made to extract
money from him by an agent of the Govern.
ment, he, wrote complimentary letters to
Sir Wilfrid La-urier, Sir Richard Cartwright
� and Hon. David iNlille. .
I I News N otes.
I I � Mr. Archib-41d S. Thom, a young man
of tiventy years of aLye, youngest son of Mr.
I Archibald Thom, of St. Paul's station, died
. . at Winnipeg, on Monday, March 18th. Mr.
Thom was a hook -keeper in a wholesale
I house at Winnipeg, having gone west some
two years ago. Recently his health failed,
. and, he took a trip to California in the hope
that ' he might ba benefitted. He grew
. . worse and was on his way home to St.Paul's
� when he was taken so ill - that he was ob-
liged to stop off at Winnipeg, where he
. . passed away on the Monday.
-.Rr. Rose, of Newmarket, has a sta.bl le
]it by e4'ectrieity. The incandescent lamps
. are on cordn and can be moved from place
, to place., James Cowan, with wet hands
and feet sopping wet, undertook to move -
-01113 of these lamps on Wiednesday, after
. turning the current on, but the current ran
� - through his body, and he couldn't let go._
u I He took held of trhe lamp with the other,
� hand, which only made him a. greater pris.
I oner, and when Mr. Ross and Mr. Collins,
who heard his f�,houts, arrived, Mr. Cowan
I was doubled upon the -floor, still hanging
tenaciously to the glass globe. On trying
i to lift him up, both received a shook. When
liberated, Mr. Cowan found both his hands
badly burned. -
-Mr. Thomas Kaarns, who was born
-near Woodstock, Oxford county, 39 years
ago, was, ten years ac -o a day laborer at a
mine near Park City, Utah. After his
day's work was done he worked a claim of
his own adjoining it, His mine turned ,out
. to be one of the richest in the state. He is
now . a multi -millionaire and repre3ents
I- �Lftah in the American Senate and is presi-
. . dent and leading man in several railway
enterprises, He recently gave $50,000 tn
found an orphanage in Salt Lake City and
. ,$10,000 towards the building of a great new
cathedral. Such are the fortunes of Aife
and sometimes the rewardis of pluck and
I SEAFORTH. March 2S, 1901
I Fall Wheat (now), Standard...... .. . - $0 68 to $0 65
SprWg Wheat par buahol, -... ,..,. .. 0 00 to 0 66
OAta per bushel-- ---- o
pa&9 per buebol- - � - - - :,:.-. 0 60. to 0 60
FWley per buehoi. - - -.... 0 88 to 0 40
Butter, No. 1. locm - - ... 0 16 to 0 16
Bujter,tub-.-- -. -...... 0 15 to 0 16
. EZgs per doz- - - - - - 0 0 to 0 11
Flour, per 100 20- - - - - ... - - .... 2 0) to 2 00
11&y per ton now� .. - - .. 7 00 to 8 00
111des p5r 103 13.. .. - - -... -- " " 4 60 to 6 00
Stioap, skina............ ... ......
Wool .......... .. . - 0 16 to 0 17
1 pjj%l000 per buuh (no,.v), - ...,- - 0'26 to 0 30
Salt, (retail) per bsxrel- -.... I 00 to 0 00
W7od per oord (long)--- - - 4 00 to 4 25
W)odparoord (*hor*)..--,.-,- 2 OD to 2 26
1, A pies perbag----...... 0 60 to 0 90
al Wer good..-.,..----.....
. TImAby Seed ,,. -.... - I t
Por%-, por loo lbg _ .. _ 9., _ _ .. .. - _ _ 6,60 to 7 00
T%Vow, per Ib-- - -.-- - - 1
- ------4.- --- �
. Dair' Markets. I
I Y -
TORONTO, March 26-Batter-�he offer.
. ings are liberal, there is a fair dema'nd only,
pricesare steady at 16c for the beat
large and pound dairy rolls. Medium and
low grade rolls are icluoted' at 12 to 15c.
. Tabs, are steady at 12 to 14c. Creamery
I printa are steady at 21 to 23c, and &olids are
� dull at 19 to 20c. F' ,ggs_The market is
steady, owing to light offerings. We quote
12�c per dezen.
� MONTREAL, March 26 -Cheese -Business
� is very quiet and quotations are 9,:11 to 9,�c
1 . for white, and 91 to 9,,;3 for colored. But-
ter -There is a w3iall jobbing trade in fresh
. creamery at t22o ; held dadry is quoted at 15
to, 15&c� E ggs-There is a fair demand at
13 to 14c. 1 .
---- - & - - . .
. Grain, otc.
I Tonosiro, March 26 -Wheat, white, 603,; 1
red, 69c ; goose, 66.1 to 67c ; spring, 71c ;
barley, 47c ; oats, 34jo ;. peas, 60o ; hay,
$15) to $16 ; straw, $10. Potatoes�The mar -
I ket is K'teady, Car -lots on track here are
� quoted at 29 to 32c per bag, and potatoes
I -Is
� out of store %re wortili 40a. Millfeed
I . steady at $15.50 for cars of shorts,and $14.50-
. for bran in car lots west, and some mills
- are getting $1 to $1.51) more.
l,1vp1w()of,, March 26 -Spot wheat firm ;
No. I standard California, 6i 3�,d to 63 4d ;
Walla. no stock ; No. 2 red winter. 69 I d to
I 83 1W ; No. 1 northern spring, Ga 2;0 to - 6 -i
4W ; futures quiet ; May 6a ,I'd, July 68 ;d.
- Is
.1 --------d1i—
ToRWNTO, March 26 -The feature of the
� market here is the strength of red clover,
the demand for which is active. Stocks are
small, We quote for job lot,g here :-Alsike,
$6.-io to $8.50 per bushel ; red clover, $6.75
to $7.80 per bushel ; timothy, $2 40 to.$3.2
per pushel. _ 9 .---
I I Poultry. .
- TORONTO, March 26 -There is a good de.
l I � mand for fresh killed, the receipts are light
and the market is steady to firm for the beat
istock, Prices dre uominally unchanged at
11. to 12a for turkeys, 7 to 8c for geese, and
1 50 to 803 for chickens. I
_ --4- -
Live Stock Markets.
I - Unm)ux, England, March -26-United
- 81ta-teB cattle, Qd,; sheep, 7 �d. .
Li-vFmi-ocr.., .March 26 -Canadian cattle,
61,fl ; no sheep ; trade firm. .
�'Tol'.ONTO, March 27.-Ca�tle-E'xport-
Offerings were fairly large and demand a
little better. 'Prices for choice ranged from
I *q..60 to $,-) per cwt,, and the lighter stock'
at .',-4 toc,,-4.50 per cwt., the latter price be-
3� for feeders used as light shippers, But -
I cilhers�-Thcre was a larger supply and
ateady demand. Prices were about the
� - �
f �
good to eXtrr(, 8,3.715 to $4 ; fat heifers,
choice to extra, 84 to $4.25 ; light but-
chers', $3.75 to $4 ; Canada stookeral 800
9ounds, $3.75 to $4 ; , good to choice, do.,
3 25 to 83;70' ; com, on. anrl stock heii.ferej
$2.75 to $3 � stock atii ore, good to beat, $3.75
to $4 ; common to g(od do,,
,,�25 to $3.50.;
feeders, $4,25 to $A0 ; a feeders,
good to oboice,S3 80 to $4 ; Uans a sto(;kers,
common to good, $125 to $3 '75 ; Canada
calves, choice to extra, of good olor, $4.25
to $4.55 ; common do., .$9.20 to $3150.
Sheep and i'L,kmbB-H-andy naave lambs,
$5.75 to $�,85 ; good to choice, $5.50 to
$5.75 ; common to fair, $5,75 to 85 80 ; cliP-'-
pod lambs, '47;5 to $5i.25 ; sheep, yearlings,
$5.10 to $5.35;.we era, $4.8(, to $5,25 ;
heav� western to handy nativ , $4.85 to
$5 25. All the off6ringe were so d,'and the
close was full steady to 6rm,' Hoga-Oppni
ed dull and 10,to 20clower, witl a total o
101 loads. on, sale. Fancy heavy , ioge,firm,on
the basis of $6.15 ; m xed, $6 t $6.05 ; on
Yorkers the, market was $6 on the desirable
grades, and pigs generally at $6, 1 wV,h a few
M cy I 183 , $5 25 to
e,aleti at lower figu , ; ro u
$5 50 ; ,stagg, $4 50,t $4 75. e close, was
easy to 5c lower on the undesir ble grades -
and steady on the good kind. .
I . I
- I
- I .
Baffik,of Com - erce I
Eight Mi'llion Dollan $0,000,000.
I .
Rest, ,. - - $�,00010-00,
i I .
i .
A generall Banking bus[ son tran-
sacted. Farmers' Noitos discounted,
and spectal, attention 9hren to the
collection.of Sale Notes. . .
SAV I N 6S' BA N K.-' I nterest al I ow -
ed on depli.sits- of $1, and iu�p*ards.
Special facilities for tran,section of
businoss 1�i the Klondike ;)i9trict,
Money Orders, payable JLt any bark, issued" At the
following rates- I
Under 1 $10 .05 920 to. $30' .12
1 : . 010 to $20 .10 e8O to 060 .14
F. 11OLhIE9 ED I I F. 9. 0. MINTY,
solloltor� � I Manager.
I I . 1624
1 1 - -
I "=� - , I
: ! I I
! , Births. 1 ' -
DRADSHAW-4n Morris, on March 15th, the wif(-
ot hir 11, rad-sbaw, of t In s3no. Both (lied the
following diy. I
11ARRIS-In G-rdy, on -March 14th, I he wife of Mr.
W. W. narrisi; of a da ighter. I .
LOWE-InG.�v, on Idar-h 17t.h,th� wife of Mr.
John LoTe, of a daug itar. �
CLAhKE-In urqlton Ea3t, on March 18!li, the wife
of Mr. jsn,,es 11, Clarlic, of a daug),hter.
THOMPSON-At Fitr(lubar, on Marot 20th, the wife
of hir. Johu Thom pso, 1, of a son.
REILLY-South Edy, Stephen, on M rch 18th, ih,
wife of Mr. Wmi: G. RqIlly, of a dinghter.
PARK -On March 16th, Gasbei line, Stxnley, I lie
wife of Mr. John Paric, of a son. I
McCLINCHEY-On -gar(.b 1Gl;b,Goah(n line,Stanley,
. th3 wife c f Kr. David UcClinohe3 of a daughter.
TEBBUTT--la Goderich township, on March lith,
tho wife of Mr. A. Tebbubt, of a son,
McCONNELL-In Goderich, on Mar loth , the wife
I of Air. John McConnell, of a son. 1
-41-- �
! Marriages. .
WIVIER-GAUHAN-Ab the residence of the
bride's pirents, Hay on March 21 ob b * vRev, Mr.
Finkbeiner, Mr. f�(-ih Witmer, t� Miss Mary
Gidlitian, both of Ray �
WILWAMS-GOLLEY-z t St. Paul' rectory, WiNg.
hani, on Blarch 20th, by Rev, Win Lowe, assisted
by Rev. Rural Dean Hodging, of Seaforlih, Miss
m!nnie Golle,%, to Mr. Lutheir J. Willising, both
ofAforrio. , '
STRACIJAN�Af U RDOOHr-At Luckr ow, on , HArch
20th, by Rei. A. bfcK!sv, Mr. Jawes Strachan, of .
Toronto ' to Miss Kabe Murdooh, of Lucknow. -
DARLI NGL0',1JG LEY- kt the residence of the
� bride's parents, by Roe. A 13 Farney, on Marob
13th, Mr. Cykus to Darlifthr, of Manitoba, to
. Miss Annie: Urmome ,ongloy, d tughter of Mr,
Andrew L ley, of .1. owlek. I
LG�,�RSO',q-At the residence of the
bride's tithe , on Mi rch 13th, by Rev. W; T.
� Hall, of Arthur, Mr,J inioi Tayl) ' %to Billie Jennie,
daughter of Mr. Fln1 ty Anderec u, all of East
; I
WAWar]03b. � �
FEIAR-FORREST-lo h orrip on March 20th, by
Rev. D. Ro�er�, Mr. i arry'rear, to Miss Aguas
Forreit, all bf Morrig,l I
PERRIE-McNAIR-In Gircy, o M h thby Rev,
D. Parrie, of Nflogrh% i brothe of the glo�nl,
A8818t8d by Rev. D. B ,McRao, Cranbrook, Mr.
JOIA09 Porrib, to: Mis Jessie, d ughter of Mr.
James MoNqir. I
I. . 0 %
- D—eatlis.
JOTTSCIIALK I On March 1061 Lula, youngy(�)t
, child of Afr,�'and Mr�, D�i.vld �5'11tsohalk, of Zur-
itsh, -agod- 3 yoarv. I .
PARI( -At the Ociallicn lir e, Stanley, ori Nfiirch 20th
Annie W. blorriecin,imile of Mr. John H. lla,l�',
aged �8 yen; 9, 3 mop i h9 and 8 dD ys.
(�R.AJIAM-ln tanley ownsbip, )n March 19'u,h,
MIS. Williat Grahani agOJ 60 Y 3ars.
MURRAY-In . ondon, c n March 17W Julia Me-
Cowani wift or Mr. )avid Murray, formerly uf
13a .0 Gld, a �d 41 yoa,�P.
HARTiN-411 44 Wawitliosb, an Alin,re,li 19bb, John .
Martin ge�l 60 ye2raland 11 months. .
HAST,.Log-a Io Win1rharn, on March loth, Williain
llastlng,, agead 34 years, 2 nionths'and 10 days.
ivirEELENS-ln Turnberry, on Afarah 18th, Willistn
� N. Wheelans, aged 08 years and LO n,.onths.
811EPRE-RD-1 Goderlob township, on ,March 16tb,
Margaret.Forguaon, wifo of Mr. John Shepherd,
fixed 78 yen ro and 1"tipnth. ...
CLARK -In Cri ditoo, on Mar(h 18th, Jane Clark,
rellat Of t10 JAtO W11111MI Cl%rk, formerly of
- L'Bborno, iqed go ycars and 9 tronthe. . �
WILCOX-In Ext-tcr, or) March 18th, -Jane Tcuilln-
I . �
son I Wife ot AJr, IYAntel Wlycox, ffigea 70 �*ears-aridL
2 nio.06. I �
I - mmommommowm� I
i I
� � � .
To write for our new catalo ue it you are
!nterested ink' -the selection of he best school
in which to �rain for business ursuits. The -
Central BusiJoess College, To onto, employs
eleven regul�r teachers, owns 60 typewrit-
ina mach and u6es 20 sple did rooms -in
itW work. i'le" us cour0s are thorough aud
practical an its students and araduates are
in btrong de�and. ' Winter te r�i from Janu-
ary 2nd. Ebter any tillie after that date,
Vyfe also give splendid course, � i By Mail for
those who c�,nnot attend. our ,school. All
particulars cheerfully given. i - �
i .
Central I Business. 0011egb,
W. H. SH.kY7, Principal.
Yongo and Glief'rard ate., Toronto, -1586-62
t I
. I I
I �
! I
1: I -
tion on ea , halt of L)t 5, Huro i Road, T okeroralth, � '�- _,X I . �
It miles 0 26 of Scaft rth on E iturday, pril 18th, I . - �. i
1901, at I O'clock the followin roperty : -
�orse riZ , ,0�ears i Id, I ge ng . I .
Herses- .1 i 9 5 F, rising - - . .
tbred broken to barnijes, I geldi ig rising 'o. Cattle � 'I . I
rr _4 I A 16 1 14
I f
i :
I i -
. 1. i I I
'. Department,
151 .
- ww ne y oa ve owe, .,A w i year o his ors, a I � � . I . .1 - .
year o!d heifers, 1�1 os ves, 2 two year old steers. I �,
" Ift i : � . ) �X -
Implements -One W ner seed irill, L V rity plow i::5 0 i ; I I -
I . I I_ � I " �
nearly now 1 set dii ond h&rr(%Yo, 1,fa ning mill, . - . I " . 11 �- - � , I— -=1111111im- -�,, I
Clinton maU, I ect uble bari ese, I sob in . I I . � � I
glo har- - I ,� � .
noisr, I top buggy, I I mber w onj 1 ou er, 1 pair I .. i I --%==.. . - - - I
bobaleighs, I bay Yak , 1 root uIper, for 9 spades - - I I , I . I
- b I - � . �--- I I
shovels, whey arr , ohafne and a 10 of stna)l . : . !=-� - � . -
I I I I I :
�rtloleo, also about ti o dozen h ms. The whole will I t , , � ! I I � I
f. 1'.�* - i I
oeltively be sold aE the fir n has be n rented. � i �. . --),.. I Z=— -A- -�- .
�erms-Alll sums of * and ur der, cash ; over that I . I I � I -I . . �. I L
i - I I �. - I �
. I I . - 11 i .
avacunt 8 ruonth,' ori dit will be given -on ap roved -
n Old -S d I I . � .
p oh 1 son. Bros., an �
.., �
joint notes. A disco int of 6 gr cent. liar annum I . I e - I �
will be allowed for ca h on ere It amounts. RICH, I I I . 11 I , I 1�'F; I i . � , - 1� .
I I 1� I 1 .,.!fj i .
� . I I I ! ;
ARD 13ARRY, propr ' tor ; T110S. BROWN, acutian- I I I -L" - I I I I . 1-�, ", . I f 7
L � -f
I � .
eer. - 1737-3 - P, 1, 1. .", � -
, ; ` I
1, � f j
, - h: - . I �
- - i
. �� i":
I .
,� I . .. . I
I . ii
. . I .; ;
� �/ , , � ,�
� 11 It ,;;� --�, -- I -, J I
I �
. �& �� �1&11k.& -I . , j" .- ,,I ,� �
I I A I 1i � 5- I
I .
. � � ,� .
The Sa e o Sales. - il"Ivl -, I I . . 4� . 1 4-�� 1 ;
- �,
II - I . � I
. . . . . ,� � I I ... 1 " -� � - . "I I --! , .
I I- - - I - . . I 11 - .� �
. � I er big sale on Saturday, better and' bigger than ever. lEverybody C----- . � �
-.-,, � A I
�, Anoth i : - - �
i I . " - �,�
� . . z. �
� . . . I i - --- '-a
. I was �v,ell 0Y ,Will be ! I I �, t
. I
� -0eased last Saturday,, everybody who attends next Satur( . I , I I
,�, ,� -
� , i
- 11
You should attend ur after -moving 11, L and sqo for your- Our re � rkable disDlay of Spri Here is the whole story. We keep �, �7, -
.. ore than pleased. We have bargains yet in every line, cal � I I 1 n gy - Ya � -.1 �
- 1-� �
- . . -1 -1 I
I . g - ,
sale. Never before su h rare largains. Bel' Dress G66d;de�erves your -care ul in- - i the best clothing we can get. We do -: 1 -� .
. ves, , . � --1 -
-1 �' .
; . I 1. 1 11 it because we know it will, pay us to . ;,-,i .
spection. Wool tweeds, corr ct for I -_1 A
. z
�., -, 11 I
We have mov0d the balance of the . - . ` . ' I - We know that if 'a man comas . - � � ,�
separate skiets r fiuit.�, special or 50C � do it. . .
I : ,�
. .
I � �. Fll -1 .
Smith stock to be nor 11 co& r storet Housecleaning Want P � -' � I
e . � � .
I . . I � -- . � 'a I I � a yard.' I here and gets stylish, well-fitt"Ing, 00131- �. . I �
, 4 -
where we Will bu t ori our bargain, , I I . i . . . I :1 �
I .. rwo Sp I es of cbecked goods ! fortable clothing, lie ivill come again, .1 � I -
. . I . 11 7i
t i al 1� .� i i .
� I - ' I s I �
i ckage ee .1. ;
couriterl, ttd litughte it at I alf the Novo, the great paint cleaner, 20c bar for 15c. �: Alabastine �oc pa I �5c orlyard. I 1 We ask you to inspect our clothing for . -, �
; . I . , ? �
15 . at 60c an( I ' I -.7 -
I . . .-' -j ... I
� � �i
rig"white only 2c a 'ound. Sp- ing. See the styles, material and � '..'' i I
former prices Pqn CA811. Their �, is no for 40c. Kalsomine, 25c package for 20c. Pure Pa p S pecial ine 1 of broadcloths in all . : �
I I I 0 1 �z ., -i �
- I . � b 1; 4 -
- 20c a pound. Dark glue w 20c a pou d, now 16c , ; I :,- � �
� White glue was 25c, now shad t. i .� ; workmanship, Below we will mention �� . I -
� . -1 -
attraction -like ti at of belf internt, and allon. � ; . 1 a few special lines - I �- -� � � -
' a pound. Robertson's Ready Mixed Paint only $1 a I Theal atross'eloth in all light! shades r - :
- -
- I
- -
. I I -- -il
I I . I �
avin,, to you. - Now ig I . . I I i, ..J. -
I .
this mean8 big .� -0 I . ! for waists, I I I Slender men's Regent street suiti�, I -,�: �i I -
" � � r
U1 � :7;- _- I
. .
the timf), to 1) Y, when you can buy eSS ! Amazo ,Iotl� in All shadEs'at� 75c, � i I
. , �-. �
�� � .R
. .71 I -1
� - -
sh:)e . B Cleman Up Your, Har n Imade with double breasted vest, mili- �
8 §O cbea ). First crime, Airst oy It. teim goods, special 4nes of , tar cut coat, shaped trousers, sizes 34 : . .
� . I I I - In blac I I . -1 y I -1 Z �-
. � � I i
. I - � .� - " ,
'! -
� �71 �i . z
choice. ' . .- I - black matatasseo, at 75c, 80c, 8 c, 90c, , to 40, special value at $7.85. � I I -;:� 1, .
� ,
I I . - �--,i �,
- I ;
. - . 20c, Hiirness oil dre sing 2.5c �' 5. I ! - ' ,1 ;:: -1 I
- 11 arn 3sa Soap that- was 25c a tin is now I tin $1 and $1. . 7
1 Young men's Regent street suits in I 17
. . .i .
21 �, i A
� .� -
We carry the largesi stock ofl 17runks � in now 20c. Specia, I � ,i. 1. -. I. -
riow 20c. Allivator harness oil 40c, now 32c. Top dr�ssing 25c a ' I �ine 1 of English s k, all � , -- �11 � L
I , . two shadep, cut with a double breasbed . 1. 1� I
. -3 -i .
I -
� . .1 l.. ;
town, which 4e will 30c gia ite w'a'sh bowls for 24-c. 25c granite bowls fdr 20c. 20c gy'ranite wash shades, at 60c. � , A ... 3 I
and Valises in [ vest, shaped trousers, special at $9 1 1�,Tf 1,
� � �, , - I
. . for 6c. 40c gran 20a, 35 , ��,.� I ,
. �
give . I pric es on I or the 1� ext � 30 bowls I' ite covered jugs, white, 'a 0 a cyranite Cream jugs, Persian li,attein silks, dreeg lengths, I ' � �. ��'!
. , J ,
,specia 4 . Special values in men's Spring over- 1, -�9�
. f : "I :
. . special at 8, : -,.- ,4 -
I 00. , I .
� . -
days. I I white-, 24c. coats, dark Oxford rey, all -wool, ; �'1 T
. 9 :� , -1 -
� I
- �� at 78c. a Black pi�a d' soir, spec values, , �.- - �
----- .28 se is of Mrs. Pott's irons sold last week, a few more sets lei e ial ;
rigs, shrunk duck : , q I �
I �� �, ;
' � . �. .i ;
'9- cheviot finish silk faci i .
. I
Ekg whips only 4c (4ch. , will be fo iiiiid at 75c, $1, $1. 1( .25 i '' ; , �
,,t. Ohild's lithographed tin plates 3 for 5c. I I , $1 . E � -
1 -' : : interlining, special at $785. ! i - �; I
- I , ' 11
, -
Richardsion & Mcl nnis- I stoves gone during the past six days. A few more left to g � at foundry and $1, 5 1 i � .
1 9 Il I 1, �1
. . I - , i Special values in whip ,cord over- I 1--.A I
. I - I I
; Also spe`cia�l alues in taffeta benga- I i , :;,
I -1 , I -, i
. � prices aDd less. . I i � , coats at $6.65 and $7.85.' . �� --1 A
. t -
." - d ;
Seaf8rth, Ont. 14 quart strainer pails 50c now 40c. 14 quart tini pails 25c now 16c. 10 line, gros -#Iainand armour, � � -.t�91 -.
� . � z .
� I .i � �.t .
. I . � - I
. . . " Ft -
. quart tin Is 2@c now 14c. 5 ( uart tin pails I be noNV 9c, Daisy �and Butter- New witsh goods to hand in muslins, i - � -.- �
— , ai � . I ; I �� - -
� I I I 1, .
I urns at a big bargain. A -few more of those 3dc Ian teTns 'of t. $3.50 in colored �nd vi,hite. I � N/ I � 2,-� 1 . -
.. I
�4.1i -
� cup ell I I ,L 1, �i - I
I ! -4 - !J i
Distance h s no Limit. - clothes wringers for $2.65. . I Special 14'ne fancy stripe muslins at %. . I : � 1.
� I I ,�
� � -7i �
I 1 ; - �? �
If you ha e tel phone ser ,rice, any a special sale of Graniteware on Wetlnbsday next, Joe 13cl `14c Hc, 19c, 20c anj 30c, 1 A ::.- .
� 'We purpose giving - . I I ; A I
is - ,; I
I I i- - .
distance -ii to 1,500 miles may be � � - Q --
. April 3rd, in order to ease off our Saturday's business. as we are unable -to -give Special line silver sultana at ', 5e. J I,- t" �
� I -
I bridged in a fev; seconds. Trains . 1� , 4 .
I -our windows thB first of -the I � I �-! �
. our customers thp attention they �equire. Watch . Special line silver ail-verta a 25c, � r -4 �
may be o4rtakon, messageE alread I - � . I " '. � -
y : - .1 :1 �
I A �. 1� .
I . 4 :� �
on the wal antici ated, and the very week for special Wednesday snaps, I � - I I "; I
_ i Jft4 - �
- ; - . �i � I 1i
I I . ; I
. sun outstri )ped. . Oall and lot us 6gure with you on nails and all kinds of fence1wire. I I . .10 I .1
' I � �i j
I I I f, -� -,
THE BELL TI LEPHONS CONIPANY Sarni t- pr* hite coal oil same price as common oil only I �' )c a gallon. I . �,, � A
I :,
I . i
. . ime w � 1, . I / Z �
I U -
. I � �
OF CANIXA. 1 4� � Ladies" Departm nt, I � 0 - . �:�i: �
. I . !I i � ,
. � I
- I . 7 � 1-11.
- . � I ?%-^ I 0. : I
#*###"##*"***###"##"#, . � I 1� :�
� I I . 0( 'r", �
ft. . !, i
. I A . .0-tz ri :1
J - i I .
Winthrop! Cheese Factory. . . i � � , 0 � .
-4%----F-1-` . ; I- .
1. -� ;
I �
. I I '? ;
. � , III ; W W i I
I Cam: '. �, �� i . �
! �, . . �
.. I - f '%,&�". i � " I
A meetl for sellir g the whey of the Winthrop - MW P fo , C shn � I I , . al .
Ou Terms Chea r � - r � -'�
. I �
,0heeae FAIncio'ry will )e hold in the factory on Mon I � ... . ; 11:1 I
� t :� ;1 'I ;�
� �: ; �
I � I �
I .
d wl"'ll lease I I I - I % IT 1.1
day,Aprillist, at,1:0. All interesto I � - .C, � .�
a( � , - I ; �Z
I ?, . ".
- - 1� I
take notice and g t emeelves cordr,gly. . - ----- , ! � I .:.A ---t '� :. 1.
JANA KE 1737xl I I - �' I- I �
RR, Seor I : 1. - �;
� , z
,-- . — I '��, -
I 1! " r � I
. � - I N , . , 1-1
,:jgq wll,�& .. ,
- I 0 1 � r . - � 11
� - � . .
- . - . -C& cl� % .; I -
I . I . I
-x & . Pl I , I , : -1
" 11. %� — - � �
11'.�'11 I
, -
. X . I - I P- 1: - -�
. . 7 - - " I-
. . 1 , .. --.., ql .t
. ; I
� � i . . 11
� I . -4 I
L- � - . . - � I I . 1. � I i--� -. I
. , � i �� � :i -
1-1 .
I -
I I . �F,t
. . f- 1,4
� 4 1 . -4 � . ,
BIND - PNE. . . : -1 I
. . ; - �.J
I V% 11 i . �- 11
. --
I F � � ,d I ��
= up � -, I
I lan"'d � 'milmho ' ; -11 ,��.�
.NTTIL f arther not icb, Bluder Twine ,vi il be sold : I I . I
� I
at the Hingsto 3 Penitentiary to firiners, in-, . I I r � I I
U I i I i . I 11 . I . : �
OU011 QU&ntit Mae Ing , be aceired, for ca in on Uc.
livery, at the.followl rr , , prices :-
Beaver I 8J cents er pound.
Sisal i 7 , " . , :
Now Zealand 11 11
Monarch 81, .1 1:
Pure Manila, (660 feel, to . 10 I .", A$ 4 � 41 ..
pound) . .
Address 9,11 comm.1 31cationg, with renilttr�noes, to
J, M. PLAri, W ,don Fe.nitentlary, Kingston,
Ontario. � I I
Papers Inserting %ii notioe, without authority
froni tho King's Prin ;" will r otbe paid the'refor.
Kintnton, Mar, 20 190). i 1 1737.2
1 0 1 1 .
- � - - � I .,
.1 .
I .
E M P O .IU M,
. I
J, Landsbor.011gh
Furnituile. o all inds
At live and let ive prices. U.)holster-
ing done .and E tisfaetion in Every re-,
spect. . I-)ict-ure framing neat and chea J!
. p 1.
New Williams ; ewin 7 machine always
on hand. No trav011ing age -its, and,
' ' 0
no high pricea Goods deliNered in
,town.and.country fre3. of obarg3. - .
Underta dn' I I
I . .1 partment.
We have a Ilarge nd varied assort-
ment from whii 1i to choose in time of
I need, at pKi�es [hat Have been a. matter
of agreeablb�isuli� nise to all w io have
dealt with us. � Two fine he irses on
handforsurhm,rand winter us�. Night
calls at' Mr. Lobdebyrough's residence, �
comer cottarre in, rear of Dominion
Bank, will be promr.tily responded to.
� . g . I �
. . . .
. ; . I !, I
. � . � There are many things in our Ur I '..
I I AL I ; ^ C) rl 11
. � -
I . i - . JAL . I .) — st6ck of boys' clothing that will appeal I - I
Im I, brlth I I � I - ,. I
I i .
0111 ton - W , a a) a vtr�l . M1, I strongly to mothers in this vicinity. ; � -
II , � � . - I . �, .-
. I . i ; I I I
I 616'"t 1�� I I - � - -
!"!, I 4 : �- -
� . i I . . . - The most casual inspection will cou- � � �,
� - � . � - - . � 7. � -
--- -1 . . ; .
. I � - Vince you that we have been energetie. 1. . -,,
. I I I , is � I
; �1 � � . I - � -1. .
I 4 � � - .
. . I I a well as conEcientious in OUT affioTf, I -!
i . I This is Jhe 8�ieason mostly all women a . . ; �
I . - 1� -
. I ;
� - , i Fact to secure the best .stock we ey,er I . 1. -
are tbinki. ng i c f Shitt Waiste, - � 4 � i'� - I
I . . .
� i a- �', .
. 1� r
� 1 ` p
I ; . - I I
orm almdem y --- , that no otber garment brought to this town, I I �
I 11 f . Iz
- :
. . . I invented for wcm:en is as con fortable , Special values in bo s' viesty suiti, . . � I
, y -- I . -
I . �
I . I . , '- i or becoming 1 sensible as the shirt � for boys Irom 4 to 6 ye'ars old; special : -4 . � �
� I I
. I -
� . I I I
e I i -. I
11, d - (sp - - ed) waist. - s or value at $2.25, $2,75, $3 and $4, 4 .
Beaver 'Bran iecially concen, rat our stock.
", -
I I . . � . 11 Special al16 in calico shi -t waist, I -1 �
- �. � � . - Our now bats to hand in all tljf- 1 17
. I I .
I � .
I � , .
�� �
ft I o 40,.at � latest styles in .soft andstiff. - 1� - I
: r Pi pared expressly for destr ying 8 ut a8sorted d lors, sizes from 321�1 ;1 �
- �
. I . -i
. I i - 50c. Alk ri;iiises' waists, fr ni size I I '. I �
. - ms in- Seed Grain. � � .1 I
. Ger � � I - I - - ;
I L i r
, . � 1--ij to 13, at 5 ceach. I � J, I I
. I I .
. I . , . I .
I � , 7 � I
I I � i �
- I ists in wid . �
. - Print v e stripe variety : ��-i � I
I +!.I.+++++++4-1-�+-I-P++++.H-P.i-i-l+ � i - I :
. vi �
� . � rtment. � 1. .
. - �� �
of colors ; vll,siz�s, at 75c. Carpet Depa' i i
.. -
i !; .
i � . I �
. This a ticle was thoroughly tested last year by st ch farinelis as R, B. Me- Special: ine� Gf tucW calic) waists . . .�'. i
11 . .� �
Lea,ii, Alex Grant, Whi.-El oat, Geo. Black, Geo. Gr1Y, and M4 y, others. It ; . . . -� - �
4 �
c in 'polka lot, and stripes, variety of , A few more i.,arpet end -i left -35 . . ? �
proved an nq alified success. It costs les.4 than 2c 1 r acre to treat your seed, � i
. _71 :
U I p colors, all izes, at 90c each. I union ends at 15c, and 50 wool cnik ; � " . �
and the proccss is little trouble ; full directions printed on each bot,t1c. A 45 . . I � . .
c - i 7
I I -
. I � �
bAtle will. treat from 0'to 50 bushels ; a 75c bottlew .11 treat frorl� 80 to 100 Special line; o,f colored musli waists, at 30c. - 1� -1 . �
. �
- :;. �- �
. , � w I
white yoke, va iety of color.q, all sizes .
bushels, If yoti, want to use it this Spring, place yc,Lir order w�.thout delay. I I I Several odd licts of lace curtabi.,i � I
. ;
I � '' I
I � I , I :
It , ,, t at $1 each. ; � at -reat refictions. Ais-o our, . � �. . � .
it I � .
This 'is inip)rtant, and see -that you! get beaver brand" fornialdehyde, and no � clearing , � .1 � -. -
I ;
I l- k �
. . Speciali ine' )f white lawn waists, new lace curtains to hand. ranging III 1 �.,
some weakdr solution made for othez purposes. I � I ; . . -1 �
; I
I - ughout this )art of thei country, we � I
. For th� convenience of farmers .thro .. - fine tucki' g,, all sizes, at 81 ea -,h. Also. price from 25d to $8. 1 -r �� �
I I �
have authD�ized a number of merchants to receive orde,s, wbere we will deliver, a special line. of. white muslin, with - f
I r
free of cairia.ge same as if bomflit at our store. If your dealer has not a sample insertion 4 ohisteriof tucks, at 811-25. -1 . .
$ n i, I 1. I
of 41 'beavi �4. brand " with directions to show you, order direct from Special ine of white organdie waists, . . I I
. ! - . I . I i i Mantle Department. I � .1 -
.- i - with shell tucking and hem� �titching, �
. . . ' I
- ][:Lj SON at $1. , 5 each I -
. " , � I
; �3
� . Special line of White organdi� waists, Large rango of tailor-:oa-le coBtumes . �
A�LEX. . W I � with hem�titched and cluster 'of shell to band. Owing to the great su,cec,,,.3 � I .
I .
I I I .-
� � � . � - tucking, l6ek and front, at $2.�O. ..tailor made garments have met with, ; .�
� .
I . ID 1:::U) -CT Gr Or I S rT . i I lof lack or- we have found it necesp-Luy to greatly �.
. . I Special t line I white, and b .
NEXT DOOR NORTH OF PICKARD-8, i' � gandie w �ists, )vith 0 ur stook, We are z,howing.t - � I I .
� . fine .tuckin, and increase o - ' -) .
. I . It much larger assortmen in costirnif,s,
. I � valencien�'Ies insertion back and froi , ' �
. J � jackets, capes and skirt!�. I
I I � at $3190 d'ach. . � -
I . �
. Special C -a . �
� I Special � values iii I adies' wr ppers in line of Sprinr- - ts to baii,], . ..,
. � I
. I I -1
I .
I - � S 0 Tj 3 F-3 A Gr3� 92- red and avy blue with new stripe, 11 shades, at 8-5, .
2 .., a --
. ! .
I I . — I - Tailor-made coatumfte�,,.J.L $5,75 t, -j
i - . at 85c an3 $1.10 each. Also special: � i . - -
� I ' E0 I line with frill on skirt, at 181.4 8 each, $20.90. . - �
TENDERS WANT - 11 I . � I . - - .� 1,
I STEP EN LAMB, - ------.---------- . .......... ------ I ;-1.-=,:=11=--" -.;.;! � .- .1 I -
Tender$ wl be recolved b)- the counell Of the ' � i ��t - �
Township Of jgy,up to Monday IN 8th day of AI)TH, Wholeoal and RetailDealer in � � . I
1901, for the ,onstluotion of the following drainagel Lumber, Lat Shingles.1 -Cedar Post " 1p I& & Coo DIREOT - . .
works: Rae and W(8t; Bianchos South 7560 cubic I . '
yards, East I rancif Noith lao2o cubic yards; We6t, nd Timber'l s Wife �PKK AbBy IMP 0 RTERS �
12077 cubic yards. Tendero must bo ' Milo i I
Branch Sort k to of the beat uality of He ok � .
so parate for .... h Branch. Plans and Profiles may our luu)ber 00 r . �
be seen at thi 3 office of ihe'underftned. satisfac- and Pine, manufacture . Any amount of I ' I . � � �
re required to be furnished by the eon- Red Cedar IZI always on d. Bd% 0ang )P�001te Buildin , Comer XsW tAd Muket Sta,, Seaforth. I - ��
your blue, yo wl be sure to e them fiHe willille ( , Towu . �
�Ioh, March 18th, 1901. FRED BESS, I
tor )�Clorki,, 278D.3 thOtOrIll -- rich stroot it, . 1.711-tt I � . - . �
0"I"I"'I" - - I , I i . I
air., lownshil I . I I I
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