The Huron Expositor, 1901-02-08, Page 88 DEVONSHIRE. Devonshire is the n mo of a very superior line of writing paper and envelopes which we have just received. This- paper possessor a beautiful velvet sur- face which rn kes writing upon it .a pleasure- and f polite correspondence it cannot be ex oiled. It Cornea in white a plain, bat the - SHIRE is the not the superi of paper which for, while the is but IOe. E d cream, both ruled and rest feature of DEVON - ice. It is the equal if r, to many other brands yell pay 15e per quire rice of DEVONSHIRE velopes 10c per package', REMEMBER THE PLACE PAPST'S ROUKSTO ' E, SEAFORTH, DOMINION BANK. CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $1,500,000. REST, - - $1,600,000, SEAFORTH BRANCH, Main Street, Seaforth. A General Ban kin Business trans- acted, Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances made on same at lowest rates. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits. of One Dollar and upwards. R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, Solicitor Manager. NEW RESOLUTIONS When you formulate your good resolu- tions for 1901 it will pay you to add thia one, that you will buy your watches, clocks, jewelry, - engagement and wedding rings, silver. and fancy goods at Counter's Jewelry Establishment, SEAFORTH. W. R. COUNTER, - - Manager. W. N.-WATSON'S AGENCY. NO RTH MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. DEALER IN —FIRST CLASS SEWING MACHINES— RAYMOND NSD WHITE Also sewing machine part, supplies, needles, at tachmente and oil. Ali kande of sewing machines repaired promptly,charges reasonable. General Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Only first class companies represented. Agent for the Toronto General Trusts Corporation. -Money advanced on farm a d town property, at low rates ofinterest,' and charge low.. N. .ATS 01\i•, NORTH MAIN ST , SEAFORTH, 1830 DON'T N G LEC iT To write for our new atalogue if you are interested in the eeleoti n of the beet school in which to train for bus nese pursuits. The Central Business Colleg:, Toronto, employs eleven regular teachers, owns 60 typewrit- ing machines and uses 2, splendid rooms in. its work. Its courses are thorough and practical and its studen and graduates aro in strong demand. Win er term from Janu- ary 2ad. Enter any tirr: after that date. We also give splendid c tenses By Mail for those who cannot attend our school. All particulars cheerfully gi en. Central - Busin : ss College, TORON 0, W. H. SI l AW, PrinoipaL Yana and and Gerrard sts., Toronto. - 1688.52 Grand Trun Railway SXST M. One way 2nd clams spe ial Excursions will be run weekly during Fe . ruary, March and April to points in Man'tobe, Minnesoto, Montana, North Dakota Idaho, Washing- ton, Oregon, and British olumbia, choice of routes via Chicago or Nor h Bay. All part- ies a two or more assis :d to Stratford and btigga a consulting of we ring apparel pas- sed Customs for points in the Western States. Full particulars o application. W. S O M E R V I L L E, Agent Commercial Building, SEAFORTH. 1846 Prepare For Good Situations By Taking a Co rse in the .4' dg, • STRATFORD. 0 A school well known fro ade to the other for its au place many of our -student Cons. Students admit Handsome catalogue free, W. J. ELLI TARIO. one end of Oen- crier work.: We in good eitua- ed each _week. TT, Principal. 4444,62 OPTICAL GOODS How about a pair of ep Xmas preasant to some of who niay need them. chase them now and af will examine their eyes glasses free of charge. DALY, AN'® SEAFOR stades for a your friends . ou oan pur- er Xmas we and change PTI CAN EWELLER H. DISTRICT: MATTERS. Rita urn txpoitti ♦• 'RATELr.RR9.—The -following were Joke9- ed to distant pointe this week at W. ome r - villa's up -town ticket agency.: eorge Wiltee, McKillop, to Hart, Miohiga ; W H. Willis, to Quebec ; Mre. S. Mulls t• and brother, E. _ Latimer, jr., to Sarnia ; +, C. Coleman to Detroit ; Mise Gibson, ni ce Of - Mr. Thomas Livingstone, " Hullett and fol merly of Seaforth, to her home i Mil- • ford, Iowa ; William Robb, to Detroit . N MEMoRIUmi.—Saturday mornin last was set apart as a time of mourning for our beloved Queen, and all business places were closed until one o'clock. A special me oriel service was held in St. Thomas' ohure ; ' at which the rector, Rev. J. W: Hodgins, rffioi- ated, and delivered an appropriate an ' -.im- pressive address. The service was at enc -- ed by a large number of the citizens, pilo the town council, the firemen and the -133rd regiment band attended in a body. (DEATH OF • MR. JOHN DOL'IE,-=Mr. Dobie, of Egm'ondville, and one of th, neer settlers . of Tuokersmith, died Sunday last. Mr. Dobie had reecho good age, of 84 years and 5 months: had been growing feeble rapidly' for months, but did not seem to be affeote any particular disease, and his Beat due to a wearing out of the physical Although confined to the house for a o. of weeks he had never been confined to and suffered only from weakness. pabsed away sitting in his chair an quietly and easily as if he had gon sleep. He was a quiet, unassumin dustrioue, honest, good living man, was deservedly esteemed by all who him, and was most highly esteeme. .those who knew him beet. • John pio- on the He ome bVale an. uple bed, 'He as to in - and new by HOCKEY NOTES.—The hockey tearn vent to Wingham on Friday night last to lay with theteam of that town, in a ached led match in . the Huron hockey aseoai ion series. The game resulted in a victory for the SeAforth boys by a score of 6 goals: t 5. As yet our boys have not lost a game ih I the series. They go to Clinton to -night - (Eri. day), and on Monday night the big game of the season will be played on the rink here, with Goderich. The boys defeated Gode- rich on their own rink a few weeks ago, Taut the Goderich players think they are capable of returning the compliment, so that a geed game is assured. It is said the Godeaoh people will come down in a- special train and that the team will be accompanied; lby about 200 of their supporters. ! THE TURF CLE>„—The manual meeting lof he Seaforth Turf Association was held; in 'ardno's hall on Monday evening. The ecretary's.report ehbwed the associations to e id exceptionally good standing finance'I- y, notwithstanding the heavy expense tb y - have been under since their organizati�O ., t was decided to hold a two days' race eet some time during the coming summer, e datesopf which have not yet been a need. " All the old officers were re-electe follows : President, J. Cardno ; vi esident, R. Wilson treasurer, W. earee ; secretary, M. Broderick ; direb e, R. Devereaux, G. Murray, W. _ aker, J. F. Daly and T. J. Stephens ditors, James Watson and W. 0. Reid. r. M. Broderick was appointed delegat the. circuit meeting in Stratford. • GOoiD FOR THE CURLERS. -Two rinks fri e Seaforth 'curling club went to Stratfc Thursday of last week to play in. gro_ of the Ontario tankard primaries. lih. be included in this group were Seafortth ratford, St. Marys, Brantford, Harriet° d Liteknow. - All the clubs in the . grou faulted but Seaforth and Stratford. Th tch, therefore, was between these tw me, and Seaforthcame out victorious b hots. This entitles Seaforth to compete the final match for the tankatd, which 1 be�pfayed"in Toronto soon. It is not aya,eafe to: count our chickens before y are hatched, but we even now have ions of the provincial' tankard reposing in forth for. the coming season. The fel- ing composed the victorious rinks at atford : Rink No. 1,—D. T. Hepburn, oma Richardeon, . Wm. Ament, J. A. loon,—Skip. Rink No. 2,—Wm. .Beth- , Wm. McDougall,"Wm. Pickard, John ir,—Skip. Rink .No. 1 scored•24 to 16, le rink No. 2 scored 18 to 18. 1 • EAT�1 o1 Mets. LAT/MEL—Deep regr t felt among 'Mr' citizens generally - en ecoming known . that -Mrs. Edward Lati- , jr., had departed this life early Friday Ding. It was a 'real shook to all her nils, as few knew of her illness. She given birth to a little daughter the pro- s day, and convulsions ensued, and de - e all that medical skill could accomplish, lifepeased almost as the other Dame in- xist�ence. Mrs. Latimer'a` maiden name Hattie Boole. She was the second eld- daughter of Mr. and Mre, Charles Soole, months of age. little over a ly bright, ami - n, and ,vas: be- nds. The sin - heart can give be extended tote sadly bereaved par - and the young husband, who has been ddenly bereft of the deal' wife who was uoh to him, and whose loss' can only be eciated by those who have been so un - nate as to "suffer a similar affliction, sympathy of the'community was exem- d by the fares attendance • at the funer- Sunday afternoon. - t s 1 m th ra as pr or auB to th on 7 olu St an de ma tea 8e in wil alw the vie Sea low Str Th Wi une We whi wD it b mer moi frie had vin spit one to e was est and She year able care will en te. 80811 80 m for Pu The plifie al on r was only 20 years and 5 had only been married .&he was a particular and lovable young woma loved by a large' circle of frie et sympathy, th t h MR. BO('Rr1SSA'S . LECTURE. —The second of the series of lectures under the -auspices of the Collegiate' Institute, was given on Thursday evening of last week, in. Cardno'e hall, by Mr. J. H. N. Bourasea,M. P. for Labelle, Quebec, on the subject, " The race problem in Canada." Mr. Botirassa has at- tained considerable notoriety on .account of the position he took respecting the sending of the Canadian contingent to South Africa. But, however much people may differ from him on this subject, none who,lieten to him on the platform can deny his ability as a leoturer or his loyalty te his country. He is a most entertaining and clever lecturer, while as a gentleman he is genial, affable and soon makes friends, He is quite a young map, but has unqukeetioned ability and bas given considerable study to political and social subjects: His lecture was an eloquent plea for a closer friogdship betiveon the dif- ferent nationalities who make up the popu- lation of this country, and more particular- ly between the French-Canadians and the English speaking people. He dwelt upon the many virtues of his . countrymen and traced the origin of the French-Canadiane back to the. time when they were akin to the Norman ancestors of the British people. Ho also asked for a closer aeggaintance be- tween the people of Quebec and those of the other provinces of the Dominion, and - he was sure that this acquaintance would en- sure friendship and reepect and all that gees to make a united people of one nation. He also assured his audience of the intensi- ty of the loyalty of the French Canadians to THE eve -of departure from France to Canada that they are " going home." • Aod. while he ad • Imitted that.he did not anticipate a fusion of 1 bhe races, on account of natural diseimilari . i ties, he did hope for closer and more friend • ly relations such as should prevail amon loyal people of one nation and who arc !unitedly engaged in alien building. Th flecture was an exoee • ingly interesting one and was listened to - ith pleasure . and, w ;have no doubt, profit by a large audience IThere was ono point, however,, on whic 'Mr. Bourasea did not touch, and that wa the official use t the wo languages. Thi 'ire and must co tines to be, in our opinion the great lever of cle' vage between the tw :peoples; and•w ich keeps the- French Can adians of Que•eo a distinct people fro those of the' r st of Canada. Do -awa with this and h: ve. b i t the one languag officially recog . ized, ; nd this line of oleav age would gradually . ieappear and the de sired fusion an frien• ship would soon fol low. We wo d lik , therefore, if able patriotic and . fluential men like Mr, Bouri apes, would e! nate heir people for thiff change, so th it.mig.t be effected with ai little friction poesi • le, At the close of the lectjure a , to of tl, auks, moved by Dr, MoGindie and .eoonde. by Mr. -Thomas Moi Millan, was pr :pentad to Mr. Bourasea by� the chairman, :x -May, r Gunn; and to which Mr. Bourasea ade a appy reply, in which be stated he w.uldbe very pleased to rel turn to Seafort on erne future occasion, end we are mut 'the p:ople of Seaforth will be more than eased o have another op- portunity of lie ening to him. Preceding the lecture t audie. ea wore pleasantly entertained by : vocal solo by Mrs. John lgopg and a vi 'lin solo by Mr. Peace, of the Dominion Ban'.. • The Maple L:af Store's annual sale dur- ing -February for; each. We quote a few of our prices, 4 cans of, tomatoes, peas or porn for 25o, maple leaf .salm 2 for 25o and a good salmoc for 2io, three. po .ds raisins or currants for 25o,1 8. can Gillett's l : for 25o,. one tin pail of cream sodas 25o, six bar .f soap for 25c, 20• per cent. off 'ail teas and all ot r first class grpoories away down. in price. Watch r window for prices. Wo guar- antee all goods o .•otoy refunded. A call eolieited.' P. Dill, Seaforth. 17;0.1 Workingme' a- Rev. Geo.E. Bigelow, of the Christian Citi nship Longus. Chicago, will speak in the Town Hall at 8 p. m., on Saturday, and at Carduo's Hall, at 3 p. m„ on Sunday afternoon, on stibjeete which ear ern your intereete. Mr. Bigelow ie a epiendidepeak;r, and all who; have heard him. are moro'than pi .need—it starts them thinking. Collection to defr�} expeosos. You'Dan's afford to mise it. 1720-1 BARGAIN.— brand new; made-to-order Portland cutter fo :ale. REID & i�'1LeoN, Hardware Merchants, Reafot 1719•tf Charles Soole ill be Lound in the old stand Estate Johnson Brio.. Tinshop, ready to do all kande of repairing and ne work. Call and see him up- stairs, front entran'o between HardwarelStore and Papet'e Book Store. 1727.4 Volunteers : of '66, Attentipn !—Wanted, me * bar of the S.aforth volunteers, who was out in '66, and who rem inhere Wm. Bremner, who came from Wroxeter to Goderich to Join the Company, and afterwards we t to Thorold camp. Please write to Tns Exro TOR, Seaforth, and oblige—AN OLD COMRADE. 1729.8 KENNEDY BR s , Seaforth, pay the high- est cash price for 1 lies, sheep skins and poultry. Fresh herring.every eek. 'Phone No. 18. 172941y ' PAY —AlLI'. accounts owing the late firm of Chesney & • b must be settled byFebruary" 20th. After that da : they will be placed in court. They can be paid Hugh Robb's grocery or to George Chesney. - 1730x2 • WANTED,—Ro 1 butter 22c. G. E. King, Wingham. 1730-tf • DEATH OF MRS, of the early settler person of Mrs. J peacefully away at forth., on Sunday maiden name was oIIN Deci(SON.—Another of this - district, in the hn T. Dickson, passed her residence in Sea - last. Mrs. Dickson's ary Sloan. She was a daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Sloan, of Hullett. She was born at Thornhill, near Toronto, in 1837, where Mr. Sloan was teaching school. he Was one of a family of 6, and her death s eauded the first break. The other members of the family are, Dr. Sloan, of Toronto ; Dr. R. Sloan, Shanghai ; Phomas Sloan, Min eeota ; Andrew Sloan, Blyth, and Mre. Vm. Snell, Constance. Mre. Dickson cam to Hullett with` her parents, in 1854, an removed from there to Roxboro, McKillop, at the time of her mar- riage to Mr. Dicks n, ..and with a short interval resided the e until last fall, when she removed to Sea orth. She was a wise and loving wife and mother,and even in her long illness took the liveliest interest in her children's welfa e. She had been in failing health for some years, and since her unfortunate fall in anuary of last year has been a helpless inva id. She bore her suf- fering and-. weaknes with great courage and looked to the futu e with the brightest hope. Truly " at e entide it was light" with her., Mrs. Dio.son had 9 children, all of whom aro living, he two eldest daughters being married. T eee are Mre. James Lockhart, of MoKillpp, and Mrs. Whimster, of Aurora. The • there are Archibald, James and John, 'H :len, Jean, Bella and Minnie. The Tuner 1 took place on Tues- day, and the remain were laid to rest in the Maitlandbanlrl ce etery. • A WILL CASE,•!• -T. a case of Hayter ve. Peck, whioh was pri:d in Toronto recently.., arose out of the adm nistration of the estate of the late Henry 'Jo neon, of Stanley. The plaintiffs were on ph Hayter end Jane Johnson, the grand hildren and legatees, and the defendants J• hn Peok, the surviving executor of the will. In 1883 Mr. Peok had peeped his accounts b:fore Judge Toms, who had made the usu 1 order allowing Mr. Peok the usual comm scion for future, in ad- dition to past, work ;t a certain percentage. Mr. Peck a000rdingl . continued to deduct his commission antriu:fly up to the time the plaintiffs Dame of,a;;, when a distribution was made of he est: to, with the exception of a "sum to se ure th widow's annuity, and the plaintiffs ranted to the detendant a re- lease of all claims exc:pt the last-mentioned sum. After the `den h of the widow, the plaintiffs alleged loose to the estate suffered by defendant, also ov r charges of commis - ion and asked an ane+unt, the setting aside bf Judge Tome' order and the release grant- ed, The hearipog of t e case was referred to Elie local mast at. a oderioh, who reduced the commission by ab • ut one half and oberg. 9d the defenda• t with 8456 interest on om- ission .which he fo nd to be improperly •etained.- The report further found that Peok had : cted h • neatly and wisely in fie adminietr: tion, a. d had retained the on mission un er the belief that he wag en- itled to it• T e defendant appealed from he maeter's're.ort. The appellant contend - d that he mho Id be flowed a larger sum or compeneati.n or ommission and die.. rursemente the . that flowed by the master nil that he sh.uld n t have been charged vith interest. The a peal was allowed by i creasing the- cornm scion to $954 and s riking out the intere t charged against the e ecutor. App al' die lased as to disburee- ents claimed •y def ndant. There were no coasts of ap.eal. he judgment in ac- e rdanoe with r:port a amended gives costs t plaintiffs up o the h wring. Each party t bt ar his own .oats of the reference. • ,F pros ppress ings- Tues there woul the e were Petr own country and their sincere love for afters Canada and Canadian -institution's; In il- presi lustration of this he instanced the fad oellet that when people of Scotch, English or by 111 Irish origin visit their native land they, say " he H they are " going home." On the other band James French-Canadians, although they dearly How to love France, when going to that country ! Whitby they do not use the expression "going ' Ol;jeo;a home," but invariably say they are going to m ny u France, and it is -only when they are on the I lin s n *MERE' IN nt series was held in lay last. was a f 1 have bee Wormy weat two Pune loon. Th lent, Mr. S t practical r. H, . G1 TITUTE --The first of the 1 Far ere' Institute t .meet - the to n hall, Seaforth, on t - the afternoon • meeting ir afndance, and there many more present but for or and the fact that there ale in the vicinity that chair was taken by the Moffatt, of Varna, Ex- addressea were delivered ndenning, of Manilla, on og and xport Bacon Trade ; " Mr. MoEwin:,, Drayton, on " Why and Under rain,' and Mrs., Smith, of , on " rain," Institutes, Their and Aim ," All the addresses gave seful hi • is ale g their respective d were lis ened t most attentively, alt by the out, as i oou ono Wer af te ing Fru Smi stru The gra brin voc app etru W. on Iain larg whi Inge' ion, que hay ing Atte URON ugh there was not se be audience as at e vening meeting the although the a di n e en, h should have b try people being pied by Mayor given by the s noon, Mer. MoE Problems' - Mr t and Vegetab h giving a moi tive paper on r was also a vel me, Mr. Will ing down the h 1 solos by Mae opriate and w ental part was .;McLean on 'tl eJviolin. It w+ ent and it s ly attended. h is a new fe in this district, as it brought ions and apps no doubt but tl here will be v ded than this o sine Wil time wing 01 le -j3t ,' Do yMe eee er 11 re well e pia gar Could Che tare waif ut' opria to ne ry' 10 *a • 0 t a te a 0 e V m a q n e u POBITOR uoh questioning e meetings. At as a nine turn was not so large attendance of Tho chair Was , and addressee rtiee as in the king up "Com- enning " The den," and Mre. eating and in- dict Economy," ing musical pro- d's comicalitiee usual, while the ilio Hays were Bred. The in - stained by Mre, and Mr. Pease pleasant enter- ve been more estion drawer, institute meet - added attract eral interesting answers. We institute meet - h •more largely A NIVIGR.9ARr S Rvin Mar in, of Zion o ureb, duot:d the'anniyers ry se villa! Presbyterian o uroh Mr. Martin is a ost . a prea her, and his se mon grea ly admired b ` all " the In the fore oon t oong egation, but in he e the :xtremely storrhy wen not a• many in atten ance. day evening meth' a h usua custom was ade. oust•mary tea meeting, is a re•ital of her o n ausp ces and for the ene6 Foreign Missionary ociet Deep te the somewha etor bad alking, there w s a l r chur• h was well fille , and all _ f resent felt, am ly tie attenance,as it w s ine most successful and ighlyi tain nt. Is the beencia Mus rave, Rev. Mr. Larki-• presi ed, and an a mire made ` The eeleoti ne Grah m were all goo an She .oesesses the oetio degr .: and her efforts wi favor bly with many f m and hj:r rare talents i this fail to bring her distinct'o futur:. Of her selections n ing, ' The Log House on The ( ate, or The Fir t Sh 11 Shouldna' For et," good style, and in act . piotu es, and were esp ciall audie r ce, but, while t eee best, hey were `all god and merit These a lectio :wr ba delightfully re ere mre. . C. Greig of Sfoe ocal solos by re, ( r.) orth Mies Ge mill, f T ir. ' alter Will e, of eafoi t ere I very plea ing te th as, ti. roughout, a mist s alum' nt, and he in ova opul' r one. s. ---Rev, Mr, Brantford, con - vices in Egmont'. oil Sunday last. •1: and pleasing on Sunday were ho listened to re was a large n ing, owing to her, there was For the Mon- nge from the nstead of • the Graham gave me, under the f the Women's •f the church. night and the e audience, the e are sure that raid for their ery respect a njoyable enter - of Rev. Mr. , of Seaforth, chairman be i en by Miss ell rendered. ift in a high 1 compare most o greater note, i eotion can not in the near Monday even - e Hill," " At be Last," and re natural, in eautiful ! word :njoyed by the re perhaps the displayed rare e interspersed recitation by h, and aleio by elden, of Sea• kersmith, and , all of which audience. It oeeeful enter- on proved a " We • LOC L BRIEFS,—Mr. oh, t is to n, has passed hi= thi a ion efore the Ontario Lav e igibl: for hono s at the t on, 1 Mr. S. A. Dicke n h h� s eedond year e : amine ion, t wri e for honor in th fin e b: ve pleasu e in a ngr g:ntle en on thei . euoce s. * onto , the tea elling pass t e Ur: nd Trunk i' ailwa , w ek, looking af er th in o mpa y, -Mr. P ootor ee. h • sine a man, and if busi eee h' ro: d he will- have -t- S lliv: intends o.ening a c le e i Strong's block, in A • nda; next. rr r. O'S lliv so . oo) in Walkerton and one in sura:eeful oper-tion, :nd'. be able to give sati,efaotio . to to hind here.—M J; R.esr w o le rned his rade a a th a to n, has pun based bus W :llin ton county, and into: bu-inee: there. Mr. Roeis m; n a • d 'a- sten , relit ble w om a can con dently recd god p:ople of We lingto• co • mo., who has been •ond oa tile . ueineas Yn 'Vin;;h op f ba : p rohased a buei.ne . if H• wic township and me th •re a out the mi dle of M so y t• lose Mr. C mmon fro be we .an heartily:reco me people • f Newbride. rh y good a • d worthy citizen, —M of his •own, has r oently had e so ' , Mr. L. . Kenn dy, o th ' frica, and ho re urn wire the second o ntinge t. ex 'lain that he i tends co for h o• his return but e w ant rio fever and 'e still oo Mil tary hospital a Quebe , b ing and hopes coo to be rea He inter• de return ng to Sou jbi Be. en-Powell's mount d the autoritiee will permit - hint to do so.— l1i e E ing attended the f neva of the late i 1r . J. . Smith, in Toronto, q. Saturday. --t; tur ay last was CandIemei: day. The bes oa e out of hie nes , tura seeing his eiia ow, returned to ib age n fe six weeks. T r. Sl • an, of Toronto, as I' town this Week, at{ ending the funeral o his sister, Mr.. Jo n Dickson, He was , Wroxeter on : atu day, attending t e 1 eral of his old frie d, Mr. Thomas G bso and came frog th re here.—Dr. W . L 1 oft, son of Mr, W Elliott, town of rk, e here just no vi iting his parents D Elliott, al- tho gh a graduate of Trinity 1ollege, To. ron o, is praotieing in Cilon, W -:aonein, and is d • fag well.—Mr. Roy Scotton ot Mr. Jam:s S ott, met with aa •trio and what mfg t e Gaily have proved fa • 1 ecoid•nt, on S: tur ay afternoon last wile fixing the led is light wires in th; E. McFaul Com . an 's store, when the elec lo current was urn d on at the po er a use. For. tuna ely_► a only had one had the wires, andhis .aved his life. owe r, his left hand wa badly burned a d t by the elect iot urrent, and aithoir h ry painful, he is con ratulating-himselflf tha it was no e:— r. Alex. i Harvey, fir` London, epewore a c• uple of days this we L- with his eist, e , M 8. (Dr.) Burro4vs,1.-Ml' John H. Hays harented his farm On tl a 2nd con. one' .n o MoKillop, near oxb fo, to Mr. Robe t l'lurdie, Mr. Hays int tide giving up fa min and coming to t wn The Im- peria ore .eetra furnished t e m sic at the Forel ers' ball, in Bayfiel , o Tuesday night — • number of our c ink n fanciers are e hib Ming at the poultr e hibition in God ich his week.—Mr. •Arch bald Ohba hol, of rlewold, Menitob ,' a old Sea - fort • oy, was here thi week, at nding the fune :1 of his aunt, Mr�. John DI kaon, and visit . g friends, Mr. ' Chia} olm is one of the ny ntarione who have pro pared and grow we "thy in Manitoba.---Tre is now an a finduce of snow and mete coming ever 1 da The country roads. although heav in . some places, are till' good, and farmers an others are being gid n an op- peat]m silty o" get their teas g done —Mr. J. 0. Rose ' who has been' batik -beeper and busine a m nager for the Brdadfdiot & Box Furnit re om any here for a gr at many years, eft n Wednesday to (yaksi position in the ead, office of the new c mp y at To- ronto. iTh people of Seafor h wi 1 deeply regret that the change in the usi eon i8 to deprive us af so useful and po ula a oitizen Jackson, of d year exeinin- ooiety, and is ter examine - also passe d nd is entitled examination. i tulating both lir. Charles S. :ager agent of 1 in town last rests of. his to be a live an be got for ir. W. H. 0'. menial col - is town, on now has a in Wingham,' ill, no doubt, ' 11 who apply •f Bruoefield, aoksmith in i . eee in Alma, a going into good work. young man, mend to the ty.--Mr. R, sting a mer. some years, Newbridge, as removing h. We are this district, him to the -ill find him a e. Kennedy, letter from who was in ! to Canada r. Kennedy ng ti Sea- s victim of ned in the is recover. for -duty, Africa, to lice force if ri . . as Mr. Rose, but we understand that what will be our loss 'will be to his pin, and welI deserved, and which shows that the li while regretting hi departure, we can all congratulate him on his promotion, which is company appreciatels good men. Mr. Rose will not likely rernoee his family from here for some bime. —Rev, Mr, Shaw 'is now sufficiently recovered from his recent illness to permit of his leaving his room, but it will be some time before he is able to, resume work. Mr, Moore, Station agent at Bruce - field, will conduct the services in Illgmond- ville church next Sabbath, at the usual hours.—Mr. Hicks h s disposed of ; the W. C. Clark property, i Egmondville, its) Mr. James Hudson, of uokeramith, for 8450.. There is a residence end two acres f land. --Mr. George Watson, of the 'ovens- ment Printing Bureau, Ottawa,- is h re this week, visiting his parents.—Miss S ole, of rp Toronto, wise ere this week, atten ing the funeral of he niece, Mrs. E Lati er, jr., serious illness of Mee. Fred Gales b t hope 13 is again runni g.—Wa regret to led of tho soon to see her amend again,—Mrs„ Falls, of London, iti this Week the guest of her sister, Mrs. M, Thompson, of john street,— Mr. and Mrs. John McMann, jr., en ertain• ed a number ref thef young people f the town at a very ple ant party on ednee. day evening.—Nr. nd Mrs, Joseph Keat- ing entertained a pa ty of about 60 of their friends at their aom ortable home on Wed- neiday evening las Progressive 'euchre occupied the attenti n of the gueets during the evening, and at ta close a very dainty but substantial lane was served, to Which all did ample justice —Mr. George Baldwin, who has been laid u for a couple of weeks, 8 now able -to be out E hel. eight and a half mon hs old that weighs 800 pounds. -5. S. Cole' team drew a load of logs, from the 13th concession to the saw mill here, that weig ed 8 tons, 630 pounds. —Wm. Patton is ver low at present.—At the quarterly meetin of the Ethel Meth°. dist church, held here last Sabbath, Rev. ; D. r. Currie preached in the morning to a I rge audience and i the evening, Robert la cKay filled the pul it in a very accept- ! le manner.—Postmester Spence has not ,f Ily recovered from la grippe.—P.Gordner, lo Mitchell, takes possession of the hotel ot is week. M. Henry will move into the h use lately vacated by Wm. Beatty.—Mr. G orge Dobson is still confined to the house. Twice smith. We don't purpose elling you any of our dr' ams, so this is n dream but a genuine li :filo, ettch.ings , re lity. It's a fact hat , in advertisement ta k, extes. good val e with The E. Mo. F ul Co., Seaforth, ()ape more than bar- ge n does in mbet sto s. Now is the time to lay in a good sup ly of, and get extra BI nkots, Flannelettes Table Linens, Tow• lively. A number 1o7f30 the EST END NOTES. The sleighing has y ng people spent a very pleasant evening a he residence of Mr S. Johns, 012 Friday ey ning of last week.e-Mr. and Mrs. Levi St ng visited relativee here this week.— l's i a Carrie Iohns returned home on Satur- d last after spending a few weeks visit - i relatives and friend in Mandaumin and rigden.—Oharles Oda , who has been on ite returned home from Shallow Lake las week. hel at Turner's appointment last Sunday. Re • Mr. Andrews, of 'Varna took charge of he service—On Sunday, February 17th, ann veraary services will be held at Turner's ohu oh, when Rev. Dr. Gifford, of Clinton, wil give his noted lecture, entitled " The 3, a °mon, of Clinton will preach. Oa the Monday evening following, Dr. Gifford Ma moth - Cave of Kentucky." This lea re has been well received wherever giv n, and as it has been given in a number of he cities of Ontaraie there should be a larg attendance. Aenual clearing sale of, winter wear, etc. Uatillthe first of March we will for cash give big dis- counts on all our stock of print*, also all kinds of winter underwear, gauntlets, mitts, caps, overshoes, men' and boys' rubbers and sox, etc. We have a few r bee and horse blankets, also a few dinner sets that ill be oleared out at bar obto prices. This sate is ge uine as we must make r om for spring goods. John Balfour, Post Office 8tor , Kippen 1780.2 If you want a Ready- o -Wear suit that look and fits like a tailor-made suit, a suit that will give you lots of wear and comfort, and ake you say oyer a d over again "it's just he thing," you mus go to The E. Me- Faul Co's. Store, Seaforth; at any rate they keep just such suits at business doing prices. You' I always find theirls a good place to buy Mena' and Boys' Clothing. 1730-1 NoTEs.—The officers elected for the en- suing six months in connection with St. Andrew's church °bridle'', Endeavor Sooiet are : President, Miss K. Acheson ; vice- presi ent, Miss IL Thomson ; secretary, Miss B. McLean ; treasurer, Mr. Peter Stew rt ; prayer meeting oommittee, Mr. Tolto , Miss M. Murray a d Miss E. Craw- ford ; look -out committee, Mrs. T. N. For- syth, Miss S. Acheson, Mi Mimi N, Cooper and M flowe committee, Miss E. C. Co per and Miss H. Th Mies in co retur visiti repor for th in the Taylo the fo the re preao merno and n ed to 1 her els her eis during at Zur dotted near f out for the vil Musts Frac k Coo er a M. McGregor, Kettleton, Miss '', Crawford.—Mise Alhe Whiteman, pany with her sister Miss Lily, have ed home from Blyth where they were g with Mr. and Mrsi Combs. They having enjoyed their visit immense. rs. Thomas Elder, of. Tuokersmith, past week, hes been spending a t visit with her mother, Mts. Strew- n Elder is no lover of bachelor life oold weather. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank , of Alma, were visiting friends here a part of the week.--e-The pastors of peotive churches, en Sunday last, ad very fitting and appropriate ial sermons on the life of the good ble woman who of late has been call. ay aside her earthly crown.—Mrs. who for the past Week has been at es home, near Ccomarty, waiting on er who was poorly, has returned The Misses Aohesoe, of the manse, the week, were visiting with friende oh.—By the number of weddings on the elate for this 1vicinity in the ture, our preachers may be looking a busy time.—Mr. Frank Mann, of age, has engaged with Mr. James d for the coming summer. Mr. d is a good master, and he will find a faithful servant.—Mr. Charles r. Frank Up- wien never go p has engaged with M shall f r the season. Good long id e.—The storm of thel week has had the effect of quieting the husinees of our busy b little r no play Clegg, agent, i creation and leisure. All work and makes Jack a dull boy.—Mr. R. ur genial and ever obliging station now going on his 16th year at his post he e, which is a pretty good showing for the eervioe which Mr. 01 gg renders to the company and to the publ o. Mr. Clegg is a jolly good fellow, and allthat is wrong with him is his but time will over- come that mistake.—Mesers.; Hugh Ache- son and Frank Mann are proprietors of the ice on the mill dam, and are -now busy sup. plying all in need of the cooling article.— Mr. R. B. McLean disposed of 14 head of fat steere to Mr. Ironsides,- realizing about 5 cents per pound for them: They were a nice lot and were delivered on Monday and were shipped from 141040.—Mr. John Mof- fat, our grain buyer, is receiving large quan- tities of maple logs preparatory to obi me t • valeseenb.—Mr ''eter Fisher, who had n confined to his bed for two or three w eke with pleurisy, is now able to be a turd again.—Mr. James E. MoNicol paid M • Hay friendly Visit on Saturday night, w ile on his way to Clinton. Mr. MoNicol is ookiug hale an hearty and is as cheer - fu and jolly as o ore. He has youth and itir hopes on his si e, and that, no doubt, ulates and li ene him up.—What with at nding meetin go preparing his work, vi iting the sick ncil attending to the vari- R v. Mr. Acheso , i the busiest man in ou little burg. • roxeter. WE have star d 'the Saw Mill for the sesitioo, and are pre seed to do custom sawirg in lu nor, lath and shin., left Cash for good loge tif all ki de, particularly apl . Large stook of Shingles on and, also lumber. eta. Gram Bitos. 17224f oTes.—The fu e al of the late Thomas la ely attended oy • riends from all parts of th riding. The ,all bearere were Messrs. Jo n R. Miller, Thorrias Inglis, Thomas St Chan, James Edgar, George Fortune an James Wyli . ,Among those present we might mention J.' B. McMullen of Mount BI th, and others — -he many Mende of M . John Gibs n, i formerly Miss Josie Co an, were shoo ed to hear of her sudden de hie on Tues ayl morning last. Mrs. Gi on had been n poor health for some tn4 , but. it was h pe4 she would recover. Me. Gibson and fr ends have the sympathy of t e community, as 'also has Mr. Joseph Co an, who, in :the death of Mrs. Gibeon, lose hie only child.—,Mr. R. Black shipped a c r of flour on Tuesday last. --Miss Ander- s° sister of Rev, Mr. Anderson left on W nesday last' for IScotland. tier many fri de wish her k pleasant journey and a saf return. --The union memorial services, ois aturday last,' were much enjoyed by all wh attended. Pine addressee were given by Revs, Lake and Anderson, while ap- propriate music was endered by a union cho r.—Gibson Bros. re getting maple logs fro all the township within drawing die - for 'rst-class stuff. tamp of their mill. They pay a big -price 13i1 R. HIGGINS, Brucefield,Notary Public ConVnyanoer, Fire and L fe Insurance agent. Any amo ot of money toioan t lowest current rates of inter st, on first-class far security. All kinds of oonv yenning work done well and cheaply. At home every morning and Wednesday of Csch week Several good farms for sale, 157 NOTES, —A regular old fashioned snow stor has been paying its respects in this vicinity for the Past week, reminding us t at old winter its not yet ahord of all its pow r.—The saw mill, which has been closed dow for repairs for a few days, is again run ng full force, into he mill yard so soon e full.—Mr. Ro his a toba Alex teleg Jain fath healt train whio fune thro symp out t The logs are pouring quickly that it will ert McCartney, with ter, Miss Sarah, of Moose ,Jaw, Mani- , who were visiting their uncle, f r. ' Thompson, Bayfield Road, receive a am on Monday bringing the sad tn- nce of the deathlf their father, Mr. McCartney. he news was quitel a Ao the young people, who lefe their r not long ago in comparatively good They left Seaforth on the early they hope to reach in time for the Mr. Mcgertney was widely knoWn hout the oonnty of Huron and the thy of the whole, community will go the stricken fatuity in this their hoer of trial and sad bereavement.—The eacre- meat cif the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in the Presbyterian church on the comiCg Sabba at 11 o clock, preparatory services on the previous Fridaya at 2:30 p. m. and thanks iving services on the following Mon- day ap the same hour. Mr. Anderson, of Londo Presbytery, preach on Friday. -e - Thome Fraser, of the 2ad concession o Statile 1.—The Christian Endeavor purpos having a literary entertainment in the nes future. Mtss Graham, Of Egmonaville, will give readings and recitettions. More partio ulars will be given later.—Mies Lily Mo Cowan returned home Monday evening afte spender' some time visiting friends in Mickel igan.-- re, Andrew Scott is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. -Yellowlees, of Bow. manvill .—Mrs. Hunt and Miss Edith leave here that week to take their residence in Toronto', where Mr. Hunt has been for nom time o oupying a good position on the Grand runk Railway. --Despite the stormy weather on Monday evening, the tea meet - in the Methodist church was a decidedi encode. Those who braved the elements, and wer present were well repaid for eir trouble. , ism Annie Ross, Auburn, ei bar of Dr. Hose, left Clin n 'station for Winni- peg on Tuesday morn ng,, where she goes to take the position of la y1 superintendent in the hide/Ariel school. Blue le. Norea,--A Farmers ;Institute meeting will be h Id in the For ster's Bluevale, next Tu sday afternoo ,1 when expert agri culturali to will addr ea the audience on their special topics.— a grippe is very bad in this n ighborhood, orse than it has heed' since its first epidemi appearance, about eight ye re ago. Tha ease is said to be the change& le weather. -7 e have fine -sleigh- ing, but very little epth snow.—Mr. John Ga nett will mov his house frorn his farm to is village hom , to be used for a ingly to ur late belove Queen in their dis- course!, Week ago S bbath.—Mies Bella Fowler a d Mr. Peter owler, of the Blue - vale road ; Mr, John atterson, of Moles. yale, dr ve to Galt last week, to visit friends, a d also visited In Guelph.—Eva, the little daughter of Mr. Richard Hook - ridge, wal very badly Os:aided some days ago. She was carrying a tea pot of hot tea, when she tripped and fell, and was deluged with the ot contents. She suffered severe. ly, but is ow doing n'cely, —Mr. Wesley Cornell went to Preston on Wednesday of last week, to attend the funeral of a sister- in-law.— Ira. John Fow er, jr., of the Blue - vale road, who haa bee a typhoid feVer ng w II, but is still enable to return —In the list of su °postal students of to N rmal school, ublished last week, tioe the names e the Misses Lille d Ni a J. Isbister daughters of Reeve r, o Morrie, who re now teaching at Morels and the J notion schools re- vely.'HMrs. Henry Robb, of the first tdoetie, has been i a very low state Ith f r Revere' mon he, and, as she is dvan ed in yeare, i not likely to re. —M s. George Me Donald is able to be fter being laid p with la grippe he ast three weeks. ---We are hat if Bruin e meg out of his the eoond day of February and sees ado , he goes ba k to snooze for r on weeks. T ere was enough ne la t Saturday cast a very black be ind Mr. I3 ar.--elr. Albert of Ingham, wes in the village last ay on business.—Mista Ina Thomas is from Toronto on 0 visit, —Last &sh- was ,quarterly corainunion in the ist lohurch,—Mr. William Messer d the funeral of the late Thomas last.-i—Mr. Edgar °mikes, principal esworth, were home, the latter part patien is doi home. Toron we no B. an labiate No. 1 speoti line of of hes well a out, a told t lair on hie sh anothe eunshi shadow Lloyd, home bath MethOd attende urday for woodatook.—Mrs. Gilbert McDonald, of Ripl who was very ill for several weeks, is now of Mol ' BRUARY 8, 190 Remarkable ferings the Needy. ter -0,4;177g st-U4triciuTsc-urrvki If t ere is a man, woman, boy er girl, vitae in reasonable dietance from Seafork who is yet in need of any winter ap.• pare', this is his or her day of oppor. _ tunity to supply clothes or garments* high character at prices not to matched in.& twelve month. This stow is after extra husinees these stock -tale ing weeks, and is selling goods at Fie*. , that bringe it. Men's Furs Womenst Furs. A male of them now at reduced prices, veer iltiola reduced. The balance of our higfi rade Furs those handsome, rich ant beautiful Coate, Caperines, Collarettek At the seasonie beginnirog they Wert, priced very moderately, lower than furs_ of such high order of excellence usually ell for elsewhere. We are clearing thew ' ot at 10, 15 or 25 per cent. off marked - prices, but at prices to please and save. - you money. You can buy them here • Oheaper than you can elsewhere, even ' at their lowed sale prices. Underwear The iight sorts, those that wear, those that _ annot shrink. those that fit, those that.:: absorb moisture and save you from sev. are colds. Surely these are kinds of . undergarments you would wear, Cold- es er weather than we've had is Coming, be prepared. Don't shiver when under. wear comfort is 80 easily and cheaply se obtained. We have a full range to clear*, „ inolnding Men's, Womene', Boyce and 1 - Girls' underwear in the different sizes, Ladies' Undermuslins• It's surprising the quantity of muslin under- wear that is being gold in the different cities and towns. We sell our share,. and want to sell more. Women are -. awakening to the fact that they shout& 'Jaye? more readY-to-put-on under mus- lins, and do lees home sewing, whea a lc. Let this sitore be your purchas- e place for all your muslin under - r. You'll always find here the best' re enable price.1 tiv otr et covers, chemiaes, night gowns, d a era, pettiodata and mo -on, at every. but we would like to sell men who, ali We Don't Want Much have never bought ready-to-wear suit* from us, what they are going to huy - , thisiSpring,1 just to convince them that our elothin values are better than can be got at m at atores. We give special attention t and extra values in men'. ready -to -w ar clothing, ranging in price - For the Boy. We look to bia needs with this result: Tha in elegance of style, richness of qual ty, and perfection of fit, our boys' clothing emir be exnelled. What to. get lin nee not concern you, if yea doci e to come here. You cannot make a mistake. Everything desirable will be i own yola at those modest prices so- ofte boasted of by others in print, Try Bier his next suit. We have in etc° • some choice new thinge in Fernishings, just the kind that nasals: - or boy likes.' UL ry Goods Co. 'S Greatest Gas ry Goods Store. of last eek, tof visit their father.—Mr. ' Charles °mikes icame home from Moles. - worth lad week I and was soon after taken, down with la grip e.—Miss Agnes Stewart, tity of toie to In ersoll on Monday.—Mrs. Stowe, of °oder! h, was in the village thin week.— ise Cas more and Mr, Adair, or this wee s—Mr. phailes Maguire, station agent, h s retur ed from his • home iso Barrie, w ere he as called on the death of his sister I Durin his absence -1% relieving. agent cania from bailey but was Wren ill, and another one was sent.—Mr. George Porter, of the po ffice stare, and Mr. Wilt Bailey, of Mr. esser's store, were both -down wi h la g ippe last week. --Mr„ Thomas Gaultier- es been very ill, but st the time of writng was somewhat im- proved. BR/EFL—Mr. Gibson, of Winnipeg, In visiting frie ds and acquaintances en and are taking advents e of it.—Mr.McAndrews. 121 around Goe ie.—Mit. Wm. Dane, son of Mr, Wm. Dana, miller, is home from Winnipeg. The elimate of Manitoba appears to have agreed with Willie.1—The recent snow has - greatly imProved the sleighing, and tanner* -organizer for the C nadian Order of Chosen - Friends, is working in the interests of Gors fie Council No. 409 and a large increase of inernbershi is expe ted. The society is a ood one, eliard dere vedly popular here.— tit face on the Street again.—Mr. Wm. he grip is gain go ng Ito rounds and many ave had it.—The many friends of Mr. 'some Barher are pleased to zee his pleas - right, blsokemithchas been laid up for me dayr.-1-Mr. Woln. Bennett is movin Ins the house he recently purchased from r. David Sanderson. Mr. Bennett is -a retired farmer. quite a few of this class hu- mored into Our village 'Moly, and we under- stand there ere more to follow. Come along. Mr. F. H. MoLaug lin'e house, -near the railway track. —One day; recently Dougald McDonald,. 7th line, Meirris, wets seriously injured at his home. in driving into the yard with his team and ,sleighs1 the reach broke, cans. ing the honed to run away. Mr. McDonald Was thrown against the corner of the be= and ',ad a miunber of ribs broken from the EL • street 137 six y busines of the 11 the we selves c make has bee be fully time Ns special new s Boys price means are each pie will be ai be foun clear ow few oddi themseli stock of odd line) y on may are odd, will do i suits ; would d men's wi ing price sorted si 0 best. NA no use na deed ; se NiN and part. clear at t, pea jacke prove a 81 Surprise would ha well satit right oat three Ru one ladie highest r s25, thes seal in a moving p at movini Fo On Febro Butte, Monte line in Ameris Uwe regarding to the local C,