HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1901-01-25, Page 2THE .11
au -Se
hat we have we'll held"
As ev'» an who has purchased Page Fencing
kuows a3 the it Fence on the market.
"w at we hav'nt we're after"
and if yciu are in the market for fencing we would
like to hive you consider the meritsof the "Rage'
Fence. Coiled Wiree made in our own Wire Mill,
woven by ourselves. Shipped already to put up_
REAL ES r ethe
a -A Will buy a good 7 -roomed howe, pleasant-
ly sitaated iu See'erth. almost uew.
Good hard and sof wate. _ Apply te SCOTT
BROS., Seaforth. 1721-tf
"tiOR SALE.—Nine aores et land for sale, being
• Lob12, Oce -tion 8, Hey. There ie a item
house and barn Wan emelt oreberd, Particulars
upon applicaeion. MRS. ROBERT KYDD, SR.,
Zurich. 16994f
DAME FOR SALE.—Lit 11, L. R. W., Sauble Line,
Soul .y, eonsi. t ne of t 21 wires, 115 acres under
good state of cultivat'oe, 10 acres fall wheat. Good
stone bursa, kitchert arid e eel ehed, cellar full size
ot house end kitehea with -toati eiet rrn, go id herd
water well. Barn and ttable eith cotavenients oU
and creek,, good orchard and 10 e.eres good ash and
maple g.ctve. F r T ertice'n"s Lately on premiere!.
HERBERT H. JOHNSION, Bayfield. 1723-tt
— I
U and South half of Let 12, Concession 4. Stanley,
°outdoing 160 aores, 90 acres cleared and in a fair
atate of cultivation. There is a frame dwelling hewn:
with cellar, bank barn with stole stabling, stone pig
pen, etas -0100, two good wella ale, a ri er runs at
the back 0? the farm. It is convenient to churchee,
schools arid markets, ben 3 utiles from Brumfield
and 9 milea from Seaforth. Apply on the premises
or addrese THOM eS GEMMELL, Brumfield.
...0 9, G recession 1, London Road, near the village
ofBruce ski, containing ebout 100 acme, 90 ares
cleared aid in a geed state of cultivation, the re-
mainder la hardwood bush. There are geod build -
Inge, 12 ares of wheat, 30 seeded to grass, a good
orchard and plenty of wat.r. Will be sold cheap
and on easy terms. Apply to A. J. ROSS, Brum-
field P. 0 16764f
1.10Lul eAND TR
ed iloftEerFr; f ..keFeRar hie clotttSaAgerfn.—Th
purhe w'th 3 acres of land iti good etate of cultiva-
tion& au ed with fruit and ornamental tree. There
is a good table on the plane, a ibh plenty of hard and
soft wate . Fences are in good order. There are
seven roo a in the house which is good repair. The
premisee nay be viewed at any time. JOSEPH P.
BRINE 169641
Xi SA L—Beautifully eitueted on Centre Street
adjoining Beattte'ts Grove. There are two lots planted
with the choicest of fruit trete; of all kinds and
shrubs. fume house, stone cellar underneath the
whole ho se, resitting room, dining repro, Bummer
And wint r kitchens and four b droorta, hard and
seft wate . It is one of the meat pleaeantly located,
eomforts le and convenient residenom in Seat nth
and will s sold cheep. Apply te JOSIAH WAT-
SON, Sea orth. 17004f
- -
U 4, C noesaion 13, Eullott, eontilning 76_ acres,
all cleare , underdrabood, well fenced, and abent 40
. ores see ed to grass. There are fair buildings.
There le good orchard, and a never -failing spring
creek ru s through the team and a gooi well at the
house. t is near achoel and post office, and con-
venient the beet markets Ti is a splendid farm,
nob a, foo of wasteland on it, and is well adapted for
stock rai 'ng. It will be sold cheap and on easy
terms. pplv to the undereigned, Seaforth p. 0,
JANE B. OBISON. ' 166941
S LE.—For sale theloomforteble frame toottage arpurhey belonging to the undersigned.
It contaile three bed rooms, sitting room, dining
room, ki ,hen and pantry. tt is on a stone founda-
tion wit. a good cellar; also herd and •soft water.
The lot anteing of an acre of land, has on it a good
stable a • d ie well planted with various kinds of large
and sma !fruits. It is pleasently situated and will
be Bold c sap. Apply to the owner, MRS. GEORGE
SELLER , Seaforth, or to- JAMES WeTSON, Sea-
ortb 171641
E FARM FOR SALM—Fer lige Lots 16,17
an 18, Concession 10, Morris, oontaining 192
Wei, 1 acreaclear and free from stumps and all
in grass xoepting 2 acres.. Being pastured for a
number • f years it ie in excellent oondition for crop-
ping.. here is a good conerete house and twnbarna
one a ba k barn also other enteeseary outbnild ngs, a
good or aid, twcewelle and a spring creek, nd le
3a- miles from Blyth. If not sold by March et ill be
rented f r a year for grazing purpme. For partic-
ulars ap ly on the premises or box 64, Blyth0.
NEIL oDONALD. 1726;10
MIAMI FOR SALE.; --For sale Lot 10, Concession 7
..0 fit ley, containing -100 acres more or less, 93
acres de red and 7 acres of bosh, 60 acres under cul-
tivation, 8 acres in fall wheat and the Wanee seeded
to grass. The farm is well fenced and underdrained
with ple 4v of good water convenient to buildings of
a -high t • ere are &good frame house with kitchen and
wood eh d attached, two large bank harm with stone
walls un erneath, large drive shed and pig house
with oe °et floor,a large orchard of choice fruit.
It is aenvenient t ohurch,post office and schools.
It is 5 in les from Brumfield station with good gravel
roads le ding in all direotions. This is a first 'class
farm an in good condition and will be sold cheap.
For full rticulens apply to W.H. 6IcALLISTER,
Varna P O. 1711-tt1
IC Lot 11, Conoeseion 8, Tuckersmith, containing
100 acre', all cleared but about 8 force of good bush.
It la tredlerdrained, well fenced, and in a high state
of oultittion. There is a good stone noose ; good
barns, e shies and out -houses. lb adjoins a good
school ;u, within five nines of Seaforth, and three
miles from lappet). There is plenty of gnod water.
Will be aoid withor without the crop. It is one of
the bestlfarnes in the township, end will be sold on
easy terms. as the proprietor wants to retire. Also
50 acres Within a mile and a quarter, a good grasing
lot, well fenced, but no buildings. Will be sold to,
;tether o separately. Apply on the premises, or ad.
drew/Z.. eondville P. O. JAMES tileTAVISH.
1639 tf
r 9 d the west half of Lot 8, on the 12th co ma-
eien, or rownson Line, of Stanley. This farm con-
tains 15 scree, all of which is °Leered, except four
acres. t is in a state of first-claze cultivation, well
teamed a d all underdrained, mostly with tile. Thcre
Is a larg frame dwelling house as good tie new, witb
good sto • e foundation and cellar, large bank bern
eeith sto o 'deleting underneath, and numerous other
building , including a largo pig house. Two good
orchard of choice fruit, also nice shade and erns•
mental t me. There are two spring creek@ running
hrough the farm, and plenty of good water all the
year rou ad without pumping. It is well situated for
markets churches, sohoole, poet oisze, &o., and good
gravel roads loading from it in all directions. It is
within v ow.ot Lake Huron, and the boata oa be
seen peeving up and down from kb home. T is is
one of the best equipped farm: In the county and
will be Old on easy tome, et the proprietor wa t3 to
retire on amount of ill health. Apply on the rem-
ises, or addrese Blake Pe 0. JOHN DUNN, 1 941
J. ail , Lot 22, on the -North Boundary of Hay
Townsht This farm contains 10n acres, se ores
cleared, he rest good hardwood bush. It is we un-
derdrain d and fenced. There is a good stone Ilouso
with a No. 1 cellar; large bank barn; implolnent
shed ; ableep house 70x75, with firet-olats ate ling
and root cellar underneath; a good erehard ; 2 good
well and cistern. There is 12i acres of fall wheat
sowed on a riob tallow, well manured ; 40 acres
seeded down recently, the rest in good shape for
orop. This is a No. 1 tarrn, well !situated for
markets, ehurchee, echoole, post office, eto. and
will be sold reasonably. Apply on the pretniss, or
address ROBERT N. DOUG LAS, Blake,Ont.1683x tf
to Hor
1 Attention
eshoeing and
al (Tabbing,
3od9rioi atreet,
- Seat rth.
Farni 1 ane taken at lowest rates; payneen a to
guit hor .er ; satisfaction guaranteed ; all corro-
spondene cheerfully answered. ABNER CPS NS,
W1nghan, Ont. Office—At corner of Mintrie and
ratrilk roots ;:every Saturday all day. , ' 1607
An.Pperi Dor
For christial
Her; Or. Talmage Says That the
Shepherd ta Cc
Many of Ms Sh
Aro No w ni cet
New York., .Ja
ca -ion of the tt
of the Bowery. n
Talinag,e preach
Nice at. the New
Iusic. 'Minister
lions were prese
John x; 16, "0 tl
which are not of
There is. no m
The grace of Cod
perty that Nve 11 -ay • fence off and
have all to . ours Ives. It la not a
king's park, a which we 1 ok-
through a. barred gateway, wish ng
that we might -go and ;see the sta-
tuary and the cJ
conservatory. N
orchard; and eve.
liars that • We n
gates that *WO 11
In my' boyhood,
try schoolhouse
chard of apples
lame ,man, who,
aliliks in the pia
(JO int; and „by se
bushels, _neVer AY(
lis to touch the Ix
ladof the scho(
ofh nature- inhei ited from our first
parents._ who' we -e reined by • he
same stemPtation, invaded that Or-
chard, but they s ort retreated, for
the limn, carne aft sr. them at a sped
cklese . of ..Inal.ing his lame ese
worse, • .and erhe out, "Boys, d op.
those. apples, or will set the og
on you."
Well, my' friend', there are ch is -
tan men who ha e the 'church under
i-evere, gutted; There is fruit In his
orchard for the vhole_zworld, ut
they lui.Ve a roug i .n.:1 unsympa he-
t ic Ivey , of . accos ing outsiders, as
thinigh they had no business th re;
thotigh the Lord -wants all to ecime
and strike t he ch )icest tand the rip-
est_ In it on the premises. Have
sou H 1 idea that because you were
months of age
have all your life
eel influences you
•ght to one Whole
ing to Find a Great
ep Amone- Otiose . Who
raief Varistianity.
. n the toe- •
ent Lail a nni ye rSary_
ission, ,Jan. .Dr:
to a vast audie
Ork . Academy pf
of all denotnina-
t.. The text s was,
er -sheep I! have
this fold."-
nopoly in religions
is not a little pro -
and the . l'O
; it is a Fath
rywhere there
ay let, down
y -swing open:
next to the co
there svaa an
ovk ned by, a v
ti though there w
.e 'perpetually
e -es and scores
tild allow any
u it . Sometimes
1 in the sinfuln
• ry
of. of
beetle el at eight
and. b y ou
1 van ender hallos
side o
tire rocim?1 tel
ve tjo haul ixe
will place on
those whom y
would sit:there,
to his, people" lot
to yo 1 and to n
have' which . are.
1tIcDona1d; the
thousands of he
f -them arebras,
er, some- of them
det the trees, sot
the mountains,- s
his yard. They
..around In many
neighbor, comes
see 'ydn. have 36
counted them."
Donald, -"I have
sheep than you f
Some' are here,
where • I have
my flficks. "Q
which are no
Christ! sa,:‘.'s toaus. Here is a knot
they make up as
flock. Here is the
le Methodist fold,
, the Oongregation-
yteria,n • fold,: the
Pedo-Baptist fold,
ce between these
the way in which
they wash the -s leep, and so they
are scattered all
with Olin- statisti
so minty thous,
sheep, but Christ
you haye not see
. world
are s
that -
rthave a
the Lord'
lf ont and
table, spread
aklng up the
you no. You
our elbows, for
either Side of You
U _never expected
or, -as ,Christ • said
g ago, so he says
e, "Other sheep I
a.. of this fold."
Pscotchrnan, -- has
d of sheep. Some,
oh the heath -
are lying clown un -
e are strolling over
me of them are in
are scattered • all
laces. Cameron; his
over and says: "I
sheep"; 1 have just
eays Mc -
a. great many. 11101'e
und in this yard.
nd some are else -
4,000 or 5,000 in
her sheep I have
f this fold.' " So
of •Philestrans, bu
small part of th
'Episcerial fold, t
the Taltheran fo
al foid, the Pres
Baptist and the
the only differe
last two being
housand. of
red all ove
I have- Will
' •
peel as ehu
thy with
and let the
bro.ken he
they will
says sOla
till:11, "X-. do not 1
in church. Do tat
my p w:" -Myb
you co in heaven
titudd that no ni
semlilbs? They.
your pew,. What
sembled In Chi•ist
palate' with .the m
eide?- Some chur
. that 'shoul
. patient e 'must h
than 'tootha.che o
't broken- heads;
or 'fracture[
treatment Modern
coated sinners an
gloss. on. It is. a
ver. And we °mite
s. and say there are
nd of the Lord's
responds-: "-NO, no;
more than one out
my flock. They are
the earth. 'Other,
h are. not of this
ches • to get -into
the great outside
neknow that none
rted or hard beset
not be welcomed.
fastidious Chris-
ke to be crowded.
t put any. ono in
other, what • will
when a great naul-
n can number
will put fifty in
are the people as -
an churches com-
ghtier millions out -
hes are like a' hose
advertiSe that its
ve nothing worse
run -rounds, but
no erushed , ankles
.. Bring there for
te sinners, velvet
1 sinners. with a
s if a mad lind
farm of .3,000 acr -and 100 1. all his
werk on _one- acre Ile might raise
tieeert sie large et* tif corn, never
se! Isi!fs heads of ,-whilAf , (4111 he
\\amid 'remain pot
Ged 4as bestowet
(lee nicre and h
mein i!tittl women
ciciurc. Ru t the
incline Elie(
a nil tiLh
s ef the sea
r. Th e chu r ch of,
t s ch i of (etre oil
s raised splendid
in time- nall in-
field is the world.
pe, Asin, Africa,
Anteeica and all the
It as though at_ 0. great'. battle
tite're Were left 1 t ,000 whit tided and
-.11:11.1g* on the field end -three sprgeons
gat e all their tit le to a half dozen
patients hi a- barn hospital.
mujor _general comes in ancl. says to
the doctors, ."`C
look at. the. 10,0(
of surgical. attenc
ilia three dor tot s st an d jug there
fanning their patents, "we have a
tent cases here,'
ling to them, and
positively.. bbsy
Is it lakes all our.
flies off." In this
sin and aureole'',
elle out hare and
dying for . lack
ance." "No," say
half do -en impoi
and .we are atten
when , are
with tbeite woun
;time to keep the
awful • battle 'o
where millions in
-lions, do not let
time. in. taking en
and When the command comee.,, -"Co
into tihe • world;1 .say practicany:
"N, cannot g. I have here' sa
few c mice cases4 and am 1,,isy
keepirg off' the fres." We necci, as
clitehe es, to sto i bbnibarding the
old iron -clad sinn )rs that have been
proof against ;30 years of Christian
ve fallen' on mil-,
us spend all -Our
-e of a few people,
sal •
ttesamt arm :eke aem In other di: se -
I have to temark that the. heaves-
ly Shepherd sell} find many she 'P
tenth] ti c in mchurehgoers. They are
congregation I. Where they al'O E,11
ChriSl IUDS, (1 id they Seem to be. cot
pletely tfinish el, and they remind one
Of 'the skeh teu leaves whieh by
.chemical pre titatt ion have .had •
LIC greennes. 'arid verdure taken )fl
0 id aire left cold and white
and delicate, nothing wanting but, a
glass case tat put over theta. • Tee
tniniste of tihrist hae nothing to do
With _at tee ,C 11.h:titles butt to cm le
once a 'Week and V. 1111 ostrich feath-
er dust off he accumulation of tie
last sist day leasing. them brig it,
arid Crs talli ie as beforea But tie
other: 1 ncl cf. church is .an armoly,
'(Vit h -petual sound of drunt a id
fife, gathering recruit e for the Lo d
of ilosts an(. saying to every :app l-
eant: "Do ytu want, to be on Got s
tt e saf' eide ' and the hap )y
'side? If so, come in the armory a id
get equipped. I fere .is a bath n
which to be cleansed, Here are 8 n-
duls .to put Own .your • feet. tfere is
a helmet for your brow. Here is a
breastplate f r your heart. Pere is
rr sword for. y -our right anni, a d
S'..oader is the battlefield. gait yotr-
.selvea 11 ke m
'here may be S01110 here• -who saY,
etorped g ing to Church 10 or 0
years ago." Is it not strange th t
you are atnot g the fh•st that I. de
dress to -day? I know • all your . ca. e.
You have not been accustomed o
going into the house of God, shu I
have. a !serpri. mg announcement
make to. you. Y ou are going to
he Lord's sheep. "01
is impossible. You
v far / am from al
kind." I knew 11
ave werelered up a
and • I mulersta
iave a still more sta t-
ment to make in
You are not only go
one pf the Lord'
will .become one now.
ain the 'heavenly SheP
to iincl• a great • mane
innong (hose who ar
of Christianity. Som
come 'one of
you say, "it
not know. ho
thing pf the
about. it. I 1
down the w
your CEISC. 1
ling annouric
gard to you.
ing to becom
sheep, 'net; yo
' I remark a;
herd is going
of his sheet)
DOW rejeet yrs
of. the migh lest advocitt es of th
gospel were once Skeptics. Thome
Chalmers once a skeptic. Robert 110
a skeptic. Christmas Evans; a skep
tic. ilutrlesi C. Finney a skeptic.
Paul, the Iliposllie, once a skeptic
Bet when oke with strong han
. they laid I old -_ of the 'gosPe
ch a riot tiny rolled i t 110
With Wh(1t Ill( 111e111 1011! 1 (10 not knOis
how yon canijo to reject Christianity
It, may have been through' the. ,iefi
del talk of s 11110 young man in th
store or sho • or
haVe teen 0- rough
.some profess d Ch
disgusted see with
may have . 1 *out
the fact that
'Where religio
day was the
-Week. You :
you with a t
surfeited wit:
0 -
factory. it, ma*
the, trickery of
istian man wise
religion. Or you
skeptical from
you rew up ,in a home
n wag overdone. - Sun -
most awful day in the
lad religion driven into
rip la inmer. You were
1 praaer meetings. You
werct stuffed oind (.11011 With cate- .
chisms • Yo I wee. • often told that
you were the -won't boS, your par-
ents ever kn w be ause you likedto
ride down ill better than to **ad
Bunyan's "Pilgrit I's . Progress."
Whenever your aLher and mother,
talked rebel ni. , 1 ley drew - clos'vn
the corners of the' • mouths and r II-.
ed up their !yeS. If anv one th ng
will send a hoy ta ruin sooner t an
another, the. is i
But 1 flo 101 sI p now to kn m7
how you "C me into rejection . of,
Christianity. y o frankly tell one
that you do rejec it: You do iot
believe that Chris is sa divine e-
ing, ' a, thoug 1 yo 1 admit that he
was a very ood man. You do 4ot
believe that the I ible was inepired
of God, 'although y on think there Itre
some very line thh gs in it. You
lieVe that the Ser ptural clescript .o
of Eden . was only an allegory. Thr -
are 50 thing. that I believe -that o
do not belie e, a, d yet you are a
accom in o da t i g nan. Every b
that knows s ou s 3,s that of you.
I shouldask you to .do a kindn
for me or if ny one else should a
of you a kin Ness, you woad do
If, when you are ill, I should' co
to you With a vial of medicine a
say, "This kind o medicine has c
ed 50 people who were 'just as b •
ly off as you are; take it," and y
replied, "1(1 not Want to, take
I have no cp fiden ,e in It," I wotl
say, "Take I it to oblige me," am
You would-SaY, "N ell, if it will cf-
cooate liyou
. I will take it.'1'
Now, 2'ou ha. e fou d that.this woild
Is -insufficient and you are sick of
sin, 1 conic to ou with a goST el
inedicieeS it has ured hundreds a d
thousands an 1 mi lions. Will y'
take it? ' o," , tei say, "I ha
no* confidence in it " •Take it, then,
to oblige me. I t 11 you of a Phy. i-
eian who has cure more blind ess s,
and bound ni. m re broken hearts,
and healed mor ghastly woue Is
'than all the octo e. since, the -ti 3
of Aeseulapiu.. II obliging and ju
snake the exp rime t... If you are n )
.acquainted w th' ti ea ordinary mod1.
of prayer, say in. s bstance: "0 Lo
aTesu.s, - this i a trange thing 1)
me to do. 1 kranv nothing abo 1
the 1 &mid as of religion. Tht'
Christian peosile h ve been talking
long about what hou canst do' 1)
me 1 • ready ,to . do what
ever • thou e Mmandest nie
If there be any • pow
in religion, a the 'e people say; I
me have the tdvat tage of it.", W 1
you nt t try that xperiment? .
I do not no se saa the* is anythil
In religion. o 13 t take my coil
sel or the cot nsel of any clergyma
for yO 1 DILLY ifdik - clergymen. Pt
_haps Nye may t ilk. professional]
Perhars we may b prejudiced in t
matter. Perhaps ur advice is n
Worth taking. Th n take the cont -
sal of some very r spectable laym n,
as John Miltein, th poet; as Wilbert
Wilberforce, the emancipator; s
Isaac:- \ewton, th astronomer;
Robert Boyle, th philosopher; rs
Locke, the metaph :sician; as More,
•the telegrapher; as Washington, 1 e
statesman. - They :lever preached r
pretended 10 pr etch; yet, pu tti 1 g ,
down one hie tele -tope and an -0U er
his parliamentarint s scroll and ..n--:
other hiS :1 eetri •inn's wire, cattle
forth and comment iel the. religion of
Christ as the best. thing for the 01 re
of the world' woe.. lf you will 0 e,
take the rec mine idation of ntie s-
ters of the bspel, take the veer) 11-
meend. asion of high y respectable Is Y-
mn. .
Agail, T .re nark.' that the heavet ly
Shepherd is goil g to find a grcet
many of the' hoes) among 'those ss- 10
1 ()aye :twee fu 1 of evil habit, Thsy
were al i ene iteti into •in. Slsie spast-
er does not say to he fly, "Come -
.into the We where kill insects."
0.h, no-. 'Pi a spider aye, "Dearest
fly, crake) ..a d take a morning walk
With me on this suspa sion brid.ge of
gossairsar . gl tteringt ith -diem onds
of dew" to not bd barn on thee()
gone • astray It mai( e; me sad to
see., Clisiatia, people ' ive up a. pro-
digal OS lost. There ire •those who
Wilik is th mgh the race of ; ' 0 od
Nvere a' chai 1. of 40 r 50 links and
that 'When they ha Mt out there
was nothing left to t i.cch a bad case.
If they 'W'e'r .hunting and got off the
track of th' deer, tliieY woulil look
longer nano g the brtklites and bushes
for tbn lost game Olaf they would
look f ilr th t lost s til. •
peopte tell es that 31ft a man has de-
lirium trete is .tssitee n .cannot be re-
claime" , th' if a! woetan has sacrifi-
ced he inte rity she cannot be re-
stored .Th Bible h la distinctly in-
t•isnated tha the Lord Almighty is
ready to pa don four hundred ' and
ninety -times Why do I• say foul'.
hundred and ninety limes? Because
the Bible s yt* 'Isesienty times sev-
en." New 11 ure that Out. You do
not think a man can all four times,
eight tInses, ten timei; twenty times,
one hendre times, 'four hundred
times and y t .be sa, 'ed. Four hun-
dred and ni ety. tim el There • are
nen bifore he throne of God ' who
have *allowed in :eviery kind of sin,
but saVed b the grace of Christ and
Washed -in hi blood they stand there
radiant now There are those who
plunged into the very lowest depths
and who have for hun-
s been, lifted up, and
the graee of_ God, they
heaven, gloriously res-
grace- pi clinised to the
rs. .
tell you that God loves
d of a -very- bad case.
rch casts you off, and.
clubroorn -casts you off,
ciety casts you off, and
s assoe'ates cast you
n lathe •. cctsts you off,
ther ca. ts you off, and
sts you ofi', your first
' will, end the eternal
wn int i the ditch of
and shame, The Good
not sa & you, although
grand i titution, The
erance tannot save you,
ysare 0 ighty for good.
emperanjee pledge -cannot
though believe in it.
the gre..0 of the eternal
God can save you, ad that will if
' you Neill throw your 'elf on it.
, In the attempt of teformation do
not put your trust in broelide -of
potassium or in anything that apoth-
ecaries can mix, Put your trust
only in the eternal God. With some
of these men it is a periodic tempta,-
. tion that cones every six weeks or
every three -months, When it seems as
of the slums
dreds of tixn
finally b3r
they stand .i.
cued -by the
chief of shin
I want to
to take ho
When the ch
when the
and when s
when busine
off,. and veh
and when in
everybody. c
cry for help
Cod clear d
. your sufferin
Templars can
they are a
Sons of Tem
although th
Signiag the
save you, al
Nothi ig but
• •
if the powers of
-around about your
of the pit. a is wel
' as statue of you do, t
c.al counsel, but youli first and most
importunate cry naus4 be to God. If
the fiends will Td'-
ag you to the
slaughter, ay they do so on your
knees.. 0 od, n.otacthat the parox-
ysm of thin. t is . conie again on that
man, help In at. Fling -back into the
, pj4i of bell t
. soul this in
i There is .o
about whon
they are th
have been f
I churches kir
I never hav
Cod: As edh
harlots .go , i
en befere t
ed al. the i
cy and have
erful earth
ing, raid the
-God than
; will He dow
: will be told
i hope!
But I turn
pectation th
! body and so
which are n
arknese kindle
ongue the fires
at such a time,
o call on medi-
e fiend
•ly one
hat assaults his
class of persons
I am di ;theartened , and
gospel kardened, They
• attendance at
d 40 yearsaa-et
d themselves' to
"Publicans and
ingdom .of heav-
ey have resist -7
of divine mer -
ugh most pow-
religious feel -
litiler away from
ter awhile they
d some day it
y are dead. No
ers.with an ex-
- through me,
er sheep I have,
fold. You are
You have not
during the last
the ;Holy Ghost
heart. You do
ear is not . far
ou have noticed
a sigh in the
falls. There
e who Would give any'
could firld relief in tears.
"Oh, niNt wasted lifel
✓ past! l; Oh-, the graves
* have- .4 -tumbled! Whith- -
? Alas ; for the future!
so dark! God help mel
1" Thai* the Lord for
ance. Xoti ,have begun
when ; man begins to
steps i and beats bacg
f temptation to thei.i
round 'ithout the pooi
puts tie covert of hisi
ercy. . Hark! 1 hear
1, What was that? 14
1 the fe ce around the
e Shepherd lets down
tinted sheep of
some of them
• brambles, some
flied- with the
In. Thank 0 odf
which are not
ithful i
20, 80
rist says
to the
em." rg
gone th
• are fa
ever. A:
sick, a
that th
to outS
t- thrill
1. "Ot
t of thi
not gospel hardened.
heard Many ermons
few years. ou fee
this moment in you
not veep., b tt the
off. You sig , and
that there i alway
' wind before the rai
are taose he
thing If they
They 4 say:
Oh, the hitt
over Which
er Shall I 11
Everything i
God pity m
t utte
, and
G od
to pr
the h
kennel and
wounded sou
somet ing fa
is the bars
sheep! ld.
the bars, and the h
the n duntain pound
i heir fleece t rn witl
of thetn thei
dogs, ut bo
"othet shee
of thii fold.
feet 1
I hav
_ God is call
and shake he
11 to the
ing his
rself fr
church to arise
m the dust of
Erroneous /de
"It is an
lief with mo
eases are a
that they s
thems4ves o
better than
they indicate
•that you mu
'drive It In,'
if nothing' m
worta 'five d
saved,'y writ
total.y, wr
7 113c:dicta- aut
two m thre
d iscasa
ing, and th
eruption is
ous as a co
thing ¥'b
not, found "
is knolvn in
of the blood
ed to lihow
ence between
the blipod iiJ
(arts:Lill el 4,
s Entert ined by People in
gard to hem.
iushakeij article of be-
t peopl that skin dis-
most 4lways catching;
low 1.1 at the sufferers
their y4arents are no
they s ould beit . that
that 'L1je blood is bad,'
t be ca eful or you will
and the patient will die,
ore,. andthat a boil is
)11ars iii doctors' bills
s Ifervey Sutherland in
hey are all wrong, tee -
ng, on the very best
ority. Ileot more than
of the hundred or so
• ea talo tied are catch -
chance are that the
S innoceet .and as inocu-
d. If there is such a
d bloodi! niedieine has
out. Next to -nothing
regard lio the condition
in clisea,4.t. Chemical and
study has utterly fail -
that. there is any differ -
the lilo(kl in health and
cutest ous disorders.
em aria vtatota,a.e.a; a::
nervous. breakdown, and impel. pet dl-
gestion causes eithers. T(1.i)1111 it s, ba-
nanas, strawberries, shellfsh and
other articles of diet, harmless to
most of us, cause a rash to brcit!;.
out on others. Evidently tini ore 11 -
cal profession does not fear 'ilriVi efe
the diSease in,' for the treatni :nt
cut aneous affections ; is now - • who
locel. .A boil is an acute infinee a
n -
tioof •the tissuu
e.4 sru
rondin, • 1 • •
lin ir-f ()Mel e , anti is (111V to s( lee 111
feel 1011. of the follicle by a ger 11. e ni
erally the staphyloctaws la ege,„•
annals. • I thought you ini-ght. like to
know the twine. lloils come upon ,ii
just and the unjust, on these, 11
have good blood tend those who lit a..!
bad blood. What_ forms ineide
torment ing thing is not 1 he strain
out impurities of the blood, for pus
does not ash-Sin the bled.. It is, of
local formation. A boil is met wo al)
five cents, lei nlone 'five doilaes. „It
is just what your untill °red itnagi la -
1 i On says it, is, a 'confounded nuis-
ance. If everybody owed me hie
dollurs and could (Allier pay ; it in
cash or. boils, xviiiehever f preferred,
I should take the cash every time,
even at. a discounts • T think [should
gel moni comfort - 111.01 way."
51 -
ele_ Spunky Hen.
Mr irling, -sexton of Calvary
Clumeth, is the possessor of a reinark-
nblo •hen, rind relates the followOig
incident, • in the life Of that sagatious
fowl; ;
'She .brought out a brood of chick -
('115 the ether day, which event creat-
ed considerable excitement and fes-
tivity in -a colony of rats, Who' .;at
once.' commenced a system of plund-
er, coat eut ing 1 li ein selves with, a •
chicken and a -half 'daily. The hen
stood this massacre of the innocents -
for a 'day or two, but one morning,
as a sleek rat skulked along: in the
t cbor.hood of a chicken ; "11l
elessly trifling with a e
of bread, the wrath of the mo
was: aroused, She_ flew at the
entealit him by the back, and ea
big the 'robber to a tub full , of a -
lee% dropped him into -it with a re-
vengeful chuck, The rat was'Sirown-
ed. and :the brood has sine been
free front the raids of eairvi ing ro-
Tivo Words From Our Lord.
lit tte boy WaS 011 the settles,
and behug very anxious to outweigh
his PlaYintrte, he puffed out his cheeks
and .swelled up like a lit Ile frog.. 13ut
t he play mai e was the wiser limy.
"Oho!" he cried in scorn, "that
doesn't do any good. You Call ( 111,Y
weigh What you are!'' HOW rue
that, is of us bigger children, t ho
try to impress ourselves upon our
neighbors and friends, and even upon
ourselves, and yes—sometimes upon
c od A lin ighty, by, the virtues we
w oui d like to have! It doesn't do
any good. Y ou may impose, upon
your neighbor's judgment, and get
him: to say you are a Bale fellow --
eohic, generous, brave, loving: but if
.11is not deeply true, if you ;are not
generous, hraVe and loving,: these
faneied qualities are not moving him
to be generous, brave- and loving.
"Ydu can only -weigh- what you are."
They Hadn't Got It.
The v:isitor to London was seated
at a table in one of the expensive
restaurants in the West End think-
ing of various things, as he read over
the bill of fare, and observed the
"Hello!" he exclaimed to the wait-
er, "haven't you got any conscience
at all in this place?"
"l3eg pardon?" returned the, haugh-
ty servitor.
" laven't you got any conscience—
con cience conscience? Don't you
The waiter pioked.-up the bill of
fare„ and began looking it over.
"I don't know if we have Or not,"•
he said, "If we have, it's on the
bill; if we ain't, it's a extra. Them's
the rules, sir."
The Emetic.
, -
A simple servant maid was brought
to a hospital suffering from an over-
dose of poiSon. When questioned as
to her motive for taking it she re-
"I wasn't feeling well, so I .went
to My Mistress' room to get some
medicine from the chest she keeps
the#e. The bottle I got was marked
'Th .ee drops for an. infant; six for
an dult, and a tablespoonful fne an
eine ic.' , I knew I wasn't an infant;
asn' t sure about an adult, so I
thofight I must be the enietic, and
took the tablegpoonful."
Horses in the English trmy.
Every !horse in the Enisb army
is eumb?red and has a little history
yepfor, it all to himself. The num-
ber is branded upon the animal's
hind 'feet—the thousands on the
near hind foot, and the u.nits, tens
and hundreds on the off hind foot.
Thus the horse whose number is,
say 8,314, will have an eight on his
left hind foot and 854 on the other
—The reault of the poll in Logan was al
follows: For reeve—Wm; McKenzie. Coun-
cillors,—John Rudolph, W. Thompson, P.
Bohan, James Moffat, John Mogk, Gus.
Eisler. The new council is the same as that
of last year, with the exception that Mr.
Moffat takes the place of R. Campbell.
No Trifihlig
With the Nerves.
When you can't sleep at nights and
inss in riIsery longing tor daybreak to
come, do not yield to the, temptation
-to use morphine, cocaine or other opi-
ates:. They only hasten decay.
Let reason rule. Get right down to
the foundation of the trouble and uilcl
up the system by using Dr. Ch se's
erVe Food.
Thls.great restorative Is in pill 02111
and contains the very elements of na-
ture, which go to form new red eor-
puseles in the blood and create new
nerve cells.
It is -worth while to remember that
Dr. C'hase's Nerve Food is not a patent
medicinek hut the greatest pre-scription
of Dr. A: W. chpse, author of the lam -
0013 receipt book.
Dr. Ch6s,e's Nerve -Food Is an up -to-
do te, preparation whieh has
proven Ifself to be rneettle for all per-
vouS diSitisses. It ci.nnot fall, if used
Jeer -Wendy, beeneeee it aettially ; re-
builds and revitereas the wasted
serves. It is e.epeele recemmended
f'. -r ills peculiar to b2eau15e rtic
Itimest invariably arise'.'roin exhau ted
nr.-rves. Dr. Chase's Nerve. Poo:I :IV
cants a box at all di:alma-a or by niat1.
D ra h a c -3's
Nerve Food.
III 4111110111itiftilitiirowli,
ti't t tr. t tti 1 stai
Ag tablePreparationforAs-
similalting the -food andlleg Wa-
tt)* t4 Stomachs and.Bowels �f
'ness andRest.Contains neither
lunT,Morphine nor Illneral,
iitcr;re of Old 11rD141/4LPINXER
Ampfin Se€Iii -
Adierle Sark
Atire Seim(
Ain Carbena& Sae&
iegn-n &elf -
ClOrified Swim- •
Ihreitvrom Flom
Apar t ReMedy. for Constipa-
tion our Stamacti,Diarrhoea.
Worms ;Convulsions feverish -
Bess ilindLoss OF SLEEP.
Taz-ISimile Signature of
(21a --/41-r
C:7 --e" CI? %I/RAPPER.
Oa ria Is put up in ens-slzo bottles only. It
s no sold in balk. Don't allow anyone to 'sell
you 4aytlung else on theplea or promise -that it
Is " as good" and "will sezwer every atia,
pose.'' -44-fles Volt yoti get
eignatere every
• • 7Z) es-VeeeskteMte_T-
R.00." 11188fR
With the "Armour Proof" Brand
are the strongest heavy "Double
Duck" rubbers.
They wear best because made
of purest rubber, and more of it
than in any other heavy rubber.
Extra heavy, -real tap soles—
pure rubber.
They Stand the Wear.
See that the rubbers you buy
have the "Armour Proof" bran
on the side, like the cut.
Sold at all dealers'.
Made by the oldest and best
Rubber Company in Canada
The Canadian Rubber C
W.th every k
Wavy and
allilong hair
Hie art style
all classes
vii? it his sho
see his new
is the most s
younger app
feather weig
day and date
Pref. Dorenwend
The Famous Hair Goods Artist, is coining.
He will be at the
Commercial Hotel Seafort
On P Thursdays Jana 311
ind and style of Ladies'
n's Wigs, Toupees, Bangs,
lain Fronts, Switches of -
n every length and shade.
are known and worn by
'verywhere. Be sure to
toaN WEyoi
101)P EE z
rooms at the hotel, and
esigns. He will, free of charge, deraonstrate by fitting you what
itable and becoming to you. Their use adds health, comfort and
armee. Gentlemen who are bald should_ investigate and see h
Lt toupees and wigs worn on over 55,000 heath. Please remember
THURSDAY, JANUARY 31st. 1727x2
A Medicated Toilet Soap of the Purest, Awarded Silver Medal Greatei
Britain Exhibition, 1897.-
1-1PRerevge;nNt:s i.411117where ilis usedWHAT IT WILL DO
c.ontagious diseases from 6—It will dean and remove paint, oil and
grease stains from woolen and cotton cloth
l .
, s hate.
2-4t will clean and polish paint work and ingAlso cleancoat collars and
not kill the gloss of the paint. 7—It contains no alkali and is strongly re
3-1t will dean carpets without ' taking commended for washing the- bead, as It -
them upimparts a silky and natural gloss to
4—It will clean linoleums like newhair, and is especially useful for children.
5—it will olean bicycle chain and rims.
Noijs is claimed to be the cheapest and best paint
(ilea er on market, Try it on Auger marks on do4rs.
111DRI0E 10e and sac a BLOCK
„L. Full direotiono on bled*
E tate JOHNSON 13 OS. Hardware,Seaford'
1687 52E
HE SEAFORTI1-1 Notice °f Dissthiti°n*
Chopping: Mills
Viritnts any quantity of -good lo s
and heading•bolts, 40
lnehes long,
For whi3h the highest price will be pa'd.
(Inatome sawing done on short notice aind
at reasonable prices, Satisfaction guaran-
R L. CLARK, 04th.
Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of 'the Usborne and Ifilet
Mutual Fire Insurance :Co, will be held I11 the pu
hall; Farquhar. On Monday, February Oh, 19011
1 *Week p- ni. uelnees.:-Receiving the direct*
secretary -treasurer's and auditors' a,nnual repo
the election of two directors and two auditors
any pother husinests in the interest of the Ownpsi
floorstary. 1727x
-Notice is hereby given that parnership heretotote
eubsisting between us, the undereigned, as lumber
dealers, In the town Seadorth, has this day been rible
solved by mutual consent. Ail debts owing to tbi
said partnership are to be raid to Stephen Lamb,
undersigned, at Seieforth aforesaid, and ail dal
ags,lest the said partnereulp are tD be sent to bbs
said Stephen Lamb. Dated at Seat:nth this mond
day of January 1901.
17204 '
To the public of Sea1or0
and surrounding country
! HAVING PURCHARED_,,,,...004.
The Meat Bust Jess
Formerly conducted by
T. R. F. CASE kCO.
trust, by strict attention to business Ana
supplying a first CIRSEI article at a reasonable
price, to merit the patronage beatowed
the late firm.
Will pay the highest markt price for
dressed poultry, good hides, Ales and tat,