HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-02-08, Page 7W I : � 11 I . I .. ! I . I . I i � I � . i - I . . . . I I � . I I . -I t . 1. . . � I . � . I I I -� ` � I I I . . . - � - . . F . I - I I I I I . . I . I . . I . I I I � . -1 -- I � ,�, � I . I � . 1 ,2- " - ., i- 4 � - - . . . 't. . � i . - - - , - - � - 1-1 . � � .- 1, I i - - I I P - I -- I I .. - I . I I 1: . I . � . I . I � . - . . - - - . - �, . I , 1� I I � - . . I I , . I , . I . ,� - � . . � I I � . - .1 � - �:l - . , . � I � - � . i I . � I . . I � ., I . I . . I - . � . .1 . . I � 1 � - t � I . . . I � . I � i . � ... . . I . I . . i ; . . . . - - . I . I - ! � I . � . . . I i - � I . 11 I . . . . - I - -1 I - i: I . � � . I � . . . . t - . I � � I � . - . . . ,- . i � � . � . I . � I . . I . . . I . - i � � I - . i I - � i I . - I I I . L � . I i -- . I I I i i - - - - — - � — — — -0,, I � . I I . I% - I .11 .� � - _7 7 -- --: � � . . . � I . � FEBRUA Y 81. 19010 � - i . . . UR )N , EXPOSEITOIL � i - I 11 1. ­ I . THE H ( I : i�� . I st every effort pat ' �,�­­ - . � I --- ­ � � I I N� I . WMENNimim- ; . I I � f- . - � - - -- �, f4rt 1, �, . - - -� . I -- ­ � � I . � I - � i0tal defects - - � vpw-------- - � .J. - . I i I .. : , Ing seamon ticket holders, and the fare CORNS ON THE FEET.1 FROM THE (WIET. - . .1 I --jL I sometib, --- . Your Royal Highneenes, my Lords �n I 0� I . F I I n ,a, IL � i I A real Nvo!th, bu 11 Gehtler�en, -This -is the moob painful im, so not exceed a panny per mile. T 14, — i- �. . . *4 4� i 't, I do h 'I - � Giet Rid tA . . a - - � , Lord. N�athantei 0*1nmm, 11-�, I caeion (in which I � ab all ever be called 40 pro in ow They Are For Now theroads, hushed with darirg' . - . - ; WPM �t Rehol , I 11 . I I � I . . ". . It , said of him: , , Behol . to address you. M firob and melanch gress in I& d loo?moticn has been met . nd How ­'. 111 1 -, - . .1 They Sho d B4 -.4 i � -- and probably urpa�sed by the advance on �- a 'a. Lead the homeward way, . I - � - 1. U1 ate . Of It# I . I I . I I will rest; I AN -ill hark � ,%. I . A . , What the weeds. can say, !, .:, I � If yoi i have catarrh, w , in, whom is no guile I �� duty is to alanounce to you the death of tnL the sea. In. 1840 � the ,whole commercial corn Is an overgro'' Tr or the 1. Tevereux mcouragem this illu s- I A vth horny ' hy �' ent will it d'I I beloved mother, the ueenj and' I know h � , navy of the n tion conoist9d of about 23,000 11yer of solue portion . � � . . I I trate your , deeply on, an � I .. f tb , skin o � . don't, rou try to get rid of . I I I — .. . ea, in Datures which �av . f the Wondering in the afterglow, -"4a,:71 � - . � . . I ve � fleeb then , . . ; I I irik tinder adverse,it: VC .. -,you %nd tho whole nati exels, the team I comprising f ot induced by frictioi - Ileart's case of the day. . *� h 1� a � e 1. at Attention d think " may say -the whole world, sym' only 770 ves;e a with a capacity of 87,000 ' ot undue pros ,� ! ., - - it ? ' I 'he -first thing you Sp , - ... 11 ' I'l � � � ". le� #LACKSMITH a" * those who hava tJulr IV 1, I e X P e r i.- �: ii tbize w1h me in'theArreparable oes - w , tons At is�ire in one spot by the �shoe. It is situ- n� - I I . I I ll.tave a part I I - I have'all sustaindd. I . � ated- gonerally on a prominent portion of . , � - know I will go down H eehoeing and CARRIACE opp. I I I . the ei�d jot 1899 the tonnage of the I have seen joy take leave I :.f I I into to � in sue I I � c n , need -hardly say t a, ateam vessels was - nearly 7,000,000 tons,-- In a Wier guise; I :.'--! your] , I General Jobbing- I . � , j� Ty 001titant ou'demor will.be always U) while the . � one of the toes, more c(mmailly the little C,riefs have had a sin'le fu Lingslor stomach and._ Queen I � - I i -. / I ­� - And ai,c ", tonnage of.the tailing vessels WaB too, but may be on the sole �f th,e foot or When I inet their (,)-,e r me .., . . � cause serious trouble. You , MAKER uoteL I � 3 . –# i , ll .1 walk in her footatep .� In undertaking.tbe under 3,OqO q . " � I � fill / 1� 1000. ,Steajn power has so even on the ankle bone. t Shall I Unow withA%hat new wift oderlch street, - - - - - Seaforth. Air *heavy I)ad,which,now devolves upon me I greatl superseded sail power that a com- should, use Vapp-Cresolene at once. i' - . EALING P I �ou wor- Y- I 11 . I I owt , // I f, begins by an incre sell n size of the Life moy make me WiS0 I � I . - - - - - : �` am ful y determined to,be a- conatitditional parison"is hardly p esible, Rqd as a diiect I r � � - - . , anxillik 1. � J,1pill,o Thib c ire is so asy and so pleasant. i I --- - - . I con � I I I . ' . � W -M sequence the bu Iding of wooden ships f - Be it saA,ors of the dusk 1, . � ried for � Sovereign in the 8trietest sense qf- the, wo d " in the deeper �partl of the skin I V11 9 f . I ; of Oron:.ioct0t, N.134, and, 'go long a's there is breath in my b' . aid induces an I in1lie production .. You p�it some C esolebe in the vapor - I o", -.,-I--,-- -71-SP117t� . I - I . ; I ot� �y, has fallen. nearly in, o abr,yance. . I - . Soothe my care in me . -, ., I I - N � - I o ��the scarf s On, or ­ th a - ,,* , 7 way of Des .. HAI, fear - y6u . - . , to work for the good and amelioration of My . I �iicrease lorD layer. The � Or the trees that bid me wait izc-rl, light the lamp benea nd ' ­� .,f -1 . . Crib- I 1 7 1 . . .---- 0— . � - i I � . I � I ­ � --- . --- Exp&rience- i are soon to be- balid? � "i g people, � � . � 's�arf skin soon beco�,1�101;' I inordivately , What the hills foresee, i'., . ; breat4ie-in the port"hile Sleeping, -- ­­ I'- N ----- � - , - . I Aroused at Last . . 1. k 1� 1=11,11111i I T �7.� 1 thick and, the prossuic fr6m 11w, shoe 'i tl,e fields bide it, peace -- , � ii 1 � -- " I lave resolved to be known by th6 - . ,'--,". , � thaes . The h alin ; I � gA soothing va I .. Then ceale worrv- -w . I To the torriNe ravage i of conhumptlan In Ontario, � continuing, is pushed 1b a c4ld inigninst the. harvest �ct lo be. � . - ­ � ) t �f Edward, m hich has been li ,., 1 gli t1le nose, quieting I � " atne . borne b) , the Govern nidnt to petitioned lo establiah hospitaii; - g4)es� up tbro por, . - n, . , ' . , - -b. 4 ,-This . -J . . .:,��4 ; �, 11 ­ - " -- - , - , Ft cornr6,11r, e at 4 z' si f ancestors. In doing so I -do uo� ' for conedmptilws As a prev mtativii, to causump- t c larged papillw, caushig t4�ir final atro- -, ­ - I ::_� ;�"��� t i , Oh, the wiser way of theml . " 6nation and -e,storing the parts to a � such a, retual k - . �p ' S B"K 0 rg tiontlieraisnotroatm,nt to )e compared to Dr. I . - . � . irfla�n . able daa t, undery a the. na e �of- Albert, which I P Y'. - i I � Doubt his naught to say. .1 � . health , ditior'. iDoctors prescr - dire, 'R I I . so promptly curedi I hand. You n e e d . my -v . . t Chase's .8yrn of Lin eed ani Turpentine, which This formation of a c rn;'Iffords a curi- � shall I reason deeper, 7, � . . co ibe it. Oul A connections; wi, save you - I _ e r o -be -lamented, grca' promptly and �ffectual y cures every congh and cold. I - !I . Vapo- by 6-,;p�zists everywhere. I . inheritl from . - I ,, I resonlene Isi's � a ime and money for all points. Ura,wfiiiid, of Ocotno t . : . � . somethin t h t will and wi4e father, wh , 'y universal consei � I it has by far the largeB Bale of ,iny remedy for thro&t - 0 s illustration of the , cf,at of nature's Moldkl from the clay? I A Vap�o-fresoh-ncoutllt Jnchi4i-!g:thc Vaporizdr and t � relat.es the hiatory, f � is, I think de,servedl , nown by the nati ' and lung troul lest 26 c n ta a b �tble. Family size 00 ell meant efforts to p -evoiA trouble, for ]Rather Nvill I trust the dark, Lamp hich shotild I.il t� a lifel4inw, anda bottle of 6 ut new If ia, ,I t the cents. All dealers'. I lleart's case of the day. i Cresliel;, complete, $Cjo; exim supplies nf Creso- C 7 ling time I have b i c i 0 as Al ert the Goo ,,, nd I desire that I i's I t e increase ticnessl of ! t4e horny lay- 1 in lene2$ c mts and 5o cent 3 i Illustratcd hooldet c tain- afiadian North. West liver cOmPlaint,-whi a 00 I 0 is intended to a . fforq p- -Josephind Preston Peabody Atlant ca ingphys cians'testimort � ie � � name houldh itand o � I air bulbs. , clusion, I i�otecflon to the in�ls free upon rrqnt -;t. VAPO- Mu. in my bauk, exte I � I � -Drinkiiag cold mer when one has & I � CRFSQL NE CO., i8o FAkon St., N',L-w Yui k, U.S.A. Via Toronto or ChIcago, a- I - trust ,to Parliame t and the nation to . nlarged Land tender api lc�, a purpose 1 1 1 � i . ' fvhotild,�r-ff. I Tou cold coming on is one of t�e best remedies, . B ritlah Columbia and California . �d nervo . 0 1 support me in the,'arduous duties whi3h acause it a iml th yetem ,and helps hich woMd be w.ell ac oinplished did I CRADLED BY AN ICEBERG. Redotninended aii� sold by I. V. Fear, . points. Ua Ryatem wat ab now devolv6upon me by inheritance and- to L t e process stop 6ere. ui the friction I Dru ­�t, Sesiforth � L n e e d . I I ,tolson formad 99, � fecame verY I I ' 0 washi in the body. - - Al Thrilling Incident of gL Crulne� In I I I Our... -&tea are the loi We have theim . - weak. M:f which:1 am e mi ed to devote my whcle s up .helAiritation, and . I I . — , - �-' uosu.Weverybod and PULIM" TOU?.­ �k vitality. dnV,, I I ring on fruit for two or three days and ' r n;rt, Two boXe% .. a h a ix .1 strength a re a er of my life. " t(IIN ore and more ofl the ho covering is I Northern Waterx. 01 11�! i . y �, � I I . . -, � 48 - tion. '00 :, ,� illa cured trie, I f,elt re- drinking �o�, or c lid water freely, with =1 0 Good Sid and our Bad. T CARS for your aocommods . f o o d in i � ' V " A. thrilling.story of a Yessel's enc ter � for furth r Information.; � .from the very- first, �md I i . milk. for nouri-shm nt, will often cure -an anufactured until in teld, of affording Ches- - There is a good si( e and a bad - ids to . e . - I 11 . I 'W hile i : "I �� . :. or medicine wa., instrr, � is u c h . Rh4umutio ollpts.--�-Mrs, George ordinary c d.if ta en in tims. rotection it is actual � ..th� caus� of &11 ' with an iceberg is told by Captaino th6 everyx�xu. We see only the good ids of Sfnith, 4�2 Charron tre�t, Point St. Charlesr, - . I he pain. - her Elwood. , Grand Trun, �'Ia cure, for I took ni, I I . . i . .It is a very co mon actice to put any I I schooner was'on a fishing cruise in :the some 0an and we w der that he" is not Trg,s' h And Clinton stations Aa � . . 'food that � men fr in the ro'cer, &a., in the ghted esteemOd by all as,w esteem him. We see cuows., ruey Fills are wonderf4IJ1 . ffe gs I that w6rds cann . Z - � I . � � �� . I I causeo me suffe I . I � ---* i a s— I I Que., , says: 11 R u - . brown f ter a time the spo 18 . c: , r y Joint� A - � le*ve Sewfort I .9adsm in m a bjwl[tete the corn i . Pape], in w ich the dealer wraps it. eems to aciguire . d h4bit, and the .northern waters Captain Chester sl e i . — I . ftl � this inavy b conve ent, it 13ortainly c . I a I 'Jonte Witar- SgAirop-Ta. -CLUMN. ; '\ scribe how terri i L- 'I 1, tooi four -bo ' a only the bad side of a other man and w . I . de While formation f even an -immense iceberg apparently fast on I ­ ' . . It,s ara ,-Orised that oth era, prize him , �ses and Prices. i I q9 , " 7 reef known to �exist just off Hoonia. " as w: passeogtr .......... 12.40 P. X. 12.65 P� X � of South I . bsum�ti�c Cure- and a : is of ifter the offending ' oe s been dis- c . . hu, and"we are wrong, 10�12 P. M. 10.27 11. M. ; I - American R Dpen to serio tio on the score . annob I We are rig � Mit-ory in Toronto Isis L ' , a well woman I ave recommended it , (: � � health and 016anli eon. Mo 6arded. 4 I . a lucky find!" thought the captain as: lie P7 ­­ ­ ** !, 9.20 A. X. 10.15 A- 1L , . � � in bot , cases. Both men have both sides, ,red In.... - auction Sale, four . a g od Iresults. Think tl 1, The first thing to : orn is to get hoaded, the Elwood for the berg that, he . � i,..... - 6.15 P. X. - I.W P. X *ly . It brings health. to ' . �, om material hardly up to 1 Ic 4 1 papers are made I I and -- ' � ought to recep, nize this in our enti- . others with* a do I or�a I ' c the estate of the tat a �� the hair, a,n the fall- treat�neht nothing hori of a wondar "-i the housekeeper's' tandard of cleanliness. flew shoes that -aVe so snug ps not to rub I rn�ght DII. the hold with icet to preserve I Gonie NOT- � . ere sold. These hacl' a I . - . � - . 1�11' . 1", . - . t t e expected to catch. � mate 0, them. It is, ith ourselves as with pasi . .. .... 7.53 A. X. 7.88 A.M. � t I . I — --- b oot any*here an so loose as not to 0 we have a goiDd aide and a bad paseei .. .... 3.11 P. X. 2,65 P. M. e p )ref 13 1 , �e time,'amd (lid not bring . inj ceases. . Por sale by I. V - ,Fear, &aforihi . � :k� 3sure In one spot Inore than In r was within a few our fel: .9 udge Mixed Tiraln;... .. .. -1.40 P. X. 4.125 P. IL � . ices, going, 4t sm, J-,',;, t alway -- restores - � I :me Untold.A gon Froni Salt Rheum, I ; �14rds of the berg, the ,anchor was dro�p- side, and those abou.�, as are likely -to j � I r I - � �notber. I i - - . hespect i� - ; Reckless iture . Mr. Chas. F.,XaLe n, Palmerston, Ont., says:- Th ! 'I. us by,,�he one side oi �he other - It will be ' I rely, They v0ete 11 I suffered ui told a ny and inisery,for yeam virith e top of the corn �nay lie pared. witu PeF The vessel swung around until she I 1 it W411ingt�oi Grey and Bruce. � color tog ay hair. , An excellent Sco;ohi�an had for '37 years well f4t us if we gatn; a le'e;n from the . I . �Iving hdr8es. take%, came alongside the berg to which $be man 0 - - Jto - I brought h �- ,salt rheum in ny too I bried klmosiltitvary remedy � sharp knife, extrem care being "' jud thers as our two sides. It Gome RTU- - P"sanger. Mixed. -eah from th ome his f ill *ag'es every wee 4 leculdheara. Iwa told by the best ehialcians I made fast with lines. The tide was � . e countq- You need ot look at � - Xpecially In the case of thd aged, not to w`16 1.40 P� X. . I . i Once at the end of -.he . eriod he gave his �couidnotget noret stitempmaryrelie was in- ! . oug t� to help us to mfake . progress in the Ethel. - � .... 8.07 P. X. �rpose �and blocka-were P at full, a gangplank was thrown over to . it B .. .1 .. 8.17 2.10 1 ducedt0trY.lDr.Ch%se18OIntn:ent. Afteroneortwo ut the sound �kfn, or it may be filed right �irectiou, and repress the faults . �,,eaeral purpo,io ho�;;S thirty as if -you wem wife sixpence less than the.. full amount., a :ledge on' the ice, and the men beeain . P Blue e.. � ­ .. 8.27 2.8b -� . . applications I received gre%t ro list and wbon I had 6wn� to the level of thei surroundin and: qefects for w�jch ,othero judge us . . b.38 &26 This so dietresEed �he Itbrifty woman that used only two boxes I was cc inpiettly cured." At' brpaking off chunka of ice and hoisi�inig . ! � ­. - ii, ',--US-)' and $125. ;: fifty,for y ur gray - er on the sult. all dealers, 60 bents a box.? . kiii, 'or the entire corn may sometimeo b barshl*- I I GoDfG 8 A- P"senger, mixed. . she went to consult tbelminint . , them aboard. All Ai well until eve J�u` I Wingh in . .......... 6.68 A. X. 8.515 A. X. ii Excoptiorally fin aT- . loos'eiW with a dull knife blade or by I' 0— I � i -?ara old, weigghing I hair may have again - ject. � He tried to !comfort hsr� by sayin � ' . . ing', when 30 tons of ice had been stowe 1, ! Bluev e.: .......... 7.02 9.17 'M the flinger naU 'And extrac-.ed from Its . . 1 ' . ­ that sixpence was , ot allarge amount. 11 It a , -Never loave a spoon in a saucepan if . 9 , Brusse .. ­ 7.18 113b I I I I all the dirk, 'rich color u wish thB contents to 3ook quickly, for bed. : in the hold. t, .... ... a ; I I I i Zthel.4­.­.­. 7.28 10M - . no' the morey &'in hiniin' of," she replied, yd . ' A E i I When Meanwhile the falling tide had caus( I i,t, $95, $97 50, $107,51). ! I a good this cinnot be d6ne, removal I . PS S, ! cocoa of youth. but a0m-feiriring th t M4c has been taken to the spoon is the means of carrying off - I ; , 1111 $1 31). T h o f " p : I - may be facilitated.. y m4stening th the berg to settle upon the reef and to tip lip . price - JV drink, anirl betting ma�b6, and other world- deal of beat. I ; � e , i ; L�-Udoi Huron and Bruce. �� - . i 1,410 poundal ; , , toward the side opposite the vessel. -The . ; $1.00 a bottle. Allf druggists. . . 1�� :, -When the potatoes are done' but not mrn I other day with lacial acetic GRAVEFUL 1 � COMFORTING Goui RT8- PAmi � teami of i h- .4ame cl4s . ly Ileaeuree !" � acidl" he softened par; b6ing subsequent- gangplank ro�e in the air and had to ,be i i : t 11 * i --4 � - I broken, pour off all the water, leave the Distinguished cNierywhere for De- on, depart .......... 8.15 A.M. 4.40 ?.)I . sold for $232.50. "lama - . ly Be ,aped it, made fast to a ledge nearer the water to . . cen is ....... .......... 9.18 bA5 1 barber 17 "do and have A!i Plemant potatons in the sancepan, cover with a clean way witl a du.I knife or a - , bay wate r.. �-hed S162,- had a gr . Out . keep it horizontal. . lioacy of Flavou,,!Superior Quality, Exe r.- -... I ...... - .�. 9-90 6.0 e ea,t deal to do with your I Y. -1 I When I kno i v I , , - na ir -V , igor. I h2ve. found tba,t it . anything worthy of i recommendation, kitcben�cloth- thickly fol ed, and stand - at small file. 'A salve !ontai Ing salicylic ., and Highly Nti U-itive Properties. H 11-...............'. O." 6.1 � Re suld for S92 50, ana a will do everything dat-you claim . n dei it -my � uty t:8 tell it," says Re,. the side of the fire foi fi e minutes before � aeld "applied every n ght -NHII also fre- I aptain Chester, suspecting that All , 'ien a ....... � I I 8 cially grate: and comforting 9.50 6.26 11v g ,t,d ty;,er and eitti a for it. It has given mo the most i WiLs not going ,to be well,' ordered the KIP I . M putting them into the vel stable dish. quently loosen the co n 'so t at it can be . X, the nervousul BruEleld - * " * ­ " * " co s� urdock. of 11-amburg, Pa. " Dr, and dyfipeptic. a ii�;7 , * ... * , ­­ 9.58 6.S3 . w4t $140 " complete satisfaction in iny busi- J as. 1 % I V's Catarrha Poi�der has - f . - - � - - I ulle� out. This Is t e bard of many. of crew to make sail. Before they cobld � . Sold only in i rter-pound tins, I � ........... 10.15 � 6.50 g iit I � ne".11 HEwRir1J..GEoRom, I A ne cured me i - - P � ; inaii the halyards. the iceberg, with a � q . .: .... .... .. 10.88 7.14 , ' .infants too you!* to,take Meffielno May be the p( pular corn plast(re I - - . 8 I "'y - - -............ 10.41 7.23 � \ ITED -STATE .-,. I Mareb. 22, 1&99. 1 Kansas City, Mo. Catarrh of fivo years i tanding. I T- I 'Hiidiiig roar, rolled off the reef and lir EPPS & CO. V ' .1 t is ce labelled JAME _ I ,es market f-�,r horses atilli tainly� magical in it- effect. The fint cured of croap, whooping cough and colds bJ A i oft corn, which ia M�rclY a corn - I Limited HomaGpa to emists, Be:;v-e - - �. i .... ... - 10A6 7.87 � . I y , - ,ted to turn over. . - i r - : up fairly well. Deal �ri,, . that s alVays moist on a �count of its I ,"t"i W ,I,wn &rrive...... .. 11.10 8.00 . Golm is% . I . W10fte lfhe Dower. application benef ted'me in five minute ', using Vapo-C ,resolene-they breathe it. I , � L�ndon, Englan 8 �Ju_ . ' �, I . I I � Passenger. I.-eedee-4- (Iwz�tce, Bayi` t If you do not obtain all the benefits 50 cts� " -9 . . I I . - - locatim on' the Inner surfs of one of I A jagged spur of ice whJch had formed ; � - ng . am, 6 ar 0.58 — I � Iva Units as inneh you expectad from the uae of the i I , the t tes, should b traated 4 keeping a 1 the boitonl of the berg ro' r- BREAKFAST SUPPERr Wi h d p t .... ... 1. A.M. 8.15 P. X. se on the sta , ) Be v .. .. .41 ... 7,;01 8.40 � to V Vt , write the Doctor about it. 'Vor sale by 1. V. Fear, Seitforth. . - t ew outh a so, ictoria an it . : Bly 7.14 3,bli 'I I I . V r ..!:::::: =. Addr"e, D114 J. C. AYIM, ce of absorbent cotton between the ! t ard side of the vessel and beneath ItLd of hoir,,,es (d any 1-41ii d � . f . - ---� � South Australia ate cuftivating the olive Pie ,1� 1, � aud the vesse - - -:: -­ , " " 7.22 4.05 Lowell, X&". i toes o as to prevent macei atlon and by ! I lie ice struck the kee I i-eyears aga. in ohl t g'G - � . I I The Queen'a private wealLh yielded ; n with good results, and U, e oil is likel to ; - ; 7.47 4.26 1 � powqwmq 001 - I . batbing it frequen-tt.vi with i strong alum 1�f 4ed out of the water, resting in an ice 7. ." * '. *.'. . " 8.05 4.49 ag to tho saule authorla -VIW -1 -e. I ' Elops's Cocoa !1�r,5.ce-z6e11r-0:-:.-*,:.­ - � -;-: 8.1r � I , t r, I -L- come 0 C, 000- - 5 early ; is become.an important Art,cle of oommer, - ,I .._.tl � demao(, for all clajB'ita - I in ' tbi--i , , �Oatmcal taken both a a food and 008- water. . � . 1 idle. Chester ordered his men to get " n - .: ............ .. 4.57 - 8 � I exclusive of zC385 000 annually from Pkir, I i . I It the boats and out of barni's way. I: 26 H4.n, ­­­ .. a in , he A ' 1: +� . ..... ..�. 6.22 6.02 ughts. 'Ve I . - ­ ­ - liame :t She * heril ed 8 u1i lit f i . _ 8.85 6.14 I - y , n . I , nearly all Oe metic i 1. - ,, or . whiteuing and �utting the lines that held the schooner I!! -a— I I ........ - .. .... v-uld at ',-'200 ta $23a, d Scattish Pratiotypes of De We I tate D' softening the skin. � . � THE DELT010 M E. ce�;, .... ... � ..... - 8.46 5.23 - . t- Prine t �' the berg, the men pulled to a sufe dis- W4ii Worms. London, (arrive) ........ -� - a Consort's e ;C600,000 40 years t 1 Sick -The best way to warm a joint of eat' i � i . I I . I - �y teanis went at $42-� to In the Scottish struggle for indegendence ago, and .C500,0 -in 18�2 from John Caln- i, � � . t of the dr ngs the Scots seem to, have been as ounniing as den Neild, the'son of 8, ric4 jeweller. T as is to wrap it in thickly b ittered paper, and It Finyx a -Proini ent I?gtrt In the tt�t ice and waited. . � mins D. Mayo, Soutb Stukely, P. Q., wrote the I -- I I � af it offer' i! -� The anchor held fast,,and the schooner- followl "On of aq children took sick with - .1to $175 eaeh. - Eus�era the slippery Boer who is such a th:6rn to our Queen, was a clea headed business woman to keep it covered� closely while in the oven. - � TailorIx Btruiline is. -�I - * I I � . wolms, 1�n'd, After"tr3ing everything,without gretting I . '. A-- IS6 At tugged at the chain. The tide --dropped � �;.�� � and coachers at 81 015' to- soldiers in South Africa. Here is an in. an&, of course, had the beat financial advice. - . - ' ' "ItAs a rare thing said the talking 1 I a- relief, W. procured Dr. loow's Ple"afit Worm Syrup, -- .; --I-- I *-a ,. ven above th I row more inches, the Iceberg careened �N -`-`X;�;, ,., 011MIAN stance cited by Froiseart, which is not In 1881 she bdug t pir , INSTANT RELIE guar,.�nteed by using MIL- an, I "to .find .- ilor who can I I which a tied promptly and effectually." . � *,-,f i - , . CHE POW I ,��N%-�"!" e top ;r�os. operty for ,t78,0(0, a mere �� ant t . S, i:,. md Farmer BURN'S STERLING H DA DERE. No . c � -- still farther, and the Elwood rose higher. I . - I 1. � . � repor dissimilar to what has happened often the market value f which is now reckoned depraosing after-eftec . I I et a! 'Perfect fit' in. the clothes he makes , I ' I %'�. . . caft horses at Boa . I 11his proved the schooner's saIVRtion. � n " , z, � 1: - After la, � �ht with., e bi " there is no better ... . an 1'r the , et_� I tonj r enough during the chase of Die Wet : " On to be X170,000. he had estatea in sevexal I- - o ' e, In fact, that I have sometimes 1 The tiendenc Ter , a OF THE -.,�; , , I SAW s raDged generally fjo . . ar Ly of the iceberg to roll o remedy Itc nd settle the stomach than ., rone occasioti, in 1327, the Scottish and the 'German principah IRS nd inherited a bea6- -According to returns just issued th3 " �ht that tailors, O' all rtisans, kn all Mllburn�,,�s Sterling Headache Po.yders. Price 10c. and I : I ,with a few " English armie east !how t lid raise the vessel brought such : . at, Il deah,re. . I - r, . � up to $250'. a having'Ibeen coquetting with tiful villa at Bad n fr)m Princess Hohen, number of borses � n Great Britain is less' by o do their ork ight. Yet the I uormous strain upon the anchor chain 25c il ! � I I -­ .. . each other for many ds�ye without coming to loee. : The Quee 'a I Lees are worth 'in - 16,487 than in .18 alloil', or"the cutter, r�ther is not always ; " I -- .**-*I-- . ' . . ' th it something had to give way, Some- Lax& tiyerPiUs Lreapoaltive cure for slok el in's Close Call. a serious eDgagement, �t was noised abroad enormous Built. I is and her priv ; 1 19- ' If . you have ot blame, for a perf ctly n t ali � . �� Jro., v r I I " to -Bees iTnr re fruit t sea. _ i th ng (lid, and to the joy of the fishermen iti I$1 ausness, Constipation, -Dyspepsia, atild r engine,. although e,vexy through the English lines one night that at jewels, gold plate,N�100 ures, etc., are es A, : Imaj 1�be oft, Tlew y a careless I stoi 'and liver comp] sints. They neither gripe . 11I - I e last a great attack was planned by their � an orchard , �hat is bearit g- sparingly E et w: . it was not the anchor or the chain. I �, I � 0 . .ev ry nerve was racked mated to value' MOF� t isin a million pounlm few hives of bees. Takke� ' r who by a crookod seam. or a slight weaken nor sicken. Price 25c, at all dealers. � � � I , __a�,,�u -I- � , I NV. Bellamy, a I co', anemieu, who could endure no longer the sterling. Queen V, ictoria was the owner in -Horeds in thei wild ' I the ire from the lino set Cor his needle The iceberg lurched, and the schoonler !I - -40 I (t ic� .. . state live I � . � was seen to slide several feet along t e I (n - I � Burlington, st famine that was among !them. Then the fee simple of much eal estate in New York j!.'.ahrg the I hi . I . I -01' ).Q � low . I , age of 36 normally beirg otill fresh and l'i to ow who e ing out of pluln. . . - I Neuralgia. , . 0 t t, �. �� M , -4 � I without a . English lords ordained three great battal- city, below- Grand treet. At one time slye hearty at that age in the desert. t�ylj c d tiiilor ou�b 6 know when clTvIce in which it rested. There vi,as " I 1, - �=Modoi ­ Uy a . i I , I 9- � . ions, and so stood in three parties without owned the Bowlin G�reen offices, N0,11, , - I L As I was a . - 4 gar'ment.fits and 'should either be able another lurch'and another slide. Then raiRU w en I statted thking' Milburn's Rfieuwatic F3 t-.< bout to give . I - , de Pills. T By did m ' I S � their lodgings, and made great fires, thereby I tha vessel reached a downward gra e more goo� tbau any medicine 11 ! . P-3 A Electric Ril.ters, qud, Broadway. , - . - . t to t1like that children cry for it to porrect its unfitnessior n6t let it leave I evtr uwd'� We. Annie 1�yai Band Point, N. S. , ct - T — 'a death to wornis of B It kinds, DR. LOW'd the shop. Speaking of the 6tting part, I 1 1 $-. to see the better, and caused all their pages �, bultTitS so pleaE&n and the next instant shot off the icebeLrg �, � 1::7 W j - ^11% - I At ali well ei I ever dia in to guard their lodgings and horses. Thus . WORM SYRUP. P,rice2bo. Ali dealers. lemember a'n Incident that �ccurred once and into the sea bows on like a rocket. � .084o. - W 01 W M . . sickly, iuu,i,iown pe$pte- Nervousnes', 0 yepepsiag Ind l, Doctor ' e Horses. i �� � they stood still all that — 0 — 8he'-shipped a heavy sea as the restilt �h � . i )�. = ;D life, strength and vJg0r gesthon and kin eici ailments, take win,r3 I rt a Onvention. of cutt�rs hod in CIncin- I omam Thomps , Roland, Mewitobs, writes: W 'n ' . Wit , nd Wisdom. I of plunging her nose benea'th the surface, , � M". T�� L..+. P"I themc` man under his w at ndard and banner, I s of South Americ. n �!tttl. 'ne subject for dlscu�sion was the I 11 My busbond would noi be without RW - )000l 'Try . Satisfaction 0 before the healing qu' litie .yard's Yel ft L � gg and in the breaking of Jhie day two trumpet- 1. . .1 � k in � fitting of! garrheuts, and a 1 but quickly righted and after stumbling low Oil il� the house as I e uso8 It a good dtal for - . P : CD . .d , # � Fear, drug i8t, Seafortb. Nervine. Thomas - osl h O -90MO Men ould be far above the aver- , , 0 101" 0 - ore of Sootland met wit, the English scout- . - . . ov6r her anchor chain and tugring Vi. doctoring up the borses, and owelders It splendid." I 0-Q W � - , took his pre.icbcr's dvice, followed directior s, age in mmartnes if they iver"en't so lazy. Old Scotchman ad t lie floor. He : 9 I I I ,a : I . erE Price 25c�, 0 I 0 r watch, who took the trumpeters and - 1. . L - i � � -It taken a won an to entertain unwel- ty:In , I ciously to get away settled down to i -.---O— ently of the worst form l - t�'i� ct that If coal � wer her I � - I I ! and was cured perrn�a,a 1, s .I ' R�l . - ginal state of tranquillity, to all ap- ; , -, � - I 0 frt- tz broiig�rt them before the King of England Nervous Prostratiod rid Dyspepsia. He h come Yisibois, and ake �hem feel welcome. �-ight upon the d toi� , muscle the ; oi . � S ;1111 , . All kinos of 0oughs an I bolds, Bronobitio, Whoop- #�. , af Settling It. , and his council, and then they said 0P6nlY : recommended it t9 others withgratifying results. t rer won Airauces unhurt. n the b1hest, Wheezing, Hoarse - 0 H I I -Many a man w to goes to the gymnasium ta Id alway d U. comfortable : p.( Ing 0ougo, Paine I 4% :� rfn i.g, ws a, muscular I ness, Sont Throat and A tibuia. yield to the Lung I 0 ',F -% - . petac a I girs, what do ye watch here ? Ye love It's a great ncrve.buildCr.-12 for exercise lets.hi wife split the firewood. 11 , I icle. 0 . � at, - . I ­ � V e fitting. I . I -0 M ae, a lady who atoo' ,V 11 , ' i hftft )r. , odd's Norway Pine Syrup n I I but your time, for on the jeopardy of our. -If you want a, man to think you arto J aid he, "he d g ptoperties of I r . _ . - For sale by,I. V. Fear, Seaforth. -, �'�'Itn f a -t, s. eltoid muscle � I , mmommmmvm� . , to him - 1,1 Sir, I appe 61. heads the Scots are goue and departed be- I The Hen's Deluslon. I I * J=J 0 211 0 . smart you have oul to make him think you d aterm Ines the fit of a 2at.' I ii � � J�. . irin. I i I parted beforemidnight. and they are at the - Jets Carside, who h b think be is smart. I "'Will the gentleman' stfl te what and, . Dipbraim Knox lived in the center ot : c ' W - M - - � -Mrs. eph "' n - in 1� I 0 - � I hotel, 'on, He . ' his native village, and his hens wandered 1� �.tter ?" he asked, as Is I least by this time three or four miles on living at . " Love me li tle, love e long," ohs ,"here the deltold mwele' IsT asked a ent- LqGS , NTEDW 0 �-4i 5C I the Langham , Lond I n i I . � - Friday E y warbled. - Yell," said he ; "but will you here and there, at their own swe � ; their way, and they left us two behind to , I Oka% . � - land, discovered tight, Janua ter on the other side of the thamber. -et will, I 0 M iii �� . . I an in the hotioe, ane e the 'intkint that we should show this to you.' l8th, that her jewel box had been -rified a loe me wh I am hort ?" . . "The Scotchman. turned on him sharp- to the frequent annoyance of his neig I h- The 4 ry highest rice in leash will be - ' ef- ell - I I i li * ore, althouali I hav o - .Then ther, English lords said that it were but valuables worth X15,1300 stolen. A valet . -He-r-'111 alwa*y's used to over-estimate 13. ,1 . I bors. Ephrai however, was no re- paid for lany quantit 71 of' first class M = � loosiond - I I � � I � a folly to follow the Scots, for they maw well I T, I . . �0 . I ! � who was suEpeeted d ioappeared. Subse. my abilitie ." She, oonedliDgly-" Well, " 'Sir,' he said an *1 'dc Tou claim to specter of persons and considered his . V I n , �, � We'll see J> . 91`1 A �L 11-A i � � abaut tb!a,t, they could not overtake them ;. yet for quently he took some of the boo er mind. Your friends never did." b, � a cutter and not knc w v -here, the del- liens "as good a -s anybody" and desirable Soft Im, Rockl El , �Swoiod "'s CD 07" d S e wamli his - doubt of deceiving they Ikepr, still, the two � I � - 0 . I Ited from a cab before -There re so cely any games so un- visitors. I W ft � pawnbroker's, but bo toid muscle is located? Doi i't you know, I �� Ettled 111to the house, , B*e trumpeters privily, and caused their bittal- - 3ompromisitigly re pectable as chess and . And all other 1,�nds of Saw Logs I E i' inged till it was near be could be -arrested, The man's name is ( si r, that a. knowledge of the, auman anato- � 'Alhen It was decided that the town � delive., A at the M . e 8upper table, and oak ions to a Land still arra 1, , �� and r q thought to be Blume, and, it, is suppoo d draughta. They not ,be ph�yed -on tho my is as Important to theiltailor as it is library should be built In a vacant lot . ) I � n to 110� I . emaxked . 'IN 7e ru . hen in t ,a square. . , � I 0 1 = 'a ar( sh , , it the hour of six. And when. they saw for that he was formerl tc the. surgeon? Do you. expect to cut a "next -door to him," Ephraim was filled 1 0 - 0 e, . Come on; th that the Scots were -departed, t . . forth $, 4 W M /a Is ;L . , IMM0,M) � United States army. A rule book beari ig, -What is the difference between twice 8ea V 15 very bone in your body 21 . every man had leave to re -tire to his lod garment to fit an object! wh se every line with pride and joy, and he and his -hens � i I -- - I ­�- I . 9- ' ght superintended operations from the first. I ; CD 0 Iiiiiii ,bR---o - 4 , the name of Blume was found among I is twenty-five ,;.nd st ce Eve and twenty? and clirve you do pt I t, &ad it waa nGt t 11� a. inge. And when some of the English hostit . �fl Twice twen f� fifty, and twice fire not1k ow? You ml I . came to the mountain where the Scots had belon.giDgB. . . �s well. try to fit it plug to hole Without Ephraim's brother Seth was not devot- All L a will be pukehased and paid for 1� so I oken and the table u-) t . - a and.twenty is thirt h accordi 06 � Iola, 10 I kiiowin�g the size of thehol.4. No, sir, the ed to hens. One day he was passing t e cord to quality. I ! - . I . I ,out Gf doora by the Ie ..a- been, there they found more than 500 great DrievvIsOu eforthell-i -.-Peter nays he h kn)wnanynumberof gentleman will not state wh�at and where site of the library with a friend and st P-! Lengt of Logo mu t be 12, 14, 16 and 10 . P., In Or , rourth the gates, beasts ready'slain, because the Scots could Acts directly and quickly, stimulates t o ! young men i vho we e am Atious to create o, . P � I � -11 I " the deltold muscle Is. I�, Is Your duty, sir, pod to view the progress of affairs. test 2 in ea. : �. a brass,faced old tra,np, not drive them before their host. and in heart's action. stops most acuie pain, dis s past, and who had spent the rest of their to know the deltoid mu cle," not mine to Epbraim's hens were there cackling Cash ill be paid ' the logs tare delivered, CD 0 - . � fiai8h you !11 I - order that the Englishmoln should have b I at all signs of w,eakness, Buttering, sin � .I Apply T 1 0; a 02 e+ I � . . k n , t lives tryin to bury it, u it. if desired. W I : !' shouted the vi0i1r, -XMIN11 profits of them." ; ; "You don't seem to instract you.' awny as if their lives depended o I - � � - " 0 P - I smothering, or palpitation. This- on er I Miss tushley- . � . " ,a . I i "The discussion ended e, ,simply be Seth looked at them in disgust. I � I no txarnp ! i (!D - 0 1 I own Chia - cure i a the sturdy sh p *which r i S t ,care much for music. Don% you like the he f 0)VJ 8 0 � . dy t I 'What in the world 'are thoge hens Jeafo.-LL Jon" 0 1 this house !13: �, � Bucklen's Arnica Salve , -sick patient into the haven f t , 'popular airs' Miss Mainohantz-"No ; cause there was nobo pr�sent to carry' JOSIAH WAT9 rin. 1 1:3, � , W , - I I heart I i I ?11 it on, for I don!t belie re 4 man In the making such a noise for, do you suppose? I I . . � 'Has world-wide fame for marvellous and perfect health. Giv is rWlef in most acu e the only popular air wit me is the million. . 1 lm.tf I I ' . i place except the old f Ile* knew anY- There ain't any grain in there," said th I I I �� li-i , wite hulding your cos6t. 17, 'eurGff. R surpasses any ther salve, lotions forms of heart disease: n 30 miuutcs--Il : , airot.!' 0 � i ' A CFQ ;M �Z i - � I . -That Settled It.-Jaggers-11 So he thing -about deltold in SCIO. Ir know I f ri end. � � . �Ud 0 hii�pered the mutac4lar ointment, or balm for Ct ts, Corns, Burns, 11 � ill"r he public of Seaforth" 4. � � : I got tp a dictionary ell," remarked Seth dryly, CEI - Salt For Bale by I. V. Fear, Seaforth. . I I thought he had his didn't, but ats sobn as "they'ive To Om one to the other, 4nd Boils, Sores, Felons, U.cers, Tetter, married the widow ' I : arc? -1 I � � ' 0 1 . I . - ya on the dsqgrhter.`� oiggles�ll So he I- looked It up. Later I gave the matter had the over�igbt of 'most everything -in zi n Surroun i�g coun�ry W � the wife"g metho4 oU Rheum, Fever Sores, M 6pped Hands, Skin - e . I ft i =M, . � - e a- 1 " Pro . had her eye on him." sc me study, and I founrl th tt the Scotch- ornerstone of the � � CD . a Sixty-thr'e Ye rs of town. You know the c � I having with . Eruptions ; Infa-Ilible for Piles. Cure guar- I I ad, but the widow 1� 1� .14 : then lie made a grab for - � -Mrs'. Binks-11 You must be careful m,,,, was right."- 11 building was laid yesterday, and I cal". - t- �, I :1 � I , - I � I � .an.teed. Only 25c at Fear's drug store. In the summer Queen Victoria complet d . !i I ; 7 ; tool � I - I . - . il 1 �3 vor there tbinjcs HAVING :- I I eared . - hat you say to the cook, dear, or she will . . late that speckled ben o URCHA D- I �. I I ,� - . Tlt;-Bits� - the 63rd year of her reign and she has now . I 1 -iii � W . Her Introdn�etl[41n. sha laid ftl'� : I - ; M — I h U- . . . . . I I 6 * , Moral Adva�icement, , reigned for a longer. perioh t an �ny me � reave," Binks-" Why, was I hard on�her 9" ' - I - . CD J . �,� 1. quor or Die. : . �. A Were you ? Wby, anyone would.� ' rhis was the uncouventio al note that - � — -- X4 'Bu * � 1 J.WNA - � ,No one neei pause to wonder how be- can arch who ever occupied the throne of tha have Th i' I S'qless � CI- � immi - � - O 1 . � - I ght you atron on . 1 M out gone," writeff AlMrs. - contribute to the -world a moral advance I - M I 1� - United Kingdom. A reign covering neai ly )hou ire t to in 1" . a 1young the u er west side- Gaiinbling Houxes. - , I r-11 - , . ' 4 ;', two generatiou's is sufficiently remarkable in -11 There e a a regational meetin' . of town ha be� b her maid the I Formerly conducted by � (D I f Laurel Springs, N. 1C., ment. All he has to do is to live publicly . w i y � 'rhere is a 'legend among gamblers tbat t ei �� w � I I . . I tae � . , I b d that the - �eat and privatel5 according -o his own highest it"If, but We great feature of interest in ffie-ither nicht' new elder, an' it ; othee day: I I; T. R. F. GJAS & COJ 0-A I I . n Bo 86 ; ' - . . I amaie iris electit, an' him : "My Dear Mrs. G. -I m dead And bur- eier -- since gambliDg houses have been I i � E i '. W - 1: W 0 , . not live more thaa a� ideal of wha,t is right, to shrink from no re. the development whi ompanwd' via Jeems Cr kilmin the hour for beginning play has I t ��,isfln "t atte6tion to busifiess and . � A' : lei, and I recommen Mrs. F., who - Irl - W *Z1 �� . I sponsibility bocauoe it is shared by others this long period of Bove rei nity, and whi ah . been 10 a. ni. The gambler, uncourion- sul t class*rtiele at a re"on able $1- ,H � � King's $ey - 9 I ) %0 � 01 � to use Dr. ocer." 11 I d n't wonder at it. � rust, 96 .. d b � I 7 Ae, as my �vorthy and capa- wyla a i I � � wholly cure y ei`,vei ,, to give no tai consent to any 'course whic attarialciangesin, the woild h4mr that votet for um illarpeettas get : J)iings this n( -Iii n owed on � . . 1. I 1� I tional in most t gs, is a great respecter price, toLmerit the tronage beat . . 8 ic I J I . . I : l'i , t which may well challe ige a correspondi 3g � k.)) � I V e successor. i of long established ,,,IambliDg customs. Jn the late Irm. . stout and well." I �, � his consoienefi disappro 3, b�t.ho stand at . ,%aver in Conatimption, - firinly, frankly period in any kn9wn -c3ntury.. The woild � --A youn,J man M 3 0 Ice along uhe ' Startling, wasn't It?. But, an interview . : rZ I ., I � all times and in all Pla es , road on a i" 'a 'c no branch- of busiDess has there been so � - 40!� . Iq I i � I.pe$ and Bronchitis, in and openly in favor of . tboss, principles as it was 60-keare ago, to use round nu n. L beaut .1 �orejewhgennghe overtook with; the bearer of the. mysterious- 'note little change or so few injinTations. Ativ Will �ay the highest market price for , 0 . . Colds, Authma 4ay- � which ho honou,rs in his inmost heart, I bers, and as it is- -now, are very different an old mortlit riding DU A ule. ." How goes . revealed the fact that it was. a missive gambler will tell you there is iparcly,'a dressed ptoultry, good bides, skins and tal- . � 11 ' . � 1. h, 0 propositions, and in the very -forefront. of the age, father?" 'he asked. "On horse- fi om the washlady of thelfamily, who, ow. I � i , - o0ping Cough. ] - - � . � advancement has been Great b&Qk,, my son ; on horseback," returned the � a i it later appeared . XV mornin,g play of any acco'unt, yet,they till . ; �� Low- 0 - GaLrj progress an . , -as 4n her death- � : *b - �J x , W ind $1,00. Trial bot�le� To Cure a Opld in One'-, Day. �. . . . . � open at 10 a. m. The boue of closing c- I I --- i I 0 . :tore. I � Britain. I old man. - b!d. The -dying woman h d taken this peDds upon the players. I I � No i �P-, � - Quinine Tablets For example, when 1.1c Queen -came to the " Jobnny," queried the teacher of the : n: athod of recommeudiu g a friend for her � I I -­­­ , - .. A gambling n, i I I : I Take Dvxative Bromo li house is n ver open'on S11 FRE GALES, 8eaforth, st I . . ----- -.-- ------- -- L All druggiRtft refund the money if it fails to throne there were som 3 26,000,000 people Pupil, I I do .you know your alphabet ?" p ace as manipulator of the family linen. , day. 'Saturday nig ended to i 11 - . . .�tew . I I . rince of Wales� X - 3'. Yes"in," answered Johnny. " Well, then," 'The bearer, of the mi,- ,ht may be ext I : I 1. 19.0 i ,M. - - I - cure. 25c. E. W. 0rove's signature is on living in the United E inkdom, nearly I sive got the job daYlight Sunday, but flat doesn't Coll. t. I 1, — — rhe , Mop Plutual fir& of his birth the Prince each box. 000,000 of whom were .n Great Britain, and ontinued tie teacher, 11 what letter comes 'and on her first appeEran e aunounced - i r .40. , plendidly rich, He W&O .. 0 I I . . w � It't; Saturdny to the 9 mbler. On .Sun- I , 1 8,000,000 of whom-wer An lieland' In the after A ?11 �'All the rest of theni,` waa the tILat the riter of the lote had "passed,- � , � . - , I . - day there may be some short card pla!Y- " 11i'surance 0 a wouldeay. with $600i,- How to Preach. . present year there ate probably 39,500,COO triumphant reply. Luppily away" a teNy di)ys ifter penning - Ne' ' on Stock Farm, - I- vmpaay- � � � �ket, and from that day ' . di . . . I -ing-hearts, poker, etc., but no ganibler "I I I I - : 1 Cornwall haor yielded 'Apropos the pleas behig put forward for persons in the United King in ; but of . �. . � � . hr sensationAl note (it introduction. s self respecting will deal baDk I or FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN these 35,000,000 reside in Grea Britain* and - � rh e W roll K Place. ; - J LOT -47,' CONCESSION� 8, HIBBERT ' I shorter sermons it 'is interesting to recall I - turn the wheel on Spnday. That's a - i . � I � 'n- i . i � . mt sum, At 22 06 f 4,500,000 in Ireland, the lattei decrease U. A local Ireache, tells of this amusing I PIR�PERTY - ONLY INSURED ' I I - . . parliament gave him ther sound advice of Dr , Guthrie, one 'o . d b � y the emigration of" . the Irish experience � � ii -the ,outh, where he foruier- . Then Pa 111-Insh d. other of those' custoins banded down i . . i om . ' [ from ancient days, but still a law liato Th ed: Durham Cows, - aind a wedding pretieUt, Scotland's gree,test pr3achers. I, Young Ing I catue . . . I o oughbr - � 'hat, too, has con -4 to, . man," he is retported tohave timid to a pro. peasantry. . ly. had a parisb., Upou oneoccasion when' Johnny -Pa, doesn't 1 in sometimes the gambler. I . . . J� B, M,Lean, President, Xlp-n�z!n P. 0. �, Thomse �� f bationer (minister on -bi i trial), , " If I in- But theiing fe3ture of 'British de- he had *speak so rapidly that - 1. Heifers d BuUs' I ident, Brueelle!d'?. 0. ; Thomas F, .- J)cc me un isually fervent -his elo- the Itenographer I ! Fraiser, vic e4l - 11863, year in And year _ ' ! . r w Seii P.0. : NY. G. Broad- velopment during the, i eign of Victoria,- a 3d ! I Kays, see] Ire I the Prince'i family Iran - tend to preach for anhicur or more, I ar. ill 'L te quent pericds ,were frequently interrupt- can., follow him and sty so many won- Borrowing Trouble. ! � of the Jet fashionable strains for sale .at foot, Inspe ator of Liosses, flealw4h P. -0. I - I ,q range my ' heads ' of discourse and blaze -the one which w in refit. People most,', is ed by joyou� exclamation$ from an old derf ul i'things 'that they are lbst in admi- � ,, , parliament once more her expansion outward. During the rei ;w i I have bea'rd a good deal about people. reason is ri'ceff. poet office 1 1 address, - vmmoroml I away ; if for forty minutes, I -have to . -- qolored mammy in the gallery,- who shout- rE tion of his eloquence? I . I 1". W.G. Bi Dis4foot, Neai John G, Grigve, W1 Z DAVI �1 , d nearly (Toubled �the of the Que6n, Britaito , b*s increased I er e Ha who borrow- trouble, but I thhAR uiy wife . ITL, Staffa. ! i G� *rge Dole, Beaforth , John Bennewds, I study my eabject for two or three days ;- if I d-: " Ilelujah! Prdise de Lawd, oh, . Pa­-Xies; I have heard tha something I I i 1661-tt hro . I - . : d &iuce *3. om ' . . . i � I - - M ' , Am!" P 185 lor twenty minutes, it take.3 me a week to East India, territory by 275,000 equiiare mil, al MiL Soul!" - I ol thc!],kinid dotuesahappe'n n �N and then. is a cb.-inipion in that line. i ! Dub n Evans, neea,JU7,00d; John Mrsts 5 eved m a, , "ated Ho I ng Xong, - - , "Why, I thought sho n as alwayi cheer- - i - ElarlL� I L I I I . e ­ - been reli master it." ' . has occupied Aden, hat or The inteirupbons became so annoying Bat n y do y sk J0 r . 4 ; James Conn A,,;,Clinton. ' - I I Lor the financial w - re . I .. . - has secured control of i 6n, additional 200, 000 - n" . ful and contented with fier lot?" iiii E .SEAFORTH Lexn' "'O A* I � ---# I oa, L that the sexton fin illy approac"bed the old � J011D� y-1 notice Lat you make - � . 36, L)OD . . I I look; I , apecial grant of 9 .. square miles in South Afri and extended '"'I - 4 "She was until our baby was born -six ' Robt. St Ith, Hart 34-M. Ma3fillow, ficatortb ; � . to him- in quarterly in.- A Card - 9, sphere of influence al nost immessureable ; woman and itskved hat was the trouble. a. speq' h the papers a wa 78 say, "Mr. Weeks ago. Now she is ivorrying because � James C wing Egiviondir �9 ; J. W. Yto, Holmes- , r' "Oh, Alit so �happy Ah could fly! Alit � s -Bo�tor r ranscript. 1� Aille P, O,-, George MU010 and lohn 0. Morrison, : So that the public in- - - succet - - - , I � 1 Auditors I � eby agree to a A 6 J3 -tseze� al o spoke." - InstrumeDt We, the undt,-raigned, do he she has occupied Cyprt a, and has I , ho inny marry some ghl that -Ave shan't NU .cal � � .1 refund the money on a 50 -cent bottle of . gittin ligio su4h!" was the joyful shout. � I p i I VAVN"ales is X136,000 & . ed to the adiiiinistratiori of the' affairs. of 1 1 - like.", . Parties egirocs -to 694t InJUTAMees oil tn" I � . . . I . � His 11talady. . I -1 . � vily Itionded Invoi t it is worth to be P ,fZreene's Warranted Symp of Tar if. i�, fails .- "Hush!" aid' the grave sexton. "This ' � I ri ace ' E gypt, with an influen,.e brought to bear' on I : I �; EAR0 ­ TITM 9i other b!mstnen will be VrowV I to cure your congh or cold. We also �. g - ' " ; is,no place for that. ,�)ou't vmi Imniv I T plicaijoinl�o any of the abo*t oM,eerv. siddravoed is . � . I uar- Turkey- which even .Ru isia has been unable - . mrs.�Talkyer�l sow! Dr, sem going � Distinction. I : ,; ­­� IF . . ' I I I I heir tree I . , � antee a 25 -cent bottle to prove satisfactory you're in a biurch',� I yo� . . peAtIve vent offices " I I r ; - I to over� I I into � r house this nloi,�njn,. Is any one M-s. Cob-xvi-(�r-So they are �not 'in ItDi 1873. , i � Come. � � I E TABLISI I .. � 1. � Such is 6. hasty and incom- . �- I � I ; I or money refunded. I I - I . . - -19 , , Tonr sf.t? I : i� I � � I � -Overtime. � I ALE'( WlLsoN, Druggist, Seaforth. I Plete summary of the extension of the � Terrible Fall. f3i'l I i . � l� — - I . . .reignored by those dre- � power and authority ol the Britiab Empire Tb b one of the Mrs. , FaDning-My hiisban(l. He just Mrs. 1'roudfut-�No, in0eed. They go, 0 1 §; I - --------- 0- within,the reign of Q aeen Victoria 86r. d, is is said t.o b . diversions got 116 e from his vocati DD. -H ar per's a, gymn Asium, while we httend a pby8f�2a Owi � to bard tine' we have con- SEAFORTH DYE WORKS lyr:. King's, New We , The New King's Speech. I occasionally inq,uhred in at Kansas City .- , PianoE ani'd Orga�s at . .., . lwaya at work, ni ht . I from the result of the South African whr, - . : E izar- ,� . culture elass.-Ju6lfi . eluded 'b sell , I 9 I I . it -- I i i . I � . Ladies at d gentlemen, thap;� -g 3ou all for PUt � 'I'lie followinty is the full text of the , end is Solemn Faced Altin (with ne,T,ispaper)- ; P I 0 a to at hand digestion, RiliousnOtia, � 0 one may say with confilence that, the ' ; 110e8" p�tran&ge and now that a ntW Ulslf) I alpile 11g- J ward V11. on n 0 . . � . 'VVb1l, I see there Af,as a singular accident . I Niarming Bees. i Wish to let VoU know that I Ll L. Adl'in the businesis, I - . � hat can't be cured put on*y Isto I . :ea(faahe and all StOin-: ch delivered by K- E d . I t yet" 11 . . I , . � Grea ity Reduced,P� � - asys . his aceefmiun to the thre 1'! of (Zrcaf 13ritmn, As tq material and mechanical progress a t one of the slaughter houses out ac the .'the doel or's poeket.-Ch cago TkTews. I beehive are a number- of _UU ris� . .� -,- ready to dc mY best, to give � - 0*�' every satisfActiOn , owel troubles. E ell A man who wao t4er I � I in doing yo ir work In t1w lit -l-'-.' .1 C"Lania d d-,eln- , Only ." .. -in I h i8 firia public delix ei,t -ice as King : I y re6da a8' though it might have stockyards yestl �Ry. ' I Ing bees, who do not go ,out to : ga. I , ftahl�i 4 t f, ,,, I 0 'x .. 25C at 147eiitr"La - .the stor IiOallillg Out (Jf an i�pper story window let +1 ­ � 1 6 Otgaiis at $25 1,11d, UJ)3V'Ar1--'1 ,1114 gentlemei)'i and lialles, elotb! �,;, done M I I . beentaikenfrom the, "Arabian Nighti," . Watc out tbat,your ilf rity is not honey, but .look aftci� the eggs and �4 1 ripped as vi ell aa to have Via, - 6pped, All woo) . I -- i Wheii �-Ier- Majesty ascended the throne go and dropped (30 f�et and wasii't hurt a I - �Pol) in ni�niber a � YS Pianos 1�t corre%�Ondi.n' pricee; do guir �ntepd to give go iiXtisfaction on ebvIrt- ! . I - particle. I dite.to:the fact 1hat ycu fell a piece of young, and a corta I re alwa: 4 - ; a % ­*,?" at moderate d /r;y, ' gevotonotlee. Shawls, ourtL 8 an excellen, there ,�aq- only one railway in the'.Unitad i g. -sslp .1 urprisinglyAve -Mchson Clobe. told off to ventilate a hive. These stand See 0 before purdba4ing- t lax iyw . 41 : I prices, Pli ,%ae do rot faill ts, izz� � Ine a call. Buder 1 -3 ,:,! 'RY org ", 7V-vT,-,.- , Eager Listener Ilow did that happen? I - 11 . I I - I ' gi, � I - - U EN g children when some- Kingd6m.' -The railwayu havea mileago of e . . . ! . clw-e to the entrauee *.ad fan stron v and eg 9 jaken in exchang r work. � . , . -Solemn. Faced' an. � i . - -- . I . �­ -6, o1ppoBitte the Larr -: - ,iortb Mainetreet. quired. It xhoul(t . bOr rhi'll, 5-;:�nat!lry e; ('11 (...( V box of the g� .11ing 20,000 miles and their capital exceedo +,I,. � wit -b their wings. : 11 i I ! f e(�'t. L . I IlCaM,11116013 Is ,Rill ivilp.-i I im with the � I , . V91 -U ' ' : I 00,000. Theyearrymore than -900,: . . i I A small teasp000,ful I ,.QLJiflifle Tablets 000,0 I . . e Ze taien off. -New Drwh- Sun. , I 11, scolrrf I -E, lk 0 S - NIC Laxiative Bromc . '2 t I i ; - i I . � r '1' ' I � I' � . I � . I . I . � . I � � ; i I r I 1, � . . X . P � I � i � . - . I . ; . . � . � I I i , to 1 3* I Nia I `!! -- � �� - � ' pat ��rt sometikn . ,h b"4 i � _ 14 iel o*nJ " Beho 110 2uil,� , I �, , - - , � al" I I - , --m-MM-0111110% , , I % � b2i I lt,tu f- -in als .2 % 1 4 ON V - � � (i .( 'lil et�, 0 , �r,i� I , , I )Iit,� n, t" i Ay,'aOIL, r - B 4 . C Ltle �STJ i ni , ha ra� t i 41 D I 'r , Nk 1,8 7 if , � . ic ) I , 0 b- ) I 000,000 passengers per year, 'without tock- �, , ­ - - , . � I I I I . I & child 3 years o1d. ; 11 the rouiody that citreu L4 cold Ju eno d'a.V . � . - I I . i I - I ; I � z I i I I . . I . i 1 i . . I � t . I I .1 . i : I . . I I i j , - . - � ! . I I � . i . I - . I I I � - I . I ,� � - � I I . I � I , I . � I I I i I I . I I . I . � I � r ! - � ; � . . � ! I -. . I - � I � - t ; - . i � � I ! i . � � . - I . I . q I I I - . � I c � I I � � I I � I � I : , . . I ! I ---- . - . . . , I � ; I � � : � � i . . . . � . I �, . i � . . I . - � - � - I . . k - I . . i I - : I . . - - - . - . - . I . - i . . . � I � f ; . I � . I � - I ! I .. . I I . � . ". I . . . . . � � I . . I . - I t I I . � . i . � I . � ! I , I : i . . : . I . . I I I ! i . . . !I - I ; - I - : I � � . I � . I I � I . � L I -. � � I i , i i . . � . � . I : I . I � I . .1. . - , I I . 1, � � . . � � . ; : - . i . - . . I . I - . I - � I I , I i � � . I . :1 . I . . � . � I � . I . � ,; ; . . I I � � � I I � I I . . � I � J L--- . . -1 . � . ­ ­ .----- - -­ - ---- - ­ � ­ ­ ­­ I- - - -11- I . -­­ 1: - ­ -- - ­ ­ .- I .-- - I ­ I—— ­­-, - .-- --- — — .] � , '' ­- -11--[ -1" I . — . . -- - �� .- ­ I ­ I , ---. ­ ,-.---,.-,-,-.. — ­ -L-- ­­ -- ­ ­­- �.l -­ I � I - - ­ � - . --i ­­ ­'. -­­ ­ ------i1—, ,-,----,---- - ­