HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-03-22, Page 8^ SPRING WALL PAPER. 'Vs Wall Paper time again. We think we can offer you a wider choice of better and mere stylish Wall Paper than you can find else- where. We think we ca,n save money for you, too. Come in and let us prove it to you. REMEMBER 106ApSTIS THE PLACE '- BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. DOMINION BANK. CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $2,300,000 REST, $2,300,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH MainStreet, Seaforth. A General Banking Business trans- acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same at lowest rates. Drafts sold on all points in Canada) the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Interest allowed on deposits of One Dollar and upwards. R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, Solicitor Manager. Spring Novelties. Oar new line evil' meet you this monthc, you will not be disappointed. Taste in _se-, 1etion, etion quality, price, are 1 combined and well balanced. Oar watches still lead the ever. Bring along your re aire, all work way, we have this line more complete than guaranteed to give satiefaction. Counter's Jewelry Estlablishment, SEAFORTH. W. It. COL:NIL:a, • • .• Manage W. N. WATSON'S AGENCY. *NORTH MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. ALER IN - -FIR:iT CLASS SE WING -MACHINES- fl,IMOND AND WHITE , Also sewing machine parte, supplies, needles, at. tieshineuts and. -ell, MI hInds of ;sewing machines re Alred 'promptly, chargee reasona le. einerarYire ard Life Insurance gent. Only first t lass companies represented. Agent tn. the Tcronto General T ust$ Corporation, alon.ey advanoed on hum and town property, at low 1-..t 33 of intern% and charges low. Altr_ - 1\T. W_A.11'S 01\T, NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTII, 1630 Spring Term Opens On April 1st ctwrit,4 5-fe- 8 PRATFORD, 0 N TA RIO. An excellent time toent our vino' for a course cf tr,..inimf. Prepare now for MI situations that Iv...Mt you i Nt fall. This popular College en,le.,s attendance became It is doing the but work in bus:riess educat:on Ij Canada to day. Mite for specill spring circular ELLIOTT1 Principal. • 4444-62 Grand Trunk Ratlway s-Y-srlimm. thee way 2.ad chum special Ex-cureions will be run weekly during February, March and .Apeil to poiate in Manitoba, Minneseto, Neatene, -Nerth Dakota, Idaho, Waehing- too, Oregon and British Columbia, choice of zetifee via Chicago) or North Bay. All part. ie of two or more asSisted to Stratford and beggage consisting of wearing apparel pas- eed Customs for points in the Western 8taece. Full particulare on applicatior. W. SOMERVILLE, Agent Commercial Building, SEAFORTH. 1045 Seafarth's Leading Shoe Store KEEP YOUR FEET DRY. c#•-#7.,i)o-Tiv Ifealth, happiness and dry feet in- ariably go hand in hand, as one ' is dependent, to a great extent, ur_on the'other. To ensure health keep your feet dry, and the only way to keep your feet dry is to wear ,,..;-•od footwear and rubbers. rrhi:4- is the time of year yell need rub- bers. _ Although we have had a large demand on our stock, we stili have a good assortment of good Rubbers, ranging from the :quallest size of infants' to the largest= size 14. men's, and the prices we -ask for them are always the lowist. Ice creepers will pre- vent slipping on icy pavements. We attach ico creepers to your rubbers in a few minutes for 25c a pair. _ SEAFORT/1„ isms LocAL AGENTS FOR Ware.fi444.6° $had!' TRArELI.141S.-1he fs.t lowing Were Veket- ed out to distant point this week, b W. Somerville, Grand Trii k, ticket a ent : Wolter Burke, Hibtert, to Everett, e.sh- ington '• Mise Jeffrey, to Buffalo ; Mrs. James Cumming, Egm ndville,. to S ore, mento, California, to p a vieit with rela. tives there, end in Brit h Clohembia on her return home ; 'Wm, Lo Misi Annie on, Miss Lucy Evans, Jose Long and Donis McGrath, to Eureka, lifornia. The two hatter have reaided in •lifornia for ome time,and having prospe d there theme Ives induoed the others to g ut with them and share in their prosperit Mr. Somer ille accompanied the party • Stratford to ---eau their baggage through an seel them s fely off on their *ay. •- THE SPRING SHOW.- t a meeting of; the directors of the South H ron Agricult ral Society held at Cantelon' hotel, Hensel' on Saturday iast, it was deci ed to hold the annual spring show for entire stook at Brucefield on Friday, Ap 'I 19th.. This is about -one week earlier th n last year. he prize list has been very m terially incre this year both by the addition of prizes and eby offering larger . premiu This shoiild induce a •etter and la show ancleshohld bring this veteran in tution up to the standard i of former ye It was also arranged at this same' meet to hold the fall Show at Seaforth in c junction with the Tuckerstnith Branoh ciety. • DATTITTERS OF THE ENIPIRE.-OliVing, no doubt, to the very stor 3/ night, •so f w ladies attended the meetin called to cone'd• er organizing as "Daugh era of tie E pire," that nothing was ,d ne in that dir c - tion. However, we are r quested to in '- mate that any desiring te e roll as "Driu li- ters of the Empire" may • o so by leavi g their names and member p fee with Mao Ewing, who has kindly e nsented to far. ward the same to the ha: office at -Mci. tree!. As the fees are ye y small, and t e object a most ,00mmendabl one, "The fo tering and creeting a spirit of patriotism n our women throught the 1 ritiah Empire it is hoped a large number ill avail the selves'of this opportunity nd enroll th ir names as " Daughters of th Empire." .• Bed OW a. ger ti - Ca. ng n- 0- .1) To GENSI:8 ENAVMERATO S. -Mr. Dona d Urquhart, Census 'Commissioner for Sou h Huron, will meet the Census Enumerator , in Seaforth, on Monday, the 25th, and i Hensall, Tuesday, 26th hist, at the hour If 10 a. roe, for the purpose eleadministerin the oath cffioe ; also for supplying the with echedule:4, instructions and all other .printed matterneceseary for the faking •f the censue, and to give direotions for thei work ; also.for Idescribing of the boundarie of the territory assigned to .each. Shoal any of the named enumerators, throug sicknees or otherwise, be unable to act, it i necea=ary that they ehould advise their dis trict Cenelle Commissioner at once, a$ th same has to be eeported to the head of th census department at Ottawa. • COMPLIMENTARY. -We have received th following from Mr. Robert McNaughton, o Duluth, Minnesota, a onetime McKillo boy, who still has many old friends among our readers, who will be pleased to learn q his well doing. It also seems from ' the fol- lowing that even in the d ye of his pros- perity he does not forget t e old home and old friends. He says : " I'our valuable paper never fade to reach e every week as the proper time, and us the years glide swiftly by it is regarded by me mere and more as a dear old friend With whom I first got acquainted in old IcKillop, Huron cows's?, in the days of " auld lang syne." After nftrefully eeading its vaIuab1e oolumns start it o9 Ishet.hkjettrie y to Boise City,, Idaho, to one of " the boy 016i who formerly belonged to bonnie Scotland, the land of the heather and the thistle, and whe says it is the best paper of all of the many which he receives and reads. I wish you and your valuable paper continued suc- , cess and prosperity, and may the sun of continued prosperity; ehino o'er the, fair domain, the beautiful land of the mapl leaf." • • , ANOTHER, STRAW GUTTER ACCIDENT, --On Thuraday of last week, Mr. Wm. Hogg, fourth eon of Mr, James Hogg, of MoKillop, met with a ve.ry Serious and painful acci• ,dent. Mr. Hogg was -eugaged in feeding a straw cutter. He had a glove on his hand and was pushing the straw in with the side of his hated. The colove got caught by the 'rollers of the malne aud before be could 'help himself his hand was drawn into the knives and his fingereeand hand were sliced off to the wrist. ',The thing wee clone eo quickly that he ecarcely knew what had happemd until the machine leas stopped. The pieces ()hipped off were picked up around the barn floor afterwards. Dr. Scott was ilea for and was on hand as soon as poseible and dressed the injured rilernber, and we are pleased to learn that the young man is getting eling nicely. Ile has good grit,as he declinei to take any anisthetice to have his arrn dreamed and stood the oper- ation without a eomplaint. The accident is a most unfortu ate ono for Mr. Hogg, as it will ince.paeita e him for foam work in the future, but it is fortunate that it was his left hand that has been removed. He had been in the habit of working this ma- chine for years, and this is the first time he has received as in ch as a scratch. But r !with all such achhaery, the time one 'thinks he is most mire is just the time when there is the most danger. This is the thitcl accident of his nature that has oo• ourred in this vicinity this season. Much ii sympathy will be felt for Mr. Hogg by his numerous friends on account of his misfor- , tune. 1 . • ' itIE RAIIM-AX WEIGH SOAZES.-We are in receipt of a communication comir.enting adversely on the action of the town council at its last meeting, respecting the erection , of now weigh seal s at the railway for the °ac(ommodation pf the stook men. But, as !the writer has failed to comply with our in - 1 variable rule, that his name _must an - 1 cotripany the communication, we can not publish it. However, he does not .throw any new light on tffie subject` except that if the council ;pershit in requiring thestock, and especially pigH, to be removed from the weigh yards as seen after being weighed as . the committee nicommended, many of the . animals will die , before reaching the cars, , especially during the heat of summer, and , that, consequently, shippers will not take :this risk and will ship their stoek elee- I where. We are of the opinion that this is a 1question that the co incil will have to face land settle at once.. It is one of great im- portance to the town. The stook shipping business is one of our principal industries, and where stock is taketrin, weighed' and ,shipped is where they are Paid for, and a considerable portion of the money is spent where it is received; Besides this, the place to which farmers come to deliver their stock is the plaee where they will get in the habit of -going to deal and purchase ' their supplies and if we lose the one trade we are likely to lose the other, partially, at a ny rate. ' We can not afford to run the risk :of this. We must, therefore, furnish the accommodation required or lose the busi- eserand a- good deal more with it. The council were mistaken in assuming that the dealers at,Wingharn get) the railway corn• panics to erect new scales, as we notice the Wingham council passed a resolution authorizing a committee to have settles , erected at both r ilway bathing for the amommodation of took oh ppere. Clinton, Hensall, Mitchell and tiler ' competing points with Seaforth, have oaks at the rail- way stations for the weighi g of etook to be shipped, and if Seaforth wi hes to keep its trade it Meat Afford equ Uy good accom- modation, The cost will o considerable, but we must keep up wit the procession. The stook purohasi g and s ipping industry Is one to which Seaforth sh uld afford every encouragement. We can ot afford to lose any opportunities for th cultivation of trade. Thoso. are wise w o Will do every- thing possible to not only retain the fine trade we DOW heve, but to increase it. This is the way to keep u the WPM. We have held our own so far a d we must keep right on in the same direction. , We must not allow any competitor to get ahead of us, even in the matter of accommodation for shipping stook. We are at the top now in nese and enterprise and here. 'hat say you, Uncil ? - the matter of bus we must remain gentlemen of the c Orin NEM ENGIN in THE EXPOSITOR weeks a new eight gine, which affords of the presses. It the Seatorth engin Bell. • It is beauti construction and w replaces a steam en much more oonveni ,in a minute, and wh ?squires no further Intely ea engineer ignite gine give understa extenaiv ave had in use ffice for the past three orse po er gasoline en. power f r the working a the fir t one made at works of Mr Robert ully fini hed,; s,mple of rks lik a alarm. It ine and boiler, and is nt. It an h started n once in otie ation it attention, and is abeo- e in every particular. No skilled is required to run it The (merlin° by an ele.tric spark, and the en - a nice, e'en, stead pow r. We d that Mr -Bell int nds ngaging ly in the snufactu e of t ese en- gines, and WO can a sure any who ay de- sire power of this ki id that they °a not do better then to patro ize the Seafort works. These engines are ne t, safe a d con enient, and take up very li the room and re ad- mirably adapted wh re atead row:r is re- quired, and bid fair o superc de st am for many kieds of wor . Many farm re now use them for drivi g their traw utters, grain cruehers and e ch like maohin ry, and we would advise any of our readers to oon} suit Mr. Bell befo e they purcha e else' where. They are fu ly more conoi ioal in fuel then steam engi es of the amecapacity, while in tlhe matter f convenience there i no compa iaon betwe n them. Mr. Bell ha establish d an envi, ble repu ation for hi steam en ines, whic not onl work Ratio faotorily but are fue swore, a d thestioces he has already at -tai ed with gasol no en. gines seems to indi ate that he will be equally ettocessful in this line. This engine wae made lunder the upervisio of M . Fred. Lang, who is an expett in this °part ent of engineering work. GIRT, WANTED. -I 'anted b April a good general sery pt. No fa Mrs. James McMichael, Goderich Stre Taildress wanted to work o or Lichee coma. Wm, Pickard, Seafo Mrs. Hillmer invites the la ies o Sea forth and vieinity to her 1111nory opening o Thurs. day, Friday and Saturd y, 281h, 2 th n 30th. Store 2 doors north of tho oat Office, 736 1 New trunks and va you aro aftergond VAitle a from you can get both at Boots and 8110,s, Seaforth. HORSE Fon SALE. -Good h roe, e itable for farm work. F. .C.; utter dgo, Senior h. 1 36.1 /*sale a good set of carpe • ter's tools, Apply to F. Gutteridge, Se forth. 1 36.1 • A good heavy farm orse for sale heap. John alcIntoe , &Worth, 136.1 A anap n 10 pail sugar kettles t S. Mullett & Co', Seatorth. 1 36.1 GIRLS W ANTED.- the ueen's otel, a girl for dint g room and one for kitehon.1 8G161od & wages. T. J. Steven the let of t. I1Y• g163:1to Paqt th. I vests 736.1 lees just eceige d a good v dote. t is store. W. 11. . If ohoose Willis, 730-1 New spr stock •Vo have season buy yo Willis, Boots - MILLINE will be Wedne Everybody' c BeaL;:th. - ng goods, the fineet and best ever had. If you wan • 3 bo in it this r spring eh es ab this ore. V. H. nd Shoee, Se forth. 17364 Y OPEN-I:cu.-Our o ening days day and Th raday, Apri 3rd a d 4th. rdfally invit d, • W. Pi .RARD CO., li36-2 A good eneral ser - work and 'ages ap -)ly to ide,'Seafort . 17 6-3 SERVANT WANTED. scant. For particulars as t Mrs. John A. Wilson, loglo AeseotesTs1.-A11 par G. H. Glbb, V. S., must cal fore April let,;on whiola da Gibb, "V-. E. I. •BAROAIN.-A brand Portland outtor for sale. •Menhante, &Worth. 'KENNEDY BROS" Se est midi priee for lildes,.e Fresh herring every week. WANTED -1,000 bu Lei indeb and settle elle leaves ed to Dr. he ea e be - town. G. H. 17:5.3 new m de.to. rder elD & WllisrN, liar ware 171111 forth, pa the igh- eep skins and po Itry. 'Phone No. i d. 172 41 shots Ti othy and Clover seed, 100 turkeys, obi() dried op` los and but- ter. G. E. King, Winghato.' 173 tf CENTRAL 'HARDWA E' Sr' ns. sap buckets, spiles and sap p ne. You III flndj our goods and prices right. Wc still handle tho okl re- liable Robert;c L'quid Paints. None better. lOall on us fm• wants in our lino. I Satis!actlo guaran 'zed. Sills & Murdie,. Seaforth. 173L2 Lorees BRIEFS. -Th rp has ipean g eat variety in the weather imkring the past w ek, but spring, balmy sprin I is grad ally dr vie ing near. -Mr. Hugh 11 .1Hami1t n has re- moved from Hibbert to the furn on he 2nd concession of -Tad ersmith, which he recently purchased fro 111r. Rob rt MoVit• tie. Mr. Hamilton is I good c'tizen, 4nd he has got a good farm n a mos desire le neighborhoed.-Mr. Al x. Lowri , who as been working at Cahn et, Mic igen, or some time, is home on visit. a Le ie is engaged in mining, rid alth ugh do ng web!, says he prefers wo king ab ve ground to working Daniel Cam bell, who has bee clerk in mile unde the au fa:ie.-Mr. Mr. Young' S grocery st re for a ong ti e, leavesehortly for Carbe ry,Mani obit, wh re be has taken a position j with ti e Mess s. Fairley. -Mr, Gordon Burr, wh hes be n salesman in NE.. Wrn, P okard's ' or wave al years, has secured a goo1 situati ti in B r• rte. They are both ete dy, reli ble, pu h. ing.young men and shoe d do we I where er they go. -Mr. Thomas Brown as add d to his auctioneering bus nese th:t of la d agency, and will negotiate the ea e of farts and other reel estate pr perty eitt er by at4c. tion or privately. -We egret to learn of the continued illness of re. (Dr.) Ross, of this town. She has bee oonfin d to her residence for several eeke.--e r. George Montgomery, aseistanna Mr. P. ulcahey's barber shop, is so ill tha his ca e is, con- sidered critioal, but being young and of a robust constitution, his rienda h pe for his recovery. -Mr. J. Tyer an, who is a very snocessful poultry breed r, had he misfor- tune to lose a pair of c ickens est "week, for which he had paid $ l. One was killed by an obstruction in th throe and t e other died from inflam ation.-A weste n exchange says : "R. J. Camp ell, edit r and proprietor of the Pil t Moun Sentin 1, is only 15 veers' of age " Thi youthf I editor is a nephew of Mr D. Gr mmett, f Harpurhey, and son of t me late r. Robe t Campbell, whb was for nian of THE E POSITOR office for many ears, -1 ayor W l- een was in Toronto this week on • trainees. Two rinks from the Seaforth curling el b went to Whigham on Frday last to play a friendly ,match with the lub of het tow and came off victorious by thre shots. The Tuckersrnith Agricu tural So iety ha e -pUrchased the house and lot of r. Dugga o adjoining their new sho groun s. Th s will give them more roo and dd to t e convenience of their gro de.- 1 hey do have the moat commodio and est equi ped ' grounde in the co ty.-T e man' friends of Rev. Father McCa will .e pleased to learn that he i recovering nicele from the injuriee he rec thy re eived ba falling on the slippery si °walk, nd hop:s to be able to take his re ular ork ne it. Sunday. -The Beck mark t gard n prope ty in Egmonolville, has bqei pur heeled b Mr. Wm. B bole, who 4ztends elling hi farm, aouth f Egmondvi , and etiring 1 1 t I ' ON EXPOSITOR hie new puro ase.-Byione tunate and asravating typo which will soi °times occur, so easily mad 4, in our issue announced th:: monthly hors day instead of for W Learoyd, our ew merchant, now °couples the neat real vaoated by M . T. R. F. Ca ary entertai ment, in th church, under the auspices Aid, on Tue very largely a may of the were well ple for coming ou Kays, the elo high reputatio has sold her f Thomas Colbe tains 50 aores. pony and out It is one of th of the countr will visit Sea all in their po their aeven day's stiy. They meetings in th Salvation A All are invited to attend th -Dr. Thomas L. Ryan, mon- John MeMann of this town, pointed assista • t health office Saginaw. Thi and the man Ryan will join his good fortun appointed gen Huron for the pany, of Toron a judicious sele make a reliabl tive of the pleasure that t ladies have:bee Women's Liter venality. Mies John T. Diokso f those unfore raphietil errors nd whioh are f last week we fair for Mon- dnesday;-Mr. has leased and enoe recently e. -The liter. Egmonnville f the Ladies' day evening ltast, was not tended owing o the inclem. weather, but those peesenb sed and abu through the utionist, fully .-Mrs. C. rm in Egmon ville, to Mr. t for $3,000. The farm con - Mr. Oscar Noll has sold him tl t ,to Mr. Harla d, of Clinton. neatest outfi in this parb ,-The Soul -s ving Troupe rth March 26tb, and will do er for God an mimiholdlbe ardruatrohikensigr. see meetings. -law of Mr. has been ap- of the city of is an importiant position, old Huron friends of Dr. ith us in congratulations on .-Mr. HughItobb has been ral agent for he county of eoplee' Life Ideurance Com- o. The compalny have made tion, as Mr. Robb is sure to and Humorist ompany.-We o of Tuckers selected as dffioera of the ry Society of Toronto Uni- . Dickson, daughter of Mr. , has been appointed treas- urer of the society, and her IP ter, Miss J. 0. Dickson, has been appointe third year representative In the Editor al Board of 'Varsity. The any friends of these young ladies will join with us in e ngratulating them on these arked evidence of the high esteem in which low students, from South Afri shortly after returned again t MoKillop. Mr. service in South as a sergeant in stabulary.-The Young People' Christian Endea or intend hol graphy social, in the basement byterian church on Wednes next, at 8 o'cloo • It would ad to the entertain ent of the eve person attending would wear a senting a • town n Ontario. programme is bei invitation iil ext seen by refelreno Mr. D. L. Sills, last week, depart at his home in 01 A. Sills, his son, acquainting hime Linda Box spen Clinton. --Mr. Th the efficient leacle number of years where he has se working with factory, on Wed Freeman allowed dantly repaid storm. Miss sustained hor . VanEgmond I represents - notice with ith's young they are held y their f1. Mr. Durie, who returned a a short time go,and who ent to the: NOrthwest, has his father's dresidence in Durie has agai - enlisted for Africa, andt-hlk time goes he Canadian Mounted eon - Society of ing a geo- f the Pres - ay evening very much ing if each edge repre- n' excellent g prepared, and a cordial nded to all, ' As will be to our obitu whose illness d this life on veland, Ohio. here, reoeived of the sad e Sunday with mas Miller, w of the band here for a hats gone to Kingsville, ured a position. -While it shaper in th furniture eaday mornin , Mr. Wm. his left hand to come in knives and had a piece r and the othe split open. gh painful. is iiot serioue, cont act with the taken off one fing The injury, altho and he escaped very ortunatelye-Owing to the stormy weath r and bad road° there was not a very large t rn out at the horse fair in Seaforth, on W dnesday. Several horses were disposed of, owever, at good prices, ry column, we noticed ednesday, Mr. George a telegram ent. -M isii friends in ho has been • ullett. New spring go de, the finest and best stook we have ever ha.. It ycu want t4 be in it this season buy your sprin shoes at this Ito e. W. H. Willis, Bocts and Sho s, Scatortb. 1736-1 It is not so muo you pay, but it is what you get for what you pay. When you buy staples you want o get the best of value& New Muslins, Pri 1 te, Ginghains, Shirtings, Sheetings, Cot -to a, Cottonade Linens, Flannelettea, eto. are to be fou d in great quantities at The E. McFaul o'e. Store, Seaforth. You'll nd all these g ods mark- ed at prioes to sui all. . FARM SOLD.-ilr. William 011ee,17o3f6dthe 12th concession, of Hullett, hrui sold his farm, containing 10 acres, to M . William Knox, a prosper 118 farmer of the same locality. This far is well situat d, and as Mr. Knox paid th sum of $5,000, we think he has a cheap far • He takes oesession this spring, and, -bile we regret osing Mr. Oke and his estim ble wife and f mily, we heartily welcome Mr. Kuox to: his new home. NOTES. -Mr. Ro Michigan, and his of Hagerville, hav visiting their pare obkirk, sr. -Mr, ngaged buying h arket.-Miss M rom visiting frie W. G. Simmons ha he blacksmithing. oung man and no echanio.-Spring ho farmers are pre A number from t • all in Cromarty u ons of Scotland, a number of the m orth League viai riday evening of I very enjoyable ti • mley. ert Hobkirk, o later, Mrs. Jol been here the ts, Mr.. and Mr James Horton orses for the ud Glen has ds in Woodh gone to Exete Wesley is an oubt will mak is fast approac acing for suga is vicinity att der the amp d -report a goo mbers of Bet ed Sunshine st week. Th 0. Bad Axe, n Smith, ast week . George is busily Manitoba returned M. -Mr, to learn energetio a good ing and making. nded the es of the time. - any Ep- eague on y report A hfleld. THE CIIEESE FAC ones -The follfowing is statement of the usiness done' 1 et season t the Ashfield bu ter and chee e factory i nd also of the receipts and disbursements : lilk received at fa tory, 521,615 I pounds ; heese manufactu ed, 45,969 pounds ; verage pounds of ilk to a pound of cheese, 1.34 ; averase pri e per pound f cheese, .8 cents. The tot I receipts for the year ere $4,834.09,and ere made up a follows : alance on hand, $ 8.22 ; cheese old, $4,- 34 91; whey sold, $137.91 ; col eoted on tack, $128.90 ; for cheese 15 een 3 ; from Monnor, $16. Disbursement : Paid hareholders for 0 eeee, $3,592 -4 ; for hey, $137.91 ; ha hog milk, 5445; menu- cturing cheese, $3 4.77 ; salaries, $40.70 ; •surance, 840.70; hipping expenses, $16 ; mat and,auditing, 5 ; Leech'e no e, $106.• 5 ; collecting stock, $2 ; mis ellaneous xpenses, $88.78. his is a very good finen- ial showing. H. HAPPENINGS. -(2 11 friends ,pent a . Troyer's, last Fri ft for his home i Ionday.-Mr. Levi anitoba a visit in arna and Hills Gr friendly game of aturday. The sco e former. -Mr. L renoe, preached a ethodist church 1 Green. ite a number of Hen. very enjoyabl time at • ay night. -B. Hotham Moline, Man toba, last Stelok inten s to pay the near fut re. -The en football teamtns played football at Varna, last e was 2 to 0 ia favor of ng, of the Tor nto Con- ery able ser on in the st Sunday night. -Mr. Ioore, of Bruhefield, occupied the pulpit in e Presbyterian chi rch, last Sunday. -Mr. L Reichert is eng ged with F. Coleman, tting wood. ---Wm Reichirt has been en- ged by flabert Lo e for the com'ng aum- er.-R. F. Stelok inoipal of the Z udson, of Henault, ye -We are pleas ne Curry, who has somewhat impress? has been e urioh sohool. gaged as Mr. 0. was in townl on Sun - d to learn lat Miss th been on e ick list, d. -Mr, Jamee Parsons is aneving his e seats fkom Goderich town- ship Into T. Coleman's house, on the town line, where he sntends to reside -Mr. G. Reichert now sports a new set of silver mounted harms. That is right, George, nothing like it vhile you are young. -Mr. Henry Elsie, of urioh, was in town lately, combining basin ss with pleasure. Sodom. DOTS. -The w nd on Sunday blew the roof off and the able end out of the stable belonging to re Joseph Sta3ey.-The pitch holes on t1me Lake road are so bad as to make team Die very diffioulte-Mrs. Henry Isaac, ho fell some time ago, spraining her wrist very badly, is recover- ing. -Mr. Allan, the blind man, is holding cottage prayer meetings around here. -Mr. James Green, of Hay, was the gueat of his brother, Fred Green, on Saturday and Sun- day last. -Mr. Alex. Box, who was ill, has reoovered sufficiently to be around again. Zurich. NOTES -Mr. to, Getteehalk was called home from Bad Axe, Michigan, on account of the death of his little five-year-old daughter. The funeral was held on Tues. day. -Mr. J. Winkeweder and hie bride left for their home in Cavalier, North Dakota, on Monday. 'tive wish them all prosperity and happiness id their western home, al- though we regreti their departure from On. tario.---Mr. Wm. Lamond, of London, was here attending the funeral of his little neice, the child of Mr. D. Gotteohalk.-Quarterly eery:ices will be held in the 14th concession church on Sunday. Service will also be held on Saturday, at 2 o'clock, when Rev. J. Morlook, of Dashwood, will preside. -Mr. Isaac Witmer, of the Babylon line, and Miss Callman, of the 14th concession, were united in marriage on Thursday. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. S. Finkbeiner. We wish the young couple all possible hap- piness and prosperity. Stanley. OBITUARY.-Tfie ravage i of disease has again visited our Ivie.inity, and cast the man- tle of death overl one of our most highly respected eitizensa On Tuesday Morning a gloom overshadoWed our neighborhood, as it was whispered from lip to lip that. the un- erring hand °Heath had carried off another victim'in the pereon of Mrs. Wm. Graham. Her illness was short and the end peaceful. The deceased, Eliza Brown, was born in the township of Smith, Peterborough county, in the year 1841. Her parents and family of eight, three boys And five girls' moved west and settled in the township ofWawenoeh, in the year 1855. She was married to Mr. William Graham in September, 1861, and in 1874 moved to lot 19, on the 3rd conceseion of Stanley, where she lived till the thne of her death. She Was a woman of tt quiet and retiring disposition, kind and, hospitable in her nature. She was a faithfull wife and a tender and loving mother. iHer religions persuasion was Persbyterian, and she was for years a member of the Brucefield church. She leaves a family of three boys and three girls, John and Goldie are at home, and Melvin is in Nanimo, British Columbia, Her three daughtets are Mre. John Stewart, of Goderich township ; Mrs. James Sinn, of Blyth, and Ella, eMho is at home. The fam- ily and husband hake; the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement, yhe remains were arried to their last reat- log place in Baird s cemetery, on Friday afternoon, March 22ad. 1 New trunks and 3 ou are after good val from you CM get both Boots and Shoes, Seat - valises just received. If o and a good variety to choose t this store. W. II. Willie, th. 17364 DRESS GOODS. --8 ty if you buy them from The E. MoFaul Co., Seaforth. The Dress Goode for this spring and the coming summer have a sweet, fresh simplicity about them which cannot fail to charm and captivate every be. atisfaction is a certain. holder. The above aro leading the tri Goode, Millinery, fine wearing materi STOCK. P RC ILAS E Tuckeremith notes Scarlett had purcha Wm. Chapman, of was an error, as it of the Oth conoessio animal. Mr. Searle thoroughbred Durh McLean, ( Ri vereide 12 months old, dark tho bull of Meagre, waF awarded the aw show at Brucefield purchased for $150, elites is a very sup riar animal, and will make a valuable addition to Mr. Soarlett'a value to the neighbor - firm, as in former years de in handsome Dress Silks, and all classes of Is. 1736-1 .-It was stated in the st week that Mr. John ed a heifer from Mr. that township. This as Mr. Rebert Scarlett, who purchased this t has also purohaeed a m bull from Mr. John , Tuckeramith. He is red in color, bred from roadfoot Brothers that epstakes at the spring ast spring. He was nd es tho price indi- herd aud be of great hood. Corsem,-Counci met in Joseph Weber's hotel, Dublin, on M nday last. Members were all present exa pt Archibald McGreg- or. A by-law was p issed appointing pound. keepers, foncevie'welrs and pathmasters. Accounts were rea passed and paid amounting to $26.00 A notice of by-law in Logan township of a drain in the northern part of that town hip, running on the boundary a short d stance, and assessing McKillop $150 for b nefit and outlet, was discuseed. In the south, Logan makes Mo- Killop take their wa er and provide outlet ; in the north part the try to make MoKil- lop pay them to ma e their own outlets. Council adjourned to meet in Jones' hell, -Leadbury, on Mon ay, May 27th, as a court of revision, at o'clock afternoon.- JOUN C. MORRISON, 1 lerk. • V rna. CONCERT. -The c.noert under the aus- pices of the Royal emplars, held in the Temperance hall, las Tuesday night, was a deoided succese. Thi programme through- out was interesting a d well receieed by the audience. The vomit times and solos by Mr. Mao. Vincent, of Ex ter, were well rendered and highly appreoiat d; also the recitations by Miss Maud Andewe and Miss Caseie Johnston. Address° were also given by Rev. Mr. Andrews and Mr. Lewis, of Cred- iton. We congratulate the members on their successful entertainment. NOTES. -Misses Maud and Stella And- rew% are visiting friends in Zuricili this week. ---Mr. J. T. Cairns moved his family to Kirkton this week. We are very sorry to lose Mr. Cairns and'family, and hope that he will do a, prosperoes and lucrative trade in Kirkton.-Mr. and Mia. Murray drove to Leadbury, on Sunday last, to see Mrs. Jones, who has been seriouslY indisposed for some time. We are glad te say that she is on the way to recovery. -Mt. and Mrs. H. Hutch- ison, of Goderich tosviaship, visited at the home of her parents, Mrs. Jake Johns, last week. ? FullEixton. THEY WELCOME Y4TIR INEVECTION.-The E. McFaul Co., Seaforth, are ready for spring business now. iThe departments are fall of new merchatidiee which they are anxiousto have you see. Eveything has been so carefully bonght that should you fancy anything bought there wasn't worth what you paid, remnmber that it's worth that to them, and they'll refund the money on anything within r,ason. Satisfaction is their watchword and they'll see their cus- tomers get it. 1786 1 Dorlos.-Wm. Francis, from Michigan, is visiting his brother, Thomas. -The con- cert given by Fullerton Lodge of Foresters, on Friday evening, was a grand emcees& Mr. Charles Merryfield, of Monkton occu- pied the chair. Miss, Francis recited two very nim pieces, as aleo did Miss Luoy An- drews. Will McLeod,' of Seaforth, brought down the house with his comic songs. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Tayler spent Sunday in 1 M itc ell, hous ing Davi tow 00041 Clar -M of M ineb, M ar • ell.- oved s thia riends Davi . He ied b moved . Rober therwe The r a cense MARCH 22.1901 r Andrew Woods, of Mitch - i to one of Jame,' Harmer's w ek.-Mies C. Rice was visit - n[ Stratford last week. -Mr. as become a citiken of our ved into the house recently oseph Ridge. -Mr. James on the Haynes farm last week. aodger, a respected resident 1 departed this life on the lOth sins were interred in the St., I ierk, • • Hensaa. Lo in a am 1 grey Possum robe, red felt sail, a KIppen, Leave at Obierver °toe, tesentl. lining between TIt omits Dinedile's bri go and 1en- 11 RSE Sot D -Mr. T. J. Berry, of en - Ball, has so d to Mr. Dan MoNico1,1 of 'BWIratile aerrooton, 1 h fine young shire stallien, n This' horse is coming 3 ye&rI old an eighe 1,870 pounds. He is of t e finesis u lity, with great substanne, and s said o be one of the best shIre horses that • ever come to these parts. The prioe p id for, him was $1,500. We wish Dir. Mc a ol the best of luck with his young horse. r. 13erry still has a number of superior a a ale en hand for sale. 1 esday night, between seven lock, tNhile a fieree wind was 1 rm pf fire was sounded in in a very few minutes the m et he entire population of • tu ned out. The cause of son ooated in the fine brick ✓ D. Stewart, on the Loiad n e the firemen could get to p te the efforts of a bucket e had;got beyond control a14d u ture was a loss. Fortu d Wa blowing in a direoti r4 no:other buildings, or el e i ch n,o i ht otherwise have beenesp eaThere was di use when the fire started; S ewart returned from Mr. r, flames were then break. ceiling in the dining room. gone out about an hour taken the precaution to and extinguish all lighte of the fire is a mystery) rob ble it caught from the hi he had scene insurance; and neighbors sympathize 101151 b 8. 1 a heavy loser. His es. -Mr. and Mrs. Harry vs been visiting reletives ',Exeter and o: her ouple of weeke, heve Ref/. D. Buchanan, of spedding the past week Mrs. A. Buchanan, sr., • ille but we are pleased to mat improved. -Miss Rome onday evening to resume m Hiner at Ayr. ----Mr. John; e1 township of Hay, near e tly sold his fine farm, is1 at lag in Hensel], if he can, 1 elliqg.-Mr. D. 117rquharti n Menday, retur ing on i B wden, of Lucai, spent: °beaten's, Will4w Hall etiPetty was in L ndon on Val ter, music teacher, of ed t er class 'here again. FIRE. -On and eight o' blowing, the our Village firemen and' a the iillage h thealarm w. resibutldnceb of road, ef work; and de brigade, the fi the entire at ately the wi where there w the damage muchl more persoh in the and 4hen Mr. Scott's, a neig ing through t Mr. Stewart h before, but h b e d d dampen the fire so that the ori • in although it is pipes. Althnu Mr. Stewart many friends with him in hie LOCAL BRIE Welsh, who h and friends places for a returned hoin Lanark, has be with his moth who has been v say is now sem Yungblut left o her position as Torrance, of t Zurich, who re thinking of lo find a suitable went to Loud Tuesday. -Mr. Sunday at Mr Farm.--eMr. da Saturday.-Alie London, has rem -Mr. :and Mr Mrs. Thompson relatives last Anderson, of S Mr. and Mrs. Mre. Smith, of Hobkirle, of Mio ejt'onit'an40Dr.A °bkirk'r at Mr. Willie Miss Dora We ton were in Luc Alice Ryakiran, a few days with amith.--I-Mr. and an invitation to att Munn' s neice, Mis of John Munn, of day leak to a gent -Mr. Bedford, of service of praise, precentorship of 0 morning and eveni• a teacher of both mueio and is posses D. Buchanan, of very much accepta Sabbath` evening last. services the pastor -The morning ex on Wednesday wa hours, owing to th railed at the stree Miss Smith has p.n. the Marshall brick ing into it after she mente made in t plate glass front.. Wi ham Stoneman and ere in Mitchell visiting eek.--tMra. Case and Mrs. af rth; were the guests of illiain Bell on Monday. - a ersyille, and Mr. Robert i an, viaited their brother, hie week. -Mr. Neil John - strong, of Walton, visited tonernan's this- week.-. ber and Miss Elsie Middle - n on Sabbath lairt.-Miss of Cleselhuret, is spending • iss Caldwell, of Tucker - Mrs. Peter Munn received nd the wedding of Mr. Jessie, eldest daughter den Grove, on Wednes- eman of the same place. Stayner, conducted the s an applicant for the rmcdchurch, on Sabbath g list. Mr. Bedford is vocal and instrumental ed of a fine voice. -Rev. La ark, preached with co 'n Carmel church on At the morning ccupied his own pulpit, reas train passing south detained nearly four engine becoming de - crossing at Belgrave.- hased the we3t store of Week and intends mov- has Iliad some improve - 0 ibterior, including a he *ill then have a No. 1 premises for her rnillitiery rooms. -Mr. J. E. McDenell and Mr. W, J. Miller opened a manor ption his during the past week for the purpose of purchasing instruments for a brass band. As amount they --succeeded in raising will no d ubt be augmented by our ciou cil, a brase bend is now assured to our village. -Mie 1Iiggins, of London, who was here en a visit has returned to that city. -Mies Belle Sparks is visiting friends in eBlake.-Mr. John ,Fairbairn has pur- chased his father's f rift; in Tieckeremith.- The managera of Carmel church have selected Mr. D. 13 elford, of Stayner, as precentor for their, eharch, at a salary of $200 per year. 1 • Kipptim. They can suit et. u whether you are in. different to expene or must count your money carefully. The E. McFaul Co., Sea - forth, 011 goods ats1 friend -making prices, and havelopened thiN spring season with au immense .range of eelect Goods, New Mil- linery, New Dress ;tooda, New Silks, New Housefur Mingo, Nest Ready -To. Wear Clothing, New Fancy Goode, etc. They are justifii ed n expecisig a share of your pat- ronage this spring 1736 1 Noris. -Mrs. H. Rieker, of the village, is away on a few weeks' visit among friends at Rockwood and m._. rent . Mrs. Ricker's, many friends here wish for her a pleasant time among her friend -1-1r. and MrS. Henry Passmore, of Farquhar, were in the village for a few 1 ye the fore part of the week, being guests t tli'e home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Hay. Mr. nd Mrs. Hay thorough- ly enjoy a visit from their old tinfriends at Farquhar. -We are now having March weather in good style'with blustering winds and cha.ngeable weather. -Syrup making - will soon he the order of the day, and those who iutend making are new getting ready. - Mr. W. - M. Doig, with him nephew, Alex. Doig, ret rued home from Detroit the past week for a short time. Mr. Doig comes home to assist h.1s Rieder, Miss Bella, to make ready for moving to Algoma, where she purposes going to reside for a time. Miss Doig will go about the beginning of the next month. -Mr. Donald McNevin, of Ashfield, is visitingwith hie son, Mr. John MoNevin, of the Kippen Mills. -Mrs. Wm. Ivison, of the village, has been indisposed for aome weeke, requirind medical attention. Mrs. Ivis n's many frien a hope S00.13 to Nee her stepping around again as usual. -Mr. Alex. Me evin, of Seaforth, the fore part of the week, paid a visit to the home of his brother, Mr. John McNOin.--Mr. Thomas Mellis, with his assistant, Mr. Will Arm- strong, have been busy for some time turn- ing out a big supply of horse alaoes. It takes , no small amount of hammering to turn out ' half a ton of horse shoes. It all goes to .strengthent the musele.-The school in No. 2, Tuckersmith, wasminus a teacher for a few dayathis week, owing to the energetic and efficient teacher, Mr. Forsyth, having a round with la grippe. -Mrs. James Oheeney and Mrs. Robert El re, of Tuokersmith, are among the sick ones. We hope soon to hese , SPRING MILLINERY OPENINGS At The Peoples' Popular Store Wed nesday,April Thursday, April 4 err sr • 1: -Erif From former se ons you now the welcome and class o millinery that awaits your owning. I EASTER MILLINERY. 1 i Wu will be ready to gerve you withi i 1 showing that excels every previous f seaeon's eft rt. i Crisp, fresh and] bright are the new Easter hats which re coming from the busy workroom end being !entered into the millinery department Remember the opening days and be sure you epenct sou; time with us. There will be eno gh of the typical pring effects to show you that you ca get full measure of style her. OUR SPI4NG RESS GOODS ! 1- Yolare cordially invit d to inspect the new st, the best, th cleverest, the cream of the markets which is to be found here. We've ma e our selection the peer of many 1. we're alweye allICIOU8 to please the m st critical taste. We believe :the fabri , the -weaves, the colors, arid just let s mentidn the prioe, will delight you. Come to -day, to.merrow or1when you will and see the new POPLINjS, POPLINETTES, LUSTRES Cs SHMERES, ESTAMINE , COATINGS, SERGES, AMAZON'S, VEN TIANS HANI)SOME WL SH 1 i 'STUFFS i Wereyou Surprised to • nd such a mag- nificent lot of fancy weal Muffs in the town?, Or have you n t been in the store !ince their arrival? We, without doubt' have t e taking t hags in wash ' fabric ,moderete in price rich in beauty. You iiiust see cur new c llection of ORGANDIES, MUSLI S, DIMITIES, PERCA ES, CAMBRICS, CHA LIES, :PRINTS, PIQUES, LAWNS NEW SILK ATT AC TIONS The new silks are as attr ere and the variety a specials in 50o silks for b in great demand this se not? Their wearing ger fashionable and atedish glad to have shirt waista See our very attraotiv patterns and color comb' ctive as flow - great. Our °uses will be son and why titles are un- aurpassed, their appearance is rich and mars wiEbe made of them. varieties of rations. OTHER WORTH THINGS Does it seem strange to store is always so far a wares and notions? Per cause our seleetions are m very closest attention giv tails. Be that as it may, to have this store always the best place for ou that this ead isa small. apa it is be. .de with the n to the de. our object iff recognized as GLOVES, HOSIERY, VEILING5, CORSETS, VESTS, ECKWEARI . LACES, EMBROID MIES, TRIMMINGS, E ++++++.1-1-1-1g 4.4 . . The . • lileF UL, Dry Goods s Greates Dry Goods S 0. Cash ore. of their recovery. -Mr. Hug Manitoba, who has been open i °nth' visit with friends, ousin, Mr. James McGregor mith, returned home on Mo ere, Mr. Mustard made man panions, who will long have a of friendship for his many ex ties. Our correspondent is i Mr. Mustard's vieit was not al and that he may return in the of our fair ones. (From an Occasional Corresp ndent) JOTTINGS. -Our esteemed pa tor, Rev. S. Acheson, whose health became so impaired. as to necessitate a change and est, left here on Tuesday morning of last we kaand reach- ed his designation, Park River, Dakota, the following Thursday mornin , safe and sound. For a few weeks, he wit reside and recruit with his brother, a Presbyterian minister in Park River. It is hoped that a change of scenery and clime will prove beneficial and restore him to his wonted health -Mr Gilbert Dick is b i ally engaged in buying up cattle and shipp ng them to London. Gib. handles a lot ef stock in a year, and sets considerable mo ay into cir- culation in the community, Mies Lillie Whiteman 'has a large number ef pupils re- ceiving instructions in instrum eta' music. Miss Whiteman is a popular, tficient and successful teacher. • Blake. OBITUARY. -There died at t e residence of her son, Mr. John Thomson, of the town line, Hay and Stanley, on th 13th haste, Mrs. Thomson, mother of is r. Thomson. The deceased was a native o Aberdeen- shire, Scotland, coming to Sta ley with her eons, who are well known arou d this and adjoining townships. She had attained to the great age of 96 years, and « as an inter- esting conversationalist, par ioularly of events and occurrences of b -gone days. She leaves behind two sons, John and Alex- ander, both farmers in Hay toiijnahip. The remains were interred in Bay fie d cemetery. Mustard, of ing a three nd with his of Tucker - day. While - Warn1 torn - arm feeling ellent quail - formed that for naught, uture for one - Leadbury. CALVES. -Mr. Hugh Matto d,of Newry, will be at Leadbury on Tuesda 26th inst., with another load 0 enaelxvet'h s the sale, and will remain from 11 a . m. Parties in the neighborh,000T,deuanitrili1 ng o purchase calves should see Mr, Richmond* - se ypu r.11 co t your has sta been pi. biowns a large from $1 we hav $1 of strip 4.50 t of raja own ma tweed s grey; s and mi, grey an are exti elothin you to 500 yar assorte 12e, 15 smocks brOW11 -lyre so to clea ' -2, 21 a The at , clear 0. one ma.. Ast'ad arrived, Our ]:e Pass Toronto • Pass ai 9:00 ee,! '0010 - For Padlic A- 1 King S