HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-03-29, Page 3=ma is a ropg itam„ ant. 4 of rish- ,Oria d ates ting en's children Lacy pre._ ren, eY. Y mu- "itore want it 'ad grey ;it!, x s. You if you and see vtd hie de f it >uy es t,.. sts, EC,. ,h[ PI extend- - x 0 -to- - a s ana if rne a 1 -L -e ate) LI and Cloth lly re • as it O the dren. LOCK Week& ' 7.087-52. MARCH 29. 1901 Mill°1111111111111"1' IMPORTANT NOTIOM. ROAR POSTS FOR SALE. -For sale at Bayfield, 10,000 cedar posts. Round posts, 5 loch top up &et ss feet long, 12e each. Apply to JAMES THOMPSON, Boylleld, or to GEORGE TURNER, Brucetiold. 1785 if SED OATS FOR SALE -For sale a limited quan- tity of New Danish White Oats. These (Ate yield abundantly both in straveand grain and will be *deist 500 a bushel. Addrees Moses Geiger, Zerich Ontetio, or call at Lot 28, Concession 13, Hay. 034x4 •••••••••••••• R SALE OR TO LET. -Lot 10, Range 0, in the village of Mayfield, containing 20 acres. On this property lea goz,d frame barn and tnisti orchard. For patticulare apply to W. A, MORRISON, 118 Maple Street, Lel:don. 178.7 11,0KBE AND RIGS FOR SALE. -For sale one good, gentle ladies' driver; also one good t3p buggy, Devereauxls make, run lois than a year, a good cutter, a set of good light harnese and a goY1 buffalo robe. Going at a bargain. Apply to JAMES rtAtOILL, Egtuondville. 173241 TARN TO RENT. -Te rent, west half at Lot BO, conotwoi, if, and west half Lot 28, Concession 4.n. B. S. Tuckeremith, containing 100 sores, 85 acres cleared and in a pod state cf cultivation. Good house, barn, stables and ogler outbuildings. This lean excellent, farm and will be rented for a term of years, Apply t JAMES SWAN, Bruoefield, or to BORT. MeCARTNET. 1734x4 -VARA' TO RENT. -To rent for a term of years, Lot 1, Concession II, IL_ R. S., Tuokermnith, containing 100 acres, 90 acre, cleared, the balance in. good bush, eso 14 acmes of fall wheat. The land is in a geed state of cultivation, is well underdrained and well fenced, has a good frame house and good out- buildings. It is convenient to school, is l miles /rem Chieelburst P. 0., and if miles horn Seaforth. possession can be had at any time. For particulars apply on the premises or address -Chiselhurst P. 0. WILLIAM SINCLAIR, Brookside Farm. 1786)(3 - FOR SALE. 'DULLS FOR SALE. -For sale, a number elf _up thoroughbred Shorthorn imported and Canadi- an tuns from 10 months to 2 years of age. Apoly at Riverside Stock Farm, Usborne, or address Exeter P.O. THOS. RUSSELL. 1736-tf WDULL FOR SALE. -For sale, a thoroughbred Dur- ham ham bull, eleven months old, mostly red in color; he is firet-ola,ss in every respect. Apply on Lot 31, Concession 2, L R. S., Tuokersmith, or ad- dress Bruceffeld P. 0. ALEX. GRAY, 1731 -ti DCRAM( BULLS FOR SALE -For sae four thoroughbred Durham bulls, ranging from ten months to two years old. All red color and first class animels. Apply on Lot 26, Concessigel 4, Tuoker- smith, or address Seaforth P. 0. HERBERT ORICH. 1731 tr 1L,OR SALE. -Registered Shorthorn Bulls from 10 r to IS menthe cf Scotch and pure Scotch breed- ing, geed colors, and big, thick smooth, stylil,bulle, also a number of eowe and heifers, all at ver mod- erate prices and easy terrine. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ontario, 1(85 -ti Tel CLLS FOR SA.LE.-The undersigned have for sale two thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls, 'eligible for registration. Both red in color and aged 1.0 and 15 months. These are excellent animals. A. & J. BROADFOOT, Lot 21, Concassion 4, H. R. STuck- eremith, Seaforth P. 0. 435-tf rytHORO BRED STOCK FOR SALE -The under - 1_ signed has for sale on his stock farm, lot 3), i. oncession 6, Uabornee five thoro bred registered bulle from the best strains and ranging from ten months old, up, one being 4 years old and; a very superior animal. Four are red in color and cam roan. Al 8 • :o a nureoer or cows ana ileums, ehner iLl ,,e recentlY calved. These are all pure bed recommended. If desirable an exchangej .de for etoek eteers. THOMAS CUDMORE, a P. 0. 1 1.21J.i i an will 1 Hurol 20-tf AUCTIONEERS. ellOMAS BROWN, L Counties of Huron M. Campbell's implensent LK EXPOSITOR Office, will tisfaction guaranteed or ceased Auctioneer and Perth. Orders warerooms, Seaferth, receive prompt attirentim no charge. 1. or ti left i c C8-tf k UCTIONEBRING.-13. Auctioneer for the rth. Being a practical ideretanding the value ants, team me In a better tees. Charges moderate. no pay. All orders left Lot I'S, Concession ended to. S. Phillips, Limpet counties of Huren farmer and thoeoughl of farm stock and position to realize Satisfaction gua at Hensall post aii 2, Hay, will be prompt 1709 au impl goc antee Ice ( -ti STOCK FOR SERVICE. 10 STOCK BREEDERS. New Year's Gift, has Smillie'e to the premises will be kept until further _ .... -Our Shorthoms But been _removed froM Mr. of the undersigned, whe; notice in these ecilumn ha are dal Pr Ui co pr or at it Y. Cs 1, A re b. 1)18 FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep i for service on Lot 16. Concession 2, Hay, a thoroughbred improved Berkshire hog, 1 year old. Terms $1 payable at time of service, if charge $1.60. JOHN ELDER. .1 28-tf po PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep i on Lot 26, Concession 5, L. K. S., Tuckeesnah, a thoroughbred TAMwORTH Pee, also a th rough - bred YORKSHIRE Pie. A limited number of s we will be admitted to each. Terms; $1, payable at tie time of service, or $1.50 if charged. JAMES GE MILL. 1908-62 --weeeeeeeeeasSag--- rms.. 11492•11aa. J • 1111 )(4, 1;- / ,,• •• • 1, MI 1 t..• • Our direct connections will save you time and money for all points. Canadian North Wrest Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. ' ' Our rates are the lowest. We hay them so suit everybody and PULLMAN lt,'OUR- 1ST CARS for your a000mmodationl Call - rote -fur' her information. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stat one as ;mice Weal.- SEAPORTH. LINTON. Paaeenger 12.40 P. M. 12 66 P. le Passenger . • 10.12 P. M. 10. 7 P. M. Mixed Train.. ,. 9.20 A. M. -10. 6 A. M. Mixed Train...-. 0.• 8.15 P. M. 7 06 P. M GOING EAST- , ; Passenger.. .. .... 7.63 A. M. 7 38 A.M. Pessenger- .. 8.11 P. M. !fixed Train.... _ 4.40 P.M. 4.25 P. al. Wellington, Grey and Brt4ce. ; Goma NORM-- • Passenger. Mixed. Ethel 8.07 r. se 1140 P. le. Brussels.. .. 3.17 e.10 Bluevale.. .. 8.27 VVinzham.-. - 8.38 8.25 GOING Sou'rn-- Passenger. Mixed. Winghani . . ...... 6.53 A. U. 81.55 A.m. Bluevale .. ...... 7.02 .17 Brueeels-e. ...... .. 7.18 .45 Ethel... ...... - ..... ... 7.28 1.02 London, Huron and BM e. CIOINC. NORTH-- Peieerlger. London, depart 8.16 A.M. 4.40 rat Centralia 9.18 6.55 Exeter. 9.80 5.0 Homan- ........... ..... 9.44 0.1 Kippen...... • ......... .. 9.50 5.25 Brumfield. . 9.68 6.33 Clinton.. _ _ ._ 10.16 6.66 Londesboro - .-. .... 10.33 7.14 Blythe. 10.41 7.28 Belgrave. . .. 10.56 7.37 Wingham arrive."... 11.10 18.00 i.401NO SOurn- raese ger. Wingham, depart.... 6.53 A.m. .15 P. n Belgreve ........ •-• . 7.01 5.40 Blyth. ... . ... ...... 7.14 .65 7.22 .06 Clinton. . • . • • 7.47 4.25 Breeefield 8.05 4.49 Kippen- .. 8.15 4.57 Herman.- • .. - 8.22 6.02 Exeter .. 8,86 6.14 Centralia- - . . .... . . - 8.46 5.23 London, (arrive).... . . .. . 9.37 A. U. 6.12 Londeeboro• • •• .• • • •,•• • • • • Store o !lent. One of the nicest stores in Seaforth and suitable for air( ost any busineas. Dwelling above, beet part of the town. For further particulars apply to M. JORDAN, Seaforth. z _ 1736-2 Seed Grain For Sle Ty, o cars of seed peas no bugs, from Owen Sound. j'our Ueda of choice oa s, barley and goose wheat. , quant1t,‘ of feeding ern at all times. Iise111for tesh or exchange for an' kind of grain. n some k, .ases from 2 to 9 mon s time can be had I desired. >rive right to our ware ouse at the railway station. W. FL PERRIN, Clint n, Out. 173514 417, THE HURON EXPOSITOR• • SOCIAL DUTY. ' The doorbell rings, The eortanswings, y lady conies a -calling, In velvet. dressed, - Her veil close pressed; . he formal talk's appalling. The style, be day,, , The church, the play- ' hatevcr line she armies. Ten minutes paii; She says, "Alas, , Imo and off dances.. - No real word said I From heart or head, o thought to live in beauty. Her list she checks; What name's the next7 he's doing social duty'. -Lydia A Coonley Ward in Wo an'st Home Com- panion.* AIR AND CHAR CTER. Rome o . the Things a Barber Claims , to Have !toile d. • Did aim ever • notice t tat people '' of very vi. lent :teTper lh ave always .close growing hair? It is a f et that every man ha dug close growin hair . is the . owner o a decidedly bad temper. It is easy en. ugh for me to no eat .a glance 1 how a an's ha'r grows. Then I know -how to handle him. . Men oif strOng temper are generally vigorous, but atthe same time they are - not alwaYs fixedI in their opinions. Now, OA man with ;oars° haii: is rooted to his prejudices. ;Coarse -hair denotes Ob- stinacy.- It is net good bu iness.policy to oppose a man whose hair is coarse. The eccentric man has always. fine hair, and . ' you neve saw 4- man of rratic tendon-- cies who at the same tim had a sound mind whet was not refined if his tastes. Fair .hair indicates re dement. You . may ha'e noticed that m n engaged in. intellectu 1 or e, pecially 1 resthetic pur- suits, vhere d licacy is equired, have invaria ly fine, 1 xuriarit h ir and beards. The saeemen, as a cla s, particularly' painter' ee.4.-e al 'aye remit kable for their persbeel peculia -ilies. The brilliant, sprightly eliow has gen- erally e curly b ard. If ot, his hair is curly. :les ens to bring a smile to the., face of the man whose hai is curly. Ho ; laughs where c Icier natutes see nothing to laugh at. There is a reat diffe.ence 'between coarse hair aid hail' tat is harsh, though it requires an exert to distin- guish it. For eXaMple, a an's mustache may be as fine rta eilk 'an yet cannot be trained to grow into a raceful curve., That's because the hair li harsh. Now, people whose hair is heirs have amiable but cold natures. • They' er -always ready to listen, but it is' difficult to arouse their feelings. In .men of this disposition the hair of their heads is gen-rally--in fact, almost alwaya-ot a shall e darker then their beards. When thei beard is full, , covering the entire face, 1.1 e color varies from a dark shade near ti e roots to red, which' colors the ends of 1.4 e hair.- These Men have very rarely a good memory. They forget easily and oft releave a cane or an overcoat behind the in the barber shop: They are great time estieators and are bad at keeping appoii nients. • Think over your acqt aintances and see if the' naa.n. who is hab eelly slow has not a mustache or bear i etsf a - lighter shade- .than his hair. Ifs always the case. These are, the' me' who. come in late at the theater and ge to the -station just in time to miss the rain. -Scottish American:. ' • ' I Betting in Ch • "I , dont believe in ti chapel attendance at se leges," a young college heard to temark to a igrou other day. "I know w scho,o1 there was More g the students during one , than there was at half games. They didn't post the hymns, you know,'an to bet on whether they'd . The chances were about holiday services. Then, a. sing 'America,' which wa backers of even numbers odds. I: cleared what s fortune one Washington's 'the preacher upset the tee! one. • "They don't play the game as much as they used to. A year or so' after I left certain unscrupelous fello s, got friendly with the organist and worked him for inside information before serVices. As $0013 as this -leaked out, the better class of studeets quit playing the game. You would think that a church game ought to be on the level if anything is. But you never can tell, you ee." pel. - is em.pulsory obis and col - graduate was of friends the en I . was at mbling among• church service a dozen ball he numbers Of the boys used e odd or even. qual except at they'd usuallY No. 554, the ad to give long Tined a small birthday when ni with au odd . Toole Kept Cool. J. L. Topic was once -acting in London, when one of his company/ failed to come in answer to his cup. Amazed at his non- appearance, Toole commenced to gag, and then repeated the last line of the original scrip with great 'emphasis. Still no actor. So, turning to the house, he remarked coolly, "As my friend does not seem in the slightest way anxious to turn np,rl will, with your kind perenis- sion,.sit down and rest awhile." - Then, amid the roar of laughter which followed the speech, Toole calmly took a chair and seated himself. A sec- ond later the tardy actor dashedron to the stage, taking up the cue, now long gone by, with the words, "I we. detained"e-- "Thou sayest not so," lemarked Toole gravely, rising.- "I shOuid never' have thought it. Well, since yo aro here, we'll continue." Mohammeda a. The " humber. of Mob mmedans ha been eetimated at 196,501,000. Of these 18,000,000 are under *the rule of the Turkish government, 23,0 -by other Mussulman sov 000 are subject to Afric, 00000 live in China, and under other rulers. Of t 58,000,090 belong in In chits{ a a. : 0,000 are ruled reigns, 30,500,- n princes, 20,- 99,000,000, are ese last about 'ia and Bain - No the World Con She- )o you mean to • man could exp ct to be ha ceited wife? He Oie cot rse; a wouidn'i put n all her about hisnaeeE. change. hination. tell me that a xpy-with a con- onceited wife time bothering at Last. "Havoq yen ever love before?" asked,- gazing at him tenderly. racing young e starts. . 'Rut lh • shC "Oh, man. this is yes," replied th I've held four fal e sure go now. It is known.from Arabi n sources that Egyptas onae free fro plague for at least 3.0 years ASSAY THE MELTIN FFICE WORK. AND REFIN NO OF GOLD ND 'SILVER. Any One Mn*Take the P eclat** Met. ale, Even Plated Wa e, to Uncle Sam's Shop and Have em Treat- ed at Smal Ex ease. Anybody c the assay ofE WO and ha paying a s ware may be and the gold from the dreg n to e gold nd silver t' e in lots of ot less th e it melted r refined b all harge. Even plate aken to Uncle Sam's shop , or si ver will be separate and its value, less the n - essary• charge:, ret rued to the owner. ;Where ther is ti especial artistic val e - in the old ph te it is wise, from a bust- LIOSE3 standpoi t, t melt it before selling it. Dealers in Old late buy it for its bul- lion value on y. They belts expert, can tell what this vain is, and f they benot exactly hone:'t' Illi lit get uch the befit of the bargai . Bit when 1 is melted in the assay otll e eaclli bar is tamped wl h t the exact we ght a d finen ss, so that a child might t ke it to mark +. and get ii s value. Not old pla lug 'pots of U dreds of sets er left -the melted up. been made • have gone on way to realiz and reform, do this remel ernment does much of it t is ever lost t More than 3,000 person are buried on- etaally in the paupers' ce etery of 13erlin. - • Working 24 Hou s a Day.= There' no rest for th tireless little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Mil- lionir are lways busy, curl ig Torpid Liver, Jaundice; Biliousness, '& or and Ague. They ba ish Sick Headach drive out Mal- aria. ever gripe or - 'eaken. Small, taste nic work wonders. ry them. 25e at Feaes drag store. e alone goes nto the melt- cle Sam. Ev ry year bum- f silv kware hat have nev- mann acturer s hands are w hese are wa es that have exce s of th demand and of fa lion, s that the best on t em is t remelt thole hem. Some anufacturers ' jug th mselYe , but the goy - It wel and c eaply,,so gets I hay do. 'hue, n bit of silver own att.,- .the w rid, an bat ered old relics may appear temorro Thei pills ours diseases and dis- orders sing from weak heart, worn out nerves or watery blood, such as Palpita- tion, Sp Beats, Throbbing, Smothering, DizzinOs , Weak or Faint Spells, Anaemia, Nervoup Genera They and blo renewin tissues o esti, Sleeplessness, Brain Fag, ebility and Leek of Vitality. re a true heart tonic, netye food d enricher, building ip and all the worsi out and wasted the body and restoring perfect $1.25, health.' Price 50o. a box, or 8 fo at all dr ggists. • • chased new design. made over and ovek into until thatilly eaten, ao is ol itely. over and over indeti All the silver or g owner is. known as handled separately Idmeblit.°. p to t refining process begins. take it away before' it is r take the identical metal he fining- is done in holes and if an owner wants tel must surrender hisi impur receive in relined mtal th tests st.shave shown t exist h The 1ndting fern ces or o'clock to 4 c aily. "he fue by a blast. o mel silver degrees F.; . o melt gold, Tide heat wi I turn the me in 75 minute One Puma 25,000 ounce, of gold in a silver. Molt u silver looks heavy with. sugar sirup, tokay. Eaci has an inde appearance -.which more of the obseryer oul beca appreciate the extreme val as it is pouted like water to mold. The ordinary size of a building (prick. 'the inner surface highly smeared wito sweet lard. flood falls ii to it the lar flame grid ceps on bur metal has e rne ,to rest, wall of fire bout it. The ing lard Is trong in the while a mel is tbeing pou -mold when all will, hold eilver or 30 of gold. Th to stand in tjhe molls but the linstant t is h rd en alone it is tuned out on to At first it i a deei red, coels and tte unies i weight end nenes the bricks leeve thi Perhaps the mos however, is that of method is to put go welting pot in th parts of ..sit er to Poured off into broa leave it whe cold i a foot Bourne and thick and pe eneatet - These pla es are floer, where they ar in great pots filled There are t n of t they, are k pt ' bu 9,000.pound of aci -daily. this boiling room the ft ; driven_ froth the priecious your threat and make . cough, but the men who been years at it, and they s is excellent. . When the boiling' proc It is found that the acid h of the. metal but the gold. as Meal in the bottom of silver and g •oss me als bei pension. Tije liqui is si run to the fl .or bel w, wh to great copper line vats. copper are Put into it. He forced into i. Gra welly t solution is 1eposit d on t sides of th4 vats in a place in the .solutioil being per, until a'ai the silver h ited. . 'The' liquk en' chafe of from the si This sulpha ;.vats on the ee ending fox into which: In e egantly old candy Di ew caramels silver made • ght in by one Each melt is e moment the f the owner fined, he will brought. Re - le quantities, ned metal he bullion and quantity the in the gross run from 8 is gas, aided it takes 1,300 ,500 degrees. al into liquid e will run off ay or 5,000 of like weak tea gold like .old uite, ethereal hat nay rea ly exist, but kebab y exist- in the mind se he tries to e of the liquid from furnace old is of the It is of steel, polished and As the rich springs into lug after the, eking a tittle odor of burn - furnace room ed off. Each )00 ounces of metal is left moment, for ugh to stand a metal table. hen gradually s proper color. The atnped before are s table. inter, sting process, refining. The usual d and ilver into one prop rtion of two ne of old. This is , shallow molds that the sl ape of wattles • guar er of an inch with -ound holes. . hoiste 1 to the fifth boile for six houre with ulphuric acid. ese bo ling pots, and y, co sinning' ebout As you enter Ines that are porridge sting ou gasp and ork here have y their health,. ss is finished, s eaten up all The gold lies the pots, the g held in sus - honed off and re it is. put in - Plates of pure - e hot steam is e silver in the e bottom and bite meal, its taken by cop- s been depos- siphotIted from the gold is silver. Now it is- siphoned lver a sulphate of copper. te of c pper is run now into floor- b 'low, Where it is left five d ys in inc lined vats strips f 'pure zinc are sus- pended. The copp r in the liquid crys- tallizes on the st Ips of zinc as bluo 'vitriol. The first Of these crystailt are weak and dull; and th .y are i ade into a second so- lution, a-fte which. they feem crystals of n blue so erillian that it delights the eye and se eats to beautiful to be the deadly pdis n that it is. This blue vitriol is sold .for 1/2 cents a pound for making electric bat dries. It can be reduced back to the orig nal copper, but the govern- ment has net room to handle it and finds it simpler t sell it and buy fresh copper. There is still 1 per cent of copper in the liquid, bosh as lead and any other gross metals that might have been in the origi- mil plate or gold dust. This liquid is sold to manufanturers, who make out of it -copperas, peels green or fertilizer. Thus every Iota o the original mess is account- ed for. If t ere be not too much dregs in the metal -tlhe 'Si1V2r and gold meal left behind is -v; .ry pure. The gold and silver 'can be ren ixed and re -refined over and over until ractically pure. They are sel- dom made niose hen 999- pure. • IW re Power faeeded. _ Minister I think we should have con- gregational! singing. Organist-1-Tbm we must have a new non. so" n" isn't powerful enough to arown thei voices," MARRI GE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE' 'HUHU EXPOSITOR OFFICE BIllAli'ORTH, ONTARIO. NG WITNESSES REQUIRED, POST meet al ones. A full 1st I igh Bells, Trunks, &c $ ARN ESS ntol'ed my harness shop I to my ONE DOOR NORTH 0 THE ICE, where I will be pl abed to y old customers and ma y new e's Harness is the best Harness. ck of Horse Blankets, Robes, Price ri ht and satisfaetion guarien teed. Give us, is Pall and we will please you, delight yoer horse, satisfy your purse. sN-Rept4ring a Specialty. . JAMES' GILLEME, Seaforth, Dov NORTH of the Poet Office. 1718 tf One OR. WOOD'S NO WRY PINE SYRUP. 11 A p e1five cure for all Throat, Lung and B on hial diseases. Healin and soothing in its action. Please t to take,' prompt and effec- tual 14 it results. . Mr. h s. Johnson, Bear River, N.B., writes "I was troubled with hoarseness and sere throat, which the doctor ro- noune d ronehitis and recommended me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I did s nd after timing three bottles I was e tir ly cured." Tak : : Laxa-Livor Pill before retir- ing. 1.1 ill work while you sleep with- outt a ri e or pain, curing biliousness, eonsti at on, sick h$,4daehe and dyspep- sia, and aka you feel better in the reornit a. i Price 25o. TO the public of Seaforth and surrounding country HAVINt PURCHARED-,..,mise:111e e Meat Business Formerly conducted by T. R. F. CASE & CO. I trust 14 strict attention to business and supply ogA first class article at a reasonable price, t irXerit the patronage bestowed on the lat film. Will env the highest 'market price for dressed poultry, good hides, skins and tab ow. GALES, tSoaforth, e Seaforth a Store v - Ti:Sie forth Tea Store is right at the fr nt th a first class line of 'groceries of isieh I will quote you a few of the in: ny bargains. 4ust a • ed a large shipment of America's ' be t ugar house syrup, 95e for a two go lo pail, best tomato catsup 50 a - be ti , French mustard 9e a bottle, 1 la ge can of pork and beans Sc a can, 6 all can 4o, 1 barrel of pure maple By u from the east at $1 a gallon, jams an armalade 9c a gem, all kinds of jel y owder at 10e a package, 6 pounds of in for 25o, 5 pounds of tapioca for 25, pounds beat prunes for 25o, 3 po n s of best raisins' for 25e a pound, el an d currants 10e tpound, 5 pounds of lc: elese fish for 25o, No. 1 herring 25 a dozen or 5 dozen for $1, another eh pMent (Anew datels at 5e a pound, 6 minds co-oking figeifor 25e, 5 tins of no di es for 2$e, 4 dozen clothes pins fo 5o, just arrived ;a few nice fresh be els of Haddie, 1 geed meat saw and ba ing powder 60e, one good bread pan an baking polvder 59o, one good gran- ite. pail and baking powder 50e, one go d granite three piace set and baking po er 500. i Now dint forget ttat I receive a shipment of Weston's fa ey bread every day by' th lio'elook eXptess. A• rh JNI a .and fag‘ Al Dahl A unit;, cl 5. II .* 1 ihe A.t,i.y Man years of age Brown Potter. • . .ie t go to Switzer- , the i.er London en - .,t. Sa*ehid 3.;,i411 will dramatize terigels Tourney" tor etilnau. Vm Thomas the author of the votnedy heti Willie Collier will hi:1,, to t sea;,,ru-. Wag..er's "Siegt.10,i" will be produced In lne1 nt t e Gram cl Olivia, Paris. "Die Gotterdam erung• ii; be produced in 1903. "L'Educa which Ann rights early Paris. Robert play writte thor of "Th Dagger and Miss Ma with the B Iscided to yet autumn. company. Carl Sent g, the celebrated actor, who made a to r of the I. I NI States some 15 years ag , is dead. de ,was a brother sf the equal y famous commedienne, Hen- rietta Sont g. The taste for war plays, even old ones, does not- di out.- Since, its revival two years ago 't is claimed "Shenandoah" has netted ts author. Bronson Howard, $20,000 in loyalties. One of th Plays in which- E. S. Willard will appear the coming season is by El- wyn, Barre , formerly a Chicago news- paper man, ut now a resident of London. The title i not yet announced, but the place will be Italy and the hero an actor. Ion,, de Prince," the flute to field setered the American in the spring, has failed in antell has accepted a new by W. R. Tremayne, au - Secret Warrant" and "The the Cross:" cia Van Dresser, who was stonians leet season, has de- rn to the tisematic stage next he was fortuerly in Daly's A G. AULT SEASETH. ial Atteaion reshoeinF and r 1 Jobbing. °b street, - 0 0 R Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH and CARRIAGE MAKER an° - - Seaforth. THE CHINESE CRISIS. Europegn nese how' t World. ' Not since from Elba trouble thr of the cart The preci the allied in position the murtlei the logical There ;is fact that s. possesses 1 man instru man ,itilPf, guns. The surprise cauaed by the weakness of Chine in the war with Japan may be followed- 14 another surpeise caused by the discbvery that the 400,000,000 Chi- nese, aftei all, constitute a gigantic power. - If the p wers cannot -save, they can punish. I their punishment must be slow, it wil be sure and deadly and last- ing; the memory or it will linger in Chi- nese traditibn like the hot rid punishments of the In4an mutiny. -New York Com- mercial Advertiser. China is defying the wOrld. It now re- mains to be seen whethei the 400,000,000 of natives an be led intol war or whether the nation llacke eohesiy ness, as has so often been hsserted. It ie at least certain that when the present trouble is ended the World will know more about China than it does now. have been teaching the Chi - fight. What for ?----New York Napoleon Bonaparte escaped has such an avalanche of atoned the civilized nations • • - itn.tion of. woe with China by owers before ;they had forces to defend their citizens made of their residents in China result. a grim suggestiveness in the tell a mpdcc-nI army as Chum largely the 'product of Ger- tion, as it was drilled by Get- s tind armed with German THE DOMINIE. , The Rev -Burris A. Jenkins, president of the Uniiersite. of Indianapolis, has re- signed that position to accept the pastor- ate of the First Christian church at Buf- falo, N. Y.1 A conferAnce for the study of the Bible, will be held at Winona Lake, Ind., Au- gust 19 to 29. It is the sixth of the sort. The attendance has grown from 35 per- sons to 2,000 in six year. Methodist Episcopal Bishop Moore de- sires to leave at once for his new post at Shanghai, China, but his colleagues are trying to persuade him not to go until September on account of the state' of affairs in China. The Rev. Dr. John Charles Ryle, bishop of Liverpool; who died the other day, had the unique distinction of haying been twice selected preacher at Oxford and once at Cambridge. He begun life as a banker, failed, studied for the church, and soon rose to the front rank of Angli- can clergymen. The Rev. Dr. Edgar J. Levy, one of the most widely known Baptist clergy- men in this country, who made the prayer for divine guidance of the delegates at the national convention of the Republican party at Philadelphia on June 19, is the same man who invoked blessings when the first national convention of the party was held "in that city on June 19, 1856. THE PEDAGOGUE. British India now has 140 colleges and 17,000 students. The Rev. Dr. H. L. Stetson has re- signed from the presiden y of Des Moines ! college after 11 years o service. He is a member of the Baptis denomination. Professors Heinze and Wundt of the University of Leipsic recently celebrated the completion of their twenty-fifth year as members of the faculty of that Insti- tution, and both of the left the city to escape ceremonies and ongratulations. The Rev. W. G. Archer, business man- ager of Lincoln university, tells the story of an old lady in Thornten home who had but $100 in the world, Ithe income from which is $6. Out of this income she gives $1 a year to the endowment of Lin- coln university. THE ROYAL BOX. The sullen possesses o crown, corona- tion being unknown in urkey. The emperor of Germany has decided that he was getting weak in his sword practice and consequently is taking a daily lesson in fencing. The Priisce of Wales recently contrib- uted a hulidred autogrecpbs to a charity bazaar in London, the profits of which were to gp to the South African relief fund. TheT Pri cess of Wales has a regular museum o the hats anl bonnets she has Worn dun g the last 30 years as a leader of London :fashions. When the hat has ceased to be of service, it is carefully' labeled, dated with the season of its use LEAROYD & CO.'S BIG SALE F THE B. B. GUNN STOCK Still Continues with unabated interest, Our Opening Day on Saturday Provsixl an immense success, the store being packed so full we were compelled to lock the door to keep back the crowd. Eachi day this week eager buyers have thronged the store pick. g up the snaps. On Saturday we purpose keeping the ball ifolling. New plods arriving now, and are being placed in st ck as fast as they arrive. ome early in the morning on Saturday ; early buyers, like rly birds, get tie plums. 1-i1JA OYD & CO.., B. 'Gunn's id Stand, SEAFORTIL In he Race. We were in it in 1900 and keep forging ahead in 19W0he have long passed the pre- liminary canter in the art of mak- ing high class garments. Royal Brand tailor-made garmmts ready-to-wear acknowledgz throughout the Dominion to be the ti.dme of perfecticni Our label is th iz standard for your protection - and is a guarantee to which you may pin your faith. TRACIri) TAIL C LOTHI,NG ReGI S.T.:E-Fet10) In future this label will be attached to all garments and will be found in the left hand pocket of the coat. and put away. • C ST0R IA Fe Infante and Children. The fac- simile Signature el It es overy groRte" ING QyALITY RUBBERS King Quality Rubbers ate so light, AIFINE RUBBER so Elastic' and Easy to wear, BECAUSE R A FINE StIOE they are ALL RUBBER. There is more PURE GUM used in the manufacture than in any Rubber ever made. rs are essentially a Fine Rubber. 41 be worn with a Fine Shoe, ankshould be a , They are not intend d for old shoes that have lost their shape, have , cra ked, and have not teen fitted for the Rubber. Try KING QUALITY Rubbers. More pairs of KING QUALITY R BERS have given perfect satisfaction than of all other kinds. King Quality Rub A Fine Rubber shou per ect 'fit. LL - hite atery mples. Fi e years ago my body broke out in white watery pimples, whici grew so bad that the suf- feria was almost unbearable. I tpok doctors' medicine and vari us remedies for t o years 7 but hey were of littl8benefit, whe ever I got warmed up or sweait the pimples would come out 4gain. , A ioighbor advised 1 Burdock BlooI Bitters, and I a* glad I folio ed his advice, for four bot- tles ompletely cured me. Th t was three years ago and ther has nevet been a spot or pim le on me sines. James Lasho se, t Brechin P.O., Ont„ 45 Ferry's Seeds are known the country over lie most reliable Seeds t be bought. Don't say kite' on cheap seeds and 1 dollar on the harvest. 1901 Seed Annual fr D. M. FERRY & CO., Windsor, Ont. EDS A Fa suit spend Wing ITEM OF INT eatis taken at lowest r wer ; satisfaction guaran S� cheerfully answered. L, Ont. Office -At comer streeto; every Saturday all REST. , ymento to • all aorta - NI& moms. of Minnie and ay. 1667 Seaford' Mills. The undersigned having purchased from the Ogilvie Milling Company, of Montreal, the well-known Seaforth Flour Mills, Are now prepared to do all kinds of Custom Work, . . TO WHICH Special Attention will be Given. The very best -quality of Flour given in exchange ior wheat. Chopping of all kinds done on the shortl sat notice. Price, five cents per bag. The best brands of Flour always on band, and will be delivered in any part of the town free of.,:harge. The highest price in cash paid for all kinds of grain. Feed of all kinds constantly on band, The Seaforth Milling Co. The New Harness .. MAKER . . Having purchased the Harness Shop end business of Mr. John Ward, I solicit the patronage of all the old customers, and guar- antee them and all new ones the beet of workmanship and material. Always on hand a full line of HARNESS SADDLES WHIPS . TRUNKS i VALISES ETC., ETC. Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed. 1 Give me a call. . ANDRE* OKE, Seaforth. WARD'S OLD STAND. 17804f ee LI •