HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-02-08, Page 2Ilc an sl hroerPt o r
iatnfdoroyuorul o
A St ck Holder "
For holding stoc the "Page" is the only
reliable kind, It is used on the Largest Stock
Farms in Canada; equally suitable for areal' or
large stock. We now make our own wire. Could
lot -get good enough before. It is twice as strong
les that in otheefences and better galvanized. Our
Fencing is shipped fr at oar factory ready-atrades
mauve can put up a stnug of
er. Prices lower this year.
E FENCE CO. (Ltd.)
rk.; Votr.
&Kasai Will buy g od 7 -roomed houot, pleasant -
.4111. eleju ly sit nate in Seaforth, almoet new.
Good hard and soft watea. Apply to SCOTT
BROS., Seaforth. 1721 tf
lfitOR SALE.—Nine
X Lot 12, Conoesate
house and barn a's
upon application.
ores of land for sale, being
8, eely. There is a frame
small orchard. Part'eulars
X five sere farm in
city of Vancouver, 60
logs. An excellent kl
For full particulars ad
Street, Vaccouv,r, B.
T.—Ore hundred and fourty
ritish Columbia 18 miles from
choice fruit trees, gcod build -
e for fruit -lei 'sheep bow ing.,
rees 1 S. tallier, 1180 liornby.
• 1727x4
X ntonciville, two a
able frame dwelling
dear, Ni el drained a
god apple trees and
It will be sold cheap.
HICKS, Egmondville.
ONDVILLE.—For sate In Eg-
res of Rood land with comtort-
nd outbuildings. The land is
d 'fenced. Ttere are a few
ome elnall fruits on the place,
Posseeelon at any time. R.
X Stanley, oonsieth
good' stste of oultivati
stone house, kiteheo
ot herise and ldtotien
water well. Ban and
and creek, good °rah:
maple Reeve. For o
Lot /1, L. R. W., Sauhle Lino,
go! 129 acres, 115 awes under
n, 10 aoree fall whge.t. Good
nd wood shed, cellar. full Biz)
ith stone adorn, good hard
stable with convenient well
d and 10 aores good ash aid
rticulars apply on premises.
Baylield. 17234f
ABARGAIN.- 630 will buy a nice oomfortob'e
frame house an a quarter of an acre of good
land, pleasantly situ bed in the vil age of Namur
hey, and 1 mile me t of the thriving town of Sea -
forth, has a geed cella and is well fenced. There
are a number of good fruit trees and herd and soft
water close -to the loon e. Apply to the utidereigned.
JAMES MeNAMARA, ox 14, Seato.th P.10. -
U and South half of
containing 160 acres,
state of cultivation. T
with cellar, bank barn
pen, atave silo, two goo
the back ot the farm,
segools and marketa, b
and 9 mita from Saabo
or address THOMAS G
FOR, SALE.—For sale Lot 11.
Let 12, Concession 4, Stanley,
acres cleared and in a fair
ere is &frame dwelling house
• ith ethos stabling, stone pig
• wells also a ri oir runs at
It is convenient to oburohee,
•ing 8 miles from Bruoefield
th. Apply on the premises
If HELL, Brucefield.
12 9, Concession 1, Loudon Road, near the village
ofBrucefield, containing about 100 sore% 90 acres
cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the re.
malodor is hardwqnd bush: There are good • build-
ings, 12 sores of wheat, 80 seeded to grass, a good
orchard and plenty ot water. Will be sold cheap
and on easy terms. Apply to A. J. ROSS, Bruce -
field P. 0. 16764f
undersigned offers for sale his cottage in Hata
purhey with 8 sores of laud in good state of cultiva-
tion,planted with fruit and ornamental tress. There
is a good stable on the plea, with plenty of hard and
soft water. Fences are in good order. There are
seven rooms in the house which is good repair. The
premises may be viewed at any time. JOSEPH P.
BRINE 1696.5!
SALE.—Beautifully eitusted on Centre Street
adjoining Beattie's Grove. There are two lots planted
with the oholoest of fruit trees of all kinds and
shrubs. A frame how, stone cellar underneath the
whole house, a sitting room, dining rooco. summer
and winter kitoleetra and four bedrooms, hard and
soft water. /t is one of the mast pleaeantly !elated.
oomfortable and convenient residences in Seat nth
and will be sold cheap Apply to JOSIAH WAT-
SON, Seaforth. 17004f
.0 4, Coneession 18, Hullett, oontaining 76 acres,
all cleared, underdrained, well fenced, and about 40
ores seeded to grows. There are fair buildings.
There is a good orchard, and a never -falling spring
creek runs through the farm and a good well at the
house. It is near school and post office, and con-
venient to the beet markets. It is a splendid farm,
not a foot of waste land on it, and is well adapted for
stock rattling. It will be sold cheap and on easy
terms. Apply to the undereigned, Seater% P. 0.
SALE.—For male the oornfortsble frame cot.
tage in Harpurhey belonging to the undersigned.
It contains three bed rooms, sitting room, dining
room, kitohen and pantry. It is on a stone founda-
tion with a good cellar; also herd and soft water.
The lot contains ot an acre of land, has 912 it a good
stable and is well planted with various kbods of large
and small !Mits. 15 1. pleasantly situated and will
be sold cheap. Apply to the owner, MRS. GEORGE
SELLERY, Seaforih, or to JAMES W .TSON, Sea -
°TM 17164f
CHOICE FA'Ril FOR SALE.—For sale Lots 16,17
and 18, Conoession 10, Morris, oontainiag 192
sores, 150 acres clear and fre& from stump, and all
in grass excepting 2 sores. Being pastured for a
number of years it is to exultant oondition for crop-
ping. There ie a good comae house and two barns
one a bank barn also other neoessary outbuildings, a
good orchard, two wells and a spring creek, and is
gi miles from Blyth. If not sole by March let will be
rented tor a year for grazing purposee. For partic-
ulars apply on the premises or box 64, Blyrh P. 0.
NEIL MoDONALD. 1726x10
FARM FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 10, Concession
6, Hulled, containing 100 acres, 93 acres cleared
and the balanee good bugle Ten mores fail ploughed
She balance is seeded to grass. There is a good
young orchard, a never failing well, a good frame
house and frame and log stable. The farm is well
fennced throughout and is all new and clean. Con -
venlent to church, school and post office. It 1 7i
miles from Seaforth and 6 miles from Clinton. his
is an excellent farm and will be sold on reason bie
tame. Apply on the premises or address Constance
P. 0. ROBERT °LARK. 1727x4
Tel ESIDENCE FOR SALE.:—For sale thet mentor -
table and desirable residence in Seaforth form-
erly ()coupled by Mrs. Kirkman and new owned ,and
ocoupied-by the undersigneo. _The house contains
sitting room, dining- room, kitchen and summer
kitchen, also three bed rooms with a largo ()lathes
closet off each room, A good cellar and stone fowl.
dation under whole house The house is heated by
a furnace. Hard and soft water and lawn and gar-
den hi- drants. Thealot 1 well plentel with all kinds
of fruit trees It is one of the most deairable prop-
erties id Seaforth and will be told eheap. The hnuse
can be 5000 15 any t1me.1 Apply to F. R. VAN.
STONE, 1727x4
X 9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 125h canoes
Edon, or Brownson Lino, of Stanley. This farm °4n -
tains 150 Rem, all of which is cleared, except felur
sores. It jia in a state of first-class cultivation, well
fenced anI all underdrained, mostly with tile. There
is a large framo dwelling house as good m new with
good ston foundation and attar, large bank barn
nith aton stabling underneath, and numerous other
buildings, including a large pig house Two good.
orchards 1 choice fruit, also nice shede and Maw
mental trt ee, There are!two !piing creeks running
hrough 5 e farm, and plenty of good water all the
year roue without pum ing.. It le well situated for
markets, churches, echo Is, post Mil o, &as and good
gravel.roade leading fro it in all directions. It is
within view of Lake 11 non, and the boats can bo
aeon passing up and dow from th house, This is*
one of the best equipped faun .n the eroutity, and
will be sold on catty term., as the proprietor wents to
retire on accounts 01 111 h %Rh. Apply on the prom-
isee. or address Blake P. e JOHN DUNN, 1619-51
X ssle, Lot 22, on th North Boundary of Hay
Township. This farm o • ntains ,10t acre% 85 acres
cleared, the rat gond ha dweed bash. It is well un-
dordralned and fenced. Tbere is s good stone house
with a No. 1. oeller ; In. a bank barn ; implement
shed; sheep house 70x 5, with first-ola-s stebling
and root at Iter underage ti ; a good orchard; 2 good
wella and cistern. There is Pei acres of fall wheat
aowed on a riot) tailor , well manured; 40 acres
;laded down reeently, he rest in good shape for
creel. Thi$ is a No. 1 form, w, 11 situated for
markets, churches, sch ale, post office, etc., and
will be eoIfr rerseoneb v. Apply nn the premises, or
address R BERT a. DOI 0 L asl,Blake.Out.1608xSit
Farm loans taken at lomat Wee ; payment i to
suit borrower ; waist :et too guaranteed; all corns.
6Poridtqll'1-heuful)v ti evertal ABN 1B. COSENS,
Wine:ben% Out fli .co At corner of Minnie and
Pstrisk streets; every e turday all day, " 1007
Comforting Words for -Those W
Hae Many -Anxieties.
Clod. Gives the Righteous Power to Ber-
1 tract (io4 Out of Evil and Changes
the SI ar nifu 1 To to the 13 elle fl
. ,
Things sere Sloe° Equally Divided Than
s Gonerally Supposed.
Washingt int, Feb. 3.—There I is a
g 'eat sole.- -t,. in this discourse ;01 Dr.
'la -Image. In- those whose lives have
it any anxities; text, Isaiah iii, 10
Say -•ye t the righteous. that_ it
s ict.11 be N ''' ll Sri th hire."
Ilere is promise for people.who
are all rig rt, but who will cote and
gost it?. Ho v many, or, rather,, how
f w, peopl do you know whb are
a I right?. f it were asked of any as-
s mbly - tht those who were sinless
s tould rise up, none would rise eX-
cept imbeciles and religious cranlis.
An accident happened near 60' c n -
t ries ago that started the Liuu an
rice in the wrong way, and we h 've
n t got oVer it. We know a gr at
thany splethdid :men and *splend d o-
n en, but ;they Will tell you. t at
t ey • , have not always done he
✓ ght thing or thought the ri ht
t sought. If it were any. of your b si-
n 'ss, theycould give you an inv ,n -
t iry of frailities. and mistake nel
i felicities; ' that would be as oni h-
i g..flere,, then, .you say, is • Bi le
romise• that goes a -begging, ay
-se to the !righteous, that it sh 11 be
'9 .011 with.1hina" ..
, .
It is niyi delightful vOre to -
ow you.. that all the sons
aughters sol_Adam and Eve m
1 ropriate `ithe benediction of m
i they Will first . do the right.
e ver here in the next street. N
I an -who jin great miSfortUnes
• 1 he ha 'and was positively
teed, buti a letter ,comes' fron
I uropean -ity where .the land r
are kept announcing to hint .
gjea.tfortune is his. Now he
oPulent as he Was- pauperized.
clGfrs: his. rags and puts on r
a ,le attir' and moves into a.
a ipropriat .. .for a man of vas
t le. His -oddly 'circumstances w
a I wron last year; they ate'
right this iyear. On the next st
is1 a man 1 who was from
health pro.Stra.ted„, andhe. sect
be sick unto death, but a. .
physician took correct diagno
it a
ti, is •.'.; of ; !
alsd 1.
the noiversnl
lit -Lancia It al.;. . e lso:ty pet
the prorper, o tend' tease not 1 pros
peresi .s tl•e tine:inlets in the balloon
they. can, a ert i to lose. The mor
a eatth a in -is li ,st the more -he eat
-lose. hut one man ee n , afford to los
n mill' on ch l'ars , 1 erts another mai
cann 4._ arord to 1,,se one dollar: 01
larger or smaller scale all suffe
'inane. a lose. Amid the rapidity o
the reyeloti ns of the ‘vheel ofifnea
atonal and intermit ioal nan
monetary IS rplexity is as comutOn a
clay or n'•gli .,
• So oalso - misinterpretation am.
-slander cam to all who live activ
lives. Our actions, thoroughly bon
-est and • cam n board, may come --un
der sespicio . Every courtroom a
every term of court hears illustra
tions of the delusion of what is call
ed circumst ntial evidence. Innocen
• onen are fin d or imprisoned or eke
troeuted b cause of an unfortunat
.conjunction of events. What is tru
1 of . courts -a° is is true , in all circle.
of domestic or social or political o
official life. 'opu ha.ve been misunder
stood and iisrepresented. Then hos
can my text be true? My expla.natio
Is -this: The man ost-ii.hout any divin
grace in ' hi heart finds in thes
troubles 'irri ation and unbelief an
1 naelancholia and despair. A Christia
man 'finds in them submission and en
larged view.s and divine support an
reconsecrati n.
Financial loss, which- I just no\
said is ,sure to come, never break
up a man 'ho has strong faith' 1
God. In mo t cases it is, a loss o
surplus or. it- is the banishment
luxuries. M st of the wants of • th
prosperous classes are artifici
wants. The late Mr. Armour of th
$60J/00,000 estate pointed to one f
his clerks' n ordinary salary an
said, "-That man has better appetit
tlia.n I, slee s better nights and e -
joxs life m re than I do." Oh, the
giglintiemi ei'les of those who ha e
too mischi A man in Solomon'
tinie' expres ed as philosophic . an
reasonable. wish asany man 1
those %times or of our times.Hi
nanie was Agur,and he offered'
prayer•that he might never have
super.a.bitnd nce or a deficit, cryin
out, "Give :ie neither poverty. no,
riches." On the 'one side he had see
sthe awful s niggle of the poor -lc
get food an- clothes and shelter an
to educate t eir children, and on th
other side he had • seen the - gouts
foot, and the' indigestion, and th
insomnia; a d the anxiety - abou
large invest ants, and the. threaten
ed paresis f ten characteristic 0
those who a e loaded up and loade
.down - with too many successes
Those peopl who are, generally call
- ed the mass s—that is,. the most si
folks—have he things absolutely ne
' eessary for heir well being., Th.ey
have no Mu" illos -on their :wall, nor
a '.'13e1sham r's •Fea.st" in their din
ing room, n r a pair of $8,000 sor-
rels it their doorway. But they have
something 1 •hich those superabund-
antly suppli d - seldom have. They
have better health because, being
compelled to walk. they get the ne-
cessary exer ise, and, their diet being
limited to p ain food, they do no
suffer from idnight salads and are
not . vietimi ed by rare caterers
They retire or wholesome sleep at
the Very hour in which: others ar
•ay to
Y P-
t xt
thi g.
as a
1 sti
s we
co cls
ha a
sp et- !
it use
Ps -
ter ect
Jed Ito
is ' of
to his
1 he
is all
st ate
his disease and by prompt anci
orous tree ment restored him
former vig -As to his healt
was all w on•g before; now he
right. In t ass two ways- I illt
my theme,
By/sin w have all been it or Ily.
bankrupted Christ the Lord fl ons
his infinite riches pays our d(bts
and empar dises us in -- his me •ey.
Frani his 'chest wardrobe he silts
On us the c ean robe of his rigl-te
ness and gives' us a 'palace ii. the
heavena w1en we ate' ready' to - go
up. and taiie it. Now; as to ou .01 ir-
Huai estat we ate all right.
were mora ly diseased, but Ch ist the
physician, by a bath in the fo in a -in
of his gra e,• cures us. Now, . i to
"our spiritual health we are all thTt.
That is th way • we come t the
righteousn ss .spoken- of in the xt.
It is a contributed righteousn an
imputed ri hteousness. The • ent
You got iiito right relations ith
Christ th:e Lord -. that moment you
can apprec • at e the magnificent om-
fort .of the text, and I defy y in
all this _eeat book, from- the irst
verse of t e first" chapter of Ce esis
to the last verse of the last c ter
of Revelation, to find me a -p s age
with high .r and deeper and b o der
and longezj orhfort than that of the
text, whtc is as deep as _the ALh nfic
ocean half . way- between the jio tin-
ents and high as the sun whe i the
clock -is striking 1.2 at noon. 13 t I
Shall ' be s vamped with the 4ce nic
tides of t is subject unless th .ord
'Alp nse t keep a' foothold.. Say
ye to the ighteous that it sh 11 be
Well with im." •
Bear in mind' that but few
can stand lworldly- success. 'NV
a good t4ing, but too anic4 '
will drovinee Fire is a good t
but too na4ch of - .it will .dist
gbod thing; -but tool t
s and blinds. Succees
but too infich of it
many for this w
t. If it. were best for
11 be millionaires', liv
:the Alhambra and1 b
ttractive as Cle.bre
Antony. But. the ino
not 1 endure such -su
abundanee, p.a.., -it is -absolute'
•cessary in Order to keep them.
that 999 men out of 1,000.
find life a Otruggle. It keeps
out of mischief. After Adam
ejected, from, the premises whe
ten minutes of employment ada,
could keep the garden and dress
tlie, best thiktg that could happet
him was, coutpu141611 to work
fight. That Edell -Ile' ejectment sh
*us as nothing else ever could- .
idleness or nly a few minutes .of
Ployment a.
thi-ow.. Pu
blessings in
that you h
Light is 'a
of it dazzl
good thing
and, the n
we would
palaces like
appeared to
folks could
f it
s a
t of
em -
day are doom and; ver-.
it down among , our
tead of your 'Distort tnes
•ve to work -hard • Vith
losiin. or ha ul or foot, or all , t
of them:. 1 , • ,
flow inan1 Ili
,Ir on- do you ,k
worth -$250 000 who are devot t
e on sec rat ed
ous and em.
.the, world'
nd - humble and
sloying their Dieu
• redompt i on? Von
count- them up • on the fingers of
two hands 41"ven if by accident -
war you had. Iost -one or two of
fingers. As po the rea.bn of pars
at t ra ell vene s , ho w Many ' w
radiant of ountenance and gra
of form do. frouknovtvho are nat-
fected. and attire], of manner arid
deeply pi cijw1 before God, .using their
beauty. for the bettOrment of the
world an& not, for selfish • purp ses?
only take the risk of -asking; the
question an , leave to you the risk
of enSwerin r it. These things •I say
to show yp t that in order- to- lave
the proiu iseJ of the text fultilli." in
, • _
your Case not necessary you
have 'phone nenal worldly suct4-ss,.
Notice alIso that Cod gives 'the
righteOus ti e power to extract ood
o.I(il evil and he a divine elle nis-
tr,.- 1.0 charge the bitter had the
sweet , end . los harmful into the 1 ene-
ficial. romise that it shall be
well with sou does not. imply pat
you •are- to ' be free frotn trothble.
There is no escape from that: We
all have fat iily relit ions, and • f.oinc
of them Iva' be ninkine. exit roSh
n eta
leaving thei . homes for the ;dance o
the card pti ty. They will sleep th
lastAsleep st de well in the plai
,gravVard a those who have ove
'them an arffi of sculptured granit
in costliest. necropolis or most his
torical abbe,
Things ari more equally divide
than ts--. gen • rally. supposed. Tha
splendid hoi ie is apt to have a tak
ing off of s me kind. It sway be a
inva1 111 wi 1., or a deformed child
or. an inher ted tending toward. in
sanity, or dissolute son, or la d
spoiled rep tation, or a weakene
heart that 1 my halt under the leas
excitement. ;invy no man. Envy n
woman, Be ontent with such thing
as ye have. Do not think, in orde
to have it vell with you accordin
to my text, that Iherefore you- rous
have more hen sorsiebody else, o
even as muci as omebody else, Th
Lord treats us all better than wci
treat hints nd if we would study,
our blessing as • uch as We study
our disaster. we N,ould be more real
eonable and thank ul. In Isaiah God1
says tit*, Or ad a d water Shall -be1
sure, and n ne of us has been pu
on so low a. diet, hut we of ten act
as though sod, ad not kept his
promiee.beca. Ise at want more lux-
uries, forgetf 1 of he fact that he
promised brei d, not cake; 'water, not
sparkl.ng .cor eta's.
Do any of us fu ly realize the fact
that 'Cod gi es u three things in
unlimited supply, Ithough.no formu-
la of 'prayer hat ever heard recog-
nizes th.em— ater air and sunlight?
Water by the rive ful. NVater by th.
lakeful. ". WI ter iy ' the 'oedanful.
Some !or abl tion some fpr slaking
of thirst; soithe fo baptistery, some
for fo.t ntains and quariums. I never
a,pprecial4ed t 'hat a wonderful thing
water is until last slimmer I stood
by th s fount ins efore and around
the -Emperor p lace at .Peterhof,
Russia. 1 h d bent familiar with
this \yonder ul element of nature
from childhoo , h .ving been born on
the hanks of the •eautiful Raritan
and as a bar footed boy dabbled in
the brook ne r my father's house.
But I never tealieed until last sum—
er what wk ter could do in play,
or in •strange cap' icas„ -or beautifica-
tion, .or whe clin bing the ladder of
the light, or whet skillful workmen
took. _Told of it t toss it, or whirl
it, or Shape it4n o crowns, or hoist
it into colunms, o spring it into.
arches, or lift It nto stars, or turn
it, into erescusts, or build it - into
tem -ries, Yoi foi get you ever saw
th' less gl or oils waters al Chats-
worth, En , or Versailles,
Prance, as yc u at. lid in the balcony
of Shu palace ove looking the Fin-
lund -gnif, be vilde ed and transport-
ed ns. you lo k a, the one display
called the Go den 'tairway fountain,
The • water ro Is d wn over 24 steps
1 foot high nd feet long. All of
these -24 •tops are covered with
sheets of burnie led gold. Silver
step 01 'the St at Pr on stairs of gold]
Wiwi. a. glee of •liouids! Rollie r
daShing, 1011.11 ing, enrupoiring sples-
dorel t'horus of 1 wails! Poetry
Nvatprs! B000log of torrents!
With Still i ore abundance is the
air! distributtd. An earth F1111 of it.
A Sky full of it, Swiftest lend strong-
est istsle can lot Ity so •Iiigh as not
to have it in the nostril or- under
wings And Who1 affluence of sun-
light! No o le but the- infinite God
could flispen. e touch of it. Tile
golden eamil het on the blie
mantel -ef t.le heavens! Se areitt th.41,
the almighty is Comp red to it, the
psalmist crying • u 1, ' 'The 1.ord God
Is a 'sun." ' It 1 higl time. that we
recognize iri our litoir es and hr Our
formulas of prt-L'er • 1 le three most.
abundant blessh gs 4f • the universe
which COMq to E U.
No'1/4Y, 18 it no( timo that we ill
began more t mrou Oily to t rust.
the 1.0rd? ; We rust dm with our
, sools, whso not trust him with our
I °dies? We tru •t hin with our epir-
linol interests, Why TIO1 1! 11Si. 'III,:
V. 1111 our temp wal int ere -1 s? We
believe what I.8 :aid to us'. by on or-
4ilin11'ily •honeat man. 1 _could no'
'Inger Vol) so n uch e r make s (stir
'11- ol.s so 1)111 11 4.1 111 11l(1ig1111 1 1011 III; -
. ,t) (10111.I your' r11111;11IEW:.-.. null boy. -
h, ..„1111 see1ee..,0 ow .1 alei of epaeoe.
and earth feels shut Isom doebt him.
tts he declares I 1 ,the to <1, -szay s. e
to the righteous that it shall be well
W ith him." Such a I moist! as that
ought to calm •our I pulses and ir-
radiate your 0 untenktnee and halo
all the -future w ith rapture; for, af-
ter all, it make but :little difference
what becomes o us here if we come
.0t1t, at the righ plaoe, amid - the
right surroundh gs 8.11(1 in the 'right
sompanionshipa, -What are the 20 or
40 yenrs of terr 'strial , stay eompar-
al with the eel turiea, the millenni-
tuts, the a ons if our chief lifetime,
Which -we are 1 hegin when we quit
this insig,ni leant md wh plant., insignificant
es compared th size of other
worlds? This. Ivor d is only a
-ehoolhouse for heaveh. We learn
:ere only the A 13 C Of a higher lit-
e -attire, or the simple addition and
nbtraction of an infieite mathentat-
es and are prac icing the eight notes.
if an (sternal h trinonso The . most
mportant ques ion any man ever
si. is, -What vill be my destiny?"
'\\h 11 her ro) I mund?' ' -Where shall
laad ?" "Whit t is -the terminus of
los shoes jouto ey?Now, child of
do Mkt Worry Elp)oul that. it
.Chall lio Woll with you in your. next
itet e of eaisi en -e. ' .
' l'`otre seient ist. . are now discussing
the opening o comt umication be -
ween our earth and the planet Mars.
ees-inientS 0.30 be, ng made, but
.hey w ill• not. ,-uceee 1, WO cannot
)1111d, a lire lar 'e en ugh to atEraCt
Op attention of that world or lift a
lees posverfal te ()ugh to see' any re -
nterst ell Ir. l'e do not posi-
A iv, ly 1010\1tha tha world is oecu-
plea Ily living b.qngs or that, if it is
Occupied commu iicati m with them
woeld he clesirE hie. It might not
be so good a s'orh as this, and
hus 001111111111 i(' ition with it Would
e debasing.. Iiiit I ejoiee to know
hat._ heavea is in tot ch With other
w orlds for theii imp 'ovement ,and
t depot for glotious arrivals. It is
i; t l'oroughfare etwe,m. this v. orld
and that world and a coming and
going perpetual. Go ng out, of this
'world is as nett ral s coming into
it. 11111 the 000 is w'th pang and
the other is ,Wit 1 ra iture if Wearo
fit ted for the. up iftino; process. It
shall be os ell wi h ydu . Take as
good care of' s 0 r h alth as you
• can, have all ss nita -37 laws, • . keep
:j 11115 tltisworld a lot g as you are ,
peritted to st V A ICI then when
heavenly cal con es be glad to
go. So live that if y u say not a
Word during thi last day of ,y -our
life there will be no doubt here about
..the place of .yo r destination. You
IWill go right in'o saiintly, prophetic,
evangelistic, ap • stoli , cherubic, ser-
aphic, archangel'c, d Oa presence.
It shall be w 11 wjith you. Moth-
- ler, you will gi rig1t up into the
possession of th bab that the scar --
let fever or cro p took out of your
arms, a sorrow tha still stings
'you, and yoit 0 ten lay , she would
now be so man y ars old if she
had lived. You ill gjo into the pres-
ence of the Old olks,J for I hope you
are of Christie ancestry, and you
will find that t ey 1ia.ve no dimness
Of sight or . ha ting gait that re-
quires a staff, f r they have taken
a draft from ti e fountain of per-
petual youth tl at springs from un-
der the throne of God. Oh, the
blissful compani nship of heaven in
which you shailj enter. It shall be
well with you. ring this bell of
emancipation and talumph. I like
the way the se ton 'rings the bell
-of the old coun ry qieeting house.
So my text s4ms bell of invite, -
'tion and vjctory I tegan to ring it
in the opening • f thtIs discourse. I
hope to ring ItI as.
long its I live,
, and may those ivhom
. oe after . us
keep on ringing 't uritil those far-
thest off from q2d Ohall Conte -into,
the great tempi et !gospel corafort
and all the , wetry 'ul down their
burdens at its aijtar , and find that
'peace which the NV rld can neither
give nor take a4vaylThree times
,more I ring it. I sh 11 be well! It
- shall be well! 1, sh 11 be Well!
old Mother. Best.
The older the ow
maternity busine s i.
she will do. A is
old sow is worth on
one from a yea ol
mind if the visit
weigh 500 or 605 p
will raise you tw
a year, she is t e
breeding animal yol
farm. Never figuie n
bring you to sell for
becomes in the
e better work
rom a six -year-
-half more than
sow. Never
on does get to
unds. If she
ters of ten pigs
most profitable
have on the
what she will
ltrirginirOs N tut
Virginia has 1 )st.
tb acquire an 1 vt
state property Is t
parties to purehi
with. 400 tierce ad
1 Bri d ge.
an opportunity
'able piece of
lowing -private
Natural I3ridge,
went', for S 3(4.
Gas on th
Result of imperf et
up against the hear it
symptoms,. Instant elie
use of ten drops
sweetened water, half
meal. Nerviline aid di
gas and imparts a se
ine is good for a lot o of
Keep it fin the ho se
Cramps, euralgia,, To
at I. V.' ear's, Dru gi
excites alarming
is afforded by the
erviline in a little
an hour after the
stion, expele the
comfort. Nervil-
er things besides.
for Rheumatism,
thache. For sale
a Home.
The ne essity of a o4
the hem°, to share ou edi
views upin current to
mutual interest sh ul
mated. The great b rri
occurrences is the foilis'
or a vain desire t.
means. We oftenti es
loneliness and isolati in
wlesire, or it woul
oultivate, because we cat
they do, or cannot s t s
procure for their ce eco
edibles anli delleacie to
cuPtomed. This, o
folly, bee use no pe son
oan expec a limited •u
of the wealthy. Th ref
asional visitor in
les and exchange
les or matters of
nob be underesti-
to such friendly
dread .of expenee,
inc beyond one's
ive in a state of
em people whom
lour advantage to
ujiot1 dress as well as
h a nice table or
ton the luxurious
hich they are ai-
ti is sheer
f common sense
s to vie with these
e if your guest is
0 P Y
of good breeding and ;judgment, even if
above you socially or financially, he or she
will never stoop to criticise or make you feel
by word ot act your lack of what it is their
better fortune to posseee. Encourage all
the edifying and enjoyable company you
can, and in time you will discover thereby
the ties of friendehip, a staff of comfort to
lirn upon through many a weary_ hour.—
nnie M. Tookey, in Christian Work. .
Brought About Through the Use
of Dr. Williams' Pmk
Mrs. Peter Beamer Tells How These Pills
Releaeed Her From Years of Neuraigiao
Pains After Doctors and Other Medi-
eines Had Failed.
Among the best known and most respect-
ed residents of the township of Gainsboro,
Lincoln county, Ont., are Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Benner. For along time Mrs. Beam-
er was the victim of &complication of dis-
eaises, whieb made her life one of almost con-
stant misery, and from which she nearly
despaired of obtaining relief. To a reporter
who interviewed her, Mrs. Beamer gave the
fellowing particulars of her illness, and ulti-
mate cure ,:—" For some nine years I was
t oubled with a pain in the back, and neu-
✓ lgia, which caused me unspeakable mis-
sy. The pain in my back was so bad that
hether sitting or lying down, I suffered
ore or lees torture. My appetite left me,
e d I suffered from headaches accompanied
bly awn* of dizziness that left me at times
too weak to walk. My nervous system was
badly shattered, so that the slightest noise
would tamale me, and my sleep at night
was broken by 'sheer exhaustion. I was un-
der the care of three different doctors at
various times, but did not succeed in get-
ting more than the merest temporary relief.
I also mil several advertised medicines, but
with no b tter results. I was finally urged
to try Die Williams' Pink Pills, and got
half a dozen boxes. In the course of a few
weeks I noted considerable improvement,
and, as a consequence, I gladly continued
the use of the pills for several months, with
the result' that every symptom of the malady
left me, and I was able to do my housework
without the least trouble. As several years
have passed since I have used the pills, I
feel safe i�v,
saying that the cure is perman-
ent, and tie result also verifies the claim
that Dr. Hilaire' Pink Pills cure when
other medicine fails." The reporter can on-
ly add that Mrs. Beamer'epresent condition
indicates In state of peefeot health, and
speaks louder than mere Words can do, the
benefit these pills have been to her.
' Dr. William' Pink Pills have restored
more weak and ailing women and girls to
robust health than any other medicine ever
discovered which in part accounts for their
popularity, throughout the world. These ,
pills are soqd by all dealers or may be had
by rnail at 50 cents a box, or aix boxes for
$2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
. The Nursery lioctor.
To relieVe the pain of a badly pinched or
bruised flOger; plunge it itninediately• into
v4ry hot Water. .
Fresh air and exercise are the beet tonics
for younge
tfiilks, but too mach of the latter
will do har to a child. -
Less fat and lees sugar are required for
the child's Hummer diet than for his winter
diet. Both fat and sugar are heat produc-
Let children's meale be a* frequent as
necessary, but do not allow eating between
meals. SWeets should never be eaten on. an
empty stomach, but they are comparatively
harmless at the end of a meal.
Eggs are excellent food for children, es-
peoially those who are nervous. They are
easily digested when lightly or undercook-
ed, but only one child in ten win digest the
white of a bard boiled egg.
Shoes without heels are much more health-
ful for theeroung, because they strengthen
the anklesIf a child's ankles seem weak,
rub them With a little alcohol.
Catarrhozone Cures Child of
i ' Catarrh.
Perth, pat.—" I Cannot withhold my
testimony as to tbe great value of Catarrh -
ozone as alremedy for Cs.terrh, one bottle
having curled my daughter of that trouble,
and I hearitily recommend it to all suffering
from thet disease. No house should be
without it." Mrs. J. A. Morrie.
So pleasant, babies use it; so safe, grand-
mothers employ It; so certain to quickly
relieve and cure that doctors, lawyers, mer-
chants and public speakers rely upon Cate.r-
rhozone as their standby for Caterrh, Bron-
chitis, Asthma and Ray Fever. It is cheap
because it lasts so long, and because it is so
sure to cure even the poorest can afford to
buy it. Every dollar outfit ieguaranteed to
cure, or your money batik_ For sale by I. V.
Fear, druggist, Seaforth, or by mail. A
trial sent for 10c. by N. C. Pelson & Co.,
Kingston, Canada, or Hartford, Conn.,U. 8.
Hot Water as a Remedy.
Headache almost instantly yields to the
simultaneous application of hot water to
the feet and back of the neck.
A towel I folded, dipped ' in hot 'water,
wrung out quickly and applied over the
stomach acte like magic in oases of colic.
, A towel folded several times and dipped
in hot watet, quickly wrong out and applied
over the seat of pain, will in most cases
promptly relieve toothache and neuralgia.
A strip of flannel or rowel folded several
times lengthwise and dipped in hot water,
then slightly wrung out and applied about
the neck of a child suffering With an acute
attack of croup, will usually relieve the
sufferer in the course of ten minutes if the
flannel is kept hot. -
Hot water, if taken freely a half hour be-
fore bedtime is one of the best possible .
cathartics in severe casco of conetipation,
while it has a most soothing effect upon the
stomach and bowels. ,
. There is no domestic remedy that so
promptly outs short congestion of the lungs,
sore throat or rheumatism as will hot water
when applied promptly and thoroughly.
She Was Pale
and Languid
Mrs. E. McLaughlin, 05 Parliament
street, Toronte, ststes : "My daughter.
was pale, weak, languid an d very 11ra V -
OUR, her appetite was poor and change-
able ; she 1 could scarcely drag herself
about the house, and her neryea were
completely unstrung ; she could not
sleep for More than half an hour at a
time latent starting -up and crying.,
nut 10 exaltement.
"As she; was growing 'weaker. an 1
weaker I became al:unroll, owl got a
laix of Dr, Chase's Nerve Foetl. Slii!
used this treatment for, some weeks.
end front he first A.,c, noticed a de,Ided
improvemrint. • fler appetifi. 1.... o;oo
br•ttor, she gained In welkht, the (-elor
re:allied to her t'st-e, and sh,•
ally beeante strong and Woll. 1 can- -
hot say to much in co vor of 'CH: soon-
treatmest Woo' iiroVen
lelluh a blessing tO my 41.111r
1.1-. 1110fr....
VtakTIESS of women tho t Is obto:ne e
erSor live tren tment for the ailmen`s
01111.8 a box, at oli
Dr. Chase's Nerre Food -;
1.414iers', or lsoi-
manson, Bates & Cu.,. Torento,
Dr. Chases
piler-1.7e r-Gocy
' ' ting illeTood andllegula-
th Stomachs andBowels of
ro otesDigestion,Cheerfui-
tess and Ilest.Contains neither
OpuC',Norpi1hi $tor Mineral
OT 1NA33tu TIC.
• • 0/00..00.0,0000.00.
Jifx;61 arOldItrrilit?
Afryara;s Say.te
Rooter& - 1 •
My:aced -
Clarified Sugar .
ties s
ect Retitedy for CAmstipa-
our Stomach,Diartipeo,
and Loss'OF SLEEP.
TA Simile Signature a
Nato& is put ap In ons-slee bOttlE1 0111 .It
le not sold in balk. Deal allow anyone fosell
yen aaytbing else oa the plea or premise that it
is lust as goal; stA will answer every jar..
pole." Aar See that 7ou get 0-A-8-11-0-1fleia
is II
The fee-
• •5 , 144.
5'aft/7 titr
wwv_.12.5,06 ,p4t
Men's long ;boots, made in all weights
and lengths for gifterent kinds of wear.
Strong, durable-TITre gtim.
-Soles that wear as long as the uppers--
thickto keep the foOtaway from the ground.
Three -thicknesses of rubber, two of can-
vas and a leather insole between the foot
and the ground
Thick rubber reinforcement all round
where the wear coines-
See that the hee1 is branded with the
makers' name.
2—It wil
not kill
3—It wi
1 el
them up.
will clea
5 -It wifl °lea
Neve is eta mad
cleaner on Marko
A Medicated Toilet Soap of the Purest. Alwarded Silver Medal Geeates
Britain Exhibition 1897.
11 contagious diseases from fi—It wilt clean and remove paint, oi and
rease stable from wocden and cotton loth
nig. Also cleans coat collars and ha4is.
7-15 eontains no alkali and is strongy re
commended for washing the head as it
imparts a silky and- natural gloss to the
hair, and IS especially useful for ebildren.
where it is used,
and polish paint work and
lose of the paint
an carpets without taking
linoleume like new.
bicycle chain and rime.
be the cheapest and best plaint
. Try 15 011 finger marks on doore.j.
1010RICE lito and 20o a BLOCK
Full directions on bloelte,
used bsy-THE D. KING Limited,
their manfifacture of Boots and Shoes.i No strikes, cesi
of wlork or labor difficulties promote the highest possible pro -
ion of 'perfect workmanship. In thus consultini the interests
the conlum.r Iwo urge that you IDEMillifil
en a inercJant advertises his goods at cut rate prices, he is ready to
e 11 thein at juit that moment and just then on the best terms.
Pitting off usually lands a customer at the bag 61-I1 of a splendid
stpck, or one from which the best selections have been made.
T ue economy consists of improving the opportunity to save, ex-
tly when it presents itself.
are j
st now ready to redeem our promises -and sell you supurb
ods, lots of them, lots of every kind at bankrupt prices, That
ails, this week, today. 11 you expect to reap all the benefits
an advantageous purchase, come now, as we are cutting the
ices on the Smith Steck of Boots and shoes, to clear them out
once to save us the trouble of moving thpro.
ardson 8‹. McInnis Two Stores,
Whitney Corner Store and Sinith's old stand, under the clock,
4- 0
bY "1
and *
I heif
/Air t
to bei
;sal ell
is got
aere 1
villa I
Lot 1
P. Os
are n