HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-02-15, Page 7L54 1901 SEAFORTH. Lied Atwood." Wei io ae much for our has for Perth. In : Whet's in a eall a roan by any as sweet.' Yet by r be able to identify s ad.ng of peoples in a. ;h." He also ietese names and tee ttion enables in vrhat oeeples iuhab t;ed by persons of far nemes of mama. ,tr parte of England he take familiar in - 3 AN on . " It. would ne of our county the settlers page have correct in. I not have to de. thnhhnopy. etea Mr, Thorium aite., had suffered eni being informed tound Cetarrhozone eve cure for that dis. nenced its use, and rid of his former trot his philanthropy tinsanently cured of 1 3ent esch of them a Outfit, and atatea ,tart with them feir says- a great deal f thia great prepar-I ndiug for six out., - conviction that he edy of auperlative es.11 Catarrhozone s, it, We guarantee, l*re Catta.rrh, Bron - vial seat for 103. by s4siton, Canada, or ;For Bale by I. V. tint tern. iere glutted with a teds demand for onto and Montreal so cents per pound i and drebsed. ar properly handled, per ea, least $1 per iteble animal on the e. t profitable winter fetched early. eriod, to get the made literally ter •iog. Whole grain- y in the litter, so the hens will get and fill the egg heat form in which te. /eying hens, If rneat scrape from al liver give good hod in some fctrm, at it serves to grind live seem to some to manufacture liable ! r COMPOUND • RESTORLR. hea done more ve auffering than he world. Being dal, it is the medi- t physicians as a e disecules. Sickly 'ed tired men have 'expound, health, or all those dis- ult of weakened 4aehe, rheumatism, truabks, Pinea telly sensible and a at the root of permenent cure. et ''PAIN.E'S," people well.' 1 Y. as soon as a proapect of up- rry Aa soon aa to take up the motherhood she that more evils than from eariy. vvelI as plea (flue° the best re - her, both of man eiarriage until he aeot property to t pride and world- ! greet danger of 4id honor in the 9ecorno the vietim part of those who Ilion rather than • peg is in similar fy in seeking to edded life on the - have attained s and worldly et e now felt ftild ra a sentimenn rieks, duties and f3.11 and women alley to spend in e, travel, mere of the value or /tome, no doubt, e too early, or he larger num- v of, waiting too ponsibilities meg examplesh-e- we be rude, ppy, if we ere i re hardships or One Day, et whine Tablets ey if it lane to- eignature is on. FEBRVA Y 15, 1901. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. roti hi In every couh there lurks, like a crouching tiger, the probabilities of consumption. The tIlroat a n d lungs become rough and in- flamed from coughing and the germs of consumption find an easy entrance. Take no chanees with the dan- gerous foe. For 60 years there has been a per- fect cure. What a rec- ord! Sixty years of cures. soothes and heals the wounded throat and lungs. You escape an at- tack of consumption with all its terrible sufferin l and uncertain results. There is not h ing so bad for the throat and lungs as coughing. A 25c. bottle will cure an ordinary cough; hard- er coughs will need a 50c. size; the dollar bottle is cheapest in the long run. “One of my on was spitting blood With a high fever and was very in. We could hardly see any signs of life in him. The doctors did him no good. But one bottle of your CherryPectora cured him and saved his life." C. GI. Ara:mason, Nov. 10, 1898. na, S.Dak. Write the Doctor. j you have any complaint whatever end desire the best medical advice, write the Doe - tor freely. Address Dr. J. 0. AYsia, nova, Mass. DISTRICT MATTERS t *tun tiqitov. tanley. I SMOOT, REPO T. -The following is the monthly report fo January of school section No. 14, Stanley. It is bailed on the deport- ment, puncteialit , attendance and profici- ency of the pupils Names are in order of merit : Senier 4 h, -H. L. Whiteman; D. 0. Grassiek, Lou sa Bell. Junior 4t4e-A. W. Johnston M. R. Alair, Jennie MoBeath, Senior 3rd, -Mar Johnston, Ida aDinsdale, Kate MoDiarmid. Senior 2nd,-Edisa Kyle, Jennie Bagler, No man Jones. junier3rd, -F. Kyle, Vik;.` . Gammq11, J. C. Logan. Junior 2ad,-Em a Alair,Fewin Gemmell, - Lulu Coleman. Senior, second parb,-Jean Grassick, Flan agler, EV Jones. Junior, second patr.-j-- Ag to Gemmthl; Etta Jarrett, Ida Jones. Fire part,-Murraye Maher, Arthur Kyl , Ji most Jarrett. The beat , speller& in the i onthly spelling matches - were : Fifth an senior fourth, IT. L. Whiteman ; junio fourth, Albert Johnston ; 1 senior third, Ida Dinedale and Mary John- ston, equal ; jun or third, Mary McKay ; 1 second, Jennij3 B gler ; junior second, Em. I 1 ma Alair ' • eiijor s cond part, Ellen Bagler ; junior eeeont pa t, Aggie Gemmell; first part, Murray Fisi er. • Pin ir the Back Makes life mi erab e for many. Can it be our - ed? Yes, in a night. Nerviline gives a complete knockout tq pain in the back, be- cause it is str nger, &iore penetrating, more highly pain -s bduing than any remedy ex- tant. One drclp of Nervilino has more pawer- over pain tin+ fiv drops of any ether rem- edy, and it is true strength you *ant when you've got se lin. Your money hack if it is not so. I. V. Pear, the druggist, sells Nerviline. Tuckers mitla. SelIOOL REPORT. -The following is the standing gained by the pupils of the school in section No. 1, Tucker mith, for the month of January : Senior 4 h-Hustin Jiliing. Junior 4th -Willie MeLaren. Third class, -Wilfred Buchanan, beura. Dillin , Roy Tragaair, Maggie Boa. Second class, -Mag- gie Buchanan, Johnale MeLaren, M elivilia Traquair. Part II. seni.r,-011ie Boa, Cecil Dilling, Altred Buchantn, Willie Bell. Part II. Junior, -Elliot Feirlairn, Jennie Buch- anan, Albert Trageair. Beauty of For Health and beauty aiwaye wrinkled, tired and worn -loo ately of nervousness, worry parrying ills and irregulariti Food tills the shrivelled a blood, strengthens and rekin nervert, and give e well-rou healthy complexion te all tvh all dealers. and Figu e. 0 liaked toga her. A ing faee tells unmodi. nd the many accom. e. Dr. Chase s Nerve teries with n w, rioh Ie s the vitalit - of the ded form, a d clear use it. 60 con a a box, Ha SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is the stanclingen the pupils of the school in sec- tion Nu. 4, Hwy, based on regularity in at- tendance, good conduct and general pro- ficiency. This school is taught by W. E. Thompson: Senior 4th, -Ida Oawold, Mabel Kaereher, Norman Kaeroher, Willie Klopp, Harvey Colosky, Junior 4th, -Herbert Kaereher, Roy Geiger, Flora Klopp. Senior 3rd, -Dora Geiger. Junior 3rd, -Mary Kaercher, Erma Geiger, Willie Heckmann, Herbert Stumpf, Lizzie Volland, Ida Beck- er. Senior 2ad,-Cornelius Stumpf, Bertha Heckmann. Junior 2nd,- Hubert Klopp, Maurice Stumpf. Part II., -Alvin Surarus, Garwin Prang, Herman Heckman. Part I., -Pearl Kftercher, Victor Stumpf. Bright's Disease of the Kidneys. Mr. Andrew Duffle, Aultsville, Ont., writes :-" I was troubled with Bright's disease of the kidneys for five years. I tried a numb r of doctors and proper - salons, but got no relief. My son advised the us• of Dr. Oirecee'S Kidney -Livor Pi s. I got a box, and, to my eurprise, I got relief ab nee, and am now thor- sughly cured," One pill a ose, 26 cents a b)x. Usborne. A NEW ROAD MACIIINE.-At a meeting of the Usborne eouneil, held on the 2nd inst., it Waif reaolved to purchase a ne v steel Champion road machine, manufactured by the Good Roads Machinery Company„ of Hamilton, to be accepted after delivery and satisfactory trial, as per guarantee.i Price, $220. The auditors' report was adopted and 100 copiea ordered to be printed for dis- tribution. The collector's roll was received and the collector paid his Palary. The reeve and treasurer were authorized to borrow on their note buch sums. as may be necessary to meet the current expenses of the muni- cipality. Accounts amounting to $178.25 were passed and ord rs issued in payment. The council wishes to recur the aervices of a competent man to u derta e the manage- ment of the road mai: ine, aid will be pre- pared to make arran e ents,with a suitable -person at the next me ting of the council, to be held on March 2n4,at 1 o'clock. PERSEVER A.N0E REWARDED Mrs. Berry was at First Dis- couraged, but Afterwards Resum- ed Treatment and was Cured. BEAR RIVER, N. S., Feb. 11. -Mrs. Eliza- beth Berry, of this place, has had an ex- perience both unique and intereatin . She says : " For over 4iht years I uffered with chronic Kidney masa. I trii d many remedies, but with np relief. A fri nd ad- vised Ded&le Kidney Pills. "I took one box, and as that lid not seem to help me very much I left off, end concluded them was Ob remedy. Fo three yeers more I struggled on, till at las I got do bad that I couldn't, these or undress try- eelf, and I dienot sleep more than ive min - qua at a time day or night. " I dett rmined to try Dood's Kidn y Pills same more. This time I bought five boxes. When thew were done I was a lit le bet - ten so I got bevea m ire. I have no finish - the tete nth yet, end I am co pletely tired of every traee af t* - old troubl ." ThiruxOBI ey box of the snuine Laxative Br:Am-Quinine ablate the ree,eqy that (*urea a cold in ,.0i1C day La eihe est Morte.. [Writt n foe TILE EXPOSITOR.] " The Queen le- ead,"i. is flashed along the wires ; And flags, half- set, foab sadly from the vire.. The toile toll s ftly w th a solemn re urid ; White sighs aro nil and requivas rise around. The world re-echoes aiith a lonelome lay. Because the ece tre sink& from her to -day. England helium s her, Scotland talrea it; up, 'rebind, Austral a driek the sorrow cup, Mid Northern snows Canadians vigil keep' Waiting with belied breeth the silent sleep. In moureful mood the duriky Indian Bravo Bewails his graoloutemother o'er the wave ; And Hindu ;dew in Zenanna drew., For her beleved Emprese drops a tear. - The weapon fells iron, out the Zulu's hand, wi .10 he proclaims it to his savage band, Ne th trended iii,altris the South Sea blander 1. ilds funeral pyres i memory t f her. Ay ! millions we p 1ai from the noble bier, As cadren fore lovi g parent deer. She lies in pom Lamented by t Alike by prince' Prelate and pa And none for h Than the devot and panoply of state ; e learoed, the good, the great, and peasant, high and low, per to her burial go; r mote d -eply grieve I weer, d " Snifflers of the Quee 1." To other some gnsepitalee on pillare rive, Inscribe their namee n pyramids that Eve On !nighty maneoleitnie, IA orks of art; Her name is writ upon the peopl is heart In golden letters with a tender tie,1 That aught can sever) love oan never die. Departed Ladyl! none for thee need twine, - As chaplet, for nation's teen are thine. But why this wOpin ? death is life begun ; - The battle past the nal triumph won. With "Vivo heroine" the heavenly etches ring, A royal welotnie waits her from the King : A fairer crown than Beita,in'e•diadem, Of purer gold e laid with richer gem, Unfading as th stars and orbs that light The country th t batlb neither pain,nor night. Is placed uponl3her b ow, she reigns for aye In pearly palac kno log no decay. H. ISABEL GRAHAM. Seaforth, January 22ed, 1901. -0- A NEW BOOK For Feminine Home Workers. SENT POST PAID TO ANY ADDRESS IN CANADA. The menu actu ere of the �elebrated Dia- mond Dyes and the popular Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns are now issuing a new and enlarged edition of the Diamond Dye Rug Book, that should be in the hands of every woman and girl in Canada. Many new and attractive designs for Mats and, Rugs -are ['hewn as well as full directions for the making and coloring. Thousands of women who are interested in the making of pretty Rughare sending for this book. !Send in your ad Irese at once to The Wens & Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Mountain Street, Mon real, Que. • Horse MarkettLooking Up. The horse market in Toronto is looking up somewhat. About forty horses were sold at Grand's Repository, in Toronto, last week, and some fairly good prices were realized. General purpose horses, ranging from five to to $125, the very good b six year ol There we fetched $90 for a nice, rising five y A lot of were sold a In Chicag Gazette, the antis of buy heavy anim ls was probably the largest on record. Some horses weighing 2,000 to 2,200 pounds, in ehow condition, sold at $250 to $350. Fancy well matehed homes, weighing 4,200 and 4,4O0 for the team, fetched to $700. In speoial coach offerings, single animate sold at from $196 to $1,000, and matched teams from $300 to $1,175. eight years old, sold from $75 top price being secured for .s oak weighing about 1,350, and some nice drivers, and these o $140, the top price being paid dark brown, well bred beast, are -of age. useful seconds, good for work, $40 to $75 and $80 each. last week, says the Breeders' re was an increase in the attend - ere, and the clearings of fancy Buo ien's Arnica Salve Has wor d -wide fame for marvellous ouree. It s rpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Onto, Corns, Burns, Boils, Soresi Felons, Ulcers, Totter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions ; Infallible for Piles. Cure guar- anteed. Only 25o at Fear's drug store. The powers of Woman. The intutive powers of woman are certain- ly greater than that of man. r Her percep- tions are more acute, her apprehensions quicker; and she has a remarkable power of interpreting the feeling of others, whigh giv s to her, not only a. much More ready sy pathy with these, but that power of kid& her actions Iso se to be in accordance wi them whichlwe call tact. The tact hears a close correspondence withi the adaptivene s to particular. wads which we see in netin tive setionan In regard to the infe ior d - veloprnent of her intellectual powers, ther , fore, and in the predominance of the int ,* tive women must be considered as ranking i below men ; but in the superior purity and elevation of her feelings she hi highly raised above him. Her whole character, physical as well as corporeal, is beautifully adapted to supply *hat is deficient in man and to elevate and refine then powers whil might otherwise be direoted to . low and selfish ob. jects.-Dr. W. B. Carpenter. • - i Working Overtime. , 1 Eight hour laws are ignored by thoe tire - Ines, little workers -Dr. King's Ne* Life Pills. hlillionseare always at work night and day, curing Indigestion, Biliousness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Sto - ach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Eas pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25e itt Fee drug store. ' J Nothing Extraordinary A hrave and famous Scotch colo the following story in reminiscenc young subaltern of his own national one day on guard with another of Gibraltar, when the latter fell over t extrordinary Since g u a rd mounting," stand ing without qualification. Some hours af- terwarde the brigade general came to de- mand explanations., "You say, site in your report, ' Nothing ehtraordinary since guard mounting,' when yeur own fellow officer has fallen down a rocky precipice, four hundred feet deep, and has been killed I" 1" Well, general," replied the Scotch lieatenant, slowly, "1 dinna think there'e ()Wiling ex- traordinary it that. If he -had faun doon a precipice four hundred feet deep, and not been killed, I should ha' thoeht it extraor- dinary, and put it doon in ma repoort." • Had Ito Conquor or Die. • " 1 wet just about gone," writes Mrs. Rosa Richardeon, of Leurel S rings, N. 0,, at the bast mere than a King's New ed by seven well." It's Consumption, ronchitis, in. sthma, Hay ough. Guar - Trial bottles I had Coueumptiep so bad t deters said I could not live math, but I began to use Dr iscovery, and was wholly cu b tbles, and am now stout an unrivalled live -saver in aeumonia, La Grippe, and fallible for Coughs, Colds, Fever, Croup or Whooping anteed bottles 50o and $1.00. feee at Feat"indrug etore. Pars' iration.1 It is almost pecul ar to men, monkeys and h rses. Horees sweat all ov r the body, a id so do human beings; but onkeys, it is e id, sweat only in the hands, eet and face. he use of peispiration is mai ly to cool the body by evaporatio althoug it is gener- ally believed; that vaste mate late are. also excreted through th meat gl nds when the action of the kidn ys is in rferred with. In animals that peril ire but little the cool- ing of the beal,y is effected by evaporation from the lunge, as tve see in the ease of a panting dog. . A Firema s Close Call. " stuck to my engine, although every joint ached ;and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a loco- motive firemart of Burlingtors,-: Iowa. "1 was weak and pale without hny appetite, and all run deven. As I was bout to give up, I got a bottle of Eleotric Bitters, and, after takinglt, I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run, down people always gain nelw life, strength and vigor •from their nee. y them. Satisfaction guaranted by I. V. ear, druggist, Seaforth. Piice 50 cent. • On the Down Grade. E. VV. Johnson, , the once great heavy- weight and world'champion in varinos branches of sport, is on the toboggan slide of life. Oae the pride ot thousand,' sur- rounding the erena in athletic fields of New York, Boston, Mo treat and other large cities, recently he WUS pitied by the free seaters of the police court of Hamilton. He was found guilty of a •charge of. assaulting Joseph Leslie, a baiiff'e officer, while in the discharge ofiis duty. In delivering judg- ment, the m gistra e said that • he had read all the law h could find on the subject and found that here was no justification for Johnsen thr *ing the officer out of his house, into hich he had gone to make a seizure for r tit. nee inside of the house with a dist ess w rrant, he must not be molested. J'hnson was found guilty of the charge and fi id $3h or sixty days in jail. Johnson si ply said, "111 take the sixty days," and e handed his wife hie roll, watch and o her trinkets and marched over the Bridge o Sighs to serve time. • A Card. We, the u dersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Greene's Wa ranted Syrup of Tar if it tails to' cure your cough or cold: We also guar- antee a 25 -cc t bottle to prove satisfactory or money ref nded. ALEX. Wiesen, Druggist, Seaforth. • His 'lever Little Wife. Young hyle-" knew you would like the slippers, Harry if for no other reason, because I ade t ern." Husband--" You don't mean thia is all your work? Why, whet a tal nted ittle wife I have to be sure.' You We-" Yee, all my work. Of eourse, 1 bough the up re, and Mary sewed them together, and 1 got a man to sole them h t 1 put the bows on and did therneup in- he to x. And do you know, Harry, I a € proud of myself. I didn't think I eoul ever o such things." el tells I 8 A ty w s cer t ,k hero and was killed. The subeltern, h wevr made no mention of the accident in his guard report, but left the addendurn,"; Nothing - ; e_ • Take ne of Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills after dinner It will promote digestiOn and overcame a y evil effects of WO hearty eat14.Sa e, prompt, active, painless .and pleasant. his effective little pin is sup. planting all the old school nauseous purga- tives. 40 d ees, so cents, -x3 For sal by I, V. Fear, Seaforth. • ?Ok the D nk. The late r. Ar hibald F thee, the tam' oue war cor spon ent, beg& i his career as a lecturer at sma 1 town in Scotland. He was yety ne ous, and aekei the janitor at the hall to 1 him in by a si e door in order that he mig t avo d the crus . "Ye needna mind," repli d th t funetio ary ; "there's nae orood.?' ' Thi was no more than the _truth. A red commercial traveller, he found, comp Red tlhe entire audience. Forbes waited awh e, and no one ipproaohing, be said to the "au fence," "Wiii you have the lecture, r will you have a drink ?" " A drink," said the teav, Iler. Kldne function o which pas When t • h ' do their w help and s 'Kidney Cu forms of ki hours -I4 For ea • Duty. -It Is thilidneys to fi through them dneys are disea ole. duty, and rength that S e will afford i ney disorder. e by Trains It is considere 'taking on pessen a waste, and a w cording to Com platform. by enter the tr "A spiral e of a. huge tu very slowly the main fie circumferen mea w alma n-ta By r. e. . V. Fear, Not To that the t ers at rai 11 known erce, devi s of which ile runnin e is erect le, which, this the p e then wa he speed graduall is travelli which he with the moving are auto ion is rea opened a • being carried alon til at the edge he the moving Fain, ingly at rest, and enters, and as th behind the door until the neXt eta are automatically the particular Iter out poisons into the blood. ed they cann01 hould have the uth American any and all It relieves in 6 Seaforth. Stop. me occupied in way stations is ngineer has, ae ed a revolving passengers can at full speed. d in the centre f course, moves ssenger reaches ks towards the t which he Is increases, un- g at the rate of here finds seem- oore open. He platform is left atically closed, bed, when they ain." Those W rrying application of J r. Agnew' give you omfo 1. Appli for three to six n ghts and In the most stub orn cases ing,- or It !ling Piles. Dr mint cure Ecz ma and burning ski dis mil. It ee cents.- Plles1- One Ointment will d every night cure is effected f Blind, Bleed- Agnew's Oint- 11 itching and cis like magic. For sae by 11. V. Fear Seaforth. e -A short, time ago a- rib appeared at the I ce count° Company, Toron o, and Belt of very exPensi e laces, a presentedei $1, 00 bill or The young lady ashler ver elined to seed ba ,k such a 1 til the bill was a proved of ority thee hersel • The no ly dressed ledy of T. Eaton & cted $40 worth d in payment treasury note. prudently de- rge balance ma y higher auth- e was taken to ••••••*44rsarairivanr•.• Mr. Eaton, was submitted to hie banker and It was pronounoed genuine, By the time the bill Wae broug ht back to the lace depart- ment the lady Wai in a tows ing rage ab being suspected and delayed so long, and, grabbing the bill, threatened to leave wibh- out taken her purehase. Mr. Eaton was at once sent for, and tendered apologies and explanations, which iramedietely calmed the lady's fury, and, taking up her pared, she gave (mother $1,000 note and waited until she reoeived her balance of $960. The lady had returised the hilt wlech was ex- amined by the bankers and paid for the goods with a counterfeit. The fraud was not discovered for two days, end no doubt Mr. Beton is very anxious to 'know where the lady ie. • That Cutting Acid th4 arises from the stomach and almost strangles, is caused by fermentation of the food in'the stomach. It is a foretaste of indigestion and dyspep- sia, Take one of Dr. Von Staple Pineapple Tablets immediately after ee4ng, and it will prevent this distress and aid digestion. 6o in a box, 35 cents. -d6 For sale by I. V. Fear, Seaforth. -Alderman Thomas Burns, a; well known resident of Btookville, and his shn'Edward, had a miraculous escape from drowning while crossing the river in fdont of that town, on Tuesday of last week, with a horse and cutter. Near the ehannel the outfit went through the ice. Mr. Borne, who was riding yvith his feet hanging en one side of the cutter, managed to roll out en solid ice. His son, wearing a fur coat, wale tucked un- der a heavy tobe, and could no ree himself. ; The cutter turned over on the ide he was sitting, and he had almost tcli appeared un- der the lee when his father rea led forward, and catching him by the cella llrew him to a place of safety. With the assistance of parties who came out from e ore the horse was rescued, after being in he water up- wards of an hour. The animal broke through a second time, and ha 1 to be drawn ashore, i --tee INSTANT RELIEF guaranteed by u9Ing MIL - BURN'S STERLING HEADACHE DWDERS. No depressing after-effect. • -George McMillen, a youn man of Ux- bridge, had a miraculous esoaHf from death Tuesday morning of last weel. He and a companion named Clarence t ner started from the town, each in ohar e of three horses, which they Were deliver ng to Clare- mont Station. As they were rossing the railway track on the fifth conce shin of Ux- bridge township, a freight tra n from the 89uth suddenly appeared in si ht. Stiner got across all right, but the h r a McMillan was on was killed under hi , and he Was thrown a considerable distan He, how- ever, °seeped with no more s ious results than a few bruisee. One of I e horses he was leaeing was hadly inju e', and died shortly after being ' truck: • IT'S so pleasant to t ke that childr but it's death to worn s of all kind WORM SYRUP. Pric 26o. All deal • -Rev. Dr. Reid, Presbyterie to the foreign sett' ments in th says it is a grave injustice to, Galician and Doukhobor settler He says most of them are doih of them being highly prosperO of the Doukhobors : " With the fulfilling of the law. Thcii that if men love their neighb not do their neighbors wrong. their fellowman, the image therefore look upon birn with Sucha class of settlers need gin • for alarm. • HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL is pro and sure to cure coughs, oolds, sore the ohest, hoarseness, quinsy, etc. P • News Notesq -Prince Edward county basts of the oldest postmaster i i Canada, D wen Roblin, Roblin's Mills. H was appoi ted in 1845. The old gentleman was born in 1800, and is still hale and he rty. He le in his office every day, and al hough 95 years of age, does not wear spec wiles, -Caleb Mannin , one of 1 arwich town. ship's beet known farmers, was recently rushing cornstalks 'through a �uaking ma- chine, and by some unknci d means his hand • became drawn into the naohine. In an instant his hand was si flehed into a pulp, and only that the mac i e was stop. ped in time a hie more se i us at:cadent would have resulted. The a had to be amputated about the wrist. e To cure a cold in a night -u Vapo-Creso• n cry for it ,.DR. LOW'S re, missionary Northwest, ascribe the as paupers. well, many Be says hem love is principle is rs they will They see in f God, and reverence." us no cause pt to relieve hroat, pain in ioe 26o. lene. It has been used extensiv than twenty-four years. All Dr e -The Montreal Star remarit significant fact, as illustratin condition of the British Em first important appointment Dominion Govern ea under lr during more gists. was that of Mr. M. P. for Toronto Rose as Judge of Mr. Lount hes ne who was exeeute rebellion against, the Queen' Canada, in tbe fit ty's reign, 1837." -Another seri ported from ' Es day, 2nd inst. r. Henry .14.1 ent farmer ofMaidstone to walking through the wood band, the weapon was disch unknown manner A heavy tore off the unfortunate man and thumb of the left ban centre of his chin, passing th and carrying away a portio bone. The right eye was al He is not expected to recover. • Olie Was Read A gentleman net a youn had formerly b en a servan and being inter sted in her to her, "Why, haven't you yet?" "No, sor." ow?" "Well, I thought you wo married before' "Oh, no, sor," she said. waitin." "Two!" he ex laimed. " intend to marry two, do yo ",No, eon" "Then who arb they?" he • "Whit" she replied naiv that's waitin is the priest a illiam Lo Center, to he High Co hew of the for peal.* t, year of h us gtin ac ex county. . "JEtjsa the present re that the ace by the Ing Edward weed Judge t of Ontario. arnuel Lounb ation in the authority in late Majes- ident is re. On Satur- 1 s, a promin. nehip, while shotgun in ged in some arge of shot index finger entered the ugh the jaw of the jaw. destroyed, oman who in his house tvelfitre said got married have been '!There's two 11 y, you don't f nquireds "the two me:" A Reminder. Mrs. Rtarvem-How -do chicken salad, Mr. Joel= Mr. joaksmith-Oh, that I bought a book that was to today. Did it nome? Mr. Starvere-Yes, but the chicken wiled remind y Mr. Joaksmitia-Well, th calf. On like the eminds me. e sent home why should of it? book is halt Letting. Her Have He Nell (excitedly) -Here's from Jack Punter of the va • Bellee-What'S it say? • "It says: 'Nose broken. prefer it het -reek or Rom Choice. a telegram ity teani. ow do yen n?' Political buttons cannot Canada during; the 'heat of This is due to h clause in t franchise act Which saye th shall exhibit any sign of faith after the official nom made. e worn in a campaign. e Dominion t no person his political ina done are CA.U0-1IT THE ROBBtit, THE OFFICIALS HUNTE1D FOR HIM IN BRASS BAND FASHION. One Instance In Which This Style of Detective Work Snectieded Admira- bly -How the Culprit Wan Foreed Into a Confemnion. How do detectives detect? It all de- pends. There is no rule. That which solves 0110. myetery today will make en- tailer more impenetrable tomorrow. Ac- • (•-erdieg to one of the most noted detect- ives of tide country, the rule of conntion sense is the beet to follow-. Take a case narrated by this detechve. He was called up on. a long distance tsle- phone, which in itse.lf is not in Ewan:d- ance with the general idea. of telling a detective of a crime. The message eaid that a farmer had been robbed of $8,909 In gold and asked that an operative be sent '..o the town. near the farm. The message was received at night. The fol- lowing morning a man from the agency went to the office from which the Mes- sage was sent and announced his business , just as a. commercial traveler would an- nounce his. Nothing in ins appearance Indicated that he was a man of mystery. The 'man who sent the message said to him: "A farmer," meetioning his tame and describing the way to the farmer's ' house "had $8,000 in gold. • He kept it in a box underhisbed. One day while he was at work on his farm the money Was stolen. That's all there is to the case.'" The detective hired a horse and r de to the farm. He saw the farmer, ut the farmer could tell him no more than the man in town who sent the message to the city. The detective remained in the neighborhood several days, visiting other farmers. To each of them he said: "Ta am a detective. I am looking for the man who stole your neighbor's money." Not one of the farmers had a suspi ion • of the identity of the thief. The det et - lye learned the standing of- each faille): upon whom he called. Then he retur led to the horde office. About a wool later another man went to tho same neighborhood and told ;his business. He was a detectiv.e from he Same agency and on the same busineSa as the first. He went to each farmer and told hie business. Then he went away. Tli),ther.e)farmers talked about his visit to One ai At the end of the third week anot ler detective went into the communitykl- though he was disguised as a lightnhig rod peddler, he told each farmer he s ne, confidentially, that he was a detest ive looking for the man who had stolen . 8,- 000 in gold. Iiihreputation preceded h m. Wheeever he • went fanners said, " on may he a lightning i•od peddler all ri ht, but you are a detective." And invariably he replied, "I am a detective," and all the farmers in the community tented among themselves nbout the lightning hod peddler detective who was in the country. This detective suddenly disappeared. ; . Four weeks later another visitor came into the community. He had 130 busi ess except that which he proclaimed as he traveled. He met 'men in the road nd said, after passing the time of day:, "I am a netective. I am here trying to find out who stole Fanner -s $8.000 in gold." The news traveled. It was a riew way of hunting a criminal. There Was no mysterious man in disguise, but. "a real, everyday man in the neighborhood who said he was a detective." "Hive you seen the detectiee?" was as cant on a question as the salutation of the d y. To make his work all the more open his • detective said to the farmer who lost the money: "Yon will soon have all your , gold back. There won't be a dollar of it missing. The man who stole it live in the neighborhood. ; He will confess the theft." "Won't he run away before he ill give It up?" asked the farmer. . The detective relined: "No. The i an who runs away will thereby say to his community that he; is the thief. No one In this community Will dare move In the words of the chief who tells the story, "Every man in the connnunity at once felt that somehow or other he *as being watched. The tension becente painful, in spite of the fact that only one man in the community was guilt'." Thirty-three days after the robber a farmer went to town and asked th t a detective be sent for. When the detect- ive came, which was the next day, -the farmer said to him: "Come with me and I will show you where the $8,000 is bur- ied. I am the thief." The two men went to the woods.. The snow was ankle deep on the spot *here the treasure Was buried. After eleartng away the 1 rift the detective dig down and found an old coffeepot containing the gold. He teok it to the farmer Who had last his geld, and the fainter identified it. rbe detective took hia prisoner back to the city, and in less than a week the lelf111 was in state prison. "It was a common sense rule," said the heed of the agency. "Each one of the men I sent up to :the community lea ed that there was only one man in the om- munity who was ; In the habit of dr nk- lug. Ile had been for years addiete ; to periodical drunks. All of the su den this man stopped drinking. My nen tried to get him to taste HO(); but he refused. This was our only suspi !On that he might be .guilty. Then I cou eiv- ed the plan of having it bruited -e -ery day that there was a detective in the community. From the time I got the message until the confession there was hardly a day in which that cemmu ity was not stirred ua by the news that one of my detectives was in the settle ient looking for the thief, and I alvvay in- etiiiin eicted my men ito assert that the g ilty n lived in the Community. "Thus the talk ibecame the topic of the dny, on the made, in the farmhouse on • the farms. Not for an instant did al - law anybody to 4orget it. After th ar- rest of the fernier I asked him hat made him confees. FIe said he n ver edeld hear any other subject discu..sed. Every time he met one of his neigh ors that neighbor would ask him if he had seen the detective. Ile thought oncie 'of going away, but just then he heard what my man had said, that the guilty one would try to go, and that fact deterred him. It nuele' him afraid. Every stran- ger he Met in the road was a &tee ive. Every kuock at his door was that f a deteetive. He could' stand It no lorger. The burden was greater than be could hoe e, and he confessed. Rather paradox - Red. NV1!S it not. that his reformation as to dtintiee ehreilti f have made suspicion teeniest him 'all (lie stronger? The mo- tive ( epin Intel that,"- • T!. lee are a nood deal like good ae... - v --A tehiso a Globe. • What He Did. Kentucklan-He called me a liar, gr. New Yorker -And what- did you de? Keutuckian-I went to the tuner .- Detroit Free Preas. The way of the transgressor is ha*d 132 modern times. The persons who eoxim1t crimes are daily corning to grief. Escapo ie Ws frequent thaa * former zeari Germs. That's precisely what Vapo-Cresolene does. You light the vaporizer, the vapor of Cresolene is given off. Not a disease germ can live in this vapor, yet it can't possibly harm even the youngest child. Just naturally breathe -in the va ; it destroys the geniis of la grippe, hay fever, influ- enza i and whooping -cough. It's the comrnon sense treatment for all troubles of the throat and bronchial tubes. 26 Vapo-Cresolene is sold by drug lets everywhere. A Vapo-Cresolene outfit, includi ne the Vaporizer and Lamp, which should last a life -time, and a bottle of Cresolene, complete, tete° ; extra eepplies of Creso- lene 25 cents and so cents. Illustrated booklet contain- ing physicians' testimonials free upon request. VAPO- CRE8011.1104Z CO., 180 Fulton St., New York, U.S.A. RecoMmended and sold by I. V. Fear, Druggiat, Seaforth. esneesherepteeteIMPIIIIPIIPP11111•1600.1111.91.11.115Tr • The Head of the House. When once a man has established a home his most important duties have fairly begun The errors of youth may be overlooked ; want of purpose, and even of honor, in his early deem may be forgotten. But, from the moment of his marriage, he begins to write his indelible history -not by pen and ink, but by actions by which he must ever after- wards reporked and judged. His conduct at bogie ; his solicitude for his family; the training of his children; hie devotion to his wife ;ihie regard for the great interests of eternityl-these are the tests by which his worth wifl ever after be estimated by all who think or care about him. These will determine his position while living, and in- fluence hi. memory when dead. He uses well or jil the brief space allotted to him to build u a character fonnded upon the most solid of ell foundations -private worth. • E ps's Cocoa GRAT FUL COMFORTING Dia • guished everywhere for De- lioaey of Flavour, Superior Quality, • a!ld Highly Nutritive Properties. Specially grateful and comforting to the nervous and dyepeptic. SoijI only in quarter -pound lab lied JAMES EPPS & CO,, Li ited Homceopathic Chemists, Lo don, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER ps's Cocoa - 1713 -26 • Sick With Worms. Mrs. J. D. Mayo, South Stukely, P. Q., wrote the following • " One of my children took sick with worms, and, after trying everything without getting relief, we procured Dr. Low's Piet:went WWII) Syrup, which ne:-ed promptly and effectually." After t remedy Milburn' 26o. at a night with "the boys" there is no better o clear the head and settle the stomach than Sterling Headache Po eders. Price 10c. and 1 dealers.. a• • ea Lax& Liver Pills are a positive cure for sick Head- ache, Biliousness, Constipation, Dyspepsia, and all stomach and liver complaints. They neither gripe, weaken nor sicken. Prioe 25e. at all dealers. Neuralgia. "I had been -suffering about six monthwtth Neu- ralgia ev en I started taking Milburn's Rheumatic ,i Pills. T ey did me more good than any medicine I ever use . bin. Annie Ryan, Sand Point, pit. S. _....-......--- - Doctor the Horses.' Mrs, T ems Thompson, Roland, Manitoba, writes; "My bb band would net be without Hagyard's Yel- low 0111 the house, as he uses it a good deal for doctorin up the hases, and consider% it splendid." Price 215c ese 4i-ese All kinds of Coughs awl Colde, Broecialt s, Whoo p- ing 0oUg „Nine in the Chest, Wbeezin , Hoare: e nese, sOre Throat and Asthma yield to Itho Lun g healing properties of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syru p LcICS WANTED. Tbe Very- highest price in cash will be paid her any quantity of first class Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Basswood And all other kinds of Saw Logs delivered at the (*forth Saw Mills. , All 11000r Len ,teet 2 Cas if des 1 JO Logs will be Purchased and paid for log to quality. h of Logs must be 12, 14, 16 and 10 lflohce. will be paid as the logs are delivered, ed. Apply to IAH WATSON, Segforth. I 1722ef 110 the public of Seaforth and surrounding country PURCHAEED -\ e Meat Business Formerly conducted by T. R. F. CASE & CO. , by strict attention to businese and ing a firet class article at a reasonable to merit the patronage bestowed on o firm. I true suppl price, the la Wil dresse ow. pay the highest market price for poultry, good hides, skins and tal- FR D GALES, Seaforth, 1719-tf Merton Stock Farm, LO 27, CONCESSION 8, HIBBERT Th roughbred Durham Cows, Heifers and Bulls of the most fashionable strains for sale at resso Ole prices. Poet offie.e addreee, DAVID HILL, Staffe. • 1661-tf 1THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument EMPORIUM, ESTABLISHED, 1873, Onfing to hard times, we have con- cluded to sell Pianos and Organs; at Gr atly Reduce noes 0 ions at $23 and upwards, nd Pians at corresponding prices. S us before ptitrehasing SCOTT Bliv,S 1.4 Special Attention • t°l°raeelheiig.idCARRA pp. GenerAbbin:mAK:R queen Betel. Robert levereux LACKSMITH and :toderiele Etreet, • - - Seaforth. Our &oat conneetions will 'rave you tithe and money for all points, Can4dian North West kI Via Toronto or Chicago, Britfah Columbia and California; points. Our rates are the lowest We have them te suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR - 68T OARS for your accommodation. Call for further information. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains /me Seaforth and Clititon stations as °Howe : loING W181,- nxeroaeit. OLLICTON. Passenger.. , ... 12.102. et. 12.55 r. w. nsiseneern .. .. .. 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. hi. iflred Train-- 9.20 A. M. 10.15 A. W. Mixed Train .... 6.15 1'. M. 7.05 P. It Gorse EMIT - Passenger.. - ..,. 7.53 A. If. 7.88 A.M. Passenger.. .. .... 0.11 P. M. 2.55 P. M. Mixed Train,- - - 4.40 P„ M. 4.25 P. M. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Gerse Noun- Passenger, Ethel,. 8.07 r. Brusselit- .. 8.17 Bluevalat., - 8.27 ha Goan So - 8.38 •11•••• 6.58 W1nghan7.9062492gor. A, et, 7 4 28 aro,. 414•444 rerfir 7.18 Brunel Mixed. 1.40 r. 2.10 2.85 8.25 Mixed. 8.55 A. re. 9.17 9.45 10.02 London, Huron and Bruce. GOINGlloRtm- London? depart. CentrExetet. • Hensel' ..... „... Kippen :.... • . - . • . • Bruoefitki . . . • • Londeeboro B1y1114.- ..... • • ... . . Wingliam arrive.. ... Going Sortu- Witigham, depart.... Londesicoro.. • CliPt0114.4-rr4.4"140ao-os Brilnegeld •-• • .. 4 .. 44 orill-• 4 Elms • • • n all:: • • • . Exeter.,„ ..... Centralia. d • • • 4 • •• • • VII London, Paeeeoger. 815 A.m. 4.40 tee 9.18 5.55 0,80 6.0 9.44 6.1 9.50 6.25 9.58 6.88 10.16 6.55 10.88 7.14 10.41 7.213 10.66 7.87 11.10 8.00 Passenger, 6.68 A.M. &15P. K. 7.01 8.40 7.14 8.55 7.22 4.05 7.47 -4.25 8.05 4.40 8.16 4.57 8.22 b.02 8,86 5.14 8.46 5.28 9.871. M. 6.12 0111CULAR SAW Og L moo IP g WM to F3 e.-41 0 1-zcp i -g cc, 6 ccoN- 0'2' tz. -. nts n cigurnO sow I.. • u ti z:ceo . QI - IL U N .1 :n. 0 4 it; 4D c:i teuiv4 4cc(t14ipt 4-1-• igi5 " b t-,7 v° ri fp r -g Pill a' 0 Oaf " § 0 - ag Li al 24. (IQ eDSrC:121 :Il twit 100-i • at; (4C immod t• -•+z ommi • est- crC)CL reel • 0.010 prowl • ,rhe iMcKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED $••••••••••••••• 01710116, 1 J. B. MeLean, President, Rippen P0, ; Thomae Fraser, vioe-president, tireuleffeld P. 0. ..• • Thomas E. Hays, eaey.Trees. flealorth P. 0- W. G. Breed - foot, .1.11 r of Losses, fleaforth P. 0. DIMSOORIL W..G. roadfoet, Seaforth; achtt G. Grieve, W1 throp ; eorge Dale, Seaforth ; John Benneweitr, Dublin; Slimes Ramis, 13421wood ; John Watt, Hemlock Thome* Fraser, Brecefield ; John B. 140, Lean, Ki pen ; James Connolly, Clinton. 1.01E4•21. Rob,. Leith, Oarlock ; Bob's. McMillan, ealiferse 1 James C ming ICgmondy :e ; 3. W. Yee, Holmes- ville P. .• George Murdie sod John C. Morrison, auditors "Psrldes desirous to effect Itaarances or isnrio. tot other! holiness will be promptly Attended to on pplicatiOn, to any of the above elleers, addrestred heir res (rive pod ot8044. SEAFORTH DYE WORKS Ladies and gentlemen, then ..ee• you all for putt patrons and now that a. Tr -I/ seeeen is at bend wish to 1 t you know thet 1 era et:11 in the busineee, ready to do my beet to glee :0,1 every satisfaction in doing yeur work in the 11 e of cleautog and d ping gentleni IA and ladle,' clot :•..:•;. done without being ripped aci well as to bay theet ripped All v.eiol goods sataranteed to glve goof eatiefaction on Ebert - est notide. Shawle, I ertaiaa, etc., at modeeete priced. Please do not 1a11 ts gt • 3 me s eall. Better and eggs taken in ext hang 'or work. Hle.:11..le NICHOL. Opposite the Leer !re north Main ereet. 1691-tf